IRC log for #asterisk on 20110519

00:01.56WIMPyYou did configure --with-asterisk?
00:02.43aliveriusno but it did create
00:02.47aliveriusno but it did create
00:03.05WIMPyHmm. Didn't think that was an auto detect one.
00:07.34aliveriusis testing his package
00:09.51*** join/#asterisk Wiretap_Work (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
00:10.54*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:15.01aliveriusthe package seems ok but breaks one rule. archlinux does not permit files to be installed in /usr/local
00:15.54aliveriusconf files should go to etc
00:16.00aliveriusthat is fixable
00:16.09aliveriusringtones where? in shared?
00:17.11*** join/#asterisk ks3 (
00:17.11WIMPyErr, yes. The relevant parts are commented out in th makefile.
00:17.40WIMPyI've got no idea why that's fixed to /usr/local/.
00:18.04WIMPyBut you can swap those 4 lines around.
00:20.21WIMPyLook for CONFIGdir.
00:22.04*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
00:25.17aliveriusi shall look at it tomorow. what matters the most is that i have lcr and chan_lcr. i wish i make another phone ring even if i cannot talk with it
00:25.46WIMPyErr, what?
00:25.57WIMPyalso needs some sleep.
00:26.09aliveriusi want to see my card doing something
00:26.19aliveriusjust a ring
00:27.00*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
00:27.25*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
00:27.30WIMPyIf you have the driver loaded, it's just one entry in interface.conf and one in routing.conf.
00:29.38aliveriusso help me God (you) :p
00:29.45aliveriusrest well
00:29.55aliveriusand thanks for all that help
00:30.14WIMPyWill do later, if you haven't got it running by then :-)
00:45.02sawgoodDND from Asterisk is much different than 'pushing' the DND button on most phones (I found out how to deterime who is on DND from the CLI)  ...
00:46.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
00:51.09sawgoodIf one wanted to know what the current setting is for something like "maxsilence" for the voicemail module, but maxsilence is not 'set' under the [general] context ... how would I find out the current setting (which I guess would be the default at this point)
01:00.20*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
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01:58.10fang0654Anyway to see which zap channel is ringing when I dial a number?
01:58.36fang0654err dahdi channel
02:05.47*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
02:06.01nny<feature"presence" feature.1.enabled="1"> <--- anyone know what XML tree this should be put under for polycom 3.3.1?
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04:20.02deltarayCan I make a GotoIf go straight to another extension?  I tried GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "....."],555), but that doesn't work.
04:23.29kaldemardeltaray: ?extension,priority
04:23.50deltarayok, i see now. thx
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06:01.32*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
06:01.59_zoom_hey fellas, am looking for a reliable free stun server?
06:04.41*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
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06:06.31zknwoopiedoo 1.8.4 segmentation fault again..
06:07.00zknonce i rename astdb, problem soled
06:16.22*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
06:18.43*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
06:24.11*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
06:25.14*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
06:29.22zkndoes anyone know how to fix the following:   ERROR[1565]: netsock2.c:245 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("barbara", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
06:29.49zknlooks like it is not able to resolve my hostname
06:30.08zknwhereas nlsookup in bash works fine
06:30.58*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
06:36.12*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:36.14schmidtsgood morning
06:36.32WIMPyMorning schmidts
06:37.27schmidtshey wimpy do you want to laugh a little bit ;)
06:37.38zkn...ok my previous question related to /etc/resolv.conf afterall.. i think i got it right now
06:37.44WIMPyWhat happened?
06:38.01schmidtsjust open and search for "rabbit" (i search for a teddy from winni puh the rabbit)
06:38.29schmidtsbtw all others can do this too, but only and .de will give this results isnt that bad ;)
06:39.38schmidtsi mean the first result is cheap but WTF this is amazon not beate uhse ;)
06:39.39WIMPyMight be time to point out that I'm living in germanys traditional sex toy capital :-)
06:40.27WIMPyActually her first shop was just at the other end of the courtyard I'm living at.
06:40.27schmidtsamazon the new online sex shop? get kindle to read porn or what? i am a little bit shocked about this.
06:40.39schmidts:D berlin right?
06:41.39schmidtsChannelZ thats bad too but in at and de we got this for the very first result
06:41.49schmidtsWimpy i see ;)
06:41.51WIMPyThe interesting thin is that it also happened the other way round. Last year they tried to sell household stuff in the Beate Uhse Shop, like toasters.
06:42.11schmidtsSex sells!
06:42.43WIMPyJust don't use the toaster for the wrong thing.
06:42.44ChannelZAnd amazon sells sex!
06:43.23schmidtsChannelZ for sure why not, but when i search for something normal like rabbit i didnt want to find such stuff or at least 8 hits out of the top 10
06:43.53schmidtsif i search for rabbit sex or something ok
06:43.57ChannelZDon't search for watersports
06:44.15ChannelZit's a very confusing category
06:44.35schmidtssomething like this?
06:44.42WIMPynever got teh "sport" bit of that.
06:45.07*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-rqwufaejzctwoyhy)
06:45.17schmidtsWimpy think about lying on the beach and not getting an erection when seeing this, maybe this could be called also "sport"
06:45.31ChannelZno, more like this
06:45.54WIMPyWhen I go swimming here, most people don't wear that much.
06:46.18schmidtsneeds a coffee NOW brb
06:47.49WIMPyWhat were the lyrics? "Happy hours, golden showers, on a cruise to freak you out"?
06:47.55WIMPySeems to work for schmidts :-)
06:51.00*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
06:51.15WIMPyIn the time when I worked at a BU related company, I had to share my office with the guy who edited the hardcore videos.
06:51.46WIMPyThe others found the moise of some test systems I had under my desk just as distubing as that.
06:51.58*** join/#asterisk weta (
07:03.38schmidtsWimpy i was once at a customer installing some isdn/Voip atas and they had their pbx in the S&M storage room, that was funny working between some mask, handcuffs and such stuff :D
07:05.34WIMPyWell, that's what lots of ppl use their telefone for :-)
07:08.36schmidtshmm good idea, people allways cry about the cisco SPA phone handset is to heavy ;)
07:08.52WIMPyErr, no, the other way.
07:09.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:09.43schmidtswe should stop at this point, i didnt want to think about
07:09.55*** join/#asterisk Infin1ty|work (~erez@pdpc/supporter/active/infin1ty)
07:10.32WIMPySo what do you use Asterisk for then?
07:26.59*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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07:29.19schmidtsanother question, what kind of database do you prefer to use with asterisk?
07:29.49schmidtsi want to build a database cluster with fallback but i am not sure which method to use
07:30.19schmidtsnow we use mysql and we didnt want to change the whole configs only to switch to postgres or something
07:30.49schmidtsmysql cluster is very nice but this thing is damn slow on Select statements, like 3 to 4 times slower than just a normal MyIsam DB and thats bad
07:31.12schmidtsand it gets even slower if you access the same tables from different places at the same time
07:32.25*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:d8ab:f308:5bf7:7598)
07:35.16zknthis is smth i would like to have too...
