IRC log for #asterisk on 20110322

00:19.29*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:30.11*** join/#asterisk mattjackets (
00:31.46mattjacketsasterisk 1.6 not trying to register with sip provider. i've used asterisk for years, just upgraded to 1.6 on debian (from 1.4) and asterisk is not trying to register with gizmo5 via sip. seems like register => line is ignored.  help pls :)
00:32.43mattjacketsverbosity is huge (68) and sip debug is on
00:32.53mattjacketsno registration attempts are shown
00:34.22p3nguinmattjackets: What version of Asterisk are you using?
00:35.07p3nguinI would first recommend upgrading to the current version in your chosen branch.
00:35.47mattjacketsi've been tempted to try 1.8, but I like to stick with the standard debian packages to ease administration (not the case this time)
00:36.10p3nguinAlso, since when does Gizmo5 allow SIP registration?
00:36.18mattjacketsdo you know of any issues regarding sip registration in 1.6?  has there been a major change since 1.4?
00:36.25mattjacketsit always has
00:36.27TeknoJucecan't hurt to try and then go back when it doesnt work
00:37.01p3nguinI've never known Gizmo to allow registrations.  That's news to me.
00:37.24mattjacketsyeah, that's how i've used it for years with google voice...
00:37.34SunTsumattjackets: I upgraded asterisk 1.2 to asterisk- recently, sip registry worked immediately, only the dialplan really needed some work
00:38.24mattjacketsthanks didn't look like things changed, but it's good to know
00:38.26*** join/#asterisk ketas (
00:39.43p3nguinI doubt has broken registration, so show me your register statement, masking only the password.
00:40.37mattjacketsregister =>
00:41.35p3nguinCan you register to other services?
00:42.11mattjacketslater i have a 'friend' defined as [gizmo] with context, insecure=port,invite, secret, defaultuser, fromuser,fromdomain and a few other options set
00:42.27mattjacketsno, i had a couple others defined and they don't work either
00:43.14p3nguinThat's really strange.  I assume you can't run "sip set debug on" if the sip module isn't working.
00:44.07*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (
00:44.43mattjacketsi can set debug on
00:45.12*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
00:45.20mattjacketsi can see the sip stuff in sip show peers, and my hard phones (sip) can register to asterisk
00:45.45p3nguinWhat does "sip show registry" show?
00:46.07mattjacketsnothing at all :(
00:46.25p3nguinLiterally nothing, or just no peer/registry entries?'s what it shows:
00:47.10mattjacketsHost                           dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time
00:47.10mattjackets0 SIP registrations.
00:47.44p3nguinThe current version works, so you should consider upgrading to it.  Or at least try a different version.
00:48.02p3nguinCurrent in 1.6.2 branch is
00:48.09mattjacketsok, thanks for the help p3nguin
00:48.45p3nguinIf you're worried about not having a package to install if you build from source, just use checkinstall to install from source.
00:49.48p3nguinInstead of "make install" as your last command to install, use "checkinstall -D" to build a debian package and install it.  Now you'll keep package manager consistency.
00:50.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:51.11mattjacketsp3nguin: i've done that before, but it's just so much easier to let someone else package security fixes for me :)  this is a home server, and honestly i can't give it much attention
00:52.16p3nguinI just don't know why registration wouldn't work on that version.  I'm sure it worked for other people using that same version.
00:52.35mattjacketsoh, kidding!
00:52.47p3nguinYou had the register statement in place when you started asterisk, right?
00:53.52p3nguinVery odd.
00:54.46mattjacketsi agree....i think i'll wipe out my config and start from step at a time
00:54.57mattjacketsi hope it's a config issue and not the package
00:55.31p3nguinYour register statement is in the [general] section of sip.conf, isn't it?
00:55.55p3nguinIt needs to be under [general] and before [authenticate].
00:56.18p3nguinErr... [authentication].
00:58.26mattjacketsp3nguin! you are the best!
00:58.38p3nguinYou had it placed incorrectly?
00:58.50mattjacketsi didn't notice the authentication section in the 1300 line config file
00:59.15p3nguin1300 lines?  You certainly don't need that much stuff in the sip.conf.
00:59.23mattjacketsi did!  i wanted to keep all my changes in one place since the file was soooo big.  i just assumed [general] was the only thing in there
00:59.54p3nguinYou should never use the sample config as an actual config.
00:59.55mattjacketsit's mostly comments......i can't stand it.  it's like the package maintainer just dumped the manpages in there
01:00.33mattjacketsi didn't for extnesions, but just kinda went with it for sip.conf.  lesson learned :)
01:00.49p3nguinEh, extensions go in a different file (extensions.conf).
01:01.51mattjacketsyep, extensions.conf is what i replaced....the packaged config had way too much stuff in it for me to be comfortable
01:02.38mattjacketsthanks again p3nguin!  i really appreciate it
01:02.44p3nguinSo the packages have .conf files rather than .conf.sample or .conf.default or something to indicate that they are SAMPLE files?
01:03.31p3nguinIf so... What a horrible way to package Asterisk.
01:03.43mattjacketsyes.  they put them in place, and even start the server.
01:03.54p3nguinThat's ridiculous.
01:03.59mattjacketsit's primarily a demo, but it connects to digium & stuff
01:04.05p3nguinI see.
01:04.22p3nguinMaybe that sort of makes sense.
01:04.30mattjacketsyeah, especially when they update the config files in the package and apt wants to mess with your custom config
01:04.32p3nguinI'm not sure.
01:05.03*** join/#asterisk benngard (
01:05.03p3nguinI'll be sure to add this to my list of reason why I will never use Debian nor anything that looks like Debian.
01:05.07mattjacketsother debian packages put sample files in /usr/share/doc....and you have to copy them out by hand if you want to base your setup on them
01:05.21mattjacketsaw :(  i don't like you anymore
01:05.24p3nguinThat's sensible.
01:05.38mattjacketswhat's your distro of choice?
01:06.51p3nguinI primarily use Arch Linux, but also use FreeBSD, OpenBSD, CentOS, and various other obscure OSs.
01:08.40mattjacketsis arch the distro that gives you a minimalistic compilation environment and nothing else?  no package manager, just build from tars?
01:08.54*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-ymlcjqkgpggrvqiy)
01:09.07p3nguinYou're probably thinking of either LFS or Gentoo.
01:09.33mattjacketskinda like lfs....but a little more structure to get you started.
01:09.45p3nguinI'm not sure what that would be.
01:09.48mattjacketsnot as much structure as gentoo.....maybe it's called core linux
01:10.07p3nguinArch has a pretty good package manager.
01:10.53p3nguinIt also provides a wonderful repository for user contributed software.
01:10.58mattjacketsi'm a debian fan....for the most part i think they do things very well....but sometimes things like this come out of the woodwork
01:13.06p3nguinArch core install doesn't have a lot to it, and a lot of newbs can't figure out what to do with it, but it provides everything you need to build your OS the way you want it.
01:14.08*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
01:14.48ShaaanIs there a way when i dial a line im prompted to enter callerID 10 digits then the phone number so then when i call that number it displays that callerID that i input?
01:15.25Shaaanhow could i do that example please?
01:15.33p3nguinOne moment.
01:21.57p3nguinshaaan: Still here?
01:23.32p3nguinDisclaimer: This paste is not checked for typos/bugs.
01:25.44*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (
01:26.25*** join/#asterisk saliak (
01:27.09saliakp3nguin: sorry, i left before you responded.  what do you mean by ipcomms?
01:27.31p3nguinsaliak: Hmm?
01:28.30*** join/#asterisk saliak (
01:32.00p3nguinshaaan: Are you having any trouble implementing that?
01:32.08Shaaanlooking at it
01:32.45p3nguinsome-context simply represents a context that your phone can dial numbers in.
01:32.58p3nguin[phones] for example
01:33.31p3nguinoutbound-calls represents your existing outbound calling context.
01:34.07saliakp3nguin: sorry, i left before you responded.  what do you mean by "Rhode Island? Must be IPcomms"?
01:34.32p3nguinYou can modify your already-existing outbound calling context by adding the (nocid) label on your outbound Dial().
01:35.52juliocesarlhgi would like to know how to .net with asterisk
01:35.58p3nguinsaliak: I don't know who was involved in the conversation or anything, but I saw a phone number mentioned which was in the 401 area code, and I figured it was a Rhode Island number.  Then I had an idea that the provider was IPcomms.
