IRC log for #asterisk on 20110227

00:03.44devdvdunless you ahve another thought
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00:13.22p3nguindevdvd: I can't really think of anything else, if you've tested the phone on the same segment as Asterisk.  That pretty much eliminates all factors.
00:17.39devdvdthat's kinda my thought as well
00:19.48devdvd-- SEP001B54E0045F: Statistics from 100 callid: 5 Packets sent: 459 rcvd: 454 lost: 0 jitter: 5 latency: 25
00:19.55devdvd100 is an echo extension
00:20.34devdvdit wont ring either, it will vibrate
00:20.36devdvdbut wont ring
00:20.39devdvdi think the speaker is out
00:20.50devdvdim trying to find a 2.5mm headset to test that theory
00:30.10p3nguinAt least you could try to get sound during a call with a headset.
00:32.14devdvdya thats the thought
00:53.37*** join/#asterisk JT (~j@unaffiliated/jt)
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01:28.30*** join/#asterisk Woody4286 (
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03:35.16*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
03:36.33retentiveboyBeen seeing lots of brute-force SIP attacks on one of my machines.  Just saw a handful of "Sending fake auth rejection for device" messages.  Are these indicating the same?
03:38.12*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
03:41.47p3nguinretentiveboy: Could that message be caused by the alwaysauthreject setting?
03:42.41retentiveboyp3nguin:  I should add that the IP in the rest of the message is not one of mine nor one of my remote stations.
03:43.01p3nguinYou do have alwaysauthreject set to yes, don't you?
03:43.05retentiveboylooking at that setting now
03:43.08p3nguinAnd you know what that setting it for?
03:43.14*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
03:43.24retentiveboylooking now and yes :)
03:44.22retentiveboyp3nguin: yes, left commented out.  comments indicate it should be yes by default
03:44.48p3nguinretentiveboy: What version are you using?  The default was always no as far as I know.
03:45.07p3nguinI like to use fail2ban to stop SIP registration attacks.  I whitelist my remote stations and my ITSPs, then repeated attempts end up blocked at the firewall.
03:45.22retentiveboyp3nguin:  I'm wondering if I should add this to my fail2ban filter
03:46.37retentiveboyp3ngion: btw, I was asking earlier about the [general] section in users.conf creating a voicemail box...  Found in the code where it's not skipping that section like other modules do.
03:52.47retentiveboyp3nguin: is something like this in your fail2ban filters?
03:53.52p3nguinThe general section of all the configs is an important section.  It's not supposed to be skipped.  I have no idea wha makes you think the general section should be ignored.
03:54.16p3nguinIs something like what in my fail2ban filter?
03:54.44retentiveboy"Sending fake auth rejection for device"
03:55.15*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (~chatzilla@
03:55.16p3nguinNo, the only thing fail2ban does for me is detect the repeated attempts and block it in iptables.
03:56.04p3nguinI'm thinking that message is a result of the alwaysauthreject setting being enabled.
03:56.32retentiveboyGot the same I think and it's caught a number of other attempts.  This "Sending fake auth rejection for device" message is new to me and it's coming from an unknown IP so I suspect it's another hack attempt.
03:56.58p3nguinWhere does that message appear?
03:57.14p3nguinasterisk console?
03:57.19retentiveboysorry.  yes
03:58.37retentiveboyin my log file as well. the one fail2ban is watching.  Don't see other messages that fail2ban is already looking for.
03:58.38p3nguinI just grabbed a 1.8 box and noticed that it does say alwaysauthreject defaults to yes now.  That's good... it's about time.
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05:39.57daxtanyone using mydivert ?
05:40.31daxtwhat is the most preferred DID service for Asterisk ?
06:03.32radenis it possible to have a mysql database that asterisk looks at for CID info ?
