IRC log for #asterisk on 20110602

00:10.20*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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00:36.27*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork_ (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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00:42.40*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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00:44.04*** join/#asterisk Okiepilgrim (~okiepilgr@
00:53.06*** part/#asterisk Okiepilgrim (~okiepilgr@
01:01.13*** join/#asterisk sideone (
01:02.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
01:04.08*** join/#asterisk Thedr (~Thedr@
01:05.24*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
01:06.08ThedrHi all, I'm getting a lot of these messages in my debug DEBUG[3271] chan_sip.c: = No match Their Call ID: 3fa056aa-f2b57081@ Their Tag a3202d8efdc937dd Our tag: as131785b5 any idea what they mean?
01:08.23WiretapWork_Thedr, post the rest of the debug
01:09.00Thedrthere are 100 or so lines of that
01:09.02*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
01:09.38infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:11.12WiretapWork_Thedr, output of sip show channels
01:11.31WiretapWork_I suspect you're being attacked, but I need to see that output to know
01:11.34sawgoodWhen using 'core show translation' (in a nutshell) what do all the numbers really mean?
01:12.52WiretapWork_sawgood,  Translation times between formats (in microseconds) for one second of data
01:13.11sawgoodWiretapWork_: thank you!
01:13.25WiretapWork_sawgood, that is the top two lines of core show translation :P
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01:13.49WiretapWork_Thedr, are there phones on those addresses that show (none)
01:14.15sawgoodI have a '2' on the column and row intersecting ulaw to alaw
01:14.42WiretapWork_Thedr, hmm, odd
01:15.24sawgoodoh, ok so to go from 'ulaw' to 'alaw' takes 1 microsecond ...
01:15.36Thedryeah, I am trying to figure out why a phone is getting caller ID on the caller end when for all purposes that feature shouldn't exist on the current system
01:15.40WiretapWork_do note that none of those devices on the addresses that its barfing at are not registered
01:34.42sawgoodWiretapWork_: why is it on a 'slow P4 machine' I have a 2 for ulaw to gsm and a 2400 on a dual core 2 system (for core show translation)
01:35.16WiretapWork_no idea
01:35.21WiretapWork_I have 4001 on my machine
01:36.23sawgoodwhat kind of CPU?
01:36.58sawgoodI see on the P4 it says 'milliseconds' ... on the dual CPU it says microseconds
01:37.04sawgooddifferent versions of Asterisk ...
01:37.19WiretapWork_model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz
01:37.30WiretapWork_I'd say its a 533
01:38.12sawgoodAsterisk 1.4 uses milliseconds to measure ... Asterisk 1.8 uses microseconds
01:38.26WiretapWork_ast 1.4 is EOS
01:38.47sawgoodEnd of Service?
01:40.11*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:42.02WiretapWork_end of support
01:42.49sawgoodwhen is that going to happen?
01:43.40justdavewhat permissions does the ShowDialplan command require in the manager API in 1.8?
01:43.41sawgoodsays on Digium site EOL for 1.4 is 04/21/12
01:43.55justdavethe doc on it on voip-info suggests config + reporting, and the user in question has both of those
01:44.03justdavebut it's still getting "Permission denied"
01:45.55justdave"manager show command" on the cli doesn't seem to list required permissions either
01:45.58WiretapWork_justdave, manager show command ShowDialplan
01:46.04justdavesee above
01:46.25WiretapWork_odd, its meant to O_o
01:46.28WiretapWork_doesn't on my box either
01:47.19justdaveoh, just "manager show commands" lists the privs in a column
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01:47.53justdavewhadaya know, the two it already has
01:48.22justdavelooks truncated, actually
01:49.01justdaveis "all" actually a specific privilege, or is that a shortcut for everything?
01:49.23WiretapWork_its a shortcut
01:49.49justdavehmm, doesn't seem to matter, granting "all" still gets a permission denied
01:50.18WiretapWork_you using ShowDialPlan or ShowDialplan
01:50.22WiretapWork_the latter will not work
01:50.32WiretapWork_and I assume you're logging in and using the correct parameters?
01:53.15justdaveI'm doing "manager reload" between editing the config file
01:53.28justdavecli shows the user logged in
01:53.45justdaveit's using the Asterisk::AMI perl module
01:53.51justdaveI do have ShowDialPlan in there
02:06.45justdaveok, ran a packet trace on the socket to see what was going on...  it's returning two separate error responses with the same ActionID...
02:06.53justdavethe library I'm using only sees the first one of course
02:06.59justdavewhich is the permission denied.
02:07.03justdavethe second one shows:
02:07.03justdaveMessage: Invalid/unknown command: ShowDialPlan. Use Action: ListCommands to show available commands.
02:12.29*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:13.14justdaveso I now have that user configured with "read=all" and "write=all"
02:13.29justdaverestarted asterisk instead of just manager reload, just to make sure
02:13.51justdavelog in with that user and running ListCommand lists a LOT fewer commands than what "manager show commands" from the CLI does
02:18.03*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
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02:19.13justdavemeh, okay, no idea what I did, suddenly it's listing them all
02:30.36justdavefound it
02:30.48justdaveit needs *write* access to "reporting"
02:31.13justdaveread=config,reporting   write=reporting   <- that config set lets ShowDialPlan work
02:34.32*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
02:37.18*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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04:33.11*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
04:33.27rue_mohrwhat distro does asterisknow use?
04:36.56rue_mohrhmm I'v heard of it
04:43.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-zkqbjfimjxmoglzv)
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04:54.49ChannelZman fail2ban's docs suck
04:58.34ectospasmwith a name like fail2ban, sounds like it was the love child of a 4Chan idiot.
05:01.30*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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05:32.52rue_mohrwhat did I miss in the make commands to get it to set up asterisk to start on boot for me?
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05:45.19rue_mohrthe other isntall I did did it automatically, the only thing I know what different was that I had the dahdi stuff on there
05:46.56rue_mohrok, I found whats supposed to be isntalled
05:47.02rue_mohrnow what was supposed to isntall it
05:50.53*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
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06:10.18*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
06:11.52*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
06:13.34atanOkay I'm bloody stumped. I guess I'm new to linux so it's to be expected. I've installed Asterisk but how do I get it to start when I reboot the box? I foolishly assume I am to create a file /etc/init.d/asterisk and add to rc.d, but I do not know what to put in there. Within the contrib folder they kindly include examples but it seems like it requires me to edit the file so it will
06:13.34atanwork. I don't know what to put in any of the fields. Can anyone point me at a guide for this?
06:14.57atanLittle things like DAEMON=__ASTERISK_SBIN_DIR__/asterisk
06:15.32atanI'm just going to guess /usr/sbin for now =\
06:15.41atanThen what is ASTVARRUNDIR? :S
06:17.17atanHmm. Okay, seem to have gotten it.
