IRC log for #asterisk on 20110423

00:01.01dlublinkpabelanger, I assume 58 seconds because the Event duration was about 58000 in the packet, and I seem to remember that value being in milliseconds
00:02.46dlublinkmy next step is I did rm -rf /etc/asterisk and am going to setup a single extension for a test call.
00:05.34dlublinkpabelanger what further information need I give so you can help me
00:08.06pabelangerdlublink: well you need to narrow down where the issue lies.  With our Asterisk tests, we rely a lot on DTMF to pass information between 2 asterisk instances.  That being said, DTMF is pretty well tested in those scenarios.
00:08.29dlublinkAny suggestions as how to narrow it down ?
00:09.12pabelangertest phone to asterisk, then asterisk to asterisk.  SendDTMF()
00:10.42*** join/#asterisk digilink (
00:11.09dlublinkok, I tested phone to asterisk, it works because I see the dtmf events in the console ( I use logger dtmf to see it ).
00:12.48dlublinkI think I'll try senddtmf
00:23.09dlublinkPhone to asterisk is ok, the packet sniff shows that the packets are perfecet
00:31.26dlublinkpabelanger : I added this to extensions.conf
00:31.26dlublinkexten => 22,1,Dial(SIP/,30,D(wwwwwwww123889047143#))
00:31.49dlublinkI dialed 22 from my SIP phone, and the second asterisk server received "113800774"
00:36.46dlublinkthe packet sniff shows that the DTMFs are missing from the server
01:15.20nix8n82dlublink, are these two servers on the same network?
01:16.36nix8n82are you doing any jitter buffering?
01:25.45*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:35.02*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
01:41.13ectospasmmmm, jitter butter
01:47.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
01:48.13*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:52.24*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:00.01pabelangerdlublink: create a peer in sip.conf, Then you can Dial(SIP/peername/114186939930)
02:00.02pabelangeris cleaner
02:03.39dlublinkOk, I'll try that
02:05.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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02:22.39*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (~brianj@
02:25.23*** join/#asterisk JunTao2 (
02:25.47JunTao2do you guys think this is a good ATA product/deal?
02:32.05*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
02:34.13luisfeliceHi all, I have an issue with two asterisk systems. I have one 1.4 with Zaptel and the other 1.8 with dahdi, when an analog extension of the ast1.4 calls an analog extension of the 1.8 always the analog extension of the ast1.4 listen bad and the extension of the ast1.8 listen perfect.
02:34.47luisfeliceAny idea?
02:36.16pabelangerJunTao2: No, grandstream does not get good reviews around here.
02:37.26JunTao2pabelanger is that a fact eh. Why not? Any other recommendations? HOw about this cheap one
02:38.07*** join/#asterisk titter (~Justin@
02:38.50pabelangerJunTao2: cheap and VoIP don't go hand in hand :)  Have you looked at the SPA-3102?
02:39.49pabelangerLinksys sells it
02:40.34*** join/#asterisk bongfrog (
02:43.48*** join/#asterisk luisfelice_ (~luisfelic@
02:44.08luisfeliceSorry I lost my connection, anyone can help me?
02:51.20pabelangerluisfelice: define bad
02:52.05luisfelicepabelanger: like cut audio
02:52.26pabelangerluisfelice: how are you connecting the 2 asterisk boxes together?
02:52.35luisfelicepabelanger: IAX2
02:52.52luisfelicepabelanger: each one have voip phones that works fine
02:53.04luisfelicepabelanger: inclusive calling voip to analog
02:53.11pabelangerluisfelice: more then likely a bandwidth issue
02:53.13luisfelicepabelanger: te problem is only analog to analog
02:53.40pabelangerare you using the same codecs for all your calls?
02:53.49luisfelicepabelanger: yes
02:53.57luisfelicepabelanger: ulaw
02:54.09pabelangerluisfelice: jitterbuffer enabled?
02:54.19luisfelicepabelanger: yes
02:55.15pabelangerI would confirm you are using the same codecs around all connections.  I can't see analog making a difference in this setup
02:55.34luisfelicepabelanger: I thought maybe can be an incompatibility between calls originated by zaptel and dahdi
02:56.26pabelangerluisfelice: no, your calls are not Zaptel to dahdi directly, they both interface to IAX2
02:57.20luisfelicepebelanger: yes I know, but that is the only thing different, I try codecs, check bandwidth, etc etc
02:57.40luisfelicepebelanger: allways the ast1.4 analog listen bad
02:58.33luisfelicepebelanger: inclusive a PSTN call from the ast1.4 originated in the analog extension of the ast1.8 listen bad
02:58.43luisfelicepebelanger: at the PSTN side
02:59.11pabelangerand analog to voip?
02:59.23luisfeliceworks good
02:59.55infobotsomebody said collectdebug was a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
03:00.19pabelangerluisfelice: pb a debug log from asterisk 1.4 for both a good and bad call ^
03:02.06luisfeliceIAX debug?
03:02.32pabelangerluisfelice: yes, follow the wiki page and enable IAX debug
03:18.08*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
03:20.21luisfelicepebelanger: I saw this many times: [Apr 23 03:10:28] DEBUG[8209] chan_zap.c: Dropping frame since I'm still dialing on Zap/1-1...
03:21.08pabelangerluisfelice: pb log
03:28.26pabelangerluisfelice: Did you answer the call?
03:30.37pabelangerluisfelice: is this the full debug log?  Because it is not showing that Zap answered the call....  can could be the reason for your audio issue, since frames are getting dropped
03:32.14luisfeliceoh sorry no, i did it bad, let me pb again
03:37.54*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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03:56.43luisfeliceany idea?
