IRC log for #asterisk on 20110316

00:02.35*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:02.58*** join/#asterisk JCMaxwell_ (
00:03.57JCMaxwell_has anyone seen multiple dtmf packets per digit in a pcap capture?
00:04.20JCMaxwell_I am getting about 20 packets per digit pressed going through Level3
00:04.36*** join/#asterisk CentroniX (
00:13.28*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:19.14*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
00:21.03*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
00:28.11*** join/#asterisk sskyles (
00:37.35paulcJCMaxwell_: I have to run in a sec, but yes - I've seen similar. And although we use Level 3, I don't think it was with them - this was probably PSTN --> Asterisk --> Another Asterisk directly, as well as PSTN --> Asterisk --> Windows SIP recorder --> Another Asterisk. Specifically, a number of packets - I think it was something like "sending tone, sending tone, sending tone, tone done" kind of thing. We had an issue with DTMFs not flowing through the ca
00:44.41p3nguinpaulc: You need to get a message split tool... you truncated at "flowing through the ca"
00:46.14paulcrepost: We had an issue with DTMFs not flowing through the call recorder right because they didn't pass on all the packets.
00:46.27paulcirssi seemed happy enough with it - sorry about that
00:46.37paulcand on that note - my chariot awaits! I'm off home :-)
00:53.48*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
00:57.47*** part/#asterisk Blue-Dragon (
01:05.41*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-dkhuddhgyuzxiakl)
01:08.36shaprIs there some particular syntax to put multiple allow=codec lines on a single line?
01:08.40shaprLike, ampersand or something?
01:13.55carrarse a template?
01:14.36carrarthe apply that template to your sip entry
01:14.43*** join/#asterisk drivefast (
01:14.55carrarread the sip.conf example
01:15.06carrarthere is a example of that in there
01:15.10shaprcarrar: Oh excellent point, thanks!
01:15.33carrarsearch "my-codecs"
01:22.10*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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01:25.56*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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01:34.14*** part/#asterisk sskyles (
01:35.40*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
01:37.13*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
01:38.15*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
01:42.35*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-tcabmasehibscdox)
01:49.23*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:49.35*** join/#asterisk n0tk (~n0tk@
01:49.59*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
01:58.39*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:25.36*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
02:26.04*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
02:31.53*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
02:54.26*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (78c5c1c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:55.03BeeBuuhow can i disable the SIP multiline ?
03:01.02ChannelZI assume you mean call waiting
03:01.19ChannelZin which case that's a function of your phone, not Asterisk
03:11.01*** join/#asterisk mzb (
03:12.25*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
03:14.54p3nguinpaulc: You need to use the script to make it split the long posts so it doesn't truncate.
03:16.37BeeBuuChannelZ: thanks.
03:17.38BeeBuuanother question:i found the billsec is 0 even i answered the call in asterisk,what's problem?
03:26.55*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
03:34.55*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:03.24*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
04:19.10*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@
04:28.45*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
04:36.59*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:39.52*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:48.53*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
04:50.54sawgoodanyone skilled with Sangoma by chance?
04:51.07sawgoodI have a A101 PRI (provisioned,active,up)
04:51.15sawgoodI can make outbound calls, but I cannot receive incoming calls
04:51.34sawgoodthe incoming call reaches the * box, but an all circuits are busy message plays
04:52.00*** join/#asterisk dobah (
04:52.43devdvdsawgood, i dont know anything about sangoma but does your console say something like "unable to create channel of type"
04:52.53devdvdwhats the debug and verbosity level on your console?
04:53.13sawgoodverbose = 5
04:53.18sawgooddebug = 0
04:53.24*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
04:53.34devdvdcore set verbose 10
04:53.37devdvdcore set debug 10
04:53.40devdvdthen try a call
04:53.58sawgooddoing it now
04:54.18devdvdand pastebin what you see, i probably can't help you but that output will help others who are smarter than I possibly be able to help you
05:01.57*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
05:03.48*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
05:04.07*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
05:06.37*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-mqbtkcbinnyebvrk)
05:15.22*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:18.43sawgoodbesides udp on port 4569, are any other ports needed (firewall concerns)?
05:18.49sawgoodfor iax2
05:20.36*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
05:35.53*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
05:41.47kaldemarsawgood: no.
05:44.36sawgoodkaldemar: thank you!
05:56.55*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
06:13.17*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:15.42*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
06:16.26*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
06:16.35joobiehey guys.. how can i see what version sip my asterisk supports?
06:18.52kaldemarjoobie: sip version as in 1.0/2.0?
06:20.45joobiekaldemar, ya
06:20.58joobiesupposedly the ip 7000 polycom requires v3.0.2
06:21.03joobienot sure if my asterisk box supports this
06:23.11kaldemarif you find SIP v3.0.2 somewhere, let us know. that must mean something else.
06:24.58kaldemarthat's the polycom firmware version, not SIP protocol version.
06:26.31*** join/#asterisk mzb (
06:33.21joobieahh thanks
06:40.06*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
06:41.22luisfeliceHi, I am having a weird noise on the FXS ports of a TDM400P card, I believe it is the power source, is it possible to install a filter?
06:42.48shaprIf it's power, then your computer's power supply is the problem.
06:42.57shaprIs it cheap to put in a better PSU?
06:43.55luisfeliceIt is a DELL server
06:44.33shaprluisfelice: alternatively, you could put the card in a different computer and see if the noise is still there
06:44.52luisfeliceok thanks I will try
06:59.39*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
07:01.53*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:05.57*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
07:10.25*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
07:23.12*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
07:26.09*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
07:31.40*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:31.42schmidtsgood morning
07:33.12shaprhowdy schmidts
07:34.31*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:34.38*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:41.41*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
07:54.23*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
07:55.37zknHello, are there any australians here who could  give me advice on local ITSPs ?
07:56.19*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:512:8271:8b76:433)
08:11.38*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:16.06Corydon76-homezkn: email the -biz list
08:16.27zknthanks, will try there
08:18.08*** join/#asterisk jploh (~jploh@
08:19.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:21.21*** part/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
08:21.45jplohdoes anyone know if skype for asterisk works on asterisk 1.6.2 32-bit?
08:22.06shaprit should
08:22.31shaprDigium has a binary for 1.6.2 32-bit
08:22.38*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:24.21*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:28.20*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
08:28.42zknoh boy, the -biz list looks deserted
08:33.14schmidtszkn not really, there was 15 mails in the last week ;)
08:41.05Corydon76-home32-bit is almost never the problem; it's whether vendors have binaries for 64-bit
08:42.27*** join/#asterisk ketas (
08:47.53zkni'll try and keep my eyes peeled there
08:54.51*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
08:56.55*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (~yuyuyuyuu@
09:00.03*** join/#asterisk frawd (
09:01.09*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:09.46*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
09:12.04*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
09:13.12*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:31.52*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
09:37.22asterisk-learnerhi, are the steps fin here : still accurate or outdated ?
09:39.53*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
09:40.40schmidtsasterisk-learner i just take a short look and most of them are still accurate but its outdated
09:41.16schmidtsasterisk-learner maybe you should take a look here:
09:41.48kaldemarthe voip-info article is a mess by terminology also.
09:42.54kaldemarand contains information that has never applied.
09:43.09asterisk-learnerthe thing is tht i am doing the setps under : HowTo Debug a DeadLock in Asterisk
09:43.20asterisk-learnerand reached point 6) Try to identify the first thread, that is dead locked.
09:44.10asterisk-learnerthey are sating that i should have a display like this : Thread 23 (Thread 3576854 (LWP 2910))"
09:45.03asterisk-learnerbut i am getting : Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fbe7940 (LWP 19443))
09:45.30asterisk-learnerand converting the hex to decimal will lead to a number in the range of 2 billions
09:45.47asterisk-learnerwhich is surely not the thread id
09:49.15schmidtsdo you have a dump file where you use gdb or do you only see the core show locks output?
09:52.10asterisk-learnerno i am only seeing the core show locks output (asterisk is still running , no crash )
09:53.19*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
09:58.09*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
10:00.27*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:02.08*** join/#asterisk jmls (
10:03.01jmlslooking for a speech to text system that would take either a live call or recorded call and convert it into a text file
10:03.15jmlsanyone know of something that can do that from an asterisk system ?
10:05.34schmidtsasterisk-learner is this a production system or just testing?
10:06.45asterisk-learnerschimdts: just testing, i have a lock somewhere in my application and i was just following the steps successfully until this point 6
10:06.56asterisk-learnerusing asterisk 1.4.36 on a 64 bit machine
10:20.43shaprjmls: there's some sort of binding to cmu sphinx
10:28.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:33.59shaprasterisk-learner: Do you have the same problem with 1.8 L
10:35.24asterisk-learneri dont know i didn't try it, but i thought this is related to gdb more, no ?
10:35.36schmidtsasterisk-learner sorry i am busy today, search on voip-info for the usage of gdb you can connect to a running asterisk process and get the output of all threads, there you will find the match to your locking thread
10:36.04shaprDigium is soon to drop support for Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6, leaving 1.8 as the only Digium-supported version.
10:36.12shaprThus it could be handy to try Asterisk 1.8.
10:37.20asterisk-learnerschimdts: this is what i am doing already, but np if ur busy
10:37.22asterisk-learnerthx anw
10:37.53shaprDoes anyone know which versions of trixbox use which versions of Asterisk?
10:38.23*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-jtkxggogfvlpptnq)
10:38.46schmidtsasterisk-learner do you allready have an output of gdb? if yes just pastebin and i will take a look
10:47.04*** join/#asterisk salimb (
10:52.08asterisk-learnerschimdts: I can't for now, but thx again for your help
10:53.48schmidtsok ;)
10:54.21*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
10:54.22gr0mithi - does anyone know how to set the k-break detection in dahdi on FXO ports?  UK seems to have a short k-break of approx 100ms and i am not sure how check if this is too short or not
10:54.25asterisk-learnerschimdts: :-)
10:57.02coppiceis a k-break anything like a t-break?
