IRC log for #asterisk on 20110301

00:00.30aut_corey_: im technically in north miami beach
00:00.47aut_corey_I have something like 35/9 mbps cable for $100
00:00.57_Corey_Did you make it to AsteriskWorld last month?
00:00.58aut_corey_: seems reasonable... we haven't had any issues that i know of
00:01.19p3nguinUsing PiaF is like trying to eat a plate full of vomit.
00:01.25_Corey_They're hard to beat on cheap bandwidth.  I'd have a backup though...  :)
00:01.54aut_corey_: yeah, the plan is to get a t1 and split the bw for voice and data backup
00:02.12AirGuitaristp3nguin, i was afraid of that :(  what would you use instaed for a small system with about 10 SIP phones
00:02.34aut_corey_: missed asteriskworld
00:02.45AirGuitaristi was told how great it was, and it was easy to get going. but now i'm stuck when i need to make any changes :(
00:02.49p3nguinairguitarist: *I* would use Asterisk.  Just Asterisk, on any Linux distro I felt like using.
00:03.02AirGuitaristany web panel at all?
00:03.20p3nguinairguitarist: You obviously can't handle using vanilla Asterisk, so my recommendation would be to use AsteriskNOW.
00:03.27_Corey_aut: I'd definitely go with another carrier then...  You're going to have almost zero redundancy with a "PRI" from Comcast, as it's going to be delivered over the same infrastructure as your other bandwidth
00:03.31p3nguinNo, why would i need a "web panel" for Asterisk?
00:04.36ChannelZTo be able to relate to Mac people
00:04.41AirGuitaristfor now i'm too much of a n00b to type all the config files by hand. one day i'll get there!
00:05.07p3nguinairguitarist: AsteriskNOW is the way to go.  At least you can get reasonable support for it.
00:05.07ChannelZDo you just HAVE to run Asterisk or do you actually want to learn about it?
00:05.39AirGuitaristit's actually in production....
00:06.22p3nguinairguitarist: It's WAY easier than fiddling will all the bullshit in PiaF.  AsteriskNOW consists of dropping in the CDROM, booting up, selecting your installation option, waiting about 15 minutes, and rebooting into a FULLY OPERATIONAL Asterisk PBX.
00:06.26ChannelZthis is an existing setup you've inherited then?
00:07.10p3nguinairguitarist: AsteriskNOW doesn't have any scripts that you have to run when you want to change something, and then run another script to fix what the last script couldn't do right, et cetera.  PiaF is a joke.
00:07.13AirGuitaristp3nguin, thanks, i'll give it a try. the last asterisknow install i did was about 6 years ago and then someone else who "knew more" switched our company to PBIAF
00:07.20AirGuitaristand now i get to clean it up lol
00:07.51p3nguinFor 10 SIP endpoints, I'd right down the information on a sticky note and blow away the old crap.
00:07.54*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
00:08.21joobiehey guys.. got a polycom 320 which is always saying "in use" when it's not.. using 1.4 - any idea how to debug this?
00:08.21AirGuitaristlol, now that's a cool script
00:08.29joobieonly happening for 1 phone.. previously working ok
00:08.31AirGuitaristnever seen a regex script like that!
00:09.31p3nguinairguitarist: I've done a couple AsteriskNOW installs just because I was interested.  It took only once to gain my approval.  It's a good distro.
00:10.21_Corey_Digium keeps the junk out
00:12.16AirGuitaristthanks, i appreciate the advice and will install it
00:12.41p3nguinThere's a quick start guide on to help you along.
00:12.59p3nguinIt has info like the FreePBX user/password that you'll want.
00:13.47drivefast_hello ppl... can any one of you offer some help building the makefile options for custom asterisk modules?
00:14.22p3nguinOkay, I was able to upgrade that silly phone from MGCP to SIP without any trouble at all.
00:14.25p3nguinThis is good news.
00:14.40drivefast_theres a couple of modules that i wrote, they work nicely, but to get them compiled and loaded i had to make a mess in the makefiles
00:15.24p3nguinNow I bet I can upgrade it from SIP to SCCP.
00:21.18p3nguinSure enough.  That was weird.
00:21.52p3nguinI guess Cisco could have documented that I need to go from MGCP to SIP and then to SCCP.
00:24.49*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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00:28.25bmoraca_workhas anyone ever used genband switches?
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00:40.42joobieguys any ideas how to debug an issue where a particular SIP user is coming up as in use when i do "sip show inuse" ? Only one user, they are not in use.. ive tried reloading the phone / reloading the chan_sip module - no joy
00:40.50*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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02:04.59*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:16.30*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
02:17.08LemensTSAre there any polycom guru's here? I was curious if in the sip.cfg file, when it has settings for IP_330, if the IP 321 falls under that or not...?
02:22.20carrarI would think not
02:23.05carrarLook in the log files the phone generates
02:24.07LemensTSAlot of the docs group the 321/330 together, so I wasn't sure. Ill check the logs for some info. Thanks.
02:26.20carrarIP_320 I would think cover that
02:26.26carrarBut I don't know since I don't have one
02:27.05carrarcall polycom support!
02:27.16*** join/#asterisk philippel_mac (
02:27.29carrarLookin their admin doc
02:28.08*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
02:32.27*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
02:39.04*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
02:40.03Blackthornjust returned to asterisk from freepbx. got everything up and running nice and smooth. what can i do with the call logs so i can display them up nice in a web browser?
02:43.18*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
02:43.32*** part/#asterisk retentiveboy (
02:45.51carrarwrite a php interface to the database tables
02:47.00Blackthorndo i need to recomple asterisk in order to use mysql? if i've pulled from the yum reposit?