06:17.26atanThanks anyway though :D
06:17.30irrootedit rc.locak
06:17.40irrootadd safe_asterisk ;)
06:17.54atanWhat's safe_asterisk? :-)
06:18.08irrootits a wrapper / startup script for asterisk
06:18.35irrootit does not load dahdi / fxotune
06:33.46*** join/#asterisk mzb_ (
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06:45.02*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
06:45.06iulhkhi all
06:53.12iulhkasterisk-1.4 installed, i hv users' user100 and user200 , my extensions are,, exten => _X.,1,Wait(50)  ,,  exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@${EXTEN})   ,,,  exten => _X.,3,Hangup  ,,, my question if user100 calling to user200 first he will wait 50 second , if user100 disconnect the call after 10 second or 20 second what asterisk dialstatus will be appear, is it cancel, is it busy, is it what
06:53.12iulhk? bcoz at this point i need actual dialstatus , will anybody guide pls ?
06:59.48*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
07:02.55*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~aa@
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07:06.32*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
07:10.33atanOkay so since I swapped boxes my CDR no longer records calls.
07:10.53atanI had it inserting into a mysql database, but clearly I went wrong somewhere with this move
07:16.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:22.56WIMPyiulhk: None. You only get a DIALSTATUS when you do a Dial().
07:23.15*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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07:25.10iulhk<WIMPy>: great, but if on wait caller hangup the call what status or even asterisk generate ?
07:25.52WIMPyNone. It's not Asterisk that terminates the call.
07:26.06WIMPyAt least if I understood your question.
07:27.41*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
07:30.24*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (
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07:43.49ectospasm${DIALSTATUS} will be populated when Asterisk detects a hangup, no matter which side initiates it...
07:44.47irroothangupcause can be more usefull
07:44.57irrootesp with PRI
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07:49.24ectospasmirroot: true enough, I suppose SIP has similar cause codes.
07:55.51WIMPyBut tehre's no Dial().
07:56.30WIMPyAnd HANGUPCAUSE would be even more useful if tehre also was a HANGUPLOCATION :-)
07:56.35*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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07:58.46ectospasmWIMPy: well, with PRI and SIP you can tell which side issues the DISCONNECT or CANCEL/BYE
08:01.20WIMPyThere's more detail available.
08:01.44WIMPyAnd it can make quite a difference, where something happened.
08:04.17*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
08:06.08*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:06.29*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
08:07.33*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
08:07.33atanI have box1 which has/had 10 people connected. I setup box2 and changed my dns over. TTL was set to 5 minutes for the A record. Anyway, users are still connected to the old box. Is there a way to disconnect them so they'll try to reconnect (and I hope do a dns lookup!)
08:08.08atanIt has been well over 5 minutes :-) DNS has had the tll set to 5 minutes for a couple of days now
08:08.15*** join/#asterisk citywok (
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08:14.53*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
08:15.54iljhi guys, what context is used if an [entity] in sip.conf doesn't have it specified explicitly? [default]?
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08:18.02iljI mean [general], not [default] perhaps
08:18.31doolittleworkhi there can someone please explain :sip.conf--->canreinvite=yes please i dont grasp the concept
08:20.05Insonichi there, short theory, should it be possible to use an asterisk as "router" between an S2M connection (input) (with a 2-Port S2M Card) and 4 or 8 normal normal BRI-S0 Ports to connect an non-S2M-cappable Agfeo AS100 for example ?
08:20.56cneb3000doolittlework: what is your understanding of it so far?
08:22.31nix8n82Anyone know of a good ec2 image to use to build an asterisk server with?
08:22.37nix8n8264 bit
08:22.47doolittleworkcneb3000: kick me if i am wrong but I think it tels to accept reregiters from a sip client should the connection to the phone drop?
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08:26.20doolittleworkcneb3000: do not worry found a proper link for info
08:26.30cneb3000doolittlework: sort of! it's real purpose is to alter media in the middle of a call
08:26.32cneb3000..oh ok
08:26.35cneb3000walks away :)
08:26.47doolittleworksorry dude
08:27.08*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
08:27.29irrootdoolittlework when a call is made there is a invite latter on one of the parties may wish to change the call setup often the endpoints, audio codecs or mode ie [T.38]
08:28.21irrootso when the call is answered it can negotiate a direct path for audio get asterisk out the middle
08:29.46irrootwhen a fax arrives on a ATA [CNG detected] it may change from G723/9/GSM/lowbw to G711[AU] as the fax tones cant be used in narrow band latter a further reinvite may switch to T.38 when [CED tone] detected.
08:29.51irroothope this helps
08:32.25doolittleworkok i grasp it now. so when asterisk monitors a call it holds on to those channels and stays in the middel, all other codec=>codec it passes it on if the link is there and the codec coresponds(i think this is where transcoding comes into play?)
08:34.02doolittleworksorry for all the dumb questions i am working through the sip.conf setting to better understand what every setting does
08:34.17cneb3000^^ better than most :D
08:35.56doolittleworkanother one if i may, cancallforward=yes?? i have 2 sip phones and i dont have this in my sip.conf but i can still forward the call to another extension, is this not used?
08:44.21ChannelZthat's a DAHDI directive, not SIP AFAIK
09:06.16ectospasmdoolittlework: yeah, call forwarding in SIP happens at the endpoint.  I call SIP/100 who is forwarded to SIP/202, and when I get a call from Asterisk at SIP/100, I respond with a 3xx message Moved Temporarily, which tells Asterisk to direct the call to SIP/202
09:06.57ectospasmSIP/202 doesn't necessarily have to be on the same network, it could be an external number (e.g., PSTN)
09:07.23ectospasmI've done that before walking around the building, forwarding my desk Polycom to my mobile phone
09:07.56*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (~puitpyitr@
09:08.10ectospasmworks nicely even if my desk phone is in a queue
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09:16.19*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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09:51.45nix8n82Does anyone here use Amazon EC2 service to run asterisk on?
09:57.05*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
10:06.12irrootinstalling asterisk [fdisk/format/install in < 15min]
10:12.08irrootok clock stops at 12min
10:12.17irrooti love it
10:12.20cneb3000hands irroot a gold medal
10:12.45cneb3000irroot: i bet I could ruin an Asterisk installation quicker than you
10:13.11irrootthat was 12min for os/dahdi/asterisk/.....
10:13.24cneb3000that is pretty fast..!
10:13.42irrootalso includes doom 1 / quake 1 and duke nukem :P
10:16.13cneb3000like an audio based version? 8 moves forward, 2 back 4 left and 6 right. when you hear a monster you push 5 to shoot.
10:16.29cneb3000can we perhaps integrate video phones into some sort of asterisk doom FPS?
10:16.35cneb3000that'd be cool
10:16.42cneb3000i'll add that to the asterisk wish list
10:24.08cneb3000how about gesture based telephony? so if I give a video phone the middle finger it hangs up? :)
10:24.47irroothehe kinect much ??
10:32.31cneb3000there's a gap in the market there? ;)
10:33.27*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
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10:46.16irrootnice thing with a "quick install" is auto provisioning
10:47.14irrootsend it with 4phones and 2port FXO or BRI on usb its tiny atom box smaller than netbook
10:52.16*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:53.24*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
10:54.13Azrael808Hello peeps, any good suggestions for a conference phone that works well with asterisk?
