IRC log for #asterisk on 20110511

00:00.28pdtpatrick_@p3nguin -- like i said im here for help and im not claiming to know more than i know. I do understand what extensions are and so far i've been able to navigate around. Im very new to the system so I don't understand what is your obsession with me knowing or not knowing. I might now understand fully what extensions are in terms of how asterisk use it but i understand the basics how it operates on the network.
00:02.28p3nguinExtensions aren't network mechanisms or devices.  Extensions form the dial plan that does useful things when you dial numbers from your devices.
00:03.07p3nguinOne of those useful things is to run the VoiceMail() application after having Dial()ed a device.
00:03.43pdtpatrick_thanks for the information
00:03.55pdtpatrick_but doesn't then extensions participate in the network?
00:04.19p3nguinNot really, no.
00:04.57p3nguinThey don't participate on the network any more than your calculator does when you run calc.exe.
00:05.19p3nguinExtensions are rules that tell Asterisk how to process a call when you dial numbers from a phone.
00:05.26pdtpatrick_...currently the guy prior installed FreePBX and they are setting all the extensions on there and on the main box.. I have to setup voicemail.conf
00:05.42pdtpatrick_all of which are done but when i dial that extension -- says call cannot be completed as dialed
00:05.49p3nguinFreePBX is outside the scope of this channel...
00:06.04p3nguinBut what FreePBX controls is within the scope.
00:06.40p3nguinHowever, you aren't going to want to manually change Asterisk settings if you intend to continue using FreePBX.
00:07.22pdtpatrick_FreePBX won't pick it up im guessing? or one overwrites the other?
00:07.41p3nguinIf you no longer wish to use FreePBX, you can change voicemail.conf and extensions.conf and possibly have long-lasting success.
00:08.34p3nguinFreePBX will either ignore or overwrite any manual changes you make, unless you make them in accordance with FreePBX's methods (which is again outside the scope of this channel).
00:09.10pdtpatrick_I might start working on that then. So in terms of getting this extensions to work (staying within this channel's scope) .. the two files I need to be concerned with are extensions.conf and voicemail.conf
00:09.19pdtpatrick_do i need to reload anything from the cli once im done ?
00:09.32pdtpatrick_usually when i change music on hold i have to do moh reload on the cli
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00:09.59MikeH_is there a way to list identifiers for all channels?
00:10.18p3nguinIf you change extensions.conf, you'll want to run "dialplan reload" and if you change voicemail.conf, you'll want to "module reload app_voicemail"
00:10.47p3nguinunless they finally added a voicemail reload command, which I don't see.
00:11.18p3nguinAlternatively, restart asterisk entirely to effect all changes.
00:11.20cuscoMikeH_: what do you call identifiers?
00:11.29cuscoMikeH_: core show channels concise ?
00:11.51MikeH_cusco, I'm trying to get my head around FreePBX to be specific, adding trunks.
00:12.10p3nguinpoints to the FreePBX channel yet again.
00:12.10cuscoI really dunno how freepbx works nor what you're trying to acomplish
00:12.19cuscobut it seems a xyproblem
00:12.28p3nguinSecond door on your left, sir.
00:14.20pdtpatrick_p3nguin -- much appreciated
00:15.49Preytellcan anyone explain, beyond the obvious what this error means: devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP
00:16.29PreytellI have a problem with asterisk 1.8.3 and polycom UC endpoints. They register after system boot, but then go away after a little over 1 hour.
00:17.18Preytellthat error than causes this: Changing state for SIP/2134 - state 1 (Not in use), which is when the phone goes awol.
00:19.37Preytellfunny thing is this all happens on the SIP/2.0 200 OK message back from the server, in which it states: PeerStatus: Registered.
00:20.41Preytellit happens to ALL endpoints at exactly the same time, a little over 1 hour after initial registration.
00:21.20p3nguinHave you tried any other user agent?
00:21.20PreytellI don't want to call bug, or deadlock if it's my own fault.
00:21.38Preytellyes, x-lite.
00:21.48p3nguinDoes it do the same thing?
00:22.21p3nguinAre these phones on the same LAN as Asterisk?
00:22.51Preytellyes and no, Asterisk is eth1 vlans to three subnets.
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00:23.44Preytellphones continue to work , i.e. making calls, just drop registration.
00:24.13p3nguinRight -- registration has nothing to do with making calls.
00:24.24PreytellI mean nod.
00:24.50p3nguinWhat type of networking devices are you using to create the vlans?
00:25.14Preytell(don't laugh, it's not my choice) Dell Switches.
00:25.26PreytellPowerConnect 2824
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00:27.44PreytellI HAVE thought of that, as I have another office on identical hardware, also running but on HP 2848's, and they are not having this issue, but they also do not run the UC firmware from polycom yet.
00:28.08p3nguinX-lite isn't using the UC Polycom firmware either.
00:28.20Preytellsorry, didn't think about that.
00:29.21p3nguinI'd bet you it's a networking problem rather than a UA problem.
00:30.01p3nguinIf possible, take your Asterisk computer, a couple Polycoms, and a PC with X-lite and put them all on a single dumb switch.
00:30.06Preytellnot ruling that out, but it seems odd that rebooting the server fixes it, and the timing is near exact, withing a few minutes give or take.
00:31.17PreytellI'll set that up. See what happens.
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00:59.58PreytellSomething I just noticed in the log: chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) : Everywhere my conf NAT is disabled. And when things are working you see: chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT), but when the phones drop it switches to NAT. Any ideas what would cause that?
01:00.35p3nguinI'll need to see your sip.conf.
01:00.50Preytellone moment.
01:01.55*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
01:05.19p3nguinMore FreePBX?  *sigh*
01:05.21*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork_ (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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01:06.46p3nguinI don't find it amusing at all.
01:06.56p3nguinHere I was trying to help, and you're wasting my time.
01:06.59PreytellI would blame them, but this is an asterisk issues, not freepbx.
01:07.09p3nguinNo, it's a FreePBX issue.
01:07.12Preytellhow so.
01:07.18Preytellthey don't control registration.
01:07.56p3nguinFreePBX controls everything, and I should have been able to see sip.conf and find the NAT problem, but because it's FreePBX you'd have to show me half a dozen more confs, which I don't care to see.
01:08.16p3nguinTHAT is how it's a FreePBX problem.
01:08.56Preytellnone matter, except:, and it contains nat=never. the only nat=yes in my entire config is on my trunk to flowroute.
01:09.27WiretapWork_Preytell, ensure that externip is set, and localnet
01:09.46Preytellthey are. and are correct.
01:09.51WiretapWork_p3nguin, you really do hate freepbx don't you
01:10.22p3nguinNo.  I only hate when people try to fool me bringing their FreePBX shit into this Asterisk channel.
01:10.56p3nguinThere's a reason we don't support FreePBX here.
01:10.58Preytellwow, ok. I have to WORK with asterisk, and it has to be SUPPORTED by staff that are not unix guru's. I am a RHCE, and Certified Network Engineer. They are not.
01:11.35WiretapWork_Preytell, don't rage, there's no point
01:12.27PreytellWow, make me wonder why I just spent $20,000 on digium boards over sangoma. I will take this up with Digium, I was just looking for a little help.
01:12.28*** part/#asterisk Preytell (~Preytell@
01:13.28p3nguinI can imagine the laughing at Digium when they too find out he's using FreePBX.
01:13.48WiretapWork_p3nguin, I don't think the hatorade was neccessary
01:16.07p3nguinBecause I don't want to support FreePBX in a channel which specifically does not support FreePBX, that makes me a prick.  Sure, that makes perfect sense to me.
01:17.26Freeaqingmewhy do people even choose to use freepbx if apparently there's no support for it?
01:17.45p3nguinThere's some support for it... in the FreePBX channel.
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01:18.01WiretapWork_p3nguin, your attitude makes you a prick, not your decision not to support it, that I can understand
01:18.02Freeaqingmecrazy world
01:18.03WiretapWork_but getting all well.... bitchy about it doesn't help anyone
01:19.05mzbI agree that more information is required. Some might think that p3nguin has been a bit rude with his response, but the bottom line is he can pick and choose who/how he helps ... that's his choice.
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01:19.28WiretapWork_mzb, nobody was disputing that though
01:19.35FreeaqingmeWiretap, on the other hand, if you've been in  this channel long enough (or a similar channel) you'll get tired of this kind of stuff and automatically turn a bit cynical
01:19.49mzbreads more scrollback
01:19.54WiretapWork_Freeaqingme, I actually work with asterisk both with an without freepbx
01:19.59dr00dhi - i was wondering if anyone can tell me what is the best way to supply message waiting indication from asterisk to a legacy pbx ? i need to call a sip extension and then send some commands to turn mwi on and off for the legacy handsets ...
01:20.39WiretapWork_Freeaqingme, and while I agree that it can/does make the config files a fucking nightmare to work with, in some situations, i.e. when it has to be supported by non-technical staff, there is some merit to it.
01:20.43Freeaqingmecan you use sip notify through the pbx dr00d ?
01:21.18FreeaqingmeWiretapWork_, there's merit to using it I suppose, but there's not so much merit if you then turn to an asterisk channel for support
01:21.24Freeaqingme(imho, of course)
01:22.04WiretapWork_Freeaqingme, well, its not so illogical when you think about what freepbx is driven by, asterisk... most people would draw that link and think of freepbx as the web interface and asterisk as the driving software
01:22.24WiretapWork_the distinction is not that clear in reality, but to newbies, it sure is gonna seem that way
01:22.39FreeaqingmeWiretapWork_, yeah, but it's like joining #linux because someone has a problem with unity
01:22.48WiretapWork_the one that amuses me has to be trixbox though :P
01:23.06p3nguinPeople come here asking for support for that, too.
01:23.09dr00dim not sure - the problem is that i need to call a voicemail extension on the legacy pbc and send *68504 for example to turn mwi for extension 504 on and #68504 to turn it off - i can do this by calling via an FXO gateway - but i cant figure out how to do this automatically when a voicemail message appears in an asterisk vm box
01:23.40dr00dwe want to use asterisk voicemail for the legacy pbc btw
01:23.59WiretapWork_dr00d, use a macro to pull in the voicemail box instead of just using VoiceMail()?
01:24.17dr00dhow do i do that
01:24.37WiretapWork_have it check the message count before and after the voicemail call, if its greater, send an MWI
01:24.43WiretapWork_no idea sorry :P I've not actually ever written a macro
01:24.52dr00dyes i know about that
01:25.20p3nguinHow does the legacy PBX handle MWI?  Does it handle it at all?
01:25.50WiretapWork_p3nguin, after your line about trixbox support
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01:26.14ThedrMorning all
01:26.33dr00dyes - i have to go off hook on one of the legacy extensions configured for vm, then send for eg *68504 to turn on mwi for extension 504
01:26.44p3nguinOh, you have to send special DTMF.
01:27.10WiretapWork_that is satisfyingly hacky :P
01:27.10ThedrDoes anyone know if its possible to register a Cisco 7940 to 2 different asterisk servers?
01:27.20WiretapWork_Thedr, should be able to do one per line
01:27.21dr00dso all i need to do is - in an inbound route - when a vm call comes in , to use the dial command to connect and send these dtmfs
01:27.28WiretapWork_and IIRC theyre two-line
01:27.36WiretapWork_just configure the second line to go to the other server
01:27.54p3nguinthedr: Are you using SCCP, MGCP, or SIP on the 7940?
01:27.57Thedrdo you know the xml command to have a second proxy server?
01:28.30dr00dcant i somehow poll for new vm messages and then run a seperate process to call and send the dtmfs ? not as part of a dial plan ...
