IRC log for #asterisk on 20110415

00:01.52*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
00:09.04Schreiber1337Can someone school me in SLA and SEA?
00:09.10*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:09.36carrarSEA == Seattle
00:09.42carrarSLA = Service Level Agreement
00:10.10Schreiber1337Shared Line Appearance / Shared Extension Appearance
00:13.25Schreiber1337If I am correct Shared Line Appearance means several phones can ring/answer/see if the line is in use on a Trunk line only... Is that correct?
00:16.16*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
00:18.54*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
00:20.53Schreiber1337Anyone willing to have a conversation on SLA / SEA / BLA .....
00:21.58*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:30.17*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
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00:45.28DrDamnitwhere is the documentation for exten => same?
00:46.32DrDamnitFoudn it.
00:46.32infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at
00:46.41leifmadsensame => n,NoOp()
00:46.53leifmadsennot exten => same,n,NoOp()
00:47.05DrDamnitleifmadsen: Thanks. I was foolishly doing: exten => same for some reason. Brain Fart.
00:47.32*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
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00:53.38Schreiber1337Does 1.8 support "shared extension appearance" or "bridged line appearance"
00:56.14leifmadsenit's called Shared Line Appearance (SLA)
00:56.23leifmadsendocumented on the OFPS website
00:57.04Schreiber1337@leifmadsen: From what I've read SLA is only for multiple phones monitoring a single Trunk channel... is that correct?
00:58.35Schreiber1337@leifmadsen: I'm looking for the ability of multiple phones to ring/answer/see state of an extension number...
01:00.39leifmadsenyou'll have to check the documentation -- I didn't write that section
01:04.13*** join/#asterisk waterfoul (~chatzilla@
01:04.35waterfouli can make a call through but i hear no audio through google voice, what did i do wrong?
01:06.50*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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01:17.10*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:19.01drfreezeLooks like 1.8.4-rc2 fixes the bug in
01:20.43Schreiber1337If more than one phone uses the same SIP User ID, how does Asterisk know which one to send incoming calls to?  The last one to register?
01:23.59*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:29.12*** part/#asterisk EugeneKay (
01:32.48*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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01:47.50*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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02:07.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:32.38*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
02:33.23a1faso i need to build an agi to take an imput and query a remote site with it .. thinking about php
02:34.05a1faany pre-built frameworks i can look at?
02:36.54agromanbetter off picking a lang you are familiar with.  the last framework I heard of was ragi and it's not been updated in quite some time.
02:37.34agromancould be wrong...
02:37.38agromanfor more
02:37.53seraphiea1fa: for python, StarPy works for me, and there is the Asterisk::AGI Perl module, but I am not familiar with it.
02:41.00a1fai am going with php
02:41.11a1fait looks easy
02:41.17a1fahopefully i'll be able to make SOP calls with php
02:48.51*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
02:52.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:04.52*** join/#asterisk \DSAFEW\ (
03:05.12pabelanger+1 starpy
03:05.28\DSAFEW\what's it called when I want my dialplan to forward calls to the one extension I have?
03:05.37\DSAFEW\is that a transfer? Dial?
03:06.29pabelanger\DSAFEW\: You want to know which application to use?
03:06.59\DSAFEW\pabelanger, I'm looking for help with my dial plan, the demo has something maybe similar
03:07.10\DSAFEW\;exten => 6245,1,Dial(SIP/Grandstream1,20,rt)   ; permit transfer
03:07.15\DSAFEW\not sure what that would do
03:07.43pabelangerIf you Dial() something, asterisk still have call control, if you Transfer(), asterisk releases call control
03:07.56pabelangerSo, depends what you want to do
03:08.26pabelangerDial() is a bridge
03:10.32\DSAFEW\okay, so if I wanted to use a one-line FXO card for PSTN and one connected SIP phone, making asterisk transparent
03:10.42\DSAFEW\I would use Dial to change the protocol?
03:11.24pabelangerbecause you are bridging to 2 different protocol
03:12.46\DSAFEW\so how exactly do I catch everything SIP dials and make it Dial out?
03:13.10pabelangerusing contexts
03:13.13\DSAFEW\and how would I configure the incoming calls to go to that extension?
03:13.23pabelangerWhen you define a sip peer, you will assign it a context.
03:13.37pabelangersame goes for your incoming FXO
03:13.41\DSAFEW\and in its context I put...
03:13.42*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
03:13.54\DSAFEW\one second I'll pastebin my dialplan
03:15.45\DSAFEW\here's the extensions.conf
03:17.33\DSAFEW\my dahdi is configured to context=from-pstn and sip is from-sip
03:17.59*** join/#asterisk cVsup (~cVsup@
03:18.33pabelangerOkay, looks fine.  So if you wanted your sip phone to dial 10 digits, you add exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN})
03:18.40pabelangerin from-sip
03:19.57\DSAFEW\pabelanger, so the _ counts as a number or not a number?
03:20.48\DSAFEW\is this magic _NXXNXXXXXX a catch-all pattern for 9-10 digit phone numbers? or does it need to be a 10 digit?
03:20.54*** join/#asterisk Quant (
03:21.20\DSAFEW\err, I guess what I meant was 10-11
03:21.49pabelanger\DSAFEW\: Yes, that will only match a 10 digit pattern.  X is 0-9, N is 2-9
03:21.58\DSAFEW\it's not going to do the 1 in a 1800? I can add another string to match them then?
03:22.25pabelanger\DSAFEW\: Correct, just add a new pattern
03:22.36pabelangerif you look at extension.conf.sample it shows you how
03:22.46\DSAFEW\pabelanger, you're a real help, I don't think there's any documentation on this simple syntax, it's been driving me nuts groping in the dark like this
03:22.47pabelangeryou can also #include other contexts
03:22.57infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
03:23.04pabelanger\DSAFEW\: ^ Great resource
03:23.30\DSAFEW\been reading this here
03:23.45\DSAFEW\maybe I somehow missed that part
03:24.33pabelangerthe latest and greatest release
03:24.38pabelangerJust release, this month
03:28.20\DSAFEW\in case you're wondering why the monkeys sound is there, Answer() wasn't working for some reason, possibly the dahdi config defaulting to the wrong context before
03:28.27\DSAFEW\testing, brb
03:34.06*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
03:34.39*** join/#asterisk teathsch (
03:34.53\DSAFEW\this is a good book
03:34.57\DSAFEW\thanks pabelanger
03:35.27pabelanger\DSAFEW\: send beers to russellb and leifmadsen
03:35.36\DSAFEW\I will.
03:49.28*** join/#asterisk Quant (~QuantB@unaffiliated/quantb)
03:57.20*** join/#asterisk cyford (
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04:03.43*** part/#asterisk cVsup (~cVsup@
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04:16.59*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
04:22.54*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
04:26.31*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:27.12teathschi got a voip onion network up and running (for making anonymous calls) with 4 whole nodes lol... .. looking for feedback
04:27.44*** join/#asterisk izhak (
04:32.06pabelangerannonymous to a point, your originating IP information would be in the SIP INVITE message, no?
04:32.32teathschanonymous in the sense that you can't link sender and receiver
04:32.55pabelangerhow is RTP established?
04:33.35teathschyou can only use sip to an entry node or out an exit node.. between relays it is all iax
04:33.54teathschreinvites are fatal to anonymity
04:34.59Wiretapthis is a cool idea
04:35.42*** join/#asterisk waterfoul (~chatzilla@
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04:36.06waterfoulI keep getting presence packet errors, how can i handle these?
04:36.57Wiretapwith some duct tape, rubber gloves and pliers?
04:37.11Wiretapthat is insufficient information to solve your problem
04:37.20Wiretappastebin logs and relevant sections of config
04:37.47kaldemarwaterfoul: errors or notices?
04:38.02waterfoul[Apr 14 22:37:27] NOTICE[6641]: res_jabber.c:2282 aji_handle_presence: Got presence packet from, someone not in our roster!!!!
04:38.21waterfoulthe address varies, i knowwhere they are comming from i just on't know how to handle them
04:43.46teathschi say this with no experience with jabber, but the message seems self-explanatory.. but how is it problematic?
04:44.21waterfouli just want to handle the packets but don't know how to configure it
04:44.55waterfoulits not necessary i would just like to handle them
04:46.30*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
04:47.19waterfoulis there a full list of jabber.conf settings?
04:50.02waterfoulfound it, you need buddy=.... lines
04:51.12waterfoulwhere does it get the info when calling getaddrinfo at the startup
04:53.23*** join/#asterisk Maxus2 (~Maxus@
04:54.48Maxus2hi Asterisk people, is there a way of call multiple devices one after if they fail in one dial plan line? similar to the dial(sip/X&sip/Y) but not failing over rather than calling all at once?
04:56.05Maxus2never mind, i think retry dial does it.
04:58.15*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
04:59.42Maxus2nope apprently it doesn't :(
05:03.24teathschMaxus2: Dial(...||G) .. then check for ${DIALSTATUS}=CONGESTION
05:03.30teathsch||g rather
05:03.48Maxus2Hi teathsch, but will that work ina single line?
05:04.18teathschno you'd have to make a macro or a custom context
05:04.44teathschyou also want to check for CHANUNAVAIL
05:05.10Maxus2cant do that, im inside realtime, and need to return the result it and the result of an odbc call
05:05.20Maxus2and = as
05:06.28Maxus2yeah was hoping for something simple like dial(SIP/X&SIP/Y, param) where if X fails it then dials Y
05:08.07Maxus2i could do a nested if(Chanunavail(sip/X), dial(SIP/X), if(Chanunavail(sip/Y), dial(SIP/Y))) but i will run out of characters pretty quickly
05:11.21Maxus2can i do mutiple applications in one like: dial(sip/X)&dial(sip/Y)?
05:23.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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05:42.33*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt (
05:42.58tehrabbitti feel stupid but I just noticed sip isn't loaded in my freshly compiled asterisk install.... am I missing something?
05:43.55tehrabbittwhen I mean by it's not loaded, I type "SIP" in the cli and hit tab but it doesn't find sip, just sccp, skinny, say and stun
05:44.39tehrabbittam I missing a step?
05:44.49Maxus2i had that once, i just rebooted asterisk and it was there
05:45.16tehrabbitti've tried that :-\ no luck
05:45.58tehrabbitti'm tempted to see if recompiling / reinstalling will work but i wanna make sure there's nothing I should try first
05:48.09tehrabbittnow asterisk won't even load :-\
05:48.14tehrabbitti really screwed something up now :-\
05:49.20kaldemartehrabbitt: i was about to ask if "module show like sip" lists, but since asterisk doesn't start... start it with -vvvvvc and see where it crashes.
05:49.39kaldemartehrabbitt: did you have a previous version installed on the machine?
05:50.16tehrabbittnope it's  fresh reformat
05:50.44tehrabbitttheres where it's crashing :-]\
05:51.06*** join/#asterisk cellkill (~kvirc@2001:470:c469:beef:1d46:c5ff:5d32:db30)
05:52.04tehrabbittSegmentation fault
05:52.20tehrabbittidk what "ael-demo" is supposed to be but that's not mine 0_o
05:52.42*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
05:54.05kaldemartehrabbitt: it is a context in the sample extensions.ael.
