IRC log for #asterisk on 20110307

00:09.45*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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00:14.40KingDavidNYChi, can anybody please give me a hand installing kamailio please?
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00:20.06darkdrgn2khey all, whtas the current status of google voice and asterisk
00:20.28KingDavidNYCcan somebody please give me a hand installing kamailio?
00:23.38carraropensips offers classes
00:24.45KingDavidNYCthe entire installation stops because it can't find a docbook2x
00:25.44carraris it installed?
00:27.38KingDavidNYCno, it is compiled, but make install stops
00:28.51KingDavidNYCit wants to find a program named doc2book2x-man, and I can not either find the program or make it skip
00:33.53KingDavidNYCpsilikon: are trying to tell me something?
00:35.27SunTsuKingDavidNYC: why do you come to #asterisk in search for someone to help you install OpenSER?
00:36.55KingDavidNYCSunTsu: There's got to be a reason right? 1) no freaking no one soul at #openser or #kamailio for the last 2 days
00:37.53KingDavidNYCSunTsu: 2) Kamilio/openser related to asterisk in the sense that there might be somebody in the asterisk forum who might have ever used openser
00:38.07KingDavidNYCSunTsu: Does this satisfies your curiosity?
00:47.50*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (~russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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02:02.50*** part/#asterisk client_x (
02:17.04*** join/#asterisk DEMNVT (
02:24.12DEMNVTHey guys. Our PABX got hacked on the weekend and the guy sent 500+ international calls through our PABX. I'm having trouble tracking down how he did it. We have Fail2Ban in place which didn't pick up anything and it looks like the calls were made using an extension that doesn't even exist on the system (based on the records in the cdr). So it doesn't look like it was a straight forward attack (ie. Figure out the details of an extension, r
02:26.54DEMNVTGetting some wierd messages from channel.c in the full log which are a bit scary. Stuff like:
02:27.01DEMNVTchannel.c: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'IAX2/faktortel-35'
02:27.18DEMNVTchannel.c: Got a FRAME_CONTROL (-1) frame on channel IAX2/faktortel-35
02:28.22DEMNVTFaktortel is our IAX trunk. Is is possible that they somehow hijacked our connection to Faktortel and used that to start feeding calls through our server?
02:32.45tzangerDEMNVT: almost *all* attacks of this nature take advantage of either easily-guessed extensions or through bad configuration of default contexts
02:33.15tzangerDEMNVT: what is the default SIP extension, and what happens if you take any SIP phone with nosuchuser/oogabooga as a login and try to place a call?
02:35.06drumkillathose specific log messages are not indicitive of a problem.  They happen under normal circumstances.
02:36.16*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:41.33*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
02:41.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
02:43.58DEMNVTtzanger: Thanks. It never would have crossed my mind that our PABX was that wide open. I just did what you said and was able to call internal extensions
02:44.26DEMNVTand it actually allowed me to place a call out via our trunk (although it failed)
02:44.38DEMNVTthat's bad! Checking default contexts etc now
02:44.58DEMNVTdrumkilla: Looks like I was at the completely wrong end of the paranoia stick :p Thanks.
02:45.03tzangerDEMNVT: one thing I do on ALL my installs is actually create a [default] context and that context has something along the line of exten => _*,1,NoOp(Log this attempt to ${EXTEN}), _*,n,Hangup
02:46.14tzangerMind you I never see much trying to come in the default extension... 99.99% (yes I have tracked that many attempts) of my received attacks are dictionary attacks and fail2ban takes care of them
02:47.41WIMPy_* is pretty unlikely to get matched.
02:48.25p3nguinOnly when you press * on the keypad and are in the default context.
02:48.27tzangerWIMPy: something like.  :-)
02:48.31tzanger_.* perhaps
02:48.33tzangerlet me check
02:48.45p3nguinWhat's the point of the extension, anyway?
02:48.58p3nguinTo create load on the system?
02:49.08WIMPyp3nguin: Press * and then send.
02:49.39tzangeryeah I'm mixing up my regex and extension matching
02:50.46p3nguinANd what is the point of the extension in the first place?
02:51.27WIMPyAnd who says that guest go to 'default'?
02:51.48WIMPy(for the unwanted kind of "guest")
02:52.10*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:52.49p3nguinI finally got around to changing my anonymous context to misc-calls and left default to asterisk's internal usage.
