IRC log for #asterisk on 20110524

00:00.33ChannelZI guess double check your custom directory permissions are readable/accessable by asterisk and that your file isn't bogus
00:01.00mazpewhere are the default sound files.. like the ones for Authenticate?
00:01.18mazpei'll copy one of those.. and test it in the custom folder
00:01.19ChannelZcore show settings
00:01.38ChannelZit's either VarLib or Data but I don't remember (they might be the same)
00:03.35mazpeso what sets playback/background sounds to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds?
00:04.41ChannelZthe (pretty sure) VarLib directory shown on settings (via asterisk.conf) plus 'sounds' plus the language prefix if enabled
00:06.55*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
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00:18.56*** join/#asterisk Sheeplet (
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00:39.22mazpeif i put the files in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds it works.. if i make a directory like gbpbx or something it doesnt.
00:39.31mazpedirectories need special permission or something?
00:55.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
00:55.57*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:58.18*** join/#asterisk Woody2143 (
01:13.43gruvfunkmazpe: if you create directories, check their permissions to match sounds dir perms
01:16.10gruvfunkbest voip desk phone for a new office implementation with 15 people, any recommendations?
01:19.05atangruvfunk, I quite like Cisco phones but Polycom are also popular.
01:20.01gruvfunkatan: is configuration simple? or does one need a TFTP server and such?
01:21.08WIMPyWith 15 phones you might want one
01:21.40gruvfunkWIMPy: good point
01:32.19m_tadeuhi, I keep getting this when executing from an AGI..."handle_exec: Could not find application (Set(CDR(accountcode)=m_tadeu))"...isn't this the way I should set the account code?
01:35.39*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:36.58gruvfunkm_tadeu: try removing the first set of parenthesis   "Set(CDR(accountcode)=m-tadeu)"
01:39.24m_tadeugruvfunk: those parethesis are not mine...they are set my taken from the asterisk console....what I'm senging is ""EXEC Set(CDR(accountcode)=m_tadeu)
01:43.36gruvfunkm_tadeu: so is EXEC the right AGI command you want to use?
01:44.24m_tadeugruvfunk: starting to doubt :) how should I set the accountcode from an agi script?
01:45.34russellbit's there a set variable or something?
01:45.41russellb"SET VARIABLE CDR(accountcode) foo"
01:45.46gruvfunkm_tadeu: well, my AGI-fu is poo, but perhaps you want "SET VARIABLE ...
01:46.07gruvfunkrussellb: :)
01:46.19russellbEXEC should work if you get the syntax right
01:46.27m_tadeugonna try that....thanx guys
01:46.38*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
01:46.39russellbit might be ... "EXEC Set CDR(accountcode)=foo
01:46.59*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:47.00kaldemaragi show commands
01:47.15kaldemarset variable it is
01:50.45m_tadeuset variable worked in deed :) thanx again
02:03.41Kobazoh wow
02:03.46Kobazi never even knew about agi show commands
02:04.05*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
02:09.49*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
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02:24.02*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
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02:24.12shmaltzis happe samba config is over
02:24.59shmaltzanyone here ever had to go thru the painful process of setting up samba on slackware?
02:25.33shmaltzhi everyone, anyone awake?
02:26.14shmaltzsits down in the side with his beer
02:26.22shmaltzis all lonly
02:26.56Kobazcome code with us
02:26.59Kobazand you wont be lonly
02:28.09shmaltzKobaz who/what is us?
02:28.16shmaltzas in the USA? :P
02:28.40Kobazus as in, asterisk people
02:28.45Kobazfrom all over
02:30.05shmaltzthis is interesting:
02:33.54*** join/#asterisk dozment (
02:34.50ChannelZYeah because CA wasn't f*ed up enough.
02:35.03dozmentslaps doulos1 around a bit with a large trout
02:36.01shmaltznow if these inmates will move out of state they will get arrested again waiting extradition for ever
02:36.07shmaltzso I should be safe here in NJ
02:37.27shmaltzi guess this is a new definition in: money is blood:
02:39.01shmaltzpolycom rocks
02:41.08*** part/#asterisk dozment (
02:41.57Kobazanyone use shared lines with cisco spa phones
02:42.46shmaltzkobaz, why shared lines?
02:43.02Kobazbecause that's what people want these days
02:43.26shmaltznah, buddy watching and follow me should do the trick
02:43.36shmaltzwhy not?
02:43.40Kobazbecause that's what people want
02:43.50shmaltzok, any better answer?
02:45.04shmaltzwhat functionality do you gain by shared over what I mentioned?
02:45.06Kobazyou have say, a boss/secretary setup
02:45.16shmaltzright and what I said accomplishes that
02:45.23Kobazand you wont want call parking or transfering
02:46.02shmaltzi got you
02:48.48Kobazjust hit a button and the call is on your phone
02:49.00Kobazpeople are used to 30 year old phone systems
02:49.08Kobazand have been doing the same thing for years and dont want to learn something new
02:49.28Kobazi have it kidn of faked with some polycom blf and some custom stuff
02:49.38Kobazbut true shared lines would be good.. i think the cisco supports it
02:54.03jpsharpDTMF question.  If I have a provider with broken DTMF decoding talking to Asterisk talking to an ATA-186, Asterisk should still be able to do DTMF detection from the ATA side, right?
02:56.01*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
02:56.34WiretapWorkjpsharp, that is spectacularly vague
02:56.45WiretapWorkAsterisk only supports RFC2833 DTMF properly
02:58.25jpsharpInbound from provider to Asterisk to ATA, no DTMF detection anywhere, no matter inband, rfc2833, or SIP Info.
02:58.46jpsharpoutbound from ATA to Asterisk to a different provider, DTMF works splendidly using rfc2833.
02:59.49jpsharpMakes using ## to transfer inbound calls difficult.
03:00.37jpsharpEven if the inbound provider has broken DTMF detection, Asterisk still should be able to detect DTMF from the ATAs?
03:01.12Kobaznot necessarily
03:01.24Kobazdtmf in audio over voip protocols can be good or not good
03:01.53shmaltzjpsharp what codec?
03:02.36jpsharpI'd really like to run rfc2833.  Inband audio sucks.
03:04.28jpsharpI don't understand why it isn't using 2833 while talking to the ATAs, even if it is using something else to talk to the provider.
03:08.45jpsharpahha.  Had to twiddle reinvite settings to keep Asterisk in the media stream.
03:08.55jpsharpIt was never getting the RTP streams.
03:09.40jpsharpSometimes you just have to explain the problem to someone to figure it out.
03:10.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-moylviebawdeqvbg)
03:11.01*** join/#asterisk saliak (
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03:13.03*** join/#asterisk OldGrumpy (
03:13.11saliakMy system seems to be the subject of an attack.  Well, it was the subject of a successful attack and once I realized it I changed the pw on the compromised extension.  Now that external system is still poking at extension.  I'd like to use fail2ban to fix this.  Is there a way to add the ip address that's failing authentication on the log message "Failed to authenticate device ....." from chan_sip.c?
03:14.24WIMPyThat's what it's there for.
03:14.35*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
03:14.54ChannelZfail2ban can be made to just read your asterisk log, no need to hack the channel driver
03:19.21saliakwell my log file doesn't indicate the IP address
03:20.06saliak"Failed to authenticate device "17656107745" <sip:100@>;tag=as21e3976d"
03:20.12saliakcrap, sorry, it does
03:20.17saliakthe ip is very close to my actual one
03:20.23saliakoff by a single digit, so I just misread it
03:20.41saliakmy bad
03:21.15ChannelZdamn cable users
03:22.47*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
03:22.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:27.16saliakyeah, i'm so naive.  i had this silly notion that no one would care about a random computer on the internet.  so someone used my system to dial numbers incrementally.  i guess there's no way to know what content was going across the call?
03:28.09WiretapWorksaliak, only if you had call recording on, which I have as a matter of course :P
03:29.05saliakhaha, that's a little creepy for me, but yeah, i guess that leaves us in a lurch in situations like these.  it is usually telemarketing?
03:29.39WIMPyinternational calling card business
03:31.49jpsharpOr hackers calling their friends in Ukraine or Romania.
03:31.56jpsharpyeah, what he said.
03:32.02shmaltzI was listened in on one of these, it was one of the car warranty scams
03:32.21shmaltzi used chanspy
03:33.02saliakI've gotten the car warranty calls before
03:33.12jpsharpI had someone root my * box, go sniffing through my sip.conf, grab the config for an ATA account, and then use it to make $150 worth of calls to the UK and Romania.
03:33.52shmaltzroot * asterisk is a way more sophisticated attack than sip brute forcing, how did they root it?
03:35.06ChannelZ1. If you're going to leave your box sitting in the open, consider not having numeric SIP device names; 2. generate good passwords for said devices; 3. really think about what you allow to happen in your dialplan.  context is everything
03:35.37ChannelZ(this of course not accounting for someone breaking into the box outright and looking at your config in which case nothing matters at that point.)
03:35.49shmaltzalso don't forget there is no reason to: 1. setup sshd on default port. 2. allow from any host. 3. allow root access.
03:35.57*** join/#asterisk sabgenton (
03:36.06jpsharpOddly enough, I got hacked through a hole in the festering pile of crap known as Wordpress.
03:36.21WiretapWorkshmaltz, indeed, the only box on my network which has SSH accessible doesn't have it on the default port
03:36.24shmaltzwhy would you have it completely open?
03:36.35WiretapWorkalso, mixing webserver and asterisk is a bad mix anyway :P
03:36.35ChannelZand turn off SSH passwords totally unless you can't bring a thumbdrive with an SSH key with you
03:36.37shmaltzwiretapwork, I always change the port number
03:36.41jpsharpIts what I get for not separating services onto different machines.
03:37.04WiretapWorkjpsharp, should also make sure that internal-only extns can't dial from outside
03:37.10shmaltzChannelZ, I never did it so far, reason being that so far I only saw script kiddies doing the work which relies on the default port
03:37.20WiretapWorkshmaltz, I meant to say no root access, no idea why I said non-default port, as I _do_ use Port22
03:37.26sabgentondoes anyone know if sofia sip gives 729 suport ?
03:37.41shmaltzsabenton, what is sofia sip?
03:37.43WiretapWorksabgenton, this is #asterisk not #freepbx
03:37.47sabgentonshows g729 as an option
03:37.51saliakjpsharp - yeah, i'm in that situation now.  i have everything on one machine.  it appeals to the conservationist in me
03:37.54ChannelZyeah.  I used to have denyhosts running (well, still do actually) and it would block dozens of IPs a day for SSH hacking.  Moved SSH off 22 and I haven't gotten a single attempt since
03:37.57jpsharpI used the whole clusterflop to rebuild my network.  I drunk the VMWare koolaid deeply.  A dozen VMs now instead of a monolithic system.
03:38.19WiretapWorkjpsharp, I have 8 VMs and 3 physicals :P
03:38.24sabgentonWiretapWork: yay thaks was  looking allover for  a chanel
03:38.39WiretapWorksabgenton, freeswitch in an asterisk channel... really?
03:39.12shmaltzWiretapWork, the other day I someone at #linux asking how to get rid of a BSOD
03:39.17ChannelZI only said 'this halibut is good enough for Jehova'
03:39.38WiretapWorkshmaltz, LOL
03:39.39sabgentonWiretapWork: oh then why did you mention it
03:39.41jpsharpshmaltz: Told em to get a Mac?
03:40.06shmaltzI don't like Mac, its too expensive
03:40.06ChannelZsounds like a self-answering question given the venue
03:40.08WiretapWorksabgenton, this is #asterisk, freeswitch is the PBX that calls its sip module sofia...... and you're not going to find that here, you'll find it in #freeswitch
03:40.11shmaltzvery nicely designed though
03:40.15sabgentonI just don't know where to find informationo about linux voip codecing
03:40.44sabgentonWiretapWork: ah
03:40.58shmaltzsabgenton, try #2600
03:41.00sabgentonsofia was inventied by nokia I understood
03:41.16ChannelZwhich also has nothing to do with Asterisk
03:41.47sabgentonpeople with sofia might be able to help me
03:41.52shmaltzis dancing around circles with a beer in each hand laughing his a** off
03:43.31shmaltzsomone help me out, is this really necessary?
