IRC log for #asterisk on 20110406

00:00.05sawgoodThis might be the entire fix!
00:00.38p3nguinexternip needs to be your external IP address, and if that external IP address is not on Asterisk, then you shouldn't be putting Asterisk's IP address in that setting.
00:01.07sawgoodyes, Asterisk is setup and working as a NAT router
00:01.21p3nguinIt is on the perimeter, now?
00:01.32sawgood100% corret (it was not until today)
00:01.39sawgoodI put in a 2nd NIC card with a static IP address
00:01.47p3nguinAnd you've got a static IP address from your ISP?
00:02.04sawgoodNIC 1 = 192.168.1.x  ... NIC 2 = static IP from ISP
00:02.19sawgoodI configured Asterisk in CentOS to be a NAT router and masqurade
00:02.20p3nguinSounds okay to me.
00:02.36sawgoodThis was not the case until today ...
00:09.35sawgoodnow to test the phones ...
00:09.46sawgoodall has been rebooted with the right setting(s)
00:09.52p3nguinCan anyone explain to me why and how my voice mail notifications (in my email) reflect the wrong message number and have an attachment which does not exist?  It says new message 12 and has msg0012.WAV attached.  I check in my INBOX on the server and msg0011 is the last one, which also corresponds with the time on the email.
00:11.38*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
00:11.47p3nguinI played the attachment in the email and it is the last email in my INBOX, which is msg0011.WAV.  How is the email able to say it's message 12 and have msg0012.WAV if that's not really the message number nor file name?
00:12.27Janoshello, can someone give me a link to the documentation on how to use lua as dialplan programing language please
00:20.31sawgoodCalls seem to not be dropping now ...
00:20.39sawgoodThanks for your advice and help!
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00:54.14pabelangerp3nguin: what version of Asterisk?
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01:43.19p3nguinIs there a setting for the voicemail sound files' permissions?  -rwxr-xr-x is not an appropriate mask for a sound file, so I need to change or set it if possible.
01:48.40p3nguinThis doesn't make any sense.  I just left myself a voicemail, and it is msg0012.WAV on the file system.  I got the email notification, and it says message 13 and msg0013.WAV is attached.  WTF is the problem?
01:51.20pabelangerp3nguin: I suspect this is a bug.  alecdavis in #asterisk-dev reported something very similar.  In his case, Asterisk was re-recording over voicemail messages.  I'm wondering if you are seeing the same thing
01:53.43*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
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01:58.34p3nguinI've never noticed this before, but I also had voicemail email notifications disabled for a while, through several version upgrades I'm sure.
01:58.59*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:00.16p3nguinThis is a new deployment, so I am trying to make sure every bell rings and every whistle toots.
02:03.38*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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02:28.33p3nguinIs there a plan to fix the voicemail bug?
02:28.50p3nguinHow about the permissions on the voicemail files?  Any setting for that?
02:29.39*** part/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
03:06.18*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
03:10.59*** join/#asterisk phix (
03:11.17phixAny recommendations for a SIP DECT phone?
03:11.26phixOr any ones to stay away from?
03:12.07phixI have been looking at the Snom M3 and Aastra 6757i CT
03:12.40phixAny one used these?
03:13.20itsbrokenI've had bad experience with snom m3
03:14.01phixoh, what happeend?
03:14.05itsbrokenHaven't been able to figure out why they're reporting busy and not accepting calls
03:14.13itsbrokenits random
03:14.18itsbrokenclient has 5
03:14.28itsbrokensometimes one will do it... sometimes three
03:15.02phixand how are they configured? All the phones have seperate lines and dedicated transfer button or they share the same line?
03:15.27phixDoes each phone make a seperate SIP connection?  or does the basestation do this?
03:15.29itsbrokenI've tried both.. but if you really wanna use those you gotta have just one line
03:15.33itsbrokenon all
03:15.46phixhmmmm that is not what I want
03:15.55phixThey have a dedicated transfer button?
03:16.07itsbrokenwell look carefully at m3 because it says it can support like 5 on a base station
03:16.07phixhmmm I am looking at the Siemens C470 now
03:16.18joakoIs there some other place besides to get Asterisk RPM packages?
03:16.26itsbrokenbut only supports 3 phones at a time
03:16.37itsbrokenif you want all 5 to ring you have to put the same extension on all of them
03:16.46itsbrokensomething crazy like that
03:17.34joakoitsbroken: But can you say put 2 handsets on their own extension and the rest on the remaining?
03:17.46phixso you can't give each phone a seperate number / sip account?
03:17.55itsbrokenjoako: that may work
03:18.18phixI only want 2 handsets atm, at the most 4
03:18.34itsbrokenI would keep it wired if you can
03:18.42phixok any other DECT SIP phones I should look at?
03:18.46itsbrokenI haven't tried any wifi phones but I would try those before another dect
03:18.58joakoI've used Aastra 9480 CT and it had similar limitations, the handset couldn't be a separate extension and I dunno if it would even do multiple handsets
03:19.02phixwifi phones are more expensive though :/
03:19.05joakoI haven't tried any wifi phone that worked well
03:19.25phixwhich wifi phones should i stay away from?
03:19.38itsbrokenask joako i haven't tried any
03:19.49phixwhat was directed at joako :)
03:20.24phixhmmmm CISCO SPA501G 8 line IP phone $120 :/
03:20.36phixI have had very bad experience with CISCO / Linksys
03:20.46joakoI just never found one that could work well. Something like stand 10 feet from the wifi AP and walk around and the call is breaking up
03:20.49phixI like my Snom 300 but it needs more buttons
03:21.22phixjoako: u/alaw or gsm?