02:53.08p3nguinYes, it took me long enough.
02:54.47*** join/#asterisk neutr0n777 (
02:55.45p3nguinI guess it's another one of those secret PBX configuration things.
02:56.10DEMNVTtzanger: Thanks man. Looks like you hit the nail on the head. The default context had iaxout included in it... so straight out to our trunk with no auth... awesome. Now to find the man that coded the dial plan and slap him in the back of the head.
02:58.05WIMPywonders what breaks without that include...
02:58.27p3nguinI wouldn't worry about it.  I would just wait until it breaks and fix it when it does.
02:59.18WIMPyIt's just that I have a feeling that it could have been a thoughtless fix for something else.
03:00.21tzangerWIMPy: default in sip.conf is to have context=default
03:00.35tzangeryou can change that to whatever you want of course but most problems occur when you don't know these little things or understand what they mean
03:00.41p3nguinThere should really be nothing or almost nothing in the default context, and the context assigned in the general section of sip.conf (or another channel driver conf) should have only what you want anonymous callers to have access to... or don't allowguest at all.
03:01.02tzangeractually I have my default context accept my phone number or "" as valid extensions and route to the same place as my normal incoming SIP DID
03:01.12tzangerp3nguin: agreed, which is exactly what I do
03:01.25tzangerand maybe sip.conf has changed since I've played with it
03:01.25WIMPytzanger: Exactely, why it might happen that someone changes te default context to phones or something in that area.
03:01.44p3nguinBest practice would be for you to change that general context to another name and leave [default] empty.
03:02.06tzangerthere are a few different possibilities but it all comes down to "where do calls go when they come from unknown sip clients?"
03:02.15tzangerp3nguin: no, that is not best practise
03:02.18tzangerbest practise is to log that shit
03:02.44tzangersame end result though -- unauthorized clients don't get through.
03:02.50p3nguinLog it if you want, but still don't use the default context.
03:03.11tzangerI added my number and because I specifically wanted unauthenticated access to those numbers
03:03.33tzangerp3nguin: I prefer to leave it named default. the name is sound, but the contents of it should be well-defined. I am not a fan of empty contexts
03:07.46*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
03:10.55DEMNVTNot sure if it will break anything in our case. It doesn't look like it. I don't think we have anything in the default context so I'll just change it back to that and see if anything breaks.
03:14.31*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
03:16.04DEMNVTThe guy who built the system had a little network set up for his family on the server also. The default context was pointing to the context for that.
03:17.04p3nguinAnyone here using VMware Infrastructure Client 2.5.0 that can tell me how I can save my page layout/settings?  Every time I disconnect and reconnect to the server, the panes change sizes back to original dimensions rather than staying the way I put them during the previous session.
04:08.06*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-imtgxrhtddsmcedw)
04:08.52*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-conzvsriwuzkreem)
04:23.46DEMNVTThanks again for your help guys. default context now set up and writing nasties to the logs. :) Take care.
04:23.52*** part/#asterisk DEMNVT (
04:26.06*** part/#asterisk benngard (
04:48.29*** join/#asterisk mcreedjr (62107eb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:49.51mcreedjrI have a TE110P connected to a Time Warner Cisco voice gateway and am having issues with the PRI going down after a short amount of time. PRI status goes to Status: Provisioned, Down, Active.
04:50.22mcreedjrUsing dahdi 2.4.1 and libpri-1.4.12-beta3
04:50.42mcreedjrRebooting the server brings the PRI back in to service for an undetermined, but short, amount of time.
04:51.32mcreedjrNever lose layer 1, so i'm not thinking its a clocking issue... it's always L2 that I lose. any ideas?
05:02.45shaprpri debug?
05:05.53mcreedjrThis is a PRI debug captured while the D channel actually appears to go down:
05:07.32shaprAlready had a line test from the telco?
05:08.34mcreedjrI've opened several tickets with them. The voice gateway is actually installed in the same rack. They hand off the PRI via a 5' T1 crossover.
05:08.43*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
05:08.49mcreedjrTheir physical side is running clean. No clock slips, etc.
05:10.46shaprIs your system.conf pastebin'd somewhere?
05:16.54shaprmcreedjr: Nothing obviously wrong
05:17.09mcreedjrYeah, thats my issue, too.
05:17.29shaprDo you have an analog card in this system also?
