IRC log for #asterisk on 20110220

00:05.38*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:17.40*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
00:19.51*** join/#asterisk tris (
00:22.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
00:55.45*** join/#asterisk jql (
01:00.30*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:04.05*** join/#asterisk viraptor (
01:09.18viraptorhow can I debug a problem with res_config_mysql? I get the "Binding iaxpeers to mysql/asterisk/iax_friends" message, but the db entries are not displayed on the peer list :/
01:20.42*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
01:33.20*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~fauxallia@
01:39.17*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:39.35*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:43.32*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:47.15*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:57.40*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (ectospasm@
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
02:03.01*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
02:11.08*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
02:20.58*** join/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
02:30.37*** join/#asterisk jakent (~john@2001:470:8:1fc:226:8ff:fedd:93f6)
02:36.34*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (ectospasm@
02:37.29saxahi, can anybody point me where to begin looking to reduce the delay I have when I call from a SIP hardphone to my DAHDI outbound line ?
02:38.15saxai can dial a number , but then everything is mutted for a long time , before i can hear any thing
02:38.37saxathe called party usually drops off as he doesnt hear anything also
02:38.46saxabut the call is done
02:38.54saxaany ideas ?
02:42.25saxaoh I use a grandstream gxp285 sip phone
02:49.08*** join/#asterisk jakent (~john@2001:470:8:1fc:226:8ff:fedd:93f6)
02:49.59*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:57.07*** join/#asterisk manji (
03:12.40Kobazgrandstream isn't known for being high quality
03:13.08*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
03:22.00*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
03:39.06*** join/#asterisk jakent (
03:40.24*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:45.41*** join/#asterisk GTXComm (
03:49.24*** join/#asterisk jakent (~john@2001:470:8:1fc:226:8ff:fedd:93f6)
04:25.47*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
04:52.24tonsofpcsanyone know of a decent J2ME SIP 'phone' client? or a decent, fully functional blackberry client?
05:10.19*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:28.59*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:43.34*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:46.30*** join/#asterisk syamlal_ls (~syamlal_l@
06:45.24Dovidis there any difference for T.38 on 1.6.2.X vs .1.8.X?
06:45.36*** join/#asterisk capitan (
06:57.59*** part/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup)
07:14.53BlackBishopancan I escape the , in ,Macro(mysql, INSERT INTO `logs` (`username`,`numar`) VALUES ('${CALLERID(num)}','${digito}')) so it sees the whole thing as ${ARG1} ?
07:17.53*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:26.43BlackBishopdamn comma :|
07:29.22*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
07:30.03*** join/#asterisk astro__ (
07:45.23benngardany knows if MEMBERINTERFACE is broken in
07:47.16BlackBishopI can't escape the damn commmaaaa...
08:21.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:22.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:25.02p3nguinHe was being eaten alive by commas.
08:26.01kaldemarBlackBishop: no. use Gosub instead.
08:36.07*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (
08:36.27Daejeoyum find anyon awake*
08:37.32Dovidnope. all dead here
08:38.40p3nguinIt was likely the typo that caused a lack of relevant results.
08:39.08*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:43.30DaejeoDovid: awakw
08:43.39Daejeothanks yum
08:44.49BlackBishopkaldemar: I'll just create 2 macros ... I only needed an insert and an update
08:46.10p3nguinMacros are deprecated in favor of Gosub() and Return().
08:47.01p3nguinAlthough I find some places where I cannot figure out how to do some things using GoSub/Return and Macro does it just fine.
09:01.49*** join/#asterisk titter (
09:03.26benngardany1 knows how MEMBERINTERFACE is supposed to work?
09:04.12benngardeither i am a complete fool or it is broken
09:04.59p3nguinWhat does core show function MEMBERINTERFACE say about it?
09:05.33benngardit is not a function it is a variable
09:05.56benngardshould be set by Queue function
09:06.19*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
09:06.28p3nguinWhat was the problem with it?
09:06.34benngardQueue sets for example QUEUENAME coreectly
09:06.44benngardMEMBERINTERFACE is empty
09:07.49*** join/#asterisk SillyWalker (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/sillywalker)
09:07.55SillyWalkerhey ppl
09:08.35SillyWalkerjust set up some asterisk/hylafax servers :p
09:08.49SillyWalkerBoth are awesome
09:10.53SillyWalkerWell we are in need of someone to donate some SIP trunks for a good cause
09:12.31SillyWalkerAnyone interested please check here
09:13.24*** join/#asterisk titter (
09:13.40p3nguinI've got an Asterisk trunk for you.
09:14.42SillyWalkernice! We are in desperate need right now
09:14.51SillyWalkerPM me for details pls
09:15.40SillyWalkerfucking asterisk humor....
09:15.54SillyWalkerawww man you trolled me hard..
09:16.03p3nguinYep, because I cannot stand when people say "SIP trunk."
09:16.51SillyWalkerWell excuse my french!
09:17.07p3nguinIl y a plus d'une façon de peler un chat.
09:18.04SillyWalkerwell any suggestions as to getting those faxes into libya?
09:22.50astro__why fax libya
09:22.58astro__they are busy rioting
09:24.42*** join/#asterisk donttrustem (~Trustem@
09:25.29donttrustemhi guy's I have a client that cannot make outgoing calls but I can call them from my mobile but not my telefonica landline?
09:25.35donttrustemany ideas?
09:26.48astro__what do the logs say
09:27.08donttrustemthat the problem I don't have access to the logs :(
09:27.15donttrustemjst asking what it could be
09:28.57p3nguinDo you know anything about their configuration?
09:30.30donttrustemWell .... they use a Sysmaster switch not asterisk but all these system work very much the same.    I think it a call routing issue
09:33.14*** join/#asterisk titter (
09:36.44astro__anyone here run an fxo card with vsphere?
09:36.59*** part/#asterisk SillyWalker (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/sillywalker)
09:37.00p3nguinThat's possible?
09:37.22astro__i was told it is, just not good for high volume
09:38.36p3nguinI'm not sure how it would work at all.  ESX server would have to either have some type of way to emulate the hardware or transparently pass it through to the guest.
