IRC log for #asterisk on 20110503

00:02.07rogersjahas anyone had any luck setting CID on an outgoing google voice call from asterisk?
00:07.43*** join/#asterisk pLr (~acer@unaffiliated/plr)
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00:09.14*** join/#asterisk arnotixe (
00:10.28luckyabafor what ever reason exten => 123,1,MeetMe(,Mde) won't create a room. I keep getting "That is not a valid conference number"
00:10.33luckyabawhat am I missing
00:10.46luckyabashould that not auto create a conference room and join you to it?
00:14.05luckyabawe should have IRC up on the wall when nothing is going on
00:14.17luckyabaso you bastards know when I am trying to talk to you
00:17.27Freeaqingmeluckyaba, most clients support highlighting ;)
00:20.51luckyabathey should support a loud audible announce that says "LUCKY IS TALKING"
00:22.43luckyabathat was actually meant for another channel
00:22.48luckyababut still funny
00:27.45*** join/#asterisk whytek (~whytek@
00:28.05*** join/#asterisk jizzzum6 (~jizzzum6@2001:1938:232::100)
00:28.38whytekQuick question for anybody - How can I get sip brute force attempts if my asterisk is running on a virtualbox behind a NAT with no ports forwarded?
00:29.01whytekNOTICE[2493]: chan_sip.c:15236 handle_request_register: Registration from '"commrades"<sip:commrades@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
00:29.14Freeaqingmemost logical would be that you have a box in your network filled with trojans whytek
00:29.40whytekhi thanks, but how so the ip address there?
00:29.58Freeaqingmeperhaps your nat isn't as solid as you'd hoped for
00:31.45jizzzum6connect a machine outside your NAT and try to SIP register
00:32.03whytekIt's just a test box.. i'm new to asterisk, but i know my networks, is it correct for this to happen, that the public ip has to be forwarding requests on port 5600 to my internal vbox?
00:32.38jizzzum6should be 5060 udp or tcp for SIP messages
00:32.53jizzzum6then RTP would be needed for actual communications (beyond call setup stuff)
00:33.30pabelangerjizzzum6: depends on how you configure asterisk, but usually UDP
00:33.54whyteksip is udp, right?
00:34.12pabelangerno, it can be TCP and TLS too
00:34.32Marvelousi need free trunk to call toll free
00:34.39whytekok, let's see we are listening on 2000 and 5038 tcp and a bunch or ports udp
00:34.53jizzzum6maybe someone is tricking your UDP NAT into talking to them
00:35.09whytekwierd that they would even find it!
00:35.16jizzzum6UDP is harder to control direction (due to lack of a clear SYN like in TCP)
00:35.32pabelangerwhytek: 2000 is skinny and 5038 is manager
00:36.34jizzzum6free toll free nums in US via SIP
00:39.04whytekoh well, i'm actually not on my home network, behind a DSL 2wire modem in an office ,and i can't actually see the pf setup right now, but last time i looked is was default, as in empty., if it happens again i'm look into it some more.
00:45.22Marvelousthanks jizzzum6
00:47.24adr3nalin3I am having trouble with Aastra 6730i phones, in asterisk an outgoing call is still going on however the Aastra phone says call failed after about 1-2 seconds
00:50.04*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
00:59.21Marvelousjizzum6 what else good i can use it :D
01:11.20*** join/#asterisk tris (
01:14.05cjcan someone tell me how to test my FXS port? I think I might have damaged it by plugging it into the incoming FXO wire
01:23.55*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
01:26.40*** join/#asterisk whytek (~whytek@
01:29.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:29.41*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:58.46*** join/#asterisk Marvelous (~CE0@
02:07.54kaldemarcj: plug a phone in it.
02:09.38kaldemarcj: or plug it into an fxo interface.
02:18.18*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:48.19*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
03:14.29*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
03:27.24golikwid|macanyone in here familiar with the ss7 lib?
03:34.00*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
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03:58.15*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:00.48*** join/#asterisk c2tarun (~quassel@
04:01.33c2tarunI was referring to this page to establish a PBX by asterisk, and when I executed stop now command I am getting an error that there is no such command.
04:17.43ChannelZcore stop now
04:24.59*** join/#asterisk dan__t (~dant@
04:32.40*** join/#asterisk jizzzum6 (~jizzzum6@2001:1938:232::100)
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04:46.47*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:48.47rogersjac2tarun, if you want to use stop now, you'd have to employ a cli alias
04:52.07*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
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05:12.52*** join/#asterisk jizzzum6 (jizzzum6@2001:1938:232::100)
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05:25.04*** join/#asterisk SoulRaven (SoulRaven@
05:45.05*** join/#asterisk trijezdci (~trijezdci@
05:46.32trijezdcihi, does anyone know of a Cisco WebEx Connect client integration with SIP or other open standard protocols (without the use of Cisco's Call Manager) ?
06:19.10*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
06:31.34*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
06:32.45Extenis there a one liner/non cli to get the "show channels concise" ?
06:33.14Wiretap7Exten, `asterisk -rx "show channels concise"` what you after?
06:34.05Sertysi'm kinda wondering
06:34.22Sertysi enable extconfig sippeers source from a mysql db
06:34.33Sertysif for some reason the mysql server is unavailable
06:34.46Sertysthe whole asterisk dies
06:34.59Sertyseven though i have plenty of peers defined in the sip.conf
06:35.37Sertysis there a way to set a priority for the extconfig or would it help if i enabled caching
06:36.48Exten<Wiretap7> i wanna have only the show channels concise output - and maybe put it in a cgi or >> to a text file so i would be able to see a "monitor" for the calls
06:37.00Wiretap7Exten, try that command
06:37.05*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
06:37.28Extenthe problem with that command is that if i have many many calls - it sometimes puts a part of whats going on with the cli
06:37.33kaldemarExten: if you will use a cgi, use the same command via AMI.
06:37.36Exten(other calls and stuff)
06:37.51Exten<kaldemar> havent had a chance to work with AMI
06:39.27*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
06:41.29kaldemarExten: now you do.
06:44.25*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:46.01*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:58.57Wiretap7Exten, I think you're completely missing the part where the entire command from the linux shell is
06:59.04Wiretap7asterisk -rx "show channels concise"
06:59.17Wiretap7it will do nothing other than print the concise channels list to stdout
07:01.17JerJerand perhaps a little extra too  :)
07:04.59*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
07:07.11*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
07:07.19jacc0hi all :) good morning
07:07.31jacc0is the SVN up already?
07:07.36*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
07:12.11*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:12.11Exten<Wiretap7> it sometimes gives a few more lines with what happens on cli
07:12.50*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
07:13.22*** join/#asterisk Howlader (
07:13.25Wiretap7would that not be a bug?
07:14.34Extengood question
07:21.50*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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07:34.08*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
07:51.03tuxx-hey guys, does anyone know if there is more documentation about call-limit then specified on I'm trying to find out if there is a call-limit for incoming and outgoing calls, because we want to make a difference between those 2. Anyone maybe has a link to some more documentation? Or can maybe tell me that our idea is stupid ;-)
07:52.45tuxx-by call-limit, i mean the option for a sip peer.
07:53.03tuxx-call-limit = number : Number of simultaneous calls through this user/peer.
07:54.11*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
07:54.34Exteni think you can count the number of calls on a specific context with a group variable i forgot exactly the name of it ...
07:55.11Extenits group-something ...
07:55.30tuxx-im gonna look for it :)
07:55.44Extenok its called group-count
07:56.14tuxx-gonna try it out, tnx for the help :)
07:56.17Extenyou can count the number of group-count if it is < or > from something
07:57.15*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
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08:03.18*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
08:06.37*** join/#asterisk Denial (
08:11.30Wiretap7restarting asterisk makes my 7970 regrab its configuration
08:11.35Wiretap7but I can't do that normally O-o
08:22.41trijezdcihi, does anyone know of a Cisco WebEx Connect client integration with SIP or other open standard protocols (without the use of Cisco's Call Manager) ?