07:35.38zknconcept wise
07:51.04*** join/#asterisk Emrah (~Me@unaffiliated/emrah)
07:51.09EmrahHey all
07:52.38EmrahI am having an issue while trying to perform an attended transfer. Receiving call on SIP channel through SIP phone, and transfering to IAX extension (attended). The called IAX hears MOH and the transferee can hear IAX extension fine. Here is the Asterisk CLI output: handle_request_invite: Unable to create/find SIP channel for this INVITE
07:53.00EmrahI can't find anything relevant with our Google friend
07:53.41EmrahAny idea?
08:05.42*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
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08:10.28*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
08:18.33ChannelZdunno off hand but I wonder if it's a directmedia issue, if it's trying to do a reinvite in spite of the differing channel types
08:20.22ChannelZbut alas I shal stop speculating and go off to bed
08:22.48*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
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09:14.54*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
09:15.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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09:23.43moodyyis there a way to terminate a channel that is chanspying a call?
09:24.29moodyyor if the spyed channels are terminated the channel that was spying is terminated also
09:24.57*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:25.42zknhangup request <tab>   does it show up that way?
09:27.00moodyyi originate a call to a extension and execute the chanspy, but whem the spyed call end the spying channel continues connected
09:27.13zknchannel request hangup <tab> ?
09:27.57zknwhat deos "core show channels verbose" give you ?
09:28.25moodyythis as to be done in the dialplan
09:36.28*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:44.09kaldemarmoodyy: use option E for app ChanSpy.
09:44.58kaldemarcore show application ChanSpy will show you that among the rest of the options.
09:47.13wdoekes2does anyone hazard a guess as to why my app_fax loads spandsp from /usr/lib instead of the one in /usr/local/lib? ldd shows that the one in local should get precedence, but lsof shows the one in /usr/lib as loaded
09:50.22puzzledwdoekes2: no idea if that's possible but maybe it linked against the spandsp lib in /usr/lib when you built it so it wants to use that one?
09:51.33wdoekes2nah.. on my test machine it safely switches between the two (where /local is preferred)
09:52.30wdoekes2the only thing I can thinks of is that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is less complete in the live version (asterisk is started from cron)
09:53.11puzzlediirc you can preload a lib so asterisk will use that one. have you tried that?
09:53.21WIMPydid you ldconfig?
09:53.53wdoekes2yes I did
09:54.48wdoekes2haven't tried preloading.. but I cannot to much on this live box to disturb it
09:55.34puzzledLD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ asterisk
09:56.57puzzledcoppice: what's the preferred version of spandsp as a prereq for asterisk 1.8?
10:01.15WiretapSevenI do wish asterisk wouldn't forget its SIP/TCP peers on reload
10:02.50wdoekes2WiretapSeven: tried realtime?
10:03.20WiretapSevenwdoekes2, eh, why would I?
10:03.30WiretapSevenmy SIP/UDP peers work find
10:03.40WiretapSevenmy SIP/TCP peers however get forgotten
10:04.00wdoekes2ok, never mind then
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10:22.34moodyythe chanSpy E option is aveilable in asterisk 1.6 ? i dont see this option qhen i run core show application CahnSpy
10:22.43moodyySorry ChanSPY
10:23.49*** part/#asterisk rajmohan (~rajmohan@
10:24.02wdoekes2I don't see it in the source of 1.6.2.x either
10:24.04*** join/#asterisk aliverius (
10:24.47moodyyis this only available in asterisk 1.8?
10:28.07kaldemaryes, it is a 1.8 option.
10:35.50aliveriusis it normal to have hisax and misdn modules loaded at the same time?
10:37.42aliveriushow can i troubleshoot if misdn works? for example see that i have an active d channel?
10:38.29aliveriusalso a question about cabling. does connecting with an ethernet cable to the NT work?
10:38.35*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
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10:38.56aliveriusWIMPy: goodmorning. take a look above when you can, please
10:40.15aliveriusi dont know even if my connection works
10:48.04*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
10:49.01aliverius this means the side of the computer is fine right?
10:49.03coppicepuzzled: the latest is the preferred version :-)
10:49.26puzzledcoppice: thanks
10:52.46coppicepuzzled: Use 0.0.6pre18, and tell me if you have any problems. I see various things that suggest spandsp may not be working as well as the Digium FAX module with 1.8.x, but nobody seems to follow up to resolve this. spandsp should work better than the Digium FAX module. it does with older versions of asterisk
10:53.21puzzledcoppice: ok. will let you know if I see something odd
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11:27.11*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
11:27.15GreatSUNhi all
11:28.34GreatSUNcan someone help me with asterisk 1.8 in combination with iax2, dahdi and hylafax, please?
11:28.54GreatSUNincoming faxes are working out without problems
11:29.30GreatSUNwith outgoing I get all circuits busy, but dialing seams to show up correctly in debug
11:30.00GreatSUNExecuting [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] Dial("IAX2/300-1458", "DAHDI/g0/0800664648,300,") in new stack
11:31.34GreatSUNwhen dialing with my sip-phone I get the fax on the other side without problems
11:40.15*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:44.47GreatSUNare you all having lunch?
11:44.55GreatSUNnoone in here alive?
11:46.06wdoekes2you forgot to leave after complaining about a too slow response ;)
11:47.05GreatSUNwdoekes2, I will not leave until my provider cuts internet line again
11:47.17GreatSUNwhich happens every 8 hours
11:47.38GreatSUNwdoekes2, but I guess you can't help me with my problem, can you?
11:48.01wdoekes2I don't know hylafax nor any other channel driver than sip
11:48.59*** join/#asterisk wwgd (~wwgd@
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12:03.34GreatSUNI will set an idle point...
12:04.02GreatSUNas noone seams to communicate in here atm
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12:08.24kaldemarGreatSUN: i'd start by checking that g0 (group=0 in chan_dahdi.conf) is configured with correct channels.
12:09.17GreatSUNkaldemar, even though call through sip-phone works?
12:10.00kaldemarGreatSUN: SIP->DAHDI?
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12:12.38GreatSUNkaldemar, exactly
12:12.43GreatSUNSIP->DAHDI works
12:12.50GreatSUNIAX2->DAHDI doesn't
12:12.57GreatSUNDAHDI->SIP works
12:13.07GreatSUNDAHDI->IAX2 works
12:14.45kaldemarGreatSUN: what does a working call through DAHDI look like?
12:14.58kaldemari.e. SIP->DAHDI
12:15.30GreatSUNyou mean that:
12:15.31GreatSUNExecuting [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] Dial("SIP/100-000000d8", "DAHDI/g0/4569,300,") in new stack
12:17.01kaldemaris 0800664648 a valid number?
12:17.44kaldemarwhat kind of a DAHDI interface is it? analog? PRI? BRI?
12:20.30GreatSUNkaldemar, as I called exactly the same number with my sip-phone through exactly the same dahdi channel, the number as well as the dahdi channel are working properly
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12:21.33GreatSUNand the dahdi interface: quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 2 [TE] (cardID 4) Layer 1 ACTIVATED (F7)
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12:25.26kaldemardo you get a cause code in the protocol debug? iirc, pri intense debug span <span>
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12:42.33GreatSUNkaldemar: any idea?
12:45.05m4xxif i have Set(var=123) ... and i try to reference ${var:3:3} will that error or return an empty value?