09:39.02astro__i spent the last few days consolidating all my junk servers at home to vsphere to save power
09:39.21astro__at this old pbx would be nice to ditch
09:39.26p3nguinWhat kind of server hardware specs do you have?
09:39.54astro__its just a whitebox asus board w/ core i7 quadcore w/ 20gig of ram
09:40.11p3nguinnot bad
09:40.38astro__seems to be doing the job for a home machine
09:46.44*** join/#asterisk titter (
09:51.13titterSorry all for the join/parts ... Windows 7 and firewire is complete garbage.
09:52.11p3nguinI had to put you on ignore for JOINS/QUITS months ago.
09:52.30titterYa I fixed that issue
09:52.38titterSilly dd-wrt
09:53.56titterTrying to get my Tascam working with Win 7 and it's just giving me fits. Granted I had it working, but random sync drops doesn't make for nice recordings. So I am screwing with different drivers.
09:53.56p3nguinIf you know you have network problems, and you obviously know, you really shouldn't put IRC channels on autojoin.
09:55.02titterNo no, I didn't realize since I wasn't home for that long period of time. 99% of the time I am just rdp'd into my home desktop. That is where Pidgin runs from. However traveling, I figured the hotel internet or my android tethering was to blame.
09:55.54titterOnce I got home and someone complained about it I looked into it, dd-wrt was rebooting once an hour for a different purpose.
09:56.12*** join/#asterisk sigius (
09:58.18benngardany1 knows a way to get the devicename (the called device of a not answered queue call?
09:59.26tittersleep time.
09:59.46benngardi thought MEMBERINTERFACE would do the trick but that variable is empty
09:59.47sigiusI am capturing an asterisk phonecall with MixMonitor but dtmf tones are not heard in the capture (i think they are sent as rtp events (rfc2833)). How can I capture these as well, using MixMonitor or otherwise ?
10:00.47p3nguinYou're probably never going to hear the full DTMF tones in a recording.  Asterisk seems to always grab them.
10:05.22sigiusp3nguin, well I can hear them when I am using my softphone (qutecom), I do not hear them when using SIPp. Dont know for a fact but i guess the first uses inband and the second uses rfc2833
10:05.46*** join/#asterisk geoffmcc (
10:05.56sigiushear them 'in the recording' that is
10:15.20*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
10:21.38astro__say if i have pstn coming into a 110 block in a house which spreads off to all the analog phones, can i run a wire off the 110 block to my fxo and have asterisk answer
10:22.13astro__or will all the analog phones ring
10:23.57p3nguinIf you connect the house wiring to your Asterisk FXO port, all the phones will ring, but yes you can have Asterisk answer.
10:24.36astro__so if i dont want them to ring im gonna have to put them all on fxs and make extensions ?
10:25.14p3nguinIf you connect to Asterisk, it will make Asterisk act as another telephone on the wiring.
10:25.57p3nguinIdeally, you would have only Asterisk connected to the line wiring and use IP phones to talk to Asterisk.
10:26.25astro__i want to stay totaly pstn for half the phones and use ip for the other half
10:27.12astro__basicaly just have asterisk act as an ivr on the line
10:27.17p3nguinBy adding an FXO to Asterisk, you make it just like any other phone.  a special phone, but just another phone nevertheless.
10:27.49astro__yea i know i was hopeing their was some sort of magic to make my situation work ;-)
10:33.09astro__i think i have a few old sipura 2000s kicking around i can use
10:51.35benngardwhen u trasfer a call, can u play "normal ring-tones" instead of moh?
10:52.55benngarda calls b, when b press # and new extension a hears moh, but i would lilke toplay normal ring tones instead
11:01.18ChannelZattended transfers put them on hold because it doesn't make sense for the other person to just hear ringing while you're talking to the person you're transferring them to before you actually complete the transfer
11:03.34*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
11:03.51benngardyes, but my boss wants it that way so i have to figure out a way to do it
11:03.59benngardi dont know why, but he hates moh
11:04.09ChannelZso make moh silent
11:04.15ChannelZor a ringing noise
11:04.34benngardi was actually thinkg of that
11:05.27benngardin features.conf i found, parkedmusicclass=default guess i can record ring tones i a file a replace default
11:06.18ChannelZit seems dumb though to have a person hear ringing for 15 seconds while you're talking to the transfer destination saying "hey, I have this irate customer on the phone, he's being a total d-bag, he says his TV catches fire every time he turns it on...."
11:06.45ChannelZno that's not what that does
11:08.58ChannelZjust don't configure music on hold and they will hear nothing.  If your schizophrenic boss doesn't like music on hold then what does he expect people to hear when they get put on actual hold?  ringing there too?
11:09.55benngardyes :(
11:10.52ChannelZwhat kind of company is this?
11:15.27benngardi am working on it-department of a swedish company named Input Interiör,
11:17.07WIMPyinput interior = kitch furniture and output interior = bathroom furniture?
11:17.40*** join/#asterisk guifort (~guifort@
11:17.47guifortHi All
11:20.46p3nguinbenngard: I'd tell the boss that it's a silly idea and explain why.  What if it takes you like 2 or 3 minutes before you can complete the transfer?  I'd be pretty upset if I had to listen to ringing for 3 minutes -- nice tunes would keep me calm.
11:23.06p3nguinbenngard: Also, you don't have to use music in your music on hold... you can use a prerecorded voice message talking about products and such.
11:24.01*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
11:28.59benngardp3nguin: maybe i can get him to "buy" a prerecorded message
11:29.19p3nguinbenngard: Any reason you wouldn't want to record it yourself?
11:29.57p3nguinWHAT THE FUCK
11:30.01benngardp3nguin: sorry, wrong word "buy"
11:30.47p3nguinwondered why the system was /slow/ for a while
11:31.25*** join/#asterisk hehol (
11:31.33p3nguinbenngard: I don't understand what you are meaning.  Why do you need to buy it?  Why can't you record it yourself?
11:32.24benngardp3nguin: i was trying to say that my boss could accept a prerecorded message
11:32.32p3nguinIt used up all its RAM and half its swap.
11:32.48WIMPyWhat is "it"?
11:34.03p3nguinthe system, computer, PC, machine, box
11:34.41p3nguinI don't think I've ever run a system with THAT high of a load average before.  I think the highest I ever had was around 350.