03:22.23joakoWME/WMI & noack  on off no different. Handoffs between AP however always seem to work great.
03:22.36joakoI don't think any support GSM. Pretty sure I've tried G729 & Ulaw
03:25.39itsbrokenwhat country are you in phix
03:26.01itsbrokendon't you want alaw then?
03:26.11phixI also need to get an ISDN phone card, although I don't think there is one that has been certified to work in AU
03:26.27phixEven though AU uses the EU standard it needs to be certified seperatly :/
03:26.37itsbrokenwhy don't you use sip?
03:26.39phixitsbroken: correct, alaw isused here
03:27.13phixitsbroken: I will use SIP for outgoing calls, but for incoming they want to use their existing numbers which don't port over to VoIP
03:27.23phixwell there are no companies here that do that
03:27.28phix(That I know of)
03:27.33itsbrokenmoar research
03:28.01phixyeah I am in the middle of it :)  so far nothing
03:28.08phixI am open to suggestions :)
03:33.06phixStill open to suggestions :)
03:44.47*** join/#asterisk radic (
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03:54.02*** part/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
03:56.29itsbrokengl =)
04:04.57phixhmmm hx8 card looks interesting
04:05.14phixany one set one of these ups?
04:08.25phixalso i have a tdm24xxp card, and faxing doesnt work, hylafax cant train the modem plus the driver doesnt pick up the hardware timing thibgy
04:11.02*** join/#asterisk Russ (
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04:49.36p3nguinThis might be a clue about the voicemail thing: expected 7 but found 8 message(s) in box with max threshold of 100.  I saw this go by on the CLI for another mail box.  It is experiencing a similar problem to what mine is.
04:59.16*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
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05:20.18*** join/#asterisk Smirker (
05:21.57Smirkerthe Dial command. fairly straight forward and have been using it successfully.
05:22.10Smirkerhowever one particular number, when i try to Dial it, all I can hear is blank.
05:22.24Smirkerin the log it says Called xyz...
05:22.45Smirkerusually after that it says "xyz is ringing" ... "bridging channels together"
05:23.13Smirkerhowever it doesn't on this particular number.  any using any other number works fine.  however i can call the culprit number from any other phone perfectly.
05:23.47Smirkerthe only difference that i can tell, if that the number i am trying to call Answers straight-away without ringing, which makes we wonder if Asterisk isn't progressing because it hasn't heard the ring yet.
05:23.47ChannelZis it pots?
05:23.49Smirkerany ideas?
05:24.10ChannelZor I should say, are you dialing out SIP or POTS or..
05:24.21Smirkerdialing out via SIP
05:24.34ChannelZto a provider?
05:25.07Smirkeri'm dialing to a call-centre.
05:25.33ChannelZI mean you're going SIP to an ITSP of some sort I assume
05:26.08Smirkeroh, yes.
05:26.19ChannelZSo barring any communications difficulties causing their SIP replies to disappear and not make their way back to you, if they are not reporting any call progress then it's something on their end
05:26.25Smirkermy asterisk boxes are colocated in my providers DC and everything goes via private network.
05:26.44Smirkerno problems with 100+ services, however just this one number is causing problems.
05:27.11Smirkerah okay. so i'll jump on the phone to my provider then
05:27.15ChannelZYou'll probably have to get them to debug it.  Something bizarre about that one number and their T1 or whatever
05:27.29Smirkerawesome. cheers
05:27.39ChannelZsure good luck
05:28.03*** join/#asterisk Howlader (
05:29.55SmirkerChannelZ: still around? i might throw one more question at you
05:30.33Smirkerso we've got our server as i described, with 200 concurrent calls allowed.
05:30.58Smirkerpeople here can call our DIDs fine, concurrently, etc. we've tried 20 times without a problem.
05:31.22Smirkerat our SIP provider, they can call it fine too, over their network and over Telstra/Optus (australian telcos)
05:31.57Smirkerhowever one of our other suppliers who supply our 1800/1300 numbers get issues. and they've told me the following:
05:32.09SmirkerI’ve had a chat with one of our PABX specialist here and he’s mentioned that there is a configuration on either the DID and Phone server which needs to be configured the same, otherwise calls will occasionally fail. This config is called “clocking”.
05:32.23Smirkerdoes that sound reasonable/rational/logical?
05:36.31SiNGLerSmirker: returning to your previous question: it may be that on other end is a pbx, which does not send progress/ringing, so you do not hear it. that "other supplier"is SIP too?
05:46.32SmirkerSiNGLer: it most likely is. however the calls don't get connected at all.
05:46.52Smirkerwhen dialing from my SIP service, i get no status updates and i don't hear anything.
05:47.05Smirkerwhen dialing from any other service, the call gets answered straight away and i hear artificial ringing.
05:48.43*** join/#asterisk Ean (~Ean@unaffiliated/ean)
05:48.55SiNGLeroh, I thought that calls get connected, in this case I will not tell anything  new :) ask your provider to debug or try looking at packet dump with tcpdump/wireshark
05:49.22Smirkerah yeah, emailing provider now
05:49.40Smirkeri tried sip set debug on, and after I dial all I receive is a TRYING packet, and then nothing.
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06:49.32schmidtsgood morning
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07:04.37pethkaqenimorning all
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07:33.44kaushalDoes it has Automated Dialing Feature like dialing 1000 and 1000 of phone numbers,Does it Support VoiceXML and What PRI Card is recommended for using FreeSwitch ?
