IRC log for #asterisk on 20110318

00:08.51*** join/#asterisk rilliam (
00:08.55rilliamhey guys is there a channel for freepbx for noobs?
00:09.31*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
00:15.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
00:15.24roxdragonHow to install asterisk ultimate release on debian squeeze?
00:16.52Guggeroxdragon: what ultimate release?
00:17.43roxdragonGugge, release of asterisk
00:18.31russellbit's kind of like Windows Vista Premium Signature Bill Gates Edition
00:18.47russellbbut it's the Asterisk Ultimate Edition
00:18.50Gugge1.8.ultimate :)
00:19.35russellbyou can install from source ... or in a few days we'll have a debian package repository available with 1.8 packages :-)
00:19.48russellbfor a source install, see the Installation chapter in this book
00:19.50infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
00:20.24roxdragonGugge,  it's possible installation asterisk 1.8 on debian squeeze?
00:20.43russellbdidn't I just answer that?
00:21.26Guggeit looks like it
00:22.08roxdragonthere's the package? no?
00:22.20roxdragonon repository
00:22.28russellbnot yet
00:22.57roxdragonwhat version is in the repo?
00:30.10roxdragonif I install asterisk from the repo, then can upgrade to version 1.8 without compile??
00:33.07p3nguinI have to assume that ultimate release means the latest, most recent version available.
00:42.00roxdragonp3nguin, version use?
00:49.12*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
00:59.41roxdragonp3nguin,  ping
01:03.44roxdragonit's possibile don't make asterisk?
01:04.53*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:05.14russellbroxdragon: what language do you speak natively?  There might be an easier place for you to get help
01:05.26roxdragoni'am italian sorry
01:05.56russellbHm, ok, no #asterisk-it it seems ...
01:06.53roxdragonrussellb, what are the commands to install asterisk on debian without filling in anything?
01:07.03russellbI don't understand the question
01:07.10roxdragonthere is no oneon that channel
01:07.13russellbI don't know what "without filling in anything" means
01:07.25russellbthere is an installation chapter available in this book:
01:07.27infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
01:08.02roxdragonwithout compile asterisk * russellb
01:08.20russellbthat is not an option right now if you want asterisk 1.8
01:09.27roxdragonif I install Asterisk 1.6 from repo , I can upgrade later to 1.8? without compile
01:09.42roxdragonok :)
01:10.23roxdragonI have to install addons? dahdi?
01:10.39roxdragonWhat are those packages?
01:11.03russellbif you don't know that you need them, you probably don't need them
01:12.13roxdragonWhat does dahdi?
01:13.37jayteeused for analog or T1/E1, not needed if you're just running SIP
01:14.03jayteeand timing if you want to use MeetMe
01:14.19roxdragonand addons?
01:15.09jayteeextra stuff for other voip protocols, mysql_cdr connector for call detail, etc.
01:15.19russellbstuff you probably don't need :-)
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
01:16.16roxdragonI have to install the audio codec?
01:18.31jayteeif I recall back when I installed once from packages it installed all the non-licensed codecs for you and you just allow or deny them per device in the config files
01:18.47jayteebut I usually compile from source
01:19.06jayteeand you can choose which ones to load
01:19.26roxdragoni used apt-get install asterisk
01:19.44jayteethat makes sense for a debian package install
01:20.09jayteeI'd do something like yum -y install asterisk but that's not how I roll :-)
01:20.44roxdragonok ok :)
01:22.26jayteeso where in Italy are you?
01:28.58jayteerussellb, so there's an Asterisk Cookbook in the works following along behind The Definitive Guide?
01:32.46*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:36.25*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:42.51roxdragonjaytee, the nokia n95 is not registered to asterisk
01:43.10roxdragonon asterisk 1.4 it's ok but 1.6 no
01:43.14roxdragondon't work
01:54.37roxdragonhelp Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '1287194928@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
01:54.37roxdragonReally destroying SIP dialog '302602635@' Method: OPTIONS
01:54.37roxdragonReally destroying SIP dialog '1287194928@' Method: REGISTER
01:54.56roxdragon192.168.1.4 is a nokia... don't work
02:00.49*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
02:01.57joobieguys when i dial my polycom ip 7000, i seem to have a bit more delay on the phone than the regular ip 330's
02:02.04joobieis terhe anything i can do to try and improve this?
02:03.16p3nguinSell the 7000 and buy another 330.
02:04.55p3nguinIs there a popular SMS gateway to use with Asterisk?  I'm going to need to send text messages from Asterisk.
02:05.29joobiep3nguin, only problem is the 330 aint a conference phone :P
02:05.51p3nguinHeh, that could pose a problem.  I'm not a Polycom user, so I had no idea.
02:06.11joobiep3nguin, i just tapped into my local SMS provider (
02:06.17p3nguinIf I ever need a conference phone, that's probably the kind I'd get, though.
02:06.19joobiewrote a custom script and used AGI
02:06.48p3nguinjoobie: Anything that can be shared, or is it restricted code?
02:09.17roxdragonhelp nokia don't work with asterisk
02:16.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
02:20.16russellbjaytee: yep
02:20.51russellbjaytee: just finished the first version ... ebook only for now, and it's quite short to start with (50 pages or so).  It's on for review right now
02:27.57joobiep3nguin, our script has a lot of other stuff within.. i dont mind distro'ing it if you are stuck - but i'll need to strip out a lot of other stuff around it before
02:28.15joobiep3nguin, most of these SMS gateways provide you with sample scripts you can use to do this though
02:28.19joobiei know smsglobal do
02:29.18roxdragonFrom: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as07cb30c0
02:29.18roxdragonTo: <sip:>
02:29.47roxdragon192.168.1.4 = internal " 402  "
02:30.13p3nguinjoobie: Maybe you can just point me in the right direction.  I need to start sending SMS from Asterisk.  The project requires that when a person calls in and presses a defined key, it sends a pre-written message by text to cell phone.  I'm an engineer, not a programmer, so I can set it up but I can't write code if it's very complicated.
02:36.11*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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02:38.50joobiep3nguin, where are you located?
02:39.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:39.08joobiep3nguin, first try to find a sms service (like SMS global) that is in your area
02:39.29joobiethen check if they have scripts you can use which interface to their SMS gateway (95% of the places that offer this service will have this)
02:40.18joobiethe scripts will likely support arguements when you call teh script, so eg "./script <mobile number> <message>". Then juse use AGI in asterisk to interface the script to your dialplan when someone presses the number
03:00.05*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (~Jon@
03:21.04p3nguinjoobie: I'm in the US.  I don't really know what I'm looking for.
03:29.48joobiep3nguin, look for sms gateways in the US
03:30.18joobiethen look at which ones of those have perl / bash scripts that you can use to send SMS's with
03:30.26joobie(they will have sample scripts)
03:30.39joobiethen set tha tup on your asterisk box and integrate to asterisk via AGI
03:30.47p3nguinjoobie: Is this typically a service that I have to pay for, or is it free?
03:32.32joobieyou have to pay for it
03:34.04p3nguinI'm seeing 3 - 16 cents per SMS message.
03:34.27p3nguinTypically 3-5 cents.  16 cents isn't that common.
03:58.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
04:02.46*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
04:11.11*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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04:48.00*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:50.21Dovidmorning ev1
05:09.39Corydon76-homep3nguin: honestly, you shouldn't have to pay anything for SMS.  It was designed to run in unused space on the telephone grid.
05:10.26Corydon76-homeThat's why there's a limit of 160 characters per message
05:10.40p3nguinThis project will potentially generate a lot of SMS messages, so that would be nice if I don't have to pay anything.
05:17.31*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
05:24.22*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
05:27.59*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
05:29.10Corydon76-homeWelcome to the wonderful world of telephony, where executives will jump at the chance to serve you garbage and make you pay for it
05:30.15*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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05:40.18*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:40.31*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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05:47.30*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
05:52.41*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
06:06.17*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
06:06.54*** join/#asterisk drcode (
06:07.02drcodehi all
06:07.25drcodeI want to install asteriks on ubuntu 10.04
06:07.47drcodedo I need mysql or I can use light sql like sqlite?
06:08.06p3nguinDo you /want/ a database?
06:08.18p3nguinYou don't need one for Asterisk.
06:09.26drcodeI have temp users that register
06:09.34p3nguinOh yeah?
06:09.41drcodedose astriks save those users
06:09.57drcodeor I can tell ast that those users are temp?
06:09.58p3nguinDo you mean Asterisk?
06:10.59p3nguinI'm not entirely sure what you're talking about.  No devices can register unless you configure them in Asterisk.
06:11.16p3nguinThose configured devices can come and go as they please.
06:12.18drcodeI mean iax users
06:12.30drcodeI have iax users that sign to astriks
06:12.31p3nguinYou probably means iax2 devices.
06:12.45drcodeby default users are temporary?
06:12.46p3nguinAnd there you go with this astriks thing again.
06:12.55p3nguinThis channel is for Asterisk.
06:12.58p3nguinnot astriks
06:12.58drcodeoops sorry\
06:13.30p3nguinYou'll configure the devices on Asterisk.  The device can come and go as necessary.
06:13.50drcodethanx p3nguin
06:14.16p3nguinI'll assume you mean "thanks," since I did take my time to explain this stuff to you.
06:14.40p3nguinIf you have more questions about Asterisk, this is the place to ask.
06:18.42drcodeI am looking also for video confrence h264 with sip
06:19.33drcodeasterisk can also work as video confrence?
06:19.38kaldemardrcode: asterisk does not support video conferencing at the moment.
06:20.15Corydon76-homeAnd probably will never, without video mixing hardware
06:20.37Corydon76-homePatent issues are the main problem
06:22.24drcodeI see
06:22.43drcodeI didn't know that video mixing is patent
06:23.48kaldemarit isn't, but codecs are.
06:23.59drcodeI see
06:24.05drcodethanks to all
06:33.14*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
06:42.32coppiceif google succeed in proven VP8 is patent free, maybe things will change. the video codecs need a lot of CPU power, though
06:44.04Corydon76-homecoppice: yeah, but the capability of a single machine is continually improving, in terms of processing power.  It might not be terribly doable today, but in 18 months?
06:44.23Corydon76-homeIt's certainly a lot more doable today than it was just 2 years ago
06:45.13coppiceit depends a lot on the resolution you expect. CPUs are fairly good at decompressing video, but compressing it is still a challenge
06:45.18Corydon76-homebut yes, processing power is the secondary issue
06:45.46Corydon76-homeWe can deal with the processing issue, if we first deal with the patent issue
06:46.25coppiceMPEG-LA now oversees 1700 patents on codecs :-\
06:46.54Corydon76-homeyeah, exactly... a minefield, to be sure
06:47.14*** join/#asterisk manji (
06:47.56coppiceeven something like G.729 is a pain. it seems to have a well defined way to licence the patents, but you get lawyers letter from some extra people nobody warned you about one you start shipping product :-\
06:48.02Corydon76-homeIs that 1700 number counting duplicate patents filed under different patent jurisdictions?