11:45.24astro__i have never seen a load average like that before
11:45.56p3nguinYeah, I have some runaway processes for an unknown reason.
11:46.45*** part/#asterisk toresbe (
11:47.18p3nguinA cron job apparently didn't exit each time it ran, and just kept starting a new instance.  Rinse.  Repeat 4000 times.
11:48.13p3nguinThis isn't a new system nor is the cron task new.  The only thing I have done to that computer is replace the hard drive about 11 days ago.
11:48.41p3nguinThat was done via cp -ax ... ... so that wouldn't have changed the behavior of the script.
11:49.59p3nguinI'm surprised that old P3 Coppermine holds up to a load like that.
11:52.06*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
11:54.16astro__i had to lug 25 p3s down 2 flights of stares last week to a dumpster
11:54.44astro__old cases had so much more weight to them
11:55.11p3nguinThey don't make anything like they used to.
11:55.55astro__its gonna be nice when the new ones hit the dumpster it will be so much easyer
11:55.56*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
11:55.57p3nguinSIGKILL isn't removing these processes for me, so I'm probably going to have to reboot.
11:56.14p3nguinI am down to 1079 processes from 4158.
11:58.20p3nguinload average is still 981.16, and that's just not good enough.  Phone calls are clear again, finally!
11:59.35p3nguinIt was so bad that autodial was canceled when I'd dial a number and then lift the handset.  Never saw that before.
12:06.50astro__why cant you just reboot?
12:11.21p3nguinI can, and I probably will.  I was just hoping to resolve it without a reboot.
12:12.07WIMPyWhat are those procs doing that you can't get rid of them?
12:12.29p3nguinIt's a whole mess of "mount -l" processes.
12:13.24p3nguinI don't see any reason for them to be stuck, nor should they ignore KILL.
12:14.26WIMPyStuff stuck in I/O can be hard to get rid of.
12:17.29p3nguinI just ran mount -l from my prompt and it stuck, too.  I wish I knew what caused this to start happening.
12:18.31WIMPyWhatever you try to mount seems to be unavailable in an way that it has hopes that it might become available again.
12:21.44p3nguinmount -l should simply be showing the mounted file systems with labels.
12:21.53*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
12:22.41WIMPyAh, that was the only option. Well then it seems unable to read the label of some FS.
12:23.06p3nguinNow I'm curious what the heck would be wrong with that volume.
12:23.09WIMPySounds dangerous.
12:24.14WIMPyDo you have anything mounted that's been removed?
12:26.31p3nguinIt's possible that the volume causing this hang up could have been removed.  I can't go check it physically right now.
12:27.45WIMPyMaybe you can umount -f it.
12:28.51p3nguinThe mtab does indicate that it's mounted.
12:29.28p3nguinBut /proc/mounts does not.
12:30.33WIMPyI'd remove it manually from mtab then.
12:31.19WIMPyWon't help you to get rid of the stuck mounts but should prevent it from happening again.
12:31.38astro__0a:09.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
12:32.04astro__junk drawer you have failed me
12:33.35WIMPyWeren't that thos standard HFC things that are sold like high end stuff?
12:33.47p3nguinI removed the line from mtab, then ran mount -l again and it DIDN'T hang!
12:34.14astro__i thought it was a real digium fx0 but i think its a knockoff
12:34.40WIMPyOh, an analog thing?
12:35.00p3nguinI guess I just have to reboot it since I can't kill off the stuck mount processes.
12:35.09astro__kernel: NOTICE-wcfxo: WCFXO/0: Unknown DAA chip revision: REVB=0
12:35.15p3nguinUnless you have any other idea before I reboot it.
12:36.14WIMPyNot much. I have tried killing stuck processes by sending them a SIGSEGV. But I doubt that will work.
12:36.28p3nguinIt's worth a shot.
12:36.50WIMPyBut they shouldn't cause much harm siitting there doing nothing.
12:37.18p3nguinIt's keeping the load average at 982.
12:37.35WIMPyThat doesn't mean much.
12:42.31*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
12:42.42p3nguinThe system is going down for reboot NOW!
12:43.06p3nguinThat's not something I typically do.  Ever.
12:43.37*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
12:43.43WIMPywas just about to suggest that you might be able to make it forget about the device it's waiting for,
12:44.04p3nguinWhat were you thinking I could try?
12:44.11WIMPyWhat kind of device was it?
12:44.26p3nguinUSB mass storage
12:45.00WIMPyThe it might be possible to forcefully unload usb-storage.
12:45.15WIMPyOr remove the SCSI ID.
12:45.44p3nguinI would have tried it, even though I bet it wouldn't have helped in this case.
12:45.59WIMPyMaybe not.
12:46.47WIMPyBut the problem with removes USb storage usually doesn't happen any more,
12:51.32p3nguinIt's still connected.  I can mount it after the reboot.
12:52.39WIMPyMaybe it was shortly disconnected and then reconnected?
12:52.57p3nguinIt's weird, though... I'm trying to delete some vim swap files that were left behind, and it says "rm: cannot remove `/mnt/etc/asterisk/.sccp.conf.swp': Read-only file system", but mount shows rw for that file system.
12:53.39p3nguinIf it got write protected, that could have maybe caused the issue.
12:54.08WIMPyit has hardware WP?
12:54.30p3nguinyes, a switch on the device.
12:54.40p3nguinIt must be switched because I can't edit any files.
12:55.02WIMPyI guess that could be an explanation.
12:55.05p3nguinEither that or it got damaged and is locked.
12:55.57p3nguinThe reason I changed the hard drive was because the storm and power problems did a number on the hard drive.  It could have damaged the USB drive too.
12:56.09WIMPyIf you set it to remount-ro on errors, I'm not sure mtab would reflect the change. But you should see some message then.
12:56.17*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
12:56.50WIMPyBTW: I should set that on the new drive...
12:57.06p3nguinI'm not familar with "remount-ro on errors".
12:57.31WIMPytune2fs -e remount-ro
12:57.42WIMPyCan also be used with mkfs.
12:57.45p3nguin/dev/sdb1 /mnt vfat ro,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 0
12:57.57p3nguinIt is mounted that way.