01:36.12*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
01:36.14p3nguinjuliocesarlhg: #asterisk-dev
01:39.27saliakp3nguin: Yeah, i'm trying to get my incoming sip trunk working.  I am in RI, but i'm using broadvoice (i'm not sure if they're a subset of ipcomms or what).  For some reason the outgoing is working OK, but my incoming doesn't seem to answer.  When i turn on sip debug it spits out alot of stuff when the call comes in, but there seems to be something with the extension (well, that's my diagnosis, probably wrong...) debug -
01:39.28saliak, sip -, extensions -
01:40.18p3nguinpastes seem to have expired.
01:40.33p3nguinfalse alarm
01:41.50saliakit keeps telling me "the party you are trying to reach is unavailable".  i feel like i must be missing something basic
01:41.56p3nguinOkay, a few things I'd like to mention...
01:42.25p3nguinYou don't need to Answer() before Playback().
01:42.39p3nguinYou should consider not using numbered priorities.
01:43.32p3nguininsecure=very should be insecure=port,invite
01:43.41p3nguininsecure=port,invite should only be used if necessary.
01:44.10p3nguindtmfmode should really not be inband unless you have a good reason; it should be rfc2833.  is a failure...
01:45.10p3nguinIt should be register =>  or  register =>
01:45.26p3nguinsaliak: I think that's all.  Fix those things, then get back to me.
01:45.49Andrew__Melb: Are you here?
01:46.47p3nguinIf you use register =>  you may get calls going to 's' extension.  If that happens, then add the /4015621302 to it.
01:47.31Andrew__MI would like to load over 100 entries into AstDB.  What is a better way than manual entry?
01:47.44p3nguinandrew__m: shell script
01:48.08p3nguinasterisk -rx 'database put ... '
01:49.27*** join/#asterisk frawd (
01:49.48saliakp3nguin : so I should get rid of Answer() wholesale?  just the playback and hangup?
01:50.43p3nguinsaliak: Playback() has an implied Answer() built-in.  Unless you are using Playback(some-file,noanswer), you don't need the Answer().
01:51.29Andrew__MLike 100 phone numbers from a list...?
01:51.53p3nguinandrew__m: Write a shell script.
01:52.35p3nguinGot the phone numbers in a list?  Use a loop to read them in.
01:53.11*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:54.28elbAndrew__M: yes
01:54.49elboh, looks like your question has probably been answered :-)
01:55.27elbasterisk -rx for every put is probably going to be slowish, but if you're only doing it once ...
01:55.37elbI dunno if you can separate commands by ;
01:55.47elbyou might expect it, if you're familiar with expect
01:56.17p3nguinIt's not high performance, but it'll work and should be fully portable.
02:01.39saliakp3nguin : blech.  now i'm having trouble registering.  had this happen last night too.. fixed itself by morning.
02:01.45*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
02:03.49*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:09.42p3nguinsaliak: Typically, a mistake in a config file such as the one you have does not fix itself after any amount of time.
02:10.34p3nguinMake sure the register => is after [general] and before [authentication] in your sip.conf.
02:10.36saliaksaliak: yeah, i agree.  the issue with answering never gets fixed, but for some reason, for the last 3 days, when i futz with this at aroudn this time of night, it starts failing to register
02:11.14p3nguinsaliak: The problem with not being able to answer the calls is BECAUSE you aren't registering.
02:11.40p3nguinYou aren't registering at all if you don't correct the register statement and make sure it's in the right place in sip.conf.
02:11.53saliakp3nguin: i can make outbound calls (and it says "Registered") most of the time
02:12.09p3nguinsaliak: Outbound calls have jack to do with being registered.
02:12.24p3nguinsaliak: Registration is for inbound calls only.
02:13.07p3nguin"sip show registry" shows your registrations.  If it says registered, make a call to your DID and show me the sip debug of the call.
02:13.17*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
02:13.31saliakp3nguin : ah, didn't realize that.  ok, so it does at least say "registered" most of the time.  turns out that for whatever reason outbound doesn't work for me when it's not registered. maybe just conincedence
02:14.01p3nguinSIP registration is to tell a remote system how to reach you.  That's why it's for inbound calling.
02:14.11saliakp3nguin: is a dump of when i called in when it was registered earlier today
02:19.19p3nguinsaliak: Your Asterisk is on a public IP address?
02:20.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:20.32p3nguinDo you have UDP port 5060 allowed in?
02:22.10p3nguinMaybe pastebin "iptables -L INPUT -nv"?
02:25.55saliakIt should be.  I use shorewall for my FW.  here's the iptables output -
02:28.57p3nguinWhat about "iptables -L net2fw -nv" too?
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
02:31.16p3nguinline 13 shows the relevant ports.
02:31.19saliakACCEPT net $FW udp iax,sip:5063,68,69,rtpstart:rtpstop
02:31.19saliakis the relevant line from my shorewall rules.  rtpstart=10000 and rtpstop=20000
02:31.43saliakyeah, that looks like the translation of that line
02:31.56p3nguinSo that's probably not the problem.
02:33.09saliakdid the debug output tell you anything? does the fact that it does that much confirm it's not a fw issue?
02:33.52p3nguinThe firewall having the correct configuration tells me it's probably not a firewall issue.  The sip debug didn't really tell me anything useful.
02:35.25*** join/#asterisk geneg1 (
02:36.07*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
02:36.26saliak:( hrm. ok.  maybe i should gut out all the extra demo stuff from my sip and extensions file?
02:36.57p3nguinDid you ever fix the register statement?
02:37.14*** join/#asterisk geneg1 (
02:38.23p3nguinAnd after you saved the changes to sip.conf, you ran "sip reload"?
02:38.25saliaki fixed it and unfixed it
02:38.29saliakrestarted asterisks
02:38.46p3nguinWhat does sip show registry say about that peer?
02:39.11p3nguinWait, you unfixed it?  Fix it and leave it fixed.
02:39.48p3nguinregister => username:secret@host/extension
02:40.11saliakyeah, sorry, ultimately settled back on fixed
02:47.26*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
02:48.33saliakneed to sleep. guess i'll see if the morning fixes htis issue again
03:03.30*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
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03:26.27*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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03:58.31*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:58.53*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
04:00.16*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
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04:22.18*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
04:23.44*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:59.54*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
05:01.59*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
05:07.30*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:14.54dimmWhen I run the call through an analog line, the tube softphone I can not hear beeps and voice subscribers. Then he hangs up, and I hear sirens, "busy ". In the mixmonitor hear and whistle, and a voice subscriber. Do not tell in what could be the problem?
05:15.00*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
05:16.12KingDavidNYChello, can somebody please help me write a sip.conf extension in a realtime table?, this is my first time and one of the fields is not letting me register the phone
05:16.37*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xgljhgwerqzvpxcd)
05:17.48*** join/#asterisk costal (
05:18.05costalHi all
05:19.52costalI'm having some timestamp problems with the cdrs created in asterisk
05:20.05costaland Im just wondering if asterisk get the timestamp from the system
05:26.41p3nguinkingdavidnyc: You're not clear on what you want.  Do you want a sip.conf entry or an extension?
05:30.36KingDavidNYCp3nguin: hello p3nguin
05:30.55KingDavidNYCp3nguin: a sip.conf entry
05:32.09KingDavidNYCp3nguin: when I make the entry in the regular si.conf, the phone registers, but when I enable realtime, it doesnt (different entry) leads me to conclude that there is something in the entry that is wrong
05:37.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
06:01.14*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
06:01.39*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
06:27.01kaldemarKingDavidNYC: is realtime working?
06:27.22*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
06:34.46costalhi all
06:34.54KingDavidNYCkaldemar: nice, somebody here!
06:35.59KingDavidNYCkaldemar... I am not says "unable to connect localhost" until I comment the sipusers line
06:37.23costalis there a timezone parameter for cdr_mysql.conf ???
06:37.51*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
06:38.47sawgoodwhat is the 'difference' between logging to /var/log/messages and /var/log/asterisk/full (as stated in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf)?
06:39.55kaldemarKingDavidNYC: there you have it. your realtime setup is not working at all.
06:41.50*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
06:41.53KNERDFULL will contain everything..warnings, errors, debug statements, etc
06:41.57KingDavidNYCI checked everything
06:42.38KingDavidNYCkaldemar: extconfig.conf and res_mysql.conf are correct
06:43.03KingDavidNYCkaldemar: mysql working and all users have the permissions
06:43.35KingDavidNYCkaldemar: and if I only leave sippeers in extconfig.conf, it doesn't complaint
06:44.16kaldemarsawgood: there's no mention of /var/log/messages in logger.conf. if you mean /var/log/asterisk/messages and /var/log/asterisk/full, they are just different files that can be configured to contain different output.