04:02.09luisfeliceI will comeback later
04:12.02*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
04:12.10*** join/#asterisk Josejulio (
04:12.51luisfelicepabelange: I am back, did you got time to see the log?
04:17.21JosejulioGood day, sorry for the long post: i'm gathering info for a project i'm working on, we wanna link our system with an asterisk server, one of the things i'm looking for is a module that "hook" on the iax2 auth process, what i intend is to use other server to do the auth stuff (like, user sends user/pass to asterisk, asterisk sends it to a server B, server B process it and answers YES/NO, and so asterisk answers to the user YES/
04:17.22Josejuliothis possible with a module or should i modify the asterisk-core? Thanks for reading.
04:21.31*** part/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
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04:36.17*** part/#asterisk joshaidan (~brianj@
04:45.54*** join/#asterisk Ean (~Ean@unaffiliated/ean)
04:47.51*** join/#asterisk exes (
04:48.34exesrandom question, could Asterisk accept a text message and, using either a plugin or external script, allow me to interact with that text message over XMPP?
04:51.15*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
05:13.30*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
05:20.43*** join/#asterisk jplank (
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05:43.48*** join/#asterisk kuku (
05:45.07kukuIf I have hints, but 0 watchers, after I restart asterisk... but watchers show up after the phone sits there for a while and makes a few calls - what could be the issue ?
05:46.39kaldemaryou tell us
05:47.02jplankphone not subscribing soon enough?
05:47.10kukumakes sense.
05:47.21kaldemarthe phones subscribe to hints. they do it in intervals. restart clears subscriptions.
05:47.25jplankwhat does a debug show?
05:47.28kukuThis is a 6757i phone running on 1.8
05:47.40jplankwhat kaldemar said
05:48.08kukuso I need to force the phone to subscribe to hints more often
05:48.31jplankor restart asterisk less
05:48.56jplankshould probably figure out why your restarting it so often, and stop doing that
05:49.42kukui did it on purpose.
05:49.59kukub/c it never subscribed to my parking lot hints.
05:50.04jplankI understand that
05:50.59kukuSo its only subscribing to extensions - not my parking long hints. I have no clue where to go from here to have the phone subscribe to the arking lot hints. whoa, I think i just said the same thing twice, i must be tired.
05:57.21*** join/#asterisk dimm (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
05:58.55kaldemarkuku: poke the phones. you can't make them subscribe from asterisk.
06:04.24kukuyeh - no subscriptions
06:05.02kukucisco 7940's just re-registered.
06:15.58*** join/#asterisk dimm (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
06:19.16*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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06:34.01p3nguinWhat the hell are parking lot hints?
06:35.54p3nguinI know what a parking lot is, and I know what hints are, but I have never used the two terms in conjunction in the manner in which you have.
06:39.36*** join/#asterisk OldMonk (~raju@
06:40.53OldMonkgot an asterisk server ( with 4000 sip peers, about 1000 of them connected.  i'm seeing mass connects from the clients, followed by lag and then disconnect.  after a while the client connects again.  any idea why this could be happening, or how to mitigate it?
06:42.29ectospasmthat's an *old* version of Asterisk.  And, the Asterisk 1.6.2* branch was deprecated Thursday, which means nothing but security fixes until it's end of life next year
06:43.39OldMonkno option at the moment: waiting for debian packages.
06:43.47OldMonkmessages are of the form: [Apr 23 12:13:30] NOTICE[27465] chan_sip.c: Peer '21007219' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 52
06:43.53p3nguinThey are in the asterisk repo.
06:44.08p3nguincurrent, several branches.
06:44.22ectospasmThere are Digium-sponsored Debian repos
06:44.44OldMonkectospasm: will do that if i'm sure that will solve this problem
06:44.55jplankI'd think if you were admining a box with 4000 extensions, you'd know how to build from source
06:45.08OldMonki do
06:45.14ectospasmOldMonk: there's always the change log (-;
06:45.46jplankOldMonk: the first thing to do is see if the phones are replying to the OPTIONS message
06:45.55jplankare all the phones inside the same network or remote?
06:46.01OldMonkwell, i'm trying to first figure out if it's a bug in the client, in asterisk or a fault in the LAN
06:46.10OldMonkjplank: same building. multiple VLANs
06:46.16jplankwhat does a capture show you?
06:46.32jplankare you seeing responses to the the OPTIONS message?
06:46.32OldMonkon the asterisk box?
06:47.11jplankAsterisk will send the client an OPTIONS message, and then client needs to respond
06:47.11OldMonkman, there's so much traffic on that box it'll be next to impossible to isolate one missed OPTIONS response!
06:47.28jplankthats what captures and filters are for
06:47.36p3nguinYou can debug by ip or by peer.
06:48.05jplankif you can't start troubleshooting from the right place, it will take you forever to figure out the issue
06:48.10jplankinstall wireshark
06:48.35jplanktshark -i any port 5060 and host
06:49.02OldMonkfor me tcpdump with capture to file may be easier.  i can perl out the OPTIONS and responses
06:49.03ectospasm<3 wireshark
06:49.11OldMonkOPTIONS will go to port 5060, right?
06:49.26jplankthank you ectospasm I usually get flack for saying that instead of debug :)
06:49.45jplankOldMonk: are all the peers going unreachable at the same time?
06:49.57OldMonknot all, some 60-70 out of 1000 at a time
06:50.11jplankare they ones within the same VLAN?
