IRC log for #asterisk on 20110312

00:04.42LemensTSAnyone know of a milliwatt test number?
00:06.48hardwireprovide your own through an aux DID route :)
00:09.38LemensTSOn another server with a DID, just send it into 1004?
00:15.36leifmadsenLemensTS: I can set that up real quick
00:15.39leifmadsencan you dial a SIP URI?
00:15.43leifmadsenor does it have to be a DID?
00:16.32*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
00:17.22LemensTSleifmadsen: yea that would be cool
00:17.26leifmadsenLemensTS: or 416-479-0259 x4
00:17.35LemensTSleifmadsen: appreciate it!
00:17.41leifmadsennp was easy :)
00:17.50leifmadsenand now I'm off for a night of board games and drinking
00:18.05LemensTSgood luck cheaters win
00:20.59*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
00:31.46LemensTSim getting like 1433 on my RX, is that even possible when it should be 14844
00:32.58LemensTSdahdi_monitor 3 -vv
00:34.16*** join/#asterisk mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
00:45.52LemensTSAnyone? Ill pay.
00:48.01KNERDAre there VMWare images for AsteriskNOW?
01:17.42*** join/#asterisk shadowapex (
01:18.43shadowapexDoes anyone know of a method of handling faxes with Asterisk where you can store the actual fax files within a database?
01:22.06shadowapexTrying to create a realtime faxing solution where we can store faxes in a database and all the fax connection sip/iax details in the database; kind of like the cc_sip_buddies table
01:24.35pabelangersql blob?
01:25.47*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
01:27.50shadowapexWe'd like to have faxing sort of like how you can use Asterisk with the voicemail-odbc-storage addon that lets you store voicemail messages in the database.
01:47.49*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@
01:56.56*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~iprouteth@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
02:12.36*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/geek)
02:12.46*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-rpdohvspqokmbpkj)
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02:26.47*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-cyayhuenwugweope)
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:30.53*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~fenlander@
02:38.30*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
02:46.51saxahi ppl, I have a problem with SIP connection, behind a nat, sometimes it works, sometimes not. I can hear the music if I put the IP number in the phone, and if I put the domain name , I can make the call but I don't hear anything
02:47.12saxado I need to enable some special option in sip.conf ?
02:48.14saxafor example if I change the codec from gsm to ulaw it doesnt work anymore
02:48.41iprouteth0saxa: is the CLI telling you anything?
02:51.07*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-wodtfgstoowqfvwo)
02:53.07saxaiprouteth0: yeah, it shows everything as if it functions normal
02:53.28saxaso I don't get anything useful from there
02:53.31iprouteth0have you used rtp debug?
02:53.54saxai set up externhost=
02:54.02saxahave not tried rtp debug
02:54.05saxalet me see
02:54.31saxafor example, now I tried and it works
02:54.58saxaI have changed from gsm to ulaw and in the first dial attempt i didnt hear anything
02:55.21saxaafter 5 minutes i retried and it worked
02:55.40saxait needs so long to update ?
02:56.18iprouteth0rtp debug showing you anything?
02:56.39saxalet me try to start rtp debug
02:57.28iprouteth0is the call inbound or outbound?
02:59.24saxaiprouteth0: i have a sip phone connected in my home via internet to my office, where is the asterisk box
02:59.51saxaso i try to call from my 1005 extension to my asterisk box
03:00.58iprouteth0so it's an on-net call, but the destination endpoint is remote?
03:01.06saxathe ip you see in the pastebin is my internal ip at home
03:02.03saxaiprouteth0: yes, 1005 is my ext, in my home, from where I connect via internet (sip) to my office
03:02.19saxamy office is about 14km from my home
03:02.37iprouteth0what is your canreinvite set to?
03:02.55saxai have not set this option
03:03.10*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@
03:03.52saxaok, seems that my bandwith is not enogh
03:04.06iprouteth0that might explain why it is intermittent
03:04.30saxawhen i ssh into the asterisk box in my office from my home, and try to call , I do not hear the music
03:04.32*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
03:04.39saxaif I disconnect
03:04.40iprouteth0Though it would seem to me that the RTP stream should be going to your public IP at home
03:04.43saxait works
03:04.52*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:05.11iprouteth0works everytime if SSH session is not open?
03:05.15saxaiprouteth0: thats also true, i find it strange that it lists my internal ip
03:06.26iprouteth0if the phone is registered successfully though, and you're getting audio sometimes, it may not be an issue that it's displaying private IP for that extension
03:06.50saxaiprouteth0: i tried to call many times and it worked all of the times
03:07.02iprouteth0audio stream worked too?
03:07.17saxai also parked myself
03:07.26iprouteth0what is your connection bandwidth?
03:07.27saxaand i heard music
03:07.29*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
03:07.53saxai have 10MB/1MB at home and 1MB/256kb at office
03:08.19saxalet me try with ssh open now
03:09.10iprouteth0i imagine the office upload bandwidth to be the issue
03:09.30infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
03:09.41drmessanoFollow that, if you havent already
03:09.42*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:09.50iprouteth0if it fails while SSH is connected, see if there is a different when using ssh -C
03:11.49saxaas you can see from that, the first time it worked, and I could hear the music
03:12.14saxabut then I try to call the voicemail and it apeared in the console, but I have not heard anything
03:12.28saxathats with the ssh connected
03:12.57*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:13.19*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~root@
03:13.50saxaiprouteth0: i retired to call and on the first attempt it worked, and i could hear voicemail
03:14.07saxaon seccond i called moh and it worked also
03:14.16Aut0Exechi guys... i'm just getting into asterisk(asterisk nub here) how to i utilize a phone adapter to use more than 1 phone... like say 4 phones?
03:14.17saxaso most probably is the bandwith
03:15.00saxadrmessano: thx, will try to check that guide tomorrow
03:15.54iprouteth0I'm not sure you even have enough pipe to effectively set a QoS scheme
03:16.21iprouteth0I only have 384K myself, and it can sometimes struggle
03:16.29iprouteth0and my extensions are local
03:16.38*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:17.05iprouteth0because your extension is not local it may utilize additional bandwidth though i'm not sure
03:17.06saxayup, probably the problem is the pipe :( , unfortunately i cant upgrade that
03:17.20Aut0Execwould I need a bigger phone adapter?
03:17.25saxawill try to leave gsm as codec
03:17.33iprouteth0may help
03:17.40iprouteth0not sure what the gsm compression is
03:17.49iprouteth0if you can use g729, might be good too
03:17.56saxagsm should be the lowest one iirc
03:18.15iprouteth0I can only utilize g711u due to my provider limitation
03:18.28saxawill try g729 , need to check which one is the less consumable one
03:18.47saxaAut0Exec: reform your question
03:19.02saxaAut0Exec: which adapter are you talking to _
03:20.04saxaiprouteth0: thx for your help in any case, I will try to look at that deeper tomorrow
03:20.19Aut0Execsaxa, soz i just finished watching the systm vid on the asterisk site... and i'm looking at the sipura phone adapter they are using but in the demo they areonly using 1 phone... my question is what if i wanted like a little office setup.. what kind of equipment would I need?
03:20.33saxaso probably using iax and sip together on that connection wont work at all.
