IRC log for #asterisk on 20110529

00:28.06*** join/#asterisk ketas (
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01:55.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:59.05*** join/#asterisk signpost (
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01:59.17signpostwould anyone know a good voip provider with incoming sms?
02:00.21*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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02:13.09*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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02:32.34*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:35.42atanOkay maybe I am totally nuts but, err, No such command 'sip reload' (type 'core show help sip reload' for other possible commands)
02:36.23atanThere must be another config file I am missing
02:36.40atanI'm trying to start off plain without the 100 or so config samples
02:41.12psykonatan: why not just use 'reload'
02:41.32WiretapMacpsykon: because 'reload' is a 1.6 command
02:42.06atanHmm, must require modules.conf
02:42.55atanOkay I'm almost stumped. Which config files are required by asterisk?
02:44.56atanSee on one server I have these:
02:45.06atanI could be wrong, but there's clearly more than needed in that bloody thing
02:45.54atanMy other box has just sip.conf modules.conf and asterisk.conf
02:54.54atanHmm okay seem to be good to go. Had to tell it to load but I don't believe I did previously, it was commented out in the old config... but autoload = on was in there. Oh well. Working now.
03:32.12*** join/#asterisk eharris (
03:37.37atanWhich modules must be loaded for your extensions.conf dialplan to load?
03:40.44atanMeh, I suppose.
03:52.52*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:08.31*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:11.35atanOkay so if autoload=yes phone connects fine, but using does me nothing and shows 'number unavailable' on the phone trying to call. In the console I don't even see the attempt being made.
04:27.10*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~Taisigue@
04:33.02atanOkay my bad. Requires but I didn't find any reference to that on the voip-info site. Darn :D anyway, getting somewhere here now!
04:41.55*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
05:17.37*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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07:48.20*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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07:55.22*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
07:58.02irrootgoodmorning all
07:59.15irrootfinishing off a script to create a CA for VOIP with a CA cert signed with the system CA and create a LDAP entry for each phone for TLS
07:59.38irroothave not used TLS + * before anyone done this
08:00.17irrootway too much fraud out in the wild want to verify identity with CRL
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09:19.09*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
09:23.00*** join/#asterisk bintut (
09:23.21bintutanyone familiar on this? => WARNING[20619]: res_srtp.c:338 ast_srtp_unprotect: SRTP unprotect: authentication failure (and) WARNING[20618]: app_dial.c:2041 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
09:23.32*** join/#asterisk movozo (~Mo@
09:23.37bintuton the same private LAN where the Bria for iPhone4 (wireless) tries to call the SNOM 300 (wired), i am getting this error message which resulted for me to hear a busy tone => app_dial.c:2041 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
09:23.43bintutbut calling the other way around, meaning, calling from SNOM 300 to Bria for iPhone4 works
09:25.57irrootbintut yeah you need SRTP setup proprly
09:26.13irrootthe "encryption = yes" in sip .conf
09:27.01irrootand be aware snom300 needs its auth taglen set to 80
09:27.30irrooti have a patch that allows use of 32 bit authtag's and optional SRTP
09:27.41bintutirroot: yup, i have it on my sip.conf but it only happens with the bria for iphone. yesterday, i was able to change the aes_32 to aes_80 and that's why my snom 300 works.. now with bria for iphone that it doesn't have a way to configure it, i'm not sure how to make it work
09:28.37irrootset encryption = try
09:28.59irrootwith the patch and make snom optional in the phone
09:29.36irrootor turn srtp off
09:31.18irrootyou can sip debug the bria and see what SDP is offered
09:31.36irrootis there a AVP or SAVP ??
09:32.32bintutirroot: i assume that your patch has not yet applied in asterisk-, right?
09:32.52irrootno it works in 1.8.4 but its for trunk
09:32.58bintutwhat is avp or savp? sorry..
09:32.58irrooti have it in SVN
09:33.05irrootin the sip debug
09:33.34irrootwhen a device uses SRTP it uses SAVP to indicate this AVP is with no encryption
09:34.00bintutwait.. let me paste the sip messages..
