IRC log for #asterisk on 20110429

00:14.14cjdoes asterisk require that each peer have its own IP address?
00:16.13*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
00:16.46rogersjacj: i think you can use host=dynamic if you can't specify the exact address
00:17.58cjthey're all going to be the same IP with differing ports
00:18.00cjwill this be okay?
00:21.13rogersjai think it should work
00:21.22rogersjagive it a try, i never have done that
00:21.28cjalright.  I wonder what the deal is.  only one of the phones is able to successfully log in.
00:24.11rogersjaactually you can specify port along with host
00:24.27cjand dynamic won't build that for you?
00:25.49rogersjai think you can add port when you have host=dynamic
00:26.25cjI don't know that I can get the devices to use a consistent source port... and if I could, it wouldn't scale...
00:26.30rogersjawhen you say 'log in' you mean the device is registered?
00:26.41cjright, register, not 'log in'.
00:27.04rogersjahrm, in not sure then
00:27.15rogersjaseems to me that should work
00:27.23cjalright.  I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.
00:28.49cjso asterisk thinks it's registered, but the phone doesn't.
00:32.51cjso it looks like our load balancer isn't able to correctly reverse the NAT
00:34.23*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:42.38drfreezeHere are the logs from the remote phone trying to register
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00:52.57WiretapSevendrfreeze, have you tried a different softphone?
00:57.17drfreezeWiretapSeven: just tried zoiper and the actual polycom
00:57.44drfreezethe zoiper will register immediately if connected thru a vpn via the computer
00:58.01WiretapSevendrfreeze, why are you clipping the logs, we want the whole lot
00:58.31drfreezeI'll get more
00:58.38WiretapSevenand do I see NAT there?
00:58.42WiretapSevenalso is there a firewall?
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01:04.18drfreezeconnection is:   asterisk <- cloud -> WRT54GL -> Polycom
01:04.35drfreezeasterisk and WRT have VPN connection
01:07.41WiretapSevendrfreeze, is the WRT54GL NATing, or not
01:07.51WiretapSeventhey have a habit of doing it even if its off if you're running DD-WRT
01:11.42WiretapSevendrfreeze, with the non-clipped log I see a 401, make sure your peer is set to dynamic and that the shared secret is correct
01:12.47*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
01:12.56rogersjaleifmadsen: ping
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01:35.01FreeaqingmeWith AGI I'm using EXEC DIAL <something>
01:35.19Freeaqingmeis it possible to somehow receive dtmf stuff in my app?
01:36.29leifmadsenrogersja: pong?
01:38.25rogersjajust looking through your book, trying to setup ISN dialing
01:38.35*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
01:38.45rogersjagot the outgoing bit no problem, but having difficulties with the incomming
01:39.24rogersjaasterisk seems to be sending a 401 in reply to an incoming call
01:40.22rogersjaany ideas?
01:41.08leifmadsenrogersja: 401 Unavailable usually means authentication errors I guess
01:41.24rogersjaeven though I have allowguest=yes
01:42.11leifmadsenwould have to see some additional information like console output etc
01:42.16leifmadsenotherwise it's just random stabs in the dark :)
01:42.21leifmadsenwouldn't want to hit any innocents
01:48.33*** join/#asterisk Micc (
01:50.37rogersjaconsole output
01:50.45rogersjawith sip debug on
01:52.29*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:59.19rogersjaactually this may be more relevant:
01:59.44rogersjathis is just the logs from the incomming request, not in and out as the previous one was.
01:59.53*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:59.56rogersjaoutgoing is fine, i can dial other ISN's
02:02.58\DSAFEW\rogersja, what's the upstream server?
02:04.07rogersjaboth are asterisk servers
02:04.40rogersjai used an asterisk server i have at chunk host to dial via ISN to my asterisk server here
02:05.02*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
02:05.03leifmadsenrogersja: well it looks normal to me -- a peer is coming in, it is being matched by IP, and Asterisk is required to ask for authentication
02:05.03rogersjathe NAPTR record points to the server here
02:05.17leifmadsenrogersja: you need to connect from an IP that isn't setup to require authentication in your sip.conf file
02:05.23leifmadsenI bet it works if I call it :)
02:05.33leifmadsenwhat is your ISN?
02:05.33rogersjagive it a shot
02:05.48rogersjatry 1*1407
02:06.27\DSAFEW\rogersja, triple check the auth info
02:06.36leifmadsenrogersja: that's not right?
02:06.41rogersjano thats right
02:06.43leifmadsenseemed to work as far as I could tell
02:06.53rogersjayes i saw the call come through as well
02:07.09leifmadsenrogersja: try 7659*460
02:07.23leifmadsenrogersja: I hung up pretty quick if you were wondering why the call didn't stay up long
02:07.47leifmadsenall looks good
02:07.54rogersjai dont love polycoms though
02:08.15leifmadseneveryone does!
02:08.21leifmadsenthere is a song about it! so it must be true
02:08.27leifmadsengoes off to pack for the weekend
02:08.33rogersjawell you've got me there
02:08.54WiretapSevenso glad I didn't buy polycoms by the sounds of it :P
02:09.25rogersjaWiretapSeven: dial 7659*460, you'll see why
02:09.39WiretapSevenI don't have ISN set up
02:09.40leifmadsenI don't use anything but polycoms. They just work.
02:09.45WiretapSevenso I just get NU
02:09.46leifmadsenWiretapSeven: weak sauce!
02:10.12WiretapSevenleifmadsen, if you can point me to setting it up for freepbx I'll gladly do it, I did a breif googlng and there was no answer
02:10.30leifmadsenWiretapSeven: check nerdvittles
02:11.02rogersjaso i wonder why i can't dial myself via ISN
02:12.32rogersjaleifmadsen: thanks, btw!
02:13.19WiretapSevenleifmadsen, looks interesting
02:13.24WiretapSevenmight look at that soon enough
02:13.35WiretapSevenbut I'll save it for once I have this phone up, I hate provisioning on the SPA922 :P
02:16.36rogersja\DSAFEW\: sorry, which auth info was that
02:17.06rogersjai still cant get my remote asterisk box to dial my ISN
02:19.08WiretapSevenrogersja, if the call is coming from a peer which under other circumstances local asterisk expects should authenticate, it won't work
02:19.09\DSAFEW\rogersja, oh can you edit the remote box's config?
02:20.04\DSAFEW\rogersja, I was saying be sure sip user auth is correct, but you want it to work with anyone?
02:20.34rogersjawell it seems to work with anyone else dialing in, as leif just did
02:20.46rogersjaand i can dial ISN's out fine from both boxes
02:21.11rogersjai just cant dial out from the remote box via ISN in to my local box
02:21.15\DSAFEW\rogersja, not sure if this matters, what's the extension's type? friend?
02:21.16WiretapSeven\DSAFEW\, ISN does kinda rely on it working with 'just anyone'
02:22.00rogersjaWiretapSeven: exactly, and thats what I want.
02:22.17rogersjaIm just trying to figure why remote box cant ISN dial my local box
02:22.31rogersjathe two are not connected in any fashion
02:22.46rogersjaneither one registers to the other
02:23.38WiretapSevennor is peered in a non-registering peer to the other?
02:25.18rogersjathey used to be IAX peers with each other, but i have shut that off on both, while i troubleshoot this
02:25.52rogersjasorry 'IAX friends' with eachother
02:28.42WiretapSevenshut off as in disabled or removed from the config?
02:28.51\DSAFEW\rogersja, do you have this? transport=tcp,udp
02:29.13rogersjathe iax register entires are commented out in both iax.conf severs
02:29.36rogersja\DSAFEW\: no i don't have that
02:29.37*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
02:30.30WiretapSevenrogersja, comment out or remove the entire peer/friend definition
02:30.42WiretapSevenjust commenting out the register doesn't stop the lookup
02:33.13rogersjajust did that, no change
02:34.20rogersjathe only thing i can think of, is that the softphone im using to connect and dial out of the remote box, is on the same lan as the local box
02:34.47rogersjaperhaps some nat conflict
02:36.02leifmadsenrogersja: like I said, it's because it's matching the IP and the authentication is failing
02:36.59rogersjai just can't figure where its matching the IP, unless you are agreeing with what i said above :s
02:46.58rogersjawell its not the issue with the softphone being on the same lan as the local box
02:47.21rogersjai just had someone else register with remote box and try from there, same problem
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04:45.47*** join/#asterisk Preytell (
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04:47.01Preytellis there an issue with IAX between 1.8.0 and 1.8.3? I update one system to 1.8.3, have a trunk between the two that worked before the update. Now when I make a call I get the bearercapibility_notavail hangup code 58 error.