07:33.49kaushalI mean asterisk
07:36.37jkroonat least not directly, i think.
07:37.28jkroonno voicexml support that I'm aware of, but you should be able to handle a large (few thousand) concurrent calls on decent hardware.
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08:35.32nicola_pavhello. i have installed free fax for asterisk on asterisk 1.4 with a pri card. I successfully send faxes. I wrote a shell script to convert the tiff to pdf and send it to my email. the FAXOPT variable remotestationid is always empty. i know its read only but is there any way around?
08:36.05nicola_pavi receive faxes successfully*
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08:50.09coppicenicola_pav: is the station ID set on the machine which is sending the FAX?
08:53.57nicola_pavcoppice: how do i check it?
08:54.18nicola_pavits a samsung printer/fax
08:54.44nicola_pavcoppice: to get this right. the fax sending machine should send this id
08:54.57nicola_pavit does not have to do anything with asterisk+ffa?
08:55.00nicola_pavis that right?
08:55.12coppicethere should be a way to configure the station ID on any FAX machine. if you don't set one, it won't be sent
08:55.37nicola_pavcoppice: i understand, i will try to check the fax machine.
08:55.41nicola_pavthanks a lot
08:57.01*** join/#asterisk hensema (
08:58.17hensemahi all, I'm trying to decide wether it's worthwhile to upgrade from asterisk 1.4.x to asterisk 1.8.x
08:58.38hensemaall timing related functions in asterisk 1.4 fail badly due to no zt_dummy driver in my kernel version
08:59.04hensemabut I do need AgentCallBackLogin so I *think* asterisk 1.8 will force me to rewrite my entire dialplan in AEL
09:01.09hensemaso my first question: will I be able to keep my extensions.conf *and* have AgentCallBackLogin functionality in asterisk 1.8?
09:01.29hensemaand will asterisk 1.8 run better without zt_dummy module?
09:01.54*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
09:02.11SiNGLerzt_dummy is deprecated in 1.4, later versions use dahdi_dummy which is now integrated into dahdi module
09:03.05SiNGLeryou can try upping dahdi version, then checking performance
09:03.34CadeyHi guys, we are trying to use the AMI to work out who is calling a terminal but when the goes into a queue there is no link between the channel used to call into the queue and the channls the queue app creates to the terminals. All teh channels the queue app makes have blank CallerID's and so we cannot show the callerID to the user when there phone rings
09:03.37SiNGLeralso callbacklogin can be replaced with some sort of auth + addqueuemember
09:03.41Cadeyany suggestions?
09:04.44Cadeyhowever the handsets do see the callerID which is strage as the AMI output has the callerID's as blank in the newchan message
09:06.35hensemaSiNGLer: well, you're as vague as most documentation I can find.. "some sort of auth"
09:06.44hensemaSiNGLer: that's why upgrading from 1.4 is *hard*
09:16.09kaldemarhensema: i don't see why you would be forced to use AEL. you'll get a pretty good picture of required extensions.conf and other changes by taking a look at UPGRADE*.txt in a 1.8 source package.
09:16.55kaldemarhensema: but for the basic question you were asking, it will be worthwhile when 1.4 gets its end-of-life and will no longer receive bug fixes.
09:17.38hensemakaldemar: ok, I'll try to figure out the 1.8 equivalent of AgentCallbackLogin
09:17.49*** join/#asterisk Ean (~Ean@unaffiliated/ean)
09:18.44kaldemarhensema: and if you update to 1.8 you'll be more likely to get help with possible issues when you're using what everyone else is.
09:21.59kaldemarhensema: UPGRADE-1.4.txt states that AgentCallbackLogin is deprecated since the entire function it provides can be done with dialplan logic and encourages to look at
09:22.43hensemakaldemar: yes, but that's AEL and my entire dialplan is in extensions.conf
09:22.56hensemaalso it's a *lot* of code to replace a few configuration lines
09:23.15hensemaso I'm a bit at a loss here
09:24.23*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
09:24.43kaldemaryou can always use both extensions.conf and extensions.ael if you don't wish to rewrite it.
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09:27.02kaldemarthere's also a conf2ael utility in asterisk.
09:27.44SiNGLeralso you can rewrite ael code into conf (afaik aelparse can provide that)
09:31.27gerhard7hi, anyone running skype for asterisk?
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09:40.34hensemagerhard7: I am, though it's broken at the moment
09:42.43Cadeyconf2ael utility <-- but doesnt asterisk still convert all AEL back to conf format anyway to actualy action the dial plan?
09:43.07CadeyI know it did in 1.6 anyway :S
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10:55.19vampi-the-froghey guys i just installed asteriskNOW and i've no idea where to start, does it have a web interface or something?
10:55.44vampi-the-frogor rather - any documents referring to it?
10:55.49vampi-the-frog(to asteriskNOW)
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11:03.55vampi-the-frogalright, i found it at :8088, but it's asking me for a user and password
11:04.18vampi-the-frogand all i have is root
11:06.25vampi-the-frogi chose  the Asterisk GUI boot prompt :/
11:06.30vampi-the-frogis FreePBX recommended for beginners?
11:06.59Cadeywell FreePBX is kinder self contained
11:07.14Cadeyif you want to learn about asterisk a vanila install is a good way to learn
11:07.36CadeyFreePBX is good if you need a working PBX with little to no nowledge of how it actualy works
11:08.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:08.17vampi-the-frogyeah that
11:08.21vampi-the-froglittle to no knowledge :)
11:08.35vampi-the-frogi'll learn in time but right now we need a working install quick
11:08.48Cadeyyeah freePBX would be OK for that then :)
11:08.57vampi-the-frogok so i guess i'll reinstall with freepbx? or is there a simpler way to switch? some yum command?