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01:29.07WiretapWork_Thedr, are you using USECALLMANAGER at the moment for the proxy for the line buttons?
01:29.38WiretapWork_dr00d, that sounds even hackier :P
01:29.52dr00dlol well do you have any suggestions ?
01:30.13WiretapWork_dr00d, yes, I do, you saw it above
01:30.22Thedrat the moment I have proxy1_address: "192.x.x.x"
01:30.29WiretapWork_that's not XML
01:30.37WiretapWork_that's the old fashioned flatfile
01:30.56WiretapWork_you've got proxy1_* and line1_*
01:31.03WiretapWork_configure proxy2_* and line2_*
01:31.12dr00ddo u mean - > dr00d, use a macro to pull in the voicemail box instead of just using VoiceMail()? ??
01:31.25Thedrtried that
01:31.55WiretapWork_dr00d, build a macro that does a check on the number of messages in the box, sends the call to voicemail, then when the caller rings off, checks the number again, compares it with the original, and sets MWI if its higher
01:32.43dr00dok - i understand that - i just dont know how to build the macros
01:32.45p3nguinI have proxy1_address - proxy6_address in SIPDefault.cnf
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01:33.05WiretapWork_dr00d, time to learn
01:33.11dr00dyou are correct
01:33.41ThedrI'd rather keep the config in my seperate MAC files as there are only 2 phones that need seperate servers
01:33.47dr00dand then it needs to dial an extensionand send dtmfs after that
01:33.51p3nguinEverything line_* related is in SIP<MAC>.cnf
01:34.24WiretapWork_dr00d, yep
01:34.30dr00dok thansk
01:34.32WiretapWork_dr00d, you'd do that as part of the macro
01:34.39WiretapWork_or as part of a submacro
01:34.45dr00dok ill go google macros
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03:31.24BesticlesI've browse everything I could on the net, I can't seem to find a solution to my problem.  On certain PRI's I cannot get my outbound caller id set.  I do have 2 diff ptsn.  I have turned on pri intense debug, but I am not getting a complaint from what I can tell from the ptsn.  I would really appreciate it if someone can look at the pri intense and see if they see something I dont.
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03:31.34BesticlesMy ptsn allows me to set my caller id number.
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04:16.00dr00di have another question - when using the dial command, is it possible to hang up the call the dial plan rather than waiting for the other end to hang up, and so running the rest of the dial plan code ?
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04:19.54p3nguindr00d: Take a look at Dial()'s option g.  It could be useful to you.
04:20.10dr00dok thanks
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04:22.02dr00dWhen the called party hangs up, continue to execute commands in the current context at the next priority...
04:22.26dr00dthe problem is that i need to hang up the call from the dialplan not wait for the other end to hang up ...
04:23.12dr00dor ext the dial commmand some other way ...
04:24.31p3nguinIn normal conditions, when a party hangs up, that's the end of the call.  At that time, the h extension is executed.
04:25.06dr00dok - all i am trying to do is call an extension, send some dtmf tones then hang up
04:25.16dr00dbut from the dial plan tho
04:25.20dr00dexten => 333,n,Dial(SIP/201,5,D(*68504))
04:25.34dr00dthis wont send the dtmf tones as per option d :(
04:27.56p3nguinIf you call extension 333, the peer by the name of 201 as defined in sip.conf will be called and *68504 will be sent before the call between your phone and 201 gets bridged.
04:28.36dr00dso how can i send the dtmf after the call is connected then
04:29.18p3nguinThe example we just discussed sends the tones after the call is connected, but before being bridged.
04:29.48dr00dok i think i need to send it after the call is brided
04:29.50p3nguinIs SIP/201 the peer for your legacy PBX?
04:29.57dr00dyes correct
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04:30.27p3nguinIf you Dial(SIP/201), can you manually press the keys and get the result you're after?
04:30.35dr00dyes i can
04:31.15p3nguinWhat are you doing on the priorities before the Dial() that you showed me above?
04:32.43dr00dif you mean the dialplan code before the Dial(), i dont need to do anything, just simply dial, send dtmf, hang up
04:33.02p3nguinYou can't start with priority n.
04:33.10p3nguinYou have to have something before that line.
04:33.32dr00dexten => 333,1,Swift(Hi, this is extension 333
04:33.57dr00djust that so i know im running the code i think i am
04:34.03p3nguinSo extension 333 contains only those two lines?  Swift() and Dial()
04:34.05dr00dwith a ) at the end
04:34.15dr00dyes and hangup at the end so 3 lines
04:34.22p3nguinOkay, perfect.
04:34.34dr00di sense that here is hope ...
04:34.59p3nguinNow I just want to know why the call needs to be bridged before the PBX accepts the DTMF.
04:35.38p3nguinCan you replace the SIP/201 with a peer that is another phone?  That way when you call 333 you can answer the other phone and hear what your other PBX would be hearing.
04:36.25p3nguinMaybe you need to add some pause before sending the tones.  Dial(SIP/201,5,D(wwww*68504))
04:36.30dr00dthis is for message waiting on the legacy pbx handsets -  i need to send the dtmf tones to tell the pbx to switch on the message waiting
04:36.44p3nguinI remember from earlier.
04:36.49dr00dok i will try that now
04:37.04p3nguinTry adding wwww before the * first.  That'll be the easiest.
04:37.33p3nguinIf still not working, change SIP/201 to another phone and answer the phone as if you are the PBX.
04:37.41p3nguinaudible troubleshooting
04:40.44*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
04:43.16luisfeliceHi, is it possible the set the host parameter in iax.conf with the fqdn of a phone? I would like that asterisk resolve the ip address of the host to see if it match but not using the IP address, instead I would like to use the fqdn, is it possible?
04:43.27dr00dok i tried that - i can hear the dtmf tones when i pick up another phone - but it sounds like there are t lots of tones tho
04:43.49p3nguinluisfelice: You can use a host name instead of an IP address in the host parameter.
04:43.50dr00dit isnt doing what i want - if i use the dial pad on a phone and type the tones it works ok
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04:44.25p3nguindr00d: *68504 is six tones.  You hear more than six?
04:45.12p3nguinluisfelice: host=phone1.domain.local
04:46.09p3nguinluisfelice: However... most phones will probably want to use registration.  If your phone is registering, you'd probably want host=dynamic instead.
04:46.35luisfelicep3nguin: yes, I tried that but does not work, it doen't allow the phone to register
04:46.40dr00di think i know why it isnt working - and no i hear **6688550044
04:46.54dr00di have to wait longer - ill just try that
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04:48.40p3nguinYou can add more w to wait more.  Each w is .5 second.
04:50.35dr00dok im trying that now i think it will work
04:51.14dr00dthe thing is - the more w s i put the longer it takes for the call to be answered ...
04:51.49dr00dcant i send the tones after the call is connected AND bridged ?
04:51.50p3nguinI don't think that's how it works.
04:52.57dr00dit seems you have to wait about 5 seconds before you send the tones otherwise the pbx doesnt accept tones and do the mwi thing
04:53.45dr00dthere is an answer i can tell
04:55.04p3nguinI suppose you could try running a macro which runs SendDTMF().
04:55.20p3nguin5 seconds = wwwwwwwwww
04:57.15dr00dok - but how do i run this macro while the call is connected tho - ? because the dial command doesnt exit until the call is hung up ...
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04:58.02dr00dand i just found the S option which hangs up the call after so many seconds so that answers the other problem
04:58.13p3nguinI'm not sure if it would have a different result using the macro in the Dial command.
04:59.24dr00doh - is this the answer ? - > Executes, via gosub, routine x on the called channel. This is similar to M above, but a gosub rather than a macro.
04:59.35dr00doption u(x)
05:00.01p3nguinMy version does not have u, so I'm not familiar with it.
05:00.11dr00di might try that
05:00.21p3nguinIt sounds like it would do exactly what you want to do.
05:00.35dr00dim getting all excited now coz i think it is gonna work :)
05:00.45p3nguinI'd use SendDTMF() to send my tones.
05:00.53dr00dok ill try that now
05:01.07p3nguinI just don't know the usage of that u option.
05:02.59dr00dis a subroutine a line of code in the current context such as exten => 333,n(send),SendDTMF(xxx) ? or a seperate macro
05:04.19dr00dits ok i got it figured out
05:04.24dr00dill try it now
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05:13.35dr00dhey thanks heaps p3nguin that works - using the m option in the dial() command to run senddmtf with a few waits before hand - and i need to use the S option to hang up the call after a few seconds
05:14.24p3nguinDespite how hackish this method is, I'm glad it finally did what you wanted it to do.
05:14.52dr00dno probs - i can always refine it later
05:15.33dr00dgives p3nguin a big HUG
05:16.02p3nguinWatch it, I just got this shirt!
05:19.04dr00di think im ready to refine it now
05:20.52dr00dhow can i run this macro when a new message arrive in the voicemail system ? at the momnent ive put this in an inbound route which is run whenever someone leaves a voicemail message - in this case they hear all the dtmf tones being sent and they have to wait while it all runs ...
05:21.40dr00dvery hackish ...
05:23.10p3nguinTake a look at externnotify in voicemail.conf.
05:23.22dr00doo i think ive seen that
05:23.26dr00dill go loook
05:24.04p3nguinThis is another option that I don't use ever, but it could potentially be useful in your situation.
05:24.39dr00dmy brain has stretch marks from being excited, dissappointed, excited, more excited ...
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05:38.32l1nuxmanwhere does asterisk specify the 'To:','From:',and 'CC:' fields?
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05:39.52kaushalCan someone please point me to the forum link wherein the Sangoma card doesnot work with the latest version of Ubuntu Kernel ?
05:43.22dr00dhey p3nguin - the next question is - can i run asterisk dial plan commands such as dial and senddtmf from a shell script ?
05:43.41kaushalkaldemar: you around ?
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05:52.32schmidtsgood morning
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05:53.27jizzzum6where is asterisk 1.8.4?
05:53.40jizzzum6 is still showing
05:54.01jizzzum6anyone know?
05:54.35schmidtsjizzzum6 try the link with "older asterisk versions" maybe you can find it in there
05:55.24jizzzum6ah there it is...
05:55.45kaushalhi schmidts
05:56.23schmidtshi kaushal
05:56.33kaushalschmidts: is there a known issue with Sangoma Card and the Ubuntu Kernel ?
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06:06.30WiretapI had news for kaushal
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07:29.27zknI think I had a similar question before and at that time I was proved wrong by liefmadsen, hovever now I have now come across the same issue with channel variables getting lost when moving from one context to another...
07:29.33zknonly this time i'm using a macro
07:30.32_schmidtszkn a channel var wouldnt be lost if u just use a goto, only if you use a dial(LOCAL/ then it will be lost cause its a new "call"
07:31.50zknI'm setting values to variables to Dial, and when Dial is executed with M option, then in the macro context these variables are lost, is that how it is supposed to be?
07:31.56_schmidtszkn if you want to make sure to have a channel var you should use something like this SET(__test=1234) instead of just SET(test=1234) with the "__" in front it will be a persistant var for this channel and also all bridged channels
07:32.35_schmidtszkn a macro is a little bit different, you can call the macro with arguments, maybe this will be the better way
07:32.45zkn_schmidts. mmm... okay. gotta try the persistent option
07:33.26schmidtsyou should try it with only one _ and also two __ cause there is a difference in how asterisk handle these vars then
07:36.17nunnea sip phone sends a 302 temp. moved to it's context like Local/33333@users. but variables set before the 302 is recieved are gone.. why?
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07:36.51nunnei have a var set to redir=y, so it knows it's a redirection.. and doesnt try to call using the regular trunk
07:37.06nunneis there anyway to set the redirect-context?