04:59.04*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
05:02.55rogersjaPreytell: im running rc3 and do not have issues with IAX between boxes
05:06.54toresbeDamn. No matter what I do, my Asterisk won't accept any incoming DTMFs in a DISA.
05:07.57toresbeWell, no matter what I do with the exception of DTMF signalling, that is; my router has previously worked fine with translating pulse dialling into OOB DTMF signals.
05:09.42rogersjatoresbe: nat issue?
05:10.05toresbeWhy would that affect _only_ DTMF signalling, though?
05:10.08toresbeSound is fine.
05:10.21rogersjahrm, oh that is odd
05:13.31toresbeI'm using RTP NTE RFC2833 signalling, from a Cisco 2621XM.
05:16.17*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
05:18.23Preytellrogersja: Are both boxes running rc3? in my case one is 1.8.0 and the other is 1.8.3, was working when both were 1.8.0.
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05:18.42PreytellI can upgrade the other box, see if that fixes it but will have to wait to do that.
05:18.58rogersjayes both on rc3
05:31.32toresbeGot  RTP packet from (type 101, seq 005133, ts 019840, len 000004)
05:31.36toresbeGot  RTP RFC2833 from (type 101, seq 005133, ts 019840, len 000004, mark 0, event 00000010, end 0, duration 00000)
05:31.39toresbeGot  RTP packet from (type 101, seq 005134, ts 019840, len 000004)
05:31.42toresbeGot  RTP RFC2833 from (type 101, seq 005134, ts 019840, len 000004, mark 0, event 00000010, end 0, duration 00000)
05:31.57toresbeThis _does_ mean it _is_ receiving the RTP RFC2833 packets correctly, right?
05:34.19Preytellyes and no, I am having the same issue now, and it seems to be related to the duration of the 2833 packet.
05:35.04Preytellyes it's sending the digit, but things like duration, volume, and other things are related to the failure.
05:35.15toresbeaha. Damn.
05:40.53*** join/#asterisk brianc (
05:46.56kaldemartoresbe: set dtmf on the console line of logger.conf, it will show you when the channel detects DTMF.
05:48.29kaldemaralso, some clients seem to want an Aswer before the DISA to even send any DTMF.
05:48.45Preytellby the way, it sucks but I had to switch to dtmfmode=inband to get around the issue. I could not get 2833 to work reliably.
05:49.03toresbePreytell: Well, I have pulse dialling phones, I'm screwed ;)
05:49.44Preytellwell I'm off to bed. good night all.
05:50.30toresbeThis is so annoying! This WORKED! Very recently!
06:04.15rogersjaim off as well, can't even spell weasels right its so late
06:04.21rogersjatakes dog for walk
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06:52.23jacc0good morning all :0
06:54.35*** join/#asterisk unhack|wrk (
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07:46.20unhack|wrkcan you help me with one problem. I need to replace the backslash symbol in asterisk var
07:47.06unhack|wrkit is the  description of my attempts
07:48.28kaldemarunhack|wrk: which version of asterisk are you using?
07:49.21unhack|wrkasterisk -V
07:53.00kaldemar\, is a literal comma character for the REPLACE function.
07:55.53kaldemarSet(__reception4=${FILTER(a-zA-Z1-9\,,${reception3})}) would be one approach
07:57.48unhack|wrki understand an idea
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08:22.38jacc0Woei!!! I've got a coredump of a crash!!!!!!! finaly!!!
08:23.31kaldemarunhack|wrk: Set(__reception4=${REPLACE(reception3,\\\\\)}) will work too. the find argument is passed on to ast_get_encoded_str which returns 3 or less \'s as an empty string. four will be returned as a single \. fubar?
08:30.26*** join/#asterisk tatramaco (
08:30.46tatramacogood morning
08:31.06tatramaco<---newbiw looking for some help
08:31.28tatramacoconnecting my brand spanking new asterisk to my sip provider
08:31.51tatramacoI get incoming calls fine but a "CONGESTED" message when dialing out
08:31.55tatramacoany ideas ?
08:38.02jacc0@kaldemar: could you  point me to the document about backtracing one more time?
08:39.39infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
08:39.48jacc0did it myself ;)
08:41.36unhack|wrkkaldemar, thank you very  much
08:42.01unhack|wrkit's very impressive
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08:43.42tatramacoanybody else using as ITSP ?
08:52.14jacc0I get this error when starting gdb : warning: Can't read pathname for load map: Input/output error.
08:52.19jacc0is that a problem?
09:01.28jacc0do I need to attach bbacktrace.txt and gdb.txt to the issue? or just gdb.txt?
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10:25.58wdoekes2that's odd jacc0: it shouldn't crash with num=1, len=1248.. calloc should return NULL or succeed (re: #19201).. do you have memory issues? something in dmesg?
10:28.36jacc0will have a look for you
10:31.35jacc0nothing strange in dmesg
10:32.22jacc0it doesn't seem I have memory issues i guess
10:32.24*** part/#asterisk cfh (
10:33.25jacc0random crashes happen on multieple machines from differend vendors
10:33.48jacc0not sure it is exaclty the same issue all the time
10:34.13jacc0but I gussing it is; that would exclude the option of it being a driver issue
10:34.58jacc0could you explain what calloc is? and what you mean with : "calloc should return NULL or succeed"
10:36.17jacc0this is what I get from /var/log/messages :  asterisk[20357]: segfault at e ip b74be19f sp b5393c0c error 4 in[b744d000+155000]
10:36.39jacc0is this usefull to add to the bug report?
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10:38.42wdoekes2nah.. it just states that you had a segfault
10:39.09wdoekes2install manpages-dev and look at 'man 3 calloc'
10:40.19wdoekes2if it really crashes there.. and the report looks like it, it shouldn't be a driver issue.. unless that driver is randomly destroying your memory
10:43.32wdoekes2you could install libc6-dbg and rerun gdb, it might reveal something
10:44.44jacc0will do
10:50.14wdoekes2(btw.. you filed it in the wrong category of asterisk-gui instead of asterisk)
10:50.39jacc0okay, sorry for that
10:50.50jacc0can it be realocated? or should I create a new one?
10:54.02jacc0updated issue :
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11:00.09jacc0added new gdb trace
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11:01.07wdoekes2jacc0: I guess you should look at memory debugging of asterisk (valgrind, MEMORY_DEBUG..)
11:02.15kaushalCan someone please recommend me the Hardware Server Configuration/8 or 4 port PRI Card to make Outbound Call at the rate of around 320 outbound Calls/min ?
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11:11.56jacc0pabelanger@asterisk-bugs tells me: jacc0 looks like an issue with CDRs
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11:30.53kaushalchecking in again for the query ?
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11:34.13kwkHas anybody an idea for this bug? This link contains some visual images of flow graphs for SIP:
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12:22.45jacc0what deos this meen:
12:22.49jacc0[Apr 29 14:17:35] ERROR[24500]: lock.c:407 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: features.c line 5872 (bridge_exec): mutex 'current_dest_chan' freed more times than we've locked!
12:22.49jacc0[Apr 29 14:17:35] ERROR[24500]: lock.c:438 __ast_pthread_mutex_unlock: features.c line 5872 (bridge_exec): Error releasing mutex: Operation not permitted
12:26.26\DSAFEW\jacc0, which version of asterisk do you use?
12:28.43\DSAFEW\jacc0, any aggressive cflags?
12:29.12\DSAFEW\jacc0, did this work fine with earlier versions using the same kernel, and toolchain?