06:48.34coppiceI don't know. I also have no idea how many may be nearing expiry, and how many are fairly fresh
06:48.51Corydon76-homeI thought the license on G.729 included patent indemnification
06:49.38Corydon76-homeSafest bet is simply to wait until the last one expires.  For g.729, that's sometime in 2014, I think
06:49.52*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:49.53coppiceindemnification against additional patents? nope. There is at least one on G.729B which is very solid, and which the pool doesn't warn you about
06:50.33coppiceits later than that. I think G.723.1 is clear in 2014
06:51.02*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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07:00.04Corydon76-homeI thought G.723.1 was actually clear in 2012
07:02.07kaldemardo you guys happen to have any sources at hand for those thoughts? it's pretty hard to find any handy material for patent expirations.
07:03.13Corydon76-homekaldemar: it will depend upon the actual jurisdiction.  Different countries have differing patent systems.
07:03.59Corydon76-homeAnd so-called "submarine patents" are at play, too
07:05.06Corydon76-homekaldemar: You can do your own research, or you can hire a patent attorney to wade through the patents, which is what you'd need to do if you have any money/business at stake
07:10.12kaldemarthe amount of available material and the required effort to find all of it is excruciating.
07:11.44Corydon76-homekaldemar: I don't disagree.  But it's been awhile since I did the research
07:12.11Corydon76-homeI was prohibited while working for Digium from doing any such research, for liability reasons
07:16.40*** join/#asterisk emora (~emora@
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07:16.56schmidtsgood morning
07:18.30*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
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07:40.18coppiceCorydon76-home: We did a check recently, and G.723.1 still seemed to be encumbered until 2014. Someone else said 2012, so we looked to see if we could do a free G.723.1 ready for next year, but it turned out to be later. Its a pain to find the relevant dates, though
07:41.13*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
07:45.55coppiceCorydon76-home: It looks like G.729 may be clear in 2016, but nobody uses that. they use G.729A, which I think has additional and later expiring patents on it
07:47.00Corydon76-homecoppice: I wonder how many might use the bare G.729, if they didn't have to pay any royalties at that time
07:47.41coppicewell, it doubles the CPU load, but it sounds better too
07:48.01Corydon76-homeWhen it comes to those consortiums, you usually end up either having to pay all of them according to their scheme
07:48.32Corydon76-homeand then if you have the patent license, you might as well use everything you have a license for
07:49.09coppicenot really. you incrementally pay for most of the G.729 annexes, which seem to have extra patents on each of them. G.729 and G.729A are licenced as a bundle, though
07:51.20*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:52.00*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:52.31creativxhmm.. if i dont specify a timeout in queue(), a call will never ever timeout in a queue no matter what i set under timeout= in queue.conf?
07:52.31Corydon76-homeNo, I meant that you're paying fees even to organizations whose patents have expired...
07:53.43Corydon76-homecreativx: the call will never timeout OUT of a queue, no
07:54.11coppicewhen the patents expire the remaining stake holders kick out the looser, but they don't reduce the price to you
07:54.14Corydon76-homecreativx: the timeout within queues.conf is to specify timeouts for individual queue members
07:54.35creativxCorydon76-home: mkay, then I've understood it correctly
07:54.47creativxwe had an issue with a sales queue with only one member.. who went to lunch
07:54.47Corydon76-homecreativx: two different timeouts, not duplicates
07:54.58creativxyeah I see
07:55.31Corydon76-homecoppice: Ah, okay.  Yeah, the price never goes down.
07:55.43creativxI've got a macro that wraps the queue() app, so I gotta think up some way to have some queues time out and some not
07:55.57*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
07:56.20coppiceand I don't think they actually agree to inform you about patent expiration. its buyer beware
07:56.39Corydon76-homeDog-eat-dog world
07:57.55Corydon76-homeI'm not all that surprised, really.  (You want to give me money?  Okay!)
07:58.18coppiceI'm more concerned about fresh new patents. e.g. G.711.0 looks potentially interesting, but with at least 9 patents on it, it seems like a none starter
07:58.31*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
07:59.58Corydon76-homeWhat's the .0 entail?  Better encoding/decoding of ulaw/alaw?  Or higher bandwidth (like what G.722 provides)?
08:10.50*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
08:12.50coppiceG.711.1 is a weird wideband extension for G.711. G.711.0 is further lossless compression of signals that have already been subjected to lossy G.711 coding
08:12.54*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:14.18coppicebeing lossless, its variable bit rate, which tends to defeat encryption. That detracts somewhat
08:19.26*** join/#asterisk bip (~bip@unaffiliated/bip)
08:19.46biphow do I find the dadhi version I'm running ?
08:19.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:23.02Tim_Toadybip from ur package manager or if its installed by hand you can try something like : strings /lib/modules/`uname -r`/dahdi/dahdi.ko | grep version
08:23.45kaldemaror just "dahdi show version" in asterisk CLI.
08:23.49bipthanks kaldemar
08:24.15bipdo you jnow if any files shows the asteriskNow version as well ?
08:24.31kaldemarno, i've never used it.
08:25.12bipI m writing the digium support and i want to be sure I'm givin em every possible information
08:25.34bipDAHDI Version: Echo Canceller: MG2
08:26.43Tim_Toadybip cat /etc/asterisknow-version
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08:27.52bipthanks Tim_Toady
08:29.13*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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09:12.17*** join/#asterisk roxdragon (~roxdragon@unaffiliated/roxdragon)
09:12.20roxdragonhi all
09:16.09*** join/#asterisk Denial (
09:22.39*** join/#asterisk recluze (~recluze@
09:22.51recluzeI have a strange problem with Asterisk on a zap channel. The call connects, rings a few times and then gets disconnected -- but nothing on the full log to indicate  the hangup ...
09:22.59recluzeany hints on how to troubleshoot this?
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09:35.11roxdragonhelp please [Mar 18 10:33:46] NOTICE[1475]: chan_sip.c:20152 handle_request_invite: Call from '401' to extension '403' rejected because extension not found in context 'ipPhones'.
09:35.45*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
09:35.50joobiehey boys
09:36.09joobiemy soundpoint ip 7000 phone is a bit delayed.. if i make a call on the soundpoint 330 it's not so bad
09:36.20joobieany ideas as to what i should look into tweaking on the phone?
09:38.56*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:41.22kaldemarroxdragon: you have defined context ipPhones for device 401 in sip.conf. your ipPhones context in extensions.conf does not have an extension that matches 403.
09:43.13roxdragonWhat's wrong?
09:44.26roxdragoni use asterisk 1.6
09:46.40kaldemarroxdragon: did you reload dialplan?
09:48.00kaldemarand remove all samples that you don't use.
09:48.43kaldemaralso [general] is commented out.
09:49.15roxdragonas reloading the dialplan?
09:49.25roxdragonwhat's the command
09:49.37kaldemar"dialplan reload" is the command
09:49.54kaldemar;[general] -> [general]
09:49.54roxdragonServer*CLI> dialplan reload
09:49.55roxdragonNo such command 'dialplan reload' (type 'core show help dialplan reload' for other possible commands)
09:50.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:51.10roxdragoncommand don't work
09:52.39kaldemarsomething is really wrong then. enable the general context and restart asterisk.
09:53.54roxdragonok ;[general] -> [general]
09:54.11roxdragonhow to restart asterisk? /etc/init.d/asterisk restart ?
09:55.30roxdragonkaldemar, [Mar 18 10:55:13] NOTICE[1687]: chan_sip.c:20152 handle_request_invite: Call from '401' to extension '403' rejected because extension not found in context 'ipPhones'.
09:56.05kaldemarwhat does "dialplan show" in CLI show?
09:56.57roxdragon kaldemar
09:57.31kaldemarinteresting. looks like your asterisk doesn't read extensions.conf at all.
09:57.51Zhadkal> thanks for your help yesterday.
09:58.27Zhadwent the Dial(,,G()) route in the end
09:58.34roxdragonwhy ??? kaldemar
09:58.53kaldemarroxdragon: it does by default. how did you install asterisk?
09:58.57Zhadbets that at somepoint extensions.conf will be renamed dialplan.conf :-)
09:59.25kaldemarthe command to reload dialplan used to be "extensions reload".
09:59.32roxdragonkaldemar, apt-get install asterisk
09:59.44kaldemarthen all dialplan related commands were put under "dialplan".
10:00.07kaldemarroxdragon: on what system?
10:00.12ZhadIt will be something else that catches all the people that don't read UPGRADING.txt
10:01.21roxdragonkaldemar, debian squeeze... the command for dialplan is Server*CLI> reload extconfig
10:02.16kaldemar"reload extconfig"?
10:02.53roxdragonConnected to Asterisk currently running on Server (pid = 1671)
10:03.10Zhad1.6.2.9 is fairly old now
10:03.41kaldemarroxdragon: where did you find that command?
10:04.17kaldemarroxdragon: and what does "dialplan reload" tell you?
10:05.02roxdragonkaldemar, on a forum
10:05.32roxdragonZhad, Only install software from the repo
10:05.50kaldemarroxdragon: that command will not help you.
10:06.01kaldemarif it even is a command.
10:06.15ZhadIs there not a newer one in backports?
10:06.25kaldemarroxdragon: what does "module show like pbx_config" give you?
10:06.52*** part/#asterisk recluze (~recluze@
10:06.57*** join/#asterisk tallship (
10:07.41roxdragonnot yet Zhad
10:07.43roxdragonkaldemar,                  Text Extension Configuration             0
10:07.52*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
10:08.18roxdragonwe can try to make him upload the file extensions.conf us? in manual mode?
10:08.20kaldemarroxdragon: and "module reload"?
10:08.39roxdragonServer*CLI> "module reload
10:08.39roxdragonNo such command '"module reload' (type 'core show help module reload' for other possible commands)
10:08.46tallshipAnyone know what voipjet was talking about in their announcement that all kinds of Asterisk boxes are getting hacked?
10:08.47kaldemarwithout "'s
10:09.52Sertystallship: huh?
10:09.55Sertyswhere'd u get that?
10:11.00roxdragonwhat's the command write?
10:11.02kaldemarroxdragon: no " in the command, try again without them.
10:11.12roxdragonmodule reload
10:11.14kaldemarroxdragon: module reload
10:11.45roxdragonServer*CLI>  module reload
10:11.45roxdragon[Mar 18 11:11:33] NOTICE[1715]: loader.c:686 ast_module_reload: The module '' was not properly initialized.  Before reloading the module, you must run "module load" and fix whatever is preventing the module from being initialized.
10:13.12wdoekes2roxdragon: and?
