IRC log for #asterisk on 20110215

00:12.30*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
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00:22.07LemensTSI can't figure out why dahdi is not building /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ...i have a pb of the cmd i did to install dahdi:
00:42.00LemensTSnm had to compile dahdi before asterisk
00:42.03*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:49.17*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:55.40*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
01:00.18*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:12.44*** join/#asterisk fozzmoo (~fozz@
01:17.43*** join/#asterisk hfb (
01:18.01fozzmooIs someone available that could help me debug a simple SIP problem?
01:21.56fozzmooI'm getting this "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" when an incoming call comes in.
01:22.08fozzmooRunning 1.6
01:23.42*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
01:24.02Kobaz(gdb) p hh_new
01:24.02Kobaz$2 = (struct hanguphandler_item *) 0xdeadbeef
01:28.30*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:29.24riddleboxhello, is anyone using google voice+gizmo5+asterisk to make and recieve calls?
01:29.58riddleboxwhen I point my google voice config to my broadvoice account it works everytime but when I put my gizmo5 number or my sipgate number it wont call out?
01:51.44russellbKobaz: haha.
01:51.51russellbKobaz: MALLOC_DEBUG on?
01:53.07russellbKobaz: MALLOC_DEBUG does a few things on top of just tracking allocations for finding memory leaks.
01:53.13*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:53.32russellbKobaz: It also allocates a "fence" around each allocation to help detect writes just before or after an allocation.  It sets the fence to that value.
02:05.01*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-ysextkbjqotzxtce)
02:14.40Kobazyeah i figured
02:14.47Kobazyeah malloc debug is on
02:15.23Kobazrussellb: i was casting a void* to the wrong thing... i was getting some funky behavior... heh
02:17.05provolonehow can I use asterisk -x to detect when the phone has been answered in a shell script ?
02:18.44provoloneis there something I can use that will block until it is answered ?
02:18.59Kobazprovolone: AMI
02:19.41Kobazprovolone: welcome to dialplan and event handling... I've been writing code to handle stuff just like that for about three years
02:20.05provolonewhere should I start for docs ?
02:21.27KobazThe asterisk manager interface
02:23.12infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
02:23.18russellbthere is an AMI chapter in there ...
02:23.28russellbit's not really documentation of the commands, but gives you an overview of what the interface is
02:28.49Kobazoh man... so close
02:30.41Kobaztwo weeks of development, i now have proper transfer tracking for my callqueue
02:31.01Kobazbut only for slow attended transfers, still need to work on fast attended transfers
02:31.51Kobazi have all the logic for fast attended transfers, just need to put it back in
02:32.02russellbwhat do you mean by fast?
02:32.10russellbwhere someone hangs up before waiting for the answer?
02:32.44provoloneso most of you guys support call centers for marketing ?
02:32.48Kobazrussellb: yeah
02:33.02russellbwe call that "blonde transfers"
02:33.14Kobazthat's what you guys were talking about last week
02:33.46Kobazprovolone: many of us hack at various things with no focus in particular... and then some people have a particular focus
02:34.00Kobazi have about 6 projects that I work on
02:34.06russellbdoesn't actually use asterisk :-p
02:34.15Kobazhe's more of a surfer
02:34.20provoloneas you can see I am just at the edge of the pool with my feet in
02:34.53russellbI just try to talk to lots of people that do use it to get good feedback on what needs to be done.
02:34.57russellbseems to work out ok.
02:35.15Kobazrussellb: so the 'fast attended transfer'.. .the blonde transfers... dialplan wins up running directly on the transferee channel, instead of the intermediary channel
02:36.34Kobazso i have to do some hacks to push our events and stuff as if it was running on the intermediary channel, to make things sane for processing something normalized
02:39.37*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:41.24Kobazrussellb: i added a bunch more info to the sip attended transfer event to make this sort of stuff much easier to process... don't need to listen for masquerades and renames and etc to know what's going on... just need the one event
02:41.32Kobazi should post up a patch for that
02:49.23*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
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03:04.05*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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03:19.49adeelanyone ever setup a2billing with voicemail per did/account?
03:23.46*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
03:24.47*** join/#asterisk baldrailers (~Adium@
03:29.04*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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04:03.42*** join/#asterisk tash (
04:04.29*** join/#asterisk eMBee (~eMBee@foresight/developer/pike/programmer)
04:04.32tashstrange, it seems that randomly a .call gets stuck in the asterisk outgoing directory. If I open the file, I see a bunch of delayed retry lines. Any ideas?
04:04.33eMBeegood morning
04:05.01eMBeehas some trouble with asterix thinking that an extension is busy, when it isn't
04:05.37eMBeethe phone was moved to a different location in the net, and it seems like now asterix thinks there are two phones with the same extension
04:05.50eMBeeerm, asterisk
04:06.37*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
04:07.23eMBeeis there a way i can clear the state of an extension in the commandline tool?
04:07.59WIMPyAsterisk does not support multiple devices on one account.
04:08.21WIMPyIf a device registers, all info is replaced.
04:10.52eMBeeok, maybe i am missreading this, anyways, asterisk still thinks the extension is busy but it isn't can i force a reset without restarting?
04:11.21WIMPyThere is nothing to reset.
04:11.35WIMPyMaybe it's unable to reach the phone?
04:11.39adeeltry reloading the channel? e.g. sip reload
04:11.45WIMPyWhat does teh *cli say when  it fails?
04:12.35eMBeewell, in the cli when i run core show channels it shows up as SIP/808-00000dbd     6500@DLPN_DialPlan_D Up      AppQueue((Outgoing Line))
04:13.57WIMPyset verbose at least 3 and maybe debug to 1 and paste the message you get then.
04:15.59eMBeebut at the same time the user managed to place a call from 808 to 807 and i saw: SIP/808-00000dd9     807@DLPN_DialPlan_DE Ring    Dial(SIP/807)
04:16.37eMBeewhat is the difference between SIP/808-00000dd9 and SIP/808-00000dbd?