03:44.28jpsharpThat's not even the example of a bit.  That's more than a bit.
03:44.46shmaltzjsharp good point, reverting it now
03:45.13WiretapWorkthat's spectacularly silly change
03:45.20shmaltzok, same guy just reverted it:
03:46.06shmaltzok, my battery of my BB died, its time to go home
03:46.08shmaltzcya guys
03:46.44shmaltzsabgenton, sorry sending you to #2600 wasnt meant to make fun of you, I figured you would know not to go there
03:58.49sabgentonso what in the geek does  it mean?
03:59.36jpsharp2600 is the name of the group where hackers & phreakers hang out.
04:11.43sabgentonwow all four of them
04:29.44*** join/#asterisk sabgenton (
04:36.15*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
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04:50.03saliakanyone use fail2ban with shorewall?  for some reason, the "shorewall drop" command that fail2ban calls when i get my requisite # of failed connections doesn't seem to actually stop them
04:54.35ChannelZI don't use shorewall - does that command add a rule to iptables live, or just to a config file for the next time it's reloaded?
04:55.20ChannelZalso there could be a consideration of the user fail2ban runs the command as and whether it can in turn modify the firewall at all
04:56.17*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
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07:22.26cneb3000good morning, UK
07:22.47wdoekes2only UK?
07:22.55cneb3000yea, problem? ;)
07:22.58tuxx-thats not fair, i want a good morning too :-(
07:23.06wdoekes2goeiemorgen NL!
07:23.09robbie`its only 12:30AM in california, still a good night :P
07:23.10tuxx-idd :-)
07:23.11cneb3000"good morning world" sounded a little cheesy!
07:23.21tuxx-Tue May 24 09:23:21 CEST 2011
07:26.51Maliutanot morning here, I'm at GMT+10
07:27.31*** join/#asterisk Denial (
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07:33.06cneb3000to those where it's 23:00:00 or later.. go to bed! ;)
07:33.31*** part/#asterisk doulos1 (
07:37.35ChannelZYou're not the boss of me!
07:38.06*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
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07:56.32schmidtsgood morning
08:06.38*** join/#asterisk voiptelecom (
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08:11.06*** join/#asterisk voiptelecom (
08:11.18voiptelecomhello world !
08:12.06*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (
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08:35.28cneb3000howdy do
08:45.49*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:c033:6253:209c:7855)
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09:08.45*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
09:13.11*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:32.00voiptelecomI used "iax show peers" to know IP adress connect on my iax account
09:32.19*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
09:32.45voiptelecomI've got some account with many IP adresse connected on my IAX account
09:33.09voiptelecomhow can i have the list of the IP adresse connected on my iax account ?
09:33.21CadeyHi guys, stupid question but does setting the CallerID(num) and (name) for an outgoing call send the withheld signal to an outgoing call is anonymums
09:34.06voiptelecomcadey do you want anonymous calls ?
09:34.19Cadeywe want to be able to make some yes
09:34.34cneb3000Morning Cadey ;)
09:34.43CadeyMorning cneb :)
09:34.54Cadeyyou didnt add me to MSN did you?
09:35.08cneb3000....been a while since I used MSN and cant remember my password '¬_¬
09:35.18Cadeywhat you use these days
09:35.29cneb3000skype mainly
09:35.37Cadeydirty skype
09:35.44cneb3000hey! it has its moments ;)
09:35.51voiptelecomCallerId(Anonymous) don't work ?
09:35.53kaldemarCadey: "core show function CALLERID" will list you *-pres datatypes. you can set those. for values, see "core show function CALLERPRES".
09:36.20CadeyCallerId(Anonymous) <-- have not tried that
09:36.28kaldemarit will not work.
09:36.36Cadeyoh ok Lakdemar
09:36.46Cadeyill take a look at your words
09:38.00voiptelecomi think it does
09:38.25voiptelecomi had tried it and got good result
09:38.56CadeyAnonymous isnt listed as a datatype voiptelecom ?
09:39.48Cadeykaldemar, so it looks like you do this... CallerId(name-pres) = unavailable
09:39.59CadeyCallerId(num-pres) = unavailable
09:40.44kaldemaror one of the prohibited ones. try it out.
09:41.08CadeyI will take a look :)
09:42.38kaldemarremember that function names are case sensitive. so it's CALLERID, not CallerId.
09:46.11voiptelecomdo you have any idea for my problem ?
09:49.37*** join/#asterisk ihor (~Miranda@
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09:49.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:50.35kaldemarvoiptelecom: i don't understand what your problem is.
10:00.56voiptelecomI've got some IAX account with many IP adresse connected
10:01.05voiptelecomhow can i have the list of the IP adresse connected on my iax account ?
10:01.19voiptelecom"iax show peers" show only 1 adress
10:02.08*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
10:02.47Azrael808Hi, does anybody here have a good recommendation for a wifi SIP phone?
10:02.54kaldemarvoiptelecom: you can't have many ip addresses, just one.
10:03.08voiptelecomi have many ip adresse
10:03.18cneb3000Azrael: Wifi SIP phone? Like a physical one or one that runs on a computer/phone?..
10:03.27voiptelecomi would have the list of it
10:03.37Azrael808Physical one
10:03.49voiptelecomsome clients use many serveurs for 1 IAX account
10:03.56*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
10:04.09cneb3000Azrael: So a phone that doesn't need wiring up.. just to be clear?
10:04.11kaldemarvoiptelecom: you CAN'T. only the last registration source is shown.
10:04.27voiptelecomthere is always a solution...
10:05.00kaldemarvoiptelecom: asterisk does not support multiple registrations. you need to make more than one definition in iax.conf and make the clients use different accounts.
10:05.08Azrael808cneb3000: yup, I was thinking of a device that spoke 802.11b/g to connect to the office wifi.
10:05.13voiptelecomfor cdr it work
10:05.27Azrael808So essentially, if there were any cables, they would simply be to charge the device
10:05.42voiptelecomi've make a config and i know, when i have more than 1 ip adress login on 1 IAX account
10:06.05voiptelecomcdr told me witch adress make the call
10:06.26voiptelecombut i would like to know how have this information in real time
10:06.39kaldemarvoiptelecom: asterisk still holds information for one single address only at the same time.
10:06.45cneb3000Azrael: I personally wouldn't rely on Wifi unless the connection was /n myself. You dont tend to get VoIP on wifi simply because it just isnt as reliable as ethernet cables :)
10:06.47voiptelecomit's not support but it's worked ?
10:07.20Azrael808Well, we do have a /n network available... Just figured the phones would be that much more expensive!
10:07.25voiptelecomactually i have some client who used many adress ip for the same account
10:07.34cneb3000i bet any wifi phone is expensive to be honest :P
10:07.38Azrael808Still, plz give me your recommendation :)
10:07.41voiptelecomiax show peer show only 1 adresse
10:07.52Azrael808Yeah, I've seen 'em for around GBP 170
10:07.57ChainsawAzrael808: I would recommend a DECT phone with the base speaking SIP, on ethernet.
10:08.09robbie`anyone familiar with avantfax? i can send/recv faxes but the incoming faxes don't appear in the inbox, i can find them in the hylafax recvq though
10:08.13voiptelecombut in my cdr i know witch adress make a call
10:08.15ChainsawAzrael808: Siemens makes them.
10:08.18kaldemarvoiptelecom: sure calls can be made from different addresses if the authentication credentials are correct. but still, asterisk will only keep one address for a registered peer.
10:09.03voiptelecomis it possible to change it ?
10:09.22kaldemarvoiptelecom: registration is just a way to let the other end know where you are. it's not a login type of thing.
10:09.29voiptelecomis there is a risk with many authentication on 1 account ?
10:09.34Azrael808Chainsaw: I don't know much about DECT, is there any chance of interference with wifi?
10:09.43ChainsawAzrael808: None. Different frequency spectrum.
10:09.56Azrael808OK cool
10:09.57voiptelecombevause some client ask 10 IP adresse WAN
10:09.57kaldemarvoiptelecom: you can change it by changing chan_iax2.c (and others).
10:10.01voiptelecomi dont want to make 10 account
10:10.13Azrael808OOI, are there any models you'd recommend?
10:10.18kaldemarvoiptelecom: no risk, but only 1 of them can receive calls. make 10 accounts.
10:10.26Azrael808That's to both Chainsaw and cneb3000 :)
10:10.37ChainsawAzrael808: I have a C450 in use.
10:10.39voiptelecomwe have only outgoing call on serveurs
10:11.04ChainsawAzrael808: The others are an earlier type. It's mostly about whether you want an analog line as well, and whether you want an answering machine built in.
10:11.09voiptelecomwhat can you recommand me ?
10:11.20voiptelecommany account or dev for solve my pb ?
10:11.49Azrael808Chainsaw: a basic SIP client is all I need, our Asterisk server does VM :)
10:12.00kaldemarvoiptelecom: obviously many accounts, as i have twice already said.
10:12.45voiptelecomok thx
10:13.25voiptelecomreally not functionnal for 1 client who ask me 1 account and 10 @IP
10:13.47voiptelecomi don't understand no easier solution for asterisk
10:14.02voiptelecomwell thx a lot
10:14.06voiptelecomg2g eat !!
10:14.59cneb3000Azrael: Sorry I couldn't be more help!
10:15.17Azrael808cneb3000: no probs, I've got some good info to go on now thx!
10:15.44Azrael808I'll probably do some reliability testing with a SIP client on my Android phone anyways and put some options out for the powers that be ;)
10:16.13cneb3000reliability testing? surely they'll go for whatever looks best? ;)
10:16.26*** join/#asterisk irroot (
10:16.51Azrael808LOL... True, true, wouldn't be surprised if they just decided to use their iPhone 4s!
10:17.09coppicethe SIP client built into android werks very well, but doesn't support any wideband codecs
10:21.20irroothave a customer wanting to go 100% wifi converged will likely get all staff droid phones
10:30.09irrootok getting a few cases where sip_write is bouncing frames with incompat formats this never used to happen i added some magic to set the write format in a attempt to get the audio up this good / bad /ugly ??
10:30.23irrootsee r320709
10:36.29*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:39.21*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
10:40.35GreatSUNdoes someone have an idea, why one of my two asterisk servers can contact the other and the other says "unreachable"
10:40.40GreatSUNOfficeFe/6000                                    N      5060     OK (58 ms)
10:40.53GreatSUNOfficeHi/6001            N      5060     UNREACHABLE
10:41.14GreatSUNnat=yes, canreinvite=yes,qualify=yes
10:41.23GreatSUNport is standard udp 5060
10:41.45GreatSUNfirewall is set up to allow all connections
10:42.15wdoekes2GreatSUN: use tcpdump on the machine to see if any packets are received at all
10:42.38wdoekes2and continue debugging the problem from there
10:44.43GreatSUN12:44:20.444996 IP > SIP, length: 520
10:44.44GreatSUN12:44:20.592819 IP > SIP, length: 493
10:44.48GreatSUNthats all
10:45.09Azrael808coppice: which SIP client do you mean?
10:45.45coppiceAzrael808: the one built into recent versions of android
10:46.10GreatSUNCorydon76-home: there is a siip-client in 2.3.4?
10:46.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
10:46.29Azrael808Ah, ok the phone I'm testing on is 2.1 and I'm using SIPDroid (seems pretty usable atm)
10:46.31GreatSUNCorydon76-home: sorry
10:46.38Azrael808What version of Android has built in client?
10:46.44GreatSUNcoppice: there is a sipclient in 2.3.4?