10:13.17kaldemarroxdragon: module load
10:15.18roxdragonServer*CLI>  module load
10:15.18roxdragonUnable to load module
10:15.19roxdragonCommand ' module load' failed.
10:18.23kaldemarroxdragon: remove everything from extensions.conf except [general] and the stuff that you put there yourself. then try again.
10:20.19roxdragonok... i have restart asterisk and module load
10:20.20roxdragonUnable to load module
10:20.20roxdragonCommand 'module load' failed.
10:20.37roxdragonkaldemar, ?????????
10:21.47tallshipSertys: it's a bulletin dated 16 March as soon as I login.
10:22.19tallshipdunno. It's the only place I've seen any mention of it.
10:22.31kaldemarroxdragon: you are not using ael.
10:22.42Sertysis ti possible there's a new * xploit out there?
10:23.11tallshipThat's kinda what they inferred.
10:23.44kaldemarroxdragon: and the ael module seems to be working fine on your install.
10:24.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:25.45kaldemarroxdragon: try "module unload" and "module load". if it still does not work, pastebin your extensions.conf gain. there must be something wrong with it.
10:26.17roxdragon kaldemar
10:26.21roxdragonok one moment
10:28.06*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
10:28.14roxdragonmy extensions.conf kaldemar
10:29.33roxdragonkaldemar, ; This configuration file is reloaded
10:29.34roxdragon; - With the "dialplan reload" command in the CLI
10:30.37*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
10:31.27kaldemarroxdragon: you removed your configurations from extensions.conf. put them back. remove the SAMPLES that you did not write to the file.
10:33.12roxdragonthat is the original file
10:36.20kaldemarroxdragon: it does not work. you need to fix it.
10:36.38roxdragonremove all file?
10:37.02roxdragonRemove all contents of the file?
10:37.26*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
10:37.43kaldemarroxdragon: no. not all. remove the sample contexts that you did not write. leave [general] in the file. then add your own contexts such as [ipPhone].
10:38.04ZhadOkay, maybe I'm not quite finished with the paging
10:39.08ZhadUsing Dial(phone1&phone2&console) etc. as soon as one pciks up, the others don't and Page doesn't have a ,,G() option.
10:39.14roxdragoninclude => dundi-e164-canonical
10:39.14roxdragoninclude => dundi-e164-customers
10:39.14roxdragoninclude => dundi-e164-via-pstn
10:41.13kaldemarroxdragon: yes, that also.
10:42.20Zhadmaybe wrap the whole thing around an internal dial
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10:48.00roxdragonkaldemar, [globals]
10:48.00roxdragonCONSOLE=Console/dsp; Console interface for demo
10:48.11roxdragoncomment all?
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10:48.46Zhadokay, wrapping it in a Dial doesn't work, it ignores the Dial options and still stops when it stops
10:49.26kaldemarroxdragon: remove it if you don't use it.
10:51.04roxdragonI do not even use a
10:51.21*** join/#asterisk zooz (
10:51.32Severianiax2 show peers  shows me   dallasoffice     (Unspecified)   (D)  0    (T)      Unmonitored
10:51.32Severian1 iax2 peers [0 online, 0 offline, 1 unmonitored]   I believe the Unspecified might be why my calls are not going through, but I can't figure out why it is unspecified.  Is this likely to be a real problem?  I can post more details.
10:52.25*** join/#asterisk stix (~sorena@
10:52.26roxdragonkaldemar, finish
10:52.43roxdragoni do?
10:58.05kaldemarroxdragon: try to load the module again. if it doesn't work, i don't know what's wrong.
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11:00.27roxdragon kaldemar
11:03.47Zhadis there a way of calling multiple extensions at the same time and conferencing them all without using Page?
11:05.08Zhadand then being able to close the call when caller hangs up
11:05.14Zhadqwithout using Page
11:05.39Severianmaybe I should rephrase the problem.  I am trying to place a call that should go from 1 asterisk server to another.  I keep getting " dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)" and I have not been able to figure out why.  There are currently no calls between the servers, because they are both my servers and I am just trying to learn.
11:06.28Zhadwhat does module show like iax report?
11:06.55kaldemarZhad: you can do that with an extension that originates calls to a meetme conference, and mark the meetme to close down when the caller exits.                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0     1 modules loaded.
11:07.50Zhadkald> makes sense
11:08.19kaldemarSeverian: the other server hasn't registered to you and it is defined as host=dynamic. that's why the address is unspecified.
11:08.47bipusers complains calls get dropped, the pastebin above shows a last call that was dropped
11:09.05Zhadkal> wouldn't the first person bridges to that conference be marked as the caller though, which would need to happen before the atucal caller calls?
11:09.15bipdoes it give any hint about what might have happened ?
11:09.17Severiankaldemar, How do I make it register?  I put a line in the iax.conf in the general section.  Is that enough?
11:09.35kaldemarSeverian: yes, put a register line in iax.conf.
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11:10.28roxdragonkaldemar, you  recommend installing the 1.8?
11:10.35roxdragonfrom source?
11:11.08kaldemarroxdragon: depends. i recommend installing from source though, be it 1.8 or 1.6.X.
11:11.26roxdragoni have asterisk 1.6
11:11.41kaldemarroxdragon: there must be something strange about the package or something related to it on your system.
11:12.31roxdragonthe system is clean. Yesterday I installed debian
11:13.05kaldemarZhad: core show application meetme: "x: Close the conference when last marked user exits" and "A: Set marked mode."
11:13.18roxdragonkaldemar, if I install from source, then I upgrade?
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11:13.37kaldemarZhad: use separate extensions or arguments for the caller and callees.
11:13.47kaldemarroxdragon: do not understand.
11:14.50roxdragonWould you help me build in the 1.8?
11:14.55ZhadActually, it still wouldn't fix the problem that I'm currently having
11:15.41Zhadthe Meetme conference generated by Page, doesn't drop the Console/dsp channel quickly enough to Originate a call back to it, but it does drop it too quickly to play anything on it.
11:17.18roxdragonkaldemar, Asterisk
11:17.18roxdragonSource Tarball ?
11:17.30kaldemarroxdragon: download a source package, run contrib/scripts/install_prereq to install missing dependencies, then run ./configure && make && make install.
11:18.43roxdragon kaldemar
11:18.48roxdragonkaldemar, Asterisk
11:18.54roxdragontar gz it's ?
11:20.05Zhadhmm Wait doesn't work if there isn't a channel open.
11:24.48roxdragonkaldemar, i have download source  but install_prereq not found
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11:29.51kaldemarroxdragon: you need to uncompress the package. google for some installation instructions.
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11:34.01kaldemarroxdragon: you paste already tells you what to do.
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12:02.29Zhadended up playing in aplay
12:02.43Shazaumhi, I have a problem with recordings, they are accelerated, it has to do with SOX?
12:03.07roxdragonkaldemar, Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
12:03.23*** join/#asterisk dotcomstu (
12:09.04kaldemarroxdragon: you must start asterisk
12:14.31SeverianI think I get it.  If your IP address is not dynamic, you don't need to register.  You just need to create a section, maybe called a context, in the iax2.conf file for the asterisk machine that is sending you calls.  Does that sound right?
12:16.50Shazaumecho "I have a problem with recordings, they are accelerated, it has to do with SOX?"
12:18.42GuggeShazaum: how do you record?
12:22.44slim_hello all, i'm search for sip server , that can make chat audio/video and text also can integrate with microsoft ocs  and telephone integration not needed my question is asterisk is the suitable application for this  ?
12:23.09ssureshotmorning,, what ways can I get more information on why a phone isnt' registering with asterisk? I can check VM with the phone but cannot dial the extension for the second phone
12:23.32ssureshotupgrade from 1.2 > 1.8
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12:27.04ShazaumGugge, mixmonitor(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/files/tests.wav|b)
12:28.26ShazaumGugge, im recording with the default options mixmonitor
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12:35.15ShazaumGugge, "issue 17078" - =/ tks
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13:37.43ssureshotif I can call extensions that don't have phones on it.. ieee.. I have a pot where I throw telemarketers... I can ring that and get the message... I can check vm for users with the phone.. but I cannot call extension to extension
13:37.55ssureshotwhat should I be looking for?
13:38.24ssureshotphones are cisco 7940 and they have an x by the extension on the display
13:39.45kaldemarssureshot: CLI when you make a call.
13:39.52ssureshotmy configs all look correct, phone options all match my sip.conf and my extensions.conf was converted over with few changes like zap to dahdi
13:40.58ssureshot << is the cli
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13:44.06ssureshotwhen I show sip peers, my 2 extensions I'm working with show unspecified / unmonitored...
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13:51.03kaldemarssureshot: make them register to asterisk. are the phone settings correct?
13:52.07ssureshotkaldemar: settings are corect as far as I can tell,  have copied my tftpboot files and asterisk settings from my old system
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13:53.00kaldemarssureshot: reboot them and watch sip debug for any REGISTER messages from the phones. if you don't see any, asterisk is not the issue.
13:53.01ssureshotdhcp, tftp, etc.. sip file / extensions were transferred,, I've double checked the phone settings to sip file... all looks good
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13:53.47ssureshotkaldemar: I will post the sip log ina few seconds.. I don't know what I'm looking for
13:54.39roxdragonkaldemar, root@Server:~# asterisk -r
13:54.39roxdragonUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
13:54.39roxdragonroot@Server:~# /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
13:54.39roxdragon-bash: /etc/init.d/asterisk: No such file or directory
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13:59.06kaldemarroxdragon: "make config" will install an init script for you.
13:59.59ssureshotkaldemar: here is the sip debug log
14:00.08ssureshotI'm not quite sure whatI'm looking for
14:00.41roxdragonupdate-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
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14:06.45ssureshotlooks like it just keeps trying to register but I'm not seeing any reason why
14:08.07kaldemarssureshot: did you upgrade from 1.6.X to 1.8?
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14:09.47ssureshotI'm upgrading from 1.2 > 1.8 :)
14:09.59kaldemarssureshot: ah, even a larger jump. set pedantic=no under [general] in sip.conf.
14:10.50roxdragonkaldemar,  ok it's works :D but......
14:11.54kaldemarthe default value for pedantic was changed from no to yes in 1.8. it enables tag checking in headers and makes asterisk ignore requests that it doesn't like.
14:12.38kaldemarroxdragon: but?
14:12.40garymcAnyone know if this is a fix for transfered calls not showing or even recording at all?
14:12.50garymcwhoops forget the freepbx link
14:13.00garymcbut this is a asterisk issue
14:13.34ssureshotkaldemar: wow you are the man... any other changes I should look to make with the jump from versions?
14:13.36garymcim running asterisk version
14:13.36kaldemargarymc: what is?