12:45.14schmidtsGreatSUN i am not sure but i see this: 1 <                  Ext: 1  Cause: Info. element nonexist or not implemented (99), class = Protocol Error (e.g. unknown message) (6) ]
12:46.08schmidts -> cause 99
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13:25.30KhratosGood morning
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13:47.12zknumm...what could be the reason why I have needed to rotate astdb already two times this weeks to get Asterisk 1.8.4 to start up again ?
13:47.50zknit's like the db gets corrupt for some reason
13:49.56*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
13:50.26kaushalCan someone please guide me the memory requirement of Asterisk Server ?
13:51.08kaushalis there a benchmark sort of done on Asterisk 1.8.4 Open Source PBX ?
13:51.36kaushalI have 2 Gigs of DDR3 RAM with 500 GB of Hard Drive Space
13:51.43serafiekaushal: depends on how you use it. I've got Asterisk running on one of these:
13:52.35kaushalbut the developer who is porting his application on the Asterisk box demands for additional memory ?
13:52.57kaushalHow do i question him ?
13:53.09*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
13:54.09kaushalIs there a minimum requirement Specification for running Asterisk Box
13:54.51kaushalBasically we will be dialing out 320 Calls per min using Asterisk
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13:55.19leifmadsenkaushal: the minimum is whatever asterisk starts with -- the actual requirements are totally dependent on what you're doing
13:55.29jayteeI want to use an Asterisk queue to "throttle" calls to an IVR on another system. The IVR uses Dialogic's HMP for SIP and can register to Asterisk. If I set a call-limit=24 for the 24 licensed ports on the IVR will a single persistent queue member be able to answer more than one call at a time?
13:55.33leifmadsenthe "what" is extremely subjective
13:55.57leifmadsenjaytee: just use ringinuse=yes
13:56.05kaushalleifmadsen: ok
13:56.24leifmadsenjaytee: then I might just use a Local channel to call the other PBX, and use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() to track the simultaneous call thing
13:56.26jayteeleif, that's what I thought after reading that part of this incredibly rich and detailed book.
13:56.30kaushalleifmadsen: Any benchmark being done for Memory Usage ?
13:56.45jayteeand was just going to add that as part of my question. it looks like that's all I really need.
13:56.51leifmadsenExecIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(ivr_limit)} > 25]?Congestion())
13:57.01leifmadsenjaytee: ya, forget call-limit I think
13:57.39jayteeon another system I setup I had 4 licensed ports and had the IVR registering as 4 persistent queue members but setting it up for 24 of them would be a bit cumbersome
13:57.43leifmadsenkaushal: memory usage is really not an issue with asterisk -- if it loads, it's pretty much stable other than what gets written to memory for channel variabels and such (minimal data really overall), unless you have a memory leak. Asterisk is much more CPU intensive.
13:58.11leifmadsenjaytee: ya I think a single queue member (Local channel) with GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() would work, then just use ringinuse=yes
13:58.48kaushalleifmadsen: ok
13:58.56kaushalleifmadsen: understood now
13:59.01jayteeleif, thanks!
13:59.19kaushalis there a wiki for it ?
14:00.08serafiemore specifically,
14:00.11leifmadsenor (non-wiki)
14:02.05kaushalleifmadsen: I see you everywhere :)
14:02.19kaushalI feel great conversing with you
14:03.27kaushalso minimum can be as little as 512 MB of RAM ?
14:03.46kaushalif its fully loaded
14:04.03leifmadsenkaushal: sure
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14:04.18leifmadsenis The Great Gatsby
14:04.34kaushalThe reason behind so many questions is to basically understand every bit of it
14:06.13leifmadsenpretty sure that is unattainable :)
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14:16.20*** join/#asterisk buzzyd (
14:16.45buzzydHi all
14:17.20buzzydI'm trying to use my reload script on asterisk 1.8 and I'm getting utils.c:1180 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
14:17.45buzzydIt's the script that was on the wiki for accessing the manager via telnet
14:17.45Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:18.10buzzydis there a better way I can call reload via php now?
14:19.34GreatSUNhey guys
14:19.38Khratosbuzzyd: you could program a little script that sends request via HTTP, it's way more effective that using general sockets in php (as you have to read ALL asterisk response before the script ends, or you will have 'broken pipe')
14:19.51GreatSUNlooks like we have knowledge people in here again :o)
14:20.13GreatSUNcan somone of you try to help me with my IAX2->DAHDI problem?
14:20.25buzzydany docs on this?
14:20.31*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
14:20.40GreatSUNcalls incoming from DAHDI and directed to IAX2 -> hylafax are working properly
14:21.08GreatSUNbut the other way round results in a "all circuits are busy" message
14:21.15Khratosbuzzyd: yes, the asterisk source contains very good documentation on the subject (only what has to do with Asterisk), about the script using http with php, you can see very good info at
14:21.16GreatSUNsee here:
14:21.26Khratosits just a matter of combining them
14:21.29GreatSUN(with pri intense debug)
14:22.04KhratosAh!, and read the HTTP rfc, at least the initial parts to understand how to create an HTTP 'session'
14:23.45buzzydKhratos: having a look for it now cheers,
14:24.04Khratosbuzzyd: Basically, 1. you have to configure Asterisk to use its http server (see documentation, its very good), 2. Craft http headers with php, and write them to Asterisk using sockets (its quite simple, there are examples on
14:24.44Khratos3. Asterisk will responde with a 'session_id' header that you will have to pass to it on every subsequent request (that is, after sending the 'login' action, with username and secret parameters -GET request-)
14:25.21Khratosyou can save it using $_SESSION in php
14:25.57KhratosAfter that, you will feel in heaven managing Asterisk with HTTP protocol instead of generick sockets only
14:27.34KhratosA simple request might look like GET http://[your-asterisk-box]:[your-port]/[security-token]/rawman?action=status
14:28.51Khratosbuzzyd: Asterisk will respond to that request with a 'plain text' (in that case, cause of the 'rawman' -see documentation- part), which you can filter with regexp (preg_match) in php
14:29.52KhratosYou then can craft a nice array and conver it to JSON if you like, and have a powerfull php/javascript application that can do almost everything with Asterisk
14:30.08Khratosconvert** (see: json_encode(), php)
14:30.17*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:31.30buzzydKhratos: all sound very cool thank you...
14:31.57KhratosYou are welcome
14:33.19pabelangerbuzzyd: you usually see that message when an script loses it's connection to the AMI and Asterisk is trying to send something to it.
14:34.09Khratosyes, in that case, Asterisk will ignore changes (if you have told it to do something) after that
14:34.49*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:35.18buzzyd@pabelanger: Thank you but what would cause it to loose it's connection as script works fine on 1.4
14:36.24*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:36.38KhratosI faced that issue once, script was ignoring Asterisk response (at is had finish it execution) and Asterisk saw a 'broken pipe'
14:37.12pabelangerIs your AMI connection persistent? or do you Login / Logoff each time the script it run?  Are you waiting for Asterisk to ACK the Logoff?