12:58.21WIMPyOk, so that would make it RO as soon as it hits a FS error.
12:58.33WIMPyTime to umount and fsck.
12:58.35p3nguinand mtab doesn't reflect it.
12:59.29WIMPyIt'd need som user space support to change mtab. But /prc/mounts should get changed.
13:00.16WIMPyWhy am I missing letters all the time. That's annoying.
13:01.03p3nguinMy keyboard has a couple that it likes to skip.  I usually see it and go back to correct before sending, but one will sometimes slip through.
13:01.19p3nguinI know r does it, and maybe t.
13:01.46WIMPyNot sure if it's the keyboard or me.
13:02.04p3nguinI know mine is the keyboard.
13:02.15p3nguinAt least 98% keyboard.
13:02.36p3nguin1) Truncate first to 0 bytes
13:02.37p3nguin2) Truncate second to 0 bytes
13:02.45p3nguinI guess it wants me to pick.
13:04.51p3nguinSince I'm not good as guessing games, I'm restarting fsck.vfat with the -a option.
13:05.58WIMPy... and hope it's better at guessing?
13:06.43p3nguinWhy are these IronKey USB keys so bloody expensive?
13:08.18p3nguinOkay, fsck finished.  The result is...
13:08.24p3nguindrumroll please
13:08.27WIMPyWhy do all keyboards with exta function keys some of the usual keys in non-standard places?
13:08.33p3nguinRoot directory is full.
13:08.37WIMPyIt asks anyway?
13:09.00p3nguinI guess it can't do any work with a full volume.
13:09.04WIMPyDon't you just love msdos?
13:10.04p3nguinI knew I needed to replace the device for lack of space anyway.  I guess I could format the replacement with an actual file system.
13:10.31p3nguinIs XFS safe for USB sticks?
13:10.44WIMPyShould be good enough if you just move the stuff to a subdir.
13:10.45p3nguinOr should I stick to ext3?
13:11.26WIMPywouldn't use anything with a journal for flash storage because of the extra writes.
13:11.51p3nguinSince I use it for backup of asterisk, I really don't need to make it easily readable by those other OSs.
13:12.13p3nguinSo XFS and EXT3 are no good?  EXT2 is your suggestions?
13:12.23WIMPyI'd use ext2, yes.
13:12.40p3nguinI think that's a good idea.
13:12.59WIMPyAnd if you also read it, with -o noatime,nodiratime.
13:14.41p3nguinIt's not supposed to get much activity.  It's supposed to stay plugged in all the time, but it should get mounted, write everything related to the PBX onto it, then umount, once per day.
13:16.04p3nguinIt's supposed to serve as a quick restore solution in the event of a mistake, to make it easier and faster to recover from it than going to the permanent backups for traditional restoration.
13:17.54WIMPyIf you umount anyway, a journal would be pretty pointless.
13:18.39WIMPyYou could remount RW/RO instead of mount/umount.
13:21.32p3nguinSpeaking of USB flash memory, I recently bought this cool little USB stick made by Verbatim... it's the tiniest USB flash I have ever seen.  I migrated my ESXi install to it from a regular hard drive to try to save power and reduce heat.
13:22.45sigiusI am capturing an asterisk phonecall with MixMonitor but dtmf tones are not heard in the capture (i think they are sent as rtp events (rfc2833)). How can I capture these as well, using MixMonitor or otherwise ?
13:23.18WIMPyThat's not small. There are these mini-SD cards with USB at the other end.
13:23.38WIMPysigius: I think that's not possible.
13:24.03p3nguinI've seen the mini SD cards, but the adapters I have seen are pretty big in comparison to the mini SD.
13:24.27*** join/#asterisk philfine__ (
13:24.45WIMPyNono. the card itself has the SD connector at one end and USB at the other.
13:25.15WIMPySo 1/3 of the card disappears in the USB socket.
13:25.28*** join/#asterisk ph8 (ph8@unaffiliated/ph8)
13:25.58p3nguinThese Verbatim sticks are only 30.2mm x 12.7mm x 1.5mm.
13:26.13WIMPyIf they continue that way you will need pliers to remove tha cards from the socket.
13:26.21p3nguinfor sure
13:26.41p3nguinThat's kind of funny.
13:27.04WIMPyEspecially when you produce some short circuits in doing so.
13:27.17p3nguinMaybe they can provide tweezers in the package for the flash memory.
13:29.33WIMPyThese were quite cool already, but I think I've seen smaller ones.
13:30.19p3nguinI should figure out what I need to do to replace this heavy-weight apache with lighttpd or nginx.
13:30.26philfine__Hello everyone
13:31.42philfine__Is there a way to create something as a function is a dialplan ?
13:32.19WIMPyThere's a nice little card reader.
13:32.32philfine__Currently I was setting a context that would match to anything _. in case some other context Goto to it
13:32.38WIMPyphilfine__: You mean IN the dialplan?
13:32.57philfine__I have to outbound peers
13:33.08WIMPyNo, you need to use variables.
13:33.19philfine__I want to create a context for each performing several tasks such as logging, etc
13:33.20p3nguinYou should almost never use _. as your pattern.
13:33.39philfine__And the other context / matches would Goto to those contexts
13:33.59philfine__I have no configuration on those context
13:34.03p3nguinContexts are not matched by patterns; contexts are assigned per peer.
13:34.04philfine__Only Gotos go there
13:34.08sigiusWIMPy, ok , too bad, thanks
13:34.26p3nguinThe peer match (or lack of) determines the context where the call is sent.
13:34.39p3nguinOnce the call is in the context, then it has to match an extension.
13:35.04p3nguin_. is a terrible extension to match.  You should almost ever use that pattern.
13:35.23philfine__It is just that I do not want to repeat all the Verbose, LOG, perform the call in every single rule that needs to redirect a call out
13:35.57WIMPyuses _. or _! a lot.
13:35.58p3nguinYeah?  You could use _X. as long as every call will have at least two numbers.
13:36.18WIMPyAnd starts with a digit.
13:36.19*** join/#asterisk viraptor (
13:36.40viraptorhi all
13:36.45p3nguinwimpy: When a person doesn't even know the difference between a context and an extension, he probably shouldn't be using _. at all.
