IRC log for #asterisk on 20110425

19:20.05*** join/#asterisk infobot (
19:20.05*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2011/04/21), (2011/04/21), (2011/04/21), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.1 (2011/04/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.1 (2011/03/03), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
19:20.30_Corey_Um, probably skip the bug report until you can actually document a problem/fix
19:34.33*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
19:37.48*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
19:47.13*** join/#asterisk nite613 (
19:48.47nite613Is there any way to get * to send empty RTP packets during silence (such as when running Dictate()) ? I looked into the transmit_silence options and figured out that they result in calls to ast_channel_start_silence_generator() internally, but that doesn't actually seem to generate RTP packets
19:48.57nite6131.4, BTW
19:49.19*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
19:54.46*** join/#asterisk cyphorious (
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk rogersja (
19:59.10*** join/#asterisk dimm (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
20:00.16*** join/#asterisk x86 (
20:04.11Kattyhello my asterisk does not work
20:04.13Kattyhow to fix???
20:04.21leifmadsenbaseball bat
20:04.29sxpertleifmadsen: haha
20:04.39leifmadsenscare it into submission
20:04.41drudge`did you try reboot now?
20:04.51Kattyno, but i tried your mom.
20:04.59sxpertreinstall windows
20:05.00Kattybadumb, ching
20:05.06Kattyhugs drudge`
20:05.06beekwaves to Katty
20:05.14Kattyhugs beek
20:05.21beekHow ya' doing?   Long time...
20:05.32drudge`but she coudlnt fix it either?
20:05.35Kattypsyched at the moment :>
20:05.46beekKatty: That's good news.
20:05.46Kattyconcert soonish
20:05.55Kattymust go get my rockabilly getup on
20:06.13beekLocal group?
20:06.23x86avenged sevenfold?
20:06.30Kattyx86: yes
20:06.35Katty3days grace too
20:06.42Kattyand some
20:06.43Kattyi forget
20:06.49x86bet that's gonna be totally awesome
20:06.58Kattyoh it's gonna be
20:07.00Kattyfor more than one reason
20:07.03x86is jealous
20:07.05Kattyi have stage tickets :>
20:07.20Kattyand i totally don't deserve them
20:07.33beekOh yes, you do.
20:07.47Kattyno, no i don't
20:07.57x86who did you have to do err I mean what did you have to do to get them?
20:08.12Kattythe guy i'm dating works at the local rock station
20:08.19x86ah :P
20:08.24x86that's so awesome
20:08.25beekNow *that's* friends with benefits
20:08.28x86sounds like a keeper
20:08.35Kattyx86: oh yes, he certainly is
20:08.40Kattyx86: beside the ticket factor
20:08.57beekHell, for the right tickets *I'd* date him.
20:09.18Kattystuffs beek in the closet.
20:10.11n3hxsAfternoon Katty
20:11.13Kattyhugs n3hxs
20:11.15x86never a dull moment in here :P
20:11.35Kattyinfobot: crittercam
20:11.35infobotcrittercam is, like, Katty's live broadcast of The Nut House at
20:11.42Katty^- have some more non Dull moments!
20:11.45Kattycan you find my doggy?
20:11.46n3hxsKatty, gets a hug back.
20:12.03*** join/#asterisk dlynes (
20:12.06Kattyhi dlynes
20:12.11dlynesHeya Katty
20:12.32dlynesHow's your squirrelly friends doing?
20:12.40p3nguinOh, she lives!
20:12.50*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
20:12.53dlynesp3nguin, She only came alive because I came on :o
20:13.06Kattydlynes: can you find my doggy?
20:13.11n3hxsYep I see, no one is home.
20:13.20x86sounds pornographic
20:13.34dlynesKatty, You've got your dog tied up outside with the squirrels now?
20:13.44Kattyheavens no
20:13.45x86when a chick asks "can you find my doggy".... you know some peanut butter is about to come out of nowhere
20:13.47Kattyi'd never leave my dog outside
20:13.54n3hxsAsleep by the closet where beek is hiding
20:13.57Kattyi am not an abusive parent!!!
20:14.04sxpertcan someone fix to NOT refresh pages ?
20:14.18Kattyn3hxs: yay you found him!
20:14.49dlynesx86, sounds like you meet all the wrong kind of girls
20:14.52beekn3hxs: Hey now.... tickets are tickets.
20:15.20Kattyi will be walking through that door in about 45min
20:15.23dlynesx86, but, maybe that's on purpose?
