IRC log for #asterisk on 20110530

00:15.06*** join/#asterisk i_eat_children (
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01:13.02*** join/#asterisk Devon_ (
01:14.02*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:19.52*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (~\DSAFEW\
01:20.28\DSAFEW\what are those numbers for foreign exchanges again? lost all my bookmarks here
01:20.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
01:21.02infobotPlease see ~thebook for more information about Asterisk: The Definitive Guide
01:21.56\DSAFEW\that last link is including the comma for me :\
01:22.20*** join/#asterisk cusco (
01:22.51WIMPyHmm, yes, that an unfortunate definition.
01:22.52cuscomake compiles file, but make install... is not being able to download sound files?
01:23.32\DSAFEW\cusco, which OS/distro?
01:24.38cusconormally it would wget them files
01:24.45cuscobut seems that its not wgetting them
01:24.52cuscoand tar gunzip fails...
01:36.18\DSAFEW\IIRC debian uses apt to install things, why are you using the generic tarball?
01:37.13cuscowhy shouldn't I?
01:37.29cusco\DSAFEW\: tell me
01:37.40cuscoand how does that relate to my question?
01:38.42deltarayFor some reason, Record(asterisk-recording-test.ulaw||2) isn't working on 1.6. It says file.c:1160 ast_writefile: No such format 'ulaw||2'
01:38.53deltarayIts like its parsing the config wrong.
01:38.57\DSAFEW\cusco, perhaps you should take this to #debian where they can tell you specifics on installing software for your version with their version of asterisk, not saying you can't make this work, but it seems counterproductive to not use a package manager
01:39.08deltarayIf I leave off the ||2 part, it works.
01:39.18deltarayI'm sorry, if I leave off ulaw||2 it works.
01:39.54cusco\DSAFEW\: I don't understand why I should take this to debian. My question is not debian related.
01:40.05cuscoits not counterproductive to not use apt in some cases
01:40.08WIMPydeltaray: It's time to get rid of that 1.2 syntax and use , instead of |.
01:40.30deltarayThe docs don't have examples with ,
01:40.31cuscodon't get me wrong, debian is my gnu distro of choise due to the DFSG
01:40.37deltarayThey use |
01:40.43cuscobut there is certain stuff, that you don't install, you compile
01:40.56cuscomaybe becuase you don't want unused junk like chan skinny and jingle
01:41.03WIMPydeltaray: It should be , since 1.4.
01:41.16cuscoor maybe because you want to compile with snmp
01:41.28cusco\DSAFEW\: my question is not debian related
01:42.00deltarayWIMPy, thanks. That fixed my problem.
01:42.20\DSAFEW\cusco, well, 1.8 is out, have you tried that?
01:42.25cuscoyes I have
01:42.33cuscoI'm testing it at home
01:42.50cusco\DSAFEW\: in the call centre I work for, we use asterisk with specific configuration that 1.8 changes
01:43.18cuscofor one the realtime mysql configuration, asterisk 1.8 writes the time colum as datetime instead of timestamp
01:43.33\DSAFEW\ahh, so you need 1.6 then, and debian doesn't do 1.6?
01:43.52cusco\DSAFEW\: why are we talking about debian? I fail to understand that
01:45.24cusco\DSAFEW\: there are compile options that I chose to apply that debian maitainers didn't. Further more, asterisk compiled in my machine with optimize flags, gets optimized to my hardware...
01:45.50cuscoThis conversation doesn't seem to be productive
01:46.50cuscodon't take me wrong tho, for most of stuff I like debian defaults
01:55.25*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
02:03.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
02:29.21*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:29.58*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
02:42.25*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (dce7256a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:59.41*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
03:00.09joobiehey guys.. im setting up a sip provider and my end is not sending a register, just invites
03:00.15joobieany reason why this would be?
03:00.31joobieit is type=friend, though i have others setup this way also (not using peer)
03:00.36joobie.. which i presume work ok
03:00.38joobiethis is with 1.4
03:05.50WIMPyIt will only register if you configure a register line in the general section.
03:14.18*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
03:15.31*** join/#asterisk eyeballer (~eyeballer@unaffiliated/eyeballer)
03:15.36*** join/#asterisk dhorner_mb_ (~dhorner_m@
03:17.25eyeballerevening all..
03:18.10eyeballerim looking for some help installing asterisk 1.8 on an asus rt16 running tomato-usb..  i've got it installed via ipkg.. but i'm lost on how to edit the jabber.conf and gtalk.conf files..
03:21.13eyeballerhi maxagaz
03:21.30maxagazthere are two kind of analogic cards, the first is used to connect analogic phones to server, the second is for connecting analogic lines to the server, am I right ?
03:22.27maxagazare there cards that can do both ?
03:22.27WIMPyWell, iy's usually different modules on the card.