07:38.03kaldemara single _ means that the channel variable is inherited only once in created channels, two _'s means that they are inherited indefinitely.
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07:39.27nunnekaldemar, thanks!
07:40.05kaldemarnunne: actually, that was not an aswer for you, but it might help you too. :)
07:46.43schmidtshas anyone of you tried 1.8 function CONNECTEDLINE?
07:47.15schmidtsi want to update the information after an attendant transfer but i am not sure how to do this best ;)
07:48.34zknmm..nope, preceeding variable name with _ or __ does not have any difference, when I do Dial(IAX2/"ph0n3numb3r",,M(sms)) then macro-sms will still not use the values set to variables in the context where Dial app resides.. in macro-sms context the same channel variables have no values anymore
07:49.24schmidtszkn then you have to use macro arguments
07:49.50schmidtsi think this looks like this M(sms^ARG1^ARG2)
07:50.20kaldemarschmidts: iirc, the values should be updated upon a transfer automatically.
07:50.38zknokay, i must admit i haven't yet figured out arguments... how do I know what argument will correspond to what value or how do I determine these?
07:50.55schmidtskaldemar thats what i thought too but it doesnt work :(
07:53.22zknok, reading the book :
07:53.41schmidtszkn take a look at the extensions.conf.sampe file there you can find how to act with macro arguments and btw with core show application DIAL the part of the M you will see that you dont have "pbx features" in this macro and channel vars are part of these pbx features
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08:02.11schmidtskaldemar i didnt see any connectedline updates even in sip history :(
08:02.35schmidtsare there other options i have to activate then sendrpid and trustrpid?
08:05.03kaldemarrpid_update=yes might be worth a try.
08:05.37schmidtswill do so
08:06.30schmidtsnot really but maybe i am just doing it wrong
08:14.17zknhmm.. i still don't see where macro arguments get their values from..
08:17.59kaldemarzkn: from the line that exectes the macro.
08:18.26kaldemarzkn: how are you executing it? with the Macro app or as a Dial app option?
08:18.43zknI do Dial(IAX2/"ph0n3numb3r",,M(sms))
08:19.45schmidtszkn as i said above you have to put the arguments into the M statement like this
08:20.17schmidtsthen you can access the arguments with ${ARG1} and ${ARG2} and so on
08:20.23zknaah okay
08:20.29zknmaking more sense now
08:20.35schmidtsthe ^ is the delimiter for these vars ;)
08:20.46zknso i need to pass the variables to my macro separately
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08:40.29schmidtskaldemar when i take a look at handle_request_refer i didnt see anything related to connectedline maybe something like this isnt implemented?
08:40.50atanI'm getting ' Failed to parse contact info' when my phone tries to register
08:46.12atanCan I somehow override this in sip.conf?
08:47.10schmidtsatan which asterisk version do you use? 1.0 or 1.2 i dont think this is still a problem
08:47.29atanThe latest 1.8
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08:47.49schmidtsthen a bug from year 2005 should be a prbolem ;)
08:48.02schmidtsmaybe you should do a sip debug to see what contact header you phone sends
08:48.51atanOh no doubt the phone is sending the wrong headers :-(
08:50.01kaldemarmaybe pedantic=no would help if the phone sends crappy headers.
08:52.14atanregister_verify: Failed to parse contact info
08:52.19atanEven with that =\
08:52.39schmidtsatan show us the ouput of sip debug then we can maybe see what cause this problem
08:53.24atanYou got it. One momento!
08:55.47atanIf it's of any help the device connecting is one of those Android phones. In the latest Google firmware they have "SIP support" =\
08:59.29schmidtsatan i meant the sip debug not the asterisk debug output ;) sip set debug peer 1234
09:01.38atanYou got it :-)
09:05.03atanHmm. All it shows is  chan_sip.c:13843 register_verify: Failed to parse contact info when it tries to register.
09:05.20atanI wonder if my nat thing has anything to do with it
09:05.42schmidtsatan instead of 1234 you have to use your peer name ;) but maybe you will see something with sip set debug on
09:06.21atanPeer is 1133, I changed it to that when I ran it
09:06.29atanSIP Debugging Enabled for IP: 216...
09:06.42atanOkay now it appears registered. Hmm. Sec.
09:07.01atanAnd shows as registered. Strange. Let me see if it will take a call.
09:10.17kaldemarthat is not likely to cause a no audio issue.
09:13.36atanOkay so it tries to register once, fails with can't parse contact then tries again in a few seconds and works
09:47.53*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
09:52.19angryuserGood day, i need a softphone which auto pick ups incoming calls, do you know one ? Thank you.
09:53.00schmidtsangryuser i am not sure but i think ninja could do this
09:53.29kaldemarpickups or answers?
09:53.41angryuserErf, answers
09:53.58angryuserkaldemar, ^
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10:00.20angryuserschmidts, ninja lite can not do this
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10:24.00Jasnejacangryuser: zoiper communicator supposedly supports server-ide auto answer
10:24.18angryuserJasnejac, only in pro version
10:24.47Jasnejacangryuser: that's what I have.  not seen it anywhere else
10:25.16angryuserJasnejac, i've seend it on sjphone, kapanga phone or x-lite pro
10:26.26angryusertoo old, or not free
10:27.22Jasnejacangryuser: how about setting the answerphone option in blink to zero seconds?
10:27.49angryuserJasnejac, hm Blink, right forgot about this one
10:28.22Jasnejacblink is good.  I like blink
10:28.58angryuserJasnejac, yes, done by ag projects
10:31.32angryuserJasnejac, i sont see the options you mentionned
10:32.03angryuserJasnejac, there is ony answerring machine in there
10:32.22Jasnejacangryuser: under preferences->audio.  may not work of course
10:32.33angryuserJasnejac, it is written:
10:32.42angryuserAnswer delay for the answerring machine
10:33.09angryuserJasnejac, so it is useless
10:34.10Jasnejacnot tried it but I was thinking maybe set to zero seconds, record a blank (very short message) and see what happens.  if its no good I have no other suggestions
10:43.30zknHey, I've got one issue I'd like to discuss with you guys... maybe someone knows a trick or a way around this... so, thus far I have tried both with options M and U to run a subroutine with Dial app when the callee has answered the call.. what my subroutine does is that it will execute a shell script in the system that will send sms to the callee about the call, but the problem here is that the script takes time to execute and finish in the system and while it
10:45.32kaldemarzkn: &
10:47.41kaldemarzkn: System(/path/to/script &) <-- makes it run in background and the system app immediately returns.
10:47.54zknoh, i see...
10:47.58zkngotta try that
10:54.24zknkaldemar, yep, works now exactly how it should ! :) thanks a bunch... also thanks to schmidts, i've learned some very nice tricks today!
11:03.40schmidtsyour welcome ;)
11:10.05zknany ideas what to check in the system when Asterisk has become unresponsive..e.g. not possible to register in to the server nor make calls when you have been registered previously nor does it restart with CLI command restart now
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11:12.19zknalso it is not accepting incoming calls... so i have to restart from init script, but before I do that I'd like to check what you would check in similar cases from opsys side what might be going on
11:12.27cuscocheck the cli for warnings7errors
11:12.35zknnope nothing
11:12.45cuscocore set verbose 15
11:12.54cuscodial to it from outside or something
11:12.57cuscoand look at the error
11:13.03zknit was 10
11:13.42cuscoand no error when you dial to it?
11:13.58zknok, now the server became responsive again.... so i'm thinking that some resource issue occurred
11:14.21cuscoperhaps its not asterisk it self
11:14.25cuscobut the OS?
11:14.30cuscoor that system command you tun...
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11:14.48cuscoperhaps you should monitor the os
11:15.46kaldemarzkn: see what happened the last in logs to give you some kind of information on how to reproduce the issue.
11:15.57zknyea... i guess something in the system, yep... although in htop everything looked OK - mem and cpu usage. for example..
11:18.41zknwell, occasionally i do get some weird messaes
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11:22.29zknsuch as this: chan_iax2.c: Max retries exceeded to host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX on IAX2/iaxtrunk-5922 (type = 6, subclass = 11, ts=899719, seqno=14)
11:23.58zknbut these i have seen occur when then inbound caller has ended the call but Asterisk did not hangup on the channel for callee
11:25.43zknhaven't found yet the setting that adjust this detection sensitivity
11:26.16zknbecause when this particular error happens then that channel is locked
11:26.29zknSIP trunk works, but IAX2 doesnt
11:26.55zknuntil I manually hangup the request in CLI
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11:40.32DiffenHello, Is it possible to implement a linear queue strategy in Asterisk 1.4?
11:44.09kaiiwhat is a linear queue strategy ?
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11:45.32Diffenfirst 3 signals on agent 1 then the queue call is moved to agent 2 for 3 signals  and so on
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11:47.51QuantumSchemaHey all! I've hit a pretty big wall after upgrading to and I could use some help..
11:48.24QuantumSchemaHere's the pastebin for the dialplan...
11:49.46QuantumSchemaWith the dial plan listed in the PB, I was able to hit 1 in the queue and it would send me to voicemail (7226). Now with, it either doesn't do anything or it changes the queue to a ringall....
11:49.48kaiiDiffen: you mean roundrobin ?
11:50.00QuantumSchemaDoes anything look wrong?
11:51.15QuantumSchemaSorry... missed a part... here's the updated PB...
11:51.30Diffenkaii: well if round robin is that it always rings on agent 1 for 3 signals and then to agent 2 for 3 signals and so on, yes that´s what i mean. i thought round robin was that first agent 1 takes the first call, the second call will be directed to agent 2 and not agent 1.
11:52.15kaiiQuantumSchema: which asterisk version did u use previously
11:52.23sezuanIs there an ISN test number? Both numbers on the freenum website, 1234*256 and 613*262, seem to be down.
11:52.42leifmadsensezuan: I can set you one up real quick, hold please
11:53.17kaiiDiffen: in future versions it will be like that, yes. roundrobin has been superseded by rrmemory (roundrobin with memory) which remembers the last position in the round robin and continues there in the next call.
11:53.37kaiiQuantumSchema: sounds like a bug then somehow
11:53.46kaiiQuantumSchema: you have verbose logs to look at?
11:54.01kaiiDiffen: *future: >1.4
11:54.35Diffenkaii ok so round robin in 1.4 is without the memory so it always starts on agent 1 (if that agent is avaiable)
11:54.51kaiiif i remember correctly, yes.
11:55.46kaiiDiffen: oh noes, i just realised that it is only in 1.2.. all versions >1.2 do memory
11:56.02QuantumSchemaTrying to pull it down now... 55MB
11:56.05Diffenkaii: crap! is it possible to remove the memory?
11:56.12leifmadsensezuan: 1234*460  <-- try that
11:56.12sezuanleifmadsen: thanks
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11:56.51jacc0hi all :)
11:57.31jacc0I am recieving an invite that shows rtp en srtp is supported
11:57.53jacc0and asterisk cli says : Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer
11:58.12jacc0but the invite also supports rtp
11:58.19sezuanleifmadsen: works.
11:58.25jacc0the connection fails
11:58.37leifmadsensezuan: enjoy :)
11:58.42jacc0what can I do about it?
11:58.49jacc0hi leifmadsen
11:58.53kaiiDiffen: uhm try it out .. i think "deprecated" means its still in this version, but is going to be removed.  in 1.6 there is strategy "linear". gjust give "roundrobin" a try
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11:59.47leifmadsenkaii: deprecated typically means there is a better way to do something, but the feature is not necessarily removed -- it's just not supported in favour of the newer, better method
12:00.43kaiileifmadsen: thanks for the clarification. but that implies "could be removed"
12:01.56leifmadsenkaii: "could", but not necessarily. The rule is typically to leave things in unless they get terribly broken or something. If they continue to work for someone, then they get left in for backwards compatibility.