05:54.17tehrabbittso delete extensions.ael?
05:54.57tehrabbittor is it because SIP isn't working its complaining?
05:57.41tehrabbittI just recompiled to see if that brings SIP back and maybe then everything will work... it's almost done already lol
05:57.49kaldemarno clear indication of an issue in your paste.
05:58.26kaldemari've never seen extensions.ael cause a crash.
05:58.56tehrabbittthe paste was made using '-vvvvvvc' and the above inline paste i sent in regard to ael-demo was using '-vvvvvvvvvvvvvc'
05:59.10tehrabbittkaldemar, thats why i'm thinking it's in regard to SIP missing
05:59.28tehrabbittwhich maybe it never compiled somehow :-\... I checked make menuconfig this time and it was selected so i'm not sure
06:01.03tehrabbittshould I run "make samples" or just use my actual .conf files I already have made?
06:01.07kaldemardo you have in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
06:01.15tehrabbittkaldemar, it wasn't there before, no
06:01.25tehrabbitthence why I think maybe thats what was causing the seg fault
06:01.41tehrabbittdont know how that would happen though :-\
06:01.43kaldemarif you had chan_sip selected in the menu and didn't have the module, then there was something wrong with the compilation.
06:02.13tehrabbittwell I did just recompile / reinstall, so hopefully this time all is good :)... should I run "Make samples" or should I just work from scratch?
06:02.54kaldemarconfiguration files have been known to cause crashes in the past, even the samples. try with your configs first, then with samples if it doesn't start or give a clear indication on what is to blaim.
06:03.24tehrabbittwait a minute.... still no SIP
06:03.27tehrabbittand it's there now 0_o
06:03.51tehrabbittand I checked modules.conf and it's not marked *not* to load so idk
06:05.05tehrabbitti copied basically everything on my screen
06:06.18kaldemarwhat does "module load" tell you?
06:06.36tehrabbittkaldemar, looks like a bad config file :-\
06:06.45tehrabbitti loaded samples, everything is there
06:07.07tehrabbittmaybe it was a corrupted config from when I compiled samples earlier and it left SIP out or such?
06:07.17kaldemarlet me guess, an empty [authentication] in sip.conf?
06:09.13tehrabbittI'm thinking you might actually be right on target here...  I load my SIP.conf back in, and bam, back to messed up :-\
06:09.56tehrabbittwhat do yo umean by empty authetication though?
06:09.58tehrabbittlike a missing username?
06:10.00tehrabbittor password?
06:10.16kaldemari was being literal..
06:11.11tehrabbittI need to add [authentication] to my sip.conf?
06:11.20kaldemarsome version, i don't remember which one, crashed with an empty [authentication] context in the file long time ago.
06:11.21tehrabbitti've never seen that in my previous conf files before :-\
06:11.51*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
06:12.30tehrabbittah I see now 0_o
06:12.33tehrabbitti feel stupid :=\
06:14.50tehrabbittstill nothing :(
06:14.58tehrabbittkaldemar, do I need to reload the module or something?
06:15.22tehrabbittah [Apr 15 02:15:04] WARNING[23698]: config.c:1102 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
06:16.00*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
06:16.20kaldemarmissing [general]?
06:16.25tehrabbittnope even worse...
06:16.35tehrabbittused "//" as comments isntead of ";"
06:16.56tehrabbittsoooo it wouldn't read the conf :-\
06:18.28tehrabbittso here's my second question, it seems to be working now, for the exception I noticed "sip show registry" doesn't show any registered SIP peers, even though I do have two registration lines within my .conf file
06:19.41kaldemarsip show registry isn't supposed to show any registered peers, it shows where your asterisk tries to register.
06:19.51*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
06:20.00kaldemari.e. outgoing registrations from asterisk's point of view.
06:20.23kaldemarsip show peers is what you were thinking of.
06:20.49tehrabbittah :-D
06:22.34tehrabbittkaldemar, hm, noticed under status it shows "unmonitored" i'm guessing there's a way to set it up so it monitors if it's online or offline?
06:26.09tehrabbittkaldemar, ah, "qualify=yes" did it :-D  sweet, for once i'm actually taking my time setting this up so that way it's nice and neat and organized .conf files and not a mess to jumble through lol
06:26.52kaldemarsee also the other qualify parameters to tune how it works. it can be used as a keep-alive for example.
06:27.34tehrabbittah, cool :)... i'm guessing that's for dynamic IP or such?
06:28.47kaldemarmore like clients behind NAT routers or in WLAN access points that drop connections too quickly.
06:32.26*** join/#asterisk eerie (~mime@gateway/shell/
06:33.54tehrabbittAh that makes sense
06:34.51tehrabbittkaldemar, if I have two SIP trunks, and i have two SIP phones, I can just assign each device to it's own context (Personal/Business) and it'll use the proper outgoing / incoming trunk, right?
06:35.26kaldemarif a client IP address changes, the client has to re-register. that can be done with expiry settings.
06:36.08kaldemartehrabbitt: yes. you can do pretty much what ever you want.
06:37.16tehrabbittso do [personalInbound] and list my incoming route for my personal line within that, correct?
06:37.30tehrabbittthen do a seperate [BusinessInbound]
06:37.39tehrabbittor can both be inside the same [inbound] 0_o
06:38.55kaldemarbe clear on what you want to do first.
06:38.56*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
06:39.42tehrabbittI have 3 DIDs... I have two phones (devices).  one phone (business) will have just one DID assigned to it, the personal phone will have two.
06:40.16tehrabbitton outbound, I want the personal calls to be routed via the personal account / pesonal DIDs and vice versa with the business
06:40.31tehrabbittproblem is, my business uses IAX for Outbound, SIP for inbound
06:40.41tehrabbittwill that matter much?
06:41.32kaldemarhow is that a problem?
06:42.23tehrabbittI guess it's not, maybe I just confused myself...  I guess what i'm trying to say is should I list both sets of incoming filters under the "incoming" context
06:42.29tehrabbittwell all 3 sets I should say
06:42.51*** join/#asterisk cyford (
06:43.13tehrabbittI guess just make one context "Businessoutbound" and the other "personaloutbound"
06:43.24tehrabbittwith different "Dial(XXXX)" for each context?
06:43.30kaldemartehrabbitt: what you should do depends on what you configure in sip.conf/iax.conf.
06:44.02tehrabbittah true.
06:44.43kaldemarfor incoming that is. for outbound calls, make one context that has an extension for the personal DID and one for the business. then include the personal in the personal phone's context and same for the business one.
06:45.27kaldemarby include i mean include statements, as in "include => anothercontext" inside a [context].
06:46.23tehrabbittah true
06:48.24*** join/#asterisk imcdona (imcdona@2001:470:e8f1:4:243c:284b:85c0:282c)
06:52.55*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
06:53.39tehrabbittkaldemar, what's the best way of transfering a user to voicemail if there is no answer within lets say the default 35 secons I have set for "dial()"
06:54.30kaldemartehrabbitt: set a timeout in the dial app and the voicemail app as the next priority. core show application dial.
06:56.21*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:57.11schmidtsgood morning
06:57.25*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:14.43tehrabbittHow can I enable T.38 on one of my SIP lines?
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07:32.16*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (~cjk@
07:32.43cjk_hi, i am looking for a way to hangup a call from a Local channel. I can hangup the local channel but this does not affect the "parent"
07:32.54cjk_any hints or ideas are welcome
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08:05.47*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:09.26*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:10.57tehrabbittstupid question, I have two DIDs from flowroute, I have them configured in my asterisk server, and I have my asterisk server registering to flowroute, when I dial my DID's I get a message saying "you have reached a non-working number".  I know i'm missing something in one of my .conf but i'm not sure what
08:12.39tehrabbitt:You can manage your inbound routes below and link any of your DIDs to any route. (Not required if using SIP registration for inbound. DIDs route via SIP Regis
08:12.49tehrabbittso i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong
08:13.14*** join/#asterisk jg1234 (
08:13.15tehrabbittregister => ;TeneHawk Account
08:14.13tehrabbittnevermind figured it out >_<
08:17.21jg1234i am trying to delete a line in a context of my extensions.conf via AMI -> UpdateConfig
08:17.39jg1234but all it lets me do is delete the whole context
08:20.03*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:26.41kaldemarjg1234: a single line in an extension or a whole extension?
08:29.41jg1234one extension would be fine
08:29.59kaldemarjg1234: use Command and dialplan remove exten@context [priority]
08:32.15jg1234and do you have any idea why updateconfig wont delete just one line ?
08:38.10*** join/#asterisk Ecco (
08:38.13EccoHi everyone
08:38.45EccoQuick question : I have a SIP account I'm paying for, and I'd like to share that account on my LAN.
08:38.57Ecco(IOW, I'd like anyone here to be able to pick up a phone call on their machine)
08:39.20Ecco(Ideally, it would be great if people could also forward a call to each other)
08:39.27Eccowhat's the proper way to do this ?
08:40.19Faustovget an asterisk server to route your sip calls
08:40.29Faustovsimilarly to masquerade in networking
08:41.41*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
08:41.54EccoHmm, ok
08:42.07EccoIs this something difficult to do ?
08:42.23Ecco(This would be my first try at setting up a PBX and I don't want to start with something too hard)
08:43.08teathschnothing to it.. just focus on understanding sip.conf and extensions.conf
08:43.14EccoAllright :-)
08:44.24*** join/#asterisk Denial (
08:50.44kaldemarjg1234: it's not supposed to delete one line.
08:51.00kaldemarjg1234: it is for operating on category contexts.
08:51.42kaldemarjg1234: or settings.
08:52.42jg1234ok thx
08:58.33*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (dexter@2001:470:26:45f::1)
08:58.52BlackBishopany way to check if someone has ringed more than like .. 3 seconds .. to go do a callback somehow ?
08:59.06BlackBishopI've read about the callback by creating a file in a queue somewhere ..
08:59.17BlackBishopbut how do I check how long did a person ring ?
08:59.33BlackBishopand make the incoming wait to ring at least X amount of seconds
09:05.43*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
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09:27.37BlackBishopok .. so I should do Wait(5) or something .. but how can I find out if the person hanged up in less than 5 seconds ?
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09:34.12flashdeluxehi! does anybody know if chan capi supports asterisk 1.8?
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09:39.29kaldemarBlackBishop: take an epoch before dial and compare it to the value after the user has hung up. how to proceed dialplan execution after a hangup is up to your asterisk version.
09:40.54BlackBishopyeah ... good idea
09:42.32*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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10:12.04BlackBishopkaldemar: how do I set in a var ${EPOCH}-${START_CALL} ?
10:12.36BlackBishopit currently seems to interpret exten => h,n,Verbose(RING_TIME = ${EPOCH}-${START_CALL}) as RING_TIME = int-int
10:12.39BlackBishopnot as a result
10:13.26BlackBishopwhich should be a number between 1 and 5
10:14.25*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
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10:23.03vadmesteHello everybody. Can someone tell me some keywords that guide me videoconference with asterisk ?