06:50.22OldMonkneed to check... holdon
06:50.35ectospasmjplank: using CLI debug for SIP is like digging a massive hole with an ice cream tasting spoon!
06:51.15jplankI concur, but I always get it thrown in my face that you also get CLI output
06:51.25p3nguinIt can be done, but takes a long time?
06:51.37ectospasmOnce someone showed me the wireshark way, I only go back to the Asterisk CLI debug if I need to see non-SIP-debug CLI messages (since tcpdump et al. don't capture that)
06:51.50OldMonknope, different VLANS
06:52.27ectospasmjplank: granted, we always request both, just in case one or the other is incomplete
06:52.29OldMonkjplank: different VLANs
06:52.31jplankOldMonk: there's any one of a hundred reasons that could be happening
06:52.48jplankstart with taking a capture and seeing if the phones are even responding to the options messages
06:53.09jplankit could be as simple as a bad cable somewhere
06:54.34OldMonkwoah, here's something right away:
06:54.36jplankif you turn qualify off, do the phones start working?
06:54.42OldMonkpicked a client at random
06:54.51jplankwell there's your problem
06:55.05jplankcheck yo network
06:55.05OldMonkwhy TF would that happen?
06:55.44OldMonkumm, this looks more like a client problem... network issue would just time the packet out, this looks like the client sending a PORT_UNREACH
06:56.08jplankare you getting one way audio?
06:56.09p3nguinThat reminds me of a firewall.
06:56.34jplankwhat does the 5060 traffic look like? there's no reinvites going on, are there?
06:56.46OldMonkjplank: hmm, it's possible... users say calls take ages to mature with blank gaps
06:57.14OldMonkanyone got a quick tcpdump expression to filter out the actual voice traffice?
06:57.25jplankI gave you wireshark
06:57.37OldMonkp3nguin: no firewalls between host and client
06:57.56OldMonkjplank: no gui access to the server, just ssh
06:58.33jplankyou don't need gui for wireshark
06:58.45jplankyou said debian right?
06:58.49OldMonkjplank: yes
06:58.51jplankapt-get wireshark
06:58.54jplankor whatever
06:59.14p3nguinYou can use tshark, which is part of wireshark, and is CLI based.
06:59.27OldMonkah, ok
06:59.35jplank(2:48:35 AM) jplank: tshark -i any port 5060 and host
06:59.40p3nguinman 1 tshark
07:00.58p3nguinIt writes in libpcap format, so you can read the saved file in the same way as you would a tcpdump saved file.
07:01.27jplank-w to save to a file
07:01.39jplanktshark -i any -w capture.cap port 5060 and host
07:05.10OldMonkstill one issue though: there's not guarantee that host will go unreachable
07:05.46jplankcapture all port 5060 traffic and just watch the CLI until a host goes unreachable
07:06.09jplank5060 traffic isn't like UDP, even with 1000 peers, it wont be too huge
07:06.33OldMonkthis is tcp port 5060?
07:06.43jplankno UDP
07:06.54jplankI'm sorry, I meant isn't like RTP
07:07.27jplankthough, with that much data I recommend after making the capture file he copy locally to your machine and open it with the wireshark gui, will be a lot easier to parse with that many clients
07:07.50OldMonkwill do that at end of working day
07:08.01OldMonkthen try to correlate against the asterisk logs
07:08.21jplankthere you go
07:20.24*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
07:31.49*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:39.48OldMonkhmm, what would this mean?  0.000000 ->  SIP Request: OPTIONS sip:in_17626@
07:39.54OldMonk0.002017 ->  SIP Status: 404 Not Found
07:42.18jplankwhat kind of endpoint is it?
07:43.52*** join/#asterisk gmc (~gmc@freenode/sponsor/gmc)
07:44.50jplankdo you see ANY proper responses from that model phone to the options message?
07:45.00gmchi all.. anyone care to share some insight onto why my dialplan results in Spawn extension (xs4all-prive, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/xs4all-00000003' after step the first Dial isn't answered??
07:45.22OldMonkthis is from phone to asterisk
07:45.40OldMonkasterisk is
07:45.52jplankdoes it ever properly respond?
07:46.05OldMonkto OPTIONS?  sure, it sends 100 then 200
07:47.08jplankit responds to options with a 100 trying?
07:48.23jplankI never seen a 100 trying as a response to a options request
07:48.55jplankI can't even imagine why it would send a 100 trying, but that can't be right
07:49.12jplankbut I don't know if that follows the RFC or not
07:49.55jplankmaybe there is a method inside options that the phone doesn't like?
07:50.03ectospasmno, 100 Trying and 200OK does not follow from an OPTIONS
07:50.16ectospasmthey follow from an INVITE
07:50.19ectospasmcheck the SIP ID
07:51.11jplankdoes the issue ONLY happen with qutecom endpoints?
07:55.51ectospasmRFC 3261 specifies that (in this case) the endpoint should return either a 200 OK, 486 (Busy Here), etc.  The CSeq. of the second message should be <some number> OPTIONS
07:58.01OldMonkwe have only qutecoms here
07:58.15OldMonkthat's a linux softphone, btw -- used to be wengophone
07:58.20ectospasmit may respond with other 4xx messages
07:58.47jplankwould a 404 response be valid if the one of the methods wasn't supported?
07:58.49ectospasmI'd need to see a pcap
07:59.26ectospasmjplank: it could, yes.  I can't remember when I saw this, but I think a 404 is a valid response to an OPTIONS method
07:59.48OldMonkectospasm: for just one client or the whole load?
08:01.09jplankOldMonk: can you isolate the part of the capture showing 1) the 404 and 2) a 100 reply to a options?