14:13.47ssureshotkaldemar: I thank you so much my friend
14:14.06garymckaldemar : transfered calls not recording or listing in my ARI
14:14.26kaldemarssureshot: read through UPGRADE*.txt in the source package. those files have the configuration changes that you need to address when upgrading.
14:14.30kaldemarssureshot: you're welcome.
14:15.13ssureshotwill do,, I've read through that a few times but I'll roll through it again for good measure
14:15.43kaldemargarymc: maybe that's an ARI issue?
14:15.59garymcok, but they dont seem to be recording at all
14:16.46garymcin my asterisk monitor folder
14:16.58kaldemargarymc: what makes your configurations?
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14:18.57garymckaldemar: freepbx
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14:23.04roxdragonkaldemar, could you help me fix the dialplan? this is the last problem!
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14:24.35garymcKaldemar : iam told if there is no recording in my monitor folder of the transfered call , then it is an asterisk issue not a freepbx one :S
14:24.52CadeyBit of a non-asterisk question here. Are there many network admins in there that use windows servers and also asterisk their PBX of choice
14:25.05Cadey*in here
14:25.53jayteeCadey, I use asterisk but the majority of the servers I deal with are Windows servers.
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14:27.08Cadeycool, would you be interested in windows baised asterisk tools such as client that let you pick extensions and have it display whats going on (channels on the extension, incomming or outgoing, what they are dialing and who is calling)
14:27.12Cadeythings like that?
14:27.48roxdragon[Mar 18 15:27:26] WARNING[1865]: chan_sip.c:5226 sip_call: No audio format found to offer. Cancelling call to 401
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14:29.03kaldemargarymc: if you're told that there is no recording in your monitor folder, then there is a file missing. it can be because of various reasons. i'd look for the reason in the Monitor app the last.
14:29.57kaldemarCadey: there are such tools already.
14:30.07*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:30.20Cadeykaldemar: yeah but some of them are a little ropy
14:30.47_Corey_ropey?  That's a new one
14:31.34Cadeyropey, as in a bit lacking, dodgy etc
14:32.09_Corey_I assumed it was a pejorative... :)
14:32.36garymckaldemar: ok so what do I do?
14:32.54garymcwe cant get call recordings for transfered calls and its a very serious matter now
14:33.27_Corey_Cadey: There's always a market for good software...  Depending on what you're looking for, there are some good web-based tools though
14:34.30kaldemargarymc: you haven't told much about the scenario. not even how you trigger call recording. see if it even happens when you transfer a call. you need to narrow the problem down to something.
14:34.57garymcok so i need a cli output
14:35.08roxdragonkaldemar,  ?
14:35.14coppiceThere's usually a good market for ropey software, when suitably marketed
14:35.31Cadey_Corey_ : I guess the reason im asking is because ive already started making an AMI proxy service for windows which also allows other more custom connections. So the AMI Proxy as well as jsut being a proxy to relay messages will also dish out diffrent messages
14:35.39*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:35.51infobotA codec is a device or program capable of encoding and/or decoding a digital data stream or signal. The word codec may be a combination of any of the following: 'compressor-decompressor', 'coder-decoder', or 'compression/decompression algorithm'.
14:36.04kaldemargarymc: a CLI output is a good start.
14:36.28kaldemaris a ropey software the kind that hangs?
14:36.36_Corey_coppice: and shiny black consumer devices lacking buttons... ;)
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14:39.26coppicealso available in white
14:43.05garymckaldemar : called into office from my mobile. answered call on ext201 and transfered to ext200
14:43.11garymcno recording of transfered call
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14:44.56kaldemargarymc: btw, did it work before? and if it did, what changed?
14:47.51garymcno it never worked
14:49.58*** join/#asterisk oquidave (~oquidave@
14:50.07oquidavehello people
14:50.23oquidaveam configuring a TDM card for asterisk
14:51.03oquidaveam wondering what does the RED alarm  mean when i type dahdi show status?
14:52.13oquidaveall the lights on the digium card are showing RED, YET i have connected a T1 line to one of the ports
14:52.55kaldemargarymc: freepbx is your issue.
14:52.55oquidavei have checked my wiring and everything seems fine....what can i do? thanks
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14:55.14kaldemargarymc: the MixMonitor app was recording Local/201@from-queue-5dac;2 and SIP/201-000008eb to /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/20110318-143907-1300459147.14066.WAV
14:55.55kaldemargarymc: once SIP/201-000008eb dropped, you got a "== MixMonitor close filestream"
14:57.05kaldemargarymc: did you get the aforementioned file?
14:57.26garymcyes, but the transfered part isnt there
14:58.03kaldemargarymc: why would it if nothing tells asterisk to record it?
14:58.23garymcso you defo think its a freepbx issue?
14:58.46kaldemargarymc: more a freepbx lack of feature.
15:00.43kaldemargarymc: and for future encounters, don't harass people with 755 lines of CLI output to see a single call. it was quite humorous for a friday afternoon though. this time.
15:01.04garymchmmm ok
15:01.22garymcI thought showing all of it would be more of a precise thing to help me :S
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15:02.01munsonany cisco 7942g gurus that could possibly point me in right direction to get these phones enabled in my asterisk/freepbx/freeswitch whatever box.  I d/l the SIP fw from cisco and phone is still looking for a P03-8-12-00 file which the fw didn't come with that file
15:03.04garymckaldemar : freepbx lack of feature <- Sure. What is missing then? What is the option/command? Where should it be placed relative to the rest of thing to make this operable?
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15:07.46kaldemargarymc: a Monitor/MixMonitor in the dialplan for example.
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15:08.36saliakI'm trying to get asterisk up and running.  I've done what I think it's a successful install, and am trying to connect a zoiper client to it.  I setup a sip.conf extension, but when i try to connect with zoiper it sits there for a while and seems to fail.  is there a log file that'll give me some insight into what's going on?
15:08.38kaldemargarymc: there were 4 different local channels generating the noise. next time show the relevant parts.
15:09.08garymci dont know what you mean
15:09.13ZhadDid sipmodem ever get finished?
15:09.47kaldemarsaliak: attach to asterisk CLI with "asterisk -vvvvr" and if that doesn't give you enough hints, enable sip debug with command "sip debug".
15:10.57saliakah, there's the answer.  asterisks seems to be segfaulting
15:11.11saliakso i guess that explains why it's not connecting
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15:13.09coppiceZhad: is anything ever really finished?
15:18.10ZhadSome things (at the moment I'm thinking of Sage) should never have been started
15:19.30ZhadI've just discovered through it's ODBC driver, if you execute a simple SQL query with a join in, the single line result can take over 3 minutes to get, during which time no-one else can use it.
15:19.49Zhada similar query in postgresql would take less than 200ms
15:20.12Zhadstops irrelevant venting
15:20.58coppicedon't worry. its a lot better than the venting in Fukushima
15:24.45ZhadIt will actually be quicker to run a separate query to get the other column data than to include it in the original query, it's insane.
15:24.54saliakanyone had luck installing asterisk from the apt repository in ubuntu?  When i try, it lists a bunch of packages that it can't get, upon which asterisk depends (  Is there some other repository i need to add?
15:25.14ZhadIs your mirror fresh?
15:25.49Zhadstopped using his ISPs mirror for debian packages when he noticed some were missing/out dated
15:26.12saliaki think so.  apt-get update does that, eh?
15:26.38Zhadthat updates your local package descriptors with what's in the repository
15:27.14ZhadIf you are using one of the servers listed on ubuntu's site, you should be okay.
15:27.17saliaksot he question is if the repositories i'm using are up to date?
15:27.26saliakyeah, i'm using the ones from the default source.list
15:27.36Zhadyup, odd problem, but it does happen.
15:28.22saliakanyone know of a repository that does have everything for asterisk?
15:29.12Zhadthe one you've got will have.
15:30.48Zhadwhat does apt-get install -f report?
15:31.11saliak0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
15:32.49Zhadwhat do cat /etc/apt/sources.list and sb_release -a report ?
15:33.40Zhadshould warn you, he is musch more experienced with debian than ubuntu.
15:36.12saliakzhad:  sb_release isn't a command on my system, and i'm not sure where to find it
15:37.21Zhadsorry, typo
15:40.08ZhadYou should check with someone who is more au fait with ubuntu, but it looks like you have repositories there for 2 different releases
15:40.19*** join/#asterisk ph8 (ph8@unaffiliated/ph8)
15:40.42Zhadlines 20-23 look like they refer to an older release than the one you are using.
15:41.37Zhad(in sources.lst)
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15:41.55Zhadlist even
15:43.46ZhadI'd comment out those lines, run apt-get update and then try apt-get install asterisk.
15:44.33ZhadIt looks like you have an Ubuntu 7 install that you upgraded to 10, but left some repositories that related to the v7 release in there.
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16:09.46saliakah, i see
16:12.03saliakZhad: bingo.  that was it.  i totally missed all the "gusty"'s in there.  changing to lucid let it find what it needed
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16:19.07raden_workNaikrovek, yo bro
16:19.28Naikrovekraden_work: heya
16:19.36raden_workhows it going
16:20.17raden_workhere too
16:20.26raden_workworking on setting up a 5 GHZ wifi bridge today
16:21.20raden_workone thing I never thought of was router placement    Internet-modem-bridge AP-Bridge station-router or   Internet-modem-router-bridge AP-Bridge station
16:21.26raden_workdecisions decisions LOL
16:21.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:21.47Naikroveknet -> modem -> router -> the rest
16:21.57Naikrovek... i think
16:24.41raden_workwould make most sense
16:25.05raden_workCause to do anything with radios i wont be able to access them without unplugging router etc....
16:26.34raden_workthen again technically once there setup I sould never have to mess with them ( technically )
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16:29.12benngard[Mar 18 17:33:12] WARNING[3104]: res_fax_spandsp.c:367 spandsp_log: WARNING T.30 ECM carrier not found <- is that warning some "danger" or can i just ignore it?
16:30.42FlaPer87when compiling an external module, how can I add extra libs that should be linked?
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16:31.38neothedeveloperis it possible not to play DTMF tone to caller?
16:32.06pabelangeryes. What are you doing?
16:32.53neothedeveloperwhat I am looking for is, I have access DIAL number
16:33.36neothedevelopercaller will dial the number
16:33.56neothedeveloperthen when system asks for DNID
16:34.06neothedeveloperwhen caller presses DTMFs
16:34.28neothedeveloperasterisk should not send DTMF tone to caller
16:34.36neothedeveloperinstead it play silence
16:34.48pabelangerneothedeveloper: Do an attended transfer
16:34.52neothedeveloperpardon for my english :)
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16:35.13neothedeveloperwell I will need blind
16:36.13neothedeveloperpabelanger:in which case it's possible & how?
16:37.56pabelangerFrom what you described, I would setup an attended transfer in Asterisk, then disable MOH when Asterisk puts your user on hold.