20:15.43Kattybut don't tell anyone.
20:15.54Kattyi have a reputation of being a 40 year old male to uphold.
20:16.30n3hxsOnly friends know for sure.
20:16.33Kattyohoh he moved.
20:16.41p3nguinThe dog looks bored.
20:16.45Kattyhe is bored.
20:16.48Kattyi'm at work :<
20:17.01*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
20:17.02p3nguinHe wants to go out.
20:17.21dlynesHow can you tell he moved?
20:17.40Kattydlynes: i was staring at the video feed when he stretched
20:17.41p3nguin'Cause he got up and, uhm, moved.
20:17.43*** join/#asterisk Preytell (
20:18.03dlynesah...I just don't see any difference between now and ten minutes ago
20:18.19Kattywell that's ok. there will be tons of movement in 40min
20:18.43p3nguinWhat happens in 40 minutes?
20:18.46Kattyi go home
20:19.00p3nguinHe'll really be ready to go out by then.
20:19.17x86tons of movement... dog... peanut butter... im tellin ya
20:19.24Kattyriddick doesn't like pb :<
20:19.27Kattyweirdest dog ever
20:19.31x86out... down... whatever ;)
20:19.33Kattyhe loves cheese tho
20:19.41p3nguinI think he was trying to figure out how to open the door to get out, but gave up and went back to sleep.
20:19.53Kattyp3nguin: possibly ^_^
20:20.09dlynesKatty, doesn't your boss expect you to actually do some work?
20:20.15Kattydlynes: of course.
20:20.58sxpertpabelanger: hah, found it...
20:21.23sxpertstupid sending a "Refresh:300" header...
20:21.49dlyneswtf? Asterisk  the 1.8.0 branch was pretty short lived, I guess?
20:22.13*** join/#asterisk logicwrath_work (~no@
20:22.37kaldemardlynes: versioning changed in 1.8.
20:23.25*** join/#asterisk sled-dog (
20:23.52*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
20:24.15p3nguinThe 1.8 branch is still alive.
20:24.48p3nguin1.8.0 was a version, not a branch... and yes it was updated and then became 1.8.1.
20:25.19*** join/#asterisk geektop (
20:25.21geektopg'day all
20:25.27p3nguinI don't know exactly how versioning changed, since it's the same and all.
20:25.53geektophas anyone has screeching-sound problems with iLBC?  PCMU seems to work fine ...
20:25.55dlynesp3nguin, same as 1.4, but not the same as 1.6
20:26.04Kattywell folks i'm headed home.
20:26.07Kattysee you all later (=
20:26.11dlynesKatty, g'night
20:26.23Kattyfor people watching the crittercam, it takes me 15min to get home ;)
20:26.43p3nguin1.6.x branches seemed to be a fluke, so now the 1.8 branch is back to normal versioning.
20:26.43sxpertcrittercam ?
20:27.10dlynessxpert, actually
20:29.31dlyneskaldemar, so, basically means that 1.8.3 was released with bugs, and it was fixed three times before it was fixed properly?
20:29.53p3nguinYou can be assured that it still isn't fixed properly.
20:30.06p3nguinThey just haven't gotten around to fixing up 1.8.4 all the way yet.
20:30.41dlynesp3nguin, ok, but that's the way the versioning scheme is working?
20:30.49p3nguin1.8 is the branch.
20:31.11dlynesp3nguin, So, from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 they might have added some bug fixes and at least one improvement/addition, right?
20:31.14p3nguinIt's exactly the same as 1.4 branch versioning.
20:31.40dlynesp3nguin, well, never fully understood 1.4, either...but then again I never asked
20:31.48p3nguinI'd have to check the changelog to see what happened between 1.8.2 and 1.8.3, but you're on the right track.
20:32.29dlynesp3nguin, would you say 1.8 is stable enough for production use, yet?
20:32.35p3nguinThere were several minor changes to the 1.8.2 version, resulting in,, etc.  Then version 1.8.3 was released, and the same thing happened to it, resulting in, etc.
20:32.54dlynesp3nguin, assuming i'm only using iax and sip?
20:32.56p3nguinAs long as you don't require SCCP channel drivers, probably yes.
20:33.20dlynesp3nguin, ok...was just curious, because the last time I tried it, it had major issues with transferring calls
20:33.33p3nguinI've been running a box for several months and it's going just fine.
20:33.48dlynesp3nguin, do you use the sip transfer feature at all?