14:37.38pabelangerMy guess, you send a command to asterisk then close the socket
14:37.45pabelangerwhen Asterisk is trying to send a reply back
14:37.54pabelangerthen you get that error
14:39.17KhratosYes, and things get worst if you try to continiously read from a socket in PHP. The script will hang there until you see a green cat
14:40.03buzzydLogin/Logoff its the following script
14:41.30pabelangerbuzzyd: yes, so you are not waiting for Response: Success.  Which asterisk is trying to send to the closed socket
14:42.47WIMPyaliverius: Hi. No, both hosax and misdn are not a good thing, but your output of misdn_info looks fine.
14:42.59WIMPyAnd yes, a standard patch cable is ok.
14:44.04KhratosI love php when dealing with web applications, but when dealing with sockets and stuff, it just hit a wall
14:45.08pabelangerKhratos: python + StarPy = Awesome :)
14:46.08buzzydSomething like
14:46.18KhratosI have heard a lot about python, and my searches on the topic made me conclude that it's second almost to none
14:46.30*** join/#asterisk sigmounte (
14:46.40sigmountehi !
14:47.29sigmountei can see in my log that asterisk is playing MOH on my queue , but i can't hear anything ? any idea where i can start searching ( for precision , moh work on normal calls )
14:48.32sigmounte( Open Source Asterisk , everything freshly compiled from source with dahdi , meet me working )
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15:14.04cuscohi folks
15:14.11cuscoI've got a little question
15:14.42infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:15.42cuscoI've got: -- Executing [sendFax@FAX:1] SendFAX("DAHDI/125-1", "/var/log/asterisk/fax/outbound/1305817896.documento1.tiff") in new stack
15:15.52cuscoand then: [May 19 16:12:05] WARNING[3098]: app_fax.c:817 transmit: Transmission error
15:15.55*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:16.26cuscoand it goes to the h extension and I NoOp some fax variables where status is SUCCESS and error is empty: -- Executing [h@FAX:4] NoOp("DAHDI/125-1", "Fax sent to 213825351 with 1 pages, 14400 bitrate, status: SUCCESS error: )
15:16.30Khratosthat infobot is a relief
15:16.54infobotfrom memory, infobot is in need of training, can someone train me?
15:17.14infobotwell, blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. This project is now merged back into the main infobot project. See [infobot]
15:17.15WIMPyhands infobot an infinite loop
15:17.56cuscook well... I would like to know why the transmission error...
15:20.26*** join/#asterisk errr (~errr@fedora/errr)
15:22.27errrIn my dial plan I have a system command being executed but its not working correctly.. I have turned up the verbose and it is getting to that part of the dial plan and moving on, but the command does not appear to be working.. is there further debugging I can do from in asterisk to find out whats going on, or do I need to just debug in the script to see what up?
15:22.59errrIf I run the command from the cli that it shows to have run from the dial plan it works.. just not from with in asterisk..
15:23.19aliveriusWIMPy: still, the qt interface doesnt show a green light, like if the NT and the card cannot see eachother
15:23.52ChannelZAre you running it from the CLI as the same user your asterisk runs under?  Perhaps it has no access.
15:24.06errrChannelZ: ah good point, Ill try as the asterisk user
15:24.10WIMPyaliverius: which qt interface? do you have LCR running already?
15:24.41errrChannelZ: yes that does work
15:25.03WIMPyaliverius: But no link can be normal, due to powersaving.
15:25.13aliveriusWIMPy: there is a gui tool in misdnuser git
15:25.19*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
15:25.34WIMPyWhat's it called?
15:25.39aliveriusWIMPy: it has indicators for D and 2 B channels.
15:25.42aliveriusone moment
15:25.53*** join/#asterisk Jcook_5xData (~Jcook_5xD@
15:26.15aliveriusWIMPy: qmisdnwatch
15:26.46WIMPyJa, found that.
15:27.09aliveriusWIMPy: do you think i should bypass this and just go test lcr?
15:27.44Jcook_5xDataneed some help I randumly receive : chan_dahdi.c: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1 then my pri reset happen about 3 times a day. running asterisknow, rhino t1 card with EC
15:28.03WIMPyah, it's qt4 only. I'm still on 3.5 here.
15:28.23aliveriusqt3? omg!
15:28.34WIMPyJcook_5xData: Either you have a noisy line or IRQ processing troubles.
15:29.06Jcook_5xDatahow can I tell if IRQ problem
15:29.50Jcook_5xDatais it as simple as setting bois to not pnp
15:29.51KhratosJcook_5xData: maybe dahdi_tool could tell if there are IRQ signal missed
15:32.31Jcook_5xDatastupid ? if I use dahdi_tool on a live system will the user have problems
15:33.56buzzydKhratos: I can't find the http docs in the source code do you know where they are?
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15:37.41buzzydAtlernatively happy to pay someone to write a reload script that works in Asterisk 1.8 and can be used in php ;)
15:38.23WIMPyyou need to make them
15:38.32WIMPyThere's a not at the and of make.
15:38.46*** join/#asterisk shaggy2 (~craig@unaffiliated/shaggy2)
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15:40.25shaggy2hello I keep getting Segmentation fault; asterisk ended with exit status 139; asterisk exited on signal 11; Automatically  restarting asterisk
15:40.35fireman_biffHi, I'm using asterisk and the voicemail indicators no longer work, ie message light, different dial tone, message count on the phone display. If I disable then re-enable each extension one-by-one it works but I lose existing voicemail. Is there anything else I can try?
15:41.13infobothmm... collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
15:41.25WIMPyshaggy2: ^^
15:41.37WIMPyfireman_biff: That does not sound like an Asterisk question.
15:42.22fireman_biffWIMPy: what kind of question does it sound like? you think its the phones?
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15:42.56WIMPyNo, it's sounds like some GUI f***up.
15:42.58shaggy2ok note my error please I can not use asterisk so that reference to me is pointless
15:43.34WIMPyshaggy2: No, it's the way to find out, why.
15:43.55shaggy2ok to use that I need to get into the asterisk CLI
15:44.05fireman_biffhow would a graphical interface break voicemail thats been working fine?
15:44.29WIMPyshaggy2: No, just the shell.
15:44.31*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:45.13WIMPyfireman_biff: No idea, but how is "disabling" and "re-enabling" mailboxes going to fix a bug?
15:45.43*** part/#asterisk rajmohan (~rajmohan@
15:48.48Khratossorry buzzyd , I was AFK. If you dowload asterisk source, inside the 'doc' directory (I think, or inside a subdirectory); do 'make pdf'
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15:50.03WIMPyaliverius: Just tried qmisdnwatch on my netbook. Have you tried device actions -> connect layer 1?
15:50.30aliveriusdoesnt give me a green light
15:50.32WIMPyThat didn't work?
15:51.10WIMPyHmm. that might not be good.
15:52.03aliveriusNT problem?
15:52.28WIMPyDo you have anything else to connect to the NT?
15:54.06aliveriusno isdn device
15:54.20Jcook_5xDataif I run dahdi_tool on a live system with call going on will it cause a problem?
15:54.24aliveriuspots and usb work
15:54.40aliveriusi mean it is alive
15:55.03WIMPyaliverius: USB? What kind of device is that?
15:57.04aliveriusit is a device that connects to a U-line and provides 2 S buses 2 pots one srial and one usb to work as a modem
15:57.41WIMPyInteresting thni. Haven't heard of that combination before.
15:58.05WIMPyIt it really an NT or is it an NGN IAD?