06:44.48sawgoodkaldemar: thanks .... yes I made a mistake ... but I'm glad you understood
06:47.12sawgoodso maybe you want to log debug stuff in one file and everything else in another?
06:49.54KNERD* does that. it has a log level to select. The higher you go, the different file the logs gets filled with more stuff.
06:50.09KNERDlog level 4 is gihest thus goes to FULL
06:50.37*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
06:51.06KNERDbut yes you can select what you want to go into those files
06:51.15*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:51.55KNERDit is best to uncomment the higher levels only when needed else you will start getting a lot of very large files
06:54.16*** join/#asterisk drdru (~Adium@
06:54.33drdrudoes asterisk have voice detection capability?
06:54.57drdruand is it possible to record and stream a recording to an external ASR service?
06:56.35*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
06:57.04KNERDnot "voice" detection but silence
06:57.29KNERDi am sure it is if you want to do some coding
06:58.14coppicevoice detection is still a patent minefield
06:59.53sawgoodI guess I could do something like log all notice,error,warning locally in /var/log/asterisk/full (and the send all WARNINGS to a central syslog server)
07:00.30KNERDyes, if that is yoru wish, you can do that
07:02.00TeknoJucevoice detection mmmm
07:04.39KNERDisn;t there a new codec in development for broader frequency  in the voice band, beisdes the 0-4Khz?
07:05.06TeknoJuceThink its called real-life
07:05.41TeknoJucedidnt think you could get broader frequency than real life
07:05.43*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
07:06.29KNERD"Polycom HD VoIP phones sample between 150 Hz and 7,000 Hz,"
07:07.11TeknoJuceI like the frequency of texting better...
07:07.13KNERDg711 300 Hz to 3,400 Hz
07:08.09kaldemarKNERD: G.722
07:08.21TeknoJuceI still think hdtv is a waste of b/w so I would assume hd phone would be overkill as well
07:08.50KNERD"HD VoIP phones can more accurately produce sound that’s in keeping with human speech. That in turn makes it easier for you to understand the speaker on the other end, especially for voices in the extreme low or high end or when someone is speaking with an accent that’s difficult to understand."
07:08.54KNERDyou were saying?
07:09.43TeknoJuceThe only accent we get over here is french and nobody can understand them anyways
07:10.45TeknoJucewouldnt lie that on the phones fault
07:11.02*** join/#asterisk reber (
07:11.18KNERDkaldemar: people seem to think G.722 is too outdated
07:13.48KingDavidNYCSomebody please tell me what I am setting up wrong in this f#$%#$% realtime setup
07:15.08KingDavidNYCI am compiling 1.6.2 and still it says "invalid database specified" and I have the correct one!!
07:15.56KNERDwhy not go for 1.8?
07:16.39SiNGLerKingDavidNYC: did you specify profile name in extconfig.conf? (not the database name)
07:16.59kaldemarKingDavidNYC: no one will be able to tell you anything before you show something.
07:17.24KingDavidNYCkaldermar: what do you need to see?
07:17.42KingDavidNYCSingler: profile name?
07:18.01SiNGLerKingDavidNYC: show your database config and extconfog.conf
07:18.42KingDavidNYCI need to post it in pastebin right?
07:23.20KingDavidNYCcan somebody give me a pastebin site please
07:23.24infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
07:23.27*** join/#asterisk Denial (
07:23.40wdoekes2and a good morning
07:25.32SiNGLersipusers and sippeers replace asterisk with general
07:26.15KNERDfpaste is awesome...just type "fpaste <filename> and it returns a URL
07:26.39KingDavidNYCsingler: sorry, I dont follow you
07:27.01SiNGLersipusers => mysql,general,sip
07:27.29KingDavidNYCsinler: the name of the database is asterisk
07:27.30SiNGLerand same with sippeers
07:27.46SiNGLerjust do it and ask questions later :)
07:29.39KingDavidNYCsingler: asterisk is not complaining!!
07:30.34KingDavidNYCsingler: great, but I still have the issue that it is not registering the phone when I use the realtime record
07:31.02KingDavidNYCsingler: I have a record for username=100 which it does not register
07:31.39SiNGLeris there any other messages in log? is your table name "sip"?
07:32.24KingDavidNYCsingler: yes, I have a table named sip with a record for username=100
07:32.30KingDavidNYCthis is what I get
07:33.16*** join/#asterisk hajekd (~textual@2a00:1268:15:1800:fa1e:dfff:fee0:e515)
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07:33.38KingDavidNYChandle_request_register: Registration from '"100"<sip:100@x.x.x.x>' failed for 'x.x.x.x'
07:34.23KingDavidNYCwhen I use disable realtime and use sip.conf, it registers
07:34.45SiNGLercan you pastebin your sip.conf definition and row in the table?
07:34.49KingDavidNYCwhich leads me to believe it is one of those freaking columns in the sip table
07:40.03KingDavidNYCthis is the sp.conf that works:
07:40.48KingDavidNYCsingler: excuse me, I dont know how to print the sip record vertically in mysql
07:41.03SiNGLeryou can print it horizontally
07:41.23*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
07:42.34KingDavidNYCok, here it is:
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07:45.03KingDavidNYCsingler: would it be what I am putting in xlite?
07:46.00*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
07:46.54SiNGLerif password is specified correctly, then I don't know what is wrong, you can try to nullify md5secret, but I don't know if it interferes
07:47.45KingDavidNYCpassword is definitely correct
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07:48.37KingDavidNYCsingler: what should I put in Authoriaztion user name in xlite?
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07:50.08KingDavidNYCxlite says: 405 forbideen, bad authorization name
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07:51.14SiNGLersorry, but I am out of suggestions... Maybe someone else will be able to help
07:52.11KingDavidNYCsingler: interesting.. asterisk says wrong password1
07:52.25KingDavidNYCsingler: what do you mean nullify md5?
07:52.42SiNGLerdid you nullified md5secret?
07:52.54SiNGLertry doing so
07:52.55KingDavidNYChow do you do that?
07:53.26SiNGLerupdate sip SET md5secret = NULL
07:53.40SiNGLerI forget to add where name=100
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07:56.31KingDavidNYCbut it says "wrong password"!
07:57.08SiNGLeryou reloaded sip module after modification?
07:57.34SiNGLerdo it then
07:57.55KingDavidNYCTHAT DID IT!!!!
07:58.32KingDavidNYCIt was the reload... I didn't know I had to do a reload on a realtime!!!
07:59.01KingDavidNYCSinGler: You are a genious man, thank you
07:59.37KingDavidNYCsingler: and guys, thanks...I am going to bed, it is 4am
07:59.44SiNGLerasterisk caches realtime
07:59.57KingDavidNYCbye bye,  thank you
08:00.10SiNGLergood night KingDavidNYC
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10:08.02iulhkhow can it possible,  2 sip peers already in call (sip:100 and sip:200 already in sip to sip call) if sip:300 will dial sip:100 or sip:200 he will get busy tone and disconneted instead of sending ring to sip:100 or sip:200 ?  any idea?
10:09.53SiNGLerI didn't understand your question, if phone is busy with another call and that phone does not have actived call waiting feature, then the new call will get busy
10:10.13kaldemariulhk: if the phones of asterisk are configured to accept only 1 call.
10:11.13kaldemari'm tempted to ask how it could not be possible?
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10:16.50c4rghi, did anyone used successfuly queues with context redirection when user presses key?
10:20.12iulhk<kaldemar> : i hv installed realtime asterisk, right now in field "call-limit" is by default "null", when user 100 and 200 already in sip to sip call and user 300 try to dial 100 then during call i am getting rings at user 100 client from user 300, i won't receive call from user 300 if i am already in call, user 300 should get busy tone and disconnected, if i will enable call-limit is 1 then
10:20.12iulhkwould it help, bcoz somewhere i hv read that it will not help ?
10:21.34kaldemariulhk: if the phone is configured to accept only 1 call, it doesn't matter what you do in asterisk.
10:23.17kaldemariulhk: and call-limit was deprecated in 1.6.X already, you better not use it.