20:34.16p3nguinI personally don't make any calls on the box... but I'm sure the people who use it do use SIP transfers.
20:34.38dlynesp3nguin, ok, because previously ## transfers were working properly, but not using the transfer button on the phone
20:35.07p3nguinI'd hate to think that transfers in SIP don't work.  That would be a huge issue.
20:35.25dlynesp3nguin, yeah, it was...I had to revert back to 1.4
20:35.52dlynesp3nguin, it wasn't working between zaptel and sip, either
20:35.53_Corey_I can vouch for SIP transfers :)
20:36.11leifmadsendlynes: means 3 security releases based on 1.8.3 were released
20:36.13p3nguinI have to use 1.4 as well, but my reason is because there is no SCCP channel driver that works good enough in 1.8.
20:36.14dlynes_Corey_, you mean vouch for that they weren't working very well, previously?
20:36.30dlynesleifmadsen, ah, ok.   Thanks for that clarification.
20:36.39_Corey_I can't say I've ever seen them not work w/1.8
20:36.50leifmadsendlynes: you could figure that out yourself by looking at the ChangeLogs we provide with every release
20:37.00p3nguinI can't imagine SIP transfers not working.
20:37.05leifmadsenthey most certainly work
20:37.09*** join/#asterisk dfamorato (
20:37.16dlynesp3nguin, yeah....sccp's a non-issue for me.  I'm only using SIP/IAX2 for one set of systems, and SIP/IAX2/DAHDI for another set
20:37.31leifmadsenI'd see 100 issues reported if they got broken, and there is a test for it in the test suite
20:37.55p3nguinWhat can I do to help get sccp support fixed in 1.8?
20:38.07leifmadsenp3nguin: provide patches?
20:38.11p3nguinI can't write code.
20:38.20leifmadsenthen not much other than testing patches that already exist
20:38.38p3nguinWhere do I get them?
20:38.48leifmadsenno matter how much you may will it, additional resources do not exist outside of what already exists
20:38.52dlynesleifmadsen, there was issues with transfers going from DAHDI to SIP to SIP in 1.8.0, and with SIP to SIP in
20:38.53leifmadsenp3nguin: the bug tracker of course
20:39.05leifmadsendlynes: ok?
20:39.10dlynesleifmadsen, erm SIP to SIP to SIP
20:39.29p3nguinI've never pulled a patch from the bug tracker, so I didn't know.
20:39.45dlynesleifmadsen, it would result in a dropped call if it was attempted.  I'm not saying it's not fixed now...I'm just saying the problem existed previously
20:39.52leifmadsenreally? you seem like you've been around for long enough to know that by now
20:40.01leifmadsendlynes: and I'm saying "ok"
20:40.13leifmadsenI'm not sure what the appropriate response is here
20:40.42dlynesleifmadsen, i didn't know what you meant by 'ok' voice tones in irc
20:40.42_Corey_apologize dammit
20:41.13leifmadsendlynes: I was just acknowledging your statement :)
20:41.29dlynesleifmadsen, wasn't obvious, because of the '?' at the end of it
20:42.01*** join/#asterisk rogersja (
20:42.07leifmadsenyou were directing a statement to me, and I was unsure how you wanted me to respond, hence the question mark
20:42.12*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
20:42.20*** part/#asterisk nite613 (
20:42.57_Corey_with Canadians, I usually assume there's an "eh?" at the end of every sentence.  safer that way
20:43.44dlynes_Corey_, you've seen that many eh's at the end of my sentences and leif's?
20:45.30_Corey_Well, knowing that Leif is Canadian, I just subconsciously add them in my head when reading what he says...
20:45.46_Corey_try it next time you're reading The Definitive Guide
20:46.08dlynes_Corey_, definitive guide of asterisk?
20:46.28infobotPlease see ~thebook for more information about Asterisk: The Definitive Guide
20:46.44*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
20:46.53dlynesYeah...I've read it.
20:47.04dlynesI think
20:47.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
20:47.15dlynesYeah...definitely...just not the third edition
20:47.25_Corey_goes back to writing about "clouds"
20:47.26fullstopHi all.  I am using Lumenvox in an upcoming project, and I'm looking for suggestions for how to gracefully handle running out of licenses.
20:47.37leifmadsendlynes: then you haven't read it, because it was entirely re-written from the 2nd edition :)
20:48.07dlynesleifmadsen, I still have that really bad book sitting around here yet
20:48.09leifmadsenfullstop: use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() and return Busy() or whatnot when you run out of licenses
20:48.12fullstopWould it be a bad idea to pass each use of SpeechCreate() through a queue with a group count ?