10:34.46kaldemarvadmeste: app_conference or wait until someone implements it in asterisk.
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10:47.31z4nD4Rhi guys, i want to implement IM and video to my asterisk, have samo tutorial?... and wich client ( free ) supports  this features? thx...
10:50.22*** join/#asterisk dimm1 (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
10:53.22nickfennellWhat's the deal with asterisk and video
10:53.25nickfennellis it supported now?
10:53.39*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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10:57.06zambahow do i set the default prompt language?
10:57.35*** join/#asterisk alkali147 (~alkali147@
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11:03.22aberriosAnyone using the shiny new version of OrderlyStatsse? ( 1.8RC5)
11:12.40alkali147actualy never tried it, seems to be very heavy
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11:50.24atannickfennell, it has been for awhile
11:50.36atannickfennell, I use it every day :) love it
11:51.03atanz4nD4R, I think x-lite has video support...
11:51.14nickfennellI'm interested in deploying it
11:51.21atannickfennell, totally. I've had the family setup with video phones for the last few months.
11:51.32nickfennellOh nice
11:51.39nickfennellAny pointers/caveats?
11:51.49atanI can't tell you much about how it all works... I'm not that technical. I just plugged it all in and the thing worked really.
11:51.56atanWatch out for the codecs is all I do suppose.
11:52.04z4nD4Ratan: and i muss something set on asterisk side? to support video?
11:52.37*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (~hugo@
11:52.42atanI'm using h246 for the phones but other devices, like my cellphone, can't connect to the video phones (voice works) because of it. I guess my phone only supports h243 though.
11:53.11atanz4nD4R, maybe.
11:54.14atannickfennell, the video works great for me. I have one phone in Taiwan and another in Canada. The two talk like they are right there. It's actually better than the POTS line they both have which has a 1 second delay!
11:54.35atannickfennell, what are you planning anyway? :)
11:55.12z4nD4Ratan: nice thx, and have you some info about IM messaging trought asterisk?
11:56.05*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
11:56.29kaushalis there a way to know the PRI Link is OK or UP in Asterisk ?
12:01.55nickfennellatan, nothing too serious, just a quick and easy video ability
12:03.06nickfennellyeah there's a pri status command I think
12:03.19nickfennellshow active or show channels
12:04.17kaushalnickfennell: any example ?
12:04.52nickfennellThere's a few
12:06.04*** join/#asterisk Linux4Eric (~chatzilla@
12:07.33kaldemarkaushal: dahdi show status
12:08.10nickfennellhelp them to help themselves kaldemar
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12:10.16Linux4EricAnyone else having issues with binary packages via yum.  I get kernel dependency problems with dahdi packages
12:11.02kaushalkaldemar: it says command not found ?
12:11.57kaushalkaldemar: I am using asteriknow
12:12.16grEvenXanyone else using asterisk-java M3 with asterisk 1.4.x and successfully getting a result from SipShowPeerAction ?
12:12.24dimmzamba: what do you mean ?
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12:12.51zambadimm: i want to change the prompts to norwegian language
12:13.08kaushalkaldemar: got it
12:13.28dimmzamba: did you mean language in system prompt ?
12:13.38zambathat's why i wrote that :)
12:13.54zambawith prompts i mean the audio spoken.. like "press 1 for " and so on
12:13.57dimmzamba: LANG=C man vim
12:14.11dimmzamba: this command for run 'man vim' at english language
12:14.11zambavoice prompts
12:14.23dimmzamba: aa, i don't know, sorry
12:14.31leifmadsenzamba: after you've recorded the language prompts and put them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/<lang>/ (like en, fr, es, etc...) then do Set(CHANNEL(language)=en)
12:14.41leifmadsenzamba: core show function CHANNEL
12:14.43zambaleifmadsen: but i want to do this globally.. for all channels
12:14.49leifmadsenzamba: pretty sure it's language, not 100% sure
12:14.54leifmadsentry asterisk.conf
12:15.02leifmadsenor the channel configuration file
12:15.15leifmadsenyou can probably set it per channel type in the [general] section
12:15.41zambalike in sip.conf?
12:18.51Linux4EricAnyone else having problems with a CentOS 5.4 and binary install of dahdi in the last 2 weeks?
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12:53.39anonymouz666russellb: are you there?
12:54.08leifmadsenprobably not yet
12:54.14leifmadsenit's only shortly past 8am there
12:54.28leifmadsensorry, shortly before 8am
12:54.49anonymouz666I'd ask about the thread he posted in 2007.. [asterisk-dev] Application timeouts, Periodic and Scheduled Announcements
12:54.51leifmadsenI don't imagine you'll see him online for at least another hour
12:56.23*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
12:56.33anonymouz666I can't follow if this proposal was implemented or changed etc
12:57.50logicwrathare there any projects that will allow me to do nag calling for collections using asterisk?
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13:16.12psilikonlogicwrath, maybe vicidial
13:16.35Linux4Ericlogicwrath, take a look at asterisk call-files
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13:17.15Linux4Ericit would be more of a do-it-yourself.
13:17.17jacc0hi all
13:17.23jacc0I keep getting this error:
13:17.29jacc0sorry this one :
13:17.40jacc0[Apr 12 19:06:48] WARNING[4007]: channel.c:6493 ast_do_masquerade: Channel type 'NULL' does not have a fixup routine (for Bridge/SIP/<ZOMBIE>)!  Bad things may happen.
13:18.33jacc0when trying to Bridge(SIP/ from dialplan
13:19.19logicwrathyea, I thought about using call-files.  I was hoping someone might have already done the work for a simple nag calling implementation
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13:19.55logicwrathi dont think vicidial has automatic calling, i think its more of a dialer for call centers
13:20.08Linux4Ericwhat are you planning on using to get the list of deadbeat payers
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13:20.25logicwrathi was going to manually enter the numbers
13:20.30logicwrathwhen people owe me money
13:20.36logicwrathtake them out when they pay
13:21.36Linux4Ericso you were going to enter everyone as soon as they owe you money and then after so many days if you don't remove them they would get a call?
13:21.48jacc0I guess nobody can help me
13:22.32logicwrathI was thinking once they go past due for so long I would manually enter their phone number and maybe their name for TTS and then they would get 1 call a day until they pay automated
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13:23.08logicwrathi figure when i owe credit cards or the bank those turkeys call me 3 times a day until i take care of it
13:25.05logicwrathi am pretty sure i could do it with call files and scripts but it would be better if someone else did something similar already i could just use without programming my own
13:25.43kaldemarjacc0: it thinks your tech is NULL. was Bridge(SIP/ what you saw in CLI?
13:29.07psilikonlogicwrath, I don't know if vicidial can do that but I am pretty sure it could but would most likely be overkill for your needs.
13:29.31logicwrathi thought vicidial was just a dialer with a script for call centers
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13:29.40logicwrathand maybe a small CRM
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13:31.25jacc0@kaldemar: yes, I was trying to bridge from dialplan using de bridge() app
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13:35.08jacc0@kaldemar: is there anything I can do to avoid this?
13:36.03jacc0@kaldemar: how could I check if a channel exists before bridging? (from dialplan)
13:40.44jacc0I have some very unstable asterisk installations: asterisk process stops
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13:40.56jacc0I'm guessing this could have something 2 do with it
13:42.29*** join/#asterisk Cytech (~samuel@
13:42.40CytechHi guys
13:43.51*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
13:44.03CytechI have a problem with asterisk-gui 2.0 running under Debian 5.0 Lenny, always I put the url http://"myserveraddress":8088/asterisk/static/config/index.html
13:44.24CytechI receive a message saying: Checking write permission for gui folder
13:48.33MrTelephoneDoes anyone have experience with both Sangoma and Digium t1 PRI cards?  I've been running the sangoma for a long time but it's always a huge hassle to upgrade asterisk/wanpipe/kernel versions. Are the Digium cards more plug and play? Asterisk 2.4.40 with the latest DAHDI and wanpipe drivers work like $*$*#(@. When I tried the old stable wanpipe drivers they wouldn't compile with the kernel headers I had. Today I'm going to place a cisc
13:49.03MrTelephoneI know these companies support their cards but for $1200/card the drivers should compile and work properly
13:49.16jacc0I've some experiance with sangoma a200 and a500
13:49.35CytechHAAAAAAa anyone please help-me
13:50.14MrTelephonejacc0, do you run them now? What kernel version asterisk dahdi?
13:50.27*** part/#asterisk z4nD4R (
13:50.30jacc0I don't
13:50.41MrTelephoneMaybe doing a firmware update is a bad idea. Are you using Digium now?
13:50.42jacc0I'll show you emails from some days ago
13:50.44WIMPyMrTelephone: That's why I used to say that I prefer hardware that is supported by the standard Linux kernel.
13:51.06*** join/#asterisk gego (
13:51.11MrTelephoneWIMPy, you are talking about digium?
13:51.21WIMPyBut actually I'm using Digium hardware for PRIs.
13:52.00MrTelephoneI always lived with the issue that a new call picks up a few milliseconds from another timeslot.
13:52.04jacc0@MrTelephone: you are using debian 6 (squeeze)?
13:52.09WIMPyNeither the Sangoma nor the Digium cards are supported by standard Linux.
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13:53.07MrTelephonewhatever stable main contrib non-free is linked to
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13:53.57MrTelephoneWhat would you guys try. Different computer systems? Maybe the mainboards I have don't like the kernel PCI device software
13:54.07jacc0and asterisk 1.8?
13:54.36MrTelephoneNo I'm using 1.4 series software right now.
13:54.37*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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13:54.56jacc0woomera doesn't compile to the new kernel from debian
13:55.01MrTelephoneDo you run your asterisk boxes on server mainboards or desktop?
13:55.05jacc0they are working on an update
13:55.09WIMPyFor ISDN interoperability, 1.8 is a pretty good idea.
13:55.17jacc0but have some technical difeculties
13:55.42*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
13:55.59jacc0I've tryed server and desktop
13:56.18MrTelephoneISDN including PRI?
13:56.19leifmadsenI've installed a few systems using commodity hardware and it works fine
13:56.24leifmadsenPRI is ISDN
13:56.54leifmadsenISDN is what PRI signalling travels over
13:57.07serafiein users.conf, is linenumber the number of lines on the device or the line to ring?
13:57.10jacc0sangoma A500
13:57.56jacc0and complain about wanpipe not compiling on debian 6
13:58.32MrTelephonewell I was receiving a lot of overruns on one t1 port and the calls wouldn't go out. On the other port I have a channel bank and could make calls to that. Hooked to a telco I should have the wanpipe set to NORMAL 0 i guess. It's always been set to that
13:59.04MrTelephoneI'm gonna join them and tell them my hardware is crap and their hardware is caca and together it's one big pile of manure
13:59.07WIMPyleifmadsen: I'd put it the other way round.
13:59.41MrTelephoneleifmadsen, why do you suggest 1.8 for isdn. Long story?
13:59.50WIMPyOverruns as in receive overruns?
