IRC log for #asterisk on 20110209

00:08.37f2KnightClintGoudie-Nice, When using AsteriskRT, if you create a sip-account in the database, when that client connects it works. What I want to do is create a siptrunk from my AsteriskRT box to an existing account on another asterisk box., My Goal is to not have to have sip accounts in the sip.conf file at all....
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00:18.48nestArat this point, have the WiFi VoIP phones caught up? Or am I still better off with an ATA and a cordless phone
00:19.14Cydwhat did the homeless man get for christmas?
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00:21.59nestArfigured as much.. the ata+cordless solution served me well in the past..
00:24.52IsUpnestAr: i have same solution
00:25.01IsUphave u ever used voicemail on your cordless phone?
00:25.17IsUpi cant receive Voicemail notifications (indicator on phone, led or icon)
00:26.10nestArIsUp: it always worked for me with my grandstream
00:26.34nestArthe ht286.. i would get icon on the phone, blinking light at the base, and the duh duh duh dialtone on off-hook
00:27.21nestAri was using a different extension for the ata than my desk phone (eg 1029 for desk, 1129 for ata), but in sip.conf, i put 1029 for the voicemail of 1129
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00:29.54IsUpi am using Alcatel dect phone, it doesnt give me dialtone
00:30.05IsUpi am typing number and pressing dial key
00:31.21nestArnot sure
00:31.27nestArno experience with those units..
00:31.33nestAri was a bit more lo-tech
00:32.15nestAranyone used the polycom kirk stuff?
00:32.19nestArmight be in my budget
00:32.28nestAr(if only i knew what my budget was)
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01:15.08f2KnightQ: Does anyone have a working asterisk Realtime setup??
01:25.16leifmadsenf2Knight: sure, I have several
01:25.34leifmadsenI've documented it here
01:25.38infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
01:26.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:29.56f2Knightleifmadsen, I am just starting to play with it, I already have several static boxes in the field, but I am playing with 1.8 - SVN and wanted to mess with realtime for a change. I got my IP-Phones registered and what not, I can call to the asterisk demo, but what I really want is to register to my own servers, but without using entries in the sip.conf, if that is possible. I would like to keep it in the database. My reason is that I w
01:29.57f2Knightant to try and get a small group of systems to pull the information from a centeralized server.
01:32.25socommis it true that asterisk does not scale very well
01:33.15russellbthat's a pretty loaded statement ...
01:33.37russellbsome aspects of scaling are not as easy as we would like them to be.  However, Asterisk is being used successfully in extremely large environments.
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01:34.03russellbI know of an instance with over 100,000 users and 400 servers, for example.
01:34.35russellbor another large company that has over 2000 remote locations, each that has an asterisk instance that connects back to a central large install
01:34.36leifmadsenrussellb: I know of a particular government that is using it for an IVR system with several OC3's attached to it
01:34.44russellbyes, that too
01:34.56leifmadsenso yes, it scales
01:35.05leifmadsenand thus, your statement is untrue :)
01:35.25leifmadsenthere are of course things we would prefer were easier to do
01:36.39Kobazso this is what i've been slaving on the last week
01:36.57russellband i know of another company that has over 3 million customers and routes over 1 billion minutes per month that usese asterisk as part of their infrastructure to provide PBX features
01:37.36Kobazrussellb: you'll probably be interested too
01:37.59Kobazso, you can link one channel to another via reference
01:38.15Kobazso if you have channels that need to track each other across renames (transfers and etc), you can always get the current channel name
01:38.46russellbSIP/123-abc12323jadf ?
01:38.59Kobazwell, it's not by prefix now
01:39.02leifmadsenKobaz: like Bridge() I guess?
