IRC log for #asterisk on 20110320

00:06.33*** join/#asterisk rajiv (~rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
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00:56.53*** join/#asterisk ickmund (~ickmund@2001:470:c864:2:219:e3ff:fe02:b4c7)
01:21.07*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (~sjobeck@
01:22.20roxdragonhelp :)
01:25.35*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
01:26.59*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (~sjobeck@
01:29.12*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
01:30.15FinboySlickI'm trying to have an asterisk talk with an old, decrepit 1.4.22 box through iax.  It all works but I get massive stuttering only in the direction from the new box to the old box.  I'm assuming it's some sort of jitter buffer issue but could probably use a few hints.  (Yeah, I know the big hint is to upgrade the remote box, it's just not mine).
01:32.03*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
01:41.09radenelb, ?
01:41.22radendoes asterisk actually no when a call is totally missed ?
01:41.42elbraden: if asterisk receives it, yes
01:41.54elbif it doesn't make it *to* asterisk, then of course no
01:42.02radenwell im saying in asterisk
01:42.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:42.11radenwhere does it say if it was totally missed ?
01:43.12elbwell, that depends on your dialplan
01:43.14elbyou should know, right?
01:43.23elbyou know what Dial() returns
01:43.33elbif you don't do something *else* with it after Dial ... it was missed
01:48.24*** part/#asterisk shortcircuit (
01:49.18radenhmm never paid close enough attention I guess
01:49.26*** join/#asterisk tstorm (
01:52.37*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:52.40FinboySlickHmmm, during a call, tcpdump shows the 1.6.2 box sending few, larger (336 and 500 bytes) packets to the 1.4.22 box, while the 1.4.22 box always sends 164 byte packets.  Maybe this has something to do with it.
01:53.45radenFinboySlick, I would start there
01:54.36FinboySlickraden: Codec discrepancy?  I think they're both ulaw.
01:55.12radenyou using IAX ?
01:55.26FinboySlickraden: Yes.
01:56.20*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
01:57.06radentrying to find something one moment
01:59.38radenu might have a codex issue
01:59.55*** join/#asterisk remnant13 (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
02:00.15FinboySlickYeah, just forced gsm and it's all smooth and  nice.
02:00.25roxdragonhelp SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
02:15.52*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:19.58*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:21.34roxdragonhow to configure on asterisk: bindaddr=                ; IP address to bind to ( binds to all)            Cos'è sto bind address?
02:21.49roxdragonhow to configure?
02:23.49*** join/#asterisk fnordus (
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02:47.13*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:52.05*** join/#asterisk roxdragon (~roxdragon@unaffiliated/roxdragon)
02:59.34FreeaqingmeCan anybody explain me this line? Google isn't very helpful: Difference is 3936, ms is 512
03:04.21roxdragonused your nokia with asterisk?
03:04.51*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:09.09Freeaqingmeroxdragon, nope
03:14.19*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~Joe@
03:14.27Aut0Execanyone get asterisk going on their router?
03:17.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:22.57*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
03:27.08roxdragonMOH don't work
03:30.42*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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04:05.39*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
04:09.25*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
04:09.51asteriskmonkeyim having an issue with realtime and i think its an asterisk draw back
04:10.15asteriskmonkeyim creating contexts in my realtime extensions and there not reachable.. i know i tried this 5 years ago with no luck as it wasnt designed that ay
04:10.24asteriskmonkeyis it still this way?
04:13.13*** join/#asterisk w3rt (
04:13.18asteriskmonkeyis there no way have having contexts usable in realtime without having to first define them and use the switch=> Realtime in the flat file?
04:18.42*** join/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
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05:07.16*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
05:26.15*** join/#asterisk drcode (
05:26.16drcodehi all
05:26.59drcodeI want to use db or to write into db for iax users
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07:47.00*** join/#asterisk kaushal (
07:47.51kaushalwhats the Card specification for setting up E1 PRI 30 Channels
07:47.59kaushalfor asterisk software
07:50.09kaushalAlso is there a Automated dialer facility available in Asterisk ?
08:07.18*** part/#asterisk kaushal (
08:13.29*** join/#asterisk kaushal (
08:13.44kaushalchecking in again for the query ?
08:14.28wdoekes2there is a project that uses asterisk
08:14.39wdoekes2I don't remember the name.. some kind of callcenter app
08:15.06wdoekes2otherwise, the facility can be made.. asterisk provides all the building blocks
08:15.35kaushalwdoekes2: Are you referring to me ?
08:15.43wdoekes2to your second question, yes
08:16.26kaushalwdoekes2: which card do you recommend for E1 PRI line
08:17.56wdoekes2kaushal: not a clue, I use SIP over ethernet only
08:18.06kaushaland also which Linux Distribution OS would be suitable to set up Asterisk
08:18.17wdoekes2debian or ubuntu
08:18.31wdoekes2not because they're better suited for asterisk, just because they're better ;)
08:18.42kaushalso debian squeeze ?
08:18.47kaushalor ubuntu lucid ?
08:18.59wdoekes2if you're unsure, go with ubuntu
08:19.33kaushalAlso does asterisk support Voice XML ?