03:20.40iprouteth0saxa:  happy to help.  I've found helping others assists my learning alot as well
03:21.03iprouteth0[I have an linksys ATA with two FXS ports
03:21.07iprouteth0gets you two extensions
03:21.27saxaAut0Exec: sipura is a soft phone ?
03:21.46Aut0Execlol no phone adapter.... fxs, fxo
03:21.47saxaif so, you just need 4 different computers connected together
03:21.49Aut0Execanalog to voip
03:21.56iprouteth0it may be possible if you were to disconnect test jack in PSTN NID you might be able to plug your ATA into existing POTS home wiring
03:22.00saxai have a tdm410
03:22.23iprouteth0I got my linksys ATA for $20 US... works great!
03:22.44saxathis card have 4 in or 4 out depends on what you put in for fxs or fxo
03:22.45Aut0Execoh really
03:22.59Aut0Execso that would only give me 4 phones?
03:23.12Aut0Execif i wanted like 8 then get 2 cards?
03:23.24saxaAut0Exec: that would give you 4 analog lines
03:23.26iprouteth0ATAs might be cheaper
03:23.46saxaAut0Exec: has many solutions
03:23.51drmessanoI love using a Linksys ATA to feed a house
03:24.00Aut0Execoh really
03:24.03Aut0Execata ok
03:24.05Aut0Execi'll check that
03:24.07saxayou have cards with up to 48 or 50 channels iirc
03:24.08iprouteth0drmessano: I take it you've done it that way?  :)
03:24.15drmessanoQuite a bit
03:24.27iprouteth0drmessano:  it's more or less what the cable ISPs do for their VOIP setups
03:24.46*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
03:24.52iprouteth0i've always wanted to try it, but my FXS at home is in use for my ADSL
03:24.59drmessanoFind a phone jack near an ethernet connection, make sure ma bell is unplugged at the NID, and plug the ATA into the jack.. Done
03:25.25iprouteth0figured it would be that easy.   As long is NID is disco'ed
03:26.08drmessanoI've also fed both lines into a jack.. Just need to cut a cord and fan the red/green to the outer pair, use a simple 2 line splitter
03:26.14p3nguinEveryone does it this way because it's the easiest way.
03:26.30drmessanoor get one of those that spits out line 2 on one side of the adapter on green/red
03:26.38iprouteth0We have markets where we've run FTTP/FTTH, and do much the same with existing wiring
03:26.44iprouteth0but we feed it into the ONT
03:26.54Aut0Execiprouteth0, where did u get ur ATA?
03:27.47Aut0Execk thanks
03:27.56iprouteth0hope the link works
03:28.08iprouteth0anyway I just searched for linksys PAP2 on google shopping
03:28.12drmessanoI miss the days of modifying PAP2s from Vonage
03:28.18drmessanoGot them as cheap as $5
03:28.21iprouteth0My father actually got it for me for my birthday
03:28.33iprouteth0Mine came unlocked
03:28.48drmessanoI unlocked like 50+ of those things
03:28.53Aut0Execiprouteth0, how many phone would that allow you to connect?
03:29.13iprouteth0Aut0Exec: two, unless you utilize the method drmessano and I were speaking of
03:29.27iprouteth0I shouldnt say two phones
03:29.36iprouteth0cause you can use splitters and the like
03:29.40drmessanoIf you split the jack out you can put quite a few phones on it.. It's 2 EXTENSIONS though
03:29.42iprouteth0think of it more like two analogue circuits
03:30.06drmessanoIt's two LINES..
03:30.39drmessanoJust dont put some old phone with a bell ringer on it on there
03:30.53drmessanoit will sound like a dying phone when ringing
03:31.19iprouteth0yeah, definitely use more modern analogue phones
03:31.33Aut0Execlol ok
03:31.56iprouteth0man.  I really want to mess around with asterisk and a PRI
03:32.21iprouteth0maybe I'll have to bother someone at work for that...
03:32.28Aut0Execif i use splitters thats like maybe 4 phones
03:32.49Aut0Execi'm real nub here
03:33.29KNERDnubs in tubs
03:33.31iprouteth0Aut0Exec:  If your deployment is just for at home, and you are not using xDSL, then you can disconnect the telco from your NID(main phone junction, usually outside)
03:33.45iprouteth0and then connect your ATA to one of your phone jacks
03:33.56iprouteth0then use regular phones in all of your existing phone jacks
03:34.35Aut0Execi gatcha
03:34.54iprouteth0if you don't disconnect the Telco from the NID you're likely to damage your ATA
03:35.22iprouteth0again if you are using any kind of a DSL connection, that won't work
03:35.37Aut0Execsounds good
03:35.41iprouteth0unless you run ONE phone jack that connects to telco, and the rest of the jacks in home are disconnected from telco
03:35.58iprouteth0of course on the ONE ran to telco is where your DSL modem would connect
03:36.13iprouteth0you haven't mentioned what type of ISP service you have
03:36.22Aut0Execlol dude i dont live in USA
03:36.27Aut0Execi use cable
03:36.39Aut0Execi have like 3gig down
03:36.46Aut0Execand like 1 up
03:37.06Aut0Execno xDSL
03:38.00Aut0Execi guess in the mean time until I get a phone adapter I can use a soft phone right?
03:38.09Aut0Execsoft sip phone?
03:41.32iprouteth0what OS are you using?
03:47.16saxafromdomain =
03:47.28saxadoes this works with asterisk 18 ?
03:48.08saxaor is externhost= better to use ?
03:48.17saxaall of those in sip.conf .
03:52.27iprouteth0I use externhost and externrefresh
03:52.34iprouteth0along with no-ip dynamic dns
03:53.33iprouteth0I think fromdomain is like an ACL for where * will accept calls from
03:53.36saxaok, thats also what i used, since it was already in sip.conf
03:53.55iprouteth0oh nm
03:54.07saxai saw that fromdomain option in
03:54.09iprouteth0fromdomain is to identify yourself when making outbound to another domain
03:54.35iprouteth0One thing I love about the Asterisk GUI is that there are info flags for just about every option
03:54.45iprouteth0really helps point you in the right direction sometimes
03:55.16saxaheh, i need to try it once
03:55.31saxai use just a plain selfcompilled * on slackware
03:55.32iprouteth0it was pretty easy for me to install on my setu
03:55.40iprouteth0should be easy on yours too
03:55.47saxaprobably yes :)
03:55.50iprouteth0i'm running on gentoo, but * is out of the portage tree
03:56.05p3nguinexternhost is a general sip parameter used for when your Asterisk is behind a NAT.  It has no relation to fromdomain, which is a peer parameter.
03:56.11iprouteth0I just downloaded from SVN and built.  there is a checkconfig option that helps you set it up also
03:56.23saxabut for me was straightforward to compile it. The code is very very mature
03:56.39saxahey p3nguin , hello.
03:57.35saxap3nguin: its listed on under the tips section of sip behind nat
03:58.07saxaso that is why i asked if its better to use externhost or fromdomain
03:58.49saxaok, time to sleep over here. thx iprouteth0 , c u ppl.