09:36.20irrootunless you have to use SRTP turn it off
09:38.06*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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09:39.28bintutirroot: kindly check this =>
09:39.35*** join/#asterisk cHarNe2 (thorn@gateway/shell/
09:39.39bintutirroot: i'm trying to make srtp work
09:40.22cHarNe2what codec should i use for sip-clients on mobilephones?
09:41.09ectospasmcHarNe2: is bandwidth a concern?
09:41.17bintutirroot: and also, since i upgraded to asterisk-, i had weird problems in using analog phones with dahdi
09:41.21irrootcharne2 as narrow as possible gsm/g72[39]/ilbc
09:41.34cHarNe2ectospasm: im just using standard now and i have a lot of delay
09:42.29ectospasmstandard... meaning what, exactly?
09:42.40cHarNe2ectospasm: i havent changed from the default install
09:42.48ectospasmcHarNe2: default doesn't compute
09:42.54ectospasmafaik there is no default
09:43.10ectospasmunless you mean G.711(u|a)
09:43.55ectospasmcHarNe2: what have you explicitly set in disallow/allow lines in sip.conf?
09:45.11cHarNe2disalow all; allow ulaw
09:45.29cHarNe2so im using ulaw?
09:46.08cHarNe2it will all be sipclients in cellphones, shold i use the 'gsm'?
09:46.51phpboycHarNe2: you connecting over 3g?
09:47.20cHarNe2phpboy: yes for now
09:47.32irrootbintut cant be 100% sure
09:47.38cHarNe2phpboy: should i use other if on wifi?
09:48.08irrootwhy you getting auth denied should not
09:48.19ectospasmcHarNe2: I'd recommend a compressed codec, like gsm, G.722, or G.729 (listed in order of increasing performance)
09:48.38ectospasmactually, gsm may be better than G.722, dunno
09:48.45phpboyI have something similar going in my home country... on the gsm network use gsm or if it makes financial sense G729
09:48.46ectospasmI never come across G.722...
09:48.53bintutirroot: what do you mean? sorry..
09:49.11irrootin the trace there is a auth problem get error 40
09:49.11phpboyon wifi ulaw is fine
09:49.14cHarNe2kk, ill use gsm then
09:49.28phpboycHarNe2: gsm will be the most straight forward
09:49.30*** part/#asterisk jqb (~jqb@
09:49.44phpboyand it's tried and tested on gsm networks
09:49.54irrootline 48
09:49.56phpboycHarNe2: what type of phone do you have you sip client installed on?
09:50.10cHarNe2android's and ihpne's
09:50.19phpboyI've got mine on iphone
09:50.22phpboyworks like a charm
09:50.28irrootthe 3G networks arround here shape and drop voip so as low as possible is all that works
09:50.35cHarNe2ok, what app u using?
09:51.03phpboygood question, I'll have to check...
09:52.04phpboyI've played around with two
09:52.36phpboythe reason I didn't stick with the first is because if a GSM call came through will you were on a SIP call it would automatically put the sip call on hold
09:52.42phpboywhich is extremely annoying
09:56.11ectospasmI'd imagine that'd depend on the carrier.
09:56.22cHarNe2phpboy: what was the name of the app?
09:56.25ectospasmas the SIP connection is simply a data connection
09:57.05*** join/#asterisk rethus (
09:57.35rethuson asterisk-cli i got CDR Variables if i do "core show channel SIP/000000bc
09:57.45rethusall those have prefix level1:
09:57.57rethuswhat sense does this level1 have?
09:58.04rethuswhich other states are available
09:58.14ectospasmrethus: your question lacks context
09:58.42rethusi try to unserstand what for this part of show channel is
09:58.42ectospasm"core show channel <channel>" won't show CDR variables IIRC
09:58.51ectospasmrethus: pastebin
10:00.00bintutirroot: isn't it because of line 152?
10:01.27ectospasmrethus: level1 is the main CDR level, all of those fields look like what populate one CDR entry
10:01.40bintutirroot: the brian for iphone was able to register and able to perform the first few steps in the sequence but then when it reached the step 4 which is the actual dial, it got that line 152 message
10:01.43ectospasm...I don't know if I've ever seen a level2 entry
10:02.26rethuscan you explain what exactly CDR mean?