14:00.04MrTelephoneboth ways
14:00.10MrTelephonebut then my channel bank port had no errors
14:00.25*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
14:00.45WIMPyI did. Because Asterisk 1.8 has some changes that improve interoperability, as well as several new features.
14:00.58jacc0!!!!! alert\
14:01.05leifmadsenMrTelephone: I didn't suggest it -- WIMPy did
14:01.05MrTelephoneI'm scared to use it for production
14:01.07jacc0mail about sangoma with asterisk 1.8
14:01.21jacc0This is an update on our Asterisk 1.8 policy for Sangoma hardware/software using Chan_woomera.
14:01.21jacc0Sangoma had previously decided to move our Chan_woomera related software to maintenance only mode but with the large number of changes in Asterisk 1.8 we have decided to completely end of life that project.
14:01.21jacc0All our hardware (PRI, BRI, and analog) is now fully supported in SMGV3.  For our BRI line of cards, SMGv3 will also be our only conduit for Asterisk.
14:01.21leifmadsenI've installed 1.8 in several locations without issue
14:01.31WIMPyReceive overruns suggest a hardware near issue like interrupt processing.
14:01.33MrTelephoneI just recently switched to DAHDI. that is how far I am behind
14:02.16MrTelephoneTo be honest I didn't even try to reboot yet after the firmware upgrade
14:02.37MrTelephonePeople goto IT school for 4 years to get a degree in rebooting
14:03.20MrTelephoneI'm about 95% convinced to buy an atlas 550 so I can share timeslots on a single T1 so I can do more testing
14:03.35MrTelephoneright now I have to come into work after hours to do any maintenance on the PRI
14:04.41WIMPyAn IAD is usually used for the opposite scenario.
14:05.46WIMPyThe Atlas 550 is called an IAD in the product page.
14:06.35MrTelephoneIntegrated Access Device?
14:07.07MrTelephonePRI's are so expensive here we can't afford to have 2 and it makes it very hard to bring it down and test
14:08.22WIMPySo you want the IAD for testing, not as a replacement?
14:10.21*** join/#asterisk Aut0ExeC (~Jack@
14:10.32Aut0ExeChi everyone
14:20.41russellbanonymouz666: it did not get implemented
14:21.27anonymouz666russellb: why? it looks so promising
14:21.38russellbi don't remember :-)
14:21.45russellbi just know i didn't end up doing it
14:22.28anonymouz666russellb: I found that while searching for the feature, I doubt it if it can be done today... scheduled announcents into active call and yet different messages from callee and caller.
14:22.46anonymouz666"to callee"
14:23.59russellbwell, it's possible by being clever
14:24.11russellbthe Asterisk Cookbook discusses how to use ChanSpy and Originate to play sounds into a call
14:24.15russellbthat's how you would do it
14:24.24russellbyou could use AMI originate for example ...
14:24.44russellbPlayback() on one side, ChanSpy() on the other in whisper mode to play only to one side of the call
14:26.39anonymouz666heh, oh well, right. With Asterisk you need to use also your creativity :-)
14:26.52MrTelephoneWIMPy, no I want it for production so I can have a failover asterisk server without switching physical t1 lines
14:27.14russellbanonymouz666: yep ... it's creative, but at least it's possible
14:27.36WIMPyMrTelephone: Are you sure it can be used that way?
14:30.05MrTelephoneYeah I talked to their technical support team about it.  What happens is that you can actually do dialplans in the atlas 550. So if you have 2 channel banks hooked up and the plan says to go out to the TELCO PRI then it will use the next available timeslot. But in my scenerio I was going to route everything to asterisk for processing before bridging the call back out the TELCO. I can't think of any other solutions :(
14:30.52*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
14:31.55WIMPyMaybe you should try your card in another slot?
14:32.05MrTelephoneI like the AS530 as an edge router for bridging T1 and SIP but then I still need to have something for the channel bank. I thought of extending some t1's to remote offices over wireless and all I would have to do is plug it into the atlas 550 instead of upgrading both asterisk servers to 4 port T1's
14:32.31MrTelephoneYeah or buy a better server maybe :(
14:32.49WIMPyI didn't say it has to be in the same board ;-)
14:33.19WIMPyUh, T1 over wireless could become ... interesting.
14:33.29MrTelephoneI'm using Asus NLCV-D2 boards in both servers thinking that the PCI bus wouldn't flinch at the thought of a t1 card :)
14:33.46*** join/#asterisk antixsuperstar (~antixsupe@
14:33.49MrTelephoneI guess t1 over wireless works somewhat like TDMoIP
14:34.19WIMPyYes, but wireless usually means big jitter.
14:35.00MrTelephoneYeah you have to use commercial grade stuff like 24GHZ point to point or something.
14:35.00antixsuperstarhi guys! i don't know where else could I ask. where can i get some info on propietary software (pbxunified; panasonic)?
14:35.20\DSAFEW\pabelanger, tvc123 you guys helped me out, and I've finally got it working, thanks for the resources I'll be perusing them more when I have the time
14:35.24leifmadsenantixsuperstar: google or the manufacturer
14:35.37\DSAFEW\pabelanger, tvc123 so thanks
14:35.37WIMPyMrTelephone: Ok, that's another story then.
14:36.05antixsuperstarleifmadsen: i've tried that. just crappy forged search result pages. nothing useful so far. no torrents, no manuals, no tutorials...
14:36.40n3hxsGoogle gave me this:
14:36.54MrTelephoneI considered the idea because there was a location here that is reachable by wireless. Telco fiber doesn't go that far but we could sell them a t1 and voice access/internet access. But if I can't get things running smoothly here than what is the point.
14:37.50WIMPyMrTelephone: If you want to sell a PRI I'd try to avoid SIP in the path at all cost.
14:38.15WIMPyThere are more low level options that work much smoother.
14:38.37MrTelephoneI agree. I was looking at proprietory T1 over wireless. Expensive. But RAD makes some equipment that apparently is really good for doing t1 over IP.
14:38.55antixsuperstarn3hxs: any page in particular? all of those results are 'forged'. none of them have anything useful.
14:39.26MrTelephoneI'm afraid of using sip from asterisk to a t1 gateway device as it may break the FAX?
14:39.36WIMPyRAD are well known to provide sulutions like that. But there's also ISDNoIP or L1oIP as done by Linux.
14:40.05MrTelephonebefore i said TDMoIP but i meant to say TDMoe
14:40.10MrTelephonebig difference
14:40.15WIMPyIt's likely to break a lot more than that. But that depends on the features you get/expect be be available at the other end.
14:40.55WIMPyYes, the RAD stuff I have seen does E1 over ethernet (no IP).
14:41.08MrTelephonesay you used it just for routing calls to the PSTN. I'm sure the quality will be good. The t1 edge device will be on the same network switch so there shouldn't be jitter/loss
14:41.36*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
14:41.58WIMPyIf "routing calls" == "basic call setup", yes. But usually you expect more than that.
14:44.03MrTelephoneSo I setup this as5350 to try it out to replace the PCI t1 cards in the asterisk machines. I goto setup the port for the channel bank and the IOS doesn't support FXO signalling, only FXS. All the documentation online shows that FXO should be an option. Upgraded the IOS and still nothing. You ever ask yourself why you work in the IT field?
14:44.18MrTelephoneI'm going back to school to become a lawn mower rider
14:45.04zknhi, can someone explain the logic behind "setqueuevar" parameter.. it is said that if it's set to yes, variables will be set just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member and just prior to the caller leaving the queue...
14:45.45zknbut when can I use these variables in the dialplan ?
14:46.01WIMPytries to avoid Cisco for anything more than switching VLANs :-)
14:47.06zknif I write: Verbose(0, ${QUEUENAME}) before the queue app then i'm not gettin anything in the console
14:48.36MrTelephoneA port died in a fairly new cisco switch three days ago. That is unlike Cisco
14:49.08MrTelephoneSwear words fly around here like birds
14:49.25serafiezkn: try another value 0-10.
14:49.58serafieVerbose(10, ${QUEUENAME})
14:50.08WIMPyNo failing hardware is not something they're known for. Unless it's a cutting edge interface.
14:51.35Aut0ExeCwhere can I find the list of Global variables?
14:51.43Aut0ExeClike QUEUENAME
14:51.47Aut0ExeCfor example
14:52.04MrTelephoneIt's beyond the scope of my knowledge to exercise the idea of a port blowing. Can induction from nearby electrical cause a surge big enough to fail a port?
14:52.27drfreezeLooks like 1.8.4-rc2 defaults to g0 when dialing out
14:52.38MrTelephoneMaybe the ground of the remote switch had a different potential and it slowly cooked it like eggs in a frying pan
14:52.45zknAut0Exec voip-info has a list of variables
14:52.50Aut0ExeCzkn: thanks
14:54.41zknserafile: verbosity level did not make any difference: ${QUEUENAME} just doesnt display anything because it has no value.
14:55.00*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
14:55.33serafieHeh, that'll do it.
14:56.49*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (~mpe@
14:58.52zknso at what stage in the diaplan will I be able to extract values from the varaibles set by setqueuevar=yes in queues.conf ??
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15:19.22zknwhy does a channel variable lose it's value when the call moves from one context to another ?
15:19.53leifmadsenzkn: one context to another? it doesn't
15:20.15leifmadsenonly if you create new channels will the channel variable not follow it unless you tell it to
15:20.25leifmadsen(like via Dial() and whatnot)
15:20.38leifmadsenif channels variables went away between contexts, nothing in asterisk would work
15:20.40zknit does.. or maybe if not from one to another but when the 3rd is involved then the value set for a variable in the first context is lost
15:21.05leifmadsenno way it does that
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15:21.09leifmadsenyou have to be doing something to cause that
15:21.20leifmadsenor something is happening that causes other channels to become involved
15:21.49leifmadsenlike if you're doing a Goto() between multiple contexts, the channel variables absolutely follow the channel between contexts
15:23.22leifmadsenlike that
15:23.29leifmadsenMyVariable will always be available
15:23.45zknok i need to investigate my dialplan more thoroughly then, but i'm sure i'm not doing any Dialing or similar at any point, just processing the inbound call in multible contexts before routing it to Queue
15:24.38leifmadsenDING DING DING
15:24.46leifmadsenif you route to a queue, you're going to create new contexts and channels
15:26.17zknqueue is the endpoint, before the caller is sent to queue the variable set in context one should not be lost in context two or three when queue app resides in context four
15:26.23zknor am i wrong ?
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15:28.46leifmadsenzkn: it will exist up to the point you call Queue(), but not on the other side of Queue()
15:29.00leifmadsendoing a Goto() into a context which calls Queue(), the variable will absolutely exist
15:29.07leifmadsenyou should just show us your dialplan in a pastebin
15:29.31leifmadsenat this point all I can do is speculate and tell you how it works, but you're obviously experiencing something else, which means you're doing something that is causing that
15:29.41leifmadsenit'd be easier to debug and tell you why it might do that with some reference
15:30.02leifmadsenif what you're saying were true, that would be a SERIOUS regression
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15:30.17leifmadsenand then we pink bellied tzanger's mom and we all laughed
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15:31.38Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: whassup man?