03:58.54iprouteth0fromdomain is for identifying when making a call to a non-peer, as some destinations require this identification
03:59.20iprouteth0saxa: np, ttyl if I see ya around the channel
04:00.16saxaok, night ;)
04:00.32saxatomorrow I will try more stuff with this setup
04:00.38saxathx again and bye
04:07.18*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU_ (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
04:07.24CRCinAU_p3nguin: ping?
04:08.36CRCinAU_your sccp phones.
04:08.48CRCinAU_do you have the conference buttons/functions enabled?
04:09.05CRCinAU_I've defined a soft button key set in sccp.conf
04:09.07p3nguinI have MeetMe.
04:09.21p3nguinThat creates a conference.
04:09.24CRCinAU_and whenever I have confrn in there, it comes up with ???
04:09.32CRCinAU_ie ??? on the actual button
04:10.32CRCinAU_so meetme lets you dial someone else too?
04:10.37CRCinAU_then join them to the group?
04:14.37p3nguinI have confrn in both onhold and conntrans.
04:14.49CRCinAU_does it display on the actual phones button?
04:15.20CRCinAU_ie on my display, I see: [ hold ] [ EndCall ] [ Transfer ] [ ??? ]
04:15.52p3nguin???? should be "more"
04:16.06p3nguinIt takes you to a second page of buttons.
04:16.33CRCinAU_nah - I trimmed it down to 4 buttons on the conntrans
04:16.39p3nguinWhen I use the conference soft key, it internally uses MeetMe.
04:17.46CRCinAU_I think I might have to research the button maps a little more
04:20.21p3nguinIt's possible I'm mistaken.  I'm heavily drugged right now and not able to think clearly about this.
04:20.26CRCinAU_as for some reason, I can't transfer either.
04:20.40p3nguinI'm trying to recall exactly what's going on, looking at my configs and my phone.
04:21.15CRCinAU_I'll do the same after this F15 install has finished :p
04:21.36CRCinAU_netinstalls are *damn* slow - but at least I can get to a shell ;)
04:22.40p3nguinTo transfer, you need to be on a call.  Press the transfer key, and it will put the call on hold and give you a new dial tone.  Dial a new number, and after you get an answer, press the transfer key again to transfer this new call to the original call which is on hold.
04:23.00p3nguinI know for a fact that one is working because I use it often.
04:23.41*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
04:23.52*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU_ (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
04:24.23p3nguinAs for the confrn and meetme, I need to look into that again.  I don't use it much, so I'm not all that familiar with it.  I do remember testing it and saw chan_sccp create a meetme conference.
04:24.23CRCinAU_I tried calling my MOH extension, hit transfer, then dialled another phone, then hit transfer again and I got a "Unable to complete transfer"
04:24.57p3nguinCall the other phone and establish the connection between the two phones.
04:25.12p3nguinAfter you get that done, press the transfer key.
04:25.16CRCinAU_then I run out of phones to transfer it to ;)
04:25.32CRCinAU_wait - I can transfer it to a fax machine I guess :p
04:25.43p3nguinJust pay attention and follow along.
04:25.46p3nguinCall the other phone and establish the connection between the two phones.
04:25.54p3nguinAfter you get that done, press the transfer key.
04:26.01p3nguinThen you'll hear a new dial tone and your call will instantly be on hold.
04:26.34CRCinAU_ahhh - that seemed to work.
04:26.37p3nguinNow dial your MoH extension.  It should answer almost right away.  Press the transfer key again, and your phone should have no remaining calls on it.
04:26.52p3nguinYou've now transferred your call that was on hold to the moh.
04:27.51CRCinAU_hmmm ok
04:28.04CRCinAU_it just seems that if the moh is the first call made, I can't transfer it.
04:32.14p3nguinThere's something about chan_sccp that knows shit.
04:32.35p3nguinIt's like it knows it's only half of a call or something.
04:33.22LemensTSAnyone ever see channels go bad on a digium card? I have an fxo module on channel 1 and 3, on channel 3 I have echo. I swapped the fxo modules, still the same on channel 3.
04:33.35CRCinAU_I'm wondering why the confrn comes up as ??? though... that seems not really correct.
04:33.45LemensTS/etc/fxotune.conf is same for channels 1 & 2
04:33.47p3nguinOkay, I'm really messed up... I don't know what I'm doing, but my confrn key says UNDEFINED and my MeetMe key is asking for a number.
04:33.48LemensTSI mean 1 & 3
04:33.57leifmadsenit comes up as ??? literally?
04:34.05p3nguinIt probably does.
04:34.22p3nguinMine says UNDEFINED, so ??? would be equivalent.
04:34.33p3nguinWhat does Google say about chan_sccp and confrn?
04:37.15CRCinAU_kinda makes me wonder
04:41.47p3nguinThat page basically says what I started to try to tell you... meetme key is used to conference two calls and yourself.
04:42.11p3nguinBut I don't understand the reason there is a separate conference key, which does not work for either of us.
04:42.52CRCinAU_me either.
04:42.55p3nguinI used to use the Confrn key when I ran SIP on my phone, but when I went to SCCP I have to use the MeetMe key.
04:42.58CRCinAU_thats where I was getting confused...
04:43.07CRCinAU_to me, Conference is a conference :P
04:43.18CRCinAU_meetme is - well, not a conference lol
04:43.21p3nguinMeetMe is a conference, in Asterisk.
04:43.26p3nguinIt's a conference in Asterisk.
04:43.39p3nguinThat's the only thing MeetMe does, actually.
04:44.27p3nguinConfrn when I used SIP was actually not a conference, but was 3-way calling.
04:45.16p3nguinI had a serious issue with the cnf_join_enable SIP setting.
04:45.45p3nguinBy default, it bridges the two other calls together when you hang up your phone.
04:45.49p3nguinby default
04:45.57p3nguinThat sucks.
04:46.41p3nguinOnce I found out there was a fix, I just defined the setting with a value of 0.  Then when I hang up, it disconnects the other two lines.
04:47.31CRCinAU_See, I just want the default behaviour as described in that page for a conference :p
04:48.02p3nguinBut that was back in the day.  Now MeetMe is what gets used, and there are other options for making sure the other calls disconnect.
04:48.30CRCinAU_so realisticly, if I replace Confrn with meetme, it should work the same?
04:49.40p3nguinGive it a try.  You might have to enable it for the line(s) on the phone and you'll want to define good meetmeopts.
04:51.28*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~fenlander@
05:15.33*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~root@
05:16.14CRCinAU_ok - so it seems MeetMe has been replaced with ConfBridge
05:16.19CRCinAU_however I'll be buggered if I can get it gonig
05:16.21Aut0Execquestion... if i'm using a dd-wrt or openwrt router .. do I still need a phone adapter?
05:17.13Aut0Execi'm a nub here
05:17.13p3nguinaut0exec: That depends if you need both a router AND a phone adapter.
05:17.34p3nguinIt's sort of like trying to decide if you need both a router and an alarm clock.
05:18.08Aut0Execi was thinking to plug a phone in the back of a cat5 jack
05:18.33p3nguinIf you have an IP phone, you don't need a phone adapter.
05:18.36Aut0Execi want to just install asterisk on my router
05:18.42Aut0Execoh ok
05:18.48p3nguinBy phone adapter, I assume you mean ATa.