10:02.42bintutirroot: maybe the reason why i am hearing a busy tone right away
10:02.55ectospasmrethus: CDR == Call Detail Record
10:02.59bintutwithout even the snom 300 to ring
10:03.01irrootbinut yip its been rejected almost right away error 401
10:03.12rethusectospasm: k. thanks
10:03.41irrootas if it does not exist and with the authreject that 1.8 defaults to you will get 401
10:05.03bintutirroot: well, this only happens on my bria for iphone..
10:05.08rethusectospasm: can i set CDR-Variable ?
10:05.23ectospasmrethus: you can, gimme a sec and I'll look it up.
10:05.34rethusectospasm: k, thanks
10:05.39phpboyectospasm: what I mean is if you were on a sip call and you got a call from the gsm network the client would put the sip call on hold in favour of the gsm call :\
10:05.47bintutirroot: the only thing that i can't confirm from the bria for iphone is the cipher.. for snom 300, i set it to aes_80..
10:06.08cHarNe2my sipclient has a function to send mesages, is that possimle over an asterisk?
10:06.34phpboywhat type of messages?
10:06.39irrootit sets both cant tell you off hand what happens in that case
10:06.43rethusin my pastebin u see above CDR that i set own-one... like PINENTRY, but wouldbe nice, if i could push it to the CDR-section
10:06.59cHarNe2phpboy: i have no idéa :P
10:07.01irroothave to check source
10:07.09irrootwhen i work on it ill check
10:07.11cHarNe2:S well ill guess ill skip that for now
10:08.41rethusfound this:
10:08.59bintutirroot: ok. thanks again. ;)
10:09.05ectospasmrethus: you can use the CDR() function to set a specific CDR variable in dialplan.  See "core show function CDR"
10:09.20rethusk, i'll try it
10:12.46ectospasmrethus: you may want to consider CEL rather than CDR...
10:12.56ectospasm(CEL==Channel Event Logging)
10:14.06WiretapSevencHarNe2, no, it is not possible outside a call
10:14.13rethusi use phpagi - but i don't see, how to set(CDR())
10:14.31ectospasmrethus: I dunno about AGI, sorry
10:16.49cHarNe2WiretapSeven: ok, ty
10:16.59*** part/#asterisk cHarNe2 (thorn@gateway/shell/
10:17.34rethuswhats the benefit of CEL?
10:23.06rethusAnyone know, how i can use Set(CDR(name)=value)  via AGI ?
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10:42.44rethustzafrir_laptop: with which command? i didn't get it to work
10:43.28phpboyrethus: give an example of exactly what you're trying to do so that we can help you find the best solution
10:43.42tzafrir_laptopexec Set(CDR(name)=value)
10:43.45tzafrir_laptopOr something similar
10:48.03rethustzafrir_laptop: i try this, tdidn't work
10:48.38rethusphpboy:  in my pastebin, u see above CDR that i set own-one... like PINENTRY, but wouldbe nice, if i could push it to the CDR-section
10:48.50rethusitry to set own CDR-Vars via agi
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10:49.58*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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11:03.17irrootok my CA for snom phones auto provisioning working
11:03.36irrootany idea how to set TLS cert on polycoms ??
11:05.59irroottrick is to make sure the private keys are only exposed to the phone and only from the phones registed ip the first time round
11:12.57*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
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11:25.12*** join/#asterisk Roy123423 (7bf3d1a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:27.53Roy123423I have got 2 trunks (sip1 and sip2), I would like to forward the incoming call to user1 if from sip 1 and so on. How would I go about this? I could not see any option on my inbound route to allow this. Thanks for all help in advance
11:28.29ectospasmRoy123423: there is the Transfer() dialplan application.
11:32.01*** join/#asterisk denysonique (~quassel@unaffiliated/dennisonicc)
11:32.12Roy123423ectospasm: Looking at this now, will reply soon.
