IRC log for #asterisk on 20110422

00:04.26leifmadsenFreeaqingme: the changes of Asterisk and Asterisk SCF being merged are about as likely as my coffee turning into a money tree
00:04.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
00:04.44leifmadsenit wouldn't make any sense -- the code bases are completely different
00:05.14FreeaqingmeI see
00:05.17leifmadsenI don't even know how you would go about such a task. The only way would be to redevelop everything Asterisk does in Asterisk SCF and to throw the Asterisk code base away
00:05.33Freeaqingmethat could be a definition of merging
00:05.40leifmadsenI don't even know that much about Asterisk SCF, but I know enough that they aren't even remotely developed in the same way
00:05.57leifmadsenFreeaqingme: Asterisk has a 10 year head start, so I don't see that happening any time soon
00:06.19leifmadsenand is still being actively developed, and a huge market is based around it -- it wouldn't make any sense to me. It would take years for that to happen.
00:06.25FreeaqingmeI suppose you're right. I'm not familiar with either code base, so dunno if they could do a lot of copy/pasting
00:07.04pabelangerAsterisk SCF, object oriented.  Asterisk.... not
00:07.06Freeaqingmeleifmadsen, about the community etc, what would be a nice way to get involved for someone who can program, but not in C?
00:07.42leifmadsenFreeaqingme: well SCF is developed in C++ :)
00:08.01leifmadsenFreeaqingme: I don't think you could do ANY copy and pasting
00:08.03FreeaqingmeI'm a php/js/etc developer. Though C++ looks like php, C++ still isnt 'my thing'
00:08.04el3slavecan someone help a newbie out... i am testing local SIP connection to asterisk, i have configured my sip.conf via the asterisk pdf and set up xlite-4 to reflect my sip.cong, but i cant connect to asterisk server; all i get from x-lite is "enabling account.. please wait" then it fails...
00:08.12leifmadsenthe way the code bases are structured are so significantly different it'd never happen
00:08.21tzangerwow, default extensions and chan_dahdi.conf in 1.8 are hideous
00:08.22Freeaqingmeyou made your point now ;)
00:08.38Freeaqingmebut, any suggestion on my community question?
00:09.02leifmadsenjoin #asterisk-scf
00:09.08leifmadsenthat's where I'd start
00:09.16leifmadsenand #asterisk-scf-dev
00:09.38leifmadsenget involved in testing, learning about the direction of the project, writing documentation, reporting issues, testing new features, etc...
00:09.39FreeaqingmeI meant the general asterisk community, not scf in specific
00:09.42leifmadsenI'm sure there is a ton to do
00:09.50FreeaqingmeI'll be rich by the time I get to use SCF
00:09.53leifmadsensee above and s/scf//
00:10.09leifmadsenI'm getting off the computer for the night, lates
00:10.15leifmadsenis afk
00:22.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:28.47wonderworldhey i want to setup a new asterisk box. i prefer debian. the version in the debian repo is Is it OK in general to use this older version or am i missing a lot of features?
00:30.12*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
00:31.29p3nguinwonderworld: You can use the Asterisk repo and get a version in the 1.8 branch.  It has more features, as long as you don't need SCCP.
00:31.30wonderworldwow great. thanks
00:31.42wonderworldthats even better
00:33.02p3nguinAnd, of course, you always have source installation options if you aren't satisfied with the available packages.
00:33.28wonderworldi need something that is easy to service
00:33.48wonderworldso that repo seems perfect.
00:34.13p3nguinIn the case of a source installation, I always use checkinstall to make the source build into a package that I can distribute on my own machines, which is managed properly by dpkg or apt.
00:35.42wonderworldi didn't know of checkinstall
00:35.47wonderworldseems to be a cool tool
00:36.11p3nguinIt's the only way to go if you need software that isn't packaged.
00:36.35p3nguinThat way you can retain package management for source builds.
00:36.59p3nguinWell, maybe not the only way... there are probably other tools that do very similar things.
00:37.30wonderworldso is creating a debian package as simple as using checkinstall and add some meta-data?
00:38.19p3nguinI don't know what you mean about meta data, but you would configure and make the source as usual, but replace "make install" with "checkinstall -D" to roll the package and install it.
00:38.28p3nguin-D for making a deb
00:38.42p3nguinother options are available for other package types.
00:38.50wonderworldsorry, my english is bad
00:39.14wonderworldi ment, is this the way how the official debian packages are built as well?
00:39.24p3nguinI doubt it.
00:39.55p3nguinThey probably use the official debian package creation procedure, which I do not know because I'm not a debian user.
00:41.12p3nguinWait, you are asking about the Asterisk packages, right?
00:41.32wonderworldno i was asking in general#
00:45.35*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
00:45.42sequencerhello all
00:46.15sequenceram having some trouble with IAX2 connection, any one could help please ?
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00:56.36*** join/#asterisk Jouva (
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00:58.45atanHmm... does let you run more than one SIP call at a time?
01:02.31JouvaI'm slightly confused about busy lamp field stuff and asterisk configuration. It seems to be configured properly on the phone and asterisk. My 55i shows the buttons as blfs which call the proper extensions, and asterisk console says stuff like == Extension Changed 101[internal-exts] new state Unavailable for Notify User 120
01:03.20*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:03.32JouvaHuh. I just got the console saying an extension is unavailable, but my blf didn't light up
01:24.36*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
01:42.40*** part/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
01:54.49*** join/#asterisk fholmes (
01:55.15fholmesI have seen some pretty cool color video phones lately.  Anyone have any experience with any of them?
01:57.55jstapletonfholmes: I have Polycom VVX 1500, Yealink 2009P, Grandstream GXV3140, etc.  What are you looking to know?
01:58.09*** join/#asterisk fazendeiro (~androirc@
02:04.33fholmesWell I want to know how accessible they are to add functionality.  I really want to have a video camera at the front of the office display who is at the door on the phone
02:05.21fholmesSo I guess I would like to know which phones are the most "open" and which have the best quality (voice quality mainly)
02:09.44fholmesjstapleton: I was looking at some cheap door video conferencing system at but don't know if it would be possible to make it work or not.
02:10.16jstapletonfholmes: let me look at that link in a sec.
02:11.09fholmesSure, give me one sec
02:13.02fholmesI don't know how I missed it:
02:14.08jstapletonfholmes: these don't look to be IP-based video door phones.
02:15.02fholmesYes, I am open to other devices,
02:15.40fholmesThere is more than one way to interface different systems.  A video capture card for instance on the video camera from the door camera.
02:17.04jstapletonfholmes: are you expecting asterisk to support video capture card?
02:18.29fholmesjstapleton: I could feed the phone a flash video stream pretty easily really
02:19.21fholmesI could feed the video in different ways that the phone might or might not be able to do.
02:25.03jstapletonfholmes: not sure that asterisk could deal with flash video stream either...
02:25.14*** join/#asterisk OldMonk (~raju@
02:25.52fholmeshumm.  Does the phone do any other protocols than SIP?
02:26.41OldMonkhi, i'm routing calls from a sip concentrator to a pstn dial server via iax2.  occasionally i see the following: maxcallnumber limit of 2048 for has been reached!  i've managed to fix it by increasing the maxcallnumber in iax.conf, but still concerned because i have nowhere near 2048 simultaneous calls going on then
02:28.49jstapletonfholmes:  what phone?
02:29.07fholmesjstapleton:  That is what I am after I guess
02:29.18fholmesI can get any phone I want.
02:29.45fholmesBut one that I could create an app for that would just be a simple web browser.  Maybe using webkit or something would be awesome.
02:30.03fholmesJust play my video stream directly.
02:31.28*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
02:31.30jstapletonfholmes:  VVX 1500D supports SIP & H.323; GVX3140 supports SIP & Skype; I think Yealink is SIP only.
02:31.52fholmesskype would even be a possibility really.
02:32.24fholmesDoes sip do any kind of video?
02:32.55jstapletonyes, sip does video.  i use all of these phones to do video (usually via asterisk).
02:33.44fholmesahh.  Well what format would I need the video to be in to make it work?  And is there something that converts to the required format?
02:34.44jstapletonOldMonk: what does "iax2 show channels" show when you get this message?
02:35.16OldMonkjstapleton: hmm, didn't think of checking that.  would you want 'iax2 show channels' or 'iax2 show peers'?
02:35.50jstapletonOldMonk: why not both?
02:36.04OldMonkwill log those if it happens again
02:36.13jstapletonfholmes:  supported video codes and lots more info at:
02:36.59OldMonkhope it doesn't happen again, though
02:38.30fholmesjstapleton:  Thanks.  I guess I have google too.
02:39.04OldMonkfor asterisk video, all i had to do was enable a couple of codecs in asterisk, attach video sip phones and just use it
02:39.27jstapletonfholmes: no problem.  ping me if you decide to use SIP or H.323, i have some experience.  ;-)
02:39.55fholmesjstapleton:  Awesome!  Thanks I do appreciate it.
02:40.51jstapletonOldMonk:  I concur.  However, I think that fholmes wants to consider all options (flash video streams, skype, etc.)
02:43.04OldMonkjstapleton: so i figured (though i do believe both skype and flash are abominations, but that's just me)
02:43.40OldMonknow to find a decent whiteboard+video+conferencing application that can run over asterisk
02:43.41jstapletonOldMonk: actually, I wish digium would add video support to the skype channel driver
02:44.02OldMonkisn't the skype driver proprietary/closed?
02:44.27jstapletonOldMonk: yes.  but, i have quite a few channels of it.  ;-)
02:45.03*** join/#asterisk rlaager (~rlaager@2001:470:1f10:e5c::2)
02:46.30jstapletonOldMonk: i am gonna go look it up, but I think what Polycom calls content (aka whiteboard) is not using SIP or h.323.  It is actually another protocol.  For video conf, hit up
02:48.43rlaagerI'm running asterisk 1.6 on Ubuntu. I'm trying to get started. At this point, I'd just like to get asterisk to answer a call from the PSTN via my dahdi T1 card. The T1 is green'ed up and I can see bits flip in dahdi_tool when I call the line. I have the channels in the "time" context for testing, but asterisk won't answer. How should I proceed in debugging this?
02:49.28OldMonkrlaager: what does asterisk -rnx 'pri show spans' say?