15:33.16zknleifmadsen: preparing pastebin
15:34.55drfreezeAnyone know how to get around this problem: Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
15:35.06drfreezewas able to make outbound calls, but now can't
15:37.18zknok.. so now I spot that typo :D geesh
15:39.03zknbut how to use variables generated by "setqueuevar" ?
15:39.54zknhow to have access to them would be a more precise question
15:40.26leifmadsendrfreeze: that's not a problem - it's just telling you the Class of Service bit was set to 5
15:40.40leifmadsenif that really was a problem, it's because your router is rejecting anything marked with that bit
15:40.45zknor even when in the dialplan is it possible to access them would be an even more precise question
15:41.58leifmadsenzkn: you have to use the variables set in the Local channel that the Queue will call
15:42.20leifmadsenif the queue is setting a variable, the only place to access it is in the channels that the queue creates
15:43.27leifmadsenper the docs:
15:43.28leifmadsen; If set to yes, the following variables will be set
15:43.28leifmadsen; just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
15:43.28leifmadsen; and just prior to the caller leaving the queue
15:43.48leifmadsenthe only place to access those variables is AFTER you've entered the queue
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15:46.49zknok, let's try
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15:50.37zknyep, works
15:56.04Aut0ExeCis it ok for telephones to span wirelessly?  say thru wireless bridges? etc?
15:56.41Qwellif you're willing to accept the problems, sure
15:56.54WIMPyAut0ExeC: It's possible but you may not want that.
15:56.57leifmadsenI just tried it over a microwave connection -- it was awful
15:57.09Qwellleifmadsen: Did you leave the doors open?
15:57.12leifmadsenasterisk won't care, and it'll work just fine, but the connection itself will introduce issues
15:57.23Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: thanks
15:57.26leifmadsenQwell: only when I want to glow
15:57.51Qwellleifmadsen: You're positively glowing.
15:58.06Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: if its a soilid bridged connection then how can there be issues?
15:58.11WIMPyGot gowstick?
15:58.21leifmadsenAut0ExeC: I don't understand your question
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15:59.16Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: would you suggest connecting phones over wireless bridge is my question
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15:59.34leifmadsenAut0ExeC: never would i recommend that
15:59.44leifmadsentoo many possibilities for issues
16:00.03leifmadsenlike any of the possible issues you get with any wireless network
16:00.36Aut0ExeCi guess ur refering to security
16:00.47Aut0ExeCcuz as far as stability... that part is solid
16:01.01WIMPyMore like packet loss and LOTS of jitter.
16:01.42leifmadsenWIMPy: +1
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16:01.54Aut0ExeCkk thanks
16:02.04leifmadsenAut0ExeC: I'm not referring to security, I'm referring to the inability for a wireless connection to be as solid as a wired connection
16:02.13Aut0ExeCi gatcha
16:02.17leifmadsenwhen it comes to VoIP your users will know when it's not working
16:02.26leifmadsenand there will be nothing you can do to fix it
16:02.34leifmadseninterference is far too easy to come about
16:02.54leifmadsengoes to lunch
16:03.47c_rathello mates
16:06.20Aut0ExeCc_rat: hi
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16:30.45dandreI have an fxo port connected to a subscriber line. How can I from a sip phone connected to my asterisk box send a flash hook to the line
16:31.05dandreI have tried *0 but that doesn't work
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16:32.36dandreI can see in the log:
16:32.38dandre[Apr 15 17:52:51] DEBUG[4633] chan_zap.c: Started VLDTMF digit '*'
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16:38.56stixHi guys. I'm gonna ask a question about asterisknow, as #asterisknow is almost empty, and many of you probably is using the software. Can anyone tell me how to downgrade asterisk16 from latest ( to When I try to downgrade with yum, I end up with
16:39.25Qwellyum can't downgrade
16:43.38stixQwell, yes it can
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16:53.22WIMPyjust realizes that hist Asterisk doesn't seem to do anyhting sensibnle any more since I updated tonight.
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16:54.38cjhey folks
16:55.18cjcould someone point me to some docs on trunking a couple of asterisk hosts to one another?  I want calls initiated by phones registered on the first to reach phones registered on the second
16:56.02infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at
16:56.05leifmadsencj: ^^^
16:56.15leifmadsenlots of info about that in there
16:56.19cjthanks :)
16:56.23leifmadsencheck out the DUNDi chapter
16:56.30*** join/#asterisk ttpears (
16:56.31cjcool.  will do.
16:56.49cjooh!  New release this year
16:57.22cjis the latest version available in .pdf or should I see if B&N has a copy?
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16:59.51joesuffcerenAnyone aware of a good quality conference speaker/mic that I could plug in to an existing SIP enpoint with an RJ11 jack to "make" a decent conference phone. The built-in speaker on my endpoints (cisco 7940)is great for a small office, but not a conference room. I have some polycom Soundstation IP 6000s, which are fantastic, but I need a cheaper solution for this one
17:00.04joesuffcerenI've done some looking but haven't come up with anything. Either A. I'm dreaming, and these things don't exist, or B. I don't know the correct name and so my search terms are incorrect. Any advice would be much appreciated.
17:02.51_Corey_joesuffcern: Polycom has a tiny model called the IP5000 now
17:02.56_Corey_I think it's cheap
17:03.02_Corey_(not sure the price though)
17:03.10JonathanRose~400 on Amazon I think.
17:04.06stixHi guys. Can someone tell me why my asterisk sometimes completely hangs - not even local SIP is working? I have to restart the process. I see this a lot in the log when it happens: channel.c: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local/793@from-queue-a0b1;1
17:06.31*** part/#asterisk TobSnyder (
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17:13.40zeropoint46I was wondering if someone could help me with a probably simple problem with using the asterisk (* star) key incall while dialing into an external conference bridge? seems like asterisk is trapping the key and I can't seem to disable it. Thank you!
17:15.13_Corey_zeropoint46: Check your features.conf and Dial() arguments...  you will note several ways there that * could get trapped
17:18.38zeropoint46don't see a "Dial()" arguemnt
17:18.49zeropoint46and I have disabled all features that start with a *
17:19.24_Corey_zeropoint46: "core show application dial" read about options w,W,x,X etc.
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17:22.02zeropoint46so I have the feature code to access voicemail which begins with a star, but shouldn't that no be interpreted after a call has been established?
17:22.50serafiestix: you are getting that error with Asterisk
17:23.11stixserafie, yes and also
17:23.17stixtried a bunch of things now
17:23.35serafieI remember a bug related to that, but it was fixed very early in 1.6.2.
17:23.48stixokay, then it's not that then
17:23.54serafieyeah. oh well.
17:26.53zeropoint46Corey, I do no have w,W,x,X enabled.
17:28.45_Corey_How about T or t ?
17:29.26_Corey_(You also didn't say what Asterisk was doing with the call when someone presses *...  That would help narrow down what it could be)
17:31.49joesuffceren_Corey_:  thanks for the recommendation, but ~400 (if that price is accurate) is a little more than I want to spend on this. I'll look into that model, though, to see if the pricing is better.
17:32.50_Corey_Yeah, I know of a couple "speakerphone" USB boxes that may work with a softphone but nothing that would plug into a hardphone like you're asking for...
17:32.54_Corey_good luck
17:33.19*** join/#asterisk FeyFre (
17:33.30joesuffceren_Corey_: I thought for sure I had seen something like that before. I must be losing it. I'll report back if I find something. thanks!
17:34.48Qwelljoesuffceren: You've clearly insaned.
17:36.11JonathanRoseAt least it's past tense.
17:36.20JonathanRoseThere's hope.
17:40.24\DSAFEW\I have Asterisk Click-to-Dial extension for firefox, it is connected as a manager, and has permission for calls, but I don't see any activity when I try to use it
17:40.47\DSAFEW\I'm open to suggestions for better click-to-dial interfaces
17:44.16zeropoint46Corey, I do use T and t but those just reference the use of the # key. * isn't doing anything.
17:47.04\DSAFEW\I've run asterisk -dvvvgcr
17:47.17Qwellc and r? O.o
17:47.25\DSAFEW\is that the most detail? I have no idea
17:47.42\DSAFEW\fauxalliance, I read that out loud.
17:47.53fauxalliancechuckles again
17:48.10_Corey_zeropoint46: Again, it'd be easier to offer suggestions if you could provide more detail on Asterisk is doing...  (i.e. watch the CLI when someone hits * and pastebin that or something)
17:48.22fauxalliancecore set verbosity 10 is the usual deal
17:48.26fauxallianceor -rvvvvvvvvvv
17:48.29JonathanRosec + r is a bit redundant
17:48.41\DSAFEW\okay, thanks
17:48.52infobotcollectdebug is, like, a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
17:49.01JonathanRoseAnd you should only use r if asterisk is already running.
17:49.11JonathanRosec otherwise if you want a CLI
17:49.12fauxalliancehence, r is for Reconnect
17:50.34zeropoint46I'm watching asterisk with "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv" when the * key is pressed in call it doesn't show anything. Another thing is I dont really see any dtmf tones in the CLI even when they work.
17:50.34*** part/#asterisk WIMPy (
17:51.02\DSAFEW\I'm still not getting anything from the manager when I connect, the client's javascript message is "trying to call:18005551234"
17:51.15fauxalliancezeropoint46, that would probably be in the SIP debugging output...
17:51.41zeropoint46when there and set "dtmf => debug"
17:51.43fauxalliancezeropoint46, i presume on a SIP trunk, RFC2833 non?
17:51.46zeropoint46is that what it needs to be
17:52.02zeropoint46phones are set to RFC2833 as well
17:52.19fauxalliancethen sir, you need to talk to the SIP side of things
17:52.34zeropoint46thats been in the back of my head
17:52.37\DSAFEW\when someone's connected to the server via AMI, is there any sort of account configuration which would matter?
17:52.40zeropoint46I just don't want to go down that route
17:53.00zeropoint46anybody used "callwithus" and had dtmf issues?
17:53.40fauxalliancezeropoint46, some RETARDED ITSP's insist on inband signaling.....   killing kittens makes as much sence
17:54.02fauxallianceBEEP BOOP BARF
17:55.39zeropoint46hmm, when I press star in call now, audio drops
17:55.45fauxallianceinband dtmf can take a normal IVR, place it into a pillow case and beat it with a 4"x4"
17:58.20zeropoint46faux, in my logger.conf I have dtmf => dtmf,debug,notice,warning,error,verbose... I still can't see any dtmf key pressed on the command line
17:58.23zeropoint46is this expected
18:00.25zeropoint46nm got it
18:00.26fauxalliancezeropoint46, depends on what type of signaling you use
18:00.43fauxallianceas aforementioned... start a sip debug... then watch your keypresses
18:01.49zeropoint46okay, got it
18:01.53zeropoint46here is pastebin
18:02.29zeropoint46seems like it's getting the dtmf and passing it
18:03.00_Corey_Where do you lose the call?
18:03.06zeropoint46I don't
18:03.13zeropoint46other end doesn't get key presses
18:03.24_Corey_I thought you were saying you were losing the audio...