08:30.17*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:35.42*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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08:37.39jkroonwhen configuring dahdi/system.conf - specifically for E1 - how crucial is it to set the timing settings correctly?  ie, timing pref - if I always set them to 1 thru 4 is that OK?  I've done a cable between two such ports and it's reporting OK but I want to know whether I'm going to run into problems down the line?
08:46.19*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:46.39*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:49.35infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
09:02.10*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
09:05.48*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:06.43*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
09:10.05*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
09:16.43*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:16.58ChainsawMorning. Issue tracker unreachable for anyone else please?
09:17.34ChainsawLooks to be the IPv6 address only.
09:18.08Chainsaw(As in I get ICMP response on but not 2001:470:e0d4::e7)
09:18.19jacc0https://just loged in to
09:18.30Chainsawjacc0: And you are on an IPv6-enabled machine/network?
09:18.43jacc0I don't think so
09:18.56Chainsawjacc0: Then it is expected that you would see no difference, indeed.
09:19.03jacc0justa added valgrind.txt to :
09:19.04Chainsawpabelanger: ping
09:21.26Chainsawleifmadsen, Qwell, russellb: Looks like IPv6 is down for; would you mind withdrawing the AAAA for the moment?
09:24.55*** join/#asterisk Russ (
09:36.56*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
09:55.50*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~estanteri@
09:56.37Extenis there a Set if , or a way to set if
09:56.50Exteni remebmer there was a way to do this with an IF function somehow
10:01.42ChainsawExecIf you mean?
10:08.07Extenlike If menu=1 then set(
10:08.10Extenlike If menu=1 then set(a=b)
10:08.20Extenmm... execif maybe
10:09.00ChainsawExten: Here's a working example:
10:09.01Chainsawexten => s,n,ExecIf($[ "${crmname}" != "UNKNOWN" ]?Set(OUTNAME=${crmname}):Set(NOCRM=1))
10:10.15ExtenCool 10x !@#
10:10.38ChainsawExten: You're welcome.
10:10.42*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
10:11.01ChainsawHello Sertys.
10:21.05*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
10:25.31*** join/#asterisk nvucinic (~nvucinic@unaffiliated/nvucinic)
10:37.32Chainsawleifmadsen: Any chance of issue #19192 blocking so the next release can be deployed here?
10:38.00*** part/#asterisk nvucinic (~nvucinic@unaffiliated/nvucinic)
10:48.35jacc0leifmadsen: and #19203 so we can use 1.8.4 in our production evn. ? :)
10:49.04jacc0@Chainsaw: nice bug report
10:49.08Chainsawwaits 60 seconds for that to load
10:49.12*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (
10:49.32Chainsawjacc0: Fellow users on #gentoo-voip found it based on my description of the fault.
10:49.47Chainsawjacc0: My system refused to dump core; probably because of hardened security patching.
10:51.34Chainsawjacc0: But it manifested in an interested way. I have a few peers that are unreachable on TCP but not UDP. So as the timeout hit, roughly 5 minutes after starting Asterisk, it exploded violently.
10:51.54Chainsawjacc0: Over and over again. I've had to revert.
10:52.41jacc0I think th ebug I reported causes the random segfaults i'm experiancing
10:53.41Chainsawjacc0: Segfaults are a luxury. My SIP stack is dead in the water from time to time.
10:53.46jacc0but I'm not sure
10:53.50Chainsawjacc0: I notice because my SIP gateways fail over to the analog phones here.
10:54.11Chainsawjacc0: So the phone of doom starts ringing:
10:54.33jkroonChainsaw, indeed ... i've got similar IAX/2 issues.
10:54.54Chainsawis addicted to this slick new Connected Line Update system though
10:54.59ChainsawSo I put up with it for the moment.
10:58.50*** join/#asterisk alami (~isy@unaffiliated/alami)
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11:30.28leifmadsenChainsaw: jacc0: I'll take a look, but not sure where we're going to get this week -- don't think we'll have power at Digium again today
11:30.42Chainsawleifmadsen: Ah, you had a storm?
11:30.50leifmadsenChainsaw: it would block 1.8.4, not as 1.8.3 is already released
11:31.05Chainsawleifmadsen: 1.8.4 is what I meant, but not what I said. Sorry, and yes, agreed.
11:31.06coppicethen pay your bills :-\
11:31.12leifmadsenChainsaw: you haven't seen the news about the worst storm in Alabama in over 30 years?
11:31.20Chainsawleifmadsen: I don't follow the news, no.
11:31.31leifmadsenmost of Alabama has been without power for over a week
11:31.45leifmadsenDigium has been running on generator power since last Wednesday
11:32.01leifmadsenso if you see no issues moving, that's why
11:32.09Chainsawleifmadsen: *nod* Understood.
11:32.09leifmadsenthings won't get back to normal for at least another couple of days
11:33.44jacc0If they don't :
11:38.50*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
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11:40.25leifmadsenwelp mantis isn't working for me so someone will have to remind me about those issues later when it is
11:40.36*** join/#asterisk Amorsen (~Amorsen@
11:41.02AmorsenIs having... issues?
11:41.15leifmadsen<leifmadsen> welp mantis isn't working for me so someone will have to remind me about those issues later when it is
11:41.27leifmadsenAmorsen: yes, probably power issues derailing the internet in Alabama
11:41.32jacc0ipv6 problem as Chainsaw explained
11:41.54Chainsawleifmadsen: Can you withdraw the AAAA for the moment?
11:41.57jacc0I've have no problem accessing it
11:42.04leifmadsenChainsaw: nope
11:42.16Chainsawleifmadsen: Okay.
11:42.21*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:42.25ChainsawAmorsen: Your page will load after 60 seconds.
11:42.32leifmadsenI don't have access to the DNS records
11:42.48AmorsenNo such luck unfortunately Chainsaw
11:43.02leifmadsenAmorsen: probably routing issues -- things in Alabama are still very fragile
11:43.21ChainsawAmorsen: Depends on what you set your IPv6 timeout to; but if you are dual-stack you should fall back to IPv4 which will work.
11:43.49leifmadsenI'm only IPv4 here
11:43.51leifmadsenstill doesn't load
11:47.03AmorsenSYSTEM WARNING: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections
11:47.12leifmadsensounds like bots then
11:47.17leifmadsenthat happens about this time of day
11:47.23AmorsenReview Board is taking a nap
11:47.32ChainsawAmorsen: Smoke is coming out of the database server. Please allow it time to cool down.
11:47.52AmorsenIs it the same DB server for issues and reviewboard?
11:52.25AmorsenLooks all better now
11:52.33oelewapperkeis there a list of "Local/" channels you can dial ?
11:52.51oelewapperkeI need some way to park a call, but I don't need announcements and I'm not using a dialplan
11:52.57oelewapperkeso "Park" is useless
11:52.57*** join/#asterisk sphenxes (
11:53.18kaldemaroelewapperke: Local/extension@context, as in your dialplan.
11:53.24*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:55.13oelewapperkekaldemar: so you don't have a way to just generate a channel with waitmusic or something
11:55.52kaldemarnot with chan Local. maybe origination is what you're looking for?
11:59.18oelewapperkekaldemar: no it's not, unless I'm missing something
11:59.32oelewapperkeunless I can "originate" on an existing channel
12:02.03leifmadsenoelewapperke: sounds like you want to use the CLI originate command
12:04.51kaldemaroelewapperke: how is there an existing channel if you have no dialplan?
12:07.05*** join/#asterisk rportugal (~rportugal@
12:07.28kaldemarExten: nothing. what makes you think something is?
12:09.06*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
12:09.55Exten[May  3 14:59:47] ERROR[11643]: app_exec.c:191 execif_exec: Invalid Syntax.
12:10.07wdoekes2it's a bit verbose perhaps
12:10.45AmorsenNicely done wdoekes2, I was going for the same thing but got lost in crunchy brackets
12:10.55wdoekes2or are you using old asterisk? (1.4)
12:11.09wdoekes2in which case you need comma's instead of parentheses
12:11.15kaldemarExten: what version are you using? the exact line you pasted works in
12:11.56kaldemarSet() works fine in 1.4, even in 1.2.
