IRC log for #asterisk on 20110525

00:00.21*** join/#asterisk SaschaL (
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00:46.40Khratosgood evening
00:47.14*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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01:04.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:07.39Kobazyeap yeap
01:09.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
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01:24.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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02:17.33*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
02:17.38GreatSUNrehi all
02:18.15GreatSUNsomeone alive?
02:18.42*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:22.33*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
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02:34.15*** join/#asterisk Thedr (~Thedr@
02:42.49ThedrHi guys, Does anyone know where IP phones pull the caller ID for the party they are calling from? Ie if a user dials a number 123456789 it will come up with Calling John Doe, and I'm sure its not on the phones local address book
02:43.59WiretapWorkThedr, depends on the phone, but in most cases, addressbook
02:45.00ThedrThe phone in question doesn't have a phonebook
02:46.09WiretapWorkAsterisk doesn't supply the details as far as I know
02:46.57Thedrto be a tad more specific, Phone 1 wants to call Phone 2, Phone 1 enters phone 2s number, 123456, once phone 1 hits dial the number, the display on phone 1 changes from calling 123456 to calling Phone 2. Phone 1 does not have an address book
02:47.13Thedrits very odd
02:47.38ThedrI have updated the name for phone 2 to phone 3 but it is still displaying as phone 2
02:47.48WiretapWorkI have no idea
02:47.58ThedrI thought the phone might be pulling the info from asterisk somewhere
02:51.04Thedrnp, thanks for giving it some thought though
02:58.11kaldemarThedr: it's a feature called COLP, the phone gets it from asterisk.
02:59.17Thedrexcellent, do you know where it pulls the information from? as its showing the incorrect information
02:59.38*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
03:00.13kaldemarThedr: the corresponding channel configuration file or the callee.
03:01.05kaldemaror dialplan of course if set there.
03:01.26WiretapWorkI wanna set that up :P
03:01.33WiretapWorkhopefully the pile of phones sitting next to me supports it
03:02.50kaldemarfunc CONNECTEDLINE is used in dialplan.
03:03.21WIMPyWiretapWork: You don't need to set up anything, usually.
03:03.38WiretapWorkWIMPy, hmm, well my phone doesn't pull it
03:03.42WIMPyUnless you want to show something different from the caller ID of the called party.
03:04.23WIMPyI think most phones don't support it, yet.
03:04.37WIMPyMind you, SIP has become quite a big mess.
03:04.44WiretapWorkwould have loved for my 7970 nad 7912s to support it
03:11.20*** join/#asterisk OldGrumpy (
03:16.06*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
03:17.04*** join/#asterisk n0tk (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/n0tk)
03:17.20*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
03:23.50GreatSUNmoin WIMPy
03:26.59*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (~\DSAFEW\
03:35.49justdaveI have two servers, both running, with an IAX trunk between them
03:36.12justdaveI'm getting a lot of packet loss on the iax connections, but only in one direction (everything going the other way is crystal clear)
03:36.30justdaveand the only thing reporting packet loss is the "iax2 show netstats" within asterisk
03:36.45justdavetraceroute and ping and whatnot aren't detecting any packet loss between the two servers
03:39.46justdaveanyone have any ideas if there's possible settings mismatches within the iax config that would cause that kind of thing?
03:40.09justdavecomparing the [general] section and the two hosts' entries for each other, I'm not finding any differences aside from IP address and hostname
03:40.12*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
03:40.30WIMPyThere shouldn't be.
03:40.49WIMPyIf it's not the connection, I can only think of timing issues.
03:41.30WIMPyHave you tried using another channeltype or things like MOH or Echo() on either end?
03:42.43justdavehmm...  one has physical hardware used by the dahdi drivers (T1/PRI), the other is just using dummy...
03:48.55justdaveI'm not sure what would affect timing if it's using dahdi_dummy
03:49.03justdavebut that does seem like a logical place to look
03:49.20WIMPyIs it real hardware or any VM stuff?
03:49.33justdavereal hardware
03:49.38*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
03:50.09WIMPyAnd you're using dahdi dummy for timing?
03:50.17justdaveon one end
03:50.32WIMPyja, the oter one is obvious :-)
03:50.40justdavethe other end is using wcte12xp
03:50.59WIMPyNot too likely to go wrong.
03:51.57WIMPyHave you tried using another channeltype or things like MOH or Echo() on either end?
03:52.16justdaveI'm playing MOH right now and watching it drop packets :)
03:52.59WIMPyI did have a problem that only appeared with certain channeltypes in the very beginning of 1.8.
03:53.40justdaveIt was doing this on 1.4, too
03:53.42WIMPyIIRC sip-iax-sip worked, but sip-iax-isdn didn't.
03:54.06WIMPyIn that case I'd suspect the connection.
03:54.09justdaveI'm using a SIP softphone, and IAX between the two servers
03:54.24justdaveI'll set up a SIP link and see what happens
03:54.45WIMPyUse some nework monitoring tool to count coming and going packets on both sides.
03:55.30WIMPyOr try another codec.
03:56.37*** join/#asterisk eharris (
03:58.02WIMPywaves good night
03:59.48*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
04:07.29*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
04:15.14*** join/#asterisk luke0512 (
04:15.51luke0512good morning or as we say in german moin or moinsen
04:41.53WIMPycan't sleep :-(
04:42.17WIMPySo moin again.
04:54.42*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
04:57.48*** join/#asterisk irroot (
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05:12.28*** join/#asterisk irroot (
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05:16.48gruvfunkwaves g'nite
05:17.15irrootgood morning grufunk
05:32.26luke0512morning again
05:33.04luke0512voicemail is now working...just reboot today and now it works
05:37.08ChannelZIt's a good day to ignore your phone and let it ring
05:41.31*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:00.04*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:00.06schmidtsgood morning
06:02.07*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:06.10irrootcerberus_za hehe keep it local nice to see a fellow countryman in these parts
06:09.47*** part/#asterisk Thedr (~Thedr@
06:16.42*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
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06:19.42*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
06:20.05*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
06:29.23*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (7060e11d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:29.27infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
06:29.32infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
06:34.18schmidtswe should name it thebible instead of thebook ;)
06:34.54*** join/#asterisk sip123 (~sip123@
06:37.38Maliutathere is already a bible ... it's by K&R
06:45.43*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
06:48.47schmidtsisnt * ANSI and not K&R?
06:53.08ChannelZHe's talking about the C book
06:54.40*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
06:58.12*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
07:00.33schmidtsChannelZ i know thats why i said asterisk depens on ANSI not on K&R ;)
07:07.00*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
07:07.19*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
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07:13.48*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:19.13*** join/#asterisk stix (
07:19.45zknok, my head is empty from getting the configs and firewalls right.. what could be the issue that sound for a SIP call to SIP trunk travels out but is not received back?
07:20.01ChannelZincoming port blocked
07:20.20ChannelZor that outgoing port on the remote end blocked
07:21.09ChannelZYour * requests the remote end send RTP to a port somewhere in the range listed in rtp.conf - so that range needs to be open on your end, but it's possible the remote end is not able to send to you at that port
07:22.18GreatSUNdoes someone have any idea what mistake I could have made in configuration if incoming calls work, internal sip-calls work, but external calls to other phonenumbers are established and hung up within the first second?
07:23.12GreatSUNmy setup is alike <asterisk1> <-> VPN-Tunnel through ADSL-Line <-> <asterisk2> <-> <voip-provider>
07:23.50kaldemarzkn: are you talking about signaling in SIP or audio in RTP? is it a no audio problem or does the call even get set up?
07:23.56ChannelZStart investigating by turning on SIP debug and see if one end is specifically terminating for some reason but who knows with the VPN, it could be any number of things
07:24.43GreatSUNthe funny thing is
07:24.52GreatSUNafter the connection is made
07:25.25GreatSUNand the response of asterisk1 has taken the call and hung up
07:25.37zknin the firewall i have opened UDP: 4569, 5060-5061, 10000-20000, TCP: 5060-5061, 5038..  when I call to, say, my cellphone number and answer, then I can hear everything on my cell, but at the other end I cannot hear anything
07:25.38luke0512i'm out...bye
07:25.56GreatSUNthe phones are ringing again and the other side just hears nothing
07:27.10kaldemarzkn: sounds like your asterisk is behind a NAT and you don't have all the appropriate NAT settings in sip.conf. see that you have nat=yes, externaddr and localnet set under [general].
07:27.40ChannelZIs the * box the same as the firewall, or behind it with a LAN IP?
07:28.56tuxx-no more skype support?