10:47.02GreatSUNAzrael808: in 2.3.3 there is none afaik
10:47.07coppiceyes. its very well integrated with the dialer
10:47.09GreatSUNI have 2.3.3 running
10:47.27irrootthe sip libs are in android from 2.3
10:47.31Azrael808Dammit, just sent off my Desire HD for repair, so I can't check lol
10:47.36irrootthe client is added after that
10:47.36GreatSUNcoppice: you got a nexus S dont ya?
10:48.08GreatSUNirroot: does it matter if the libs are there, but the client isnt?
10:48.13coppiceyes. I wish I didn't, but I do
10:48.24*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
10:48.35Azrael808coppice: why don't you like your Nexus S?
10:48.37irrootGreatSUN there is a demo sip client in the dev tools
10:48.44GreatSUNah ok
10:48.51GreatSUNdon't have dev-tools
10:49.00GreatSUNbut wished I had 2.3.4
10:49.19coppiceI thought it would be safe to buy a samsung phone when they were not in control of the software. mistake
10:49.41GreatSUNbut anyways
10:49.53GreatSUNdoes anyone have an idea what I could do about my problem?
10:50.25GreatSUNI bet there is some configuration issue in the system
10:50.33GreatSUNbut I don't know where to search
10:54.12irrootGreatSun what errors happen if you sip debug on the box
10:54.23irrootwhen you sip reload ??
10:54.27GreatSUNirroot: on the box?
10:54.48irrootthe one you pasted above
10:54.54irrootthat cant reach other
10:55.01puzzledtzafrir: do you have a dahdi-zaphfc patch in your debian tree I can look at so I can figure out how to make it compile zahfc?
10:55.30GreatSUNthe one named pbx1... can reach the
10:55.49GreatSUNI can also place calls there (didn't try audio, but ringing works)
10:55.50irrootalso try this if using linux options nf_conntrack_sip sip_timeout=300
10:55.58irrootin modprobe.conf
10:56.09irrootand run "conntrack -F" to flush it
10:56.44irrootthat is if you load the sip nf conntrack helpers worth it
10:57.50tzafrirpuzzled, it's generally part of dahdi-extra
10:58.32puzzledtzafrir: excellent. is there a git repo I can have a look?
10:58.52puzzledheh, slow typing. thanks!
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11:57.44tuxx-hey guys, does the ami manager command 'Redirect' support multiple 'ExtraChannel' variables?
12:00.44CadeyHi guys, do any of you have a script to split up the output of the logger into hour text files (or other periodic splitter)
12:01.17mazpeAny directions on how i can create a perl script that generates a call?
12:01.30CadeySo for example this could be split into many files instead of one file
12:01.37Cadeylogger.conf -- /mnt/TAM01FPS02Calls/AsteriskCalls/sip.txt => verbose
12:03.21mazpeoh... i can $AGI->exe('Dia','SIP/XXXXXXXX');
12:03.55kaldemarmazpe: make it call CLI originate with 'asterisk -rx ...', move a call file to spool dir or connect AMI and use the originate command.
12:04.11cneb3000cadey: check this out - i use it somtimes --->
12:04.31kaldemarmazpe: nevermind, use a proper AGI way if it's an AGI script.
12:04.33mazpekaldemar: a call file to the spool dir sounds interesting.. didnt even know there was such
12:04.56mazpekaldemar: well its kind of a dialer that i'm building for a client.
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12:06.31cneb3000cadey: here's an asterisk specific guide --->
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12:08.09Cadeycneb3000 : thats for the messages log dude
12:08.22cneb3000'salright! share the wealth!
12:08.23CadeyI want to output the verbose messages for a few days
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12:16.26tuxx-is there any way to not let the ami command 'Park' announce which parkingslot it put the channel in? :P
12:16.37tuxx-without removing the soundfiles, hehe :P
12:16.51leifmadsentuxx-: remove the...^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
12:17.18leifmadsenI guess you could change the code? :)
12:17.30mazpekaldemar: so you can only have 1 number per call file?
12:17.33tuxx-hmye, dont want to make changes to the asterisk source preferably, but if thats the only way :)
12:17.59kaldemarmazpe: no.
12:19.28tuxx-tnx leifmadsen :P
12:19.50leifmadsenI'm not aware of a "don't announce" option, but it sounds useful (when used from AMI)
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12:24.00Kobaztuxx-, leifmadsen: it's a hacky way, but in order to not announce the parking lot, set the dial channel for ParkAndAnnounce to Console/dsp
12:24.09leifmadsenoh neato
12:24.16leifmadsenhacky indeed, but probably effective
12:24.20leifmadsentuxx-: ^^^
12:24.23*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
12:24.23tuxx-ah nice :)
12:24.25tuxx-tnx =)
12:33.35mazpeanyone using flowroute? I'm looking for an inexpensive but good quality sip provider
12:33.50leifmadsennever heard of them
12:33.59leifmadsenfeels deja vu
12:34.21mazpethey have a nice site and they seem to be around for a while.
12:34.39leifmadsenI like for quality and cheapness. I also know of people who use successfully.
12:34.57leifmadsenI've also had good luck with, but beyond that I can't recommend anyone else
12:35.12mazpeI currently use varphonex, but its like 0.025
12:35.23leifmadsenunlimitel is 0.01
12:35.40mazpeto the us? is like 0.0167 in many areas, sometimes cheaper
12:35.50leifmadsenmazpe: to USA/Canada yes
12:36.12leifmadsen(except for some more expensive rate centres, but you can look that up on the rate table they provide)
12:36.15mazpeis the providers server location a deciding factor?
12:36.22leifmadsenit isn't for me
12:36.39mazpeI'm using linode atlanta center.
12:36.53leifmadsenlatency from my server to their location could be a factor
12:37.00voiptelecomdo you recommend a cheap sip provider for burkina faso ?
12:37.41mazpeleifmadsen: do you use a database or something to select your cheapest route?
12:43.20leifmadsendon't necessarily
12:47.03cneb3000Mazpe: the industry term for that is 'least cost routing' :)
12:47.11cneb3000Mazpe: or 'LCR'
12:47.15cneb3000yes ;)
12:47.28mazpeI was using at a point a2billing to accomplish it.
12:47.34mazpebut it seem to much of a hassel
12:48.18cneb3000you could probably include it in a dial plan.. not sure what that would do the load on the box.
12:48.19cneb3000Every outbound call checks a database for the cheapest trunk to use..
12:48.39mazpeand for some reason, forwarding calls didnt work at all between cisco 7960 phones and a2billing.. very odd.
12:49.15cneb3000really :|
12:49.37mazpesounds like a lot of load to differentiate between 0.0098 and 0.0015
12:49.46mazpefor international calls i can certainly see it.
12:49.59cneb3000I've never played with a2billing myself. I hear it mentioned a lot. Normally by entrepreneurs trying to set up 'calling card' boxes :)
12:50.25cneb3000^^^ yes true
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13:09.08irroota wise man once said beware of the _ at start of variable names
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13:10.23cneb3000^^ hehe
13:21.24Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls
13:21.47leifmadsenecho "Ohai Russell. Please to be my fixing Asterisk." | mutt -s "Please to be fixing my stuff"
13:22.07*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
13:22.40irrootKatty what you break ....
13:22.53Kattygooooood morning mister leif!
13:22.56Kattyapplies huggage to leifmadsen
13:23.27leifmadsenaccepts huggage
13:23.29leifmadsenfor a fee!
13:23.40b0otHow difficult would it be to have lots of computers running asterisk talk to one another
13:23.42leifmadsenI charge you $0.02
13:23.44Kattyboy, we's gonna have words.
13:24.03irrootleif = love in afrikaans FYI
13:24.06leifmadsenb0ot: not particularly difficult, although "talk to each other" is ambiguous
13:24.06cneb3000b0ot: like an asterisk botnet?
13:24.12angryuserb0ot, well it will depend on the topic of the chat
13:24.49b0otwell I mean if I have a very mobile network where people could me moving all over the place.... I'm trying to decide how many asterisk call managers I would want
13:26.07Kattyi'm going camping for the first time /ever/
13:26.11Kattywords of advice?
13:26.21leifmadsenKatty: bring sweaters for the campfire
13:26.27leifmadsenit'll be colder at night than you'd think
13:26.40leifmadsenalso, everything you bring with you is going to smell of camp fire
13:26.44Kattyi don't know that i own a sweater, but i'll bring a hoodie
13:26.59angryuserb0ot, mobile users does not mean you need many asterisk, and i have no idea why do you talk about call managers
13:27.05b0otsunscreeen, knife, lighter, waterproof bag,
13:27.42tuxx-Katty: the only thing you need to survive is beer.
13:27.48b0otangryuser, I mean that my network topology changes quite often
13:27.56leifmadsenKatty: bring layers
13:28.07angryuserb0ot, i still dont see any problem
13:28.11leifmadsenalso a couple of towels and a couple swim suits if near water
13:28.42b0otangryuser, in some circumstances the computer might not always have access to the computer running asterisk
13:28.46b0otif i only had one running
13:29.21angryuserb0ot, why is that ?
13:29.25KattyQwell: TAKE ME WITH YOU
13:29.29irrootkatty last time i went camping it was in the zambezi valley no tents in the game reserve out in the wild no fences either :P
13:29.41b0otI told you it is a mobile network... not everyone is in contact with everyone
13:29.44b0otat the same time
13:29.54Kattyirroot: something tells me i shouldn't be camping on a game reserve for the first time ever
13:29.55angryuserb0ot, have you heard about VPN ?
13:30.08Kattyleifmadsen: the water looks icky. i don't wanna swim in it :<
13:30.18b0otangryuser, not everyone would have access to internet
13:30.23b0otjust private network
13:30.29Kattyleifmadsen: but i'm sure my doggy will get into it and have a lovely time. towel for him!
13:31.08cneb3000b0ot: have the server display on a public AND internal IP?..
13:31.30angryuserb0ot, in this case, why do you involve asterisk with the people without Network ? How in hell multiple asterisk help peoploe without net ?
13:32.17*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:32.27irrootKatty nope not best idea going to sleep with sounds of hyena and lions in background pretty decent  ... have a blast
13:33.16b0otangryuser, so lets say I have three groups A, B, C. If A and B get cut off from C, at least they would still be able to talk to one another. Now if you increase that to more groups... and they somehow got seperated it would be nice if the respective groups still could call within their isolated groups, and when a link came in to connect the groups they could call everyone
13:33.22Kattyirroot: not unless they're tame!
13:33.33angryuserb0ot, Dundi
13:34.09irrootnah what fun is that .... keep a fire going they stay away problem is pesky rhinos :P
13:34.15angryusergoogle it^
13:35.27*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
13:35.51b0otI take it their is no such thing as a dynamic dialplan
13:36.23irrootbOot can be as dynamic as you want realtime and Dundi and perhaps ENUM
13:36.26Kattyirroot: what's the matter with rhinos? something tells me they're not too interested in your pb and jelly sammich
13:36.58*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
13:37.19irrootKatty they see for shit blind and have attitude ... smell fire and run for it and put it out ... dont want to be in the way camp outside there area
13:38.08*** part/#asterisk mameluk (~Adium@
13:38.13infobothmm... dundi is at DUNDi, an optional Asterisk component, is a distributed, decentralized peer to peer network that provides routes to PSTNs between peers on the same DUNDi network.
13:38.22Kattyirroot: so did you sleep in the trees to avoid the rhinos?
13:38.32infobotit has been said that enum is
13:38.34irrootat the base of a baobab
13:38.48Kattyi'm guessing that's a rather large tree
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13:41.52irrootthey massive indeed
13:42.41b0otDundi looks like it trys to find a way to the internet to complete calls.
13:43.22leifmadsenDUNDi is a question/answer protocol that you get to ask peers how to reach an end point, and the cluster returns an answer
13:43.43leifmadsenit provides you the data to connect to the peer (and does not actually connect you)
13:43.54infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
13:44.02leifmadsencontains info about setting up DUNDi
13:49.12b0otit looks like I could use DUNDi in a mobile network
13:49.47b0otAny idea how long it would take the DUNDi to adjust when there is a topology change
13:50.04*** join/#asterisk radic (
13:50.36kaldemarb0ot: it's a reactive protocol with caching. you can make it query every time when a number is dialed if you want to.