20:48.41fullstopleifmadsen: I'd rather not hang up on a person if I could wait 3 seconds until a license is available.
20:48.41dlynesleifmadsen, voip telephony with asterisk by paul mahler
20:48.44*** part/#asterisk clintc (
20:48.54leifmadsendlynes: never read it :)
20:49.05dlynesleifmadsen, it's from back in the days of asterisk 1.0
20:49.13fullstopI'm avoiding the queue() right now because I'd lose all of my channel variables.
20:51.21*** join/#asterisk kn0x (~pinochle@
20:51.26*** part/#asterisk kn0x (~pinochle@
20:52.29fullstopleifmadsen: is there something similar to func_lock, but with a semaphore concept?
20:55.14dlynesleifmadsen, So who's Jim Van Meggelen?  I don't recall seeing his name around.
20:56.20Qwelldlynes: He practically wrote the book on Asterisk.
20:57.38dlynesQwell, So he's the original author of the book, then (1st edition)?
20:57.59Qwellinfobot: try harder
20:58.44leifmadsendlynes: yes, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions
20:59.24dlynesleifmadsen, ah
20:59.38dlynesp3nguin, ?
20:59.44Qwellleifmadsen: Is the new one actually considered a 3rd ed?
20:59.58p3nguin(1557.50) <infobot> Qwell meant: dlynes: He practically wrote an book on Asterisk.
21:00.01p3nguinan book
21:00.04p3nguin(1558.00) <@Qwell> infobot: try harder
21:00.09russellbto keep lots of linkage with the 1st 2 editions
21:00.10Qwellp3nguin: yell at TimRikers
21:00.16p3nguinhad a laugh over it
21:01.05russellbbut the 3rd edition is effectively a rewrite
21:01.52dlynesWell, congratulations to both you and Leif
21:01.52leifmadsenand awesome rewrite
21:09.13p3nguinDoes anyone ever run two instances of asterisk on the same host?
21:10.43russellbwe do for testing purposes a lot
21:11.32*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
21:13.16*** join/#asterisk Scorpio2007 (
21:13.34Scorpio2007i need to pattern match and set the variable .. whatever###_something
21:13.37Scorpio2007i need to extract the ###
21:13.48Scorpio2007any help?
21:19.10p3nguinrussellb: Does the second asterisk need to be configured/compiled with the non-standard directories, or is it enough to set the values in its asterisk.conf when it was compiled normally?
21:21.08*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
21:22.24*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
21:22.38joakoI am getting dropped calls due to " no reply to our critical packet " can I just disable this check?
21:23.25p3nguinIf your call is dropped because there is no reply to a critical packet, disabling a check isn't going to magically create a reply for the critical packet which is not currently getting a reply.
21:23.41russellbp3nguin: just asterisk.conf is fine.  you don't need to compile it more than once.
21:24.07russellbBaiscally, you need a custom asterisk.conf per asterisk instance.  You also need to edit configs for ach network facing module to use different ports
21:24.08p3nguinI assume I have to specify where the new asterisk.conf is located when I start asterisk.
21:24.17russellbyep, the -C option I think
21:24.55*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:25.06p3nguinOkay, this is good.  This could be a workaround for not having good sccp support.  I can run 1.4 for sccp and pass all its calls to a 1.8 instance on the same host.
21:25.31p3nguinIt's kind of dirty, but if I can make it work, that will be helpful.
21:25.53russellbyeah, that could work.  though I thought chan_skinny in 1.8 was much better than before
21:25.56russellboh well
21:26.21p3nguinIt might be better than before, meaning it at least sort of works in 1.8, but it's far from good.
21:26.41p3nguinI have far more luck with chan_sccp-b on 1.4 than I have with chan_skinny on 1.8.
21:26.51russellbalright, good to know
21:26.53russellbwhatever works for you
21:27.04p3nguinRunning an instance of 1.4 will be very trivial.  It uses about 40M RAM, so it won't be a big problem doing it this way for a while.
21:27.11russellbas is probably not surprising, that's not really a priority ...
21:27.52p3nguinI'd love for chan_skinny to be in much better working order, but since it isn't, I need to figure something out until it moves up on the priority list and gets all fixed up.