07:28.59tuxx-fscking microsoft :P
07:29.08zkn* box has an external IP, it does not get IP for LAN from firewall/router DHCP, so i'm not sure if externadd and localnet will make anydifference
07:29.12ChannelZwell, for 2 years but after that, who knows
07:29.47zknand I've tried both with nat=yes and nat=no in [general], no effect
07:30.19ChannelZthose really affect peers that connect to you, not you yourself
07:31.06kaldemartuxx-: suprised?
07:31.54ChannelZIf * is behind NAT it's important to set externip and localnet accordingly, but that doesn't sound like your problem if your box really has the external IP
07:32.00*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
07:32.12zknyes, it has external IP
07:32.41kaldemarzkn: pastebin CLI output of a call with sip debug and verbosity enabled.
07:32.46tuxx-kaldemar: not really
07:32.56tuxx-microsoft taking over skype, bad things are gonna happen :P
07:33.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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07:40.54schmidtstuxx- bad things allready happend:
07:41.56zknso, here we go:
07:41.56*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
07:42.53kaldemarzkn: set directmedia=no for your local phones.
07:45.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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07:46.00zknkaldemar,just out of curiosity, what did you check in that output to make this suggestion?
07:46.30zknanyway, directmedia=no, sip reload, test call, no changes
07:48.39kaldemarzkn: the eyebeam has a private address. if asterisk sent re-invites, there would be a private address in the SDP from the eyebeam, which would break audio.
07:48.58irroot <- if M$ made cars
07:49.14kaldemarzkn: but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
07:50.09cneb3000good morning vietnam
07:51.22*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:51.39*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:52.36zknkaldemar, i found one more directmedia in my peer template section, changed that also to "no", sip reload, still the same
07:52.56zknshould I provide new log?
07:53.33*** join/#asterisk eharris (
07:58.37*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
07:59.00tuxx-Hey guys, im trying to Redirect a call through AMI, this call is in the parkinglot, and when i do the redirect, i lose my audio. I get the following error: "[May 25 07:48:00] WARNING[8330]: rtp_engine.c:1209 remote_bridge_loop: Channel 'AsyncGoto/SIP/Audiocodes-0000000d<ZOMBIE>' failed to break RTP bridge
07:59.16tuxx-am i missing something? Do i need to send some other AMI command before i redirect this channel?
08:00.02*** join/#asterisk Denial (
08:01.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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08:12.09Dovidj #asterisk-il
08:16.23*** join/#asterisk Drgb_ (
08:19.06zknkaldemar, i think i fixed my issue
08:20.17zknkaldemar, it was still something in the firewall, i disabled "Enable SIP Transformations" setting (whatever that is supposed to do anyway) and now audio was properly routed both ways for my SIP call
08:22.56kaldemarzkn: the good (or bad) old ALG. those are better turned off when using asterisk.
08:24.25zknkaldemar, thanks for taking time to help me, appreciated!
08:25.44Drgb_hello, a couple of days ago I came here asking for some help with hylafax -> iaxmodem -> asterisk, the issue was that I was able to receive faxes (and calls in general) but I couldn't send anything to an external number (internal worked). After days of coffee and headaches I thought it could've been a IAX2 related problem, so I created a new IAX2 extension and connected a softphone (zoiper). Guess what? Same result. I can only
08:25.45Drgb_call internal numbers, while external calls hang some seconds with "    -- DAHDI/i2/somenumber-2e is proceeding passing it to IAX2/764-6832" and fail with "    -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup request, cause 3". Outgoing calls get routed to a DAHDI trunk using a B410P 4 ports BRI card. SIP phones can call without any problem, the problem only affects IAX2 devices. Just to be sure, I created a IAX2 trunk to another working Aste
08:25.45Drgb_risk PBX and tried to route calls through that trunk instead of the DAHDI trunk. Well, it worked. I can call external numbers through the IAX2 trunk but not through the DAHDI trunk. What am I overlooking? Any ideas?
08:26.19Drgb_I can provide both failing and successful call logs if necessary
08:32.49irrootDrgb can also look at T38Modem / OOH323 the faxgateway code is available to get faxes out on ISDN
08:34.19Drgb_irroot, thank you for the advice, but I realized that I'm facing something not specifically related to faxes. Any IAX2 outgoing call passing through the DAHDI trunk fails
08:35.04irrootwith a BP410 and been awake now im assuming its set up for ALAW
08:35.50Drgb_I tried alaw, ulaw, gsm and g726
08:36.00irrootand IAX has ALAW
08:36.13irrootif IAX<->IAX works
08:36.51Drgb_it does
08:37.13Drgb_and yes, I'm currently trying with alaw, as I read it was the right choice
08:37.41Drgb_(sorry but my knowledge concerning this field is not very deep)
08:44.24*** join/#asterisk kwk (
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08:55.32*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
08:56.23*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~chatzilla@
08:56.50verywisemanwhen asterisk start it is not record dial logs in log file ,but when i run asterisk -rvvv , it start to record , why?
08:58.06kaldemardial logs? which file?
08:58.54*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (~puitpyitr@
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09:00.15*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (~dinesh@
09:00.26*** join/#asterisk boazb (
09:00.43dinesh___hey folks, i am getting 3-4 notices per second about the IP trying to connect with a wrong password on my asterisk
09:01.01dinesh___is it possible to ignore it for a little while ?
09:01.14kaldemarblock it with iptables.
09:01.20atanfail2ban might be of use to you
09:01.21cneb3000verywiseman: look at this --->
09:01.29Chainsawatan: I second that, that seems to be only way.
09:01.49Chainsawdinesh___: Asterisk accepts candy from strangers and happily steps into the back of windowless vans.
09:01.59Chainsawdinesh___: I recommend installing some scripts to watch over it.
09:02.15dinesh___i just wonder how they got the right username
09:02.42Chainsawdinesh___: Possibly because you run an outdated version or because you configured SIP wrong.
09:02.50atandinesh___, what's the uername?
09:02.56Chainsawdinesh___: In which case "valid account, wrong password" and "no such account" send different responses.
09:03.29dinesh___well actually maybe my server is trying to connect to that ip
09:03.30atan^ that's awful with regard to security
09:03.42Chainsawatan: It is, which is why it got changed.
09:03.55kaldemardinesh___: see that you don't have alwaysauthreject=no in sip.conf.
09:04.11Chainsawkaldemar: Thanks, that's the one I meant.
09:04.35dinesh___handle_request_register: Registration from '"home" <sip:home@my_server_ip>' failed for '' - Wrong password
09:05.01dinesh___and home is the username of my asterisk sip server
09:05.53kaldemaractually, the default value for alwaysauthreject was "no" before 1.8. if you're using a pre 1.8 version, put alwaysauthreject=yes in sip.conf.
09:06.01ataniptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
09:06.32kaldemardinesh___: usernames like "home" are not too hard to guess...
09:06.46cneb3000dinesh____: Here's an interesting article about asterisk security I read a while back.. should still be mostly up to date --->
09:07.10cneb3000^^^ also --->
09:07.17cneb3000lots of night time reading for everyone :)
09:07.39dinesh___because asterisk responds a difference erorr message to the client
09:07.47dinesh___if it fails because of a wrong username or a wrong password
09:07.58dinesh___so that's why it's easy to guess "home"
09:08.08Chainsawdinesh___: I could have sworn I told you that 5 minutes ago, yes.
09:08.52kaldemardinesh___: also because "home" is a simple name that is likely to exist in every dictionary that is used for attacks.
09:08.57dinesh___okie dokie, so i'll set that option
09:09.00dinesh___and hcange the username
09:09.01cneb3000other common usernames... 1234 and test
09:09.11dinesh___and read the security related articles
09:09.21*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
09:09.49atanI'd setup a honeypot for usernames like '0' and such so when people connect I can block them off.
09:10.38cneb3000atan: that's a good idea. espiecally if it automatically blocked them.
09:10.55dinesh___anyone knows the goal of those robots?
09:11.01cneb3000if it could actually let them register. then you phone them and play some sort of abusive audio file. that'd be good.
09:11.03atanThat's the idea. Let them connect, even let them try to dial out. Snag the number. Add the number to a no-call list.
09:11.08atanIf anyone calls that number, ban them.
09:11.10dinesh___is it like to make free "spamming" phone calls?
09:11.16cneb3000^^^ mostly yes
09:11.34cneb3000i read an article about a guy who had his box tapped over night, and ran up a bill of a couple of thousand dollars
09:11.37*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
09:11.55cneb3000..i'll try to find it.