15:58.31aliveriuswhat is the second?
15:58.58WIMPySomething that acually works via IP.
15:59.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:00.10aliveriusno no, it is an NT with extra fucntionality
16:00.21aliveriusthere is a simple NT version
16:00.29aliveriusone that provides 2 pstn lines
16:00.35aliveriusand one that has it all
16:00.49WIMPyOk. I've seen NTs with POTS, but not with "modem".
16:00.58aliveriusit is standard with greek isdn
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16:03.13aliveriusnobody buys isdn "modems" here
16:03.14*** join/#asterisk Hail2theKingBaby (
16:03.31aliveriushow should i call it
16:03.32fullstopGood Afternoon!
16:03.42aliveriushi fullstop
16:03.45WIMPyTerminal Adaptor
16:04.09aliveriusthanks for the hint ;)
16:04.20fullstopaliverius: Good evening, if you are in Greece.
16:07.05Hail2theKingBabyHI there. I've busy reading Asterisk - The Future of Telephony... is this the best place to start with Asterisk?
16:07.34Hail2theKingBabyI'm only up to chapter 3 but already it's given me a great insight into what Asterisk is and isn't
16:08.14aliveriusis wondering what to do to troubleshoot his connection
16:08.21buzzydkhratos: no joy, I've got the latest source and can't find any relevant info in doc folder and make pdf does nothing. Arg :)
16:08.21WIMPyIt's certainli a good start.
16:08.30kaldemarHail2theKingBaby: you're on the right track
16:08.38infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
16:08.46infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
16:09.00kaldemarthere's a newer version too
16:09.13*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
16:09.27errrnice try aliverius
16:09.37aliveriusthis bot sucks
16:09.51aliveriusmy setup sucks too
16:10.02aliveriusi probably suck as well
16:10.06*** join/#asterisk sereal (~jjrh@2001:4830:16ca:1:21a:6bff:fe6a:3cd2)
16:10.09Hail2theKingBabyAh so is The Definitive Guide a new version of The Future of Telephony or a completely different and newer publication?
16:10.17WIMPyaliverius: Hmm. Nothing else to test is rather unfortunate.
16:10.26serealHas anyone used the pyst python asterisk manager interface?
16:11.01aliveriusWIMPy: maybe i will buy a cheap isdn phone
16:12.09WIMPyaliverius: Nothin you could borrow perhaps?
16:12.21WIMPyOr another card?
16:12.31aliveriusonly another NT
16:12.37aliveriusdifferent revision
16:13.21WIMPywouldn't expect the NT to fail, but then I wouldn't expect other things to fail, either.
16:13.41*** join/#asterisk Russ (
16:13.45WIMPyBut I have to admit that I once had a HFC-S card fail.
16:13.57RussI get weird timestamps from an IAX service
16:14.22fullstopHail2theKingBaby: I believe that it is a different publication.
16:15.00Hail2theKingBabyah ok I'll look it up too cheers
16:15.09Russ9639, 9639, 9659, 9699, 9719, 9739, 9759, 9759, etc
16:15.41Russso every 120ms, a timestamp gets "reused" but the packet has new audio data
16:16.03fullstopI know that this is an asterisk channel, but what to people here think of freeswitch?  I won't be leaving asterisk, but I've wondered if there is anything that FS does better that Asterisk could learn from?
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16:18.11WIMPyaliverius: qmisdnwatch seems rather unreliable.
16:18.15fullstopthis place is dead without Katty.
16:19.29WIMPyWe did have a bit of off-topic this morning :-) But right, where's she gone?
16:19.51aliveriusExt(port 0: hfc-pci.1) TE ptmp use:0  L2 unkn  L1 unkn
16:19.56fullstopIf I had to guess, I would say that she is off baking.
16:19.59Jcook_5xDatacan someone take a look at this i think WIMPy was right I have a IRQ problem
16:19.59aliveriuseven when i pick the pots phone
16:20.47WIMPyaliverius: That's ok. You won't see mor unless you use the card.
16:21.15fullstopIs that from a laptop or do you have a server board with the intel integrated graphics?
16:21.33WIMPyJcook_5xData: Shared IRQs can cause trouble, yes.
16:22.12*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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16:23.50WIMPyWow. That's a lot of IRQ sharing going on there. and none >15. Looks like there's something fundametally wrong there.
16:23.53*** join/#asterisk djb3li3ny (~djbelieny@
16:24.10djb3li3nyGood day people from asterisk!
16:24.11Jcook_5xDataWIMPy, what can I do? not like the old days of dip switches. and I have no other pci ports
16:24.58aliveriusWIMPy: how could i use lcr to make the card do something? something without messing with asterisk yet. maybe make a phone ring
16:25.33Jcook_5xDataI can turn off none use port like printer and serial, change the pnp setting to other of what ever it is
16:26.33WIMPyJcook_5xData: For some reason your system doesn't support high IRQs. That's bad. Could be your BIOS setting or your Kernel.
16:27.27Jcook_5xDatarunning straight asterisknow. I install 1.6 w asterisk gui
16:27.28WIMPyaliverius: Just edit interface.conf for a single card in TE-ptmp mode.
16:28.04WIMPyThe 'lcr fork' and 'lcaradmin status'. If you call that line, you should see that then.
16:28.11Jcook_5xDataWIMPy, I think you right that may bouncing problem. JOY late night here me
16:29.33WIMPyJcook_5xDataL Sharing an IRQ with bot SATA and ethernet is surely asking for trouble.
16:29.56aliveriusWIMPy: [Ext]
16:29.56aliveriusportnum 0 is not enough?
16:30.16aliveriusdocs are not very thoroough
16:30.59WIMPyYes, that will do.
16:31.14Jcook_5xDataWIMPy, thanks :)
16:33.54*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
16:34.14buzzydCan any one supply a reload script in php that works in Asterisk 1.8 as I need one and will happily supply beer money...
16:34.52Kobazif you have autoload=yes
16:35.05Kobazbut you have specific load=> entries
16:35.19Kobazdoes that force the load order of those entries, or is it still undefined
16:35.43Kobazbuzzyd: reload script as in.... ?
16:37.07aliveriusWIMPy: interesting stuff: lcradmin testcall 0 210652xxxxx 210654xxxxx
16:37.22aliverius# lcradmin state
16:37.33aliverius19.05.11 18:45:36.396 EP(2): INTERFACE (too busy)  interface 0
16:37.33aliverius19.05.11 18:45:36.396 EP(2): INTERFACE (no free ports found)
16:37.47buzzydKobaz: As in this which worked for 1.4 but doesn't in 1.8
16:38.28WIMPyaliverius: You see the card on top of the stat display?
16:38.44aliveriusExt(port 0: hfc-pci.1) TE ptmp use:0  L2 unkn  L1 unkn
16:38.59Kobazwhat's the non-download link?
16:39.28WIMPyI don't think I ever used 'testcall'. Lets see what that does.
16:39.44Kobazi wouldn't see why that wouldn't work
16:39.52Kobazbuzzyd: any errors?
16:40.08buzzydutils.c:1180 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
16:40.19WIMPyaliverius: you need to use the name if the interface, i.e. "ext".