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10:33.03kaldemarc4rg: sure
10:37.21iulhk<kaldemar> using asterisk-1.6 i just entered call-limit=1 for all sip peers and now during call i am not getting 3rd user ring, my problem has been solved but according to u it's deprecated , what should i check now ?:(
10:43.24c4rgkaldemar: it looks like the call is hanged up (I can see that it goes to 'h' extension in the defined context; but it should go into the single digit extension)
10:46.01kaldemarwhat does the extension look like?
10:46.43c4rgsomething as simple as exten => 5,1,Verbose(test)
10:47.08c4rgif I remove this extension then pressing '5' doesn't give any effect
10:47.21c4rgso I guess asterisk knows about it
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10:58.51c4rgany ideas?
11:06.30kaldemarshow a CLI output of a call with verbosity.
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11:41.55c4rgkaldemar: any ideas? ;)
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11:46.57m_tadeuhi...I'm having what it looks to be a nat problem. I've read all documentation asterisk/nat related and it looks like I have the proper configuration, but I still get no sound between 2 clients. The IVR sound reaches the caller properly, but I get no sound after an agent picks up the call
11:47.35m_tadeuasterisk is behind a nat and every client is behind some other nat
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11:51.03m_tadeuany ideas on how to solve this problem?
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11:53.40kaldemarc4rg: maybe the AGI is messing thing up for you.
11:54.37kaldemarm_tadeu: check your settings again.
11:54.48kaldemarm_tadeu: or let someone else take a look.
11:55.49TeknoJuceHey Kaldemar Got it working with that patch
11:56.23kaldemarTeknoJuce: good to hear.
11:56.24TeknoJucetook me 4 hours to copy that patch manually to the latest unistim.c
11:57.02TeknoJucegoogle voice is now working with the nortel i2004 yay!
11:57.09TeknoJuceit so clear!
11:57.22TeknoJuceway better then the sip client on my computer (x-lite)
11:58.26TeknoJuceglad I kept on it, I was thinking this patch is never going to work after I am done with it haha
11:59.40TeknoJucethanks for you help before kaldemar
11:59.56kaldemarno problem
12:00.36TeknoJucedo you know of an easier way to copy a .diff to a file where its has wildly changed since the diff was made?
12:00.53TeknoJuceas that was like pulling teeth :D
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12:01.20hajekdHello, anyone using SS7 with ISDN failover switches?
12:01.40infobotwell, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
12:02.17kaldemarTeknoJuce: if patch doesn't work, don't know of any automated way. having a diff viewer like meld open may help.
12:02.48tzafrir_laptopm_tadeu, generally: externip and localnet
12:03.29tzafrir_laptopAlthough some NAT routers support SIP in funny ways and thus mess it in creative ways
12:03.46TeknoJuceokay thanks any who I asked the guy that made the patch he responded the first time but not after that if he could remake the diff or add it to trunk think hes still fixing stuff though
12:04.28TeknoJuceI will have to test if the dialing in works from work tomorrow
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12:04.49TeknoJuceas I read there we're a few issues with that
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12:15.12m_tadeukaldemar: here's a pastebin....I've triple checked already.
12:16.20m_tadeulet me know if more info is needed
12:20.22kaldemarm_tadeu: you seem to have nat=no for m_tadeu. is that correct and on purpose?
12:20.57m_tadeukaldemar: m_tadeu is inside the asterisk nat
12:22.31*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (~victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:22.44kaldemarm_tadeu: what do you see in sip debug when you make a call?
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12:36.01c4rgkaldemar: yeah, that's possible. what should the agi do then?
12:36.36c4rgkaldemar: the agi is hanging up the channel (now)
12:37.21kaldemarc4rg: it shouldn't interfere with the dialplan flow.
12:39.50c4rgkaldemar: silently exit?
12:40.46c4rgkaldemar: wow, something started to work. thanks ;-)
12:41.33m_tadeukaldemar: here's whar I see...
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12:53.53c4rghrm, is it possible to alter the way which dtmf keys are accepted inside queue application?
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12:57.34m_tadeukaldemar: I see some "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" on REGISTER requests(which I guess are keep-alive requests). Would this be a problem?
13:00.57kaldemarm_tadeu: no. unauthorized is a way to require authentication. using register requests for keep-alive is quite strange. it's possibly because of a short interval.
13:02.03m_tadeukaldemar: should I use OPTIONS instead? my sip client allows this config
13:02.44kaldemarm_tadeu: your asterisk and the m_tadeu client seem to be running on the same host.. the client packets come from 82.154.x.x and SDP inside the packets have since there is also nat=no for the device, that is a problem.
13:03.02kaldemarm_tadeu: OPTIONS is more common.
13:04.39m_tadeukaldemar: indeed that ip addr is from the nat. I should set nat=yes then?
13:06.49kaldemarif asterisk sees the packets coming from the 82 address and your LAN is 192..., how are they in the same network?
13:09.12m_tadeukaldemar: in deed we are. I changed the keep-alive to options and set the resgistrar to the asterisk internal  ip. now m_tadeu is registered also with the internal ip address
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13:19.16m_tadeukaldemar: new paste with the new settings....still no sound between client/agent.
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13:32.09ssureshotdoes asterisk prebuild a web interface for the cdr lookup?
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14:11.11saliakp3nguin: So, still having issues with the changes made yetserday.  ultimately pared out all the extra stuff from extensions.conf ( and sip.conf ( and still behaves the exact same way.  I am able to successfully register (it started working last night. i have a feeling my provider might have a thing where they temp disable registration after so many restarts in some amount of time), but
14:11.12saliakincoming calls still don't answer correctly (that is, i just get "the party you are trying to reach is not available to take your call..."). outgoing calls work great.
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14:18.32dandrehow can I have my extensions registered by users.conf using a gosub instead of macro-stdexten?
14:21.28saliakp3nguin: whoa!  just started working!  so the problem line seemed to be the "insecure" line.  needed to be "insecure=port,invite".  i thought i had tried that, but must have gotten lost in the permutations of other things i was trying
14:23.54*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:28.55hajekdDoes anyone have experience with running 8xE1 in one server?
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14:29.13anonymouz666you mean two cards?
14:29.15anonymouz666it works
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14:31.36drcodehi all
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14:37.30hajekdanonymouz666: Yes, two cards - probably TE420. Any issues with interrupts?
14:38.11anonymouz666I didn't have any.
14:38.31anonymouz666be sure you hardware is good enough to handle your calls.
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14:39.16drcodecan I use IAX or SIP with TCP port only?
14:41.14WIMPyYes, my dual PIII-1266 couldn't handle the interrupts of a 4 plus a 2 port card.
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14:44.13hajekdI'm thinking about some latest Dell PE server....
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14:56.22leifmadsendrcode: no, IAX2 uses UDP and 1.6.2 can use TCP for SIP
14:58.36drcodeleifmadsen, how sip with tcp uses 1 port or more?
14:59.19WIMPyIt's one port, but you still need UDP for RTP.
14:59.28drcodeI see
14:59.36drcodeiax uses 1 udp port?
14:59.57drcodethanx WIMPy
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15:15.15davlefouour sip had been hacker
15:15.24torgnywHi, Anybody who has any experience with setting up Asterisk in passthrough mode with two PRI cards? Im planning on passing calls through to the old telephone system while implementing asterisk.
15:15.56davlefouWe don't know how! Can you help me to find?
15:16.20torgnywThen Im planning on adding some lines in extensions.conf for each phonenumber that's moved to the asterisk system, so Asterisk will handle the call instead of the old system
15:16.54*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
15:17.08davlefouI would like to find the way they have used!
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15:21.23torgnywMy plan is to write something like exten => _X.,1,Dial(${TRUNK_TO_OLD_SYSTEM}/{EXTEN}) from the context that the TRUNK from theTelephone Provider uses. But my problem is that I think the caller id will be Asterisk. Any one have any idea if this will work, and how to keep callerid?
15:24.46pabelangerdavlefou: check the CDRs
15:28.19leifmadsenhas anyone heard of hearing "ringing" in the background of active calls?
15:28.30leifmadsenusing a polycom ip335 with the latest firmware? (3.3.1)
15:28.48leifmadsenfor some reason a couple of people complain (and I've heard it) that they hear ringing over top of their audio
15:29.07*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
15:31.07leifmadsentorgnyw: no, it won't be
15:31.17leifmadsentorgnyw: it'll be the callerID that came in
15:32.37torgnywleifmadsen: are you sure, are there any settings needed in the dahdi config for this to work, or will it work by default?