09:12.01atanI had mine run up a few hundred overnight but it turns out it was legit. Client was calling Barbados.
09:12.03dinesh___glad i'm only using prepaid services
09:12.11atanFucking $0.30 per minute. Daywm.
09:12.32irrootknow of a company was nailed R100k about 10000eu over a weekend
09:12.54dinesh___but still , i have a hard time seeing who needs to make so many phone calls
09:13.00boazb10k is still getting out lucky
09:13.01irrootall to somalia/DRC/Nigeria
09:13.11ChainsawIt's generally people from Palestine or Israel.
09:13.28boazbthats very untrue
09:13.37irrootthere is a part of johannesburg that is known for there "internet cafes"
09:13.42Chainsawboazb: They're the ones hammering on my box.
09:13.54Chainsawboazb: And when a user set a weak password, they called a disposable Israeli cellphone.
09:13.56cneb3000dinesh____:there was scam a while back in the UK. you would buy a premium rate number, tap other peoples trunks and blast calls to it
09:14.17irrootits mostly Congolese / Nigerian / Somalian  refugees
09:14.36dinesh___yep that's smart, otherwise you have to setup a "phone company" that uses illegimitate sip trunks, much harder to do
09:14.37irrootthey "tap" systems and bridge calls to home
09:14.49Chainsawboazb: After that they seemed to want to DoS a number in Jordan.
09:15.07boazbChainsaw: if you dont mind i'd like to have those test numbers
09:15.29Chainsawboazb: And why is that?
09:15.43boazbAnalysis, blacklisting,
09:16.38Chainsawboazb: You're a random, anonymous person on the internet. I'm not averse to sharing such data, but I would have to know who you are.
09:17.01cneb3000Chainsaw: Can I have it? I promise not to hax you.
09:18.04Chainsawcneb3000: Same answer. However boazb is connecting through Bezeq, so a legitimate local interest may exist. Not so sure about you.
09:18.05boazbWell, i think it would generally be in the interest of everyone to have these numbers and to black list them so I dont see any harm in sharing this data since its not really sensative to you
09:18.12*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
09:18.16boazbeither way you can look me up: boaz bechar
09:18.19dinesh___i was given on multiple occasion root passwords of boxes on irc, in order to help ;)
09:19.20dinesh___but that's off topic, just saying that some people take huge risks
09:20.13boazbfrom what i've found the most costly attacks involve calls to destinations that are several $ per minute, ie sattelite phones, premium numbers in remote destinations... the Israel/palestine based attacks usually much less
09:20.21Chainsawboazb: Very well. Disposable cell: +972 547369867
09:20.51Chainsawboazb: Followed by North Korea, +85026251229
09:20.55boazbThanks also if anyone else listening would like to share more fraud data please do:
09:21.12Chainsawboazb: Followed by Bulgaria: +359999302644
09:21.29Chainsawboazb: Followed by San Marino: +37877310834
09:21.40boazbthanks i am noting these
09:22.12irrootis going to set up CA with openssl and only accept TLS calls on the net
09:22.47dinesh___i'd like to tape one of those conversations ;)
09:22.53Chainsawboazb: Cook Islands was next: +68259190. Then Zimbabwe: +263912795955. Then Tonga Islands: +67658877.
09:23.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
09:23.05irrootgot some recordings of the fraud
09:23.12Chainsawboazb: And then what they were really after, a number in Liberia (I said Libya before, sorry). They kept hammering on this one: +2314429173
09:23.45WiretapMacChainsaw: wow
09:24.02irrootany +27 numbers might be mine :P
09:24.04Chainsawboazb: And also hammering on these two: +2314392044, +2314392045 (Liberian numbers)
09:24.46Chainsawirroot: I'm on good terms with +27, just ask jkroon.
09:24.53boazbhmmm seems we had 972547369867 blacklisted since Sept 2010
09:25.10dinesh___wow i set alwaysauthjrect=true, and 5 minutes later the attack stopped
09:25.32Chainsawboazb: This took place in Sept 2010, yes.
09:25.49WiretapMacdinesh___: you mean alwaysauthreject?
09:27.48Chainsawboazb: The use of the account was from paltel (so, Palestine), the bruteforce was from a german IP.
09:27.56Chainsawboazb: That's as detailed as I'm willing to go.
09:28.17boazbmany thanks Chainsaw
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09:29.33dinesh___yes WiretapMac
09:43.57Chainsawleifmadsen: 18898 appears to be ready for testing; the second iteration of the patch on there works for me.
09:45.04Chainsawleifmadsen: "svn-320715-bad-event.diff" by gareth.
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09:53.45irrootok those of you that dont know regex well go write out 1000 times "regex is my friend"
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10:17.54schmidtsinteresting question, how much costs cuba for you? we have to pay 1 ? per minute thats around 1,4 $
10:18.13schmidtsonly satelitte numbers are more expensive than cuba for us
10:22.37zknhas anyone here had experience deploying Asterisk in South Africa ?
10:26.58irrootzkn have 150+ systems out there
10:27.15irrootwelcome to get intouch
10:30.09jacc0@boazbL I have some fraud info
10:34.00jacc0fraud info :
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10:53.40Drgb_Sorry for asking again, but I guess that after 2 hours my question is not very "visible" anymore. I'm having issues calling external numbers from a IAX2 internal softphone. Internal calls work fine. External calls only work from SIP devices (even though they're going through the same DAHDI trunk). Here's a full log with a working call from SIP to external, a working call from IAX2 to SIP internal, and a failing call from IAX2 t
10:53.40Drgb_o external. I hope it helps:
10:53.53ruyoAnyone having problems compiling mISDN git on Debian Squeeze?
10:53.59*** part/#asterisk kwk (
10:54.38infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:54.42WIMPyruyo: ^^
10:55.32ruyoTrue, wasn't very clear very clear, was I...
10:56.50ruyoI'm getting this error compiling mISDN git:
10:57.41ruyoI already compiled it some time ago, so I'm guessing something changed.
11:00.38WIMPyI did not come across that particular one, but there's obviousely some incompatibility there.
11:01.11WIMPyYou are trying to put misdn1 on that kernel, right?
11:01.27ruyoI'm using a rather slim debian install, base system only.
11:02.39*** part/#asterisk irroot (
11:02.57Drgb_ruyo, what kernel version? and what mISDN version?
11:03.10ruyoUnless the git repo is for the v1 one
11:03.14WIMPyIn that case a standard kernel should do, if not too old.
11:03.38ruyouname -a: Linux debian 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 7 21:35:22 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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11:04.41ruyoWIMPy, I can't modprobe mISDN_core with the standard kernel. Means I don't have the mISDN module, right?
11:04.52WIMPyThat should be good as it is.
11:05.47WIMPyHmm, so Debian chose to leave them out?
11:06.05ruyoOk, let me revert the snapshot to the post-install part just to be sure.
11:08.29ruyoIt does load mISDN_core. :D
11:09.20ruyoThe attempts at compile must have screwed the modules before.
11:09.23WIMPyErr, what, or rather where from now?
11:09.40WIMPyAh, ok, so it did come with thte kernel?
11:09.55ruyoDebian Squeeze standard kernel does have mISDN.
11:10.25irrootWIMPy that is v2 and requires LCR not mISDN
11:10.45WIMPyOk, so unless you have hardware that wasn't supported then, it will be fine.
11:10.56ruyoI still need mISDNuser, no?
11:11.02ruyofor the misdn_info?
11:11.19WIMPyYe, he said v2
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11:11.38ruyoirroot, yes, chan_lcr instead of chan_misdn to connect to asterisk.
11:11.38WIMPyYes, you need mISDN_user.
11:11.53ruyoVery well, I'm more motivated now. :)
11:12.04ruyoThanks WIMPy.
11:24.41tuxx-Is it possible to send parameters to an application via an ami originate call?
11:25.35tuxx- i tried to do it like this, but that doesnt seem to work
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11:35.21ruyotuxx-, if Application is set, the Data field should be that applications's arguments.
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11:36.54tuxx-right, so the example in should do it?
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11:45.41ruyoFrom the description it should. Maybe try using | instead of , to split the arguments.
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12:25.26dinesh___can i send incoming calls to different contexts?
12:25.48dinesh___in my extensions.conf I made a section [redirect] and another one [incoming]
12:25.59kaldemardinesh___: you can do what ever you want to.
12:26.08dinesh___and for 2 sip numbers that I have, i would like to start at [incoming], and for the other one at [redirect]
12:26.18dinesh___but i didn't find how to do it in the register => ... syntax
12:26.43kaldemarare they separate accounts?