08:19.43wdoekes2never heard of
08:20.37kaushalwdoekes2: ok
08:21.16kaushalAnyone else can guide me about Voice XML and the PRI card
08:23.01kaushalalso what would be the recommended Hardware box for setting up Asterisk ?
08:23.08*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
08:23.10kaushalis it quad core or dual core .... ?
08:23.27kaushaland with Memory requirements
08:23.35wdoekes2hardware depends entirely on the use
08:23.50kaushalis it better to go with the Intel Xeon or AMD ?
08:24.01wdoekes2my my.. you have a lot of questions, don't you?
08:24.12kaushalyes i do have
08:24.18kaushalis that a problem ?
08:24.35wdoekes2afaik, it really doesn't matter which processor brand you use
08:24.52wdoekes2as for memory and speed/cores.. you'll need to find out by hand
08:25.13kaushalis it listed out in ?
08:25.23wdoekes2until you're running several hundred calls, or are doing complicated scripting/recording, a low-end machine will do just fine
08:25.51wdoekes2(thinking 2ghz/2gb ram)
08:25.59kaushalI would be dialling out 10000 calls
08:26.33kaushal240 calls simulatenaously
08:26.47kaushalI mean Outbound Calls
08:27.20kaushaland also what would be the Disk space requirement
08:27.42kaushalDoes it have a HA mode available too ?
08:27.49wdoekes2nothing significant.. unless you plan to do special things (like store recordings)
08:28.15wdoekes2it's not designed to be HA.. but there are ways you can minimize downtime
08:28.23wdoekes2like with any other app
08:28.35kaushaland also what would be the Disk space requirement ?
08:28.39wdoekes209:27 < wdoekes2> nothing significant.. unless you plan to do special things (like store recordings)
08:30.08kaushalso ideally it would be a quad core / 8 Gigs RAM / 500 GB Hard Disk ?
08:30.22kaushalis that a overkill ?
08:30.47kaushalsince i believe its processor intensive
08:31.30wdoekes2unsure.. SIP/RTP is not that cpu intensive when you're not transcoding
08:31.52wdoekes2but I know nothing about other channel drivers
08:32.26wdoekes2the specs look fine..
08:34.25*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
08:44.01*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
08:46.27*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
08:54.00*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
09:04.23*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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09:32.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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11:06.04*** join/#asterisk proute (
11:06.57proutesomeone can tell me where I can find on or digium website, a technical docs about concurent call limit please?
11:11.04tzafrir_laptopproute, theoretically there's no limit. In practice there are quite a few bottle-necks
11:11.42tzafrir_laptopFirst and foremost - how many calls can your CPU(s) process?
11:11.55tzafrir_laptopThere are a number of other bottlenecks
11:12.24tzafrir_laptopThe actual numbers vary greatly and highly depend on the exact usage pattern
11:13.12tzafrir_laptopGenerally - take a system, start bombarding it with calls (That represent your calls profile realistcly enough
11:13.17proutetzafrir_laptop: some people say me that asterisk can support about 250 simultaneous calls
11:13.26tzafrir_laptopAnd make sure calls running on the system still sound good enough
11:13.55tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure where such an exact number comes from
11:14.13tzafrir_laptopBut it can easily top that. Given the right hardware
11:14.35proutetzafrir_laptop: for you, the call limit (incoming, outboun and internal) depend of cpu, ram and system?
11:14.47tzafrir_laptop(And natually, if you're only fter benchmarketting: make sure calls involve no transcoding and such ;-) )
11:15.08proutetzafrir_laptop: I will use can reinvite
11:15.24tzafrir_laptopRAM is actually much less of an issue. Unless you record calls. In which case I/O matters
11:15.44proutetzafrir_laptop: I would like use asterisk like an opensips
11:16.04tzafrir_laptopIf you don't send media through Asterisk, you avoid many of the nicer abilities.
11:16.39tzafrir_laptopAsetrisk is not like opensips. I hope you're well aware of the differences
11:17.20proutetzafrir_laptop: Yes, I know difference. for me when I say "like opensisp" it's an example
11:17.49prouteDo you thinks that asterisk is able to work with about 2000 simultaneous calls?
11:18.40prouteof course, with a good CPU and hardware
11:28.24tzafrir_laptop2000 is quite a lot. In such a case, try to have more than one server
11:28.41tzafrir_laptopIn any case, you'll need to spend some time optimizing things
11:31.04proutetzafrir_laptop: thanks. To resume asterisk is able to make more 250 simultaneous call?
11:39.46tzafrir_laptopproute, yes
11:47.09*** join/#asterisk tris (
11:53.27*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
12:00.51*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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12:02.17*** join/#asterisk resno (~bryan@unaffiliated/resno)
12:02.28resnowhat ports do i need to open up to allow access to asterisk?
12:05.55ariel_ssh = 22, Sip = 5060 rtp =10,000 to 20,000
12:06.10resnoariel_: ")
12:06.18ariel_If your running a gui then 443 = https and 80 = http
12:06.23ariel_resno: morning
12:06.37resnogoing out of town and hoping to use elastix to call to locals
12:09.30tzafrir_laptopsip: UDP 5060. RTP: you can change that range of ports. Feel free to (and it's UDP)
12:09.35*** join/#asterisk pressureman (
12:09.41tzafrir_laptopssh, HTTP, HTTPS: those are TCP
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12:09.58pressuremananyone here managed to configured ipv6 on yealink or tiptel phones?
