IRC log for #asterisk on 20110221

00:00.00*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
00:06.12*** join/#asterisk tris (
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00:14.14*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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00:32.23*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:36.57p3nguinwimpy: That old USB stick had the lock switch turned off, so I guess it was really FUBAR.  I installed a new memory stick today, formatted it ext2 with no special options, and I mount it with defaults (which is rw,relatime,errors=continue).  Do you have any recommendations for different options?
00:48.12*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~TuMbL@unaffiliated/ryppn)
00:53.49*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
00:59.32p3nguinand nodiratime, as well?
01:00.57p3nguinThis volume remains unmounted 99% of the time.  When the cron job is ran, the volume is mounted, files and directories are written to the volume, then the volume is umounted again until another 24 hours.
01:05.12*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
01:12.13*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~iprouteth@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
01:15.49*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
01:16.04devdvdI'm looking for a good wisip phone.  Suggestions?
01:21.32p3nguinGood, WiFi, SIP...  Pick any two.
01:24.07devdvdok let me rephrase, the best of the worst of the wifi sip phones :)
01:24.22*** join/#asterisk rampage73 (
01:24.35rampage73can anyone help with trixbox here?
01:25.51rampage73trying to make one trix box use the other for the gateway
01:31.16*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:37.13p3nguindevdvd: I've always favored Cisco.  Would something like the 7921G with SCCP be out of the question?  I know you asked for SIP, but there are other suitable channel technologies available.
01:49.22devdvdp3nguin, sccp isn't out of the question.  How good is the sccp support in 1.6.2?
01:49.52*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-vtwytiuymxwevjxe)
01:50.55*** join/#asterisk CyberPony (
01:51.27p3nguindevdvd: I don't use the Asterisk-provided skinny channel driver because it wasn't very "complete" when I first checked it out in 1.4.  I started using chan_sccp-b v2 and was very satisfied with my Cisco phone with an SCCP image.  I later upgraded to the chan_sccp-b v3 branch and like it even more.
01:52.17devdvdvery nice
01:54.43devdvdthanks p3nguin: i will check that out
02:02.27*** part/#asterisk Mhaddog (
02:07.23*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:13.02p3nguinYay!  I finally got my printer problem straightened out.
02:15.01p3nguinWhen using IPP via CUPS, the job would always fail with a cups backend error, and to get it to print I would have to dick around with resume and cancel.  I determined that the print server would accept raw printing, so I changed cups to use socket:// rather than ipp:// and it works great again... finally.
02:15.44*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:15.49*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
02:19.27WIMPyI haven't been able to print since I upgraded lpr to lpr-ng. And even CUPS knows both my printers I only get grabage out of it.
02:28.08*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (
02:33.35p3nguinI lost my normal printing with a CUPS upgrade quite some time ago.  I had to start using this stupid workaround.  I'd make sure the printer said it was ready, then send the print job... once it got there, it showed a failure and said printer is not ready... then I would resume printer, which made the pages print and then go back to not ready.  I would then cancel the job.
02:33.57p3nguinIt was stupid, but at least I got my stuff to print eventually.
02:34.34p3nguinI finally had time to sit down and get it worked out so I can print like a normal person.
02:35.13WIMPyI get nor errors. Just pages of junk. But it's a high-level isue as I can cp any PS file to /dev/lp0 just fine.
02:35.41p3nguinSounds like a driver problem.
02:37.02WIMPyInterestingly enough, bot printers support both PS an PCL, so in theory it should be hard to not get them working, but CUPS manages on both. NFI.
02:37.59*** join/#asterisk micols (
02:39.13WIMPyHere I get away by just selecting 'generic PS' or 'generic LJ'.
02:41.05p3nguindirect connection or networked?
02:42.28*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
02:42.41p3nguinI'm sure mine would have been cake if I had the printer connected to my computer, but I have a network printer.
02:43.42WIMPydoesn't own such modern stuff.
02:47.09*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:54.54*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
02:56.35*** join/#asterisk nny (
02:57.15nnyhmm was told 1.8 includes adaptive_odbc but don't see it with installed digium package
02:59.20*** join/#asterisk babbar (745ae072@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:59.57babbarhey I need the api for asteris 1.8 in c#
03:00.09babbaranu help??
03:01.03*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (
03:05.05*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
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03:06.08nnynm ignore me, package seperate
03:06.42WIMPybabbar: Can you be more vague? So far that does not sound like an Asterisk Question.
03:07.09nnyand adaptive in odbc package, nice
03:07.37babbarI downloaded the c# API Asterisk.NET
03:07.51babbarits not working for the version of asterisk 1.8
03:09.02babbarCan you give me some reference where I can find documentations for asterisk event tracking via asterisk manager api
03:10.04WIMPyFOR the AMI stuff, I thin, might actually be a good place to start.
03:12.12babbaryea I downloaded the files for the AMI from that site
03:12.18babbarthe documentation is good
03:12.40babbarit only supports asterisk < 1.8
03:12.44babbarbut the files are not working for asterisk 1.8
03:13.13babbarI get an error "unknown asterisk version"
03:13.47WIMPyContact the author or forget about it and use AMI yourself. Or just remove that check.
03:15.10babbarI need to code a client to track events and display a popup on an LINK event
03:15.16babbarany softwares that u know already exist
03:15.32babbarfor these stuffs
03:16.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:16.28WIMPyThere's probab;y tons of thongs out there that do that or something similar.
03:17.07babbarhmm lemme check it out
03:17.14WIMPyBut unless your typing is as bad as mine, just writing something might be quicker that searching.
03:18.16WIMPyHe already knew which side of the keyboard faces up...
03:18.36*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
03:23.49*** join/#asterisk provolone (
03:26.14provolonepbx.c: Unable to register extension 's', priority 1 in 'from-bleh', already in use
03:26.14provoloneHow can I find where this is already used ?
03:26.54WIMPyLook at your dialplan?
03:34.34iprouteth0cat your externsions.conf and grep the output
03:35.21p3nguinHow about just grep your extensions.conf and save the cats for something more productive?
03:35.37p3nguinIn other words, don't be a n00b.
03:36.14shaprI like cats.
03:37.03p3nguinThe only good cat is a dead cat.
03:41.30provoloneive eliminated everything else from extensions.conf
03:42.17p3nguin"diaplan show s@from-bleh" should give you a clue.
03:42.26provoloneits all of 5 lines and I am still seeing the same warning
03:42.40p3nguinAre you saving your changes and then running diaplan reload?
03:43.27provoloneI am stoping the daemon and restarting it
03:43.41p3nguinSeems silly, but okay.
03:44.06provoloneI am silly and green to telephony
03:44.26p3nguinSorta like changing your clothes because you got some mud on your shoe.
03:52.17provoloneI guess I dont know the difference between my foot-included rabbit ear pajamas
04:14.59*** join/#asterisk smash- (
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05:01.24*** join/#asterisk dhorner_mb (
05:18.41*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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06:30.13*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
06:31.06_zoom_does asterisk in anyway support oneway password, for sip registration??
06:32.57p3nguinWhat exactly do you mean and what are you trying to accomplish?
06:34.09_zoom_each time client register will provide different secret, asterisk show follow that
06:34.34_zoom_like SecureID
06:37.49*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
06:38.19*** part/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
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06:51.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
06:54.02*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:55.10jkroonhi guys, when using call queues, it seems the only strategy affected by the agent penalty is the ringall?
06:55.45jkrooneg, leastrecent (at least) seems to ignore it, and the page at implies it's only honored by ringall?
06:56.03*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
06:57.53*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-aklhkdskohuxosmo)
06:59.08*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
07:05.43*** join/#asterisk nicola_pav (
07:07.55nicola_pavhello. i would like to detect call forward loops in asterisk
07:08.09nicola_pavany hints on what to start with?
07:11.42*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~Sorcier_F@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
07:16.26*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:16.29schmidtsgood morning
07:17.22*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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07:21.43*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
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07:34.39*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
07:42.57WIMPynicola_pav: What technology?
07:44.22nicola_pavWIMPy: sip
07:45.55WIMPyHmm. The only easy thing would be to tweak a counter in to either number. the other thing would be to add a header.
07:46.31nicola_pavWIMPy: when i run database show cf in asterisk
07:46.40nicola_pavit returns all the CFs
07:47.03nicola_pavi thought of writing a script to detect multiple occurrences
07:47.41WIMPySo no SIP, but just local?
07:48.09nicola_pavsorry for the inconvenience
07:48.24nicola_pavi want to detect loops locally
07:49.00nicola_pavextensions leading to another extensions which in turn could lead back to the same first extension
07:49.09nicola_pavthis creates a loop
07:49.12wdoekes2nicola_pav: I use a list in which I store the destinations and check that if a destination is already in there
07:49.17WIMPyOk, that's easy. Just set a variable when forwarding. Or increase a counter.
07:50.07nicola_pavok, i got the idea
07:59.02*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
08:07.59*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:14.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:18.41*** join/#asterisk beaver_rrr (~beaver@
08:21.36beaver_rrrhello; i have a problem with chan_skype outbound calls, i made a primitive dialplan where only calls for internal networks and one extension for skype_out exist, and cant figure out what it wands from me with "Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/111-00000002' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'"
08:23.50*** join/#asterisk manji (
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08:29.54*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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08:41.46*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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09:04.14*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@
09:05.29allan8904hey, i was wondering if someone would be able to tell me how to map the number 0151 to 099168176
09:06.35shaprYou could match that input and then dial to that other number.
09:06.47allan8904would tat be using the extensions.conf?
09:08.11allan8904hmm i'll give that a shot
09:11.00*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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09:43.28*** join/#asterisk E-bola (~bola@
09:44.06*** part/#asterisk nny (
09:58.54*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
10:10.56*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpGuy@
10:10.59DelphiWorldhey all
10:11.16DelphiWorldiax2 is not longer working for me
10:11.18DelphiWorldany idea?
10:12.26E-bolarestart your server? :)
10:14.48*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
10:15.03beaver_rrrexten => _749[95].,1,Dial(Skype/username@+7${EXTEN:1}) makes "Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/111-00000002' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'". Whats wrong?