16:39.11neothedeveloperwell I am talking about to disable touch tones which are being played to caller
16:40.04pabelangerIf the caller is generating the DTMF, then asterisk has nothing to do with it.  It is the local phone.
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17:07.47saliakif i've installed asterisk correctly, and can get a sip device to connect (and be in the "demo" context), shouldn't extension 1234 playback some audio to me?
17:11.46p3nguinIt will... ONLY if you have created extension 1234 to Playback() some audio file.
17:16.40*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
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17:22.52saliakYeah, i think that's the case for the demo context.  at least it looks like there's a "#" extension that plays back something (demo-thanks).  unfortunately i don't hear anything.  just trying to see if it's setup correctly.  looks like my sip softphone connects ok, but whatever extension i dial it never connects.  i'm guessing i have something basic wrong?
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17:29.17p3nguinsaliak: You have several extensions available to call, but I don't know if you can call the s extension that starts the demo.
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17:29.45timholumis there a way to make essencially a catch all for extentions in a dial plan?
17:30.19p3nguinYes.  But it isn't usually recommended unless you know what you are doing.
17:31.11p3nguintimholum: Use the pattern of _. for matching any one or more characters, including the standard extensions of s, h, i, and t.
17:31.30timholump3nguin: Thanks
17:31.47*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
17:32.30p3nguinBe prepared for it to cause a problem from time to time because it matches all standard extensions unless you explicitly define them elsewhere.
17:33.33timholumthe system I am modifying only ever calls one extentions
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17:34.00timholumI am modifiying the voice backend  to bigbluebutton
17:34.16saliakp3nguin: is there an example of just something stupid simple that I can use to make sure that i've got the most basic of my setup working?  i guess a dialpan that, whatever, you do, plays back the tt-monkeys or something like that?  I assume that if my softphone can connect, my sip.conf is correct? i'm a little up in the air if i'm interpreting how the dialplan context works correctly
17:35.38*** join/#asterisk cusco (
17:35.42p3nguinsaliak: Looking at your extensions, you should be able to call extension 2 and hear something useful.
17:36.05cuscoIm having this constant problem with dahdi. It is failing to use channel 202 as D-Chan
17:36.12cuscoabout 2 times per hour
17:36.21cuscothise is causing current calls to hang up
17:36.58cusconow this pri line is on a 4 span digium card, where 2 other spans belong to another telco and the 4th one is empty
17:37.08cuscoI believe I'm having timer issues
17:37.23cuscolog at:
17:37.37cuscocould some one point me in the right direction?
17:37.51cuscois there a problem having two telcos in one pri card?
17:38.56p3nguinsaliak: The context that you assign to your device determines an "entry point" for the call to start in the dial plan.
17:40.04_Corey_cusco: I've heard about people having issues where carrier timing will be problematic, though I've not had any issues using more than one carrier at the few sites I've tried it.  (With Digium cards)
17:40.25p3nguinsaliak: Your context is demo, so any extension that you call will be looked for in the [demo] context.  If there is no match, you'll either be disconnected or you'll get congestion tones.
17:40.56_Corey_cusco: Is this a new turnup or something that had been working?
17:43.38saliakp3nguin: that was my understanding, but my testing doesn't seem to reflect that.  with the demo context, i can dial any extension and it just says "dialing" and sits there.  i have the asterisk console started, but it just says "Using SIP RTP CoS mark5" every time i make a call, and nothing else (i'm assuming because the call doesn't connect)
17:44.37p3nguinsaliak: Run "core set verbose 4" and make another call.
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17:45.40p3nguinWhat does this mean when starting Asterisk  Unable to access the running directory (Permission denied).  Changing to '/' for compatibility.
17:46.08p3nguinDoes that mean the dir where I ran it from?
17:46.08saliakp3nguin : i had it set at 12 (started as asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvr), but even at 4, it doesn't say anything..  eventually the call seems to time out and it gives up (but i think that's my client)
17:46.56p3nguinsaliak: Sounds broken to me.  If a call was starting, it should show it on the CLI.  Maybe a sip debug would help.  sip set debug on
17:48.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
17:53.57cusco_Corey_: hi sorry for the delay. This is old... However we weren't using (much) this telco
17:54.03cusconow that we do, we notice these problems
17:55.14munsonanyone here familiar with SIP and the 7942g cisco ip  phone? phone is asking for a P0S3-8-12-00 from tftp server but the fw i got from cisco doesn't come with that file ;(
17:55.36cuscowhat can I do regarding timers?
17:56.09p3nguinmunson: What version of SIP firmware do you have?
17:56.23munsonthe latest but lemme check what one was it
17:56.28ssureshotthere is a long pause when I hit the VM button on my phone while it waits for you to press your extension before it auto senses the extension your at.. can I shorten this?
17:57.37_Corey_cusco: Is the (presumed) timing issue with the new carrier affecting calls on the other one?
17:58.23saliakp3nguin: interesting.  when i setup an iax connection it works!  of course, my client seems to crash every 20 seconds, but that's probably a different issue?  do you have to setup a codec for sip connections somewhere? when i make a iax call it shows GSM as the codec, but for SIP it's unkonwn.  is that something that's set in a conf file?
17:58.30p3nguinmunson: You've extracted the firmware files to the tftpd root?
17:58.47munsongot all the files there on my freeswitch/bluebox server
17:59.07munsonbut phone is asking for that P0S3-8-12-00 file
17:59.28p3nguinsaliak: You should always define the codec, for both SIP and IAX2.  disallow=all  and then allow the one you want to use, e.g., allow=ulaw
17:59.42infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
18:00.09p3nguinmunson: Do you have your SIPDefault.cnf and SIP<MAC>.cnf files handy?
18:00.36saliakp3nguin : that was it. thanks!
18:00.51p3nguinmunson: Those files need to have the image_version set appropriately.
18:01.22munsonya they are on the server, created from the endpointmanager-1.1.0 from bluebox/freeswitch....but even then the endpointmanager only has the 7940/7960 listed
18:01.42p3nguinThe format is probably the same.
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18:02.10p3nguinI'd generate it for the 7940 and then manually edit for my own needs.
18:02.14munsonya that is what i read in a forum but like i said the phone is asking for that one file which the cisco fw didn't comne with
18:02.39p3nguinThe image_version setting tells the phone which firmware to load.
18:03.21p3nguinIt would have said image_version:P0S3-08-12-00
18:03.41p3nguinAnd it has to be changed to match your files' version.
18:04.55munsonya lookin at the SIPDefaults.cnf it still is pointing to that P0S3-8-12-00 on first line on image_version:
18:05.09p3nguinYep.  Change that.
18:05.20munsonchange it?
18:06.00*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
18:06.00munsoni have .sbn files and .loads as well as the OS79XX.TXT and ringlist files and SEP/SIP.cnf and .xml files
18:06.02munsonbut no bin
18:06.10p3nguinYou'll want to look at your firmware files to get the name so you can put the correct version there.  Maybe image_version:P0S3-09-1-00, for example.
18:06.25p3nguinYou'll have to adjust the OS79XX.TXT file, too.
18:06.36cusco_Corey_: could be not sure...
18:06.50p3nguinDon't expect image_version:P0S3-09-1-00 to be right.  I'm just using that to show you how you have to change it.
18:07.09p3nguinLook on your tftpd where you extracted that firmware zip file.
18:07.24munsonya but no P0S3 nada in the cisco fw files
18:07.39cusco/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource has tsc hpet acpi_pm jiffies, current has tsc
18:07.54p3nguinYou should have the firmware files ending in .bin, .sbn, .sb2, and .loads
18:08.32p3nguinI have, for example, P003-08-11-00.{bin,sbn,sb2,loads}
18:08.53p3nguinWait, that's slightly incorrect.
18:09.00munsonno P0S* files in fw
18:09.25p3nguinP003-08-11-00.{bin,sbn} and P0S3-08-11-00.{sb2,loads}
18:09.46p3nguinOkay, then what files *are* in your firmware archive file?
18:10.22munsonyup no files i have apps42*.sbn, snu42*.sbn,cvm42*.sbn,dsp42*.sbn,dsp42*.sbn,jar42*.sbn and loads are sip42,term42,term62.loads
18:10.41p3nguinsaliak: The SIP config fixed up after setting the codec in the peer definition?
18:11.46cusco_Corey_: also seems that I'm only using -->
18:11.53p3nguinAlright, so you do have firmware files.  Now you just have to google for what needs to go in your OS79XX.TXT and SIP*.cnf files.
18:12.18saliakp3nguin: yeah.  the issue now seems to be that the calls are dropped (between a laptop on my local network and my local asterisk server) after 30-50 seconds.  still trying to get more data on that.  again, it's not clear if it's the server, or maybe the softphone i'm using
18:12.57p3nguinsaliak: The verbose output could be useful.  Pastebin the verbose output of a call.
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18:18.02saliakp3nguin : seems to be intermittent.  for some reason can't get it to happen now.  it doesn't spit out any errors in particular, the line just goes silent (but doesn't disconnect).  i think i need a control softphone
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18:21.24saliakhere's the output from two calls, one successful and one that goes silent.  nothing prints out till i hang up (at which point, it looks like a successful call) -
18:21.29munsonshould i just call cisco and demand a damn fw file that works lmao
18:22.31munsoncuz in the SIP fw file doesn't have any P0S*.bin or .sbn or nada
18:22.34p3nguinmunson: Let me see what I have available.  You have a 7942G?
18:23.45munsonbeen on cisco for awhile now and they say the 7942g isn't supported for "asterisk" or any other pbx system but i didn't ask for support i'm asking for some P0S* file that the phone is asking for lol
18:24.13p3nguinJust tell them you're using a 3rd party call control device.  Don't ask for support for Asterisk.
18:25.08p3nguinI see what you mean about the weird file names.  I'm looking at SIP 8.5.3 for that phone.
18:27.24cuscoquestion: If I make changes to /etd/dahdi/system.conf, I need to unload and reload res_dahdi or can I just reload it??
18:27.53munsonhmm i can try the 8version but didn't know why its not in the 9...hell i'll d/l each and every one ;)
18:28.47p3nguinI don't have much info about a 7942/7962.
18:29.48munsoni'm on cisco site now checkin diff fw's and maybe they have one that has a P0S* file
18:30.36p3nguinYou won't find that.
18:31.38p3nguinYou're going to have to get google to tell you what to define in SIPDefault.cnf.
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18:33.34munsonya and thats find a P0S3-8-12-00 file that these files are wanting to point to
18:33.57munsonat least the SIPDefault.cnf file and others are wanting
18:34.47p3nguinGoogle doesn't realize that a 794*2* is different from a 794*0* ?