02:50.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:50.53rlaagerOldMonk: Nothing. It's not PRI. I should've specified: these are analog lines coming in through a channel bank. (It's related to the fact that we have a DMS10 and I'm trying to do voicemail, which requires called number data I can only get via SMDI, which only works with analog lines.)
02:51.09OldMonkrlaager: 'dahdi show channels' then
02:52.58rlaagerOldMonk: or with 'dahdi show channel 1' as well:
02:53.09jstapletonOldMonk: is the Polycom, etc. "norm" for content;  of course, SIP can support desktop sharing
02:53.25OldMonkjstapleton: thanks, looking these up
02:53.42OldMonkrlaager: are you running asterisk -rvvvv when the call comes in?
02:54.17rlaagerOldMonk: Yes. I just see a prompt. No activity.
02:54.59jstapletonOldMonk: no problem.  i will let you get back to work.  if you decide to do anything fun with video, feel free to ask me questions.  to see desktop sharing via SIP video, go to
02:55.43OldMonkjstapleton: umm, not a fan of proprietary code here :)
02:56.15OldMonkrlaager: weird... asterisk seems to be recognising the card all right, it should do /something/ when the call comes in
02:56.37rlaagerOldMonk: Does the signalling configuration look correct?
02:56.48jstapletonOldMonk: is just a source to learn from and it is free.  ;-)  i haven't seen too many other SIP clients that can do Desktop Sharing.  Let me know if you find a good open source one.
02:57.27jstapletonOldMonk: Just FYI, is not 100% open source either.
02:57.27OldMonkjstapleton: oh, it's FOSS?  stupid me!
02:57.34OldMonkjstapleton: figured that :)
02:58.15rlaagerOldMonk: In dahdi_tool, I see RxA 0, RxB 1, RxC 0, RxD 0 when the channel is idle. When I call it, RxA and RxC flip back and forth to 1. Does that actually indicate it's ringing? (That was my conclusion.)
02:58.22OldMonkrlaager: not a pstn expert, so i can't say
02:59.31OldMonkrlaager: presumably you did run dahdi_cfg -vvvv at some stage?
03:02.16rlaagerOldMonk: Yes. It looks reasonable to me:    The first two channels (on span 1) are the incoming channels as I described. The 6 channels on span 4 are outbound channels on a regular T1 (i.e. not through a channel bank). I haven't tested them at all.
03:03.31*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
03:06.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:06.40OldMonkrlaager: no idea, sorry.  i can handle asterisk once the call comes into it, but if it doesn't come in at all i'm stumped
03:09.14*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
03:18.33jstapletonrlaager: are you using a real digium card?
03:19.09rlaagerjstapleton: Yes, as far as I know.
03:19.52jstapletonrlaager: if so, call their support, they will get the "basics" of the card configured so that you can see calls coming into asterisk.  did you know that?
03:20.12rlaagerjstapleton: I did not. I bought this card a few years ago.
03:22.52jstapletonrlaager: you can call support for up to 5 years on their hardware, i believe
03:23.47*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
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03:28.28rlaagerWell, I might as well try testing the outbound direction. How can I get asterisk to try to dial out?
03:28.48OldMonkattach a sip client, make a context and dial?
03:30.03jstapletonrlaager:  example: exten=>_NXXXXXX,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN}) should allow you to dial 7 digit numbers
03:40.38luisfeliceHi All, I doing a IAX2 bridge between two asterisk systems. When I call from an analog phone connected to the asterisk 1 to an IAX2 extension connected to the asterisk 2 the call flows good but the called phone (the IAX2 at the asterisk 2) listen a ring tone. The funny thing is that both phones listen to each other, but the IAX2 phones have the ring tone mixed with the audio.
03:41.23luisfeliceAny idea why
03:43.11*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (~coert@
03:45.30rlaagerjstapleton: I used that dialplan, except for g2 since my outgoing channels are group = 2 in chan_dahdi.conf. I get: Call from 'outgoing' to extension '4365203' rejected because extension not found in context 'outgoing'
03:46.33jstapletonrlaager: what context are your phones in?
03:46.57rlaagerThe SIP account and the dadhi channels both have context=outgoing
03:47.57jstapletonrlaager: did you put my exten example in the outgoing context of extensions.conf?
03:48.10jstapletonrlaager:  did you issue dialplan reload?
03:48.31rlaagerI added this to extensions.conf (where \n means an actual newline): [outgoing]\nexten=>_NXXXXXX,n,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN})\n
03:48.43rlaagerjstapleton: I restarted asterisk, but did not issue dialplan reload.
03:49.12jstapletonrlaager: service asterisk restart automagically reloads dialplan.
03:50.20luisfeliceNo one?
03:51.18jstapletonrlaager: please pastebin extensions.conf, "sip show users", and "dahdi show channels"
03:53.16*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
03:54.28jstapletonluisfelice: just FYI, that issue is going to be a bit complex to troubleshoot.  i have iax2 bridges all over the planet and have yet to see that problem.
03:56.21luisfelicejstapleton: Thanks, I just thought that maybe anyone here have any experience about this
03:57.07jstapletonluisfelice: my guess is that you will need an expert to SSH in to figure this one out
03:58.12jstapletonrlaager: if easier than pastebin extensions.conf, you can just pastebin "dialplan show outgoing"
03:59.53rlaagerjstapleton: I moved things back into the default context and made a new extensions.conf. I get the same results (except for the change in outgoing -> default in the error message, as expected). Here's the pastebin:
04:01.54jstapletonrlaager:  I believe that you need 1 vs. n in the line that I gave you; i.e. exten=>_NXXXXXX,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN}) should allow you to dial 7 digit numbers
04:02.16jstapletonrlaager: update extensions.conf; dialplan reload or service asterisk restart.  and test again.
04:03.56*** join/#asterisk lovetide (~Miranda@
04:04.52OldMonkrlaager: does "sip show peers" display "OK" at the end of the outgoing user line?
04:05.41*** join/#asterisk NyahBingi (
04:05.44rlaagerIt's attempting to dial now. I'll play with signalling a little bit. Otherwise, I think I'll give up on the outgoing piece until next week when I can get the PSTN guys to monitor the T1.
04:06.06jstapletonrlaager: make sure to change your SIP secret since pastebin just showed it to the world.
04:06.24jstapletonOldMonk: i would imagine so since the call is hitting asterisk.  ;-)
04:06.30OldMonkit's a tough one, no one would have guessed it otherwise ;)
04:06.54rlaagerYeah, I'll bring the firewall back up on this (and probably stop asterisk) when I'm done for the night.
04:07.05jstapletonrlaager: call digium about their hardware; you will love their free support (no joke)
04:07.28jstapletonrlaager: or you could give OldMonk your IP; I am sure that a Monk would never dial a 900 number.  ;-)
04:07.52OldMonki would, if i knew any good 900 services
04:07.55rlaagerheh, I can't get these trunks to dial local calls... if they can dial 900 numbers, more power to you ;)
04:08.06OldMonkcan you get steak over asterisk? ;)
04:08.29jstapletonrlaager: give me an IP and SSH and I will show you how I can dial 900 numbers.  ;-)
04:09.15OldMonkanyhow, i've setup my client's asterisk install to allow incoming, disconnect, then dial out the calling party, give him a dialtone and let him do what he wants
04:09.33OldMonkwith appropriate controls, of course, and i don't think they've disabled IDD yet
04:14.20NyahBingiI am tring to install asterisk (Ubuntu OS). I am getting the following message from ./configure "Package gmine-2.0 was not found in the pkg search path" any advise?
04:16.18*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
04:21.02rlaagerNyahBingi: I'm new to asterisk, but I just used the Ubuntu package of asterisk. Is there a particular reason you're trying to compile from source?
04:21.45NyahBingiIs there another way to install?
04:22.36rlaagerNyahBingi: apt-get install asterisk ?
04:23.45NyahBingirlaager: how about the version of asterisk .. should i include that?
04:24.28rlaagerNyahBingi: Why not start with just a plain "sudo apt-get install asterisk"?
04:24.29pabelangerNyahBingi: Matter of preference.  If you want to manager your own installations, then compile from source.  Or we now provide Ubuntu packages:
04:25.55jstapletonrlaager: what version did you get with "sudo apt-get install asterisk"?
04:26.16rlaagerjstapleton: I'm on natty, and I got 1:
04:27.06rlaagerSo if I change the signaling in /etc/dahdi/system.conf to fxoks, asterisk cycles between "Starting simple switch on 'DAHDI/1-1'" and "Hungup 'DAHDI/1-1'"
04:27.37jstapletonrlaager: 1.6 was problematic at best IMO.  Fedora gives you 1.8 as @jsmith was a digium employee before becoming Fedora project lead.
04:27.48rlaagerPerhaps that's related to the bits that flip back and forth in dahdi_tool, and perhaps that shouldn't be cycling, but just flipping.
04:29.35jstapletonrlaager: "you probably need to use kewlstart both for your FXO telephone lines (to your local telephone exchange) and also for your FXS handset lines (connecting your standard telephone handsets), regardless of where in the world you are" per
04:29.42*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
04:30.00rlaageryeah, the whole fxo vs fxs and line types vs signalling just confuses me
04:30.13rlaagerIt also confuses the phone guys at work, and we're the phone company.
04:33.57jstapletonrlaager: ROFL!
04:35.07rlaagerjstapleton: asterisk-1.8 from's repository behaves the same
04:36.04*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:42.22jstapletonrlaager: for this problem, it behaves the same, but 1.8 is much more reliable than 1.6 and it includes
04:43.20*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
04:45.53OldMonkwhat does this google thingie do exactly?  allow you to make free calls to US PSTN?
04:59.52rlaagerI'm rebuilding the 1.8 package to test the change in the patch here:
05:00.05rlaagerBut that brings me to a question: How can I get the level of debugging output shown in that bug report?
05:05.38OldMonkrlaager: probably: core set debug 9; core set verbose 9 (or some values)
05:35.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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06:05.31*** join/#asterisk Russ (
06:07.16el3slaveselinux just took over 4 hours of my life, thanks centos
06:08.09ectospasmel3slave: the selinux errors look really, really bad
06:08.39el3slavewell im just starting off with asterisk
06:08.45el3slavei was thinking my nat was fighting me
06:08.49el3slavebut it was selinux
06:08.58el3slavei usually play with debian
06:09.36el3slavebut now ill never forget sestatus
06:09.46ectospasmDigium has provided Debian apt repos for Asterisk
06:10.13el3slaveeh, broadening the herizon
06:11.28ectospasmyeah, I hear that
06:11.31el3slavetypically run asterisk with or withour selinux?