05:19.00Aut0Execwhat does ATA stand for anyways?
05:19.14brainiacAnalog Telephony Adapter
05:19.16p3nguinATAs are for connecting analog phones to Ethernet.
05:19.22infobotata is probably Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
05:19.22Aut0Execyeah bingo
05:19.49Aut0Execso if its already an ip phone then no need
05:19.50Aut0Execi gatcha
05:19.57p3nguinWill you use an IP phone or a bell phone?
05:20.11Aut0Execwell looks like ip phone
05:20.21p3nguinThen you don't need an ATA for it.
05:20.31Aut0Execthey are expensive huh?
05:20.47p3nguinIf $30 is expensive, yes, they are expensive.
05:21.12*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
05:21.41Aut0Execcisco yes?
05:22.54p3nguinYes, Linksys/Cisco
05:23.15Aut0Execok thanks bud. :)
05:23.45p3nguinIf you need to connect an analog phone to it AND also connect your phone line from the wall jack to it, consider the SPA-3102.
05:33.31CRCinAU_p3nguin: I'm smacking my head against a wall here...
05:33.37CRCinAU_I have the meetmenum = 700
05:33.47CRCinAU_if I dial 700 from all phones, they all come into the conference
05:33.57CRCinAU_but it just doesn't work when using the MeetMe button on the phone
05:35.05*** join/#asterisk AB3LS (Geoff@
05:38.03p3nguinI'm seeing recent "work on conference" on this channel driver.  Maybe they know it isn't working.  Have you researched it to see if they know it doesn't work?  If they think it works, you need to let them know it doesn't.
05:39.01CRCinAU_I've hunted around what I can find - but theres not a great deal of info...
05:39.22CRCinAU_from looking at the output, I think it creates a new MeetMe room for every single call instead of the same room
05:39.34CRCinAU_See, I have a call established
05:39.45CRCinAU_then I hit "MeetMe", the call goes on hold and I get a dialtone
05:40.15CRCinAU_I dial in another number, then it connects me to the meetme (ConfBridge) but leaves the first call on hold and doesn't dial the second number
05:41.33*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
05:44.25CRCinAU_thinks about pulling down the latest svn to test
05:48.04p3nguinI'm searching all the revs in the past two months to see what is going on.  I can't use the latest because of the MWI light bug, but my last good rev is kind of old.
05:49.37CRCinAU_I noticed that theres a configure option: --enable-conference...
05:49.40CRCinAU_so I'm tinkering ;)
05:53.06CRCinAU_hmm - now the Confrn button comes up
05:53.10CRCinAU_but says "Key not active"
05:54.22CRCinAU_now sccp reload crashes asterisk :p
05:54.50p3nguinI'm checking out an older revision to see what's going on in it.
05:55.52CRCinAU_meetme still fails the same though
05:56.40CRCinAU_anyhow - I'm going to get some munchies... bbl
05:57.53*** join/#asterisk blahx (
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07:01.53*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
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07:03.15CRCinAU_p3nguin: any luck finding anything out?
07:03.45jmordicaproblem. When i initiate a backup from my second or failover server through ssh to the primary server, the primary server creates a backup locally and doesn't restore the second server
07:03.54jmordicaasterisknow. freepbx 2.8
07:08.27CRCinAU_p3nguin: this is somethign:
07:13.15*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
07:14.34jkroonjmordica, wrong #
07:15.03*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
07:15.06jkroonyour chances of being helped goes up exponentially if you try using the asterisknow support channels.
07:15.31jmordicayea sorry.. but those guys aren't helping with the issue because i feel like it's something asterisk is doing..
07:15.38*** join/#asterisk Pranav_rcmas (~prp_rcmas@
07:15.55jkroonasterisk has nothing to do with backups or ssh.  the two keywords you mentioned.
07:17.32CRCinAU_p3nguin: lodged this:
07:20.04p3nguinThe first one had a comment about changing confrn to conf... I tried that hours ago and the soft key was completely gone.
07:20.33p3nguinThe next comment says it's fixed in rc 3.1 ... but I used rc 3.1, and it's not fixed.
07:21.15CRCinAU_yeah - I lodged a bug
07:21.21CRCinAU_I think its the way things are called
07:21.31CRCinAU_the first call never makes it to the meetme / confbridge room
07:21.39CRCinAU_the second number is never dialed
07:22.10CRCinAU_but the phone doing all the work does get put into the meetme / confbridge room - even though the second number is never dialed.
07:22.20CRCinAU_p3nguin: did you say you have the meetme stuff working?
07:22.38p3nguinAre you using MeetMe or ConfBridge?  I have 1.4, so I can't compile chan_sccp with conference support.
07:22.52CRCinAU_I'm on 1.6 - which gives me confbridge
07:23.11CRCinAU_although even using --enable-conference doesn't seem to work
07:23.17p3nguinI can only use MeetMe, so maybe that's why I lost the conf button completely.
07:23.22CRCinAU_however, I haven't used conf instead of confrn
07:23.37p3nguinI did and the key disappeared completely.
07:24.46CRCinAU_nah - I just get: Key not active
07:25.16p3nguinWhen I have conf, it's gone.  When I use confrn, it's UNDEFINED.
07:25.31CRCinAU_yeah - confrn gives me ???
07:25.33p3nguinBut I think it's because I can't use conference support at all.
07:25.39CRCinAU_however conf brings up the button ok
07:25.52CRCinAU_not that it works ;)
07:25.57p3nguinOkay, so you at least get half of the way there.
07:26.25CRCinAU_yeah - I get a button that doesn't work ;) LOL
07:26.35CRCinAU_just waiting for the phone to come back up.....
07:26.38p3nguinThat's more than before.  I've read a couple revisions mentioning conference work, so I don't know if conference works in the current revision or not.
07:27.05CRCinAU_it doesn't work in 3.1rc
07:27.25p3nguinThat's what I figured.  I don't know why that comment indicates that it does.
07:27.38CRCinAU_that being said, meetme is broken in 1.6
07:27.46p3nguinI doubt that.
07:28.04CRCinAU_well, how chan-sccp-b works with it is
07:28.14p3nguinchan_sccp is broken.
07:28.22p3nguinMeetMe works fine.
07:28.56CRCinAU_does my bug make sense to you?
07:29.02CRCinAU_ <--
07:29.08p3nguinDid you check chan_sccp-b v2 at all?  I can't remember what features it had and didn't have.
07:29.21CRCinAU_nah - haven't touched it
07:29.35p3nguinWhat you filed in the bug report makes sense, but we've also discussed the problem quite a bit.
07:31.13*** join/#asterisk jblack (
07:31.22p3nguinAnd... I've got to run again.  Keep me updated on your bug report.  I'm interested in the fix.
07:31.55CRCinAU_I reakon its making different confbridge rooms for each call
07:32.27CRCinAU_in the CLI, where can I find the ConfBridge rooms etc? :\
07:37.28*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:42.11*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
07:43.00DocfxitIs anybody awake?
07:47.03DocfxitSorry.  I didn't mean to wake you.
07:47.29DocfxitCould I get a quick question in?