03:22.42WIMPyNot on the same port.
03:22.49WIMPyAnalog is evil.
03:23.12maxagazhow do I know that my card is the first or the second kind ?
03:23.49WIMPyHmm. Probably by looking at it for clues.
03:24.34WIMPySome ar color-coded.
03:24.35maxagazit's a digium card, AEX800
03:25.03WIMPyThe manual schould explain the ports.
03:25.14maxagazthere's no manual
03:25.58WIMPyIt's at
03:26.59maxagazis there a standard name for those two kind of cards ?
03:27.16maxagazI all call them analogic cards
03:27.35WIMPyFXO and FXS
03:35.40maxagazWIMPy: which one is for what ?
03:35.54WIMPyI always mix that up.
03:38.24maxagazWIMPy: on digium's website (, I can see that all card are FXO/FXS compliant
03:38.47WIMPyThat was the part about the modules.
03:39.17maxagazWIMPy: what do you mean ?
03:40.04joobiethanks WIMPy
03:40.12WIMPyOn many cards you have to install modules per port that will be either FXO or FXS.
03:49.59*** join/#asterisk radic (
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04:19.35*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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04:50.41*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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04:56.40irrootTop 'o the morn
05:04.40*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:09.42*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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06:03.31deltarayNot sure if anyone is up.
06:03.41deltarayI'm trying to get my first IAX2 connection setup.
06:04.16deltarayFollowing instructions here:  and a few other documents.
06:04.48deltarayBut when I place a call, I'm getting: Call rejected by a.b.c.d: No such context/extension
06:04.57deltaraya.b.c.d being the Ip of the server I'm trying to connect with.
06:09.11*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
06:09.19WIMPyWrong context?
06:09.37WIMPyAnyway, it can't find that extension.
06:16.11*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:16.13schmidtsgood morning
06:17.41schmidtseverybody had a nice weekend and is happy that its monday again?
06:20.14wdoekes2haha, good morning :)
06:20.15deltarayWIMPy, Do the contexts on both servers have to match up?  ie, my sip.conf entries at home are in context home, but on the remote side I have the iax user config set to go through a different context.
06:20.34deltarayBut that remote context is setup right
06:21.08WIMPyBut you need to sepcify the context that holds your extensions. Either in the peer definition or in the dial on the other side.
06:21.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:22.22deltarayOk, I've done that.
06:22.39deltarayNow I'm getting "__auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response" on the local side's asterisk console when I try to make a call.
06:22.51deltarayIt rings back once before saying that.
06:23.27WIMPyThat means your network connection is too lagged.
06:24.32deltarayWell, I kinda doubt its really lagged enough to be a problem, I'm wondering if my DSL modem has some security detection setting that is affecting IAX packets.
06:24.48deltarayI've opened up the ports and forwarded them, so the firewalls should be ready.
06:25.29deltarayIf I'm seeing 42ms response on pings to the remote host, is that any indication that it would be fast enough or not?
06:25.47WIMPyThat's fast enough.
06:25.52WIMPyDo you have packet loss?
06:26.38schmidtsquestion to you folks ;) have anyone has seen this or even used it:
06:26.39deltarayJust sent 100 packets and 0% loss.
06:27.25schmidtsits a multi master HA setup for mysql which uses replication and different roles. The setup itself looks very cool with IP takeover for each role and so on but i have a logic problem with this ;)
06:28.12robbie`schmidts: whats that?
06:29.59schmidtsrobbie` this is a collection of perl scripts which monitors which mysql node (master or slave) is alive and change the ip to a living instance if one of the hosts dies
06:30.38schmidtsi really like the idea about this, cause you can have for example 2 masters for write operations and 2 slaves only for reading operations
06:31.59deltarayschmidts, are you on the right channel? This is for asterisk, not mysql. Unless you're talking about integrating the two.
06:32.38schmidtsdeltaray thx ;) i know this is asterisk i only asked if someone used this allready and yes i want to build a mysql cluster for my 20+ asterisk servers ;)
06:33.14robbie`schmidts: whats your problem with the logic?
06:33.40robbie`i haven't used it, but i am interesting in making asterisk highly available
06:33.55deltarayschmidts, oh sorry. ;-)
06:34.17robbie`schmidts: to make asterisk highly available are you using heartbeat/pacemaker?
06:34.49schmidtsrobbie` if you take a look at the installation guide on the page, it says you should enable the master->slave sync on db2,db3 and db4 to the db1 but my problem is if db1 dies only db2 stays available cause db3 and db4 (the slaves) failed syncing
06:35.21robbie`not sure
06:35.51schmidtsrobbie` not for asterisk, i have build a setup for my sip proxy (kamailio) using corosync if one instance dies the ip switchover to a duplicate server on another host
06:36.30WIMPyThere sometime are logic issues with fail over solutions.