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18:37.32munsonthats what i'm trying to figure out
18:38.08munsondone searches and i thought 7940 was for the whole series but is just for that phone
18:40.34Nugget79x0 is completely unlike the other cisco phones
18:40.34Nuggetdifferent firmware, different config format, different behavior
18:41.08munsonwell i mean last resort i guess i can always use their call manager setup but don't want that
18:44.14p3nguin7940 means 7940 and 7960 only.  7941 means 7941 and 7961 only.  Et cetera.
18:44.25munsonyup ;(
18:44.35p3nguin7900 is the only one that encompasses the entire series.
18:46.45munsonmaybe bought the wrong phones lol ;(
18:47.15munsonteacher got em with the new cisco2821 and FX0 moduels and 2 4port PoE switches and some other ports i never worked with
18:48.44munsoni was truly hoping it was on the endpointmanager's on bluebox or freepbx
18:59.21*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
19:01.31p3nguinI personally use 7940/7960 and a lonely 7912 with Asterisk with no problems.  You could go that route or the new 500 series.
19:01.53*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
19:02.26chandooi have little echo in ekiga, i am thinking it is feedback from the mic
19:02.29chandoohow to fix this
19:02.54p3nguinTurn down the volume!
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19:11.30chandoop3nguin:} any speical audio codecs i have to enable, right now i have Speex, PCMU, PCMA enabled under audio-codecs
19:12.15p3nguinEnable the one you want to use, the one that is configured in asterisk for your peer (phone).
19:13.30chandoop3nguin:} no idea, first time using sip
19:13.43chandooi don't what i want
19:13.50chandooi don't know what i want
19:14.29p3nguinIn asterisk sip.conf, you had to create a peer definition for your phone.  You included in it, disallow=all and allow=ulaw or allow=something-else.  Whichever codec you decided to allow, that is the one to configure the softphone to use.
19:14.56*** join/#asterisk nathan7 (nathan@unaffiliated/nathan7)
19:14.58chandooi think it fixed, i enabled echo cancellation in the preferences
19:15.23chandoop3nguin:} all i have is allvoi provider account trying to use ekiga in fedora
19:15.39p3nguinAre you trying to tell me that you aren't using Asterisk?
19:15.57chandoop3nguin:} i am sorry , no i am using asterisk
19:16.06chandoop3nguin:} i am sorry , no i am not using asterisk
19:16.16*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
19:16.18p3nguinThen you're in the wrong channel.  This is an Asterisk channel.
19:16.31*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
19:16.34chandoois there channel for ekiga
19:16.41p3nguinno clue
19:16.54chandoop3nguin:} do you recommend any sip clients for linux
19:17.09p3nguina phone
19:17.19p3nguinI mean, a soft phone?
19:17.20chandoofor linux desktop
19:17.25chandooyes softphone
19:17.44p3nguinIt's the one I use.
19:17.54p3nguinIt's the phone I use when I don't have a phone.
19:18.49chandoop3nguin:} thanks :) Tinkle looks good, let me try it out
19:18.57p3nguintinkle, lol
19:19.25joobiehey p3nguin
19:19.33joobiehow did you go with that sms stuff?
19:19.35p3nguinHow's it goin'?
19:19.54joobieaite.. just got up
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19:20.09chandoop3nguin:} sorry typo twinklee
19:20.38saliaki'm trying to setup broadvoice up as my trunk for asterisk.  i've got asterisk running on the same computer i use as a firewall (using shorewall).  do i need to open up 5060 to the server, or does asterisk initiate the connection to the broadvoice servers? i've followed their install instructions at
19:21.01p3nguinI'm trying to build up an embedded system for Asterisk.  Having troubles understanding some file system operations.
19:22.26joobiean embedded system for asterisk in what sense?
19:22.34joobiewhat file system operations are you stuck with?
19:22.49p3nguinsaliak: Allow UDP port 5060 and the UDP port range defined in rtp.conf.
19:23.57chandooguyz once you are done with your conversation, can i install asterisk and use it in any way, all i have is SIP account with All Voi service provider,
19:24.07chandooi am not sure if my question make any sense
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19:24.43chandoonotices twinkle is for kde,
19:24.46p3nguinjoobie: I've a flash memory module for the hard drive, I put ext2 on it, and I want to mount it with noatime to reduce writeback to preserve the flash memory.  I can add noatime in the fstab, so it says defaults,noatime.  I wanted to know if there was a way to make noatime a file system default, so I didn't need to include it in the fstab...
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19:25.49p3nguinjoobie: But there's apparently no way to do that, because noatime isn't one of the supported options that tune2fs can add as a default filesystem option.  So I tried the extended option.  That didn't appear to work, either.
19:26.09p3nguinI'm probably just not understanding something.
19:27.00joobiep3nguin, why cant you not use fstab for this?
19:27.15p3nguinIf I specify noatime as an option in the fs superblock and don't specify it in the mount options, should it still show up in mtab/mounts?
19:27.28p3nguinI can.  The question wasn't if I can or can't use the fstab.
19:27.45p3nguinThe question was if I can make noatime a default fs option or not.
19:28.22p3nguinThe initial answer was no, but then I was shown the extended options.
19:28.38joobiepossibly with the -A flag with chattr
19:28.47joobielike err.. chattr -R -A /
19:28.50joobiebut err
19:28.53joobiei would just use fstab
19:29.07joobiewhen your system boots, it will read fstab and mount the FS without atime
19:29.09p3nguinUh, we're not dealing with files and directories.
19:29.28p3nguinI'm talking about a file system.  chattr does not work on the fs level.
19:29.38joobieyes it does
19:30.14p3nguinYou think chattr [options] /dev/sda1 is going to work?
19:30.21p3nguinI don't.
19:30.28tzanger/dev/sda1 is not an fs
19:30.32joobiep3nguin, /dev/sda1 is your block device
19:30.46p3nguinNo, but it's the volume containing the fs.
19:30.56p3nguinI'm not new to Linux.
19:30.56joobieif you are using ext2 on sda1, mount it, then run chattr -A -R on the fs
19:31.07tzangerp3nguin: for someone who's not new to linux, you are sure talking like a n00b.
19:31.19tzangerp3nguin: /dev/sda1 is a block device. it's not anything else.
19:31.20p3nguinOnce you mount it, you're dealing with the files, not on the fs level.
19:31.33chandooi want to make some test calls to some one , how to do that, any one available for testing
19:31.39tzangerwhen you mount it, you will deal with the filesystem it contains by accessing them from the mount point, not the device node.
19:31.47joobiep3nguin, bascially just use fstab for this
19:31.58joobiep3nguin, mtab reflects your active mounts
19:32.12joobiewhen you mount the fs, fstab will be used
19:32.43*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
19:33.00p3nguingrep sda1 /proc/mounts
19:33.00p3nguin/dev/sda1 / ext2 rw,noatime,errors=continue 0 0
19:33.29p3nguinThis is fine.  It is a result of using noatime in the fstab.
19:34.11joobiep3nguin, <p3nguin> I'm probably just not understanding something.
19:34.15joobieyou are right.
19:34.23p3nguinThe question was: If I set a default option of noatime ON THE FUCKING FILE SYSTEM, will it be used if I do not use noatime in the fstab or the mount command?
19:34.39joobiethat was not the original Q :P
19:34.46p3nguinIt doesn't show up in "mount" if I do it that way.
19:34.59p3nguinBut I don't know if it is silent by doing it that way.
19:35.27p3nguinBecause I do not understand file systems in that way.
19:35.29joobiehow are you setting the default option of noatime without fstab ?
19:36.06joobieim not sure if it will be persistant
19:36.08p3nguinDefault mount options:    (none)
19:36.11p3nguinMount options:            noatime
19:36.14joobieyou can do this via tune2fs whilst the FS is mounted ya?
19:36.17p3nguinOh, it's persistent.
19:36.34p3nguinSure, I can change the info if the fs is mounted or not.
19:37.25joobiei'm not sure.
19:37.48joobieif you use tune2fs, not all the options will be shown in /proc/mounts
19:37.49p3nguinIf I set it like that and take it off the fstab (or mount command), when I mount -a / it no longer shows noatime in "mount".  I just don't know if that means noatime was not used, or if noatime is used but on a different level.
19:37.51joobiebut err
19:37.54joobieyou can test this
19:38.05joobiejust mount the fs without atime and with tune2fs
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19:38.14joobiecat a test file
19:38.21joobiethen ls -lu the test file
19:38.27joobiesee if the atime has been updated
19:38.43p3nguinI'm pretty sure I'm going to end up using noatime in the fstab, but I'd like to have a definitive answer to this.
19:38.53joobiewell test it
19:38.56joobieit's a pretty simple test case
19:38.59p3nguinThat's a good idea.  I'll test it now.
19:39.09p3nguinYep, good idea.
19:39.25p3nguintune2fs -E mount_opts=noatime /dev/sda1
19:39.53munsonkk logging off i'll test some more stuff out monday
19:40.05WIMPyInteresting topic.
19:40.10p3nguinchanged the fstab
19:40.11munsonthx p3nguin for help
19:40.16p3nguinmount -o remount /
19:40.19WIMPyBut I think it works. It does for error behaviour.
19:40.38p3nguingrep sda1 /proc/mounts
19:40.39p3nguin/dev/sda1 / ext2 rw,relatime,errors=continue 0 0
19:41.09p3nguinThere's probably no reason to test since we know the atime will get updated.
19:41.33p3nguinAm I thinking incorrectly about that?
19:42.59joobiep3nguin, personally i would use fstab for this
19:43.01p3nguinWell, I catted a file and ls -lu does not show a current time.
19:43.20joobiep3nguin, if you want to do it differently, just test it
19:43.22p3nguinI'm sure I'll end up using the fstab, but I still want a definitive answer about this topic.
19:43.51p3nguinmounts shows relatime, and the access time for the file I accessed did not update.
19:43.55joobie.. /proc/mounts will not show all options you configure within tune2fs
19:43.56joobieit can't
19:44.04joobieso it may / may not work
19:44.17joobiethen its' fine
19:45.14WIMPyAnd don't forget nodiratime.
19:45.41p3nguinIf I'm using noatime, nodiratime shouldn't do anything.  At least that was my understanding.
19:46.02p3nguinIf I'm wrong about that, show me so I'll know.
19:46.07WIMPyMine is different.
19:46.31WIMPyI thinkt diratime is on even if you use noatime to keep some mail stuff working.
19:47.10WIMPyIs there even a diratime without no?
19:47.18joobienoatime implies nodoratime
19:47.29joobie.. at least in modern day kernels (2.6)
19:47.30p3nguinThat was my thought.
19:48.41WIMPyThe man says diratime is the default. What sense does that make then?
19:48.42p3nguinMaybe I said that wrong.  Instead of saying nodiratime shouldn't do anything, I should have said nodiratime isn't needed because it doesn't change anything additional.
19:49.30p3nguinI think noatime trumps diratime.
19:49.53p3nguinnoatime means don't update atime at all on the fs.  That would include diratimes.