13:36.46viraptorhow can I debug a problem with res_config_mysql? I get the "Binding iaxpeers to mysql/asterisk/iax_friends" message, but the db entries are not displayed on the peer list :/
13:37.09philfine__I do know the difference
13:37.27p3nguinJust a couple minutes ago you were calling _. a context.
13:37.56philfine__If I did that was a mistkae
13:38.12WIMPyOr maybe it's just a language thing?
13:38.27philfine__I have to context outboud1 outbound2 in my dialplan
13:38.27p3nguinvery likely
13:38.57p3nguinYou know I only speak and read English.
13:39.21philfine__sorry, I am native in Portuguese
13:39.41philfine__So there might be some language things  :)
13:40.13philfine__Can I post my dialplan somewhere and you comment on it ?
13:40.19p3nguinYes.  Continue with your case please.
13:40.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude. is usually good enough.
13:41.41philfine__Inside outbound1 I was setting a extension matching ._ to and performing logging, Dial though right channel.
13:41.41*** join/#asterisk Denial (
13:41.46philfine__Same in outbound2
13:42.59philfine__And in some context lets say "national-call" I do a GotoIfTime and depending on the time of the day I redirect to one of this contexts
13:43.23philfine__either outbound1, outbound2
13:43.39philfine__Anything really bad until now ?
13:44.14philfine__neither outbound2 and outbound1 are defined as any device contexts
13:44.57p3nguinWhat do you think would be lighter, lighttpd or nginx?  I'm probably just going to be showing asterisk stats (cdr) and serve a few basic files.
13:45.15WIMPyNo idea.
13:45.49p3nguinI may just stick to apache since it works.
13:46.14*** join/#asterisk Denial (
13:46.15p3nguinIt's only using 20M memory.
13:48.48philfine__Well I post it on pastebin to simplify things
13:49.06p3nguinIt would make it much easier for us to see it.
13:50.33p3nguinActually, I forgot I had something I needed to do, so I probably won't get a chance to look at it.
13:51.31philfine__My problem is in from-internal context last extension
13:51.37philfine__Everything matches there
13:52.05WIMPyThat's what you told it to do.
13:52.59philfine__But I also include many other specific extensions
13:53.07philfine__I mean more specifi
13:53.34WIMPyIncluded contexts are always checked after all extensions.
13:54.13WIMPySo you need to put that matchall into another context you can include as well.
13:54.20philfine__Ok, should I create other context to make them at same level ;-)
13:56.10philfine__Worked great :)
14:00.19*** join/#asterisk Andrew_M_ (6274247f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:03.38Andrew_M_Q: How do I get Google Contacts to my Polycom, so I can dial the numbers?  I have Asterisk 1.8.2.
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14:14.36benngardi know i asked earlier today but se if any that has joined know: is ${MEMBERINTERFACE} broken in
14:20.20Jasnejactbenngard: here's a change in the queue behaviour in the 1.8.3 release candidate.  don't know if that affects it
14:21.44benngard${QUEUENAME} works but ${MEMBERINTERFACE}  is alay empty :(
14:23.21benngardi found exactly the same problem i got with
14:24.20*** join/#asterisk qjb (~qjb@2001:888:17b4:0:21f:5bff:fef1:f005)
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14:34.48geoffmccusing opensource g729 codec. voicemail is real choppy. trying to get to be near perfect but no luck. is this cause it is opensource version of codec or would this be a config problem, any ideas?
14:38.00leifmadsenbenngard: use DumpChan() to see what channel variables are set. I've not really heard of MEMBERINTERFACE before
14:38.31Andrew_M_geoffmcc: How is the network between the phone and the voicemail?
14:38.39leifmadsengeoffmcc: g729 is a patent incumbered codec, thus there is no opensource version. What you're using is typically considered pirated software.
14:39.01leifmadsenjust spend the $10 and get something that is far more likely to work
14:39.19leifmadsenunless of course the amount of time you spend trying to get it to work is worth less than $10
14:43.09geoffmcc@leifmadsen: i did not realise it was pirated. they made it sound opensource. just fiddling really and prob wont ever use so not worth the $10. was just bugging me that it was choppy
14:43.09geoffmccmakes me sound cheap, but money is just tight.. thank u
14:43.53leifmadsenthere are many other codecs you can use which use less bandwidth such as g726, gsm, etc.
14:43.56leifmadsenilbc, speex
14:44.57geoffmcc@leifmadse: i tried gsm i believe but was still kinda choppy. will try g726
14:45.09Andrew_M_leifmadsen: Isn't the $10 if you are transcoding g729?
14:45.16geoffmcc@leifmadse: sure i can tell im a newb. first real sit down with it
14:45.22leifmadsenAndrew_M_: then it's likely a network or CPU issue
14:46.02leifmadsengeoffmcc: I wasn't trying to imply anything -- I'm just saying if you need codecs that require less bandwidth there are many other options. It's highly unlikely it's the codec that is introducing the chop, but rather network conditions are far more likely.
14:46.15leifmadsenAndrew_M_: true story -- non-transcoding requires no license
14:46.31leifmadsengoes back to deploying his new Asterisk GUI on this production box, w00t
14:46.59Andrew_M_leifmadsen: I am trying to remember what Jared thought me.
14:47.27Andrew_M_...tought me
14:48.22geoffmcc@leifmadsen if i use ulaw sounds perfect but my outbound audio is choppy. so this led me to believe was codec
14:49.17geoffmccbut i know next to nothing so if u say probably network then probably is
14:50.09Andrew_M_geoffmcc: Could be a latency or bandwidth issue.
14:50.20leifmadsenAndrew_M_: taught I think :)
14:50.49leifmadsengeoffmcc: sounds more like bandwidth or jitter to me. Enable a jitterbuffer on the other side and see if that helps.
14:50.59Andrew_M_I need a spell-checker and thesaurus in here!
14:53.32geoffmccprob a stupid ? but if in debug says Reliably Transmitting (NAT) would def not be a nat issue right
14:55.29benngardleifmadsen: i added DumpChan to the dialplan, i dont se MEMBERINTERFACE there, but when i dig into the source code it is there, dont understand
14:55.35Andrew_M_To my knowledge NAT issues cause no audio in SIP.  Not voice quality issues.