11:09.11Cadeybut when you want to learn more about asterisk and how it actualy works idinstall and play aroud with a vanila asterisk install
11:09.54Cadeyim not sure about that vampi because FreePBX will not use exactly the same source as a normal build of asterisk
11:10.10vampi-the-frogah well
11:10.12vampi-the-frogreinstall it is
11:10.15Cadeythey have a customised version of it I belive
11:10.37vampi-the-frogjust to make sure, this is what i mean:
11:10.39kaldemarfreepbx is just a GUI for asterisk. it does not include asterisk.
11:10.45vampi-the-frogi typed 4
11:11.00vampi-the-frogkaldemar: so can i switch from Asterisk GUI to FreePBX?
11:11.04vampi-the-frogwithout reinstalling
11:11.56Cadeykaldemar : doesnt freePBX have is own installer and version asterisk to go with it?
11:12.19kaldemarvampi-the-frog: i guess there's no technical obstacles, but i have never used asterisknow so i don't know. btw, there are also #asterisknow and #freepbx channels. this channel is more concentrated on pure asterisk.
11:12.27Cadeysorry vampi, I guess I was wrong then :(
11:13.21kaldemarCadey: not that i know of. there are quite a few scripts flying around that install freepbx, asterisk, dahdi though.
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11:36.28LantiziaHey do we've got a few phone systems out there (one per customer) that are asterisk/freepbx combinations... were thinking of becoming a virtual ITSP (i.e. resell a major ITSP's services - but we only get one master account off them and need to terminate it on our network first before our customers connect to us rather than directly to them)... now I'd like to use asterisk for the endpoint but obviously freepbx aint gonna cut it but i need some k
11:36.28Lantiziaind of interface for our engineers who are not as familiar with freepbx... so far I've been told about some called eConsole - any others people know of?
11:37.20Lantizias/as familiar with freepbx/as familiar with asterisk
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12:21.07ManWithNoNameHello. I have an * server connected to a Siemens HiPath 4000 via E1 PRI. Everything is working ok, except when I try to enter a meetme conference room using a siemens digital phone. In that situation the * server does not recognie the digits I press to identify the room. When I use an analog line it works ok.
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12:46.14hensemaI must be missing something here:
12:46.29hensemain previous versions you could do something like this in extensions.conf:
12:46.51hensemaexten => ${FOO},Answer()
12:47.07leifmadsenwell first off you're missing a priority number
12:47.13leifmadsenthat would have never worked
12:47.18leifmadsen(in any version)
12:47.32leifmadsenexten => ${FOO},1,Answer()
12:47.42hensemayou're right of course
12:47.59hensemabut the problem here is the global definition of ${FOO}
12:48.21hensemaexten => ${GLOBAL(FOO)},1,Answer() <-- doesn't work
12:48.47hensemaexten 1,1,DoSomething(${GLOBAL(FOO)}    <-- may work, haven't tested it yet
12:49.00ManWithNoNameI'm sorry, I lost my connection! I'm trying to access a Meetme room through a siemens digital phone and the * server does not recognize the digits I enter to identify the room. If I use an analog line it worsk fine! The * and the Hipath are connected via E1 PRI
12:51.54hensemaany clue on how to reference a global variable in an extension?
12:52.03leifmadsenhensema: there must be a typo, because I just tested it here on trunk, and it works fine
12:52.17hensemahmmm weird
12:52.28leifmadsenexten => ${FOO},1,NoOp()
12:52.36leifmadsenworks fine, no errors
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12:55.16hensemain in asterisk 1.8.3:
12:55.31hensemaexten =>   ${NUM_HOSTINGXS},1,Goto(hostingxs-menu,s,1)
12:55.35hensemaresults in:
12:55.40hensema[Apr  6 14:54:33] ERROR[11744]: pbx.c:8090 ast_add_extension2_lockopt: You have to be kidding-- add exten '' to context default-incoming? Figure out a name and call me back. Action ignored.
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13:01.13hensemaah, found it
13:01.35hensemaI got two [globals] sections and defined the vars in the second
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13:03.37pethkaqenihi all
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13:40.39zknhello, help me remember if there is a function or variable that I can use to check what context the call or any other dialplan process started from ? or do I need set these markers as variables in the dialplan manually if i need to be able to call out this information ?
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13:42.59saxazkn: i'm not sure, but probably you need to use the Verbose() in each context
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13:43.59zknwell, i know there is ${CONTEXT} variable built in, i remember there being something like ${FROMCONTEXT} too... just not sure...
13:44.05_Corey_zkn: Make sure verbose logging is turned on and look at the first line when the call enters your dial plan
13:44.22_Corey_It will look something like this:
13:44.23_Corey_VERBOSE[25580] pbx.c:     -- Executing [555@sip:1] Ringing("SIP/2010-0000078b", "") in new stack
13:44.44_Corey_in this example 'sip' is the context and '1' is the priority
13:44.44*** join/#asterisk marienz (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
13:45.03YedidyaNew Question. NOTICE[19839] chan_iax2.c: Rejected connect attempt from x.x.x.x, requested/capability 0x2/0x783 incompatible with our capability 0x8. I think 0x8 fits within 0x783
13:45.16YedidyaI think 0x8 fits within 0x783
13:46.04Yedidyadoes it? if yes why reject?