19:50.27p3nguinI've misunderstood things before, so I could be mistaken on that.
19:50.48joobieWIMPy, it is the default if you don't specify "noatime"
19:51.00WIMPySo essentially on a modern kernel, noatime actuelly has the same effect as nodiratime.
19:51.13p3nguinit includes it, at least.
19:51.20p3nguinIt does more than just nodiratime.
19:51.43p3nguinnodiratime would affect only directories, where regular files would still get updated.
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19:52.10WIMPyThe current default seems to be noatime,diratime.
19:52.15p3nguinnoatime would prevent updating for all types of files.
19:53.35p3nguinI seem to be in the presence of some people who know a bit about hardware...
19:53.59p3nguinThis flash memory I have has a write endurance specification of:
19:54.10p3nguin8years@100gbytes write and erase per day at 32GB
19:54.14*** join/#asterisk tracep (~tracep@
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19:54.21p3nguinWhat does that mean in REAL WORLD terms?
19:54.43blatzi am looking for help with realtime odbc.
19:54.46p3nguinDoes that mean they tested a 32GB device?
19:55.14tracepneed help with setting outbound CID on Asterisk 1.4 via config files, anyone willing to help? thx!
19:55.15p3nguinDoes that mean my 4GB device won't last for 8 years if I write and erease 100 GB per day?
19:55.31p3nguintracep: callerid=Your Name <123>
19:55.31WIMPyNFI, but the usual numbers are 10K writes on consumer grade, 100K writes on industrial grade flash.
19:56.12WIMPyFlash is best used RO.
19:56.16blatzi am getting... "Realtime mapping for 'meetme' found to engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available"
19:56.19joobiehave a look at the function at line 1503
19:56.20tracepp3nguin: thanks, but where? user CID is overriding and going outbound instead of main #
19:56.44blatzbut odbc show displays the right settings
19:56.50p3nguintracep: Oh, I see your problem.  I'll help you... just a moment.
19:56.52blatzand says connected
19:57.03joobieafaik this is why noatime implies nodiratime
19:57.06tracepT1 provider won't place calls without BTN set as outbound CID
19:57.09coppiceits rare to see a sector failure with a flash disk. the whole bloody thing dies instead "-\
19:58.00p3nguintracep: Add a variable in your phone's peer definition:  setvar=externalCID=3149691077
19:58.12p3nguintracep: And then use this in dial plan:  ExecIf($[${IF($["${externalCID}" != ""]?1)}],Set,CALLERID(num)=${externalCID})
19:58.28p3nguintracep: Put that before the Dial() on your outbound extension.
19:59.15p3nguintracep: If the externalCID variable exists, set the CALLERID(num) to that value before Dial()ing.
20:00.16p3nguintracep: That's how I handle the external CID being different from the callerid setting for the device.
20:02.17tracepp3nguin: this is a fairly simple setup (v1.4) with minor dialplan, but attempts at setting the callerid before dial and in the zapata.conf is still being replaced by the user calling calling out
20:02.32*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
20:02.56blatzneed help with odbc realtime
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20:03.15p3nguintracep: Is the phone you're dialing outbound with an analog phone?
20:03.22*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:03.47p3nguintracep: And does zap support "setvar=variableName=value"?
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20:04.00tracepno. SIP based (linksys SPA942) to * and to new T1
20:04.02p3nguintracep: If so, what I gave you will work.
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20:04.32p3nguintracep: Okay, put the setvar line that I gave you into the phone's definition in sip.conf.  Run sip reload after saving sip.conf.
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20:05.09p3nguintracep: Then change extensions.conf to reflect the command I gave you.  Put it right before the Dial() command for outbound calls.
20:05.16*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
20:06.04p3nguintracep: If you still can't get it done, paste your phone's peer definition into the pastebin and I'll change it for you.  Similarly, paste your outbound calling context into the pastebin and I'll also change that for you.
20:06.04tracepthe person who set this system up years ago is using the extensions.ael to do config
20:06.04infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:06.41*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
20:06.50ClintGoudie-Nicetop of the day to you all
20:06.53p3nguinDoes ael support the same applications?  My bet is "yes!"
20:06.56tracepsip.conf change is done. is the command the same even if using extensions.ael instead of extensions.conf?
20:07.12p3nguinNo clue.  Show me a snippet of the ael you have.
20:07.53p3nguinThe application and its syntax can't change... as far as I can tell.
20:08.19p3nguinIt's going to be the syntax of the extensions that will be different.
20:09.50ClintGoudie-NiceIs it possible to configure an extension to automatically forward to a different extension after a certain number of rings or if the extension is busy?
20:10.02ClintGoudie-NiceI'd rather do it on an extension basis, but I can do it system wide if I need
20:11.53*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
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20:12.19sequencerhi all, i need some help with a dropped call issue
20:12.24sequencerwho should i be asking ?
20:12.42tracepp3nguin: any thoughts on the snippet?
20:13.58p3nguintracep: As long as you have set the variable like I said, it should work just fine.
20:14.15tracepp3nguin: thanks! giving it a shot and let you know
20:14.46p3nguintracep: By the way, I changed your pattern matches to a more sensible pattern for NANP.
20:15.02tracepp3nguin: yep, saw that. thx
20:19.14tracepp3nguin: hmmm...ok CID is right now, but provider is saying dialed # is not show
20:19.48p3nguintracep: Ugh.  I can't do everything!
20:20.18p3nguinThat might be a zap setting.  I don't use zap, so I don't know.
20:20.45tracepp3nguin: k, thx for your help on OCID though!
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20:37.06titterIs there a way to see all connections to the CLI?
20:37.51Chainsawtitter: They normally show up as a "UNIX connection", and you get reports of any connect/disconnect as long as you are on.
20:38.30titterYup, just wondering if there is something actually watching these connections already there
20:40.24ClintGoudie-Nicean the follow me module hooks me up.
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20:48.27p3nguinwimpy: Did you have an idea what my write endurance specs could mean to me in a real world application?
20:48.47WIMPyNFI, but the usual numbers are 10K writes on consumer grade, 100K writes on industrial grade flash.
20:49.09p3nguinThis is labeled as industrial.
20:49.15p3nguinsticker on it
20:49.59p3nguinI did not put swap on the flash memory, even though the installer really wanted me to... so is 100K writes a lot, relatively speaking?
20:50.42WIMPyDepends on what you're doing.
20:51.04p3nguinI'm building an Asterisk PBX.
20:51.14WIMPyFlash is best used RO.
20:51.20p3nguinI can't do that.
20:51.41p3nguinI have logs that need to be written and config files that often need changing.
20:51.54WIMPyLogs are evil.
20:52.30p3nguinI could try RO and see how it goes.  I can write cdr and recordings to another computer on the network.
20:53.03p3nguinI'd like to keep it all self-contained, but maybe it's not going to be practical.
20:53.04WIMPyThat might be a good idea.
20:54.36p3nguinThe project is coming along nicely.  I'm pleased with the progress I've made in only a couple of hours.
20:55.08sequenceri got the pastebin for this trouble
20:55.16sequencerany ideas ?
20:56.38sequenceralso am not sure what id this : 169. CSeq: 102 CANCEL
20:59.27sequencerany help would be much appreciated :)
21:03.47*** join/#asterisk boch (bed20889@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:04.37bochhi all
21:05.16bochcould you give me a hand? im not being able to register my asterisk using jabber to openfire server... it does not outputs any debug of error.. it just keeps disconnected when list connected users
21:06.22*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
21:08.00wdoekes2sequencer: at 115. the call is cancelled by the polycom
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21:08.58sequencerwdoekes2 the user didnt cancel the call, so what can be the issue?
21:09.06sequencermalunction from the polycom itself ?
21:09.24titterSo if I have terrible routing to my Asterisk server from only a few locations, but can get much better routing from an area close to those locations, nearly half the latency and no packet loss to Asterisk ... how would you do it? I am thinking SER and rtpproxy to just route the sip and rtp to Asterisk? Can Asterisk simply route SIP/RTP to another Asterisk server?
21:10.13wdoekes2hard to say.. but you're missing the start of the dialog in your pb
21:10.49wdoekes2but it looks like the polycom doesn't like the (content of the) 183 message
21:11.03wdoekes2(the one at 86.)
21:11.12sequencerlet me see, ill try to get it, ill have to dig into 15k of lines now..
21:11.35sequencerhmm.. what does that mean ?
21:11.42sequencerSIP/2.0 183 Session Progress
21:11.44wdoekes2you could try to enable debugging on your polycom (logging to syslog?) if it exists
21:12.01wdoekes2so called "early media"
21:12.16sequenceri have around 60 polycoms, it would be a hurricane
21:12.52wdoekes2a dialog is set up as follows --> INVITE <-- 100 trying <-- 180 ringing <-- 183 progress <-- 200 --> ACK
21:13.10wdoekes2the 1xx responses are optional.. the 200 signals that the dialog has begun
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21:13.54wdoekes2183 is used to start media before the call is up.. e.g. to tell the user about the costs of the call
21:14.35wdoekes2well.. if you're debugging one phone, you wouldn't need to enable syslog for all of them, now would you?
21:15.02sequenceryes, because the dropped calls are a random issue
21:15.13sequencerwe need to be aware of them on all extensions
21:16.24*** join/#asterisk slum (
21:16.49slumneed help, how can I dial a number from the CLI to see if my SIP registration worked?
21:17.15p3nguinYou don't need SIP registration to work to be able to make calls.
21:17.23p3nguinJust so you know.
21:17.35slumok but I want to see if I can make an outbound call
21:18.02p3nguinDid you create extensions that route calls through a peer that has the capability of doing that?
21:18.02slumI have the context set up
21:18.14p3nguinDial the number.
21:18.23wdoekes2sequencer: well.. I don't see anything immediately wrong with the 183.. esp. not without seeing the original INVITE that starts the dialog. blame points at the polycom for now
21:18.35slump3nguin, I can't connect a softphone
21:18.47p3nguinCreate a sip peer for it.
21:19.03slumHow do I do that?
21:19.20p3nguinIn sip.conf, create an entry for your phone, just like you had to do for your ITSP.
21:19.44p3nguinI'm starting to get the feeling that you haven't read The Book.
21:20.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
21:20.15infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
21:20.25p3nguinnew one and old one, respectively
21:20.58wdoekes2boch: I don't know about jabber.. but you could try tcpdump if the jabber module doesn't support packets dumps.
21:21.22wdoekes2boch: and then there's 'core set debug N filename.c'
21:21.47*** part/#asterisk tracep (~tracep@
21:22.45wdoekes2titter: set+rtpproxy sounds like the way to go
21:23.31sequencerwdoekes2 i am getting the pastebin for the call sart for you ...