12:27.20kaldemarwith two defined peers in sip.conf, just configure a different context.
12:27.20dinesh___well i did not even create an "account" for the last number, i just added a register => ... line in my sip.conf
12:28.33dinesh___well that's the thing, i don't get how asterisk maps the peers in sip.conf with the register => instructions
12:28.45kaldemardo the calls to both numbers come from different locations?
12:29.05dinesh___it's 3 different providers for 3 numbers
12:29.50dinesh___hmm okaz
12:30.04dinesh___maybe the problem comes from the fact that i put my register => at the very top of my sip.conf
12:30.12dinesh___and then i should add them within the right context
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12:30.14kaldemarthen make 3 peers that have different contexts defined.
12:30.37dinesh___okie i get it now i think, thanks
12:30.58kaldemarregister statements belong under [general]
12:32.11kaldemarregister => user:secret@provider/number <-- makes them call "number"
12:34.15dinesh___but then how do i tell it to use a different context ?
12:36.05kaldemaryou of course need other options in addition to context.
12:36.35dinesh___but isn't that only for outgoing calls?
12:37.08dinesh___i'll give it a try
12:38.23kaldemarbasically, you'll need at least type=peer, host=provider_ip_address, insecure=port,invite along with the context definition.
12:41.16dinesh___it seems that everything is broken now, since i changed my extension.conf
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12:41.53dinesh___i'm getting "call from '' to extension 's' rejected because extension nout found in context 'default'"
12:42.38*** join/#asterisk QuantumSchema (
12:42.47leifmadsendinesh___: time to start debugging with 'sip set debug on'
12:43.15leifmadsenlook at the INVITE and track down what it is matching on (or not matching on) and determine what you have wrong in your configuration that the matching of the peer is incorrect
12:52.17*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
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13:03.44DerkKoIm trying to add information into the to: field... i tried using SIPAddHeader but it just adds a second to field...                                                    exten => _X.,3,SIPAddHeader(To: AsteriskRecorder|channel=${CHANNEL}|OrigLegcall-id=${SIP_HEADER(Call-ID)}|")
13:04.42DerkKoAlso this brakes the URI, im trying to append this information after the normal URI  IE: To: <sip:3320@>;AsteriskRecorder|channel=${CHANNEL}|OrigLegcall-id=${SIP_HEADER(Call-ID)}|
13:07.32kaldemarDerkKo: you can only add new headers with SIPAddHeader
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13:08.56DerkKoSo the question is... How can i modify the to header ?
13:09.09DerkKonot modigy, basically add information to the to header
13:09.35kaldemareither modify sources or use something other than asterisk.
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13:10.00DerkKoi think this may be the answer
13:10.38DerkKoPhones running the SCCP (skinny) firmware have some support for pushing XML pages. If you want to test it, set the variable VXML_URL to point to a Cisco XML file on a web server.
13:10.38DerkKoThis adds information to the SIP "To:" header, and it could be used for other purposes if there are other phones that can take extra information in this way. For example:
13:10.57DerkKoNot sure if its only for SCCP
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13:19.51jaybinkshey can you guys help me test my new box ... you should be able to call   sip://lenny@
13:23.01jaybinksanyone ??
13:25.59just187ah no :-)
13:27.22*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
13:27.48jaybinkswhy ?
13:29.16just187because my telefon doesnt have a / button
13:30.24QuantumSchemaGood mornin' all!
13:30.30*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
13:30.44QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: Sorry I didn't get to finish our conversation yesterday.
13:30.51jaybinksjust187 - you can throw it in your asterisk ... :P
13:30.56QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: I got pulled away from desk and never got to get back.
13:31.51QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: So what I was thinking with hints was to to create a hint that tied to an agent's channel to let the queue app know if the agent was on an outbound call.
13:32.40QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: I checked with DEVICE_STATE and tried setting the state to INUSE when an outbound call was sent but it didn't quite work.
13:32.49m_tadeuhi...what is the difference in asterisk behaviour between these 2 agi commands: "SET CALLERID some_id", "SET VARIABLE CDR(callerid) some_id"?
13:33.08QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: I guess my other confusion would be how does the queue app know that the agent is in use on an outbound call.
13:33.21QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: Maybe there is a way to go about it with out hints and DEVICE_STATE?
13:34.15kaldemarm_tadeu: the first changes caller id, the second changes a CDR field value. two different things.
13:35.50m_tadeukaldemar: I if I want to change the caller id I should both...I was figuring that setting the caller id would affect also the cdr
13:36.33QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: is there a way to manipulate the agent status that's listed when doing a "queue show" ?
13:37.35kaldemarm_tadeu: callerid is not a field that exists by default. clid on the other hand is. if you want to change caller id, just change the caller id and leave CDR fields alone.
13:38.25kaldemarm_tadeu: and CDR(clid) is read-only anyway.
13:38.49m_tadeukaldemar: I see....thanx a lot
13:43.04Dovidanyone know of any phones that do a re-invite after x amount of time ?
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14:09.59skrustyafternoon all
14:10.08cneb3000heidi ho
14:10.27*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
14:10.42Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, Lo are you about and got a sec?
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14:12.01Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, cool :) i use the svn 1.8.x trunk you maintain for debian - noticed 1.8.3 now depends on dahdi but it didn't before - just wondering if that was intentional?
14:12.39Lantiziaas in the asterisk package it builds it dependant on it
14:12.45tzafrir_laptopasterisk-dahdi depends on dahdi . asterisk does not depend on dahdi
14:14.13Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, hmm lemme double check - what I've found is when I apt-get install asterisk from my repo (holding the packages your debian src package creates) - it tried to pull in dahdi
14:14.56tzafrir_laptopLantizia, could you please try:  --no-install-recommends ?
14:15.12Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, I never use recommends on servers - first thing I turn off
14:17.07Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, sorry I mean 1.8.4 not 1.8.3 lol
14:17.37Drgb_Sorry for asking again (again). I'm having issues calling external numbers from a IAX2 internal softphone. Internal calls work fine. External calls only work from SIP devices (even though they're going through the same DAHDI trunk). Here's a full log with a working call from SIP to external, a working call from IAX2 to SIP internal, and a failing call from IAX2 to external. I hope it helps:
14:18.57Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, perhaps I'm going crazy - will test again with a fresh server and let you know if I find the same issue
14:19.11*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:21.31jkroonhi guys, i clearly misunderstand something about how asterisk uses jitter buffers, and where exactly they fit into the rtp streams.  my understanding was that they sit on the rx side of a link, but somehow I have a nasty suspicion they actually sit on the tx side?
14:21.52russellbyes ... i have a blog post about that somewhere
14:22.37leifmadsenrussellb: ^^^?
14:22.41russellbah, which just links to that
14:22.57russellbwell my post is something else, but references the link you put
14:23.06jkroonit says ast1.4 but I assume the same holds for 1.6.X and 1.8?
14:23.13serafieHmm, I just linked to those pages yesterday.
14:23.19russellbit hasn't changed ... until 1.10
14:23.23leifmadsendun dun dun
14:23.26russellbwe have a new jitterbuffer method in 1.10
14:23.27leifmadsenrussellb: new blog post!
14:23.58russellbmaybe if i stop working on books i'll feel like blogging again
14:24.04russellbi haven't posted much in the last year
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14:26.39jkroonok, so to get a jitter buffer between SIP and DAHDI channel you actually need to enable the JB on chan_dahdi, not on chan_sip?
14:27.09Drgb_could anybody help me to understand better the steps occurring during a call generated from a IAX2 extension going to a DAHDI trunk? maybe you could address me to the right direction..I'm totally lost
14:27.27leifmadsenDrgb_: I don't really understand the question
14:27.41leifmadsenit's just dialplan ...
14:27.43Drgb_ok, I'll try to explain with the few concepts I know
14:28.23Drgb_I'm 99% sure my problem is limited to IAX2 extension going through the DAHDI trunk
14:28.30Drgb_outgoing calls simply don't work
14:28.36leifmadsendoes it work if you call another IAX2 extension?
14:28.38Drgb_thei fail reporting no route to destination
14:28.40Drgb_yes, it does
14:28.54Drgb_and it works even if I route the call through a IAX2 trunk to another Asterisk PBX
14:29.03russellbjkroon: yes
14:29.06russellbas bizarre as that is
14:29.16russellbin 1.10 we have a new method that makes it work like you would expect, heh
14:29.17leifmadsendoes eliminating IAX2 entirely (or using a SIP phone) work? It could be a configuration issue with your DAHDI channel
14:29.24Drgb_yes, it works
14:29.28jkroonindeed!  ok, that screwed me over for about two years now.