06:08.04devdvdraden, not by default but i'm sure you can do something with odbc in the dialplan
06:08.53devdvdi would think the general idea would be a select query that queries for the number in the database, returns the name and passes that onto the phone
06:09.29radenseems simple enough
06:09.36radenIll have to play with it when I have time
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06:36.20*** join/#asterisk Galaxor (~ryan@
06:37.55GalaxorOkay, I have two machines on the same network, and I want them to talk directly to each other without depending on a connection to the internet.  Do I have to set up asterisk somewhere on the network, or can the voip programs communicate directly with each other?  (I've got ekiga and/or qutecom)
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09:18.20harold00hello, all my incoming invite calls are refused with 401 unauthorized. Need help. Anybody have an idea what I can do ?
09:27.29p3nguinSeems right.  It's normal to first get an unauthorized message, but then the device is supposed to authenticate afterward, which would all the call to proceed.
09:27.50p3nguinMy advice is to start with the passwords.
09:30.29*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
09:43.12harold00It's the incoming trunk I'm registered with. It should not be asked to autheticate. I have insecure = port, invite and allowguest = yes
09:43.59harold00what do you mean by "start with the password" ?
09:47.07*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
10:02.17wdoekes2harold00: it looks like the insecure options is not properly read
10:02.47wdoekes2try removing those spaces.. I'm not sure that is legal
10:05.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
10:06.11harold00i'll try immediately
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10:13.10harold00@woekes2 You're THE man ! I've spend DAYS figuring out why it was unauthorized ! Removing space DID it. Thanks Thanks Thans ;)
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13:08.01benngardany knows if there is a iphone app that sends phone status to asterisk?
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16:01.15daxthi guys , anybody using mydivert here ?
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16:16.43daxtanybody home
16:16.52daxtwhat is the best DID service for * ?
16:20.48tzafrir_laptopdaxt, not really sure.  But I suggest you be more specific about location
16:20.58tzafrir_laptopAnd such
16:21.04infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
16:21.25daxthi  location = USA
16:25.41infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:29.21*** join/#asterisk espiceland (~erin@
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16:37.58daxtanybody used mydivert before ?
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16:43.58*** join/#asterisk hetii (~hetii@
16:44.04hetiiHello :)
16:44.22devdvdbah humbug :)
16:44.36hetiiQ: dahdi_hardware show me: pci:0000:01:08.0     qozap-       1397:08b4 Junghanns QuadBRI ISDN card, lspci 01:08.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network Controller [HFC-4S] (rev 01)
16:44.54hetiithe question is what i can do now to configure and set this car under asterisk
16:46.03hetiidahdi show channels show me just :  pseudo            default                    default                         In Service
16:49.20hetiidahdi_cfg -v : 0 channels to configure.
16:53.57tzafrir_laptophetii, what version of dahdi do you have?
16:55.30hetiiDAHDI Tools Version - 2.2.1
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16:57.04hetiiif its too old i can build them from latest sources instead using packages
16:59.34hetiiok i see that the latest is 2.4 on the site so first i update them to the latest and then if still have no result will need your  help to set up my card.
17:00.48hetiior if you know that my card is not supported then i can use mISDN but will be nice if dahdi will support it :>
17:06.32WIMPyhetii: Multiple options:
17:07.48hetiiyep, this card will be just used as a PSTN line to make a call
17:08.15hetiiso as soon as i`m able to do it then will be happy :)
17:08.24hetiiok i have altest dahdi
17:08.36hetiiok i see
17:08.46hetiirun 'dahdi_genconf modules' to load support for only the DAHDI hardware installed in this system.
17:08.55WIMPyYou should have at least three options.
17:09.00hetiimy dahdi_hardware show me
17:09.08hetiipci:0000:01:08.0     wcb4xxp-     1397:08b4 Junghanns QuadBRI ISDN card
17:09.19hetiiso i do: dahdi_genconf wcb4xxp-
17:09.27hetiibut got Illegal name 'wcb4xxp-'
17:09.56WIMPywcb4xxp no -
17:10.23hetiiFailed to load configuration generator for 'Wcb4xxp': Can't locate Dahdi/Config/Gen/ in @INC
17:10.56hetii(@INC contains: /usr/sbin /usr/sbin/perl_modules /usr/sbin /usr/sbin/perl_modules /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 9) line 2.
17:11.18WIMPynever tried genconf with a parameter.