10:57.18*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (~rdahlin_1@2001:16d8:cc97:1:21f:5bff:fe37:c2c9)
11:01.25*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:08.42gr0mitcoppice, sigh.
11:11.07coppiceyeah, i guess 100ms is a bit short for a uk t-break
11:19.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:21.17coppicegr0mit: if by k-break you mean power break, I think that is defined as 100ms in the UK
11:22.54gr0mityes, exactly.
11:23.05gr0mitbut where in dahdi does it detect it?
11:23.12gr0mitand will it detect 100ms?
11:23.20gr0mitthinks it won't
11:25.31*** join/#asterisk mzb (
11:28.06coppiceits pretty useless if it can't. 100ms is quite normal
11:43.25*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:5c0:150f:1704::2)
11:48.24shaprgr0mit: It's defined in zonedata.c
11:48.54gr0mitok, let me take a peek
11:50.36shaprgr0mit: Different countries have different times for the various signals, so zonedata.c holds the various values.
11:50.51benngardwhen u execute a System() in the dial plan, shoudnt the dialplan continue?
11:51.08shaprgr0mit: In my vaguely recent version of the dahdi sources, UK settings are on line 128
11:51.15gr0mitis this in dahdi or asterisk?
11:51.29kaldemarbenngard: when the application executed by System() returns, yes.
11:51.41shaprAre you asking about signalling rather than busy/hangup/etc detection?
11:51.55benngardyes, i thought so to
11:51.56*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
11:51.58gr0mityes, signalling
11:52.37laurishi, anyone from Finland ? i'm wondering are there any local SIP providers based in Helsinki ?
11:53.42*** join/#asterisk jmkgreen (
11:54.12*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
11:54.29jmkgreenanyone running asterisk within an esxi host? Got Ubuntu running with dahdi_dummy but am setting 99.5% accuracy which is baffling me
11:55.03jmkgreenthe host has intel's virtualisation chip features which are bios-enabled
11:55.26jmkgreenI'm currently stuck and google doesn't help the answer that I've seen :-(
11:55.29gr0mitshapr, this file does not define the DC line state, only tones
11:58.30benngard <- can some1 explain for me why "tiff2pdf" is executed but nor "mutt"?
12:01.14lauriskaldemar, thank you
12:04.21*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
12:08.57kaldemarbenngard: the first priority following the tiff2pdf is not executed either. does the command really exit properly?
12:14.52*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
12:14.52*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
12:16.23volga629what is mean ?
12:16.31volga629thnak you in advance
12:16.54benngardkaldemar: tiff2pdf creates the pdf, how can i check that it is exciting properly?
12:17.10kaldemarvolga629: it means to go to extension s-CONGESTION and priority 1 in context macro-callexception.
12:18.29*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
12:18.52volga629so it should drop the call ?
12:20.04kaldemarvolga629: no, it should continue dialplan execution at s-CONGESTION,1. it's up to your dialplan to decide what that extension does.
12:20.45volga629can I put in paste bin some part of log I just looking for explanation for it
12:21.04kaldemarsure, go ahead.
12:25.43volga629I found this error in log this morning
12:25.47volga629[Mar 16 08:18:12] WARNING[17199]: app_dial.c:1196 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
12:26.45kaldemarvolga629: your call to link2voip-sw2/001161416370127 fails for some reason, macro-sipfailover executes macro-callexception with arguments CONGESTION and 34, and macro-callexception goes to macro-callexception,s-CONGESTION,1. that's about it.
12:27.40volga629it possible routing problem or just sip provider ?
12:28.10kaldemarvolga629: "no route to destination" means that your asterisk does not know how to reach the peer. either they haven't registered to you (in case of host=dynamic), a host doesn't resolve to an ip address or your system has no route for the configured ip address.
12:28.56*** join/#asterisk Mw3_ (
12:29.31volga629kaldemar: thank you on help
12:29.47kaldemarpossibly a routing problem or a provider problem. providers don't usually register to clients, so most likely there's an issue in your configuration. see sip.conf for [link2voip-sw2].
12:30.02*** join/#asterisk Bidik (
12:33.10*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
12:34.27*** join/#asterisk ks3 (~ksandy@
12:34.44*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
12:49.10*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
12:50.10moos3anyone have experience with queues and making so a button press drops you to voicemail
12:50.24moos3some reason i can't get it work for my queue
12:51.07*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
12:57.46*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
12:57.47leifmadsenmoos3: ;context = qoutcon  <-- queues.conf
12:58.02leifmadsenthen put in the dtmf digit (single digit) into that context
12:59.14moos3thats what i have
12:59.30moos3works on all the other queues but doesn't work on this one for some reason
12:59.41moos3so you can hit 1 until your blue in the face
12:59.52moos3and never get to voicemail
13:00.22*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-efmdnapkafyevcuk)
13:02.11*** part/#asterisk jmls (
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13:03.00leifmadsenmoos3: is that the only queue with tT set?
13:03.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:03.40moos3nah they are all the same
13:04.36leifmadsenI was thinking maybe something was eating the DTMF
13:05.07leifmadsenprobably have to see the queues.conf config and the dialplan referenced by 'context' as well then
13:05.18leifmadsensorry, gotta run off as I'm finishing the last recipe for the Asterisk Cookbook
13:05.26*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
13:05.47moos3leifmadsen hit me up when your done
13:05.54leifmadsenyep will try -- crazy busy today
13:06.16moos3cool thanks
13:14.37*** join/#asterisk defswork (
13:14.49*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
13:15.14defsworkwhat are openvox pri/bri cards like ? worth using ? they appear cheap in comparison to others
13:28.10*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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13:37.42n3hxsdefswork, I have the analog version of their card and it works fine for me. Can't say about the PRI card.
13:44.23*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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13:54.59*** join/#asterisk bent_screwdriver (~socain00@
13:56.15*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~Joel@
13:57.16joelsolankiMorning friends. have a quick question. if we have LLC in usa and traffic is originating from middle east and terminating in asian countries then do we need FCC 214 License ?
14:01.01*** join/#asterisk garymc (
14:02.56*** join/#asterisk calhoun (
14:05.57*** join/#asterisk nwidger (
14:06.32nwidgerdoes anyone here have experience using the 'outboundproxy' variable in sip.conf?
14:07.25*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (~victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
14:10.08nwidgerim running into the problem where outbound calls are correctly forwarded by asterisk to the server set in the 'outboundproxy' variable.  however, when an inbound call comes in, the Dial(SIP/xxx) line in extensions.conf causes asterisk to forward the call _back out to my outbound proxy_ instead of to the user that registered to asterisk.
14:11.55calhounhey having some troubles getting calls to pick up, got 2 sccp phones and when i dial stuff i see in the console the buttons pressed, i think i've got my extensions correct  ( ) anything look wrong there to you? I'm expecting if I dial 6004/6000 it should play the monkeys sound but just get a stop tone instead
14:12.48*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:18.05bent_screwdriveri have some Polycom ip650's that are in a ring group. Occasionally one or more of them continue to ring even after the call has been anwswerd by one of the other phone users. Phones and asterisk pbx are on same switch/lan. Any idea what causes this? thx
14:20.48*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:25.00asterisk-learneris there a way to do the equivalent of ast_set_flag(chan, AST_FLAG_ZOMBIE) from the dialplan ?
14:25.05asterisk-learner(just for testing of course)
14:29.09*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
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14:39.37*** join/#asterisk rcaskey (
14:46.23rcaskeyis the voice processing in asterisk typically done via specialized hardware?
14:48.03*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:48.23rcaskeyor is it basically agregated, digitized raw, and fed into the computer to be munched
14:51.08*** join/#asterisk pallet (
14:51.45palletHi there, does anyone know if there's an IRC channel for 3CX ?
14:52.30*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
14:53.22*** join/#asterisk jkprg (
14:55.00jkprgHi. I have multicast audio stream in my network. How can I configure asterisk to allow people to call specific extension to listen that stream? Thx
14:55.31jkprgthe stream is mpeg2...
14:56.51*** join/#asterisk navis (~user@
14:57.44navishello world
14:57.58navisI have an asterisk install connected to two BRI ISDN lines
14:58.06navisthat means a total of four channels
14:58.24navisI'd like to be able to forward calls
14:58.44navisbut if a call came from the BRI1,  forward it through BRI2
14:59.23navisand if a call came from BRI2, forward it through BRI1
14:59.24*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
14:59.38navisis this possible ?
15:01.10navisTozz_: thanks but how ? :-)
15:01.33Tozz_you can identify the BRI number by checking channel variables
15:01.53Tozz_and based on that you can do something like Dial($BRI1}/1234567890)
15:02.26Tozz_I think the variable you need is in ${CHANNEL}
15:03.23navisTozz_: ok, just to be precise, the call has been answered by an inside phone, and I want it to use the other BRI channel if they forward the call
15:03.53navisTozz_: are the variables still availlable in the new call ?
15:04.39navisTozz_: so call comes through BRI1, I answer it, I decide to forward it, and asterisk should automatically choose the other channel
15:05.01rcaskeyWe currently have a proprietary phone system and it works great but I fear the day will come when our vendor will longer support our configuration and we will be forced to upgrade. Also in the forseeable future I can imagine we might want to step up past our bonded t1 to something a bit more zoomy. Can you cut out a bunch of the DSP muckity-muck if you get the data from your fiber provider in the right format?
15:05.15tzafrirnavis, what channel do you use for ISDN?
15:05.28tzafrirDAHDI? mISDN?
15:05.46navistzafrir: CAPI
15:06.34navistzafrir: I don't necessarily need the forwarded call to be on the other BRI, but I need to be sure that it has a free channel
15:07.07navistzafrir: so since I limit incoming calls to 2, the easiest way is to use the other BRI (I guess)
15:08.01*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:10.12JerJerhmm... has anyone heard of a  'reverse enum lookup'   (for authentication)  ?