12:12.01wdoekes2possibly even a , where the first ? is
12:12.33*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
12:12.35Exten_X.,n,ExecIf($[ "${PGENDER}" = "1" ],Set(PGENDER=M),Set(PGENDER=F))            <-- ?
12:12.49wdoekes2more comma's
12:13.44wdoekes2exten => closed,n,ExecIf($["${vm_exten}"!=""&"${af_closed}"=""],VoiceMail,${vm_exten}@${customercode})
12:13.57oelewapperkekaldemar: because I'm using async AGI
12:14.04Extenill try the set thingie
12:14.17kaldemarExten: try ExecIf($["${PGENDER}" = "1"],Set(PGENDER=M),Set(PGENDER=F))
12:14.22jacc0@Exten: what version are you using?
12:14.45*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
12:15.02kaldemareh, no. ExecIf is pretty different in 1.4, ExecIF (<expr>|<app>|<data>).
12:15.46wdoekes2kaldemar: my ExecIf example works.. but I don't think you get the Else syntax
12:15.49kaldemarno possibility to execute something on false.
12:15.58Extenif thingie works !
12:17.27kaldemarwdoekes2: else syntax as in the 1.4 app?
12:18.20wdoekes2"the Else syntax" == "no possibility to execute something on false"
12:22.34*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
12:22.36leifmadsenon 1.4 you have to be clever
12:23.01leifmadsenexten => start,1,Exec(${IF($[${foo} = ${bar}]?Voicemail(100@default):NoOp())})
12:23.59leifmadsenbecause there is no "else" on ExecIf(). It's either, "Execute this if true, or don't do anything"
12:24.50*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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12:51.21oelewapperkeis there some way via AMI to get an existing channel into the dialplan ?
12:51.54oelewapperkeOriginate + Bridge is very complex to control, and it seems wasteful, creating 2 new channels just for this ?
12:54.41*** join/#asterisk MrSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
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14:21.30nokizHi everybody, I have a problem thats been killing me for 2 days now. Got soft phones running just fine but when connecting a Polycom SoundStation IP 5000 all i get it "ACL error (permit/deny)" when it tries to register and a really dont understand why, as far as i can tell sip.conf is correct.  Ive been searched my a** off but no result. Any one got any suggestions or can help me?
14:23.17*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
14:24.22leifmadsennokiz: sounds like you've got something set via permit/deny options in sip.conf somewhere
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14:25.49nokizleifmadsen: only thing in the sip.conf file exept for the sip accounts are [general] useragent=Cokomm CPBX bindaddr= insecure=very srvlookup=no context=default-custom language=de tos=0x18 maxexpirey=3600 defaultexpirey=3600 dtmfmode=auto disallow=all allow=alaw allow=ulaw allow=g726 allow=gsm allow=g729 alwaysauthreject=yes
14:26.16nokizcant find any permit/deny options. Should i add them
14:27.56kaldemarnokiz: do you have deny options under the peer that the client matches to?
14:28.29*** join/#asterisk sereal (~jjrh@2001:4830:16ca:1:21a:6bff:fe6a:3cd2)
14:29.51nokizkaldemar: As far as i can tell there is none, However i did not install the system so im not surtain over all the settings.
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14:37.00kaldemarnokiz: look for #include's in the sip.conf. also check in extconfig.conf that realtime is not used.
14:38.11serealIf the directory application uses the voicemail.conf settings to create the list how does one deal with searching users by last name - it doesn't look like you can create a sip account with a space in the name.
14:38.32serealIs there a alternative way to define a set of names and extensions to create a directory?
14:39.09nokizkaldemar: no #includes in sip.conf and extconfig.conf do not have and is not in use
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14:55.55cusco_hey folks
14:56.17cusco_moh class has files but I do not understand the order...
14:56.27cusco_could some one help me out?
14:56.37cusco_it goes moh3 then moh1 then moh2
15:00.24cusco_ok I solverd it
15:01.15cusco_I put moh1, then moh reload, put moh2, moh reload and put moh3 and moh reload
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15:12.15Aut0ExeCTier3TechLS: sup man
15:12.21Tier3TechLSNM hows it goin?
15:12.51Aut0ExeChavent seen u around
15:13.01Tier3TechLSNope just had my cherry popped
15:13.09Aut0ExeCahh ok
15:13.22sxpertthat has interesting meanings in some areas
15:13.32Tier3TechLSyes it does
15:13.33Aut0ExeCby "cherry popped" u mean opened ur can of dr pepper cherry right?
15:13.42Tier3TechLSyes sir! lol
15:13.46Aut0ExeCok ok
15:14.18Tier3TechLSIm just getting into the VOiP area and learning as much as possible.
15:14.33Tier3TechLSAlways used a hosted solution. I want to build my own.
15:14.47Aut0ExeCahh ok
15:14.52Aut0ExeCi kind of a newbie too
15:14.56Tier3TechLSPaying 60bucks for 1 hosted line isnt something i want to do anymore.
15:15.04Aut0ExeCyah sux
15:15.17Aut0ExeCi just setup asterisk on my linksys router
15:15.20Tier3TechLSI just installed AsteriskNow with FreePBX.
15:15.22Aut0ExeCit rox basically
15:15.28Aut0ExeCfreepbx ?
15:15.32Aut0ExeCahh ok
15:15.34sxpertdid interesting multi-people chatrooms for the cherry-popping community
15:15.37Tier3TechLSI have 3 Aastra phones also.
15:15.51Tier3TechLSIll stick to this one for now.
15:15.56serealyou can run asterisk on a linksys router?
15:15.57Aut0ExeCsxpert: we might be off the cherry popping now
15:15.58sxpertinteresting in the software, not for whatever they talk about in there, obviously
15:16.07Aut0ExeCsereal: lol i just said yes
15:16.16serealwhat linksys?
15:16.29sxpertlinksys actually does routers ?
15:16.29Aut0ExeCany router thats compatilbe with openwrt
15:16.37Aut0ExeCwell a fairly decent one
15:16.39Aut0ExeCwith good specs
15:16.43Aut0ExeCi use wrt54gl
15:16.45serealwhat model are you doing this with?
15:16.48sxpertI thought they were just doing crappy switches ;)
15:17.02Aut0ExeCwith sd card mod
15:19.02Tier3TechLSAre there any guides or walkthroughs for Asterisk?
15:19.26Tier3TechLSI have it all installed. I am having trouble with the phone connecting to the PBX.
15:19.32gruvfunkThere's the "book"
15:19.48serealor the asterisk webpage
15:19.55leifmadsenor google :)
15:19.57gruvfunkthe wiki
15:20.08sxpertthe wiki is pretty decent
15:20.10sereallike google asterisk tutorial
15:20.15infobotPlease see ~thebook for more information about Asterisk: The Definitive Guide
15:20.21infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
15:20.25m4xxhas anyone gotten sphinx or pocketsphinx to work with asterisk 1.8?
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15:20.39gruvfunki can never remember the shortcut :)
15:20.48sxperthas fring working
15:21.06m4xxi'm more looking for the speech recognition part
15:21.20serealIf the directory application uses the voicemail.conf settings to create the list how does one deal with searching users by last name - it doesn't look like you can create a sip account with a space in the name.
15:22.02Tier3TechLSIll have to check all that out. Im using Asterisk now. Its all GUI.
15:22.09m4xxas for tts cepstral david sound _a lot_ better to me
15:22.34nokizDoes anyone know more about this problem other than what kaldemar and  leifmadsen said?: NOTICE[12258]: chan_sip.c:11529 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:192.168.1.xx@192.168.1.xx>' failed for '192.168.1.xx' - ACL error (permit/deny)
15:22.43leifmadsenm4xx: I got it working, but it doesn't parse words worth a shit
15:23.00leifmadsenit is basically useless
15:23.15m4xxI'm trying to interact with an IVR
15:23.24m4xxdo you think it would be as usless to me?