12:02.13leifmadsenPersonally, I'm not sure why 'roundrobin' is deprecated because rrmemory does something different
12:02.41leifmadsenI think that may have been a mistake, and I'm not sure it's truly "deprecated" anymore
12:06.13creativxqueues.. always an issue
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12:07.48QuantumSchemaKaii: Here's the PB to some verbose logging....
12:07.58QuantumSchemaPlease let me know if you need any more turned on...
12:09.55basti1101hello, is it possible to use asterisk with tls for sip and checking the client certificate? i only see ways to verify the server certificate and the client is accepted by authname/password. but the client certificate would be nice too. is there a solution?
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12:21.27kaiiQuantumSchema: woah that is very noisy. TLDR
12:22.00kaiiQuantumSchema: reduce your test to    1234,Queue(mytestqueue) and the members of that queue to a single static member without local channels and macros and stuff
12:22.26kaiiQuantumSchema: Too Long Didnt Read: 260KB of log for a single call test case?  wtf.
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12:27.14Diffenkaii: ive tried the roundrobin and its not working good on my 1.4... have to figure something else out to get the queue calls linear on the agents.
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12:33.34kaiiDiffen: what do you mean "not working good"
12:34.32Diffenkaii: well it acting as round robin :) random what agent who will get the call. Are there not anyway to decied that agent 1 always gets the first call in the queue in 1.4?
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12:37.50QuantumSchemaLooking through the logs it seems that it's never entering the queue6226-voicemail context....
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12:49.55billmaniaMorning all.
12:51.01billmaniaWhat does asterisk call the feature whereby the user of SIP deskset A can retrieve a call which has been placed on HOLD on SIP deskset B and converse with that caller?
12:51.10billmaniaIs that "parking" or is that a "pick"?
12:51.43kaiiQuantumSchema: yes thats what a quick search gave me too
12:53.21kaldemarbillmania: parking
12:53.32billmaniakaldemar: Thanks.
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13:10.41basti1101is there a client certificate validation for sip over tls for asterisk? i can only find server certificate validation
13:11.50DiffenIs it possible to add a code that starts a meetme confernece? for example if I have 10 people that have called a meetme conference room are set on hold and when i want to start the conference I enter a code that starts the conference and all participants are sent to my conference room.
13:12.22basti1101but, why do they generate client certifiactes in the asterisk-wiki? (
13:12.25russellbsort of ... there is an option to wait for a marked user to join before it starts
13:13.12Diffenrussellb: ok so if there are 10 uses that are waiting they cant talk to each other until the marked user enter the room?`
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13:14.19leifmadsenDiffen: exactly
13:14.31leifmadsenDiffen: just look at the options to MeetMe and look for the marked user stuff
13:15.02blackdoor67any one know how to spoof call using astrisk
13:15.19Diffenleifmadsen: ok nice. there are not possible to change the marked user for a code? :)
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13:15.46kaldemarblackdoor67: please elaborate
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13:18.29leifmadsenDiffen: I don't understand your question
13:18.45leifmadsenoh, I know what you mean
13:19.01leifmadsenjust have someone enter a code before joining the conference room or something
13:19.38leifmadsenI could probably think of something like an application map that would transfer the person to another part of the dialplan to enter a code, then enter them back in to the conference as the marked user
13:19.44leifmadsenyou just have to be creative
13:20.07Diffenleifmadsen: unfortunately im not that good at Asterisk... yet I hope :)
13:20.40leifmadsenjust keep playing and thinking outside the box :)
13:20.53Diffenleifmadsen: its not any hurry its just nice to not be needed to start a conference call that you need to use just one single phone.
13:21.15Diffenphone or extension. it would be nice if you could start the conference call from a cellphone
13:21.21leifmadsendamn you, now you got my interested in doing this for a cookbook recipe
13:21.22Diffenleifmadsen: will try to do that :D
13:21.25leifmadsenrussellb: ^^^
13:21.39Diffenleifmadsen:  :D
13:21.49russellbleifmadsen: to the google doc?
13:22.12Diffenhaha sounds like "to the bat mobile!"
13:22.29leifmadsenit's basically the same thing
13:22.34leifmadsenrussellb: to the google doc!!
13:22.52leifmadsenrussellb: I bet a bunch of recipes for ConfBridge() and MeetMe() could be gleamed...
13:23.07russellbleifmadsen: sounds like a fun chapter
13:23.28russellba little early for ConfBridge()
13:23.42leifmadsencould do a bunch of MeetMe() things though
13:23.53leifmadsenand take some ideas for ConfBridge() for 1.10 even if we don't write them yet
13:24.06leifmadsenwe're almost going to have to start marking things for specific branches
13:24.15leifmadsen"Works as of: 1.X"
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13:24.29leifmadsenmoy: o/
13:24.51Diffenwhile im at it, are the acd agents removed in 1.6 or have I got that totally wrong?
13:25.44leifmadsenAgentCallbackLogin() has been removed for a while
13:25.51leifmadsenyou should build it using dialplan really
13:26.02leifmadsenthere are docs even :)
13:27.02Diffenleifmadsen: hmm ok we used AgentCallbackLogin for users that wanted to use their cellphone in queues. Worked perfectly, do you have any nice suggestion on how to get something like that in 1.6?
13:27.37leifmadsenI presume you mean 1.6.2.
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13:28.17leifmadsenyes, use some dialplan to AddQueueMember() to the Queue() -- it can either be a SIP channel, or a Local channel, etc.
13:29.25leifmadsenrussellb: idea added
13:31.21Diffenleifmadsen: ok so i can use something like this: AddQueueMember(techsupport|$CALLERID(num))
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13:31.53leifmadsennot quite, but close
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13:36.08Diffenleifmadsen: sweet, hmm and to see what members that are logged in i do a queue show queue-name?
13:36.11Diffenin the CLI
13:37.20leifmadsenqueue show
13:37.27*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme_ (
13:37.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
13:38.09*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:38.40Diffenleifmadsen: ok good. is it 2nd or 3rd edition of your book i should buy for 1.6? what do you recommend?
13:38.50Diffenboth i guess but.. :D
13:39.09Freeaqingme_I just regged
13:39.34Dovidor does it mean i am listening on this port ?
13:39.38*** join/#asterisk Eriatolc (
13:39.59Eriatolchi everyone
13:40.25EriatolcI've a pb with Asterisk-gui
13:40.36Eriatolccan someone help ?
13:41.29Freeaqingme_just askyour qestion(s) ;)
13:42.10*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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13:43.15leifmadsenDiffen: we didn't write a book for the 1.6.x series specifically
13:43.22leifmadsenA:TDG is based on Asterisk 1.8
13:43.35leifmadsenEriatolc: there is #asterisk-gui as well
13:44.13Eriatolcleifmadsen: thx, i'm going to this chan :)
13:45.11Eriatolci've "just" a 404 error when i'm trying to load the config/index.html page
13:49.03*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
13:49.20*** join/#asterisk Rewt` (rewt@
13:49.25LantiziaHey what else can cause SIP 488 (not acceptable here) other than codec incompatibility (checked that)
13:49.36Lantiziaor should I paste some logs?
13:49.43Rewt`is there a good reporting tool for Asterisk?
13:49.44Lantiziai.e. on a nopaste site :P
13:50.03*** join/#asterisk moy (
13:50.17Freeaqingme_Rewt`, to report what?
13:51.04Rewt`usage, missed calls, etc
13:53.15*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
13:53.36aberriosRewt`: What kind of environment are you wanting this for? Private use? Office Use? Queues?
13:53.38*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
13:53.47Rewt`Office use
13:54.43aberriosAs long as its not getting pounded with tons of calls then FreePBX's interface for the CDR is nifty
13:55.03*** join/#asterisk dfamorato (
13:58.16Rewt`depends on your definition of pounded
13:58.20Rewt`200 calls a day
13:59.09Freeaqingme_Rewt`, I'd suggest to just it out and see if it fits your needs ;)
13:59.34aberriosi'd call that not much
13:59.58Dovidhi all. I am having an issue where a device is sending rtp from a port other than where it is sending RTP from which seems to be confusing Asterisk
14:00.26aberriosI'd say we're a small call center and we hand 10,000 inbound a day, and that's not a huge amount, but i went with OrderlyStats since the management like all the nifty stats.
14:00.46Dovidwhen I send to the port that is sending RTP from and NOT the port that it says (example 2) then it works. if I send to what it says in the ACK and then to the source port of its packets then it does not work. here is a “graph”:
14:01.03*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
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14:06.14Freeaqingme_From ~thebook: "We recommend that new installations use cdr_adaptive_odbc instead [of cdr_mysql]", why is that?
14:07.47leifmadsenFreeaqingme: because it's better
14:07.49leifmadsenand more flexible
14:08.03leifmadsenand odbc is better supported than the native modules
14:08.16Dovidleifmadsen: See my question ?
14:08.25leifmadsenDovid: see when I connected?
14:09.03Dovidnow i looked ;)
14:09.05Dovidwhen I send to the port that is sending RTP from and NOT the port that it says (example 2) then it works. if I send to what it says in the ACK and then to the source port of its packets then it does not work. here is a “graph”:
14:09.33Dovidseems that if the ack comes b4 i send RTP then asteisk sends to port of ack and then switches to port of remotes source.
14:09.59Dovidif i send rtp first and then i get ack from remote side with other port asterisk ignores it and it works. trying to see who is at fault here
14:18.24Freeaqingme_leifmadsen, if I were to use cel_odbc, should I use the sql that's in cel/cel_mysql.c?
14:27.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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14:42.00infobot[~asteriskversions] Always check the channel topic for updates, otherwise for the latest bundled listing of Asterisk & supporting packages by major release type ~asterisk1.2 / ~asterisk1.4 / ~asterisk1.6
14:42.09infobot[~asterisk1.6] Asterisk 1.6.0-beta9 (2008/05/14), Addons 1.6.0-beta4 (2008/06/04), Zaptel 1.4.11 (2008/05/28), Libpri 1.4.5 (2008/07/11)
14:42.21leifmadsenwonder who added that
14:42.29infobotasteriskversioning is, like,
14:42.37leifmadsenpabelanger: what were you looking for?
14:43.19leifmadseninfobot: no, asteriskversions is reply [~asteriskversions] Always check the channel topic for updates, otherwise for the latest bundled listing of Asterisk & supporting packages by major release type ~asterisk1.2 / ~asterisk1.4 / ~asterisk1.6 / ~asterisk1.8
14:43.19infobotleifmadsen: okay
14:43.25infobotmethinks asteriskversions is reply [~asteriskversions] Always check the channel topic for updates, otherwise for the latest bundled listing of Asterisk & supporting packages by major release type ~asterisk1.2 / ~asterisk1.4 / ~asterisk1.6 / ~asterisk1.8
14:43.42leifmadsenI always get that formatting screwed up
14:45.25leifmadseninfobot: forget asterisk1.2
14:45.25infobotleifmadsen: i forgot asterisk1.2
14:45.26Jasnejachas anyone tried using the sip session variables on  I had a problem with a Global Crossing trunk withg this yesterday - calls were cutting out after 15 mins.  SIP trace showed asterisk was acting as UAC when initial negotiation told it it was UAS
14:45.30leifmadseninfobot: forget asterisk1.4
14:45.30infoboti forgot asterisk1.4, leifmadsen
14:45.32leifmadseninfobot: forget asterisk1.6
14:45.32infobotleifmadsen: i forgot asterisk1.6
14:45.35leifmadseninfobot: forget asterisk1.8
14:45.35infobotleifmadsen: i didn't have anything called 'asterisk1.8' to forget
14:56.11LantiziaHey can anyone see why I'm getting error 488 in this log?  I've gone over it a dozen times...