15:11.50asterisk-learnerjerjer: i dont think it exists in C :-(
15:12.03JerJerENUM DNS
15:12.09JerJernot lame ass java horseshit
15:12.40JerJerjava crap is exactly what google is returning
15:12.47*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme| (
15:13.47JerJeri have found a motorolla patent, but hmm
15:14.07Freeaqingme|I have all my sip servers to register to and all phones that can log in (inc. credentials) in my db. What would be the neatest way to connect that to Asterisk? Looking at AMI, but that doesn't seem to support that?
15:14.52JerJerFreeaqingme:   run kamailio in front of asterisk
15:15.13JerJeror deal with asterisk realtime
15:15.33Freeaqingme|asterisk realtime < how?
15:15.51JerJerask google.   I refuse to use it myself
15:16.44Freeaqingme|sorry, hadnt realized it was a module. why refuse using it?
15:18.16JerJerin my systems, asterisk has no need to depend on a database to process phone calls
15:20.34JerJerbut also, i generally deal with very large systems
15:21.12rcaskeyJerJer, are there any recent guides that might be of interest to a 50-100 phone setup?
15:21.24Freeaqingme|JerJer, how's that related to my q?
15:22.03JerJerFreeaqingme:   i don't use realtime, since it becomes a serious bottle neck at my level of scale
15:23.05Freeaqingme|JerJer, ah, that makes sense. Does that also mean you have a limited number of changes in  your configs (if not, how/where do you keep those up to date then?)
15:23.45JerJerits all in the configuration itself
15:24.21JerJeri never reload asterisk on production systems
15:25.41JerJerbut back in the day, a simple reload asterisk could lead to a memory leak
15:25.46JerJeror worse, deadlock
15:25.54JerJerso i mitigated
15:26.26*** join/#asterisk timholum (
15:28.45JerJerrcaskey:   other than consuming 'thebook' - not really
15:28.55infobotit has been said that thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at, or
15:30.01rcaskeyJerJer, hey, as long as its in HTML, I don't mind reading
15:31.09*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog__ (
15:31.11JerJeri spiral bound my own duplexed PDF print out   (sorry guys)  :P
15:31.42rcaskeyJerJer, I'm now firmly in the binder camp
15:31.44JerJerheh - wondered if you were 'round  :)
15:31.52rcaskeyI got 3 proposals in, one bound, one spiraled, and one 3-ring
15:31.54schmidtsleifmadsen congrats to the cookbook ;)
15:32.03leifmadsen3rd edition will only be HTML unless you purchase a PDF copy :)
15:32.14rcaskeyAnd even though it isn't the wining proposal, the 3 ring binder one was by far the most convenient :P
15:32.21theharlook at how green you are leifmadsen
15:32.28JerJeri'll gladly buy a PDF
15:32.29rcaskeywhy would you want a PDF copy over HTML :P
15:32.38leifmadsenthehar: I'm mostly white
15:33.02ChannelZneed Kindle version
15:33.05rcaskeyare there two-or-three hardware brands?
15:33.10rcaskeyerr go-to hardware brands?
15:33.17leifmadsenChannelZ: there should be a kindle version too since it's published by o'reilly
15:33.27leifmadsenschmidts: thanks :)
15:33.45leifmadsenall of that is outside of my control
15:33.47timholumhello, can someone point me to a schema for mysql on cel_odbc
15:36.49schmidtsleifmadsen maybe i have some time soon then i will try to review it
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15:38.15leifmadsenschmidts: awesome -- it'll be a very short review because we're going to get it published likely before A:TDG even :)
15:38.27leifmadsen(it'll be electronic version only for now until it's large enough to justify a print version)
15:38.59leifmadsenwe'll just keep adding chapters over a period of time -- I think people who purchase the electronic version get free updates for some period of time
15:39.04leifmadsenI'm not too sure how all that works
15:39.37schmidtslets call this chapters addons ;)
15:41.59leifmadsenwe have another chapter already planned out so we'll be working on that next I imagine after this is done
15:42.20leifmadsenwe only had 2 months to write the book, and is scheduled to be done mid-end of March, so we're stopping at this milestone
15:43.10*** part/#asterisk salimb (
15:43.26rcaskeydoes Asterisk use the GPU to do DSP?
15:43.50leifmadsenplease search the mailing list archives for more information
15:44.09*** join/#asterisk akraemer (
15:44.47akraemerHi, someone can tell me if asterisk is able to use G722.2 codec ?
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15:55.21bipDo you know any vendor of asterisk based turn-key solutions ? I have a server running asteriskNow with 3 digium fxo modules, but I'm facing problems that go beyond my problem solving skills, I have been requested to explore a fully supported solution.
15:56.01*** join/#asterisk benngard (
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16:00.28bipolarI'm looking for the method for asterisk to automatically know that a number is provided by google voice so it can route the outgoing call over SIP. I found a howto on it before, but now I can't re-find it. I should have bookmarked it. :(
16:02.27*** join/#asterisk ssureshot (~digitolx@
16:03.25madwillanybody here knows about how to send a conference room sip (h323) to a web tech like flash using a media server and probably a transcoding gateway
16:04.07Freeaqingme|bipolar, since I'm from the eu I dont really know google voice, but maybe they just use 1number block?
16:04.21paulcbip: Are you looking for a company with a product? Or just a consultant that could manage a vanilla/custom Asterisk installation for you?
16:04.46paulcbipolar: I wonder if Google Voice are participating in enum? Be nice if they were.. but I read on Twitter that they were supporting inbound via SIP, then they weren't - mixed reports?
16:04.55bipthe first you said paulc but i have sove very narrow requirements
16:05.12bipolarpaulc: enum! that was the word I couldn't remember ;P Let me re-google
16:05.39bipolarpaulc: inbound sip is working at the moment, and I have a pri as backup. So if it doesn't work, it goes out via pri.
16:06.53paulcbip: You could try Switchvox. Or describe your problems and maybe the second option is better - plenty of people in that arena (myself included)
16:08.25bipolarpaulc: can't find google participating in enum. guess I was mistaken.
16:08.43bipolarI just put all our google voice numbers in an outgoing route.
16:09.03bipwell i have installed myself AsteriskNow with frepbx and a digium analog card i got it up and running, but here peple keep complaining so my boss wants me to get a totally outsourced solution, not an expensive one that will use the harware we already have ...
16:09.39bipis that a description of my problem paulc ?
16:09.46bipor shall I say more ?
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16:12.34paulcbip: sounds fine. One option is to install a different software package (like Switchvox), one option is to install Asterisk from scratch and customise it to do exactly what you want.
16:12.47bipolarbip: I don't suppose you're anywhere in east pennsylvania, US? :)
16:12.47paulcbip: I guess my question should be "What is it that people are complaining about?"
16:13.21*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
16:13.26bipthey complain about calls dropping
16:13.44bipthey ask supe smart features i do not know how to implement
16:14.06bipthey want fancy ivr setups ...
16:14.27bipbasically they want to outsource the support
16:14.46bipand they want to do that cheaply ;-)
16:15.04bipsorry to bother :(
16:16.11paulcbip: quality doesn't always come cheap, but you'll be happy with the results :)
16:16.14bipolarNot a bother... it's just that you get what you pay for. If they want someone to do the work for them, it's better to get it done right.
16:16.47paulcbip: I can do dialplan features, IVR menus, all that stuff. Not sure on your calls dropping problem though - those can be hard to troubleshoot
16:16.53bipolarbip: where in the world are you located?
16:16.54*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
16:17.00bippaulc: i m just a jack all trade sysadmin i do not hold any budget :(
16:17.14bipitaly i' m in Rome italy bipolar
16:17.39bipolarbip: if your company will fly me out there and put me up in a hotel for a while I'll fix it. :D
16:18.06paulcbip: I usually do my work remotely over SSH with no flights or hotels required ;-) hahaha
16:18.13bipolarhush you!
16:18.33bipolarI would suguest swtiching from analog lines to a SIP provider.
16:18.53bipolaryour call dropping issues are probbly analog line related
16:19.12bipbipolar: they just signed a new analog contract a bought me a 3 module digium card ...
16:19.16bipolarAnd that can take a lot of debugging.
16:19.22bipi think so to
16:19.34bipbut there was no cal dropping before
16:19.44bipbut we had a differnt pbx
16:19.56bipand a different telephony company
16:20.09bipbut of course now the blame is on me :(
16:20.12bipolaryeah. the analog cards need to be setup to the conditions of the lines.
16:20.32paulcbip: ah, so multiple variables have changed.. always hard to point the finger.. but bipolar's right - with some tuning on the analog lines, your FXO card should work fine
16:20.34bipand different card an lines
16:20.41paulcbip: any commonality - is it inbound calls that drop? outbound? both?
16:20.46bipwell they point fingers at me
16:20.55bipI m available ;-)
16:21.12bipit should
16:21.16bipolarI havn't used analog lines in a while... but I would check the docs on how to set the cards to the like voltage tolerances.
16:22.00bipbefore we had isdn card different pbx and different telephone company
16:22.14bipnow everything is differnt and they want me to fix it :(
16:22.21paulcbip: really? why'd you switch from ISDN to analog? price?
16:22.22bipolaryou switched from isdn? that sucks.
16:22.51*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
16:23.08bipI have to tell ya
16:23.12bipthey never ask me
16:23.16*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (~Jon@
16:23.47biplemme make an example i had al ol piece of harware i had turned into a file server
16:23.59bipthey replaced it with a lil soho nas
16:24.18bipand now no one of the lovely lil scripts I had works :(
16:24.33bipthey always do that ...
16:24.37bipmanagement :(
16:24.57paulcbip: what did the scripts do and why don't they run on the new box?
16:25.06paulcbip: and who chose the new PBX + analog lines?
16:25.17paulcbip: it half sounds like SEP - "Someone Else's Problem" ;-)
16:25.26bipbecause the new box is not a real linux system
16:25.42bipI' m the someone else paulc
16:26.39bipolarbip: try editting your zapata.conf file and increasing the busydetect line to a higher number. If that doesn't fix it, try setting callprogress to no.