06:36.39schmidtsmy problem with Mysql HA cluster setup is, the normal mysql cluster is around 3 times slower in Reading queries than a normal MyIsam table is, and it gets even slower if more instances queries the same tables
06:36.40WIMPyOr even always?
06:36.53schmidtsWIMPy thx that really helped me out :D
06:37.39schmidtsthis mmm cluster will do nearly the same as mysql-cluster itself does but uses the normal myIsam engine with replication and not the slow NDB engine
06:37.47WIMPyhat that discussion about network block devices.
06:38.03deltarayWIMPy, any other ideas for my problem besides potential packet loss?
06:38.52WIMPydeltaray: I'm not sure if a bad timing source can produce such a thing.
06:38.52schmidtsdeltaray how do you tested the packet loss?
06:39.30deltarayping -i0.2 -c 100 serverip
06:39.52WIMPy0.02 would be realistic.
06:40.23schmidtsbut a bad timing source can also produce such a problem, atleast with iax
06:40.27deltarayOk, same result with 0.02
06:40.40deltarayWhat do you mean by timing source?  The system clock?
06:40.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:41.10WIMPyAsterisks internal timind.
06:41.23WIMPyDo you have any dahdi hardware?
06:41.30schmidtsdeltaray not really the system clock, but its like this. you need a timing source to synchronize both streams together
06:41.46schmidtsdeltaray maybe just try it with sip if you have the same problems
06:42.31deltarayschmidts, I was trying to avoid sip due to NAT issues.
06:43.19schmidtsdeltaray just try it to check if your timing is ok, if you have the same problems then its something on the way between both servers, if not then you possible have a timing problem ;)
06:43.48deltarayWIMPy, I have a Rhino RCB4FXO on the remote side if that's what you mean.
06:43.53WIMPyTry 'timing test'.
06:44.16WIMPyThe other box has no hardware timing?
06:44.54*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:45.33WIMPyMor importantly, It's not some virtual machine or something, is it?
06:46.22deltarayBoth are physical.
06:46.24*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
06:46.29*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~aa@
06:46.40schmidtsdeltaray btw which asterisk version do you use?
06:46.43deltarayDoes Asterisk 1.4 have the timing test command?
06:47.10schmidtsthe timing test command comes with dadhi
06:47.11WIMPyI don't think so.
06:47.30WIMPyDo you have dahdi_dummy loaded on the machine without hardware?
06:47.31deltaraylocal is, remote is 1.4.18
06:48.53deltarayIs dahdi_dumy a kernel module or an asterisk module?
06:49.39deltarayno I don't.
06:50.14deltarayI do have a couple of voip phones connected to this local asterisk server and can make calls between them.
06:50.18WIMPyWasn't that required <1.8?
06:50.33WIMPyFor IAX that is.
06:50.43deltarayOk, let me look into that.
06:50.44kaldemaronly for IAX2 trunking
06:51.17deltarayI'm not doing trunking for what its worth.
06:52.09WIMPyIt you're passing multiple calls between those boxes, you might want to.
06:52.36WIMPyBut it's worth loading dahdi_dummy anyway.
06:56.46*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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06:57.53deltarayWIMPy, perhaps the problem is that I'm missing /dev/dahdi?
06:58.02deltaraythe kernel module won't load. Hmmmmmm
07:05.58*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:11.38deltarayDon't you just love recompiling kernel modules at 3:11am? :-/
07:14.32WIMPyOnly on slow machines :-)
07:15.44deltarayOk, well that didn't fix the problem.
07:15.51deltaraydahdi_dummy is loaded.
07:16.24WIMPyIs chan_dahdi loaded so that Asterisk can make use of it?
07:16.37*** join/#asterisk hehol (
07:17.33deltarayyes, but its use count is 0.
07:19.07WIMPyLook at res_timing_dahdi.
07:19.36deltarayyeah, that's loaded too
07:19.43*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
07:19.46deltaraybut use count is 0
07:20.04*** join/#asterisk Hyperbyte (
07:20.24WIMPyHmm, I think that one should have a use count.
07:20.25*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
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07:24.40deltarayWell, I gotta go to sleep. Thanks anyways for the help, maybe I'll be back tomorrow.
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10:23.52irroot$@#$ snom !!! its a mission to move to XML i know im a late adopter and this is why ;)
10:24.14*** join/#asterisk petn-randall (
10:31.21*** part/#asterisk denysonique (~quassel@unaffiliated/dennisonicc)
10:33.06petn-randallHi, I'm using asterisk and I'm having trouble with app_fax ("Transmission error"). Is there a possibility to set the debug level selectively for this app?
10:33.59petn-randallI don't want my logs to be swamped, as we have a lot of SIP calls, and occassionally receive a fax every few days.