12:31.04\DSAFEW\you might want to do a stack trace and fill a full bug report, but if you're in any sort of hurry to get this working, the best option is to use a previous stable build
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12:32.51jacc0I have non_optimized flag en debug flags
12:33.35\DSAFEW\jacc0, you can grep 24500 /var/log/asterisk/messages for a bit more info, but I think you're just running into a bug here, not a config error
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12:34.41jacc0same info in messages
12:35.24\DSAFEW\jacc0, go to the asterisk bug tracker and submit a full bug report if you have time, developers love looking at those
12:35.26jacc0I've seen it happen in asterisk 1.8.3 also
12:36.14jacc0will do
12:36.35\DSAFEW\has it ever worked without that error?
12:37.06leifmadsenjacc0: when you do that, you'll probably need to provide a backtrace and a 'core show locks'
12:37.26leifmadsenin Compiler Flags in menuselect, make sure DONT_OPTIMIZE and DEBUG_THREADS is enabled
12:38.05leifmadsenjust attach to the running asterisk process with gdb, reproduce the issue, do "bt full" and "bt thread apply all", then from the Asterisk CLI do "core show locks"
12:38.21leifmadsenprovide that information as a text file attachment to the issue, which describes how to reproduce the error
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12:45.34jacc0@\DSAFEW\: it works normaly; sometimes it gevis this result
12:46.21jacc0@leif : will make a backtrace of this issue
12:46.34jacc0I've made a backtrace of some other issue :)
12:46.59jacc0only posted it in the wrong category :
12:47.29jacc0radom crash issue
12:47.54jacc0in 1.8.4-rc3
12:50.53jacc0will try to write a dialplan to reproduce the bridging error
12:53.21leifmadsenjacc0: i can change the category for you
12:53.54leifmadsenmoved to Asterisk project now
12:56.32jacc0;) ty
12:56.41leifmadsenanyone thing of an effective way in the dialplan to check CALLERID(num) to verify it is a number?
12:56.58leifmadsenI could probably use REGEX() somehow right?
12:57.51jacc0GotoIf($[${REGEX("^[0-9]+" ${SipNumber})}]?isNumeric)
12:57.51*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
12:58.36leifmadsenperfect thanks!
12:59.05kaldemaror "${FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(num)})}" != ""
12:59.24leifmadsenoh that could work too, I hadn't thought o that
12:59.32leifmadsenI might use the FILTER() trick actually
13:00.16leifmadsen${LEN(FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(num)}))} > 0
13:01.19jacc0it will fail if there is no CALLERID(num) set
13:01.23kaldemarre-thinking it, it may contain characters too.
13:01.24jacc0I guess
13:02.12kaldemarif CALLERID(num) is 123abc123, FILTER 0-9 will just return 123123 but the id is still not a number.
13:03.04kaldemarmaybe the REGEX is the way to go.
13:03.06jacc0wouldn't it return abc?
13:03.50leifmadsenjacc0: no, it returns everything in the string that matches the chars specified
13:04.08leifmadsenkaldemar: I'm also checking length to make sure it matches 10 and is >0
13:04.10kaldemarfunc REPLACE would be for character removal.
13:04.20leifmadsenit's not perfect, but it'll work in the majority of the cases
13:05.23jacc0${LEN(FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(num)}))} =${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}
13:05.33kaldemar$[${LEN(FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(num)}))} = ${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}] would work as a single expression.
13:05.50kaldemarechoes in here...
13:08.20jacc0and ; do you consider 0xff a number?
13:08.21leifmadsensomething like this...
13:08.39leifmadsenuntested :)
13:08.47leifmadsenshould help my buddy get close enough
13:09.30jacc0missing a )
13:09.39jacc0GotoIf($[${LEN(${CID_NUM})} > 0 & ${LEN(${CID_NUM} = 10]?insert:skip)
13:09.52jacc0and missing a }
13:10.07jacc0GotoIf($[${LEN(${CID_NUM})} > 0 & ${LEN(${CID_NUM})} = 10]?insert:skip)
13:10.07leifmadsenoops yes
13:10.12leifmadsenyou're right
13:10.16leifmadsengood catch, I didn't check my code :)
13:10.29leifmadsensomeone else who is as good at catching missing braces as me :)
13:10.34jacc0${LEN(${CID_NUM})} > 0  is always true if ${LEN(${CID_NUM})} = 10
13:10.46jacc0that would make it obsolete
13:11.07kaldemarleifmadsen: that will still allow caller id's that have non-numeric characters. if it was the point to actually test it.
13:11.18kaldemarwe're shooting your code to peaces. ;)
13:11.44leifmadsenkaldemar: it'll work for this guy well enough -- it's not going to get anything too crazy :)
13:12.28leifmadsenI guess I'm doing two checks that are unnecessary though
13:12.47*** join/#asterisk ack_syn (~Jedi@unaffiliated/ackz0r)
13:12.51ack_synhi guys
13:13.02jacc0hello ack_syn
13:13.03ack_synhi guys, do you know what is PDD? It is the time between the INVITE and the first MEDIA diferent of a empty noise, right?
13:13.23ack_synis there something you know to I measure or analyze it?
13:13.36ack_synsomething I mean a plugin or a daemon
13:13.37jacc0tshark ?
13:13.56ack_synjacc0: the Idea is to measure it in real time and record it in a database
13:14.51ack_synbtw I need to analyze RTP traffic that is where the media itself is
13:15.00ack_synI dont think tshark could help
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13:15.36jacc0tshark -R "sip && rtp"
13:16.16ack_synjacc0: the point isnt to capture the traffic, for that I use tcpdump or whatever
13:16.27ack_synthe goal is to analyze the media traffic (rtp)
13:17.11ack_synactually I use media proxy (ag project) wich tell me a PDD based on signaling (from INVITE to SESSION PROGRESS) but sometimes I receibe a SESSION PROGRESS method, but no media yet
13:17.16ack_syntells *
13:17.23anonymouz666I hate mediaproxy.
13:17.28anonymouz666it sux.
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13:18.23anonymouz666sometimes playing with kernel-space could be like playing with fire, hehe.
13:18.40ack_synanonymouz666: ok it doesnt care, I just would like to know if there's a deamon or a simple binary wich could help me doing a media analysis
13:18.55ack_synanonymouz666: ok, I'd like to know why
13:19.07ack_synmedia proxy work fine to me
13:19.22anonymouz666good to you. some conntrack limitations doesn't work for me.
13:19.30ack_synI use in my plataform asterisks (signaling only), opensips and media proxy (ag project)
13:19.55anonymouz666do you want to analysis the RTP that pass-through your mediaproxy?
13:20.03ack_synanonymouz666: why not? how much simultaneous calls do you have ?
13:20.19ack_synanonymouz666: yes, I could make a script or something
13:20.42anonymouz666ack_syn: better, what is the question? maybe I can help you
13:20.46ack_synI just can't make the media pass through my asterisks because it cause jitters in the calls
13:21.05anonymouz666mediaproxy and rtpproxy adds jitter too.
13:21.11ack_synanonymouz666, ok, let me explain it to you
13:21.17anonymouz666rtpproxy about 5ms
13:21.24anonymouz666if you lower that, you add CPU load
13:21.31ack_synanonymouz666: yes, but asterisk increase much than media proxy by my tests
13:21.54anonymouz666what RTP mode?
13:22.02anonymouz666Asterisk P2P bridge is really FAST
13:23.14ack_synanonymouz666: I have many clients that sometimes claim that the PDD is very high (greather than 10s) I'd like to detect it before them (the clients). The media proxy can tell me the PDD based on: from INVITE to the first SESSION PROGRESS. but it doesnt measure when in fact the media starts without empty noise. do you understand anonymouz666 ?
13:23.36anonymouz666I should use the proxy as signalling
13:23.36ack_synanonymouz666: ok, I can test it if there's something about my problem wich asterisk helps me
13:24.28ack_synI have some proxies, some media servers and some asterisk acting like b2bua (only singnaling) where I make some programations about the calls time (Credit) and others
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13:25.49ack_synanonymouz666: the question maybe is a bit complex
13:25.51anonymouz666ack_syn: I think what you are trying to accomplish is not so trivial.
13:26.17anonymouz666you want to make sure that RTP in early media in fact contains "valid stuff"
13:26.42anonymouz666am I right?