16:27.04*** join/#asterisk mzb (
16:27.11bipI don t think i have a zapata.conf file
16:27.14paulcbip: so if it was me, and my company, I'd go with a standard linux install, a standard Asterisk install, then configure it all myself so it worked exactly how I wanted it to. Forget the pretty web admin screens etc - administer it directly.
16:27.26bipbut i have busydetect written somewhere
16:27.34*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:27.37bipme too
16:27.47bipbut "they" wanted a gui
16:27.57bipi m not supposed to think
16:28.08bipthe ask gui, i give gui :(
16:28.20bipnothing works, my fault :(
16:28.56paulcbip: *shrugs* so go with a consultant who will help you with FreePBX (ask in #freepbx) or take a look at switchvox and pay the money to them
16:30.01bipswitvox is a appliance or will run on my existying hardware ?
16:30.06ssureshotI'm having issues loading with error Error loading module '': /usr/local/asterisk1.8.2/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_sr_set_reversecharge
16:30.17bipolarbip: I thought all analog cards use zapata to config... maybe just mine does. what cards do you have?
16:31.35bipolarbip: you must have a zapata.conf then. should be in /etc somewhere.
16:31.45tzafrirbip, zapata.conf? on a new installation?
16:31.54tzafrirWhat version of asterisk is it?
16:32.02paulcbip: They do both I think, but I'm not totally sure - you'd have to check
16:32.22bipolartzafrir: not exactly sure what he has going on.... dropped calls on analog lines.
16:32.33Qwellbipolar: Zaptel was replaced by DAHDI quite a long time ago.
16:32.43paulcbip: there are plenty of GUI options but it's really down to why do they want one? how often do you add extensions etc - the real power is in building the dialplan yourself, generally
16:32.48bipolarQwell: hah! shows how out of date I am :P
16:33.04tzafrirbipolar, well, what version of Asterisk is it?
16:33.13bipolartzafrir: not me, bip.
16:33.24bipnever add extensions we are a very small company
16:33.53paulcbip: so what do they want the GUI for exactly?
16:34.20bipbecause they are aafraid of command line i me or my collegaue are not around
16:34.32tzafrirssureshot, this is a symbol that should come from libpri
16:34.40bipbeside they thonk gui == modern command line == old
16:34.46bipimho they are idiots
16:35.00paulcbip: but what would they need to change? that couldn't wait for someone who knew what they were doing?
16:35.01tzafrirSounds like lasterisk was built with a certain version of libpri and is then installed with an older version
16:35.20bipnothing but resistance is futile ...
16:35.32*** join/#asterisk piros (
16:35.38bipyou ppl that think since they are the boss they know better :(
16:35.46piroshi everybody
16:35.52bipdo you know ...
16:36.16paulcbip: maybe they just need reassurance from someone they feel they can trust (ie external)
16:36.22tzafrirstill wonders what version of Asterisk bip is using that has zapata.conf
16:36.41biptzafrir: i thik it s 1.6 ...
16:36.47bipi check
16:36.48tzafrirasterisk -V
16:36.52paulcbip: I did a conference call with a company that was quite remote.. talked to their CFO.. said what I'd do, how much it would cost, how we'd manage the work flow.. they were happy, I got a prepaid block of work..
16:37.06ssureshottzafrir: that makes a whole log of sense actually in my this attempt I installed libpri , dahdi and asterisk when it didn't work I installed the distributions packages for libpri and dahdi... so I need to clean that up I guess thank you
16:37.28bipolarbip: I would probably start with a fresh install of asterisknow or something. put just one line on it, leave the others on the old phone system until you get this stuff working. I'd pull an all nighter so they weren't around to bother me while I worked. :P
16:37.51tzafrirbip, for that version you need chan_dahdi.conf (and dahdi, rather than zaptel)
16:38.05bipbipolar: they do not pay me enuff for that ;-)
16:38.07bipolartzafrir: thanks for catching that. I need to upgrade :P
16:38.15bipyeah one sec ...
16:38.25bipolarbip: they might pay you more in the future if you prove yourself.
16:39.09bipthey might
16:39.14kaldemartzafrir: < bip> I don t think i have a zapata.conf file
16:39.25bipbut i 'm old and got sick of proving myself
16:39.34bipmy fault I guess :(
16:40.28bipin that file there is a line about busydetect
16:40.32pirosCan anyone help me with the configuration of a TDM400p card?
16:41.07bipsomebody here or in #freepbx told me to add it because telehone kept ringing after hangup ...
16:42.17paulcbip: you mean on an inbound call?
16:43.12bipyes  I think so
16:43.47bipif i rang myself and put down phone , here the phone on my desk kept ringing
16:44.02bipsorry my awful english :(
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16:44.52paulcbip: it's common, but should stop within a few seconds - it's down to the PBX not knowing the line has stopped ringing until the inter-ring delay has been exceeded
16:44.52bipanyhow wswitvox looks like a ggod solution, but is a one stop appliance form factor solution
16:45.11paulcbip: and no worries - your english is much better than my italian :-)
16:45.18bipwell it lasted long but that was fixed
16:45.31bipwe keep having dropped calls
16:45.57bipi suspect is the provider fault, but i m considered guilty until proven innocent :(
16:46.22paulcbip: the case to present is "A traditional PBX costs Exxxxx. Our hardware costs Exxxx. A consultant costs Exxxx. So long as (hardware + consultant) < PBX, we win"
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16:46.41paulcbip: you can prove the provider by plugging your phone straight into the line.. making inbuond and outbound calls.. see if it fails the same
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16:46.55paulcbut it's proably some voltage sensitivity on your analog card
16:47.04bipso basically the request from my boss is: find a pbx that will use the card we have bought with full commerciual support and let em get da shit, and find em cheap too ;-)
16:48.50benngardis there some way to continue in the dialplan even if a dialplan application hangs upp the call?
16:48.53volga629how can happend that female voices on conference triggering star button ?
16:49.13bipok i will check the voltage thing ...
16:49.14volga629DTMF probles ?
16:49.31bipand I agree building from scratch was the way to go ...
16:49.57bipbut you know the joke about right wrong and military way ?
16:50.12bipwe figured a fourth option: our way ;-)
16:50.31bipwich is even worse then military ;-)
16:51.38bipmy boss scream like adrill sargent, but is not even tryin to keep my ass alive :(
16:52.20piroscan you help me with my pbx?
16:52.26paulcbip: time for a new job maybe? ;)
16:52.35paulcpiros: what's your problem?
16:54.04bipyou are right, but I do not know about where u are, but here there is a huge and longstanding market crisis, which means this job or nothing more or less ...
16:54.31piroshi paulc
16:54.44pirosi have a problem with a tdm400p digium card
16:54.59pirosit seems to work
16:55.25pirosbut i can't make inbound and outgoig call
16:55.56pirosat cli i receive cause 34
16:56.52paulcpiros: "no circuit/channel available"
16:57.02pirosthis i s the message
16:57.04piros[Mar 16 17:56:54] WARNING[13503]: app_dial.c:1549 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
16:57.30paulcis the card up? and is the dahdi module loaded?
16:57.33piroswhen i make a call to line the cli remain mute
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16:57.47pirosdahdi show channel 1
16:57.49pirosgive this
16:58.06pirosFile Descriptor: 17
16:58.07pirosSpan: 1
16:58.07pirosDialing: no
16:58.07pirosContext: DID_trunk_2
16:58.07pirosCaller ID:
16:58.08pirosCalling TON: 0
16:58.08pirosCaller ID name:
16:58.09pirosMailbox: none
16:58.09pirosDestroy: 0
16:58.13infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:58.40pirosInAlarm: 0
16:58.41pirosSignalling Type: FXS Kewlstart
16:58.41pirosRadio: 0
16:58.41pirosOwner: <None>
16:58.41pirosReal: <None>
16:58.41pirosCallwait: <None>
16:58.42pirosThreeway: <None>
16:58.42pirosConfno: -1
16:58.43pirosPropagated Conference: -1
16:58.43pirosReal in conference: 0
16:59.06paulcpiros: the only box I have with a PRI in is still using zaptel not dahdi.. but there's something like "dahdi show status" - what does that say? (use pastebin for the answer)
16:59.23pirosDSP: no
16:59.23pirosBusy Detection: no
16:59.23pirosTDD: no
16:59.23pirosRelax DTMF: no
16:59.24pirosDialing/CallwaitCAS: 0/0
16:59.24pirosDefault law: alaw
16:59.25pirosFax Handled: no
16:59.25pirosPulse phone: no
16:59.26pirosDND: no
16:59.26pirosEcho Cancellation:
17:00.09pirosActual Confinfo: Num/0, Mode/0x0000
17:00.09pirosActual Confmute: No
17:00.09pirosHookstate (FXS only): Onhook
17:00.15pirosthat's all
17:00.20ChannelZLEARN HOW TO READ
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17:01.55paulcpiros: go to to show us when you have lots of output to share
17:02.53kaldemarpiros: move your eyes 25 lines up to see what infobot said.
17:03.06paulcfor clarity:
17:03.08infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:04.48pirosok i post all my config
17:04.53pirosin sterisk forum
17:05.15benngardhere u have a pastebin from me:
17:05.42piroslook at this there is all my config
17:05.48pirosand status message
17:05.51benngardcan some1 tell me if it is possible to continue in the dialplan even ehen call was hang up
17:07.09paulcbenngard: take a look at the "h" extension
17:08.07paulcpiros: I don't know what's going on with your card :-(
17:08.56bipdoes anybody know the pricing of the switchvox ently-level configuration ?
17:08.57pirosNP, thank you paulc!
17:09.36kaldemarbenngard: if you dial that extension using a phone, does it continue to the next priority?
17:10.01pirosany one other can help me?
