IRC log for #asterisk on 20110315

00:01.39*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:01.45*** join/#asterisk Bloudermilk (
00:02.07GTXCommI think I figured it out P3.
00:02.23BloudermilkWhat's the story behind this?
00:02.32BloudermilkAnd this?
00:02.34capitan__hmm... is nat only for nat?  for example, if i have a multi-homed server, and i want asterisk to bind to the second ip (without a default gateway), and i'm just doing sip... can i lie to asterisk, set externip to the ip of the second device, and i'll be good to go?
00:02.52BloudermilkIs Asterisk considering dropping the already-implemented SIP/RTP portions of the application?
00:03.30serafieBloudermilk: that's Asterisk SCF, not Asterisk.
00:05.36*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
00:10.08capitan__looked like that fixed it... phew!
00:10.51p3nguincapitan__: extenip is only for NAT configuration, and it has nothing to do with which IP or interface Asterisk uses to bind to.
00:12.08capitan__p3nguin, hmm... thanks for the info... i tried bindaddr by itself, but i was getting calls dropping after 8 seconds or so, and tried to act quickly...
00:12.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:12.23capitan__maybe i should mention that the first network interface is locked down to high hell... does that make a difference?
00:13.30p3nguincapitan__: Typically, we leave the bindaddr set to so Asterisk will use all interfaces/addresses, then use iptables to hide the one you don't want to be used.
00:15.12capitan__hmmm... i had that setup at first... then i was afraid that with sip registration, with the default gateway interface locked down, packets would smack into the firewall
00:15.30capitan__maybe my restart fixed something, and it was just a coincidence?
00:16.39capitan__i did notice that when i tried to restart, it said "asterisk is already running"... maybe i had two processes running at first and didn't know it, and that was the culprit...
00:24.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:30.20*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-xrfiahneuadtjvdc)
00:32.33*** join/#asterisk luisfelice (~luisfelic@
00:33.13luisfeliceHi, I am having a static noise problem with a TDM400P card on the FXS ports, any idea?
00:34.51*** join/#asterisk Lord_Rahl (
00:35.37luisfeliceA friend told me that maybe is a problem with the power
00:36.23*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
00:37.16sawgoodIf I have a Sangoma card installed in an Asterisk solution, how can I tell if the card is 'active' and can make calls (I ran wancfg_dahdi) already
00:37.25sawgoodIt is a PRI T1 card
00:38.23IsUpsawgood: do 'wanrouter hwprobe' and 'wanrouter status', it'll tell you "CONNECTED/DISCONNECTED"
00:38.33IsUpsawgood: you have to check signalling first
00:38.54IsUpsawgood: and it sounds like Sangoma related problem or support. check #sangoma or contact their tech support. they are really good.
00:41.14sawgoodThank you ... I am looking at it now
00:41.29sawgoodwanpipe1    | AFT TE1  | N/A     | Disconnected  |
00:42.14sawgoodwhat do you mean by checking signalling first?
00:42.29Lord_Rahlanyone familiar with astgui? I found that every work fine except the save button on chrome and firefox 4. I want to see if I can fix that, bit I dont know what file it in
00:43.04IsUpsawgood: disconnected means, your card is not in LINK UP state with your provider
00:43.26IsUpsawgood: run Asterisk and try using "pri show spans" command on CLI
00:43.52sawgoodWell, the system has been down for 2 weeks (using a SIP trunk since it went down) ... so should it come back live on its own? (since I reinstalled * and wanpipe drivers)?
00:44.07*** part/#asterisk Bloudermilk (
00:44.21sawgoodPRI span 1/0: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active
00:44.21sawgood"this is the output from pri show spans"
00:46.59*** part/#asterisk Lord_Rahl (
00:47.06*** join/#asterisk Blue-Dragon (
00:47.35Blue-DragonHi, is there someone who can answer me mISDN-related question?
00:48.19Blue-DragonI'm wondering because mISDNv2 doesn't list any AVM-ISDN-Cards on their "Supported Cards"-list. Are those cards really only supported by mISDN 1?
00:48.23*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:49.21IsUpsawgood: probably something wrong with your configuration. if you are using wancfg_* its overwrites your current configuration
00:49.44IsUpsawgood: have you ever talked to your provider?
00:49.56sawgoodIsUp: I am starting a call to them now
00:50.26*** join/#asterisk rizwank (~rizwank@
00:50.30*** part/#asterisk rizwank (~rizwank@
00:50.39IsUpsawgood: exactly. they'll tell you status of your link
00:51.10sawgoodI am on hold now
00:51.52*** join/#asterisk rizwank (~rizwank@
00:53.00rizwankI've got a number of Asterisk servers already; but it's time to add a new one; preferably using Asterisk 1.8x  - is there a recommended OS distro that keeps Asterisk packages handy? I'm usually an CentOS guy, but most of what I've seen out there requires rebuilding Asterisk by hand each time; and when you're managing 10+ machines, you try to avoid that.
00:54.27p3nguinYou should either be using the Asterisk repository that AsteriskNOW uses to get your RPMs, or you should be packaging your own builds into RPMs to distribute across your machines.
00:54.31p3nguinrizwank: ^^^
00:54.47sawgoodIsUp: I have an open trouble ticket with the vendor now
00:54.59sawgoodWhen they call, they probably won't know much about Sangoma ...
00:55.14sawgoodbut they can tell me if they have a good working signal to the building, right?
00:55.21IsUpsawgood: doesnt matter, they'll tell you if they have signal or not.
00:55.22IsUpsawgood: yes
00:56.13sawgoodcool ... so even if my card config files are 'wrong', bad, or incorrect, they will tell me they have a working signal to the 'smart jack' on the wall?
00:56.47sawgoodOnce I've confirmed the good signal to the building, then I guess I start from square one with the wancfg_dahdi scripting process ...
00:56.57IsUpsawgood: probably. PM me and i'll send you other debug commands of wanrouter utility
00:56.59sawgoodor, have Sangoma give me advice tomorrow ...
00:57.15sawgoodIsUP: I will (once the PRI is confirmed good) ... thank you!
00:57.25IsUpsawgood: no problem
00:59.00sawgoodyes 100% ok with me!