11:32.22kaldemarRoy123423: #freepbx
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11:32.47denysoniqueHello phreakers
11:33.09kaldemarit is done by setting contexts in sip.conf
11:34.06otwieraczI'm trying to setup Aterisk behind NAT with SipGate(
11:34.11otwieraczI forwarded:
11:34.17otwieracz5060 UDP
11:34.24otwieraczudp dpts:10000:10050 to:
11:34.29otwieraczIn my rtp.conf:
11:34.33*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
11:35.09otwieraczI can do outgoing calls (I succesfully conected to BT information service)
11:35.25otwieraczBut when someone is calling me he's getting „wrong number”.
11:35.31otwieraczWhat should I do?
11:36.04*** join/#asterisk jhmichelle352 (~jhmichell@
11:36.07otwieraczI don't see in Asterisk log anything about that incoming call (asterisk -vvvf).
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11:38.21angryuser_laptopotwieracz, asterisk -rvvvvvv
11:38.51angryuser_laptopotwieracz and o a sip debug on oyur provider when calling
11:39.30atanHmm, once I connect a call to a SIP extension is there a way to listen for "##" being pressed by the called party?
11:39.43atanIf they press ## I want to run an AGI
11:39.45*** join/#asterisk rethus (
11:41.46otwieraczI'm watching iptables rules at router, but nothing is coming.
11:42.08otwieraczThose rules counters doesn't change when somebody is tryging to call to my SIP number.
11:44.02*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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12:01.21atanWell I'm stumped. SIP phone is saying 'number unreachable' but asterisk isn't even showing the dial attempt
12:01.32atanPhone appears registered, shows in sip show peers
12:02.04otwieraczI have the same.
12:02.25atanotwieracz, are you running the latest?
12:02.41otwieraczAsterisk 1.8.4
12:02.54otwieracz[root@linvoip asterisk]# asterisk -V
12:02.55otwieraczAsterisk 1.8.4
12:03.15atanWait a sec.
12:03.18atanAre you at linode?
12:03.29atanJust, err, 'linvoip' makes me wonder.
12:03.42otwieraczlinvoip, my hostname.
12:04.46atanWell if we have the same issue stick around O_O
12:05.24atanNah, voipms but the issue is between device and server. Not trying to call outbound
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12:23.50atanmake menuselect seems to pull what I've previously used in the last install. Is there a way to reset that? I clearly goofed something up when I unselected everything.
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12:27.38atanoh I'm full of it. Works now.
12:27.52*** part/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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13:25.34Dovidanyone know of a phone that will re-invite after X amount of time ?
13:26.57bintutwaves.. gtg now.. thanks.. ;)
13:27.59*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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13:36.05Dovidanyone know of a phone that will re-invite after X amount of time ?
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15:28.48*** join/#asterisk phigan (446da341@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:29.55phiganif i have a line like this: exten => _8NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(script.agi) .. how can I remove the 8 before passing the number to the script?
15:31.39phiganand where's the ${EXTEN:1} go?
15:32.08phiganif I had an ${EXTEN} in the line, I would've added :1 :)
15:32.19WIMPyWhere you want to pass it to your scrpit.
15:32.34WIMPySo how do you pass the EXTEN then?
15:32.48phigani just have this line: exten => _8NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(script.agi)
15:32.55phiganthe number gets passed to script.agi
15:33.22WIMPyThen you have to do it in the script.
15:34.16phiganwould exten => _8NXXNXXXXXX,1,AGI(script.agi, ${EXTEN:1})  work, maybe?
15:35.26silkcutwell i guess (you can get the result as ${arg1}
15:35.41phiganthat's what I'm reading
15:35.52phiganbut I can't tell if having nothing at all means the # is arg1
15:37.35WIMPyNothing is nothin.
15:38.32phiganit just knows? :)
15:39.07WIMPyNo magic
15:39.36WIMPyIt probably reads EXTEN itself.
15:44.15irrootthe agi probably looks at the exten
15:44.21irrootit does not need it passed
15:44.58irrootyou could do a _8...,1,Goto(${EXTEN:1})
15:45.11irrootthen have _XXXX....,n,AGI
15:45.34irrootediting the agi script is a alternative
15:45.56irrootor passing it in script.agi?exten=
15:46.01irrootsimilar to http
15:46.26irrootbut the script needs to parse and process
15:50.50*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
15:56.15phigani'd like to not have to modify the script. are you saying that script.agi?exten= would require that?