17:11.44WIMPyIf you have the module loaded just a dahdi_genconf should generate a usable config.
17:11.48hetiiwithouti got twice: Empty configuration -- no spans
17:12.11hetiiok i will restart dahdi and try again
17:13.06WIMPyAre you on current dahdi already?
17:14.25WIMPyMaybe the card is already in use?
17:15.01hetiii don`t think so. i unload before installing dahdi all isdn modules like isdn hisax a.s.o
17:15.42WIMPyOut of the box, hfcmulti would be loaded.
17:16.27hetiiok i restart the dahdi by /etc/init.d/dahdi restart then i do dahdi_genconf -v and got: Generating /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf but  da0 channels to configure.hdi_cfg -v still show me
17:16.34hetii0 channels to configure.
17:16.47hetiihfcmulti as i remmmeber i unload also on first step
17:16.50WIMPymodprobe wcb4xxp
17:16.57WIMPyThen look at dmesg
17:18.33hetiiok here are my dmesg starting when i play with modules:
17:18.43hetiilooks nice - check the channels
17:19.47WIMPyYes, looks good.
17:19.55WIMPywill dahdi_genconf do now?
17:20.40hetiiJuppi :)
17:22.17hetiiok, i suppose that now i can try see my channels on asterisk
17:22.36WIMPyYou should see them now, yes.
17:22.48hetiibut first i update him also to latest version
17:23.50hetiibtw do i need compile for * some additional chanel_* stuff ?
17:25.33tzafrir_laptophetii, hmm...
17:26.27hetiii suppose that for dahdi it has already on the main sources support as it is part of * but i do it first time, thats why i ask :)
17:28.44WIMPyBoth misdn1 and dahdi are included.
17:28.59WIMPymisdn2 would run outside of Asterisk.
17:35.31hetiifor misdn2 its call LCR or ?
17:36.06WIMPyLCR uses misdn2, yes.
17:36.30hetiiany other possibilites are avaiable for misdn2 ?
17:36.33WIMPyAsterisk can't use misdn2, but it can use LCR.
17:37.02hetiiahh i see :) ok first i try dahdi
17:37.17WIMPyActually ISDN support in software PBX(toolkit)s seems very limited.
17:37.37daxtanybody used "mydivert" with * ?
17:37.59hetiiyep, this was always a problem but i see big progress than when i first play with asterisk
17:38.10hetiii start when it was on version 1.2
17:38.35WIMPyThat's why it took me so many years to start with Asterisk.
17:39.06WIMPyAnd yes, it has become a lot better, but still not really good.
17:48.55hetiiok i have latest asterisk
17:49.01hetiihere are te current result
17:50.02WIMPyWhere have the channels gone?
17:50.04*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
17:50.24hetiidahdi_cfg -v
17:50.46hetiii suppose that i need copty the config file to /etc/asterisk directory
17:52.38hetiithis will be the /etc/dahdi/system.conf ?
17:53.08hetiiwhere it is located ?
17:53.25hetiicause i don`t chave this file on /etc/dahdi
17:53.37WIMPy/etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf.
17:54.24hetiiDefault parameters from /etc/dahdi/genconf_parameters
17:54.26hetiiGenerating /etc/dahdi/system.conf
17:54.28hetiiGenerating /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
17:55.02WIMPydahdi-channels.conf can be included in chan_dahdi.conf
17:55.11hetiiok i will include the last file to the chan_dahdi :)
17:55.14hetiiyep exactly )
17:59.25WIMPyDid you install libpri?
17:59.59hetiito be onest no :)
18:00.05hetiior i have old one
18:00.27WIMPyYou need that and then recompile Astrerisk.
18:00.36hetiiok :)
18:02.14WIMPyMaybe I should write somewhere that chan_dahdi need libpri.
18:02.27*** join/#asterisk espiceland (~erin@
18:02.45hetiion the site its a . LibPRI is a dependency for Asterisk and DAHDI if PRI signaling is used.
18:02.50hetiiso my foult :>
18:11.13hetiinew portion of error :(
18:13.03WIMPyIs the card still up and running?