00:59.30luisfeliceHi, I am having a static noise problem with a TDM400P card on the FXS ports, any idea?
01:01.46*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
01:03.04*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
01:11.19*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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01:14.34*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
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01:25.56*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~Joe@
01:26.11Aut0Execwhy is it that the only way to install asterisk is compile?
01:26.18p3nguinIt's not.
01:26.18Aut0Execwhy arent their binaries for distros?
01:26.22Aut0Execlike say debian
01:26.22p3nguinYou there are.
01:26.30p3nguinaptitude install asterisk
01:26.31Aut0Execoh really
01:26.37p3nguinyum install asterisk
01:26.52Aut0Execprolly 1.6
01:26.56p3nguinDon't ask me, look for yourself.
01:27.46p3nguinAsterisk isn't any older than 1.8.3
01:27.52p3nguinThey were released on THE SAME DAY.
01:27.58p3nguinSo 1.8.3 is not newer.
01:28.25p3nguinDo you have a problem compiling software?
01:29.14Aut0Execyup 1.6
01:29.26Aut0Execyeah I like gtalk support
01:29.31Aut0Execonly with 1.8 right?
01:29.42p3nguinOh, you'll want 1.8 for that.
01:30.16Aut0Exechad such a hard time finding the dependencies for things like alsa, gtalk
01:30.19Aut0Execetc etc
01:31.05Aut0Execand i'm a nub so I select lots of unecessary sound files... like all baiscally... en,es, the works.. so now I have to wait forever for comple now :(
01:50.27*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:51.48*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
02:22.33*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
02:27.21*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
02:33.28*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:37.14*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
02:43.55*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
02:45.39devdvdanyone using a linksys pap2t ata?  Just got one and having trouble making 3way calling work.  Wanted to know if anyone had any ideas as to what might be wrong.  What happens is, I call the first person i want to talk to, then i press the flash button on my phone and dial the second person, but when i press flash again, the first person is gone, gets disconnected
02:47.18p3nguinyou were close.
02:47.26p3nguins/close/almost there/
02:48.42devdvdyea, eyes and brain are a bit buggy tonight, 3 days without sleep will do that to a person
02:50.01pigpenHi all, back when I was doing realtime extensions, the priority was 1,2,3,4 and so on.  Now, I have in my normal txt extensions.conf, 1,n,n,n,n.  To add to it, I also use 1,n(start),n(stop),n,n....and so on.
02:50.58pigpendoes anyone know if I can designate the priority in a realtime database such as "n(start)"  ?
02:51.14*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-hckfeixmniefdbsx)
02:54.35pigpenpriority int4 NOT NULL default 0,    <<<<< nevermind, no hints for me.
02:57.58*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
02:58.02sequencerhi all
02:58.25sequenceris there any way to disable fax signal detection ? using asterisk 1.6.2 and frepbx 2.8
02:59.01sequencerthe reason for that is sometimes for whatever reason, asterisk detects a fax signal and drops a random active call
02:59.26sequenceranyone has any similar incidents?
02:59.46sequenceri have already unloaded the res_fax and res_fax_diguim
03:01.57pigpenfaxdetect=no in /etc/dahdi/system.conf or /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf depending on the ver ( I can't remember when dahdi came around.....bad memory....late....
03:02.58sequencerwhat happens if i disabled dahdi itself?
03:03.50sequencermy system uses sip only for inbound/outbound calls
03:07.47pigpenI wouldn't.  You are likely using it for timing in some sort.
03:08.32sequenceranything else i need to be aware of?
03:08.41pigpenI think in they started splitting off some real timing modules, which caused other odd issues through, fixed in
03:08.46sequenceri disabled the faxing in both trunks i have
03:09.07pigpenyeah, having sip only, the dahdi setting will have no affect.
03:09.23pigpenyou may want to debug and see what is really happening.
03:09.38sequencerit just says fax signal
03:09.43sequencerthen a random call drops
03:10.05sequencerit gets crazy whn you have a zombie call every 20-30 minutes for no reason
03:10.16sequenceresp. in a very busy environment
03:10.21sequencer30+ ppl on phone :s
03:10.26pigpennow, please remember, you are using freepbx.  there is -allot- that is happening behind the scenes.
03:10.47p3nguinallot?  Do you mean "a lot?"
03:10.56pigpenthis channel is for the more core asterisk person.
03:11.06pigpenp3nguin = union spell checker
03:11.34pigpenDam Education System!!!!  heh
03:12.29pigpensequencer, if you have 30+ calls at a time, you may want to consider setting up a real deployment on the side and move over to a platform you can really control.
03:13.15pigpenjust my 2 cents worth.
03:13.21pigpenright p3nguin !!??
03:23.20eMBeegood morning
03:23.38carrarood evening
03:24.24eMBeeis looking at a wierd problem: since this morning calls made to a queue don't play a ringing, that is the call works and the phones ring, but the caller hears nothing until an agent talks
03:24.45*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:26.36pigpeneMBee, what ver?
03:27.16*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:30.06pigpenI think you really don't want it just to sit there and ring.
03:30.21pigpenthat would drive anybody insane (unless this is the idea)
03:30.22FuriousGeorgeso out of nowhere today my sangoma using dahdi cant take a call on my server.  I recently (8 weeks ago) upgraded from zaptel, so I can't remember if this is typical for dahdi but:
03:30.28FuriousGeorgehandle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 7: Red Alarm
03:30.32pigpenconsider setting up a musicclass
03:30.41FuriousGeorgemy guess is that it has something to do with that
03:31.21pigpenFuriousGeorge, we have had something similar.  We had to go shutdown the box, disconnect power, and bring it all back up.
03:31.36pigpenhence why we are starting to use external sip boxes, such as audiocodes
03:32.01FuriousGeorgepigpen: i did find this
03:32.04FuriousGeorgebut ill try that anyway
03:32.41pigpenyeah, try that, because nothing is worse than chasing your tail for an easy fix.
03:38.57*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@
03:39.21eMBeepigpen: what do you mean?
03:39.53eMBeelong ringing not a good idea?
