IRC log for #asterisk on 20110402

00:00.56ANurmithe only files in the folder were for a new message that was msg0016.txt I have also attempted to simply rename some of the existing to match the scheme, to see if i could delete it then but to no avail
00:01.30p3nguinmsg0016.txt is the only file?
00:01.54ANurmino there are all the regular files for msg0016.wav .gsm
00:02.57p3nguinIs msg0016 the only one?  Are there any other files?
00:04.00ANurmifor some reason msg0016.wav and msg0016.WAV
00:04.12p3nguinThose are two different formats.
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00:08.58p3nguinIf the msg0016 files are the only ones in the directory, what I personally would do is  mmv "msg0016.*" msg0000.#1  and then reload the voicemail module.
00:09.31p3nguinThat should turn them all into msg0000 files.  Then I'd call my voicemail to check my message.
00:10.51ANurmiI will give that a shot, thanks for your help.
00:26.58*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
00:27.21p3nguinanurmi: Let me know if my idea works out.
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01:37.11Dryantaand it director dude told me for all my hard work and his perfect performance review that i could have a class taught just for me as long as i could get 14 friends to sign up for html/unix, ccna class/cisco lab, autocad/high end workstations and plotter
01:38.47Dryantai picked cisco because i already knew at age 14 i wanted to be an internetworking engineer and systems/software engineering held no interest
01:40.07Dryantawhat i DID NOT know is one of the kids i got to sign up in exchange for tutoring him in ap calc had a dad that was a telco engineer at qwest, and when he got the letter with his class registration pulled strings with his boss to get us REAL carrier equipment in our lab
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02:42.34*** join/#asterisk Andrew__M (62712e05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:44.33Andrew__MHow do I make Comedian Mail send email notifications to my ISP?  My ISP SMTP requires port 80 and username + password.
02:46.13ectospasmAndrew__M: get sendmail (man 1 sendmail) working, then Asterisk should work just fine
02:46.23Andrew__MComedianMail uses sendmail.  I either need to bypass sendmail, or somehow configure it.
02:46.26ectospasm(or whatever your MTA is)
02:46.42ectospasmAndrew__M: no, you need to configure it for SMTP authentication
02:46.52ectospasmWhich is outside the scope of #asterisk
02:47.23Andrew__Mectospasm: Is there a way to bypass sendmail?  It seems complex.
02:47.39pushpopAndrew__M, follow this how to
02:47.45pushpopif you have a gmail account
02:48.15ectospasmAndrew__M: I mean sendmail the console utility (provided by your chosen MTA), not THE SendMail service
02:48.56Andrew__MWhat is an MTA?
02:49.39Andrew__Mectospasm: I can probably make the changes on the link you sent me for my provider.
02:51.29ectospasmAndrew__M: MTA==Mail Transport Agent
02:51.46ectospasmAndrew__M: i.e., Postfix, exim4, SendMail, qmail, etc.
02:52.08ectospasmAndrew__M: if you can send a regular e-mail using the "mail..." command from the shell, then that's set up correctly
02:52.09*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:52.17ectospasmYou just need to tell Asterisk the command to use
02:53.09Andrew__Mectospasm: I have sendmail installed, but after a full day of reading different websites, it seems as complex as Asterisk itself.
02:53.37Andrew__Mectospasm: is "mail
02:53.39ectospasmAndrew__M: which is why you should go with something simpler, like Postfix or exim4
02:54.41Andrew__Mectospasm: The funny thing is: I have all the ports, credentioals, etc, and have no way of sending a message after reading and tweaking for a whole day.
02:55.02ectospasmAndrew__M: yeah, don't use SendMail proper
02:55.25ectospasmdon't use QMail either, the author and maintainer isn't interested in a userbase (or wasn't last I'd checked)
02:55.44Andrew__Mectospasm: I guess I basically need a client, like Mozilla, except CLI.
02:55.45ectospasmI have the most experience with Postfix, it's the most straightforward to setup
02:55.52ectospasmAndrew__M: bingo
02:55.59ectospasmAndrew__M: and an MTA is how to do it
02:56.33Andrew__Mectospasm: So postfix is an MTA you would recommend for simplicity...?
02:57.26ectospasmyes.  I hear exim is just as simple, I just have no experience with it
02:57.45ectospasmyou may want to google for "postfix gmail" for hints on how to get it working
02:59.54Andrew__Mectospasm: I have a godaddy account, but gmail must be similar.  Only my port 25 is blocked by FIOS.
03:00.37ectospasmwhat does godaddy have to do with this?
03:01.05ectospasmwhat port do you have to connect to your ISP's SMTP service?
03:05.46Andrew__Mectospasm: My email is hosted by godaddy.  I need ComedianMail to send through godaddy.  I can connect with port 80, or preferrably 465 with SSL/TLS.