14:56.39Lantiziait's not codecs (first thing I've checked)... both phone and system are behind nat but the system does have nat=yes and the externip in sip_nat.conf
14:57.22Lantiziathis is when my phone (1998) is attempting to dial out to 07654321000.... i just get "Not acceptable here" on the phone screen and in the logs as error 488
14:57.46Lantiziathat log has full rtp and sip debug on
14:59.10Dovidanyone know what the setting “constantssrc” is for in sip.conf ?
15:05.26angryuserLantizia, pastebin detail of peer 1998
15:06.44Lantiziaangryuser, will do one sec (sip show peer?)
15:06.59angryuserLantizia, sip.conf part
15:09.58angryuserLantizia, add allow=all, reload & call what happens ?
15:10.55Lantiziaangryuser, same
15:11.10angryuserLantizia, reloaded  for sure ?
15:11.20Lantiziaangryuser, positive
15:11.46angryuserLantizia, remove lines deny= and permit
15:12.05angryuserLantizia, reload & call
15:12.53Lantiziaok one sec
15:13.24Lantiziasame again
15:15.22angryuserLantizia, interesting
15:15.33Lantiziaphones are fine when on site - but not remote
15:16.57angryuserLantizia, strip the peer setup to minimum, secret, context username, try to call
15:17.13Lantiziaok one sec
15:17.20angryuserLantizia, reload & re-register with the phone
15:18.44Lantiziaangryuser, yup already on it - but i get the same
15:18.49Lantiziawant new logs?
15:19.01angryuserLantizia, if it the same no need
15:20.34angryuserLooks familiar ?
15:21.17*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
15:21.28angryuserLantizia, maybe something crypto related
15:21.38angryuserLantizia, can you remove it for testing ?
15:21.39*** join/#asterisk mersault (
15:21.45Lantiziawill take a look - inbound calls don't work now
15:21.52Lantiziabefore they did on this extension
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15:23.39mersaultquick question about macro and dialplan behaviour: if I have a GotoIf(condition?1000) at the end of a macro, and the context that uses the macro has an exten => h,1000,whatever entry, will a call that meets the condition in the GotoIf go from the macro to the desired priority in the calling context?
15:23.47Lantiziaangryuser, what am i removing?
15:26.29Lantiziaangryuser, ah I see encryption=no - will try it
15:26.36*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:29.47Lantiziaangryuser, hmm even if i set encryption=no i still get crypto mentioned in the logs
15:30.00Lantiziai had no encryption=yes in my config though
15:32.04Lantiziaangryuser, if I turn RTP encryption off on the snom it rings out! :P  getting warm i think
15:32.24*** join/#asterisk dprophit (
15:33.00dprophitI did an RPM install of 1.8 How can I get the sample conf files to create after RPM install?
15:33.07l1nuxmancan someone help I can't get the 'dial' command to work on asterisk cmd line
15:33.24leifmadsenl1nuxman: what is the problem?
15:33.37l1nuxmanleifmadsen, no such command found
15:33.44leifmadsenl1nuxman: what version of asterisk?
15:34.49leifmadsenmenuselect > Resource Files > res_clioriginate I think
15:35.13leifmadsenoh wait, 'dial' is dependent upon a sound card, so you need chan_oss or chan_also
15:35.24l1nuxmanI have chan_alsa loaded
15:35.27leifmadsenl1nuxman: you have to enable the appropriate module in menuselect
15:35.35l1nuxmanwheres menuselect
15:35.48leifmadsen'make menuselect' in the asterisk source
15:36.10l1nuxmanI didn't compile from source
15:36.15l1nuxmanI ran a package
15:36.38leifmadsenchan_alsa should do it -- make sure it's actually loaded and configured
15:36.43leifmadsenbeyond that I'm not sure, I don't use that command
15:37.00l1nuxmanleifmadsen, I did module show and it had chan_alsa there
15:37.29*** join/#asterisk JT (~j@unaffiliated/jt)
15:42.23dprophitI've been getting help in #asterisk-gui no luck for resolution. is the manager.conf and GUI is stuck on "Checking write permissions for gui folder"
15:43.24*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
15:49.54sled-dogwhat are the top-tier voip providers? teliax and ???
15:53.33sled-dogdprophit: (re)install asterisk18-configs (after you back up anything you want to keep in /etc/asterisk and any dahdi stuff, etc.)
15:53.46sled-dog<dprophit> I did an RPM install of 1.8 How can I get the sample conf files to create after RPM install?
15:53.50sled-dogfor that
16:01.30l1nuxmanno matter which module I load, or I get No such command 'dial' (type 'core show help dial' for other possible commands)
16:03.07dprophitsled-dog you mean source compile asterisk?
16:03.33*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
16:04.38malcolmd'core show application dial' will give you the help for the dial application (  if that returns nothing or an error, you don't have loaded, so do 'module load'
16:07.08*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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16:20.15sled-dogdprophit: I think you were asking about rpm, not source
16:20.16leifmadsenmalcolmd: he wants the CLI command 'dial'
16:20.43leifmadseneasy to confuse
16:21.45russellbor console dial
16:24.09*** join/#asterisk mclaro (~mclaro@
16:24.58sled-doglke the time that i remoted in to my box at home and did a console dial... which never hung up, causing congestion to blare through my speakers at my wife. All. Day. :-)
16:25.36Qwellsled-dog: I did that with my alarm clock one day.
16:26.10QwellLeft for work early, forgot to stop it before I left.  It went off at the normal time.  My disabled mother-in-law was downstairs listening to it all day.
16:27.37*** join/#asterisk unixSnob (~unixSnob@
16:28.18unixSnobi'm having a very difficult time finding a SIP provider
16:28.28unixSnobi need one that will let me configure the outbound callerid text
16:28.28KavanSunixSnob, what country are you in?
16:28.54unixSnobKavanS: i'm in europe, but I make calls worldwide.. I don't care where the provider is
16:29.52unixSnobi thought a channel with so many asterisk users would have to know of a good SIP provider
16:29.53KavanSplenty of options
16:30.19*** join/#asterisk ssureshot (~digitolx@
16:30.24unixSnobi'm not running asterisk myself.. so I suppose that narrows my options
16:31.05infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:31.34russellbi don't know if infobot has a list for europe ...
16:31.51russellboh well
16:31.58unixSnobUS should be fine
16:32.05*** join/#asterisk moy (
16:32.11paulcI've used telappliant in the UK and they're pretty good.. as well as some of the US providers on the list above ^^
16:32.28paulctelappliant == I think
16:32.29unixSnobevery provider I encounter does not allow callerid configuring
16:32.57paulcunixSnob: Tends to be more restrictive in europe, whereas in the USA it's more like "anything goes" (despite a law to the contrary)
16:33.20paulcwhen I worked in the UK, using PRIs, you could only send caller ID that you owned (like a number from your DDI range)
16:33.22*** join/#asterisk blackdoor67 (~admin@
16:33.34unixSnobpaulc: well the new law in the US only prohibits fraudulent use of callerid manipulation
16:34.11unixSnobpaulc: but from what I've seen, it looks like the law has scared some providers from offering callerid editing
16:35.15paulcunixSnob: True. Because there are many legitimate causes for changing caller ID. But I doubt many providers want to have that conversation with you. *sighs* ah if only common sense could prevail
16:37.28*** join/#asterisk Jcook_5xData (~Jcook_5xD@
16:37.36unixSnobrussellb: that's just a list of what's popular.. but do you know if any of them specifically offer callerid editing?
16:38.16l1nuxmanvoicemail email you can specify your email@domain,secondemail@domain where the second is your pager right? But what if you want that to be a regular email address. Because it sends different data
16:38.29*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
16:39.05gray_hi, does anyone know how to do a loop using the pri card. I heard of dahdi_loop but am not sure if that is what I need.
16:39.47paulcgray_ What kind of loop? Like dialing out on port A ends up with the arriving on port B?
16:41.41leifmadsenI think you need to physically run a cable between the ports
16:42.08sled-dogser, openser, opensips, sipproxy, kamiwhatever.... which to choose?
16:42.13*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:42.16fish-bulbgray_: if you mean a loopback for testing, you can do a fed different kinds of loopback in software using dahdi_maint
16:42.25l1nuxmandoes my question make sense?
16:42.28leifmadsenI know in the training classes jsmith had a neat little jumper for doing that so it came back in on the same port. Was just an RJ45 with a couple of pins wired on the same clip
16:42.33unixSnoblooks like allows callerid editing.. they say 'We transmit Caller-ID based on the presence of one of the following header fields in order of preference: "P-Asserted-Identity", "Remote-Party-ID" or "From:".'
16:43.05unixSnobhow can a PAP2 user send a header?
16:43.17fish-bulbleifmadsen: yeah, superloopers I think is what they are called
16:43.20leifmadsenl1nuxman: yes it sends different data -- you'd have to create a distribution group on your server that emails multiple people to the single email address
16:43.35leifmadsenfish-bulb: that could be true :)
16:43.55leifmadsenl1nuxman: that is outside the realm of asterisk, so you have to deal with it on the service that is providing your email
16:44.08gray_thanks guys, I will try dahdi_maint
16:44.20l1nuxmanleifmadsen, you talking about sendmail now or my ISP?
16:44.40gray_When trying to activate the spans I get red alarm and the provider says that my side is open and he cannot see anything.
16:45.04fish-bulbgray_: np. You won't need a physical connection for the localhost loopback, but the other two you will
16:45.07gray_Provider suggested I run a loop on those ports so that he can see his own signals
16:45.50gray_fish-bulb, this isn't an interface loopback, this is for PRI. I can do ifconfig eth0:1 <address> etc... but that is not what I am looking for
16:45.51fish-bulbgray_: ah, gotcha. I would either enable localhost loopback and run a patlooptest, or use a physical loopback plug and run patlooptest
16:45.59gray_you used to be able to do this just using zttool
16:46.17sezuanunixSnob: to set the from header its usually called display name, user name, from user, etc..
16:46.20fish-bulbgray_: I understand, that is what dahdi_maint allows you do. It is called localhost loopback
16:46.28gray_I see
16:46.30leifmadsenl1nuxman: yes
16:46.34gray_:) my misunderstanding
16:46.35paulcl1nuxman: your email setup. You can set up a local account on the box that then forwards to and
16:46.35sezuansomething different than authentication user.
16:46.57paulcl1nuxman: then just set my-local-account@my-asterisk-box as the email destination in voicemail.conf
16:47.01leifmadsenl1nuxman: ^^^ what paulc said
16:47.13fish-bulbgray_: the zttool loopback was broken for as long as I can remember, so you should get better results with dahdi_maint =) . You can also do a network facing loop
16:47.24fish-bulbwhich is what the zttool loop was intended for, afaik
16:50.00gray_fish-bulb, thank you for your help, that should do the trick.
16:56.06unixSnobthanks sezuan.  I just discovered that late versions of PAP2 firmware have a configurable "caller id header" field.
16:56.47*** join/#asterisk stope (
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17:05.27serafieIs there any configuration in Asterisk that would affect the behavior or permissions of System() beyond what the operating system controls via permissions, et. al.?
17:05.39leifmadsennot that I'm aware of
17:05.52leifmadsenit's pretty much a direct extension of the shell I'm pretty sure
17:06.16leifmadsencan you execute the same thing from the CLI with ! as the leading char?
17:06.21leifmadsen!ls /tmp
17:06.23leifmadsenfor example
17:07.14serafieOK. I'm seeing an issue where it appears that the user "asterisk" can create files in a certain directory on commandline but not through the System() dialplan application.