15:23.24leifmadsenyes I understand what you're trying to do
15:23.44leifmadsenif it doesn't recognize your words, then yes, I presume it would be useless
15:23.53leifmadsenyou will have to learn how to tune sphinx
15:24.25Tier3TechLSAnyone using AsteriskNOW?
15:24.38leifmadsenprobably lots of people
15:24.42m4xxTier3TechLS, but the book and save yourself the headaches ;D
15:24.54m4xxlearn how to do it by hand then try the gui's
15:25.15m4xx*buy the book
15:25.35serealI believe the book is free as a ebook
15:25.38Aut0ExeCdoesnt freepbx have completely diff configs?
15:25.49leifmadsenit generates the configuration files
15:25.52Aut0ExeCi dont think the book covers that
15:25.57leifmadsenit certainly doesn't :)
15:26.02Aut0ExeCso that wont help him
15:26.10Aut0ExeCperhaps a freepbx book
15:26.13leifmadsenit will help him to learn how to read dialplan
15:26.30serealshow dialplan
15:26.37leifmadsendialplan show
15:26.40m4xxleif, how long have you tried it? did you use the 8000hz model?
15:26.55Aut0ExeCno diaplan specified
15:26.56leifmadsenm4xx: yes I played around -- I followed the same post you're probably reading
15:29.50Aut0ExeCsxpert: u think obama really plays ps3?
15:30.30Aut0ExeCheadshot pic is funny... he looks so focused
15:30.32Tier3TechLSIs the GlobalSIP for the local PBX?
15:31.13Aut0ExeCTier3TechLS: you should start from the basics bro
15:31.19Aut0ExeCTier3TechLS: get the book like they suggested
15:31.48*** join/#asterisk remnant13 (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
15:31.57sxpertAut0ExeC: that's obama playing the most expensive counterstrike game ever ;)
15:32.06*** part/#asterisk Tier3TechLS (~lsaldivar@
15:32.07Aut0ExeCsxpert: lol
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15:32.32sxpertAut0ExeC: aka hunting OBL down
15:33.13Aut0ExeCguess he won
15:33.33Aut0ExeCnavy seals rock man
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15:34.11sxpertor so he says. can't verify it though, body is supposed to be feeding fishes at the bottom of the indian ocean
15:34.38Aut0ExeCexactly... they have pics tho.. to release soon
15:34.59Aut0ExeCu can verify
15:35.24sxperthaven't seen any yet
15:35.36sxpertwaiting for wikileaks ;)
15:36.13Aut0ExeCya, only a matter of time
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15:39.58m4xxi'm trying to interact with someone elses ivr. I've sort of got it working but some times there's an anouncement that i can't really account for. i wanted to use the voice recognition for this but can't really afford the lumenvox app at the moment. I just thought of a hack that would be to record the prompts and get a slice of the raw data hash it. If it matches a known hash then continue.
15:39.58m4xxDoes this come off as unrealistic to anyone?
15:40.47m4xxor can anyone suggest a better solution?
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15:58.25BesticlesI'm having an issue with Cepstral.  I'm making a call out using Local & DAHDI, I stream a file, then say the persons name via swift.  It works if I make one call out.  It works if I make 4 calls out the same time.  If I make 8 calls out, 6 work, the other 2 starts returning:
15:58.25Besticles[May  3 03:01:04] WARNING[26575]: channel.c:1044 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local/apexoutbound@apexdial-9126;1
15:59.10BesticlesI don't know where to begin to fix this issue.  I know it's cepstral, because I commented out Swift, and made 50 simulataneous calls and no errors.
15:59.55BesticlesDoes anyone have any pointers how to troubleshoot the Exceptionally long voice queue errors?
16:00.27sxpertnever seen that
16:00.52ectospasmmay need to file a bug with Cepstral...
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16:03.20tzangerCepstral sounds like a cough medicine to me
16:03.31tzangerwhich is probably not a good connection to speech software
16:03.44BesticlesAlready submitted a ticket :P  Thought I would ask over here too.  Thanks for your 2 cents.
16:04.11coppiceCepstral is too technical a name for most people to relate to
16:04.55coppiceheck, most people aren't sure how to pronounce it :-)
16:05.22m4xxit's better than any of the free solutions in my opinion, and  far better price than any alternative =[
16:06.23*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~qcstewart@nat/digium/x-smrerrpamucbgoei)
16:07.32gruvfunkhey all, really starting to get frustrated with providers who say they support Asterisk, provide you with a sample configuration and then refuse to provide "device support" to troubleshoot why it's not working
16:08.06gruvfunkthey suggest type=friend - is this still viable in *1.8 ?
16:08.26ectospasmgruvfunk: I believe so...
16:08.42gruvfunkfriend = peer + user, yeah?
16:09.01ectospasmyes.  A user can send Asterisk calls, Asterisk sends peers calls
16:09.29ectospasmfriends are a shortcut to do both
16:09.44oelewapperkegruvfunk: there's a good reason for that : try to be on the other end of that support for once
16:11.23gruvfunkoelewapperke: agree it's painful, been there done it - however, I don't think they should provide customers with sample "working" configs if they're not going to stand up behind them
16:12.20leifmadsenit costs more money to support an end-user than you can possibly make from them in a year
16:12.55gruvfunkin this case it's a Dr's office account with several DID's and tens of thousands of minutes per month
16:13.05gruvfunk1 DID on *1.8 not working
16:13.20leifmadsenthen maybe it's on their end
16:13.26gruvfunkright, I've suggested
16:13.41leifmadsenperhaps you can provide some information that allows us to help?
16:13.58gruvfunkthey did a sip trace and tell me that we're not responding to their ACK after authentication and media stream, we flood them with SIP200 OK
16:14.14gruvfunkI'd love to leifmadsen, where do I begin
16:14.15oelewapperkegruvfunk: do you have a sip trace yourself ?
16:14.43oelewapperkejust start tcpdump -w log.pcap -s 9999 -i <incoming interface> and call whatever did is not working, ctrl-c and upload the file somewhere
16:14.51infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
16:14.57*** join/#asterisk Aut0ExeC (~Jack@
16:15.11gruvfunktruly awesome
16:15.41gruvfunkbe back with data
16:22.10KavanSuggh - I'm stuck on asterisk 1.4.32 and I can't seem to get the buddylist feature working on these polycom's
16:22.35KavanSanyone have any success with asterisk 1.4 and this feature? - I've even patched chan_sip.c as directed by a few guides online
16:23.01ChainsawWow, 1.4; I'd try on 1.6.2 at the very least.
16:23.14KavanSuggh...not the most exciting news I wanted to hear
16:23.32ChainsawI have had it working on 1.6.2; I never did run 1.4 so I can't help you with that one.
16:23.45Chainsawwent from 1.2 to 1.6.0 (and yes, that was excruciatingly painful)
16:24.04KavanSyeah I'm concerned about the differences from 1.4 to 1.6....
16:24.12KavanSam I going to have to hack up my dialplan to make things work?
16:24.30ChainsawQuite likely. You will have this pain now or down the road. Do you have a spare box you can test on?
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16:24.41KavanSyep, I've got some spare hardware
16:24.59ChainsawI would say build up a box, take your 1.4 config and hack it up until you think it works.
16:25.16sxpertman, there are still 1.4 installations ?
16:25.16KavanSsxpert, lol hell yes there are...
16:25.16ChainsawSwitch over live traffic for a bit and do the fine tuning., project ahead
16:26.46KavanSany words about custom agi scripts?
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16:34.16ChainsawKavanS: I don't use those, just PHP scripts driving AMI.
16:34.20ChainsawKavanS: So I can't comment.
16:34.26KavanSok right on
16:37.31gruvfunkleifmadsen:  took the logger approadh, almost ready but questioning... why am I seeing so many ^M characters ending lines?