03:39.57*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:41.09pigpenit soothes the soul.  Something like Guns and Roses, Iron Maiden, maybe Metalica.  ;-)
03:41.26pigpenie: music on hold.
03:41.48pigpenyou setup a musicclass in the moh, then reference it in the queues
03:41.57*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:41.59pigpen(from my vague memory)
03:43.42*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:47.18*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:48.21eMBeeok, i agree with that, however the waiting times in this queue are not long so it's ok, right now there is no sound at all which is rather disturbing for the caller
03:49.09pigpenI don't thing a ring tone is an option.  but, I am sure you can find some wav file out there that is a ring tone which you can play in a music class.
03:49.15p3nguinAnswer the line.  Play some sounds.
03:49.36eMBeewell, actually, it has been ringing before, it's not ringing now though
03:50.41pigpenI had a bad experience with a call queue when I was a I avoid them when I can.....and no, I don't want to talk about it.
03:51.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:53.47*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:55.42*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
04:02.45*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
04:09.40*** join/#asterisk benngard (
04:11.02*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:20.55*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:24.25*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
04:25.00Blue-DragonHi again! I'm using asterisk 1.8.3 and 3cxphone as sip-client. When I got called I can't hear the one on the phone but he can hear me. When I edit my dialplan so that he has to speak to the voicemail, it works. I can also call my voicemail and listen to his message. Any ideas? Does this seem to be an asterisk-problem or a problem with my SIP-client?
04:26.17pigpenis your asterisk box on the same network as the softphone?
04:27.21pigpenit sounds like you have a nat issue.
04:27.49Blue-Dragoneven if I can hear my asterisk when putting a Playback(hello-world) in the dialplan?
04:29.45pigpenshow us the call topology:  ie:   sip-softphone<---->asterisk<----(fw/router)----<SIP Trunk>----Online provider.....etc
04:35.54Blue-DragonIt should be like that
04:36.01Blue-DragonBut NAT is actually enabled
04:37.21pigpenhere is a general rule of thumb:  a sip session should only have one NAT.  Anymore, and it will screw up. (and the term is lost in my mind at the moment...too much realtime)
04:43.21Blue-Dragonis it wrong when I say "my router is the only NAT"?
04:43.47Blue-DragonOn what?
04:43.50pigpenis the other side natted?
04:44.40pigpenI can't spell tonight
04:45.36jmordicaanyone got some space or know of anyone that can handle a midtower? all i need is 1mb 95percentile burstable to 10 or 100mb
04:47.38pigpenwhat area of the country (or world)?
04:48.33Blue-Dragonthe other side conventional phone
04:48.48Blue-Dragonis a*
04:49.16Blue-Dragoncalling a provider who then calls my asterisk over SIP
04:50.03*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
04:50.14pigpenI would try a real phone or such, just to rule out the softphone.
04:52.02*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
04:52.11Blue-DragonI'll try to set up another softphone using another extension on my asterisk
04:53.00Blue-DragonI wonder what happens when I call sofphone 1 with softphone 2
04:54.28*** join/#asterisk dimm (~appleworm@unaffiliated/dimm)
04:55.18*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:59.27Blue-DragonIt works
04:59.43Blue-DragonAh, I think, I got it
05:05.39Blue-Dragonpigpen, I really had the option nat=yes in my config of the SIP-provider. But setting it to no or removing it didn't really help, so I'm still facing the same problem
05:06.02Blue-DragonDo you have any other ideas how I can find out what the problem is?
05:07.19pigpendebug sip
05:10.58*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
05:12.54Blue-DragonBut how is the magic question. I don't think that I have enough knowledge about all that stuff, thats why I'm asking here :\
05:13.32*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-qezdxuzazvcgyozp)
05:18.13tymanI've got a bit of an asterisk server has had no configuration changes, verified by diffing the /etc/asterisk with version control.  Yet, for an unknown period of time, we're not able to take calls.  Outbound calls are fine... please see this
05:19.03tymani'm handling a major networking cutover for a client right now and realized my phones were completely down...i'm in a pickle
05:19.43tymanI have never seen the addr before...this is not my itsp
05:20.24pigpenis pacwest your provider?
05:20.25tymanthe calling number (559).... is my cell
05:20.46pigpenthey may just be reselling pacwest.
05:20.46tymans/$/is my itsp/
05:21.18pigpenpacwest has been pushing to this, hence why they lost our business.
05:21.29tymanthink they made some changes?...and now my sip config is incompatible as well as my sip authentication does not allow them
05:22.01pigpenyeah, I would open a ticket with your provider.
05:22.10tymanpigpen:  pacwest pushed flowroute to resell?
05:22.40pigpenno, their business plan.
05:23.03pigpenie: we had many lines with a provider here in Texas.  PacWest came in and bought them out.
05:23.46pigpenthen, as part of their business plan, they pretty much told all of us ISP's to piss off and did nothing but screw up circuits and every bit of billing they could.
05:23.54pigpenhence, driving us away.
05:24.07*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
05:24.08pigpenbut, they are good at it:  This won't be the first time they have gone bankrupt.
05:26.34tymanpigpen: PacWest going bankrupt?  think i'm following
05:26.58tymandid u recognize that number as a pacwest number?
05:27.20pigpenI don't know if they are in the process of it, but I have talked to employees that are bailing the company in texas.
05:27.22tymansorry...says it right there plain as day
05:27.31pigpenyeah, the resolve shows pacwest.
05:27.42pigpentheir techs are stupid.
05:30.38*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
05:33.41pigpenwe moved our pri's to TWTelecom.  Upstream is with TWTelecom & Cogent.
05:34.04tymanchecked my email...
05:34.12pigpenI am glad.
05:34.13tymanthere's a notifcation in ther
05:34.35pigpenOh...late on the plastic surgery payment?
05:34.39tymanpigpen: sorry...overwhelmed with people after me...service is down
05:35.07pigpenah...well there you go.  One thing off your plate.
05:35.31tymangeez...thanks for the info...sorry for the crazy posts
05:35.54pigpengood luck.  HAIL PAC WEST!!!!
05:35.55tymanthis DURING a bgp multihoming cutover for an isp
05:36.25tymanthey think i'm slaving away on their gear
05:36.37pigpenall billable baby.