10:36.29coppicethere is a debug option for the app_fax command lines. I can't remember the exact syntax, though. it should tell you if you query the syntax
10:42.28petn-randallfrom what "core show application ReceiveFAX" tells me from the Asterisk CLI, it only takes a filename and optionally the 'c' argument as parameters. 'c' makes it behave as the calling machine.
10:45.41petn-randallIt also sets a few variables, but I can't check them after that in the dialplan because it doesn't continue with the dialplan.
10:45.42coppiceit used to take another parameter for the debug option. maybe it was changed to a variable. there should definitely be a debug option that gets you a detailed log of a fax call
10:48.51petn-randallOh right, app_fax has the 'd'ebug option, but only in asterisk 1.8. I have 1.6 :(
10:50.09petn-randallIs there a possibility to 1) set the debug level within a dialplan?
10:50.13*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:50.47petn-randallor 2) let the dialplan continue even if an application bails out?
11:01.01*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
11:02.39zknhowdy, how should I go about analysing a problem with 1.8.4 that causes astdb to become "corrupt" from time to time ?
11:04.32zknit's been 3 times now in 2 weeks that I have had to rename the old astdb so I could start up Asterisk which otherwise just crashes during startup...
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11:23.56schmidtszkn does your asterisk segfault very often?
11:24.24zknstarted only recently after I changed to 1.8.4
11:24.53zknand every time it has happened now, the only cure has been renaming the old astdb
11:26.11schmidtsznk a possible reason for this could be that asterisk dies unnormal while syncing the astdb to disk, in 1.8 this doesnt happens after every astdb, only every 500ms
11:26.31schmidtss/every astdb/every astdbaction/
11:31.20zknyea..for some reason it sometimes happens that Asterisk becomes is not allowing to call out or accept inbound calls, and when i run whatever command in CLI, i get no output/response, usually I then restart the Asterisk server from init.d after which I can be sure that I will get segmentation fault
11:34.35zknmaybe it is something in Linux that causes this? I'm running OpenSUSE 11.1 32bit since version 1.6 smth
11:34.56zknsince 1.6 of Asterisk, i mean
11:36.53*** join/#asterisk E-bola (~bola@
11:36.58zknand even though I have also ran into similar issues with older versions of Asterisk that have required me to restart Asterisk from init.d, Segmentation Fault has never been the outcome of that
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11:39.36zknfor some reason I think that wouldn't be any different
11:39.45schmidtszkn this sounds like a possible reason ;)
11:40.10zknwhat exactly?
11:40.24zknthat I restart from init.d script?
11:40.48schmidtsa normal restart should do anything but if its deadlocked, maybe your init script kills asterisk
11:42.03zknI guess so..  i understand that I am killing the problem based on the symptom, but how can I find out the root of the problem - what causes Asterisk to become deadlocked?
11:47.24zknwhile Asterisk had become unresponsive today, i also ran "lsof | grep asterisk | wc -l" which gave me over a thousand files/sockets being in use by asterisk... maybe that is not the perfect command to use as it's probably lacking some crucial paramters and I also have other stuff on the server also running in group asterisk as user asterisk, so the count is not that exact
11:48.27*** part/#asterisk sunfone (
11:48.46zknyeah, not that I check the same command, i still get over a thousand occurences
11:50.47schmidtszkn give me a moment there is a document how to trace such problems
11:51.05zknaah..that'd be great
11:52.10schmidtszkn the part about Getting Information For A Deadlock
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12:11.22zkni don't get BETTER_BACKTRACES option in menuselect
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12:22.33leifmadsenzkn: you need too do ./configure --enable-dev-mode to have that option
12:22.42leifmadsenand the dependencies
12:23.13zknok, thanks
12:26.55zknwhat exactly is DLADDR ?
12:27.36zknis there a universal name i can search it by?
12:28.34leifmadsenhas no idea
12:28.38leifmadsennever enabled it
12:29.00zkncouldn't find it in yast
12:29.01schmidtszkn its only a guess but maybe this means DownLoadADDress?
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12:32.23zknwhat can DETECT_DEADLOCKS option give me ?
12:34.03kaldemarzkn: see CHANGES
12:36.43zknok, got it, so it seems like a usefull option to have enabled
12:42.08zkndamn, this CHANGES doc is a very good source of usefull information :)
12:43.29zknoften times the noise coming form all the information available is just so intense that I don't bother.. i guess it's my own funeral
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12:57.46doolittleworkHi guys
12:59.09doolittleworkIf i want to become a sip provider for farms on a wifi network where our telco refuses to lay cable is asterisk the best app for the kob or is there any other app you guys know about that i can read up on?