15:57.36WIMPyYou have to go the goto way then.
15:58.17phiganbummr. also, if I already have a exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,etc .. the exten => _8NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(${EXTEN:1}) would go to that..
15:58.29phiganwouldn't it?
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16:15.22phiganeh, i changed it in the agi.. i just have to remember to change it there if the agi ever gets updated
16:15.49phiganthanks for the help, gents.
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16:23.01phiganhere's something i can't figure out..
16:23.26phiganif i'm on the phone with someone, and the other end hangs up first, all my phones suddenly ring with the callerid of the extension i'm on
16:23.42phiganis it because i'm missing a hangup in the dialplan or something?
16:49.22*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:53.17phiganirroot: happen to see my question about extensions ringing when the other end hangs up first?
16:53.29irrootsorry got bounced
16:53.33irrootwhat up
16:53.36phiganif i'm on the phone with someone, and the other end hangs up first, all my phones suddenly ring with the callerid of the extension i'm on
16:53.47phigani'm guessing i'm missing something in my DP
16:53.54irrootyeah 4 sho
16:54.05phigani have a HangUp() at the end..
16:54.07irrootset verb 3
16:54.20phiganerr HangUp
16:54.26irrootand look at the dial command does it have a g option ??
16:54.31phiganlemme see
16:54.58irrootthe h extension ?? is it there does it do something perhaps included from a default
16:55.12phigani have exten => h,1,Hangup at the end
16:55.33phiganlemme try a call to myself and see what console says
16:55.36irroot"set verbose 3"
16:55.38irrootand look
17:00.54phiganI'm guessing it's because I'm doing a bridge..
17:01.16phigan[2011-05-29 09:59:20]   == Starting SIP/1003-08215d20 at default,88005551212,2 failed so falling back to exten 's'
17:01.40phigan[2011-05-29 09:59:20]     -- Executing [s@default:1] Answer("SIP/1003-08215d20", "") in new stack
17:01.46phiganthat's when the other end hangs up
17:02.47irrootcheck what dial does when done
17:03.02irrootadd a ,2,Hangup()
17:03.14irrootie after dial looks like a 2 ??
17:04.00irrootas it is not hung up it continues
17:04.09phiganwell, i have 1,dial and then i,1,hangup .. t,1,hangup .. h,1,hangup
17:04.12irrooti play a tone and then hang up
17:04.29irroot2,hangup is the answer
17:05.22phigantrying it
17:07.17phiganPerfect, that is what I was missing :)
17:07.19phiganThanks, irroot
17:09.18phiganI had the Hangup in my incoming stuff, but not the outgoing/dialplan
17:09.35phiganexten => s,n,Dial(${PHONE}) exten => s,n,Hangup()
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18:13.46FeyFreDoes any body knows rules of writting topics into asterisk-dev mailing list? Last time(actually first time) I wrote there - got not any reaction. Any ideas?
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18:16.06wdoekes2FeyFre: which message?
18:21.12FeyFrewdoekes2: This  . And damn! I do no know why it become as answer not as new subject.
18:22.34*** join/#asterisk ketas (
18:26.36wdoekes2because you hit reply instead of creating a new mail
18:29.57Freeaqingmeor you happened to have used the same subject and hoaxed the reply-to header
18:30.52FeyFreBut I did't(I think) hit reply. Here letter original
18:34.30*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
18:37.36FeyFreAny way, will it OK if I resubmit my letter again
18:38.39wdoekes2FeyFre: have you looked at the faxdetect stuff in dsp.c? I'm not so sure there are any hooks you can use
18:43.50FeyFrewdoekes2, a little, but not found any interested hints. I need to catch a bucket of double-toned signals which is present only right after answer. If there is such detector in dsp.c I did not found it.
18:47.06*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
18:49.29wdoekes2well.. if you resubmit your question, you should at least state what you tried and why it's not a good enough solution
18:51.44FeyFreDone it.
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19:49.22raden_workwhy is skype to asterisk no longer going to be avilable ?