12:11.50resnotzafrir_laptop: yea, ssh, and http(s) arent needed so much... just access
12:12.18resnowheres the specfication for port in elastix?
12:14.56*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
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12:48.00*** join/#asterisk IridiumScaffold (~Will_Roue@
12:48.28IridiumScaffoldanyone know anything about fax detection in asterisk 1.8?
12:55.51*** join/#asterisk roxdragon (~roxdragon@unaffiliated/roxdragon)
12:55.56roxdragon/j #debian-it
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13:04.46roxdragonhi all
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14:02.40benngardIridiumScaffold: no but i am looking for info to
14:06.10benngardIridiumScaffold: u mean like jumping to fax extension?
14:08.01*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
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14:11.11IridiumScaffoldI have a voicetronix card
14:11.19IridiumScaffoldchan_vbp, but no one seems to use it for that.
14:11.37roxdragonhow do I install asterisk-addons-
14:11.40IridiumScaffoldyet earlier our problem was it kept intercepting the faxes
14:12.09IridiumScaffoldNow I can't seem to get it to throw the right events up.
14:12.17roxdragononly in the form to mp3. MySQL are not interested in installing
14:12.37roxdragonkaldemar, ping
14:14.32*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
14:24.21benngardIridiumScaffold: let me do some test, i will enable faxdetect on an extension and send a fax to it
14:24.32*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
14:30.55benngardIridiumScaffold: it didnt jump to fax extension :(
14:31.13benngardand i am 100% sure it was a t38 call
14:31.18benngardroxdragon: yes?
14:31.33psilikonI am trying to figure out why i am getting poor performance on a Debain 6.0 box running *  When the system is playing moh and I am ssh'd to the box and do something as simple as a 'find' or large dir 'ls' I get really choppy audio.  Atom d510 (1.66Ghz dual core w/ HT) 2GB ram.  This doesn't happen on my p3 800mhz system with 512MB ram. Any suggestions?
14:32.00roxdragonhelp plrase
14:32.21psilikonThe p3 is running * 1.4.39 on Arch Linux
14:33.36benngardroxdragon: what kind of linux are u runnig?
14:34.11roxdragonyes debian
14:34.51benngardi am running debian 2.6.26-2-686 and Asterisk 1.8.4-rc2
14:36.27roxdragonbenngard,  how to solve?
14:36.29roxdragonchan_ooh323.h:53:26: error: asterisk/rtp.h: No such file or directory
14:36.42benngardroxdragon: sec, i am thinking
14:37.41benngardroxdragon: u aint afraid of compiling asterisk from scratch?
14:39.33roxdragonasterisk compiled from 0
14:39.44roxdragoni try installing addons
14:40.00roxdragonbut rtp.h no such file
14:40.01benngardroxdragon: u dont need asterisk-addons, just enable ooh323 in make menuselect, its already there
14:40.45roxdragonbenngard, i need activate Music on hold with support mp3
14:40.46benngardroxdragon: give me a minute a will send u a very simple "build" file
14:42.18tzafrir_laptoppsilikon, what disk do you use?
14:43.23tzafrir_laptopAlso: do you get the same choppy sound the second time you run that find command on the same directory?
14:44.32psilikontzafrir_laptop: a 5400 rpm 160gb sata.
14:44.51psilikonmy p3 system is using a old OLD 5400 40gb drive.
14:45.34tzafrir_laptoppsilikon, also: Debian 6.0 with a Lenny kernel? Haven't booted yet after the upgrade?
14:45.43*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
14:46.10psilikontzafrir_laptop: 6.0 kernel. Fresh install from 6.0.
14:46.30benngardroxdragon: <- that will build with ooh323 support, u can ofc change to whatever tag/branch u want
14:47.32psilikontzafrir_laptop: ppl in the debian channel are telling me to upgrade to the non-free realtek firmware for the eth adapter.
14:47.37benngardroxdragon: if a where u, i go for that version, alot of new oo323 stuff in rhere, will be even more when may has comitted this weakend work
14:48.33roxdragonbenngard, i try compile asterisk addons not asterik 1.8
14:49.50benngardroxdragon: but addons are in asterisk
14:51.23*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
14:51.52benngardatleast ooh323 and mp3 support
14:51.59tzafrir_laptoppsilikon, oops. Sorry, I confused you with someone else on the channel...
14:52.11roxdragonbenngard, i have download asterisk Asterisk from
14:52.29roxdragonand addons... Add-Ons
14:53.06benngardu dont need addons for ooh323 and mp3 support
14:53.13benngarddid u run make menuselect?
14:55.14*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (
14:55.52datacompboyHi! :) Sorry for very-very dumb question, but what *prefix variables in chan_dahdi.conf stands for?
14:56.34datacompboyi have got incoming call with "TON: National Number" type of caller id, i have nationalprefix set to 0049, but CALLERID(num) is still without 0049 prefix.
14:57.33WIMPyIIRC the prefix stuff is only for outgoing calls.
14:57.57WIMPyFor incomming you have to do it in your dialplan.