17:11.52paulcbip: Go to and do live chat with someone in sales
17:11.53kaldemarbip: you'll find pricing information here:
17:12.10benngardneed to read about "h" extension, and will try too calll from a phone
17:12.17bipi will
17:12.20benngardh = hangup?
17:14.26pirosdoes anyone know tdm400p and dahdi?
17:17.45benngardkaldemar: Executing [] NoOp("Local/;2", "") in new stack ;) thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:18.12benngardkaldemar: i can do whatever there i guess
17:21.09kaldemarbenngard: sure, but still it is strange that the system app hangs up the call..
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17:23.15palletI know I'm in the wrong channel, but does anyone here know 3CX ?
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17:25.29benngardkaldemar: guess its the receivefax thats hangs up the call
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17:25.39benngardkaldemar:  -- Executing [] System("Local/;2", "mutt -s 'New fax from 0317998985' -a /var/spool/asterisk/fax/20110316-182902-0317998985-0317998975.pdf < /dev/null") in new stack
17:26.50benngardkaldemar: u just made a lot of people happy, me most :)
17:27.31benngardruns for a drink
17:27.33pabelangerpallet: if you know you are in the wrong channel, why do you ask?
17:28.18palletpabelanger, I was justing hoping that in a channel full of voip specialists, someone might know ;)
17:30.06leifmadsenwe're asterisk specialists, and perhaps sip specialists, but not "every platform you can think of" specialists
17:30.19leifmadsenI doubt anyone here has even used as 3CX system
17:30.26palletleifmadsen, ok, thanks dude
17:31.09leifmadsenflashes back to the 90s
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17:31.36palletleifmadsen, something I said ?
17:31.52leifmadsennobody says, "dude" anymore :)
17:31.56leifmadsen(Other than Dude himself)
17:32.07infobotdude is, like, Be most excellent to each other! Also the moniker of Jim Dixon.
17:32.10palletLOL, they do in my world ;)
17:32.10*** join/#asterisk greg_logan (
17:32.28leifmadsenpictures a foreign company getting Seinfeld for the first time
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17:33.26pirosanybody can help me with cause 34 in asterisk?
17:33.28paulcremembers contracting at a place where all the server names were Seinfeld characters
17:33.40paulcnot being an avid fan, having their pictures as desktop wallpaper didn't really help me much
17:34.02pabelangerpaulc: Cause No. 34 - no circuit/channel available.
17:34.05palletAll my servers are Ron, Baxter, Brick and Champ ;)
17:34.13palletwhich is only funny if you like Anchorman
17:34.36paulcpabelanger: I think it's piros that's asking ;-)
17:34.47pabelangerpiros: ^
17:37.33*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
17:37.34paulcpiros: Can you receive inbound calls on that line ok, the problem is only with outbound?
17:39.12leifmadsenall my servers start with the letter 'S':  scrappy, scooter, sleezy..
17:39.31*** join/#asterisk funxion (3fd6eca9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:40.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:40.47pirospabelanger i'm here
17:42.17pirosi have a problem with my tdm400p card
17:42.36pirosyou can see all my config at this address
17:43.22leifmadsentdm400p cards qualify for support from Digium directly
17:43.31leifmadsenyou paid for it when you bought the card, so you should just use it
17:44.09funxioninteresting concept
17:44.17pirosyes i know
17:44.55pirosbut i have to stop a server to read the code
17:45.25piroswould you please look at my config files?
17:45.42pirosif there is something of wrong
17:45.52funxionwhats is your problem with the tdm400?
17:46.02pirosi can fix it without stop server
17:46.06pirosthank you
17:46.09piroscause 34
17:46.18funxionmaybe I missed something but it seems that you had the channel assignment commented out
17:46.32bipsombody knows this poduct or something similar:
17:47.27*** join/#asterisk Romeo- (~romi@unaffiliated/romeo/x-000000001)
17:47.54funxionI have an inbteresting issue with a tc400b combined with a te410p
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17:48.45funxioncall are working great except for one specific number that Im getting a weird one way audio clipped and delayed
17:49.13funxionall voip is g729:60
17:49.52pirosare you talking about users.conf?
17:49.52*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:49.55funxionI've had similar problem when trying to transcode and repacketize at the same time however in this case its TDM to voip
17:50.05funxionpiros chan_dahdi.conf
17:50.10*** part/#asterisk Joe_CoT (~joecot@pdpc/supporter/active/joe-cot)
17:50.53pirosno it isn't commented
17:50.59funxionscrathc that  you do have it piros
17:51.58funxionlooks like an IRG problem
17:52.07funxionhave you already looked into that
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18:08.21pirosithank you funxion
18:08.32pirosi'll try with digium official support
18:11.10*** part/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
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18:37.20oraqolhey guys, new user to asterisk, trying to setup my first pbx but i want to use google voice as my carrier.  I hear asterisk 1.8 supports this but I'm having trouble finding a repo with all the required packages for gv.  Do i have to compile from source?
18:37.29oraqoldoes the source code contain the gv packages?
18:38.34QwellYou need iksemel.
18:39.02Freeaqingme|"iksemel is an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) parser library designed for Jabber applications. " < Qwell that?
18:39.24*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
18:39.48QwellYes. there a repo for asterisk 1.8?
18:43.24oraqolim on ubuntu 10.10
18:43.35Qwelllooks at pabelanger
18:44.20pabelangeroraqol: expect an announcement in the next few days
18:44.21Qwellhrm, nevermind, guess there's no iksemel package there.
18:44.42Qwellmaybe it's in ubuntu proper though
18:45.21oraqolhmm, looks like ill have to compile, oh well.  I assume the source will have all packages required for gv?
18:45.37QwellYou'll need iksemel.
18:46.55oraqolok so compile 1.8 and iksmel, or get iksmel on repo and it should work with gv?
18:47.11QwellHowever you get it doesn't matter.
18:47.18oraqolcool, thanks guys
18:47.30QwellThat'll be $499.95.
18:47.34oraqolill let you know how it turns out
18:47.43leifmadsenhe's not kidding
18:47.45oraqolok, ill email you my credit card number
18:48.01pabelangerQwell: yes, iksemel-dev should be enabled with the Debian packages
18:48.06Qwellpabelanger: ahh, cool
18:48.10dmzhey if i have a t1 card on an asterisk box with about 100 inbound DIDs on a hunt group; does a T1 card normally tell asterisk what # was being called? I've seen callerid but what about what DID was called and is coming in on the t1 channel?
18:48.45Qwelldmz: It should, but I think it's considered an extra feature on a plain T1.
18:49.00dmzsomething i need to get from the carrier?
18:49.10dmzand what variable would asterisk see it with? any idea?
18:49.27Qwell${CALLERID(num)} and/or ${CALLERID(name)}
18:49.34dmzthat's the person calling
18:49.44dmzi want the # they called; have several hundred did's
18:49.47Qwellyou're right
18:49.50dmzneed to know where to send them to
18:50.09QwellMy brain is currently broken.  I'll leave it to someone else.
18:50.49*** join/#asterisk manji (
18:51.22leifmadsendoesn't that just enter as ${EXTEN}
18:51.38dmzhmm, maybe
18:51.42leifmadsenwhen the call comes into the context the T1 (using PRI signaling at least) requests a route
18:51.57leifmadsenexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Verbose(2,Number dialed was ${EXTEN})
18:52.28dmzthis will be my 1st t1 on asterisk
18:52.34dmzwanted to be sure before i started building system
18:52.48leifmadsenwell T1 is just the trunk, but the signaling method used will be what provides the features you're looking for
18:53.34dmzit's actually routing to a fax in the end but just a standard 24 channel voice t1 pri
18:53.47QwellThose words don't go together.
18:53.52QwellNot in that order, at least.
18:54.06QwellPRI is 23 voice channels.  PRI is a protocol over T1.
18:54.12dmzbeen a long time since i had to deal with t1's directly :)
18:54.18dmzhmm like 17 years
18:54.24leifmadsenT1 contains 24 time slots
18:54.30dmzthat's what i remember
18:54.37Qwellleifmadsen: your face has 24 time slots.  OH BURN.
18:54.38leifmadsenPRI uses 1 time slot for signalling and 23 time slots for voice
18:54.43theharQwell: you beat me!
18:54.46leifmadsenQwell: your mom seems to like them though
18:54.48thehar*shakes fist*
18:54.54Qwellleifmadsen: I am not surprised.
18:55.32dmznow if i could just find a carrier with an api for provisioning did's i'd be all set :)
18:58.10leifmadsenjust uses SIP routes for that :)
19:13.09*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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20:02.34atanI have a strange issue taking place on inbound calls
20:02.49atanI have Dial(SIP/4566,30) in my dialplan for the incoming call. SIP 4566 rings which is just fine...
20:03.14atanIt used to ring for 30 seconds but now it only rings perhaps 3 times, maybe 10 seconds before skipping to the next item in the dialplan
20:04.19atanI assume "30" in this is 30 seconds... wonder where I went wrong on this and why it forwards?
20:05.37*** join/#asterisk torgnyw (
20:06.55torgnywHi, Anyone who can help me getting a PRI E1 up and running? I have configured it, but get an error message: Span 1: No D-channels are available! Using primary channel as D-channel anyway!
20:07.02p3nguinatan: core set verbose 4
20:07.15p3nguinatan: Make a call to the extension that dials that phone.
20:07.26p3nguinatan: Let's see what it is doing.
20:08.54atanis there a way for me to clear my screen in asterisk?
20:09.11p3nguinhold down the Enter key for a while
20:10.37atan1 ring = ~5 seconds?
20:11.15p3nguinUS ring = 4 second on, 2 second off
20:12.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
20:12.14torgnywIm using a Digium TE121B, and when trying to call out to DAHDI I get error: Unable to create channel of type DAHDI. (Cause 34 - Circuit/Channel Congestion)
20:12.41torgnywI also have RED alarm when trying DAHDI SHOW STATUS in Asterisk Console
20:13.02p3nguinWait, I said that backward...