13:47.18kaldemarzkn: CONTEXT has the current context in it, so it can change. you could either set it to a variable in the dialplan or in a channel configuration file with a setvar parameter.
13:48.03zknkaldemar, yes that's what I thought when i mentioned "set these markers as variables in the dialplan manually"
13:52.52*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
13:54.15kaldemarzkn: for SIP, you could use ${SIPPEER(context)}.
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13:58.33jeroI want to implement a "page-then-transfer" feature here (page callee to inform him of incoming call, then transfer the actual call). What would be the proper way to implement this ?
14:00.36pabelangerYedidya: what version of Asterisk you using?
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14:06.02Yedidyadoes this make sence?
14:06.03Yedidya> requested format = gsm,
14:06.32Yedidyaif I have proirity then why is it not alaw?
14:07.00infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:07.13pabelangerYedidya: ^ pastebin the full output
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14:07.25infobotit has been said that collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
14:08.27Yedidyaok, it may take time becuase the pstn to voip provider use an array of servers and only some have this issue.
14:11.28Yedidyapabelanger: what level of debug whould you like to see?
14:12.04pabelangerYedidya: all the required steps are on the wiki page
14:18.05*** join/#asterisk minaguib (
14:18.40minaguibHey guys. If I'm looking at a phone's specs and it says 'PoE required, AC Adapter optional', does that mean I can use an AC adapter instead of PoE ? or by ac adapter they mean a PoE power injector - not included ?
14:19.08*** join/#asterisk Zylogue (
14:21.59zknhow could I see what information an inbound SIP call consists of ? e.g. using Verbose + variables to output that info to console to get an idea what I could later use in the dialplan during the callflow ..
14:22.58ZylogueI'm a bit 'new' to this idea for Asterisk and know nothing about it, other than it is a voip solution.  Where can I find answers to questions like: what hardware do I need to make user of an Asterisk server? Where do I get the phone number from? Can I port an existing number? What is SIP and PSTN? Thanks
14:23.02longwordmina: Not something we could possibly answer for a product we don't sell
14:23.05pabelangerzkn: *CLI> core show application DumpChan()
14:23.52longwordIME many phones have a DC socket and will happily live off that plus plain old fashoned non-Po Ethernet
14:25.11*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
14:26.30ruben23hi guys i have added on my asterisk some sip phone extensions and i can see it on like one week then suddenly when i sip show peers its empty alredy any idea, please
14:27.56zknpabelanger: thanks, i discovered now I had disabled - will look into it now
14:28.07pabelangerYedidya: what am I looking at?  What is the issue
14:30.09Yedidyaoh, sorry, like i said, if my pref codec is alaw and the other party supports it and the priority is mine then why is the actual codec gsm?
14:32.26Yedidyapabelanger: oh, sorry, like i said, if my pref codec is alaw and the other party supports it and the priority is mine then why is the actual codec gsm?
14:33.03pabelangerYedidya: looks like it is using alaw to me
14:33.05pabelanger[Apr  6 15:25:44] DEBUG[18377] channel.c: Set channel IAX2/ to write format alaw
14:34.06pabelangerYedidya: also, do you have .alaw prompts for everything?  To avoid transcoding
14:34.08YedidyaI see, what then is the line stating 47.  "  > actual format = gsm," ?
14:34.32Yedidyapabelanger: yes, propts are all alaw.
14:36.38*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:37.32Yedidyapabelanger:  I see, what then is the line stating 47. " > actual format = gsm," ?
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14:38.17pabelangerYedidya: is this an inbound or outbound call
14:38.23pabelangerfirst part of debug log is missing
14:38.48Yedidyapabelanger: inbound
14:39.10pabelangerYedidya: Are you using codecpriority= ?
14:39.16pabelangerin iax.conf
14:39.37Yedidyapabelanger: codecpriority= ? no.
14:39.40pabelangerYedidya: PB your iax.conf, besure to remove any password
14:40.46Yedidyapabelanger: this is a freebpx configured system, will have to concatenate - stand by....
14:41.54*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:49.35pabelangerYedidya: is this one file?  or did you combined them for pastebin?
14:50.10Yedidyapabelanger: combined
14:53.37pabelangerYedidya: makes it hard to read, but you inbound IAX call is UNAUTHENTICATED, meaning it is not using a context defined in iax.conf.  So, it will get your default settings in [general].  Make sure your disallow / allow order is correct.  It is too hard to follow the FreePBX logic.
14:53.57*** join/#asterisk Aut0ExeC (~Jack@
14:54.11pabelangeryou may need to try #freepbx for their software
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14:55.14Aut0ExeChi guys.. whats the benefits of using switchvox vs asterisk?
14:55.31Aut0ExeCnicer gui interface?
14:55.46Aut0ExeCand boxes that are already set up with hardware?
14:56.02malcolmdAut0ExeC: one is a phone system in a box (switchvox), the other is a toolkit for building telephony applications (asterisk)
14:57.18Aut0ExeCmalcolmd: so essentially you can get asterisk to do everything that switchvox can do
14:57.18Yedidyapabelanger: My error, I combined also iaxprov.con which makes up the bulk of that paste. here is the correct one
14:59.24pabelangerAut0ExeC: with enough work, yes
14:59.42Aut0ExeCpabelanger: ok.. I just need a solid box with a solid digium card yes?
14:59.44malcolmd"can get" is a rather loose term....given the time, the inclination, and the skill, you could use asterisk,  a number of other ots OSS components, and develop a switchvox like thing.  think of astersk as all of the tools that you need to build a house (hammer, nails, wood) while switchvox is a 2-level home with a garage and a kitchen
14:59.46pabelangerswitchvox is a product.