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16:41.15leifmadsengruvfunk: because you're logging with colour enabled, so you're seeing ANSI chars
16:42.01gruvfunkscp'ed the file over to notepad in windows and no longer see those ^M
16:42.43gruvfunkpastebin the sip trace?
16:46.47gruvfunkleifmadsen and oelewapperke
16:47.51oelewapperkeis it "allowed" to Originate to "Local/exten@context", and then execute AGI on the other end of that link ?
16:48.46cyfordhi,    is there anyway i can capture the agent name  to a variable from ${BLINDTRANSFER}
16:49.03cyfordin dialplan
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16:58.26cyford(rewording)  Can  Set(foo=${DB(family/key)})       return sip names based on extenstion
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16:59.57dan__tSo a channel being a single connection in to/out of Asterisk, a "line", I get that part.  What's it called when multiple channels are combined, such in the case of essentially two people having a conversation?  Is that a bridge?
17:00.38pabelangerdan__t: usually, yes
17:01.33dan__tOk, good.  I was playing around with Monitor(), and the results were only the calling party's channel audio being recorded.  I combined the two streams but I understand then to be "input" and "output", not a combined stream session of both channels being bridged, as I kind of expected.
17:03.57dan__tI'm guessing Monitor() is not what I'm looking for.  If I wanted to record the call in its entirety, including all channels on that bridge, what would I be looking for?
17:05.48nix8n82cyford, yes if you set up the family/key to hold such values
17:06.23*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:06.56leifmadsendan__t: yes two channels get "bridged" in order to have a "call"
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17:07.22dan__tPretty sure I recall (and understand) that from reading your book, actually.
17:08.01gruvfunkleifmadsen and oelewapperke or anyone else - please ping directly if you find anything in the sip trace
17:08.08leifmadsendan__t: ok knowing that, Monitor() (or MixMonitor()) will record all conversations/bridges that the channel that executed the dialplan application
17:08.34gruvfunkyesterday I was getting 32 seconds of call time, today I'm down to 6seconds (which is what we experienced in weeks past with this provider)
17:08.35dan__tThe channel that executed the dialplan.... ok, so the calling party executed the call.
17:08.43dan__tMonitor() will only record on that channel.
17:10.28leifmadsenuse MixMonitor() and it records both channels
17:11.02leifmadsendan__t: just remember that the recording follows the channel that executed the dialplan, so when you do things like transfers and such, remember that it will follow that channel, and stop recording if that channel hangs up or is destroyed
17:11.22leifmadsenso in a transfer type scenario your recording may stop if the calling channel performs a transfer and hangs up
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17:12.10dan__tAhhh, got it.
17:12.23dan__tbut then I should be able to append to that very same file, with the a option
17:12.30dan__tI mean that's what a smart person would do
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17:23.08gruvfunkinteresting, my outbound termination is just fine, I can call out and the call stays up
17:23.28gruvfunkbut inbound origination is not holding up, this has to be a sip.conf thing, right?
17:24.22Tozz_or dialplan
17:25.16*** join/#asterisk Jcook_5xData (~Jcook_5xD@
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17:25.51Jcook_5xDataanyone here use astassistant?
17:26.40leifmadsennever heard of it
17:27.34gruvfunki'm posting my sip.conf -->
17:27.45c2tarunI want to desing an application in Qt that can as many aspects of Asterisk as possible. For that I need to know bit more information of how asterisk work and how to implement applications in asterisk framework. Can anyone please guide me to any reference material that can help me. I never did this before
17:27.54gruvfunkplease let me know if you can help - if indeed something is wrong on my side - going for a bite to eat
17:28.02c2tarunI want to desing an application in Qt that can manage as many aspects of Asterisk as possible. For that I need to know bit more information of how asterisk work and how to implement applications in asterisk framework. Can anyone please guide me to any reference material that can help me. I never did this before
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17:29.04Jcook_5xDatac2tarun, You can look at I think it opensource I think it does the same as what you are looking to
17:34.41c2tarunJcook_5xData: thats cool :) but astassistant is an application. true I want to design an application similar to it, but that requires me to understand asterisk first.
17:35.04dan__tThanks for explaining, leifmadsen.
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17:36.47c2tarunJcook_5xData: can you guide me to a reference material that can help me in understanding asterisk first?
17:36.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
17:38.40ectospasmc2tarun: ^
17:40.37c2tarunectospasm: sorry but that is completely an asterisk guide :( nothing mentioned of how to access the functionalities of asterisk with code. hope you understanding what I am trying to ask?
17:42.00_Corey_c2tarun: Google Asterisk AGI
17:42.08_Corey_c2tarun: or Asterisk Manager
17:43.50c2tarun_Corey_: I think this will work :) thanks a lot mate, you are a lifesaver
17:44.47leifmadsenc2tarun: read the chapters on AGI and AMI
17:44.58leifmadsenc2tarun: it most certainly does talk about what you're looking for :)
17:45.18c2tarunleifmadsen: chapters as in this book?
17:45.39*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:45.40leifmadsenif you're looking for information about the architecture of asterisk, read this:
17:45.42c2tarunleifmadsen: got it :) thanks
17:45.43leifmadsenfirst chapter
17:46.31Jcook_5xDatawhat would this mean "but no invalid handler"?
17:46.35c2tarunleifmadsen: well this may be too much of asking, but do you think that knowledge about AGI or AMI will help me completely or I need to read something else too?
17:46.52leifmadsenc2tarun: not knowing what you're doing... yes
17:47.06leifmadsenJcook_5xData: no 'i' extension to handle invalid extensions
17:47.22leifmadsenJcook_5xData: check the dialplan chapters in the book mentioned above
17:48.59Jcook_5xDataleifmadsen, thanks
17:51.51cusco_where can I read about setting qos for sip ? :P
17:56.28wonderworldhi guys, i am trying to setup a meetme conference on my asterisk. when i user tries to join the conference, i get "app_meetme.c:1097 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device"
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18:00.06Polysicswould you use for a fresh installation?
18:00.15Polysics1.8, basically
18:01.24gruvfunkPolysics: I do
18:01.37Polysicsi need to use adhearsion with it but i suppose that is not an issue
18:01.47Polysicssince 1.0.1 does mention 1.8
18:01.49Polysicsok, thanks
18:01.53Polysicslater i will install it :-9
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18:06.51gruvfunk234 users:  anyone using Gafachi provider (Rochester, NY)
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18:09.22malcolmdwonderworld:  you don't have dahdi loaded
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18:13.28gruvfunkchan_sip.c:3511 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 429f089d465e8b040693f2eb5ba36c56@ for seqno 103 (Critical Response) ; Packet timed out after 6400ms with no response ; Hanging up call 429f089d465e8b040693f2eb5ba36c56@ - no reply to our critical packet
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18:19.30wonderworldmalcolmd: yes, thanks. fixed it
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18:27.27devil_evoxxxhi guys
18:30.40devil_evoxxxi have an asterisk 1.4.37 and i want to install MeetMe
18:30.56devil_evoxxxis really necessary to install dahdi?
18:31.05devil_evoxxx(i can't select on menuselect of asterisk)
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18:32.22rogersjadevil_evoxxx: have you compiled dahdi?
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18:34.47kaldemardevil_evoxxx: meetme requires dahdi. you can't select it in the menu of asterisk, it is a separate package. or two pckages actually.
18:35.27wonderworlddevil_evoxxx: i just did it, it's easy. get dahdi, unpack, make, make install, modprobe dahdi, restart asterisk
18:36.31wonderworldyou might also need to get the headers for your current kernel first
18:39.12*** join/#asterisk ketema (~ketema@2001:470:5:138:219:e3ff:fe09:5b25)
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18:42.16Aut0ExeCdo you really need dahdi to use meetme?
18:43.11pabelangerAut0ExeC: yes
18:43.23pabelangerotherwise use conf_bridge
18:43.29pabelangererr... ConfBridge()
18:45.42anonymouz666AFAIK, the DAHDI itself is the responsible to mix the audio, not the MeetMe application.