20:13.26p3nguinUS ring = 2 second on, 4 second off
20:13.58atanSeems it is running fine now. I'm slightly confused. The client said his phone skipped right to his voicemail.
20:14.08atanSorry, to the next dial() in his dialplan.
20:14.20*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
20:14.42atanI suppose this is about 30 seconds now that I listen to the rings.
20:15.01atangoes back in to his hole in the ground
20:15.05atanThank you p3nguin.
20:15.10p3nguinNobody picked up in 30000 ms
20:15.19p3nguinThat's 30 seconds.
20:15.24*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
20:16.07p3nguin30 seconds would be 5 ring cycles.
20:16.44*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
20:16.50eject_ckHi all
20:16.53atanThe 30 seconds is accounted for right now. I can't explain why earlier it was only one or two rings before the dialplan moved on to the second Dial(). Perhaps the ATA adapter reset or dropped the connection for whatever off reason.
20:17.12atanp3nguin, thanks for the time though. Good to know each "ring" is ~6 seconds.
20:18.24eject_ckI got 5 SIP lines from my SIP provider, how should I use them is I have only one number?
20:18.39eject_ckI got 5 SIP lines from my SIP provider, how should I use them is I have only one number?
20:20.40p3nguinYou'll use one channel every time someone makes a call to you.
20:21.09Sertysu need em for DID or for dialout?
20:21.16Sertysspecify that pls
20:22.15Sertysyour provider may have meant your sip account is capable of 5 concurrent calls
20:22.18eject_ckfor both
20:22.54eject_ckSertys, p3nguin: yes, ISP stated that I can use 5 lines simultaneously
20:23.00p3nguinRegardless, you'll use one channel for every call you get inbound, and you'll use another channel for every call outbound.
20:23.02eject_ckSIP provider I mean
20:24.10eject_ckmy question is how should I configure asterisk for it. With 1 channel it's pretty easy - 1) register => 2) add peer to sip.conf 3) configure extensions.conf for both in and out calls
20:24.28p3nguinThat's how it's done.
20:24.33eject_ckso, for inbound calls no changes needed ?
20:24.35p3nguinIt's done the same way regardless.
20:24.42rcaskeyjust out of curiosity, are there any hot-swappable FXS card + backplanes/
20:24.54eject_ckfor outbound I need no changes ?
20:24.58p3nguinFor inbound calls, you create the SIP peer and an extension to do something useful.
20:25.08eject_ckI have it already :)
20:25.26p3nguinFor outbound calls, you'll use the same peer you've already created, and another extension to call out through that peer.
20:25.51p3nguinIt doesn't matter how many channels they give you, the configuration is the same.
20:26.06p3nguinMore channels just means more concurrent calls.
20:26.20eject_ckp3nguin: "another extension" what you exactly mean ?
20:26.31p3nguinIf you have more calls than available channels, you'll get congestion.
20:27.00p3nguinI mean you create one extension for calls inbound, and you create one extension for calls outbound through the peer.
20:27.05eject_ckhow can I detect congestion in context  (wanna play to subscriber some custom message)
20:27.21eject_ckcan I pastebin ?
20:27.39p3nguinI doubt you can control the congestion tones that your provider will give to callers.
20:27.49p3nguinUsually it is a fast busy.
20:29.21torgnywPlease, anyone who knows how to configure E1/T1 for Digium cards?
20:30.51Kobazanyone have a good howto on using a 7940 with chan_sccp
20:30.58Sertysso many questions, so few answers
20:31.28dwaynetorgnyw, pastebin your configs
20:33.07p3nguinkobaz: I don't have a howto, but I can probably answer any questions you have if you run into a problem.
20:33.39Kobazshould i upgrade the phone firmware? i have dsp 4.0 and boot 8.0
20:34.26Kobazp3nguin: i set the phone to factory defaults, it's looking for a server at
20:34.28p3nguinThose numbers aren't familiar to me.  You just need to have the SCCP firmware files on the tftpd.
20:34.43Kobazdo you know where to get them?
20:35.26p3nguinThere are some public repositories of this proprietary software, but you're really supposed to pay Cisco to download them off Cisco's web site.
20:35.33infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:35.38dwaynetorgnyw, ^^
20:35.52p3nguinGoogle will give you the public repository if you use the right key words.
20:36.51Kobazsounds good
20:37.00SeverianIf I do a "iax2 show peers registered", does it show me the registrations I have made to other servers or the registrations other servers have made to this machine?
20:37.37p3nguinAs far as the phone looking for the wrong IP address, you have two choices: configure your DHCP server to give out the proper address for TFTP, or wait on the phone to turn on and then go into the network configuration and override the tftp by using "alternate tftpd YES" and then set the tftpd address to your actual address.
20:37.38torgnywHere is my pastbin:
20:39.43torgnywThis is my chan_dhadi.conf file:
20:39.51Kobazwhat option should i set for the address... is it option 66?
20:40.23Kobazfrom my server logs the phone is hitting the tftp
20:40.33p3nguin66 should be enough, but I think I also use option 150.
20:40.38Kobazit's looking for SEP001121D89A42.cnf.xml   CTLSEP001121D89A42.tlv
20:40.50p3nguinYou only need the SEP file, not the other.
20:41.17Kobazwhere do i  get a sep file? :)
20:41.31p3nguinYour SEP file will tell the phone where the Asterisk server is and it will tell it what firmware files to pull off the tftp.
20:41.34p3nguinYou create it.
20:41.45p3nguinLet me give you a basic one.
20:41.49Kobazyeah, do you have a sample..
20:41.52Kobazah perfect, awesome
20:42.04Kobazthis is my first foray, so like... total cisco newb here
20:43.27dwaynetorgnyw, what does 'dahdi_cfg -v' output?
20:43.30eject_ckp3nguin: should this work for 5 concurent callls ?
20:43.45Kobazp3nguin: i have some notes from the last time we talked... you use chan_sccp-b  is that in asterisk addons?
20:44.01p3nguineject_ck: If it works for one, it should work for 5.  I don't have time to look at it right this moment.
20:44.11eject_ckfor example 1 inbound (to 300) and 4 outbound (from other internal extensions like 301, 302, 303, 304)
20:44.33p3nguinkobaz: chan_sccp-b is a 3rd party channel driver.  You can find it on sourceforge.
20:44.34eject_ckp3nguin: thank you! I will check it tomorrow in real worls
20:44.46Kobazah okay
20:44.56Kobazis that the recommended one to use?
20:45.31p3nguinIt's the one I use.
20:45.55p3nguinchan_skinny (provided in Asterisk) used to be horrible.
20:46.33torgnywdwayne: Here is output from dhadi_cfg -v:
20:46.39Kobazwhat asterisk version are you running on
20:49.30p3nguinSEP<MAC>.cnf.xml :
20:49.31p3nguinXMLDefault.cnf.xml :
20:49.48p3nguinI use Asterisk 1.4.40 right now.
20:50.27Kobazah okay
20:50.31Kobazso i should be okay with 1.6.0
20:50.53p3nguinchan_sccp-b v3 works with 1.4 and 1.6.x, but not 1.8.
20:50.53Freeaqingme|I currently have several register= entries in my sip  config file. Now I'd like to store these in my db (mysql) instead. Any ideas on how I could do that?
20:50.54*** join/#asterisk slim_ (~slim_@
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20:51.50p3nguinThe XMLDefault file is the one that I use to set the Asterisk IP address; the SEP file just reinforces the firmware version to load.
20:52.26p3nguinBut I think you can put any of the settings from the default file into the SEP file if you want.
20:54.19eject_ckI'm running asterisk on xen domu Debian. How can I get timer working ?
20:56.31*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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21:00.15eject_ckI wanna get meetme working on Xen guest system
21:07.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
21:09.13leifmadseneject_ck: you need res_timing_dahdi for MeetMe
21:09.26leifmadseneject_ck: so compile and load DAHDI then ./configure in Asterisk and make install
21:09.53eject_ckleifmadsen: now way to get it working from packages ?
21:10.00eject_ckI have dahdi available
21:10.03*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
21:10.29Kobazp3nguin: k
21:10.45leifmadseneject_ck: I don't use packages so I can't help you beyond that
21:11.06dwaynehe doesn't even use his own package
21:11.06*** part/#asterisk jmls (
21:11.20dwayneleifmadsen, sorry
21:11.44eject_ckI have sh-3.2# /etc/init.d/dahdi restart /etc/dahdi/system.conf not found. Nothing to do.
21:12.00eject_cksh-3.2# > /etc/dahdi/system.conf sh-3.2# /etc/init.d/dahdi restart Unloading DAHDI hardware modules: done Loading DAHDI hardware modules: FATAL: Module dahdi not found.
21:16.18eject_ckcompiling dahdi
21:16.36Kobaz[2011-03-16 17:16:21] WARNING[13085]: loader.c:446 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: _ast_calloc
21:16.39Kobazmismatch somewhere
21:17.18p3nguinDid you compile the svn on the same box where you're going to run it?
21:17.28Kobazi didn't get the svn
21:17.33p3nguinYou should.
21:17.36Kobazi got the latest from the downloads at sourceforce
21:18.10p3nguinI personally like rev 2420.
21:19.19QwellPeople still use chan_sccp?  Why?
21:19.29p3nguinDid chan_skinny ever get better?
21:19.41Qwell5 years ago.
21:19.51p3nguinIt sucked a **** just a year ago.
21:19.51Kobazutils/extconf.c has _ast_calloc
21:23.43KobazQwell: response?
21:28.30Kobazso i added a _ast_calloc, a copy of __ast_calloc
21:28.36Kobaznow it's complaining about manager_event
21:28.40Kobazthis might take a while
21:28.51p3nguinCompiling the svn isn't working well?
21:28.57Kobazit builds
21:29.01Kobazi can't load it just yet
21:29.16Kobazprobably need to make more functions static
21:29.20p3nguinThat's too bad; it works _perfectly_ for me on 1.4.