02:49.20carrarwho knows
02:49.37carrarcompile from scratch and use PostgreSQL!
02:49.56carrarcompile from source and use PostgreSQL!
03:09.35*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-sviuqybgrclquhau)
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03:31.10sbrathIf I'mnot getting the CallerID-NAME sent to a phone, and when I do a pri debug on span 1 and I see the Name come in after I ring the extension. Do i mearly have to just pad the ring time for a bit to make sure I get the callerid-name first?
03:32.47p3nguinIt's the time before an answer that causes the problem.
03:34.11p3nguinThe callerID is sent between the first and second rings.
03:34.37sbrathI've converted this site to PIAF so I guess I have to find where to pad that.
03:35.13p3nguinYou've converted it from something that probably worked fine to something that I wouldn't run on a toaster.
03:36.54sbrathwhile I can edit files, it's hard to get someone else to do routine stuff.... I am going from a source only hand configured install to piaf... Do you have another distro that you'd prefer..
03:39.59p3nguinThat's a quality piece of engineering.  I would run AsteriskNOW on my own equipment.
03:41.53sbrathdid fax detection change in 1.8
03:42.02p3nguinAsteriskNOW gives you the choice at installation time of running FreePBX, the Asterisk GUI, or no GUI.
03:42.22sbrathI'll have to try it.
03:43.01sbrathI've likes piaf as it includes the source so if you want to change something, your not downloading crap tons of install tars
03:43.59p3nguinAsteriskNOW is built like a normal Linux distro, and Qwell compiles the RPMs for it.
03:45.19p3nguinPiaF just plain sucks.  Stupid scripts lying around to do tasks... run one to do one thing, then run another to fix what the first one messed up.
03:45.46sbrathcool, do you know if fax detection changed in 1.8? I'm used to having my channel moved to the [fax] context when it detects fax signal..
03:45.59p3nguinNo clue.
03:49.44*** join/#asterisk drivefast (
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04:19.23sbrathCool, just needed a Wait(3) after Answer() and now I have caller ID again.
04:24.37*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
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06:30.50SeverianHowdy.  I have setup a ConBridge to test.  It seems to work nicely.  core show application ConfBridge shows an option for admin, but I have not found anything the admin can do.  Can someone point me to documentation on that?
06:31.11SeverianConBridge -> ConfBridge
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06:50.30gajinihow to install ARM codec on asterisk 1.4.29
06:52.39*** join/#asterisk ankur_6997 (~gaurav@
06:53.57ankur_6997hello i would like to buy a gsm card for asterisk (4 cannel is good ) please suggest me some i need them for a small company and demonstration as a college project
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06:56.21ankur_6997please suggest me some gsm cards for asterisk
07:00.56*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
07:01.26shaprgajini: which codec?
07:05.52gajiniAMR codec for 3 G Mobile communication
07:06.06ankur_6997shapr: dude can you suggest me a gsm card
07:09.31shaprankur_6997: I've never used a GSM card with asterisk,  I don't have any advice. What did you turn up on Google?
07:10.43gajiniI have used Hypermedia Device with asterisk to connect GSM network
07:11.39ankur_6997lots of results
07:11.51gajiniI haven't used GSM card with asterisk
07:12.25ankur_6997shapr: dude i just want to buy a gsm card for demonstration perpose not for production so a cheaper one will be preffered
07:14.21shaprankur_6997: I really know nothing at all about gsm cards. Perhaps Google can give you some info?
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07:16.44kaldemarankur_6997: maybe a gateway is the way to go if you're looking for something cheap.
07:17.22coppicethe cheapest option is probably a USB modem
07:18.53p3nguinI demand that you tell me every possible GSM card option that exists RIGHT EFFING NOW because I have a project that I must demonstrate.
07:19.46coppicewell, there's the one being used to send this
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07:33.53ankur_6997can you name some model of usb based GMS modems ?
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07:38.39coppicewouldn't it be faster to type that into google?
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07:42.39ChannelZgoo-what?  what are these strange words you use?
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07:59.12*** join/#asterisk |TEX| (~TEX@
08:00.30gajinihow to install AMR codec on asterisk 1.4.29?
08:01.09coppicewith your pirate hat on
08:02.06|TEX|Hi. I need some assistance on a problem that is doing my head in.
08:02.19|TEX|Cant get any external softphones to register
08:02.42|TEX|and all softphones are hopeless in giving decent log reports
08:02.45gajinipls tell me how can I add support for AMR codec in asterisk 1.4??
08:02.55|TEX|UDP port opens and checked with Nmap
08:03.11gajiniI have been googling but without much success
08:03.31p3nguinI can't use AstDB lookups in hints?
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08:17.00ChannelZ|TEX|: do you get errors on the console?  anything on sip debug?  are the packets making it to Asterisk at all?
08:17.05p3nguinSo how come variables or functions employed as variables cannot be used in hints?
08:21.02|TEX|Chanz: no errors on the console asterisk side
08:21.17|TEX|its like the packets not getting ot the box at all
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08:21.34schmidtsgood morning
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08:21.36|TEX|we tried the box on the DMZ also but didnt work
08:21.50|TEX|but did work sort of with another router
08:21.52|TEX|on dmz
08:22.02|TEX|currently using a draytek router
08:24.29|TEX|swapped to another draytek with same results.
08:24.43|TEX|Only have got it working with a cheap dlink router on DMZ
08:24.55|TEX|which is odd for a recommened VOIP router
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09:03.49dijikhi all!