07:47.40infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:49.18DocfxitI need to change the subnet of my server from to  I have changed the phone in sip.conf.  I have changed the IP and the gateway in the phone.  What else do I need to change?
07:49.48DocfxitI have also changed the IP of the Ubuntu network.
07:49.58carrarchange the IP of the server?
07:50.08wdoekes2+10 points for carrar
07:50.26carrarchange the IP's in your DHCP scope
07:50.37DocfxitIs that different than the network address of Ubuntu?
07:50.51DocfxitI'm using static IP's.
07:51.21DocfxitWhere else would I change the ip of the server?
07:51.30carrareverywhere you set IP's
07:51.59DocfxitThat's great.  Where else are IP's set?
07:52.04wdoekes2that allow list of your smtpd!
07:52.09carrarIt's your server
07:52.36DocfxitWhat file would that be in?
07:53.55wdoekes2Docfxit: the short answer.. we don't know your setup, you should. and if you don't, just fix it when you notice that something doesn't work
07:54.28benngardi receive a call in context "b", would like to transfer (by hittting #) the call to an extension i context a, whats the smartest way to do that?
07:54.40DocfxitThe phone isn't registering.
07:54.41carrar"and if you don't, maybe you should take the time to learn your system" :)
07:55.00carrarregistering to what?
07:55.07DocfxitI can ping the phone and I can ping the server with the new subnet.
07:55.09carrarthe old IP?
07:55.20DocfxitRegistering to the server.
07:55.21benngardcan i change the context to "a" before excecute dial
07:57.48benngardyes, that will work, but i would like to stay in "b" context, got more stuff to do after the dial
07:58.11carrarthey wny change to a?
07:58.37carrarstay in b
07:58.38benngardall my extensions are in "a" dont want to create them in "b"
07:58.45carrarinclude a into b
07:59.02benngardthats what i think about
07:59.13carrarstop thinkin, and start doin!
07:59.38benngardthinking of createing a "c" context where all internal numbers are, include "c" in "a" and "b"
08:00.03carrarSounds HOT++
08:00.22*** join/#asterisk qjb (
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08:02.33wdoekes2Docfxit: you need to find out if the issue is in the phone or the asterisk. sip set debug on in asterisk. if you see no traffic, then either the phone setup is bad, or the network setup is bad
08:04.20*** join/#asterisk emora (
08:05.31Docfxitwdoekes2, Thanks.  I'll try that.
08:07.00*** join/#asterisk manji (
08:11.17wdoekes2($10 says your phone doesn't know how to reach the new asterisk-subnet)
08:27.15DocfxitI changed the both the IP address and the gateway to
08:27.52DocfxitI'd be happy to give you the $10 to figure out the problem.
08:34.14*** join/#asterisk koffu (~koffu@
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08:38.03DocfxitWhen I try sudo asterisk -vvvvvvr I get an error saying Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)  The file is there with 0 bytes.
08:41.16koffuhi, could somebody provide help to troubleshoot my asterisk problem? Asterisk, debian squeeze i686. Asterisk is randomly stop to accept new calls, take 100% CPU. log is show nothing, strace show a wait loop, lsof is show a lot of opened asterisk.ctl pipes. after a kill - asterisk is using just one or two.
08:50.20*** join/#asterisk prometheanfire (
08:50.46prometheanfireis it normal for asterisk to have over 10k sockets open for only 33 calls?
08:51.13*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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08:54.23prometheanfireseems to be rtp ports not being closed
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09:00.00*** part/#asterisk prometheanfire (
09:14.25benngardhmm, strange, i am doing some tests here, adding a member to a queue, call the queue, se that the call is "landing" on the member, the phone is ringing, if the member aint asnwering within 15 seconds, the member will pauesd and dailplan execution continues, but: "queue show" claims that the member "has taken 1 calls", how come, the member didnt anser
09:15.59*** join/#asterisk Romeo- (~romi@unaffiliated/romeo/x-000000001)
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10:36.20koffustrace show me a loop
10:36.20koffufutex(0x81a0468, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0
10:36.20koffunanosleep({0, 1000}, NULL)              = 0
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11:59.41JD__Hello, try to reinstall my asterisk, because init script (/usr/sbin/asterisk) is broken brings up error:
11:59.43JD__./configure: line 7122: ACX_PTHREAD: command not found
11:59.43JD__./configure: line 7147: syntax error near unexpected token `ALSA,'
11:59.43JD__./configure: line 7147: `AST_EXT_LIB_SETUP(ALSA, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, asound)'
11:59.52*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
12:00.16JD__any suggestions?
12:17.07JD__okay, sorry broke source files -> error
12:17.16JD__thanks anyway
12:22.55*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
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13:40.47jan_bangnai'm trying the Amazon EC2 AMI from voxilla to play around with asterisk. now when i launch the instance i can only pick from a list of a few ports to open the firewall for. can i open more ports later on?
13:46.20*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:49.58jan_bangnaoh found the custom firewall settings
13:55.24jkroonhi guys, when configuring dahdi PRI links, is there any way to test whether the remote endpoint is providing timing or not or doesn't this matter?
13:56.17jkroonon BRI links it's simple, dahdi_scan will report what the jumper is set to and this makes a physical wiring change, PRI doesn't seem to be that easy to deal with.
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14:09.13phixhi gang
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14:26.09LemensTSafter 'fxotune -i 4', i just run 'fxotune -s' to apply the changes right, I don't have to do 'service dahdi restart' or anything between them?
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15:15.50dlynesIs there a certain minimum gcc version for asterisk  I seem to be getting a bunch of errors being generated because various headers are using gnu'isms that probably don't exist in my version of the gcc compiler
15:16.14dlynesFwiw, I'm using gcc 4.1.2 that comes with Centos 5
15:17.13dlynesAlso, fwiw, I'm compiling module code against the asterisk headers
15:47.51*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-yflflwciwdrrhzax)
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16:39.23volga629i have licence for 5 channels g792a but not all my extension have ability to use this codec. How I can enable to use different codec in different extensions
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16:40.50dlynesvolga629, allow=g729 for each of those peers, or allow=g729 in your general section, and don't override your allow/disallow settings in each of your peers
16:40.57volga629I tried use deny all and allow ulaw&g729 for all extensions but it dropping call when not all extension has the same allowed codecs
16:41.54dlynesvolga629, of course
16:42.12dlynesvolga629, because it can't transcode
16:42.23dlynesvolga629, which probably means your g729 codec is not installed properly
16:43.01dlynesvolga629, do a 'g729 show licenses' from the command line
16:43.07dlynesvolga629, what does it spit back at you?
16:45.34dlynesIs there a certain minimum gcc version for asterisk  I seem to be getting a bunch of errors being generated because various headers are using gnu'isms that probably don't exist in my version of the gcc compiler
16:45.59volga629I checked it show licence ok
16:46.16volga629I can paste in pastebin
16:46.22dlynesvolga629, can you paste the single line on here?
16:46.42dlynesvolga629, no need to pastebin; it's only one line
16:47.01dlynesvolga629, pastebin is if you have more than 2 lines
16:47.14*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
16:48.20dlynesvolga629, also how many simultaneous calls are you trying to transcode at once?