01:39.13Kobazactually you would have to do Set(TIE(foo)=SIP/123-abc12323jadf))
01:39.15leifmadsenI don't think I follow
01:39.18Kobazbut i can add prefix search too
01:39.26Kobazyou can track bridges, yes
01:39.40Kobazany time a channel is masq'd the TIE will follow
01:39.53russellbneat code ... i think i'm going to need some use cases, though
01:40.13Kobazsay you have SIP/A calls SIP/B   and SIP/C is calling Local/bar@baz which does some stuff and needs to know where SIP/A is
01:40.30Kobazso on Local/bar@baz you set a tie to SIP/A-234234
01:40.31leifmadsenya I don't quite follow what it is used for :)
01:40.45leifmadsentries to follow
01:40.56Kobazso all of a suddon, SIP/A gets transfered
01:41.14Kobazactually, it's more like
01:41.28Kobazyou want to monitor SIP/B's calls
01:41.36KobazSIP/B creates a new call, tranferss it to A
01:41.46Kobazso SIP/B becomes SIP/A via masq on the attended transfer
01:41.56Kobazanyway, i needed that type of thing so i wrote it
01:42.03Kobazi think it's really cool
01:42.09Kobazi can draw it out
01:42.31leifmadsenya I'm going to suggest lots of documentation and use cases be submitted with the code :)
01:42.41leifmadsenI can see how it could be useful, but it's not immediately obvious to me :)
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01:42.45Kobazyeah it's kind of crazy
01:42.48leifmadsenwhen I "get it" though I'll be on board ;)
01:42.52Kobaztook me a while to get it right in my head
01:43.01Kobazit's about 200 lines less than it used to be
01:43.13Kobazi'm putting in list locking so i can get rid of the big tie lock
01:44.26Kobazhere it is
01:44.53Kobazactually, there's more to it :P
01:45.14russellbstill doesn't get it :-(
01:46.16russellbthe "why" part, not just "what" is really important here (assuming you want to push this upstream)
01:46.26russellbbecause you're exposing some internal implementation details with this
01:47.14russellbanyway, the code looks neat, i just need to wrap my head around it
01:47.50russellbchannel tracking, datastores, masquerades, ... that all makes up a party in my book, regardless of what it's doing :-p
01:48.50Kobazthis should explain it
01:49.13Kobazaughh so slow, i need to move my office backups to after 10pm or something
01:49.36Kobazokay so, A calls B... B calls some other channel... B transfers that new call to A
01:50.05Kobazmeanwhile there's a local channel that got spawned along the way, that needs to know where the originating leg of SIP/B-123123 is
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01:50.54Kobazso before the transfer, it's SIP/B-123123
01:51.01Kobazafter the transver it's SIP/A-213
01:51.14Kobazit's for call hijacking
01:52.59Kobazbasically, i have stuff external to asterisk (perl scripts)
01:53.13Kobazthat need to be involved in a masq... it needs to know the new channel name
01:53.16Kobaz(in dialplan)
01:53.27Kobazi can't store the channel name, because it changes
01:53.59Kobazi can't use my group variables, because again, the name changes, and in dialplan SIP/B-123123 doesn't know when it's transfered
01:55.03*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-hfhdvzpywjkliscz)
01:55.09shaprGood Morning #asterisk!
01:55.13leifmadsenevening :)
01:55.29shaprgodmorgon leifmadsen!
01:55.34Kobazleifmadsen: follow yet? :)
01:56.00leifmadsenKobaz: lol not at all :)
01:56.05leifmadsenI'm looking at it all, and it somewhat makes sense
01:56.11Kobazand i can't use AMI to get masq events, because the stuff i need to happen needs to happen very very fast
01:56.29leifmadsenlooking at the pastebin since it has channel names
01:56.56Kobazlocal/abc ties to SIP/B-123123   which has a tieback to local/abc, so it can inform it of updates
01:58.43Kobazi have it all clear in my head, i don't quite know how to write it out yet
01:58.54leifmadsenok, so when you do Set(TIE(foo)=${CHANNEL}) then later do NoOp(${TIE(foo)}), it is saying SIP/A-213 because that's where SIP/B-12345 (${CHANNEL}) is now associated with?
01:59.22leifmadsenI can already tell this is going to require a blog post, wiki page, and some graphics with arrows and such :)
01:59.47leifmadsen(and SIP/B-12345 is now gone because that was the channel transferred and masqueraded)
01:59.54leifmadsenbut you need to know where the called party is
01:59.56Kobazthe 27, 8x10 color glossy pictures, with the circles and arrows, and a paragraph on the back of each one, explaining what each one was...
02:00.05leifmadsenyes :)
02:00.08Kobazi don;t think it really exposes implementaion details
02:00.12leifmadsenwhen I get it I'll be able to draw it
02:00.14Kobazbecause the channel gets renamed
02:00.27Kobazthat happens, it's visible in "userland"
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02:00.37shaprI'm glad Arlo Guthrie references are still in style.
02:00.39leifmadsenwhat I'm picturing in my head is associating a "person" with a "channel" no matter where they get transferred
02:00.45Kobazit's not some internal thingy, you can see it rename from ami and core show channels and such
02:01.04Kobazi drew it out on the board here as channels are just boxes
02:01.16Kobazand the person (the "call") is inside the box
02:01.17leifmadsen"Bob was SIP/B-321, but he got transferred and now Bob is associated with SIP/A-123. Oh wait, Bob was transferred again and is now talking with SIP/C-456"
02:01.22Kobazand you just throw the box away, and keep the person
02:01.44Kobazand he could get transfered around 20 different ways
02:01.46leifmadsengotcha -- pictures are going to be very useful here :)
02:01.53Kobazyou'll always have an exact up to date instant reference to the channel
02:01.58leifmadsenhe could get transferred into a conference room for example
02:02.06leifmadsenor Bridge()'d
02:02.18Kobazand i dont want to listen for events on ami and then pipe them into my dialplan
02:02.31Kobazi want it all right in dialplan, because the dialplan that;s running, has other stuff to do in the meantime
02:02.51Kobazi think asterisk is missing a lot of these introspection type featurres
02:03.15Kobazthis one module removed like 200 lines of external code to track channels (which was buggy anyway)
02:03.26Kobaztransfer tracking is one of the banes of any asterisk user
02:03.32kukuAny reason why an inbound call would go to fast busy after two rings when connected to a TDM400p, even when asterisk is not running ?