04:16.59WIMPyThat's only the incoming call leg. No information about any attempt to reach a phone.
04:17.21WIMPyAnother call serial number.
04:18.23WIMPyMaybe it's your queue acting up, not the device?
04:19.06eMBeethe device seems to work just fine
04:19.17eMBeeso i try to reset the queue?
04:19.22*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:19.50WIMPyI can't comment on queues. Never used them.
04:20.12ChannelZYeah.  He cuts in line.
04:22.35eMBeeyes, i see a DAHDI/6-1            6500@queues:1        Up      Queue(6500) sticking around there too
04:22.43eMBeecan i forse a hangup?
04:23.02WIMPychannel request hangup ...
04:24.08eMBeeah, yes, just found it in the help, thanks
04:34.48eMBeethat seems to have fixed the problem
04:40.00*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:42.00adeelis there a listing of the variables for * 1.8?
05:08.59*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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05:32.16adeelIs there a way to make the voicemail system play back the DID that was dialed, rather than the mailbox number? that is, when you hear Allison say ' The person at extension <account # here> is unavailable' ....can i change the the account # to be the DID?
05:38.11ChannelZwell you could make people's mailbox numbers their DIDs
05:38.22ChannelZit reads the mailbox number, not the extension dialed that got them there
05:38.29ChannelZ...or you can hack the source
05:39.02adeelyeah, i was leaning towards hacking the source; maybe just add another parameter for the did that was dialed
05:39.25*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
05:39.28adeelonly problem is that there could be a number of different DID's associated with 1 account/extension
05:40.18*** part/#asterisk provolone (
05:48.46Kobazor just write your own wrapper in dialplan in front of VoiceMail()
06:06.53*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:17.34*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:24.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
06:40.12*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
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06:50.14*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
06:53.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:54.29fakhirhello. if you order IVR prompt from digium can you provide a list of names?
07:05.15shaprI really wish wireshark had some way to read asterisk CLI captures.
07:06.12WIMPyWhat part of them would you like in there?
07:08.27*** join/#asterisk fross (
07:11.54frossIs the new book on a pdf at all, or just the html?
07:12.19shaprWIMPy: It's more that I'd like to be able to filter and fold the messages.
07:14.01*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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07:18.48kaldemarfross: the new book is not yet published. we'll see when it is.
07:22.34frossahh ok, Its the only other book the "Asterisck: The Futrue of Telephony from 2005?
07:23.47frossI am just looking for a good reference to put on my kindle
07:27.12kaldemarthe second edition of "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony" was written for asterisk 1.4, so it's quite outdated now. but many things still apply. i'd wait for the new book, it's supposed to be ready in "early 2011" according to
07:27.49frosskaldemar: ok thanks Ill just wait to get the new one
07:28.53*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
07:29.56*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:30.00schmidtsgood mroning
07:37.19wdoekes2wow.. no annoying line from the infobot :) morning btw
07:37.36WIMPySyntax error :-)
07:37.45wdoekes2drailing slash
07:37.57wdoekes2too bad ;)
07:49.09*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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08:14.30*** join/#asterisk awclin (
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08:27.29*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (
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09:36.33*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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09:40.13*** join/#asterisk eerie (hoax@gateway/shell/
09:44.04*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
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09:48.58*** join/#asterisk Leentje (
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10:15.02*** join/#asterisk awclin (
10:15.17hrhrhrare there any handsets out there with an easy way to log out/log in
10:15.23hrhrhrhot desking scenario?
10:16.55schmidtshrhrhr not really AFAIK but you can just use dialplan logic for this
10:17.23hrhrhri get that answer every time
10:17.36hrhrhri just want a noob friendly way to log ppl out and in
10:17.40*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
10:18.52schmidtsmaybe you can use a phone with a builtin webinterface
10:19.04WIMPyOr a phones browser if you want a fancy version.
10:22.45schmidtshrhrhr you can use IP subnets for example, every user has to change the IP of the phone and with this ip you have another user
10:23.27schmidtshrhrhr but i dont know if asterisk can support the same user but with different ips, i guess not, but you can use again dialplan logic for this :D
10:24.54joobieanyone played with self-signed certs on a CISCO 500 series?
10:25.12joobieim going through a proces that you have to send the CSR to cisco to have them send back a cert
10:25.19joobiesounds a bit overkill - not sure if there is a simpler way
10:32.02*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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10:33.17*** join/#asterisk aceking5 (
10:37.18*** join/#asterisk binrush (~rush@
10:38.39binrushHello. I have a problem using asterisk 1.6 with realtime sips. When I add sip channel (my sip provider) to asterisk using realtime
10:39.06binrushincoming calls don't work for me. The message is NOTICE[19805]: chan_sip.c:21250 handle_request_invite: Sending fake
10:39.08binrushauth rejection for device "test"
10:39.16binrushSorry for broken message
10:43.50*** part/#asterisk aceking5 (
10:56.01kaldemarbinrush: realtime is not working.
10:56.34*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~abejide@
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10:57.40binrushkaldemar: sorry ?
11:01.32bjhaidi would like to know if its possible that say i am trunking via a sip provider and i am provided several sip channels, if i have the channels put into a group (g), can i do, dial/g/08039269311, would this be correct, say i am hardcoding which PSTN line the extension should dial once the extension is dialed?
11:08.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
11:09.26schmidtsdoes work for anybody?
11:20.29kaldemarbinrush: looks like asterisk has no information on a user by the name test, so it sends an authentication rejection.
11:41.51*** join/#asterisk aiksa[LV] (~aiksaLV]@
11:42.36aiksa[LV]can i have two different sip peers with the same username=... record, but different secret=.... records ?
11:43.01aiksa[LV]obviously [peername] part is different for the both
11:44.29*** join/#asterisk binrush (~rush@
11:45.21aiksa[LV]or are there any other method to sync the process of a secret change through provision on both the pbx and enddevice
11:45.26binrushkaldemar: what's wrong with realtime ?