10:21.38*** join/#asterisk flashdeluxe (
10:24.15*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:24.58Tozz_beaver_rrr: SIP peer 111 is not registered
10:25.04*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:25.05Tozz_or for some other reason unavailable
10:25.17Tozz_oh sorry
10:25.24Tozz_the SKype useris unavailable
10:25.30flashdeluxeHi @ all! I am using asterisk 1.8 and everything is working fine, now i have a customer who wants to adjust several call forwards and i dont want to configure this by hand everytime he calls me, so i want to have a gui where he can configure it by himself, can sombody advice me a simple gui  which is working with 1.8 ?
10:26.01Tozz_all GUI's suck
10:26.17WIMPyAnd the GUI will have to fit your dialplan.
10:26.42WIMPy(or the other way round)
10:27.10flashdeluxebut it sucks to configure everything by hand for every customer whos calling you, too :(
10:27.22*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
10:27.34DelphiWorldflashdeluxe: fusionpbx
10:27.44WIMPyuses the usual feature codes.
10:28.13DelphiWorldWIMPy: i'm crazy today
10:28.27DelphiWorldWIMPy: i answered it a freeswitch question :)
10:28.30WIMPyWell, if it's only today... :)
10:29.04WIMPyactually hates feature codes, but there isn't much you can do with Asterisk.
10:29.05kaldemarflashdeluxe: make an extension that toggles forwards how they want. :P
10:29.18*** join/#asterisk AviMarcus (
10:30.15flashdeluxekaldemar: maybe thats the way i have to do it... but for customers its easier to have a gui where they can adjust things
10:30.49WIMPyI started one, but never continued.
10:31.18WIMPyBut that was for a lot more things. Maybe I should split it up and revive it.
10:32.03AviMarcusisn't there freepbx and other guis?
10:32.04WIMPyBut I just read that the development branch of LCR was fixed, so I will concentrate on that one today.
10:32.16AviMarcusyou didn't have working LCR?
10:32.39WIMPy"the development branch"
10:32.52WIMPyThe asterisk_1_8 branch is working.
10:32.57AviMarcusah k
10:33.13WIMPyAlthough I'm currently using something inbetween.
10:33.34flashdeluxemy problem is, that i don`t want to waste my dialplan, but if i use a gui i have to rewrite it and thats just annoying :/
10:34.50WIMPyflashdeluxe: It shouldn't be too hard to du a simple web form yourself.
10:36.29flashdeluxeWIMPy: Yeah, but theres soo much to do and so less time :( but months ago i tested something called safi server, maybe i will use that, it didn`t look bad..
10:37.25WIMPyJa, the usual problem.
10:38.12E-bolaI just setup an extension they can change
10:38.28E-bolaor if its for a single person, i let them do it on their phones interface (we use snom's)
10:38.40E-bolaWorks fine, and is just as fast as a GUI
10:39.15WIMPyE-bola: You mean via the browser or by letting the phone do the forwarding?
10:40.11*** part/#asterisk AviMarcus (
10:40.23flashdeluxeE-bloa i will do it by dialing a few digits, i guess, they are using grandstreams, shouldn`t be so hard for them to activate a CF by typing in digits
10:42.50*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:44.20*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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10:46.31E-bolaWIMPy: I have solutions where the users change the number asterisk is forwarding to by dialing an extension and entering the number
10:47.08E-bolaWe also have clients who change the forwarding number on their phones, and let the snom phone handle the forwarding, controlled either via the phone menu on the display or via the phone's browser interface
10:49.43*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
10:51.43DelphiWorldyo Trixboxer!
10:53.27DelphiWorldTrixboxer: sory but what this smil mean? o\
10:53.56beaver_rrrhigh five.
10:57.03flashdeluxeif you change the o and the \, DelpiWorld, it wouldn`t be good if you are german :D
10:58.46beaver_rrrflashdeluxe: !
10:59.16TrixboxerDelphiWorld: o/ = hi  :)
11:00.13flashdeluxebeaver_rrr: :D
11:00.44beaver_rrrlook, urls are so correct! o/ o/
11:15.45*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-fiisuzmzrnvtlgrc)
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12:06.06BlackBishopany way I can reject a call ?
12:06.14BlackBishophangup() should send the busy signal, right ?
12:06.26schmidtsBlackBishop Busy send the busy signal ;)
12:07.54BlackBishopwhat does hangup send then ?
12:12.20wdoekes2BlackBishop: hangup takes an optional argument
12:14.10wdoekes2what it sends as default, I don't know. it may depend on certain state as well
12:15.50wdoekes2see hangup_cause2sip (in case you're dealing with SIP) and the AST_CAUSE_ defines in causes.h
12:15.51leifmadsenbut it's not busy by default :)
12:16.22leifmadsenthere is Busy() and Congestion() typically for those things
12:16.49wdoekes2congestion is not nice.. if that yields a 5xx, peers may think the server is down
12:17.53beaver_rrr -- whats wrong with this dialplan, that can preserve SFA from working?
12:18.21BlackBishopneah, I'm trying to reject users incomming calls through a datacard
12:18.22coppiceif things are congested the server *is* functionally down
12:19.16E-boladatacard as in a wireless internet access?
12:19.55BlackBishopE-bola: datacard as in a huawei k3520 gsm voice modem accessible through chan_datacard
12:20.06leifmadsenbeaver_rrr: uhhh.... so you want to call xxxxxxx@+7<whatever you dialed less the first digit> ?
12:20.09E-bolaohh serverside
12:20.18leifmadsenbeaver_rrr: because that's essentially what you're dialplan says
12:20.28beaver_rrryes, that is what i want
12:20.38leifmadsenbeaver_rrr: but that seems wrong
12:21.19leifmadsenunless I guess you're inputing an IP address.....
12:21.32leifmadsenanyways sorry, someone else will have to look
12:21.42beaver_rrrthere is what i got
12:21.50leifmadsenruns off to make significant amounts of coffee, eat breakfast, then try to get ready to work on a book
12:22.32leifmadsenbeaver_rrr: ya that's not right.... you're calling xxxxxxxx@<peer called +74..... in skype.conf> I'm pretty sure
12:22.47leifmadsenI'm not 100% sure on the method Skype uses, but likely you want something more like
12:22.58*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
12:23.19leifmadsenwhat you're trying to do looks terribly bizarre
12:23.24beaver_rrrleifmadsen: that is not just skype, that is skype_out
12:23.28beaver_rrrit can call PSTN
12:23.34leifmadsenyes I realize that
12:23.52leifmadsenit looks strange... perhaps that is how they have it setup
12:23.59leifmadsenbut it doesn't look right :)
12:24.01beaver_rrrif i dial +7xxxxxxxxxx directrly from skype, it works
12:24.33leifmadsenI'd have expected it to be more like:  Dial(Skype/my_account/${EXTEN:1} or something
12:24.35beaver_rrrand there is what digium's manual says:
12:24.41beaver_rrr"exten =>  ...,1,Dial(Skype/james_bond@+12564286000"
12:24.49leifmadsenok then I guess that's the format
12:25.01leifmadsenI don't use skype out
12:25.25leifmadsenother end must be rejecting it for some reason
12:25.32leifmadsendoes that account have credit to place calls? guess so...
12:25.44beaver_rrrit has, i can call from skype
12:25.46leifmadsenruns off to make significant amounts of coffee, eat breakfast, then try to get ready to work on a book <-- foe real
12:25.53beaver_rrrand also first call worked
12:26.05beaver_rrrlooks like it didnt properly hanged up in asterisk
12:32.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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12:45.49*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~mark.olaf@
12:45.59OlafsenMhey guys
12:46.22OlafsenMquestion: after a while Asterisk hogs up CPU
12:46.39*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
12:46.41OlafsenM'core show threads' shows many '0x7f46188bd950 iax2_process_thread started at [ 1308] chan_iax2.c find_idle_thread()'
12:46.46Sertyshey, guys
12:46.53Sertysdoes anyone know what's the status on chan_skype?
12:47.07Sertysis it blocked by skype nowadays?
12:47.55BlackBishop~2[2011-02-21 14:41:53] WARNING[12988]: app_dial.c:1328 wait_for_answer: Unable to write frame
12:48.01BlackBishopthis doesn't look good
12:48.26BlackBishopphone -> incomming datacard .. enter number .. -> outgoing datacard -> final destination
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
12:48.32BlackBishopif the first phone closes
12:48.40BlackBishopI get a log of unable to write frame
12:48.48BlackBishopand the final destination still rings
12:50.02BlackBishopany ideas anybody ?
12:53.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:07.45BlackBishopSertys: I don't think it's good if reports 404
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13:36.12*** join/#asterisk topriddy (~Seamfix@
13:36.32topriddyhello people
13:37.34topriddyi have this lil problem i want to solve. need to automatically place calls to a list of numbers, play a pre-recorded message on picking d call, and then dial next number. i have about 200,00 numbers
13:38.08topriddyi understand at some point i may require connecting a phone modem with sim??? also do i have to get a PBX box too???
13:38.22topriddymy question actually is what hardware would be required???
13:40.46*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
13:42.14topriddyanybody care to help?
13:44.43infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license:
13:45.14kaldemartopriddy: many ways to do it, you don't necessarily need any telephony hardware, just an asterisk box if you use an ITSP.
13:45.19topriddykaldemar: do tell me the hardwares i'll be needing, promise to look the book later
13:46.12kaldemara PC with a NIC is the minimum.
13:46.13*** part/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
13:47.07topriddykaldemar: why do i need NIC?
13:47.38topriddyam talking about GSM modem calls, dont want to rely on unreliable VOIP calls
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14:09.57commmmodohello everyone!
14:11.20zambahi there!
14:11.40commmmodogood morning
14:12.14commmmodoi am trying to get some help in setting up an asterisk box
14:13.49commmmodoi made this forum post, but I didn't get a reply:
14:17.09*** part/#asterisk fauxalliance (~fauxallia@
14:17.14infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
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14:26.40topriddyi am looking at this for my solution:
14:26.47topriddyany better suggestions?
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14:43.24pabelangertopriddy: build your own?