16:40.32Kobazbuzzyd: did you try and telnet in and paste in what the script is sending
16:40.42Kobazbuzzyd: telnet localhost 5038
16:41.42buzzydyes but didn't work different error just doing it now.
16:42.14aliveriusich spreche deutsh nicht sehr gut
16:42.16WIMPyaliverius: That doesn't look bad.
16:42.30aliveriusbut i didnt get a ring
16:42.56*** join/#asterisk eharris (
16:43.04WIMPyCould you see L1 up and L2 up?
16:43.18WIMPy"no user responding"
16:43.50WIMPyAh, ok, you get that if it can't activate L1.
16:44.33WIMPyLooks like you got some issue on the physical side.
16:46.11buzzydActually yes it does work via telnet must have typo'd last time.
16:48.02*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
16:48.48KhratosI put that on that server. That comes inside Asterisk src directory, inside doc/
16:50.21WIMPyaliverius: I see the NetMod has some switches to configure you S0 bus. Have you checked those?
16:50.38KhratosAnd, of course, the official documentation:
16:51.39aliveriusWIMPy: thank you for having done such a thorough research for me... yes i ve seen those and i will play with them a bit . i think they are set correctly (default)
16:53.04WIMPyaliverius: You want the short but, I guess. However I would expect a wrong setting to be unreliable, not to not work at all, but you never know.
16:53.33WIMPyIf you can terminate the card, you should do that as well.
16:53.35aliveriusthe short you mean not the extended
16:53.58aliveriusshould i terminate the card or not?
16:54.04aliveriuslets paly
16:54.40WIMPyIt's a bus and both ends should be terminates.
16:55.12Kobazstatic pthread_t shaun_of_the_dead_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL;
16:55.23dan__tAlright, so I understand the difference between static and dynamic realtimes.
17:04.00QuantumSchemaGood afternoon all!
17:05.01buzzydKhratos: Thank you I have totally different docs in my asterisk folder som I am just grabbing them from that server.
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17:13.57dan__tSo, MixMonitor wasn't working because I enclosed <command> in double quotes.
17:14.14dan__tDumb idea, I guess, going that route because I gave a variable as an argument.
17:14.26dan__tBut, if that's how it wants to work, who am I to argue
17:15.27carrarYou are dan_t
17:19.20carrarWhat what
17:22.35*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:27.50Khratosbuzzyd: they are available in source distributions (1.6, and 1.8)
17:28.04KhratosIn fact, 1.8 documentation is huge
17:28.15Kobaz1.8.4 is crashing on startup
17:28.20Kobazloading cel_odbc
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17:40.48_pepo_hi friends
17:42.29Kobazfixed it
17:48.28*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (c9ea54aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:48.55_pepo_I am looking for some softphone for SIP that I can change the interface (maybe with develop) with the logos of my job, What project I can use?
17:50.00leifmadsen_pepo_: for a price, you can use zoiper
17:50.13leifmadsenotherwise, look at ekiga or something open source
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17:55.42carrar_pepo_, I think counter path offers that too
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17:56.50carraryeah they do
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17:59.56serealHas anyone used the pyst python asterisk manager interface?
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18:11.48bn-7bcHmm im stuck with a starnge nat problem, my asterisk box is behind a net, wen I try to cal from an ua inside the same nat to a sip server outside it vorks but when my ua is also outside the nat (3g phone) i get no sound but when i call vm on asterisk i van her  everything as usual, , so fhat did i do wring (the router rythat does tha nat is a cisco 892w with ios 15.0)?
18:12.41*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
18:17.01buzzydWhen ever I put a url into the browser it just shows page not valid
18:19.31Kobazwhat's the way to get the highest quality audio from mp3s into asterisk
18:19.49Kobazif i use madplay to play the mp3s i get weird audio artifacts
18:19.54Kobazlike a sssssh sound every so often
18:20.15buzzydKobaz, I always use SLN on mine
18:20.44Kobazconvert the mp3 to sln?
18:20.51Kobazall i have is the mp3
18:22.09buzzyd might do the trick
18:23.00Kobazwell i can convert the mp3 to wav with vlc and then use asterisk to go from wav to sln
18:23.01*** part/#asterisk Hail2theKingBaby (
18:23.04Kobazbut that site is cool
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18:34.37_Corey_I used that recently when a customer sent over a bunch of WMA prompts...  good site
18:39.32*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (~zorp75ck@
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18:44.29sweeperI want mixmonitor to store the output files with a timestamp as the filename, but MixMonitor(${DATETIME}.wav) isn't working....any ideas?
18:45.00sweeperI could make a little shell script to be run after mixmonitor executes, but that doesn't help with multiple ongoing calls
18:46.16_Corey_sweeper: I use this inside filenames --- ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},EDT,%F-%H%M)}
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18:50.54sweeperthat worked, awesome
18:52.18*** join/#asterisk momelod (~smelo@
18:52.30momelodGreetings channel
18:53.40momelodIm using asterisk w/ Cisco handsets.  When I dial an extension, it it possible to display the Name of the person im dialing on the phone's screen?  Currently if i dial say extension 100, only 100 is shown on my screen, not 100 - operator..
18:57.29leifmadsenthat should happen automatically if you're using something like Asterisk 1.8
18:57.34leifmadsenassuming the device can support it
19:00.21WIMPydigs out a 2nd sip phone.
19:01.21leifmadsenmomelod: at least I know if you do a transfer or something, the caller display will update with the person who called you, and then who was transferred to you
19:01.34GreatSUNhey guys
19:02.14GreatSUNI am still having problems sending faxes out though hylafax, iaxmodem (IAX2) -> dahdi
19:02.42GreatSUNif I change the codec for iaxmodem(s), I get difference between no dialtone and busy
19:02.57GreatSUNI also have been running a pri debug
19:03.01GreatSUNsee here:
19:03.36GreatSUNbut afaik this can't be a dahdi/pri problem (at least not alone)
19:04.01GreatSUNcause when calling the same number from a sip-phone (SIP->DAHDI) it works
19:04.16GreatSUNreceiving faxes also works
19:04.31WIMPy"PRI_EVENT_CONFIG_ERR"? What's that?
19:04.41GreatSUNdoes anyone have any idea what could be the problem
19:04.57*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
19:05.07GreatSUNWIMPy: normally I'd say it's a configuration error in PRI configuration
19:05.16WIMPyLine 226: BC Speech.
19:05.21WIMPyThe usual problem.
19:05.27GreatSUNbut since this doesn't come up when connecting from SIP->DAHDI
19:05.47GreatSUNI could bet it should be an IAX problem, not dahdi
19:05.56GreatSUNbut you are for sure the expert
19:06.16WIMPyWho's an expert?
19:06.38WIMPyYOu might be able to change it from iaxmodem or from the dialplan.
19:07.53*** join/#asterisk mickecarlsson (
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19:11.37serealShould I upgrade a production system from 1.4 to 1.8?
19:11.48serealWill all my configs work or do I need to make changes?
19:12.43buzzydany PHP/AMI gurus around?
19:13.33buzzydsereal, my test upgrade didn't so no
19:13.38serafiesereal: some of your configs will work, but we cannot say if all will. You need to replicate your system (with 1.4) on a development machine, upgrade, and test test test.