13:00.11leifmadsendoolittlework: asterisk will likely do what you want, or you could potentially look at a SIP proxy like Kamaillo or OpenSIPS
13:01.12leifmadsenasterisk will integrate with both the PSTN and SIP end points
13:01.38irrootindeed having a mix is valid option too have users load balance / fail over to *
13:04.54*** join/#asterisk bl0b` (
13:06.45bl0b`Someone know if is possibile to record a VideoCall ?
13:07.17doolittleworkpress record on the VCR
13:07.47doolittleworklol sry could not resist, sorry i dont know how
13:07.56bl0b`eheheheh np :P
13:08.27leifmadsenbl0b`: you can record H263 and H264
13:09.03bl0b`leifmadsen: the question is how... MixMonitor doesnt support it
13:11.12leifmadsenbl0b`: if it gives a warning about unable to support H263 or H264 then MixMonitor() may not have the capability to record video calls. I know Record() can, but that doesn't record an in-progress call
13:11.20leifmadsenit just might not be possible with asterisk
13:11.26leifmadsen(without writing code)
13:11.46tzafrir_laptopmplayer? (RTFM about the command line)
13:11.59tzafrir_laptophas no idea what M exactly
13:13.31bl0b`leifmadsen: I'vnt checked if it give some warning, but for sure MixMonitor (I'm googling from three weeks) record only audio. Record() function do it, but like u'v already told, it didnt work for in-progress call, so it is a lil useless.. (ok it's not useless, I need it for the voicemail :P)
13:14.00leifmadsenya Record() is more for recording prompts, not calls
13:16.23*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
13:16.47bl0b`tzafrir_laptop: I need to record an inprogress call, not play an already recorded stream :P so, how may it can help me?
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13:25.01*** part/#asterisk dachary (~loic@freenode/sponsor/dachary)
13:33.13irrootbeen screwing round with TLS want to stop fraud well not spread my drivil openly accross the net
13:33.44irrootdont see any CRL checks in asterisk sip.conf any one know the status of this ??
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13:41.16zkncore restart when convenient and Segmentation fault, but now i have compiled with all the necessary flags so the next time i should get some core files to trace
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14:39.28voiptelecomhello wolrd !
14:39.54voiptelecomany idea for this message in log : Still have a callno
14:40.21voiptelecomexaclty : NOTICE[24374] chan_iax2.c: Still have a callno...
14:41.15voiptelecomsometimes it's coming, i don't see probleme but i would like ti know what is means
14:42.51*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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14:48.48paulcvoiptelecom: Have you seen
14:51.23voiptelecomyes i read it thx
14:51.45*** join/#asterisk resmo (
14:53.38resmoI have a few phones and wondering if I really have to define every phone (again?) in extension.conf to dial each other ?
14:54.06irrootresmo no that hurts
14:54.18irrootuse matching or some other method
14:54.19bl0b`About my issue... (record inprogress videocall) maybe.. Monitor() can record the h263\h264 stream ?
14:54.33irrootresmo exten => _XXXX,1, ...
14:54.39irrootmatches all 4 digits
14:55.01irrootresmo exten => _XXXX,1, Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
14:55.33resmoirroot, hmm looks much better
14:58.36kaldemarand matches numbers that you don't have
15:01.59irrootkaldemar resmo indeed you can use aditional logic like a db look up more fine look up
15:03.01*** join/#asterisk vampi-the-frog (
15:03.54irrootexten => _XXXX,1,Gotoif(${ODBC_XXX(${EXTEN}?:hangup)
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15:22.36bl0b`ok tryed.. Monitor() too didnt support record h26x streams :(
15:42.32*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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15:45.58arossouwreceiving strange isdn code 18 ,when calling from asterisk bri (Junghanns)
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15:48.48bl0b`arossouw maybe help?
15:49.30arossouwhad a look at it, according to that the called party's equipment is at fault, but even when dialing my mobile i get the same error code
15:50.08arossouwzttool shows OK on all spans
15:50.54bl0b`weird, have you tryed to change the dialplan?
15:50.56arossouwalso performed bri debug span 1->4, that's a bit greek
15:51.34arossouwyes, i tried changing Zap/g1 to Zap/r1, no luck
15:53.00arossouwexten => _X.,1,Dial(${GLOBAL(TRUNK1)}/${EXTEN},85,tT)
15:53.37*** join/#asterisk orn (
15:53.44arossouwwonder if the pstn provider is at fault
15:54.19ornI'm having the weirdest problem with Asterisk AGI... events aren't updated unless I try to perform some action
15:54.38ornThey're buffered up, and then when I try to perform an action (an empty newline will suffice), everything that's been buffered up spews out
15:55.49ornI'm running the same version of asterisk in many other setups on the same operating system and this is the only place where this is a problem
16:06.43*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:d6b3:4::2)
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16:21.16leifmadsenanyone want to test an automated SIP URI callback website?