14:46.07topriddypabelanger: build what???
14:47.35pabelangerYour own VoIP / GSM gateway?  Not sure what you want to do
14:48.26*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
14:48.37topriddypabelanger: of course i'll be needing a form of hardware device for that.#
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14:59.29beaver_rrranubody configured Skype For Asterisk here to work with landline numbers?
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15:11.02nathan7Hi, a friend of mine just installed asterisknow
15:11.21nathan7And he wants to use his modem for incoming and outgoing calls
15:11.27nathan7How would one configure that?
15:12.15Mhaddogmodems do not do that
15:12.30Mhaddogyou need to get and analog card with fxo's ports....
15:12.43Mhaddogthere are several out there, digiums, sangoma, etc
15:14.51*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:15.43leifmadsennathan7: or an ATA (analog telephony adapter) that takes the signal from the phone line and turns it into SIP
15:16.00leifmadsenbut no, you can't use your modem as an FXO adapter for Asterisk.
15:16.16leifmadsen(the cheaper option is to get a pay-as-you go SIP account or something)
15:16.31leifmadsenor pre-paid account
15:16.43nathan7Another friend of mine said it'd probably work if it did TAPI or something
15:16.56nathan7It's a voice modem, I have no idea where it came from
15:17.05leifmadsenit's not useful to you for Asterisk use
15:17.19*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
15:18.50nathan7niekie: damn you
15:19.33nathan7Hrm, so, what'd the cheapest adapter cost?
15:20.24nathan7That's a PCI card I assume?
15:20.34nestAroh, i was talking ata
15:20.42nestArdunno about pci cards..
15:20.46*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:20.55nestAronce upon a time i had a $10 lucent winmodem that "worked"
15:21.01nestArbut it sucked pretty badly
15:21.03nathan7I have a winmodem
15:21.12nathan7Well, I sold it to my friend
15:21.13nestArcallid didn't work, call quaility was shady at best
15:21.24nestAri think the chipset was overheating
15:22.07nathan7niekie: ..but it's *POSSIBLE* :D
15:23.06nathan7erm, nestAr*
15:23.10nathan7niekie: oops
15:23.43WIMPywonders why modem support was dripped, when other analog hardware is still supported.
15:23.57leifmadsennathan7: it's possible with a very specific type of chipset on a modem, but support is not existent, and the amount of time you'll spend fighting it is not worth it
15:24.08nathan7leifmadsen: aha
15:24.17*** join/#asterisk dajhorn (
15:24.18leifmadsenWIMPy: because the support costs outweigh the price you can justify selling the modem for
15:25.03WIMPyHmm. In the time of modems it used to work quite well, i.e. 20-15 years ago or so.
15:25.03leifmadsenit just doesn't make any economic sense
15:25.20leifmadsenif it did, then people would do it
15:25.40*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:25.47WIMPyI did it and I know others who did it.
15:25.55leifmadsenI'm not debating this
15:26.07WIMPyAnd it certainly makes sense to use something you already got.
15:26.30leifmadsenI'm saying, it makes no sense for the people who would sell a modem and support that modem along with driver development
15:26.42leifmadsenviewpoint of the company, not viewpoint of the consumer
15:26.58WIMPyAnd I still used modem style interface until I changed to Asterisk 4 years ago.
15:26.58leifmadsenyou applied my "it doesn't make any sense" to the wrong entity
15:27.06*** join/#asterisk mach-bar (
15:27.31WIMPyhad the impression it was pretty standard these days.
15:27.54leifmadsenwhat? selling modems and doing driver development against them? You'd be severely wrong in my estimation.
15:28.12WIMPyAT+FCLASS=8 and you get an ADPCM stream.
15:28.25leifmadsenso how about them Leafs?
15:28.44leifmadsenToronto Maples LEafsz
15:28.48QwellI dislike the Leafs, and anything that sounds similar.
15:28.52leifmadsenQwell: burn
15:30.02WIMPyThe whole I4L interface was designed to be compatible to modems so that you could recycle your software.
15:30.26QwellI4L = ISDN
15:30.58WIMPy/dev/ttyI* to be precice
15:32.15skrustywould anyone here be interested in beta testing an online queue stats and wallboarding service?
15:32.48leifmadsenskrusty: potentially :)
15:33.59nathan7A linksys PAP2 would work?
15:33.59skrustyit's in early development, and looking for input from testers, including stats, security and access methods etc. we have an alpha build at the moment, but looking for people who would have some heft stats to run and who would be interested in testing the service for us
15:34.30skrustyonly looking for 5 or so testers at the moment with one or more asterisk servers
15:35.01skrustybut if you'd be interested, pm me your email address and we can get you in :)
15:36.14leifmadsenskrusty: :)  (it's no secret)
15:36.19nathan7So, what is a cheap ATA with FXO?
15:36.26skrustycool :)
15:36.39leifmadsennathan7: any of the linksys devices seem to work well
15:36.51nathan7leifmadsen: Not all of them have FXO
15:36.53drmessano-ltSPA-3102 is the only one with FXO
15:37.30drmessano-ltIt works, just needs a little tuning
15:38.01leifmadsennathan7: then I suggest using any of the ones with FXO.... I thought that was kind of implied when I said any of the Linksys devices work well
15:38.23commmmodocan anyone shed some light on this forum topic?
15:38.35commmmodoi'm trying to set up a call forwarding & recording system
15:38.49nathan7I recall having some FXO-enabled ATA once
15:39.04nathan7but that was free because my mom worked at Vonos or something
15:39.14nathan7Vonos doesn't seem to exist anymore
15:39.41nathan7No, not vonage. Vonos.
15:39.43WIMPycommmmodo: That's surely possible.
15:40.29*** join/#asterisk awclin (
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15:40.54commmmodoWIMPy thanks! i am still reading up about asterisk and learning... how would i go about something like this? I asked some followup questions on the forum but it's been dead since then... :(
15:41.03WIMPycommmmodo: But in most countries there will be some legal stuff needed sorting, so you might better start asking a lawyer before getting to the technical part.
15:41.22commmmodoi have it taken care of, i just need the technical part
15:41.26*** part/#asterisk beaver_rrr (~beaver@
15:42.03WIMPycommmmodo: Ok, first you need to find out how you get your calls in and out. PSTN or VOIP?
15:42.34WIMPyThat requires either hardware or a service provider, respectively.
15:42.43commmmodoWIMPy: what would you recommend for this situation?
15:43.20commmmodoWIMPy: I would prefer VOIP
15:43.31WIMPyI don;t know what kind of service you can get where you are, so it's hard to say.
15:43.46WIMPyOr at what price.
15:43.53infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
15:44.01commmmodoWIMPy: what are some of the service providers I can get VOIP through?
15:45.10infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
15:45.47*** join/#asterisk drift-_ (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:46.16commmmodoWIMPy: wow, very helpful, let me read over this a second
15:59.41jayteeI use Flowroute and I've been very satisfied with their service and pricing
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16:35.38commmmodojaytee: are there monthly charges or is flowroute just charged by the minute?
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16:44.18p3nguincommmmodo: It depends if you have recurring services or not.  If you have a DID or a virtual PRI, you'll pay monthly fees.  If you only have termination, you'll pay for usage only.
16:56.48*** join/#asterisk mateu (
17:00.10commmmodop3nguin: cool thanks
17:00.36*** join/#asterisk nny1 (
17:01.13nny1having an issue where when MeetMe is called, the system just exits nonzero, and I don't see the application being attempted or used
17:01.28p3nguincommmmodo: is the same way.
17:03.25commmmodop3nguin: which service do you use personally?
17:04.02*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
17:05.01p3nguincommmmodo: I primarily use, but I dabble with several ITSPs.
17:05.31commmmodop3nguin: how is' uptime? is it reliable?
17:05.45*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:06.59p3nguincommmmodo: I have to assume their uptime is fine because I rarely have any problems making and receiving calls.  When I do have problems, I figure it's likely a connection problem between my system and theirs.
17:08.13commmmodop3nguin: do you use them for origination or termination or both?
17:10.02nny1exten => 8101,1,MeetMe(8101)
17:10.11nny1that's my test, isn't that right?
17:10.50*** join/#asterisk mach-barer (
17:11.27mach-barerhas someone a sangoma b700 installation guide for dahdi? I can only find installation guides using zaptel... please query
17:12.01p3nguincommmmodo: both
17:13.10p3nguinnny1: If 8101 is not configured in meetme.conf, no... you need to use the correct option to create the conference dynamically.
17:15.15p3nguinI might use something like  exten => 8101,1,MeetMe(${EXTEN},dMops);
17:16.55nny1p3nguin: it is, with no options in meetme.conf
17:17.09nny1p3nguin: any reason why no error *at all* is provided, and the system just exits?
17:17.41nny1p3nguin: from meetme.conf "conf => 8101,"
17:18.19nny1p3nguin: troubleshooting something that worked previous here, my test is only to remove the current method meetme is called
17:18.47nny1p3nguin: but the "exits non zero" and no feedback when it hits that part of the dialplan is infuriating
17:19.55p3nguinExits non-zero isn't necessarily indicative of an error.
17:20.20nny1p3nguin: looks like the application is straight upnot working
17:20.38leifmadsenwhere is the console output and full configuration details? please pastebin
17:20.56*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:20.56leifmadsenversion you're using? you've confirmed the application is loaded?
17:21.04p3nguincore set verbose 4, call your meetme, share the details.
17:21.11leifmadsenmore information provides better answers
17:27.14*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
17:27.17nny1asterisk 1.8
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17:28.36nny1with asterisk showing the relative context
17:29.32nny1forcing sip-peer into ext-meetme
17:29.38nny1via context in sip.conf
17:29.41nny1to cimplify testing
17:29.46nny1leifmadsen: ^^^
17:30.03p3nguin("Next line is Meetme")  <--- this is not a valid application or function.