20:04.07Freeaqingmesupposedly because skype changed the terms
20:11.46*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@2001:16d8:ee6c:1:6233:4bff:fe0e:bc1)
20:12.25raden_workskype was bought by M$
20:12.32raden_workthink that has something to do with it ?
20:43.08*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:58.59Hyperbyteraden_work, it's reasonable to assume that a company would make changes to companies they take over, yes.
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22:35.52*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2011/05/24), (2011/04/26), 1.4.41 (2011/04/26), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux (2011/04/11), dahdi-tools 2.4.1 (2011/03/03), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
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23:06.54deltarayDo both sides of an IAX2 connection need to be the same version? Ie, can I use a 1.4 asterisk server with a 1.6 asterisk server?
23:07.24SunTsudeltaray: Sure, the protocol is the same
23:08.03WIMPyDepending on the new version, you might have to disable call tokens.
23:08.06SunTsuiax is independent of asterisk, heck, you can use all kind of iax software, limiting it to asterisk would be quite stupid
23:09.06deltarayOk, thanks.
23:10.53WiretapWorkSunTsu, IIRC you can't mix <=1.6 & 1.8 IAX
23:11.47SunTsuWiretapWork: er, why not? It's an independent standard
23:12.00WIMPyThere have been issues with the first 1.8 versions and 1.6, but it did work with 1.4.
23:12.06SunTsumaybe some details differ, but it should work in general
23:12.43WIMPyIIRC ut was some endiannes bug.
23:16.12*** join/#asterisk dachary (~loic@freenode/sponsor/dachary)
23:17.16dacharyHi, I'm trying to make sense of "[May 30 01:14:49] Looking for 0484250905 in from-ovh (domain" followed by "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" which presumably means 0484250905 was not found
23:19.43*** join/#asterisk fofware (
23:20.37dacharyquintana: hi
23:21.38*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
23:27.01dacharyI'm quite sure I'm not equipped to understand what this error message means. I can't even figure out what to ask :-) from-ovh is an IPBX context which contains 0484250905 in "incoming" calls. I have no clue what "domain" means. The IP is the IP behind the NAT.
23:32.36WiretapWorkdachary, you can ignore the domain
23:33.01WiretapWorkall it is saying is that it cannot find a match for that number in that context
23:33.18WiretapWorkthe domain is the other half of the SIP URI
23:33.51WiretapWork0484250905@ being the called number if I'm not mistaken
23:42.29dacharyWiretapWork: thanks for the hint. I'm trying to make sense of the whole log which I got after sip set debug peer trunk_ovh
23:42.45WiretapWorkno problem
23:42.57WiretapWorkjust make sure your dialplan has a match for that number
23:43.09WiretapWorka SIP 404 is the same as an HTTP 404 in function
23:43.38dacharythere is an "Call from '0033485240805' to extension '0485240805' rejected because extension not found." immediately afterwards
23:46.17WiretapWorkyou haven't got a DID number set up for that extension it would seem
23:46.25WiretapWorkare you familiar with your dialplan or are you using freepbx or something?
23:48.17dacharyWiretapWork: I'm using and I'm not familiar with asterisk indeed. I'm trying to setup an asterisk that receives calls for 1 phone number and does 1 thing : hang up. That seems not too ambitious for a start ;-)
23:48.40WiretapWorkpastebin your extensions.conf
23:48.59WiretapWorkyou also can't HangUp() without Answer() IIRC
23:51.10WIMPyYou sure can.
23:51.12dachary is extensions.conf but it includes numerous other files
23:51.33dacharyit's tricky to debug a configuration created from a web frontend
23:51.54WiretapWorkdachary, I was actually hoping to see your entire extensions configuration :P
23:51.58WiretapWorknot one file
23:53.00dacharyWiretapWork: your hint actually allowed me to resolve the problem.
23:53.18WiretapWorkSIP debug can seem daunting at times
23:53.25WiretapWorktrick is to not letit get to you
23:53.45dachary:-) I went to the "Call management" menu which I assumed to be related to "dialplan" and added an entry for my phone number. It worked.
23:55.50WiretapWorkand to think of it like HTTP in a way in the way it works
23:57.25dacharyWiretapWork: thanks. I'll get a good night sleep now ;-)

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