21:30.20Kobazmain/manager.c there's __manager_event, probably need to add a wrapper
21:30.55QwellIt needs to not call internal crap directly.
21:31.03Kobazi think it's not including the right header files
21:31.14KobazQwell: that too
21:31.40KobazQwell: anyways... what's your response for p3nguin saying skinny is crappy?
21:31.52Qwell<p3nguin> That's too bad; it works _perfectly_ for me on 1.4.
21:31.58Kobazno no
21:31.58Qwell: <p3nguin> 1.4.
21:32.01Qwell: 1.4.
21:32.02Kobazwell yeah
21:32.10Kobazbut what about 1.8
21:32.26Qwellchan_skinny was practically rewritten 5 years ago.
21:32.34p3nguin1.8 sure wasn't around back then.
21:32.51Kobazbut is skinny equivalent or better than sccp-b
21:33.00p3nguinIf it was rewritten five years ago, why didn't the changes get into 1.4?
21:33.13p3nguinJust a year ago, it was terrible.
21:33.13*** part/#asterisk slim_ (~slim_@
21:33.17Qwellbecause 1.4 was branched nearly 5 years ago?
21:33.35Kobazbut i don't care about 1.4
21:33.43Kobazis it functionally equivalent or better in 1.8 ?
21:33.51Qwellsccp-b doesn't even compile.
21:33.55QwellSo, you tell me. :)
21:33.59Kobazkilling me
21:34.24Kobazsay p3nguin is using sccp-b in 1.4... how does it compare to skinny in 1.8 :)
21:34.29QwellThat is when 1.4 was branched.
21:34.55p3nguinI dont' get it.  1.4 isn't in security only until next month.
21:35.01*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~fauxallia@
21:35.10Qwellsccp-b has always been utter garbage.  Extremely crashy, very few working features, dubious (at best) copyright/licensing
21:35.23QwellQuite limited phone support
21:36.55p3nguinkobaz: All I can say is, try chan_skinny and see what happens.  Judge for yourself and let me know.
21:37.02Kobazso, my question is... does skinny have all the same features as sccp-b
21:37.09Kobazyeah i'm going to probably compare the two
21:37.54Kobazit might be a bit of a project just to get sccp to load
21:37.59QwellKobaz: even when chan_skinny was crap, sccp-b lagged behind on features.
21:38.01Kobazwho knows what other functions i have to monkey with
21:38.27p3nguinsccp-b v2 worked very well, but there wasn't much of it.  v3 brought the features.
21:38.36Kobazwhy it's trying to call manager_event instead of use the macro i don't know yet
21:39.15QwellKobaz: Because they are incompetent. :)
21:40.02Kobaz#ifdef CS_MANAGER_EVENTS  #include <asterisk/manager.h>
21:41.08Qwell"Let's ifdef manager events out instead of making it a config option!" "That's a great idea!"
21:41.12Qwellcan hear the conversation now
21:41.28QwellI'm telling you..  Idiots.
21:41.44QwellNobody that has maintained that project in the last 6 years has known what they've been doing.
21:42.01QwellIt's been forked a half dozen times
21:42.36QwellThey don't even have separate branches for Asterisk versions.  It's just ifdefs EVERYWHERE.
21:42.49RypPnI'd actually second that opinion, as an sccp-b user for 4 years, just waiting on my first poly arriving any day now
21:43.24RypPnSick of the blowups since Frederico got ousted
21:43.26p3nguinDid you upgrade to v3, or do you still use v2?
21:43.41QwellRypPn: It was bad even when Sergio was "maintaining" it.
21:44.16*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-jeoumqvwzauhdope)
21:44.18RypPnp3nguin I've used both, but 3 aint ready for production imho
21:44.32p3nguinyeah, but at least it has features.
21:44.56Kobazokay, it was using the wrong include files
21:45.03Kobaznow it's using the right include files and doesn't compile
21:45.30RypPnI'm not bashing their efforts, it's a huge task to take on. I'm just weary of it all
21:45.39QwellRypPn: It's really not that much of an effort, heh.
21:45.51Qwell*fixing* it would be.  adding features is not.
21:46.11Kobazadding features is the easy part
21:46.16Qwellis probably the only person outside of Cisco that even understands the protocol.
21:46.28RypPnThat would assume they had a stable base to bolt these things on in a logical modular way
21:46.36QwellRypPn: they do.  chan_skinny. ;)
21:47.01QwellIf people would stop forking the damn thing, and put their effort into that instead...we'd all be far better off.
21:47.21RypPnYou've probably hit it right on the head there
21:47.29QwellI hit that nail 6 years ago.
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21:48.10QwellThey wouldn't work with the Asterisk developers, so I said screw them, and fixed a good deal of chan_skinny by myself (and then had others join me after a while to improve things even more).
21:48.23KobazQwell: basically i would like something that can: make calls, do blf/sla
21:48.29QwellKobaz: chan_skinny
21:49.10Kobazand something that doesn't crash :)
21:49.21Kobazso okay i'll give skinny a shot once i give up on this build
21:50.25KobazIn file included from chan_sccp.c:25:  /usr/include/asterisk.h:42: error: conflicting types for 'ast_config_AST_CONFIG_DIR'
21:50.30QwellRypPn: so, 5 years ago
21:52.13p3nguinI'm a bit unhappy it never made it down the pipe to 1.4.  There's no reason it couldn't have, considering 1.4 is still maintained and doesn't go into security only until next month.
21:52.18Kobazokay i give up, I don't want to fix other peoples code and makefiles right now
21:52.19*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~fauxallia@
21:52.34Qwellp3nguin: because the work done was massive.
21:52.35RypPnThats a shame, I'd have been up for a bit of that too, too much water under the bridge now, these things are hitting ebay, lol
21:52.46QwellI rewrote a good portion of it.
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21:53.38QwellANYWAYS, I'm done ranting.  I just wish this crap would stop being spread.  It was fixed *5 years ago*.
21:54.00Freeaqingme|What tz are most of the regulars in here in?
21:55.26QwellFreeaqingme: timezones aren't important here.  most of us don't sleep.
21:56.18KobazQwell: yeah that's the other thing... if there's an issue it's nice to come in here and be like... hey, it's borken
21:56.43*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (~patrick@unaffiliated/svminvictvs/x-938456)
21:57.12svm_invictvsI was curious if it was possible to program my PBX to call soembody, detect a voice somehow and then have it call another number and connect the two calls.
21:57.27p3nguinSure it is.
21:57.40svm_invictvsIs there some examples of that?
21:57.46svm_invictvs(No i'm not a telemarketer)
21:58.15p3nguinI don't know about examples, but you can look at all of your applications on Asterisk and get some ideas of what you have to work with.
21:58.41p3nguinand WaitForSilence()
22:00.08Kobazoh. that's why chrome crashed
22:00.12Kobazi dont have swap turned on
22:05.31Kobazp3nguin: those two pastes you wrote before with cisco phone config examples... they aren't accessable
22:05.51*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
22:08.40p3nguinkobaz: hmm
22:08.53p3nguinI'll repaste.
22:09.20p3nguinLooks like they expired.
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22:12.39Kobazso i have that stuff in
22:13.04eject_ckI've build lastest 1.8.2 *. I'm able to register on server on SIP, but I'm getting strange warning
22:13.05eject_ck[2011-03-17 00:11:45] WARNING[23350]: chan_sip.c:13843 register_verify: Failed to parse contact info
22:13.11Kobazother than changing the nodename ip address? what should i edit?
22:13.12Qwelleject_ck: upgrade
22:13.13eject_ckshould I be afraid ?
22:13.36eject_ckQwell: what should I upgrade ?
22:13.58eject_ckJust compiled from sources
22:14.05Qwell1.8.2 is not the latest version
22:14.48eject_ck1.8.3 sorry
22:14.55p3nguinkobaz: Make sure your sccp version number matches the version referenced in the file.  The files tell the phone which version to load from the tftpd.
22:15.01KobazQwell: you know what would be cool
22:15.11KobazQwell: finger for version status
22:15.30Qwellthat would be cool
22:15.36Kobazlike finger
22:15.41Qwellwe don't control that box though
22:15.45Qwellrussellb: ^^^!
22:16.25Kobazsure would beat having to load up a web page to see the latest version so i can switch the svn branch i work off of
22:16.37p3nguinlynx -dump
22:16.42KobazThe latest mainline 2.6 version of the Linux kernel is:       2.6.38
22:16.46Kobazmm, sexy
22:16.55Qwellp3nguin: something like that might work
22:17.21p3nguinThat banner sure has grown.
22:17.28Kobaza little
22:17.31p3nguinIt used to be like six lines.
22:17.40p3nguinNow it's 15.
22:18.03Kobazp3nguin: okay. what's the spot that has the version number that needs to change
22:18.17p3nguinThe loadInformation lines.
22:18.38p3nguinP00308010200 would be sccp 8.1.2
22:18.41Kobazso i have a 7940
22:18.47p3nguinor 8.12, can't remember
22:18.51Kobazhow do i know what sccp the phone is running?
22:19.31Kobazi found app load id on the phone config screen
22:19.54p3nguinIt doesn't really matter what the phone is currently using because you're probably going to want to put the files on the tftpd anyway.  Match the file version to the loadInformation.
22:20.05Kobazwell i dont have any firmware yet
22:20.37p3nguinIf you don't have the files on the tftpd, it could take a while to load up, and it may never set your Asterisk address into call manager 1 slot.
22:21.14eject_ckQwell: should I try trunk ?
22:21.19p3nguinIf you don't have any firmware, try taking out the version number completely.
22:21.27Qwelleject_ck: no, look at the change in the bug report I mentioned
22:21.49p3nguinSo where I have P00308010200, just remove P00308010200 totally and let the phone pull the file with no loadInformation.
22:22.08p3nguinIt could load quickly and just use what it already on the phone.
22:22.48Kobazk, took out the whole line for loadInformation
22:22.58eject_ckQwell: not fixed yet ?