15:00.16Aut0ExeCmalcolmd: lol nice way of putting it ... lol thanks
15:00.54Aut0ExeCis everything gui in switchvox?
15:01.05malcolmdaside of the api
15:01.23malcolmdthere's no "console" access for switchvox
15:01.26Aut0ExeCsounds like a different beast altogether
15:01.31Aut0ExeCif ur used to configuring with asterisk
15:01.39Aut0ExeCbut i get ur analogy
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15:03.57pabelangerAut0ExeC: depends on what you need to do honestly
15:07.06Aut0ExeCpabelanger: ok thanks man
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15:08.16Aut0ExeCi figure the basic switchvox seems to cost like 3000+ .. a nice digium card cost like 2000+ excluding the pc.. so might as well get the vox if your going big
15:08.29Aut0ExeCya dig?
15:08.47pabelangerwhich cards do you need?
15:09.49leifmadsenA Switchvox system for about $3000 isn't too bad since I've found recently it's nearly impossible to build a custom Asterisk system for customers without charging them about $3000.
15:10.04leifmadsenat least not to make it worth my time :)
15:10.09Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: yeah exactly
15:10.54leifmadsenneither is better than the other, but when people say switchvox is too expensive, they haven't tried hiring a consultant to build them a system before :)
15:11.31Aut0ExeCpabelanger: i was looking at our company.. right now we have a T1 with I think 2 24 port cards
15:11.32leifmadsenthe latter is easier to customize though and you just get what you want, and not all the bells and whistles you may not need
15:11.58leifmadsena 24 port card sounds like a TDM2400p
15:12.02leifmadsen(analog lines)
15:12.09Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: yeah...
15:12.18Aut0ExeCyou'd rather build an asterisk server?
15:12.20leifmadsenunless you mean single span card (which can handle 24 channels on a single T1)
15:12.28leifmadsenwell I build asterisk servers all the time
15:12.44leifmadsenI just deployed for 2 companies recently, and will be creating a distributed system for a union
15:12.47Aut0ExeCi mean fully featured to customers specs? vs switchvox
15:13.11Aut0ExeCi guess if u build 1, u've built them all huh
15:13.21*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
15:13.23leifmadsenI always build to customers specs. It wouldn't make sense to build something out-of-spec
15:13.35Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: u do that for a living?
15:13.43krioni use asterisk with a sip trunk in order to get my call to extern
15:13.48leifmadsenAut0ExeC: not true -- I haven't yet run into a system that is exactly the same as another I've built
15:13.53leifmadsenAut0ExeC: you could say that
15:14.02Aut0ExeCleifmadsen: thats kewl man
15:14.08krionthe things is my sip trunk provider says my From field is incorrect
15:14.13infobotyou are, like, blitzrage
15:14.18leifmadsenheck ya I am
15:14.28kriondoes it look incorrect to you ?
15:14.51leifmadsenkrion: that is the To field
15:15.11leifmadsennow I see the From field, but we can't tell if it is incorrect or not
15:15.15pabelangerkrion: you best to pb a full debug log of you issue, not just select lines
15:15.25leifmadsenit's obviously not what your provider is expecting
15:15.51krionpabelanger: ok i can have that
15:16.05krionleifmadsen: obviously...
15:17.30leifmadsenkrion: they probably expect the From to contain your account name and not 'asterisk'
15:18.01krionleifmadsen: the things is i want it to be anonymous, but as i read the rfc is not the proper way to do it
15:21.10*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
15:21.51mockerLooking for advice on devices to take a DS3 and convert the signal to SIP that can be routed to Asterisk.  Anyone have suggestions on potential devices?
15:22.35wonderworldout of curiosity: what is DS3 ?
15:23.10mockerwonderworld: Like a PRI, but bigger. :P
15:23.28wonderworldahh kk :)
15:23.36wonderworldhow many channels?
15:23.53wonderworldnow THATS a party line
15:25.32krionleifmadsen: told me that i should use sip:phonenumber and something about privacy name
15:25.50krioni got 3 different trunk provider, they all working differently...
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15:26.47daxtguys do you know a sip service provider who offers amr-nb codec support ?
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15:28.21megalomanohi , someone knows how to set incoming calls to customer-card into a2billing ,,, thanks
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15:33.18vampi-the-froghey any idea why *CLI would be saying No such command 'core'?
15:35.16d_preston215Does any one use Cisco 7940/60s and have come across the issue of time and date randomly disappearing?
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15:42.23lost_soulvampi-the-frog: how are you loading asterisk?
15:42.30vampi-the-frogasterisk -r
15:42.31vampi-the-frogas roo
15:43.21vampi-the-frogthis is the AsteriskNOW distro, 1.7.1, 64-bit
15:43.21lost_soulah, so not through a script then..  found a thread someone had similar trouble and starting it using "asterisk -c" worked while the starting via rc script wouldn't
15:43.35vampi-the-frogoh wait
15:43.43vampi-the-frogi thought you meant how i access the CLI
15:43.47vampi-the-frogbut yeah it's in rc
15:44.13lost_soulmaybe as a test..  stop it completely..  start it via cli..  and see
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15:46.42zknis there an equivalent to SIPCALLID with IAX2?