13:27.09anonymouz666leifmadsen: hello
13:27.23ack_synanonymouz666: yes, you are right
13:27.48ack_synor a RINGING or a BUSY TONE, or even a voice, but something != of empty noise
13:28.27anonymouz666ack_syn: you are in trouble. not so easy, and in my opinion not useful at all.
13:28.38ack_synIt wont increase jitter in the calls since the call doesnt need to wait it be calculated. I just need this information in a database to I plot a graphic
13:28.53ack_synwell, I am sure useful it will be
13:28.54anonymouz666sometimes the progress tone could take a lit bit and before that you could listen nothing but at this moment the rtp already started
13:29.12ack_synyes, that's why I need to analyze the rtp traffic
13:29.51ack_synanonymouz666: I have many graphics to all my carriers, with many informations about them
13:29.55leifmadsenanonymouz666: hello
13:30.05ack_synnow I want to increaase the PDD information, but based in what I told you
13:31.11ack_synI dont think it is hard like it seems
13:32.46ack_synI could do something wich could join the packets contaning the rtp traffic untill it is != to a audible noise (different from a empty noise, I can find a pattern range of frequency)
13:33.05ack_synbut before I start doing that I want to know if already exists something like it
13:33.44anonymouz666leifmadsen: I read in the book about FAXING (pass-through) and the internal timing issues that could make fax a little bit unstable (multiple pages). This issue is Asterisk limitation at the moment or this is a technology limitation sip/rtp + g711 sending the call (LAN) through T1/E1 card
13:34.19anonymouz666ack_syn: I don't know how to help you futher
13:35.42leifmadsenanonymouz666: not sure -- I know very little (if anything) about faxing
13:35.56leifmadsenyou'll have to bug someone like file for that answer :)
13:36.20anonymouz666file used to chat more in here
13:36.55jacc0I've made a very stupid dialplan to reproduce the bridging error
13:37.12jacc0will post a link 2 the bug report here later
13:37.21leifmadsenfile chats more in #asterisk-scf-dev now because that's the team he is on
13:38.02anonymouz666ahhh ok
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13:46.05jacc0@leifmadsen: how can I report an issue in the right category? when I click on report issue I only see categorys: Card detection,General,NewFeature and Service providers/trunks
13:46.15leifmadsenjacc0: you're in the wrong project then
13:46.21leifmadsenupper right corner, select Asterisk
13:46.25leifmadsennot Asterisk-GUI
13:46.44jacc0okay, ty
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13:47.44jacc0applicatio/app_bridge is not in the category list : should I select Applicatio/general?
13:48.02leifmadsenthere is an apps/app_bridge.c ?
13:48.16ack_synis there a plugin to make voice analysis in asterisk?
13:48.36leifmadsenack_syn: no, but you can check out AQuA by
13:48.43leifmadsenit's quite good
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13:48.54leifmadsen(we're using it in the testing framework for load testing)
13:49.14ack_synok, I will take a look
13:49.51ack_synI'd like to make analysis in a rtp traffic in real time
13:49.57ack_synis it possible with that plugin leifmadsen ?
13:50.56pigpenHi all.  Quick question.  I deployed an asterisk system without DAHDI.  Asterisk had a panic about ever 24 hours.  We then re-compiled it with DAHDI.  Now it runs fine.
13:51.02pigpenWe are also seeing:  Apr 27 22:30:53 fw kernel: dahdi: Detected time shift.
13:51.26pigpenevery hour or so.
13:51.37pigpenSo, is DAHDI still required??
13:52.20leifmadsenack_syn: anaylsis of RTCP data is only as good as the RTCP data you get -- and asterisk has some issues with it. Check out the for RTCP stuff. If you want to analyze the RTP directly, check out the AQuA site. It's not a "plugin" but rather a toolkit you can use to build data analysis toosl.
13:52.35leifmadsenpigpen: well you still need a timing module of some sort
13:52.55leifmadsenpigpen: did you have some sort of res_timing_* module loaded?
13:53.18ack_synleifmadsen: nice, I will take a look.
13:53.18leifmadsenHonestly, I still use DAHDI for timing because I find it the most stable, and it only takes a few minutes to compile.
13:53.32ack_synto be honest I dont use asterisk to my media, I use media proxy (ag project) hehe
13:53.37pigpenleifmadsen,:          Timerfd Timing Interface                 1
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13:53.47pigpenleifmadsen, yes sir.
13:53.55pigpenbefore and after dahdi is loaded.
13:53.57leifmadsenpigpen: use timerfd if it works -- if it is unstable, use DAHDI
13:54.17pigpensorry, dahdi is not "loaded" it is compiled.
13:54.39pigpenmeaning, dahdi is compiled only, module not loaded
13:55.00pigpenthe timerfd is the only timer previous loaded and is still currently the only timer loaded.
13:55.39pigpenJust curious .....not a big deal, I just thought because of these new timers it removed the necessity to even compile dahdi.
13:55.51leifmadsenit does
13:56.04leifmadsenif they are not stable on your platform though, then it seems silly to use them :)
13:56.14leifmadsentimerfd is a kernel module
13:56.18pigpenheh...yeah.  It may be a 32bit thing.
13:56.19leifmadsenor part of the kerne somehow
13:56.22leifmadsenwho knows
13:56.30pigpenright, fd is kernel, pt is glibc right?
13:56.35leifmadsenI don't find compiling dahdi to be a burden so I just do it regardless
13:56.40leifmadsensomething like that
13:56.49leifmadsenpthread timing is not very good
13:56.59leifmadsenit works for some people, but I see a lot of issues around it
13:57.06leifmadsenif you have the option of using dahdi, then use it
13:57.12leifmadsenit'll give you the most reliable module
13:57.20pigpensure...but since I work with a kernel dev, he feels if it isn't needed or used, why compile it.  And yeah, fd is preferred.
13:57.27leifmadsenonly people using things like OSX should really be using an alternate timing module in my opinion
13:57.35pigpenbut like I said, dahdi is only compiled, not loaded.
13:57.41leifmadsenpigpen: but it *is* needed if you want it rock solid :)
13:57.50pigpenheh.  hopefully.
13:57.51leifmadsenthat is my opinion on the matter
13:57.53pigpentime will till.
13:58.06leifmadsenpeople get a little too uppity and make things much more complicated than they need to be
13:58.29pigpenyeah, it is nice to keep a clean kitchen, but if it means you can't cook, then get it messy.
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13:59.06leifmadsenit's like asking someone to use a skillet to make a roast :)
13:59.17leifmadsenuse the tools that are right and appropriate for the job
13:59.27leifmadseneven if it means you can't put the pan in the dishwasher at the end
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14:07.46jacc0filed a bug report about the bridging error :
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14:09.38ack_synhey is there a plugin to asterisk make voice quality monitoring? or maybe another daemon Idk
14:15.38jacc0 maybe
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14:30.33jacc0almost weekend!! 30minutes :)
14:30.33rogersjaleifmadsen: solved the ISN issue with insecure=invite :s  thanks for the help!:)
14:30.43leifmadsenno problem!
14:30.50leifmadsenjacc0: heh, only 10:30am here ;)
14:30.53leifmadsenso ya, 30 mins sounds right
14:31.13jacc0tomorrow it's queensday here
14:31.20jacc0so one-big-party
14:31.28jacc0I'm looking forward to it
14:32.37ack_synjacc0: do you know it? the voip monitor? have u tested it?
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14:42.59jacc0@ack_syn: never used it, someone came into this channel some days ago talking about it
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14:43.31jacc0@ack_syn: I'm planning on looking into this for some projects where we have audio quality problems
14:44.57ack_synjacc0: right, I'm about to test it. the guy, did he talk something good or bad about it?
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14:47.12jacc0@ack_syn: he was just asking if anyone even used it :p
14:47.30fullstopHi.  I'm trying to connect a metaswitch provider with Asterisk.  They require md5 digest auth on outbound calls, but do not require any authentication for inbound calls.
14:47.47ack_synok :T
14:47.49fullstopFor some reason, I'm having a hard time with this.
14:48.00fullstopI have outbound calls (the digest auth) working
14:48.22fullstopinbound calls are failing, and it looks like asterisk is sending a 401 unauthorized because it is expecting digest auth.