17:30.25nny1p3nguin: oh yeah, just added that for testing, one sec, missed NoOp
17:32.11nny1p3nguin: leifmadsen
17:32.36nny1like i mentioned before non-zero, nothing, dead, killed, dusted, broken, etc
17:32.59nny1hits exten => 8101,n,MeetMe(8101) and shits the bed
17:33.20nny1asterisk version helps
17:33.31nny1Asterisk built by root @ localhost.localdomain on a x86_64 running Linux on 2011-01-20 21:32:01 UTC
17:33.35p3nguinDid you confirm that was loaded like leifmadsen suggested?
17:34.08nny1p3nguin: sure isn't
17:34.12nny1p3nguin: why would that happen
17:34.27nny1there isn't any noload line for it in modules.conf
17:34.34p3nguinMaybe you didn't have a valid conf when you started asterisk, or maybe you don't use autoload.
17:34.37drmessano-ltHe stated in #freepbx he had run some updates.. I suspect he updated the kernel and rebooted, broke DAHDI
17:34.45nny1drmessano no i didn't
17:34.57drmessano-ltWell, you never answered any of us
17:35.39p3nguinTry loading the module manually and see what happens.
17:35.53p3nguinIf it loads, dahdi is probably okay.
17:36.02p3nguinWell, I take that back...
17:36.04*** join/#asterisk fofware (
17:36.27p3nguinI've been able to load MeetMe and even run the MeetMe() without dahdi working.
17:36.31nny1doesn't look like dahdi is loaded, it's installed from packages
17:36.41p3nguinIt just fails with error if dahdi isn't working.
17:36.58nny1yeah can't run dahdi show in cli
17:37.16p3nguinTake care of that, then try app_meetme again.
17:37.21drmessano-ltchkconfig dahdi on && service dahdi start
17:38.05Kobazwhat's a little hardware box that can behave as a windows vpn client
17:38.08drmessano-lt[11:10] <RypPn> does dahdi_test work? Only time I ever see confs hangup is when dahdi isn't loaded
17:38.12nny1yeah started it, amporatl doesn't start it.. meh
17:38.25nny1but no error etc is annoying
17:38.35nny1have to restart asterisk
17:38.45nny1waiting for an open moment
17:38.54nny1(knows about restart when)
17:40.23p3nguinI like restart gracefully.
17:40.35p3nguinThat keeps people from making new calls.
17:40.45p3nguinrestart when convenient allows new calls.
17:40.47nny1so exits non-zero is normal when dahdi dummy isn't running?
17:40.56nny1yeah have to alert them to it first
17:44.19nestArI see calls coming in, but they get dropped almost immediately
17:44.24nestArany hints?
17:44.59WIMPy{0x06, "Channel unacceptable"},
17:45.17nestAryeah,. i'm just wondering if it's something in my config
17:45.21nestAror the phone company
17:45.22WIMPyIs it a partial PRI or something?
17:45.32nestAr5 b channel
17:46.05WIMPyThen you tried to access a channel you didn't pay for.
17:47.05WIMPyEither you configured more than those 5 channels or you got a 6th call.
17:48.25WIMPyHmm. If you have onl those 5 channels configured, I guess the 6th call should give some other error, like 0x22.
17:48.56*** join/#asterisk javier_cintron (
17:50.03nny1p3nguin: started dahdi, nothing
17:50.11nny1p3nguin: dahdi loaded dummy channel driver
17:50.20*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
17:50.55nestArwhat's cause 100?
17:51.31nny1p3nguin: dahdi show doesn't work still
17:51.36WIMPy{0x64, "Invalid information element contents"},
17:53.22nestArphone company is blaming my pbx, which im ok with. im not the smartest guy, but hes not giving me anything to go on
17:54.17WIMPy'pri set debug 2 span 1' and pastebin the output.
17:54.27WIMPy(or read it yourself)
17:54.58*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:449e:b571:97e7:d0cc)
17:55.38nny1how do I diagnose dahdi not loading even after the init.d script is run and all reports "ok"???
17:55.50javier_cintronHi there. I am installing a asterisk pbx, what version is the best in my case? I read in a blog that new versions like 1.8 are unstable and that is better to use 1.6 for a production server. what do you think?
17:56.27WIMPyhas upgraded all instances to 1.8.
18:00.20*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
18:01.56nestArMostly greek to me.. Maybe you guys have an idea. :D
18:04.12commmmodoWIMPy: i read into some of those ITSP's. what will i need to do after I sign up with one of them?
18:04.12commmmodoWIMPy: is setting up the call forwarding and recording just a matter of installing asterisk on a linux box and creating the routing for those numbers?
18:04.22WIMPynestAr: The original SETUP message is missing. That's bad. But I can see Asterisk trying to accept the call on cahnnel 3 which does not seem to be a valid one.
18:05.15WIMPycommmmodo: Configure them in sip.conf.
18:05.44WIMPyThen you configure your functionality in extensions.conf and that's all for the main task.
18:07.54nestArWIMPy: channel 3 doesn't appear to be setup on the phone company side? i have channels 1-5 enabled in my conf
18:08.32WIMPyThat's what it looks like. But the missing forst message should give you a hint.
18:09.48WIMPyAnd there seems to be a timing issue as well, but that's not really important.
18:09.55nestAris there anyway to log this debug to a file, to make sure i'm getting it all? maybe lost in the scroll back?
18:10.29WIMPy'pri set debug file /tmp/debug' or something like that.
18:10.32*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
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18:15.04drudge`any recommendations on a sip trunk wholeseller?
18:15.22Mhaddog?iax trunk
18:15.30*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
18:15.54infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
18:16.27*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
18:16.49drudge`any recommendations tho....
18:16.53WIMPynestAr: Your number looks interesting.
18:17.23drmessano-ltdrudge`, flowroute
18:17.34infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
18:17.46WIMPynestAr: So the call comes in on cannel 1 but Asterisk tries to accept it on cannel 3. I wonder why it would do so if you configured channels 1-5.
18:17.49drudge`we currently use Dash Carrier
18:18.10drudge`seeking better alternatives
18:18.30drudge`i dunno how awesome dash is...
18:18.43ssureshotWIMPy: just an fyi,,, there was a loopback in place on my router on friday.. time waisted on my end.. as all looked well untill I looked at the router
18:18.49javier_cintrondoes a atom duo core with 2 GB ram is enough for a pbx with 4 pstn lines and 10 internal normal(no IP) lines? We need voice mail and voice menu too
18:18.49drudge`they went compeltely down the start of the new year
18:19.06citywokjavier_cintron: that's overkill :)
18:19.20ssureshotwhat OS does AsteriskNOW run on?
18:19.22drudge`they blamed it on uploading the wrong config to their SBC and their redundant-back-up SBCs
18:19.27citywokssureshot: centos something
18:19.29WIMPyssureshot: Yes, that sure looked like a loop.
18:20.01ssureshotI guess red means bad lol
18:20.12WIMPynestAr: Err. There's something about the channel types going on, I think.
18:20.28drudge`drmessano, do you currently or have you used them in the past?
18:20.40ssureshotI assumed that the telephony co could have told me that but in all actuallity the only tested to the dmark and the problem was past that
18:21.01ssureshotcitywok: thanks I might d/l that and take a look then
18:21.23nestArmaybe i configured something wrong.......
18:21.29nestAri'm looking over it again
18:21.40nestArnot my first time with a pri, but it's been a while.
18:22.00citywoknestAr: on turnups i generally assume that it won't work until after a couple support calls with the telco
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18:22.35nestArcitywok: right, i'm not panicing yet.. just kinda lightly flustered
18:22.38citywoknestAr: inevitably somebody left a loopback turned on somewhere. or once we had 5 turned on, that took the telco a day to figure out between 3 different international carriers speaking... not english.
18:23.07WIMPynestAr: What version of libpri are you using? Maybe there's somethign going on.
18:27.19*** join/#asterisk Denial (
18:27.53MhaddognestAr: what r u sugint o connect to the t1 ?
18:27.59Mhaddogusing sorry
18:28.32nestArdigium TE122
18:29.26Mhaddogu r in usa? or europe?
18:29.54nestArcBeyond is the CLEC
18:29.54Mhaddogdid u setup it correctly?
18:30.04Mhaddogmeaning, ez8f or something and I forgot the ohter parameter...
18:30.07WIMPynestAr: The cahnnel identification does look wrong, but I'm not sure yet, what it's trying to do.
18:30.12Mhaddogprob u r getting  a PRI norrect?
18:30.21Mhaddogok it is a single span card
18:30.29Mhaddogr u using all inbound? mixed?
18:30.41Mhaddogdo you have the echo cancellation module on it?
18:30.58nestArno, no echo cancel
18:31.12Mhaddogdo you have any other card in your system?
18:31.28Mhaddogany tdm? or sangomas? T1 or analog ones?
18:31.32Mhaddogso only this card
18:31.33nestArthat's the only pci card in the whole box
18:31.42Mhaddogthat should be simply
18:31.53Mhaddoghave you checked yout chan_dahdi.conf and system.conf files?
18:31.53WIMPyMhaddog: The signalling link is working. Asterisk is just sending funny cahnnel identifications.
18:32.16Mhaddoghave you checked that chan 24 is setup as the d channel?
18:32.17nestArMhaddog: yea, everything seems to be right, but i'd be happy to paste bin those as well.
18:32.30nestArMhaddog: yeah, that's what they're telling me.
18:32.33Mhaddogdid u use the freepbx dahdi interface editor?
18:32.46nestArno, no freepbx installed
18:33.12Mhaddogsorry I though i was int eh freepbx channel
18:33.18Mhaddogdid u hand edited the install?
18:33.35Mhaddogpastebin the system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf please
18:33.43Mhaddoglet me find mine to compare...
18:34.08WIMPynestAr: I can't make any sense of it. It somehow looks like it doesn't fit together. I think you should try to upgrage libpri and retry.
18:36.41nestAram i not on the latest already?
18:37.17WIMPyOr paste your dahdi configs as Mhaddog suggested.
18:37.36MhaddogI'm just guessing if I do not see configs...
18:38.01MhaddogI have not seen either a pastebin from cli with a fail call
18:38.08nestArthere's the dahdi
18:39.09Mhaddogwhy you have bchan 1-5?
18:39.18nestArthose are my lines
18:39.22nestAri only have 5 lines
18:40.20MhaddogI see different groups associated to the same trunk
18:41.02Mhaddogand i think i saw different spans too...