16:23.19*** join/#asterisk last1 (~dood@
16:24.19last1I am registering some phones through SIP to Asterisk. I see the phones when doing sip show peers and I can ping each phone from the asterisk box
16:24.37last1however when I call the extensions in between themselves I get: The person at extension 'xxx' is unavailable
16:24.52last1what can be causing this ?
16:26.00paulclast1: are the phones on the same network? behind a router/NAT? and is your dialplan setup properly as far as you know?
16:26.51last1there is no nat, there is straight network connection
16:27.07last1I can ping each phone from their own network + from the asterisk box
16:33.40ornlast1: Your dialplan is probably incorrect
16:36.08last1I'm using Trixbox, it should be fairly standard no ?
16:36.15last1this is the debug information that I see scrolling on asterisk
16:38.01ornlast1: You probably need to create a route in your dialplan to send it to an extension.
16:38.44orn'-- Executing [s@macro-dial:4] NoOp("SIP/111-00000000", "Returned from  dialparties ____with no extensions to call____ and DIALSTATUS: NOANSWER")' should give you a hint.
16:38.53orn"with no extensions to call"
16:39.57ornactually, if you're calling extension 112, above it says that the extension state is 4 (UNAVAILABLE), which suggests that the extension isn't registered
16:41.15last1but 112 IS available, it's registered
16:41.30last1what does 'UNAVAILABLE' mean ?
16:42.14ornAFAIK it means that there's nobody registered to the extension
16:43.03last1but doesn't this mean the phone registered ? : 112/112              D       A  5060     OK (170 ms)
16:43.15ornYes, it does.
16:43.59last1hence my problem... what is going on ? :)
16:45.00last1how can I see my current extensionstates ? maybe it's logged as unavail in astdb or something
16:46.24*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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16:49.11ornare you sure you reloaded the dialplan and sip users after making changes last time (did you press apply changes?)
16:49.45orni don't know how to look at extenstates apart from doing it in the dialplan
16:49.59ornor maybe from the AGI
16:50.54last1yeah, I reloaded all the phones, even the entire server
16:51.35ornis the user in the correct context?
16:58.30last1I believe so. I'm not sure what that means exactly
17:01.44ornOk. I suggest to seek further assistance from the Trixbox forums or IRC channel. Trixbox is so far removed from Asterisk that people here will be reluctant to help you.
17:02.52leifmadsenit's nearly impossible to help support unless you're familiar with trixbox inimitely
17:06.30*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
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17:15.31irroottrixbox != asterisk like the distro i put together its targeted and not close to core asterisk
17:15.55irroottrixbox is enduser app / wrapper
17:16.03last1true, but it does use asterisk
17:16.30otwieraczLet's create dial-plan.
17:16.34last1it's no big deal
17:16.42otwieraczWith voice-menu.
17:16.45last1I'm sure it's got something to do with the astdb
17:16.59last1aka, the state being saved there from a previous time when the phones were unavailable or something
17:17.11irrootalways keen to help but its hard to seperate UI and core sometimes
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
17:22.19last1yeah, it was the astdb
17:22.24last1it works now
17:26.19irrootooooh looks like the cert verification is lacking a bit in the TLS code
17:29.38*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
17:33.11drmessanoI'm not sure if Trixbox's older, forked FreePBX has this available, but there is a FreePBX "command" to rewrite the ASTDB in cases like that
17:33.30*** join/#asterisk quidpro (
17:34.22last1what is it ?
17:34.35drmessanoGoogle for "FreePBX" and "resetall"
17:34.58drmessanoYou'll find forum posts pointing to a URL you drop in that ends in action=resetall
17:35.17quidproAnybody know why 1.6 spits back "WARNING[21767]: utils.c:1538 __ast_string_field_init: trying to reset empty pool" when an IAX2 call comes in (doesn't seem to happen with SIP).  I find it in alot of logs on a Google Search, but no real explanation except to ignore it, seems if it's at WARN level it should be addressed.
17:39.59*** join/#asterisk arielb27 (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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17:59.30last1thank you very much everyone
18:01.06*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
18:02.17otwieraczWhere to get Asterisk sounds like „Boss”, „Technical support” etc?
18:11.56otwieraczHow to use DTFM in Astrisk?
18:11.59ChannelZrecord them?
18:12.08otwieracz(to create voice menu)
18:12.19ChannelZmake extensions
18:12.25otwieraczSimply one extension for one level?
18:12.44ChannelZif you want to make trees, do them in separate contexts
18:13.01otwieraczYes, I want tree.
18:13.29ChannelZ"press 1 for more pointless options" -- exten 1 does a Goto context 'pointless'... "press 1 to hear chickens" etc
18:13.29otwieraczBut how to do „if 1 then dial foo and then if 2 dial bar”.
18:13.55otwieraczI'll try.
18:15.13tzafrir_laptopotwieracz, look for 'core' and 'extra' sound sets
18:15.21otwieraczYes, I found some there.