14:48.59sigiusHow should I destablish origin of calls to my US DID. When I get a call from Baltimore the CallerID on my asterisk start with 30.., when I have a call from Greece it also start with 30. So how can I tell where it came from ?
14:54.22jacc0have a nice weekend all!!!!!!!
14:55.27*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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14:55.42ixyd_hi guys
14:56.14ixyd_does anyone have a working example for executing a sub beforee the caller gets conencted by a queue?
14:56.32ixyd_like parameter U() for dial the recent version of Queue() supports calling a sub too
14:56.42ixyd_but iam not sure about the correct syntax?!
14:56.54ixyd_i tried the same like i use for Dial U()
14:56.59ixyd_but it doesnt work :(
15:10.42*** join/#asterisk snigavig (
15:11.16snigavigHi Guys, I have a question about asterisk and t38, can anybody help me?
15:13.27infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:14.11FreeaqingmeI want to determine on a per call basis whether or not CLID should be enabled. Does that mean that I need to add the same context twice per context?
15:16.12snigavigok, sorry, I need to decrease the T38MaxBitRate field in INVITE's SDP part. It is 14400 now but the gateway needs it to be 9600 or lower. I tried to change it in the udptl.conf, but it seems not to work...The question is, how to define the T38MaxBitRate?
15:19.20ixyd_or maybe my question should be, does the gosub parameter of Queue support parameters?
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15:28.01fullstopany reason why "sip reload" wouldn't update the context of a sip user?
15:28.13fullstopI changed it, but it is still routing calls to the old context.
15:28.32sxpertI've had issues with that in the past. dunno if stuff was fixed
15:28.39sxpertand probably depends on your version
15:28.59fullstop1.6.2.11 right now
15:29.31snigavigI need to decrease the T38MaxBitRate field in INVITE's SDP part. It is 14400 now but the gateway needs it to be 9600 or lower. I tried to change it in the udptl.conf, but it seems not to work...The question is, how to define the T38MaxBitRate?
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15:39.58fullstopAlso, I am connecting to a metaswitch, which expects digest auth for outbound calls but no authentication for inbound calls.
15:40.02fullstopI eventually got this working..
15:40.34fullstopbut I did it by creating the peer first and then the user in sip.conf.  I think that if I reverse the entries that it will not work.
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15:51.21gruvfunkgreetings all!   easiest way to upload/push recordings to a remote server?
15:51.42gruvfunk(during an IVR session, say when the caller hangs up or just prior)
15:52.10gruvfunkI've tried a System call to ncftpput but that didnt' work
15:52.34sxpertprobably because it blocks stuff
15:52.47Tozz_try ncftpbatch
15:53.04Tozz_and then cron ncftpbatch once every 5 mins or so
15:53.05gruvfunka manual ncftpput works fine
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15:55.12jovandebHi to all
15:55.41jovandebAre there any negotiation codec patch for Asterisk 1.6.2?
15:57.11jovandebI have a Voip phone with Ulaw and G729 codec support. I have two outgoing trunk: 1 DAHDI channel and 1 SIP Provider that only support g729
15:57.48jovandebI'd like to avoid codec transaction when I call from Voip Phone using SIP Provider trunk
15:58.24jovandeband force pass through when I use SIP trunk :)
15:59.01jovandebSIP_CODEC and SIP_CODEC_OUTBOUND did not solve
15:59.22Tozz_why not just force the phone to use g729?
16:00.05jovandebBecause If I foce g729 on the phone I have codec translaction when outgoing line is DAHDI
16:01.11jovandebI need a sort of codec negotiation before Dial ...
16:01.35jovandeband force SIP device to use its own g729 codec ...
16:02.39jovandebnow I have disallow=all and allow=g729 on SIP trunk
16:03.04Tozz_sounds right
16:03.08jovandeband disallow=all allow=ulaw allow=alaw allow=g729 on SIP phone
16:03.55jovandebbut I need something able to choose between these codecs ...
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16:09.30gruvfunksay does anyone know if ncftpbatch processes the spool in order?  I need a specific file sent last...
16:13.35jovandebgruvfunk: ncftpbatch is for batch ftp?
16:13.59gruvfunkbelieve so
16:14.05gruvfunkas mentioned above
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16:15.53jovandebgruvfunk: The jobs are spool files written to a user's $HOME/.ncftp/spool directory and have a special format and file-naming convention (which contains when the job is to be run)
16:16.15jovandeblook at file-naming convention :)
16:16.57gruvfunkgreat, problem is - I see Asterisk calling up System ncftpput -bb and the ncftpbatch, but I don't see the files actually uploading to the destination (outside asterisk, works fine)
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16:19.47MrTelephoneIs there something I can troubleshoot for not getting a ring on long distance calls? The remote party eventually picks up but the ringing sometimes doesn't work. The calls for going through the telephone company PRI.
16:20.10gruvfunkAm I unable to use an Asterisk variable I set myself within the System call?
16:20.22jovandebMrTelephone: use r option in Dial
16:21.03MrTelephoneIt used to ring without the r option. I wonder why it doesn't now :(
16:21.38jovandebgruvfunk: I don't know I have never use ncftp ... I read that ncftpput needs ncftpbatch istance running
16:22.53gruvfunkjovandeb: ncftpput works beautifully from command line or shell script, without batching -- to use ncftpbatch, you have to tell ncftpput -bb (which I've tried also) - again works beautiful from command line or script)
16:24.19gruvfunkI'm doing this from IVR: seems the variable doesn't pass...   System(/usr/bin/ncftpput -b -f /tmp/my.ftp.creds / /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/recordings/${file})
16:24.51jovandebmaybe permission problem?
16:25.53gruvfunkcan somebody verify that I can pass my own set variable to System ?
16:27.45jovandebpost Set string
16:28.48jovandebYou can try to set command string before ...
16:28.51jovandebfor example
16:28.52golamhow can I write the command out from CLI to a file. example #CLI> core show version  --->  log.txt
16:28.53jovandeb;;exten => _0Z.,1,Set(filename=${EXTEN}_${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}_${CALLERID(num)}.wav)
16:28.56jovandeb;;exten => _0Z.,n,MixMonitor(${filename}|v(0)V(0))
16:29.09jovandebwith NoOp
16:29.12MrTelephoneI'm getting EVENT_RINGING On the PRI but the phones are not ringing. I guess the sip message is not making it to the phone
16:29.31jovandebyou can debug dialplan and print string with NoOp
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16:30.09jovandebfor example NoOp(${CALLERID(num)})
16:31.29jovandebSomeone able to help me with codec transaction :) ?
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16:34.37grayhamehello. i have a carrier telling me that my pbx (asterisk, sangoma AFT-A101 PRI) has started sending out tons of line code and path code violations but I can't find anything to indicate a problem.
16:34.47grayhamedoes anyone have a recommendation for determining what's causing the violations to start up?
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16:41.01MrTelephoneI changed long distance providers for our PRI and ever since then I've been having issues with long distance services.
16:41.47MrTelephoneI figured it didn't matter who the provider was but I guess their equipment is shotty
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16:44.32jovandebMaybe I need something like that
16:51.08snigavigHi All, I need to decrease the T38MaxBitRate field in INVITE's SDP part. It is 14400 now but the gateway needs it to be 9600 or lower. I tried to change it in the udptl.conf, but it seems not to work...The question is, how to define the T38MaxBitRate?
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17:00.13keith4MrTelephone: as in "full of shot"?
17:07.02MrTelephoneyeah, maybe it could be an asterisk problem but the sound quality seems kind of poor
17:07.57MrTelephoneI set the max bitrate to 9600 as well by setting FAXOPT but it still wants to connect at 14400. I'm not sure if that is because the remote device forces it to 14400.
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17:16.08gruvfunkgot my ftp issue resoved, thanks jovandeb for making me pay closer attention to my Set(s)
17:16.41gruvfunkcan indeed use our own variables in System
17:17.17gruvfunkanother beautiful example of why I love working with Asterisk so much - any challenge has at least one viable solution (more than one way to skin a badger)
17:19.25*** join/#asterisk snigavig (
17:19.26gruvfunkof course, two important factors: 1) time and 2) this channel
17:19.57MrTelephoneGruvfunk, what are you ftping?