05:17.49mcreedjrI was on an older version of libpri, zaptel and asterisk when the issue began. It was having problems on that software stack, too. Replaced the TE110 with another. Same issues.
05:18.00mcreedjrI do have an analog card in the system, too.
05:18.05p3nguinWhoa.  Did change its look today?
05:18.28shaprIf changing hardware and software did not fix the issue, it surely sounds like it's a telco issue.
05:18.31mcreedjrWith the older software stack, the PRI will stay in service, but drops calls randomly through the day.
05:19.49shaprAny idea what changed on the telco side when the issue appeared?
05:20.06mcreedjrYeah, the circuit was installed :)
05:20.33shaprWhen did you buy the TE110?
05:20.41mcreedjrThe service has only been installed for about 6 months. They've had on and off problems with it since the start. Seem to have gotten markedly worse.
05:20.58mcreedjrThe TE110 has been around for a while. Sold it to them out of my used inventory when they got the PRI.
05:21.11mcreedjrBoth TE110s that I've tried are the same approximate age.
05:21.27mcreedjrI find it odd that both cards exhibit the same exact problems.
05:22.04mcreedjrI honestly have not changed out the T1 crossover yet. Was ruling it out because I wasn't having L1 problems. My card is never in red alarm. Would think it would be if it were a cabling problem.
05:22.31shaprsounds right to me
05:26.27mcreedjrYeah.. I'm at a loss.
05:27.04mcreedjrAnd I agree the telco is one of the few things that has remained constant throughout all of these problems, but unless I have specific proof of what the problem is we all know how likely the telco is to do anything about it.
05:27.41*** join/#asterisk doneir (var@gateway/shell/
05:28.27doneiri've been looking online, but can't seem to find out where one can chaneg the sensitivity of the silence detection used by the Record() application
05:29.35doneiri've also noticed that if silence is the only recorded data, the Record() application will truncate the recorded data to 8016 bytes (alaw, e1)
05:30.10doneirso either i need to tweak the silence detection sensitivity, or change the silence behaviour
05:31.15doneiras a quick fix I would like to change the sensitivity, then look at creating a possible patch for the silence behaviour. Would anyone happen to know where one can change the sensitivity of the silence detection for Record()?
05:31.50doneirthis is using btw
05:34.23mcreedjrshapr thank you for your time and insight. i appreciate it!
05:35.06shaprsure, sorry I couldn't help more
05:37.39doneirah, my google fu was bad. Looks like dsp.conf might have a silencethreshold (was looking for senstivity or volume) setting
05:38.59doneirnope, that's more determining if a peroid of time is silence
05:39.54*** part/#asterisk nightwalk (
05:50.17*** part/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
05:51.58*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
05:54.42*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:07.48*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
06:18.14*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU (~CRCinAU@2002:cb38:f71b:1:badb:adc0:ffee:1)
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06:18.47CRCinAU_ok, sorry about disappearing...
06:19.24CRCinAU_The cisco 7970 is registering via SIP with asterisk
06:19.53CRCinAU_however using tshark to watch packets for the register coming from the phone, it shows [Malformed Packet]
06:20.00CRCinAU_couple this with the phone not actually registering
06:22.43*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:26.55*** join/#asterisk eMBee (~eMBee@foresight/developer/pike/programmer)
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07:31.58*** join/#asterisk infobot (
07:31.58*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.3 (2011/02/28), (2011/02/28), 1.4.40 (2011/02/28), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
07:32.12p3nguinI would have changed it over to SCCP by now.
07:35.40p3nguinI'm not all that worried about my MWI not turning back on right after a call, since I know I have messages I need to deal with.
07:37.31p3nguinI guess I need to roll back a few revisions to see if the bug disappears.  It could be a setting that I changed, such as the earlyrtp value or something equally as irrelevant.
07:42.56*** join/#asterisk kleszcz (tick@
07:46.54p3nguinMWI handset light  : ON
22:00.35*** join/#asterisk infobot (
22:00.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.3 (2011/02/28), (2011/02/28), 1.4.40 (2011/02/28), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
22:02.54p3nguinThis is going to be a repeat, but it seems you don't understand me when I've said it before.  PHONES almost never need to have ports forwarded on their NATs, so stop forwarding the ports unless you absolutely need to (and you don't need to).  PHONES should _NEVER_ have their NAT settings enabled in any way, so disable NAT traversal in the phone.  Properly configure Asterisk for NAT, and then configure the PEER ...