18:46.12*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
18:46.34rogersjaanonymouz666: doesn't dahdi simply provide a timing source for meetme?
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18:47.24Aut0ExeCanonymouz666: ahhh ok... good info
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18:52.23leifmadsenthe whole point of MeetMe() is to mix audio :)
18:52.34leifmadsenDAHDI provides the timing to know how much to mix (as far as I understand it)
18:52.44leifmadsenrussellb: would be best to explain how it works
18:53.31anonymouz666leifmadsen: the meetme does not use the audio in slin provided by dahdi? I remember reading a mail with kpfleming explaining the mix was done in dahdi
18:53.43leifmadsenno idea
18:53.50*** join/#asterisk vfabi (~fabi@
18:53.59rogersjai thought that dahdi just provided timing as well
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19:03.36p3nguinIs a PAP2T suitable for a security alarm system?  Our alarm panel requires "regular dial tone service," according to the alarm company.  It simply calls a toll free number in the event of an unauthorized entry, so I don't see any real difference between using land line service and using a combination of Asterisk, an ITSP, and a PAP2T to give it a dial tone.  Anyone else here run an alarm through Asterisk?
19:03.46*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
19:07.45anonymouz666PAP2T - asterisk - E1 - PSTN
19:08.13anonymouz666my only worry is not allow asterisk to touch my DTMFs duration.
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19:09.14devil_evoxxxthankypi still having this problem now with meetme
19:09.17devil_evoxxx[May  3 21:03:13] WARNING[19470]: app_meetme.c:829 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device -- <SIP/16-00000002> Playing 'conf-invalid' (language 'it')
19:09.53anonymouz666pseudo device I think it's DAHDI stuff I was talking about
19:10.38devil_evoxxxdahdi is now installed
19:11.01devil_evoxxxi don't need a conference room on dahdi channels, i need a conference room only trought sip phones
19:11.14*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
19:11.56anonymouz666you didn't understand the point
19:13.30anonymouz666meetme uses the dahdi pseudo channels
19:13.33devil_evoxxxnow yes, ( google miracles)..i found a post where they say that change "/dev/zap/pseudo
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19:13.47devil_evoxxxchange owner..but
19:13.56devil_evoxxxi have not pseudo device..why?
19:14.09anonymouz666what dahdi version?
19:15.20devil_evoxxxthe last
19:15.29devil_evoxxxand 1.4.37 asterisk version
19:15.50anonymouz666make sure you modprobe dahdi
19:16.09anonymouz666I guess this version does not require dahdi_dummy anymore
19:16.12ruben23hi guys what version of asterisk best support H323 for video call..any idea
19:16.41leifmadsenruben23: 1.8 and greater using chan_ooh323
19:16.52p3nguinIn the later versions of Dahdi, the dummy is built in.
19:17.19anonymouz666p3nguin: this is nice
19:17.49JonnyD_workdoes anyone know of a cloud hosting providor that lets people use their own iso?
19:18.54devil_evoxxxanonymouz, work fine!
19:19.16anonymouz666devil_evoxxx: happy MeetMe()
19:20.12Aut0ExeCwhere do I go to fix the date beign logged in cdr?
19:20.13p3nguinIf I can use a single PAP2T for the alarm panel and for a fax machine, that would be even better.
19:20.53Aut0ExeCdate on my system is right but cdr is logging a bad time
19:21.04ruben23leifmadsen: how about asterisk 1.6 ver...?
19:21.14leifmadsenruben23: my answer still stands
19:21.29leifmadsenruben23: 1.8 has many fixes that provides a working H323 channel driver
19:21.36*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:21.39leifmadsenyou can try something older, but you won't get the same results
19:22.04leifmadsenonly chan_ooh323 has been actively worked on in quite some time, and the good changes are in 1.8
19:22.09leifmadsenso you must use that
19:22.19leifmadsenanything else is a crap shoot
19:23.12anonymouz666ruben23: just out of curiosity, what are you using that requires h323?
19:23.33Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: where do I go to sync my cdr time with my system time?
19:24.02cusco_o.O cdr should use system time
19:24.17Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: my system time is correct
19:24.18cusco_asterisk's ${EPOCH} is system's time
19:24.32Aut0ExeCcdr time is off
19:24.34Aut0ExeCby 3 hours
19:25.19ferdnaguys, i am getting error 415 in my grandstream BT202... i can receive calls perfectly... but cannot make outgoing calls
19:25.21ferdnaany ideas?
19:25.35ferdnamy voip provider is broadvoice
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19:26.49cusco_how does that relate to asterisk?
19:27.06Aut0ExeCI think i may have fixed in cdr.conf... gmttime=yes
19:28.11Aut0ExeCdo I have to restart asterisk when I make a change to cdr?
19:28.21\DSAFEW\ferdna, is it registered?
19:28.22ferdnacusco_, it doesn't...
19:28.45ferdna\DSAFEW\, yes... it registers normally... and can receive calls
19:28.48ferdnabut can't make
19:29.28cusco_Aut0ExeC: try module reload cdr
19:29.28\DSAFEW\hmmm, sorry, sounds like a provider issue
19:29.43cusco_or config reload /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf
19:29.47Aut0ExeCcusco_: thanks
19:30.33Aut0ExeClast question... whats the best prepaid provider?
19:30.41Aut0ExeCno monthly charges
19:30.49Aut0ExeCwith roll over
19:32.28rogersjaAut0ExeC: google voice ;)
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19:34.37Aut0ExeCrogersja: lol i'm using that now
19:34.52jayteeI'm getting one-way jitter on the outbound RTP for external calls all of a sudden.
19:34.52Aut0ExeCrogersja: looking for a backup plan for when google decides to stop allowing free to US
19:35.06Besticles[May  3 03:01:04] WARNING[26575]: channel.c:1044 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local/apexoutbound@apexdial-9126;1 What exactly is this warning trying to tell me?  Should I take it literally, or could it represent a deadlock is occuring?
19:37.17Aut0ExeCanyone here know how long google is allowing free to US?
19:37.32*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~weinerk@unaffiliated/weinerk)
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19:38.34weinerkHow can I make a call announcement/confirmation from AGI script?
19:38.35weinerkSo that receiving party can near announcement and/or confirm accepting call,
19:38.35weinerkmeanwhile caller hears MOH/ringin/etc.
19:38.38p3nguinI think I heard it would end in 2012.
19:39.14p3nguinHmm, I thought du was pretty good at what it does.
19:39.50Aut0ExeCyeah i hope it continues to be free
19:39.59Aut0ExeCit was supposed to end this year
19:40.04Aut0ExeCbut they extended it
19:40.22rogersjai bet google keeps it up
19:40.32rogersjaseems like the sort of thing they'd do
19:40.33Aut0ExeCi hope so man
19:40.55rogersjanot that I'd know though ;)
19:41.26Aut0ExeCthey may just be tryin to get the market first
19:41.30Aut0ExeCget free exposure
19:41.35Aut0ExeCthen start taggin on
19:41.38Aut0ExeCmost companies do that
19:41.54Aut0ExeCthen u decide to be loyal and stay
19:42.02Aut0ExeCand buy their package
19:42.02rogersjaperhaps for ancillary services, but i think the core product is here to stay
19:42.15rogersjaat the current rate :P
19:43.45Aut0ExeConly thing is you still need a real voip provider if u want a real number
19:43.45Aut0ExeCits only good for callin g
19:43.51Aut0ExeCbut not getting calls
19:44.01Aut0ExeCso either way.. ur still gonna need a number
19:44.14rogersjayou get a gv number when you sign up
19:44.23rogersjait is dialable from pstn
19:44.39rogersjai have a few of them in different area codes
19:44.42rogersjayes free
19:44.44Aut0ExeCno way
19:44.56Aut0ExeCi never noticed
19:45.01rogersjafree US did with every account :P
19:45.16rogersjayou didn't sign up with google voice yet did you?