10:55.28cneb3000Azrael808: You'll find that as long as it's a SIP phone it will most likely work. But I specifically use the polycom IP5000 and it's never steered me wrong :)
10:55.54Azrael808cneb3000: thanks again! :)
10:56.36cneb3000azrael808: no prob!
11:15.27cneb3000afternoon k3asd
11:18.17*** join/#asterisk Tribbers (
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11:59.39AlHafoudhhi all
12:00.06AlHafoudhhow to limit channels on sip trunk? I dont understand call-limit, limitonpeer(s), counteronpeer and etc.
12:03.12*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
12:04.01irrootdont use those
12:04.09irrootrather set a channel group
12:04.17irrootthen count the channel group b4 dial
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12:09.31TribbersI have set up a service which listens to the AMI. When we run the service we see the message saying we have logged in and the message "Authentication accepted", then the sip peer entries appear (we have two at the moment so it appears correctly).
12:09.36TribbersAfter that though whenever we make a phone call we do not see any events being fired in the service. Have I missed something simple as I am getting the messages form the ami just not any to do with the phone??
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12:27.03evilbitHi all, wondering if anyone is using a sangoma usbfxo with asterisk18 yum repo?
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12:30.27irrootnot yum but i use it U-100
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12:30.56irrootevilbit also use it with 2.6.38 [unsupported by sangoma still]
12:31.10irrootlo there malcolmd
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12:31.37malcolmdhowdy howdy
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12:41.59evilbitwell, the drivers seems to want /usr/src/dahdi but I can't find that in the yum repo
12:42.18evilbitthe wanpipe drivers that is
12:42.40evilbitand what is 2.6.38?
12:43.00evilbitthe latest version of wanpipe seems to be 3.5.20
12:43.38evilbitah, I see... you mean dahdi version?
12:43.59*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
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12:48.25irrootlinux 2.6.38 + 3.5.20
12:48.40irrootits not official supported
12:49.43irrootdahdi 2.4.1
13:04.20*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
13:04.32cneb3000is there a way of combining Background() with something like Read()?..
13:05.13cneb3000while I'd normally go Background() > Waitexten() i'm having to use background > read > gotoif as a result of using Thirdlane Asterisk
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14:26.08AlHafoudhirroot: thanks
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14:32.24psilikonis there an up to date guide for installing SpanDSP on Asterisk 1.4.x? I can't seem to find a working link for app_txfax and app_rxfax.
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14:33.17irroot:P asterisk 1.4 is not upto date psilikon what up ??
14:33.46*** part/#asterisk ketema (
14:35.06psilikonirroot, Good point. I guess I'll have to move to 1.8. Maybe then I can just follow the steps in the Definitive Guide.
14:35.48irrootshould be ok with spandsp-0.0.6
14:35.58irrootinstall it
14:37.00psilikonirroot, What should be ok with 0.0.6? Asterisk 1.4? I did install it 0.0.6 for asterisk 1.4 but I can't seem to locate the links for the rx and tx apps nor can I find a link for the patch.
14:37.50irrootadd SPANDSP=@PBX_SPANDSP@ to build_tools/
14:38.10irrootAST_EXT_LIB_SETUP([SPANDSP], [spandsp Library], [spandsp]) to
14:38.33irrootAST_EXT_LIB_CHECK([SPANDSP], [spandsp], [fax_init], [spandsp.h], [-ltiff])
14:38.42irrootalso to
14:38.49irrootrun ./
14:39.16psilikonirroot, where did you find that information???
14:39.29irrootfrom my 1.4 patch :P
14:39.49psilikonirroot, where did you get the patch from?
14:40.01irrootbuilt over time
14:40.36*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
14:40.37psilikonirroot, Is the above documented anywhere?
14:40.58irrootnot sure
14:41.07irrootcan send you something
14:43.10psilikonirroot, I wonder if it would just be easier to move to 1.8.
14:43.27irrootid recomend it
14:44.11psilikonI think I'll just upgrade then.
14:44.16psilikonThanks for the help
14:44.27cneb3000psilikon: I had a similar problem. Moved to 1.8.. much easier.
14:44.48psilikoncneb3000, ahh good to know. Thank you.
14:45.18psilikoncneb3000, Were you then able to just follow the simple steps in the Definitive Guide?
14:45.24irrootif you want a patch buzz me
14:45.42AlHafoudhirroot: and how to limit h323 calls?
14:45.52irrootsame way :P
14:46.25irrootdo it as much as possible in the dialplan
14:46.33cneb3000psilikon: yes it was MUCH easier :)
14:47.02psilikoncneb3000, nice
14:51.48irrootpsilikon cneb3000 the 1.4 patch set i maintained is at about 9000 lines
14:51.59irrootall of it is in 1.6/1.8
14:52.58irrootpsilikon may also like the fact i have a working T.38 gateway for 1.8 that will be in 1.10 likely
14:53.24cneb3000irroot: I'm waiting on my offices test suite to become free for that.
14:57.02*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
15:00.12asilvais there a way to check if the destination extension is set to forward the call ?
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15:03.50AlHafoudhirroot: and if I dont want to do it with groups?
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15:04.54irrootAlHafoudh see if the h323 dirver supports limits
15:05.54irrootok bang head on wall wash rinse repeat ... 12 DAHDI channels in a ringall group on a 24 port card i think this is not within manufactures recomended operataions ....
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15:11.04asilvairroot, hey
15:11.21asilvairroot, how do i not use res_timing_pthread and use res_timing_dahdi ? just not load the pthred module ?
15:12.01malcolmdres_timing_dahdi should be preferred to res_timing_pthread, so as long as dahdi exists on the system and dahdi is loaded, res_timing_dahdi should do its thing
15:12.26asilvaunderstood, but should the counter increses in module show ?
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15:14.32irrootnoload =>
15:14.34irrootnoload =>
15:14.50irrootin asterik/modules.conf
15:14.55asilvaok, just to check if i was doing it right
15:16.05irrootim really keen to see if it makes the problem go away you having its most odd
15:17.53asilvawell i tried here just leaving timing_dahdi but the problem still there
15:18.24irrootplease put updated locks/backtrace on the bug report
15:19.12asilvawithout modules ?
15:19.15asilvaokay let me get it
15:20.19malcolmdthe usecount should be 1 if the module is in use, and 0 if the module is not in use.
15:20.56asilvathat's odd than, after removing both timing leaving only dahdi the dahdi count didn't increase at all
15:21.35irrootinternal_timing = yes
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15:21.43irrootin asterisk/asterisk.conf
15:21.50irrootand dahdi_dummy loaded ??
15:22.29asilvawasn't.... dman mistype on modprobe :( let me try again
15:23.18*** join/#asterisk Russ (
15:23.58irrooton way home l8r
15:24.38asilvamalcolmd, now the counter incresed!! :D
15:24.44asilvabut the problem is still there :/
15:27.29asilvaupdated the post.. out to lunch now !!