05:36.51pigpenhmm...what if they are in this channel...hmm....
05:36.51tymany, nite
05:40.38*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:47.22*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-utgqktxecvcqzdhw)
05:48.18*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
06:09.40*** join/#asterisk awk (
06:11.37awkHi guys, any advice here.. I am playing with an asterisk box in a VMware env.. Windows Server -> Vmware Workstation -> CentOS -> Asterisk 1.4.39-1 .. RTP is clear, however any prompt is so slow and lagged, any idea what could be causing all prompts to be so slow? I have disabled zaptel and started asterisk and tried changing Asterisk versions to 1.4.35.. Could there be some setting in the
06:11.38awkBIOS causing this or a VMWare setting?
06:13.16pigpenyou could have a loop or something goofy in your dialplan.
06:13.28pigpenmake it _real_ simple.
06:13.48pigpenalso, get on 1.6, or 1.8
06:14.04awkOur GUI runs 1.4
06:14.09pigpennobody will really help until you get on something current.
06:14.19awkWe have it at hundreds of sites.
06:14.39pigpenyeah, I bet you dont want to update at whim.
06:14.44awk1,6 and 1,6 is nowhere near stable enough for some of our clients (banks) etc
06:14.52pigpenhave the devs write it better.
06:14.54awkerr 1.6 and 1.8
06:15.14pigpenyeah, 1.8 is to be the answer.....
06:15.18awkThere is something, I wonder if it has something to do with ACPI
06:15.20pigpenwhen it matures.
06:15.27pigpenyeah, sounds like a loop.
06:15.33pigpena goofy include
06:17.45*** join/#asterisk reber (
06:22.49*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
06:23.46*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
06:28.55*** join/#asterisk ajmcello (
06:29.20ajmcelloi have an unauthorized SIP user who connects as SIP/IP_ADDRESS
06:29.36ajmcelloit isnt listed in sip.conf, and i cannot figure out how they are connecting. i have full logging turned on and i never see it register
06:29.43ajmcellocould someone please help?
06:30.24ajmcelloit started once i upgraded from 1.4 to 1.8.3
06:30.59p3nguinajmcello: Change "allowguest=yes" or ";allowguest=no" to "allowguest=no" in sip.conf
06:32.08ajmcellocool, thanks.
06:32.20ajmcellowhy is that on by default?
06:32.31p3nguinI'm not sure.
06:32.54ajmcellowonder how much LD i have racked up in overseas calls.
06:33.00p3nguinSorry, I can't know everything.
06:39.03kaldemarajmcello: registration is not needed to make calls, so better not look for registrations if you have unauthorized connections.
06:43.47*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:45.50ajmcellokaldemar: allowguest=no will fix that?
06:46.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:47.20pigpenbut to even make a call, although not registered, a valid name/secret must be used.
06:47.36kaldemarajmcello: nothing to fix really. registration is just a way to let the other end know where you are. it's not like a login kind of procedure.
06:49.07pigpensomething you could do, at least to help at the moment, is to block the ip address they are connecting from at the firewall level.
06:49.43pigpenif you are not a public sip provider, I would secure your sip sessions behind a firewall and within vpn's.
06:54.29*** join/#asterisk manji (
06:59.03*** join/#asterisk darkspline (
07:05.39ChannelZand for god sakes put some pants on!
07:09.10pigpenThat is certainly wise advice.  I am positive it comes from first hand experience.
07:09.42pigpenshit.  I said "hand".
07:15.53ajmcellowith allowguest=yes, if they guessed a SIP name, they could make calls without knowing the password?
07:17.26kaldemarajmcello: no
07:17.26*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
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07:17.50*** join/#asterisk cnu (cnu@2001:470:1f0b:ea::10)
07:18.03kaldemarajmcello: allowguest=yes allows such calls that do not match a device defined in sip.conf.
07:18.05*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
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08:08.15schmidtsgood morning
08:11.06kleszczschmidts: mornin'
08:11.43asterisk-learnerschmidts: morning
08:15.44asterisk-learnerin ChanSpy() application pressing '*' will "stop spying and look for another channel to spy on."
08:15.55asterisk-learnerdoes this means it randomly switches between active calls ?
08:16.01shaprtry it?
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08:19.43schmidtsasterisk-learner it depends on what you start chanspy application
08:20.21schmidtsif you use it like ChanSpy(SIP-123) then it will rotate over each channel which starts wich SIP-123... and normaly asterisk starts with the newest channel first
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08:20.54asterisk-learneri am using it on smthg like this
08:20.55asterisk-learnerexten => _XXXX,n,ChanSpy(IAX2/${EXTEN:5},qb)
08:21.29asterisk-learnerwhat do u mean by : "normaly asterisk starts with the newest channel first"
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08:21.45asterisk-learnerif i have 5 channels and i am listening to one, then i press *
08:22.01asterisk-learnermany times, will it cycles thru the others or just pick the saem one each time
08:22.38schmidtsasterisk-learner which version do you use? if you use something lower than 1.8 then the internal channel list starts with the newest channel after this you have the second newest and the last one is the one which is the oldest
08:23.22schmidtsif you have other channels which match your search like IAX2/12345 then yes, this should work ;)
08:23.30asterisk-learnerschimdts: ok, yes i am using 1.4.36
08:23.54asterisk-learnerok good then it will wake thru the list of channels
08:24.32schmidtsasterisk-learner just do a core show channels and see which channel is the first one, this is the same order you will have in chanspy ;)
08:25.40asterisk-learnerschimdts: ok thx :-)
09:01.49*** join/#asterisk UnixDev_ (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
09:03.15UnixDev_how can I change the system default unavailable message for a user without having to set one for each?
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09:07.24jkroonwhen using queues, the leastrecent strategy - does it take agent penalties into consideration at all?
09:08.17jkroonmy situation is that i've got three technicians to which I'd like to send calls in a least recent fashion, but if they are all three engaged let it overflow to some of the more senior guys which I don't like to normally take calls.
09:10.55kaldemarUnixDev: which message are referring to, exactly? when does your user get this message in your dialplan?