18:15.25otwieraczMaybe enough,
18:15.44otwieraczAhm, WaitExten()
18:16.31ChannelZIt's basically like a silent Background() of a specified length
18:17.06ChannelZso use both
18:19.37otwieraczI changed usernames in sip.conf and:
18:19.42otwieracz[May 30 20:19:00] WARNING[23491]: chan_sip.c:13660 check_auth: username mismatch, have <02>, digest has <03>
18:20.09otwieracz(previusly it was 03, now 02)
18:28.27otwieraczHow to dial more than one numbers?
18:28.41otwieracz(who answers faster)
18:44.15*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
18:52.53otwieraczSo awesome menu… :)
18:53.51*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
18:59.01*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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19:23.57otwieraczI can hear my caller, but he can't hear me.
19:24.18beekotwieracz: Smells like a NAT problem.
19:24.23otwieracz(He's calling from PSTN by Sipgate to me, connected directly to asterisk)
19:24.31otwieraczYes, I'm behind NAT.
19:24.55otwieracz„main” is router.
19:26.47beekDo you have "nat=yes" configured for your peer?
19:28.07tzangerI think sip.conf needs a nat=ohhellyes option
19:29.21otwieraczI have nat=yes.
19:39.55otwieraczI need literals (V, T and S) but without silence before and after.
19:39.59otwieracz(to build „VTS”)
19:40.05otwieracz(not V--T--S)
19:44.18*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
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20:00.27otwieraczHmm… How to convert to gsm?
20:00.57otwieracztoast vtssoftware.wav makes a lot of noise only.
20:20.33phpboyotwieracz: nat is a serious issue
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20:58.27karmstWhich distro of asterisk is the most stable?
20:59.19WIMPykarmst: May the source be with you.
21:00.02karmstI'm looking to build an asterisk / freepbx solution for our company
21:00.12karmstI want something that is rock solid
21:00.26karmstand doesn't take hours to configure
21:00.31*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
21:01.24karmstis asterisknow stable?
21:01.38karmstor should we go with switchvox?
21:01.43Freeaqingmekarmst: 1.8.4 supposedly is best
21:02.30karmstwhat version is in asterisknow 1.7.1?
21:03.34WIMPyWell, stable and stable. It depends on what you do with (to?) it.
21:04.31karmstI want to build a solution for our company
21:04.38karmstI don't want any downtime
21:04.41WIMPyAnd yes, I'd go for the latest release as well.
21:04.55WIMPyThat could mean anything and more.
21:05.15*** join/#asterisk PsiTrax (
21:06.06PsiTraxis there a elseif in ael?
21:07.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:11.05otwieraczI still have one-way-audio.
21:11.05otwieraczIn logs I see:
21:11.05otwieracz[May 30 23:08:58] WARNING[25661]: app_dial.c:2041 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
21:11.34*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
21:11.47ChannelZwell that's not a one-way audio problem, that's a "you're Dial()ing something that doesn't exist or cannot be reached" problem
21:11.51WIMPyotwieracz: That means that some sip device is unreachable.
21:12.24otwieraczProbably it's beucase I'm calling two numbers and only one is online.
21:16.38otwieraczOk, so, what can I do with this one-way audio?
21:16.49otwieraczI hear my caller really nice.
21:16.53otwieraczBut he don't hear me at all.
21:16.59ChannelZfirewall/NAT issues?
21:17.20otwieraczThat's from my router.
21:18.07ChannelZIf he can't hear you, either your audio isn't getting out of your firewall, or it isn't getting through his
21:18.39ChannelZYou send your audio to the port the remote end requests, which is a bit out of your control.
21:20.53otwieraczI need to forward anything else?
21:21.22ChannelZRE: The remote end requests where you should send your audio.  That port could be anything.
21:22.23ChannelZYou can look at a SIP debug and see in the call setup where it might be requesting and make a guess about the range to allow
21:22.48ChannelZor just allow all high-port UDP out
21:23.03otwieraczI was sure that only communication from outside NAT to me could be problem…
21:23.16ChannelZit can be both.
21:23.39WIMPyotwieracz: What kind of character ist that at the end of your lines?
21:24.41WIMPySomething I can't see correctly.
21:24.57ChannelZHmm.  I don't see anything
21:25.26WIMPy<otwieracz> Uhm…
21:25.42ChannelZ<otwieracz> Uhm…
21:25.51otwieraczByt in one character.
21:26.06ChannelZoh.  Interesting.
21:26.15*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
21:27.46ChannelZyour keyboard must have more keys than mine
21:28.07*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
21:28.08otwieracz(with my keymap)
21:28.42WIMPyWell, back in the days keyboards used to have a compose key. It's still supported by X, you just have to map it. It's extremely useful.