15:28.30*** join/#asterisk xxiao (
15:32.14xxiaofreepbx, freeswitch, asterisk, tribox,...what are the differences
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15:32.59Qwelltrixbox uses freepbx(*) uses Asterisk
15:33.05Qwellfreeswitch is something completely different
15:33.34xxiaooh there are opensips, kamailio,and more
15:33.45carraropensips ftw
15:34.07*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
15:34.11cneb3000xxiao: OpenSIPS/Kamailio are just registrars
15:34.39xxiaocneb3000: if you read their site, they're calling themselves do-it-all platform nowadays, for audio/video
15:34.55cneb3000xxiao: They deal with media now? :|
15:35.05cneb3000is way behind
15:35.19carrarRTP Proxy
15:36.17xxiaoif i intend to do multi-party video calls, which one could potentially work? asterisk* family still is pretty much ippbx for voice
15:36.51Qwellxxiao: None o fthe above.
15:36.53*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
15:37.00QwellUnless "multi" = 2
15:37.21QwellIn which case, obviously you would use Asterisk, as it's the only one capable of being a PBX.
15:38.18xxiaotrying to compare all these stuff, dizzy, too many options and naming, video is a must though
15:38.27QwellDo you want a PBX?
15:38.57QwellFigure out your requirements, then you can figure out what you need.
15:39.02xxiaomore of a multi-way video call over internet
15:39.18xxiaosupport up to 4 parties video call
15:39.22Qwellif you just want video chat, use skype
15:39.28xxiaothat's 1:1?
15:39.31Qwellor that new thing from AOL (which is actually pretty damn slick)
15:39.49fullstopI set up Kamailio once.. it was a strange experience.
15:40.01cneb3000fullstop: how so? :)
15:40.04xxiaofullstop: define strange
15:40.09Qwellxxiao: None of those you mentioned can support more than 2 video streams in a call.
15:40.20fullstopcneb3000: Finding documentation was kind of difficult.
15:40.35CadeyHi guys, we just had a number of phoens loose calls and in the messages i see it reloading a laod of modules but dont no why it would do this or if that would be the cause of the dropped line. Either way is there a trick I can use to monitor the server more closely that you can suggest so when a call dies I can debug it?
15:40.44fullstopThat is, the documentation was very terse and explained all of the options, but not how to actually do anything.
15:40.54QwellCadey: It likely crashed.
15:40.55xxiaofullstop: opensips seems to have quite a lot documents, and paid training
15:40.56infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
15:41.10fish-bulbCadey: Asterisk is probably restarting for some reason
15:41.16Cadey<@Qwell> : how can i work out the reason?
15:41.21cneb3000fullstop: i chose opensips instead of kam.. i revisited kam the other day and felt i made the wrong choice. I feel the Kam documentation it much easier to follow.
15:41.30QwellCadey: See above.
15:41.38xxiaodoes not quite know 'diff opensips kamailio'
15:41.59fullstopcneb3000: I was going against the grain a little bit.. I had postgres instead of mysql.
15:42.01Cadeyso run asterisk with -g
15:43.08cneb3000fullstop: renegade ;)
15:43.36*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
15:43.50Cadeyoh also, It didnt drop all the calls which could be consistant with a crash ?
15:44.13Cadeyit seemed to drop only about 5 out of about 15/20 active calls
15:44.53fullstopcneb3000: anyway, just getting it up and running with postgres felt wrong.  The default config specifies a database of "openser" still.
15:45.18cneb3000fullstop: haha. how long ago was that?
15:45.25fullstopcneb3000: about 2 weeks ago.
15:45.34cneb3000ooo err
15:45.53fullstopAnd, perhaps this is just the way it is, but it felt like a giant black box.  The debug logging was intended for a kamailio developer, and not auser.
15:46.24cneb3000hmm I see. Perhaps I made the right choice with OpenSIPs then?
15:46.53fullstopWhen something didn't happen as expected, there was no log.  I had to add logging to the config file to see anything.
15:47.11*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (~angryuser@
15:47.14fullstopI'm sure that once you get the hang of it, that it's easy and makes sense.. but it was a fairly steep hill.
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15:47.58QwellCadey: depends on your definition of "drop".  If the media was out of band, the call could have continued.
15:48.04cneb3000it was fairly steep with OpenSIPS to, I felt. I think the 'user friendly..ish' culture of asterisk certainly isn't present in those eh?
15:48.06Qwellerr, not out of band.  not through Asterisk
15:49.02fullstopcneb3000: exactly.  Asterisk is fairly user-friendly when it comes to seeing what is going on inside of the toybox.
15:51.36senatorhi everyone. i'm hoping for a little help with this situation: using asterisk 1.4. have a digium te121 connected via t1 crossover to an NEC PBX, which is supposed to be providing channels with dialtone with E&M wink start signalling (this is not a PRI).
15:51.42cneb3000xxiao: have you seen this 'appconference' add on for asterisk? or anyone else reading this for that matter.
15:51.43senatori want to make outbound calls only with asterisk. i'm close
15:52.00senatori have a sip trunk set up for outbound as well, and that works, but i'm not all the way there with dahdi.
15:52.13senatorhere are the logs and conf i think you'd be interested in:
15:53.05senatorthe interface lights are all green and dahdi_tool is happy; i think there are no issues at that layer
15:53.13senator(well, 2 irq misses, but that's not a showstopper right?)
15:55.38xxiaocneb3000: no, relatively new to asterisk
15:55.42fullstopsenator: Have you tried DAHDI/G1 instead of DAHDE/1 ?
15:55.56senatorfullstop: will try now
15:56.15xxiaois downloading pbx in a flash iso
15:56.31Qwellxxiao:, you'll thank me later.
15:56.52cneb3000xxiao: I've never used it... but google says this 'AppConference' is an option for asterisk and 'multi user video conf'
15:57.00senatorfullstop: test complete, no difference :-(
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15:57.17xxiaocneb3000: check out that now
15:57.26cneb3000xxiao: it doesn't actually display all the users in a grid fashion. it just switches video to the lead speaker.
15:57.36Qwellcneb3000: which is almost entirely useless
15:57.41xxiaoit's said newer asterisk release broke some syntax which is unnecessary? why
15:57.52cneb3000qwell: how is that useless?
15:58.25cneb3000qwell: i take that back. it's not great.
15:59.02Qwellcneb3000: I said almost entirely. :)
15:59.15xxiaocneb3000: you mean appconference addon lacks?
16:00.11*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:00.24cneb3000xxiao: not really.. it's just.. what happens when more than one person is speaking? could get complicated. then I suppose that's not a good conference call.
16:01.10xxiaohmm...guess that's why video conference companies are doing so well these days
16:01.32Qwellxxiao: It's a very difficult problem to solve.
16:01.33cneb3000xxiao: yea... i think like Qwell said.. none of the above realllllyy support multi user video conferences..
16:01.52cneb3000xxiao: so the best you'll get is hack jobs done by members of the community, which do an OK job.