11:46.24kaldemarbinrush: no idea. but it doesn't seem to be working.
11:47.39kaldemarbinrush: do you have the realtime module ( loaded and how did you configure it?
11:47.48*** join/#asterisk benniej (
11:49.16*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
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11:52.20z4nD4Rsupports asterisk 1.4.23 TLS?? I find on mail-list that NO... but some official ... cant find....
11:53.46kaldemarz4nD4R: no.
11:54.17*** join/#asterisk xheliox (jeff@pdpc/supporter/student/xheliox)
11:54.35z4nD4Rkaldemar: even if i find some path?
11:54.43z4nD4Ri find only this
11:55.04aiksa[LV]or is there a way perhaps how asterisk could support multiple secerts for a single sip friend entry?
11:55.37binrushkaldemar:                Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite             0
11:57.34kaldemarz4nD4R: of course you can patch it to support TLS if there is such a patch.
11:58.11*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
11:59.10z4nD4Rkaldemar: hmm... crazy... i find patch with zrtp but only for 1.4 version... and 1.4 does not support TLS.. :D ... i dont thig, that some path for asterisk 1.4 with tls is
11:59.30binrushkaldemar: and I have sip.conf => odbc,asterisk,ast_config in my extconfig.conf
12:03.06kaldemarbinrush: and you have configured also res_odbc, have the module loaded and the ODBC connector exists?
12:06.49binrushkaldemar: yes. Even more - everything is work except incoming calls.
12:08.23binrushkaldemar: The problem is with host parameter in sip_buddies table. When I put hostname of my sip provider there, incoming calls are rejected by my asterisk with error message. When I put IP address there, they are working fine.
12:09.10binrushkaldemar: And in case of non-realtime configuration, everythong works fine with hostnames as well
12:10.59kaldemarbinrush: you instruct asterisk to read table ast_config in extconfig.conf, not sip_buddies.
12:16.24*** join/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
12:26.19*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (
12:26.57datacompboyHi! Anyone know security holes in asterisk 1.4 ? I'm receive messages like 'Content-Type:^@ application/sdp' where ^@ is zero byte. After that -- INVITE handled, without authorization!
12:27.56z4nD4Rdatacompboy: security holes? Use some protection on SIP or RTP?
12:28.40datacompboyz4nD4R: i have local peers (authorized by IP) and several remotes, that should REGISTER. I see call tries from remote IPs, which do not authtorize
12:29.15datacompboyI have changed dialplan so no more outgoing calls possible from unknown peers (~200 eur lost by calls to Hebrew, Zimbabwe etc in Dec2010) :)
12:29.29datacompboyChecked SIP config -- it still ok, but still new tries to call in logs.
12:30.04z4nD4Rdatacompboy: my question... if you use same protection on SIP ( tls ) or RTP ( SRTP ) .. or zrtp or VPN?
12:30.41datacompboyz4nD4R: plain SIP/udp + plain RTP
12:31.20z4nD4Rdatacompboy: so... this is realy BIG security hole
12:31.36datacompboyz4nD4R: i'm asking about other aspect.
12:32.14datacompboyz4nD4R: question is: is known bug about processing zero bytes in SIP/UDP messages or not.
12:33.01z4nD4Rdatacompboy: so... that i dont realy know... byt 1.4 version is out off date... but... i dont answer on your question...
12:34.40datacompboyz4nD4R: thanks, i know that 1.4 is outdated, but it handles SIP very well, and right now i have no req to upgrade it. Except of this noisy bug, which i want to get -- is it known or not. Google said nothing.
12:37.24*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
12:38.19wdoekes2datacompboy: I very reluctant to believe that this is not a configuration issue on your end
12:39.45*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
12:41.58datacompboywdoekes2: may be. configuration are same on several systems. hmmm... it 1.4.22! not .26! Looks i know answer
12:45.19datacompboyWell, can someone answer on newbie questions about 1.8? is it: 1) allows several subscriptions to single peer from different location? call to it should call all. 2) support app_confenrece-like conferencing? (not meetme) 3) allow to detect call termination due to lost of rtp packets ?
12:45.56WIMPyno, yes, yes
12:46.15WIMPyAnd I think 3 was already possible in 1.4.
12:46.40datacompboyWIMPy: 3 in 1.4? how?!
12:48.20datacompboyWIMPy: Hmmm... Thanks :) Is it disable silence suppression when set?
12:50.21datacompboyok, will do upgrade to 1.6 and look is that fixes problem. Thanks to everyone!
12:50.21*** part/#asterisk datacompboy (
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13:02.01leifmadsenWIMPy: yep, because 1) would be SIP proxy functionality
13:13.48*** join/#asterisk gajini (~jay@
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13:55.28shortcircuitI've been reading through AST.pdf in asterisk-, and I get the feeling it may not have been updated since 1.6.x. The compile instructions all say asterisk-1.6.X.Y.tar.gz and there's some discussion of syntax differences between 1.4 and 1.6.
13:58.48shortcircuitIt looks like the PDF was an export from a wiki. (The first non-index page says "This is the home of the official wiki for The Asterisk Project", and has a Recently Updated index in the next section. Maybe someone just needs to export the wiki again?
13:59.50WIMPyJust read or
13:59.54kaldemarthe migration for separate text files to the wiki export was done after 1.8.0. it has been updated, but maybe not on all parts.
13:59.55infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
14:00.11*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~abejide@
14:00.49shortcircuitinfobot: Love to. :)
14:00.49infobotIf you love to. :) so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
14:02.55shortcircuitHm. Is there an epub (or pdf) version of the new book?
14:03.33WIMPyI guess you will have to wait for the official release.
14:05.11shortcircuitThe web interface isn't a real problem, it's just more convenient on my Nook. That's what I've been reading the AST.pdf with.