18:14.50hetiidmesg and lsmod :
18:15.07hetiiwcb4xxp                38484  0
18:15.33WIMPyHmm. Nothing obvious.
18:17.20hetiii do rmmod wcb4xxp and modprobe wcb4xxp the dmesg show me this same stuff like before but
18:17.35hetiilsmod |grep wcb4xxp still  have wcb4xxp                38484  0
18:20.52hetiidahdi_diag 2 show me on dmesg this:
18:22.05hetiiand dahdi_hardware: pci:0000:01:08.0     wcb4xxp+     1397:08b4 Junghanns QuadBRI ISDN card, so instead "-" have "+" on the end of module name
18:24.57hetiiany clue what i can do now ? :)
18:24.58*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
18:36.51WIMPyI'm not good at details. I only have dahdi on a test box.
18:37.07WIMPyIn production I use LCR.
18:45.16*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
18:57.48hetiif*... i don`t know why but after reboot i got this:
18:57.50hetiimodprobe wcb4xxp
18:57.52hetiiFATAL: Error inserting wcb4xxp (/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/wcb4xxp.ko): Invalid module format
18:57.57hetiihow it can be :/
18:58.37WIMPyDid you upgrade the kernel some time before rebooting or something?
18:59.35hetiii even now recompile all dahdi and have this issue
18:59.39hetiivery strange
19:00.27hetiion dmesg i got [  777.896431] dahdi: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
19:01.21WIMPyAs it worked before, the only thing I can think of is new kernel or new kernel headers.
19:14.52hetiiis some of this module required by dahdi on my case? hfc4s8s_l1, hisax, isdn, hfcmulti, mISDN_core  or do i add them to blacklist ?
19:15.06tzafrir_laptophetii, you have an older version of dahdi still loaded
19:15.15WIMPyNo, none of them.
19:15.23tzafrir_laptopoh, it's dahdi
19:15.43WIMPyYou can only use one of the driver models on any one card.
19:15.43tzafrir_laptophave you built dahdi yourself?
19:16.25hetiithe plan is to add this module to blacklist and after reboot build dahdi again from sources
19:16.29tzafrir_laptophang on: wcb4xxp fails to load, or is it dahdi?
19:17.05hetiiat this moment modprobe dahdi show: FATAL: Error inserting dahdi (/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko): Invalid module format
19:17.07tzafrir_laptopcat /sys/module/dahdi/version
19:17.21WIMPyYes, blacklisting hfcmulti should be done if you auto-load modules.
19:17.36hetiicat: /sys/module/dahdi/version: No file ...
19:21.17hetiiok i just add the hisax. etc... modules to blacklist.conf and reboot server after that i should be ready to check the dahdi again and compile if still had this issue
19:23.19hetiiok the current state
19:23.37hetiiand still:FATAL: Error inserting dahdi (/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko): Invalid module format
19:24.17hetiiso i wil recompile them
19:26.39tzafrir_laptophetii, "invalid module format" may mean it's for the wrong kernel
19:26.51hetiihere are compilation logs:
19:26.54tzafrir_laptopwhat's the output of 'uname -r' ?
19:27.11hetiiuname -r
19:27.12tzafrir_laptopwhat's the output of:  modinfo lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko
19:27.46tzafrir_laptopmodinfo /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko  # with a leading slash, that is
19:29.10hetiihmm 2.6.35-22-server
19:29.42tzafrir_laptopneeds rebuilding, I guess
19:30.35tzafrir_laptopDebian is just about the only distro that tries maintaining a stable API to modules between different kernel package versions :-(
19:30.38hetiiok i rebuild them and now i do install
19:30.44hetiihere are log:
19:31.25hetiibut modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko still show 2.6.35-22-server
19:32.14*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
19:33.02hetiiso the question is why make install don`t install the proper modules
19:34.11WIMPyDoes it build the correct version? Try modinfo on the module in the source dir.