14:29.29Drgb_I posted the pastebin link before
14:29.33jkroonwill need to test over the weekend.
14:29.35leifmadsenDrgb_: you'll have to paste it again
14:29.40leifmadsennevermind found it
14:29.58leifmadsenugh, you're using freepbx
14:30.03leifmadsenthat's not really a simple dialplan...
14:30.15Drgb_I know, I can simplify it if needed
14:30.21russellbjkroon: sorry :-(
14:30.22Drgb_I can temporarily exclude FreePBX
14:30.53kaldemar"However, it is useful to be able to de-jitter traffic in the middle of the jitterbuffer at the endpoint is not very good." <-- a minor malfunction there?
14:31.28russellbyeah that sentence doesn't make sense
14:31.29Drgb_I could even smash a hammer on my PBX, if it can be helpful. My mental health is more important
14:32.02raden_workwhere naikorvek ?
14:32.14leifmadsenDrgb_: not sure why when you place a call via IAX2 you get this:   2 > Called Number (len=13) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)  '0799577377' ]
14:32.19leifmadsen(line 102)
14:32.31leifmadsenthat's coming from the ISDN side
14:33.02Drgb_it appears also in the working SIP call
14:33.13Drgb_not that I know what it exactly mean
14:33.16leifmadsenoh I missed it there
14:33.41Drgb_anyway the step at which it hangs for about 20 seconds is this...
14:33.59Drgb_line 123
14:34.16Drgb_then it fails reporting "    -- Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup request, cause 3"
14:34.20leifmadsenya I just see a DISCONNECT instead of CONNECT
14:34.58leifmadsenI would suggest at the least starting with something simpler
14:35.08leifmadsenjust build a simple dialplan that places calls and see if that changes anything
14:35.20kaldemarDrgb_: the IAX2 call has the "Redirecting Number" part which the SIP one does not. that is the only difference in those traces in addition to the numbers.
14:35.22leifmadsenI'm not sure though -- I don't really use IAX2 but I don't see anything obviously wrong
14:36.17Drgb_humm.. "redirecting number", thanks kaldemar
14:36.20Drgb_and thank you leifmadsen
14:36.41raden_workleifmadsen, you have any idea why music on hold in 1.8.x does not work with aastra phones but all other brands ?
14:36.47Drgb_I'll start working on a simple dialplan without FreePBX now
14:37.14Drgb_then I'll come back here and randomly rant about libiax2 being broken :D
14:38.02*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:42.46kaldemarDrgb_: there has been a change in mISDN to not send the redirecting number ie when functioning in TE mode because of deutsche telekom's network not liking it.
14:43.09Drgb_kaldemar, I'm not using mISDN, I'm using a b410p with dahdi drivers
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14:43.40kaldemarDrgb_: may be that the particular information element is your issue, for some reason it gets created when chan_iax is used but not with chan_sip.
14:43.57jkroonrussellb, leifmadsen - thanks for that lightbulb moment
14:44.00kaldemarDrgb_: yes, i noticed that. just an observation that the IE has caused problems before.
14:45.21jaybinkshey can you guys help me test my new box ... you should be able to call   sip://lenny@
14:45.52jaybinkssorry that should be  sip:lenny@
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14:56.31QuantumSchemaDoes anyone have any thoughts as to how I could manipulate an agent's status that is listed in "queue show"? Like setting an agent to "In Use" from a dial plan?
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15:02.19leifmadsenraden_work: I don't own any aastra phones, so no idea
15:07.00Drgb_ok guys I excluded freepbx and created a very simple (2 lines) dialplan
15:07.51Drgb_just a second and I'll show you the logs
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15:14.38Drgb_here it is, a successful call from a sip hardware phone and an unsuccessful call from a IAX2 soft phone
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15:38.30cneb3000Drgb_:What's all that stuff from line 200 - about 215?
15:39.18Drgb_it's my stupid dialplan not handling the end of the call
15:39.37Drgb_I solved it by adding a "Congestion" action at the end of it
15:39.44Drgb_I can reissue the call if needed
15:40.53QuantumSchemaAnyone know about changing the status of a queue agent ("In Use" or "Available") via dialplan?
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15:43.08Drgb_(edit: I added a rule for the "h" extension, which represents the end of the call)
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15:48.41cneb3000Drgb_: what about line 255. is that related to 200-215?
15:49.14Drgb_let me check if it disappeared after the correction
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15:51.52Drgb_it disappeared
15:51.59Drgb_it was related to the "h extension"
15:53.09cneb3000Drgb_ :ahh I see. now what about line 135:)
15:53.20cneb3000sorry.... 132
15:53.24Drgb_uh, there's an incoming call in the middle of that :°D
15:53.32Drgb_let me do it again, sorry
15:53.37cneb3000haha no problem
15:53.57cneb3000there's no thread id's.. makes it hard to follow.
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15:55.09Drgb_thread id? how can I add it? I don't know what you're talking about, sorry
15:55.26cneb3000its OK, it's like.. a unique identifier which follows the log down
15:55.29leifmadsenQuantumSchema: that's what DEVICE_STATE() is for
15:55.36leifmadsenbeyond that, it's really a function of the channel
15:56.24cneb3000Drgb: Hey you know the number you're dialling (0799577377?)
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15:56.34cneb3000Drgb: Is that a british mobile, yes?
15:56.53Drgb_no, it's an italian office phone
15:57.12QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: So would I create a hint for say "Local/1257" (the "queue show" reflects "Local/1257@agents/n"), and then use DEVICE_STATE() against that?
15:57.24leifmadsenhints are not device state....
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15:57.28leifmadsenI think you misunderstand what hints are for
15:57.29Drgb_(owned by me, handled by another working asterisk PBX)
15:57.50leifmadsenhints reflect the state of the device sure, but they are not the actual device state information
15:57.50Drgb_but I get the same results with any other number
15:58.59QuantumSchemai might truely be mistaken then. I thought Asterisk would attempt to call extensions based off of the DEVICE_STATE(). Kind of like creating a hint is kind of like allocating the location to store the state of the device.
15:59.16leifmadsenright, the hint is just a convenient way of monitoring the state of a device
15:59.26leifmadsenthe device state, at least with SIP, is all automatic
15:59.43leifmadsenwhich is why it is recommended that you use SIP end points and not Agent (or anything else) end points in queues
15:59.58leifmadsenbecause only SIP has the appropriate device state stuff to make device states in queues accurate
16:01.05leifmadsenso with what you're trying to figure out you can safely ignore hints entirely -- they don't help you right now
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16:02.57cneb3000Drgb_ : it always comes back down to this his 'no route to destination thing'.. what does the asterisk box which hosts the 0799577377 number say?
16:03.22Drgb_it says nothing, it doesn't even see the call coming
16:04.08cneb3000That's wierd, because you do get messages suggesting the call is about to starting ringing
16:04.20cneb3000so in between the asterisk software and the other asterisk box, what is there?
16:04.57Drgb_hum, the interwebz :)
16:05.09Drgb_or a switch, if we want to take the shortest route
16:05.41Drgb_but I repeat, it's the same with each and every number I try
16:05.53Drgb_with the only distinction between valid and invalid numbers
16:05.59Drgb_valid numbers return error code 3
16:06.08Drgb_while nonexistant numbers return code "38"
16:06.41Drgb_so it looks like the PBX is able to start a negotiation with my provider
16:06.52Drgb_but something goes wrong in the process
16:07.00cneb3000Have you spoke to your provider?
16:07.12cneb3000sounds like something they'll be able to help you with?
16:07.29infernixis anyone aware of an open source speech recognition solution that plugs into asterisk (voicexml preferably)? found a few TTS solutions but no open recognition ones
16:07.30cneb3000It may be asterisk at fault, as it were, but they'll be able to tell you what it's doing wrong for them
16:07.55cneb3000infernix: the good stuff - you have to pay for it :)
16:08.34infernixyeah but i'm trying to build a proof of concept
16:08.45infernixi'll pay when the project gets the go-ahead :)
16:08.51cneb3000hehe ;)
16:08.52leifmadseninfernix: the only STT open source application I know of is Sphinx
16:09.14infernixi'll probably pull some strings and see if I can get a demo from one of the commercial vendors
16:10.43Drgb_cneb3000, I didn't try to contact them, but I guess they wouldn't be as kind as you, and finding someone with a bit of knowledge in a (italian) call center is like winning to the lottery
16:11.29cneb3000Drgb_: Wish I could help more - but not really dealt much with q.931
16:12.27cneb3000If I was you, and it looked like my carrier was rejecting my calls - i'd tell them
16:12.38Drgb_cneb3000, you and the other guys have been very helpful, thank you very much, I'll idle here and write any eventual step forward
16:12.54cneb3000i'd be interested!