22:23.02Kobazit's still trying to hit
22:23.10p3nguin... or you culod try that.
22:23.28Kobazi'll add option 150 to my dhcp too
22:23.30Kobazi never did that
22:28.25Kobazshould 150 be type text?
22:30.39p3nguinno clue
22:31.29p3nguinI apparently don't have 150 in my dhcpd.conf after all.
22:31.33p3nguinoption tftp-server-name "asterisk.local";
22:31.41p3nguinThat's all I have for it.
22:32.10QwellThat is 150.
22:32.17p3nguinThat should be 66.
22:32.34RypPnmy entry in dhcpcd.conf is in this format
22:33.07*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
22:33.14p3nguintftp-server-name should be 66, and 150 is, well, 150.
22:33.41Qwell150 is address
22:33.53DanFromUKHi All, does anyone know if theres a way to detect if all members of a queue are unavailable, before adding a call to the queue. I dont want to use autopause because i need the member to unpause automatically when they come back online.
22:34.07Kobazi have to convert the ip to hex
22:34.21Kobaz/etc/dhcpd.conf line 17: expecting string or hexadecimal data.
22:34.26Qwellquote it
22:34.35Kobazbut then it's string and not address
22:34.39p3nguinMake it a string by putting double quotes.
22:34.41RypPnOr pastebin the file
22:35.09Kobazi have an old stupid version of isc dhcp
22:35.16p3nguinme too
22:35.26Kobazmost of the options you have to find the name for
22:35.27p3nguinI don't have 150 and my 7940 pulls it just fine.
22:35.40Kobazlike in order to use option 66, you need to use:  option tftp-server-name
22:35.48p3nguinthat's right.
22:35.55Qwelloption numbers should always work
22:35.55Kobazyeah like what you have
22:35.57Qwelloption option-66
22:36.15Kobazi've had problems with the config file parser with i try and use option numbers
22:36.26p3nguinI just thought I used option 150, but I really don't.
22:36.36Kobazanyway, so
22:36.47Kobazupdated firmware in place, option 66  and 150 set
22:37.04Kobazphone: requesting configuration
22:37.10p3nguinIf the phone is set to use an alternate tftpd, you'll never force it to use anything else.
22:37.44Kobazit's set to whatever factory defaults are
22:37.49p3nguinThe on-phone setting for an alternate overrides the dhcpd.
22:38.06Kobazsettings network
22:38.11Kobazdhcp server
22:38.17Kobazwhich is what it's supposed to be
22:38.21Kobazbootp server: no
22:38.34Kobaztftp server 1:
22:38.37Kobazoh i guess i should nuke that
22:38.54Kobazi can't change it
22:38.55p3nguinIf you aren't having luck still, watch the dhcp requests and make sure it is sending out the right information.
22:39.21Kobazi have save and cancel, no edit
22:39.27p3nguinGo down to option 32.
22:39.36p3nguinDoes it say yes or no?
22:39.41Kobazit says no
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22:39.52p3nguinThen the dhcpd has control of it.
22:40.04Kobazas soon as i put in option 150 the phone stopped booting
22:40.19p3nguinThat's probably why I don't use 150.
22:40.34p3nguinI couldn't remember.  It's been a long time since I configured this stuff.
22:41.49Kobazokay took out 150, it's getting configs from tftp now
22:42.00KobazMar 16 18:41:34 acs-cin tftpd[19114]: tftpd: trying to get file: CTLSEP0014A9239820.tlv
22:42.06KobazMar 16 18:41:34 acs-cin tftpd[19116]: tftpd: trying to get file: SEP0014A9239820.cnf.xml
22:42.09p3nguinThat's good.
22:43.02Kobazand it's just sitting there wanting something on
22:43.15p3nguinWhere does that number come from?
22:43.25Kobazfrom the phone config
22:43.31Kobazi see it in the network settings on the phone
22:43.40Kobazi can't change any of those addresses though
22:43.46Kobazit's call director #1
22:45.13Kobazhow can i edit those options?
22:48.28p3nguinYou can try to press **# when you're in that menu.
22:48.40p3nguinIt may ask for a password.  By default it is cisco.
22:49.45Kobaz**# didnt do anything
22:50.03Kobazwait it did
22:50.06Kobazit poped up the edit button
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22:51.15Kobazdoh, but when i go to to the call manager settings the edit button is gone
22:51.26FlaPer87hi guys, I'm trying to build an asterisk module that requires an external lib. I'd like to use the samke configure/make files of asterisk but I can't find out how to specify the -l options for the lib I need
22:52.22Kobazi went down to erase configuration
22:52.28Kobazthe old call manager settings are finally gone
22:53.25Kobazi already have stuff running on port 2000
22:53.47*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2011/03/16), (2011/03/16), 1.4.40 (2011/02/28), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
22:54.24Kobazk, changed the port
22:54.33Kobazleifmadsen: what about a finger server?
22:55.26QwellKobaz: poke russellb about it.  He might have more influence to get it done.
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22:55.48Kobazwhat's the proper way to reload skinny configs
22:56.02Qwellskinny reload?
22:56.05leifmadsendoesn't even know what a finger server does
22:56.12leifmadsenloads up gopher
22:56.12Qwellleifmadsen: finger
22:56.13Kobazi have skinny reset/set/show
22:56.15Qwellleifmadsen: CLI that
22:56.24QwellKobaz: umm, I dunno.  module reload
22:56.29leifmadsenQwell: don't tell me what to do
22:56.34Qwellleifmadsen: DO EET
22:56.40Kobazi thought there might have been a less module reload type of way
22:56.44leifmadsenQwell: neato
22:56.50QwellKobaz: most modules are getting away from that
22:56.58leifmadsenQwell: if it requires any more steps to releases though I won't be a fan
22:57.19Qwellleifmadsen: it would, but probably scriptable enough
22:57.54Kobazleifmadsen: is there a current script you have that pulls down what is the current version of everything?
22:58.08QwellI think even just a script on the downloads site that checks the latest versions in that dir would be enough
22:58.08leifmadsenAsterisk, and are now available to address the security issues described in AST-2011-003 and AST-2011-004. For more information please see the release announcement at
22:58.11*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
22:58.48leifmadsenKobaz: yep --
22:59.21Qwellleifmadsen: maybe your script to do that could create a file like latest-version, which is just a small list
22:59.39p3nguinkobaz: You put something else on the sccp port?
23:00.08Kobazp3nguin: i already have an in house service on port 2000
23:00.13Kobazi moved skinny to 3000
23:00.21Kobazthis is weird
23:00.33Kobazacs-TEST*CLI> module load  Command 'module load' failed.
23:00.41Kobazyet from the output it looks like skinny loaded just fine
23:00.41Qwellalready loaded?
23:00.49Kobaz== Skinny listening on  == Registered channel type 'Skinny' (Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny))
23:00.54Kobaznope... i did an unload. and then load
23:01.03Qwellsome modules don't like that
23:03.01Kobazin my startup log. i did a restart
23:03.05Kobazskinny seems to load okay
23:03.24Kobazbut then i can't do a module reload on it
23:03.32Kobaz2011-03-16 19:03:18] NOTICE[20632]: loader.c:697 ast_module_reload: The module '' was not properly initialized.
23:03.51Qwellweird.  noload it, restart, load it manually
23:04.00Kobazif i do that, it says failed to load
23:04.15Kobazbut prints happy info messages saying everything worked
23:04.24Kobazprobably have to look at the code
23:04.32Qwellpoke me tomorrow.  I've got to go pick a kid up in a second
23:04.45Qwell(just some random kid.  not too important which.)
23:05.04Qwell((Dear FBI, I'm joking. -Qwell))
23:05.44Kobazit must be a bug in the skinny
23:05.56Kobazi loaded up
23:06.03Kobazand it's more happy
23:06.09Kobazhah sorry, yeah 1.6.0 for reels
23:06.13QwellColor me surprised.
23:06.26p3nguinCurrent is
23:06.33Kobazi know i know
23:06.55Kobaztell that to the 5000 line patch of inhouse changes to
23:07.13p3nguinEven though I stay in the 1.4 branch, I'm usually a couple weeks behind on an upgrade.
23:07.27Kobazi've ported everything to 1.8 actually
23:07.32Kobazi just need to test the hell out of it
23:07.42Qwellcd 1.8/; svn merge /path/to/1.6.0/ /path/to/1.6.0-yourchanges/ .; svn ci -m "Merge changes from 1.6.0 branch."
23:07.46QwellThank me later.
23:07.59*** join/#asterisk Grnd_Wire (~GroundWir@
23:08.37Kobaztell that to the changes that aren't automatically mergable :P
23:09.13Qwelldon't use non-interactive mode :p
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23:11.13Grnd_WireCan someone help me understand something? I'm trying to use "SetTransferCapability" and I see that is now deprecated. I am also seeing I should be using the CHANNEL function - but there is not a lot about it on
23:17.54serafieGrnd_Wire: try
23:18.39Kobazi moved the port back to 2000 and it registered
23:19.10Kobazi wonder what the setting is to change the port that the phone connects to... i thought it was ethernetPhonePort  but that didn't do anything
23:20.27p3nguinI couldn't say.  I wouldn't change my sccp port for anything.
23:20.43p3nguinJust like I won't change an ssh port nor a sip port.
23:21.04Kobazi've had to change sip ports when doing some local proxying
23:21.14Kobazyou just need to make sure everything matches
23:22.23Grnd_Wireserafie: cool! going there now.. THank you
23:24.13Grnd_Wirebye george.. I think we got it..
23:29.28Grnd_WireThank you all. Have a good day.
23:29.30*** part/#asterisk Grnd_Wire (~GroundWir@
23:37.13Kobazthis skinny stuff is working good so far
23:37.14Kobaz[2011-03-16 19:32:14] WARNING[22993]: chan_skinny.c:1673 find_subchannel_by_instance_reference: Could not find subchannel with reference '13' on 'SEP0014A9239820'
23:37.32Kobazcalls still work but i get those
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