08:01.10gmchi all.. anyone care to share some insight onto why my dialplan results in Spawn extension (xs4all-prive, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/xs4all-00000003' after step the first Dial isn't answered??
08:01.23gmcwhoops.. sorry 'bout that
08:01.33jplankgmc: you don't have enough info in that pastebin
08:01.41jplankwill need the cli output too
08:01.59ectospasmOldMonk: I would just need to see one dialog.  In wireshark, choose an OPTIONS message, and filter only that dialog, then save the filter as its own pcap.
08:02.10ectospasmI dunno how to do it with tshark
08:02.22jplankectospasm: are you asking to do that for the 404 or the 100?
08:03.27ectospasmjplank: basically, I'm asking for the entire OPTIONS dialog.  Should be the OPTIONS message and its response.
08:03.39ectospasm...I'm only expecting two packets there
08:04.06jplankI'd love to see the cseq on that options/100/200 dialog, I bet its not right
08:07.30gmcneed sip debug as well?
08:08.14OldMonkectospasm: say that again, please?
08:09.11jplankgmc: how much time is there between lines 14 and 15
08:09.26OldMonkhmm, can't seem to get the sequence numbers
08:09.30ectospasmOldMonk: say what again?
08:09.31OldMonkin tshark
08:09.36gmcjplank: about 30 seconds
08:09.42OldMonkectospasm: preciesly what do you want to see?
08:09.49gmc25 i'd say
08:09.59gmcphones are ringing
08:10.15ectospasmOldMonk: I want to see a complete OPTIONS dialog.  I want to see the OPTIONS message, and its response.
08:10.44jplankwoonkamer and kantoor actually ring right?
08:11.27gmcyep, both phones are ringing
08:12.15jplankif you comment out line 6, does it go to VM properlY?
08:13.20OldMonkectospasm: will pull it out and give it to you in a few minutes
08:13.31gmclemme try
08:14.21jplankactually, aren't you not suppose to use the r option in dial if your using progress()?
08:14.28jplankisn't that what progress is doing
08:14.55gmchrmz.. i tried with and without progress actually
08:15.05jplankleave progress, drop the r
08:15.19gmcprogress was a recent addition after reading stuff on
08:15.29gmcbtw, doesn't go to voicemail, same non-zero thing
08:16.49gmcjplank: also, leaving out r and leave in progress.. same result..
08:17.02gmcbummer, have an appointment to make..
08:17.04ectospasmOldMonk: I dunno about tshark, but in wireshark you can select an OPTIONS request, and follow the UDP stream
08:17.07gmctnx for your help so far!
08:18.04jplanksomething has to be wrong with the dial, I'm just not seeing it, play around with it, I'm sure its something stupid
08:18.37jplanktry upping the ring time, make sure the call doesn't end sooner then the timer
08:19.13gmcah.. hrmz.. when i do Answer() first it does work
08:19.19gmcexcept i don't get a ringtone anymore when calling in
08:20.04jplankwill the phone generate the ring tone?
08:20.14gmcplus, of course, it then starts charging even if we don't answer
08:20.18ectospasmringtone or ringback?
08:20.18jplankcan you drop progress, and use R?
08:20.25gmcR capital?
08:20.27jplankI asusme
08:20.44gmcwith the Answer you mean?
08:20.46jplankinstead of generating the ringback, it tells the phone to do it
08:20.57jplankoh, no
08:21.02jplankthats from a patch isn't it?
08:21.23jplankignore my R suggestion
08:21.49gmcthere's Ringing() though
08:22.20jplanktry it
08:23.01ectospasmRinging() is a hack
08:23.08ectospasm...but if it works...
08:24.05gmcit doesn't though :)
08:24.23jplankyour dropped the r right?
08:24.53gmcright i now really have to go for that appointment :)
08:24.55gmctnx again..
08:24.57jplankyou left the answer?
08:25.41jplankanswer(), ringing(), dial(sip/1&sip/2), dial(sip/3&sip/4), Voicemail()
08:25.43OldMonkwell fsck
08:36.05OldMonkectospasm: here's one: does this help?
08:37.20ectospasm404 Not Found is a valid response to OPTIONS
08:37.44OldMonkectospasm: how about at the end: the 100/200 response?
08:37.46ectospasmNotice the Allow: line in the 404 message.
08:38.23ectospasmthat's bizarre
08:39.29ectospasm100 Trying is usually for INVITE, but in this case for the OPTIONS.  Weird.  I suppose it's not technically illegal, since Asterisk doesn't behave poorly to it.
08:39.44ectospasmOldMonk: why are you concerned about OPTIONS messages anyway?
08:39.57ectospasmThey usually are safely ignored by the admin
08:40.06OldMonki'm not, someone here pointed out that it could be a problem
08:40.35OldMonkectospasm: also, you'd asked for a complete OPTIONS stream.  is this enough?
08:40.52ectospasmyes.  But I think I got caught in the middle of the conversation. I don't remember what the original problem was, and I'm too lazy to scroll up (tl;dr)
08:41.49OldMonkproblem was clients getting mass connected, lagged, disconnected, connected again
08:42.25ectospasmOldMonk: do you have qualify set for all of them?
08:42.37ectospasmwhat qualify value?