17:20.29gruvfunkMrTelephone: call recordings as part of a larger IVR system
17:21.50gruvfunkjust one of many projects
17:22.05MrTelephoneI hear you. I'm swamped
17:22.13gruvfunkit's a good thing
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17:24.04b0otis there a more generic voip help room?
17:24.54gruvfunkMrTelephone and snigavig - I have set my FAXOPT(minrate)=2400
17:25.23snigaviggruvfunk, how did you do it?
17:25.49gruvfunkSet(FAXOPT(maxrate)=14400)  ;  Set(FAXOPT(minrate)=2400)
17:25.56leifmadsenb0ot: not that I'm aware of
17:26.04MrTelephoneDid you try 9600?
17:26.11snigavigWhere should I put it? Could you please be more specific?
17:26.11b0otalright thanks leifmadsen
17:26.32gruvfunkI had issues with any other minrate.. but maybe due to the fact that my fax machine is on a GV line... dunno
17:26.48gruvfunkor could be the ATA sitting between Fax machine and *
17:27.11gruvfunksnigavig: describe your platform, are you working in the .conf files?
17:27.33snigaviggruvfunk, yes, only conf files or CLI, no web  interface...
17:28.10gruvfunkright, so create a context like [outboundfax]
17:28.44snigavigI tried to put "T38MaxBitRate = 9600" line to the udptl.conf, but it did not work..
17:29.33gruvfunkI'm talking extensions.conf, create a context for what you want to do (process faxes)
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17:29.53gruvfunkin it, I set my FAXOPT(min and maxrate
17:31.34snigavighm, I think it will not work for me, I do not really use extensions.conf, everything is done in a self-made AGI daemon..
17:31.58snigavigis there another way to do it? Like a static option in the config like udptl.conf?
17:32.01gruvfunkand how do you call that AGI? not from within a context?
17:33.05snigavigit's done within context, but this agi daemon is one for the whole system, and it determines if it is a fax or voicemail or call queue etc.
17:33.27snigavigso I can not add anything to the extensions.conf
17:34.14snigavigbut anyway thank you very much for your help, now I know how to set it, so I'm closer to my goal! Thank you !
17:35.25fireman_biffhi, can anybody recommend an online training program that covers freepbx and the basics of asterisk itself (troubleshooting etc)
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17:38.22leifmadsenfireman_biff: the only online training I'm aware of is the new program by Digium
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17:39.05fireman_biffleifmadsen: I'm actually checking that out now but I'm not seeing any mention of freepbx, do you know if they include this or not?
17:39.26leifmadsenI doubt it
17:39.35leifmadsenfor FreePBX you'll probably have to buy a book
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17:39.41phl4kxhi all
17:39.48leifmadsenmaybe the freepbx people offer training on it... not sure
17:39.54fireman_biffleifmadsen: oh ok, thanks
17:40.03leifmadsenI'm not sure what it would entail... it's pretty point-and-click :)
17:40.04phl4kxI need some solution in asterisk for listening calls anytime like using Flash Operator, any idea?
17:40.09gruvfunkfireman_biff maybe ask in #freepbx
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17:40.15leifmadsenphl4kx: do you actually mean "listening" ?
17:40.27leifmadsenlike, hearing the audio?
17:40.33phl4kxhearing the audio
17:40.37phl4kxenter in a conversation
17:40.39leifmadsencore show application ChanSpy
17:40.51leifmadsencore show application ExtenSpy
17:40.52gruvfunkleif is super quick
17:40.59leifmadsentypes at 80wpm :)
17:41.09pgraceHey, anyone from digium here who can answer a question?  I'm wondering how the licensing for the skype channel driver works; if I buy two licenses now and choose to add 20 more later, do I need to get a new license code for 22 total licenses or can you add license keys at will?
17:41.15leifmadsentherawr: I'm only slow in bed
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17:41.24therawrleifmadsen: 80 wpm? psh
17:41.28phl4kxsome console for easy access for my SALES MANAGER?
17:41.32gruvfunkleif's cpu processing speed has more to do with it than just wpm typed
17:41.32therawrif you're not 100+ then you're slow, grandpa
17:41.35leifmadsenpgrace: I doubt it -- Digium HQ is offline except for critical infrastructure
17:41.42MrTelephoneSKYPE. will customers go for that?
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17:41.50phl4kxmy sales manager like to hear the audio of the sales anytime, some solution?
17:41.52leifmadsentherawr: I'm saying 80 wpm with high accuracy :)
17:42.03leifmadsenphl4kx: the solution is what I just described
17:42.08pgraceleif: oh, right, crap, the tornados.  Everyone OK?  Anyone heard?
17:42.17phl4kxhave a GUI access like Flash Operator?
17:42.23leifmadsencreate something for your SALES MANAGER (why are we yelling?) that is easy
17:42.29pgracemrtelephone: in our case, we'll be using it as a backdoor into our Lync conferences :)
17:42.31leifmadsenphl4kx: no, GUI access is not the job of Asterisk
17:42.45pgracesome people in our organization DEMAND skype and we can't get them on Lync yet due to licensing so... skype!
17:42.54leifmadsenpgrace: everyone seems to be fine, but no power for about 5 more days at the current estimate
17:43.00MrTelephoneI'd like to offer skype numbers to our clients for a fee per month. That would be awesome.
17:43.12pgraceleif: gotcha, so any orders through the digium website would also likely be delayed
17:43.16leifmadsenpgrace: I think you just add multiple license keys
17:43.22phl4kxsome solution with GUI access?, its going to be difficult for access to my SALES manager
17:43.28MrTelephoneI'm afraid skype is losing popularity because there are some other crappy clients out there now.
17:43.28leifmadsenpgrace: that's how G729 works and is what I would expect for all the other modules
17:43.51leifmadsenphl4kx: go ahead and build it -- otherwise you need to create some sort of java or activeX based interface to communicate with asterisk
17:43.57pgraceleif: cool, thanks for the info.
17:44.17phl4kxthanks friend
17:44.24*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
17:44.34phl4kxSome Solution for a CALL Center for SALES ???
17:44.49leifmadsenstop using caps in your sentences
17:45.10leifmadsenphl4kx: you're not asking the right questions because I have no idea what it is you're expecting
17:45.22leifmadsenasterisk does provide an interface to listen to calls -- it's called ChanSpy()
17:45.28leifmadsenif you need a web interface, you will need to build it
17:45.33leifmadsenthat is the bottom line
17:45.52karmicdudewhat if I lol really loud, can I use LOL in caps?
17:45.54phl4kxthanks friend
17:45.55phl4kxI understand
17:46.02leifmadsenthat is acceptable
17:46.18leifmadsenbut you DON'T need to capitalize CERTAIN work for effect.
17:46.29MrTelephoneyou guys chew up a lot of bandwidth for some questionable material, that's for sure.
17:46.41leifmadsendances around the questionable material
17:46.42malcolmdfor affect, use * characters, like you were bolding something.   e.g. that is *so* lame
17:46.42phl4kxlets, my solution is Flash Operator + ChanSpy, another program for add to my soution???? I like to implement a call center
17:46.50MrTelephoneWhere's the next astricon
17:47.02leifmadsenMrTelephone: see
17:47.10MrTelephoneare you guys going?
17:47.25leifmadsenI'll probably be on a cruise ship for my honeymoon
17:47.29leifmadsendepends on when we leave
17:47.40MrTelephoneI went to key west last month, I recommend it
17:47.44leifmadsenit'll be the first astricon I'll have missed since 2004
17:47.46coppicesounds like a honeymoon for old people
17:47.58leifmadsencoppice: I'm 57...
17:48.05MrTelephoneGet a room at the Casa Marina Resort for your honeymoon
17:48.28malcolmdleifmadsen: you're a very spry 57
17:48.42coppiceleifmadsen: i'm 56, but I'd need to be a lot older to go on a cruise for my honeymoon
17:48.54egestebrb, #oldguyhoneymoon
17:48.57MrTelephoneI want to get married there too. Rent a scooter and fly off the pier james bond style.