19:45.21rogersjayou're just using google talk
19:45.39Aut0ExeCtheres a diff
19:45.40gruvfunkgood stuff
19:46.30Aut0ExeCyeah i'm using google voice tho.. where to see my number?
19:46.45rogersjatop right
19:47.34gruvfunkI have some GV accounts where signing up for a DID was optional - you may have to look for that option
19:49.05Aut0ExeCperhaps because i'm not in the US
19:49.05rogersjathe only thing is i do have issues setting the CID on outgoing calls :P
19:49.37rogersjaAut0Exec: yes you do need to do it from a us ip ;)
19:50.36gruvfunkit's free for users in the US
19:50.42Aut0ExeClol oh ok
19:50.48Aut0ExeCwell that explains it
19:50.51gruvfunkproxy yourself
19:50.58rogersjaits free for users in canada too, if you signup with a us IP address
19:51.25Aut0ExeClooks likes i'm gonna neex a proxy :P
19:52.20gruvfunkAut0ExeC, hit me up if you need
19:52.31weinerkAnybody? Please help re: call announce/confirm from AGI script
19:55.44_Corey_weinerk: You could accomplish what you want easily with a Dial() argument
19:55.45ferdnaby googling around that error is: Unsupported Media Type
19:55.51ferdnawhat does this means?
19:55.58_Corey_weinerk: core show application dial
19:57.26weinerkthanks _Corey_   I see for example here:
19:57.27weinerkoption M(x): Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call (i.e. when the called party answers).
19:57.27weinerkoption A(x): Play an announcement (x.gsm) to the called party.
19:57.27weinerkso I am close... but not yet
19:57.57ferdnaok i see... ipcop modifies the packets or something?
19:58.03ferdnaanyone has any experience with this?
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19:59.11_Corey_weinerk: M() is what you want
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19:59.42_Corey_Play your sound and ask the callee to accept in your macro
19:59.48_Corey_Set(MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE) if yes
19:59.56_Corey_Set(MACRO_RESULT=ABORT) if not
20:02.50weinerk_Corey_ , (1) thanks again (2) does the macro have to be in a etxconf dialplan or can I somehow do it all from AGI?
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20:07.23_Corey_weinerk: AGI != dialplan, so the macro must be in the dialplan
20:07.37_Corey_you can run the Dial() command from the AGI with that parameter if you wantr
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20:17.28weinerk_Corey_: thanks, that is what I am trying -
20:17.31weinerksomething like
20:18.34_Corey_Why the number again at the end?
20:19.43weinerkgot that wrong
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20:21.50_Corey_Otherwise it looks like you have the idea
20:21.59_Corey_best to experiment and see how it works
20:26.22*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
20:26.48Polysicschances someone knows why my freshly installed asterisk isn't picking up configs in /etc/asterisk?
20:27.11pabelangerPolysics: $ sudo make samples
20:27.12Polysics1.8 installed with configure/make/checkinstall with just picking the mysql addons
20:28.02Polysicspabelanger, they are in /etc/asterisk now
20:28.17Polysicsyet i created an extension and it isn't showing in the dialplan in the console
20:28.18pabelangerPolysics: of course :p
20:28.42pabelangerwhat does your asterisk.conf look like?
20:28.53pabelangerdid you change the ASTETCDIR var?
20:29.24Freeaqingme_Polysics, did you restart asterisk after changing the config files?
20:29.55Polysicsrestarting now - btw, does 1.8 not have "dialplan reload"?
20:29.59weinerk_Corey_: can I send you a small thankyou?
20:30.06gruvfunkPolysics: yes
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20:30.14_Corey_haha, no worries
20:30.18Freeaqingme_Polysics, it does
20:30.32weinerkseriously - you spent time on me
20:30.47gruvfunkshare and share alike
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20:33.34_Corey_just help someone else out when the time comes
20:34.53Polysicswhere do all these extensions come from now?
20:35.08Polysicsi would like a minimal SIP config, just running some tests
20:35.19Polysicsthere's something like an ael_demo clogging up the dialplan
20:35.45cusco_clean extensions.ael file
20:36.13weinerk_Corey_: I will try, but seriously would love to paypal you at list a little thanks
20:38.21keith4someone needs to come up with a remote-buy-a-beer service
20:38.33keith4like, some sort of beer gift certificate, good at any bar
20:38.46Polysicsi suppose i botched something in the sip config
20:38.52Polysicsis bindaddr mandatory?
20:38.57_Corey_weinerk: I'll be at Astricon, you can buy me a beer during the open bar ;)
20:39.16*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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20:40.21p3nguinIf you leave out bindaddr, I believe it will default to, which is all addresses on all interfaces.
20:41.34Polysicsok, clients do register, i am not hearing the "hello world" though
20:41.41Polysicslet me pastie some confs
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20:44.29Polysicsrelevant configs
20:44.43Polysicsi can call 9, asterisk correctly reports the call, but i do not hear the audio
20:44.53Polysicsno errors, client is behind a NAT, might it be that?
20:45.57gruvfunkPolysics: there are 3 "dialplan" configuration files provided in the samples:  extensions.conf, extensions.lua and extensions.ael. If you are going to use the .conf, I find it best to either delete or rename the lua and ael configs.
20:46.13Polysicsgruvfunk, i did exactly that
20:46.32Polysicsi also renamed the .conf to only have the few i wanted for the mooment
20:47.10sxpertis evil
20:47.18gruvfunkif your client is behind it, you want a nat=yes
20:47.30gruvfunksxpert: agree
20:48.01Polysicsnat is evil, but nat=yes solved my problem :-D
20:48.06Polysicsthanks to all
20:48.20gruvfunknecessary evil
20:49.12sxpertuseless evil. switch to ipv6 ;)
20:50.22cjsxpert: IPv6: It *mostly* works!
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20:51.12cjspeaking of which, I need to set up the IPv6 filters on the colo firewall...
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20:54.07carraripv6 is a passing fad
20:54.25Polysicswell, it does look like a solution to a lot of things
20:55.05De_MonWe got some SPA501G's a few days ago and I got the configured and they register but I can't get a dialtone...
20:55.11carrarOnce they commercialize ipv4 addresses for resale without the need for ARIN, it's a free market!
20:55.47carrarIPv6 is fun to toy around with
20:56.11carrarbeen using it since 2001
20:56.33gruvfunkDe_Mon:  no dialtone at all?  did you buy used devices that are possibly bad?
20:58.02sxpertcarrar: a free market that will fail
20:58.28carrarit's already started
20:58.36sxpertcarrar: thing is, ip addresses don't "belong" to people, they are "lent" by arin
20:58.41De_Mongruvfunk I can push the setup button and get audio, but no dial tone
20:58.44carrarwith MSFT purchase of IP's addresses from Nortel
20:58.52sxpertcarrar: whoever thinks otherise is a fool
20:58.57carraryeah you hear that over and over
20:59.05sxpertcarrar: stupid judge doesn't understand squat
20:59.15carrarpeople are still buying and sellign IP addresses
20:59.49sxpertcarrar: which doesn't mean they aren't fools
21:00.06sxpertthey just get ripped off by the thieves "selling" the addresses
21:00.43carrarARIN doesn't have any authority to stop anything btw
21:01.18sxpertcarrar: the US are lost anyhow
21:01.35sxpertso the problem is moot
21:01.57carrarthe US started the internet
21:02.03leifmadsenI started the internet
21:02.04carraryou're welcome
21:02.08sxpertbesides, just by lending away zillions of ipv6 blocks, ipv4 will go away
21:02.08leifmadsendon't let Al Gore fool you
21:02.25carrarAre you my tube!!
21:02.38_Corey_It's all tubes you know
21:02.39sxpertand all those expensively bought ipv4 addresses will later be worth squat
21:03.10carrarthats the tech market for ya
21:03.22carrareverything is worth squat at some point
21:03.41leifmadseninvested heavily in tulips
21:03.53carrarI was just at hte tulip festical
21:04.33carrarno shortage of interest there
21:04.35*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:04.57gruvfunkcarrar: Alb?