09:11.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:11.14Sertysthere's no "default" message
09:11.55Sertysjkroon: well, 2 Dial()s with 2 callgroups
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09:12.42jkroonSertys, please explain how that addresses my requirements, I fail to see how to use 2 Dial()s to get what I want.
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09:13.34jkroonhow do i queue people doing that should all the senior technicians (two of us) also be engaged already?
09:14.59Sertyswell, it's a natural fallback scenario
09:16.48Sertysu're all obsessed with queues
09:16.52jkroonno, that doesn't do what I asked.
09:17.08jkroonthat will ring all three guys for 60 seconds
09:17.34jkroonthen go to the other two after that, it also means i must disable call waiting on those three phones, which is not desirable.
09:17.45kaldemarjkroon: if all members are busy, you could maybe check if the senior guys already are in the queue, and if not, add them temporarily to the queue and remove after the call.
09:18.34jkroonkaldemar, ok, so upon entering the queue, check if there are members available, if not, add the senior guys, and after the call remove them again?
09:18.43jkroondoesn't that open me up for a bunch of race conditions?
09:19.29kaldemarjkroon: well, a matter of testing if it is feasible.
09:21.17jkrooni still figure it may be better to get it done in app_queue
09:21.48SiNGLerthere is other solution: create 2 queues, one without seniors, and one with. check if members in first available, if not, then send to second queue
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09:23.31SertysSiNGLer: yea
09:23.36Sertysmakes sense
09:25.21Sertyssuch complex scenario always miss my mind
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09:44.29UnixDevkaldemar: im talking about the unavailable messages in the voicemail application
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09:49.46jkroonSiNGLer, that could work.
09:49.58kaldemarUnixDev: find the corresponding sound file somewhere under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds and change it to what you want.
09:50.38kaldemarUnixDev: the voicemail files are named vm-*
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09:51.16jkroonSiNGLer, kaldemar - how do i check whether there are any available members in a queue (ie, at least one member that has a status of NOTINUSE)?
09:52.24jkroonSertys, that is still _simple_ ... you should see some of the requirements some of my clients cook up.
09:56.10*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (
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10:00.10tuxx-Hey guys, my dahdi setup doesn't seem to be working. First i had problems loading pri_cpe, that seems to fixed now, but i'm getting the error that dahdi can't load channel 1. Anyone got any hints which way i should look? I have recompiled the whole bunch (libpri, dahdi, asterisk) a couple of times, and now im stuck on this error.
10:02.57kleszczshow me /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
10:03.05tuxx-it's in the paste
10:03.31tuxx-made it a little more clear with ------ on the side
10:04.37kleszczchange Dial(DAHDI/r0/${EXTEN})
10:04.56tuxx-it's not a dial, it's when starting asterisk and loading
10:10.54WIMPytuxx-: You've got only 15 channels?
10:11.03WIMPyIs that a new install or an upgrade?
10:11.23WIMPyDo you have some old zaptel stuff floating around?
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10:14.17tuxx-new install WIMPy
10:14.19tuxx-no zaptel stuff
10:14.29UnixDevkaldemar: I also want to stop the default unavailable message from speaking the extension... how can I do that?
10:15.04WIMPyUnixDev: Maybe you want MiniVM instead of VoiceMail?
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10:16.06tuxx-probably a jumper problem
10:16.32UnixDevWIMPy: can minivm be accessed through the legacy ivr menu interface?
10:23.39*** join/#asterisk JonathanRose (~JonathanR@nat/digium/x-plyzcwuoknfphjiy)
10:23.47WIMPyI only know that the idea of MiniVM is that it does not provide much so that you get the chance to maximum customisation.
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11:37.47awkOk guys here my prediciment.. I want to have a Incoming -> Queue (caller sits in the call) when he is in the queue I want him to get sent to an AGI script where he will then be able to answer questions, however when it moves to top of the queue it must then transfer it to the agent to handle the call.. it is a way to by pass time and gather information at the same time?
11:37.57awkI was thinking of maybe a meetme room inside a queue?
11:38.02awkor what do you guys recommend..
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11:54.41CRCinAU_p3nguin: ping?
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12:25.08jkroonhi guys, i was wondering, with FXS ports, is it theoretically possible to detect (with assistance from kernel drivers if need be) to detect the difference between a port that is not connected vs a port that is onhook?
12:26.10jkroonawk, queue a Local/ channel into the queue, somehow detect when it gets picked up by the agent and "steal" the channel from the games app?
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12:33.13jkroonawk, yea, originatinig a Loca/ channel that sits in the queue, using some AGI or even a simple macro/gosub on the Queue() call of that Local/ channel might well do the trick for you.
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12:52.09jkroonok, looking at the source for app_queue it looks like the app should be using the penalty for each individual queue member to adjust the metric (calculated value based on lastcall + 100000 * penalty), but this doesn't seem to actually be what's happening.
12:52.42TJNIIjkroon: No.  A traditional phone opens the circuit when on hook.  It is electrically equal to no connection.
12:52.46jkroonso I believe the _intended_ behaviour for app_queue is that which I want, but the actual behaviour is in conflict.
12:53.14jkroonTJNII, thanks.  that confirms what I thought would be the case.  wish there was a way though.
12:53.31TJNIISome phones may draw some current for things like CID, but you won't be able to reliably detect that.
12:53.40jkroonwas hoping that the ringer might in fact be a partial short that could be detected.
12:53.53TJNIII forgot about the ringer.
12:54.07TJNIII think that will depend on the phone, though.
12:54.24TJNIIModern solid-state ringers will be a lot harder to detect than a old coil ringer.
12:54.28jkroonso a NC would be infinite resistance (ie, no connection), the ringer some (low) current.
12:54.54jkroonand a off-hook is "high" current, something to that effect, but it was a really long shot.
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12:55.01TJNIIThe ringer is in parallel with the rest of the phone, but the rest of the phone is disconnected by the hook switch.
12:55.28jkroonthat is what i figured, which is why when the FXS port generates ring it actually rings.
12:55.38TJNIIThe phone is a constant current device, so when it goes off hook the line voltage drops drastically.
12:56.17jkroonI don't the technical details, but yea, constant current would necessitate a voltage drop.
12:56.48jkroonthe question remains:  is the Digium FXS cards sensitive enough to detect the difference between no connection and a ringer?