14:56.45geoffmccAndrew_M_: k, thank u. time to read up on jitterbuffers
14:57.56benngardbut i found a fun variable: ~HASH~SIP_CAUSE~SIP/0317998972-00000093~=SIP 180 Ringing :)
15:00.04*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX1_ (
15:01.37leifmadsenbenngard: I think you're using it wrong
15:01.49leifmadsenbenngard: show the full dialplan in a pastebin of how you're using it
15:02.04benngardoki sec
15:05.38leifmadsenbenngard: ya that won't work -- MEMBERINTERFACE would be set on the channel the Queue() is calling, not in the dialplan after the call falls out of the queue
15:05.53leifmadsenyou're not using Queue() right
15:06.01leifmadsencheck the queue chapter at...
15:06.03infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide. A preview of the upcoming release is available at The book is being released under a Creative Commons license:
15:06.53geoffmcc@leifmadsen: google search on jitter buffer led me to explaination and example setup. using what this user posted has it way better than b4 so once i figure out how to tweak it i should be good. Thank u
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15:08.15leifmadsengeoffmcc: np, you'll be adding latency, but it sounds like your outbound network connection isn't quite able to handle VoIP calls (either that, or turn off your torrents)
15:11.24geoffmcc@leifmadsen: that being said, if my problem is with voicemail only and not inbound calls, should i not use jitterbuffer and take the hit on chopy msgs (while checking threw IPKall trunk)
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15:11.55geoffmccalso have 2mbps up, what is suggested min?
15:12.54*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
15:17.05Jasnejac2 mbps is plenty
15:17.40Jasnejaccan run 20+ consurrent ulaw or alaw calls on 2 mbps although that might be pushing it a little
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15:28.51leifmadsengeoffmcc: if it's voicemail only it could be disk I/O for some reason
15:31.26geoffmcc@leifmadsen: for whatever reason it seems to be working fine, even now after removing jitter buffer settings... i dont get it. Think i need to take a break for a while
15:33.16leifmadsenI doubt it's anything you changed in asterisk
15:33.29leifmadsenruns off to play some Forza 3 or something
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16:36.53philfine_How do I do pattern matching with caller id of incomming call ?
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16:39.01philfine_Cool :)
16:39.26philfine_you mean: exten => s/CID ?
16:39.36philfine_For the general case
16:40.37*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
16:50.36Andrew_M_Q: How do I get Google Contacts to my Polycom, so I can dial the numbers?  I have Asterisk 1.8.2.
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17:09.59saxaKobaz: ok, but i already have it, so do i throw it away ?
17:23.59*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:25.23viraptorcan anyone help out with IAX realtime?
17:29.17saxaKobaz: anyway, do you have an idea on how can i solve my problem with the delay ?
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17:52.35Dr-Linuxis 1.6.2.x stable and recommended to upgrade from 1.6.1.x ?
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17:55.21pabelangerDr-Linux: Yes, 1.6.1 is in security mode.
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18:02.48philfine_Lets say I want to be able to perform the following: Be able to call the asterisk from pstn line and if I do hangup in the first 2sec of ringing, asterisk will call me back and redirect me to voice mail. If I do not hangup start ringing internal phone
18:02.54philfine_How can I do something like that ?
18:06.48pabelangerphilfine_: Answer(), Hangup(), Wait(5), Dial(previous ANI), Answer(), Voicemail()
18:06.57pabelangercan all be done via the dialplan
18:07.44philfine_That first Answer I do not want to do that
18:07.55philfine_Since otherwise I pay a call from my cellphone
18:08.03philfine_I want the sip provider to call my phone
18:09.57philfine_Ok, My mistake
18:10.46philfine_Thats no what I want is it ?
18:11.16philfine_Answer will immediatelly asnwer the call right ?
18:11.42pabelangerInfact you don't even need Answer() or Progress(), just setup an incoming extension that will read the incoming ANI on the line, if it matches your cell phones, Hangup() then start the callback procedure
18:12.56philfine_Then it doesn't allow me to make the calls from my cell
18:13.11philfine_What I want is asterisk to detect that I did hangup
18:13.22philfine_hangup my cellphone
18:13.30philfine_And not the system to hangup me
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18:13.40pabelangerphilfine_: Asterisk cannot detect a hangup if you don't answer the line
18:13.55philfine_I don't see why not
18:14.25philfine_It detects that I am calling, why it doens't detect that I hangup the call before any action on its side
18:15.31pabelangerThen use the exten => h extension
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19:16.16tashanyone in here have much luck with Cepstral TTS voices? As in ... making them sound more realistic and less robotic?
19:16.52tashI really like ATT Natural Voices, but it is too expensive.  Neospeech is also really good, but it too is a little on the steep side.  I like Cepstral's pricing, but the quality seems to be lacking.
19:18.28*** part/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
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19:24.22ChannelZtashHouseWork_bb: You answered your own question.  You get what you pay for
19:32.35*** join/#asterisk fab5freddy (
19:34.30fab5freddyi installed asterisknow..  everything looks good in the control panel.  i added extensions.  twinkle registers with the asterisk server.  but when  i try to dial the extensions i created it says number is not in service.
19:34.44fab5freddyany ideas?
19:36.41*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (
19:38.03Daejeoyum FIND *girl  -- sexy
19:38.32Daejeoyum FIND *girl  -- sexy  --irc
19:39.14Daejeosomething wrong with repos
19:40.20fab5freddydaejeo:  are you familiar with asterisknow?
19:43.01Daejeofab5freddy: go ahead and ask what you want to know. do not ask to ask
19:43.41Daejeothere are so many asterisknow head on irc
19:44.21fab5freddydaejeo:  i setup asterisknow.  added extensions.  installed twinkle.  twinkle registers with th asterisk server.  but when i try to dial the extensions created the asterisk voice answers saying the number is out of service.
19:45.09nestAri am absolutely baffled by this IP650
19:45.15nestAri can not get it to ring
19:47.51ChannelZcan you be more vague?
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19:51.05nestArwhen you call it, it doesn't make any noise.
19:51.35nestArall my 450's work fine.. just this 650 is being a thorn in my side.