14:59.32roxdragonbenngard, ????
14:59.57WIMPyOTOH the whole TON stuff in dahdi confuses me every time :-(
15:00.05benngardroxdragon: i am running back and forth, if u gonna install from scratch, go for 1.8
15:00.23benngardroxdragon: try the small script i sent u
15:00.42benngardit will take a while to build it but it will work
15:03.21*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
15:04.07datacompboyWIMPy: pffr... outgoing numbers i have always normalized... fine. where to get class of incoming number? i see no that in CALLERID()
15:05.02datacompboyWIMPy: aggh... callerid(ton). funny, 1.6+.
15:06.19WIMPyOne of the reasons why I still prefer chan_lcr over chan_dahdi.
15:06.43WIMPyYou have full screening and pattern replacement in both directions with LCR.
15:07.26roxdragonbenngard,  don't work
15:07.34roxdragonon make
15:08.19datacompboyWIMPy: i need only receive and send calls over zaptel's E1 card, nothing more. chan_lcr are too overbloated for that :)
15:08.54WIMPyIt does eat resources, yes.
15:08.57datacompboywell, then, need to make additional per-server config for incoming number decode. i was think that chan_dahdi per-server should be ok for that.
15:10.40WIMPyAnd it depends on your hardware, off course.
15:10.41datacompboyWIMPy: Thanks for help!
15:10.46*** part/#asterisk datacompboy (
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15:17.11benngardroxdragon: what+ what kind of error du u get?
15:17.19datacompboyWIMPy: ${CALLERID(ton)} return unstead of 1 for international...
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk nathan7 (nathan@unaffiliated/nathan7)
15:17.47datacompboyWIMPy: ${CALLERID(ton)} returns 17 instead of 1 for international...
15:18.32roxdragonbenngard, i am executing your command, make menuselectd, > save > make
15:18.38WIMPy17? Sounds like a bug. Maybe it includes the SI.
15:18.45WIMPyWhat version of Asterisk?
15:18.48roxdragonmake: asterisk /rtp.h no such file o directory
15:18.59datacompboyWIMPy: Asterisk
15:19.41WIMPyI'd go for a more recent version of libpri and Asterisk.
15:20.31datacompboylibpri is patched for a bit, but only in case of replace zero byte in number to letter "B"
15:20.50datacompboyto make sure receive number with letters over DSS
15:21.02datacompboynot think that touch that option
15:21.29WIMPyZero byte?
15:22.31datacompboyWIMPy: yes, when nuber "55555A3333" routed to asterisk, asterisk receive packet with "35 35 35 35 35 00 33 33 33 33". It just cuts off at zero byte, since it string-terminator.
15:23.04datacompboyI always patch libpri to replace zero byte with letter "A", and that makes me happy.
15:23.38datacompboyif (!strncasecmp("ton", data, 3)) { snprintf(buf, len, "%d", chan->cid.cid_ton); }
15:23.39*** join/#asterisk anny__ (~chatzilla@
15:23.44datacompboylooks like there should be no bug...
15:23.49anny__hey all
15:25.18datacompboyWIMPy: Fuuny :) found: pri->pvts[chanpos]->cid_ton = e->ring.callingplan; /* this is the callingplan (TON/NPI), e->ring.callingplan>>4 would be the TON */
15:25.46datacompboyi need to divide that number by 16.
15:27.00datacompboyWIMPy: can you fix wiki page at ? to note that it can also require shift
15:30.12pressuremanwhen i run freeswitch on my PC Engines ALIX board (500 MHz CPU, 256MB RAM), my kernel compilation runs a bit slower than usual, but my audio sounds fine. any suggestions?
15:30.23WIMPyIt should only contain te TON, not the whole byte.
15:30.45WIMPyAnd I have only seen valid vslues for TON so far.
15:31.50*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
15:33.40datacompboyWIMPy: yes, looks like in 1.8 that get fixed
15:34.45datacompboyWIMPy: if, of course, p->cid_ton = caller->id.number.plan; == id.number.plan is only plan part :)
15:35.52WIMPyI don't think Asterisk has any concept of screening, so that makes sense.
15:36.51WIMPyWhich is something that needs some work. The translation between screening and CALLERID types and back again.
15:36.53datacompboyPffr... "*/% Return the results of multiplication, integer division, or remainder of integer-valued arguments." it do FLOAT division. $[17/16]=1.0625, not 1 :(
15:37.54WIMPyYou already fond the correct spot in the source to correct it there.
15:38.14*** part/#asterisk pressureman (
15:39.18WIMPyIf oyu fix it in the dialplan it will fail if you upgrade to a version where the bug was fixed.
15:39.21datacompboyWIMPy: i have to manage ~10 servers, where asterisk used as E1<=>SIP router. for me easier to make extensions.conf that can be shipped to any system-distributed asterisk version, that maintain patched/source built asterisk on every
15:39.45datacompboyWIMPy: if > 16; then /=16; else eat_as_is
15:39.59WIMPyThat will wok, yes.
15:40.44WIMPyBut I still wonder what kind of funny caller IDs you're patching around.