06:12.03ectospasmit's possible to run it with, but SELinux is one of those things that will usually cause more headaches than its worth.
06:12.03el3slavenice, maybe ill throw that on fbsd as well
06:12.34el3slavegood to note, thanks
06:12.52*** join/#asterisk manji (~manjiki@2a02:580:8000:8601:226:bbff:fe13:1c09)
06:13.38*** join/#asterisk titter (
06:16.47p3nguinMost people I know will disable selinux pretty soon after installing the OS.
06:17.17p3nguinIf you have the skill to configure it properly, it could be a good mechanism in many cases, though.
06:18.20p3nguinI've personally spent hours creating new rules so that things work with it enabled.
06:21.57el3slavehah wasnt aware it was there... but i totally agree with leaving enabled and editing rules, just tedious and still a liittle complex, be a good project
06:23.16ectospasmit requires a great deal of knowledge, and for most applications it's overkill.
06:23.31ectospasmbut I agree, if you know what you're doing it can be very beneficial.  Trouble is getting there.
06:23.32p3nguinIt was rather difficult for me when I had to deploy a system and leave it enabled.  I'd rather disable it (take the easy way out, that is).
06:24.38p3nguinUsing the only tools I knew how to use, it felt like I was creating the same rules over and over and over.
06:24.53el3slaveusually are with iptables
06:25.04p3nguinEventually, things stopped popping up and everything worked.
06:25.22p3nguiniptables is cake.
06:30.09titterOff topic. rsync -ave ssh /etc/asterisk/ --delete --exclude /etc/asterisk/sip.conf user@somehost:/etc/asterisk/ ... for some reason the exclude is ignored. Any ideas (it's late, and annoying me lol).
06:30.35el3slaveforgive the naive comment, selinux is not iptables hah
06:31.12p3nguintitter: You're trying to sync the entire asterisk directory except for sip.conf?
06:31.53titterbackup server, everything is the same except the externip in the sip.conf
06:31.54p3nguinTry "--exclude 'sip.conf'"
06:33.07p3nguinrsync -a --exclude 'sip.conf' /etc/asterisk/ /some/other/place/
06:34.01titterrsync -e ssh /etc/asterisk/ --delete -exclude "sip.conf" user@someplace:/etc/asterisk/
06:34.18titterthought I tried it ... oh wells.
06:34.24p3nguinI expect mine works.
06:34.27rlaagertitter: This isn't a solution to the question you asked, but perhaps you could allow the backup server bind to the same IP with `sysctl net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1` and then you could failover by moving the IP.
06:35.02titterdifferent datacenters or that wouldn't be a bad idea.
06:36.23titterp3nguin: So what tips can you give for keeping selinux enabled, as I do like the idea, but like you said, I just disable it for ease of use.
06:37.29p3nguinThe only thing I know to do is to create the rules as needed.  It's a tedious job to check what is being blocked and create a rule to allow it, but after a while you get finished and it works.
06:37.59p3nguinI'm sure there's some other way, but I'm not sure how to do it.
06:52.38*** join/#asterisk suxx (
06:53.05suxxhi all
06:58.51*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
06:58.56jacc0hi all!!!
06:59.02jacc0I'm so very happy :)
06:59.25jacc0I think the security advisory of today explains the problems I'm having
06:59.40jacc0not from some attacker but from my own scripts :)
07:00.08wdoekes2your scripts did Originate rm -rf / ? ;)
07:01.52jacc0nope, I'm opening a lot of ami connections :)
07:02.22jacc0I'm doing somting called interactive messaging
07:02.44jacc0so every send message returns a delivery status
07:03.08jacc0recievers can also send e response like: reject , hold or accept
07:03.41jacc0that als the messages can be deleted by the sender ; that als return a state using the AMI insterface :0
07:03.55jacc0this was givving the problems in larger producetion envirements
07:07.17jacc0becasue all results , reponses and statuses where returnd using am\i
07:08.23jacc0resulting into memoryleak, coredumps and deadlocks
07:21.35jacc0is there a way to check howmany file discriptors a process has in use?
07:26.55*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:27.27wdoekes2ls /proc/`pidof procname`/fd | wc -l
07:31.02*** join/#asterisk cyford (
07:31.08jacc0ty ty ty
07:32.14*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:47.27*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (
07:47.30devil_evoxxxhi all
07:50.05devil_evoxxxi'm try to do some test on a BRI410PF installed on my pc
07:50.29devil_evoxxxi've set the first port in NT mode, and the other in TE,
07:50.43devil_evoxxxbut in asterisk i still having this notice
07:50.47devil_evoxxx[Apr 22 09:49:25] NOTICE[2858]: chan_dahdi.c:2982 my_handle_dchan_exception: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on D-channel of span 1
07:50.50devil_evoxxx[Apr 22 09:49:26] NOTICE[2859]: chan_dahdi.c:2982 my_handle_dchan_exception: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on D-channel of span 2
07:50.53devil_evoxxx[Apr 22 09:49:26] NOTICE[2859]: chan_dahdi.c:2982 my_handle_dchan_exception: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on D-channel of span 2
07:51.01nix8n82jacc0, how many ami connections are you using at one time?
07:52.13devil_evoxxxmm, where is set? my /etc/dahdi/system.conf is:
07:52.25devil_evoxxxloadzone = it
07:52.25devil_evoxxxspan = 1,0,0,ccs,ami
07:52.25devil_evoxxxbchan = 1,2
07:52.27devil_evoxxxspan = 2,1,0,ccs,ami
07:52.30devil_evoxxxbchan = 4,5
07:52.35devil_evoxxxspan = 3,1,0,ccs,ami
07:52.38devil_evoxxxbchan = 7,8
07:52.42devil_evoxxxspan = 4,1,0,ccs,ami
07:52.43jacc0@nix8n82 : for 1 incomming call that could be as much as 20
07:52.45devil_evoxxxbchan = 10,11
07:53.04rlaagerdevil_evoxxx: You should use a pastebin (e.g. instead of pasting in here.
07:54.28devil_evoxxxok, sorry , this is my /etc/dahdi/system.conf
07:54.50*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:56.07nix8n82do you use different logins for 20 connections or are they under the same one?
07:56.35jacc020 different once
07:56.44jacc0I user account
07:58.49nix8n82so just to be clear you have [user] in manger.conf making 20 connections to the server?
07:59.09nix8n82and not [user1] [user2] etc?
07:59.12jacc0yeah, to return the result of the interactive messages
07:59.19*** join/#asterisk kowi (
07:59.42jacc0maybe not all at the exact same moment
07:59.57jacc0but in the same second(s)
08:00.44jacc0and at 1 project I had some connection that didn't want to close resulting in 350 used filedescriptors when asterisk was doing nothing
08:01.15nix8n82have you had [user1] [user2] ...[userN] connected at the same time? what I really want to know if it handles multiple connections doing different things at once and what kind of upper limit
08:01.18jacc0then when a call comes in it uses up 250 more file descriptors
08:01.50*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:02.13jacc0I'm not sure what the upper limit is
08:02.35nix8n82what is the highest you have taken it?
08:04.10*** join/#asterisk jkprg (~jarda@
08:05.45jacc0I guess about 40 max
08:06.28jacc0with 80 originated calls running in background (not all with audio codec)
08:08.41jacc0so the production evi9rement with the 350 unclosed calls 200 extra file discriptors for every incomming call will soon hit the limit of the default 1024 open file discriptors
08:08.55*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:11.01nix8n82can't you raise it to like 65000 or so?
08:12.20nix8n82sorry like 203338 on my fs anyway
08:13.20nix8n82well that number is not right either
08:16.22jacc0I've now raised it to 4x1024
08:16.43jacc0for each proces
08:16.50jacc0and doubled the system limit
08:17.18nix8n82how do you double system limit?
08:19.13jacc0nano /proc/sys/fs/file-max
08:19.34jacc0I guess
08:19.50jacc0it is stated in the security advicory
08:27.57jacc0my default system limit is : 361345
08:28.14nix8n82I read that but I didn't know if editing the file-max would take hold..and still be in effect on reboot..anyone know what the highest number possible is?
08:28.34jacc0I'm now reboting to check it for you
08:29.10jacc0changed the system max in the file
08:29.33jacc0I'll see if its still doubled after reboot
08:30.02nix8n82Id hate to hit an overflow and end up with negative or 1 max
08:30.04jacc0it doesn't
08:30.22jacc0it's back to 361345
08:30.25*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:30.39jacc0maybe it's a 16-bit limit ore something
08:30.54jacc0might need to instaal x64 version
08:31.00devil_evoxxxdoes anyone have a chan_dahdi.con and /etc/dadhi/system.conf file as an example?
08:32.21*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
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08:42.08ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: try the samples that ship with dahdi
08:44.28ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: run dahdi_genconf to generate a default configuration that should be (mostly) correct
08:50.14*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
08:58.32*** join/#asterisk Pitel (
09:02.36Pitelwe are having problem with custom module my collegue wrote: (error is at the bottom) can you help us? for me, it's seems it's not our fault (building with svn trunk)
09:04.28ectospasmPitel: you should probably ask that in #asterisk-dev
09:05.04*** part/#asterisk Pitel (
09:05.05ectospasm...I assume (without looking) that you're building a custom Asterisk module to be loaded into Asterisk (e.g.,
09:05.29ppcWow asterisk support even in the morning hours
09:08.04*** join/#asterisk ketas (
09:08.18ectospasmheh, we run 24/6 here
09:08.47ppcectospasm: where you from?
09:08.58ectospasmoriginally?  Mobile, AL, USA
09:09.07ectospasmI live in Huntsville, AL now.
09:09.12ppcI knew it
09:09.31ppcyou must be with the asterisk folks?
09:09.38ectospasmyou could say that (-;
09:09.44ppc<-- from ocean springs
09:09.54devil_evoxxxectopasm, thankyou.. another question, is possible to make a isnd-loop trought port 1 and 2 for making some test?
09:10.17ppcectospasm: ocean springs ms
09:10.20ppcnext to biloxi
09:10.33ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: you could connect a T1/E1 crossover cable between the ports, called a back-to-back connection
09:10.47ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: just be sure to configure one side for pri_cpe, the other for pri_net
09:11.37ectospasmppc: thanks.  I always get Ocean Springs, MS and Gulf Breeze, FL mixed up for some reason (-;
09:12.59ppcI wanted to try and get a jorb w/ those guys
09:13.05ppcI forget the name of that company
09:13.38devil_evoxxxok, in my case, i have to choose bri_net and bri_cpe , is correct?