08:42.44OldMonkjust "yes"
08:42.52ectospasmOK, try setting them to "no"
08:43.18OldMonkoh, ok
08:43.26ectospasmYou won't get the nice "OK (XXXms)" message in "sip show peers", but Asterisk won't treat them as lagged
08:43.36ectospasm...and then disconnect them after a certain period
08:43.41ectospasm"yes" means 2000ms
08:43.43ectospasmor 2sec
08:43.55OldMonkyup, that's what it's timing them out after now
08:43.59ectospasmwith 4000 SIP endpoints
08:44.11OldMonkonly 1000 or so are up, actually
08:44.32OldMonknearer 900 to be more precise
08:44.39ectospasmyeah, that's still a lot.  Asterisk takes a fair bit of massaging to support that many simultaneous registrations
08:44.58OldMonkwould SER in the middle help?
08:45.11ectospasmmaybe, depends on where the bottleneck is
08:45.27OldMonki don't even know if it's my LAN acting up -- that's new too
08:45.59ectospasmyeah, there are many variables involved here, any of which could be the culprit (or collude with other problems to manifest this)
08:47.05jplankturning qualify off is just a bandaid though
08:48.29jplankwait, something is messed up
08:49.13jplankwhy is the phone sending asterisk a SIP options message?
08:49.19jplankthats what's being 404'd
08:51.08jplankof course asterisk is going to 404 those options requests
08:54.03ectospasmhuh?  Which is the Asteirsk IP, and which are the phones'?
08:54.22OldMonkasterisk is
08:54.43jplankunless I'm reading it backwards, look at the first message
08:54.52jplankOPTIONS SIP/2.0
08:54.57jplankUser-Agent: qutecom/rev-fdc30c5c1582-trunk
08:55.10jplankSIP/2.0ร‚ย 404ร‚ย Not Found
08:55.15jplankServer: Asterisk PBXร‚ย
08:55.56ectospasmAsterisk is responding correctly
08:56.07ectospasm...with the 404
08:56.17jplankyour softphone shouldn't be sending options to asterisk.
08:56.28jplankI don't know if thats actually causing the unreachable, but I guess its possible
08:56.48jplankOldMonk: my advise, find a new softphone
08:58.19OldMonkreinstallation on 1000+ debian desktops?  ouch!
08:59.18jplankuse ser to proxy the packets and make them play nice then
08:59.19ectospasmyou don't have a way to manage all of these from a central location?  Why did you install Debian on 1000 desktops if you didn't?
08:59.42OldMonkwe do have ssh ;)
08:59.55ectospasm...and scripting (-;
09:00.11OldMonkthat too... that's how each qutecom gets configured remotely
09:00.17jplankwould probably be easier to figure out the underlining problem
09:00.36jplankits probably a misconfig in qutecom
09:01.21jplankdid you try #qutecom?
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09:02.01OldMonknope, i just found out that's the qutecom sending OPTIONS is a problem
09:02.21ectospasmsounds like you should be able to disable that in the config
09:02.28jplankheh, they actually have a rule in #qutecom that you must say hello when you join and goodbye before you leave
09:03.21OldMonk...and do they respond with 404 when you say HELO? ;)
09:03.53jplankheh, you should go find out
09:04.32jplankmaybe they'll respond with a 250
09:11.11OldMonkalso getting these fairly regularly: [Apr 23 14:40:51] WARNING[3661] chan_sip.c: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 444800427@ for seqno 21 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
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09:14.46jplankwould need to see the capture for that
09:16.45OldMonkmaking one, will pull it out in the evening
09:17.01OldMonkdon't want to choke the eth with long transfers right now
09:19.55OldMonkoh excellent, tshark is logging whole decoded sip packets now
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12:04.00fatalfury1981Good Morning at all. I've big problem with hangup detection with analog line, dahdi with digium TDM400P.   I live in italy, i've tried set busydetect.. busycount polarity reverseal.. loadzone default zone are set up with italy.. Is there any way with asterisk cli works in debug mode for understand  what happens in asterisk when the caller hungup?
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13:17.46gmcjplank: yep, the answer was still there
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14:10.36gmcjplank: for the record, problem wasn't with asterisk
14:10.48gmcturned out the provider had voicemail enabled, and thus stopped trying after 30 seconds......
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14:45.41JunTao2would I be able to connect an FXO ATA device to any of the FXS phone plugs in my house, which are currently plugged in with phones? That way I can pick up the phone downstairs and also the signal still would go to upstairs to the ATA device which connects to asterisk?
14:59.32wolfedoes Asterisk have any type of transrating services?
14:59.54wolfeI've used asterisk since about 05' and casually have issues on networks which are limited in BW
15:00.13wolfecan asterisk do any transrating or no?
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15:18.31infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
15:18.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
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15:31.15gruvfunkwhat's the easiest method to generate a UUID/GUID for an IVR session?
15:33.11gruvfunkI found this, but it requires launching a separate process and keeping it running in background:
15:47.36*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
15:51.03drfreezeAnyone know how to adjust sidetone on polycom 550 phones?
15:51.37drfreezeIn the sip file there is control for 330,430,450,650, but no 550
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16:10.39cusco_when I place a .call file it goes trough a channel, then on connect it goes to the specified context and extension...
16:11.05cusco_if chanel is local and I Set(var) can I somehow re-use that var on the specified context extension ?
16:18.34gruvfunk@cusco_ I believe a Channel Variable will persist through the life of that channel (call)
16:18.59gruvfunkOtherwise, look at Global Variables (SetGlobalVar)
16:21.12gruvfunker.. deprecated, use Set(GLOBAL=
16:21.46gruvfunkCan anyone in here confirm that a Channel Variable persists through contexts?
16:22.16cusco_gruvfunk: im not sure but it seems that Extension: bla will not belong the the same channel ???