09:04.38dijikI have one question...
09:05.00infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:09.21dijikok, im install asterisk on CentOS and connect with Samsung OS 7200, then i install asterisk18-res_fax_digium, and send fax from OS 7200 to Aasterisk in RecieveFax, result - FAX session '0' is complete, result: 'FAILED' (FAX_FAILURE_PROTOCOL_ERROR), error: 'T2_TIMEOUT', pages: 0, resolution: '204x98', transfer rate: '4800', remoteSID:
09:09.32dijiksorry for my english
09:09.49*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~chasingSo@
09:11.48shaprdijik: That says the ReceiveFAX timed out because it didn't get anything from the incoming fax.
09:14.13dijikwhy? fax 100% work and recieve/send fax from/to over VoIP provider...
09:14.53shaprThat message does not give any reason for the failure.
09:15.43shaprdijik: I have seen fax timeout errors with the large dialplans that are produced from FreePBX, sometimes a large Wait() is added for reasons I do not know.
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09:18.02dijikhmmm dialplan dont have Wait() and very small, from any fax rusult identical
09:18.40dijikasterisk can enlarge timeout?
09:21.13dijikfax Panasonic KX-FL403 (analog) send fax to asterisk over OS 7200 over sip.
09:26.04*** join/#asterisk RamaskeZ (
09:26.57dijikany ideas?
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09:35.06wdoekes2dijik: do you answer? I do:
09:35.07wdoekes2exten => _IDX!,n,Answer()
09:35.07wdoekes2exten => _IDX!,n,Playback(silence/1) ; ensure that an audio stream is started
09:35.07wdoekes2;; Fetch the actual fax (re-INVITEs with T38 if enabled)
09:35.08wdoekes2exten => _IDX!,n,ReceiveFAX(${filename}.tiff)
09:37.03dijikexten => 498,1,Answer() exten => 498,n,ReceiveFAX(/var/spool/asterisk/tmp/${UNIQUEID}.tif,dfs) exten => 498,n,Hangup()
09:39.10dijikasterisk18-res_fax_digium.i386          1:1.8.0_1.3.0-1_centos5 installed
09:40.12dijikall programs actual....
09:40.38*** join/#asterisk razu (
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09:47.50dijiksometimes writes        > Channel 'SIP/' fax session '0', [ 000.419469 ], channel sent 21 frames (420 ms) of silence.
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10:01.04dijikany ideas?
10:04.06*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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10:30.03gajinican you tell me , how to install AMR codec on asterisk 1.4.29?
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10:43.01dijiki solved the problem recieving faxes, and i have question: "how to increase timeout in recievefax()?"
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11:12.48gajinican u tell me , how to install AMR codec on asterisk 1.4?
11:14.47dijik how to install AMR codec
11:16.13gajiniThank you, I would like to know, is it licensed codec?
11:16.31dijiki dont know((
11:17.19coppiceof course its not a licenced codec
11:17.33gajinisorry  this link is down, fontventa
11:19.13gajinithey said, Due to a server failuire the old web is currently down.
11:19.38gajiniso i cant download the codec from there
11:20.23*** join/#asterisk mattbUK (
11:20.54dijikgo to
11:22.15gajinii already google it, but no luck
11:22.39coppicewhat do you want amr?
11:22.59dijiksee asterisk video, link on fontventa
11:23.05coppicewhy do you want amr?
11:23.09gajinithis codec is available for asterisk 1.6 and 1.4
11:24.01gajini<coppice>: connect with 3G mobile network with asterisk
11:24.22coppicehow does amr help with that?
11:26.32dijikhow to increase timeout in recievefax()?
11:26.52gajini<dijik>asterisk video link also not working
11:27.47gajini<coppice> we have mobile dialer software, which is communicating with asterisk server
11:27.59dijikwork... link on left
11:29.49gajini<dijik> i got it
11:30.35coppicegajini: the usual interfaces to 2G and 3G networks take linear data and compress it themselves. why do you need amr in asterisk?
11:31.05coppicewell, to amr, fr, efr, or hr as appropriate
11:31.05gajini<dijik>Thank you, Lets try with this patch
11:33.29gajini<coppice>: it can use less bandwidth than the traditional GSM codec (AMR is variable bit rate), you tend to save 50% of bandwidth
11:35.20coppicewhat is your interface to the 3G network?
11:39.34gajiniwe dont have interface, we just trunk with ISTP
11:39.53gajini<coppice>:we dont have interface, we just trunk with ISTP
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11:55.18dijikhow to increase timeout in recievefax() without recompiling?
12:05.22wdoekes2dijik: care to share how you resolved the issue?
12:06.38dijikscan fax in fax memory and after send to asterisk
12:07.40dijikThis method does work once(((
12:09.54dijikthe real solution - is to increase waiting time
12:17.37Dovidanyone from Germany here ?
12:18.24schmidtsDovid only austria ;)
12:22.01coppicedijik: try using spandsp instead of the digium fax module
12:22.58DovidWIMPy: Did you get my PM ?
12:23.24WIMPyYes, but I didn't see a question so far, anywhere.
12:24.21dijik<coppice> this is what application?
12:25.06coppicedijik:install spandsp, and remove the digium fax module
12:25.35dijik<coppice> spandsp installed
12:26.17coppicethen get rid of digium fax, and use spandsp
12:27.01coppicemake sure its a recent spandsp. not some last century version from a distro
12:28.39dijikspandsp.i386                            0.0.6-0.1.pre12.el5     installed
12:29.07coppicethat should be ok
12:31.28dijikok i try it
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12:34.43*** join/#asterisk giuseppe`` (~giuseppe@
12:34.50giuseppe``hello guys
12:35.14giuseppe``anyone have experience with ASTDB on Mysql ?