21:05.13sxpertdoesn't give a shit though... has a /21 and a /22 :)
21:06.59gruvfunkis hungry
21:11.10*** join/#asterisk andyoutside (6161c2a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:16.02andyoutsideOk I have a server I just upgraded asterisk on and it now crashes every so often. I can go in and do asterisk -r and interact with it but it does not show calls.
21:19.03\DSAFEW\andyoutside, latest version? what's the build info?
21:20.56andyoutsideAsterisk built by root @ localhost on a i686 running Linux on 2011-05-02 05:04:21 UTC
21:21.41jkroonandyoutside, using SIP over TCP?
21:21.46andyoutsideon centos 1.6
21:22.14andyoutsideYes to SIP would have to check if over tcp
21:22.55jkroonchainsaw reported a bug that kills asterisk under certain conditions when doing sip over tcp.  can't remember the details.
21:23.13*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
21:23.41neurosysWhow! Was just testing an * box and asterisk just crashed and reran itself. Anyone seen anything like this?
21:25.05andyoutsideer that is CentOS Linux 5.6
21:25.39jkroonneurosys, asterisk_safed
21:25.56neurosysoh nm. It appears they are running out of ram
21:25.58andyoutsidedoes it completely kill asterisk or just part of it?
21:25.58jkroonthere are numerous variants of it, but asterisk has to crash crash for those to kick in.
21:26.29jkroonandyoutside, iirc it segfaults.
21:27.46andyoutsideSegfaults? I do not know what you mean by that.
21:36.52jkroonandyoutside, then it most likely doesn't apply to you.
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22:46.07andyoutsideOk I have a server I just updated asterisk to from 1.8.0 on centos 5.6 and it now crashes every so often. I have asterisk -r up and it looks like it stoped mid call routing. It still responds to commands. But core restart does not work.
22:46.57andyoutsideI use crash lossly more it stops working as it should.
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22:52.23jkroontzafrir_laptop, are you around by any chance?
22:52.33tzafrir_laptopjkroon, yes
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22:52.53jkroontzafrir_laptop, i know you are somewhat familiar with a  lot of the BRI code in dahdi-linux.
22:53.16jkrooni'm having an issue where zlen ends up being < 3 on one span in particular.
22:53.25jkroonhow do I go about debugging it?
22:53.37tzafrir_laptopwhat do you mean by "zlen"?
22:54.05jkroonwell, sruffel made the original commit:
22:54.27jkroonbut basically I'm seeing this in dmesg:  wcb4xxp 0000:04:00.0: odd, zlen less then 3?
22:54.48jkroon for the full trace.
22:56.23jkroonfrom what I can see it looks like the drivers is only obtaining two bytes from the hardware and it requires at least three.
22:56.30km2experiencing an odd issue on asterisk where upon answering an incoming call, ringing is heard by the callee (but not caller). this is very intermittent and not reproducible. where could i start troubleshooting?
22:57.50jkroonkm2, channel types involved would be a good start.
22:58.58*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
22:59.29km2this only happens on calls from DAHDI to SIP channels
23:00.25jkroonanalog?  isdn?  bri?  pri?
23:00.30km2oh, PRI
23:00.57km2just found this (exact issue), reading up now:
23:01.19jkroonYour Dial() string?
23:01.33km2except i'm using polycom 550s
23:02.30km2looking up Dial() string
23:02.57km2would this have anything to do with echo cancellation by any chance?
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23:06.35km2this is the log line from the last call that had this issue:
23:07.04jkroonkm2, what EC are you using?
23:07.27jkroonDial() looks fine.
23:07.57jkroon(i've seen some really messed up stuff with echotraining=yes and oslec)
23:08.42km2the HWEC on the sangoma a101
23:08.59km2i'll check echotraining and so forth
23:21.01carrarcj, you made the list
23:21.05carrarYou're famous now
23:22.29tzafrir_laptopjkroon, sorry for the delay. Not really sure
23:23.36tzafrir_laptopjkroon, echotraining=yes should be harmless with any recent version of OSLEC
23:23.43tzafrir_laptopbut it's pointless anyway
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23:32.35andyoutsidewould use more memory than 1.8.0?
23:34.02jrroseI'd imagine.
23:34.41p3nguinI don't see any way to determine that based entirely on the version numbers.
23:35.04leifmadsenp3nguin: :)
23:35.06*** join/#asterisk mclaro (~mclaro@
23:35.07jrroseWhenever a new configuration option is added for instance, you'll have new stuff that needs stored.
23:35.24andyoutsideand I am talking RAM
23:35.26leifmadsenjrrose: but no new options would be added to a branch
23:35.28Freeaqingmeand new optimizations may have been put in
23:35.36Freeaqingmeandyoutside, just give it a shot on a testbox
23:35.41p3nguinNo new configuration options should have been created between version 1.8.0 and version 1.8.3.
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23:35.43leifmadsenI'm curious how you came to the conclusion/theory that it would use more memory
23:35.46Freeaqingmeit really does depend on all circumstances involved
23:36.05leifmadsenthrows out a big round maybe
23:36.20jrroseI'm just saying I don't think it would be especially abnormal for something to change that makes it bigger.
23:36.35jrroseAnd given the natural direction of things to become more complex over time...
23:36.36andyoutsidewell right now on it is using 75%
23:36.43andyoutsideI do not recall how much it used before
23:36.45p3nguinDoes it use more RAM?  Possibly.  Does it use more RAM because the version number is greater?  Absolutely not.
23:36.50andyoutsidebut I am having problems
23:36.59p3nguin75% of what?
23:37.10jrroseOf course it isn't because the version number is greater...
23:37.12Freeaqingmeof 100? :P
23:37.22p3nguinHe has 100M RAM?  I doubt that.
23:37.25leifmadsen75% of infinity
23:37.49p3nguin75% of a total of 512M RAM is a lot for Asterisk.
23:38.12jrroseI'm used to seeing it stated in terms of an amount of RAM rather than as a percentage.
23:38.30p3nguinI don't even have 384M RAM in total... if Asterisk used that much, we'd have a problem.
23:38.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:38.55jrroseenable the memory debugging compilation flag if you want to be able to spit out a specific amount that Asterisk is using.
23:39.12Freeaqingmep3nguin, it does once again depend on a lot of factors. If the bloke runs a million channels simultaneously I'd say it's low
23:39.43leifmadsenthe more modules you have loaded, the more memory you'll use as well
23:39.52p3nguinUntil we see the entire picture, I have to assume that's not utilizing any channels for calls at all.
23:39.53leifmadsentry unloaded some modules you're not using and see what happens
23:40.56andyoutside159312 kB/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvg -c
23:41.30andyoutsideso something is being bad and might not be asterisk
23:42.18jrroseEven then it's still nowhere near 75% of 512MB
23:43.30p3nguin155.6M RAM isn't that bad.
23:44.19p3nguinThat's only around 30%.
23:45.05andyoutsidethe 75 was total in use
23:46.03andyoutsideok after reboot total at 50%
23:46.18p3nguinHow are you determining total in use?
23:46.51carrareasy, higher version number == higher amount of RAM!! :)
23:47.47sxpertsoooo true
23:48.25andyoutsideletting freepbx report it to me
23:49.19p3nguinI have no idea what FreePBX is reporting because I don't use FreePBX.  If you want to see what your system is using, login via ssh and run top and/or free to determine actual RAM usage.
23:51.01andyoutsideMem:    514376k total,   488288k used,    26088k free,    21276k buffers
23:51.02ruben23hi i have done - make menuselect on asterisk 1.6 and i found thie on selecttion this means..? --- XXX chan_h323  ---> this mean its not included..? or not loaded..?
23:52.56p3nguinI'd personally rather see the "-/+ buffers/cache" line of `free' to say what your actual memory usage is.
23:53.19p3nguinOf course you can read it and figure it out by yourself... it's in plain text.
23:56.29carrarmmm text
23:59.10*** join/#asterisk neurosys (

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