18:41.05WIMPyTry to comment out trunkgroup and spanmap.
18:41.16Mhaddogyou said you only have one card....
18:41.25MhaddogI think ur configs are bad
18:41.51nestArWIMPy: they're saying something about NFAS
18:41.56nestArdoes that mean anything to anyone.
18:42.08WIMPyErm, am I missing something or are there no channels in chan_dahdi.conf?
18:42.27WIMPynestAr: Yes, but _they_ don't seem to use it.
18:42.38MhaddogI dont know... he pasted all in one...
18:42.48MhaddogI gave it a quick read let me go again
18:43.05WIMPyAnd it doesn't make any sense with only one physical interface.
18:43.13nestArWIMPy: it's set to include dahdi-channels.conf
18:43.28MhaddogI honeslty do not know why you need dahdi-channels...
18:43.43Mhaddogand I have use a couple T1 with less than 5 channels
18:43.46Mhaddogso I will say
18:43.50Mhaddogredo the whole thing
18:44.00WIMPyLess than 5 cahnnels?
18:44.48WIMPyYou gouys should really find out what BRIs are. Using a PRI for so little must be quite expensive.
18:45.08Mhaddogsorry i meant more than 5
18:45.13Mhaddogbut not 23 at all
18:45.32Mhaddogyea a PRI pays of around 14 to 16 chan
18:45.40Mhaddogi think your configs are forked...
18:46.37Mhaddogget to chan_dahdi and make it to look like
18:46.44Mhaddoglet me see if i can text edit for you
18:46.59Mhaddogactually did you got this card new?
18:47.30javier_cintronHere in my work we want to change our very very old panasonic PBX(12 years old) with a new linux pbx. I wrote down all the functions this panasonic PBX is giving us to see what are simirlar functions on asterisk. The first one is call on hold: in our phones we simply push flash button and when we want to take this  call again, we push flash again. ¿how is this function used in asterisk?
18:48.48pabelangerjavier_cintron: you'll likely have to replace your current phones.  Unless you plan to use the Panasonic PBX as a channel bank.
18:48.50fenrusplacing a call on hold with a button ?
18:49.40pabelangerjavier_cintron: but yes, Asterisk will likely do everything you need and more
18:49.52Mhaddoggive me a sec nestAr
18:50.09nestArtrunkgroup and spanmap seemed to fix it.
18:50.14nestAri'm making and taking calls.
18:50.55javier_cintronpabelanger: We want to replace this old panasonic PBX because is giving us a lot of problems.
18:51.20javier_cintronfenrus: Yes, we use flash button
18:51.24pabelangerjavier_cintron: Okay, and your phones?
18:51.40javier_cintronfenrus: At least on our phones
18:52.06fenruswith modern sip phones you can have the same functionality
18:52.38*** join/#asterisk heffer (~felix@fedora/heffer)
18:52.53citywokhas anybody connects * with Exchange Unified Messaging?
18:53.04javier_cintronpabelanger: We plane to buy 2 sip phones but not to replace the others
18:53.15MhaddognestAr: you can check this if you want
18:53.23MhaddogI just did it on the run, but I think should work
18:54.04javier_cintronpabelanger: but I was researching is our old phones work wirh asterisk or not
18:54.25javier_cintronwith all function we need
18:55.05pabelangerjavier_cintron: How do you plan to interface your previous phones to asterisk?  You need to see if you even can.  Most Panasonic phones are proprietary and will only with with Panasonic PBXs.  If that is the case, you _could_ use the original PBX as a channel bank, otherwise you need to replace all your phones
18:55.32pabelangerI suspect you will need new phones
18:55.51fenrusits probably easier to not mix in the panasonic as a channel bank
18:56.00fenrusperhaps not cheaper
18:56.47pabelangerfenrus: That's the choice he needs to make.  Save $$ and use previous phones, however it will not be as easy as new phones.  But more $$$
18:57.02fenruspabelanger, yes of course..
18:57.16pabelangerfenrus: :)
18:57.21fenruspabelanger, =))
18:57.52javier_cintronWe are planning to use a Cisco SAP8800 with 4 pstn lines to interface with our old phones, what do you think?
18:58.15javier_cintronmy mistake
18:58.31nny1so anyone have an official reason why asteriskcore, dahdi-tools and dahdi-linux don't include the actual channel driver for asterisk?
18:58.52nny1i know they can be exclusive, but seems, superfluous
18:59.14nny1(speaking of digium centos package repo, not sure about others)
18:59.24pabelangerjavier_cintron: Why?  What is the benefit of using the Cisco hardware? Why keep your original phones? Cost?
18:59.28citywoknny1: i just compiled & installed dahdi, and then asterisk, and meetme works so it looks native to me
18:59.29nny1i was gonna submit some kind of bug on it, but realized it may be working as intended
18:59.41nny1citywok: yeah this is from package, this install required it sadly
18:59.54javier_cintronWe are planning to use a linksys SPA8000 to interface with our old phones, and a cisco sps8800 to interface with ouir 4 pstn lines.
19:00.00javier_cintronYes cost
19:00.10nny1citywok: usually afaik astierks compile inserts dahdi channel driver if dahdi is already compiled, installed
19:00.21nny1but with packages it's standalone
19:00.35citywokoh, gotcha.   don't use the packages :P
19:00.36javier_cintronEvery sip phone here in Guadalajara, Mexico costs about 100 dollars, and we have 10 phones
19:00.51javier_cintron1000 dollars
19:01.02javier_cintronspa8000 cost 250 dollars
19:01.04citywokjavier_cintron: $100/phone is cheap
19:01.16fenrusthats some cheap phones
19:01.41javier_cintronwith spa8000 we can interface 8 phones
19:01.46javier_cintronit is cheaper
19:02.04ssureshotprovided the same features are enabled .. if I compile from src and copy the config files from version 1.2 to 1.8 should it work ? or are there many differences between the versions?
19:02.16citywokjavier_cintron: lucky you, our old phones were inter-tel devices that were proprietary so an SPA couldn't have worked.  we have 700 of them.
19:02.28pabelangerjavier_cintron: I'd strongly consider the route of SIP phones. The more adapters you add into your VoIP network, the greater the difficulty to manage and troubleshoot is.  Specifically if you don't have previous VoIP experience.
19:02.32citywokssureshot: 1.2 to 1.8 there are a lot of changes
19:03.00pabelangerssureshot: read the CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt in the asterisk-1.8 source directory
19:03.07javier_cintroncitywork: my god :)
19:03.18citywokwe use a handful of pap2's for old conference phones, etc.  one of them is so sensitive if somebody hits a DTMF digit on a cellphone in the conference room, asterisk will hear it and meetme freaks out.
19:03.19pabelangerand UPGRADE-1.6.txt and UPGRADE-1.4.txt
19:03.20ssureshotwill do,, thanks
19:05.41*** join/#asterisk dmz (
19:05.59citywokssureshot: i'd recommend doing a test upgrade not on your production box :)
19:07.06ssureshotcitywok: no way lol.. all or nuffin!!!  but no really I'm upgrading with new hardware and doing the research / testing..
19:07.21citywokjust checking
19:08.18javier_cintronpabelanger: Certanintly you are right I dont have any experience with asterisk. I just conviced my boss to change this old pbx and he asked my for a quote. I am going to follow your advice and quote them
19:08.35javier_cintronpabelanger: too
19:08.57citywokjavier_cintron: in that case definitely provide the SIP option and tell him it'll be much easier :)
19:09.13citywoka week of headaches is worth mroe than $750
19:09.16pabelangerjavier_cintron: Another option is to use something like switchvox, if you don't want to manage your own Asterisk server.
19:11.22*** join/#asterisk dhorner_mb (
19:11.24nestArWIMPy: THANK YOU
19:11.29nestArMhaddog: THANK YOU
19:11.37nestArto anyone else i forgot, THANKS.
19:11.43Mhaddogur welcome
19:11.46*** part/#asterisk dhorner_mb (
19:12.09nestArOnce i got calls coming in, things got a little busy, so i got side tracked, but your help is much appreciated.
19:12.09*** join/#asterisk mog (
19:12.56javier_cintronpabelanger: I would like to install it by myself. At least for me is exciting to know all this asterisk stuff. :)
19:13.16pabelangerjavier_cintron: +1
19:16.29*** part/#asterisk nny1 (
19:18.23*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
19:21.15javier_cintronOk thank you very much for your kind help. I am going to quote 10 ip Phones. To interface with our 4 pstn lines, we were planning to use a cisco spa8800, what do you think about this, is there a better solution?
19:22.12Qwelljavier_cintron: You could also use something like a Digium TDM410 (or TDM2400 if the 4 will ever expand) with 4 FXO ports.
19:22.12javier_cintronCisco SPA8800
19:22.21Tozz_ah the gateway
19:22.24Tozz_i thought that was a phone ;)
19:22.52Tozz_but Cisco has a guide to configure that device on *
19:23.02Tozz_so I think taht should work fine
19:25.00*** join/#asterisk tris (
19:25.19javier_cintronhehe, I never came across this guide ;)
19:25.42Tozz_first hit on google "asterisk spa8800"
19:25.52leifmadsenTozz_: you cheated then
19:25.58*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
19:25.59leifmadsenGoogle?! pfffft!
19:26.19leifmadsenreal men attempt random websites and search via web rings
19:26.22Tozz_he must have used BING!
19:26.42leifmadsenTozz_: I think Bing! returns the same results as Google (literally ;))
19:27.00Tozz_mm yes I've read that Bing! 'steals' search resulsts from google ;)
19:27.20Tozz_on Bing! its result #4 ;)
19:27.59Qwellthe other 3 are paid ads
19:29.07*** join/#asterisk marienz (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
19:49.55n3hxsIF:  provolone has quit (Remote host closed the connection)   THEN who cut the cheese?
19:54.40*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
19:59.30*** join/#asterisk benngard (
20:03.49benngardany have any plus or minus regarding Aastra 6757i?