15:33.13*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~Cadey@
15:33.22_Corey_leifmadsen: We saw that once where the call waiting was set to 'ringing' rather than the normal beep
15:33.53*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@pdpc/supporter/active/junk-y)
15:34.14CadeyHi guys, we want to play an out of hours message and then have the caller land in a mailbox so they can leave a message. How can I supppress the comedian mail message saying the person at Blah is away/unavailable and have it simply say leave a message then a beep?
15:34.20davlefoupabelanger: CDRs?
15:34.35JunK-Ywhen using, Dial(${TRUNK}/5145551234,,M(page-pre-audio)D(#7)) , the Macro is called before sending the dtmfs, is there any way to specify the order without touching app_dial.c ?
15:35.21pabelangerleifmadsen: Do you have any DAHDI channels involved?
15:35.34pabelangerdavlefou: Call Detail Records
15:35.47theharhops around
15:36.09WIMPydavlefou: Nothing special to that. Just keep your Dialplan (almost) empty.
15:36.26elbleifmadsen: FYI, I haev the same problem Lakesidetech has here:
15:37.13elbleifmadsen: oh, my mistake, I thought you were one of the commenters who could not reproduce, I misremembered
15:37.21Cadeyoh I thikn i see
15:37.23davlefouWIMPy, pabelanger An special file?
15:37.38pabelangerJunK-Y: Can you not use SendDTMF() within your macro?
15:38.13davlefouor an special keyword?
15:38.38pabelangerFWIW: I never new about the D option for dial :) I assume it is used for dialing long distance access codes?
15:38.58WIMPydavlefou: Dialplan = extension.conf
15:40.16davlefouWIMPy: Why?
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15:40.29WIMPyWhy what?
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15:42.21davlefouWIMPy: I don't undustand aout extention.conf
15:42.33davlefouWIMPy: I don't undustand about extention.conf
15:43.30JunK-Ypabelanger: yeah ,good idea.
15:43.36WIMPyIf you only want pass-thru you only need one context per port, each only containing a Dial() to the other port. The rest is in the book.
15:43.46infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
15:45.01*** join/#asterisk dlynes_laptop (
15:45.27davlefouI try to find if our server has been hacked or not, because, it can't become from my sip only!
15:46.53JunK-Ypabelanger: i would have trouble if i used D(:#7), but D(#7) is fine. thanks for suggestion.
15:46.54davlefouHow can we have un clear answer?
15:47.12WIMPydavlefou: Sorry. Mixed up the lines. That wasn't about you.
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15:47.32davlefouWIMPy: ok, can you help me?
15:48.48WIMPydavlefou: Check your contexts and if you have nat support, check that you have enabled strictrtp in rtp.conf.
15:52.38leifmadsen_Corey_: aha thanks, let me see if that could be an issue
15:53.46davlefouWIMPy: Is it ok?
15:54.24WIMPydavlefou: It's commented out. That makes a no.
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15:55.44leifmadsen_Corey_: hmmm was worth a shot, but.... <call.callWaiting call.callWaiting.ring="beep">
15:55.54davlefouWIMPy: Sorry, it y already commented!
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16:05.53nestAranyone using Vitelity's SMS service with asterisk?
16:08.15mersaultis it possible to fire a call straight into google voice's voicemail? I have a regular SIP account and DID from another provider already, in addition to my google voice DID. I'd like to integrate the voicemail functionality for them both onto google voice.
16:09.16kaldemardavlefou: what version of asterisk are you using?
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16:10.44fordfroghi, i have issue with ael and WaitExten(), i get timeout all the time and the pressed exten is not caught ... i use asterisk- ... anyone has an idea what i might do wrong?
16:12.11_Corey_leifmadsen: Only thing I could think of...  it's probably something ugly
16:12.34kaldemarm_tadeu: do you see rtp packets going to both clients with "rtp set debug on"?
16:13.35fordfrogthis is the part of the dial plan that should handle it:
16:13.58m_tadeukaldemar: good packets when the agent answers the call
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16:16.44davlefoukaldemar: 1:
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16:19.12kaldemardavlefou: <-- your asterisk was released in 2010-02-25, so a bunch of those vulnerabilities apply.
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16:21.16Cadeyany english peeps in there that has the sound likes for asterisk that say "hash" and not "pound" for the # key ?
16:21.37CadeyI have english voice overs on the system now but even they still say pound :(
16:28.47fordfrogi just upgraded to asterisk- but WaitExten() does not work there either :-/
16:29.47leifmadsen_Corey_: ya, I have a feeling it has something to do with the call forwarding on the lines....
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16:35.05neurosysHmm Im trying to debug an issue. I have registration, NP. But when an actual call takes place, its not getting the ACK packet back. Any thoughts?
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16:35.58m_tadeuI'm googling for rtp problems, but I can't seem to find good info...can anyone direct me for some info on why there's no rtp packets?
16:36.17Freeaqingme_neurosys, I meant, maybe your firewall is the culprit?
16:36.51kaldemarneurosys: what is not getting an ACK?
16:36.51neurosysFreeaqingme: heh indeed. I have done ASA's before without a problem. And why would the reg get the ack via sip but not the call?
16:37.07neurosyskaldemar:  the call buildup.
16:37.32neurosyskaldemar:  call starts.. I get RTP... but of course after the 10th try it drops the call
16:37.44Freeaqingme_neurosys, maybe you're using both tcp & UDP?
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16:38.24fordfrogm_tadeu: your call is in the same network (no firewall)?
16:38.38kaldemarneurosys: "what" as in asterisk or the peer...
16:39.04m_tadeufordfrog: I have a client outside the asterisk nat and an agent inside
16:39.05kaldemarneurosys: but if you have retransmissions, it sounds like a firewall issue at the client end.
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16:40.08fordfrogm_tadeu: that's what i've just set up, just can't get waitexten work ... so it does not work for you only when the call is made from outside, making the call from inside works?
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16:42.05neurosyskaldemar:  but wouldnt a FW issue effect the reg as well?
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16:42.28neurosyskaldemar:  oh... maybe not...
16:42.38neurosyskaldemar:  since Im generating the request thru the FW
16:43.09neurosyskaldemar:  but yet, the SIP request to the * box gets there, the call starts and goes to ack, but doesnt get the ack back.
16:43.49m_tadeufordfrog: doesn't seem to work either
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16:43.53kaldemarneurosys: yes. the firewall may drop the hole to your client during inactivity. use the qualify settings for keep-alive.
16:44.23fordfrogm_tadeu: and when running asterisk in debug and verbose mode, it does not complain about anything?
16:45.16neurosyskaldemar:  qualify is on. again tho, why would reg work, its set to 120 sec.. and the call makes it to the * box, RTP starts... but when looking for the ack back from the provider... it's not getting it :/
16:45.23kaldemarneurosys: or there may be an ALG in the router that screws things up. anyway, try to get a sip debug of a failed call, it will help debugging the issue.
16:45.45*** join/#asterisk benngard (
16:45.46m_tadeufordfrog: it doesn't
16:46.06neurosyskaldemar:  the ASA does have an ALG (policy mappings and inspection). It is enabled.
16:46.21*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
16:46.24fordfrogm_tadeu: so you set core set debug 5 and core set verbose 5 and nothing?
16:47.29kaldemarneurosys: try without the ALG, if it indeed is a SIP ALG. it will most likely just cause problems.
16:47.42fordfrogm_tadeu: i had issue here that phone was using g729 codec which is not supported on asterisk so when somebody called in, nothing could be heard
16:48.20neurosyskaldemar:  tryuing..
16:50.02m_tadeufordfrog: how can I check which protocol is being used?
16:51.00fordfrogm_tadeu: proly 'sip show channels' should reveal it during call
16:51.29m_tadeufordfrog: it's using ilibc
16:52.21m_tadeubut, what can originate that no rtp packets are moving around?
16:53.04fordfrogif the call does not work even locally, then it's not firewall related
16:54.37*** join/#asterisk pushpop- (
16:54.37fordfrogm_tadeu: ilibc or ilbc?
16:55.15pushpop-hi all, I'm having an issue where my default unavailable greeting will not play in the cli i get no errors on the phone line it rings then goes silent when the voicemail picks up
16:55.17m_tadeufordfrog: sorry...ilbc..bad habit
16:55.18pushpop-any idea's?
16:56.18*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
16:56.25fordfrogpushpop-: turn on debug :-)
16:56.36fordfrogm_tadeu: so both sides are using ilbc?
16:56.37*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
16:56.45m_tadeufordfrog: yes
16:56.47pushpop-frodfrog its ok
16:57.36p3nguinsaliak: Yeah...