13:51.02leifmadsenb0ot: immediately as the end point that responds "registers" to the other end points
13:51.10leifmadsenif the end point doesn't answer, it doesn't answer
13:51.18leifmadsenjust don't use caching
13:51.29leifmadsenor use it, and then you know how long it takes to adjust
13:51.52leifmadsendundi doesn't care about how the data is being passed, so saying it'll work across a mobile network is kind of superfluous
13:57.27*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (~puitpyitr@
13:57.58b0otAlright well if I'm A and to dial 1234 DUNDi finds that it can go B->C->D->1234
13:58.20b0othowever than the network changes and it now is A->E->D->1234
13:58.26b0othow would DUNDi handle that
13:58.29*** join/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
13:58.38b0otor A->C->E->D
14:07.22kaldemarb0ot: if will know when it goes A->E->D->1234 or A->C->E->D just like with the first query.
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14:08.43neurosys*v1.6.2.11... from in the SIP header shows the user@HOST instead of the USER@ASTERISKBOX. Any ideas on why?
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14:19.57tuxx-Hm, weird. I'm trying to reach a sippeer on my asterisk box, the call comes in through a siptrunk, and i get the following error when picking up the call: process_sdp: Insufficient information for SDP (m= not found). I tried setting the insecure value for my sippeer to port,invite. but that didnt work. Anyone got a suggestion? I got the full log with sipdebug etc here:
14:20.52tuxx-, this might be related, but its for asterisk 1.4.2, currently running
14:23.30tuxx-on line 814 the error pops up :P
14:24.37*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (b71b335b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:25.12irrootthe answer is @ 711
14:25.45tuxx-Capabilities: us - 0xe (gsm|ulaw|alaw), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw)
14:25.47BeeBuuhow can i do mixmonitor in application queue?
14:26.00tuxx-so i accept gsm/ulaw/alaw and the peer only accepts ulaw?
14:26.10tuxx-shouldnt be a problem right, since they both ahve ulaw? :P
14:26.55irrootsorry mis read 2 lines together saw nothing :P
14:28.36irrootim almost done for the day hometime ill try look at it in a bit if i can
14:29.08*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~fauxallia@
14:29.32muirois there any way I can make asterisk take an action on a SIP or IAX2 registration?
14:29.38tuxx-tnx irroot
14:29.57tuxx-muiro: you could catch the event on AMI
14:30.06tuxx-and do something with it
14:30.23muirois that the only way? it seems rather bulky
14:30.56tuxx-afaik yes
14:31.13muiroI was afraid of that but I guess it confirms what I was thinking
14:31.15tuxx-but maybe someone in this channel has a better idea :-)
14:32.02muirothough, I'm not sure the AMI has an event to set custom device states. I could always shell out and do it with the console, assuming the ami listener is on the same box
14:35.12irroottuxx throwing it out you have ULAW on the server set but does the phone have it in its codec list ??
14:35.18tuxx-irroot: think i found it, it was a codec problem after all, fixed it by playing around with codecs on my phone.
14:35.28irrootbeat you too it
14:35.32tuxx-hehe :D
14:35.46tuxx-tnx for the help =)
14:37.18*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~qcstewart@nat/digium/x-fehumuevfalqktep)
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14:45.23DaneoShigasomeone could tell me if the "order" of the events that asterisk throws are always the same?
14:45.58DaneoShigaI mean, when an agent hangups a call, first comes a "AgentComplete" then an "ExtensionStatus", it's always like that? or it can happen in other order?
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14:58.29jayteewow, scathing article on nerdvittles about Digium and 1.8.4
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14:58.49leifmadsenjaytee: welcome to last week
14:59.08jayteeyeah, I'm just tryin to get caught up on my reading :-)
14:59.36cneb3000jaytee: news to me - thanks for letting us know ;)
14:59.42leifmadsenrussellb: I found some espresso in the cabinet!
14:59.49leifmadsenI made a double american
14:59.53leifmadsendouble americano
15:00.01leifmadsenalthough I no speak americano
15:00.22jayteebet the author gets kickbacks from PIAF
15:00.34leifmadsenthe author builds PIAF
15:00.56russellbleifmadsen: nice!
15:01.07leifmadsenrussellb: ya I'm pretty excited
15:01.15russellbi still have no coffee and it sucks a lot.
15:03.48irrootim with russellb STFU leifmadsen out of coffee here at office ... grumpy @ 90% 5pm so crank up the esspresso at home soon
15:05.07leifmadsenirroot: if I didn't find espresso though, I'd have been coffee-less all day as I have no bike and no car here at home
15:05.31chazzamleifmadsen: I imagine if you walked to somewhere you would be pretty awake by the time you got there
15:05.48tuxx-i need nicotine, but i dont have anymore cigarettes >_>
15:05.55tuxx-need to actually phisically go outside
15:05.57tuxx-and get some
15:06.20leifmadsenchazzam: possibly -- but then I'd be out of the office for over an hour just to get coffee :)
15:06.26russellbluckily we have a coffee shop in the building ^_^
15:06.33russellbonce i get off the phone, i am hitting that up.
15:06.34leifmadsenrussellb: I'm jealous
15:06.40irrootapplies for job @ digium
15:06.44russellbirroot: hired
15:06.46leifmadsenrussellb: you're going to figuratively "tap that ass"?
15:06.58tuxx-hehe :-)
15:07.03russellbirroot: seriously, we have an opening.  interested?  :-)
15:07.12leifmadsenirroot: be interested!
15:07.21irroothehe not sure that they allow me into the states ;)
15:07.56russellbfor the guy writing t.38 gateway, remote contract work could be an option, heh
15:08.29russellbattempts peer pressure in a public location :-p
15:08.35irrootlol ie do what im doing at the moment for me customers and digium
15:08.57russellbpretty much
15:09.16*** join/#asterisk doulos1 (
15:09.18tuxx-what kind of a job opening do you guys have?
15:09.21tuxx-cant find it on the website :p
15:09.25irrootcan be a plan hey now that its winter here summer there see what im thinkin
15:09.26russellbAsterisk C development
15:09.29russellbshould be on the web site
15:09.42chazzamshould be there
15:10.13chazzamalthough opera apparently still only gets the first listing instead of the full list
15:10.22chazzamat least for me
15:10.23russellbshould be 5 listed
15:10.45leifmadsenya I got 5 here with chrome
15:10.56chazzamyeah, all 5 show up in chrome and firefox
15:10.58tuxx-same =)
15:11.22WIMPysees 0
15:11.35russellbstupid open source software
15:11.52chazzam how about there?
15:12.08chazzamopera sees all of the there
15:12.24russellbbut anyway, for anyone listening, you can contact me if you're interested in either of the software positions listed.
15:12.34WIMPyYes, 5.
15:13.38mazpeI hate that flowroute only accepts Amazon Payments
15:14.35irroothehe douglas here says he will write recomendation letter ... ie no chance :P
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15:17.22irrootcatch you tommorow off now
15:17.37russellbhave a nice evening!
15:17.40leifmadsenpeas out
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15:19.26irroot Sala Gahle all
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15:28.45DiffenEvning, In my asterisk 1.4 im using agents in queues so we can take queue calls on our cellphones. seems like I must have touched some setting because i can use ## for blind transfer but not #* for attendant transfer. It have been working before. When I press #* the call ends and there is nothing strange in the log. Does anyone have some sort of clue?
15:29.28cneb3000Diffen: can you copy/paste the log to :)
15:29.42Diffencneb3000: sure hold on :D
15:29.50cneb3000make sure you run this in the asterisk CLI first... "core set verbose 5"
15:31.25Diffencool ill check
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15:41.14Diffencneb3000: should i use some syntax highlight?
15:41.32cneb3000Diffen: no! no need
15:41.38Diffenok ok :D:D
15:43.21cneb3000Diffen: Ok let's have a look
15:44.40cneb3000Diffen: There's quite a lot there.. can you simplify what I'm looking for?
15:45.04Diffenfrom row  232
15:45.06cneb3000Diffen: For example.. 'An inbound call came to xxxx and I tried to transfer it by pushing 'xx' and then it failed
15:45.09*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:47.25Diffenfrom row 232 it starts ringing in my phone. that works fine. then i press #* somewhere around row 243-246
15:48.23DiffenThere isnt any error messages or anything. it just hangs up the call. in my features.conf i have the #
15:48.33Diffen#* for attendant transfer
15:49.00Diffenblindxfer => ##                 ; Blind transfer
15:49.00Diffenatxfer => #*                    ; Attended transfer
15:49.17Diffenand a blind transfer works perfectly... strange :)
15:49.49cneb3000Diffen: Have you made any changes at all recently?
15:50.00Diffenno not that i can remember...
15:50.05Diffenso no
15:50.53*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:51.20cneb3000Diffen: hmm..! I want to help but cant spot anything in the logs myself..!
15:51.54Diffennp i will remove the queue and see if it works. then restart my asteirsk
15:52.13cneb3000try changing to something different. *2 for example.?
15:52.32Diffenyes will do that
15:53.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
15:54.27cneb3000Diffen: can you copy paste your 'dial-SIP' extension to paste bin?
15:58.15atanWhat does into the allow= field within sip.con to enable G.711?
15:58.53atanAhh yes.
15:58.55atanThank you.
16:02.53leifmadsenwell there are 2 flavors of G.711 (ulaw and alaw)
16:03.04leifmadsenso what russellb said is correct
16:03.15atanUS and Europe I think
16:03.17jayteeulaw tastes better than alaw
16:03.20atanI totally just forgot is all. :-)
16:03.30*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
16:03.43atanIt uses far more bandwidth than gsm. Hmm.
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16:03.51leifmadsen64kbit/s yes
16:03.57leifmadsenthe quality is also significantly better
16:04.05leifmadsengsm sounds awful
16:04.43jayteeand tastes lousy compared to G.711 flavors :-)
16:04.48atanWell the kicker is it's being sent over a cellular connection. I wasn't sure if it would do well with a higher codec but it seems fine :D is slooooooow. 190-200 kbps download
16:06.29russellbblames leifmadsen
16:06.40leifmadsenhas no control over that site :)
16:06.58jayteeand I've got a 50down 10up circuit so it's gotta be the server throttling
16:07.15leifmadsenyou get what you pay for? :)
16:07.44jayteehahaha, guess so. glad I'm a patient guy. probably just a busy day for downloads
16:07.48coppiceleifmadsen: if GSM sounds awful, you must be using a broken one. its somewhat poorer than alaw and ulaw, although those aren't particularly wonderful to begin with
16:08.11atanwonders what a broken one is.
16:08.23atanSee O dodm
16:08.25jayteewe need a "Vader" codec
16:08.39coppicethere are plenty of broken codecs implementations around
16:08.42jayteenormal voice in > Vader voice out
16:08.43atanErr. I didn't notice much trouble with the gsm codec. Nobody said anything to me about the call quality being bad.
16:08.45leifmadsencoppice: right, so any loss in quality over ulaw (which is already not awesome) is worse
16:08.51russellbjaytee: lpc10?
16:08.56leifmadsenI stick with my original statement
16:09.20_Corey_anyone know if any cell carriers are doing anything better than gsm?  I got a new bluetooth headset the other day that touts wideband audio and couldn't help wondering why...
16:09.32jayteewonders what to have for lunch
16:09.38leifmadsen_Corey_: some are testing higher quality codecs, yes
16:09.39WIMPycoppice: Yes, including the iPhone, I think.
16:10.04_Corey_aha, well i'm all anticipation now
16:10.08coppice_Corey_: a few networks now support wideband over cellular
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16:12.07coppicemost early 3G phones had wideband codecs. when the networks blocked its use, the phones dropped it. they are slowly putting it back
16:12.10atanAre there any test phone numbers which play high quality audio?