16:01.52Qwelland expensive..  it requires a lot of transcoding, which isn't cheap
16:03.18cneb3000xxiao: if you find a solution - let us know ;)
16:03.35xxiaosure :)
16:04.16xxiaoi recall the sip negotation: audio codec, video codec, everything in sync, then the talk can start
16:04.56xxiaothen you need a mcu(multi-conference-unit?) to co-ordinate multiple streams in real time,
16:05.40xxiao's head spins
16:07.32Cadeywhen asterisk starts as a service should I be looking in /usr/sbin/ for the core file if it crashes (under default install condtions)?
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16:12.35saisomahey guys, I have two asterisk boxes, both 1.8.4 with sip trunks (config:  I'm getting severe local echo on when calling phones on Any ideas?
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16:24.35psilikonI have an asterisk 1.4 system running on Debian 6.0 using an Atom D510 (1.66, Dual core w/ HT) and when I noticed that when I ssh into that box and do a 'ls' in a large directory my music on hold starts getting choppy.  Would it be worth trowing in one of those $60 Amfeltech mini pcie timers?
16:27.06irrootpsilikon dont think so
16:27.11irrootrun top
16:27.15*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt (
16:27.31tehrabbitthey, can someone take a look at this and give me some insight on why it' won't call the 2nd number?
16:27.35irrootlook at wait state its heavy on IO listing a big dir
16:27.46psilikonirroot, top shows almost no load.
16:27.53irrootuse directory hashing
16:28.03irrootnot the load the waitstate
16:29.13irroottehrabbitt look at the g option in app_dial
16:29.44tehrabbittirroot, where is app_dial?
16:29.59irroot"show application dial"
16:30.13psilikonirroot, they stay at 0.0%
16:30.24irrootwhile ls is run ??
16:30.26tehrabbittirroot, "No Such Command"
16:31.00irrootcore show ....
16:31.02psilikonirroot, yeah, even with 'ls -R' run in the root dir
16:31.17*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (~angryuser@
16:31.43irrootwhat timing you running at the moment dummy ??
16:31.59psilikonirroot, yep
16:32.01tehrabbittirroot, now how do I set option g?
16:32.33*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick___ (
16:34.06psilikonirroot, With dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4.0 I think an lsmod will just return 'dahdi' and there will be no actual 'dahdi_dummy'. Is that correct?
16:34.57irrootno there is a option [not default] to build and install dahdi_dummy
16:36.14psilikonirroot, meetme rooms are working. Why would they work without a dummy timer?
16:36.32irrootmodule show like timing
16:36.40irrootwill show what one you use
16:37.01irrootonly one will be used
16:37.46psilikonirroot, nothing is returned
16:38.03irroothehe may be my spelling ;)
16:40.28psilikonirroot, your spelling is correct.
16:41.03Qwellirroot: iirc, dahdi_dummy, as a separate module, is completely gone now
16:41.08irrootthats a first :)
16:41.16Qwelland if it's not gone, it's a noop
16:41.51irrootah the hidden mysteries of the universe :)
16:42.04irrootknow its been on the to kill list for a while thx qwell
16:43.03psilikonSo how do I verify that I have a timing source? I compiled and installed dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4.0
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16:43.28Qwellpsilikon: It'll just work
16:44.33psilikonQwell, And it does... so I guess I am good.  Would you agree that a hardware timer is not necessary in my case?
16:45.52irrootas long as you running a softwarwe timer [confirmed] if you not running SW should be fine
16:45.55*** join/#asterisk fofware (
16:50.58psilikonI ordered a mini pci-e timer anyway.  I'll experiment with it and see if I can improve the moh quality.
16:51.37QwellNo such thing exists...
16:52.54irrootif there is such be most usefull for T.38 gw
16:55.05QwellPlease tell me that's only like $20
16:55.25psilikon$50 before shipping from Canada
16:55.38fullstopQwell: If you have to request a quote, it's more than $20
16:56.00psilikonQwell, So you think it is snake oil or what?
16:56.14Qwellpsilikon: well, I could sell you a VoIP NIC if you'd like
16:56.44psilikonQwell, Sangoma sells something similiar that is USB.
16:56.50irroothow much does the sangoma usb cost ??
16:56.54Qwellalso useless. :)
16:57.33irrootQwell thx for the insight the reseller here keeps trying to unload em on me and cant see the point
16:57.46psilikonThese hw timers came recommended by a consulting firm for use in Vicidial dialers.  That's how I learned about them.
16:58.05paulcpsilikon: got a link to a product page for them?
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16:59.10psilikonThe logic I got from them was that dahdi timing can slip when a system is under load so by using a hardware timer you can keep timing consistent and not screw up things that depend on timing like meetme.
16:59.20psilikonpaulc, for which?
16:59.35Qwellmeetme doesn't depend on dahdi for timing
16:59.50QwellThat would be fallacy #2
16:59.59irrootit used to heavily ie 1.2 / 14
17:00.11irrootthat is why vici is a candidate
17:00.12Qwellirroot: No, it uses dahdi for *mixing*.
17:00.52irrootthe ONLY time i have problems is under heavy IO load
17:01.11Qwellirroot: a timer wouldn't fix that.
17:01.13fullstopWell, sir, there's nothing on earth like a genuine, electrified, six-car monorail!
17:01.27*** join/#asterisk Denial (
17:01.41irrootrunning PgSQL realtime / cdr / ..... if i do a vacum with or without HW timer its broke
17:01.44Qwellfullstop: what's it called?
17:01.51Qwellthat's right, monorail!
17:01.54irroottis what qwell said
17:02.58fullstopSuch an awesome episode.
17:07.08psilikonQwell, Can you suggest a way to fix the choppy music on hold?
17:07.22*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
17:09.08irrootpsilikon qwell are you transcoding it heavily perhaps ??
17:09.26saisomahey guys, I have two asterisk boxes, both 1.8.4 with sip trunks (config:  I'm getting severe local echo on when calling phones on Any ideas?
17:09.35psilikonirroot, g711u
17:10.45irrootsaisoma not looked yet but rule re echo ... it is caused by a hybrid/balun on analogue line
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17:11.32irrootcan also be a hardware design flaw feedback betweeen mic/speaker
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17:26.44tehrabbittdoes anyone here have a good sample AVR example I can use to help set up my dialplan?
17:28.19tehrabbitterm i mean IVR sorry
17:28.38irrootwhat you want to do with the IVR
17:29.21*** join/#asterisk reber (
17:29.50irrootwhat you ask is not easy
17:30.53tehrabbittirroot, I've had it set up before, but I forget the syntax for it sadly (never saved an old copy of what I had...)  Basically just answer the incoming call, and then just "press 1 to be connected to a technician, press 2 to go to voicemail"
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17:32.19tehrabbittirroot, eventually, i'm thinking of getting a different DID for "internal use" where I can dial *into* the PBX and place calls through it after entering lets say a 6 digit pin (and can only be accessed from a specific caller ID record... aka my cell phone)
17:32.48irrootexten => 1,1,Goto(userout,520,1)
17:32.50irrootexten => 2,1,Goto(userout,510,1)
17:32.52irrootexten => 3,1,Goto(userout,0442,1)
17:32.56irrootexten => i,1,PlayBack(custom/0010)
17:32.58irrootexten => i,n,Hangup()
17:33.02irrootexten => t,1,PlayBack(custom/0010)
17:33.04irrootexten => t,n,Hangup()
17:33.13tehrabbittAh, thanks irroot
17:34.03irrootuse Background to play audio and get the digit
17:34.22tehrabbittirroot, how would I specify background?