12:44.49schmidtsgiuseppe by default there is no way to use astdb with mysql, Olle Johanson has a branch which make this possible but its not in the normal source tree of asterisk
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13:11.00giuseppe``schmidts: thank schmidts, do you know any way to perform a SQL query when an ATA make a register? i need it to perform routing in my dev-cluster..
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13:14.46russellbgiuseppe``: the only way to do that would be to watch for registration events on the manager interface.
13:17.07*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
13:18.38giuseppe``russellb: well i know.. or look messages into a pipe.. and parse it.. ok.. Thanks!
13:21.17russellbno better way, sorry
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13:24.23jkroonhi all, is there via the AMI a way to determine whether an FXS DAHDI line is onhook/offhook?  The closest I can get is the DAHDIShowChannels function which gives alarms but doesn't seem to reflect anything with respect to hook state?
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13:27.28tntHi. Just wondering if anyone tried asterisk with the new SIP client in android gingerbread ? For some reason I have audio when placing a call _to_ the phone (and I get bidir audio, all fine), but when placing a call _from_ the phone then I have no audio at all in either direction.
13:27.29*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
13:29.29*** join/#asterisk dmz (
13:31.52dmzmorning y'all! i am trying to trunk 2 * boxes together; i have iax setup and they are seeing each other; i have a dialplan sending the call to the 2nd pbx; both are on the same switch but when I call into the 2nd system all i hear is jittery, if any sound at all; the codec is ulaw and i can use each * system seperately; any suggestions?
13:32.32leifmadsendmz: do you have a jitterbuffer enabled at all?
13:32.58leifmadsenthere was a report yesterday on the bug tracker that using the jitterbuffer may cause audio to break up (which is exactly what it's intended to resolve)
13:33.19leifmadsenyou may want to disable the jitterbuffer on both sides and see if that is the problem (which helps to verify the issue that was reported as well)(
13:34.53jkroonleifmadsen, very strange.  i haven't had that, i have however gotten that effect when using trunking without timestamps!
13:35.32leifmadsenjkroon: I don't use iax2 so I don't run into any of those issues :)
13:35.50jkroonand to answer my own guestion, DAHDIShowChannels will have a Channel set if the channels is "offhook"
13:36.01leifmadsendmz: jkroon made me thing of something as well -- might want to make sure internal_timing=yes is enabled in asterisk.conf (will require restart)
13:36.14jkroonleifmadsen, only way to go when you need to get more than 8 concurrent calls on low-BW link.
13:36.28jkroonleifmadsen, that is an absolute MUST yes.
13:36.38jkroondmz, you reading all that?
13:37.21jkroonbiggest issue i've had recently was a flaky network card that dropped approximately 1% of RX packets.
13:37.47jkroonimmensively difficult to diagnose, extremely annoying effect on sound.
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13:42.41leifmadsenjkroon: luckily I don't have the situation :)  but ya the network card thing would be hard to diagnose
13:49.00jkroongrumbles something nasty about internet providers that only provides 4Mb/512Kbps links at reasonable prices.
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13:52.35dmzno i dont have jitterbuffer
13:52.56dmzlet me try the internal timing
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13:54.45dmzi'm trying to change from iax to sip since all my phones are sip but it's not sending inbound call to the configured context
13:54.57dmzso it isn't finding the extension i'm telling it to go to
13:55.30bratnerHi! When i'm recording queue calls with MixMonitor , where do the recordings go? which directory?
13:56.53leifmadsenbratner: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor perhaps
13:58.30bratneryep! thanks leifmadsen!
13:58.41jkroondmz, if you're working on a LAN I (and keep in mind I am a supporter of IAX/2) would recommend you stick with SIP.
13:59.16jkroonIAX/2 has it's uses - unless you're struggling with network throughput it is probably not the tool for the job.
13:59.17dmzi'm trying to get it working but for some reason it's not connecting to the context; when i enable sip debugging it doesn't show the context it is trying to use or anything about context
13:59.33jkroonpastebin your configs.
14:00.09dmzahh it was using the default context; not the peer context
14:00.14*** join/#asterisk espiceland (~erin@nat/digium/x-pxuycqupjkzwcxed)
14:00.15dmzok it's connecting now but not hearing any osund
14:01.44dmzso close...
14:01.54tntmmm, what could cause no audio even tough a tcp dumps shows RTP data in both direction (and dumping / playing the rtp payload of those dumps shows there is good voice data in them) ?
14:02.51dmzi'll get a tcpdump
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14:13.35flashdeluxeHi! I care for several asterisk servers of different customers and i wanted to ask, if there is any tool to administrate mulitple asterisk servers?
14:14.51iprouteth0asterisk centralized management?  no idea
14:16.52dmzwell at least I have calls coming into 2nd box via sip; but it appears that no voice is going either way; there is no voice data in the tcpdump
14:17.40flashdeluxemhhh :(
14:18.49iprouteth0dmz: are both on same subnet?
14:20.21iprouteth0where is call originating from?
14:21.55dmzi've got 2 * boxes; the 1st is working great and been using it for years; the 2nd is a project called bigbluebutton, it is a presentation system (kinda cool); i'm trying to get it so my voice users can call into the bbb conference system to join meetings; a local java / flash client integrated w/bbb is working good so i know internally it works; but when i call in from outside system it connects and says it is working but i  don't he
14:21.55dmzar anything; btw inbound calls are w/polycom phones
14:23.43iprouteth0are both * systems on public IPs?