21:29.19ChannelZFilthy! There's pictures of people pooping in this font.  á¾ 
21:29.51WIMPyis purely 8 bit.
21:32.45otwieraczI don't know why it is now working…
21:38.46otwieraczI will work on it tomorrow.
21:56.40*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
21:59.44WiretapSevenotwieracz, your buddy is behind nat, no?
22:16.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:28.27otwieraczWiretapSeven: He's calling from cellphone, through Sipgate.
22:32.46otwieraczAny ideas?
22:38.36*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
22:39.02otwieraczi/aw .
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22:50.36spckhello all
23:04.26eyeballerayone around to help with a new set up?
23:04.50eyeballeri have asterisk running on my rt16 with tomato usb.. but i dont think jabber/gtalk is connected
23:05.18eyeballeri took the .conf files from and modified gthem with my google info
23:08.21*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
23:13.57*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:15.57sawgoodI would like to test a call from one extension to another extension (on the same Asterisk box) to see if the two end points are using G.729 instead of G.711u (they are on the same LAN as each other) ... from the CLI on the Asterisk box, what command would I use to do this?
23:16.14sawgoodThe * box has no G.729 licenses ... this would be in 'pass-through' mode
23:16.27sawgoodIf that works, I'll buy some G.729 licenses tomorrow from Digium
23:16.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
23:17.53WIMPysip show channel ...
23:18.21WIMPyBut paass-through and transcoding are two completely different things.
23:18.37sawgoodHi WIMPy ... ty!
23:19.02*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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23:19.06sawgoodI have two SIP end points with 'built in' G.729 ... and I want to see if they can call each other using that codec
23:19.37WIMPyCan't those endpoints tell you what they use?
23:20.31sawgoodfrom their web GUI you can choose ...but to see it actually passing it what I wanted to know for confirmation
23:21.03WIMPyNo info screen?
23:21.41sawgoodno not that I could think of
23:21.59sawgoodfrom sip show channel <channel id> .... which setting is the codec?
23:22.02sawgoodIs it Format?
23:22.51sawgoodOur Codec Capability:   270
23:23.08WIMPyFormat, yes.
23:23.21*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
23:24.51sawgoodIs there a list of which Format = which codec?
23:25.11ChannelZcore show codecs - but it should say after
23:25.17WIMPyCurrent versions show it textual.
23:26.26sawgoodthere sure are a lot of them
23:26.54WIMPyThen wait for 1.10 :-)
23:27.03sawgoodif 0x4 = G.711 u-law ... what is 0x0 then?
23:27.31sawgoodIs nothing = PCMU?
23:27.32ChannelZ270 should be gsm, u-law, a-law, and g729
23:27.34WIMPyIt's a bitmap.
23:31.17sawgoodI had G.729 on both phones, but it was the last codec at the bottom of the list, so I moved it to the top on both phones and restarted them
23:31.19sawgoodI'll try now
23:32.05sawgoodFormat = 0x4 (ulaw)
23:33.13WIMPyDo you have any features enabled that require Asterisk to ananlyze the media stream?
23:33.43sawgoodWell, not really ... just two SIP phones calling each other through an * configuration
23:34.52sawgoodits cool how it went from format = 0x0 (nothing) to format = 0x4 (ulaw) simply by moving the codec order
23:38.06sawgoodSo, in a  nutshell ... why did I have format = 0x0 in the first place (before moving G.729 to the top of the list) on the SIP phones?
23:44.26ChannelZbecause if you were looking at 'sip show channels' you were probably looking at a SUBSCRIBE or some other event
23:45.33karmstWhat is the most stable release of Asterisk?
23:45.48karmstI need to build an asterisk solution for our company
23:45.59karmstit doesn't need to have a bunch of extra features
23:46.03ChannelZhow long is a piece of string?
23:46.05sawgoodChannelZ: got it now ... 0x4 on all my calls no matter what the codec order is on my phones
23:46.09WIMPygoes to the lottery.
23:46.09karmstbut it needs to be rock solid
23:46.38WIMPykarmst: Buy some old commercial PBX then.
23:46.55sawgoodoh ... that is beautiful ... "how long is a piece of string"
23:47.00WIMPykarmst: You haven't even told us what you want it to do.
23:47.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
23:47.23karmstprovide VoIP SIP trunking
23:48.03WIMPyfor ...?
23:48.10karmsta business
23:48.42WIMPyAre you going to use phones?
23:49.51WIMPyWhat kind of phones?
23:50.41karmstmultiple kinds
23:50.44WIMPyNo nearphones?
23:50.56WIMPykarmst: Maybe you should read
23:51.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
23:51.18WIMPySo that you will be able to know what you want.
23:52.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:55.25*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
23:56.57sawgoodwow ... it worked ... 0x100 (g729) .... neat ...

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