16:13.07Drgb_I would've done it if I was totally unable to call, but SIP internals work, so they could simply tell me "it's your problem, dude"
16:13.09*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
16:13.32cneb3000you have to be harsh with them sometimes.. ¬_¬
16:18.18*** join/#asterisk zkn (
16:18.21Drgb_HOLY CRAP!
16:18.23Drgb_IT WORKED!
16:18.38Drgb_exten => _.,1,Set(CALLERID(RDNIS)=079399892)
16:18.51cneb3000what, you didn't have a callerid?
16:19.01Drgb_yes I do, but it seems it was the wrong one
16:19.05Drgb_not the callerID
16:19.10Drgb_but the "redirecting number"
16:19.14Drgb_you can see it in the call log
16:19.21cneb3000no wonder!
16:19.25cneb3000excellent - well done :)
16:19.27Drgb_there was a weird 5 digits number I didn't recognize
16:19.30Drgb_lol, just luck
16:20.32paulcinfernix: I've had a lot of success with Lumenvox and Asterisk
16:21.04paulcinfernix: Not open source but I think there's a $50 start up pack (single channel). I can give you a number for a demo too if you like.
16:27.15m_tadeuis it possible to get the channel name using only the unique id? through ami, I mean
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16:46.02Drgb_cneb3000, thank you very much anyway, I wouldn't have come to the solution without your help
16:46.15Drgb_offers a virtual beer to cneb3000
16:55.44justdaveso yeah, routing calls over SIP instead of IAX between the two servers seems to eliminate the one-way packet loss problem
16:56.28justdavehow strange
16:56.50*** join/#asterisk manji (~manjiki@2a02:580:8000:8601:226:bbff:fe13:1c09)
16:57.13jpsharpan ISP mangling/shaping traffic?
17:07.59*** join/#asterisk axilla (~axilla@
17:08.26justdaveThe suspicion last night when I was discussing it in here is that the server that was losing its outbound audio was having timing issues.
17:08.47axillaI'm trying to make an extension > extension call in asterisk, but getting a "This number is not in service" message.  Asterisk call logs always show "unkown peer > extension" being dialed no matter which direction i call from.
17:08.53justdaveit's using dahdi_dummy because there's no physical telephony hardware (the machine itself is a physical box and not a VM though)
17:09.13axilla  -- asterisk log
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17:31.03justdaveaxilla: that looks like you have a default/guest SIP account enabled (which actually doesn't allow any incoming calls, it just plays the invalid message - usually that's a good thing) and your incoming call isn't matching a known SIP login so it's getting accepted by that guest user rather than the one it's supposed to.
17:31.58justdavemake sure the line with the [name] in sip.conf matches what the client is using as a username, that's the usual culprit for that kind of mismatch
17:32.39*** join/#asterisk DaneoShiga (
17:33.17DaneoShigaSomeone here fluent in DeadAgi? ^^
17:34.15infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:34.30DaneoShigaI'm executing an agi using deadagi since i want some code to happen after the call is finished, someone knows if there's any reason for it not happen? apparently sometimes the code doesn't execute
17:34.53*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:37.49*** join/#asterisk Corazu (2671b70c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:42.13QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: Sorry, I'm back.
17:42.22QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: I got pulled away from my desk.
17:42.42QuantumSchemaleifmadsen: So you said I could ignore hints all together for what I'm looking to do?
17:44.06irrootrapture ??
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17:46.00axillajustdave: i only have two extensions atm
17:46.04axillanot sure what you mean.
17:46.07axilla520 and 160
17:47.16justdaveextensions != device name
17:47.21justdavehow are the devices named?
17:47.37axillaI have one named Guesty
17:47.46axillaas it was inteded for a Guest phone
17:48.33justdaveit's actually the [general] section of sip.conf coming into play here.
17:48.41axillai see
17:48.43CorazuHi there I've got a problem with the FFA and getting Asterisk to read the license. I followed the installation steps and the modules load, except the res_fax_digium throws a warning "Failed to initialize res_fax_digium_copy_protection!" and when I call fax show licenses it doesn't show anything. Does anyone know where I might need to be looking? Google searches haven't yielded me anything so far
17:48.47axillaso i need to change the device name
17:48.51justdaveif you have someone connect via SIP and they don't match a known account, they go into the context specified in [general]
17:49.36justdaveif you're set up right, that context is a private one that doesn't actually let you do anything (since you don't want random people on the net making unauthenticated long distance calls via your system and so forth)
17:49.53justdaveor has a limited set of things available that you're okay with random people from outside hitting
17:50.23justdaveyou should have a section in sip.conf for each phone device as well
17:50.40justdavewhatever you put in [] at the top of each section is the username that device needs to use to connect with
17:51.50justdavea lot of times people will put a context that doesn't actually exist in there, which will cause it to just refuse the call
17:52.00justdave(in the [general] section)
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17:54.03justdavea context is a named section in your dialplan
17:55.20axillathanks dave
17:55.25axillathink i figured it out
17:55.29axillai had something set wrong in my phone config
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18:06.14el3slaveneed spell check in data plans :)
18:07.54axillaso it was sending the ipaddress as the ext instead of the ext
18:08.07axillabecause polycom labeled the extension in the phone config as Address
18:08.21axillaso i had the ipaddress of the phone there hence the unkown caller... changing that calls started flowing
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18:29.30m_tadeuis it possible to play an audio file on a channel using ami?
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18:32.23DaghdhaHi, i have set up asterisk and see i have 2 sip peers. I can't connect to it no matter what i try. the client X-lite says 404-not found. But i don't even see anything on Asterisk console
18:32.28DaghdhaAny clues?
18:34.13*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
18:34.27keith4crank up the verbosity
18:34.39Daghdhai have it at 11
18:35.04Daghdhaok that was a cheal spinal tap reference, but it's at 9
18:35.44keith4then your client isn't connecting to that asterisk
18:35.58Daghdhais there any information to let the cli say what ports and ip's it's listening on.
18:36.08DaghdhaI was affraid of that :/
18:36.15DaghdhaBut where is the 404 coming from then.
18:36.52DaghdhaI thought it just uses port 5060?
18:37.00DaghdhaApache is on 80, yes. On that machine.
18:37.10keith4what's your x-lite conf?
18:38.02DaghdhaI dunno, i just insatlled it and made an account.
18:39.16DaghdhaIt doesn't have a config gile
18:41.05*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:41.39DaghdhaI see an ;[xlite1] section in sip.conf
18:41.46DaghdhaI didn't touch that, it's default
18:43.39CadeyHi guys, stupid question here but ive never actualy upgraded a version of asterisk. I always install from sauce so am i right in thinking its a simple case of downloading the new tar ball, extract, build and install and that will replace the current version
18:43.45Cadeysay fom 1.8 to 18.4
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18:44.12h00manwhat distro is asterisknow
18:44.22leifmadsenh00man: CentOS
18:44.32pabelangerCadey: yes, remember to restart asterisk too
18:44.44Cadeyyeah I would do that part :P
18:44.57DaghdhaOk. asterisk runs, but port 5060 is not used by it.
18:45.12h00manip-pbx trying out
18:45.56CorazuHi there I've got a problem with the FFA and getting Asterisk to read the license. I followed the installation steps and the modules load, except the res_fax_digium throws a warning "Failed to initialize res_fax_digium_copy_protection!" and when I call fax show licenses it doesn't show anything. Does anyone know where I might need to be looking? Google searches haven't yielded me anything so far
18:46.36leifmadsenCorazu: that's really an issue you should take up with Digium support directly
18:46.50leifmadsenyou're using a commercial module and dealing with commercial things
18:47.01CorazuIt's the free version though, they don't support it
18:47.16leifmadsenah that's true
18:47.35DaghdhaIf i am trying to use asterisk should a process on my server be listening to port 5060?