21:28.20russellbmost (all) improvements have been from a few community developers over the last few years
21:28.32russellbyou could try bribing them :-)
21:28.59p3nguinI actually had to revert back to 1.4 just so I can have better sccp support using the disgusting chan_sccp-b driver.
21:29.37p3nguinAnd that's not good, since 1.4 isn't exactly going anywhere from this point on out.
21:29.37cjhey folks
21:29.39*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
21:29.42cjwhat do I need to modify to fix this?
21:29.43cj[Apr 25 14:30:35] NOTICE[6313]: chan_sip.c:23650 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:3013@sipnet.ntr>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
21:29.52cjie, to set up a "matching peer"
21:29.53p3nguincreate a peer for it.
21:30.41*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:34.35cjyay.  thanks.
21:35.20p3nguinDoes asterisk have any domain socket support so that two asterisk instances could talk via sock file rather than network?
21:40.00cjhow would I map extensions to registered users?  When I dial 3013, I'd like to call the above peer
21:40.56p3nguinextensions.conf; create necessary extensions to Dial() said peer.
21:42.54fireman_biffHi, I'm using "exten => s,n,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${TheNumber},30,r)" to dial a specified number with Asterisk It works, but the CDR shows the "dst" as "s" instead of the real number. How can I fix that?
21:43.09sxpertuses rtmpdump on the astricon videos...
21:43.16sxpertthat flash player is horrible to use ;)
21:43.35*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:44.25p3nguinfireman_biff: You are using extension s.  What do you expect to show up as the destination?
21:45.06fireman_biffp3nguin: i was hoping it would be the number dialed using the Dial command, should i be doing this another way?
21:45.17fireman_biffthe number that gets dialed varies
21:46.06p3nguinIf I called extension 5551212, I would expect my destination to be 5551212.  Similarly, if I call extension s, I expect the destination to be s.
21:46.37p3nguinMaybe that's just my eccentric way of thinking.
21:48.37fireman_biffp3nguin: I am using an IVR with all options pointing to custom extensions. Each custom extension sets TheNumber appropriately and then Goto's another custom extension which logs the call in the database and redirects to the indented destination
21:49.07fireman_biffit would be great if the CDR showed the person show called in the src and the number they ended up talking to in the dst
21:49.22fireman_biff*the person WHO called
21:51.22fireman_biffam I using 's' incorrectly?
21:55.05*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
21:57.32pigpenhi all, I am running  I have my hints defined and they are updating correctly (idle, inuse, etc...).  I am using Polycom (650 & 335's) phones, with presence enabled (3.2.5)
21:57.44pigpenbut when I list the hints, core show hints, I see no watchers.
21:59.12pigpenIn my sip.conf, I have the new limitonpeer=yes, call-limit=99 set.
21:59.51pigpenI think, notifyringing=yes is a new requirement too, but it too is set.
22:00.32pigpenmy xml for the phone is setup correctly, as the same structure is set for several hundred phones.
22:00.46pigpenwhat am I missing....I feel like a n00b
22:03.45*** join/#asterisk kamikazemicrow-1 (
22:08.31cjI get a busy signal back when trying to dial the newly-registered SIP client.  any idea what those messages mean?
22:19.34*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:19.48*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
22:20.55*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
22:25.01*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
22:30.06pigpenchannel is quiet this afternoon.
22:31.40leifmadsenshhh the baby is sleeping
22:32.10pigpendam leifmadsen, haven't seen you for awhile.
22:32.27leifmadsenI'm always here :)
22:32.35leifmadsenexcept right now, because I'm going to make dinner
22:32.41pigpenyeah...well, maybe it's me...
22:32.48cjohai, leifmadsen.  you must be the one whose book I've been reading :)
22:32.52pigpenyeah, I have instructions to get that going too.
22:33.08beardyThat's a late dinner?
22:33.11leifmadsencj: maybe :)
22:33.14leifmadsen6:30pm here
22:33.20leifmadsenI'm not in Denmark :)
22:33.26beardyOh :)
22:33.33leifmadsenas much as the name may fool you, I am Canadian :)
22:33.39pigpencst here...
22:33.46leifmadsenCST or CDT?
22:33.53leifmadsenprobably CDT (-0500 GMT)
22:33.54beardyleifmadsen: Really? Heh, I didn't know that.