16:57.39p3nguin(2043.29) <p3nguin> insecure=very should be insecure=port,invite
16:57.51fordfrogm_tadeu: i have no experience with ilbc to be honest, using alaw, ulaw and gsm ... you can't make any call locally on your asterisk or just to the agent?
16:59.56m_tadeufordfrog: if I call directly(without the IVR in between) the same happens
17:00.24p3nguinHe quit before I could tell him what else is wrong with his conf.
17:01.02pushpop-fordfrog, any other idea's
17:01.52*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
17:01.52fordfrogm_tadeu: then maybe your nat in sip is not cofigured correctly ... might be?
17:02.27fordfrogpushpop-: without any debug error i have no idea, sorry
17:02.50pushpop-ok thank you
17:02.50m_tadeufordfrog: allow me to recheck...please confirm that I only need to redirect on the asterisk nat
17:04.00pushpop-fordfrog, here is cli w/ debuggin when voicemail kicks in
17:04.12pushpop-its completely silent on the phone when the cli voicemail picks up
17:05.27fordfrogpushpop-: so none of the 4 sounds that are in log play?
17:06.56fordfrogm_tadeu: check this, this works for me:
17:07.32fordfrogm_tadeu: both local calls and external calls work, though external calls are also firewall configuration dependent
17:10.32citywokI've got one phone number that I have problems calling.  Looking at the pcap of a call to that number i only get a 183 Session Progress after the 100 Trying, but no 180 Ringing message.
17:11.00citywokIt typically takes 32 seconds for that number to answer, and when it does (it's a conference bridge) it immediately says we're sorry we didn't understand the PIN you provided.  thoughts?
17:11.12m_tadeufordfrog: what is preferable to use? externip or externhost?
17:11.13citywokthis happens on 3 seperate SIP carriers (, flowroute, and qwest)
17:12.29fordfrogm_tadeu: no idea, i made this setup long time ago, just had to adjust it for 1.6 when i upgraded it several months ago
17:13.12pushpop-fordfrog, no ideas for me =P
17:13.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:14.22fordfrogpushpop-: idk, maybe similar issue as m_tadeu? it plays the sound, but you can't hear it, so maybe rtp does not come throught?
17:14.27*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme_ (
17:15.38citywokrtp is the media stream of the call
17:16.25pushpop-is there a way to tell if that is workign correctly?
17:16.56citywokuse tcpdump to make a dump, and open it in wireshark which will be able to show you the full call path for sip, and play the actual call audio
17:19.02fordfroganyone has idea why in this script, waitexten does not catch the pressed numbers and i get timeout instead?
17:22.05*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
17:25.22citywokfordfrog: do you know that DTMF is working properly?
17:26.45fordfrogcitywok: that i unfortunately have no idea, whether it works or what i should set where, i tried to read something about it but found nothing useful
17:27.02citywokcall 1800COMCAST and see if it will let you enter a phone number. lol
17:28.09fordfrogwould not be cheap here from czech rep i guess :-P
17:33.12*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (~sahafeez@
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17:38.12m_tadeueven setting asterisk on the dmz wont solve the problem
17:38.45Freeaqingme_fordfrog, there are also czech ivr/aa phonenumbers where  you can enter some digits
17:38.45p3nguinMost people have no idea how to use DMZ or even what it really does.
17:39.15fordfrogm_tadeu: are you sure there is no firewall blocking rtp on your asterisk machine?
17:39.16*** join/#asterisk mawhii (
17:40.09m_tadeufordfrog: I just set the asterisk host on the dmz...the host itself has no firewall
17:40.57fordfrogFreeaqingme_: well, there should be no issue with dtmf from the cell phone or hw sip phone generally, but for some reason, dtmf is not detected at all when calling to asterisk ... i also checked dtmf settings for sip and it's the default one
17:41.35Freeaqingme_fordfrog, also on your phone?
17:41.52Freeaqingme_I have been debugging this in the past for hours, only to find out my dtmf settings on the phone itself werewrong
17:43.23fordfrogFreeaqingme_: well, client calls from cell phone to provider which routes the call to asterisk, where ivr is set up, but asterisk does not "hear" dtmf signals at all ... it waits and then issues timeout
17:44.16*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
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17:44.34AlricIf I have a queue set "joinempty => unavailable,inuse,ringing" and all the static members in it are marked Busy, shouldn't a call into the queue not join the queue, but go on to the next dialplan priority?
17:44.36fordfrogm_tadeu: i think there should be some rtp info in the sip packets when negotiating the connection, did you check whether it looks ok?
17:44.38Freeaqingme_dunno about that. My upstream provider has some good dsp's that interpret the dtmf tones for me and convert them to plain sip
17:45.17GTXCommHello Asterisk.
17:45.40fordfrogFreeaqingme_: hm, maybe i should try to change the settings and see if any non-default works then
17:50.13m_tadeuwhy is it recommended such a big range for rtp(10000-20000)?
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17:54.51psilikonm_tadeu, I was actuallt just checking that out
17:55.08psilikoneach connection can use as many as four ports
17:56.52m_tadeuI see....but I hardly use 2500 simultaneous calls
17:58.39Freeaqingme_If I set a grandstream gxp2120 on 'busy', does anybody know what that actually does?
17:59.05psilikonm_tadeu, really? I use 5000. All the cool ppl use atleast 3000
17:59.31psilikonm_tadeu, yeah me neither. I guess it is there if you need it.
18:00.08m_tadeupsilikon: hehe I'm not that cool yet
18:02.13*** join/#asterisk saliak (
18:02.27psilikonm_tadeu, you'll get there one day my friend.
18:03.14p3nguinsaliak: As I've tried to mention a couple of times, now...
18:03.21p3nguin(2043.29) <p3nguin> insecure=very should be insecure=port,invite
18:04.09p3nguinsaliak: I also noticed that lines 18-23 of your sip.conf paste belong ABOVE the register statement.  You've got them in a peer definition for some unknown reason.
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18:04.25AlricAnyone familiar with the queue option "joinempty"?  I'm having trouble getting it to keep calls out of an empty queue.
18:08.03saliakp3nguin : you are correct my friend.  interesting.  that was from the example broadvoice gave me.
18:09.35*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
18:10.29m_tadeustill no rtp packets moving around....
18:10.43p3nguinsaliak: They told you that it needs to be insecure=very, or they told you to put general options within the peer entry?
18:10.57saliakp3nguin: both
18:11.27saliakp3nguin: there were some other mistakes that I caught on my own as well, but they're clearly quite sloppy about things
18:11.30p3nguinsaliak: I'm quite certain that insecure=very used to be valid on previous Asterisk versions.
18:11.56p3nguinbindaddr, on the other hand, has never been valid within the peer definition.
18:12.16saliakp3nguin: yeah, that's what I was able to tell from some web searching.  i think they just haven't updated their stuff in a very long time.  that's interesting.  maybe it just happened to work?
18:13.08p3nguinMy guess is that they pulled some crap off the web and compiled a "sample" to give to their customers.  They know absolutely nothing about configuring Asterisk.
18:13.43saliakp3nguin - very likely.
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18:16.52m_tadeuwhat can I check if there's no rtp packets moving around? I already checked the firewall, which looks fine
18:18.32Freeaqingme_m_tadeu, tried something like ethereal/wireshark?
18:20.25m_tadeuFreeaqingme_: not really...but asterisk should get rtp packets from the internal network, I guess
18:21.10Freeaqingme_yeah, but if you run wireshark on both locations, you can see if they at least arrive, or if there's more info
18:25.45*** join/#asterisk voxter (~voxter@
18:25.47thehar~/win 27
18:26.01m_tadeuFreeaqingme_: I'll check it out....on one end I'm only getting SIP and RTCP packets...gonna check the other end
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18:26.47ssureshotwhat are you guys using for cdr record lookup?
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18:30.19retentiveboyAnybody working on a way for inbound Jabber messages to be handled with dialplan logic?
18:30.53retentiveboyJabber messages not associated with a current call that is.
18:31.47*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:32.31Freeaqingme_retentiveboy, perhaps the dev channel is a better place to ask
18:33.30retentiveboyFreeaqingme_: perhaps
18:35.30m_tadeuFreeaqingme_: no RTP packets are getting to/reaching in both ends
18:35.57Freeaqingme_Okay, so what is the problem then m_tadeu ?