19:34.34hetiithe last link show you the version that i build
19:35.14hetiiit seams that some trouble is in installation script
19:38.34hetiiit will be ok if i just copy the *.ko modules from sources to /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/ ? or do i need do some other dependency stuff/
19:44.43tzafrir_laptophetii, btw: anything under /lib/modules/<version>/updates/ takes precedence over other stuff under /lib/modules/<version>
19:45.01tzafrir_laptopso alternatively remove the stuff from there
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19:47.03hetiiyou know what
19:47.09hetiiit looks like the installation script
19:47.29hetiiinstall all new modules under
19:47.59hetiiand when i do modprobe dahdi system check them under /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/
19:48.58hetiiso what to do ? copy the modules to /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/ ? or change somehow where they should be find by system ?
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19:59.16tzafrir_laptophetii, are you sure you have linux-headers-`uname -r` installed?
20:00.43hetiithey are in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-25-server/
20:01.22hetiiwhat about ?
20:01.38hetiiit seams that m-a don`t know what dahdi is
20:02.39tzafrir_laptopso you don't have dahdi-source ?
20:02.58tzafrir_laptopUbuntu don't package it?
20:03.12tzafrir_laptopis a Debian packager...
20:03.25hetiii get them from from site
20:03.36hetiito have the latest one
20:05.48cobra2hetii: stupid question: are you building this stuff under the kernel that you want it to run on?
20:07.20hetiithe compilation process are ok, the installation process of compited modules go on different place then expected.
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20:08.19hetiithe dahdi version that i want to use are: dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4.0.tar.gz
20:08.38WIMPyThat's why I usually prefer not to use hardware that doesn't work with a standard kernel.
20:09.04WIMPyBut there's no option if you want HWEC AFAIK.
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20:09.34cobra2I never use a standard kernel. too much bloat built in there.
20:10.17WIMPyNeither do I, but I meant stuff that need extra bits.
20:10.27cobra2hetii: can you just manually move the files to the location that they need to be so that they can be pulled correctly by modprobe?
20:10.58WIMPyYou can use modprobe with absolute paths, BTW.
20:11.03hetiiyes i can
20:11.36hetiiso don`t use m-a tools ? to build the source just play with modules manually ?
20:12.20tzafrir_laptop<hetii> the compilation process are ok, the installation process of compited modules go on different place then expected.
20:12.25tzafrir_laptopwrong ^^
20:12.59tzafrir_laptopIf the module has v. -22 in it, it means it was built with "source" (linux-headers) -22
20:13.15hetiino, no
20:13.28hetiithe -22 are a modules with the old version
20:13.44hetiinow i rebuild the sources and have the proper version 25
20:14.12hetiibut make install install them not under /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/* but /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/dahdi/*
20:15.12cobra2hetii: that's where my modules install to on the ubuntu system that I did once upon a time.
20:15.20cobra2what's the issue with that?
20:18.55hetiii`m afraid that i don`t understand the question, general the issue it that for eg modinfo dahdi searching the modules inside /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/ instead /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/dahdi/
20:19.34hetiior the installation path of the new modules are worng
20:20.29cobra2hetii: that's a problem local to your machine. modinfo dahdi works just fine for me on a slackware/arch/ubuntu machine. all have the dahdi module installed to /lib/modules/<kernel>/dahdi
20:20.43WIMPyHave you tried to just remove them from ../updated/dkms/? Doesn't find them in the standard location then?
20:21.38cobra2i don't even have this ../updated/dkms/ folder. what is that from?
20:21.56hetiiwhen i move the old one i got this: ERROR: modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.35-25-server/updates/dkms/dahdi.ko: No such file or directory
20:23.10WIMPyI guess you need to find someone who knows about the dkms implementation of your distro.
20:23.37WIMPyOr switch to LCR. ;-)
20:23.52cobra2or slackware
20:24.12WIMPyThat surely does not have such issues, no.