12:57.19jkroonessentially generate a RED alarm on no connection, and onhook/offhook otherwise.
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13:00.42tzafrir_laptopjkroon, not really sure
13:02.03tzafrir_laptopbasically there should be some difference. But I'm not really sure how sure you can be of it.
13:02.34tzafrir_laptopYou can query the SLIC directly for current and voltage
13:03.28jkroontzafrir_laptop, ok - how can I query that?
13:05.53TJNIIThat may not work either as the ringer is AC coupled, though
13:06.07TJNIISo if the line is pure DC the ringer will draw no current.
13:06.24jkroonit still has to have _some_ resistance, which if connected in DC will produce current.
13:06.29TJNIII think you may be able to do this, but every phone is going to give you different readings, if you can do it at all.
13:06.32jkroona ringer fires when it _detects_ AC.
13:07.05TJNIINo, some are just connected through a cap.  So pure DC will just charge the cap.  That's how the old phones worked.
13:07.36TJNIIYou have the internal resistance of the cap itself, but will that be low enough to give you a usable reading?   That's your challenge.
13:07.38coppiceif the ringer draws DC current it will permanently loop the line
13:07.45jkroonah ok.  hmm, caps leaks.
13:08.19TJNIIAnyways, best of luck.  I have to go to work.
13:08.27jkrooncoppice, that doesn't matter.  as long as it's a really, really small current it makes no real difference, I think (i'm not an electrical engineer, just a CS grad student with some interest in electronics)
13:09.13coppiceit sure is really really small :-)
13:09.27tzafrir_laptopjkroon, there's an ioctl to get values of all registers. This should help you
13:09.52jkroontzafrir_laptop, existing tool that can dump this values for me?
13:09.53tzafrir_laptopGet the spec of the chip from Silicon-Labs's site
13:10.38jkroonthis feels like one of the crazier ideas i've had in a while.
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13:11.23tzafrir_laptopjkroon, dahdi_diag is a small program that sends that IOCTL
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13:13.48coppicejkroon: what are you trying to detect?
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13:18.48jkroonthanks tzafrir_laptop
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13:35.06jkroonthanks tzafrir_laptop - it's a no go though, the info output to dmesg definitely doesn't contain any identifying for NC vs Onhook, and the only difference to offhook is that it gets a current tone ...
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14:35.50gentoo_fun2so question
14:35.56gentoo_fun2does Device does not match ACL
14:36.10gentoo_fun2mean i have implemented my sip.conf's permit, deny correctly?
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14:38.31gentoo_fun2I am getting a ton of script kittens attn trying to login as peers to my lil asterisk box
14:39.14kaldemargentoo_fun2: you better block them at your firewall already. many people use fail2ban for that.
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14:41.05leafartnHi! When I add a member in a queue, if I type "queue show" command, in the members shows me always the memebers with status (dynamic)(not in use) although is in the middle of a call, so if the queue receives another call, this member receives this call
14:41.05gentoo_fun2kaldemar: that is the next step
14:41.20gentoo_fun2but i am trying to properly reject access with asterisk as well
14:41.41gentoo_fun2ive been manually blocking with iptables for a couple of days now
14:42.02gentoo_fun2I just cant figure out what that message means
14:42.39leafartn...and the call should wait meanwhile the member ends the actual call
14:44.09kaldemargentoo_fun2: and yes, you get "Device does not match ACL" when you use a denied address.
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14:44.20gentoo_fun2cool how did u find that out
14:44.22jshrivergreetings :)
14:44.52jshriverIs it possible to record live phone calls and if so have leads?  A girl at work has been getting some harasing calls and need/want to record them.
14:45.17jshriveralready told her she'd haev to inform him legally due to recording laws, so now it's a matter of tech
14:47.27nestArleafartn: sounds like a call waiting issue.. the phone has to tell * that it's on another call and not to bother it.
14:47.28jshriverhrm anyone on :)
14:47.35kaldemargentoo_fun2: by looking at the source. :P
14:47.40nestArjshriver: Monitor()
14:48.14gentoo_fun2kaldemar: appreciate your time
14:48.24jshriverNo such command hrm
14:48.38nestArjshriver: it's a dialplan command
14:48.52gentoo_fun2ya u gota check your extensions
14:49.08nestArjshriver: ala: exten => s,4,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)
14:49.25jshriverty looking for examples now.
14:49.39jshriverIs there a way a user can say press a combo and it starts to record?
14:51.13leafartnnestAr: but in asterisk queue show this member appears as (not in use)
14:51.58nestArleafartn: i understand, because * doesn't keep track of it.. for better or worse, it doesn't know that phone is on a call, once it hands over the call
14:52.04nestArjshriver: check out features.conf
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14:55.33madwillAnybody here ever tryed to transcode h323 to something lik h264 in order to provide "connectivity" with web players ?
14:56.05madwillIs there a payable plugins already in place ?
14:56.22nestArleafartn: that's what i was using, specifically for this issue on polycom phones
14:56.55madwilli intend to send it to red5 so i would need something like h263/h264
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14:58.43jshriverI enabled automon *1; in features.conf but nothing is getting put in the /var/log/asterisk/monitor
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14:58.49jshriverer /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
14:59.36madwillthere is no such things as a xuggler for asterisk?
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15:00.05madwillasterisk support h263 by default but does not do transcoding
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15:01.06zknAny australians lurking in here at this hour?
15:02.00nestArjshriver: yeah, i've never actually used it.. i just record everything.
15:02.23jshriverhave a website that shows how to set that up?
15:02.37nestArmight try the asterisk wiki
15:03.10chazzamor the newbook
15:03.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license: Please consider supporting the authors generosity by purchasing a copy at
15:04.41madwillwhat i'm asking for is stupid right ?