09:13.49ectospasmppc: Digium?
09:13.58ppc<-- had a few tonight
09:14.10ectospasma *late* night, huh?
09:14.19ectospasmppc: would you agree to night shift?
09:14.23ppcwell yes
09:14.31ppchell yes I would
09:14.39ppcI'd do anything to get on there
09:15.36ectospasmlooks like there isn't a position open for what I do here.
09:15.50ppcWell that's fine
09:15.54ppcIm not in MS anymore
09:15.57ppcI moved back up north
09:16.09ectospasmheh, to me, this IS north!
09:16.32ectospasmwe actually got *snow* this year!!!
09:17.46ppcit was like 80 lasst week
09:17.51ppcI saw snow this week
09:18.17ppcThat was very akward
09:18.37ppcectospasm: so where do you work anyway?
09:18.59ectospasmDigium (-;
09:20.28ppcDoing wat?
09:20.51ectospasmtech support.
09:21.03ectospasmI'm in Custom Telephony Solutions Support
09:21.16ectospasmas opposed to Business Phone Systems (our Switchvox team)
09:22.10ppcbetter than nothing
09:22.37ppcI figure the guys who developed it etc are super smart etc
09:22.50ectospasmheh, the guy that created Asterisk is my age.
09:23.09ectospasmand he IS super smart
09:23.55ectospasm...lots of smart cookies here, at ever level.
09:31.59devil_evoxxxectospasm..sorry, but i have some error in cli..this is configuration files and error pasted on pastebin
09:32.07devil_evoxxxif you can take a look :)
09:33.51ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: is your B410P registered?
09:34.40ectospasmHDLC aborts and bad FCS can mean many things, such as bad cabling (or bad network), IRQ sharing/interrupt misses, or faulty BRI card
09:35.01*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:35.32ectospasmif you have a genuine Digium B410P (or Hx8 hybrid adapter with B400M module[s]), we provide support for it if it's registered.
09:41.19*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
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09:54.14devil_evoxxxyes ectospasm
09:54.16devil_evoxxxis a digium
09:54.30devil_evoxxxbought by an italian reseller (Allnet -  Bologna )
09:54.37devil_evoxxxwe have already registered the card on digium
09:54.53ectospasmso file a support case or give us a call.
09:55.35devil_evoxxxok, thankyou
10:01.42*** join/#asterisk Denial (
10:03.38*** join/#asterisk ban007 (
10:03.59ban007hello all from Cordoba!
10:06.46ban007im looking for a solution. Im installing Asterisk from scratch. After y type "sudo make install" i get a message after the command "make -C sounds install" saying me that i nedd to download wget to download the soundfiles. But i have wget. Anyone has a solution?
10:07.13ban007you can write in spanish or german
10:07.34*** join/#asterisk dandre (
10:08.22ban007can someone just write hello? I still dont know if the chat works...
10:09.02SiNGLerban007: try running install from root terminal
10:09.19ban007i did it, and it doesnt work
10:09.29SiNGLeris internet available on that box
10:09.50SiNGLerdoes wget really work?
10:09.53ban007yes, ping on google works. And i downloaded all using wget
10:10.44SiNGLercan you pastebin (pastebin.con or similar) output?
10:10.59ban007ok, ill try:
10:11.15ban007CFLAGS="  -I/usr/include/libxml2 -pipe -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g3 -march=i686  " build_tools/mkpkgconfig /usr/lib/pkgconfig;
10:11.15ban007for x in static-http/*; do \
10:11.16ban007for x in images/*.jpg; do \
10:11.17ban007make -C sounds install
10:11.18ban007make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ban/src/asterisk-complete/asterisk/1.8/sounds'
10:11.18ban007if [ -d /tmp/astdatadir ] ; then \
10:11.20ban007***                                            ***
10:11.21ban007*** You must have either wget or fetch to be   ***
10:11.21ban007*** able to automatically download and install ***
10:11.22ban007*** the requested sound packages.              ***
10:11.22ban007***                                            ***
10:11.23ban007*** Please install one of these, or remove any ***
10:11.23ban007*** extra sound package selections in          ***
10:12.54SiNGLerI have no idea why it fails.. does wget work on root terminal?
10:14.22ban007i will try it
10:14.55ectospasmdon't flood
10:15.11devil_evoxxx:ectospasm, i've opened the support case
10:15.17ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: OK
10:16.39ban007i just learned de usage
10:17.37ban007you can see how wget works in both terminals (user and root)
10:20.31ban007anyone else has a solution?
10:31.10*** join/#asterisk dimm1 (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
10:35.25*** join/#asterisk mo1t3n (~mo1t3n@
10:35.26*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:35.32mo1t3nhi all
10:35.49mo1t3ni have a problem
10:36.34mo1t3nWho knows what it is?
10:37.41ban007PostGre SQL installed?
10:38.20mo1t3nhow to fix it?
10:39.30ban007i don´t know...
10:40.31mo1t3nsomebody can help?
10:41.00ban007and me? someone knows the answer? -->
10:44.25ban007ok, i´ll try it later. I don´t want to use sudo apt-get install asterisk. Wanna do it from scratch!! I edited the Makefile, i googled, and the error is sure in my system, but where????
10:44.26SiNGLerban007: try rerunnig ./configure
10:44.45ban007thank you, i´m a little deseperated...
10:44.51SiNGLermo1t3n: is asterisk pgsql module installed?
10:45.07SiNGLerban007: what distro do you use? I have no problems on debian
10:45.27SiNGLernever tried on ubuntu
10:46.18ban007i have installed the distro-version for asterisk and it works fine, just want to test it form scratch
10:46.38mo1t3nSiNGLer: I installed asterisk with support for postgresql
10:47.14SiNGLermo1t3n: did you check if it was selected for compiling? is application name correct?
10:47.38mo1t3nhow can I check?
10:47.46SiNGLer"make menuselect"
10:47.47ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: I've responded to the case.  You should have my answer.
10:48.16kaldemarban007: see what DOWNLOAD is set to in config.log
10:48.44ectospasmdevil_evoxxx: basically your back-to-back test is slightly different than our back-to-back pattern tests, but you should be able to modify them for your testing needs.
10:49.24kaldemarban007: if it isn't /usr/bin/wget, re-run configure.
10:50.43kaldemarban007: and why did you edit Makefile, btw?
10:51.27ban007kaldemar: DOWNLOAD='/usr/bin/wget'
10:51.56kaldemarban007: and in makeopts?
10:52.25devil_evoxxxectospasm, thanks, the email is on the mailbox of my boss, i proceed to read now
10:52.31ban007kaldemar: i edited the makefile trying things in the darkness. The Makefile is now the originally again
10:52.43SiNGLermo1t3n: oh, you use package, in this case check if app name is correct
10:53.27*** join/#asterisk |TEX| (~TEX@
10:53.39ban007kaldemar: the same path in makeopts
10:53.52ban007i´m trying the rerun ./configure
10:53.56|TEX|having problems with the "asterisknow" install and IAX trunks dropping off
10:54.05|TEX|what is the best asterisk distro
10:54.07ban007it should ends soon
10:54.21|TEX|without having to manually install
10:54.25|TEX|as in out of the box
10:54.33mo1t3nSiNGLer: how can I check?
10:55.47SiNGLermo1t3n: I found this:
10:55.49ban007kaldemar: Singler: rerun configure made it
10:55.52SiNGLerread the note
10:56.11ban007it works!
10:56.31SiNGLercongrats ban007
10:56.58SiNGLermo1t3n: you can check apps with "core show application " then autocomplete or write a name
10:57.10ban007thank you all! i let it downloading and go to smoke a cigarette (or something like this!!!)
10:57.16|TEX|The IAX is between two servers running across a VPN, so its not a DNS issue
10:57.31|TEX|but every day the connection is dropping off
10:57.37|TEX|and the peers are not connecting
10:57.48|TEX|even though the servers can ping each other etc
11:04.26mo1t3nSiNGLer: After entering the command "core show applitsations" I have not found PGSQL
11:04.32*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
11:04.52*** part/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
11:05.02SiNGLerdid you read the note in my pasted link? I think that PGSQL does not exist
11:09.00*** join/#asterisk mzb (
11:09.10mo1t3nSiNGLer: Yes, I read, I also think that PGSQL not exist, how do I fix it&
11:11.23kaldemarmo1t3n: how did you come up with such an application?
11:13.00mo1t3nthis dialplan is used on the old version of Asterisk
11:14.21devil_evoxxxectospasm: the port in NT mode must be configured as bri_net and the other TE in bri_cpe ?
11:18.55ban007by all! I´ll continue working! Thanks to Singler and kaldemar!
11:19.43kaldemarmo1t3n: i don't think such an application has existed after asterisk 1.2. use ODBC.
11:32.50mo1t3nkaldemar: and how do I make a request to the base of postgresql? what command to use?
12:01.21*** join/#asterisk usc911 (
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12:07.49usc911heya, just wondering how to change the change the tone for internal transfer. Currently if you transfer a call and someone is on the phone it just rings out and gives no indication as to wether that person is on the phone
12:08.07usc911is this a phone issue rather than an asterisk issue?
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12:36.30leifmadsenusc911: the ringing is typically indicated by the phone itself (unless it's analog). You could use the DEVICE_STATE() function to check if the phone is already in use to play a message or whatever you want prior to ringing the device. At the same time you could potentially signal to the phone a different type of ring (which would be dependent upon device)
12:36.48leifmadsenIn the SIP phone, the sounds (dialtone, etc.) are on the device itself and are not supplied by asterisk
12:38.13usc911Thanks, im searching through the web interface for this snom 300 and havnt come across anything as of yet
12:40.40leifmadsenit's highly likely not something you would find in the web interface. Configuration of the device from a centralized set of configuration files over TFTP/FTP/HTTP is much more powerful. Having said that, I've only used Polycom and not Snom
12:47.26*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
12:48.00mo1t3nboth from the dialplan to perform SQL-queries to database postgresql, without ODBC ???
12:51.18mo1t3nWho knows?