16:12.39coppicerussellb: even LPC10 doesn't have to sound as bad as the broken codec in *
16:12.40_Corey_hmm, i guess we'll notice it first between users of the same cell network
16:13.45coppice_Corey_: I don't think the networks are even attempting to do wideband with other networks
16:14.08_Corey_yeah, I wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon
16:14.47atan wowsers, $99,999.00 must be a good headset!
16:18.49coppiceatan: the dollar is starting to gain some of it value back, so it might be cheaper in Sep when its launched
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16:22.43atanThe comedy :D it kills
16:23.33DaneoShigasomeone could tell me if the "order" of the events that asterisk throws are always the same?
16:23.35DaneoShigaI mean, when an agent hangups a call, first comes a "AgentComplete" then an "ExtensionStatus", it's always like that? or it can happen in other order?
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17:03.07el3slaveyou guys have any preference on headsets for sip softphones?
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17:04.58el3slavethanks WIMPy
17:05.28el3slavethink blue tooth would cause issues?
17:05.52WIMPyI haven't tried that.
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17:06.54WIMPyBut it should work just as any other audio device.
17:07.06el3slavethanks sir
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17:15.33wesphillipsdoes anyone know about the jtterbuffer in asterisk? I am trying to enable a buffer on a SIP <-> SIP bridge, and I added the jbenable=yes and jbforce=yes to the sip.conf, but I get no message on the CLI, and no logfile created(I have jblog=yes as well). I am running
17:16.38*** join/#asterisk cusco (
17:17.13WIMPyI've never trid to look at that, but are you sure, your Asterisk is in the media path at all?
17:17.24cuscoim having trouble configuring asterisk --with-ssl
17:17.27cuscochecking for ssl2_connect in -lssl... no
17:17.29wesphillipsit is. I have canreinvite=no
17:17.59WIMPyAnd directmedia?
17:18.47wesphillipsI also know that it is in the path for two reasons, one is that I am coverting from G.729 20 byte payloads to G.729 60 byte payloads and I am also doing a wireshark capture on both sides of the Asterisk bridge.
17:19.34leifmadsencusco: sounds like you don't have the development files asterisk needs installed
17:19.45cuscoI have libssl-dev (debian)
17:20.28cuscofolks in #debian tell me that ssl2 is dead
17:20.45leifmadsenyou probably need the changes that are in asterisk 1.8
17:20.49leifmadsen(the branch directly)
17:21.51wesphillipsi tried changing the reverse direction from 60 to 20 byte payloads, and I noticed that asterisk was spitting out 3 voice packets at a time(I was seeing a 60 ms interpacket delay delta and then two zero interpacket delay deltas) , so that also confirms that there is no buffer.
17:22.04*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (
17:22.12cusco_connection felll
17:22.18cusco_I might not have catched your last messages
17:24.30cusco_"18:23 < stew> cusco_: according to the debian changelog, the debian patch to fix this problem was accepted upstream and is included in 1.8.4"
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17:30.37cuscoleifmadsen: I actually see that in the notes... from debian package:
17:30.56cuscoso I should be ok to mimic that patch by altering
17:31.18leifmadsenis it *actually* included in 1.8.4? I don't think so.
17:31.32leifmadsenpretty sure I committed those changes, and they were done recently (post 1.8.4-rc1)
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17:33.14cuscoso Im using it should have that
17:33.18cuscogoes check
17:33.24leifmadsencusco: why do you think that?
17:33.26leifmadsendid you look at the log file?
17:33.32leifmadsens/log file/ChangeLog file/
17:33.42leifmadsen1.8.4.1 has only certain fixes
17:33.53leifmadsenlike I said, you more than likely need the latest 1.8 branch
17:33.57cuscogoes looking at changelog first
17:34.51leifmadsenanyways I'm telling you what you need
17:37.30cuscoyes, the latest branch
17:37.31el3slavereally enjoying the definitive guide, leifmadsen, thanks!
17:38.10cusconon-related: how does one buy the definitive guide?
17:38.17leifmadsenel3slave: glad you're enjoying it
17:38.26leifmadsencusco: makes it easy
17:38.27cuscoI could actually do some reading while on public transport
17:38.33cuscothey're expensive
17:38.54cneb3000Cusco: Buy the kindle version
17:39.02cneb3000Cusco: Actually.. fiirst buy a kindle... :P
17:39.02cuscocneb3000: why? what is it?
17:39.07leifmadsen, <-- cusco
17:39.12cuscothats damn expensive too!
17:39.19jayteeI <3 my Kindle
17:39.26cuscoclick click...
17:39.28leifmadsencusco: buying things requires the exchange of cash unfortunately
17:39.47cuscochash should be foss
17:39.55cneb3000Jaytee: I found it's made me read more... Sad to think it's mainly because i'm reading it off tech as opposed to paper eh?
17:40.05leifmadsencusco: see bitcoin
17:40.08jayteeaccording to Jean Luc Picard, in the 24th century they don't use cash anymore :-)
17:40.35cusco"Use SSLv23_client_method instead of old SSLv2 only." OK
17:40.44cuscoleifmadsen: I did and had a laugh with it
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17:40.51cuscois the book available trough bitcoin?
17:40.58cneb3000^^ haha
17:40.59leifmadsennot from me
17:41.14jayteecneb3000, I just like the idea of having 5 or 6 good technical books like Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, Asterisk Cookbook, etc. and not have to carry 20 pounds of paper around.
17:41.22leifmadsenjaytee: +1
17:41.27jayteealthough I also have the print version
17:41.30jayteeof each
17:41.35cneb3000jaytee: amen
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17:41.53leifmadsenI think it would have been faster to download this Fedora ISO image from the internet than across my LAN for some reason
17:42.08leifmadsenpscp must add a bunch of overhead
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17:43.15jayteeI usually get solid throughput with WinSCP
17:43.29leifmadsenodd, oh well
17:43.30leifmadsenno rush
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17:44.17jayteeFedora, huh? Jared trying to convert you from CentOS?
17:44.35leifmadsenFedora and CentOS are two totally separate things
17:44.45leifmadsenI wouldn't deploy Fedora onto an Asterisk server
17:44.51leifmadsenI would certainly try it out on my desktop though
17:45.00leifmadsenso there is no relationship there for converting
17:45.02jayteeah, yeah. it makes a great desktop
17:45.22jayteeyou could run * on it if you wanted to
17:45.23leifmadsenI use ubuntu server edition and centOS for server deployments
17:45.28cuscoI find that debian makes great everything
17:45.33leifmadsenI could, and I might for development purposes
17:45.36cuscofrom laptop to servers
17:45.44cneb3000oh no. a distro discussion!
17:45.47cneb3000runs and hides
17:45.50leifmadsenya it's stupid
17:45.53leifmadsenI use what works
17:46.09leifmadsenso... about that asterisk stuff
17:46.11cuscotho I might add, debian has DFSG that stands for your rights regarding software
17:46.23cusco(I'm finished)
17:47.45cneb3000have "pirates of silicon valley" running in the background.. good movie :)
17:48.00leifmadsenI wouldn't go that far
17:48.06cusconever watched it
17:48.13cuscoI enjoyed antitrust
17:48.33cuscowith that ryan something actor
17:48.46cuscoits nice how they paint microsoft
17:48.59cuscono... ryan phillip I think...
17:50.10cneb3000Ha. Do you find when you read description of a 'computer film' that they tend to sound tacky
17:50.44cuscowhat is tacky? like dodgy?
17:50.58cuscothey often omit the specifics ...
17:51.00cneb3000how to explain tacky?
17:51.07cuscois it on ?
17:51.20cneb3000'Showing poor taste and quality: "his tacky decor".
17:51.33cneb3000its a british thing... haha
17:52.34*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
17:54.10m_tadeuhi...I'm using ami to set a cdr field, and asterisk replies with success...but the field doesn't seem to change. what can I be doing wrong?
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17:57.18m_tadeuI'm using the SetVar action, btw
17:57.28cuscoshouldn't it be Set() ?
17:57.46cuscoleifmadsen: latest 1.8 branche works, thanks again :p
17:58.27m_tadeucusco: in the reference says SetVar
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17:59.07leifmadsenm_tadeu: which reference?
17:59.10leifmadsenSetVar() is crazy old
17:59.18leifmadsenit's been Set() since like.... 1.2?
17:59.33leifmadsenoh you're talking the AMI setvar
17:59.36leifmadsensorry, I misunderstood
18:03.08cuscoso did I
18:03.18m_tadeuin deed...I'm setting the variable: CDR(answered)...which doesn't exist in the original CDR...but should't represent a problem, since I'm also using a CDR(queued) without a problem(but setting this in an agi script)
18:04.04leifmadsenI don't think you can change any fields except userfield
18:05.37cuscoI use Set(CDR(Userfield)=bla); and Set(CDR(accountcode)=Outbound912327540)
18:05.56m_tadeuyes I'm also settin the account code somewhere in an agi script
18:06.38m_tadeuand also a custom one CDR(queued),, which marks the time the caller entered a queue
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18:13.21cuscoand that is working, you say
18:14.00diatonicSo, if they ever make a hollywood movie about the free software movement, who plays richard stallman? Maybe zach galifianakis?
18:14.04cuscoare you sure CDR(answered) is not set?
18:14.12cuscohave you checked with dumpchan() or so?
18:14.58cuscodiatonic: I don't know that guy, but I'm sure they could ask stallman himself
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18:15.04cuscoIm sure he would love to have a say in it
18:15.18cuscoand propagate some more religion trough new channels
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18:16.35reckio1does anyone integrated spa9XX phones with ad 2008
18:17.19m_tadeucusco: the value should show up in the CDR record, I guess
18:18.19cuscoI guess.. I would use dumpchan() just to be sure
18:18.30cuscoand check verbose mode
18:18.35cuscoor debug mode
18:18.42cuscoto see what happens when you use setvar
18:20.04m_tadeuit's the first time I hear about do I use it?
18:20.17leifmadsenjust use it from the dialplan and look at the output
18:21.19m_tadeuso it will dump the info at that time, right?
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18:23.49pdtpatrickCan you guys please tell me what's the advantage to 1.8 asterisk vs 1.6 .. we currently have 1.6 and im looking to upgrade. Or what is the big difference between AsteriskNow vs Asterisk .. thanks in advance
18:24.42*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (~lesouvage@
18:25.00fish-bulbpdtpatrick: 1.8 is a more recent version and includes new features. 1.6.2 is no longer receiving bug fixes, so not the best idea to use for a new install
18:25.13p3nguin1.8 is a Long-Term Support branch, where 1.6.0, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2 are not.  AsteriskNOW is a complete CentOS Linux distribution with Asterisk preinstalled and with FreePBX and the Asterisk GUI available.
18:25.16fish-bulband you will only get a little less than a year of security fixes too
18:25.25fish-bulbannnd... what p3nguin said
18:27.34m_tadeuI can't see the dumpchan, but something that worth notice in the console came up..."app_macro.c:304 _macro_exec: No such context 'macro-answered' for macro 'answered'"...well, answered is the cdr value I'm trying to set
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18:28.28pdtpatrickoh i see ... thanks guys!
18:33.53pdtpatrickis there a way to source remote files on asterisk? for instance i have something in another server that i'd like to reference in my current extensions.conf or sip.conf
18:33.58pdtpatrickis that possible and how ?
18:34.00cuscom_tadeu: that is regarding a macro. You're somehow triggering a macro that doesn't exist? Or a context that does not exist
18:34.07cuscocheck the course on cli
18:34.36cuscopdtpatrick: I use sftp to place .call files...
18:35.10_Corey_pdtpatrick: One technique is to use NFS to share a config folder
18:35.21pdtpatrickthat would work just fine?