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18:38.33m_tadeuFreeaqingme_: well I kinda know that....just don't know how to solve it. why aren't those packets moving around? btw, when the call is answered by the IVR the RTP packets flow as expected
18:41.10*** join/#asterisk AMindMobile (
18:42.22Freeaqingme_m_tadeu, I'm sorry, Im afraid I cant answer that
18:43.00saliakp3nguin: so i'm trying to manually set the caller id of my outgoing calls ( with Set(CALLERID(name)="asdf") before I do a Dial command.  is there anything else I need to do?  for some reason this isn't reflected on the device I get the call on
18:44.02m_tadeuFreeaqingme_: well, thanx for your pacience, anyway :)
18:46.13*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
18:52.09p3nguinsaliak: Set(CALLERID(num)=4015621302)
18:52.15m_tadeuconfirm me something....rtp packets always goes through asterisk or can I set it only between sip phones?
18:52.16p3nguinsaliak: You can't set the name.
18:52.28p3nguinsaliak: Well, you can, but it won't do any good.
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18:53.16saliakp3nguin: ahh. ok . it seems to be an option.  does it only do something for internal transfers, etc? or calls that don't go out to a trunk?
18:54.33p3nguinsaliak: Caller ID name (known as CNAM) on the PSTN is looked up in a database by the receiving telco.  So no matter what CALLERID(name) you set, it's worthless.
18:56.29saliakp3nguin: cool, makes sense.  Is there a chance that setting the number won't do anything either (shows my 401 number, if I set it or not)?  I'm trying to setup asterisk to forward calls to our cell phone,but send some identifying feature so we know which extension was selected (so that could be either the name, which is impossible, or the CID number, that's unique)
18:58.30p3nguinsaliak: It depends on your ITSP if they will allow you to set your own CID number.  I'll give you two options to set for the peer that you're sending calls outbound through... and then you can try setting your CID number to some other 10-digit number.  Just one moment.
18:59.03p3nguinAdd those to your broadvoice peer.
18:59.16*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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19:01.18saliakp3nguin: hrm. doesn't seem to change anything. can you recommend a ITSP that lets you set the CID number?
19:02.01p3nguinsaliak: and Flowroute both allow it.
19:04.35*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek ( has been great in my experience
19:12.54psilikonVitelity was the best experience but was probably due to my lack of experience working with Vicidial
19:13.17saliakpsillikon: is the support good?
19:13.28nestArI've used Vitelity for a while now, never had a problem. Support is reasonably quick to reply. is a reseller for Vitelity, and they have cheaper pricing.
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19:19.33mersaultanyone know of a way to send a call directly to voicemail at google voice without using do not disturb? I'd like to use google voice as a shared voicemail system.
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19:21.43p3nguinmersault: Do you still want to be able to answer phone calls as well?
19:23.13mersaultyeah. my thinking is that I have a couple of other DIDs from regular SIP providers
19:23.40mersaultbut if I could shunt a call directly into the voicemail at google, then I could use it for my voicemail instead of asterisk voicemail
19:23.52p3nguinmersault: If you didn't want to take calls as well, remove all the forwarding phone numbers, and voicemail should be the only thing left to take a call to your gv number.
19:24.02mersaultthis guy: seems to have gotten pretty close
19:24.22mersaultp3nguin: problem is, I also want to keep and use my google voice DID
19:26.01mersaultalso, I'm in Canada, and google won't let me re-add my canadian cell phone number to my account as a forwarding number if I delete it
19:26.08mersaultso it would become inflexible in the future.
19:26.13*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
19:27.38p3nguinYou can untick any forwarding number that's on the account -- no need to delete.
19:28.32mersaultoh, and if I send a call to my GV DID over the google voice channel, it lands at the internal voicemail prompt
19:28.34mersaultthat also sucks
19:37.56mersaulthmmm... alternatively, is there any way to get asterisk to answer a call to my GV DID?
19:38.28Qwell~google voice
19:38.29mzb[Google] [Cached]
19:38.37Qwellmzb: Please turn that off.
19:40.15mersaultQwell: hmm.. I have that setup mostly the same, but I didn't see anything in the asterisk cli when I tried calling my DID. I'll keep fiddling. probably just fat fingered something
19:42.07*** join/#asterisk cyphorious (
19:42.38p3nguinIf you don't get calls directly to Asterisk, you probably didn't untick all forwarding numbers and tick the google chat box in the settings for your gv account.
19:43.15*** part/#asterisk Alric (~alric@
19:44.29mersaultgrrr... outbound calls are fine, but inbound are not appearing in asterisk
19:44.47mersaultthe only phone ticked is google chat
19:47.40mersaultoh, and what is a 'guest call' in the context of gtalk?
19:48.47elbany incoming call from a jid that's not in your buddy list and doesn't have its own stanza in gtalk.conf
19:49.13mersaultwould that happen to include calls to my GV DID?
19:49.33mersaultwould I otherwise have to create a stanza for my DID?
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20:02.17mersaultaha... looks like it's related to jabber priority.
20:02.33mersaultif I closed gmail and google voice tabs, the next call hit my asterisk box.
20:02.52Qwellweird.  it should have gone to all, I'd think
20:02.55retentiveboymersault: use a GV account dedicated to the PBX so calls don't go to your browser or chat client.
20:03.03Qwelland yeah, that
20:03.21mersaultproblem is the DID is already associated with my primary gtalk ID
20:03.33Qwelldisassociate it, or get a new acct
20:03.56QwellYou can move a DID to another GV account, if I'm not mistaken.
20:04.01retentiveboyThink that's spelled out in the docs pretty clearly.  Bit me too though :)
20:04.26mersaultinteresting... 'cause that would solve my problems quite nicely.
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20:05.27mersaultah damn, but that's gonna cost me 10 bucks...
20:05.40Qwell10 whole dollars?
20:07.27mersaultit's not the 10 bucks, it's that I didn't pay for the original DID
20:08.27mersaultalso, this is purely a toy for me.
20:08.58Qwell$10 makes for a pretty cheap toy
20:09.13mersaultbut still 10 dollars more than a free toy.
20:09.15Qwellthat's what, 2 (bad) beers?
20:09.44outtoluncAdd a couple zeros to that for my latest toy
20:09.59mersaultalso, since the Canadian support is completely missing, paying for it seems a little silly.
20:10.43*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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20:13.11Qwellouttolunc: yeah, I hear you there.  Mine was about 2000x that.
20:13.19mersaultas soon as they will let me enter a canadian forwarding number, or pair with Rogers like they have sprint, I'll jump at google voice
20:13.31mersaultuntil then, it's just something to amuse my when I'm bored at work.
20:13.44mersaultand I'll take my toy money for something more interesting
20:14.59QwellI recommend a gocart.
20:15.23mersaultthat actually would be a ton of fun.
20:16.44*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
20:20.09mersaultoh, any decent user portals for asterisk? I only really care about call logs and voicemail. freebsd is overkill
20:25.05QwellI think you mean FreePBX..
20:25.15QwellFreeBSD would indeed be overkill for that.
20:25.25*** join/#asterisk theHub (~karl@
20:26.52mersaultQwell: you would be correct. freebsd is muscle memory at this point. I did mean freepbx.
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20:33.04citywokdoes anybody else use and just have problems for the last hour?
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21:23.24citywokoh man i feel bad for anybody that uses as their primary carrier liek i do. hopefully you have a few backup sip accounts that work.
21:29.34*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc ( and ftw!
21:36.14leifmadsencitywok: odd, because I never have problems with them
21:36.31leifmadsenperhaps different types of service?
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22:23.02khalukhi all
22:23.16khalukI have a problem with my elastix.
22:23.57khalukI am using TDM410 card and it doesnt detect hangup on FXO . Is there any body can talk about it?
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22:34.27khalukis there anybody here from TURKEY?
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22:54.02Sereeshi, anybody here... I have some issues with the gentoo install of asterisk using DAHDI and a HFC BRI Card
22:54.25Sereesit seems as if asterisk is not recognizing my signalining... and vise versa
22:54.31Sereesanybody can help on this?
22:55.11WIMPyDescribe what you try to do and what happend (or dosn't happen).
22:55.59tzafrir_laptopSerees, do you see in in dahdi_hardware?
22:57.55Serees### Span  1: ZTHFC1 "HFC-S PCI A ISDN card 0 [TE] " (MASTER) AMI/CCS
22:57.55Serees### Span  2: WCFXO/0 "Wildcard X100P Board 1" RED
22:57.55Sereesmy signaling line used to be signalling = bri_cpe_ptmp
22:58.05Sereesthis worked fine until I upgraded
22:58.21Sereesthen asterisk saw the call comming in
22:58.36Sereesdail plan was executing ok, but the line kept on ringing
22:59.01Sereesthe 'answer' command did not seem to go through to the line
22:59.01WIMPyWhen Asterisk sees the call, the signalling can't be that wrong.