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17:35.31tehrabbittirroot, with just Background()?
17:35.44irrootnope needs options
17:35.53irroot"core show application background"
17:38.14tehrabbittirroot, now if I use Background() to output a message to the user, it'd go before the first Goto() command above, right?
17:39.28irrootyeah i call the "context"
17:40.40tehrabbittwait should i be using exten => s,1 etc or exten=> 1,1 etc
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17:44.06irrootexten => XXXX,BackGround(audiofile,m,,ivr-0400-ah)
17:44.13ipstaticanyone having problems installing Asterisk 1.8 from the asterisk RPM repo on Centos 5.6?
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17:44.22irrootoops _X....,n,....
17:44.35irrootim outta here bed time
17:44.44ipstaticI am getting this error when trying to install: dahdi-linux- from asterisk-current has depsolving problems
17:45.48tehrabbittlater irroot
17:45.49tehrabbittthanks again
17:51.13tehrabbittcan anyone here explain the difference between having 1,1 or s,1 or n,1?
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17:54.14fish-bulbtehrabbitt: that syntax is incorrect
17:54.31fish-bulbtehrabbitt: check out
17:54.59fish-bulbwell, that syntax isn't incorrect I guess, but I'm sure it is not what you meant
17:55.17fish-bulbit goes extension,priority,application
17:55.44fish-bulbso in that you have 3 extensions; 1, n, and s
17:56.10fish-bulball with only 1 priority
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17:59.19pdtpatrick___Question for you smart folks.. can someone please explain to me what does dev mean in this case?
17:59.51fish-bulbanyways, dialplan execution will proceed through the priorities sequentially. Numbering them explicitly will work, but isn't very manageable after a few stack up. In that case you can use the "n" priority for next. You can also use "s" for same, which means the same priority number as the one above it.
18:01.37*** join/#asterisk trapa (~trapa@
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18:02.14trapaHow would i find out more information about this error [2011-06-02 10:52:19] WARNING[3062]: chan_sip.c:13450 check_auth: username mismatch, have <102>, digest has <1-pstn>
18:02.14trapa[2011-06-02 10:52:19] NOTICE[3062]: chan_sip.c:21256 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device Bob Smith <sip:102@>;tag=b78f8ac2f13503cfo1
18:02.43fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: I don't really read AEL, but that looks like it would be the second ARG passed to the macro application
18:03.28fish-bulbtrapa: that is about all the information you will get. It means that username in the From header does not match what is in the Authentication Digest
18:03.44trapai have a phone (102) which is and has been working perfectly .... the error i'm almost positive is coming from a SPA3000 deivce i'm trying to configure at ip
18:03.59trapafish: Is it possible because it's coming through a second port on a polycom phone
18:04.00fish-bulbusually means another SIP device is between the endpoint and Asterisk
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18:04.21fish-bulbeh, I guess so, not sure that I have seen that specifically
18:04.34fish-bulbI wouldn't think that Polycom would mess with any SIP headers
18:05.15fish-bulbyou can set "insecure = invite" sip.conf for that device
18:05.17pdtpatrick___how does one call a macro ?
18:05.28trapalet me try runnign antoehr cable just in case
18:06.41fish-bulbtrapa: it may also be that the auth username doesn't match the username set on the phone. Do you have "1-pstn" set anywhere in the phone?
18:07.07trapaNot in the phone, only on the SPA3000
18:07.14fish-bulber, I meant the ATA
18:07.54fish-bulbah ok, so I guess there is no occurrence of 102 in the ATA config then?
18:08.17fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: it is an dialplan application, so like anything else
18:08.46Insonichi there, short theory, should it be possible to use an asterisk as "router" between a S2M connection (input) (with a 2-Port S2M Card) and 4 or 8 normal normal BRI-S0 Ports to connect a non-S2M-cappable Agfeo AS100 for example ?
18:11.27trapaYeah there's only a occurance of 102 in the polycom ... still working on punching a new jack .. the one i punched doesn't work. :P
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18:13.37rhollan_any way to combine nat=yes on a sip extension with directmedia=yes? That is, if the media paths are symmetric, use the same outbound and inbound UDP port, and A* figures out the mapping (nat=yes) and ignores what's in SDP messages, it can issue proper reINVITEs? I find nat=yes makes directmedia=yes not have effect
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18:14.43fish-bulbtrapa: Ok, sounds like it is changing up the sip headers then
18:15.08fish-bulbrhollan_: I would have to look, but I think directmedia has a "nonat" option
18:15.37rhollan_FWIW, my A* is ona public IP address, but SIP client extentions are NATed (either 3G cell smart phones or connected via 802.11g WLAN)
18:17.06fish-bulbso you specify your nat settings like normal and then when Asterisk sees something that is no nat'ed it will reinvite
18:18.26rhollan_yeah, trouble is the SIP client, whether on WLAN or 3G is NATted. I was hoping that whatever A* uses to figure out the media UDP ports with nat=yes could be communicated in the reINVITEs it sends.
18:19.21rhollan_I guess I could use STUN on the SIP clients, but that tends to eat battery on the smartphone
18:21.01fish-bulbah, I guess I thought you wanted it disabled for the NAT'ed devices
18:22.08rhollan_Good guess, but no. I was hoping once A* knew the ports with nat=yes (ignoring the SDP messages), it could communicate that in reINVITEs so the media didn't have to go through A*
18:22.13rhollan_Good guess, but no. I was hoping once A* knew the ports with nat=yes (ignoring the SDP messages), it could communicate that in reINVITEs so the media didn't have to go through A*
18:24.06tehrabbittthanks fish-bulb for the link before
18:24.15fish-bulbtehrabbitt: np
18:25.17fish-bulbrhollan_: Asterisk has not private address in your setup, correct?
18:25.57pdtpatrick___Is there a way to pass from one asterisk box to another .. context over DUNDi .. right now im using something like this -- Dial(66700@dundi-jn) .. but can i do Goto(onp_main@dundi-jn,s,1)  ... is this possible ?
18:26.15rhollan_No, A* is on the public internet... one of the advantages of a business class account with Comcast: they give you a /30: broadcast, net, NATTED IP, and "true static" IP
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18:27.11trapafish-bulb: Thanks for your help, i've moved the conversation over to #freepbx .. don't want to waste two people's time but i'll contact here again should i continue to have issues
18:27.44*** part/#asterisk gmaruzz (
18:27.50fish-bulbrhollan_: hmm, ok. Are you using 1.8?
18:27.56rhollan_On the LAN side of the Comcast router one sees NATted traffic AND traffic on the "true static" IP address. Basically, a /whatever private network and one address of two on the public network (the other one being on the WAN side and natted to the private one).