19:51.44nestArwhen i turn the ring volume up, it makes noise..
19:51.56nestArbut when a call comes in, nada.. shows up on the LCD, but no tones
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19:58.46fab5freddywhat would be my steps to troubleshoot why an extension would be out of service when i can connect to the server
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20:00.14ChannelZnestAr: sounds like a setting probably, have you done a factory reset on it to wipe its brain?
20:00.50ChannelZfab5freddy: the extension isn't properly associated with the device?  but that's a FreePBX question
20:00.57p3nguindaejeo: Did you have a question?
20:01.33nestArChannelZ: yeah.. a couple times.. i'm on the right track.. i just did it again with out the directory or the overrides..
20:01.43nestArnow to re-enable things one at a time.
20:02.07Daejeop3nguin: nope
20:02.16p3nguinfab5freddy: I would suggest that the context is wrong or the peer isn't matching your peer entry correctly.  You can troubleshoot it by going to the asterisk cli and running "core set verbose 4" and then make a call.
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20:14.00nestArhrmm... it's something in my directory file
20:17.19nestArmight be that <rt>1</rt>
20:21.27viraptorwhy do I get messages like this sometimes? "reg_source_db: IAX/Registry astdb host:port invalid - ''" -> I don't see anything invalid about it
20:23.19nestArNot only did that solve the problem, it also solved the other issue i had that the call wasn't being seized on off-hook.
20:23.48nestAri guess maybe polycom assumes that if you have the ring set to silent for a contact, you might not want to accidently answer it on off-hook.
20:23.51nestArmakes sense to me.
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20:44.42tashHouseWork_bbChannelZ: so I'm afraid that I'm left with crappy TTS or fork over the dough?
20:44.55*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpGuy@
20:44.58DelphiWorldhello guys
20:45.07DelphiWorldmy asterisk is unable to make out any iax2 call right now
20:45.11DelphiWorldfrom me to provider
20:45.13DelphiWorldhow do i check?
20:45.24DelphiWorldjust error unknowne
20:46.53fenrusstart debugging
20:48.18DelphiWorldfenrus: the provider is not replying
20:48.31DelphiWorldfenrus: evean the demo digium extension 500 isn't replying to me
20:49.41DelphiWorldif i do iax2 reload
20:49.43DelphiWorldi got: [Feb 20 20:49:43] NOTICE[3655]: chan_iax2.c:12039 iax2_poke_peer: Still have a c
20:52.56*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:54.08DelphiWorldstrange that i don't have any call!
20:54.14DelphiWorldjust loaded asterisk
20:54.21DelphiWorldif i reload iax2 i got [Feb 20 20:54:07] NOTICE[4310]: chan_iax2.c:12039 iax2_poke_peer: Still have a callno...
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21:14.00DelphiWorldany help?
21:20.10p3nguindelphiworld: I have no idea what that error means, but I see it all the time and it doesn't cause any problem, nor does it appear to be indicative of any problem.
21:20.39Andrew_M_Q: How do I get Google Contacts to my Polycom, so I can dial the numbers?  I have Asterisk 1.8.2.
21:20.47DelphiWorldp3nguin: but my iax2 connection failing evean to the default digium sample server
21:21.15p3nguindelphiworld: I believe you when you say it is failing, but it's not because of that message.
21:21.25DelphiWorldp3nguin: i agree :D
21:21.28DelphiWorldp3nguin: but how do i know?
21:21.38DelphiWorldp3nguin: how do i use tcpdump to debug in port 5060?
21:21.50p3nguindelphiworld: IAX2 doesn't run on port 5060.
21:22.04DelphiWorldp3nguin: sory 4569
21:22.19p3nguindelphiworld: Start with the iax debug on asterisk cli.
21:22.37DelphiWorldp3nguin: i see no reply
21:22.58DelphiWorldp3nguin: iax2 set debug on
21:22.59p3nguindelphiworld: If you see nothing, then your phone is not reaching asterisk.
21:23.07DelphiWorldp3nguin: or iax2 set debug peer peername on
21:23.18p3nguindelphiworld: Is your phone a sip phone and the peer is iax2?
21:23.23DelphiWorldp3nguin: so no, my phone is reaching it and hanging up
21:23.34p3nguindelphiworld: core set verbose 4
21:23.35DelphiWorldp3nguin: yes phone is gxp1200 and the peer is iax2
21:23.52DelphiWorldp3nguin: ok is 4
21:23.53Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: do you have Asterisk -vvvr (verbosity 3)
21:24.02p3nguindelphiworld: Now make a call.
21:24.03Andrew_M_Never mind
21:24.04DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: yes now is 4
21:24.26p3nguindelphiworld: Then pastebin everything from the time you turned on debug until the time you hangup the handset.
21:25.02DelphiWorldp3nguin: ok
21:25.47Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: have you tried "iax2 show peers"
21:26.19DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: all peers down :(
21:26.29DelphiWorldp3nguin: and no iax debugging :(
21:26.49p3nguinUnable to creat
21:26.50p3nguine channel of type 'IAX2'
21:27.08p3nguindelphiworld: module show like iax
21:27.46DelphiWorldp3nguin: module showing one loaded,
21:27.57DelphiWorldp3nguin: PM you the debugging of iax2 register to the remote peer
21:28.32p3nguinI charge $100 per hour for private support.
21:29.59DelphiWorldp3nguin: while pastebin it then.
21:30.11DelphiWorldp3nguin: i didn't want to pastebin it here just because of the username
21:30.19DelphiWorldTx-Frame Retry[002] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
21:30.19DelphiWorldTimestamp: 00007ms  SCall: 00903  DCall: 00000 []
21:30.19DelphiWorldUSERNAME        : xxxxxxxx
21:30.33DelphiWorldand no reply from the carrier.
21:31.15p3nguindelphiworld: Are you saying that IAX2 is working, but there is no "connection" between your asterisk and that peer?
21:31.27DelphiWorldp3nguin: yes, a local peer is working
21:31.35DelphiWorldp3nguin: a iaxcomm softphone is working
21:32.42p3nguindelphiworld: What does iax2 show registry say about the registration of your asterisk to that peer?
21:33.01DelphiWorldp3nguin: to the working or not working one?