17:49.06gruvfunkfunny, we stayed at the Reach Resort (sister to Casa Marina)
17:49.21leifmadsenmalcolmd: yes, I'm quite sprightly
17:49.35MrTelephoneWe stayed at the days inn because we blew all our money in orlando. :( $200/night for a crappy room
17:49.59coppiceso you couldn't afford to stay nights?
17:50.15MrTelephoneYou ever come back from holidays and request a raise from your company because you realize how prices are over inflated everywhere?
17:50.47MrTelephoneCouldn't afford to stay more than 1 night yeah
17:51.04MrTelephoneAstricon 2012 Location : Key Largo
17:51.08karmicdudewhat about Vegas? you can hire Elvis and all
17:51.59MrTelephoneHow about getting married by people dressed in star trek uniforms instead?
17:52.08phl4kxsome solution for Reports Call in asterisk?
17:52.58gruvfunkI know, way off topic, but when we wed on beach, there was a Pirate convention going on
17:53.54gruvfunkphl4kx you may wish to visit #freepbx instead - they have a GUI for Call Reports, etc
17:54.48gruvfunkor if callcenter, check
17:55.01gruvfunkI use that for a customer with Queues
17:56.16*** part/#asterisk snigavig (
17:56.25MrTelephonegruvfunk, that is cool. A friend of mine considered getting married on a pirate ship (rented) in toronto. Who would want to do that?
17:56.34citywokhappy birthday to me!
17:57.27coppiceis it still pirate if its rented? don't you have to steal it?
17:57.46MrTelephoneSomeone restored an old pirate ship and they rent out for special occasions
17:57.56coppicedid it have a somali crew?
17:58.06gruvfunkpretty neat, I wonder if they use asterisk inside as a communications system
17:58.26MrTelephoneDon't get me started on somalians. Forgive me for saying but that country has got to go
17:58.47MrTelephoneCan we not photoshop in a boat into the asterisk logo?
18:00.43coppicea replica of the HMS Bounty, made for the movie, stands just down the road from here (though not actually in the road :-\ ), but I've never seen them unfurl the sails. kinda sad. it would look great in full sail
18:01.07MrTelephoneWhere do you live?
18:01.19coppiceright VVV here
18:02.04MrTelephonepri related question. I did a trace on my pri and asterisk is sending out two identify frames everytime there is something to send. Any ideas?
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18:03.17gruvfunkfireman_biff fwiw, I just found this perusing the nets
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18:16.51fullstopCan asterisk handle different sip settings for inbound vs outbound calls, or should I be looking into something like Kamailio?
18:19.22leifmadsenpeer vs user
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18:25.11gruvfunkis Dahdi just for HW support now in *1.8?  or does it still support conferences and things?
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18:26.27karmicdudeopenser, opensis, kamilio. are they all the same or is one better than the other?
18:29.50leifmadsengruvfunk: you can use DAHDI for timing still (res_timing_dahdi) or you can use res_timing_timerfd, or res_timing_pthread (reliability goes in about that order)
18:29.59leifmadsenI still use res_timing_dahdi because I find it the most stable
18:30.16gruvfunkrighton thx
18:30.19leifmadsensome people have luck with timerfd, and SOME have luck with pthread, but I'd say they are the minority
18:30.43leifmadsenunless you're using a machine that can't load a module into the kernel (OSX for example) I recommend using dahdi
18:30.57*** part/#asterisk pgrace (
18:30.59coppicetimerfd can do some nice things for you, if you're nice to it
18:31.41fullstopleifmadsen: Can you explain a little bit more w/peer vs user?  I've tried that, unsuccessfully.
18:39.41fullstopAm I correct in thinking that peer is for outbound and user is for inbound ?
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18:46.22leifmadsenfullstop: yes
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18:50.44fullstopboth user and peer have the same ip address and port, and it looks like asterisk is picking the peer for inbound calls.
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18:51.56leifmadsenyes, because something is causing the 'user' to not match
18:52.12leifmadsendisable the peer for now and get the user to match first for incoming calls -- the peer (matching on IP) is the failover
18:52.20leifmadsenso if it is getting that far, it's not matching on the user
18:52.28fullstoplet me make another call and see what user it is sending.. if any.
18:52.48leifmadsenI'm finishing building a system then I have to leave in about 8 mins, so I probably won't be able to respond anymore
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18:56.26fullstopI don't get it.. why does it attempt to find a peer for an _inbound_ call?
18:57.11fullstopI get "No matching peer for '3842412500' from ''
18:58.12leifmadsenfullstop: like I said, it's trying to match the IP
18:58.33fullstopleifmadsen: is '3842412500' the username it is trying to match?
18:58.49fullstopand, because it does not find it, it goes to ip?
19:01.43*** join/#asterisk volker- (~volker@
19:02.23l1nuxmanI'm trying to hook up my analog landline to analog phones in my house and also to my PC with asterisk with a FXO ATA adapter. Should I connect like this?: landline->FXO LAN PORT->ROUTER->MODEM ? OR: landline->(FXO WAN PORT->ROUTER & FXO LAN PORT->ASterisk->ROUTER)...I dunno how can I do it? Right now I have a set up Landline->Analog Phones & Cable Modem->Router->PC Asterisk
19:02.27volker-i googled for a while but didnt find an actual (not 2005) answer: is it possible that one useraccount connects two times and calls gets forwarded to both ip registered from?
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19:08.51ariel_ping tzafrir question about setting up a astrixbank as a T1 CAS, with Dahdi 2.2.1 it always wants to see it as a PRI
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19:32.02jayteeI don't need DAHDI installed for * 1.8 if I'm not going to use conferencing and all calls are SIP only, right?
19:33.14jayteeand conf_bridge uses the system timer, not DAHDI_DUMMY so I could still use that app if I needed to.
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20:22.26sunfoneanyone have any pointers for Cacti templates for call traffic?
20:24.29gruvfunkAsterisk can support "multi-tenant", right?  I'm thinking contexts to contain each "tenant" ?
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20:30.50sunfonegruvfunk: sure thing
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20:39.25ariel_anyone know how to configure a Astribank T1 CAS setup?
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20:56.11paulcIn which version of Asterisk did "same =>" become valid in extensions.conf?
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21:00.20wdoekes2paulc: $ grep '"same"' asterisk-*/pbx/pbx_config.c  -l | sort | head -n1
21:00.45paulcdoffs hat to wdoekes2 - thank you sir!
21:00.56wdoekes2could be 1.2.. I don't have that.. but I doubt it
21:02.59paulcAh.. no.. poking around in the code, that's the "same" priority piece.. I meant "same" as a replacement for "exten => xxxx"
21:03.14paulcso you can have a single "exten" followed by a bunch of "same" lines, all using "n" as priority
21:04.15wdoekes2oh.. in that case.. 1.6 :)
21:05.34paulc1.6.1.0 doesn't seem to have it though.. might be time for an upgrade at this site..
21:07.14wdoekes2mm.. is exactly 2 years old
21:07.27wdoekes2but, considering that 1.6 is EOL, you could consider moving to 1.8
21:10.01paulcYeah, I think you're probably right.. good weekend for an upgrade?
21:10.27paulcactually, now that I saw a bug about AMI and meetme redirects/hangups solved, 1.8 may be where I should be now
21:13.40cusco_i tested 1.8 once and mysql queue log uses time as datetime instead of unixtimestamp
21:14.02cusco_there should be a document stating differences to watch out for when moving to 1.8
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21:15.25l1nuxman_do you need somethign called Dahdi to use Asterisk?
21:16.18l1nuxman_I'm trying to install Asterisk on Ubuntu
21:16.44gruvfunkoh lords of *, will you please shed some guidance on a pestering issue?  Have a customer who is tied to a provider (Gafachi), and no matter how we configure * or where we host it (cloud, private vm's, physical boxes, behind nat, in front of the firewall: all routes explored), we keep experiencing the same problem:  call drops and we get this Warning:          chan_sip.c:3540 retrans_pkt:...
21:16.46gruvfunk...Hanging up call ed891be743a81d8c0b5624ef46492576@IP.ADD.RE.SS - no reply to our critical packet (see doc/sip-retransmit.txt)
21:16.53l1nuxman_looking for good documentation for it? Guess the wiki?