17:07.32leifmadsenI'd try SHELL() and see if you get anything idfferent
17:07.46leifmadsenalso I think System() sets a channel variable that gives you some sort of result...
17:07.51leifmadsenmight be useful?
17:07.59serafieonly SUCCESS and FAILURE.
17:08.13leifmadsenand you're getting SUCCESS?
17:10.15*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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17:19.57stopeI need to fire off an event after the channel hangs up and I've tried with the 'h' extension for when the call completes and even with the g switch in the Dial command but no dice
17:20.13stopeIt won't execute the next line in my dial plan
17:20.50stopeI am using meetme and do have a dahdi channel running, is there another way to execute a command? I need to clear an entry in the asterisk database
17:22.28citywokstope: what happens if you NoOp(testing) in the h extension of the context, do you see that happen in the console?
17:23.08stopeYes, I'll see it but it fires too early. I'm using SLA to emulate the legacy key pbx
17:23.38citywokwhat do you mean it executes too early? it can't execute until the channel has been hung up
17:23.42stopewhen calling out, I set a flag for the line selected and ensure that if a call comes in, skip trying to dial the line in use
17:24.00*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
17:25.32stopeI select a line, DISA provides the dial tone, number dialed, phone rings, call is anwered, h is executed, call is bridged with meet me
17:26.00stopeI guess the 'h' gets executed as meetme takes over?
17:26.11citywokit's not supposed too. what version of *?
17:26.29citywokcan you pastebin your context/dialplan?
17:26.36stopeAsterisk built by root
17:26.43stopeya, prepping it now.....
17:27.59citywoki just created a basic context with s,1,MeetMe() and h,1,NoOp(testing) and it didnt execute the NoOp until i hungup the call.
17:30.59stopehere's the output:       getting the dialplan now....
17:32.22leifmadsencitywok: yep that's what I'd expect
17:32.40citywokyea, exactly.  that's not whath appens for him apparently.
17:32.52Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all
17:32.57Kattyhow to fix plz???
17:33.05citywokcan i haz astrixburger?
17:33.08leifmadsenKatty: klll yourself?
17:33.41*** join/#asterisk sereal (~jjrh@
17:33.46leifmadsenKatty: don't do that
17:34.14stopethere's my actual dial plan
17:34.17serealis it possible to set a variable for a extension?
17:35.33serealwhats the syntax for that?
17:35.43leifmadsenprobably exactly what you'd expect
17:35.47citywoksereal: depends how yoiu are doing it
17:35.58Kattyare you doin it right?!
17:36.17carrarDoing it and doing it and doing it yeah!
17:36.24Kattyhugs carrar
17:36.28serealI don't want global variables. I just want to set in the context like joe = 1234 and then just type joe,1,dial(sam/20)
17:36.32leifmadsendoes it all night long
17:36.32carrarhugs kattroooo
17:36.37carrarerr kattyrooo
17:36.40Kattyso. i must share
17:36.45stopecitywork: like I said, the 'h' fires soon as the call gets picked up and I'm not explicitly calling MeetMe
17:36.48Kattywith you and leif
17:37.00Kattydo either of you listen to 3 days grace?
17:37.05leifmadsensereal: so set the channel variable, then use it
17:37.09leifmadsenKatty: I have yes
17:37.28leifmadsenexten => 1234,1,Set(joe=1234)
17:37.37Kattyleifmadsen: you will appreciate it then ^_^
17:37.41leifmadsensame => n,Goto(${joe},1)
17:37.44carrarlet me see if i have that in my collection
17:37.48leifmadsenexten => ${joe},1,NoOp()
17:38.16carrarhrmm I don't have any of their tunes
17:38.18serafieleifmadsen: would that count as two priority 1 extensions for 1234?
17:38.35carrarthey sound like metallica
17:38.38serealokay... so I need to have a dummy extension to setup all my variables.
17:38.40leifmadsenserafie: ya that wasn't the greatest example :)
17:38.56serealI thought there would be a way to just type variablename = value then use that from then on
17:39.08leifmadsensereal: yes or do it via a global variable
17:39.14leifmadsenno that's not how the dialplan works
17:39.22leifmadsenyou need to set variables via the Set() application
17:39.57serealwell I was trying to avoid having the exten = part since it seems silly if i'm setting variables because it has nothing to do with extensions.
17:40.03citywokKatty: was the 3 days grace question directed my way? if so, yes, but not in a long time.
17:40.15leifmadsensereal: you can't avoid that part
17:40.32Kattycitywok: i was actually talking to carrar, but that's ok
17:40.34serealI understand, just seems silly to me.
17:40.38Kattycitywok: i will share my excitement with you too!
17:40.41citywokstope: i just tested similar to what you are doing using ,,G and i don't get the hangup right away like you are
17:40.46leifmadsensereal: I don't understand what is silly about it
17:41.06leifmadsenlines in the dialplan need to start with exten =>, that's all there is to it
17:41.15leifmadsenyou can use same => as well though
17:41.31leifmadsenof course the first line needs to be defined though with exten =>
17:41.35stopecitywork: did you use DISA?
17:42.10serealoh you can do exten = 1234, 1,bla() then exten = same, 2, bla()
17:42.14citywokstope: no
17:42.21stopelet me  restart * and see, maybe simple dialplan reload's aren't doing it
17:42.25leifmadsensereal: yes
17:42.29leifmadsenno no
17:42.35leifmadsenexten => 1234,1,NoOp()
17:42.37leifmadsensame => n,NoOp()
17:42.44serealah okay.
17:42.49serealthats even better
17:42.50leifmadsensame => n(hello),NoOp()
17:42.54leifmadsensame => n,Goto(hello)
17:43.34stopesame thing after a restart   :(
17:43.49citywokstope: i just tested it using Disa and it works properly
17:43.58leifmadsensounds like a dialplan typo
17:44.36leifmadsenruns off to do some bug triage
17:44.49serealMy point about variables is that you should be able to have a context, set a bunch of variables with a straight = sign, and then be able to use them threw out that context. Set global variables the same way, and use them threw all contexts. The dialplan parser is only looking for exten and [ so this shouldn't be a problem.
17:45.24leifmadsenI don't see how that gives you anything different
17:45.41leifmadsenanyways, that's not how it works, so I'm moving on
17:45.46citywokleifmadsen: it lets you be lazy and less specific with what you are trying to do, making it harder to read the dialplan later on... sounds like a win-win tom e!
17:45.46leifmadsenlet me know if you create a patch
17:45.55leifmadsencitywok: :0
17:46.58serealnot being specific is the point. you can create a dialplan, and only change one line if you switch DIDS
17:47.15leifmadsenyou can still do that
17:47.26leifmadsenyou only have to specify the extension ones
17:47.50serealyes, with 'same' it is a bit better.
17:47.50citywokSet(var=123), NoOp(${var})
17:48.20serealcitywok, do you not need exten = before that though?
17:48.35citywokoooh, i see what you are trying to do, nevermind, ignore my comment
17:48.43leifmadsenI don't see the diff though
17:48.45citywokyou just dont want to have to do exten=>13,1 exten => 13,2
17:48.49leifmadsenyou are using a line to specify the variable anyways
17:48.59Kattynot that i've been paying attention
17:49.00leifmadsencitywok: you don't have to do that anyways
17:49.13citywokyea, you can use same
17:49.14leifmadsenexten => 1234,1,Set(variable=${EXTEN})
17:49.18Kattybut: exten => 13,n
17:49.22leifmadsensame => n,Goto(${variable},hello)
17:49.28leifmadsenyou don't even need that!
17:49.34leifmadsenyou only need exten => once
17:49.50citywokoh, wait you can use a variable for the exten => ${var} ?
17:49.51serealthe point though is that the exten = 1234,1 part is pointless and confusing if you are just using the 1234 extension to set a bunch of variables.
17:49.52leifmadsenonly the first priority needs the extension defined
17:50.16Kattyi'll define your extension in a minute.
17:50.25leifmadsen#exec /path/to/
17:51.05leifmadsensereal: you're going to have to give me a use case because I don't follow. If you're setting channel variables, you need to be executing dialplan SOMEWHERE
17:53.01_Corey_sereal: I think it's confusing if you attempt to consider "exten => xxx" variable assignment
17:53.45citywok_Corey_: me too.  I don't worry about simplifying that part of the dialplan b/c it's all autogenerated so i don't have to type it 20 times, and when something changes the generator re-creates it all from scratch.
17:53.53serealokay, I do set(mike=1), set(joe=2) set(pete=3)
17:53.54serealthen I type
17:53.54serealexten = pete,1,application()
17:53.54serealwhich is equilivant to exten = 3,1,application except I can change pete=4 if his extension changes or for what ever reason with only editing one line
17:54.20leifmadsenpete is not a variable
17:54.28leifmadsenonly ${pete} is
17:54.44leifmadsenand what you're doing is setting global variables
17:55.01leifmadsenexten => ${mike},1,NoOp()
17:55.48serealyes - except it should also be context sensitive so you can use the variable again (such as if you have two companies on one pbx and there is two petes)
17:56.06_Corey_sereal: this is why people don't use variables that way
17:56.21leifmadsenthen use a GoSub() first
17:56.42leifmadsenanyways, what you're asking isn't possible
17:57.13leifmadsenyou're asking for global variables at a context level
17:57.23serealI'm asking for variable scope
17:57.27citywoksereal: companyone_mike
17:57.38_Corey_it's best to try to understand best practices for dial plan design than to try to adapt it to some other kind of thing
17:57.50citywokif you run two companies in a pbx you should prepend something to all context, variable, peer, EVERYTHING
17:58.07citywokit'll be much cleaner that way, if that's what you are trying to do (i've never done it)
17:58.26sereal_Corey_ best answer I have heard.
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17:58.41leifmadsenjust use an AGI() for all your dialplan then
17:59.06leifmadsenthen you get whatever tools your script can use
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18:01.49pdtpatrickQuestion for you smart folks - Where do i need to look and see how many rings before going to voicemail. Is there a log I can watch as well ?
18:02.00leifmadsenpdtpatrick: look at the dialplan
18:02.09leifmadsenpdtpatrick: rings are defined based on time to the Dial() application
18:02.28leifmadsencall flow continues to Voicemail() when you tell it to
18:03.45_Corey_pdtpatrick: ring =~ 4s
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18:03.59leifmadsenuhhh... 6 seconds in north america
18:04.01leifmadsen4 on 2 off
18:04.02citywokyea 6
18:06.31paulcor 2 on and 4 off, even? ;)
18:06.47leifmadsendepends how you setup indications.conf :D
18:06.55paulcoh touche sir! ;)
18:07.15paulc4 on 2 off if you want attention grabbing rings :)
18:07.38_Corey_lol, i realize now that i count faster in my head than the call timer
18:07.39paulc(which is apparently why the UK system is Ring..Ring..Pauuuuuse... the double ring was more attention grabbing
18:07.44_Corey_you guys are right... ;)
18:08.10leifmadsenpaulc:  <-- hacking indications.conf for fun and profit!
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18:09.18paulcLOL That's awesome. And I'm totally going to try it right now - waiting for data to copy between drives makes it a slow morning so far...
18:12.20MrNemusso I have a question about iax2 show netstats
18:12.31MrNemuswhat could becausing the loss in packets
18:16.10citywokcrappy network conditions...
18:16.47MrNemuslol, its on a mpls ..
18:16.51citywokthe same things that cause every other kind of packetloss
18:17.00citywokyes... what's your point?
18:17.02MrNemuswell we only see packet loss with iax2
18:17.11leifmadsendo you hear packetloss?