16:50.11volga629right now it 2 extensions with g729a
16:50.22dlynesvolga629, where?
16:51.05volga6293 calls
16:51.35*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-fbytqnfdqrmpluyg)
16:51.50dlynesvolga629, if you're trying to do three calls that are from one sip endpoint to another sip endpoint with differing codecs on both ends, it will not work, because you only have licenses for 5 channels
16:51.56*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
16:52.06dlynesvolga629, consider a channel to be a call leg for purposes of licensing
16:52.22volga629this remote users which using tunnel, and when I usng just ulaw or alaw it working fine
16:52.33volga629so we need more licence
16:52.50dlynesvolga629, if you have a call coming on g729 and you want to pass it off onto a phone using ulaw, that's two licenses
16:53.18WIMPyThat doesn't seem to make sense.
16:53.21dlynesvolga629, if you have a call coming in on g729 and you want to dump it into ulaw voicemail, that's one license
16:53.40WIMPyIsn't one licence for one encoder and one decoder?
16:54.03dlynesWIMPy, one license is for one encoder or one decoder
16:54.04volga629that interesting math
16:54.18dlynesWIMPy, each encoder and decoder takes up a licnese
16:54.44dlynesWIMPy, it seems to trip up every new user of the digium codecs
16:55.26WIMPyHmm. bad.
16:55.35dlynesvolga629, while your calls are happening, you can type 'g729 show licenses' to see how many licenses are actually being used for the calls that are happening
16:55.57dlynesWIMPy, i'm guessing you've never used the digium g729 codecs?
16:56.49volga629so how I need allow in correct way use g729 for remote users ?
16:57.34dlynesvolga629, disallow=all, allow=g729
16:57.47dlynesvolga629, and the system will transcode to g729 if you have enough channels
16:58.05volga629let me try
16:58.08dlynesvolga629, if you're using a newer version of asterisk, you can also do disallow=all ; allow=g729 ; allow=ulaw
16:58.20dlynesvolga629, and that will allow it to fail over to ulaw if it can't negotiate g729
16:59.06dlynesSo, typically you'd purchase twice the number of channels as you expect to have simultaneous calls that need transcoding
17:00.02volga629that for each extension ?
17:00.15dlynesso, if you have an 8 line analogue card, and you want to serve up SIP lines to your customers that are offsite, you'd typically buy 16 licenses
17:00.42dlynesso that you can transcode to g729 to send it across ADSL or whatever it's going across efficiently
17:01.41dlynesvolga629, it all depends on how you have your extensions set up
17:02.16dlynesvolga629, if your extensions can handle ulaw (and they're local), i would leave them on ulaw, so that you don't need to do transcoding
17:02.50dlynesvolga629, it's all a question of how much bandwidth your users have, how much bandwidth you have, whether the sip extension supports ulaw, gsm, g729, ... and so on and so forth
17:03.15dlynesGenerally if the sip device supports gsm, i'll transcode to gsm instead of g729, so that i'm not using up precious licenses
17:03.43dlynesgsm's almost as good as g729, and it's free
17:04.18volga629for local no problem of on bandwidth and for remote we should use g729 because we using it through vpn tunnel
17:04.37dlynesvolga629, so there you go, already know your answer
17:05.53volga629yes, I will allow for remote g729 and for local ulaw
17:07.00dlynesvolga629, just remember if you have two call legs, and you need to transcode, you require two licenses
17:07.06*** join/#asterisk Shnootz (~Hanan@
17:07.21dlynesvolga629, and if you one call leg and the other call leg is voicemail or something similar, you only need one license
17:07.40Shnootzhi i need asistance with xorcom asteribank
17:07.59Shnootzmy asteribank is not working properly
17:07.59volga629let me try test
17:08.16Shnootzit is stuck at e4e4:1161 on the firmware
17:08.34dlynesShnootz, probably the only people that can help you is Xorcom
17:08.43dlynesShnootz, have you tried emailing them or calling them?
17:09.02Shnootznot yet
17:09.19Shnootzi thought i will get quicker reply here
17:09.23dlynesShnootz, yeah...if it's firmware related on the asteribank, they're probably going to be the only folks that can help you
17:09.39jMylesHello everyone.  I'm new to asterisk and enjoying it.  Thanks so much for your efforts.
17:09.54Shnootzok thanks dlynes
17:09.55dlynesShnootz, you're actually the first person I've seen in ten years or so even mention asteribank on this channel
17:10.17dlynesShnootz, but fwiw, how is the product?
17:10.27Shnootzvery good
17:10.33dlynesShnootz, we were considering it at one point, and might still consider it in the future
17:10.41dlynesShnootz, call quality's still good?
17:11.04dlynesShnootz, use it for door entry systems as well?
17:11.24Shnootzjust as a hybrid pbx
17:11.28dlynesShnootz, so you don't use the external control, then?
17:11.56dlynesShnootz, i.e. the relay ports?
17:12.08Shnootzyes i do
17:12.15Shnootzbut did not use them
17:12.33dlynesShnootz, that's the main reason we were looking at the asteribanks
17:12.46dlynesShnootz, so that we could have one box that did both phone system and door entry system
17:12.55Shnootzi am guessing in the future we will integrate them
17:13.16dlynesShnootz, like for integrating into a Mircom or something similar
17:13.18Shnootzuntil now my customers didnt have that option in the analog system
17:13.39dlynesyeah...we don't like leaving the thinking up to our customers
17:13.51dlynesif we did, we'd be missing out on a lot of potential sales
17:16.06volga629dlynes: you the man thank you again
17:22.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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17:35.58capitanwhat web server does asterisk gui use?
17:37.15dlynescapitan, apache/freepbx
17:39.16capitandlynes, really? i thought i read somewhere that it was separate
17:40.16dlynescapitan, the original version was different from freepbx; newer versions use freepbx
17:40.35dlynescapitan, well...actually...let me clarify
17:40.58dlynescapitan, asterisk live uses freepbx and apache; asterisk gui (afaik) is a dead product
17:41.36dlynescapitan, that being said, according to the topic in #asterisk-gui, they're looking for a new maintainer
17:49.46capitanwow... you're right.  thanks for the info :)
17:56.00*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
17:56.50p3nguinAsteriskNOW offers a choice of Asterisk GUI (in addition to a choice of FreePBX) at install time.
17:57.01p3nguinI've never heard of "asterisk live."
17:59.31p3nguinAnd if the Asterisk GUI doesn't have its own built-in httpd, then it can use any httpd you feel like configuring.
18:00.52*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@
18:05.00atan2Perhaps a long shot here, but when a sip adapter registers I see "Registered SIP '44' at"
18:05.09atan2Why does Asterisk show me that users local IP?
18:05.14atan2The server is not on the same network.
18:07.15*** join/#asterisk zkn (
18:13.05atan2Missed the nat=yes bit. There we go.
18:13.39zknHello, does anyone know of a way how to use regexten generated extension in the dialplan to dial that respective user that this regexten extension belongs to?