15:41.16*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~chatzilla@
15:42.22datacompboyWIMPy: i can receive Local, National or International number, depending from place of caller. But system understand only 00XXXX normalized numbers. So i need to convert any kind of number to 00-prefixed international number
15:42.50WIMPySure. I mean that zero byte thing.
15:43.39datacompboyWIMPy: non-dialable by normal users numbers. paid 0900 lines routed to number with letter in it. noone can call that number directly
15:44.27WIMPySo libpri does not accept anything that's outside the range 0-9?
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15:45.06WIMPyOr even terminates there?
15:45.14datacompboyWIMPy: Accept. But number that sent over PRI line have zero byte in it. If it send zero byte to asterisk as-is, asterisk cuts number at that point, and instead "5555\03333" asterisk see only "5555"
15:46.07WIMPySo you receive it as 0x00 already? Or is it sent to you as letter and then gets lost somewhere?
15:46.25datacompboyMay be it can be useful to add option to handle that byte on asterisk side, but it took too much time to discuss at bugzilla, to describe why that really useful etc. i have negative experience in past with that :) so now have just easier to have patched version locally.
15:46.53datacompboyAccording to "pri set debug span 1" it receive it as 00 already
15:47.36WIMPyHmm. That wouldn't be too friendly from your telco.
15:48.06datacompboyWIMPy: i have that on several telco in several countries, so i think that just realty, where i should live
15:48.13WIMPysomething like 1234B5678 as you gave as an example would be more usual.
15:48.45datacompboyWIMPy: telco technick said that letters a-f not working using DSS signalling, and only can be used within SS7
15:49.06datacompboy1 < [70 10 a1 31 31 31 31 30 38 33 38 36 00 30 30 30 30 31]
15:49.07datacompboy1 < Called Number (len=18) [ Ext: 1  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  '111108386B00001' ]
15:50.24WIMPyIt's perfectly possible to even dial an URL using DSS1.
15:50.44WIMPyBut it might be hard to find something that will understand it :-)
15:51.16WIMPyI have already seen numbers containing semicolon for exactly your purpose.
15:51.35WIMPyBut a zero byte seems a little strange.
15:51.46datacompboyWIMPy: that can be problem only to their hardware :) yes, i understand that there no problem with sending 41 instead of 00
15:51.57datacompboyBut i get 00 from several telco's
15:52.10datacompboyColon? E.163 doesn't allow colon...
15:52.48datacompboyAfair, there was only 0-9 and A-F
15:52.54datacompboysorry, A-D
15:52.58datacompboyE/F reserved
15:53.20WIMPyWell, as you explaind yourself, the idea is that it cannot be dialed by any user.
15:53.44datacompboyyes, and zero byte can't be dialed too :)
15:53.59WIMPyYes, but that's usually hard to match as well.
15:54.14datacompboybut just possibility to have B,C,D just adds me 30000 more numbers to route.
15:54.23WIMPySo that doesn't seem to be an obvious choice.
15:55.01datacompboyTelco said they route number as-is. We have tried A/B/C/D -- and all of them reach telco as letter, and reach us as 00
15:55.56WIMPyWhat kind of equipment do they expect on your end that would be able to match numbers that contain null bytes?
15:56.18WIMPyI think I'd take that as a bug on their side.
15:56.42WIMPyOr at the place hosting the numbers.
15:57.08datacompboyWIMPy: may be. you gave me good point, i'll try to eat brain of technics from all available telcos in case of what hardware they do use, and why letter get eaten
15:57.54WIMPyThat doesn't look intentional to me.
15:58.24datacompboyWIMPy: yes, but if it can work better, imho, it should work better. :)
15:59.27*** join/#asterisk Andrew__M (62712e05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:02.12Andrew__MQ: What's the best way of making a list of 100 or so numbers that are allowed to call me?
16:03.45Andrew__MI would then send all others to voice mail.
16:05.13roxdragonbenngard, where install redame-addons.txt?
16:05.17elbI dunno about best, but for a small list like that I'd use astdb
16:06.06elbif you don't mind entering the numbers at the console (perhaps via a script), that's trivial ... writing a dialplan to add/remove numbers is not super difficult, but would take more time
16:06.29elbdo something like
16:07.09Andrew__Melb: I am listening...
16:08.06*** part/#asterisk datacompboy (
16:08.13elbexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${DB(whitelist/CALLERID(num))} = "yes"]?ring)
16:08.23elbexten => s,n,Voicemail(...)
16:08.30elbexten => s,n,Hangup()
16:08.35elbexten => s,n,Dial(...)
16:08.40elberm, that last one should be
16:08.51elbexten => s,n(ring),Dial(...)
16:08.55elbor whatever, you get the picture
16:09.33elbthen you can add entries to the whitelist at the console with 'database put whitelist 15155551212 yes'
16:10.15Andrew__Melb: Yes, thank you, I understand.  But how do I keep track of whose number is in whitelist?  To avoid duplicates.  Currently the numbers are in Google Contacts.
16:11.19elbif you use a db put like that, you can't have duplicates
16:11.27elbputting the same number twice is idempotent
16:11.36elbI mean, don't get me wrong, that's a hack of a solution
16:11.42elbit's just super easy :-)
16:12.08benngardroxdragon: sip:/usr/src/asterisk-1.8.4# ls README-addons.txt
16:12.47Andrew__Melb: I originally thought of having an external file with 2124354657 ;Mom etc. with several entries under each other.  But could not figure out a way to make Asterisk read and use a file like that.