18:35.40_Corey_just make sure your machine-specific stuff isn't shared in a way that will cause problems
18:36.16_Corey_I've seen people do like an "asterisk" and "asterisk-local" where all the machine specific stuff is #included from the asterisk-local
18:36.37leifmadsen_Corey_: ya I've done that
18:36.55pdtpatrickoh nice.. let me look into that. The best way to reload sip is .. sip reload ?
18:36.59pdtpatrickfrom cli ?
18:37.05_Corey_It's handy for clustered stuff that can't do everything realtime
18:37.50_Corey_or 'asterisk -rx "sip reload" '
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19:06.15ChannelZWell, there goes SFA
19:06.29justdavein the iax2 netstats, which direction is which side of the table?
19:06.34justdaveit's labeled LOCAL and REMOTE
19:06.52justdaveinbound and outbound would probably be more useful :)
19:07.02justdaveunless I'm misundstanding what it's representing
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19:10.29leifmadsenChannelZ: eh?
19:11.28sezuanhow suprising, Skype for Asterisk will be discontinued :(
19:12.00ChannelZSkype is kicking SFA to the curb.  No new sales after July, though they 'promise' to make it still work for 2 years
19:12.00justdaveMicrosoft sells a VoIP product that they don't want competition for?
19:12.23tzangernever did use it
19:13.09ChannelZI wonder if they will ultimately get rid of their own SIP for Skype or whatever it is
19:13.40cuscoso they bought it?
19:13.48cuscolast I read it was not finite
19:15.28_Corey_ouch, I just got Rod's e-mail
19:15.50_Corey_I literally have like 3 customers who want it... bah
19:18.38jayteeMicrosoft manage to put the nail in yet another product
19:20.06_Corey_I'm just holding my breath for them to rename it "bing communicator" or some bs
19:23.52ChannelZMicrosoft Messenger For Voice Communications 2011
19:25.46*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
19:26.21jayteeMicrosoft Anal Sphincter for Voice Crapification 2011
19:27.22_Corey_As long as there's a talking paperclip, I'm ditching Asterisk for it
19:29.07paulcHaha did you see The Office the other day where Darryl called up asking how to re-enable Clippy? Made me laugh :-)
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19:29.35_Corey_that's hilarious
19:34.55QuantumSchemaGood afternoon all!
19:35.53QuantumSchemaI'm tripping over a small (kind of) part with agents, queues, and calls.
19:36.00*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~tom@
19:36.15infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
19:36.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
19:36.36QuantumSchemaAnd I'm not quite sure on how the queue app is monitoring the usage of lines.
19:36.51ChannelZBy default it sort of doesn't
19:36.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
19:37.10b0otsee ~thebook
19:38.12QuantumSchemaRight... it's doing a great job with the whole "ringinuse" part with incomming calls.
19:38.24ChannelZIt tries a channel and if the channel accepts the call, off it goes
19:38.43leifmadsendevice state is used to determine if a member of the queue is free
19:39.06ChannelZIf your agent's phones have call waiting turned on, they will accept multiple calls
19:39.14leifmadsennot necessarily
19:39.28QuantumSchemaI agree with leif.
19:39.29leifmadsenit can if the device state doesn't report as InUse when a single line is in user
19:39.50QuantumSchemaWait wait.... are we talking about inbound or outbound specifically here?
19:39.54leifmadsenbut that would be dependent upon ringinuse={yes,no}
19:40.05leifmadseninbound or outbound what?
19:40.11leifmadsenI'm just talking channels and members
19:40.35QuantumSchemaWell, it knows about inbound calls and agents on devices that aren't reporting device state.
19:40.50leifmadsenkind of
19:40.52QuantumSchemaThat is the part I'm thinking is in the queue app...
19:41.03leifmadsenonly SIP channels can report device state accurately
19:41.04QuantumSchemaIt's just remembering "AGENTCONNECT".
19:41.18leifmadsenthe rest is a crap shoot
19:41.23QuantumSchemaLoL That's what I was thinking.
19:41.37QuantumSchemaSo what I wanted to try and get to was using hints... if that's the right path.
19:41.40leifmadsenI only use SIP channels with app_queue because they are the most reliable
19:41.48leifmadsenhints just depend on device state
19:41.58leifmadsenit's the device state that you need configured and setup correctly
19:42.04leifmadsenand to do that, you need to use SIP end points
19:42.23QuantumSchemaI wanted to make hints that correspond the agents channel... like "ExternalPBX/${EXTEN}"
19:43.14QuantumSchemaThen in the dialplan, if something goes to that extension (in the trunk dialplans), it sets the hint to IN USE. Would that work?
19:43.34leifmadsenyou can setup custom hints, sure
19:43.37*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
19:43.49leifmadsenyou need to use DEVICE_STATE() for that
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19:58.07LedHedhow many concurrent calls can a T1/PRI support? (Not SIP Handoff)
19:58.50leifmadsen_Corey_: I like your answer :)
19:59.00_Corey_it's accurate :)
19:59.08leifmadsenthat's why I like it
19:59.15LedHedI know theres 24/23 channels but my ATT rep keeps saying the I can only get 17 with g711.
19:59.30leifmadsenif you're using SIP over a T1 data link, that may be true
19:59.33p3nguinThat's probably a data T1 circuit.
19:59.34_Corey_well, you did say "not sip handoff"
19:59.38LedHedbut when the calls leave Asterisk over the PRI its not g711 correct
19:59.40leifmadsenthere is IP overhead, etc.
19:59.54LedHed_Corey_, correct, NOT SIP Handoff
20:00.07p3nguinIf you're running a voice T1, you have 24 channels.
20:00.27*** join/#asterisk fofware (
20:00.28_Corey_if you have an actual PRI, what they're saying doesn't make sense
20:00.40LedHedso when using a PRI card with Asterisk,  what format are the calls in when they leave the server?
20:01.02LedHed_Corey_, I dont have a T1/PRI yet. I'm ordering one.
20:01.11LedHedso I should be asking for a Voice T1
20:01.22p3nguinunless you want a data T1
20:01.50_Corey_If you've bought a PRI card, order a PRI
20:02.08LedHedp3nguin, I guess thats where the ATT rep is confused.  I Said Asterisk, so I he must assume because its VoIP that its data.
20:02.28LedHed_Corey_, I havent ordered hardware yet either.
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20:02.39p3nguinIf you have a data T1, you'll be converting it to Ethernet somewhere along the line, and then all your voice traffic will be in one of the standard VoIP protocols.
20:03.38LedHedok, so for a Data T1, the calls would leave as SIP, and for a Voice T1, they leave Analog?
20:04.15_Corey_I'd be surprised if ATT does SIP well...  anyone use them?
20:04.17LedHedand if using a Voice T1, I can make 23+/- calls (1 per channel)
20:04.19keith4don't tell them it's Asterisk. just tell them it's a PBX
20:04.38p3nguinalso correct
20:04.43LedHedand with a Data T1 (using g711) I can get 17+/-
20:04.51p3nguinor more if you use another codec.
20:04.57LedHedp3nguin, right
20:05.13LedHedThanks.  You've helped a lot.
20:05.17p3nguinThe data T1 is 1.544 Mbps, so you can do the math on that.
20:05.21keith4but if you get a data T1... would you still even want a T1 card for the asterisk box?
20:05.36p3nguinYou wouldn't need it.
20:05.40keith4(e.g., would you be using the * box as your network router?)
20:06.07p3nguinI think most people would use some other type of network appliance for that.
20:06.12p3nguinI know I would.
20:06.13keith4i hope so ;-)
20:06.14LedHedIt would hit a ATT Managed router (Cisco 2811) then hit Asterisk
20:06.28keith4does AT&T even offer sip service? or was he assuming you were using some itsp?
20:06.46LedHedATT does offer SIP
20:06.58p3nguinThe 2811 would have the appropriate WIC and then your Asterisk box would talk Ethernet to it.
20:07.01_Corey_LedHed: what part of the country are you in?
20:07.09keith4interesting. did not know that
20:07.19keith4ah, there it is:
20:07.35_Corey_yeah, I've not used them in california but in some other markets it's like a miracle they can get a pri working
20:07.55LedHedATT is better than the alternative.
20:08.02LedHedIn my case thats Frontier
20:08.12LedHedwhich is a Rural Telecom
20:08.38p3nguinIf you're using AT&T as your data T1 carrier, you can then choose any of the zillions of ITSPs out there for SIP services.
20:13.00*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
20:13.02p3nguinI'm not sure if a business class DSL circuit would be a better option for you or not.  I know I would never consider a T1 before checking the other available services simply based on the price.
20:13.03schmidtsgood evening
20:13.14*** join/#asterisk flyman_ (
20:16.11citywokFrontier isn't just rural telecom, they recently bought Verizon's landline biz
20:16.41citywokyea... like a year ago... lol
20:16.58p3nguinNow Frontiernet is going to be replacing Verizon Landline?
20:17.29p3nguinFrontier has never had a good reputation for quality OR service.
20:17.33_Corey_only some markets i think
20:17.44citywokah, they did in my market (redmond, wa)
20:18.24p3nguinIn most places around here they are laughed at.
20:18.25_Corey_it was mostly rural areas, actually
20:18.35_Corey_i'm surprised redmond was in the mix
20:18.54_Corey_i remember there was a lot of fuss in west virginia about it
20:19.07_Corey_the verizon union was PISSED
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20:23.37LedHedAll I know is our current service with Frontier is terrible.  Phone is sketchy at best. and Data gets routed to NY then back to CA. Makes for very laggy internet access.
20:25.38citywokwe are also giving up on using SIP for our primary outbound call traffic, we're going back to an old fashioned T1.  Too many issues with sip carriers.
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20:29.50p3nguinI guess a regular old voice line is a lot more reliable than several ISPs.
20:30.43WIMPyYes, but then voice lines are usually supplied over DSL these days :-(
20:30.58oliver1Hi there.  I've tried to install a Asterisk Now-Version. But the boot-procedure stops with "NET: Registered protocol family 2". I dont know what it is. Anyone can help me please?
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20:37.50b0otare there any respected asterisk certifications?
20:38.26WiretapWorkoliver1, hit enter
20:38.35WiretapWorkit may actually be fully booted
20:38.41WIMPyb0ot: dcap?
20:39.19WiretapWorkunless that is before initscripts are running, in which case it sounds like you might have a corrupted install or dodgy hardware
20:39.38oliver1WiretapWork: I hit enter, but it does not work...
20:39.51WiretapWorkoliver1, is this before the initscripts run?
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20:40.24oliver1WiretapWork: initscript is the install options with a blue background?
20:40.54WiretapWorkthe initscript is where it goes "starting service <service name here>" and you get either a green "OK" or red "FAIL" on the right
20:41.02b0otWIMPy, how is a dcap or dcaa considered as compared to a CCNP-Voice or CCNA-Voice
20:41.28WiretapWorkoliver1, I should probably say that attempting to get going with Asterisk with _no_ working knowledge of linux is probably going to be extremely hard
20:41.34oliver1WiretapWork: no, these part I have not seen yet
20:41.45WIMPyb0ot: I'n not in to that cert stuff.
20:42.13Diffencneb3000: there?
20:42.31oliver1WiretapWork: oh, that is sad. The Homepage introduced that this version is also for dummies :-(
20:42.43WIMPyoliver1/WiretapWork: I don't know what CentOS does, but unless it loads basic networking support as a module, the kernel crashed.
20:43.01WiretapWorkoliver1, for the most part that is true, but theyre referring to asterisk for dummies, not linux for dummies
20:43.10WIMPyWhich means it has some issue with the hardware.