18:14.30dlynesp3nguin, sorry....asterisk now, not asterisk live :O
18:17.05*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
18:19.01eject_ckhi all
18:19.13eject_ckI'm trying to get g729 working under openbsd
18:19.23eject_ck[Mar 12 20:15:33] WARNING[28363]: loader.c:387 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': File not an ELF object
18:19.23eject_ck[Mar 12 20:15:33] WARNING[28363]: loader.c:795 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
18:20.03eject_ckI'm under amd64
18:23.55*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-qvorzyicbnsbbqhi)
18:25.56p3nguinHuge difference between live and NOW.  AsteriskNOW is a complete OS that you install.  "Live" indicates that it would run from the removable media.
18:27.41DiffenEvning, if i use the r option (ring signal) in a queue setting, am I not allowed to play a periodic announcement to the caller if the caller are queued?
18:33.48*** join/#asterisk sizzers (
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18:54.04dlynesIs there a certain minimum gcc version for asterisk  I seem to be getting a bunch of errors being generated because various headers are using gnu'isms that probably don't exist in my version of the gcc compiler
18:55.15dlyneseject_ck, did you grab the openbsd version of the codec module?
18:55.39dlyneseject_ck, there even a version for openbsd?
18:55.51dlyneseject_ck, much less 64-bit openbsd?
19:09.37*** join/#asterisk csnook (
19:12.40p3nguinThe codec module from Digium is, which indicates to me that he's using a stolen module and using it illegally.  I wouldn't offer him help, because you will likely tarnish your own name.
19:13.15*** join/#asterisk csnook (
19:13.44Juggiep3nguin, there are some countries where pattents do not apply.
19:14.05Juggiethat does make the alternative version legal, it is not stolen it is a free implementation that due to patent laws may be illegal in your country.
19:14.22leifmadsenregardless, it can't be supported here :)
19:14.31Juggieagreed :)
19:14.37zkni thought there existed also an open source version of g729
19:14.41Juggiebut its not inherantly 'illegal
19:15.07Juggieobviously digium is based in a country where patents apply and as such that is why the licensed version is offered.
19:15.21Juggiemost (all) of the money goes to pay off the patent pool.
19:17.36leifmadsenzkn: the patents on g729 make it so regardless of code accessibility or not, it is still patent encumbered
19:17.47leifmadsenso there is no such thing as an "open source" version of g729
19:19.13eject_ckdlynes 64-bit yes
19:19.33Juggieleifmadsen, all your snow gone?
19:19.55eject_ckp3nguin: I'm not using it illegally
19:20.05p3nguinYou didn't pay for it.
19:20.15eject_ckdo I need ?
19:20.25eject_ckit's not digium codec
19:20.37eject_ckit's opensource
19:20.47p3nguin(1316.42) <@leifmadsen> so there is no such thing as an "open source" version of g729
19:20.48Juggieeject_ck, technically yes but it depends on your country of residence.
19:21.36Juggienone the less its not the perogitive of #asterisk to play police, it can be used if desired just as mp3's can be downloaded and movies can be bittorrented, but it cannot be supported here.
19:22.20WIMPyBut then alternative hardware shouldn't be supported here, either.
19:22.36Juggiehardware has a license
19:22.41eject_ckp3nguin: do you want me to pay sipro lab ?
19:22.42p3nguinWhat is alternative hardware?
19:22.51Juggieits not that its 'not digiums' its that its unlicensed peroid.
19:23.04WIMPyThere is a lot of compied hardware out there.
19:23.41p3nguinI don't know what that is, either.
19:23.44Juggiewe are talking specifically about g729, i dont know if there are g729 cards copied as its a pretty niche item but yes there are plenty of t1/e1 copies.
19:23.49WIMPyAnd as we all know, there are places, where you don't need one.
19:23.54Juggiebut there are also legitimate other resllers as well.
19:23.57Juggiec'est la via
19:24.22eject_ckdlynes: openbsd 4.8
19:24.26eject_ckdlynes: openbsd 4.8 amd64
19:25.58WIMPyI mean there is a patent for conditional code execution as well. Do you pay a licence every time, you write an if()?
19:27.50eject_ckbtw, lol
19:27.55*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
19:28.22eject_ckA licensee sells 5,000 channels at $ 1.15 for a total of $5,750.00 during a year.
19:28.45*** join/#asterisk fabrianchi (~fabrianch@unaffiliated/fabrianchi)
19:29.07eject_ckhow much should I pay for 1 chanell asterisk license ?
19:29.23eject_ckhow much should I pay for 1 channel asterisk license ?
19:30.31zknoff the top of my head I remember it being 10USD for the Digium version.. correct me if I'm wrong
19:30.56*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
19:31.02*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
19:32.28eject_ckdoes digium provide binaries for openbsd ?
19:34.17eject_ckbtw, who pays roayalties for g729 codec which is in my nokia e52 codec ?
19:34.28eject_ckNokia ?
19:35.34eject_ckzkn: some d-link phones with g729a codec support costs ~ 40$ (retail price).
19:36.14eject_ckI don't think that royalty fees are > 1$ per device
19:36.45eject_ckwhy digium codec is so expensive (compare to)
19:37.35WIMPyAdministrative costs and code supplied?
19:37.47eject_ck10 times ?
19:38.30WIMPyThe licence only gives you the right to write a compatibler codec. You don;t get anything usefull for it.
19:38.44eject_ckah, okay ;)
19:39.07eject_ckit gives right to use described algo
19:40.06puzzledeject_ck: iirc the cost depends on the license type you get from mpeg-la. if you are unsure how much you are going to sell you go for the entry-level license type which unfortunately makes it more expensive
19:40.11eject_ckso, if we have opensource g729 codec code we can use it but should pay royalties, which seems like difficult task if I wanna buy just one channel
19:40.28puzzledthe upfront cost is $50,000
19:40.56WIMPy"administrative costs"
19:41.33puzzledWIMPy: that golf clinic on Hawai for the mpeg-la board needs to be paid by someone :)
19:42.04eject_ckthanks for explanations :)
19:42.47eject_ckcan I ask you once more, is it possible to get opensource g729 codec for asterisk on openbsd 4.8 amd64 ?
19:43.06eject_ckas I understuud I need get IPP from intel to compile it
19:43.20puzzledI think so but you can look on downloads
19:44.54zkndoes anyone know of a way how to use regexten generated extension in the dialplan to dial the respective user that this regexten extension belongs to? or am I expecting too much ...
19:51.19*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (~Olivier_5@
19:54.35p3nguin(1316.42) <@leifmadsen> so there is no such thing as an "open source" version of g729
19:54.44p3nguineject_ck: ^^^ still
19:54.47*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
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20:11.31eject_ckhow long should I wait till patent will expire ?
20:12.10*** join/#asterisk dr__ (~duckz@
20:17.19Juggieabout 50 years :P
20:21.29p3nguinMy license expires in 20 years.  Does that mean I have to buy another if I want to keep using the codec for the remaining 30 years?
20:21.52Corydon76-homeeject_ck: 2014
20:22.28p3nguinOh, so in three more years, I can legally use the codec without a license.  Interesting.
20:23.07Corydon76-homeWell, wait until 2015.  The patent expires sometime in 2014, don't remember when
20:23.19Corydon76-homeOr rather, the last remaining patent
20:37.55*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
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20:39.31fabrianchihi, wanted to know if I POSE help set up a Asterisk version asterisk in debian, to make calls from a softphone on a mobile phone in Argentina, I have is my laptop that I fart pass my card details sound if you like, someone help me?