15:47.16vampi-the-froglost_soul: thanks, i'll try
15:48.22vampi-the-frogwell actually
15:48.37vampi-the-frog'core show help core' works. just when typing 'core' plainly it complains about it
15:52.58*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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15:56.32GoshenGood morning
15:58.00Aut0ExeCGoshen: safer to just say hi
15:58.07Aut0ExeCafternoon in some places here
15:58.27GoshenVery true :)
15:58.42GoshenBut just in case someone forgot to tell you Good morning ;)
15:58.43Aut0ExeCand u dont want to give your location away.. ur obviously eastern
15:58.50Aut0ExeCok i see
15:59.53*** join/#asterisk minaguib (
16:01.59Goshenmy state and IP address are not hidden anyhow so no worries there
16:07.19infobotit has been said that ds3 is 28 T1 channels, or 672 individual B channels.
16:10.41mockerLooking for advice on devices to take a DS3 and convert the signal to SIP that can be routed to Asterisk.  Anyone have suggestions on potential devices?
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16:11.11mockerI've read about the Dialogic IMG 1010 and the Lucent Max TNT
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16:40.44zkni need advice on function CUT. i need to CUT out everything in SIPURI execept the IP address that comes after character "@", how do I do that?
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16:52.45leifmadsenexten => start,1,NoOp()
16:52.56leifmadsensame => n,Set(
16:53.09leifmadsensame => n,Set(Result=${CUT(${SIPURI},@,1)})
16:53.25leifmadsensame => n,NoOp(${Result)})
16:53.32leifmadsenoutput of NoOp():  someone
16:54.01zknleifmadsen: i want the result to be ""
16:54.16zkni have managed to get someone
16:55.27ttpearsIn AEL, is doing "if ( ${DIRECTION} == FOO) the same as doing if ( ${DIRECTION} = FOO)" ?
16:59.48leifmadsenzkn: change 1 to 2
16:59.48leifmadsenyou want the 2nd field then
16:59.57leifmadsen@ is the separator, and anything after the first @ is the second field
17:00.14leifmadsenthat's how CUT() works
17:01.53zkncorrect you are... i was trying -1 and 1- .. geesh :)
17:02.12zknthank you!
17:08.55jayteethat's why everyone should purchase a copy of Asterisk: The Definitive Guide
17:09.23jayteeand the Asterisk Cookbook when it's available
17:09.40*** join/#asterisk benngard (
17:10.13leifmadsenjaytee: soooooooooooooooooooon
17:10.32leifmadsenif you buy it now you'll get a copy as soon as it ships :)
17:10.46leifmadsenbefore the end of April afaik
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17:16.32zkni'm seriously considering buying The Definitive Guide... i was shocked to find that oreilly did not have it online anymore :)
17:17.53leifmadsenthey removed it from the OFPS site it seems
17:18.13leifmadsenwe have to work on a way of getting it put back up once all the changes they made outside of DocBook get put back into the repo.
17:20.06leifmadsenwhen O'Reilly gets the docbook source it pulls it out of subversion and puts it into another application for page layouts and all sorts of things, then all the changes have to be put back into DocBook manually.
17:20.20leifmadsenwhich as you can imagine is a lot of work
17:20.31leifmadsenand if you can't, go play with DocBook for a while :)
17:29.32zknis it possible to used ExecIf inside ExecIf ?
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17:41.28Corydon76-homezkn: No
17:42.05Corydon76-homeYou can use ${IF()} within ExecIf, however
17:42.54*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~estanteri@
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17:44.14Godfather_when you have a register statement in sip.conf ( register => user:pw@ip/ddi ) how asterisk knows wich context has to entry?
17:47.43leifmadsenGodfather_: you define a [peer_definition] for that part
17:47.51leifmadsenthe registration is ONLY to tell the other end where you exist on the network
17:47.58leifmadsenit has nothing to do with inbound authentication
17:52.03Godfather_leifmadsen, then, you define a peer with fromdomain and fromuser, and you set the context here, and the fromuser="xxx "secret="yyy" should be the same as the statement register => xxx:yyy@fromdomain/ddi  no?
17:53.40Godfather_leifmadsen, i dont understand why you define a "peer" instead of a friend, cause you are able to receive incoming calls from it
17:58.18Godfather_leifmadsen,  <- see that example, i dont know if its correct
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18:05.37mockerleifmadsen: Any ebook+print combos?
18:06.24leifmadsenmocker: yep -- check the O'Reilly and Amazon sites
18:06.28leifmadsenthey build stuff like that all the time
18:07.04*** join/#asterisk bent_screwdriver (~socain00@
18:07.08Godfather_leifmadsen, did you understand my question? i dont know where to place the incmoing calls form a register statement
18:08.56mockerleifmadsen: Ahh, ebook isn't available yet so I'll have to wait.
18:10.51leifmadsenmocker: ya they are still working on finishing the layout (page breaks etc) and getting it printed
18:11.02leifmadsenonce physical books start shipping then the the ebook will likely become available
18:11.12leifmadsenGodfather_: sorry, working on other things and can't take a look
18:11.22bent_screwdrivertrying to log failed faxes. any idea why this wouldn't work: exten => failed,n,Log(ERROR,FaxFailed)
18:14.56Godfather_leifmadsen, no prob
18:15.05citywokafaik, there is no log() command... you have to NoOp()
18:15.21Godfather_when you have time take a look pls, its very easy example
18:16.26bent_screwdriverLOG() writes to the log "Send arbitrary text to a selected log level"
18:24.12leifmadsenbent_screwdriver: is LOG() a function or application?
18:25.23mockerLooking for advice on devices to take a DS3 and convert the signal to SIP that can be routed to Asterisk.  Anyone have suggestions on potential devices?