16:22.40cusco_or I don't understand
16:23.44cusco_gruvfunk: take a look here:
16:24.55gruvfunkI believe what you want to do is set a global variable then, in the [globals] section
16:25.21cusco_with several calls that var will be overwritten...
16:25.43gruvfunkI suppose
16:26.12gruvfunkMy understanding is a channel stays the same through the life of the call
16:26.19cusco_yes in mine too
16:26.32gruvfunkso a channel variable should work?
16:26.54gruvfunkperhaps if you expand on what you are trying to achieve?
16:26.59cusco_but read my example call file in that mailing list url...
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16:27.33cusco_ok, so I place a .call file to a channel that has Queue()
16:27.58cusco_once some one answers that queue, then is pointed to the Context and Extension specified on that .call file
16:29.03gruvfunkso when someone answers the queue, the call just gets passed to another context/extension?
16:29.26cusco_when that happens the original channel hungs up, and that someone follows trough that new dialplan
16:30.10cusco_and in this new context/extension I cannot get the peer number
16:30.15cusco_of who answered the call
16:30.39gruvfunkhmm.. complex, hope somebody else in here can help
16:31.14cusco_I thought I should be able to use MEMBERINTERFACE
16:31.25cusco_ok thansk for trying anyway
16:31.38cusco_gruvfunk: regarding your question I really dunno what uuid and guid are
16:31.49cusco_I use ${UNIQUEID} as unique identifier
16:32.10gruvfunksure, is there a better solution to your problem? (I find myself asking that question a lot - is there an easier way to achieve what you want, instead of .call -> Queue -> context
16:33.34cusco_well... .call files would be good enough here..
16:33.54cusco_We have a bd with list of phone numbers to outbound
16:33.58gruvfunkright, but when somebody answers the Queue, why is that not the "Agent"
16:34.03gruvfunkwhy pass it off?
16:34.33cusco_the queue member answers the queue..
16:34.33gruvfunkwhen the Queue is answered, is it human?
16:34.50cusco_then he automatically gets dialed to outbound
16:35.09gruvfunkso it's a call back?
16:35.16cusco_sort of yes
16:35.42cusco_so... outbound contact -> call file -> queue -> answer -> dialout
16:37.18gruvfunkas I try to find a better way - forums suggest a script for call back
16:37.21cusco_so I would like to set a var on dialplan that Channel points to, and re-use it in Extension
16:37.38cusco_script.. as in agi?
16:37.49gruvfunkthat's what I'm reading, agi, php, perl
16:38.05gruvfunkbut... why don't you write your Channel variable to AstDB, and then call it back out?
16:38.35cusco_never used astdb manually
16:38.55gruvfunkin the dialplan
16:38.58cusco_wouldn't it get overwritten too ?
16:39.23cusco_if more than one call at the same time exists?
16:39.35gruvfunkdepends, need some logic
16:40.03gruvfunkwith AstDB you have groupings called "families" with valies identified by "keys"
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16:40.49cusco_it seems a new world to explore
16:40.57cusco_Ill just look it up on voip info
16:41.51gruvfunkmaybe something like Set(DB(customers/${UNIQUEID}=${CALLERID(num)})  - I have no idea if that works
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16:42.03cusco_uniqueid will change too
16:42.47gruvfunktough weekend, everybody seems unavailable for Easter :)
16:43.03cusco_true _=
16:43.58cusco_Im thinking in setting a global var using destination nr-var and then cut it back...
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16:44.59cusco_but this doesn't make sese
16:45.04cusco_channel is the same
16:45.17gruvfunka UUID/GUID is a 128 bit long number that can be used to identify something, like UNIQUEID, except longer 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
16:45.40gruvfunkmore random
16:45.48cusco_isn't there a function to retrieve/generate one in dialplan?
16:46.03gruvfunkwe're using UUID's to track session #, user ID, etc
16:46.12gruvfunkis there? that's what I'm looking for!
16:46.54cusco_well, how do you know uuid exists?
16:47.37gruvfunkit's a public standard
16:48.01gruvfunkso the only way I found to generate one is via AGI perl script
16:48.09cusco_can't you just manually generate one?
16:48.15gruvfunkbut it requires me to run that perl script in the background, creats zombie processes sometimes hangs
16:48.31gruvfunkprobably - my perlFu is not good
16:48.34cusco_like ${UNIQUEID}-${EPOCH}-${CALLERID(num)}
16:48.40cusco_in dialplan, Imean
16:48.48gruvfunkit has to be UUID conformant
16:48.56cusco_ah right..
16:49.01gruvfunk128 bits, 32 characters, 8-4-4-4-12
16:49.51gruvfunkshame.. my googleFu is good, appears Freeswitch uses UUID's natively
16:50.09gruvfunkit may be time to start learning something new
16:50.11cusco_hold a sec
16:51.54cusco_is it only digits?
16:51.57cusco_or alphanumeric?
16:53.22cusco_alphanumeric according to wikipedia
16:53.33cusco_err.. hex
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16:55.03cusco_so what about using perl or php agi ?
16:55.25x86mmmmmm perl AGI
16:55.29cusco_in the past I used something like...
16:56.41cusco_System(php -q /some/path/echo.php ${CHANNEL}); -- where this echo.php takes the cannel argument, opens socket to manager, and sets a channel variable
16:56.53cusco_probably a long way but seems that php can generate uuid
16:57.29cusco_x86: are you familliar with .call files ?