22:59.34Sereesok... then why is the line not picked up?
22:59.58SereesI read somewhere that with DAHDI the signlaing should be bir_cpe_ptmp
22:59.59WIMPyYou can try 'pri set debug 2 span 1'
23:00.11Sereesok, sec
23:00.19WIMPyDo you use current versions of libpri and Asterisk?
23:01.01Sereeslibpri I have no idea... asterisk is 1.4 something (latest one from gentoo tree)
23:01.12fauxalliancelatest my ass
23:01.35WIMPyUh. When using BRI you should really use recent versions.
23:01.47kerframilSerees: asterisk-1.4 isn't in the portage tree anymore so it can't be the latest. I know, becuase I have a 1.4.40 ebuild in my own overlay ;)
23:01.56fauxalliancelike.. at least 1.6... keep current with the documentation
23:02.21WIMPyI'd very much suggest 1.8.
23:02.26SereesConnected to Asterisk currently running on pabx (pid = 23787)
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23:02.52kerframilSerees: if you can pinpoint the regression to an upgrade of dahdi/libpri, that'd be bug material - but only if you can reproduce it in 1.6 because the maintainer doesn't care about anything earlier
23:03.19kerframilok, it is 1.6. fine.
23:03.38Sereeshehe... for me it does not have to be a bug
23:04.20Sereesi know asterisk (at least the older versions) and in my opinion me mistake is usally (at least in my case) situatied between the keyboard and the chair
23:04.25Sereesso i assume it is the same now
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23:06.07fauxalliancechecks the in-flight entertainment
23:06.34fauxallianceohhh.. rofl cakes in first class
23:07.47Sereesthat's the debug output
23:07.57Sereesdon't quite understand it :s
23:08.08fauxalliancehas to close the lid for takeoff... god bless znc
23:08.51Sereesfauxalliance have a nice flight
23:09.39fauxalliancethx1138 Serees
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23:13.13WIMPySerees: It doesn't even seem to try to answer the call.
23:13.26fauxallianceSWG456 cross check and prepare for departure ;)
23:14.18Sereeswhat does the state 3(Establish awaiting TEI) mean?
23:14.23Sereesit seems to be stuck there
23:15.26WIMPyMaybe you've got the wrong signalling. Is it really PTMP?
23:15.48Sereesthat used to work with zaptel
23:17.23WIMPyWell, from the called number looks likely to be ptmp, but as it can't receive a TEI, it's either PTP or the network doesn't receive what you send.
23:18.35WIMPyDid that setup work before? Same hardware?
23:18.55*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
23:19.21Sereesyes, same hardware, nearly same config (only needed to 'upgrade' the dialing plan as some applications are no longer avail in 1.6)
23:19.30WIMPyIs that card the only device connected to that line?
23:20.23*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:20.45SereesI changed the signaling... now it does not seems to get the D channel anymore
23:21.11WIMPyTo bri_cpe?
23:21.18*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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23:21.48Sereesno to bri_cpe_ptp ????
23:21.55Sereestry bri_cpe????
23:22.30WIMPyThere is no _ptp AFAIK.
23:23.32Sereeshehe ok... because you where talking abbout PTP earlier i thought lest try PTP instead of PTMP :D
23:23.54SereesI already said it... there is a stupid link between the chair and the keyboard :p
23:24.18WIMPyWould make sense, but ptmp wasn't avaliable in earlier versions, so ptp is implied.
23:24.27*** join/#asterisk cashback (
23:26.10Sereesno luck
23:26.27Sereesif i use bri_cpe it does not recognize the call even
23:26.35Sereesso it must be bri_cpe_ptmp
23:27.10*** join/#asterisk moy (
23:27.29Sereesso it is not the signalling... maybe the switchtype.... but that used to be correct as well
23:28.36Sereesi find it very strange that the exact same setup worked with 1.2 and stopped working with 1.6... I didn't even touch the hardware :s
23:28.50WIMPyI'd make sure to use at least libpri 1.4.12. There have been a lot of issues with earlier versions.
23:29.06WIMPyOr not use libpri :-)
23:29.30Sereeshow can I see if or not i use libpri?
23:29.45WIMPyBut that's a choice of what features you need/want.
23:29.57WIMPyYou do. chan_dahdi needs libpri.
23:30.13Sereesoh ok
23:30.23WIMPyBut if you use DSS-1 you've got chan_misdn or chan_lcr as alternatives.
23:30.33WIMPyThey don't use libpri.
23:31.53Sereeswell... I don't need a lot of features.... just to be able to make a call (if possible with setting the CID) and to answer calles (also based on the dailed number) 3 inwards dialing numbers have 3 different configs
23:32.05Sereesother than that it does not matter to much to me
23:32.44Sereeslibpri- is installed
23:32.46WIMPyWell. "make a call" might not be as straight forward as one would like to think.
23:33.24WIMPyIIRC the 1.4.11 region had changes to TEI management as well.
23:33.44Sereeshehe lol... i'm sure it isn't... but the wonder full developers of asterisk make it as straidforward for me as possible :D
23:33.55Sereeslets see if I can easily upgrade that
23:34.02WIMPyErr, no.
23:34.34Sereesno to easilly upgrade libpri or the other comment?
23:35.00WIMPyJust make a call where you've got the hole number at once and you just have a conversation is ok, but if you want to dial digit by digit or get tones and announcements it can become quite tricky.
23:35.32Sereesi can upgrage to 1.4.12_beta2
23:35.43WIMPyYou need to recompile Asterisk after installing a new libpri.
23:35.58Sereesthat's not an issue
23:36.45*** join/#asterisk RypPn2 (~RypPn2@
23:37.06Sereesit would bee libpri 1.4.12_beta2 and asterisk-
23:38.34*** part/#asterisk millsu2 (
23:39.27Sereeslibpri upgraded... asterisk recompiling
23:39.53WIMPyLet's hope that helps.
23:41.29Sereeshehe, indeed
23:42.26Sereesone of the things i was never able to get running in my previous setup was to set the outwords CID... any idea what i could have done wronge... I used the SETCID command to set it to the correct number
23:42.50Sereesperhaps it is to difficult to say without additional data... but is that the correct way of doing it?
23:43.05Serees(applications are compiling)
23:45.29WIMPyThat doesn't exist any more. Set(CALLERID(num)=...)
23:45.56Sereesbut it also works for outging calls?
23:46.07*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:46.10WIMPyAnd a possible isse is with number plans. Bot as configured in chan_dahdi.conf as well as the format in the above statement.
23:46.41WIMPyWhere else should a set make a change?
23:47.34SereesWell I also use it to make a change in an incomming call....
23:47.53WIMPyNo, you do it on outgoing call.
23:48.02WIMPyYou have to see it from the Asterisk perspective.
23:48.06ruben23hi guys anyone have idea ekiga have g711 codec..?
23:48.10WIMPyIt's out of Asterisk.
23:48.22WIMPyEverything has G.711.
23:48.33Sereesoh ok... in that way
23:49.00WIMPyMaybe only a-law or only µ-law, but certainly one of them.
23:49.03Sereesnever looked at it in that way
23:49.45Sereescompiled and running again
23:49.51WIMPyAsterisk doesn't make a difference between a line or trunk and a phone.
23:49.52Sereeslet's have a look
23:50.16Sereesit acts as a bridge
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23:50.34Sereescall is not detected
23:53.55ruben23WIMPy: but on the ekiga softphones codec menu there is no codec present g711.
23:54.06*** join/#asterisk RypPn2 (
23:55.12WIMPyruben23: It's called PCMA or ACMU there.
23:56.38ruben23WIMPy: thanks, i have registered the ekiga on my asterisk already- how do i make conferecen call on this any idea..?
23:57.31WIMPyUse MeetMe() or ConfBridge().
23:58.18Sereesit does not load ... configure it in modules.conf? autoload=yes
23:58.48WIMPyMaybe there's something wrong in chan_dahdi.conf?
23:59.15WIMPyIf you turn up debug/verbose and try to manually load it you should get a message.
23:59.32Sereesno.... asterisk.conf is missing with the directory to load modules from.... reinstalling it messed up my config it seems
23:59.39WIMPyruben23: You put that in Asterisk's dialplan.

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