21:33.15p3nguindelphiworld: I'll let you decide.
21:33.35DelphiWorldp3nguin: :)
21:33.54DelphiWorldp3nguin: the not working one is a provider while the working one is a softphone
21:33.58p3nguindelphiworld: Your statement makes me think you have a second ITSP and you use IAX2 to it.
21:34.01DelphiWorldhere's registration to the provider:
21:34.02DelphiWorld78.129.153.20:4569    N       114516      <Unregistered>             60  Request
21:34.30p3nguindelphiworld: iax2 show registry shows YOUR asterisk's registration to OTHER peers.  What does that have to do with your softphone?
21:34.39DelphiWorldp3nguin: :)
21:35.08DelphiWorldp3nguin: i didn't know this then
21:35.26p3nguindelphiworld: Now you know.
21:35.43DelphiWorldp3nguin: thank you so much for the info :P
21:36.14p3nguindelphiworld: So it shows that the request is sent.  Are you sure that you configured the peer entry correctly?
21:36.30DelphiWorldp3nguin: while pastebin it, ok?
21:36.34p3nguindelphiworld: okay
21:38.47p3nguindelphiworld: Do you want to see my config for voipms?
21:39.03DelphiWorldp3nguin: yes if you don't mind?
21:42.52DelphiWorldp3nguin: while try it
21:43.05p3nguindelphiworld: If I were you, I would copy mine and paste it into your system without changing anything except your username and secret.  That should successfully register you to the chicago PoP.
21:43.17p3nguindelphiworld: If that works, then change your host to london.
21:43.48DelphiWorldp3nguin: i hop... let try :)
21:43.57p3nguindelphiworld: Or I could just change mine to london and see how it works.
21:44.06DelphiWorldp3nguin: lol try!
21:44.54DelphiWorldp3nguin: so same :(
21:44.59p3nguindelphiworld: I almost forgot... you can also delete that setvar I use in mine.
21:45.09DelphiWorldp3nguin: i removed it allready :-)
21:46.07p3nguin64.120.22.242:4569  <Unregistered>  Request Sent
21:46.19p3nguin64.120.22.242:4569  <Unregistered>  Registered
21:46.25p3nguinNo problem.
21:46.33DelphiWorldp3nguin: so you can't register?
21:46.34p3nguindelphiworld: Now I'll make a call via london.
21:47.51p3nguindelphiworld: It is registered.  I didn't copy the entire line and I reused the first line I wrote to you.  It actually doesn't say <Unregistered> it shows my IP address.
21:48.04DelphiWorldp3nguin: mine still not
21:49.35DelphiWorldohh p3nguin!
21:49.40p3nguindelphiworld: I guess you have other problems that you aren't telling me about.
21:49.42DelphiWorldp3nguin: i evean removed my older one
21:49.49DelphiWorldbut is still looking for
21:50.23DelphiWorldp3nguin: i don't have london pops now but is still looking for it :(
21:50.57DelphiWorldfeeling mad right now
21:52.17DelphiWorldstill not registered.
21:52.18p3nguindelphiworld: Care to try SIP instead of IAX2?
21:52.28DelphiWorldok p3nguin, a question :-)
21:52.35DelphiWorldp3nguin: why i'm using iax and no sip?
21:53.10p3nguindelphiworld: Why are you using IAX2 and not SIP?
21:53.53DelphiWorldp3nguin: ip access list extended 100  deny udp any any eq 5060 log deny udp any any eq 5060 log
21:53.55DelphiWorldp3nguin: :)
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21:54.45p3nguindelphiworld: You use IAX2 because you entered a firewall rule to block SIP?  Wouldn't it be just as easy to remove the rule as it is to configure IAX2?
21:55.06DelphiWorldp3nguin: lol, not me, if was me i wouldn't do it! is my crazy ISP :P
21:58.14DelphiWorldp3nguin: my ISP block sip :(
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22:11.32delphiWorldanyone use tshark to capture traffic?
22:17.49*** join/#asterisk Andrew_M_ (6274247f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:18.44Andrew_M_Q: How do I dial Google Contacts on my Polycom?
22:20.05DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: me too i love to import it through my gxv3140 :)
22:20.51DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: the idea is to assign each one a speed dial number and put it in your address book :P
22:21.01Andrew_M_I would like it to be "live" if possible.  I save from my Android, then dial it from my Polycom.
22:21.38DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: but how doe polycom know it
22:21.41Andrew_M_I am sure I can import, it, format it, upload it, but how often is that practical?
22:22.07Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: That is part of my Q.
22:22.25DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: and that's part of my A :P
22:23.23Andrew_M_I would like it to be automatic, either periodical, like once a day, or with some push technology.
22:24.06Andrew_M_How about being able to save from Polycom, then use it in Android.
22:24.36DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: i don't have a polycom so no idea :-)
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22:25.14Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: Any Asterisk phone, Polycom or other.
22:25.29DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: and the issue is how doe polycom know that's a contact to be called and not a email address?
22:26.10Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: My first question would be how to link the Contacts with the Directory.
22:26.43DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: ldap?
22:27.33Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: There is software available for ldap, Outlook, Google, but they run on Window$.  I would like it on the phone instead.
22:27.54DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: polycom support ldap isn't it?
22:28.06Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: yes
22:28.16DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: so use it?
22:28.37Andrew_M_How do I get Google Contacts to ldap?
22:29.55DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: try to sync it through some tools in a linux box and sync the polycom there
22:31.01Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: Thanks for the great idea.  I have to read up on ldap admin.
22:31.11DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: :P
22:32.53DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: a simple idea:
22:33.12DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: use outlook or thinderbird and import your contact from gmail, and push it back to a ldap server
22:33.14Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: Simple are the best ones.
22:33.38Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: I already have it in thunderbird.
22:33.54DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: not sure if thinderbird support ldap
22:34.02DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: Evolution support it too
22:34.25DelphiWorldshould go to sleep
22:34.28Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: Something will support it.  Evolution is too buggy for my taste.
22:34.30DelphiWorldgood night Andrew_M_
22:34.43Andrew_M_DelphiWorld: Good night.  Thanks again!
22:34.53DelphiWorldAndrew_M_: np!
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