20:24.51cobra2WIMPy: the only issues my slackware machine has ever had: EBKAC
20:25.05cobra2error between keyboard and chair
20:28.08*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
20:28.39*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
20:28.49Dovidhello all
20:29.11WIMPyhello one
20:30.00hetiithis server is located arount 1000km from my hands so i can forgot to install something :)
20:30.04hetiii mean the os :)
20:30.24hetiiok will move the modules manuall and then check whats happen
20:40.46hetiinew portion of information :
20:41.17hetiithis is after reboot and modprobe wcb4xxp
20:41.47hetiicat /sys/module/dahdi/version -> 2.4.0
20:43.11hetiiand now
20:44.01hetiiso success:) but i don`t touch enything and now the channels are avaiable
20:47.16*** join/#asterisk awclin_ (
20:47.27hetiistrange all of that but what i can said :) * and ISDN can provide a lot of fun and sleepnes night  :)
20:55.38WIMPyBTW: Not touching anything is no guarantee that nothing changes on a reboot. :-(
20:56.45*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:56.54WIMPyhad such a thing a few month back, when udev suddenly decided to call the (only) NIC eth1 instead of eth0.
20:57.39WIMPyUsually I wouldn't install udev on a server, but I had to find out that's equired by dahdi if you want HWEC.
21:02.17*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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21:05.11cobra2hetii: even though the box is way over there, you can still install a asterisk inside a chroot and use whatever linux os you want to use.
21:06.27cobra2for example, my x86_64 laptop runs archlinux, yet I have a x86 install of gentoo that I chroot into when I need something with flash or I want to play a windows game.
21:07.26cobra2if i added an entry to grub i could boot the system on the gentoo stuff.
21:07.34hetiii have not much expiriance to do stuff like that so i prefer not risk but the idea are nice so i will read abot it more
21:07.59cobra2it's just like running something is a 'BSD jail'
21:09.12hetiibtw my dahdi boot with system right,asterisk also see channels and got even event when i call to it:)
21:09.46hetiithx a lot for support and time :)
21:10.41tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, too many things require udev now
21:11.22tzafrir_laptopcobra2, the linux equivalent of a bsd jail is lxc
21:11.28WIMPyOn a server where you don't need (want) any hotplugging?
21:11.50tzafrir_laptopswears by hotplugging :-)
21:12.38WIMPyIf I don't need it, I don't want it.
21:12.38WIMPyI usually even build kernels without module support for servers.
21:18.59*** join/#asterisk mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
21:19.36*** join/#asterisk f2Knight (
21:19.57f2KnightQ: Has anyone got 1.8 with realtime registrations working?
21:27.52hetiiis it a normal behavior?
21:28.01hetiii need stop first * to unload drivers:)
21:29.38hetiiok :)
21:30.05WIMPyHow do you expect to be able to unload th driver of some hardware that is being used?
21:30.14hetiiso it seams that works realy nice :) tommorow i will set freepbx and add some routeing :)
21:30.40hetiisometimes it was possible with other chan_*  :>
21:31.15hetiibut i suppose it was like a not implemented issue :)
21:31.28WIMPyYou can 'module unload chan_dahdi' first to keep * running.
21:31.40*** join/#asterisk hairyraven (~nobody@
21:33.14hetiiyep :>
21:34.01*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
21:41.14*** join/#asterisk a_m_y (~IceChat7@
21:41.53a_m_yhow to automatically transfer the call after 4 passes of the IVR?
21:42.19f2Knighta_m_y, put a counter in place,
21:43.11f2Knighta_m_y, after you reach the counter, you pass it off to where ever , e.g. Dial(Local/123) or to a Macro that you have build to handle your call routing.
21:43.27f2KnightAnyone working with Realtime Asterisk and have Registrations working?
21:43.52a_m_yany example that I could check?
21:44.26f2Knighta_m_y, umm, let me look I think i may have one...
21:47.18*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
21:47.22GreatSUNhi all
21:47.58GreatSUNhope someone of you can finally help me
21:48.00hetiihi :)
21:48.25GreatSUNI am now working half the day on implementing sipgate accounts into my asterisk now installation
21:48.35GreatSUNoutgoing calls are working fine
21:48.41GreatSUNbut incoming arent
21:49.02hetiino voice ? or event even that someone call ?
21:49.07GreatSUNI always get Call from '1197010e0' to extension '1197010e0' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-sip-trunk-sipgate1'.