21:28.20sequencerwdoekes2 i am not sure if this is sufficient
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21:33.41wdoekes2was that a failed call too?
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21:33.57sequencerits the same call, this is the beginning (start) of the call
21:34.24sequencerthe call was in progress for some time then it just drops while parties are on the phone
21:35.30wdoekes2how long is "some time"? and why isn't the peer starting the dialog with 200?
21:36.02sequencerit varies between seconds and about 20-30 minutes
21:36.13sequencerwhy , i dont know.. let me check
21:36.25titterwdoekes2: thanks, and there goes my weekend lol.
21:36.54wdoekes2if you know what you're doing, it won't take the whole weekend ;)
21:37.43titterNever messed with either of other two ... so mostly it will be reading and looking at examples. Since I am doing nothing but routing everything on ... I don't think it will be bad
21:39.03sequencercant see any 200 signal
21:39.07titterNow the question, I wonder how this would work in a cloud hosted setup if I wanted to expand/cut costs and provide multiple geographical locations to our offices.
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21:40.44wdoekes2sequencer: asterisk doesn't support 100rel: calls without a 200 within a certain amount of time should get regarded as down
21:41.02wdoekes2but then we're talking minutes, not seconds
21:41.20sequencerhmmm.. could that be the issue of dropped calls ?
21:41.27wdoekes2titter: and now it will take the weekend and then some ;)
21:41.28sequencerhow would i solve this ?
21:41.29titterwdoekes2: <3
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21:42.32wdoekes2sequencer: answer() the call in your asterisk config
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21:42.48sequenceram using freepbx
21:42.49wdoekes2this would be simple, if you weren't using freepbx ;)
21:44.36sequencerok, what should i ask for in specific ?
21:44.47sequenceri am an * newbie
21:46.47wdoekes2no clue ;) if you need help rm -rf'ing your freepbx install, we can help you though
21:47.22sequencerive been having these issues with false fax detection
21:47.23roxdragonexist an client SIP for asterisk?
21:47.29roxdragonType OS android
21:47.54wdoekes2any SIP client should work
21:48.04sequenceri disabled faxes and things went good, when i enabled faxdetect=yes on the sip trunk it started giving these troubles back again
21:48.05wdoekes2I believe there are plenty to choose from
21:48.41wdoekes2sequencer: if you traced the problems to faxdetect, you really should've mentioned that
21:48.50wdoekes2I don't have any experience with that though
21:52.04sequencerits fine though, we will see how it goes
21:58.26*** join/#asterisk gurra (~gurra__@unaffiliated/gurra)
21:59.12titterAnother random one, anyone ever hide the UA or at least the version number on Asterisk?
22:00.33*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
22:00.40wdoekes2I believe there is a setting somewhere, titter
22:00.53ClintGoudie-NiceIs there a way to set the type of transfer (bridged vs blind) on a sip trunk?
22:01.05wdoekes2;useragent=Asterisk PBX         ; Allows you to change the user agent string
22:02.19wdoekes2ClintGoudie-Nice: isn't the trunk supposed to be initiating the transfer?
22:06.34titterwdoekes2: Thanks for that, found it on Google as you said it. sipv shows unknown which makes me happy.
22:14.22*** join/#asterisk cashback (
22:15.13ClintGoudie-Nicewdoekes2: I get a call in from a cisco call manager trunk, it rings a phone, and then from follow me, after a certain number of rings it gets transferred to another trunk. When that happens it drops the call instead of completing the transfer. Previously I've seen this happen with ccm due to the transfer mode.
22:15.24*** join/#asterisk tstorm (
22:21.43roxdragonhow to install codec g722?
22:23.48fauxallianceroxdragon, copy it to the modules directory and add load it via the CLI
22:24.44*** part/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
22:24.48roxdragonfauxalliance,  how to?
22:24.59roxdragonwhere is the module?
22:26.49WIMPyWhere all other modules are, as well.
22:27.31WIMPyBy defalut you will have it.
22:27.42fauxallianceroxdragon, 'locate modules |grep asterisk'
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22:31.06roxdragondon't work MOH
22:45.48*** join/#asterisk phyburn (
22:47.10infobotit has been said that moh is Music On Hold. Good information about how to set it up in the various possible ways can be found at, or originally from
22:47.35*** join/#asterisk DaneM (
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22:50.35DaneMHello, everybody.  I'm thinking about getting back into making asterisk phone systems using Asterisk.  The last time I attempted it (and before that, too), the documentation was a bit sketchy and often out of date, depending on where I looked (about 2-3 years ago).  Can anyone tell me where the best place to find reliable, up-to-date instructions on best practices and so forth would be?  I also need to know what the best modern hardware for
22:51.09paulcDaneM: The Asterisk wiki is probably a good place to start:
22:51.56roxdragon[Mar 18 23:50:25] WARNING[3870]: file.c:644 ast_openstream_full: File /var/lib/asterisk/moh/romance does not exist in any format
22:51.56roxdragon[Mar 18 23:50:25] WARNING[3870]: res_musiconhold.c:325 ast_moh_files_next: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh/romance': No such file or directory
22:52.13DaneMpaulc: Thanks!  I'll start there.  Do you happen to know off the top of your head what the most reliable hardware for 4 FXO ports is?  I've had trouble finding that out in the past.
22:52.33paulcDaneM: Do you mean server hardware? Or telephony hardware to serve 4 phone lines?
22:53.24DaneMpaulc: Server hardware: 4 incoming POTS lines from AT&T.  It'll go out to local phones via VOIP.
22:54.07DaneMI'll probably be using typical PC hardware for the server.
22:54.18*** join/#asterisk garymc (
22:54.43paulcDaneM: Can't comment on the POTS lines, we mainly use SIP, but I think the Digium boards are generally considered the best. Or alternatively an FXO/SIP gateway (Adtran springs to mind, can't remember the other one I'm thinking of)
22:55.01paulcServer wise.. HP, Dell, etc..  the wiki has some other people's success stories.
22:55.40DaneMpaulc: thanks again.  I'll check that out, too.  The last few attempts involved buying expensive boards only to find them outdated and out of driver support :-p
22:56.00paulcDaneM: Buy your boards from Digium and they come with support, warranty, etc, and you won't have any problems :-)
22:56.25DaneMpaulc: nodnod.  Thanks.  I had previously bought digium boards on ebay...a mistake, it seems
22:56.55paulcAs the saying goes... "You gets what you pays for" - lots of knock-off/clone boards on there I think
22:57.27*** join/#asterisk brainiac (
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22:58.18DaneMpaulc: definitely.  Learned my lesson (I think....)
22:58.54DaneMIncidentally, which IRC client do you folks prefer.  I'm using pidgin, but it doesn't seem to be well-designed for this.
22:59.39paulcDaneM: I SSH into my Linux box, then run irssi in a terminal shell session. On windows I previously had success with X-Chat.
23:00.32DaneMCool.  I'm dual-booting (Windows/Linux), so unfortunately ssh isn't really good for me :-p  I'll try Xchat.
23:00.59DaneMpaulc: Thanks again.
23:01.25*** part/#asterisk DaneM (
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23:02.11paulcno worries :)
23:05.38*** join/#asterisk gurra (~gurra__@unaffiliated/gurra)
23:07.34gurraanyone tried to add a phone number on lately? the verification call is not working for me...
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23:28.26*** join/#asterisk Mezevenf (
23:28.38Mezevenfhey guys
23:29.58Mezevenfanyone got a sec to give me some pointers with a B410P?
23:30.08infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:31.34MezevenfOk I have a B410P that I want to integrate with an existing PBX, I have it jumpered to NT mode and configured as much as it requires as far as I can tell. Should the lights on the card be green when under NT mode and plugged into the PBX?
23:32.40WIMPyI don't know about the specific feature of the b410p, but most probably yes.
23:32.59WIMPyBut possibly only after the first connection attempt.
23:33.12MezevenfShould I be incorporating the existing NT1 devices with the B410P or bypassing them entirely?
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23:33.45WIMPyNo, just a direct connection.
23:34.14WIMPyWell, does the b410p reconfigure the port when jumpering NT mode?
23:35.31MezevenfAs far as I can tell the only differentiation in config between TE and NT is setting the CPE settings as termination mode is commented out elsewhere
23:36.00WIMPywas asking about the physical connection.
23:36.08WIMPyI'm just having a look at the manual.
23:36.21MezevenfI assume so as the jumpers cross the wires
23:36.34WIMPyJes, looks like they do.
23:37.00Mezevenfbascially I have NT1 boxes from Telstra here which the system was plugged into. I'm now bypassing them and plugging into the B410P directly
23:37.13WIMPyYes, it clearly states it 'eliminates the need to use a cross over cable'.
23:37.44WIMPyYes, just put the plug that was in the NT in to the card.
23:38.39MezevenfShould I be expecting green lights without any config at all or only after correct config?
23:39.21WIMPyYou need correct config and a working link.
23:39.55MezevenfLink to the PBX? as its not linking to any BRI carrier line
23:40.09WIMPyYes, the link to the PBX.
23:40.17*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:40.47MezevenfDo you know the pinout of the B410P in NT by any chance? As the existing PBX does not use regular RJ45
23:41.59WIMPyNT is just Tx and Rx crossed over.
23:42.15WIMPyIt should be the same as the NT.
23:42.59*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (1000@
23:43.09MezevenfThe only thing that has me concerned is that the system itself only uses 2pairs per existing NT1 connection, so its not a full blown cable
23:43.44Mezevenfbut just a single 8pair comes from the PBX to handle 4 existing NT1 boxes
23:43.53*** join/#asterisk n1x0n (
23:43.56WIMPyYes, it's 3456 only. 12 and 78 are only for additional power supply. But I've never seen that being used anywhere.
23:44.17MezevenfOk, thank you for your help WIMPy, much appreciated!
23:46.18n1x0nHello, is it possible to have asterisk listening on more then one port ? My cellurar operator blocks port 5060 :-/ I did some googling and testing byt it always bind on one port - any suggestions much appreciated
23:46.32*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:46.36WIMPyn1x0n: No
23:46.45WIMPyBut you can use iptables, off course.
23:47.42*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
23:47.45n1x0nWIMPy: mm yeah that was my backup plan , thx
23:48.08neurosyscan someone tell me what version * began using CoS?
23:49.46WIMPyMezevenf: Do you use ptp or ptmp?
23:51.11Mezevenfusing PTP atm
23:53.59Mezevenfok 100ohm dip brought up green
23:54.30Mezevenfsince I'm using this as outbound only, should I setup a custom extension per line? What would you recommend?
23:56.12WIMPyExtension for the BRIs?
23:56.46WIMPyIf you don't want to send calls TO the PBX you don't need extensions for it.
23:57.55WIMPyIf you don't have termination elsewhere, you want that enabled. The manual is actually misleading there.
23:58.14WIMPyOr just wrong.

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