14:06.50shortcircuitI've bought the epub forms of four O'Reilly books so far, and expect I'll buy more in the future. :)
14:13.20*** part/#asterisk clintc (
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14:43.28jkroonhi guys, when issueing an AMI Hangup request I don't seem to receive a Hangup event for that channel, only the bridged channel - is this the correct behaviour?
14:46.44aiksa[LV]what type of channel?
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14:55.32jayteeWhen is the new book out in print?
14:59.42*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-smjuupksptrqnocw)
15:02.19Kobazjkroon: you should get hangup events for all channels that were hung up
15:02.24*** part/#asterisk benngard (~mabe@
15:05.38jkroonKobaz, interesting.  i don't think i am.
15:05.45jkroonlet me re-read the output more carefully.
15:06.51shortcircuitis liking the Asterisk book. Chapter 1 reads like the author's muse took him in a choke-hold and commanded the words to flow.
15:08.17jkroonKobaz, if it only generates a Hangup event for the bridged channel (not the one the hangup was requested on) that's a bug right?  that needs to be reported?
15:08.21*** part/#asterisk skyion (
15:08.34*** join/#asterisk Amnesia (~Amnesia@unaffiliated/amnesia)
15:08.41Amnesiacould anyone help me with setting up dahdi?
15:09.08Kattygoooooooooooooood morning!!!
15:09.10WIMPyjkroon: Do you get a succes report for your request?
15:09.17AmnesiaI've already set "context=outgoing" but when I type dahdi show channels, it keeps saying context: default
15:09.22WIMPyGood afternoon
15:10.10WIMPyAmnesia: All options must be before the channels they should be used on.
15:10.25jkroonWIMPy, yes.
15:10.26Amnesiahm, I've set it beneath [channels]
15:11.22WIMPyjkroon: I don't know if that's the way it's supposed to work, but it seems logical to me that you don't get another event for your action then.
15:11.23jkroonI am either missing call hangup events or somewhere I'm issueing a Hangup action but the call doesn't generate a Hangup event.  re-reading the trace I do eventually (quite a bit down) locate the second Hangup event.
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15:14.34WIMPyAmnesia: You said you put it beneath [channels] but that paste shows it above.
15:14.37jkroonok, added code to just remove the call from my call list if I issue a hangup request and get a non-success response.
15:14.44AmnesiaWIMPy: I tried both
15:14.59Amnesiano success
15:15.08WIMPyIt needs to be between [channels] and channel =>
15:15.39WIMPyBut your cli output doesn't show any real channels at all.
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15:16.13Amnesiahm, did I forget some steps?
15:16.27Amnesiahaven't done anything with /etc/dahdi/* really
15:16.42Amnesiaexcept than dahdi_genconf and then change /etc/dahdi/system.conf
15:16.50Amnesiato "nl" instead of "us"
15:17.09WIMPyYou haven't configured any channel.
15:17.45WIMPyThat was a sample configuration, not a generated one.
15:18.23Amnesia/etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf or /etc/dahdi/system.conf?
15:18.31Amnesiahow can I generate it?
15:19.14WIMPyErr, no. that chan_dahdi.conf.
15:19.30Amnesiaroot@asteriskpbx:/home/admin# dahdi_genconf
15:19.30AmnesiaEmpty configuration -- no spans
15:19.30AmnesiaEmpty configuration -- no spans
15:19.30WIMPySorry, I don't fiddle with dahdi that much.
15:19.50Amnesianp, ++ for the fact you're at leasst trying to help me:D
15:20.04WIMPyGuess you need to load kernel drivers for your hardware then.
15:20.52Amnesiathey're already loaded
15:21.05Amnesiadriver should be 'wcb4xxp' but is actually 'hfcmulti'
15:21.05Amnesiapci:0000:30:00.0     wcb4xxp+     1397:08b4 Junghanns QuadBRI ISDN card
15:21.38WIMPyOh, you need to make sute you load the one you want to use and only that.
15:22.14WIMPySo if you want to use dahdi, blacklis hfcmulti in /etc/modules.d/blacklist or somewhere in that area.
15:22.16Amnesiawcb4xxp and hfcmulti are both loaded
15:22.33WIMPyOk, but only one of them can work.
15:22.50WIMPyMake sure the other doesn't get loaded.
15:22.58Amnesiaremoved hfcmulti, and dahdi_hardware doesnt state the same anymore, but dahdi_genconf does
15:23.09WIMPyprefers hfcmulti, but that depends on your needs.
15:23.35WIMPyYou probably have to remove and re-load wcb4xxp.
15:24.04WIMPyIt won't magically recognize the hardware was freed.
15:25.11Amnesiahm wcb4xxp on itselfs seems to word
15:31.58*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:33.14schmidtshey guys, does anyone of you know a problem that dialplan execution hangs after a playback. but its only sometimes not everytime
15:34.41AmnesiaWIMPy: /etc/dahdi/system.conf got generated
15:34.56Amnesiabut /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf didnt change
15:36.04WIMPyNo, it generates /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf that can be included in chan_dahdi.conf.
15:38.14Amnesiaah, it isnt included by default..
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15:39.45Amnesiawhat's the include syntax of asterisk?
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15:40.26_Corey_Amnesia: include => xxxx
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15:54.02infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
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16:03.19odin917hey everyone
16:04.18odin917my sip trunk provider is telling me my asterisk system is "registering funny", he sent me the output and on one of the lines the registration output on his end is "   Contact: <sip:s@MY.IP.ADDRESS>  "
16:04.45odin917does anyone know what/where i set the "contact"
16:05.15odin917he said it should read, myUserName@my.ip.address ; not s@my.ip.address
16:05.31kylerI'm still trying to find a SIP DID provider offering (incoming) SMS.  I see Anveo and Google Voice but I'd like something with easy Asterisk integration.
16:07.05_Corey_kyler: I think Vitelity is offering it, though I haven't used it myself
16:14.20kyler_Corey_: Thanks for the pointer!  That sounds like what I want.  I'm still trying to get details...