03:07.23ectospasmAndrew__M: so set your MTA to send mail through Godaddy's SMTP service (SSL/TLS) on port 465
03:08.17Andrew__Mectospasm: Yes, that was the goal of today.  I guess I got fooled, being 4/1.
03:09.58ectospasmdon't ever give up!
03:10.50ectospasmactually, if you follow the postfix guides on getting SSL/TLS SMTP working with GMail, only replacing the gmail port, username, hostname, and certs with Godaddy's junk, it should... just... work...
03:11.21ectospasmI figure getting the Godaddy certs would be the most nontrivial thing about that.
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03:12.57gpledhas anyone been able to use with asterisk?
03:13.27ectospasmI haven't tried
03:14.17ectospasmAndrew__M: it looks like Godaddy self-signed their cert (which is of course OK 'cuz they're a recognized CA)
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03:16.29Andrew__Mectospasm: Yes, i will try my luck with postfix.  Thanks a lot!
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04:51.35p3nguinAlways a day late and a dollar short.  I could have had andrew__m emailing voicemail notifications in under 5 minutes.
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05:11.39daxtguys  i have to build an IVR on asterisk and struggling with it due to having no documentation , can somebody point me the right direction ?
05:12.15p3nguindaxt: What's the problem you're encountering?
05:12.43daxthi p3nguin  i have no clue of how to build an ivr
05:13.00p3nguindaxt: In your own words, what is an IVR?
05:13.12daxtInteractive Voice Response
05:13.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
05:13.15*** join/#asterisk Howlader (
05:13.30kaldemardaxt: read on dialplans.
05:13.52p3nguinFor an actual IVR, you're going to need more than dial plan.
05:13.52daxtkaldemar  in that book ?
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05:34.32benngardhmm. i am looking for a link, that descriebes hoto emulate/simulate the "R" button of a dect phone in the dialplane, but i cant remember where i saw it
05:35.01benngardand i cant remember how a googled it when i found it :(
05:37.35ChannelZWhat does that button do?
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05:47.05drdruanyone ever done voice activity detection?
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07:06.48benngardChannelZ: u answer n the dect, pressing [R] means u put caller on hold, dial a number, either just hang up an do a transfer or talk to the guy y called, verify that he accept the call hang up and do the transfer
07:07.30ChannelZthat's an attended transfer
07:07.46kaldemarbenngard: there's really nothing special needed in the dialplan for that.
07:08.10ChannelZShould be a function of the device if it's SIP for instance, or a # code in features.conf for dumb phones
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07:59.02jkroonkaldemar, benngard ChannelZ - some of the phones send the [R] button as a "flash" event via sip.
07:59.08jkroonasterisk doesn't know how to handle that.
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08:05.49kaldemarvia SIP or via RTP?
08:08.36kaldemarrfc 4733 deprecated hook flash via RTP, which was defined in rfc 2833.
08:11.26kaldemardoing it in a SIP INFO message was defined in a draft that expired in 2004.
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09:06.18benngardyay BLINDTRANSFER over OOH323 to my cell phone worked perfect
09:06.27benngardsorry, wrióng window
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10:02.13voilai have put my php agi in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin , but still i m getting . no susch a file or directory ..
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11:24.57antoaslahello i have a small problem with my asterisk configuration. I want to create a network with a pc that runs asterisk server and 2 other pc that are connected to the server. Should i post the sip.conf and extensions.conf and tell me what have i done wrong plz?
11:25.43kaldemarwhat problems are you experiencing?
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11:27.31antoaslathe pc that runs asterisk has a softphone named twinkle and i managed to connect it to the asterisk. But when i try to register a softphone in my laptop (windows xp) i cant
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11:30.13kaldemarconnect to CLI with asterisk -vvvr to find a reason why.
11:31.12antoaslait says "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
11:38.22antoaslaso is there a problem with my asterisk?
11:45.00antoaslahere are the sip.conf and extensions.conf , they are quite simple but i cant figure why i cant make it work
11:52.32antoaslacan anyone plz try to connect to my asterisk ( user tel2 pass tel2? plz i need some help
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12:22.13voilawell ... like in internet we have unique ip address , what is unique in mobile network ??? caller id ???
12:29.18voilaguys . want to extract caller id of the user using phpagi , hwo can i do it
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12:35.58voilaguys . want to extract caller id of the user using phpagi , hwo can i do it
12:39.32voilawill  "  $agi['callerid']  "  , will thsi give me caller id of the client ?? using php agi
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12:52.49voilaany one here
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13:11.58voilacan i extract callerid of softphone using " $agi[callerid] " in php agi ???
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13:31.59voilai want to get the callerid of the client using php agi , how can i do it ???
13:32.03voilaanybody here
13:39.06jkroonvoila, why not just test it?