16:57.33cusco_needs help
17:04.52cusco_using dumpchan I see that Channel (where the call goes first) has channel name: Local/210332450@ZonNew-Outbound-66c7;2 ... and Context/Extension (where the call goes after) has channel name Local/210332450@ZonNew-Outbound-66c7;1
17:05.07cusco_so it seems that the first is a subchannel of the second ?
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17:07.54cusco_I do not understand...
17:11.48drfreezeMan, it's hard to tell the difference between sidetone and echo
17:13.18Kobazso, this was fun
17:13.32Kobazi had a deadlock caused this morning by core restart when convenient
17:18.06cusco_I had one like that too last weak..
17:18.14cusco_I had a core restart gracefully
17:18.25cusco_but there was a call in queue during night that nobody picked up...
17:18.36cusco_so it never restarted and refused new calls
17:19.33cusco_Kobaz: any good with call files?
17:20.56Kobaznever used them
17:21.10Kobazyou don't want to use core restart gracefull
17:21.27Kobazbecause it will block new calls until all the calls finish
17:21.40Kobazcore restart when convenient is the way to go... but i gotta try and reproduce this deadlock
17:22.20Kobazcall files are basically a file with call originate options
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17:26.10cusco_Kobaz: yes but seems that I cannot re-use vars in them
17:26.31cusco_it originates a channel and then upon connect points it to a context/extension
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17:31.08Kobazwhen you use local channels, you will get the ;1 leg and the ;2 leg
17:31.18Kobazthey are connected to each other, they are not sub channels
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17:32.10Kobazlooks like you're trying to communicate between channels
17:32.19Kobazthere are several ways of doing that
17:32.41Kobazyou can used the SHARED function
17:33.06Kobazthis has nothing really do to with call files, it's just how local channels work
17:34.14Kobazoh also. you need to put all your sets on one line seperated by commas, that's another problem
17:35.02cusco_ow, ok
17:35.16cusco_so I need to use SHARED..
17:35.41Kobazif you want to set a var on ;1 and be able to have ;2 use it (or vice versa) then yeah
17:36.13cusco_:( ok
17:36.20cusco_I will try that
17:36.20KobazSet: __PARTNER=ZonNew-Outbound,NUMBER=210332450
17:36.24Kobazso do that instead
17:36.26cusco_yes, thanks for that
17:36.30Kobazand you'll get your initial vars
17:36.34cusco_didn't get there yet :p
17:37.25Kobazyou'll have to know the channel name in order to use shared
17:38.24cusco_yes that was my question now
17:38.30cusco_I was just reading that...
17:39.35cusco_I can use prefix
17:39.39cusco_should be OK
17:40.00cusco_since it looks like current channel name..
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18:05.25Kobazmm, you might be able to use a prefix, some stuff you can
18:05.35Kobazi dont remmeber offhand
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18:08.44cusco_voip info states that I can
18:15.34Kobazfor knowing exactly you can look at the source code
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18:19.02cusco_[Apr 23 19:18:36] ERROR[17291]: func_global.c:149 shared_read: Channel 'Local/210332450@ZonNew-Outbound-7488' not found!  Variable 'foo' will be blank.
18:19.27cusco_and before that:     -- Executing [210332450@ZonNew-Outbound:8] Set("Local/210332450@ZonNew-Outbound-7488;2", "SHARED(foo)=bar") in new stack
18:21.14cusco_if I specify the channel name exactly, it works
18:21.49cusco_Im using  ${SHARED(foo,${CHANNEL:0:$[${LEN(${CHANNEL})} - 1]}2)});
18:22.03cusco_but this is assuming I want the same channel name leg 2
18:22.21cusco_isn't there another way?
18:22.43cusco_to share a variable?
18:27.16Kobazmy group variables patch
18:27.24Kobazor global variables (which are evil)
18:28.02Kobazbefore we go deeper into the rabbit hole
18:28.08Kobazwhat exactly are you trying to do
18:30.55cusco_I tried globals.. but seems that I cannot unset them
18:30.58cusco_thats really bad
18:31.38cusco_well... call file that will place a call on queue, when a member answers he gets to dialout to client
18:36.58Kobazyou can clear them
18:37.13Kobazthere's nothing to delete variables.. but you can Set(var="")
18:37.38Kobazthe problem with globals also, is that you need a scheme to make sure each channel has it's own
18:37.49Kobazwhich is my my group variable stuff is really cool
18:39.11cusco_well for now, all I want is to know the peer number of who answered the queue
18:40.03cusco_so... outbound contact -> call file -> queue -> answer -> dialout
18:40.23cusco_I did that setting them to ""
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18:40.57cusco_but then: dialplan show globals, I have loads of 1303581808.4556-ext=
18:41.19JunTao2can asterisk do voicemail and other pbx automated call agents when I have a set up at home like POTS LAndline->ATA FXO Device->PBX ?
18:41.40cusco_JunTao2: I don't see why not
18:43.22cusco_Kobaz: what does your group variables do?ยป
18:43.52Kobazyou know how yo ucan put a channel into a group
18:43.59Kobazand the groups go away when the channels go away
18:44.11cusco_never used that..
18:44.13JunTao2cusco_ so this would work ?
18:44.18Kobazwell i added variable support, for groups... so you can attach a variable to a group.. and you can access the variables by knowing the group
18:44.26Kobazand when the channels go away, the variables go away... no cleanup
18:44.54cusco_that would work
18:44.58cusco_why isn't that in mainstream?
18:45.16Kobazbecause i still have some work to do on it
18:45.28Kobazand it won't be in mainline until 1.10 anyway
18:46.16cusco_JunTao2: sorry dunno about hardware... but if you can connect to it, then you can do whatever from dialplan
18:46.59cusco_Kobaz: well I would really rather not apply patches...