16:13.07elbsure, you could do that, and there are interfaces which would make that rasonable
16:13.16elbbut the db is so easy to use that I use it for many such tasks
16:13.43elbI even use it for a dialin authentication so that users can dial as their own extension from remote, etc.
16:13.53elbpassword management in the dialplan and everything ;-)
16:14.00Andrew__Melb: could I store and retrieve associated names?
16:14.18elbyou might want to look at CUT()
16:15.19elbI store entries like exten;jid@jabberserver;defaultcontext;etc
16:15.43elbthen  use DB to retrieve them based on whatever key, and CUT() to extract the field I want
16:16.08Andrew__Melb: OK, thanks.  I need to read The Asterisk book section about the AstDB.
16:16.24elbyeah, it's worht reading
16:16.47elbI believe there are also modules to let you use external databases in a similar fashion
16:16.53elbwhich, for a large install, you might want to look into
16:17.12elbfor me, my server has only myself and maybe six other people on it... so I do a lot with DB()
16:17.55Andrew__Melb: Yes, I love the book, but did not get to AstDB yet.  This server is a home system, so a small DB should be more than enough.
16:18.19elbgood luck :-)
16:18.37Andrew__Melb: Thanks again!  :-)
16:19.33elbby the way, check my syntax up there on the DB/CUT/etc.
16:19.41elbthat was off the top of my head
16:19.49elbthere may be some bracket/brace/paren problems
16:20.40Andrew__Melb: I will check, but your head top is pretty good.  I could never memorize so much code.
16:21.35elbI just happen to have worked on this quite recently
16:21.38elbotherwise, yeah
16:21.43elbdialplan syntax is a bit grotty ;-)
16:22.36roxdragonbenngard,  asterisk moh don't work with mp3.... how to solve?
16:25.11*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
16:25.46KingDavidNYCHello, I have a question on how to setup asterisk with opensips, can anyone helpe me?
16:27.21*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
16:27.24eject_ckHi all
16:28.12Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: Do you mean how to connect them together?
16:29.01eject_ckI want to send ~ 100 faxes. I have 10 licenses fax for *. I'm creating 100 .call files and putting all of them to /outgoing folder. It works for me with 1 .call file. How it will work if I will put all 100 files ?
16:29.32KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: I think I got some concepts now, but the way I am getting it, is that all registration and user information will be handled now by opensips, is that correct?
16:29.46eject_ckwhat's best practice ?
16:30.10Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: What are you trying to achieve?
16:31.06eject_ckhow asterisk's queue deal with channel licenses ?
16:31.15eject_ckI can guess no interaction :))
16:31.23eject_ckI'm wrong ?
16:32.14KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: In asterisk I was used to put the list use users and devices in sip.conf... it looks like I dont need to do that anymore since opensips now handles the database of the users correct?... I am trying to use opensips as a proxy and asterisk as a the pbx
16:32.50KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: but I want to do voip hosting with this combination,
16:32.52Andrew__Meject_ck: Be a little patient.  Sometimes you get an answer minutes and even hours later from users that are away, but monitoring the chat.
16:33.10eject_ckAndrew__M: sure I will :0
16:33.12eject_ckAndrew__M: sure I will :)
16:35.22Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: I know this can be done, because we have a vendor (in Manhattan) who proposed exactly this.  I personally don't yet know how this is done.
16:36.02*** part/#asterisk IridiumScaffold (~Will_Roue@
16:36.14eject_ckfound part of answer in faq
16:36.17eject_ckIn the event that all of your available fax channel licenses are in use, perhaps two calls are in progress and two licenses are available, and another call, the third, requests access to the fax modems, then the third call will fail. Asterisk does not queue up calls pending the release of a fax license from an active session because remote fax machines do not sit idle waiting to begin transmitting
16:36.40eject_cka fax, they respond better if the call is hung up — most fax machines include automated redial capabilities. Best practice then is to always maintain one more channel of Fax For Asterisk licenses then you think that you will need.
16:37.02KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: in an asterisk+opensips combination, where does the list of users go? in the asterisk db, or in the opensips db?
16:41.41*** join/#asterisk Andrew__M (62712e05@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:42.13Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: I am back.
16:43.06KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: it is just that I find it hard to believe that opensips will handle the database of users..I need confirmation
16:44.13Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: I believe it acts as a heavy-duty switch, freeing Asterisk.
16:45.04KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: are you familiar with the module of opensips?
16:45.32Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: not familiar, sorry.
16:45.42KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: ok thanks
16:46.58Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: If you need a vendor in Manhattan, I can refer you.  They are experts in this.
16:47.46KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: that will be good, thank you
16:50.59Andrew__MKingDavidNYC: EUS Networks on 5th Ave and 30th st (or so) 212-624-5943.  Jeronimo Romero is one of the owners and he is extremely knowleagable.