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21:18.16gruvfunkl1nuxman see
21:18.28gruvfunkflawless forme
21:19.27cusco_l1nuxman_: I used lots of help... its not official tho. has v1.8 onwards
21:19.39l1nuxman_what the heck is this dahdi
21:19.41gruvfunkSo, if I've exhausted configuration options, hosting options, network options (and by association, ISP provider options), what's left to blame for my call drops and chan_sip.c:3540 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call ed891be743a81d8c0b5624ef46492576@IP.ADD.RE.SS - no reply to our critical packet (see doc/sip-retransmit.txt)
21:20.30gruvfunk(the ITSP provider?)
21:22.00cusco_I don't believe you've exhausted configuratons
21:22.05cusco_and I do believe its configuration
21:22.11cusco_what are you connecting asterisk to ?
21:22.52cusco_l1nuxman_: dahdi is a set of proprietary modules for linux and modules for asterisk
21:23.06cusco_basically linux modules are drivers for PRI cards
21:23.16gruvfunkcusco_ * is connecting to Gafachi using their provided configuration
21:23.22l1nuxman_ahh k
21:23.27cusco_I dunno what gafachi is
21:23.40gruvfunkvoip provider, did's, inbound, outbound
21:24.03gruvfunkPacket timed out after 32000ms with no response
21:24.13gruvfunkso I basically get 32 seconds of connectivity, then boom
21:25.48cusco_im sure you can twist asterisk to suit almost any sip configuration
21:26.08cusco_gruvfunk: you should ge a sip debug and get some expert's help in here
21:26.37gruvfunkhave never had an issue like this for sure
21:35.23cjis there a way to set up the dialplan so that the local sip peers list is referenced first, and if the peer is not currently connected, the call is forwarded to a gateway?
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21:39.07cjor maybe there is a way to announce to a pool of asterisk servers which sip peers are currently registered
21:39.15cjmaybe that xmpp pubsub thing
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21:58.26cusco_cj: yes
21:58.52citywokw00t friday
21:59.35cusco_dial sip/peer or queue that rings in them or something.. then evaluate DIALSTATUS to know if it was answered or noanswer or whatever
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22:34.53l1nuxman_so I have asterisk installed now, but how can I make asterisk receive voicemail when my analog landline phone say rings like 6 times?
22:35.54gruvfunkl1nuxman_  see Dial command
22:36.23paulcl1nuxman_: Is it ringing a SIP phone? Or do you want your house phones to ring and Asterisk is just acting like an answering machine?
22:36.26gruvfunkeach ring is separated by about 3 seconds, so if you want 6 rings, you are likely desiring a 20 second ring
22:36.38l1nuxman_paulc, yes the second one
22:36.51l1nuxman_I have no SIP Phones
22:37.27paulcl1nuxman_: Have your trunk point to a context, where the s extension does Dial(Local/1234@somecontext), then in that extension do a Wait(20), then Answer, then Voicemail(somemailbox)
22:37.47paulcdo you have telephony hardware in your Asterisk box for FXO and FXS? Or only FXO?
22:38.23l1nuxman_I hope I purchased the right hardware. paulc i bought an ATA with FXO and FXS, LAN and WAN
22:39.43paulcl1nuxman_: Sounds like a SPA-3102 or similar. So... sounds like you want to connect your phone line to FXO, your house phones to FXS, have them all ring a few times, then go to voicemail on Asterisk?
22:40.25l1nuxman_paulc, I think that is correct
22:41.13l1nuxman_I have asterisk PBX started now, but what does that mean? It is receiving calls or something?
22:42.09paulcl1nuxman_: You need to configure your ATA to register with Asterisk (create 2 peers in sip.conf, one for FXO port, one for FXS port)
22:42.42paulcthen create some dial plan logic to deal with what to do with calls to/from both peers (ie what to do with incoming PSTN calls, what to do when FXS phones dial different digits etc)
22:45.18l1nuxman_paulc, is the FXS port the "LINE" port? Where my landline comes in? Isn't that the only thing I need to add? And then it uses LAN port to go to my router
22:45.33l1nuxman_sorry MY Pc not router
22:46.22paulcl1nuxman_: FXO = connection to the telco/line. FXS = where you plug telephones into.
22:46.53paulcl1nuxman_: If you just want Asterisk to be your answering machine, it's fairly simple. If you want all your calls to flow through it (from your house phones) it's a bit more work (but worth it)
22:48.07l1nuxman_why worth it? They're not VOIP phones so they can't communicate paulc
22:48.29Aut0ExeCl1nuxman_: there is a tut on the interweb for spa3102 and asterisk
22:48.40Aut0ExeCl1nuxman_: google it and it will show u step by step
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22:48.47Aut0ExeCl1nuxman_: thats what I started with also
22:49.01paulcl1nuxman_: If you wire your house phones into the FXS port, you can use your phone line like you do now to make/receive calls
22:49.28paulcl1nuxman_: BUT.. you can also use those phones to dial other places via VoIP, use Voicemail, other clever stuff you create in the dial plan
22:51.00l1nuxman_hmm k thx
22:51.43Aut0ExeCl1nuxman_: that will get u all set up if u have an spa3102
22:51.56paulcAhh.. Voxilla forums :-)    I used to work for Voxilla, years ago
22:52.21l1nuxman_mines a HandyTone HT503
22:52.27Aut0ExeCoh :(
22:52.49Aut0ExeCwell you can either google that and/or still look at the link for ideas
22:53.11paulcl1nuxman_: In which case... replace the SPA-3102 configuration pieces with the relevant/equivalent for the HT503.. the Asterisk configuration should be fairly similar though
23:00.16*** join/#asterisk ketas (
23:07.24*** part/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
23:23.15*** join/#asterisk ketas- (
23:27.07*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
23:27.21kaushalCan someone please recommend me the Hardware Server Configuration/8 or 4 port PRI Card to make Outbound Call at the rate of around 320 outbound Calls/min ?
23:28.47pabelangerkaushal: you can use an erlang calculator
23:29.34kaushalpabelanger: ok
23:30.29kaushalpabelanger: what would be the maximum ports available in a PRI Card ?
23:30.46pabelanger4 port
23:31.00kaushalpabelanger: I have 8 port card too
23:31.11pabelangerwell, from Digium
23:31.33kaushalpabelanger: what are the recommended cards for Asterisk ?
23:31.46kaushalSangoma or Digium or Dialogic ?
23:32.32kaushalpabelanger: what are the availabe PRI cards
23:33.07*** join/#asterisk afink (
23:33.22cusco_just browse the website
23:33.32kaushalcusco_: ok
23:33.54kaushalcusco_: can you please point me to the URL ?
23:34.36cusco_Telephony Interface Cards
23:34.55cusco_ seems cool
23:35.25pabelangerkaldemar: ^
23:36.58kaushalpabelanger: Thanks
23:37.00kaushalcusco_: Thanks
23:37.56kaushalAlso What specs are recommended to run Asterisk to handle traffic of around 320 Outbound Calls per min ?
23:38.06kaushalI mean Server
23:38.45kaushalIs Asterisk a CPU Intensive or Memory Intensive Application ?
23:39.20kaushalgruvfunk: woa ?
23:39.22gruvfunk320 concurrent calls?
23:39.27kaushalgruvfunk: yes
23:39.40gruvfunki've just never seen that many, first time for everything
23:39.59*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
23:40.12kaushalgruvfunk: Do i need to go with Blade Servers ?
23:40.19gruvfunki'm handling under 100 call agents on an 8cpu with 8GB, with no issues
23:40.21kaushalgruvfunk: please suggest
23:40.43gruvfunksorry 4CPU 8GB RAM
23:41.10kaushalgruvfunk: is High Availability available in Asterisk ?
23:41.30kaushalI mean redundanct
23:41.32gruvfunkkaushal: different question, target the audience
23:41.41kaushalI mean redundancy
23:41.45kaushalgruvfunk: ok
23:49.39*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:56.05kaushalchecking in again for the query ?
23:56.06*** join/#asterisk ketas (

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