18:28.29rhollan_1.8? I think so. I got the latest Ubuntu packages, though I could build from source if necesasry.
18:28.48fish-bulbif you have access to the Asterisk CLI run "core show version"
18:29.14pdtpatrick___can anyone please help with that?
18:29.15rhollan_not easy from here. lemme see if I can get "in"
18:30.48fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: I don't understand your question
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18:31.29rhollan_fish_bulb: Asterisk So, I guess it's derived from 1.6
18:31.47rhollan_thanks himself for starting sshd last night
18:32.12rhollan_er, that was for fish-bulb
18:32.33pdtpatrick___@fish-bulb.. in extensions.conf i have something like this: exten => _189988877666,n,Dial(Local/66700@dundi-jn/n)
18:32.54fish-bulbk, I think there were some more options added to 1.8 regarding this, but it may just be I didn't notice them before. Either way, are you using the localnet externaddr/externhost/externip setting?
18:33.07fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: what are you trying to accomplish though?
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18:33.26pdtpatrick___i was to be able to use a context on another box
18:33.28pdtpatrick___using dundi
18:33.31rhollan_externip, though I think I don't need it because A* is not NATted on the only NIC it is on.
18:33.50pdtpatrick___sorta like how i did above using Local/ext@dundi-jn
18:34.00`mxwhere is a good location for a someone that has never used asterisk go to learn how to configure a small pbx?
18:34.23rhollan_@`mx: lots of tutorials. Google is your friend.
18:34.26fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: mm... I would say use a switch instead
18:34.51fish-bulb`mx: Digium has an online course that is very good for starting out
18:35.11pdtpatrick___fish-bulb can u give me an example
18:35.14rhollan_brb. Caffiene interrupt
18:35.22`mxfish-bulb: thanks
18:36.04fish-bulb`mx: np, here is the link . Also, if you just want some good documentation then check out thebook
18:36.37fish-bulbAsterisk: The Definitive Guide
18:37.11rhollan_notes it for his "to buy" list: got $100 for winning a chili cookoff recently
18:37.30rhollan_in B&N gift cert.
18:38.26fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: it works like "switch => IAX2/user:password@bigserver/local", or "switch => DUNDi/e164"
18:38.43fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: the extensions.conf sample has more examples
18:39.09fish-bulbrhollan_: very nice! That is a great read, very useful
18:40.37rhollan_Thanks, fish-bulb. Googling 1.6 vs. 1.8 differences now
18:40.53pdtpatrick___fish-bulb so then local = context right? Thanks again
18:41.55fish-bulbrhollan_: np. Let me see if I understand this right, you are using nat = yes on the Asterisk side since the phones are behind NAT, but that implicitly disables directmedia?
18:42.07fish-bulbpdtpatrick___: righto
18:42.55rhollan_fish-bulb: to be precise, I'm using nat=yes in the device definitions in sip.conf, but NOT in the [general] section for A* itself: A* isn't NATted, the phones are.
18:43.12fish-bulbgotcha, that's what I was meaning
18:43.36fish-bulbthough I see why it would be confusing in how I said it
18:44.11rhollan_Oh, and it doesn't disable directmedia: I get the usual "one way audio only" typical of NATted RTP. So, it looks like A* sends out unaltered reINVITEs without using the wisdom of knowing what the peer ports really are.
18:45.31fish-bulboh hmm..
18:45.36rhollan_kicks himself for not keepint the wireshark traces from last night.
18:46.15rhollan_Was I expecting too much from A* to share it's knowledge of endpoints when sending reINVITEs?
18:46.56fish-bulbI can't say for certain on that, I haven't messed with directmedia much at all in practice, just have a general understanding of how it should work and how Asterisk works
18:47.17rhollan_O.K. then. thanks. I guess I will have to look at the traces closer.
18:47.50fish-bulbsure thing
18:47.51rhollan_It was WAY COOL, when I got a reinvite working when going through a PBX
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18:48.47rhollan_of course, at that point, I was proxying the cell phone through a broadvoice DID on a trunk
18:49.06rhollan_So, I saw PC softphone to for the first few RTP packets, then reINVITed to the BV proxy.
18:49.16fish-bulbhmm.. I would be interested to see what the captures show
18:49.42fish-bulbyou may be able to get around all of this using a SIP ALG
18:49.57rhollan_in my present setup, I have a SIP client in the phone, and have it register with my own A* (so, pfffffft to, as useful as they have been).
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18:51.01fish-bulbbecause that way you don't need to worry if it lands on the same ports
18:51.20fish-bulband the phone should renegotiate with no problem
18:51.40rhollan_fish-bulb: odd that you say that: there IS a SIP ALG setting on the netgear WNDR3700 WLAN router, and I've seen what it changes (IP and port) but the recommendation is to DISABLE it for VoiP. In any case, that would not help calls coming in from the public net that were NATed by the tmobile IP gateway
18:51.59rhollan_But, it suggests rolling my own router.
18:52.39rhollan_Then again, I wonder if I could run a SIP proxy elsewhere in my LAN, or even on the A* box itself.
18:52.54fish-bulbSIP ALG's cause all kinds of problems when they are not configured to play nice, but they can be a big help at times if they are configured for it
18:53.42*** join/#asterisk bobb_WU (~bobb_WU@
18:53.44fish-bulbyou could definitely use Asterisk to route calls like that, but it won't act as a proxy. It's a back to back useragent
18:53.47rhollan_Yeah, I caught the traffic with and without the SIP ALG enabled on the WLAN router, and saw that it "did the right thing". But, again, that would help for WLAN connections only.
18:54.39rhollan_fish-bulb: no, I was thinking of having A* listen on, say 5061, the SIP proxy on 5060, and have it rewrite SDP payloads.
18:54.51rhollan_The proxy then sending the rewritten packets to 5060
18:54.58rhollan_er, 5061, and thence to A*.
18:55.22rhollan_What's frustrating, is that A* is ALREADY smart enough to ignore SDP ports and IPs with nat=yes.
18:56.13bobb_WUhey everyone!  can i take a quick survey of how the most experienced Asterisk'ers read through their call logs?
18:56.22bobb_WUi put a post on the forum but never got a real response
18:59.30fish-bulbrhollan_: ah gotcha, I misread your previous comment
19:03.24Qwellbobb_WU: less
19:03.34rhollan_All the docs for siproxd talk about phones behind NAT, and running sipproxd on the NATting gateway, but I see no reason why I can't run it between A* and the public net: move it to the PBX instead of to the phone. So, UDP <publicIP:5060>->sipproxd->A*(lo:5060)
19:03.55rhollan_IOW, put A* BEHIND siproxd instead of the phones.
19:04.24rhollan_(heck, I could NAT A* then, and I have good reasons to do that, but it isn't necessary).
19:05.35bobb_WUless isn't going to do it for me...  i will soon have 10 active phone nodes and a relay server
19:06.11bobb_WUand my intended users are technical but not experienced at linux in the least.  our log-reading solution must be web accessable
19:06.30rhollan_Hmm, no sipproxd has to see the public net. Still, I think this will solve my problems.