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18:03.33zeropoint46I think that was a fluke
18:03.36zeropoint46not happening now
18:03.56Joe_CoTany reason why meetme announce wouldn't work? As in, I pass I into meetme's options, and I just join the room with no attempt at getting my name
18:04.44_Corey_ah, well if you're just not getting DTMF across there are plenty of articles on that.  It would seem Asterisk is getting your tones OK from the endpoint, so check your trunk
18:07.58zeropoint46hmm, it's weird cause it was working before and now it's not, so thats why I thought it was just with * keys, seems it's all keys now
18:08.19zeropoint46asterisk is transcoding to ulaw, could that have anything to do with it?
18:09.59\DSAFEW\I changed my manager permissions and now have more errors (which is good)
18:10.47\DSAFEW\I'm guessing my originate request is being sent, but it's not connecting to the extension now for some reason
18:11.04\DSAFEW\I can't do the command from the console either, same error
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18:15.20_Corey_zeropoint46: Not typically a transcoding issue because you're seeing those DTMF events in your log
18:15.37_Corey_I suspect you're not in sync with your carrier (i.e. rfc2833 vs. inband)
18:20.26zeropoint46Corey, here is the issue, my carrier uses codecs that support out of band on some of their trunks and inband on other trunks, so if I set it one way DTMF fails on half the other calls
18:20.33zeropoint46how do you recommend I resolved that
18:20.52zeropoint46sometimes a call goes out ulaw, and my rfc2833 fails
18:21.04zeropoint46and when I set it to inband, it breaks a bunch of other crap
18:22.25cjis there a preference here toward Asterisk-GUI or FreePBX?
18:23.10\DSAFEW\in my attempts to get originate to call some where using the dialplan or just the Dial application, I keep getting the notice "__ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel SIP/1001"
18:24.09fauxalliancecj, hmmm...
18:24.44_Corey_zeropoint46: I recommend inband with your trunk config then
18:25.00fauxalliancecj, want a FULL FEATURED PBX? or just a configuration overlay?
18:25.29serafieand cj, will you ever want to manually edit or tweak your config files?
18:25.37cjprobably the former.  need to test how our hardware load balances SIP, and we'll likely need to push it pretty hard.
18:25.49cjyes, will want to manually edit /etc/asterisk/*
18:26.15serafieif I am remembering correctly, FreePBX overwrites all manual edits
18:26.44cjmaybe I should just install it from source on a squeeze system or something.
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18:37.34synthetiqan an invite sdp line, what indicated that dtmf is inband?   a=fmtp:101 0-15 ?
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18:50.30cjfauxalliance: so, which one is the FULL FEATURED PBX?
18:52.24\DSAFEW\cj, my guess is that the asterisk gui is just a shell for the configs
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19:08.29Dryantasup frens
19:08.44Dryantahey i have a dialplan with my freepbx install from the michigan telephone google voice howto
19:09.48Dryantaand im trying to figure out how to make it ignore the '1' google voice seems to prepend on my droid when i have sipdroid as the call manager
19:09.51Dryantaso wat do?
19:11.20Dryanta215 people idling? lolol
19:11.34FreeaqingmeDryanta, look at the webcast that was broadcast ~2 weeks ago
19:11.53Freeaqingmeit was solely on implementing google voice/talk
19:11.53DryantaFreeaqingme: no, im rolling my own solution and my setup works perfect
19:12.00Dryantathis is an asterisk call plan question
19:12.08Freeaqingmeyes, and in that webcast they say how to handle that 1
19:12.10Dryantanot a 'hao do i google voice guiz'
19:12.15Dryantaok url plz?
19:12.22Dryantaid prefer the straight answer
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19:12.26Dryantainstead of LMGTFY
19:12.38FreeaqingmeDryanta, sure, if you tell me where to send the invoice to...
19:12.48*** part/#asterisk FeyFre (
19:12.50Dryantathat kind of pomposity on freenode reminds me of #freebsdhelp on efnet in the 90s :p
19:13.10FreeaqingmeDryanta, I'm telling you how to find it. you're supposed to do a bit of searching youself as well ;)
19:13.15Dryantaand if i was incapable of figuring it out to the point where i was going to pay somebody... it wouldnt be off freenode irc
19:13.24Dryantai already did weeks of research
19:13.28Dryantahave 99.99% of it done
19:13.32Dryantai need the last 0.1%
19:13.36Freeaqingmedigium has done 1 webcast
19:13.42Freeaqingmethat should not take weeks to find
19:13.58fauxalliancedepends on how quickly google index's
19:13.59Dryantayou are spending more time and effort being argumentative than answering my question
19:14.30Dryantawhich is general enough and specific enough (obviously ive done my fair share of work)
19:14.30Dryantaim not asking stupid n00b questions
19:14.40Dryanta<-- enterprise network architect with multimillion dollar practice
19:14.45fauxalliance<Dryanta> +hey i have a dialplan with my freepbx install from the michigan telephone google voice howto
19:14.49ChainsawDryanta: You are failing to put in the work.
19:14.50fauxalliance^^^take it to #freepbx
19:14.52Dryantacricket, verizon, facebook... my clients
19:14.58Dryantafauxalliance: no
19:15.02Dryantadont be a dick
19:15.04ChainsawDryanta: Regardless of how much you are paid, you are going to have to share some of that with Freeaqingme if you want your work done for you.
19:15.14fauxallianceDryanta, i put that blog in the bot...
19:15.18Dryantai dont want WORK DONE FOR ME I WANNA KNOW DIALPLAN
19:15.22fauxalliancetake it to #freepbx
19:15.32FreeaqingmeI rest my case :D
19:15.39fauxallianceFreeaqingme, o/
19:15.57Dryantafuck most engineers like you never build something like zuck and i do because you are too busy feeling self important and talking down to people
19:16.13Freeaqingmeand I like it
19:16.45Dryantayou dont realize you are talking to your better, and if you would help me with my shit and give me what i required... maybe go above and beyond... i totally would not only pay on your invoice but offer you employment
19:16.56psilikonDryanta, it has been a long time since I used sipdroid. Can you rephrase your question and I'll try to help.
19:16.59Dryantai came here because i didnt want to bash my head against it
19:17.03Dryantapsilikon: <333333333333333333
19:17.09fauxallianceDryanta, try freedoh.. if it still dont' work.
19:17.09fauxalliance<mzb-> [11:02:07] +ValiumMm is on conf to ensure that someone will be on if/when Jeff is able to call in
19:17.09fauxalliance<mzb-> [11:46:39] +,+howrah&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=215+Carella+St,+Howrah+Tasmania+7018&gl=au&ll=-42.900647,147.416782&spn=0.012119,0.023754&z=16&layer=c&cbll=-42.900736,147.416853&panoid=XxoS5mcFnOjU_OlW3qrWKg&cbp=12,263.94,,0,9.32
19:17.09fauxalliance<mzb-> [11:52:55] +,+glenorchy&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=28+Elliott+Rd,+Glenorchy+TAS+7010&gl=au&ei=f1OoTdKyNMTlrAeB05CnCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA
19:17.14fauxalliance<ValiumMm> [11:55:44] -,+glenorchy&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=28+Elliott+Rd,+Glenorchy+TAS+7010&gl=au&ei=f1OoTdKyNMTlrAeB05CnCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA
19:17.14Dryantaits not a sipdroid issue, when i use sipdroid to complete calls
19:17.18fauxalliance<ValiumMm> [11:56:41] -,+St+Ives,+New+South+Wales,+Australia&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.372705,97.294922&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=27+Melaleuca+Dr,+St+Ives+New+South+Wales+2075,+Australia&ll=-33.737055,151.174278&spn=0.006781,0.011877&t=h&z=17
19:17.22fauxalliance<***> Playback Complete.
19:17.24fauxalliance* ValiumMm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
19:17.25*** kick/#asterisk [fauxalliance!] by pabelanger (use pastebin)
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19:17.38fauxalliance* ValiumMm_ is now known as ValiumMm
19:17.40fauxalliance* ValiumMm has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110318052756])
19:17.41Dryantaand the contacts dont have a prepending 1
19:17.44fauxalliance<fauxalliance> Wie sagt mann 'Please feel free to  have a seat with the other bitches waiting for me to give a fuck
19:17.49fauxalliancepabelanger, duly noted ;)
19:17.52Dryantafor example 818.457.6605 (my number)
19:17.52ChainsawAgain, do it again!
19:18.01fauxalliancenot likely
19:18.04Dryantacompletes fine
19:18.21Dryantabut when im in my google voice inbox and click the 'call' like off a text message or something
19:18.34Dryantait adds the 1 instead of going off the android contact list
19:18.44pabelangerAnd lets watch the language, it is unnecessary.
19:18.59fauxalliancepabelanger, duly noted :(
19:19.02Dryantaso i need to change the dialplan field to ignore any 1 and only work off last 8 digits
19:19.06Dryantai mean 7'
19:19.10Dryantamake sense?
19:19.16Dryantai can do webex with you if it doesnt
19:20.06fauxalliancepabelanger, the whinging just irritates me.
19:20.22Dryanta'whining' you mean?
19:20.32Dryantamatter of perspective
19:20.32fauxallianceDryanta, apt-get install dict
19:20.37psilikonDryanta, like using ":1" to strip off a digit? as in Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1})  so if extension was 15555551212 it would dial 5555551212?
19:20.43Dryantafauxalliance: fuck ubuntu/debian
19:20.50DryantaLinux irc-staging #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
19:20.51fauxalliancelanguage my child
19:20.57Dryantalol @ child
19:21.06Dryantathis is what i irc on
19:21.12fauxallianceDryanta, apparently you have a lot to learn yet 'young fella'
19:21.22Dryantabecause if i get gigabits of ddos i can load balance it/null route it without dropping
19:21.27Dryantafauxalliance: thats where you're wrong
19:21.34pabelangerDryanta: Do you need to drop the f-bomb to make your point?
19:21.41Dryantaunderstanding others is wisdom, understanding ones self is enlightenment -lao tsu
19:21.44fauxalliancepabelanger, no one will listen otherwise
19:21.45Freeaqingmedid someone already say to ignore the troll?
19:21.51Dryantapabelanger: um... idk do i?
19:21.51fauxalliancedrive him out
19:22.04infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:22.07Dryantaim not a troll, i just dgaf about trivial peoples opinions
19:22.09ChainsawJust don't assist. Unsociable people have to pay.
19:22.16Dryantapabelanger: i did exactly that if you review buffer
19:22.28infobotpatience is, like, a Godly attribute, or the solution for most things.