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18:32.50bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: weird...maybe its an old app that they left in but haven't updated. I really don't see too many people using it. I'll just use system to echo out to a fax log file. thanks
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18:45.49ttpearsAnyone know if "==" is equivalent to "=" in variable reference syntax, like it is in expression syntax?
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18:53.47_Corey_mocker: Most people I know who still have DS3s are using Cisco SIP gateways
18:54.03_Corey_I don't think Adtran has one
18:54.04Qwellttpears: define "variable reference syntax"
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18:58.39lost_soulI understand this is more a question of preference and best practice..  But I was wondering what other services would be considered ok to have on the same system as asterisk as it needs to have ports open to the outside world anyways..  I'm considering running a web server and perhaps a mail server on it.
18:58.54lost_souljust trying to get opinions on it, thanks
18:59.02Qwellbest practice, none
18:59.13lost_soullol, yea..  I know
18:59.25Qwellreality, whatever the hell you want.  if it gets hacked, so does your PBX.
18:59.28lost_soulbut I can't afford one service per system unfortunately
18:59.54QwellHow much is it worth to you, to prevent $100,000 in calls?
19:00.16mocker_Corey_: Know any model numbers?
19:00.27lost_soulQwell: my service would just get shut off..  It wouldn't rack up that much of a bill
19:00.38lost_souladmittedly I don't want that to happen either though
19:00.45mockerRight now I know of the Lucent MAX TNT and the Dialogic IMG-1010
19:01.03mockerCisco's product line is so big I'm not sure which one fits the bill. ?)
19:01.08_Corey_mocker: Not without searching...  If you had asked me about 3 months ago I would have remembered :)
19:01.27_Corey_I remember one was discontinued though, if that is of any use
19:02.18mockerI may throw the question out to asterisk-users
19:02.19ttpearsQwell: On they define "Expression Syntax", "Variable Reference Syntax", "Extension Language Syntax", and "AEL".  Under "Differences with the original version of AEL" section I can see they explain in part 21 that they now allow "==" to be used in "Expression Syntax", described as: $[...]
19:02.42ttpearsBut it doesn't mention the "Variable Reference Syntax" :-)
19:03.10_Corey_mocker: I think one was the successor of the old AS5200
19:03.12ttpearsWhich is described elsewhere as "${..}"
19:07.17QwellYour first problem is taking anything that site says as truth.
19:07.21*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
19:09.31ttpearslol nice
19:10.04ttpearsWell, I'll certainly be buying the definitive guide so hopefully it'll help my facts
19:11.26ttpearsBasically, there's a few places that we use "==" in our curly brace syntax, but I'm wondering if that's correct
19:13.50*** join/#asterisk roswell (roswell@
19:13.54leifmadsenIn Asterisk extensions.conf all comparisons are done with a single char, and not a double char, so I would start with that in AEL.
19:16.22roswellhi everyone. would anyone give me a tip why might ${RECORDED_FILE} remain empty after successful completion of Record(/tmp/somefile.gsm,,30,k) though the file itself was created successfully?
19:20.13Qwellroswell: Because you aren't using a dynamic filename
19:21.12roswellhm... sounds reasonably, i'll try that out
19:21.23*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:d6b3:4::2)
19:23.21roswellQwell, it worked, thanks
19:24.45*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
19:25.26ttpearsThanks Qwell, I'll let you know how testing goes, and pre-order my copy :-)
19:28.19ttpearsEr, thanks leifmadsen and Qwell
19:43.41*** part/#asterisk ManWithNoName (~ManWithNo@
19:46.50mockerleifmadsen: Will the PDF still be online for free?
19:47.17mockeris impatient, book should be here now! :)
19:51.04_Corey_probably should explore a kindle version or something before the crowds show up with pitchforks in huntsville...
19:52.54*** join/#asterisk clintc (
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20:10.37pigpenHi all.  I have been searching around with nothing but old posts.
20:11.04pigpenCan I have an IAX trunk (or connection, ie: not in trunking mode) pass T.38 ?
20:12.04pigpenmy topology:  Fax -- Audicodes FXS -----SIP----Asterisk 1.6.2.x-----IAX----Asterisk 1.6.2.x-----PRI
20:12.26mockeremails the list his DS3 question.
20:12.45*** part/#asterisk clintc (
20:13.08pigpenI was running:  Fax---Digium(Astiersk)---IAX-----Asterisk---PRI      with no issues for a few years now.
20:26.55*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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21:03.26_zoom_hello, am looking for opensource call center integrated with asteri ?
21:13.47*** part/#asterisk _zoom_ (~Administr@
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22:10.12*** join/#asterisk Pio (~sean@
22:10.39Piocan someone recommend a good PPA with asterisk 1.8 for ubuntu 10.10?
22:11.28Pio maybe this
22:22.53*** join/#asterisk TFGBD (
22:25.56TFGBDOkay, this might be a stupid question but... Does anyone know of some sort of driver that emulates a voice/fax modem enough to let one dial into an ISP or BBS using only your SIP provider?
22:35.09*** join/#asterisk mayeco (~quassel@ubuntu/member/mayeco)
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22:58.27ariel_evening everyone
23:04.01saxahopla, sombody knows to tell me if the modem LM-I56N with Motorola chip MDV92XP can work as an FXO ?
23:05.02russellbPio: yep, that's the official packages for asterisk 1.8
23:06.03Pioi installed them at they are working great
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23:50.59dlogani am trying to get asterisk 1.8 working with ices - streaming mp3
23:51.35dlogani have some white noise - currently - via lame
23:52.10dlogananyone got any pointers - have tried everything on voip-info and also searched forums / digium etc.
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