20:41.42*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (~goden@conference/pycon/x-yjrbsrwmfjfpnneb)
20:44.18p3nguinUh, what?
20:45.30*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
20:46.04fabrianchip3nguin: for me ?
20:50.27p3nguinfabrianchi: Yes.  Your English is not so good.
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21:21.37fabrianchip3nguin:  sorry , pero me podes ayudar ?
21:21.50fabrianchisorry, but you can help me?
21:29.33carrarYou fart?
21:29.44*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
21:31.28p3nguinThat's what he said... he farted a laptop.
21:31.38carrarThats pretty awesome
21:31.43carrarand painfull at the same time
21:33.38*** join/#asterisk korcan (
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22:36.24CRCinAU_p3nguin: my chan-sccp-b bug has... disappeared :\
22:37.43CRCinAU_ah - its been moved. :)
22:40.08*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~root@
22:40.46Aut0Exechi guys.... i'm a nub of course... I was wondering... whats a good router to setup asterisk on?  and would I need dd-wrt or openwrt?
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22:45.02Aut0Execany thoughts..?  I know this is not the norm per say but I would like to give a stab at it
22:46.22*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
22:48.36CRCinAU_a good router is one that works...
22:48.49CRCinAU_not sure if dd-wrt has the packages for asterisk?
22:49.06Aut0Execopenwrt right?
22:49.29CRCinAU_you can certainly give it a go
22:49.35SunTsuyou normally can use openwrt's opkg files for dd-wrt
22:50.48SunTsuI'd try both dd-wrt and openwrt and use the one that's most stable on my router
22:50.50*** join/#asterisk zkn (
22:51.07Aut0Execonly thing is that dd-wrt has the /etc stored in a non writable area
22:51.15Aut0Execbut openwrt is more flexable with it
22:51.19Aut0Execstored in ram basically
22:51.39Aut0Execso prolly gonna go with openwrt even tho its more cli to setup
22:51.47SunTsuAut0Exec: you're talking about uci?
22:51.56Aut0Execi just dont want a pc on 24/7 just for asterisk
22:52.00Aut0Exectoo much energy
22:52.03SunTsuAut0Exec: just use Luci
22:52.28SunTsuopenwrt's web frontend to uci, that thing totally rocks
22:52.40Aut0Execoh really?
22:52.44Aut0Execi'll check it out
22:52.50zkn"Found duplicate exten. Had mariliis found mari-liis", how come Asterisk sees these two extensions as duplicate?
22:52.52Aut0Execu have asterisk on ur router>?
22:53.08SunTsuI had it some time ago
22:53.42Aut0Execworked good?
22:54.46SunTsuyeah, but I basically used it as sip proxy, had five internal sip channels and five external ones. Just mapped them against each other
22:54.57Aut0Execoh ok
22:58.29zknanyone knows how come Asterisk sees extensions "mariliis" and "mari-liis" as duplicates?
22:59.28zknupgraded to 1.8.3
22:59.44zkndid not have this issue before
22:59.50wdoekes2it's a feature
23:00.25zknfeature? so i can disable it ?
23:00.33wdoekes2e.g. to "fix" phonenumbers containing dashes, dots, spaces
23:00.46wdoekes2I think you can
23:01.56zkni'm familiar with the feature of cleaning up dashes, etc, in caller id's, not extension names, tho..
23:02.32zknbut i'll have a closer look, maybe i did miss a parameter somewhere
23:03.28jkroonJuggie, @ patent issues, afaik the Digium patent doesn't hold ground in ZA either, however, the quality of the Digium implementation vs the "open source" one is not comparable.  I'm willing to pay my $10/channel (and believe me I've forked out my fair share of those) for not having issues.
23:04.09jkroonalso, the risk of a judge deciding that the patent does in fact carry weight here is not worth the risk for me.  not that it has been tested in court yet afaik.
23:06.13wdoekes2zkn: is it a _pattern?
23:06.21jkroonzkn, i've found it usually works to put the chars znx inside [] - might work for - too.
23:07.19Corydon76-homezkn: no, you cannot disable that Asterisk ignores dashes in dialplan patterns
23:07.42zknboth "mari-liis" and  "mariliis" are named extensions, have not included undercore for any of them for patternmatching
23:08.12zknjust one has the dash in the middle which for some reason is ignored ?
23:08.34*** join/#asterisk jblack (
23:08.34zkni will try with []
23:08.50Corydon76-homeYes, character classes are the only way to workaround it
23:08.54Aut0Execif i'm connecting a sip phone to an asterisk server behind a router... which ports do I need to have open?
23:09.03Aut0Execor forwarded
23:09.40Corydon76-homeAut0Exec: UDP 5060 and a UDP range that is defined in rtp.conf
23:10.05Aut0Execok thanks
23:10.28Corydon76-homeThere's some additional setup in Asterisk to get the SIP headers correct, but that's it for the firewall itself
23:11.03Corydon76-homeIt works a lot better in the reverse... i.e. Asterisk has a public IP and the client is behind a NAT
23:16.14Corydon76-homeAut0Exec: btw, as to the number of RTP ports needed, you generally need 2 ports for each concurrent audio call, plus RTP ports cannot be reused for at least 64 * the T1 timer for each peer (T1 timer is generally 500ms, making for 32 seconds)
23:18.13zknputting square brackets around the dash took care of the duplicate exten warning..hopefully the extension actually works too without the need to specify these brackets when dialing it
23:22.03zknI suppose no-one has any thoughts on how one could dial the actual user behind the extension created by regexten parameter ?
23:24.23jkroonwell, zkn - the docs says it adds a prio1 NoOP() so just have something at prio 2 for each exten, eg exten => foo,2,Dial(SIP/foo)
23:24.31jkroonoverly simplistic probably :)
23:27.54jkrooni have alternative mechanisms I use in a distributed way to basically use DUNDI to figure out to which server a trunk is registered and to then request that server to dial a trunk by name, using * chars as matching, so I'd have an extension with _*trunk*.1,Dial(SIP/${CUT(${EXTEN,*,2})}) type of thing.
23:28.09jkroonworks quite well for the most part.
23:28.29zknI was actually looking for more of a dynamic solution... somthing like, for each user in sip.conf I would create a numeric extension (eg. cellphone number with patternmatching) using "regexten" and then have the prio 2 line which will dial the user behind the regexten generated extensions
23:32.14zknwhat I'm trying to achieve is that when a particular user is logged in to his/her SIP account, then regexten will add his/her phone number to the "sipregistrations" list, and when his/her number is dialed, Asterisk will first match the call and route to the SIP user before trying to dial out to trunk
23:34.35zknobviously I could just write a long dialplan context full of cellphone number extensions like that, but this would be too much work in my opinion and not easy to maintain
23:35.30zknthe prio 1 seems to have a way to know exactly what username to display with Noop
23:35.58zknI wonder how I could I *extract* this inforamtion
23:39.12zknso that I could write smth like   exten => _X.,2,Dial(${SIPUSEROFREGXTEN})
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