20:43.20WiretapWorka basic knowledge of the boot sequence is always handy when troubleshooting boot issues
20:43.26WiretapWorkyep, I agree WIMPy
20:43.30oliver1WIMPy: it ist CentOS..., myby the problem is, that I configured the Virtual Box for Debian Linux
20:43.41WiretapWorkoh..... its a virtual machine
20:43.48WiretapWorkvirtual machines are not supported
20:43.50oliver1for testing
20:43.52WiretapWorkthey may work
20:44.02WiretapWorkbut you should set it up on a physical box for performance's sake anyway
20:45.09*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
20:45.14wesphillipsdoes anyone know a url to documentation for the options passed to the sip channel in a dial command? I can find the docs for the options at the END of the dial command, but not for the options passed to the channel IN the dial command. for example, in the command Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}/n,,K), I can find the docs for the Dial options (the "K" in the example), but not the options to the SIP channel (the "n" in the command).
20:45.23seraphieb0ot: from what I can tell, the CCNP-Voice and CCNA-Voice have nothing to do with asterisk. they are *network* certifications.
20:45.31oliver1ok, last week I tried on a other maschine on VB and it works..., so anyway. I have to learn many things...
20:45.58oliver1I will try it on a physical machine
20:46.04b0otlol serafie I know the CCNP-Voice and CCNA-Voice have nothing to do with asterisk... they are the cisco certified associate and professional degrees
20:46.08oliver1thanks a lot for help
20:46.10b0otboth are highly respected in the field
20:46.20WiretapWorkoliver1, things are generally a lot less painful on a physical bosx
20:46.20b0otbut I haven't ever heard of anyone mentioning dCAP
20:46.23b0otor dCAA
20:46.43WiretapWorkb0ot, any letters on your CV will cause questions to be asked by recruiters
20:46.51WiretapWorkeven CCNA or CCNP
20:46.56oliver1WiretapWork: thank u. I will triy it with a real maschine
20:46.57WiretapWorkthe fact of the matter
20:47.12seraphieb0ot:  you asked "are there any respected asterisk certifications?"
20:47.14WiretapWorkyou shouldn't get qualifications purely for the wank-factor, you should get them for what you learn
20:47.36b0ottrue... but you don't always get paid on what you know
20:47.41b0otyou get paid on what people think you know
20:47.50b0otor think you can do
20:47.54WiretapWorkyou get paid on what you can show you know
20:48.15b0otanyway nvm this topic is off channel
20:48.17WIMPyWiretapWork: Where is it that way?
20:48.27schmidtsWiretapWork if you get paid for a project you are right, but if you get paid for a month of work as an employee this is not 100% true ;)
20:48.39citywokWIMPy: everywhere that will not throw your resume in the circular file for not having a certification, and you make it to the interview
20:48.46WiretapWorkWIMPy, every job interview I've ever done has been a carefully constructed psychological experiment
20:49.11WiretapWorkI would never work anywhere that uses the circular iling cabinet for people without quals
20:49.21b0otwhich in the end you form an opinion of what the person you are interviewing knows and is capable of
20:49.26citywokif you make it to the interviews they should be able to figure out whether you know it or you just passed the cert test :P
20:49.28WiretapWorkthose places tend to have an attitude about them that doesn't gel well with me
20:49.30b0otwhich may or may not align with their skillset
20:49.34WIMPyWiretapWork: But I guess you're not working for an outsources HR, AKA headhunter.
20:49.44oliver1WiretapWork: I solve the problem; I activatet IO-APIC. No it runs
20:49.49WiretapWorkWIMPy, I hate outsource-HR firms
20:49.54WiretapWorkhate them with a vengance
20:50.09b0otLetters can you get interviews, interviews get you jobs
20:50.20WiretapWorkb0ot, letters never got me an interview
20:50.31WiretapWorkaside from a phone interview or 20 with an outsource HR firm
20:50.42b0otwhat letters
20:51.08b0otCCN* only comes into play after you get engineering or like bachleors degree
20:51.09citywoki'm pretty sure that if a hiring manager is looking for a person that knows asterisk, they will interview you simply for knowing it, and won't care (or necessarily even know what dcap is)
20:51.23WiretapWorkb0ot, OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS? you actually believe that?
20:51.34b0othowever engineering degree + CCNX will get you lots of interviews
20:51.47WiretapWorklots of interviews maybe, not so many jobs
20:51.48b0otI didn't say I think it was right or fair... but yes I would agree with that
20:52.06WiretapWorkI have a 100% hitrate of getting the job if I get a face to face with the hiring co.
20:52.18WiretapWorkuntil recently I didn't even have the CCN* next to my name
20:52.25WiretapWorkand it had no net effect on my hirability
20:52.30keith4not that this conversation isn't *fascinating*, but....
20:52.50keith4who cares?
20:52.51b0otanyway as i said this is offtopic
20:53.08WiretapWorkkeith4, well, I guess b0ot cares :P
20:53.15citywoki generally go with the theory that certs don't matter much :)
20:53.25b0otmost certs don't
20:53.25WiretapWorkcitywok, prettymuch
20:53.27leifmadsenI don't have a single cert... and look at me!!
20:53.29citywokeither you know it in the interview or you don't.  not knowing it well and having the cert isn't going to do you much.
20:53.39leifmadsencitywok: +1
20:53.40citywokleifmadsen: a no talent ass clown canadian?!? yup, that's proof of something :D
20:53.40b0ottrue statement citywok
20:53.41WiretapWorkhahaha, indeed leifmadsen
20:53.46leifmadsencitywok: heck ya
20:54.05wesphillipsseraphie: That link gives me the Dial command options, but not the chan_sip options(it tells me about the "K" option, not the "n" option in my example)
20:55.42citywoki love the saying no talent ass clown, it's so perfect.
20:55.42keith4wesphillips: what's your *real* question?
20:56.48wesphillipskeith4: I woul like to find a reference to the options passed to chan_sip in the dial command. I can find the Dial command options(they come AFTER the timeout value), but not the chan_sip options (they come BEFORE the timeout value)
20:58.13wesphillipsfor example, tom implement a jitterbuffer in sip, you have to pass the dial command a "j" like this: Dial(SIP.${EXTEN}/j,*timeout val*,*dialplan opts*)
20:58.58seraphiewesphillips: are you referring to the dialstring?
20:58.58seraphieSIP/johnsphone, et al/
20:59.41wesphillipsDial(SIP/${EXTEN}/j,*timeout val*,*dialplan opts*)
20:59.48wesphillipshelps if i don't fat finger....
20:59.53WIMPyDo you mean sip/peer/something or sip/peer/exten/something?
20:59.54keith4I've only ever seen /n or /nj for Local channels
21:00.23keith4n = "no release"
21:00.26WIMPyI've seen others, but I didn't know sip had any such options.
21:01.07seraphiewesphillips:  here is a little documentation:
21:01.11citywoki use /n to save channel variables IIRC, but it's been a while
21:01.18seraphie(Google is helpful)
21:01.54wesphillipsi have been testing sip-to-sip jitterbuffers, and I cna only get asterisk to create a buffer if I pass it the "j" option. What I want is to be able to have the dialcommand create a buffer for the receive rtp stream, not the transmit stream in the dial command.
21:02.19SunTsuI currently call multiple phones by using SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2&... my problem is: when I take the call on one of the phones all others show "call missed" - is there a way around it?
21:02.45WIMPySunTsu: Upgrade
21:02.53wesphillipsand I was hoping that a lowercase "j" would do TX and an uppercase "J" would to RX, but i would like to see documentation supporting this before I waste my time trying to test it.
21:02.57SunTsuWIMPy: to 1.8?
21:02.57WIMPyThat has been fixed a long time ago.
21:03.09citywokWIMPy: orly?
21:03.24WIMPySunTsu: It was fixed befor 1.8.
21:03.29citywokWIMPy: with Lync when i do sip/1593&sip/1593@lync Lync sees it as a mixed call
21:03.34seraphiewesphillips: more:
21:04.09WIMPycitywok: Maybe it doesn't understand what Asterisk tells it.
21:04.11seraphiethese may be specific to misdn, though.
21:04.35SunTsuWIMPy: OK, thanks, I'll upgrade
21:04.43citywokhmm. I'll have to look at a packetcapture and see, if it is a lync issue i'll post it to microsoft to fix
21:05.00citywokdo you know when it was added roughly? i'm on still
21:05.41WIMPyNo, I used to apply a 3rd party patch befor it got to the official tree.
21:06.05WIMPyBut 1.6.11 might be before.
21:06.36wesphillipsthanks for the help. It looks like the "n" and "j" are the only options as far as I can tell.
21:06.43citywokah, okay.  I don't want to upgrade since i had to write a patch for a meetme feature i wanted and it isn't committed to the releases
21:07.16citywokyet anyways, it will be at some point. i just don't want to have to re-write that patch for each upgrade :P
21:07.26p3nguincitywok: I think interviewers should test on other skills besides those of a technical nature.  If I were interviewing, I'd have my candidate copy down a few sentence that I speak... I'd give sentences that tested for proper usage of your/you're, there/they're/their, its/it's, and several other bits of 5th-grade English grammar.  If they can't pass a 5th grade English test, they don't need to be working for me.
21:07.32*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:08.09citywokp3nguin: dear god those are some of my biggest pet peeves. i know a lot of people that can't use those properly. including my boss.  the other ones that annoy me are "should of" instead of should have...
21:08.10WIMPycitywok: I submitted a patch to that feature for other channels 2009-10-29.
21:08.11p3nguinIf they can pass it, then we'll talk about higher level stuff.
21:08.50citywok"i should of gone to the grcoery store"  -- really? i mean REALLY?!?
21:09.12SunTsudang, netbsd doesn't have any upgrade in pkgsrc. Still
21:09.14el3slaveso asterisk wont show call progression over ssh?
21:09.14p3nguinI'd be lenient on punctuation, but wrong words are grounds for dismissal.
21:09.58citywokit's is a common mistake that i can handle
21:10.21citywokbut "your not very nice" makes me want to start shooting
21:11.20tzangerp3nguin: that's an interesting thing to check for
21:11.21p3nguinI understand that sometimes fingers overrun brain, so I would review the results of the writings, not give any feedback, then allow the candidate to make corrections.
21:11.24citywokDo you read SA?  this thread title pisses me off every time i see it: "Shit that you come across daily that pisses you off"  -- it makes me want to post "This thread title pisses me off", but it'd cost me :10bux:
21:11.28tzangerI'm not against it, but I never would have thought of it
21:11.44tzangeralthough I think that the initial emails back and forth would have been a good indicator as well
21:12.44keith4why wouldn't that guy just have enabled the jitter buffer stuff in sip.conf?
21:12.47tzangerdamn, someone should have told wesphilips that jitter buffers only exist on "digital hop off" points
21:12.53tzangersip-to-sip will never have a JB in asterisk
21:14.31WIMPycitywok: Just had a look while on the phone. It loks like I didn't keep the patches.
21:15.46el3slavecan anyone tell me why im not seeing the call progression in either terminal or over ssh in * cli?
21:15.55el3slaveverbosity is set at 9999
21:16.05citywokel3slave: what's your logger.conf set to?
21:18.26el3slavecitywok dont have one ;)
21:18.32el3slaveguess ill have to set that up
21:18.35citywokel3slave: that could be a problem lol
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21:30.59WiretapWorkcitywok, just read about your pet peeve, I have the same one and it helped get me this job :P
21:31.25citywokwhich one? that or of/have?
21:31.33WiretapWorkapostrophe abuse
21:31.45WiretapWorkthe guy asks me "so what are a couple of your pet peeves"
21:31.54WiretapWorkme: "with regards to work, or in general?"
21:31.59ChainsawWiretapWork: Hey now, spurious apostrophe syndrome is a serious disease.
21:32.04WiretapWorkhim: "life, the universe, politics, anything"
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21:32.14WiretapWorkme: "well..... bad drivers and apostrophe abuse"
21:32.25WiretapWork*cue all three of them cracking up laughing*
21:33.55citywoki like to ask people if it is possesive or plural, it's funny when they go o.O? what are you talking about
21:34.38WiretapWorkcitywok, best part was that the managing director didn't know what an apostrophe was and thought I was talking about commas :P
21:45.33ChannelZI've always enjoyed the forward slash/back slash debate
21:46.22citywokhaha, yea i call \ back
21:46.28citywokit looks like it's leaning back to me
21:47.07keith4whether or not you call it that... that's what it is ;-)
21:47.17WIMPyNah, both forward and backward look like |
21:47.49ChannelZcounter-clockwise pipe and clockwise pipe.. yeah, that's the ticket!