22:03.01p3nguin... definition for the phone to be for a NATted phone.  Now that you have reduced the port range to forwrad at the NAT, you must reduce the rtp port range in rtp.conf.  I'm probably not going to repeat these things for you again.  I'm getting irritated that you won't follow the basic steps that everyone else accepts.
22:05.39*** join/#asterisk tee-en-cee (
22:09.10*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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22:13.23jayteep3nguin, thanks for the advice. I worked on this over the weekend and reducing the ports had no effect. I'm going to try your advice and get rid of the NAT forwards in the fw/router for the external phone and also get rid of the NAT settings on the phone itself and try again.
22:13.41jayteeand sorry if I've irritated you, was not my intention.
22:14.04*** join/#asterisk ghchowdhury (cdd3a902@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:15.04p3nguinThat's just how it works.  Everyone else accepts it, so I felt like you were doing your own thing in spite of my best efforts to relay the common configuration practices to you.  I wanted you to be able to have the same success with Asterisk and remote phones as everyone else.
22:16.20p3nguinAsterisk is capable of handling the NAT for the device all by itself.  But if you ignore Asterisk's abilities and configure the phone to do the NAT traversal, your success isn't nearly as likely.
22:19.50p3nguinDon't overlook the part about the rtp ports.  If you limit your rtp ports at Asterisk's router/firewall/NAT device, Asterisk can tell the peers that it can use all the ports when they could in reality be blocked.  You must match the port range in rtp.conf with the port range you're forwarding at the firewall.  Well, actually you could forward a larger range than what you configure in rtp.conf without a problem, but ...
22:19.57p3nguin... you have to forward AT LEAST the same range.
22:20.16jayteeso now I've got no forwarding setup on the fw/router for the external phone and nothing in the NAT section of the Network page in the Polycom config.
22:20.53jayteeah, so if I'm forwarding 10000-11000 in * it should match on the fw/router Asterisk is behind.
22:21.11p3nguinGood.  Now correctly configure the peer in sip.conf to use nat.
22:21.27jayteeI've got NAT=YES for that peer
22:21.38p3nguinIf you forward 10000-11000 at the firewall, Asterisk's rtp.conf must use the same range or a smaller range.
22:22.17p3nguinIf Asterisk is configured to use 10000-20000 but you only forward 10000-11000, Asterisk will be telling the phones that it can use ports which are being blocked at the firewall.
22:22.41p3nguinYou need nat=yes, canreinvite=no, qualify=yes
22:23.04jayteertpstart=10000, rtpend=11000
22:23.12p3nguinIf you are using 1.8, canreinvite I guess is renamed to directmedia, so it would be directmedia=no rather than canreinvite=no.
22:23.34klixixGuys, i'm trying to communicate w/ a metaswitch w/ asterisk 1.4.x and using FreePBX. Incoming calls work wonderfully, however anything outbound is rejected ... based on this: --- is it the meta, or my configuration?
22:26.16jayteenat=yes, canreinvite=no and qualify=yes are all set on the peer.
22:26.30jayteebut I'm getting this on the console when I make a call attempt
22:26.35jayteeWARNING[16975]: chan_sip.c:3825 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission d183ea9f-e7b50310-ccba2efd@ for seqno 1 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
22:27.23p3nguinnat=yes tells Asterisk that the phone is behind NAT, so Asterisk will look at the correct part of the transaction to get the IP addresses for the call.  canreinvite=no/directmedia=no will keep Asterisk in the media path so that the previous part works.  qualify=yes is used as a nat keepalive to keep the NAT at the phone's firewall open for the phone.
22:27.28*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
22:28.07jayteethe is the inside network address of the external phone.
22:28.14*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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22:30.31p3nguinTry getting a standard sip debug for that peer, so that we can see the REGISTER attempts, and also if you want to try to make a call to the device or from the device to Asterisk.
22:31.39jayteep3nguin, that was going to be my next thing. I'd done one already calling in both directions but I've got another phone on my inside network that keeps cluttering the sip debug even when no other calls are in progress so I've disabled it for now.
22:32.17p3nguinIf you did sip set debug peer <some peer>, did the other phone still clutter the debug?
22:40.40*** join/#asterisk tvc123 (
22:43.41jayteep3nguin, sorry, I was afk for a few.