19:14.03serealokay, so it's not as simple as moving the extensions.conf and sip.conf over.
19:14.12serealand iax.conf over
19:14.22*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
19:14.23serealWhat didn't work buzzyd?
19:14.34serafiesereal: it may be, but it depends on what you have configured.
19:14.40*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
19:15.00serealI see. Is there any infomation on what specifically breaks?
19:15.17serealThe dialplan isn't doing anything that fancy.
19:15.48GreatSUNdoes someone have any idea on a windows client to administrate hylafax queue?
19:16.12serealthe only thing I use is Dial(), goto, and Background(), Playback(), and waitexten
19:16.29serealregardless I would do this on a testmachine first.
19:16.30buzzydsome of my dialplans and AMI doesn't work the same with my reload script so far. still doing it only started yesterday :)
19:16.46serealI don't use the AMI for anything
19:17.19*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
19:17.29serealIt might be worth while upgrading to 1.8 while my dialplan is fairly small.
19:17.43serealAre there any signifant benefits of 1.8 v 1.4?
19:19.36serafieyes, bugfixes!
19:20.25serealJust a pain in the ass to do a big upgrade, the machine just got into production
19:20.50leifmadsensereal: then I would highly suggest migrating to a separate box and not just installing 1.8 on your 1.4 machine
19:21.05leifmadsenit's like saying, "I have RedHat 9 and want to use CentOS 5.5"
19:21.10leifmadsentotally different beast :)
19:21.23serealregardless I wouldn't just upgrade my production machine.
19:21.38serealit's more like saying should you go from RH7 to RH9
19:21.40leifmadsensereal: you'd be surprised how many people would, which is why I say what I did....
19:22.51serealyeah it's worth saying for sure.
19:23.38WIMPyis stuck. I'm sure I've ssen something to access the Bearer Capability from the dilplan, but I can't find anything.
19:24.03leifmadsenIt's more like trying to upgrade RHEL 4.4 to RHEL 6.1 :)
19:24.26leifmadsenat least based on release dates of Asterisk 1.4.x/1.8.x and RHEL 4.x/6.x :)
19:24.37serealtrue enough.
19:24.52leifmadsenthat was a fun, yet terribly useful distraction for a couple of mins
19:25.27serealthats neat.
19:27.52*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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19:32.05asilvaHello, What could cause Asterisk processe to freeze?
19:32.18*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
19:32.36De_Moni'm trying to setup a sip peer that needs the asterisk server to register "from" a specific ip
19:32.46leifmadsenasilva: What would cause a whale to drown?
19:32.54asilvasometimes mine just stop working, it runs under debian 6 2.6.32 kernel. asterisk
19:33.02infoboti heard collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
19:33.04De_Monlooking at my sip peer account i can't tell what parameter i'm supposed to set the from ip in
19:33.39leifmadsenpabelanger: help me out bro!
19:33.45asilvagot it! take it easy ;)
19:33.56*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
19:34.02leifmadsenI'm trying to figure out the rbot link to the 'backtrace / deadlock' stuff
19:34.07mickecarlssonwonders if leifmadsen has looked at the update on mickecarlssons issue
19:34.07asilvaI'll try to collect debug info to see if there is enough information to report a bug!
19:34.15infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
19:34.22leifmadsenyay :)
19:34.31leifmadsenmickecarlsson: I don't know what issue you speak of
19:34.43asilvaBut in my case, the process don't crash, it just hangs but nothing really happens!
19:34.55*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
19:35.01leifmadsenasilva: which would be a deadlock as documented on that page
19:35.37asilvagood to know, deadlock.. I'll look into to understand more about it, and get back here with more info! Thanks for the help
19:35.49itsbrokenHello, I'm seeing some messages like: WARNING[18252]: translate.c:155 framein: no samples for ulawtolin Googling doesn't provide much info... mostly its russian stuff... anyone have any ideas what this is about?
19:36.47itsbrokentranslate.c:155 framein: no samples for ulawtolin
19:38.40leifmadsenmickecarlsson: thanks -- issues marked as related
19:38.59mickecarlssonThank you. I am a pro im compiling Asterisk now :-)
19:39.23mickecarlssonbtw, the .patch between releases, how can I use them?
19:39.45mickecarlssonIs that a patch to roll up to next release?
19:40.02leifmadsenmickecarlsson: patch between releases?
19:40.26mickecarlssonYes, in
19:40.41mickecarlssonasterisk-1.8.4-patch.gz for eample
19:40.42leifmadsenyes it would be a patch to get you to the next release
19:40.49leifmadsenwhich would apply to I believe
19:41.02mickecarlssonOK, that could have saved me some time, go figure
19:41.09leifmadsenI can't remember exactly how ti builds the patches and what it applies to :)
19:41.24mickecarlssonWell, I have to read up on that (later)
19:41.26leifmadsen(it's all automated in a script)
19:42.21mickecarlssonOK, I will crawl back to freepbx-dev and continue over there, but will stay connected here. Thanks again Leif
19:50.35itsbrokenleifmadsen: any idea of what this translate framein no samples for ulawtolin is about? =)
19:51.04itsbrokenit doesn't appear to be effecting calls but I assume it may be impacting call quality?
19:51.18itsbroken(effecting the success of calls)
19:55.17leifmadsenitsbroken: no idea
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19:56.02WIMPyDoes SetTransferCapability() not exist any more?
19:57.33leifmadsensounds like something that would have been moved to a dialplan function, but I've never heard of that application
19:58.07*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
19:59.24De_Monit looks like my peer acount is going out the wrong ip address, how do I bind a particular peer to use a specific outbound address?
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20:05.29Khratosleifmadsen: had you noticed that the personal spaces's entries in the wiki are not available for general reading unless people register to it?
20:06.40WIMPycant find any replacement.
20:07.22*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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20:09.55leifmadsenKhratos: not really -- I haven't used the wiki a ton and am not entirely sure who it is all setup yet
20:12.11serealHow would I ask the AMI if a certain sip peer is on the phone?
20:14.00leifmadsenmanager show command Status?
20:14.03leifmadsennot sure what that returns
20:15.15leifmadsengoes off to make coffee finally and jam a bit
20:15.36*** join/#asterisk acidjazz (
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20:27.11acidjazzhey guys .. so i'm writing this mobile app that needs to send texts and voicemails .. but obviousely i cant do it w/in the app.  i dont really have the time to setup asterisk boxes .. can anyone recommend a good service provider for this w/ good pricing/api ?
20:33.09*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:35.40paulcacidjazz: Twilio might be worth a look, or Tropo
20:37.43De_Monacidjazz we've used telesign, and it's pretty good.
20:41.51leifmadsenpaulc: +1
20:42.09paulcdoffs hat to leifmadsen
20:42.12paulchow's yer Thursday?
20:42.18*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
20:42.30leifmadsenpaulc: not bad -- just got back in from cutting the grass for the first time this year
20:42.36leifmadsenit was HUGE because it's been raining for 5 days straight
20:42.40leifmadsen(since Saturday)
20:43.00paulcleifmadsen: NICE. Love that smell, and love being outside. Great sunny day in Vancouver (for a change!) and I'm stuck in the office, procrastinating..