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18:47.32hamidqai have quasdtion about astrik
18:47.32cusco_for now I will use IMPORT and relly on channelname;2 instead of ;1
18:47.49Kobazcusco_: if you work with asterisk long enough, all you will have are patches
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18:48.14Kobazcusco_: i have about 2000 lines of changes to my current asterisk for bug and crash fixes, and new features i wrote
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18:48.41cusco_Kobaz: well yes we used to alter a little source code in past times, but now we can always get to do whatever trough dialplan
18:49.17hamidqai have a two wifi network with two deferent dhcp address when sip mobile user switch betwen those network the voice connection is droped by my old sip server is astrik support this (do not drop call on wifi switch
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18:53.23hamidqaany one?
18:54.41hamidqaany help
18:55.48cusco_I don't know..
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18:58.02hamidqafinally thank for answer cusco_
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19:41.56cusco_retrieve_conf ?
19:49.41cusco_what is that?
19:53.21ghostmediaprowhere freepbx loads your config file and sync with asterisk
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20:12.09movozoHey Guys. Really need your help on this one. Donation should be possible for a Solution...
20:13.11movozoUsing Asterisk as a STUN and Registar for voip. But we have a really bad lag Problem when pickung up the Phone. About 2-5seconds of lag, after that everything is fine
20:13.46movozosorry, when calling somebody
20:14.06movozoyou will not hear his or her name, even they take time to say it.
20:20.11movozonobody on? bad time?
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20:38.39cusco_sorry movozo can't help you
20:38.50cusco_I never used asterisk as STUN registrar
20:38.54cusco_how does that work... ?
20:39.04cusco_only outbounds go trough asterisk?
20:40.25movozoinbounds, too
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22:16.36taclobancan anyone confirm that there are known intermittent issues with asterisk on inbound google voice calls?
22:16.58taclobani've seen some blogs on it, but no solutions yet, afaik
22:17.29taclobani'm using asterisk, btw
22:22.17taclobani also had a working configuration as of about 3 weeks ago, and I did not change anuything on my config
22:22.27taclobanbut things are very flaky now
22:24.12pabelangertacloban: It is a free service, so plan around in
22:31.51monzscatacloban:  yes, i'm having inbound google voice problems too
22:32.14monzscaphones ring, but don't seem to answer
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22:45.08Freeaqingmemonzsca, you need to send a dtmf digit 1 before it's answered
22:46.03monzscabut the big problem is often the phones ring but i get no press 1 prompt and the caller continues to ring until voicemail
22:46.21monzscaabout all i've found is this
22:48.02monzscaworks sometimes, sometimes not
23:00.54taclobansame problem here
23:01.05taclobaninbound works sometimes
23:01.18taclobanwhen it does not work, it goes to the google voice mail
23:01.33taclobanused to work like a champ
23:02.00taclobani noticed is out now, so I am building that now
23:02.12taclobani'll see if it makes a difference
23:02.15monzscayes, the changelog doesn't say anything about gv
23:02.32taclobanbut, i am trying anything at this point
23:03.07taclobanlike monzsca, I might just have to break down and get a real paid service
23:03.09monzscayea, been driving me nuts for few weeks now
23:03.23taclobani mean pabelanger
23:03.48monzscai did just find out about the obihai device that apparently still works fine with gv
23:04.00taclobanya, that blog page mentioned that
23:04.09monzscathat's all i really needed but didn't know about it
23:04.12taclobanbut, i already spent $50 bucks on a cisco ATA
23:04.36taclobannot gonna spend another $50 on a device that i have laess control over and may stop working if google keeps messing around
23:04.41monzscayea i already bought phones and have a ata from using gizmo5
23:05.01monzscahope they fix it soon
23:05.02taclobanat least with a generic ATA, i can use it other places too
23:05.10taclobanits been three weeks,
23:05.25monzscai know, thought at first it had something to do with adding a second gv account
23:05.29monzscafriend of mine has the same trouble
23:05.49taclobanthe most frustrating thing is that it does not seem like many people on the asterisk forums are even talking about it
23:06.31monzscai just found that blog post a few days ago after much searching for weeks
23:06.36taclobani wish we knew if it was an issue with google or a bug in asterisk
23:07.01taclobani think someone on the blog commented that freeswitch still works too
23:07.14monzscayes, so i suspect asterisk problem
23:07.52taclobani mean, its all free, but i'd be nice if there were some feedback from the devs that they know about it
23:08.08taclobanmaybe some idea of a timeline when that think they will get to it
23:08.21monzscasounds like they know
23:08.29taclobanhave you seen something?
23:08.45taclobanlike a comment or message in the fourm?
23:09.04monzscai saw something somewhere that they acknowledged the issue
23:09.32monzscaa comment on that blog post says they're trying to figure it out
23:09.39monzscathats a month old though
23:09.51taclobanthats good to know
23:10.15taclobanits hard to complain though, its free and opensource
23:10.23taclobani just dont have an c/C++ skills
23:10.38monzscathought quite a few people used gv with asterisk though, would expect more info/response
23:10.53taclobani thought it was really popular
23:11.34monzscait still rings my cellphone so i can still get the calls but it's annoying
23:13.38taclobanwell, the build is done
23:13.44taclobangonna restart it
23:15.28taclobanmeh, same issue
23:18.40*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (
23:19.59*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
23:40.28*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
23:44.54FreeaqingmeI'm not sure though I'm willing to sing a song in here
23:45.04Freeaqingme(and I'm fairly sure you guys wouldnt want me either)

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