21:49.56GreatSUNI dunno if this is cause of inbound route or trunk configuration
21:50.13GreatSUNbut for me it looks more like inbound route
21:50.20hetiiyep :) Asterisk tell that he don`t know what to do with this incoming call
21:50.34GreatSUNI can see that
21:50.35hetiiyes indead
21:50.43GreatSUNbut how do I teach him to do sth. with it
21:51.04a_m_ythanks f2Knight. tyring it
21:51.37GreatSUNhetii: in freepbx I entered this 1197010e0 at DID Number
21:51.48hetiiyou can create the extension 1197010e0 in your context
21:52.06GreatSUNmaybe this is also kinda not working cause of this e0 at the end...
21:52.15hetiiif you use freepbx then you need just set proper inbound route
21:52.42GreatSUNhetii: but the question is... HOW? :o(
21:52.52GreatSUNas I said I am trying for hours now
21:53.12GreatSUNbut I'm not able to find the solution
21:53.19hetiiif you register this trunk on the end of register string you can add somehing like /some_number and then use this number on inbound route
21:53.19GreatSUNhetii: any idea?
21:53.28f2Knighta_m_y, your welcome... the basic princaple is that you set a var, then use a gotoif statement to check the condition, if its meet, you do what you want ( in your case forwarding) if not you continue on your way and dotforget to increase the counter.
21:53.45GreatSUNhetii: ok, I will try again now, but I think I did already
21:54.21hetiicheck step by step what * do with your incoming call :)
21:56.42GreatSUNhetii: may I query you?
21:57.22*** join/#asterisk ThisOtherGuy (
21:57.26a_m_ygot it f2Knight. thanks again.
22:01.25ThisOtherGuyHi all - I have a single dahdi line that goes into both my computer and is my house phone.  I was wondering if there was any way to detect in an extensions.conf if the line has been picked up?
22:07.06f2KnightYou're welcome a_m_y
22:07.40*** join/#asterisk simoncpu (
22:07.53simoncpuwhat's the difference between an agent and a call?
22:08.29simoncpui mean, numbers
22:17.52*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
22:21.01*** part/#asterisk simoncpu (
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22:38.26*** join/#asterisk hetii (~hetii@
22:54.41*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
23:00.25devdvdp3nguin, you around?
23:00.37*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
23:11.07f2KnightQ: Still having issues finding how to do sipregistration with asterisk realtime, any one?
23:19.56devdvdf2Knight, I've never done sip with realtime but have you looked at this doc
23:24.13f2Knightdevdvd, yes but I am either missing, not having anything for sip registrations, I have np getting peers connected, actually that is pretty straight forward. its is the registrations that is a pain so far.
23:29.52devdvdwhen you do sip show peers
23:30.05devdvdwhat do you see
23:30.51f2KnightI see my peers, that is my phones register. I am talking about something along the lines of this
23:31.32devdvdOH! you want to actually REGISTER to a service provider
23:31.33f2KnightAsterisk 1.8 has an option for sipregs in the realtime but I can not find anyway of getting it to work.
23:31.43devdvdsorry, i have no idea
23:32.05f2Knighti mean I know i can do it static in the config. I just would like to keep in in a DB so that i can have several servers use it.
23:32.31f2Knightdevdvd, yea doesnt seem to be much in the way of documentation on it either... :(
23:32.46devdvdif its a 1.8 feature, i dont doubt it
23:32.56devdvdi tried 1.8 then went back to 1.6
23:44.04*** join/#asterisk TehRabbitt (
23:45.29TehRabbittquestion, i'm trying to finally get my 1.6 install working but I noticed i'm getting the following error when trying to receive a call from my DID.:
23:46.04TehRabbittnot sure why because I do have an extension set up with my DID #
23:46.32*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
23:47.42TehRabbittthis is what I have in my extensions.conf: exten => 12013992818,1,Goto(ivrsys,s,1)
23:48.06TehRabbittso i'm not quite sure why it's saying the extension isn't found
23:52.12TehRabbittany ideas?
23:58.46TehRabbittanyone here?

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