14:24.54dmzbut that shouldn't matter as they are only connecting to "each other"
14:25.08dmzthey are on the same switch; same subnet; same vlan
14:25.43dmzwhen i connected via iax i heard about 2 sec of voice (scratchy voice) then nothing; now i'm using sip and i get no audio
14:25.49dmzit is all ulaw so no codec problems
14:25.53iprouteth0so are voice users calling from on-net or off-net?
14:26.10dmzbut my test is on-net
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14:26.42dmzi dial into my existing system; works great; i call to the bbb system and it connects; hmm let me check where it thinks it is communicating with
14:26.57iprouteth0FYI I've no idea if i can help at all.  I'm really just learning asterisk myself, but I do like to work my way to voice problems as I do support for Telco/ISP
14:28.04dmzi've been playing w/* for about 5 years now; i like to use irc to bounce things off people as I have noone around here to bounce things off off (besides just hitting them) :)
14:28.31iprouteth0Call from off-net into BBB system connects and streams audio successfully?
14:28.59jkroondmz, check the ast CLI very carefully.
14:29.14dmzabout to try that next; haven't setup direct connectoin to bbb* from phone (next step)
14:29.25dmzthe cli plays a few gsm files when it connects
14:29.29iprouteth0We have a number of voip based configuration we provide to customers, so it's nice to see how different people implement different things
14:29.33dmzso the cli says: playing 'conf-getconfno.gsm'
14:29.37jkroonno, checking the CLI should be the _first_ step.
14:29.47dmzi'm in the cli debugging it
14:29.50jkroonbut no sound?
14:30.18jkroonok, during that stage - what does "sip show channel" show you?  does it actually have a codec assigned to that channel?
14:30.28dmzlet me check
14:30.34jkroonand rtp debug?
14:31.19dmzit has ulaw assigned
14:32.41dmzhmm the rtp debug shows me what is wrong
14:32.43dmzthanks :)
14:33.08dmzit is tryign to transfer the call and the 2nd box doesn't know the path to it; i had thought it would stay connected through the 1st system and route the call
14:34.40dmzok so inbound call via voip works great
14:34.54dmzbut when using a phone connected to main * box it tries to rtp bac to the phone ip
14:35.46dmzwhat does the reinvite enable/do?
14:36.35iprouteth0not sure if it would completely apply
14:38.03iprouteth0I believe it's mostly for NAT, but I think you said you're trying right now with call originating from 1st * box..?
14:39.00iprouteth0whether the endpoints connect directly without * in between or not
14:40.25iprouteth0again I am learning much of this myself, but am half split between voip and tdm/pots
14:40.42dmzyeah that worked
14:40.57iprouteth0it did?  sweet
14:41.22dmzyeah it had the call coming from corp* to bbb* not reinvite so it didn't try to connect to client ip
14:41.30dmzvery cool; now i don't need webex anymore :)
14:42.35iprouteth0lol.  happy to help.  Proud of myself for putting correct critical thinking to it XD.  am surprised with myself as well
14:42.52dmzit's always the 2nd set of eyes that helps
14:43.37dmzi had a wierd apache proxy problem yesterday and it turned out it had proxyajp & proxyhttp enabled causing conflicts; didn't see it until a 2nd admin turned debugging on (he didn't know what output meant but i saw it immediately) teamwork :)
14:44.16iprouteth0indeed it is.  My jobs main responsibility is network monitoring during the nightshift, and my teammates and I rely on each other as we all have a varied skill matrix
14:44.19dmz this is the project i'm using; simple ubuntu install (like 10 min) and we are able to replace webex w/our own system
14:44.41dmzwe're getting ready to start hiring some nightshift people :)
14:45.06dmzi'm tired of diving out of bed w/alerts (luckily there aren't that many) :)
14:45.25iprouteth0we've got many many
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14:45.55dmzwe're a small company, less than 100 customers but > 100 segmented networks (highly customized/secured networks)
14:46.12dmzok off to finish paperwork for pci audit
14:47.14waodmz: nice
14:47.15iprouteth0Thats still challanging I'm sure.  My company serves 29 us states I think it is, so our network is quite large as it is both alot of data and TDM voice stuff, so we have alot of alarms... gets kinda messy since maint work is done on nightshift all over
14:47.55dmzah we're more data-center based; have one in dc & another in sfo but we have customers world wide
14:49.49dmzwao your in jp? i'd love to visit again; where in jp are you?
14:50.40iprouteth0Data centers is kinda big right now I guess.  I know we just acquired a data center company in MN and another one awhile ago before that
14:52.25iprouteth0dmz: do you do much VPN stuff then?
14:53.36*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
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14:55.16jkroondmz, you can set directmedia=no on the peer/user/friend definition.
14:55.46jkrooni get confused with those three in SIP world - it makes _perfect_ sense for me in iax land, but sip has me confused.
14:57.32iprouteth0heh.  just fixed my outbound rule
14:58.06jkroonhe, i've got one retarted client that insists on not buying two SIP phones.
14:58.34jkroonwhat a pain to add FXS channels into the mix on my highly focused around SIP extensions system.
14:58.59dmziprouteth0 every one of our customers has a vpn; most of our customers are pci/hipaa/etc and require 2fa to even access their systems
14:58.59*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
14:59.33neurosysin 1.4, can you transfer outside callerID when xfering to different extensions?
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14:59.57iprouteth0I sorta figured.  Just started working with cisco VPN stuff a few months ago
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15:01.02jkroonneurosys, blind xfers yes.