20:13.28leifmadsenbenngard: I think the over/under is -2.5
20:15.16benngardu meen that i shouldnt buy them
20:15.23*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
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20:20.46leifmadsenbenngard: that's not what I said :)
20:20.55leifmadsenwas trying to be funny
20:20.59leifmadsenI guess it got lost in the noise
20:26.25n3hxstoo much jitter
20:28.01skrustyevening all
20:29.21*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
20:31.10killowndo anyone here know if there is a good framework to speech to text?, I need get asterisk recorded call and translate it to text, sorry I don't know if my question is offtopic.
20:32.37leifmadsenkillown: you could potentially pull the audio out from JACK, or there is a speech framework in Asterisk, but you'd have to develop the speech-to-text interface
20:32.50beekwaves to leifmadsen
20:33.12killownleifmadsen, this is my propose, develop the interface...
20:34.12killownleifmadsen on english calls I know there is  would be easy to do, but in my language (portuguese) I think I have no alternative
20:36.40leifmadsenkillown: well res_speech is a generic speech recognition API, but it's mostly for Lumenvox afaik
20:36.53leifmadsenit could potentially be a hook into Asterisk? I'm not sure.
20:37.22leifmadsenI guess it depends how much development you have to do? Speech recognition isn't a trivial matter.
20:39.23leifmadsenall the speech recognition would be done with software outside of Asterisk
20:40.59*** join/#asterisk dandre (
20:43.09*** join/#asterisk kreign (~kreign@
20:44.07kreignhi, I'm trying to set up a remote extension and I keep getting "chan_sip.c: Registration from '' failed for '' - Device does not match ACL" for the remote phone. phone picks up its configuration but stays in the 'no service' state. anyone have an idea what kind of setting (on the phone or in asterisk) I'm looking for to fix this?
20:44.13kreignit's on a different subnet than the main phone network
20:46.12pabelangerkreign: your ACL settings in sip.conf.  EG; allow / deny
20:46.29pabelangerright ;)
20:46.33Qwellpoorly named, heh
20:46.42Qwellerr, no.  hell.
20:46.43Qwellit's permit
20:46.56Qwellasterisk has broken my brain.
20:48.03kreignpabelanger, this is an asterisk device (made by ipitomy) so I don't actually have access to the sip.conf. :| what kind of variable is that option expecting?
20:49.44Qwellkreign: an IP address/mask
20:50.43kreignQwell, if the phone gets a 192.168.x.0/24 address, can I use a single 'permit' of something like
20:50.52kreignor will it disallow?
20:51.01Qwellit accepts cidr
20:53.47*** join/#asterisk pcangel (
20:53.58kreigncan the ACL error relate to any other option?
20:54.12kreigneg. sip password, or the like
20:54.29pabelangerkreign: no, it would be a different error message
20:54.32*** join/#asterisk manji (
20:54.37pcangelHi guys.. if I receive two Bridge events, that A is bridged to B, and B is bridged to C, and then channel B hangs up - is A then bridged to C, or do I end up getting a new event bridging them, or does A and C hang up?
20:54.56kreignpabelanger, thanks.
20:55.37pabelangerkreign: do you not have SSH or access to the source code of the device?
20:55.56kreignpabelanger, no. :|
20:55.58pcangelor does this never happen? ie conferencing happening via meetme events
20:56.21pcangelcan a channel be bridged to more than one other channel?
20:56.36kreignpabelanger, vendor is ipitomy
20:56.54*** join/#asterisk a_m_y (IceChat7@
20:57.29kreignthough now that you mention it I should look into it to see if it's a GPL violation.
20:57.35a_m_yhi, may I know how to disable transfer extension to extension, am using 1.4.36. Thnx in advance
20:57.42pabelangerkreign: yes
20:57.52kreignpabelanger, though, IIRC, they'd only be entitled to give me the source, not a root login or anything like that...
20:58.08pabelangerkreign: correct
20:58.31pabelangerkreign: Trying booting to single user mode and seeing if you can change the files?
20:58.44*** join/#asterisk iPod-nano (43ac523e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:59.29iPod-nanoI know I've done this before, and I know I've fixed it before, but I can't for the life of me remember how.  When I get an incoming Gizmo5 call, and I hang up first, the other end doesn't hang up right away.
21:01.00*** part/#asterisk diemos (
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21:04.24iPod-nanoAnd Google was no help.
21:07.05Tozz_try Bing!
21:07.21drmessano-ltBing = Google :(
21:07.40citywokbing < google
21:07.58drmessano-ltBing uses Google, so should you
21:08.15Qwelldrmessano-lt: only because Google engineers use IE9.
21:08.25Qwellie; Google engineers use IE, so should you.
21:10.52kreignpabelanger, unfortunately the board has no such access.
21:11.32kreignI'd have to destroy it to get at it... there are networking ports and a serial port (seemingly disabled?), and it looks like the machine was molded around the board.
21:11.43kreignmolded = folded
21:12.22*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
21:12.45kreignpabelanger, the part of the error "Registration from ''" - should the '' have some sort of ID in there?
21:13.12*** join/#asterisk mog (
21:13.33*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
21:14.58infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license:
21:15.38infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
21:21.57leifmadsenA security release of Asterisk has just been released. For more information please see
21:22.02*** join/#asterisk javier_cintron (
21:22.15*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/02/21), (2010/02/21), (2010/02/21), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
21:34.32*** join/#asterisk titter (
21:38.12*** join/#asterisk Snif (~Fahd@
21:38.51Snifi have asterisk server and i added some extentions and when i work with it i can only transfer 18 or 19 calls
21:39.02Snifhow can i increase the channels limite?
21:39.38leifmadsenAsterisk imposes no limits on number of calls
21:40.12Snifso how come it wont pass 18 active channs ?
21:40.28leifmadsenhard to say without additional information
21:40.31leifmadsenis not here anymore
21:40.45Snifwich additional infos should i give you please
21:41.09_Corey_what occurs when you reach the 19th or 20th call?
21:41.11Kobazasterisk version, console logs and asterisk log files with core set debug 10
21:41.32Kobazwell, first just with core set verbose 3
21:41.42Kobazand then if that's not enough info, then debug
21:42.14titterAnyone ever put multiple GotoIf's into one line? GotoIf($[$["${var}" = "x"]?result1 | $["${var}" = "y"]?result2]) ... this doesn't work, but maybe I am missing something obvious.
21:42.31Kobaztitter: i don't think that's supported
21:42.38Kobaztitter: apps take a very strict set of arguments
21:42.46tzangerI've been using asterisk for many years and I've never run across the need to do that
21:42.52tzangerI wouldn't try to be so cute with the code
21:43.19Qwell$[1?result1 | 0?result2]
21:43.41Qwelltitter: that's what it ends up being evaluating as
21:43.46Qwellwhich just makes no sense
21:44.19titterAlright, didn't think so. Just curious more or less.
21:44.20Kobaztitter: that's not multple gotoifs.. that's multiple logical evaluation blocks
21:44.30Snifmaybe there is a option on extentions for the limite of active calls for each extention?
21:44.41Kobaz$[] converts an expresssion into a boolean 0/1
21:45.02Snifcause i am talkin about when i use any extention from express talk for exemple and if i pass 19th active call i cant get more
21:45.20Snifwhen i try the 20th call it say packet lost
21:45.31KobazSnif: there are no configurable limits on calls to extensions... sip however has call-limit in the config file (and some other channel drivers have channel limits... which are being depricated)
21:46.17citywokKobaz: you mean to an extensions.conf extension you create on your own?  you could do it yourself pretty easily.
21:46.32Snifi create from the panel
21:46.42Kobazcitywok: you can write one yourself, sure... but nothing is built-in
21:47.14_Corey_I think the call-limit has actually been removed 1.6.2+
21:47.16Snifkobaz:i am not calling to extentions
21:47.21Snifi am calling international calls
21:47.26Snifi make transfers
21:47.29Snifbetween clients
21:47.31Kobazyou're still using an extension in the asterisk world
21:47.38Snifi can only let 18 peoples talking
21:47.56*** join/#asterisk woglinde (
21:48.20Snifany idea!
21:48.27Kobazwe need more details
21:49.19Kobazwhat devices are you calling from... what devices are you calling, are you using a line card, sip, iax, carrier pidgeon?   you say packet loss... is your network causing the problems?
21:49.40titterBasically this was why I was looking to do that in one line, as when it hits the CLI it runs through all lines of syntax, and it's just getting a bit cumbersome.
21:49.52Kobazuse AEL
21:49.57woglindehm some one knows if the HST Saphir ISDN miniPCI works good enough with misdn?
21:50.32Kobaztitter: AEL ftw
21:50.42Kobazyou'll never look back
21:51.22titterSweet. Thanks again guys.
21:51.25Kobaztitter: scroll to the middle of tha page where it talks about conditionals
21:51.29woglindethe hst support didnt wrote me back for the fax option
21:51.47Snifi use sip
21:51.55Snifexpress talk software
21:51.57Sniffor voip
21:52.12Snifi am calling cell phones
21:52.20Snifi call from my own computer
21:52.28titterPerfect ... time for some reading.
21:52.28KobazSnif: this has nothing to do with asterisk?
21:52.43Snifwhat do u mean?
21:52.46Kobazwhere does asterisk fit in
21:52.52Kobazif you are using custom software
21:53.02Snifi have the panel
21:53.08Snifi monitor the calls
21:53.15Kobazwe don't support gui interfaces here
21:53.23Snifnot only me who work on the company
21:53.24Kobazwhat panel? asterisknow?
21:53.42Kobazthe gui interfaces have their own support channels
21:53.45p3nguinAsteriskNOW is a distribution, not a panel.
21:54.15Snifi use the normal control panel
21:54.22Snifthere is diferent ones!
21:54.23p3nguinOh, so you use vim.
21:54.23Kobazwe don't know what that is
21:54.24_Corey_ah, that clears it up :(
21:54.35p3nguinThe normal control panel is a text editor.
21:54.47Kobazor... ed!
21:54.56Snifall what i see on the site link is https://xx.xx.xx.xx/auth
21:54.56p3nguinee, joe, fifty others
21:54.58Qwelled is the standard panel.