12:54.37*** part/#asterisk usc911 (
12:57.01*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
13:03.27luckman212good morning! I updated my local copy of mpg123  to v1.13.3 -- got it compiled & running but I was wondering do I also need to recompile  asterisk using the updated mpg123.h header file?   anyone know?
13:03.38luckman212because i see there is an (old) copy in /usr/src/asterisk/addons/mp3/mpg123.h
13:04.37*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (
13:04.41devil_evoxxxhi all
13:04.59devil_evoxxxectospasm, thankyou for your support! All work fine!
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13:15.21*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:15.29Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz???
13:15.56devil_evoxxxKatty, what is the problem?
13:16.13Kattyit does not work
13:18.05Kattyhow to fix???
13:18.21devil_evoxxxhave you got debug? asterisk runs?
13:18.28Kattywhat is debug??
13:19.07devil_evoxxxwho have installed asterisk to you server / pc?
13:19.48devil_evoxxxthe log files what say?
13:20.06Kattythe log files say trolllolololol.
13:20.12Kattyhugs devil_evoxxx
13:20.18Kattydevil_evoxxx: and you thought i was serious!
13:20.22Kattydevil_evoxxx: that's /so/ adorable!
13:20.56Kattyty for trying to help. ^_^
13:20.56mzbdevil_evoxxx, the women will get you every time :/
13:21.13mzbwaves politely to Katty ;)
13:21.14Kattyhugs mzb
13:22.45mzbI already have two beautiful kids Katty , but I might consider more if you keep that up ;)
13:22.48devil_evoxxxwomen, come's to me!!!
13:22.53tzangerOhmigod, its a Katty
13:22.54Kattymzb: eww.
13:22.58Kattyhugs tzanger
13:23.09tzangerHow are things?
13:23.12Kattygoodly :>
13:23.16Kattytzanger: how've things been here?
13:23.34tzangerI think i just asked you that :-)
13:24.06Kattyoh would you like me to elaborate?
13:24.37tzangerThings are pretty good. I'm out in CO trying to make something work
13:24.52Kattywhat you do best (=
13:24.59tzangerNo, you asked me how things are there; I was just being coy
13:25.34*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:25.43tzangerKatty: :-) yeah, this particular one's kicking my ass. I'll prevail, but sheesh. :-/
13:25.57mzbtrying to to play hard to get tzanger ? ... doesn't appear to be working ;)
13:26.09tzangerPCIe is nasty.
13:26.09Kattyjust being... Koi
13:26.29*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
13:26.34tzangermzb: Nah. Katty and i are buds
13:26.41Kattythe best :>
13:26.57tzangerKatty: <><
13:27.04Kattytzanger: things in my world have been a little...busy
13:27.14mzbaw ... how sweet ;/
13:27.18Kattytzanger: new boyfriend
13:27.21tzangerGood busy i hope?
13:27.32Kattyoh yes, all of it good. just time consuming
13:27.33tzangerAhh yes, good busy. Excellent
13:27.46Kattypromo here at work
13:28.03Kattyi was doing the microsoft servers and the phone systems
13:28.09Kattynow they have me doing the video surv. systems on top of that
13:28.38devil_evoxxxa server with microsoft = dead
13:28.48Kattya server with microsoft also sells.
13:28.52Kattyand i keep it working.
13:29.00Kattygive the people what they want (=
13:29.11tzangerSounds like a lot of work. Are they tied together at all!
13:29.28tzangerUgh stupid phone.  Moment grabbing laptop
13:29.31Kattysome yes, some no.
13:29.40Kattythere's a lot of small business in this area
13:32.01Kattytzanger: the boy is a web designer.
13:32.10Kattytzanger: works for the local radio station. also DJs.
13:32.34*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
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13:33.04jacc0hi all
13:33.15tzanger2there that's better
13:33.37tzangerof course laptop was dead from the flight
13:34.00*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
13:34.05jacc0asterisk crashes most of the time when trying to bridge with a non existing channel from dialplan
13:34.17tzangerI have some of the equipment to do video suveilance at home just haven't hooked it all up yet
13:34.30tzangerI want to eventually run the stream into a recognition engine
13:34.36Kattytzanger: oh ya? you using webcams or cameras
13:34.46jacc0channel of type 'NULL'
13:34.52tzangernot real good ones, but not bad ones either
13:35.09Kattywhat brand you using?
13:35.12tzangergotta get some structured cable for the 75 ohm and power
13:35.28tzangeroh jeez, some knockoff brand I'm sure, they came from dinodirect or dealextreme
13:35.28jacc0is realy into cameras (axis mainly)
13:35.58tzangerI'm just happy they took stock lenses and  $10 lens kit got me a wider angle for the front
13:35.59Kattyyou may try apexcctv
13:36.06Kattythey're not too shabby for cameras.
13:36.16jacc0is not into analog cameras
13:37.07tzangerno need for net-connected cameras at the house, a hundred feet of structured cable connects the front and back to the PC in the basement
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13:40.20tzangerbesides, I'd rather not have $hundreds hanging around outside to be stolen
13:40.39tzangerKatty: be careful of the DJs, they're real good talkers. :-)
13:40.47jacc0is realy into video content analyse
13:42.59Kattytzanger: hehe that they are
13:43.16Kattytzanger: he's geeky AND has social skills. it's very impressive ;)
13:43.17jacc0there is some great software that can realy do some nice detecion on camera images; not only detecting 'movement in zone'
13:43.24tzangerthat's rare for sure
13:44.17jacc0are even search in recorded images with search querys like : red car
13:44.28jacc0check agentVI for instance
13:45.23jacc0they have some nice algorithms to de tect loutering, crowding , unatandet objects
13:45.39jacc0I'm off now
13:45.51jacc0bye!! have a nice weekend
13:45.52tzangerjacc0: I'm working with these people :
13:45.58tzangerthey do all that and more
13:46.17tzanger(traffic analysis, etc.)
13:46.44jacc0okay, very nice
13:46.48jacc0thanks for the tip
13:46.58jacc0we are just looking for something like that
13:47.10*** join/#asterisk tuxxie (
13:48.31jacc0good weekend all!!
13:51.38tuxxiedoes sip have issues when call reach over 3 legs? We use sip our in and out bound trunks. We have found that a number of our warm transfer calls are dropping. Could these drop calls be due to using sip rather than having PRI's?
13:54.05psilikontuxxie, I had issue like that. Turned out to be completely a firewall issue
14:04.45tuxxienow all warm transfers are failing and both in and out bound calls are working
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14:06.09psilikontuxxie, I am using a pfsense firewall and I had to configure it for static outbound nat.  I would get intermittent one-way audio. Seemed like calls were getting dropped as well.
14:06.27psilikontuxxie, what are you using as a firewall/gateway right now?
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14:08.55psilikontuxxie, there is no limitation that I am aware of for call legs.  I figure it would just depend on you having the channels available.
14:10.10*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (3b275902@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:10.56tuxxieWe have about 150 concurrent calls working great but when we warm transfer calls off site to our pardner companies we see about a 10% drop rate when our agent ends their side of the call
14:11.27tuxxieour call flow is as follows
14:12.36tuxxieour agent calls a client, the client is warm transfered to a pardner co., our agent hangs up and the client keeps talkeing to the pardenr company.
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14:13.30tuxxieThese calls are the only calls we have that are dropping. We average around 140 calls like this a day with about 15 dropped calls per day.
14:15.08psilikontuxxie, have you tried canreinvite=yes?
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14:16.10tuxxiewhen the warm transfer starts all 3 parties work but when our agent hangsup the customer is dropped?
14:16.21tuxxieodd right??
14:16.32psilikontuxxie, then use canreinvite=no As per: Also make sure BOTH firewalls are configured for SIP and RTP properly.
14:17.19tuxxiewill give that a try.
14:18.10tuxxiepsilikon: my mistake I have canreinvite set to no... sorry :(
14:18.31tuxxieshould i try setting it to yes??
14:19.43tuxxieI know that cisco had issues with reinvites but we are not using cisco.
14:20.36psilikontuxxie, I would try =yes if you have the luxury of trial-and-erroring in production.
14:21.11psilikontuxxie, what are you using as a firewall/gateway right now?
14:22.17tuxxieWe use an edgemarc for our sip traffic and a juniper for firewall/gateway. but the sip traffice by passes the gate way.
14:23.59tuxxieI am thinking of setting up a direct IAX2 connection to the partner company as a work around if they  can support IAX2?? Maybe that would help...
14:25.21psilikontuxxie, you might want to wireshark the far end and see what is going on.
14:25.47psilikontuxxie, iax would definitely be the way to go imho
14:25.59tuxxiemaybe is would be a good idea from me to try using the edgmarc as the default gateway for my asterisk server.
14:26.06BeeBuuwhat's the format or code in musiconhold can be play correct?
14:26.23BeeBuuanyone teach me please?
14:26.43tuxxieIf our partner co can support IAX.
14:27.00c0rnoTaBeeBuu: wav 16bit mono 8khz
14:27.40BeeBuuc0rnoTa: only one kind?
14:28.20psilikontuxxie, is your partner using a sip proxy, asterisk or just sip endpoints?
14:28.20c0rnoTaBeeBuu: mp3 16 mono 8khz :)
14:28.45BeeBuuhow about gsm format?
14:28.49c0rnoTaBeeBuu: ofcourse you should have loaded
14:29.04c0rnoTaBeeBuu: feel free to use GSM as well :)
14:29.22BeeBuubut it show some error
14:29.35c0rnoTaBeeBuu: corrupted file?
14:30.18devil_evoxxxthere is someone skilled in ISDN? i have to power  a isdn phone for test with a bri card (Digium b410pf)
14:30.31BeeBuuno,it can be play in features
14:33.43c0rnoTaBeeBuu: asterisk should play any known audio format of file in moh directory, if you set valid mode
14:34.07c0rnoTadefault value already valid
14:35.21*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
14:36.45BeeBuuformat_wav.c: Unexpected frequency 22050
14:36.53BeeBuuwhat's that?
14:37.56leifmadsenBeeBuu: unexpected frequency of 22kHz
14:38.02leifmadsenyou have to use 8Khz
14:41.32tuxxiepsilikon: We are currently not connecting directly to our partner. Calls go through our sip providor before connecting to the partner company.
14:41.32luckman212just installed
14:44.15FreeaqingmeDoes anybody know of some recent research on video calling if it is going to  (finally) break through?