18:47.39Corazueverything seems to work except the license key isn't being picked up, I figured someone might have encountered it before
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18:51.48otwieraczI'm trying to setup simple Asterisk SIP server with:
18:51.56otwieraczBut, when calling at 55 I'm getting:
18:52.02otwieraczAt client: User not found
18:52.05otwieraczAt server: [May 25 20:51:13] NOTICE[29488]: chan_sip.c:21581 handle_request_invite: Call from '203' to extension '55' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
18:52.57otwieracz(default == home, home had the same problem)
18:53.56h00manis digium still giving proper attention to asterisknow or is their development all going to switchvox
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18:56.23Daghdhastop now does nothing here
18:56.32DaghdhaIs that something i misconfigured?
18:57.44m_tadeuwhen I use the ami AGI action, when in time will this action be processed? imagining that the action is sent when the channel is waiting in a queue
18:58.03Daghdhacore stop now apparently. tutorial doesn't mention that
18:58.31h00manthe whole world is broken. economy, society, politics, culture. can I just reformat and start over?
19:00.14momobaxterfdisk, format and reinstall the world
19:02.50carrarYou could use this:
19:03.03leifmadsennice, just got registration scanned on my asterisk box, and fail2ban didn't catch it because I didn't have a 'Not a local domain' regex filter in filter.d/asterisk.conf
19:03.05leifmadsenI do now :)
19:04.02carrarIf you don't get a dozen of those a day you just aren't connected to the internet! :)
19:04.20leifmadsenlol exactly
19:04.26Daghdhaare there exploits for asterisk?
19:04.28leifmadsenbut fail2ban wasn't banning them -- now they will be :)
19:04.41carrarAsterisk is bullet proof!!
19:04.52leifmadsenasterisk can't be beaten even with a baseball bat!
19:05.00sunfoneI have an RBS T1 in an asterisk 1.4.35 / Dahdi 2.3.0 / T4XXP box... lots of remote SIP peers (Linksys PAP2T/2102)... Often I see Dahdi channels in state "Ringing..." forever, obviously abandoned by the SIP peer.  Eventually they go away, but through the day I accumulate many.  A "soft hangup" on the channel kills it, and I have been considering a script to recognize such a channel and hang it up this way, but would like to better unders
19:05.01leifmadsenasterisk can't be killed with conventional weapons!
19:05.18carrarleifmadsen, put it on your blog!
19:05.40DaghdhaIt just sits like a vegetable on my console tbh.
19:05.44carrarthe f2b stuff
19:05.57leifmadsencarrar: I should probably update a wiki somewhere too...
19:06.06carrarwiki that pls k thanks
19:07.24Daghdhawhen a phone tries to register what port doe sit use?
19:07.39sunfoneby default 5060
19:08.11Daghdhau have no process listening on that port. Asterisk is running and X-LIte says 404.
19:08.43Daghdhawhere does it get the 404 from? Asterisk isn't listening on 5060
19:08.51otwieraczWhich module I need to parse extensions.conf?
19:09.17h00manany know a faq/tutorial/howto for setting up asterisknow into a standard smalloffice PBX
19:09.20sunfone404 is the return code for a failed registration
19:09.36sunfoneasterisk must have the SIP module loaded
19:09.43sunfoneto listen on 5060
19:10.02Daghdhawho gives my phone the 404 though?
19:10.03*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
19:10.33sunfoneWhy do you think asterisk is not listening on 5060?
19:10.52*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:10.53h00mansip module not installed default?
19:10.56Daghdhacoz netstat and lsof -i don't show it
19:12.40sunfonewhat is the output of "lsof -i | grep sip"
19:12.49Daghdhawhen i start asterisk it stops with "Asterisk ready." and a blinking cursor below the A
19:13.24Daghdhasipw      1545       root    8u  IPv4   9388      0t0  UDP *:sip
19:13.52sunfoneso you are running asterisk as the user "sipw", and it is indeed listening on 5060 (sip)
19:14.58h00manwhats the best distro for asterisk/linux  newbies
19:14.59QuantumSchemaWhat exactly does the "stateinterface" option in "AddQueueMember" do for me? (it's the last option in the command)
19:17.13h00manhmm ok asterisknow boots and lets me reach freepbx admin, what now
19:18.20QuantumSchemabetter yet.. .does anyone know if this patch ( has made it into 1.8 by now?
19:19.07Daghdhasunfone: So you are saying asterisk sends the 404? But why don't i see any output on my vvvvv cli?
19:20.14h00manis a "trunk" the same as a SIP-voip-provider consumer "phone line"?
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19:21.50h00manhmm ok so a trunk is supposed to have many "lines" within
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19:24.11sunfoneA "SIP trunk" is more analogous to a TDM T1 than a POTs line, if that is what you are asking
19:24.47Daghdhaor: yes
19:25.35sunfoneSome people will get upset if you use the word "trunk" and "sip" together though :)
19:25.47WIMPyOr a "sip trunk" is a term that doesn't really make sense. Just that ppl are used to call theyr default routes trunks.
19:26.00sunfoneheh... good timing :)
19:26.50DaghdhaMy mom says my dad's a trunk
19:26.56DaghdhaHe likes a sip now and then
19:27.15sunfoneFreePBX has muddied those waters - calling all such connections "trunks"
19:27.27DaghdhaOn that bombshell.. i deleted all that is asterisk an wish you a pleasent continuation. Bye
19:27.30*** part/#asterisk Daghdha (
19:32.19h00manwell it seems the SIP providers only only for one simultaneous call over a particular account usually, thereby making it similar to a "single line"
19:33.07h00mangot a $10 inphonex account to try out yesterday, see they have a different account for asterisk-trunks
19:33.33sunfoneits all about how many simultaneous external conversations you want
19:33.50sunfonefor $10/month you probably only get one
19:34.14momobaxterare there any ami experts around that want to tell me I'm crazy for trying something?
19:34.25sunfoneyou are crazy for trying something
19:34.31momobaxterthanks :)
19:34.57WIMPyYou are trying something? You must be crazy!
19:35.14sunfoneOk, I'll bite.  What are you trying?
19:36.05h00manuhm $10 prepaid voip dialout from inphonex...
19:37.12sunfoneodd for them to limit outbound
19:37.21momobaxterok, i have at any point 40 outgoing reps here.  At some point in the day, someone will need to basically do the following:  Park the call, Call a third party and bring the 3 together into a Meetme.  I need this as idiot proof as possible, meaning in the middle of the call hit *444 or something, it prompt for the number and hit # again and brings them all together into a conference channel
19:37.38sunfonemost termination providers, IMO, will let you call as much as you want - you just use up your balance faster :)
19:38.10sunfonemomo: yup that sounds like an AMI app
19:38.41sunfonemomo: I did something similar with AGI a year ago... and call files... but AMI would probably be cleaner
19:38.42momobaxterso I subscribe to DTMF events, wait for a particular series of them on a channel and go from there?
19:39.20sunfoneI don't know that you need to monitor DTMF events
19:39.25WIMPyI think it could be done with dynamic features as well.
19:39.45sunfonefeatures.conf would be the way to trap the 444
19:39.55sunfonehave that enter the dialplan
19:40.12momobaxteri tried that alrady with a simple ael script
19:40.16sunfonethen your AGI or whatever could handle the meetme creation
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19:40.44momobaxterthe problem I ran into is that dynamic features only work on the caller or the callee...this needs both
19:40.59momobaxterunless I'm thinking of this incorrectly.
19:41.35sunfone[re-reading you explanation...]
19:41.43momobaxterpeer vs self
19:41.48momobaxtersorry, wrong terminology
19:42.10sunfoneisn't it your agent that needs to do the parking and conferencing?
19:42.19sunfoneyou want the caller to be able to do it also?
19:42.29momobaxteragent = caller
19:42.34momobaxtercustomer = callee
19:42.36momobaxterwe're outbound
19:43.10sunfoneI don't see why features won't work for the caller... I think it is enabled by a DIAL option
19:43.24sunfone(off the top of my head, admittedly)
19:43.31momobaxterLike I said I wrote a simple ael script that just ran park
19:43.46momobaxterso when the caller hit #444 it ended up parking the caller and disconnecting the callee
19:44.04sunfoneI bet you were popular then
19:44.16h00manasterisknow flash-operator-panel doesnt seem to work
19:44.55sunfoneDo you really need to park it?  Don't you just want to put them on hold?
19:46.58sunfoneAt any rate you had the right approach already - no need to make it more complicated looking for DTMF and reproducing the dynamic features functionality.