21:55.14KobazSnif: we have no idea what you see, or what software you are using
21:55.25p3nguinNeed pics!
21:55.29woglindehm uh now someone sells them for 1,99 on ebay
21:55.36woglindeI think for that price I will buy it
21:55.49Snifits digium asterisk
21:56.03KobazSnif: what you are asking... is like walking to a mechanic, asking him to fix you car, without showing the cat
21:56.05p3nguinWe know all about Asteisk.
21:56.19p3nguinBut we don't know anything about any other software which is not part of Asterisk.
21:56.20QwellKobaz: cat works just as well in that sentence :)
21:56.23drmessano-ltcat was more appropriate
21:56.34_Corey_Sniff: Look in the upper left hand corner of your browser...  if it says FreePBX you might want to try #freepbx
21:56.46Snifno its not freepbx
21:56.54Snifi see digium asterisk
21:57.00p3nguinShow us.
21:57.05p3nguinMake us see it too.
21:57.07pcangelI'm still very curious - I didn't get a reply last time I asked - can a channel be bridged to more than one other channel simultaniously, ie A <-> B    A <-> C    C <-> D    and in that example, are D and A communicating with each other like a conference?
21:57.09p3nguinTake pictures.
21:57.26drmessano-ltTake a pic, SMS it to twitter, then follow us
21:57.28_Corey_pcangel: Meetme()
21:57.35Kobazdrmessano-lt: haha
21:57.45drmessano-ltI use the name "Qwell" on twitter
21:57.55pcangelI know about Meetme, that's not why I want to know- I just need it know if the circumstance I listed is possible or if it can't occur
21:58.09pcangelI'm writing a C++ app that turns all of the AMI information in to a series of structures for use with my company's call centre management app
21:58.26Kobazdrmessano-lt: when did you become qwell?
21:58.35Qwellwhen he bought the trademark
21:58.39drmessano-ltKobaz, mind your cat
21:58.46pcangeland I am trying to figure out if I should make my bridge code a large linked list of Channel1/Channel2 or if I should just put a Bridged_to variable in my channel structure
21:59.17pcangelI don't know how people might use it in the future, but it'd save processing time and result in cleaner code if I'm able to just have a Bridged_to member of class CHANNEL
21:59.19_Corey_pcangel: I prefer to parse the 'core show channels' output via AMI or whatever
21:59.36pcangelI agree, but I'm reading the events
21:59.51pcangelthat's how I initialize the information when this server-app first starts up
22:00.15*** join/#asterisk pagec (~chatzilla@
22:00.32Snifhere is it
22:00.47Qwellwhat the crap is that?
22:00.56Snifthe panel i use
22:00.57_Corey_seriously... ?
22:01.06Snifto control my asterisk
22:01.13pageci recently upgraded my polycom phones to 3.3.1, and now when calls come into them (from asterisk), instead of another line light lighting up the users have to scroll down and use the "answer" softkey, anyone else have this problem?
22:01.16p3nguinI've never seen such a thing.
22:01.17Kobazwhere did you get it?
22:01.19Qwellclick the "PBX Info/License" link at the bottom left
22:01.22Qwellshow us that page
22:01.25*** join/#asterisk isrl (
22:01.25titterThe hell is that?
22:01.58p3nguinI believe the phrase is, "What the hell is that?"
22:01.59_Corey_It's PHP, whatever it is
22:02.29Snifthere is  pbx version
22:02.34Snifand warranty
22:02.46_Corey_pagec: You need to look at the calls per line key option
22:02.47p3nguinYeah... click it and take a pic.
22:03.21KobazSnif: did you buy this?
22:03.25isrlmadplay doesnt work in 1.8.2 1.8.3 only if noload res timing dahdi
22:03.47pagec_Corey_: ok ty
22:03.48titterp3nguin: Depends.
22:03.58isrlbut if i turn that off i get deadlocks couple times a day
22:04.10isrlany help?
22:05.07titterp3nguin: You would want to use brackets to quote what I said, as I literally said what I typed. However to clarify the expression and tone of my reaction to those reading it [What] would be more proper lol.
22:06.31Snifcheck it out
22:07.05_Corey_Snif: Did you download this software from somewhere or did you buy this?
22:07.15Snifi boughout it
22:07.19Qwellfrom who?
22:07.30Sniffrom someone
22:07.32_Corey_We've never seen it before
22:07.38Snifwhy no ?
22:07.41Snifits asterisk
22:08.04_Corey_No, it's not
22:08.04Snifbut u see digium asterisk !
22:08.17_Corey_There may be Asterisk on the hardware somewhere but that doesn't make "it" Asterisk
22:08.23QwellFrom where did you buy it?
22:08.42Snifsomeone sold it to me
22:08.48Snifjust a friend
22:08.54_Corey_Snif: It would help us to understand if you could point to a website or something
22:09.06titterThen contact your friend to fix the problem with HIS pbx
22:09.15Snifthere is no really a website
22:09.25Snifcause its only someone who sells that
22:09.34Snifis this could be what providers use ?
22:09.43_Corey_definitely not
22:09.47QwellNo provider in their right mind would use garbage like this.
22:09.48Snifcause i see some options where to add provider
22:10.02QwellThrow it away, get a real PBX.
22:10.12Snifvoip provider
22:10.14QwellProbably didn't cost more than what, $40?
22:10.25Snifu mean it?
22:10.34Snifu mean this is only a shit?
22:10.37QwellYou're getting a load average of 6 with 18 calls.
22:11.01KobazSnif: if you paid more than $5 for it, you should give it back
22:11.21Kobazeven thirdland would be better
22:11.28Kobazman i can't type today
22:11.35p3nguin"u mean this is only a shit?"  That needs to go on a T-shirt like the other saying.
22:11.59p3nguinSome of you remember the other T-shirt, I'm sure.
22:12.16Snifthere is no other option where can i find something usual for u ?
22:12.27isrlwhere could i get help on something that might be a bug?
22:12.40QwellSnif: No, you won't get any help for that here.
22:12.55KobazSnif: it's an interface written by who-the-hell-knows, using code that we know nothing about
22:13.11_Corey_Snif: Take a look at FreePBX or better yet Switchvox
22:13.12Snifso what is ur advice?
22:13.18Qwell<Qwell> Throw it away, get a real PBX.
22:13.20KobazSnif: get something that we can support
22:13.22Sniffreepbx is good?
22:13.27Kobazand it's free
22:13.47Snifwhat about tribox?
22:13.55Kobazthat's fine too
22:14.01Qwellglares at Kobaz
22:14.03Kobazbut you'll need to get support in #trixbox
22:14.07QwellKobaz: I don't want to see him again in 3 days.
22:14.08p3nguinGood?  No... FreePBX is not good, but it is free.
22:14.19Tozz_which makes it perfect for most!
22:14.31p3nguinTrixbox is worse because there's no support for it.
22:14.34Kobazp3nguin: he wants something a complete newb can use, so it's better than what he has now, because he can get help with it
22:14.35_Corey_shushes p3nguin
22:14.39SnifQwell:i will leave foreven not only for 3 days
22:15.02Kobazp3nguin: there was some people around in #trixbox the last time i looked
22:15.05Kobazbut anyway
22:15.07Snifthanks guys
22:15.17Kobazyou'll want switchvox
22:15.26p3nguinHow much does that cost?
22:15.35Kobazthey have a free home version
22:15.54p3nguinis interested in trying something new.
22:16.06p3nguinNot that I don't do just fine with vim.
22:16.08Snifsounds good
22:16.15Kobazthe dashboard stuff looks pretty cool in the new switchvoxes
22:16.27Kobazfrom one of the talks i went to at astricon
22:16.48_Corey_There's an iPhone app..
22:16.54KobazSnif: if you want something free, freepbx
22:16.56_Corey_i mean, what else do you possibly need
22:17.08Snifi will try frreepbx
22:17.32Snifanyone know about voip reseller?
22:17.42Snifor any channel support that kind of informations?
22:17.56infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
22:18.12Qwellisrl: never do that again
22:18.31isrlwhere could i get help on something that might be a bug?
22:18.42Kobazpokes infobot
22:18.49Snifitsp-us is a site?
22:18.55Kobazoh whoops
22:18.56infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
22:20.10isrlmadplay doesnt work in 1.8.2 1.8.3 only if noload res timing dahdi
22:20.22Kobazisrl: you already asked that
22:20.37Kobazisrl: pastebin up your console logs and anything else you can get
22:20.51Snifthey sell the numbers or its free?
22:20.58Snifi mean teliax
22:21.50Kobazof course it's not free
22:21.54isrlon the console it just says that its plaing but i dont hear anything
22:22.45Kobazmake sure you have valid music, and check debug output from madplay
22:23.17Snifanyone hear about
22:23.27Snifi wont be victime of scam
22:23.34Snifthey have free premium numbers
22:23.47isrlif i put noload=> in modules then it works
22:23.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
22:24.31infobotcheap is, like, a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
22:25.09isrlit might be the same bug as the parking one but i upgraded to latest rc where that was fixed and this is still a problem
22:25.16KobazSnif: the number might be free... but you have to pay to actually use it
22:25.29KobazSnif: at least there's a hot girl on the main page... right?
22:25.47Snifyea lol
22:25.57Snifhow can i know if they are not scammers!
22:26.02Snifthey dont have any forum
22:26.08Tozz_then their scammers!
22:26.08Snifi am confused
22:26.13Tozz_any sane ISP has a forum!
22:26.23*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:26.30Kobaza real isp wouldn't have a forum
22:26.35*** join/#asterisk NetAtWorld (
22:26.39KobazSnif: the 'about us' page is blank
22:26.43KobazSnif: find someone else
22:27.53Snifcheck contact us
22:28.04Snifthey pretende to be in hong kong
22:29.03Qwellyeah they seem legit
22:29.36Snifhow did u know ?
22:30.39*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
22:31.15Kobazhe's being sarcastic
22:32.27Snifah ok
22:32.30*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (ectospasm@
22:32.56Snifwich site do u advice me guys ?