20:43.20leifmadsenpaulc: nice! ya it's sunny here now too and going to be amazing for beach volleyball tonight
20:43.39paulchaha awesome.. (is it home time yet? I'm so ready..)
20:43.46leifmadsenit is -- 4:45pm here :)
20:43.49leifmadsenand I work from home, so... yay!
20:44.01leifmadsenI started at 8:00am or so, soooooo ya
20:44.27leifmadsenI'm thinking of going to the basement to cool off and jam on some ableton live
20:45.06leifmadsenhey all! if you haven't bought either Asterisk: The Definitive Guide or the Asterisk Cookbook, please do so! I have a fence and deck to install in a couple of weeks..... :D
20:45.52leifmadsen...that was supposed to be a joke people...
20:47.10paulcwatches the tumbleweed blow through the room
20:47.14paulctough crowd!
20:47.19*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
20:47.58paulcI should have worked from home today. Traffic in was brutal - 1:50... it'll be 25 mins going home.. and it feels like it might be a BBQ kinda night I think.. then beers.. and the day off tomorrow.. for some Asterisk playing :)
20:48.20leifmadsenpaulc: yay! I'm having ribs tonight :)
20:48.29leifmadsenI might do them on the BBQ. Beer is in the fridge.
20:48.40leifmadsenI'll get the fiancee to drive to volleyball, or the neighbors
20:48.48paulcleifmadsen: Did you get your psychic app finished? I was going to show you screen shots from our one-on-one similar type app front end thing
20:50.21leifmadsenpaulc: I ended up mostly backing away from that client because they didn't know what they wanted (after building nearly 3 different things)
20:50.25leifmadsenso I'm not sure how it ended
20:50.26*** join/#asterisk Guizmo (
20:50.30_Corey_hmmm, beer and BBQ sounds pretty good right about now
20:50.34acidjazzleifmadsen: awesome man thanks
20:50.40acidjazzleifmadsen: these guys do voicemail?
20:50.47leifmadsenacidjazz: never used them, so not sure
20:50.51leifmadsenprobably not...
20:51.02leifmadsenI bet you could integrate with tropo or something for that
20:51.04paulcleifmadsen: Ah that's too bad.. (I know how that goes too) Ours ended up ok for phase 1 and is running nicely, with all those "phase 2 requirements" on ice for now
20:51.29leifmadsenpaulc: ya it happens, but luckily not too often. This was only the 2nd client in 7 years I've tried to back away from.
20:51.35leifmadsenthey needed someone full time, and I didn't have the time
20:51.44leifmadsenI was trying to be the hero to help them out mostly, and it didn't work out
20:51.51acidjazztwilio looks like its got what i need
20:52.10leifmadsenanyways, I'm off to the nice cool basement with some coffee and will jam out some beams :)
20:52.12leifmadsenbeats too
20:53.07paulcleifmadsen: Enjoy!
20:53.11Guizmohello, I have an asterisk server, but I want to connect it to 3 ISDN phone line. I know I need to get a pci card to do this (from digium or other), but if I want to remove the NT box is it possible ? or do I need to keep the NT box ?
20:53.15paulcacidjazz: Twilio is cool - I like it a lot :-)
20:53.41acidjazzawesome thanks guys im set
20:53.50acidjazzim gonna look so rad pretending i did all this research myself
20:53.56paulcGuizmo: I think usually you keep the NT for termination, loopback, remote testing etc - it's the telco demarc point
20:54.05paulcacidjazz: such an honourable approach :-p
20:56.50WiretapWorkGuizmo, you wantto keep the NTE
20:56.54Guizmopaulc: ah ok thanks  it is not a stable NT box, it is why I was hoping to bypass it :) but if it is just for loopback, testing, etc it should be ok
21:04.56*** join/#asterisk manji (~manjiki@2a02:580:8000:8601:226:bbff:fe13:1c09)
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21:20.36ipc9Has anyone in here done any soft phone development?
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21:30.48WiretapWorkanyone have a recommendation for a softphone for iphones?
21:31.51malcolmdipc9:   the ag-projects people or the pjsip people are probably good people to talk to about soft phones.  ag-projects for a complete softphone (using their sipsimplesdk) or pjsip folks (they write a sip ua called pjsip).
21:32.17malcolmdWiretapWork:  positive reviews for the counterpath bria for iphone
21:32.34_Corey_+1 on bria for the iphone
21:32.47_Corey_very professional
21:32.49zachsisx-lite supposedly has a version for iphone
21:32.55zachsisnever used it tho'
21:34.34malcolmdi think x-lite is only for windows and mac.  bria's available for iphone, in addition to other platforms
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21:36.06zachsisanyone ever had trouble with asterisk not noticing hangups on an FXO card ?
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21:37.04rue_workcan I create a black hole mailbox by turning on delete=yes and not entering an email or having attach=yes?
21:37.58paulcrue_work: I'd half hope it would require an email to be sent before deleting.. but nothing stopping you using .forward or similar to accept the emails then throw them into a black hole
21:38.40malcolmdzachsis:  a digium card?
21:38.52zachsisno, Sangoma A200
21:39.31zachsisits really intermittent. usualyl happens when asterisk voicemail answers, then the caller hangs up after leaving a message and no hangup is detected
21:40.49zachsisi recently added 'hanguponpolarityswitch=yes' to my chan_dahdi.conf.. and so far it seems good, but we'll know after this weekend
21:41.01zachsisi'm wondering if anyone knows of any other workarounds
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21:49.37WIMPymickecarlsson: Are you around?
21:54.47rue_workexten => s,n,SET(BLACKLIST=${ODBC_CHECKBLACK(${CALLERID(number)})})
21:54.48rue_workexten => s,n,Gotoif($[${BLACKLIST}='1']?blackholevm,s,1)
21:54.59rue_workcontext of a variable, is it per call?
21:57.36*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick___ (
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22:03.29rue_workdid I write that right for a text value of 1?
22:03.39rue_work'1' "1" or just 1?
22:06.32WIMPyNo quotes.
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22:21.09Jcook_5xDataAre there any good test I can run to see if there any problem with asterisk?
22:23.45pabelangerOur you can write a new test if once does not exist and we can merge it into the code
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22:26.06ujjainIf I give my parents a PAP adapter that has a FXO and an FTO port, can they still use both VOIP and their landline for incoming/outgoing calls?
22:26.57pabelangerujjain: sure, why not
22:27.15WiretapWorkujjain, if you set it up that way they sure can
22:28.26Jcook_5xDatapabelanger, thanks I will check it out
22:28.56ujjainah ok :) thanks!!
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22:52.32WiretapWorkhmm... bria is nonfree
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22:53.25paulchow non free?
22:53.35paulclike 4.99? or like XXXXXX pricier?
22:55.41WiretapWorkpaulc, like $10.99
22:56.23paulcYeah, that's steep. I have to admit I don't really use VoIP on my iPhone.. but I've got Fring installed.. and Truphone.. maybe one other one as well.. just don't actually "do" that.
22:56.34paulcBria comes highly recommended.. but at that price point? yeah, that stings..
23:03.14ChannelZDo you need 500 copies of it or something?
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23:14.17carrarbria hoarding
23:20.04rue_workheh, better than soemthing hordign your D channels
23:21.26*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@pdpc/supporter/active/junk-y)

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