19:22.41fauxalliancewhinge whinge whinge.... again... >>#freepbx
19:22.54Dryantai have unlimited patience for solving problems and doing things perfectly, i have zero patience for disrespect
19:23.04fauxallianceDryanta, kudos
19:23.04Dryantarespect is met in kind, disrespect as well
19:23.12Dryantayou get what you give in this world xD
19:23.24fauxallianceDryanta, you reap what you sow.. MY PBX WORKS :)
19:23.31Dryantapsilikon: tyvm <3
19:23.46Dryantafauxalliance: my enterprise platform works, this is development/test
19:23.59Dryantanot even nascent pre-production testing
19:24.30Dryantawhich will be fully regression tested in multiple carrier facilities with 10gb datacenter fabric switch intercoonnect, behind two fully populated f5 viprions
19:24.58Dryantaagain, my clients include.... leap/cricket and vzw
19:25.02fauxalliancepabelanger ++
19:25.08fauxallianceDryanta, get bent
19:25.08_Corey_uh huh
19:25.09Dryantaet. al
19:25.10Freeaqingmeand yet you want your answer to be spelled out here, and when it has, you choose to ignore it?
19:25.28Dryantafauxalliance: why are you mad? because you got owned? rofl
19:25.41*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (~jstapleto@
19:25.43*** mode/#asterisk [+q Dryanta!*@*] by Qwell
19:25.44Qwellshut up
19:25.49ChainsawThank you Qwell.
19:25.53fauxallianceQwell, thanks mate
19:26.10fauxallianceyeah.. seriously!
19:26.17leifmadsenfauxalliance: you're not helping
19:26.23pabelangerfauxalliance: Don't feed the trolls
19:26.43fauxallianceleifmadsen, i am having a bad day, with your respect.. .I'll try to be more helpful
19:26.51*** mode/#asterisk [+q fauxalliance!*@*] by leifmadsen
19:26.55leifmadsenyou can be more helpful later
19:29.14QwellLet it be known that I told "The next Zuck" to shut up.
19:29.24QwellDryanta: Put me in your novel, would ya?
19:30.00*** join/#asterisk Karen_m (~karen@
19:30.05Karen_mwhat is the itu-t code for canada/us
19:30.11ChainsawQwell: Let's face it though. This is IRC. It could just be any dude in any basement...
19:30.12leifmadsen1 ?
19:30.23leifmadsenwe're all dudes in a basement :)
19:30.29Qwellleifmadsen: you're thinking NANP
19:30.34russellbI am not in a basement.
19:30.39leifmadsenrussellb: either am I
19:30.40ChainsawI am on a train.
19:30.42leifmadsenQwell: oh right
19:30.48pabelangerI am :(
19:30.55serafiedibs, I get to play Qwell in The TeleNetwork!!!1!
19:31.12russellbserafie: good call
19:31.15Qwellserafie: !
19:31.20russellbwho do I get to be?  :-(
19:31.27Qwellrussellb: You can be Dryanta ?
19:31.36Qwellor one of the twins!
19:31.36russellbsure, why not
19:31.41leifmadsenI want to play Russell B
19:31.44leifmadsenor drumkilla
19:31.50Karen_mthank you
19:31.50russellbI'll be blitzrage
19:32.33russellband i'll wear pink the whole time
19:32.40synthetiqan an invite sdp line, what indicated that dtmf is inband?   a=fmtp:101 0-15 ?
19:32.42leifmadsen*shaky fist*
19:33.02pabelangerCan I be frightened inmate number two?
19:34.01_Corey_good one
19:35.55voxterleifmadsen: mr madsen!
19:36.04*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:37.55*** part/#asterisk Dryanta (
19:40.37BlackBishopwonders how to log in .mp3/.gsm/.something the calls incoming/outgoing from his asterisk server
19:41.28russellbBlackBishop: see the Asterisk Cookbook on
19:41.32*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:41.35sled-dogan audio log? You could do something silly like festival, I guess
19:41.36russellbit has a recipe (or a couple) on that
19:42.31leifmadsenvoxter: ohai!
19:43.08FreeaqingmeWhen setting up a hotdesking setup, how do you make sure your users log out (dont forget)?
19:43.27ChainsawFreeaqingme: From experience... you pick a time when you know everyone's supposed to have gone and you log them out automatically.
19:43.28leifmadsenyou don't?
19:43.30QwellFreeaqingme: get a cattleprod
19:43.37leifmadsenheh ya :)
19:43.46ChainsawFreeaqingme: That and public mocking of whoever forgets.
19:44.03russellbwe have a recipe on hot desking, too!
19:44.05*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:44.11FreeaqingmeI see, tnx
19:44.28leifmadsentotally do!
19:44.40ChainsawFreeaqingme: If you have control of the DHCP server, you could probably log their phones in & out as leases are granted & revoked.
19:44.52BlackBishoprussellb: festival as in text-to-speach ?
19:44.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:44.57ChainsawFreeaqingme: I've been wanting to do this, but ISC DHCP does not seem to have the ability to cool hook scripts in a useful way.
19:45.07ChainsawFreeaqingme: Cool? Call. One day I'll learn to spell.
19:45.35Karen_mafter you make a change to 'asterisk.conf', how do you reload it?  /etc/init.d/asterisk?  or is there a better way
19:45.43russellbrestart asterisk
19:45.52russellbi think that's the only way for that file
19:46.02FreeaqingmeChainsaw, nah, the solution I'm working on will be partially hosted, so hooking in to the dhcp server isn't really possible, but I'll work something out
19:46.17ChainsawFreeaqingme: Ah, quite.
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19:46.34leifmadsenrussellb: yep restart required
19:46.43leifmadsencore file, so you need to restart -- nothing to reload it
19:47.27*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
19:48.52_Corey_Freeaqingme: I've found the best solution to be displaying who's logged in on the phone's screen at all times
19:49.08_Corey_Freeaqingme: if you're using Polycom you can use an idle URL
19:49.21Freeaqingmehmmz, that sounds cool.
19:49.35Freeaqingmegot grandstream though, could modify some of its screen perhaps
19:49.37_Corey_rig something with PHP to pull from Asterisk based on the requestor ip
19:49.48*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:50.36Karen_mI am trying to do the Hello World example with the oreily book, however when I call my phone number to test it, I keep getting; chan_sip.c:20152 handle_request_invite: call from xxx to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'mycontext', why is that?
19:50.43_Corey_eh, you may be out of luck with grandstream
19:51.49Freeaqingme_Corey_, you can modify some screens with gxp, but I'm not sure how dynamic that is
19:52.11Karen_mwhat is extension 's'?
19:52.18Karen_mis that supposed to by my phone number or something?
19:54.35*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
19:55.34leifmadsenKaren_m: explained in the documentation at
19:55.38leifmadsenthat's a common question
19:55.53leifmadsen's' is the default extension for analog phones
19:56.04leifmadsenit may also be what asterisk uses for registration
19:56.14leifmadsen(depending on your configuration or what the other side does)
19:56.16Karen_mI'm on chapter 5, trying to do the hello world, i have never come across a mention of 's'
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19:56.58Karen_mI put my sip.conf,  context=testing .. and then in the [testing] i don't even mention 's', I am using their example for hello-world
19:57.53leifmadsenwhat are you calling?
19:57.57leifmadsenor what is calling you?
19:58.03*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
19:58.10leifmadsen's' is the extension that is being requested
19:58.19Karen_mI am trying to call the phone number i have registered with
19:58.36leifmadsenthen by default is probably trying to send it to the 's' extension
19:58.40Karen_mthe book says, 'try it now'.  I so cut/paste the instructions, changed the context to 'testing', set up the hello world and called the number
19:58.50leifmadsenchange your registration line to end in /<number_or_extension_you_want_dialed>
19:59.03leifmadsenyou sure did
19:59.26Karen_mWhere do I find the registration line?  the one in sip.conf ?
19:59.31leifmadsenit'd be the only one :)
20:00.29Karen_mso I have  register => <user>:<pass>@host:port , it can optionally take ... /<number_i_want_dialed>?
20:00.51Karen_mso for extension 200, i would do;   register=>
20:03.35Karen_mleifmadsen, so is there a way to print the default extension that will be called?
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20:05.12Karen_mwow it worked, yay
20:05.19Karen_m;/200 worked
20:05.22Karen_madded on
20:05.55Karen_mI have a weird situation going on with hello world tho, for some reason I don't here the whole thing
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20:10.26Karen_mleifmadsen, the weird part is the first hello-world gets cut off a bit, but i cut/pasted the line 4 times and i hear it completely the second thru end .. it's awesome!!  ok, i can continue reading the book :)
20:14.59Karen_msounds great and there is no echo/delay though, so it's going to be
20:19.20*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
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20:25.05*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
20:36.49wpvanvCan anyone give me a rough estimate on how many days it would take a professional to install/configure an Asterisk PBX with the following setup: Xorcom Asterisk appliance (Elastix distribution), single PRI, 40 DIDs (but only 5-10 used initially), new POE switch, 45 new Aastra phones, 2 fax machines attached to FXS ports, single-site, separate LAN/cabling for voice, basic corporate auto-attendant (dial-by-extension + dial-by-name),
20:37.18*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:39.05Freeaqingmewpvanv, I'm a relative noob, but I'd say less than a week
20:43.33_Corey_wpvanv: it could be <1 day if everything is ready to go...  depends on many things
20:44.15_Corey_wpvanv: when in doubt, obtain a competitive quote
20:44.53Qwelldepends on how much you're paying
20:45.18Qwell$ = a week or more.  $$ = a week.  $$$ = a few hours.  $$$$ = a month.
20:45.24Qwell(not to scale)
20:46.23*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
20:46.44wpvanvThanks for the info.  Not much competition around, unfortunately.  I don't want to waste someone's time if they're too far away to get the business.
20:47.08_Corey_Where are you located?
20:48.01*** join/#asterisk sahX (
20:48.20wpvanvMiddle of nowhere Nevada
20:48.25gruvfunkHaving the fight of my life today:  chan_sip.c:3386 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached - Packet timed out after 6400ms with no response. Anyone have any leads on this one?
20:48.43gruvfunkserver is on a public IP address
20:48.47_Corey_wpvanv: Digium's website has a contact form, you could always request a referral there
20:48.59_Corey_there may be a certified reseller nearby
20:49.51wpvanv_Corey_:  Thanks, I'll do that.
20:50.09gruvfunkis it a network / provider issue?  there is no NAT in place..
20:50.13_Corey_good luck
20:50.15*** join/#asterisk ks3 (~ksandy@
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20:51.39gruvfunkoutbound works a peach, inbound gets 2 seconds of IVR and nukes
21:03.02*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
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21:05.06*** join/#asterisk itsbroken (
21:05.22cjalright, I've got a somewhat complex question.  Say I'm doing round-robin load balancing of incoming registration requests.  Client0 makes a registration request and the load balancer sends it to Server0.  But at a later time, it could be directed to Server1 or ServerN.  I assume that each of these hosts needs to have an entry in its sip.conf channel config file.  If Client1 makes a call to Client0 and Server0 .. ServerN all have entries for C
21:06.07QwellPut something like SER in front
21:06.13pigpenHi all.  I have an audiocodes 4 port fxo.  It works great inbound, however, outbound, it picks up the line, and dead air.  I get "Invalid RTCP packet SSRC" in the debug on the unit.
21:07.34cjah, SIP Express Router.
21:07.43cjQwell: what benefit would this provide?
21:07.53pigpenyeah, they split from openser into two forks.
21:08.03pigpenpretty sure that is what he was referring to.