15:01.08iprouteth0get them some ATAs instead jkroon
15:01.19iprouteth0got my linksys ATA for $20
15:01.27jkrooniprouteth0, suggested that.  client is full of shit.
15:01.32neurosysjkroon:  Right. for some reason these SPA-942's wont do it even with blind xfer
15:01.34iprouteth0aw, damn
15:01.34jkroonbut pays me enough to go to the effort.
15:01.57jkroonneurosys, probably because they still do an attended xfer even if you don't.
15:02.20jkroonie, creates a seperate SIP channel and then requests * to bridge them using REFER or something.
15:03.02bratnerwhat is the meaning of this?  WARNING[19470]: translate.c:155 framein: no samples for g729tolin
15:03.05bratneram i missing a file?
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15:05.06jkroonyes, a G.729 codec license.
15:05.41jkroonno wait, that just doesn't get any samples in, hmm, getting voice frames not containing any actual g729 data?
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15:07.02iprouteth0I have a directory full of g729 sounds
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15:09.46reneHi folks!
15:10.32reneis it possible to have asterisk identify the caller to the voicemail, and skip the password-prompt and mailbox-prompt?
15:11.02renei could not find this anywhere (or i just did not know what to look for  :-)
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15:13.51jkrooniprouteth0, then perhaps it needs to convert one of those g729 to something else for some reason (eg, incoming channel is gsm?)?
15:14.26iprouteth0transcoding can be a headache.... :P
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15:15.38iprouteth0oh and I used 729 use flag when building, so I know why I have the g729 files
15:18.32*** join/#asterisk Amnesia (~Amnesia@unaffiliated/amnesia)
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15:26.42Amnesiahm, anyone here who has any experience with a portech voip gateway>
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15:28.49Amnesia is what I keep getting
15:28.59benngardrene: yes it is
15:30.05aberrios_I'm going mad, trying to use REPLACE function to replace all commas in a string with \, and failing
15:30.33aberrios_exten => 777,n(tobook),Set(properStreet=${REPLACE(properStreet,\,,\\\,)})
15:31.48aberrios_ah replace only replaces characters and not subtrings
15:38.11jkroonhow can I obtain the accountcode for a DAHDI channel?
15:47.17*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
15:49.37renebenngard: how does this callerid-thing work with the voicemail?
15:50.39renehow does the voicemail know that eg. [1234]  is calling to it's voicemail?
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15:53.26omanihow do I realize sms messaging sending and receiving with gsm mobiles to asterisk box in and out?
15:54.42Guggeomani: what do you want to do?
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15:58.52renebenngard: yeah.. i think i got it :-)
15:59.48renehow do i catch the current [caller] in the extensions.conf?
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16:02.47benngardrene: sorry was at the phone, do u understand it?
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16:11.58renebenngard: i use a cisco 7960
16:12.08renenow i managed it .-)
16:12.25renei created a separate extension to all phones :-)
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16:16.33neurosysAsterisk: The Definitive Guide 3rd edition... delayed :(
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16:23.39bmoraca_workhas anyone here dealt with VoIP Logic before?
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17:07.49LemensTShello, do any of you know if you modify the polycom dial strings, if it will dial out without  having to press the Dial key?
17:11.50_Corey_LemensTS: That's what they're for
17:12.13_Corey_If you have to press 'Dial' it means the phone isn't configured correctly
17:17.09LemensTS_Corey_: thanks
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17:32.26bmoraca_workso no one here has done anything with VoIP Logic for managed broadsoft?  has anyone worked with any other managed broadsoft provider besides Commpartners?
17:33.38*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
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17:55.20drivefasthello ppl, does any one of you have any experience with building asterisk modules? i have a couple of them that need to use external libraries, and i'm having a hard time making decent settings in the makefiles, any help would be great
17:59.00voxterany of you seen an instance in which polycom phones will request DHCP but then ignore the OFFER?
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18:40.36Benwais it possible to use a dynamic ip adress with a dyndns on the asterisk server for sip calls ?
18:41.12Benwaok thanks
18:41.22Benwai continue my serch then ...
18:42.00*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
18:42.22drift-how can i do the verbose 5 thing?/
18:42.24drift-set verbose 5 ?
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18:45.18p3nguinNothing changes above verbose level 4, so there's no reason to go to level 5.
18:45.25p3nguincore set verbose 4
18:46.08p3nguin3 is better for standard monitoring.
18:46.29p3nguinIt doesn't spew the dnsmgr_lookup crap continuously.
18:46.31QwellBenwa: in sip.conf, look at externhost/externrefresh
18:47.18p3nguinYou forwarded UDP on those ports and not TCP, right?
18:47.21BenwaQwell: i use freepbx so i cannot edit sip.conf
18:47.33QwellBenwa: #freepbx then
18:47.37Benwap3nguin: right
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19:01.48candrewsIt appears that CURLOPTS doesn't have a "followlocation" option:
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19:02.05candrewsSo I'm confused - if there's no followlocation, then how is "maxredirs" ever used?
19:05.33wdoekes2hmm :)
19:12.33p3nguinWith an off-site PBX, having 50 phones in the office and all the phones connect outbound through one IP address... is there any possible way to do any sip debug for only a single device in the office?
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19:37.59kribylAnyone aware if it is RFC-valid to begin a call-id with whitespace?
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19:46.42minteeHum...  After dissecting a few of my dial plans, I've determined that Ringing() causes FaxDetection to fail.
19:46.49minteeanyone else notice this?