22:45.13jayteeI've got a sip debug of a call attempt from the external phone to an inside extension and a call to the external phone's extension. Noticed that now I've only got ringing when calling from the external phone to an inside extension. When I call out to the external phone it no longer rings.
22:45.26jayteehere's the sip debug if you feel like taking a look.
22:49.12*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
22:50.54tvc123so quick question I'm using a AEX410 with 4 lines ... one of them also goes to a fax machine is there an easy way to check if that line is active before I send a call out on it?
22:53.50jayteetvc123, check out the ChanIsAvail application
22:56.44tvc123jaytee: thanks!
23:01.30*** join/#asterisk gpled (~gpled@
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23:05.55p3nguinjaytee: Is the phone registering?  Meaning, if you "sip show peers" do you see that phone on the list and does it have an IP address listed for it?
23:09.54jayteep3nguin, yes but since I removed the NAT info on the phone and the port forwarding on the firewall it now shows as UNREACHABLE
23:10.22jayteewhen I dial an internal extension from it the internal phone rings but not the other way
23:10.48jayteeand the IP address of the phone is the outside static IP address of the fw/router
23:12.05jayteeI think it's the piece of crap Netgear fw/router on the network the external phone is on.
23:17.11p3nguinjaytee: It's possible that the router appliance is at fault.  There is a small percentage of cases where the phone side needs port forwarding to work.  You can always add the port forwarding back to the phone side and see what changes.  As long as you don't configure NAT on the phone and you do let Asterisk handle the NATting of the phone, it shouldn't ruin anything.  It's not working all the way right now, so all it ...
23:17.17p3nguin... can do is put you into that small percentage of cases.
23:18.06*** part/#asterisk gpled (~gpled@
23:18.10jayteep3nguin, understood. I'll try re-adding the forwarding on the Netgear appliance.
23:18.52jayteeif I still get no joy I'll try another new phone out of the box without any NAT settings as I've read that if you set it once it sometimes "sticks" unless you reflash the phone.
23:19.37jayteeI'm also considering testing with a phone set to a static IP plugged directly on the cable modem to eliminate the Netgear.
23:19.37p3nguinIt's really annoying if you have to do port forwarding to phones because that requires that you misconfigure any additional phones you add to that network to use different ports, since you can only forward a given port to a single device.
23:20.19jayteeif only Polycom would build in IAX support :-(
23:20.29*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
23:21.10p3nguinI expect to be able to put as many phones as I want onto a LAN and they all speak to a remote Asterisk exactly like the next one does.
23:32.46jayteep3nguin, I readded the port forwarding on the Netgear appliance and I also rebooted the phone. It registers but shows Unreachable in the Status column when I do a "sip show peers"
23:36.25jayteewell, it's two hours after quittin time so I'm going to try again tomorrow.
23:36.35jayteep3nguin, thanks for your help.
23:38.19p3nguinjaytee: If the port forward doesn't make it show that it is registered, that brings you back out of the small percentage which need port forwarding... but it might put you into another category: those who have routers that do not work with SIP *at all*.
23:39.30jayteewell, not sure if that's the case because at one point when I had the NAT info set on the phone it would register and not show unreachable and I could dial and get ringing in both directions,  but no audio.
23:39.55jayteeI'm going to try another phone set to static directly on my cable modem bypassing the Netgear.
23:40.27IsUpjaytee: if you have audio problem, probably you need to forward RTP ports too
23:40.33jayteebut I'll have to wait to do that tomorrow. need dinner.
23:41.17jayteeI made sure I forwarded the RTP ports 10000-11000 on both fw/routers. The one my * server is behind and the one the phone is on.
23:41.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:41.25IsUpjaytee: i had the same problem with Cisco Pix firewall. as i far know, ive set localnet= nat= and externip= on sip.conf
23:41.28jayteeand that matches the range in RTP
23:42.07IsUpalso, if your phone supports, you can try using a STUN server. ie
23:42.30jayteeI've got externip and localnet set in sip.conf. Calls to and from Flowroute to my * server and internal extensions work fine. just this one external phone.
23:42.42*** join/#asterisk mzb (
23:43.39jayteebut I'm going to try to tackle this tomorrow with a fresh brain.
23:43.52jayteebe back later
23:43.55*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee) is a free-to-use STUN server?
23:48.51IsUpp3nguin: yes its public
23:49.54IsUpp3nguin: also there are many public servers listed @
23:55.59*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)

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