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18:17.17MrNemusthe sound quality is bad
18:17.20citywokmpls doesn't mean immune to bad network quality
18:17.23leifmadsenis the jitterbuffer on?
18:17.26Eitanwhat would u guys say is the absolute BEST 64bit OS to run for asterisk
18:17.28MrNemusyes I believe so
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18:17.32leifmadsenis it static or dynamic?
18:17.40leifmadsenEitan: yes
18:17.45citywokEitan: i'd say debian b/c i like debian :P
18:17.53leifmadsenEitan: he said OS, not distribution
18:17.56citywoki imagine most answers you get will be along the lines of: the one i use
18:17.57leifmadsenEitan: so the answer is Linux.
18:18.22citywokleifmadsen: hah, i just assumed he meant flavor :p
18:18.25leifmadsenI would not suggest Win7 64-bit
18:18.30leifmadsencitywok: :)
18:18.38citywokWin7 64bit + VMWare Player ftw
18:18.51citywokit works pretty well on my laptop :P
18:18.52leifmadsenwell he obviously meant OS as in BSD vs Linux, because the actual distribution doesn't matter
18:19.17leifmadsencitywok: I have a computer dedicated to Win7 64-bit and I control it via Synergy from my linux laptop
18:19.35MrNemusso does "iax2 show netstat" show a real time report of packet loss?
18:19.55leifmadsenMrNemus: assuming it is accurate, I suppose so
18:20.01citywokleifmadsen: i can't use linux as a workstation b/c most of what i admin is windows servers
18:20.14leifmadsencitywok: ah I'm the opposite, so I can't use Windows as a workstation :)
18:20.14citywokwell, i could, but my life is much easier when i simply use windows
18:20.29citywokalthough i do have putty pinned to my task bar
18:20.32leifmadsenwe're in the same ocean on different boats
18:20.45citywokand expandrive makes life easier for dealing with files
18:21.03leifmadsenI can't admin all my asterisk servers that easily from windows because putty annoys me when I need multiple tabs and such :)
18:21.16leifmadsenexpandrive is new...
18:21.23citywokit used to be named sftpdrive
18:21.30Eitanputty is my favorite :)
18:21.34citywoki have 3 monitors, so i prefer putty to not be tabbed
18:21.38fileleifmadsen, putty connection manager
18:21.42leifmadsenfile: nice
18:21.50citywokdefault putty window size i can get 12 putty windows up with no overlap
18:21.55_Corey_I'm a big fan of GridMove
18:22.02_Corey_I use that to arrange my putty windows
18:22.04Eitancitywok : yup
18:22.07MrNemushow often are the averages taken in iax2 netstat? why is the kpkts zero across the board ? and some are over 100% doesn't make sense.
18:22.10Eitanmultiple monitors works great
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18:22.38leifmadsenI have 3 monitors now too, the main one in the middle runs Linux and tabs in xterm ftw
18:22.43citywok_Corey_: have you used windows 7's snap to feature?
18:22.51leifmadsenMOAR ASTERISK
18:22.54_Corey_Still on XP
18:22.57Eitani run 3 as well
18:23.06Eitanptty on the exteriors and windows in the center
18:23.07citywokah, windows 7 does a pretty good job of snapping windows.  Windows key -> arrow
18:23.08Eitanmakes me happy
18:23.31citywokunfortunately i have 3 24's, i would prefer 3 22's now that they come 1920x1080
18:23.35BesticlesIs there a way to detect a beep after AMD() has finished?
18:23.46citywoktoo much turning my head gets annoying
18:23.58_Corey_citywok: I like this one because I have an odd arrangement with 4 monitors...  a central 22" ws and 2 19"ws rotated 90 degrees on either side
18:24.01carrarPeople still use MSFT?
18:24.07leifmadsencitywok: ya I have 17's flanking a 26
18:24.25_Corey_I have a hotkey to reposition/size the window to defined zones
18:24.29citywokdoesn't the different resolutions drive you guys crazy? lol
18:24.46Eitanat one point i had a 24 up top center. and 3 19s down below
18:24.49Eitanit was pretty rad
18:25.00_Corey_If you buy from the same manufacturer with the native resolution it usually looks normal
18:25.11citywok1920x1080 (or 1200 is even better) or bust
18:25.18citywokeven my 15" laptop is 1920x1200
18:25.28leifmadsenI would love a panel of 4 monitors without borders
18:25.32leifmadsen1   2
18:25.35leifmadsen3    4
18:25.37citywokyea that would be baller
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18:25.43leifmadsenbut lined up correct..... :)
18:25.57_Corey_I bought one of these:
18:25.58citywokon my desk at home i got a dual monitor mount and a pair of new 23" LED's, sooo nice
18:26.00leifmadsenkpfleming has a pair of 26's I believe beside each other in portrait mode
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18:26.16leifmadsencitywok: you should just setup your monitors in portrait mode to save on the head turning
18:26.19citywokthis guy:
18:26.22leifmadsencitywok: I think that's your answer :)
18:26.41citywok1080x1920 would be annoying, i like the width for coding
18:26.51_Corey_That would have been cheaper, but this thing is slick
18:26.54leifmadsenportrait would be ideal for writing
18:26.58citywokeclipse :hearts: landscape
18:26.59carrar2560x1600 x 2
18:27.00_Corey_I can swing a monitor around to show people stuff
18:27.10leifmadsen_Corey_: I don't have people in my office :)
18:27.17serealthat's pretty bad ass _Corey_
18:27.27citywok_Corey_: yea i want one of those, but my mount was only $40 haha.
18:27.41serealLittle expensive though.
18:27.51_Corey_I have the whole thing running via my laptop, so picture 3 monitors above the laptop
18:28.02citywok_Corey_: what laptop can drive 3 monitors?
18:28.11serealone with dvi, vga and hdmi
18:28.30sereallike a thinkpad and docking bay
18:28.31carrarwithout smoking?
18:28.31citywoksereal: it likely wouldn't have a dac for each one
18:28.41serealcitywok, they usually do
18:28.55_Corey_I use these:
18:29.05_Corey_you can have up to 6 via usb 2.0
18:29.17citywokah okay, that's kind of what i figured.  how's the performance?  does it lag on youtube video's? lol
18:29.33_Corey_not on youtube but i wouldn't do gaming with them
18:29.45carrarwhat about youporn?
18:29.56serealnot that you need to game on 3 displays
18:30.10_Corey_matrox markets something similar that's all vga
18:30.22_Corey_designed for flight sim and other stuff
18:30.31serealpersonally 3 wide screens seems like a bit too much, 1 wide screen and two 4:3 is probably better
18:30.40leifmadsenI'd like 3 monitors for Forza 2 :)
18:30.44citywok3 wide screens takes up my entire desk, but i love it
18:30.55citywokthat's why i wish they were 22's
18:31.18leifmadsenyou should have 4 like this:    | = |
18:31.26_Corey_rotating the two side monitors keeps mine to a reasonable width
18:31.38serealyeah I would probably do that Corey
18:31.49citywok_Corey_: does it hurt your neck looking up/down a lot?
18:32.12citywoki discovered that after sitting on an exercise ball for a while i didn't slouch much anymore, so i had to look down at my monitors all the time which started to hurt my neck quite a bit.
18:32.13serealthing is I position my self very directly infront of my screen so the screens are eye level and I don't need to turn my head
18:32.15leifmadsenI look down too much -- I wish my monitors sat about 8 inches off the desk
18:32.24serealI think I would rather have two and be able to rotate them from wide to portrate
18:32.30citywokleifmadsen: i grabbed 3 reams of paper... one for each monitor
18:32.35_Corey_leifmadsen: that's the beauty of the bracket
18:32.48serealleifmadsen: phone books brah
18:32.56leifmadsenso ugly ;)
18:32.59citywokheh, that would work too if i had any.
18:33.05citywokbut my reams of paper aren't a whole lot prettier
18:33.18leifmadsenI just need to build a custom desk with a ledge
18:33.21serealyou can drape a sheet around it so it just looks like a colorful stand
18:33.32carrarmartha style
18:33.33citywokleifmadsen: just get mounts :P
18:33.33leifmadsensereal: now that's not a terrible idea....
18:33.39leifmadsencitywok: no space :)
18:33.47leifmadsenBACK TO WORK SLACKERS!
18:33.48citywokhow can you not have space for a mount?
18:33.55serealbut leifmadsen didn't you say no one comes in your office?
18:33.59citywokit made my desk at home so much bigger
18:34.06serealwork? i'm on a train
18:34.42paulcIRC on a train - that's cool :-)
18:34.51serealtrain has wifi
18:35.11MrNemusso no ideas on how iax2 show netstats works?
18:35.17citywokthe new verizon 4G mifi puck is crazy nice
18:35.26citywokmine does 14/3 @ 75ms
18:35.45serealget unlimited data?
18:35.48citywokmy boss got 16/5 on his, but he was in the middle of nowhere
18:36.04citywok_Corey_: nice
18:36.24citywokis that eclipse in the bottom left, and the FoP on the top left?
18:36.32_Corey_no, it's this chatroom
18:36.33citywokand skype bottom right? outlook top right?
18:36.44_Corey_google cal on the top right
18:36.57carrarYou have sunshine?
18:37.07citywokyea it's raining here...
18:37.11citywokf****** seattle
18:37.25carraralso in Bellevue
18:37.49citywokah, yea i'm actually in redmond next to proclub
18:38.12citywokalthough my office doesn't have a window so i never have to see the rain :P
18:38.13paulcraining in Vancouver too.. - shite weather more often than not, remind me why I'm here again
18:38.14_Corey_i'm visiting seattle in two weeks
18:38.26paulc_Corey_ Your screen setup is awesome
18:38.33serealit's nice and sunny in ottawa
18:38.35citywokyea, i'm jealous of his setup :P
18:39.10_Corey_i'm happy to have an appreciative audience... usually i'm forcing people to look at that picture on my iphone trying to explain how cool it is
18:39.45citywokhaha, yea.  how much does each monitor weigh?
18:40.02citywokmy old dell 24 weight like 10 lbs, my new LED's weigh more like 4 or 5, super light.
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18:40.27_Corey_hmm, dunno...  they're just dell lcd's
18:40.45|Physis|I'm having trouble using the voicemail recording the data in the database postgresql using odbc, selecting MENUSELECT_OPTS_app_voicemail = ODBC_STORAGE. Displays the following error when I leave a message on voicemail: app_voicemail.c: 3661 insert_data_cb: Direct SQL Execute failed! ???
18:41.24serealwell i'm here
18:41.55leifmadsen|Physis|: did you create all the appropriate things to save the blob to the pgsql per the documentation?
18:41.58leifmadsenwith pgsql it's not trivial
18:42.06leifmadsenbecause there is no "blob" element
18:42.06carrarmmm psql
18:43.41|Physis|leifmadsen, I put the column recording as BYTEA
18:43.53leifmadsenI can't help you further
18:43.59|Physis|leifmadsen, in this case would be the mistake?
19:12.33*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
19:14.00|Physis|[INSERT INTO voicemessages (dir,msgnum,recording,context,macrocontext,callerid,origtime,duration,mailboxuser,mailboxcontext,flag) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)]
19:15.18|Physis|not enter data in voicemessages and writes the id of the recording \ lo_list
19:15.28leifmadsendid you follow the instructions per the wiki?
19:15.48leifmadsenI am not familiar with BYTEA -- can it actually store and retrieve the information correctly?
19:16.30|Physis|I did all the steps indicated by jared smith in
19:17.05*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (
19:17.07|Physis|\lo_export 16599 /tmp/odcb-17652.gsm and play /tmp/odcb-17652.gsm
19:17.39|Physis|does not insert any data in the table voicemessages!
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19:30.49shier_h2hi, is anyone having trouble with google voice outbound calling right now?