13:39.27jkroonand yea, for the entire pstn the caller id should be unique.
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13:46.48voilajkroon: there ?
13:47.42voilajkroon: point is ,i m using phpagi2.14 , i didnt' get anything using "$agi[callerid]"
13:48.49jkroonvoila, i'm not a phpagi user.
13:48.58voilaoh okies
13:49.01jkrooncan you do a print_r($agi) and get the output somewhere?
13:52.04voilajkroon: onething more , i m doing $agi = new AGI() .. then $agi[calllerid] ..
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14:23.07voilasyntax to record a file ???  $agi->record_file("record",".wav",3000);  ... is it correct ??
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17:12.48koffeli have a question on this if i add custom ext to ext it should load custom ones? right?
17:15.05kaldemarkoffel: what are you talking about?
17:15.52koffelin asterisk
17:16.59kaldemarif you add something to extensions.conf and make asterisk read it... it will read it.
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17:49.38arnotixehi all I'm having a difficulty with the -CHANUNAVAIL suffix. When used with a fixed number, say "exten => 100-CHANUNAVAIL", it behaves ok, but when used like "exten => _85.-CHANUNAVAIL" then dialplan sorting is weird, see for "dialplan show" output...
17:50.01arnotixemaybe the -CHANUNAVAIL suffix is no good with wildcard extensions?
17:54.23arnotixethis one has the extensions.conf sections listed, too
17:59.07*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
18:00.09NivexI'm trying to get GTalk working with Asterisk 1.8.  With jabber debug on, I see an incoming call arrive, but asterisk doesn't seem to be doing anything with it.
18:01.34*** part/#asterisk doolph (~doolph@unaffiliated/doolph)
18:08.15p3nguinPaste your confs in the pastebin.
18:15.22p3nguinPaste your phones-kj context from extensions.conf.
18:17.09p3nguinWhat is the value of ${KJDEVS}?
18:17.51p3nguinalso, "exten =>, 1, Dial(${KJDEVS})" won't work with those spaces present.
18:18.42p3nguinIs at least one of those five phones online?
18:19.14NivexI use that context for routing other calls, hence the 's' line there
18:19.39p3nguinCalls from google will go to the s extension.
18:21.34NivexI've got this sinking feeling there's some sort of disconnect between jabber.conf and gtalk.conf
18:24.51p3nguinI'll show you my google voice dial plan.  Maybe it'll be of some use to you.
18:27.14p3nguinThe Goto() takes it to a phone, if that wasn't obvious.
18:28.16Nivexproblem is, I'm seeing the incoming XML frame on the Jabber debug, but I'm not seeing any dialplan execution at all
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18:52.37CatLynxhaving issues with extention"h"
18:53.38p3nguinWhat issues?
18:53.44CatLynxI am trying to make it play a wav file to the person who recived the call
18:53.53p3nguinThat's not going to happen.
18:54.09CatLynxany ideas how to do that?
18:54.12p3nguinh is the hangup extension.  It runs after the call has ended.
18:54.48CatLynxif the person who made the call gets hanged up by the other end it works fine
18:54.51p3nguinI'm not sure how to go about that.
19:00.34voilahi .. is there any way to find out , where the problem in agi php script ??? some type of verbosity
19:12.50Nivexsweet!  got it working!
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19:16.26Nivexp3nguin: missed you in the pingout.  got it working.
19:28.26Nivexhas anyone here had a gtalk configuration with two different gtalk accounts routing calls to seperate paths?
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19:34.29drdrudoes asterisk support VAD?
19:38.43p3nguinUh, what?
19:38.53drdruvoice activity detection
19:39.14p3nguinsilence suppression?  no.
19:39.23p3nguinNot unless it was added in 1.8.
19:39.33p3nguinYou could check the new features for 1.8.
19:39.36drdruso we're always shipping bits even if nobody's talking?
19:40.15p3nguinI think silence suppression does just the opposite.
19:40.52p3nguinWhen no one is talking, the media stream goes silent.  Silence suppression adds comfort noise to make it seem like the line is still "open."
19:41.51p3nguinPrior to 1.8, Asterisk did not support silence suppression/comfort noise.  I don't know if 1.8 has it or not because I don't yet run my own 1.8 system and I have never looked for it in the new features.
19:42.59jkroontwo different things.
19:43.20jkroonasterisk will never support VAD as I understand it, that is the work of an end-point device.
19:43.37jkroonCNG (comfort noise generation) is a different matter though.
19:44.00jkroonthen again, VAD on dahdi/console channels might be something to look at.
19:44.25drdrusometimes the end point device isn't smart enough to do VAD
19:44.42p3nguinWhen running an end point with VAD enabled, Asterisk does gripe about not supporting comfort noise, so while they may be different, there's certainly a relationship.