21:48.38citywoki love how inviting a couple people over for dinner ends up being 7 people, lol
21:49.31ChannelZI don't have that many chairs
21:49.41citywokme either
21:50.14citywokoh well, couch + 4 dinner chairs & my desk chair. lol.  although i think i've had 15 people over playing kinect and drinking, but we had to re-arrange my living room for that.
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21:55.05el3slaveif they wanna eat, they gotta bring chairs, or STAND!@
21:57.25ChannelZI guess that's why god made chicken nuggets
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22:37.35pdtpatrick___Question for yo usmart people
22:38.01pdtpatrick___if i made an edit to extensions.conf -- how do i reload so asterisk picks it up? i did dialplan reload on CLI
22:38.03pdtpatrick___no luck
22:38.08pdtpatrick___have done reload no luck
22:38.23citywokpdtpatrick___: dialplan reload
22:38.36pdtpatrick___done that .. it keeps bringing up the old context
22:38.43pdtpatrick___even after i've renamed it
22:39.07ChannelZis this asterisknow/freepbx?
22:39.35pdtpatrick___no just asterisk
22:40.21ChannelZnot realtime I assume
22:41.23pdtpatrick___what do u mean ?
22:41.58ChannelZDouble check your syntax of everything (and/or pastebin your extensions.conf if you want us to look), maybe do a 'dialplan show' t make sure you don't have something unpexpected happening from AEL or something else
22:41.59pdtpatrick___im on 1.6.2
22:42.28ChannelZrealtime = parts of the config come from a database rather than config files
22:43.12ChannelZIf you don't know you're using it then you're almost certainly not (that was related to the AsteriskNOW/freepbx question)
22:43.41pdtpatrick___im sure it is not freepbx
22:43.45pdtpatrick___or asterisk now
22:43.54pdtpatrick___I changed the config manually
22:43.57pdtpatrick___do i need to do something to db ?
22:45.27ChannelZno unless you've specifically setup realtime, there is no db
22:46.17pdtpatrick___there's postgres on here
22:46.22pdtpatrick___is there something i would have to do ?
22:46.30ChannelZagain, no
22:46.56pdtpatrick___okay so if it seeing the old context even after dialplan reload ... what should i do then?
22:47.09ChannelZcheck your syntax
22:47.39ChannelZlook for a warning when you 'dialplan reload'
22:47.41*** join/#asterisk |Physis| (~|Physis|
22:47.54ChannelZYou said you renamed an entire context... from what to what?
22:48.44|Physis|I'm having trouble using the voicemail recording the data in the database postgresql using odbc, selecting MENUSELECT_OPTS_app_voicemail = ODBC_STORAGE. Displays the following error when I leave a message on voicemail: app_voicemail.c: 3661 insert_data_cb: Direct SQL Execute failed! ???
22:49.24pdtpatrick___it was jnt_800_dial ... but i changed it to jnt .. now it only sees jnt_800_dial .. so when i dial the number it keeps saying rejected because context not found
22:49.55ChannelZwell that's a different problem then you're asking
22:50.22pdtpatrick___please explain .. very grateful by the way
22:50.24ChannelZYou renamed a context of extensions but your device is still going into the old context (which now doesn't exist)
22:50.47pdtpatrick___so how do i force it to read the new context
22:50.49ChannelZso it seems like you're getting what you should
22:50.59ChannelZYou need to edit the device and put it in the right context
22:51.12ChannelZsip.conf if you're dealing with a SIP device, etc.
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22:52.13pdtpatrick___we already edited sip.conf .. and made the necessary changes. To match in sip.conf and extensions.cnf
22:52.20pdtpatrick___however it just keeps looking for the old name
22:52.55ChannelZthen reload your sip devices... sip reload
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22:55.00|Physis|any help ?
22:55.06pdtpatrick___have done that .. sip reload , dialplan reload
22:55.09pdtpatrick___same stuff
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22:55.34ChannelZthen back to checking your syntax and for typeos
22:55.53ChannelZOr pastebin your configs if you want us to give them a glance
22:55.54infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:56.49pdtpatrick___weird is it works on one server but not the other.. 1.4 but on 1.6 it doesn't work
22:57.20ChannelZAre you trying to connect two systems together?
22:58.20ChannelZso you've got one of the peers setup wrong but we can't guess without seeing anything
22:58.42pdtpatrick___should it be peer or friend btw
22:59.13ChannelZoh no, can of worms!
23:00.38pdtpatrick___right now i have it like _800blah, n,Dial(SIP/4213)
23:01.15pdtpatrick___however if i do something like Dial(Local/600@context)
23:01.17pdtpatrick___this works
23:02.05pdtpatrick___but i have a context on the box named onp_main ... and i would love to have it like Dial(SIP/onp_main) or does it have to be a Goto ?
23:02.12ChannelZDoes the SIP device 4213 exist?  What context is that extension in?  What context does the device dialing 800blah belong to?  There could be 10 different problems
23:02.31pdtpatrick___4213 is under onp_main
23:02.40ChannelZwhat does that mean
23:02.48ChannelZSIP/4213 is a device name, not an extension
23:03.18pdtpatrick___ahhh .. how would i put an extension then?
23:03.20ChannelZ(rather 4213 is a SIP device name to be clearer)
23:03.30pdtpatrick___onp_main is the context
23:03.32ChannelZ_800blah is the extension
23:03.48pdtpatrick___so under here .. it says if 4213 is called, then it has all these steps like answer, play this music etc
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23:04.11ChannelZIf you want to dial 1000 to have the 4213 phone ring, you would   exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/4213)
23:04.43ChannelZExtensions aren't devices and are totally unrelated
23:05.39pdtpatrick___we have n instead of the 1
23:05.43pdtpatrick___big deal?
23:05.50ChannelZWe're talking in generalities here, we can't fix your dialplan or config because we have no idea what your config even looks like
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23:06.11ChannelZNot if something happens before it
23:06.12pdtpatrick___also 4213 is defined on another box.. how can i make it connect and see context from another box?
23:07.17ChannelZYou need to start by only dealing with one system and get a simple setup working, understand devices and extensions and contexts before you try networking systems
23:08.38ChannelZThis isn't meant as rude or condescending
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23:09.05pdtpatrick___have dundi installed on the boxes
23:09.12pdtpatrick___ChannelZ no worries
23:09.16pdtpatrick___im learning as I go
23:09.31ChannelZSure but I think you're starting too big
23:09.34pdtpatrick___i just would like to get this working to get back to my reading... troubleshooting is one of the best ways to learn
23:09.42pdtpatrick___possible :)
23:09.59ChannelZif you don't have a handle on how the basics work it's hard to talk about something complicated like linking two different systems
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23:12.35SaschaLHi all, huge problem with an asterisk installation I have running with freepbx and elastix running on top
23:13.09SaschaLI've been hacked by someone and they've made premium rate calls. Luckily I just noticed it and the calls have only been going on for an hour, so I caught it before too much damage was done
23:13.09pdtpatrick___okay simple questio nthen .. if i have dundi -- can one box use context from another.. for instance if i defined onp_main on extensions.conf on box2 .. can box1 just point to onp_main ??
23:13.18SaschaLI've just deleted my trunks so they can't make calls
23:13.44SaschaLbut I don't understand how they've gotten the extention details, as I patched up the elastix 1.6 vunerability, and changed all the secrets
23:13.50SaschaLAny idea's how I can find out?
23:14.56WiretapWorkSaschaL, brute force or DISA probably
23:15.15citywokSaschaL: were you using 2 to 4 digit extensions with fairly simple passwords?
23:15.28SaschaLWiretapWork: What's DISA? and as far as brute force, I'll be setting highly complex passwords in future
23:15.44WiretapWorkyou should make sure only extensions which absolutely need to be connected from the outside have outside addresses allowed, all else should be denied
23:15.47SaschaLextentions were 4 digits, passwords were 1stCall, which I guess was too easy
23:15.57citywokSaschaL: i'd also suggest using fail2ban to help protect yourself from scanning. and if you don't need peers connecting from the outside prevent it :P
23:16.22citywoki use 4 digit extensions, but our passwords are like 40 characters long and different by extension
23:16.25WiretapWorkSaschaL, dictionary words, really?
23:16.28SaschaLcitywok: Unfortunately this is an offsite PBX, so it does need peers, and the clients IP is dynamic not static
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23:16.37citywokand i use allow/deny to restrict it
23:16.55citywokSaschaL: if you know the ISP uses a fairly stagnant IP block (say limit it to that at least
23:17.00SaschaLWiretapWork: A large mis-sight on my part
23:17.30WiretapWorkI love the 'deleted my trunks so they cant make calls' response
23:17.46WiretapWorkdisabling the trunks would have worked just fine XD
23:17.56SaschaLWiretapWork: It was just a quick thing to do until I get the system all patched up
23:18.17SaschaLI'll change all the extention passwords in a minute and reboot the server
23:18.35SaschaLwhat is DISA though?
23:18.46SaschaLApologies for my naivity
23:19.26WiretapWorkDirect Inwards System Access
23:19.43WiretapWorkallows someone to make an inbound call and then from there make an outbound call as if it were internalk
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23:20.39SaschaLWiretapWork: it wouldn't have been someone who has access already. So it must have been bruteforce
23:21.00WiretapWorkSaschaL, of course, but even having DISA on is a big risk
23:21.16WiretapWorkoldschool PBX are just as vulnerable to DISA exploits
23:21.54SaschaLI don't believe it's on
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23:22.11SaschaLno, in fact, it's not
23:22.28ChannelZwandered off, catching up - do you have anonymous sip turned on? (guest access, unathenticated essentially)
23:24.18WiretapWorkChannelZ, with freepbx guest mode will be on, but it'll be blocked by freepbx if freepbx's own anonymous sip access is off
23:24.35WiretapWorkwhich is handy for handling ISN calls, etc, while still blocking most anonymous calls
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23:25.16WiretapWorkI have it set up so if anonymous calls match my ISN inbound patterns theyre permitted, otherwise theyre denied if anonymous
23:25.25ChannelZI guess the main question was were they really authing as one of your own SIP peers or were the calls being made another way.. like bad dialplan separation, but I would hope/assume fpbx deals with that for you
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23:40.24SaschaLWiretapWork: Ok, just changed all the secret's
23:40.36SaschaLWiretapWork: Just out of interest, is there a way to block international calls
23:40.43SaschaLand calls to certain prefix'
23:41.10WiretapWorkSaschaL, you could tear off the country code and international prefix
23:41.25pdtpatrick__what does ${CALLERID(dnid)} mean? .. actually im trying to figure out where dnid is what it does
23:41.56SaschaLWiretapWork: The SIP provider I'm using doesn't require country code for UK
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23:42.02SaschaLso it has to be 11 digits
23:42.13WiretapWorkSaschaL, ehh?
23:42.20SaschaLcould I technically disable all calls that don't start with 01, 02, 03 and 07
23:42.26WiretapWorkpdtpatrick__, it is well doc'd
23:42.44WiretapWorkSaschaL, yep, you could do that in the trunk's pattern matching, so that it only accepts calls that match that
23:42.45citywokSaschaL: in asterisk you have to ENABLE a pattern
23:42.54citywokSaschaL: so simply by not enabling it, you are disabling it
23:42.56SaschaLWiretapWork, they don't use enum. So the format isn't 441234567891 it's 01234567891
23:43.14WiretapWorkSaschaL, you mean E164, not Enum
23:43.21SaschaLyes sorry
23:43.47WiretapWorkSaschaL, so? you could still have a dialpattern match that strips '00xx' from the start of any dialled number, forcing them local
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