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16:19.51[Outcast]Has anyone had issues with the AMI taking a really long time to process requests?
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16:25.17[Outcast]no one else has had issue with AMI executing commands slowly?
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16:35.31odin917does anyone know where I set "contact" in the sip registration?
16:35.54odin917My provider is seeing Contact: <sip:s@myIPaddress>
16:36.12odin917instead of myUser@myIPaddress
16:36.49_Corey_odin917: I'm guessing you're doing a "register => user:password@host"
16:37.01_Corey_try "register => user:password@host/user"
16:37.33odin917_Corey_: thank you, trying now
16:37.57carlopiresI was trying to create some extensions in extensions.lua but not of them is show on "dialplan show" cli
16:38.07carlopiresI'm using *1.8
16:41.03carlopiresI noticed globals is set with extensions.lua but not extensions
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16:49.08carlopiresdoes anyone know why extensions created in lua is not listed with dialplan command ?
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16:50.37AppLyncI am trying to figure out a way to change the user state of a user so that the BLF's will light up. They wont actually be getting a call, be cause we are pushing the presence from somewhere else.
16:50.53AppLyncWe just want to remtoely light up the BLF's for an extension
16:50.57LemensTSAnyone here run asterisk as a dhcp server without internet connection? My concern is Polycom phones need a NTP server to update the date/time, without internet they can't. Only way I see is to install NTP server on the asterisk server...not sure if I am doing it proper, not much information on it....
16:51.33AppLyncdhcp server in box without internet is fine.
16:51.55LemensTSAppLync: yes, how do you update the date/time on the phones
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16:52.34_Corey_AppLync: Look into the custom device state function, I think that's what you need
16:52.44AppLyncwithout internet, you will need to install NTP service as well, and just pint the dhcp server settign for ntp to itself. The phone siwll pull the time form the dhcp server
16:53.18AppLyncThat is what I am doing. but is doesnt seem to work. I can see the change in the devstate list command, but the BLF's dont light up.
16:53.38LemensTSAppLync: yea that is what i was trying to do, I will look for more information
16:53.44asteriskmonkeyhey in asterisk 1.8.2 should i be able to see the channels of a pri if i do dahdi show channels? im seeing when i do dadhi_cfg -vvv .. channels are getting listed and there in /etc/dahdi/system.conf ok and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf but in the cli i see nothing
16:53.50_Corey_AppLync: What does your hint look like for one of these?
16:54.02asteriskmonkeyi do a dahdi show status and i see the span is up and ok so why no channels showing?
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16:58.58dacm_workHi guys.
16:59.06dacm_workTrying to diagnose 1-way audio.
16:59.23dacm_workShould I be worried about 401 - Unauthorized, or is that normal?
16:59.44asteriskmonkeyanyone know why a pri wouldnt show channels but show ok in the asterisk cli?
17:02.02dacm_workIt's coming after an INVITE. Later afterwards another INVITE is sent, this time with an Authorization header. (So I'm guessing it's expected behaviour. At least on asterisk's part.)
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17:07.17CoffeeIVI am using asterisk 1.8.  My users.conf has a lot of "host = dynamic" lines, and my log has a lot of failed DNS lookups for host "dynamic".  Where can I find documentation on what is actually allowed and expected in users.conf, so I can fix this ?
17:07.23LemensTSCan you add Dahdi lines to the line buttons on Polycom phones, so if that line is in use, it is lit up?
17:12.41kyler_Corey_:  Vitelity+S.MS looks like just what I needed.  Thank you so much for the help!  I've been thrashing with this for months trying to find a solution.
17:13.23_Corey_kyler: No problem...  I read a little about it and it seems like they have their act together.  We've used some of their services for a while and they've been solid.
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17:14.53kyler_Corey_: I made a voice call to their support number first just to get a feel for their service.  It seemed good.  I think this is going to be a huge relief and save me a lot of money.
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17:15.35_Corey_Good luck
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17:17.01LemensTSOr I guess it is called "Shared Lines" but I was wondering if it worked with Analog lines
17:20.16[Outcast]has anyone seen long delays when executing commands on the AMI?
17:23.43pabelangerWith Background() DTMF can interrupt the prompt that is playing, anybody know how to do the same with SayDigits()?
17:24.39russellbpabelanger: you can't
17:25.07russellbsomeone should add it ... has been requsted many times before, but nobody has done it
17:25.16russellbbackground ability for all of the Say variants
17:25.21WIMPycreate one file out of the digits you want to say and use background?
17:25.22QwellBackground() should have never been its own app, heh
17:25.40pabelangerrussellb: yar!
17:25.46russellbWIMPy: gets more complicated when you want to say dates, times, a large range of numbers
17:26.05WIMPySure. But it's possible.
17:26.11russellbi guess so
17:26.16pabelangerQwell: agree, we should have created a barge-in option
17:26.30russellbhere's what you do ...
17:27.20Qwelloriginate a new channel, start Record(), call SayDigits(), throw the filename in a global variable, and Background() that file on the original channel
17:27.23russellbyou Originate() a call that will use ChanSpy() in whisper mode to play the file to the channel, meanwhile you just use Background() with silence ... after background exits, you use the app that hangs up a channel to kill the call you originated
17:27.44Qwellrussellb: ^5!
17:27.48AppLync_Corey_: if I do a SIP show hintsa?
17:27.55russellbnot convoluted at all
17:27.56AppLynccore show hints, rather?
17:35.11AppLyncvitelity defintiely has their act together. I ave also had great luck with didforsale.
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17:41.45frossDoes SIP only work for internal pre defined extentions or call it make outgoing calls to any number?
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18:32.58dacm_workHi guys.
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18:33.53dacm_workWhen redirecting a call from my ITSP back out to my ITSP, * is not sending out any RTP packets, although it is receiving both sets from my ITSP.