22:33.03infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
22:33.20Kobazone of those.. well... one of those
22:33.26Kobazfrom the us/ca lists
22:33.44Snifi dont have credit card to register with them
22:33.48Kobazsome of them do international as well
22:34.37Kobazare you 12?
22:35.03Kobazget a credit card then
22:35.04Snifi am from morocco
22:35.06Snifthats why
22:35.11Snifi dont have international vsa
22:35.13Kobazoh, hmm
22:35.16Snifonly national
22:35.29Kobazmaybe ask in #banking
22:35.43Kobazthis is going out of the scope of #asterisk
22:36.05Snifoh ok
22:36.14Snifsorry to break the channel's rules
22:36.36*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
22:36.39Kobaznot really rules, but i'm just getting tired of all the random questions that aren't asterisk related
22:36.41nestArcan you do MOH from dsp?
22:36.55Kobazbut ideally you should stay on topic
22:37.18Snifits just bcos i dont want to be a victim of scam
22:37.24nestArseems like a really bad idea, but i have a feeling my boss is going to ask for it.
22:37.27Snifas u can see i have a bad version of asterisk
22:37.39Snifthanks for u
22:37.40infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
22:37.41Sniffor all
22:37.46Kobazany of those are legit companies
22:37.58Kobazas well as also
22:38.09Snifthat one shows nothing
22:38.11Snifblank page has UK servers
22:38.44KobazSnif: maybe your internet provider is blocking them
22:39.00Snifu are right
22:39.04Snifi pasted it to a friend
22:39.08Snifits opening with him
22:39.29_Corey_Snif: Does your government filter internet access?
22:39.46Snifnot really
22:39.53Qwellread: yes
22:40.04Snifbut maybe the
22:40.15Snifmaybe my ip is on the blacklist
22:40.19*** join/#asterisk tash (
22:40.32Kobazgoes back to under his rock
22:40.44tashcan you pass a variable from an agi script back to the dial plan?
22:40.44*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (ectospasm@
22:41.26nestArtash: yes..
22:41.58tashI think that is what I want to do anyway :P
22:42.15killowndoes anyone here use Starpy to develop asterisk apps, I'd like to know if this thing has a good support to provides access asterisk manager interface?
22:43.51tashnestAr: I basically want to limit the number of call attempts made to a phone number if they don't answer their phone. That way I'm not trying to call over and over again. So, was thinking I could update the DB for each call attempt, and when that record reached 5 attempts, stop calling...but that'd involve doing an 'if' in the dial plan ... idk, I might be thinking too much
22:44.08Snifif i change my dns its gonna alow me to access ?
22:48.39isrlkobaz: could you give me a idea of how i could debug that problem the console and logs say that its starting music class default and madplay is showing as playing
22:49.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
22:49.04isrlbut no audio
22:49.13*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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22:53.13isrlthis is the deadlock i get wen usin the pthread timer
22:53.25Kobazisrl: you need to verify that madplay is actually sending audio, and asterisk is recieving it
22:54.57tashcan someone advise? -> in my dialplan I am expecting a user to press 1 to confirm they heard the call. If they don't, I am calling them back in 5 minutes.  I want to stop calling them after 5 attempts where they haven't pressed 1 to confirm they heard the call (basically call goes to voicemail and a digit is never pressed).  Any advice on how to check a record in my database and stop making the calls to them if the record is 5?
22:55.14isrlthats my question how could i debug that
22:55.24p3nguinWhat could be some reasons that a fresh build of asterisk segfaults a second after running it?
22:55.41_Corey_I was just going to download it...  hmm
22:55.41isrlbecause madplay says playing
22:55.46WIMPytash: How to you trigger the call back?
22:55.47Kobazisrl: not sure exactly
22:56.05fauxalliancep3nguin, two idential jabber registrations did it for me.
22:56.54p3nguin_corey_: I figure it has something to do with this system as it is configured, but I was hoping to get some ideas of what to look at to solve it.
22:57.14tashWIMPy: if they don't press 1, I move the call file to a tmp dir, give it a timestamp that is 5 minutes from then, and then a cron runs every 1 minute and moves .call's from that dir to asterisk's outgoing dir
22:57.17_Corey_p3nguin: Did you compile it so that it will core dump?
22:57.22*** part/#asterisk woglinde (
22:57.53WIMPyp3nguin: No indication if you start with console? Otherwise look at the core dump.
22:57.59p3nguin_corey_: If that's a special option, no.  I guess I'll do that pretty soon if I can't find something causing a problem.
22:58.07WIMPytash: Then just put a variable with a counter in to the call file.
22:58.15p3nguinwimpy: Nothing jumps out at me.
22:58.22_Corey_p3nguin: Usually when we're testing, we add DONT_OPTIMIZE and DEBUG_THREADS
22:59.42p3nguinGood idea.  If I can ever figure out what's causing the problem and get a good build, I'm ready to start testing 1.8 to prepare for migration from 1.4.
23:00.15tashWIMPy: like exten => mycaller,n,Set(__counter=${0}) or something? I'm really new to most of this, so I may not have the right idea or even the right syntax
23:00.26tashthen how would I check the var?
23:01.34WIMPyThere's a 'setvar' in call files.
23:01.47p3nguinThis seems problematic:  format_mp3.c:38:24: fatal error: mp3/mpg123.h: No such file or directory
23:02.12WIMPyAnd then you can check in your dialplan with ExecIf or GotoIf.
23:02.24tashWIMPy: ah yes, I see ... I am actually setting a var already in my call :)
23:03.07tashWIMPy: so, SetVar: COUNTER=0 could be the var I set in the call file, right?  Then, on the retry attempt, I could update that by 1 or something ...?
23:03.41WIMPyThat's the idea.
23:03.46tashI presume there is a way to use ExecIf to check a variable in the call file .. I will read the documentation. But, am I on the right track?
23:03.52tashok, you just answered that :P thanks WIMPy
23:04.08WIMPyNot in the call file. On your Dialplan.
23:04.33tashYah, I meant, a way to look in the call file and look for that string or something?
23:05.08WIMPyYou check that variable.
23:05.21tashah, makes sense
23:05.52tashand, say it checks it and it is currently at 5 and I don't want to make any more calls to that number I can tell the dial plan to then, say, Hangup?
23:06.46WIMPyYes, or just don't schedule a new call.
23:07.36tashok, well I can figure that out ... thank you very much for your input
23:08.08javier_cintronHi there, in asterisk 1.8, what user owns asterisk daemon, isn't root right?
23:09.00WIMPyjavier_cintron: The one you configured or the one it got started from.
23:10.11p3nguinjavier_cintron: It's root if you started it as root.  "ps -C asterisk u" will show you
23:10.20tashcan't you do a ps auxf and grep for asterisk to see who owns it?
23:10.36p3nguinOr just do what I said and forget about grepping.
23:10.37tashp3nguin: cool, didn't know that
23:12.35javier_cintronok, I compiled it usig root, so root owns it. if I wanted to use a different one, like asterisk for example, Would It be enough to compile it using this asterisk user??
23:13.29WIMPyTake a look at asterisk.conf.
23:13.43javier_cintronok thank you very much
23:13.46WIMPyOtherwise start it from that users.
23:14.15p3nguinI don't remember having to run contrib/scripts/ in ... is that new today?
23:14.43WIMPyNot that new.
23:14.45p3nguinjavier_cintron: It doesn't matter who compiled it, it matters how you run it.
23:15.11isrlis there anyway getting past the first song using format mp3?
23:15.19WIMPyI think it came when the addons were integrated.
23:15.28p3nguinMaybe I didn't enable the mp3 thing when I compiled
23:15.37p3nguinI was certain I did.
23:19.34javier_cintronp3nguin: all right, I am seing in asterisk.conf a couple of parameters called: runuser and rungroup
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23:27.50titterAnyone have some further reading material on AEL than what is on the voip-info page?
23:27.54*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@unaffiliated/killown)
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23:30.39p3nguinjavier_cintron: Set those to asterisk and asterisk.  Make sure you have the asterisk user and asterisk group on your system.
23:31.38p3nguinI do it like this:   groupadd -g 5060 asterisk && useradd -c "Asterisk daemon" -u 5060 -d /var/lib/asterisk -g asterisk -s /bin/false asterisk
23:34.44javier_cintronp3nguin: let me try it, thanks :)
23:36.22hardwireasterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk
23:36.26hardwireasterisk asterisk asterisk
23:36.29hardwireasterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk
23:37.05javier_cintron* * * * * *
23:37.23p3nguinwimpy: Here's what happens next:   Unable to access the running directory (Permission denied).  Changing to '/' for compatibility.
23:38.17p3nguinThen it loads a bunch of stuff, followed by seg fault.
23:40.55p3nguinI also don't see any core dump.
23:42.15*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:42.44p3nguinChanging autoload to no allows it to start without seg fault, so it's a problem in some random module.
23:44.39*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
23:49.37javier_cintronis it a good idea to run: chown -R asterisk:asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?, I am trying to run asterisk with a asterisk user
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23:52.05WIMPyp3nguin: Did you start it nofork and with high verbose and debug?
23:52.25p3nguinstarted with -vvvv
23:53.15p3nguinjavier_cintron: chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk /var/log/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk
23:53.22WIMPyIf you're lucky you will se which module acts up. Or the last one that succeeded. In that case only the core will help. Or another system with the same modules.
23:53.47*** join/#asterisk aarondev (
23:53.51WIMPyNah, at least -cgvvvdddddddd
23:54.09p3nguinI've found out that I'm not quite ready for 1.8 anyway.  chan_sccp-b won't compile against it.
23:54.33p3nguinI'm still interested in testing builds and getting asterisk running, though.
23:55.41WIMPyCreate a patch.
23:55.57*** join/#asterisk [canniballllera] (
23:57.51dtorontoHi all, I have a distributed call center setup, asterisk1 = queue server, asterisk2 = extension register server.  trying to route dynamic extensions from the asterisk1 to the respective extensions registered on the register servers.  I am using XMPP for distributed device state, which is working.  Problem is that I cannot get the queue to route calls to dynamic extensions.  I have tried creating sip extensions on asterisk1
23:58.46*** part/#asterisk [canniballllera] (

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