21:10.35cjokay, so the question remains, is Asterisk smart enough to recognize which one of the hosts in the load balanced pool the client is registered to and direct the call there via DUNDi?
21:12.27cjmaybe I should be looking at OpenAIS
21:22.45cjlooks like XMPP might be more up my alley
21:31.17*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:37.07gruvfunkAnyone??  chan_sip.c:3386 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached - Packet timed out after 6400ms with no response
21:37.48pigpenSounds like something is not listening, or like a misconfiguration, ie:  wrong ip address or such.
21:37.54pigpenquick guess.
21:38.25\DSAFEW\I need to see why my AMI script isn't sending the right action, is there any way to be more verbose in the server console? I'm doingasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvddddgr
21:38.36\DSAFEW\do I need more vs and ds?
21:39.17\DSAFEW\is there a way to read API actions without parsing sniffer logs?
21:43.03\DSAFEW\gruvfunk, could it possibly be a NAT issue? UDP or TCP?
21:43.23gruvfunkI'm told there is no NAT, server is on a public IP address, no firewall even
21:43.46\DSAFEW\gruvfunk, but you are behind a nat?
21:44.18\DSAFEW\gruvfunk, hard not to be, unless your phone is set on the wrong side of the firewall
21:44.27pigpenfor that matter an isp along the way could be blocking some traffic.  Especially if it is a residential line
21:44.54gruvfunkthat's my  thought as well - ISP issue
21:45.00\DSAFEW\gruvfunk, if outbound works fine, and inbound is testy, I'd really suspect it's a firewall issue
21:45.24\DSAFEW\perhaps the ISP's firewalls, but maybe your own, is it TCP or UDP?
21:45.44gruvfunkagain, no firewall is what I'm being told
21:45.54*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:45.57pigpenAnd, it would be unlikely that this server is not protected in some form or fashion. If not, plan on it being exploited soon.
21:46.25gruvfunkpigpen: well.. it was.. and we had issues, so to prove the firewall was the issue we changed the server ,shipped it to a data center to be hosted
21:46.42gruvfunknow that it's on a public link, same issue
21:47.21pigpenheh, maybe it is already compromised, and they are blocking traffic.  :-)
21:47.59\DSAFEW\gruvfunk, make sure you're provider's not going to charge for calls to Paraguay
21:47.59pigpenso what is the client trying to connect to this hosted server?
21:48.24gruvfunkit's an IVR with information for callers to a toll free
21:48.45gruvfunksimple solution really
21:50.07gruvfunkpigpen: interesting concept
21:50.32gruvfunkif it was compromised wouldn't I see activity? in the logs, the debug?
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21:52.45pigpenif you know what you are looking for.
21:54.18pigpenHere is the thing about sip over the internet.  It sounds easy, and it can be.  People do it all the time.
21:54.28gruvfunkI sure have...
21:54.51gruvfunkthe only time I've seen this issue and I did not participate in resolving it was when a customer used 4G USB wireless device as their provider
21:55.07pigpenI have never liked doing that.  We have been running our sip phones to a asterisk box at our datacenter for 6 years....but we push the traffic inside a VPN.
21:55.14gruvfunkafter beating our heads, after swapping it with a Sprint device, issue was resolved
21:55.29pigpenWe were doing this when everyone said not to, because it wouldn't work.   Well, they have all changed their tune.
21:56.18gruvfunkit's a good measure, and I applaud your effort to keep voice traffic private, for sure
21:57.18*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:00.47\DSAFEW\so I've got this AMI manager javascript thing called Asterisk Click2Dial Extension for firefox, which I need to work. My problem is that it is reversing the channel and the extension when it originates a call
22:01.48\DSAFEW\I'm open to any suggestions.
22:02.35*** join/#asterisk sahX (
22:03.29\DSAFEW\looking at this, the example is exactly what my script is trying to do,
22:03.52\DSAFEW\but in practice, that doesn't work, no matter how I tweak the script settings, I guess I need to fix my dialplans?
22:04.34\DSAFEW\mine works like the second example
22:18.00*** join/#asterisk cyford (
22:19.06pabelangerLook at me, I'm installing AsteriskNOW :)
22:19.51_Corey_it's just like regular Asterisk, but NOW...
22:24.54*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (~rdahlin_1@2001:16d8:cc97:1:21f:5bff:fe37:c2c9)
22:31.31Freeaqingme_Corey_, in that case I'm upgrading as we speak to AsteriskFewWeeksBack
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22:49.43psilikon\DSAFEW\, can you paste the script somewhere?
22:50.47\DSAFEW\psilikon, it's not mine, and it's large, you can get it yourself here:
22:50.54psilikon\DSAFEW\, oh wait nevermind I looked at the log and see that this is a Click2Dial. Yea you need to probably adjust the dialplan.
22:51.05\DSAFEW\psilikon, I'm looking at the source and it's almost incomprehensible
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22:51.20psilikon\DSAFEW\, yeah I don't know js
22:53.18*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
22:53.57\DSAFEW\psilikon, well how would I make 'originate SIP/1001 extension 5551234' work like 'originate 5551234 extension SIP/1001' does?
22:54.14\DSAFEW\as far as extensions.conf is..
22:54.53psilikon\DSAFEW\, what context is C2D setup with?
22:54.57\DSAFEW\I notice it says "channel" and "extension", so uhh
22:55.04\DSAFEW\let me pastebin
22:56.39\DSAFEW\psilikon, sorry, just read your question, it's default, and I've tried my from-sip, but that only makes it ring for one second and hang up
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22:58.13\DSAFEW\dialplan is here
23:00.42\DSAFEW\the part in default about 1001 is just me fiddling around, I don't think it would ever get called
23:00.52\DSAFEW\I mean the extension
23:01.07\DSAFEW\that's not used
23:02.49\DSAFEW\I'm not sure what to make of this...
23:02.52\DSAFEW\dahdi show channels
23:03.13carrarLooks like you've been hacked
23:03.38\DSAFEW\carrar, haha, I'm sure it looks bad, I'm just in a hurry to make this work
23:04.17psilikon\DSAFEW\, how do you do outbound?
23:04.18\DSAFEW\carrar, all the security will have to wait for when some dyslexic office worker can click a phone number to call
23:05.15\DSAFEW\psilikon, there's one sip phone and one fxo card, they both call the other way
23:05.28\DSAFEW\default is the inbound and from-sip is outbound
23:06.28\DSAFEW\TRUNK = DAHDI/G1 here  '_1NXXNXXXXXX' => 1. Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN})                    [pbx_config]
23:07.01\DSAFEW\do you want any more config files? or suggestions on reading?
23:11.23psilikon\DSAFEW\, ok I just installed it and it worked like a champ. thanks I might start using this.
23:11.46\DSAFEW\psilikon, lol, care to share some lovely dialplan secrets? :D
23:12.25\DSAFEW\I probably don't need any sip info, other than the contexts which I can infer
23:12.34psilikon\DSAFEW\, you need to have a matching extension in the context that you specified to perform to oubound dial. So for me to dial a 10 digit # i needed NXXNXXXXXXX.
23:12.58psilikon\DSAFEW\, when I didn't have a matching extension it would ring once and then throw an error in the CLI.
23:13.11\DSAFEW\neat. thanks
23:13.39psilikon\DSAFEW\, so from what I see above you have a nice 11 digit extension ready to handle outbound, but is that in the context that your configured C2D with??
23:14.05\DSAFEW\it was doing default
23:14.19\DSAFEW\the from-sip did that strange one ring thing
23:14.26psilikon\DSAFEW\, you need something in that context.
23:15.33\DSAFEW\rebooting phone, didn't reload dialplan in a soft way
23:16.23\DSAFEW\okay, it's still ringing the extension and hanging up
23:16.31psilikon\DSAFEW\, configure C2D for 'from-sip'. Disconnect and then reconnect.  Issue a 'reload' from the * cl also for good measure.
23:16.49psilikon\DSAFEW\, then try to dial a 7, 10 or 11 digit number.  You
23:17.01psilikonyour dialplan looks fine.
23:19.22\DSAFEW\keep getting WARNING[13053] chan_sip.c: Failed to parse contact info
23:19.36\DSAFEW\with the dialplan from-sip in firefox
23:20.28psilikon\DSAFEW\, paste your extensions.conf
23:20.36\DSAFEW\just curious
23:20.43\DSAFEW\Dial,(SIP/${EXTEN},20) is 20 like the seconds?
23:20.58psilikon\DSAFEW\, yes
23:21.01\DSAFEW\because I have no option like that for the other numbers...
23:21.19\DSAFEW\so if it were waiting to pick up the extension, it would need that number
23:22.15psilikon\DSAFEW\, not sure what you mean but first paste your actual extensions.conf somewhere and let me see it.
23:22.31psilikon\DSAFEW\, also outbound calls to the PSTN are working ok right?
23:22.55\DSAFEW\psilikon, yes.
23:24.21\DSAFEW\moment, rebooting and trying with timer and from-sip context in firefox
23:24.39psilikon\DSAFEW\, comment out line 870 (exten => _1001,1,Dial,(SIP/${EXTEN},20)) then reload asterisk and try it again.
23:24.59\DSAFEW\that didn't work
23:25.29psilikon\DSAFEW\, C2D is set for 'from-sip'?
23:27.11\DSAFEW\with 870 commented out, there's no change, WARNING[13388] chan_sip.c: Failed to parse contact info
23:27.15\DSAFEW\rings once
23:27.26infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
23:31.06\DSAFEW\to give you an idea of what that is doing psilikon,
23:31.32\DSAFEW\this is the tcpstream of the firefox AMI manager
23:32.48\DSAFEW\only the first part is sent, the rest is the response
23:33.15psilikon\DSAFEW\, i'll probably be around later and we can try to fix it.
23:33.37\DSAFEW\kk,thanks for looking at it with me, I'll probably do some more context switching and see if that helps
23:52.35*** join/#asterisk josephnexus (
23:53.13josephnexushello everyone, i'm looking to pay someone to help us integrate asterisk with a web app that i've written (the api is developed and just uses http post and reads back xml) if someone is interested, please pm me for details
23:53.39psilikon\DSAFEW\, the tcp stream from AMI actually looks good at first glance. How did you capture it out of curiosity?
23:54.16Freeaqingmejosephnexus, when do you need it done?
23:54.21psilikon\DSAFEW\, ah. I think if you telnet in your can see it as well.
23:54.21Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:55.31josephnexusa few wks
23:55.39josephnexusFreeaqingme: a few wks
23:55.41Freeaqingmenope, too busy, sorry
23:55.49josephnexusknow anyone i should contact?
23:56.04Freeaqingmeyou could try contacting digium, apparently they have a list of partners
23:56.16\DSAFEW\josephnexus, digium for a premium service of course
23:56.34\DSAFEW\probably someone in here if you spam that every 5 hours or so
23:57.07FreeaqingmeWhat do you need to do to become digium partner?
23:57.31\DSAFEW\I'm guessing an engineering degree and a lot of patience
23:58.11marlowehas anyone picked up O'Reilly's Asterisk Cookbook
23:58.34marloweI would love to hear what you thought of it?

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