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19:48.56bmoraca_workuse nvfaxdetect
19:49.07bmoraca_workor nvbackgrounddetect
19:49.15minteei'm using hardware detection
19:49.35minteethis all worked fine until just recently... upgrading hylafax and *
19:49.44bmoraca_workright...and nvfaxdetect will allow you to play ringing tones and properly detect fax tones
19:50.26minteeare you saying that nvfaxdetect is more acceptable than hardware detection in the community?
19:50.41bmoraca_worki can't speak for the entire community
19:50.49bmoraca_workbut in my experience, nvfaxdetect has never let me down
19:51.12bmoraca_worki use it in virtual environments with SIP trunks and it works just as well as when used with TDM trunks in a dedicated environment
19:51.16bmoraca_workthat's good enough for me
19:51.26minteewonder if I'd have to turn off the hw detection.
19:51.59bmoraca_workthe one thing about nvfaxdetect that i don't necessarily like is that the channel needs to be answered it can throw off CDRs
19:52.18minteeya, i do that anyway
19:52.24bmoraca_workfor me, it's not that big a deal, though, because I don't bill origination usage for my hosted PBXes
19:52.36minteei Answer(), Ringing(), WaitExten(4)
19:52.58minteebut the faxes would only come in about 10% of the time
19:53.06*** part/#asterisk sorressean (
19:53.07minteei removed Ringing() and I get 100%
19:53.12bmoraca_workare you redirecting to an IAXModem?
19:55.02bmoraca_workworks pretty well
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19:55.23bmoraca_workyou can also use nvbackgrounddetect in place of background() in IVRs to detect faxes during IVRs
19:58.31minteeI didn't build it in
19:58.42bmoraca_workit's easy enough to add
19:59.19bmoraca_workyou can also get a statically linked module
20:03.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:04.08minteemeh...  I don't wanna put a 3rd party module in
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20:04.20minteeI'll keep hunting down a fix for my problem
20:04.28minteemaybe playtones(ring)
20:04.34E-bolaw00t finally got a dump file and core show locks from my crashing asterisk
20:09.10minteedamnit, playtones doesn't work either
20:13.46ubuspireHi all...In libss7,how do i determine which channel is being used for a particular call??
20:21.21E-bolaCan you inhclude stuff in iax.conf?
20:29.34*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
20:33.33_Corey_E-bola: Sure
20:34.49E-bola_Corey_: thanks found it
20:34.55E-bolaIm reconfigureing my box
20:35.04E-bolaand autokill / qualify in iax.conf got me a bit pussled
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20:35.36E-bolathe short explanation is written as if: If you have autokill=yes in ur general part, then thats the same as having qualify=yes for all peers
20:35.40E-bolais that correct understood?
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20:45.28hogejoHello guys! Just installed AsteriskNOW, but I got stuck on the web gui. It asks for a user:pass, but nothing works. I only set the system root password on CentOS, but that one does not work :S
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20:48.14Kattypeeks in
20:49.14hogejoQwell: nope, does not work. I am on the asterisk GUI, not the freepbx one.
20:51.02hogejoCool, thanks!
20:51.11leifmadsenQwell: you hacked the gibson!
20:54.45nestArdon't forget god..
20:56.02leifmadsendoes anyone actually use (or is allowed to use by the software) 3 character passwords?
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20:58.14Dovidhello all
21:03.53_Corey_leifmadsen: I'm sure nobody's going to raise their hand to that one, guilty or not... ;)
21:15.10dmzthe closest i've ever seen is atm card pin passwords which are generally accepted at 4 digit pin
21:15.17dmzbut never a system/user password
21:15.24dmzvoicemail maybe
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21:26.13nestAr6 is about my limit.. on non-crucial accounts
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21:58.43citywokanybody got an easy command to copy all files of type php, recursively, from one location to another, preserving folder structure?  unix of course.
21:59.24citywokyea, playing with it
22:00.51E-bolacopy all files , then remove all files not of type php
22:01.00E-bolaif its not big files thats one dirty way of doing it :)
22:01.04WIMPy'd still like a structure only option for cp.
22:06.54*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:10.09_Corey_I've got a Perl AGI question...  maybe someone here can answer this definitively.  I'm grabbing SIG{INT}, SIG{HUP}, and SIG{PIPE} so that I can continue executing AGI's ala the old DeadAGI...
22:10.36_Corey_On occasion, I'm getting "stuck" AGI's and have a feeling one of those three is redundant/problematic
22:11.13leifmadsen_Corey_: what version of asterisk?
22:11.36_Corey_I've seen it since switching from DeadAGI() back with 1.6, but currently with 1.8.  I
22:11.44_Corey_I'm sure it's my method
22:11.50leifmadsen_Corey_: because at least in 1.8 you should not be using DeadAGI() -- just AGI() in all places
22:11.56_Corey_I was using DeadAGI() everywhere before 1.6 and it was fine
22:12.09_Corey_Yeah, that's why I switched...
22:12.20_Corey_I was using an $AGI->setcallback before
22:12.41_Corey_that worked reliably, but with: $SIG{INT} = \&onHangup;
22:13.25_Corey_(same for SIG{HUP}, SIG{PIPE}) it continues to process the call OK on hangup, but doesn't actually release the call on occasion
22:14.39_Corey_So, anyhow, with AGI() and a $SIG{INT} = \&onHangup; in Perl on Asterisk 1.6+ = occasional stuck AGIs
22:15.07_Corey_<=1.4 with a DeadAGI() and $AGI->setcallback(\&onHangup); it worked flawlessly with never a stuck AGI
22:16.57*** part/#asterisk jro (~jro@
22:17.25_Corey_leifmadsen: I guess my question really boils down to whether you can tell me if I'm going about this right... ?