19:47.28sunfoneYou would end up have the same trouble when trying to park "the new way", and should focus on figuring out why it dropped the other channel
19:47.52sunfoneif parking is really what you want to do... but it seems that you really just want to create another channel and bridge them
19:48.05sunfoneso just playing some hold music for the original channel may be the right route
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19:49.06momobaxterhurray for timeouts
19:49.41otwieracz[May 25 21:49:31] WARNING[30746]: file.c:644 ast_openstream_full: File demo-echotest does not exist in any format
19:50.09otwieracz[root@linvoip asterisk]# stat /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/demo-echotest.gsm  File: `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/demo-echotest.gsm'
19:50.20otwieracz[May 25 21:49:31] WARNING[30746]: file.c:950 ast_streamfile: Unable to open demo-echotest (format 0x2 (gsm)): Resource temporarily unavailable
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20:07.22h00manyum update
20:15.20infobotaw, gee, jaytee
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20:17.26sezuanIf I use ldap for sip.conf, will the entries in sip.conf ignored or merged with the ldap data?
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20:21.54phoenixsamprashelp, how to know if the FXO card is working?
20:32.07*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
20:32.14pai have a stupid question
20:32.51infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:33.00pahow should i create an extension to call an user listed in the sip.conf?
20:33.41jayteeexten => somenumber,1,Dial(SIP/YOURACCOUNT)
20:34.23pacant i have something with wildcard?
20:34.35palike username,1,Dial(SIP/username)
20:35.27pado i need    some special character?
20:35.31padollar or somethin?
20:35.34jayteeI have several extensions that all begin with 2 so I have a pattern match exten => _2XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) but my sip accounts match their extensions
20:35.57paah i understand
20:36.21paso in my case i need something like 7_,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
20:36.22jayteethe ${EXTEN} is the asterisk variable for the dialed extension.
20:36.35paand then i call 7user, and i get SIP/usr?
20:36.42jayteethe _ indicates a pattern match and has to be first
20:40.59jayteesince most telephones cannot dial letters you can't directly dial an alphabetic SIP account. You'd need to map it in your dialplan to a dialable number
20:41.09paah thanks, it worked :)
20:41.18infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
20:41.25infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
20:41.53*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
20:42.17jayteepa, if you're just starting I'd highly recommend you check that out. It's chock full o' goodies and is the 3rd edition of what most people using Asterisk consider to be "the Bible"
20:43.08pai+ll check it out, it seems free :)
20:43.20jayteefree to read online
20:44.48jayteebut if you and 300 others buy it the authors might actually be able to buy that X-Box 360 they've been drooling over. :-)
20:47.10h00manoutbound route or trunk for a SIP dialout provider?
20:47.16*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
20:47.33jayteeis that a question?
20:47.57jayteeare you looking for a list of SIP providers?
20:48.49h00mansigned up for a sip provider, a dial-out account - inphonex.  trying to figure out where to add it in asterisknow 1.7.1
20:49.39jayteeit would be under trunks I believe. been awhile since I used *Now
20:49.46*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
20:50.04jayteebut it will give you a choice of SIP, IAX2 and something else IIRC.
20:50.53h00manI have SIP login details for it.
20:51.03*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
20:54.06jayteeh00man, did you choose the Asterisk GUI or the FreePBX option?
20:54.11h00man"trunks" > "add SIP trunk" gives a dialog asking for "PEER details" and "USER details"
20:54.24h00manI'm in the FreePBX interface
20:54.52jayteetry asking in #freepbx channel. most people in here use standard vanilla asterisk without a gui
20:55.20h00mani see
20:55.22jayteeso we're not as familiar with setting things up in a web interface. the gui of choice for most in this channel is vi
20:55.28jayteeor in my case nano
20:55.35h00manyes makes sense
20:55.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
20:56.03ChannelZvomits on vi
20:56.18h00mansorry for invading with gui questions then
20:56.55jayteeno problem, just thought you'd get a clearer answer and advice there than in here. I'd help if I knew the gui better.
20:57.10*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:59.26pdtpatrick_question .. if i have a configuration on another box .. how can i have my current box to pick up a call and send it to the other box.. im trying SIP/82782 but it does not see that since it is not local
21:00.32*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:00.32h00manI you edit the proper conf file does freepbx usually read the file properly?
21:00.50phoenixsamprasHelp!! Asterisk is not hunging up outgoing calls
21:00.58pai have another question: does asterisk support video over SIP?
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21:01.07pa(out of the box)
21:01.14jayteepa, not straight out of the box
21:01.36jayteeyou need to add some statements in sip.conf for asterisk, not sure where in AsteriskNOW
21:01.46palike what statement?
21:02.16jayteevideosupport=yes in the general section of sip.conf and allow=h323 in the codecs section
21:02.48jayteeoops, got that allow wrong
21:03.57h00manthough asterisknow was the same as plain asterisk, with freepbx and centos?
21:04.05h00manI thouhgt
21:04.21h00manor perhaps I thought.
21:05.00jayteekind of, but using a database and extra config files puts constraints on the system and means you can't always directly edit a configuration file.
21:05.34jayteefor most purposes that isn't a problem but if you need a customized system with specialized functions the gui gets in the way
21:06.33*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:08.53palast question :) is there some app for iphone that allows SIP video calls?
21:09.06GreatSUNh00man: asterisknow != asterisk
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21:09.35pai use xlite, and here it seems video call are supported
21:09.52pabut on windows
21:09.55panot iphone
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21:10.02GreatSUNh00man: asterisknow is a distribution for newbies while asterisk itself is just the plain software you have to configure by editing config-files and constructing dial plans
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21:12.22FreeaqingmeGreatSUN: if asterisknow is for newbies, what would freepbx be?
21:12.47jayteequittin time, I'm out. peace all!
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21:13.55GreatSUNFreeaqingme: alike
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21:26.39m_tadeuI'm having a problem with async AMI action for an agi command fails with this message "Channel SIP/ does not exists or cannot get its lock"
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21:31.40h00man3cx zip softphone on windows also has video support.
21:31.56h00manmean 3cx sip softphone
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22:46.52MrNemusso what would stop sip channels from closing ?
22:48.17MrNemus this is what i see and the sip channels keep growing
22:57.40*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~emsLinux@
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23:03.58emsLinuxHello, I got this problem... I'm using Asterisk 1.8.4 over Ubuntu Server with FreePBX 2.9.. Everything seems to run OK, but it is not. I'm trying to connect several softphones and hardphones and i cant make it work. If they got registered when I try to make a call, nobody listens anybody, but i don't understand what is going on, everything seems to be ok.
23:03.59emsLinuxThis problem rings any bell on anybody who can help me? Anyone knows what could be possibly wrong?
23:06.02paulcemsLinux: I think you need #freepbx - the crowd in here are more versed in "traditional" Asterisk configuration
23:07.39emsLinuxbut i first tried to make it work only with asterisk and i couldn't, the same problem, also the server is only for sip conections, not LAN, just Internet
23:09.49ChannelZI don't even understand the problem.  Do calls work, you just get no audio?
23:11.24emsLinuxno audio and got a lot of problems conecting devices, with several IPs and systems
23:11.30citywokif they are for internet... are you sure you have the right ports forwarded to asterisk?
23:11.43emsLinuxiPhones, softphones for PC, even one ATA and a IP Phone
23:11.52citywokthe RTP media ports are important, if they aren't allowed then you won't get any audio
23:12.01emsLinux0-65353 udp and tcp, nothing
23:12.45ChannelZare these phones behind a firewall/NAT?
23:13.23emsLinuxi'am so frustrated, i think could be the latest version of Asterisk, maybe a modulo, but im not that good using asterisk to understand what is happening
23:13.40citywokemsLinux: does it work with 2 phones on the same lan as *?
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23:14.03emsLinuxthey are in several places, some of them behind NAT, but they worked before with another version of Asterisk with no problem
23:14.18citywokdo 2 phones without nat work right now?
23:14.49emsLinuxCant, is a cloud server, but we have another cloud server working fine, this doesnt want to =(
23:15.49citywokmake a packetcapture on the external interface and make a test call, then open the packet capture in wireshark and see if you see both legs of the call
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23:34.40mikeyutleyquestion so do time conditions apply to the whole system?
23:35.03mikeyutleyor can you apply them specific extensions?
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23:40.18nnylooking at docs for 3.3.1 polycoms, anyone know if/how presence is enabled (besides directory.xml)? There used to be an enable/dsiable switch in the config files universally and I can't find the entry in the admin guide
23:41.27nnynm sry found a good forum post
23:41.36nnyha well nm
23:41.47nny"Followup: After not being able to figure out what was wrong, I tried downgrading to 3.2.5. All is well now... so I'm leaving it alone until I have more time to mess with it." <---- crap!
23:45.29nnywell.. actually it's here in the admin guide. time to test
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