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14:44.42tuxxieWith IAX I hope to take our sip provider out ot the mix. Maybe they are chokeing on the three way calls???
14:44.50psilikontuxxie, so what does your sip provider say about all of this?
14:45.07_Corey_Freeaqingme: I've yet to see something unbiased.
14:48.01leifmadsenFreeaqingme: I think it's a social problem, not a technological problem
14:48.10leifmadsenI don't think people WANT to be seen on video for the most part
14:48.25leifmadsenno one can call you out for picking your nose on the phone
14:48.26_Corey_(ssshhh...  don't tell Cisco)
14:49.05Freeaqingmeleifmadsen, I think you're right. But once apple starts pushing it, I can imagine there's a lot of fanboys liking it
14:49.39tuxxieI have said they need to catch the call live... but its hard to know what call is going to drop...
14:52.15tuxxieI told the that we are doing over 3000 calls a day how the F am i going to know what 15 calls are going to drop?
14:53.17leifmadsenFreeaqingme: ya we'll see what happens -- I think it could be a novelty for a bit, but then people will go back to not doing video calls
14:53.31leifmadsenI mean, there are going to be people who use it, but I think in general most people feel uneasy on video
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14:54.26Freeaqingmeyeah, that's one option. The other would be that people would just have to get used to it, and once they are a revolution has begun.
14:54.39FreeaqingmeI for one don't like it -most phone calls I make are when I'm still in bed :P
14:55.07leifmadsenFreeaqingme: I work from home and don't usually shower until about 30 mins before the wife arrives :)
14:55.11jayteethere are always sock puppets!!!
14:55.46Freeaqingmeleifmadsen, so if videocalling tends to become the defacto standard, we'll set up an anti-lobby  campaign, deal? ;)
14:56.17leifmadsenFreeaqingme: Logitech has this software that is kind of neat that creates and avatar on the screen that follows the movements of your face (eyebrows, lips, blinking, and head movement) and if you could create an avatar that looked like you, then you could already apply that
14:56.23leifmadsenFreeaqingme: deal
14:56.51jayteeI'd rather have an avatar of a penguin or maybe Chewbacca
14:56.54leifmadsenIf I could create an avatar that looked like me, but wasn't a true representation of me, then I'd be ok with it :)
14:57.01leifmadsenjaytee: I usually use the alien :)
14:57.01tuxxieleifmadsen: I disagree, we are working it into our sales process. We have found that we are more likly to close a sale if our customer was able to see our agent. I think it gives a false sence of trust to the customer.... not that we are not trust worthy but the customer does not know that..
14:57.04jayteeMax Headroom?
14:57.30leifmadsentuxxie: let me know how that goes
14:57.58leifmadsenvideo interests me, I've just found most people prefer to not talk on video -- in a business environment that may be different
14:58.09jayteeI don't see how video can engender trust. A politician can be standing right in front of me and I still know he's a lying sack of duck turds.
14:58.17leifmadsenperhaps if people get used to using it with businesses they'll start to miss it in their personal communication
14:59.14Freeaqingmejaytee, you know what they say "look me in the eyes and tell me it aint true". Apparently eyes (and faces in general) help people gain a sense of trust. Whether that objectively looked at is wrong or not
14:59.25leifmadsenhave a good weekend everyone
14:59.33tuxxieWe have found that even giving the abality to see the agents picture helped our close ratio. Maybe we are different in some way
14:59.59Freeaqingmenah, i'ts for the same reason lots of websites have photos of people on them
15:01.52devil_evoxxxthere is someone skilled in ISDN? i have to power  a isdn phone for test with a bri card (Digium b410pf)..
15:05.28*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:06.14tzafrirdevil_evoxxx, what version of Asterisk?
15:06.19tzafrirWhat channel driver?
15:08.42devil_evoxxxasterisk 1.8.3
15:09.31devil_evoxxxwe have made a back-to-back cable and it works, but we want to make some test trought a phone
15:09.33tzafrirIt should basically work with chan_dahdi
15:09.54tzafrirwith signalling = bri_net_ptmp
15:10.10tzafrirDo you see the phones powered?
15:11.15devil_evoxxxmy configuration is, port 1 NT, in bri_net mode
15:11.24devil_evoxxxnot bri_net_ptmp
15:11.40tzafrirthat will not work with an ISDN phone
15:12.04devil_evoxxxok, i try now
15:12.11devil_evoxxxi must use a cable pin-to-pin
15:12.22tzafrirThough it should power the phones regardless
15:15.27devil_evoxxxtzafir, in the pdf of b410pf there is a note: Requires libpri 1.4.11 (or
15:15.27devil_evoxxxlater), Asterisk 1.8 (or later),
15:15.27devil_evoxxxand an externally powered
15:15.27devil_evoxxxISDN phone. See Asterisk
15:15.27devil_evoxxx1.8’s sample chan_dahdi.conf
15:15.29devil_evoxxxfor specific parameters and
15:21.10*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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15:46.31fholmesWe have a really small installation we are contemplating for our office.  We only have two phones that will be used (we use less than 500 minutes per month total talk time).  I was wondering how bad of an idea it would be to put zoneminder and asterisk on the same server?
15:47.19*** join/#asterisk m4xx (4b909aa5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:47.54fholmesI guess an alternative would be to have two virtual machines running on one box with a asterisk and zoneminder instance running.
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15:48.21fholmesquestion then really becomes how much horsepower would I need to run two different instances like that?
15:51.11tzafrirdevil_evoxxx, what libpri do you have?
15:51.52tzafrirI would suspect that zoneminder would be the more CPU-intensive
15:52.40tzafrirfholmes, anyway, the thing to test for is how well Asterisk behaves when the system is stressed by ZoneMinder
15:52.49tzafrir(both I/O and CPU)
15:53.13fholmesGood to know.  I will not be doing any motion detection or anything else like that so hopefully we can keep the CPU utilization down quite a bit.
15:53.44fholmesI guess I will give it a go and see how it turns out.  A little quad core is next to nothing these days really.
15:59.37tzafrirso, it should work, right?
16:04.41*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
16:06.37m4xxi'm making a message delivery system to call 100+ people, but i only want to call like 20 at a time. could i use a queue for this?
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16:30.14fholmesSo if we are using SIP phones and a SIP truck then I do not need any interface card in the system right?  Is a hardware based timer still recommended for Asterisk?
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16:37.15devil_evoxxxdoes not give power to the other TE equipment
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17:12.33Miccanyone know of a good e911 provider we can use with DIDs from other providers?
17:13.18_Corey_Micc: These guys were at ITEXPO earlier this year:
17:20.20*** join/#asterisk dlublink (
17:21.26dlublinkHello, I am having problems with outbound DTMF on a PRI card. The DTMF's are sometimes too short. Is it possible to set asterisk so that any DTMFs that are less than a certain time ( say 100ms ) are rounded up to 100ms before being transmitted to the PRI ?
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17:27.23pabelangerfholmes: Correct, just a NIC interface.  You depending on which kernel you are using, you can use res_timing_timerfd
17:27.37pabelangers/You d/D/
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17:37.57fholmespabelanger:  Awesome thanks.  I will check that module and the kernel requirements for it
17:50.47m4xxdo you need to do anything special to enable logging to syslog? I've added "syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error" to my logger.conf, created the entery in syslog.conf, verified that the syslog.conf entry works yet i still get nothing from asterisk
17:53.27m4xxstrike that, i'm not getting sip auths
17:55.50m4xxNOTICE[36189]: chan_sip.c:23511 handle_request_register: Registration from.......
17:56.23m4xxthat should be logged to syslog if notice is set, shouldn't it?
18:06.38dlublinkany ideas how to lengthen DTMFs less than 100 ms to 100 ms ?
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18:19.10jayteedlublink, have you tried relaxdtmf=yes in chan_dahdi.conf?
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18:20.52m4xxi dont get it, they're logged in the /var/log/asterisk/messages,  log but not my syslog setup. i thought perhaps i could only syslog or file log so i disabled the file logs and still nothing. i do get other notice logs though
18:21.21ttpearsMy provider says my equipment in sending a PRI Redirect when dialing a local number (only one that doesn't work as far as I know), when dialing I see this in the console: "PROGRESS with cause code 31 received" --- any clues?
18:30.48pigpenseems there are many posts about that error code with a google search.
18:32.08pigpenit's not a glare issue is it?
18:32.31dlublinkjaytee, it's only the outbound DTMF on the PRI that are a problem. If the DTMF  goes to a SIP provider or another server in my installation, it works fine
18:32.34pigpenfor some reason, glare is coming to mind....dunno.
18:33.21pigpenOk, I have a quetion.  I just setup a new asterisk 1.8.3 deployment, only issue is buddy watch/hints.
18:33.33pigpenAsterisk shows the hint, but there are no watchers.
18:34.23pigpenI have the mac-directory.xml file setup as I do with numerous other deployments, I have all the newer call-limit, limitonpeers and such in the sip.conf.
18:34.38m4xxsyslog.local0 => * doesn't even have an show it
18:35.09*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
18:35.09pigpenThe setting"presence" feature.1.enabled="1" in the sip.cfg for the Polycom (3.2.2 P650) is all set. buddy watch/hints.
18:35.26pigpenAny ideas??  Not realtime, static files.
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18:54.16pigpenI think it i a polycom firmware issue.
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19:13.41pabelangerttpears: cause code 31 is normal. unspecified; it is a good message
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19:27.28ttpearspabelanger: thanks, still can't see why call doesn't go through, works fine on POTS line
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19:28.43pabelangerttpears: you'll have to enable pri debugging and see what is happening
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19:32.59OldGrumpyhi there
19:33.51OldGrumpyI'm new to Asterisk but installation didn't give me much headaches... installed 1.6 on CentOS 5.6
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19:34.22carrarWhy not 1.8?
19:34.49OldGrumpyI followed the simple instructions on for the yum install
19:35.01OldGrumpythese are just my babysteps with Asterisk
19:35.24OldGrumpyI even managed to get my isdn card to work with it
19:35.27OldGrumpywell... almost.
19:35.45OldGrumpyincoming calls are signalled but apparently, recording fails somehow.
19:36.04OldGrumpythe recorded file is zero bytes during the call and gets deleted the moment the caller hangs up
19:36.27OldGrumpyand all I can get in the log is that spawn extension ... exited non-zero
19:36.46OldGrumpyI'm sure there has to be a way to get more useful error messages
19:37.40SiNGLerOldGrumpy: what is your verbose level?