19:07.54rhollan_Of course, siproxd between A* and a NATting gateway, with siproxd made smart enough to use STUN would solve THAT problem, but strikes me as a horrible complication for no good reason.
19:08.46rhollan_Thanks, fish-bulb, for the input.
19:09.21fish-bulbrhollan_AFK: np, sorry I couldn't help more
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19:24.30ipstaticQwell: Should I add another repository other than asterisk-current?
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19:30.28ipstaticQwell: thank you so much. I cannot believe I missed that wiki page.
19:30.42Qwellhow did you get the info then?
19:32.50ipstaticit just links to the repo and not the wiki page you showed me
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20:16.31atanOkay so I'm not sure what config file I should edit here. When I dial out from a SIP phone I see it connecting to my provider  SIP/voipmsPremiumChicago-00000001 is making progress passing it to SIP/1133-00000000 but if I hang up on the device it continues to ring the p hone
20:16.53atanIs that an issue with the device perhaps, or something I need to set in Asterisk?
20:17.33asilvais there away to keep the call online if asterisk process crash?!
20:20.07wdoekes2asilva: only if the media is sent directly (directmedia/canreinvite)
20:20.36asilvadirectmedia=yes and canreinvite=no ?
20:20.51wdoekes2(and then there are things like session-timers and having to hang up the call from both ends)
20:21.19wdoekes2canreinvite is superseded by directmedia option
20:21.43asilvaok let me try
20:22.08wdoekes2rtp set debug on <-- if you see nothing, the rtp (audio) is sent directly
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20:33.23[sr]how can i have 2 extensions ringing at the same time?
20:33.40[sr](if thats possible)
20:33.40Guggeyou cant
20:33.49Guggeyou can dial 2 devices at the same time though
20:34.51[sr]the thing is, i need to make a a ring bell sound when a extension rings
20:35.18[sr]so i was thinking on having one extra extension with a TA for the bell to have a FXS port
20:35.38jkroonhi guys, I need to figure out the whole host vs username based authentication thing with SIP.
20:35.51jkroonat the moment it's a bit of a black art for me.
20:36.36jkroonsituation is that I've got a SIP provider and I need to register to -multiple SIP accounts on that server, so far I'm unable to get the return INVITEs working properly on all of the accounts at the same time.
20:38.03[sr]hi WIMPy
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20:47.55jkroonok, it seems the concept of a SIP type=user/friend isn't being used at all any more, so now let's say I have [user1] host=a.b.c.d authuser=user1 and [user2] host=a.b.c.d with authuser=user2 - and incoming call now comes in which I'd like to match on host ip/port - to which of the two peers will that call go?
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20:49.17Guggejkroon: depends if you use realtime or not, and if you cache the realtime users or not .. but generally, the first one :)
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20:50.58jkroonnot using realtime at all.
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21:07.49WIMPyHi [sr]!
21:07.58[sr]how have u been?
21:08.22WIMPyOh, ok, just hat to concentrate on less interesting things.
21:08.51WIMPyInsonic: That's possible in practice as well.
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21:10.43jkroonGugge, do you know whether IAX/2 behaves similarly or whether that is still totally separate for peers and users?
21:11.41FreeaqingmeI think that with 1.8 there's no more difference between users and peers (internally)?
21:14.12[sr]WIMPy: i see!
21:16.02ChannelZit's all how they match the peer, by IP or by user
21:16.25ChannelZI thought that was still true of iax but perhaps not
21:19.15jkroonwhy can't they just behave the same though?
21:19.39jkrooni prefer the distinct user and peer way but that might be because I misunderstand something else.
21:19.47InsonicWIMPy: yeah, just playing around with some a new AS200 for s2m or buying a "gateway" for s2m to bri
21:19.56jkroonnow I need insecure=invite on my SIP peers to get inbound working ...
21:21.01WIMPyInsonic: I would suggest to think about hardware that can be used with misdn as well. Gives you more implementation choices.
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21:24.58InsonicWIMPy: which 1 or 2port S2M card would you suggest ?
21:25.50WIMPyInsonic: Generally I'd try a HFC-E1 based one, ie Junghanns, beronet,...
21:26.16WIMPyBut if you want to use VOIP as well, you might want something with HWEC.
21:26.31*** part/#asterisk senator (
21:29.24InsonicVoip ist not a target in the first place...primary target is to decide if we build a gateway for the old telephone hardeware (agfeo as100, not s2m cappable) or buy a new one , which could handle it
21:30.02WIMPyInsonic: How many phones do you have on it?
21:30.33WIMPyOk, makes sense to keep them, I guess.
21:31.39WIMPyAnd if you only use a PC as interface converter, it can't do much wrong.
21:32.02Insonicmaybe just 40...not sure about the exact was not really administrated so far...a "grown" system
21:32.43WIMPyI gouess you should think about future growth before deciding anything.
21:34.28Insonicyeah..that was the plan....trying to find a some favorite would be an asterisk as interface AND for further expansions (voip-phones, or softphones ..)
21:39.53jkroonok, so is it possible to (using iax/2) perform host/ip based authentication?
21:40.20jkroonie, is it possible to create a user that will match purely on the incoming IP (and port) instead of based on the username?
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21:53.35jkroonjip, but you need to get the call initiator to not send a USERNAME informational element.
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21:54.12jkroonOK, I note that when using IAX/2 the caller can specify a custom CONTEXT value - is it possible to suppress this - ie, to NOT allow the caller to specify it's own context?
21:54.53jkroonnm, not a problem, the caller can only use a context for which there exists a context= line in the appropriate section being utilized.
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22:12.02justdaveI remember when I was running Asterisk 1.2 ages ago that a "extensions reload" would hang asterisk every so often so it was best to wait till after hours to do it (and restart rather than reload)
22:12.43justdaveran 1.4 for a few years with no problems and did reloads all the time without issue
22:12.57justdavejust had 1.8 hang doing a reload :|
22:14.05justdave(reloads are done constantly every time desktop support assigns someone a new extension number or edits a conference room config)
22:14.13justdavebeen running 1.8 for a couple weeks, first time it's happened so far.
22:15.05jkroonhas * crash on him about 5 to 10 times daily at the moment.
22:15.51jkroon1. ... looks like something in ...
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23:10.23pdtpatrick__Question for you smart folks. . how can I allow users to search by extension or name? Is this possible in Asterisk ?
23:11.25pdtpatrick__actually already have it to allow dialing extensions. How about searching for names?
23:17.42*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
23:20.17ectospasmpdtpatrick__: you mean like the directory?
23:20.37WiretapWorkdirectory function
23:20.37ectospasmpdtpatrick__: the directory is tied to voicemail
23:20.54WiretapWorkits really funny being in someone's IVR and going '#' to skip a prompt
23:21.00ectospasmI can't remember if it's a function or an application, though I think the latter
23:21.01WiretapWorkand instead getting the directory XD
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