19:44.50jkroonalbeit, my experience with VAD/CNG was that even directly between two SIP phones it's better to just switch it off, causes really nasty audio artifacts in general.
19:45.22drdruknow where I might be able to find a VAD algorithm?
19:45.28drdruI don't need it for asterisk
19:45.42drdruI'm trying to automate voice recording
19:45.54jkroonp3nguin, definitely there is a relationship.  but asterisk could (theoritcally I think) just pass the CNG parameters on to the next hop in the signalling path anyway.
19:47.00jkroonvad itself just stops sending rtp data, cng on the other hand sends noise parameters from the source to the destination so that the recipient can reproduce some whitenoise to hide the vad artifacts.
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20:10.36*** join/#asterisk Schreiber1337 (cee4b465@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:12.26Schreiber1337Anyone else have issues where a caller on server doesn't hear rings on outgoing calls?
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20:14.39p3nguinschreiber1337: What channel tech is your phone using, and which channel tech is used for the outgoing leg (between Asterisk and the phone company or ITSP)?
20:16.30Schreiber1337P3nguin: The T1 with Verizon is :switchtype=national signalling=em_w is that what you are asking?
20:17.34p3nguinThat answers the second half.
20:17.49Schreiber1337P3nguin: Phones are using SIP w/ G711u codec
20:18.02p3nguinOkay, so SIP and PRI.
20:18.47Schreiber1337P3nguin: The T uses all 24 channels as BChannels... I think they refer to it locally as DTWink
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20:53.23Schreiber1337P3nguin: Did you have any ideas what's going wrong?
20:55.35p3nguinschreiber1337: Not sure... When you place a call from a SIP phone, the ringing sound is produced by the other end of the call.  In your case, the T1 probably isn't going to provide the ringing, so it would have to be produced by Dahdi.  I don't use Dahdi and I don't have any analog devices, so I'm not totally sure what setting you need to use to make it ring.
20:56.21Schreiber1337P3nguin: OK... thanks... Anyone else have any input?
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21:37.33minaguibHey folks. I'm eyeing a Yealink phone as a main house phone. No need for fancy business stuff. Just a large easy to read display and good audio quality. YAY/NAY/other recommendations ?
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21:53.47m0eis it normal for sip show peers to show the extension's private ip if hte extension is behind nat?
21:56.51p3nguinm0e: sip show peers doesn't show extensions at all, it shows sip peers.
21:57.06m0eit shows my extensions though *shrugs*
21:57.13p3nguinIf you want to see extensions, you'll be using dialplan show.
21:57.37p3nguinsip show peers does *not* show extension information.  Period.
21:58.33m0ewell.. my end shows name/username host dyn ...
21:58.41p3nguinIf you were so inclined to name your sip devices with numbers that correspond with the extension number used to dial such sip devices, that might be why you think it shows extension information.
21:59.07m0eaaah.. that could be it :$
21:59.10p3nguinname/username, correct.
21:59.38m0ewell.. in that case.. it still shows with the extension's private IP.. is that correct?
21:59.45p3nguinSo your question was if sip show peers shows the private IP address of the peer when it is behind a NAT on a remote network?
21:59.59p3nguinExtensions do not have IP addresses.
22:00.07p3nguinI just went over this.
22:00.16p3nguinPlease pay attention next time.
22:00.45m0eI read what you wrote.. its just that, it shows IP addresses here.. anyways.. assuming we are talking peers
22:00.54m0ea peer that is behind NAT on a remote network
22:01.01p3nguinsip show peers should not show the private IP address of a phone on a remote network.
22:01.20p3nguinIt should show the public IP address of that device.
22:01.51m0ethanks for the info.. I need to dig in to find out what's the problem then.. thanks.. just wanted to make sure this was odd behavior before going around in circles
22:02.03*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
22:02.37p3nguinCheck your NAT settings for your own Asterisk system if it is behind NAT as well as the NAT setting for the peer.
22:03.14m0eAsterisk is on a public IP.. I might need to check the other end..
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22:21.50m0edefining a stun server on the NATed side seems to have fixed it.. though I thought it was only the asterisk server that needed to worry about NAT
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22:27.01p3nguinUnder normal circumstances, you need only configure your peer for NAT and Asterisk will take care of the rest.
22:29.03m0ehmm.. ok.. quick question (thought this might be a bit of a networking one.. not sure how this is handled by asterisk/sip in general).. If i use iptable's redirect.. though its listening on the public IP.. is this considered NAT (as it really is NAT)
22:29.30m0eredirect as in.. port redirection.. to be able to listen to port 12345 for instance
22:29.48m0eand then redirect it to 5060 to keep the "defaults"
22:42.34*** join/#asterisk juliocesarlhg (~jcesarg@
22:43.00juliocesarlhghelp with mgcp gateway
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