18:34.15dacm_worki.e. The call connects fine but there is no audio.
18:34.35dacm_workHow can I go about debugging this further?
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18:41.29daxthi room , i have asterisk setup server which now have two extensions , i can ring from one extension to another using two softphones and vise versa , but i cannot hear the call ,  what could be the issue ?
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18:42.11daxtskype works on both PCs were linphone (softphone ) is installed , so its not a voice related issue
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18:57.53LemensTSOn IP phones, what are the line buttons for? On our analog systems, they show if a pots line is in use or not.
18:58.05LemensTSI mean on our analog systems phones...
18:58.46paulcLemensTS: They're usually used for instances of calls. So you can juggle multiple calls at once, or have a multiple extension numbers assigned to a phone (and be able to tell which one was called)
18:58.49WIMPyThey are there to make it easier for ppl mentally stuck in that time.
18:58.59WIMPyOr to change accounts.
18:59.01paulcLOL @ WIMPy - ooh the burn! :)
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19:00.13LemensTSpaulc: ok, so if i have 2 lines on an ip phone, and i create a sip account "800", then line 1 would be 800?
19:01.04LemensTSand most people would create another sip account "801" and asssign it as line 2?
19:01.26LemensTSor assign line 2 as 800 as well?
19:01.48tonsofpcsWIMPy: you mean like how I have to explicitly explain the difference between DIDs and BRIs to IT folk?
19:01.53paulcLemenTS: Sure, if you assign SIP account "800" to "line 1" on the phone. A lot depends on the phone. Like a Polycom phone, for example - you can have multiple buttons on the same account, makes call juggling easy because one line button = one call. But you can also configure multiple calls per button. So button 1 = 800, button 2 = 555, and each button can handle multiple calls (use the cursor keys to select the one you want to hold/retrieve/end/transfer
19:01.59nnyok really banging my head here. I have 2 boxes, 1 is a test box I peridoically bring online via IP switch in the process of testing an upgrade. This isn't my preffered method, but it works. the IP phones (polycom) keep registering with the tets box, even after the switch, as well as the production box. I have checked for any network oddities, and my remote phone (linksys) shows up in registry too. Users report that they are seeing voicemails from the test b
19:02.07paulctonsofpcs: seriously? ouch - that's painful!
19:02.24nnymy guts still says network, but just pinging for ideas
19:02.27WIMPytonsofpcs: No idea what kind of ppl you have to deal with.
19:02.48paulcnny: what happens if you reboot the phones after switchover?
19:02.55nnypaulc: same thing
19:03.29_Corey_lol, BRIs and DIDs
19:05.13_Corey_I had a major VoIP carrier mess up an order recently for adding 3 DIDs to a test trunk.  The rep's response "OH! I was confused because I thought you wanted 3 PHONE LINES."
19:05.38LemensTSpaulc: ok that makes sense. im assuming most people dont use line 2 button than, im not sure why i would need 2 sip accounts on 1 phone...?
19:05.51paulcheadslaps - reps really should be technical, not just "sales people"
19:06.08tonsofpcsit depends on the use case
19:06.26WIMPyLemensTS: To route different DIDs, e.g..
19:06.42paulcLemensTS: What kind of phone do you have? At home, maybe use it for 2 different providers (like a US one and a UK one, for example). In an office environment, use it for your published extension number that every knows, and the second line for a secret numbe for the special people in your life
19:06.45tonsofpcsI need a 'phone' that has 16 SIP connections...
19:07.26paulctonsofpcs: Something with an add on module then (Aastra? Polycom?) or... front it with Asterisk, the phone is a single endpoint and Asterisk handles your 16 accounts? (or am I missing it?)
19:08.10tonsofpcspaulc: oh, I'm just saying for LemensTS.  I'm looking at one of these:
19:09.05paulctonsofpcs: oh yes - Telos.. they make sexy shit.. love their gear and those new VX things are cool
19:09.09paulcradio involvement then?
19:10.12tonsofpcscurrently using a Symetrix 108
19:10.24tonsofpcsis an engineer for a TV/radio station
19:10.57tonsofpcsI've been playing with getting a bunch of hardware codecs (many with SIP capabilities) to talk with each other
19:11.03tonsofpcsthese APT boxes are a PITA, but I think they'll be good once I get them working
19:11.34paulctonsofpcs: Have you seen
19:11.56paulcis a software developer with a passion for radio
19:12.33tonsofpcsis that yours?
19:14.07paulctonsofpcs: nope, but it's interesting.. good British engineering.. and kinda turns things a bit upside down..  That said, I like the Telos VX stuff too..
19:14.31dacm_workIs this the best place for help with debugging problems with *? Or is there a forum somewhere I should use>
19:14.40paulcInteresting how these days it's becoming more and more about the software and the data behind it.. caller history, notes, etc.. building screening into the system as a whole etc
19:14.48paulcdacm_work: ask away
19:14.49infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:15.17dacm_work<dacm_work> When redirecting a call from my ITSP back out to my ITSP, * is not sending out any RTP packets, although it is receiving both sets from my ITSP.
19:15.17dacm_work<dacm_work> i.e. The call connects fine but there is no audio.
19:15.17dacm_work<dacm_work> How can I go about debugging this further?
19:16.42tonsofpcspaulc: we use a win 9x machine running word full screen for call notes, with a scan converter feeding a video line in the studio about 80' away
19:16.52dacm_workIt's as if the RTP bridging just isn't happening.
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19:18.11dacm_workMy * is behind a NAT. (My ITSP is outside my network of course.) When one end of the call is within my network then it seems to work ok.
19:18.38paulctonsofpcs: yeah, that works :)  Amazing what goes on behind the scenes eh?
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19:38.50tonsofpcspaulc: eh, we used to use a whiteboard and someone would hold it up to a window.... simple works :)
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20:07.52shortcircuitdacm_work: I'm just getting started in all this, but I'm pretty sure the NAT is your problem.