16:58.06*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
16:58.30n1x0nif I user register => in sip.conf to forward incomming call to some extension - does this have to be in [genera] ? I would prefer to have [general] with default context and then [inbound] with context=inbound but it doesn't quite work - any suggestions appreciated
16:58.47*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
16:59.06elbn1x0n: I'm not sure register does what you think it does
16:59.15elbn1x0n: the register statement does nothing but notify the SIP peer that you exist
16:59.26elbit does not control how inbound calls from that SIP peer are handled
17:00.00elbif that peer matches the [inbound] stanza according to the matching rules in the documentation, then incoming calls will be handled  by [inbound]
17:00.07n1x0nbut that's the only place I tell it to forward incoming calls to particular extensions - that's why I assumed it is for inbound
17:00.21elbdefine 'that'
17:00.41n1x0nregister =>
17:01.00elbthe register doesn't tell it anything about forwarding
17:01.03n1x0nI do
17:02.33n1x0nelb: ok so... I must be going mad as only register => section has the extension number that is called when I get incomming call. What in this case decides which extension to call ifthere is incoming call from particular provider ?
17:02.58elbyou're telling the remote provider to call a specific extension?
17:03.06elbif you don't want them to do that, don't do that
17:04.12elbthe information you put in the register statement is sent ot the other server, it doesn't affect your local dialplan
17:04.27n1x0nmmmmm ok I start seeing what I'm doing wrong
17:04.31elbif you send /context to the remote side, they'll try to dial in on the context you send -- but you can redirect or deny that if you want
17:05.07KingDavidNYCAndrew_M: thank you Andrew
17:05.24elbn1x0n: see p. 103ish of the Asterisk book
17:05.31n1x0nelb: ok thanks, makes more sense I think... i.e. I totally missunderstood register :-/
17:05.46n1x0nelb: will do now , back to documentation then :)
17:07.10n1x0nbtw I started breaking my config as caller id was not passed to phones - but I can see From: in tcpdump o_O but that later... thx again
17:12.18*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
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17:33.50gentoo_fun2just got this error The PRI_CALL_HOLD installation appears to be missing or broken
17:33.54gentoo_fun2when updating asterisk
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17:43.00n1x0nelb: so I have mu two providers with context="inout" but I can see in logs that it rejects "because extension not found in contest 'default' :-/
17:43.52elbhow are you matching them
17:44.02elb(secret, ip, name, etc. ?)
17:44.46n1x0nw8, I'll strip passwords and upload to pastie
17:48.17*** join/#asterisk zxd (~zxd@
17:48.23zxdhow do I turn off logging in asterisk
17:49.38n1x0nelb: extensions : , sip : (stripped)
17:50.36tzafrir_laptopzxd, edit logger.conf
17:50.36n1x0ni.e. I don't get why incomming calls are in context 'default' (which I intentionally want to leave blank/empty for security reasons)
17:50.43tzafrir_laptopTo apply changer: logger reload
17:50.49tzafrir_laptop(in the asterisk CLI)
17:51.12tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, set the context in the config file of the channel driver
17:53.22n1x0ntzafrir_laptop: ugh, ok it's not clear where it is but I'll do further googling about 'channel driver' , thanks!
17:53.45tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, what type of call? SIP? analog?
17:55.03elbn1x0n: so, you have 'password' for all your password entries ... when, say, SIPs into your box, do they register with a password?
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17:55.20elband are you sure that the calls are coming from ?
17:55.46tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, 'context = ' in sip.conf
17:55.52n1x0nelb: I've changed these from real passwords, I assume they do
17:56.02elbtzafrir_laptop: he has that
17:56.24n1x0nelb: well I call the DID number from each operator
17:56.27elbn1x0n: if they're not registering with a username/password, you probably don't want that there ... many SIP providers do not
17:56.29tzafrir_laptopI guess that not in the right place
17:56.31n1x0nso they must be comming from them I guess
17:56.53n1x0nelb: I', pretty sure they do - I can see them in sip show peers
17:56.57n1x0nand sip show registry
17:56.57tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, set 'context = does-not-exist' in [general]
17:57.08tzafrir_laptopApply it ('sip reload')
17:57.12n1x0nk w8
17:57.19tzafrir_laptopNow: where do incoming calls go to?
17:57.32elbtzafrir_laptop: did you look at his config?
17:57.36elb(he pasted it above)
17:58.33n1x0n[Mar 20 17:58:13] NOTICE[31217]: chan_sip.c:20152 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'does-not-exist'.
17:58.49elbyes, we know that the incoming stanzas are not being respected
17:58.54n1x0nso it matches the default on in [general] which I don't want as mentioned
17:59.02elbthe question is why
17:59.24tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, so now we know that the 'default' came from 'context=' in [general]
17:59.34tzafrir_laptopSo it was not overriden by anything else
18:00.18*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
18:00.25tzafrir_laptopDo you see 'nixon' as registered in 'sip show peers' (with the right IP address)?
18:00.36elbok, too many cooks in the kitchen, I'm out
18:00.38n1x0nand IIRC if I remove register => from sip.conf the DID stopps working, that's why I initially thought I can do registry in [someection] and do context = blabla
18:01.04n1x0ntzafrir_laptop: yes, that's my phone, how is that related ?
18:01.20tzafrir_laptopdid the call come from it?
18:01.20n1x0nelb: thanks for help :)
18:01.35tzafrir_laptopsorry, my mistake.