19:31.53kujGoogle working fine here, just now
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19:33.00shier_h2right now it's giving me busy signals or telling me "your call can't be completed at this time" or just dropping the call.... ever experienced something like that?
19:33.20eXcAliBuRI want my asterisk box to call a bunch of people with a pre-recorded message... what should I be searching for?
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19:34.52eXcAliBuRi tried searching with terms like phone chain, call list
19:34.56eXcAliBuRbut not getting anywhere
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19:35.45shier_h2perhaps something like this eXcAliBuR
19:36.16eXcAliBuRauto dial :}
19:36.23eXcAliBuRthank you
19:36.27shier_h2no problem
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19:36.55pdtpatrickQuestion -- when i run "voicemail show users" there's an extension missing .. however that number exists in voicemail.conf and is setup properly
19:37.16pdtpatrickhow can i tell asterisk read voicemail.conf and add this VM so it shows when i do voicemail show users ?
19:37.28kujshier_h2: they haven't been the most stable for me either, but usually come back to life within an hour or so. sorry, don't have more info. But if it used to work and you didn't change your config, I would not start tinkering with it.
19:38.44shier_h2kuj: thanks.... it's too bad it isn't more reliable... I guess you get what you pay for :)
19:39.05kujyep. I didn;t pay much either :)
19:39.38shier_h2any thoughts on how to have asterisk detect when google voice is down and have it switch over to another SIP trunking provider?
19:39.41Wiretappdtpatrick, voicemail reload
19:40.04leifmadsenshier_h2: switch what over?
19:40.24leifmadsenshier_h2: all you can control is your outbound calls, and you can detect that with ${DIALSTATUS} to try dialing out another trunk
19:41.15kujI'm checking dial status, and if it looks like a provider issue, I'll then fall through to dial the next cheapest for the dialed destination
19:41.28shier_h2oh cool.... do you ahve an example of how that might look in the dial plan?
19:42.21leifmadsenJust Dial()
19:42.32leifmadsencheck ${DIALSTATUS} value, then Dial() again
19:43.45leifmadsenjust like you would for Voicemail()
19:43.51leifmadsensearch for DIALSTATUS
19:44.52kujleifmadsen: thanks for the great book!
19:44.53shier_h2awesome, thanks
19:45.53shier_h2is it possible to spoof outbound caller ID?  Say I have multiple outbound trunks with different providers... can I set what the caller ID should look like?
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19:46.23leifmadsenshier_h2: please don't call it spoofing, but yes, you can set the caller ID to anything you want -- it's up to your provider to allow you to do it though
19:47.04shier_h2oh I see... yea spoofing is the wrong term... do you know if google voice will let you change it to whatever your main office number is... or do they lock it down
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20:03.21pdtpatrickQuestion - where in asterisk can you find the number of times the number will ring before going to VM ?
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20:08.03shier_h2I think it measures it in seconds... Dial(<device to dial>,<secs to ring>)
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20:09.49pdtpatrickThanks. is there a config that would contain such information? manager.conf ?
20:12.47leifmadsenpdtpatrick: as alluded to earlier, just extensions.conf
20:12.50leifmadsenyou control that, not asterisk
20:12.58leifmadsenhowever you program it, asterisk will do it
20:14.14cuscoprobably peer has interface SIP/X instead of Local/X
20:15.33*** join/#asterisk kfife (
20:15.37leifmadsenkfife: ohai
20:15.45kfifehey there!
20:16.14kfifeQuick question: Is there a way to make automon give some sort of confirmation tone that it's recording?
20:16.47kfifeeither ongoing, or a one-time to let the party know that their DTMF's have registered?
20:17.11leifmadsenkfife: yes and no :)
20:17.16leifmadsenyes... but not trivially
20:17.26kfifeWhat's it look like?
20:17.38kfifeDo I have to define an application? features.conf?
20:18.26leifmadsenkfife: you basically have to trigger something to know that the channel is being recorded, monitor for that, and inject audio into the existing channel...
20:18.46leifmadsenkfife: you could start here:
20:18.53leifmadsenI had to do something like this for a client
20:18.55kfifeThanks. Lemmie take a look
20:19.01kujoops, sorry.
20:19.15kfifeSeems like it would be a nice addition to automon.
20:20.02kfifeCool.  Now I can make my own soundboard.
20:20.04leifmadsenI would welcome the patch :)
20:20.32kfife*8 = "Don't have a cow man!"
20:20.39kfife*9 = "Doh!"
20:20.43leifmadsenindeed :D
20:20.52leifmadsenohai VUC :)
20:21.13kfife*7 = "Hey Karl!  Put your clothes back on.  Let's not have another incident"
20:22.16leifmadsen*7 is fun
20:22.29_Corey_kfife: Be careful...  I had a 'tt-monkeys' that I had forgotten about until someone discovered it during a conf. call  :)
20:22.45kfife_Corey_ whoops!
20:25.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:26.08*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (
20:27.13dinesh___Good evening everyone - I would like to install Asterisk on a Windows Server 2008 R2 (I had one previously running on Linux Gentoo)
20:27.42dinesh___Does it run as a Windows Service ? I have found a project "asteriskwin32"
20:28.22*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:28.32dinesh___but doesn't asterisk itself directly support windows ?
20:30.48dinesh___"AsteriskWin32 0.66b build from Asterisk"
20:30.53dinesh___sounds to me like a dead project
20:32.54dinesh___uf it looks like i am going to have to migrate my sip.conf and extension.conf to Microsoft's Unified Communications :(
20:33.41dinesh___the french Wikipedia article about Asterisk claims that it runs on Windows, but the english one mentions only AsteriskWin32 for Windows
20:33.44WiretapWorkdinesh___, because something is preventing you from running a linux box?
20:34.17paulcdinesh__ Just run Asterisk on a Linux box. It works, it's less stress, it will be supported by your peers here, and everyone will be happier.
20:34.59NuggetI hate Linux just as much as the next guy, and even I run asterisk on Linux.
20:35.12Nuggetanything else is just a bucket of pain and regret
20:35.13WiretapWorkI can't see any real reason to run asterisk on windows when you can run it on something as simple as a wireless router or an old thin client (like I do)
20:35.37dinesh___well my gentoo was totally broken, i didn't update it for years (since 2006). it became impossible to fix. windows on the other hand as windows update
20:35.49dinesh___but yep everything was working perfectly fine for 4-5 years
20:35.54NuggetYes, but Windows DOESN'T have Asterisk.
20:36.01Nuggetwhich is more important to you?
20:36.14dinesh___i'll have to think more then, i could create another linux VM perhaps
20:36.18seraphieLots of Linux distros have automatic updates.
20:36.23WiretapWorkdinesh___, apt-get dselect-upgrade
20:36.23dinesh___perhaps something easier like ubuntu
20:36.26WiretapWorkdebian is for you :P
20:36.38WiretapWorkubuntu is an african word meaning "cant configure debian"
20:36.47WiretapWorkyou're a gentoo user, so that is in itself unlikely ;P
20:37.00WiretapWorkI migrated from Gentoo to Debian a few years ago, never looked back
20:37.12Nuggetwell, to be fair, he's a *failed* gentoo user.  :)
20:37.40WiretapWorkNugget, gentoo breaks if you do too many updates, thats what I didn't like about it
20:38.06_Corey_just download AsteriskNow and pop in the CD
20:38.32WiretapWorkthat also works
20:38.43_Corey_you need not be a Linux guy to get it going
20:40.07dinesh___yep that is also a good option
20:40.32dinesh___after all i would just have to maintain my sip.conf and extension.conf files, which shouldn't be hard
20:41.04dinesh___i'll give that a try, thanks
20:42.02paulcMay the force be with you :)
20:56.53*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
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21:46.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
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23:30.34kfifeQuestion: In features.conf, Dynamic_features, how does one pass comma separated values to an application?  Can't use pipes.
23:31.09weinerkHi. Please help.
23:31.09weinerkI need to implement a mechanism of call confirmation from php AGI -
23:31.10weinerkincoming call on music hold - meanwhile try a sequence of a few destinations -
23:31.10weinerkif someone answers - announce to him the call and wait for "1" for acceptance -
23:31.10weinerkotherwise try next on list.
23:31.10weinerkIf no answer - return to incoming call - call back later.
23:31.10weinerkI am not allowed to use freepbx ringgroups and the like.
23:31.11weinerkI tried this - problematic:
23:31.11weinerkagi->Dial("Local/14083334444@from-internal|20|M(confirmcustom^custom/Prompt^^)m(default)t"); problem is that incoming call ANSWERED as soon as dest. picks up the phone -
23:31.12weinerkso even if call not accepted - after timeout/hangup -
23:31.12weinerkit hangs up the incoming call also.
23:31.16*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott_2@
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23:32.08nnyhi quick polycomm question. Noticed that some phones on this network I am helping with won't reregister after a network drop. Now considering the network shouldn't drop, what's the 3.3.1 config section name called that deals with telling the phone to register after x timeout?
23:32.19nnyi see: voIpProt.server.1.retryTimeOut="10"
23:32.28nnyand reg.1.server.1.expires="30" in examples
23:32.35nnybut wondering if it changed in 3.3.1
23:35.18*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
23:35.46Freeaqingmenny, why not just contact polycom?
23:36.46weinerkCould someone point me to where I could get expert advice for pay? Thanks!
23:38.53Freeaqingmeweinerk, uhm, I suppose 50 % of the users in here provide commercial services, otherwise you could also contact digium
23:39.30Freeaqingmeweinerk, re your dial command, care elaborating where you found that? I kinda miss good docs on the dial app
23:40.22Freeaqingmeweinerk, and to answer your question, I think you should be able to setup a separate call, and once the call is accepted you could bind the channels together through ami (I think)
23:43.23nnyFreeaqingme: i can, i know this channel has a lot of polycomm users in it, seemed like an appropriate question
23:44.34WiretapWorkI haven't been able to google up an answer to this yet, but with many commercial PBX systems, the receptionist can see on their attendant console that a line is ringing, and hit the button to answer the call on behalf of that person. is there a way to do this in asterisk?
23:44.50Freeaqingmenny, yeah, it definitely is appropriate (I think). But it's a commercial product with commercial support, so (given that at this time of day it usually is relatively quiet here), I'd just enjoy the support they provide if I were you ;) < nny
23:45.19*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
23:45.28WIMPyWiretapWork: subscriptions and hints
23:45.30nnyweinerk: look at Bridge
23:45.59WiretapWorkWIMPy, I have that & BLF working, but does that actually allow you to answer-on-behalf by hitting the key as it flashes?
23:46.25WIMPyWiretapWork: That depends on your phone.
23:47.01WiretapWorkWIMPy, but if the phone is subscribed to the line in *, there's no special config I have to do for * to make it work, so long as the phone can do it it jus will?
23:47.30WIMPyIt has to be in the phone, yes.
23:47.57WiretapWorkwell the phones are Cisco 79xx
23:53.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:56.34weinerk1) thanks for feedback
23:56.34weinerk2) re: dial options - I found here and also by debuggin logs
23:56.34weinerk3) re: separate call - how can I do that?
23:56.35weinerk4) re: ami - I found this:
23:56.35weinerkbut can you point me more directly where to look?
23:57.31*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
23:57.51weinerkI kinda have a half baked solution that I think works ...
23:58.19weinerkactually something similar to what you are saying...
23:58.41weinerkbut it is rather ugly and in any event I would like to run it by someone who knows what he is doing :-) unlike me
23:58.49Freeaqingmeweinerk, your point #4 was an addition to #3. You should be able to use the ami originate command to initiate a new channel I think
23:59.14weinerkI will read up in a sec.

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