22:33.58leifmadsenit's EDT here (-0400 GMT)
22:34.09leifmadsenbeardy: indeed!  (late grandfather was from Copenhagen)
22:34.13cjleifmadsen: well, I've got questions for you when you finish dinner... and sleeping :)
22:34.20leifmadsenheh, back tomorrow likely :)
22:36.03cjin the meantime, has anyone else got experience setting up nortel 1120e hard phones?  They seem to be telling asterisk that they're busy and that one should "Use Proxy"
22:37.19pigpenhopes callcounter=yes in the sip.conf fixes his buddy watch/presence/hint issue
22:40.33pigpenplenty of hints, no watchers.  Kinda like a strip joint with no customers.  ;-)
22:42.43pigpenpulls out a gun....
22:59.42*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:00.24*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
23:00.45jayteejust ordered the print edition of Asterisk: The Definitive Guide and bought the Kindle edition of the Asterisk Cookbook
23:01.12cjI got them a couple weeks ago.  O'Reilly gave me a bundle deal :)
23:01.14*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:02.22jayteeI especially like Russell's Goat Cheese and Bison meat lasagna recipe in the Cookbook :-)
23:03.04cjoh, wait.  I didn't get the cookbook, just the print & e versions of the definitive guide :)
23:03.57p3nguinWhat's the price on the Asterisk book in print?
23:04.19cjI got them both for $65 or something, I think.  Maybe $40-ish?
23:04.22jaytee$32.60 on Amazon
23:04.51jayteeand 9.99 for the Kindle edition of the Cookbook
23:04.51p3nguinNow if someone will just turn it into a PDF...
23:05.08jayteehey! Leif and Russell gotta eat!
23:05.16cjp3nguin: it is in PDF...
23:05.33p3nguinTo my knowledge it isn't.
23:05.35cjit's right here on my hard drive :)
23:05.44cjoh, cookbook again
23:06.00p3nguinIt was stated that there will be no PDF version of Asterisk: The Definitive Guide.
23:06.22p3nguinThere is to be a print version and an HTML version.
23:08.00p3nguinI think it was russell that said that here.  I'd have to go through logs to be sure.
23:08.46cjI wonder what I'm reading then...
23:09.00jayteea blank page from the looks of that link :-)
23:09.42cjthis page intentionally left blank.
23:09.47p3nguinThat looks like The Future of Telephony.
23:09.53p3nguinthe old book, that is.
23:10.38jayteeyeah, the old book was really good but since it was freely available as a PDF none of the authors made squat for their efforts.
23:10.41p3nguinNo, maybe I'm wrong about that... I see the "same =>" operator is mentioned.
23:10.58jayteewould you do the work you do everday for minimum wage or less?
23:11.04p3nguinI'm REALLY confused now.
23:17.34leifmadsenp3nguin: you can purchase the PDF -- we just aren't giving it away this time
23:17.38leifmadsen(requested by O'Reilly)
23:17.44leifmadsenthe FREE version is only via HTML
23:18.01p3nguinOh, maybe I misunderstood what was said about no PDF.
23:18.39leifmadsenno *free* PDF :)
23:18.55leifmadsenthere are certainly many electronics versions available (ePub, Kindle, PDF, etc...)
23:19.03jayteelike I said, would you work for minimum wage or less doing what you do?
23:19.06leifmadsenwhatever O'Reilly normally makes available
23:19.14leifmadsenjaytee: apparently I do :)
23:19.24leifmadsenjaytee: much obliged for the shiny nickel! :)
23:19.36jayteeI bought the Kindle version of the Cookbook but got the print version of TDG
23:19.45leifmadsenya that's the right combo
23:19.48jayteeKindle version ain't available yet
23:20.04leifmadsenWhen we get back to writing next week on the Cookbook hopefully you'll get updates
23:20.09leifmadsenjaytee: for A:TDG?
23:20.12leifmadsenthat seems odd
23:20.39leifmadsen(at least as I understand it you should get free updates on the ebook version of the Cookbook)
23:20.39jayteeyeah, there's only the paperback edition on Amazon so far
23:20.43jayteeof TDG
23:20.45leifmadsenthat seems weird to me as it should be EASY to make the Kindle version
23:21.08jayteeyeah, it might be O'Reilly stalling on it or Amazon
23:21.38jayteeit's weird that I can get some of my favorite authors books on Kindle and some others the same author wrote aren't available.
23:21.47jayteelike some Heinlein novels
23:22.39leifmadsenI have no idea how any of that works
23:23.03jayteeI don't think everyone at Amazon or O'Reilly do either :-)
23:23.10leifmadsenyou got that right :)
23:23.17leifmadsengoes to fold laundry for the wife-to-be
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