20:09.13infobotrumour has it, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
20:09.18pabelangerinfobot: ping?
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20:09.54pabelangerdacm_work: ^ PB a complete debug log showing your problem
20:12.02becks`hi, somebody knows a software to call some 1000 numbers and play a pre-recorded message? I know there is a project for such purposes but I can't remember the name
20:14.51dacm_workshortcircuit: I thought so at first, but I'd expect to at least see the RTP packets _leaving_ my server.
20:15.06fenrusthis sounds like a advertising scam
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20:15.16becks`it's not
20:15.26_Corey_this is actually pretty common
20:15.28dacm_workpabelanger: Will do. Instructions are on that pagge right?
20:16.08_Corey_becks: you can do it with asterisk without too much difficulty if you write a small external script to push call spool files at asterisk
20:16.27becks`ok thanks _Corey_
20:16.57_Corey_the trick with that technique is to send only as many as you have channels you want to dial, and then sleep for as long as the message takes to play
20:17.08_Corey_you'll need to look at the AMD() application though
20:17.17pabelangerdacm_work: yes
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20:27.08dacm_workpabelanger: Ok, I have the log. Is there any sensitive info I should remove from it before sharing it? (Registration with my ITSP for example?)
20:27.32pabelangerdacm_work: you'll have to review the capture, but usually not
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20:32.44dacm_workpabelanger: Do you think it's worth masking the phone numbers? Also where should I upload to? The issue tracker or just some pastebin?
20:32.53pabelangerdacm_work: Again your call, use PB.  Remember, anything you upload will be on the web for the world to view
20:33.20dacm_workok I'll probably do a quick search and replace on them.
20:33.24dacm_work``** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet"
20:33.24dacm_work^ Is that suspicious? ;-)
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20:43.11dacm_workI masked anything that I thought might be sensitive, but you should still be able to follow it. (i.e. Nothing was changed to the same `mask'.)
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20:51.29voipnet-techquestion, have a server where the end-user has been busy building queues and extensions.   come to findout their ext-queues context (freepbx) has -= 5457 extensions (16523 priorities) in 1 context. =- .  from an asterisk perspective, can i expect this would be causing a performance hit?  a syncronization script that runs hourly performs a reload and the logger dumps 8MB of log lines into the full log.  found yesterday /var/log/
20:52.18drmessano-lt5457 extensions ?
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20:53.06voipnet-techthis is the whole dialplan: -= 10787 extensions (32106 priorities) in 191 contexts. =-
20:54.06_Corey_voipnet-tech: how many actual phones?
20:54.34voipnet-tech_Corey_: just under 300
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20:54.50_Corey_Only FreePBX could produce something that awful... ;)
20:55.13voipnet-techi know right!
20:55.38_Corey_Someone from Digium should be able to provide a definitive answer, but my understanding is that Asterisk 1.6+ deals with large dialplans much better than its predecessors
20:56.01voipnet-techluckily on as of yesterday
20:56.15_Corey_The killer is the reloads
20:56.31voipnet-techyea takes 2-3 mins
20:56.35_Corey_We had a customer with a similar FreePBX mess who was hitting "Apply / Reload" every 10 seconds
20:57.12dacm_workpabelanger: (Sorry forgot to poke you earlier so you might not have seen.) I've uploaded that log to
20:57.27carrarvoipnet-tech, thats not that much
20:59.48carrarhowever all that in 1 context I bet makes reloading a bit slow
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21:03.53carrarvoipnet-tech, you could probably reduce your extensions count by using a db
21:04.32carrarwhich would also in turn reduce your priorities possibly
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21:13.57voipnet-techcarrar: ty
21:14.29jayteeI'm trying to add a third NIC to my Asterisk server. I have one NIC connected to my cable modem which is set as dhcp and the second NIC is set as static on my LAN. When I add the third card I can't get my sip provider to register. I use flowroute and the dns lookup fails and reports this on the console:  chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:19853426@sip.
21:16.19jayteeI'm not sure why it's trying to use the loopback address when the third NIC is installs.
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21:29.09shortcircuitdacm_work: I don't profess that I'll be able to figure it out, but do you have, e.g. Call-ID strings to search against for calls that worked, and calls that didn't?
21:29.12Dovidanyone here host @ Telx ?
21:31.47dacm_workshortcircuit: Not in that log no. That just contains one call that didn't work.
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21:34.05shortcircuitdacm_work: You sure? A visual inspection shows at least five different Call-IDs. Or am I misunderstanding something?
21:35.40dacm_workshortcircuit: Well I only made one call whilst the debug logging was on. So unless asterisk can log retroactively...
21:35.58shortcircuitHm. I wonder if I'm looking at the wrong paste.
21:37.24shortcircuitAh. I'm just misreading this, I suspect. I see one "set of 180 Ringing" lines, but that's about 40% into the file.
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21:38.01dacm_workI can only find SIP/ITSP-00000002 and SIP/ITSP-00000003 which are the 2 sides of the same call I believe.
21:39.04dacm_workshortcircuit: is my log.
21:40.45shortcircuitYeah, that's what I'm looking at. I think I'm just out of my depth.
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21:49.38Alborrachodoes anyone know how to deal with mpg123 zombies? i have a lot of them and i think they are crashing asterisk
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21:51.39jayteehears the lyrics to All you zombies from The Hooters play in his head.
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21:54.38shortcircuitrecalls the plot to R.A.H's All You Zombies.
21:55.51shortcircuitAlborracho: Zombie processes are usually caused by system calls that don't return. I usually encounter them under hardware failure circumstances, when a file I/O operation hangs for a while.
21:56.45shortcircuitAlborracho: My best suggestion would be to use 'lsof' and see what resources they're using which they haven't yet been cleaned up. That might give you clues as to where to look.
22:00.22Alborrachook, ill look that, thx
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22:09.54DrkShadowhey, sometimes the Dial app returns a 503 "Service Unavailable" message to my Ass-tra phones. The phones, instead of treating the error as a server error, instead try to redial immediately -- ad infinium. This causes the provider to block the calls.