19:37.50OldGrumpyI started it with -vvvvvgci
19:38.13OldGrumpyadd more v?
19:38.38SiNGLerno, can you pastebin ( or similar) output?
19:38.57OldGrumpyhow much of it? cli output of an incoming call?
19:42.52SiNGLercan you pastebin dialplan?
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19:45.21SiNGLersu hangup straith after start of recording
19:45.37SiNGLerno wonder why file is empty
19:45.59SiNGLeryou can add wait()
19:46.22OldGrumpyhow do I wait until caller hangs up?
19:46.25OldGrumpyjust wait()?
19:47.16OldGrumpyyay, I need to digest the documentation more. I didn't even notice it would hang up immediately
19:48.22SiNGLerOldGrumpy: wait(10) would wait 10 seconds
19:48.58OldGrumpyinterestingly, the caller doesn't hear that Asterisk has hung up
19:51.37pabelangercitywok: Depending on your dialplans, you may need to use Progress()
19:51.39citywokpabelanger: 200 OKAY: is asterisk supposed to natively figure out the 183 and start audio on the call, or is that something that has to be enabled?
19:52.23OldGrumpySiNGLer: the files still got deleted immediately after hanging up the phone :(
19:53.23pabelangercitywok: it should, yes
19:53.43SiNGLerOldGrumpy: pastebin output and dialplan
19:53.45citywoki'm testing out progress now
19:54.41citywokgah, didn't do the trick. just set callerid, progress(), and dial(), super simple testing dialplan.
19:56.14SiNGLercitywok: I missed your question, what you want to do?
19:57.38SiNGLerOldGrumpy: does dialplan exit immediately? output is without timestamps, so I can't check..
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19:58.28OldGrumpyhow can I make it have timestamps? the pastebin contains everything Asterisk is giving me ;)
19:58.44OldGrumpythe non-zero exit occurs the moment I hang up the line
19:58.57citywokSiNGLer: was referencing pabel above
19:59.02OldGrumpyit doesn't exit immediately, and didn't do that previously, as well (without the wait line)
20:00.44SiNGLerhm, try recording with Monitor(), I actually do not use record(), so I can't fully assist you on it
20:01.43OldGrumpyi'm just assembling my bits from the various tutorials. Will try Monitor()
20:02.25citywokI prefer MixMonitor(), then i don't have to mux them together myself
20:03.36OldGrumpyI'm not even near that stage
20:03.50OldGrumpyI'm trying hard to get any sound into Asterisk :)
20:04.12OldGrumpy(playback works)
20:04.38citywokwhat do you mean get sound in to asterisk?
20:04.56OldGrumpyAsterisk picks the call up but doesn't let me have the audio recording
20:04.58citywokif you Record() and then Playback() the same file, do you not hear yourself?
20:05.14OldGrumpyRecord() deletes the file immediately after hanging up
20:05.15citywokwith record if you don't press # the recording isn't kept
20:05.23citywokyes, press #
20:05.25pabelangercitywok: PB the debug log
20:05.40OldGrumpyheads off for a moment, yelling profanities
20:05.44citywokpabelanger: even with 10 active calls going on in the background?
20:05.52citywokOldGrumpy: lololol
20:06.08pabelanger*CLI> sip set debug peer XXX
20:06.24pabelangerfor both legs of the call
20:06.26citywokdo you want my deskphone peer, or the provider trunk peer?
20:06.36citywokgotcha. so two seperate since you can only specify one peer at a time, right?
20:06.48pabelangercitywok: yar
20:06.55citywokperfect, will do.
20:08.16citywokgah, so much scrolling by. lol
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20:10.49pabelangercitywok: basically, you need to see if the 183 Progress message is forwarded to your phone
20:13.31citywokpabelanger: i see a 183 being sent to my deskphone, immediately followed by a 180.
20:15.09pabelangerDoes your phone support early media? Which is it?
20:15.31citywokAastra 57i, i didn't even think to look directly at my phone.
20:16.23pabelangerSo, what if you did: Answer(), CallerID(), Dial(SIP/blah) in your dialplan?
20:16.25citywoklooks that up
20:18.58citywokCRAP.  it was the dial(,,r) that was the problem. <shoots self>
20:19.19citywoki didn't even freakin think about the ringing being played by the system causing that. gahhhh.
20:19.59pabelangercitywok: Are you getting audio, or just ringback?  I was going to suggest using the 'r' option
20:20.22citywokif i use the r option, i only get asterisk ringing.  w/out the r option i get the audio like it should.
20:20.42citywokno other changes necessary, original dialplan w/out progress or answer().  just set callerid, and dial(,,)
20:21.25pabelangercitywok: So you had 'r' already in your Dial command?
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20:22.43citywokyea, i already had it. been there for 2 years.
20:23.24*** part/#asterisk digilink (
20:23.35citywoknot sure why, lol.
20:23.42pabelangerme neaither :)
20:24.33citywokas soon as i stripped the r off it worked. it was just a longshot b/c when i tried answer() dial() i got ringing, which made me go wtf is there ringing... ooooh crap.
20:24.45citywokyour answer() dial() was what helped me figure it out
20:26.38citywokso ty for your help. gah, now i feel like an idiot. lol
20:26.50citywokspeaking of that... OldGrumpy does that work for you now? :P
20:27.05citywokthat Record() thing doesn't work unless you hit # haha.
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21:23.09cjwhat would I need to configure in order for this to stop?
21:23.09cj690.132226 ->   SIP Request: OPTIONS sip:
21:23.12cj690.132547 ->    SIP Status: 404 Not Found
21:25.24SiNGLerset qualify=no
21:25.36pigpenHi all, I have an oddity.  A call comes in via analog ->Audiocodes -> SIP -> Asterisk 1.8.3.x -> SIP -> Polycom 650
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21:25.55pigpenWhen they transfer to, lets say, voicemail direct, it says "Transfer Failed"
21:26.06pigpenand the call is left on hold.
21:26.20pigpenThis is all over a local network, small office setup.
21:26.57pigpenI don't see any errors on the asterisk side.
21:26.59*** join/#asterisk dlublink (
21:27.10cjSiNGLer: in the [general] context?
21:27.23pigpenThe polycom firmware is 3.2.2, I plan to go to 3.3.1
21:27.25SiNGLercj: in peer's definition
21:27.34cjoh, I have to define the peer, eh? :)
21:27.59SiNGLeryou should already have it :)
21:28.01dlublinkok, I am seeing messages like "DTMF begin ignored 5" and "DTMF end '5' detected to have actual duration of 65 on wire" and others about emulation. Can someone point me to a document that explains clearly what each of these messages mean ?
21:28.23SiNGLeron server does have a definition
21:29.20cjSiNGLer: is a BIG-IP LTM host issuing SIP packets as a health monitor
21:29.44cjit's not really a client, just a proxy with enough knowledge to pass the packets to the right host in the pool
21:30.02cjlooks at the proxy configuration for something that might be like qualify=no
21:30.32SiNGLerthere should be qualify=yes or qualify=number
21:32.15SiNGLerI will be back soon (restarting PC), if in mean time your problem will not be resolved, highlight me after I return
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21:56.44fhmivHoping someone has a suggestion for how to fix a problem I have with voicemail. I have an OBi110 and an Asterisk on my network. There are in and out contexts for the OBi in my extensions.conf. Problem is when a caller from outside leaves a voicemail, there is 20 seconds of dialtone on the end of the voicemail
21:57.37fhmivSo the FXO port of the OBi has an ooma hanging off of it, which is where the call is coming in from
22:00.12fhmivThe dialplan section where the call goes to voicemail is listed at
22:02.24*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
22:02.53cjSiNGLer: the client is not asterisk...
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22:05.21SiNGLercj: well idea is that *.1 sends requests to *.12 (?) to check if server is online and what is the lag (similar to asterisk's qualify), if you want to get rid of OPTIONS messages, you need to disable that monitoring/checking
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22:08.26Dr-Linuxusing ... facing high CPU spikes with asterisk process, not sure what to do now. Any clue?
22:10.12cjSiNGLer: ah, I'm not looking to get rid of the OPTIONS messages, I'm looking to make it not return a 404 :)
22:10.32cjsorry for the confusion
22:10.43Dr-LinuxI found this in Chanlog:
22:10.45Dr-Linux* AST-2011-005: File Descriptor Resource Exhaustion
22:10.49Dr-Linuxwhat does this mean?
22:11.00nix8n82Dr-Linux, monitor the threads and see what is causing your spikes
22:11.32nix8n82asterisk probably hit the default 1024 limit for file desciptors
22:11.33SiNGLercj: oh, sorry then I cannot help you.. I do not know why asterisk return 404
22:12.06Dr-Linuxnix8n82: explain "monitor"
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22:12.47Dr-Linuxnix8n82: because i did alot already ... it's not only on a single box but every box that has version
22:13.13nix8n82write a script or use splunk to keep an eye on what is going on with your processes
22:15.12Dr-Linuxnix8n82: script? do you mean put together some commands such like "vmstats", "cat /proc/intterupts" etc?
22:16.32Dr-Linuxnix8n82: the issue is, the problem occurs randomly regardless or call load
22:16.59Dr-Linuxand i'm unable to reproduce this issue
22:17.28Dr-LinuxAsterisk process goes upto 50% which badly impact the voice quality
22:17.46Dr-Linuxeven with a few calls
22:18.09Dr-Linuxthe only solution to fix the issue is to restart the Asterisk services
22:18.11Freeaqingmedid you try other codecs?
22:18.29nix8n82what codecs are you using?
22:18.55Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: i was suspecting g729 issue, so i disable that code and activate the standard g711 but issue is still there on all boxes
22:18.58nix8n82are you using mp3 for your music on hold?
22:19.04Dr-LinuxI dont want to downgrade
22:19.12Dr-Linuxnah ... but native
22:19.44Freeaqingmehow many is 'just a few calls'?
22:19.57Dr-Linuxnix8n82: my servers are SUN x41XX with 8 CPUs
22:19.59nix8n82are you using sound files or lots of agi and ami?
22:20.04Dr-Linux16GB ram each
22:20.20Freeaqingmenix8n82, are you saying agi/ami causes lots of load?