18:01.39n1x0nit shouldn't , I'm calling my DID from my mobile
18:01.43elbn1x0n: I'd turn on 'sip set debug on' if I were you, and look to see what the incoming SIP looks like
18:01.52elband/or take a tcpdump of the incoming session
18:01.58tzafrir_laptophmm... is 'context' respected in a type=peer entry?
18:02.00elbsee if you can figure out why it's not matching properly
18:02.05n1x0nyeah already tcpdumping but my sip knowlendge sucks
18:02.37tzafrir_laptopn1x0n, actually, if you want to go technical with a protocol you're not familiar with, wireshark is your friend
18:02.45elboh, good point
18:02.46tzafrir_laptopBut I suspect this is something simpler
18:02.48elbyou want type=user
18:02.49elbnot type=peer
18:03.04tzafrir_laptopanyway, I really need to go
18:04.06n1x0ntzafrir_laptop: thanks
18:04.10n1x0nelb: I'll try that
18:04.20n1x0nI have the sip extracted from sip debug on
18:04.51n1x0nand it says totally different thing that what I see in logs !
18:05.04n1x0n[Mar 20 18:02:51] NOTICE[31217]: chan_sip.c:20152 handle_request_invite: Call from 'kroemeke' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'inout'.
18:05.09n1x0nwhich makes much more sense now
18:05.12elbyou're probably ultiamately going to want friend
18:05.17elbbecause you want to make outgoing calls, as well
18:05.22elbor else both peer and friend entries
18:05.25n1x0nyeah I'll change that
18:05.47elbyeah, you need an s extension in inout
18:05.48n1x0nbut I think I found the issue and I'll do some more digging, very helpful ! thx
18:05.52n1x0nyeah :)
18:05.55elbincoming calls start at s
18:06.00elbunless you tell the other end otherwise
18:06.13n1x0nbut odd that it was showing different thing in log (with context default etc..)
18:06.21elbthe two 100,1s are also going to flub you up
18:06.22n1x0nanyway - at least I have a starting point
18:06.30elbyou want s,1,Set()
18:07.27n1x0nkk , will do, back to vim and reloading config :-D *fun*
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18:53.37infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
18:57.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
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19:14.49benngardhmm, i cant figure out how the fax extension is working :(
19:17.07benngardif i send a call (fax) to an extension with faxdetect=yes, i thought it would detect t38 and jump to fax,1
19:18.22benngardi send the same call to "ReceiveFAX" and i can se the t38 is working so the call is a t38 call
19:19.43benngardi do understand that i am missing some important stuff, but what?
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19:50.37drcodehi all
19:50.49drcodehow can I use asterisk with mysql
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19:56.32roxdragonhow to parking call?
20:00.09russellbdrcode: see the relational database integration chapter of this book
20:00.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
20:00.20russellbroxdragon: the same book has a parking chapter.
20:00.25russellb"parking and paging"
20:00.43roxdragonrussellb, i am italian.. not speak english... book is english
20:01.07russellbthis channel is also english, though ...
20:05.38roxdragonasterisk-it is empty
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21:42.00juliocesarlhgfrom peru
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21:42.15juliocesarlhgcould someone tell me if asterisk support mgcp
21:42.37juliocesarlhgi have a gateway gaoke with 4 fxs ports, i would like to connect it to my asterisk
21:43.01juliocesarlhgmy gateway has mgcp protocol
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21:51.31tzafrir_laptopjuliocesarlhg, generally, asterisk does.
21:51.31tzafrir_laptopI don't know much more than that.
21:51.34tzafrir_laptopGive it a shot
21:52.09juliocesarlhgi dont know either
21:52.13juliocesarlhgwho can help me?
22:01.29juliocesarlhgwho has experience with mgcp
22:01.31juliocesarlhgplease help
22:04.44infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:05.03tzafrir_laptopjuliocesarlhg, have you actually tried it?
22:05.18tzafrir_laptopGenerally, take a look at the sample mgcp.conf
22:05.23*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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22:05.48juliocesarlhgi am trying to connect a mgcp gateway
22:07.24juliocesarlhgi've look in into mgcp.conf
22:07.31juliocesarlhgi but can get it work
22:07.52juliocesarlhgmy mgcp gateway has fxs ports
22:08.11juliocesarlhgthere's no tone
22:09.03juliocesarlhgin the phone
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22:40.42FreeaqingmeI have one AGI script where I want /all/ my calls to route to. Any idea how I should do that?
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22:52.57Freeaqingmenvm, I'm an idiot. Got it. Tnx
22:53.40*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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22:54.33infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
23:04.56*** join/#asterisk cyphorious (
23:05.23CoffeeIVHi, I have asterisk 1.8 installed on CentOS.  I am trying to get it to register with a televantage server, and I took the default configs (from when you yum install asterisk18-configs) and added some stuff to sip.conf, but asterisk does not seem to be attempting the registration.  I have pastebined what I added to sip.conf here:
23:07.39*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
23:08.08*** part/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
23:18.37*** join/#asterisk marienz (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
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23:28.07infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
23:37.32*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:42.10*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
23:44.15*** join/#asterisk psilikon (

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