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15:05.22madwilltranscoding live h323 video from hardware videoconference rooms using sip is just asking for trouble later on
15:06.07tzafrir_laptopzkn, I'm not one, but I suggest asking a more direct questions
15:06.30tzafrir_laptopzkn, I also suspect this is not the best time of the day to aim for them
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15:08.25zknyeah, thought so, i know there are at least a few australians around here... worth a try... i'm curious about australian ITSPs, but I don't want to clutter the main screen here with OT questions
15:09.25zknwill check back later..err.. or elarier to pick a few brains for recommendations
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15:21.13jshriverthank god for IRC, an * subscription is at the minimum $595 wow
15:22.32Qwelljshriver: That's quite inexpensive compared to other vendors.  Also, not everybody is willing/able to do IRC support.
15:22.44Qwelland, IRC support, as you've seen, is not always...kind.
15:23.35nestAri can put up with a lot of BS to save $600 though. :D
15:23.42jshrivereh generally kind just not always the answer. automon must not be a very common thing.  Not many sites talk about it and none so far work
15:23.57jshrivernestAr: same, plus my boss would never pay that just to have someone to ask questions
15:23.58QwellPress the keys faster.
15:24.06Qwell(That'll be $595.  Thanks.)
15:24.25jshriverdo you know what it means to put wW in dial plan?
15:24.49Qwell'core show application Dial' does
15:26.37nestArindeed it does
15:26.46jshriverDoes this look remotely correct?  exten => 302,2,Dial(SIP/302,20,rtwW)
15:27.10nestArlooks ok to me
15:27.26jshriverok wasn't sure what rt was or if I could just add wW there with rt present
15:27.41nestAryeah, the core show application dial will explain all those
15:28.12jshriverone more question, can you reload the conf files while the server is running or do you have to /etc/init.d/asterisk restart every change?
15:28.31jshriverwas hoping there would be a graceful way to restart or reload dynamically
15:28.38nestArif it's just dialplan, just reload that..
15:28.43nestArother stuff depends..
15:28.48jshrivererm ok how :)
15:28.55nestArbut reload from the CLI should work
15:28.59nestArwithout a full restart
15:29.10jshriverok googling "asterisk cli reload"
15:29.49russellb*CLI> dialplan reload ... or *CLI> core reload
15:29.55russellbreload dialplan or reload everything
15:30.19nestArsee also: module reload
15:30.26nestArif you made a change to features.conf
15:30.36nestAretc etc etc
15:30.56jshriverbrb ty
15:31.49jshriverappreciate it gentleman it works
15:31.57jshrivernow back to my real job lol
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15:50.52leafartnnestAr: thanks
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16:03.46no1peanutHi - I have a single party call to asterisk and am trying to log it to cdr. Will I not get the fields answer and end when making a single party call ?
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16:05.30Aut0ExeCdoes pstn allow for putting calls in queue or call park?
16:05.39Aut0ExeCwith basic ATA setup
16:05.41Aut0ExeCof course
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16:42.08NovceGuruHey guys, I know this is an asterisk channel, which is my pbx of choice, but in this sutation i'm forced to support a 3cx install :( Can anybody tell me if the call parking system in 3cx is as stupid as I think it is? If I understand correctly, the user has to know if anybody is parked on *00 through *09 ? What if someone "double parks" ?
16:42.26NovceGurujust a shot in the dark if someone else has had to deal with 3cx...
16:50.05wetaIs there a global call timeout setting? I can see the dial option. If possible, I'd like to set it one place only. Thanks.
16:50.27wetasorry, call time limit.
16:58.24devdvdHi all, have a bit of a problem.  Running asterisk and having an issue sending dtmf.  What i notice is when i call something (like a place with an automated attendant), and it tells me to enter say my account and i type 12345, the system will read it back to me as like 11135 (or other combinations most of the time the digits are repeated)
16:58.29devdvdHow do i solve this?
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17:05.35Joe_CoTSo previously I would get a notification on my phone when I had new voicemail. After moving from 1.4 to 1.8, I no longer get that. Has something changed?
17:05.43Joe_CoTWell, has something related changed
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17:16.49superduty@devdvd what are your dtmf sip settings?
17:17.12devdvdrfc2833 is the mode
17:17.30devdvdand i called my itsp and thats what they are using as well
17:17.41devdvdor are you looking for different information?
17:18.37*** join/#asterisk oquidave_ (~oquidave@
17:19.02oquidave_hello people
17:21.01oquidave_am configuring a digium TDM pci card for  my asterisk box
17:21.27oquidave_i have installed asterisk on opensuse 11.3 with the dahdi drivers
17:22.16Qwellopensuse?  My condolences.
17:22.27oquidave_when i enter the asterisk CLI, and type dahdi show status to test the card, i get Alarms field set to RED
17:22.31oquidave_what does that mean
17:22.41QwellIt means it's not connected to the other side.
17:23.04oquidave_which side?
17:23.12QwellThe side that isn't you.
17:23.33QwellWhat is it plugged in to?
17:23.44oquidave_PCI slot
17:23.50Qwell...the cables
17:24.09oquidave_a t1
17:24.21QwellIt cannot communicate with the other side. i need to first connect the T1?
17:25.02oquidave_plus the RED lights are not blinking!
17:25.47oquidave_on the TDM card..they only blink or light at startup
17:25.51QwellRED alarm means that it cannot talk to the other side.  If the cables are not connected, then of course it won't be able to.
17:26.30oquidave_but the lights on the card don't light...wat does that mean?
17:29.32oquidave_mr Qwell  please...could you help with that?
17:29.46QwellPlug in a cable and we'll talk...
17:30.11oquidave_let me do it
17:31.03*** join/#asterisk Lann (ab457dc8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:33.39LannI came here maybe a couple months ago asking about the feasibility of using asterisk for an audio MUD. Some people here reccomended using ChanSpy() in order to send multiple audio streams to the same connected user. Is it possible to use chanspy to both an individual, AND to a conference call full of people (including the individual) at the same time?
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17:41.10radenanyone have a idea why MOH dont work with aastra phones ? on 1.8 works fine in 1.6
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17:50.19_Corey_Lann: I'd probably pipe the sounds into a MeetMe using AMI or something
17:50.38_Corey_Lann: But as with anything else, there are many ways to get at the same thing...
17:54.32Janoshello, got a simple question, when using asterisk's default pickup feature '*8', all that is needed to "group" the channels are the pickupgroup and callgroup parameters in the channels right ?