22:20.25Dr-LinuxAGI < yes
22:20.29FreeaqingmeDr-Linux, can still be an IO issue
22:21.05Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: sometime call load goes upto 80 simul.. calls but no issue
22:21.22Dr-Linuxbut when issue occurs there are hardly 8 calls some time
22:21.35FreeaqingmeDr-Linux, can it be that your AGI processes don't quit after the conversation ended?
22:21.36nix8n82it can and also if alot are open or don't free file descriptors and run out of file descriptors it will really screw things up
22:21.56Dr-LinuxI have many servers in production .. whichever i upgrade to i face this issue on that box
22:22.00nix8n82do you have zombies?
22:22.23Dr-Linuxprevious version was ... there was not issue .. but digium support says that is no more supported version ...
22:22.27FreeaqingmeDr-Linux, upgrading to 1.8 isn't an option? I'd presumed in the meanwhile things got better
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22:22.33Dr-Linuxno zombies
22:23.22Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: i don't want to upgrade to 1.8 yet ... new version new issues
22:24.11Dr-Linuxthese boxes simply recieve calls on SIP plays AGI and upon CSR option fwd the call to other box
22:24.28FreeaqingmeI'd say it's worth a shot, i'ts not like you dont have any issues with 1.6 ;)
22:24.54Dr-Linuxother boxes have queues / recordings etc ... but those other boxes are running 1.6.0.x so no issues
22:25.17Dr-Linuxworth a shot to what?
22:26.15Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: :) actually these servers are running American banks calls etc ... so 1.8 is not a option
22:26.43Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: problem is that on dev servers i can not reproduce this issue even on 100 calls
22:27.16Freeaqingmesounds like an IO issue still
22:27.20Dr-Linuxand this issue occurs once in a week on each server .. sometime twice in month .. which badly affect the voice quality
22:28.30nix8n82Dr-Linux, are you running
22:28.36Dr-Linuxeach day asterisk CPU goes this way .. 0 to 2 > 5 to 10 > 20 >>>>>> 40 >>> 50 .... bad voice quality
22:28.55Freeaqingmeis that the load or cpu usage?
22:29.03Dr-Linuxnix8n82: no but
22:29.48Dr-Linuxload is almost 0 on server .. overall CPU using is almost idle .. but ASTERISK process goes HIGH
22:30.20nix8n82Dr-Linux, read that
22:30.40Dr-Linuxsure sir
22:31.19Dr-Linuxdo you think it is security issue?
22:31.34Freeaqingmeit could be a symptom of the issue described there
22:31.40Dr-Linuxour infrastructure is highly secured
22:32.15nix8n82right but uses of those services can cause that too, like you are causing your own denial of service
22:32.44Dr-Linuxopss .. pdf writer is not available on this machine ...
22:32.59Dr-Linuxgonna turn on the laptop
22:33.26Dr-Linuxi also opened this case with Digium support
22:34.13Dr-Linuxbut unlikely i never get thing fixed from there
22:37.21Dr-Linuxnix8n82: do you think this issue is relevant to me?
22:37.38nix8n82update to
22:38.02nix8n82I don't know, do you use any of those services?
22:38.18nix8n82are you getting file descriptor errors?
22:38.22Dr-Linuxyes but do you think it gonna fix the issue? becasue our upgrade process is very time taking .. such like QA .. planning .. stress testing etc ...
22:38.36Dr-Linuxno such errors
22:39.03Dr-Linuxbut i'm using AMI / Socket service through AGI
22:39.44Dr-Linuxso only AMI is seems relevant
22:40.01Dr-Linuxbut do not get such errors
22:41.52Dr-Linuxanyone else is using Asterisk 1.6.2 ?
22:42.10nix8n82when asterisk hit's a high load you should check to seem how may fd it is using and if you are near that peak of your ulimit -n
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22:43.17Dr-Linuxnix8n82: I already increased that limit to very high value .. that is our hardening part
22:43.19nix8n82or see if it keeps climbing over the next couple of days
22:43.59Dr-Linuxhow can i check this for asterisk specifically?
22:44.38Freeaqingmeyou dont harden things by just changing limits...
22:44.40Dr-Linuxulimit -n will give me openfile limit for OS
22:44.53Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: correct!
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22:45.42Dr-Linuxand i already changed that limit to high value ...
22:46.14nix8n82ls /proc/pidofasterisk/fd/ | wc -l
22:46.49Dr-Linuxnormally we get the warnings on the CLI such like "Too many openfiles" if there is ulimit issue
22:48.17Dr-Linuxthis morning there were 8 calls on this box .. and high CPU spike occured so i restarted and fixed. After few hours call volume climed to 140 calls but all was normal .. Asterisk CPU was aournd 1 %
22:49.00Dr-Linuxlet me save the commad
22:49.17nix8n82right but if it keeps climbing you know you got threads hanging on to stuff it shouldn't
22:49.43nix8n82you have to replace pidofasterisk with the actual pid
22:50.09Dr-Linuxyeah sometime i see there are two asterisk process during this issue :S
22:50.38nix8n82ls /proc/`cat /var/run/asterisk/`/fd/ | wc -l
22:50.42Dr-Linuxnix8n82: can you please explain when you say "you got thread hanging, replace PID of asterisk" ?
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22:53.44Dr-Linuxnix8n82: how to replace PID with actuall one? should i do it automatically and suspctively its not doing or what?
22:54.59nix8n82if you have a ton of fd on that processes with not much going have a problem. the last statement I made should get you the pid of your current running asterisk, unless your pid file is somewhere else
22:57.22Dr-Linuxso what is the fix in such case?
22:57.48Dr-Linuxnix8n82: normally does such case blong to HW or OS .. or App?
22:58.51Dr-Linux<nix8n82> if you have a ton of fd on that processes <<< do you mean processor?
22:59.46nix8n82I don't care how you  do it, I'm sure you get paid a lot more money than I to figure out these problems. I merely suggesting to a way to see if it is related to the security issue.
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23:05.54Dr-Linuxnix8n82: I bet i don't get paid even half of you are getting paid.
23:09.00nix8n82I seriously doubt that..unless you are doing this for free
23:10.11Dr-Linuxnix8n82: i'm home right now with family, but this is interesting issue, and i'm discussing this for learning purposes
23:10.37Dr-LinuxBTW, i'm from Pakistan .. and here we get paid very low
23:10.46Freeaqingmenix8n82, are you earning 2*nothing?
23:12.21Dr-LinuxFreeaqingme: tech guys is never jobless
23:17.01nix8n82Freeaqingme, seems like it
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23:17.42Freeaqingmenix8n82, we should set up some kind of AA discussion group for badpaid techies
23:18.16nix8n82ps -FTC asterisk    should give you all the process associated with your running asterisk then you could probably find more info about it under /proc
23:18.28dlublinkI once drank an entire ounce of vodka after a customer typed a URL in google search instead of the address bar
23:18.44nix8n82the ones that are consuming the most cpu time would be the ones I look at first
23:19.10nix8n82Freeaqingme, we should
23:19.27Dr-Linuxmakes sense
23:19.57nix8n82dlublink, I can't blame you there
23:19.59Dr-Linuxnix8n82: is Asterisk MT process?
23:20.48nix8n82yeah that's why you have thread id's in your log file
23:21.38Dr-Linuxnix8n82: but normally when i see all CPU's are idle but only is being used out of 8 on this machine
23:21.43dlublinknix8n82, actually, I tried to write a script to capture the http_referer and detect if the user entered a URL in the q parameter, I ended sending myself through an endless HTTP redirect loop
23:24.32Dr-Linuxdlublink is bot
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23:25.54dlublinkso I am having difficulty with RFC2833 on my asterisk machines
23:27.59dlublinkIt goes GXP2000 => Asterisk A => Asterisk B I see the events appear correctly on Asterisk A, but half the DTMFs are gone when I get to Asterisk B. I did a packet sniff with wireshark and see that one of the DTMFs has an event duration of 58464. I see another event in the RTP sniff, but asterisk B never mentions it in the console. What do I do next ?
23:29.07Dr-LinuxHow many simultaneous calls you serverd on asterisk ?
23:29.37dlublinkDr-Linux, you talking to me ?
23:29.45Dr-Linuxdlublink: yes
23:29.51dlublinkduring the test ? 1
23:29.59Dr-Linuxnot talking but ... :)
23:30.02Dr-Linuxno but in production
23:30.24Dr-Linuxbecasue i've some serious issues with this version .. that's why i'm here since long and nix8n82 is helping me
23:30.26dlublinknot sure, why ?
23:30.49dlublinkis there a version of asterisk that is available that works well and RFC2833 works properly ??
23:31.28dlublinkI have servers running Asterisk 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 and none of them send RTP events properly. All confirmed by wireshark.
23:31.39Dr-Linuxi'd never leave 1.4.xx
23:31.47dlublinkreally ?
23:31.51dlublink1.4 doesn't work for me either
23:31.55Dr-Linux1.4.x is the best ..
23:32.16Dr-Linuxbut my problem is, i need some queue features which 1.6.2 supports
23:32.18dlublinkI have two servers running 1.4.40, and RFC2833 is broken on both
23:32.45Dr-Linuxdtmf issue or what?
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23:32.53Dr-Linuxi never had such issues
23:33.18Dr-Linuxi'm running about 25 * boxes with 1.4.24
23:33.59dlublinkever have asterisk send 750 RTP event packets for a single DTMF saying it lasted 58 seconds when it really lasted only about .3 seconds ?
23:34.54Dr-Linuxwhat about Nat= option?
23:35.04Dr-Linuxturn it out to YES and Qualify to YES
23:35.17Dr-Linuxcanreinvite= to NO
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23:36.23dlublinkI don't manage my peers with asterisk any more, it was too slow and buggy. I only use asterisk when the PRI or IVR is involved
23:37.02nix8n82what do you use for your peers?
23:38.21dlublinkbut I don't see how nat=yes or qualify=yes would have any impact whatsoever on my DTMF problem
23:39.27dlublinkI changed that setting, it made no diff
23:39.44dlublinknix8n82, what do you use for DTMF ? Info or RFC2833 ?
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23:51.13dlublinkCan someone tell me which version of asterisk they are using that works well with RFC2833 ?
23:56.15nix8n82might try dtmfmode=auto for between the two asterisk boxes
23:57.44pabelangerdlublink: define broken
23:59.05dlublinkI hit the 8 button for about 1/2 of a second, but wireshark shows asterisk a sent 700 packets to asterisk b indicating I held the dtmf button for 58 seconds. Some DTMF events are not sent.

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