22:10.32DrkShadowI'm trying to find out how to detect the 503 Service Unavailable message in the dialplan and treat it differently -- anything differently -- just so the phones don't try to redial. Help? How can I figure out if app Dial failed with 503 Service Unavailable?
22:12.31*** part/#asterisk pepe_lucho (~pepe_luch@unaffiliated/pepe-lucho)
22:14.08WIMPyYou'd need to parse the sip headers yourself. But maybe HANGUPCAUSE is good enough. You can then modify it to something else. Or just configure the phones.
22:14.30DrkShadowconfigure the phones how? Seems to be a firmware bug to me, as the sip protocol is specific.
22:15.04DrkShadowI wish I could get DIALSTATUS after the fact... nothing is recorded for it.
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22:16.09WIMPyUse Verbose after the Dial.
22:16.50WIMPyUse Verbose() after the Dial().
22:17.19DrkShadowI want it for cdr database  data though :-( oh well.
22:17.52WIMPyYou should be able simply add it.
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22:20.18DrkShadow(we dial numbers that cause this issue very infrequently)
22:20.37DrkShadow(and I'm not about to test because it will likely result in our international calling being disabled practically immediately)
22:21.13WIMPyIf you do it now, you at least know when it happens.
22:21.40DrkShadowI can do it after hours.. in three hours.
22:22.07DrkShadowand set it up now..
22:23.08DrkShadowOH MY GOD
22:23.33DrkShadowI was just going to give the congestion tone when the call failed, if it failed with that reason, assuming that what happens is the error would stop.
22:23.59DrkShadowIn actuallity, if the dial app returns, I _always_ call congestion(). This might be what's making the phones redail...
22:24.03DrkShadowputs Hangup() instead
22:24.04WIMPyYou need to Hangup() with parameter.
22:24.25WIMPyThe parameter is the important bit.
22:24.49WIMPyTry Hangup(1)
22:25.21DrkShadowHangup(${HANGUPCAUSE}) ?
22:25.35WIMPyThat will do nothin.
22:26.11WIMPyYou need to get rid of whatever HANGUPCAUSE is set to and triggers that behaviour.
22:26.25DrkShadowI think congestion() is causing that behavior.
22:27.04WIMPyThat could actually make sense.
22:27.19DrkShadow... for local calls I use either congestion(), hangup(), or Busy() and then Hangup()
22:27.53DrkShadowmaybe I'll try Congestion() Hangup()
22:28.07DrkShadow(that's actually what I do elsewhere, too. Huh)
22:28.44WIMPyhas never used anythin other than Hangup.
22:29.47DrkShadowprobably don't need to, but I do use busy() and congestion() depending on how DialStatus comes out... which I may not need to do, either.
22:30.04DrkShadowwould love to have other people's comments :-)
22:30.12WIMPyNo, that is taken care of by Dial.
22:30.28_Corey_Never underestimate a good hangup code
22:30.43DrkShadoweven if the dial app continues through the dialplan if it doesn't succeed?
22:30.44*** part/#asterisk dms (~Adium@nat/digium/x-wcquqpccugcumfiv)
22:30.55DrkShadowprobably I shouldn't do that in these cases..
22:31.04WIMPyDial will set HANGUPCAUSE and that will be used by Hangup, unless you specify something different.
22:31.19DrkShadowoh shit. I do need it in one place.. but yeah, ok, that works :-)
22:31.44WIMPySo a Hangup after a Dial will reflect the sate f the Dial.
22:31.59DrkShadowcool :-D
22:32.21justdaveis there a way to feed dundi a list of valid extension numbers other than to have the extensions exist in a context?
22:32.49WIMPyjustdave: Like what?
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22:33.55justdavewell, what I'm trying to do: I have several offices that currently have a dundi mesh to figure out which office owns which extension number.  I'm trying to set up a "backup" routing so that servers can report on a lower priority "I can see someone else who has this extension" rather than "I own it"
22:34.42justdavebut putting in an _XXX extension with a DUNDILOOKUP() in it appears like it says "I own any three digit extension" instead
22:34.49WIMPyYou can use multiple contexts with different priorities.
22:35.08justdaveright, trying to figure out how to feed the lower-priority one
22:37.35WIMPyThat scenario might be beyond the capabilities of the on-board instruments.
22:38.23justdaveI tried making one with a switch=> in it that points back at the direct-routing dundi context, and that worked for a while, and then suddenly today it starts hosing asterisk when that dialplan line gets hit.  Commenting out that line stopped it from hosing.  Haven't changed asterisk version or anything recently so no idea why it suddenly started doing that.
22:38.38justdavewas trying to figure out a dialplan-way to emulate switch=> I suppose
22:39.22justdavewhich works fine for direct calls with about 3-lines of dialplan including a DUNDILOOKUP function, but doesn't work so well for feeding the results back to another dundi context
22:39.40WIMPyThere are functions for dundi lookups. But I never tried them.
22:41.13WIMPyWell, the concpt is clearly another one: Just route the lookups but always set up a direct connection. To generate somethig to route the connection via dundi meand, I hve no idea.
22:42.42justdavebasically if there's a network disruption between paris and san francisco, but both of those servers can still see toronto, I want to route calls to san francisco from paris via the toronto server
22:43.02justdavewhich I actually already had working, using switch=> before switch started crashing on me
22:43.46WIMPyYes, got that, but I can't see how to do that other than manually adding matching extensions.
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23:01.31justdaveof course if I'm writing dialplan functions anyway I suppose I could just write up a quick ami-enabled CGI and hit it via an agi script that hits it over https or something
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23:01.53justdavebypass dundi altogether :)
23:06.44justdavemy use case is considerably less complex than dundi was designed to deal with anyhow. :)
23:06.59justdave(and can all be accomplished over a secure network)
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