17:55.41oquidave_okay mr. qwell, i have got to do go somewhere
17:56.05*** join/#asterisk remnant13 (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
17:56.07oquidave_we will continue tomorow if you will be around...thanks for the help though
17:56.52*** join/#asterisk remnant13 (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
17:58.39paulcDAHDI under Centos: running dahdi_cfg I get "line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'" - the devices exist, same permissions as on an Ubuntu box (where it works fine). I'm stumped as to what in Centos is causing the problem. Can anyone offer a pointer in the right direction?
18:02.55tvc123paulc: could be SELinux
18:03.19tvc123try disabling it to check .. if thats the case you should write a rule to allow the access
18:04.40paulctvc123: Hmm.. yeah, good call - I'd forgotten about that.. but doing a sestatus shows it as disabled already, so that's not it :-(
18:17.38chazzamyou are running it as root?
18:18.29paulcchazzam: yup
18:19.20chazzamand you have dahdi and <driver for your card> in output of lsmod?
18:20.18paulcI think half the problem is the kernel version, having 2.6.18-194.el5PAE reported from uname -r, and having 2.6.18-194.31.1.el5PAE as well in sources where stuff is installed
18:20.44paulcchazzam: no, I don't see dahdi in lsmod because dahdi won't load/start. And there's no hardware - it's just for timing for meetme via SIP
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18:23.42paulcok.. depmod solved it - seems ok now
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18:53.09dunahi guys!
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18:54.33dunaquestion: what kind of server do you recommend for audio recording with asterisk + 8E1 (PRI) ?
18:59.04tzafrir_laptoppaulc, "the device exists" but is the driver loaded?
18:59.38paulctzafrir_laptop: It wasn't, but it is now - problem solved, we're all good :)
18:59.40*** join/#asterisk angeld (~sdiofj@
19:00.01angeldim having some trouble getting the datacard module to work..
19:00.08paulcduna: a beefy one - with lots of RAM (hint: record to RAM then move the recording to disk, rather than recording directly to disk)
19:00.28angeldWARNING[22556] chan_sip.c: No such host. 123456
19:00.46angeldtrying to use it with the auto-dial (.call files)
19:02.22dunapaulc yeah, i thought that too
19:02.46paulcangeld: pastebin one of your call files?
19:05.44angeldwhat i dont get is how i tell asterisk to use the datacard0 device?
19:06.27wdoekes2do you have host=123456 for your sip peer?
19:06.56angeldits a 3g modem that connected
19:06.59angeldvia usb
19:07.51paulcangeld: I'm confused - is that like a SIP device/end point? I'm not clear on what you're trying to do exactly
19:08.16angeldIm trying to make nagios notifications through my 3g modem at /dev/ttyUSB0*
19:08.32angeldit shows the 3g modem inside asterisk
19:09.03angeldbut how i format the .call file and sip.conf so that i can adjust the phonenumber it rings with the .call file?
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19:10.44angeldis it possible to choose which device and phonenumber to use on the channel line of the .call file?
19:13.54dunai'm confused about what angeld want to do
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19:23.09_zoom_hello, stopplaytones doesnt work am using asterisk 1.6
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20:05.27atanAnyone here use one account to route premium + value calls?
20:10.47benngardyay, it works but is it the correct way to do it? exten => 9,n,Originate(OOH323/901@Avaya,app,SendFAX,/tmp/fax.tiff), Answer before and Hangup after, i do receive the fax
20:11.42p3nguinI don't know what you were working on, but you probably don't need to answer before you send a fax.
20:11.50benngardwith t38 over ooh323 :)
20:15.52benngardwhat i am looking of is something like, a wants to fax b, a is a sip ata fax, b is a pstn fax, i have problems with the timing from a to b, so i think like this: a calls b, hits dialplan, ReceiveFAX( and then my Originate line, ofc need to fix the "9" and so on
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20:21.53atanp3nguin, you do? They told me I can't route NA calls through premium + value using one account.
20:22.07atanThey said I need to open a second account. Not just a sub-account, but an entirely seperate account.
20:22.37atanI thought adding 044 would trigger the premium route for NA so 04419055551212 and such would route over premium but it's still defaulting back to value.
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21:33.48p3nguinatan: I don't see a reason that sub accounts wouldn't be able to be used.  I can adjust my routes in my sub accounts.
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21:49.27Janoscan anyone tell me where to find an answer to this question, what does "DEBUG[19599] chan_zap.c: Started VLDTMF digit '1'" means ?
21:50.27radenanyone know how to fix MOH issue with aastra phones in asterisk 1.8 ?
21:52.31paulcraden: still no joy with that one eh? Have you done a Wireshark trace of 1.6 vs 1.8 and seen what's different?
22:03.07radenpaulc, no and unfortunately havenot had time that would be a good idea though
22:03.32radenwhen I hit hold on my phone SIP debug throws a few lines at asterisk but no hold info that i see
22:17.43paulcraden: if you want to pastebin that stuff, I'll take a look if you like
22:18.04radengive me one second lemee call myself and get a debug
22:22.25radenthats from time hold is hit till hangup
22:24.23*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
22:24.40nightwalkI have a call group set up via a variable that boils down to this, once expanded: exten => s,n,Dial(dahdi/g1&SIP/9,20,wW)
22:24.59paulcraden: hmm.. not sure.. I can do something similar with my gear here, but not till later on.. to test/compare..
22:25.15nightwalkIs there anything obvious that's wrong with that? The dahdi connection rings just fine, but the SIP connection does not.
22:26.03radenpaulc, much appreciated can i pm my email address so we can keep in better touch ?
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23:49.07p3nguinnightwalk: Do you have a definition in sip.conf for a peer by the name of 9?  Most people wouldn't.
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23:50.20p3nguinnightwalk: Also, do you want both the caller and the person being called to be able to start and stop the recording of the call?
23:50.37p3nguinnightwalk: Again, most people don't.
23:53.10nightwalkp3nguin: actually, I found the answer 15 minutes or so after I posted that. I had an error elsewhere that asterisk didn't bother to tell me about. Oops
23:54.34nightwalkis not really thrilled about asterisk 1.8's overly-permissive attitude :/
23:55.03p3nguinTo which aspects are you referring?

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