22:21.02*** join/#asterisk talntid (
22:22.15talntidI'd like someone to install a system I bought from someone who isn't responding to support email, or write me a function for my asterisk PBX. I just need to change my caller ID to a different number based on area code. I have phone numbers in every area code and when I make calls to the area code, I want to use the local number. Anyone interested? I'd like it done ASAP. :)
22:22.22talntidPaying Job, of course.
22:22.34*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
22:23.31QwellThat'll be $1k
22:26.20*** join/#asterisk exothermc (~miles@
22:28.27QwellGuess not.
22:29.09Qwellleifmadsen: this consulting thing is hard!  I give up.
22:31.29QwellNo, but seriously.  That's trivial.
22:31.35talntidalthough I am sure that code would work, I don't know how to implement it.
22:31.51Qwellyou just add the areacodes to the astdb as the key, and make the value the callerid.
22:32.03talntidWell, if you are willing to help me out, it'd be greatly appreicated. I'd be willing to send you some $$, or donate some to the charity of your choice.
22:32.47Qwelldatabase put callerids 256 2565551212
22:32.51Qwellpretty easy..
22:32.53talntidi have never done anything in asterisk outside basic dialplan stuff. I am currently not in a position to dedicate a lot of time to learn it
22:32.56talntidoh, really.
22:33.03talntidthat seems WAY easy.
22:34.23Qwellthe dialplan line would need slight modifications (it's pretty close though, minus the DB syntax being wrong), then a bunch of database puts from the CLI..
22:36.12talntidI could definately do the databae puts. I just did a few and pasted that into my dial-longdistance where it sets callerid
22:36.19talntidi'll google the db syntax
22:36.28Qwellit's just family/key
22:36.30QwellI had family,key
22:37.46leifmadsenQwell: too hard :)
22:39.26Qwelltalntid: the ${EXTEN:0:3} also assumed 10-digit dialing
22:40.10pabelangerWhat echo canceller settings does a VPMOCT064 use?   mg2?
22:40.36talntidhmm, testing it, it set to nothing..
22:40.45talntidcan I echo it for debugging ?
22:40.55pabelangerokay, but how is that defined in /etc/dahdi/system.conf?
22:41.06pabelangerhelp a friend confirm he is using it
22:41.18Qwellpabelanger: if it's present, it's used, I believe
22:41.29Qwelltalntid: Verbose(${DB(callerids/${EXTEN:0:3})})
22:41.43pabelangerQwell: Okay, so nothing needs to be defined in system.conf?
22:41.58Qwellmaybe echocancel=yes.  I don't know
22:42.17pabelangerOkay, documentation about it is limited
22:42.21pabelangeroff to google again
22:43.51*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
22:43.51talntidso, i do 11 digit dialing
22:44.08talntidi could just change the database to 1509
22:44.19lauriswhat kind of encryption or hashing is used to hide password in REGISTER data packet ?
22:44.49talntidor is the cleaner way to just change the :3 part? to pull the first 4 numbers, then the last 3?
22:45.20Qwelltalntid: :1:3
22:47.33talntidoh ;)
22:47.56Qwellposition starts at 0
22:48.48*** join/#asterisk linuxviewer (
22:50.44*** part/#asterisk clintc (
22:51.04talntidWhere should that verbose show up? I am looking at my asterisk, with verbose = 99, and I am seeing the "CALLERID(NUM)="
22:51.42talntidthere is a decent amount of traffic going through the pbx. difficult to isolate the certain instance quickly, but thats what it shows currently
22:52.04talntiddoes verbose() show, despite verbosity level?
22:54.41talntidah, the verbose command allows the level to be set, and when it was trying to echo the number, it technically wanted a very high verbosity level, if that makes sense. I set it to 0. :)
22:55.38talntidit doesn't appear to be echoing anything.
22:58.44talntidgot it. verbose() rocks.
23:00.40talntidhaha. that's WAY easier than my first attempt like 5 months ago.
23:00.49talntidWant me to donate or pay ya Qwell?
23:02.03*** join/#asterisk Charrit (
23:21.10*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (~test@
23:31.32*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
23:36.59Qwelltalntid: Nope, I can't take money for Asterisk stuff.
23:38.50*** join/#asterisk leroybuckingham (637c543e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:39.23saxahi, anybody know what should i look at if I get my phone registered as a sip peer, but when dial 233 for music on hold, i see the asterisk console showing the play of the music, but i do not hear anything. Is this maybe codec related ?
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:46.00*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
23:47.50|TEX|sounds like codec
23:48.12|TEX|did you makes the clip yourself
23:48.18|TEX|or is it part of the install
23:50.52*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
23:51.05*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
23:51.20saxa|TEX|: you mean the clip of the cable ? The plug ?
23:51.46p3nguinsaxa: "core set verbose 4" and then make the call that you're having trouble with.  After you get the verbose output, pastebin it for me to see.
23:51.58saxai see on the console actions going on, like moh playing
23:52.26saxap3nguin: ok, let me try
23:52.44LemensTSoh nm it is a speakerphone issue
23:54.48saxaoh i set debug instead of verbose
23:57.01saxahere we go
23:57.10saxabut I had verbose 25
23:57.25saxaso i would see if something was really wrong
23:57.39saxai have tried with ulaw and gsm
23:58.08p3nguinVerbosity does not increase above 4.  4 will show you the same as 5, and 5 will show you the same as 10000.
23:59.47|TEX|saxa i mean the audio clip

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