02:03.57Kobazfrom within dialplan i want to be able to get anything and everything about the system and any channel
02:04.08Kobazright now there's some stuff for that, but not enough i think
02:05.35Kobazleifmadsen: russellb: i was talking to a guy yesterday on -dev... and he was having some call stealing trouble, and one of my thoughts, before i found a different way. was hey, this guy could use TIE
02:06.16Kobazhe wasn't tracking calls through transfers, so he didn't need an up to date channel ref, but if he did want his app to survive transfers, it would be perfect
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02:07.25leifmadsenwell I could see how this might be useful. It's certainly an edge case but with some good examples could make it more useful
02:07.39leifmadsenis so happy KVM is finally working
02:07.54Kobazthis is a very specific thing
02:08.01Kobazit's not like, everyone is going to be using it tomorrow
02:08.15leifmadsenwith good examples it could be useful
02:08.17Kobazmaybe they will be
02:08.25leifmadsenI could see some advantages to maybe pairing it up with CEL
02:08.30leifmadsenor even CDR()
02:08.34Kobazgood example is if SIP/A calls SIP/B but does an Originate right before calling
02:08.51leifmadsenI see it as potentially useful with CEL and tracking call progress
02:08.56Kobazand now you have this "unrelated" channel floating in space that needs to do stuff on SIP/A
02:09.29Kobazcel could use a lot of improvements
02:09.42Kobazi have my own version of CEL in perl, i call it CAL
02:09.50Kobazchannel action logging, heh
02:10.05Kobazmaybe when i move to 1.8, i can link my cal to the cel
02:10.29Kobazbut my stuff tracks transfers on a per-call basis
02:10.44Kobazfollow the history in one series of records tied to one unique id
02:15.15russellbsounds like the linkedid in CEL
02:16.03Kobazyeah, this created was before cel
02:16.59Kobazi like the one id versus linking personally, but you can generate one from the other
02:17.18Kobazoh man, did i really botch that sentence up that bad
02:21.02Kobazand i added lots of console logging
02:21.10Kobazi should port that to trunk, it's really cool
02:21.32Kobazwell, not really more, but extra data to existing logging to make it more useful
02:21.48leifmadsenyou seem tired :)
02:21.59Kobazyou have no idea
02:22.16Kobazlast week, up at 9am, sleep at 3am, all week
02:22.23leifmadsenbeen there done that :)
02:22.31leifmadsenwell peas out homey
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02:40.34inluckAnybody around?
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02:41.38drmessanoYes, was that your question?
02:42.06inluckNot at all :b I'm trying to figure something out in regards to voicemail.
02:42.22inluckI'm in the process of setting up two redundant asterisk switches, which I have completed
02:42.34inluckbut I need to make a change to how voicemail is handled on incoming calls
02:42.49inluckI need to pbx to drop the call if the extention isn't registered
02:43.04inluckinstead of forwarding to voicemail
02:43.27inluckwould you happen to know where I could find some documentation on this.
02:43.41inluckI've been searching google and haven't found the right set of keywords I guess
02:48.12inluckno suggestions?
02:58.10shaprinluck: How does the call reach that particular switch if the extension is not registered to that switch?
03:00.17inluckI get my inbound DIDs from DIDWW, which will allow me setup a ring or hunt group to a selection of sip address
03:00.45inluckso if the same extention is on two pbxes
03:00.55inluckusing DNS SRV records, the ata will go look to the other switch
03:01.01inluckif the main one goes offline
03:01.23inluckI need to have the pbx hangup on incoming calls to an extention if it isn't registered
03:02.39inluckif I can't do it that way
03:03.19inluckthen I can setup an external server to monitor both pbx and update DIDWW's forwards manually when it detects an outage
03:04.33inluckor if I could make it ring anyways
03:04.39inluckas if it was registered
03:04.53inluckthat could also work
03:07.21shaprI'm confused, when you say "if extension is not registered" do you mean the extension is currently logged in? or that it has an entry in sip.conf? or what?
03:08.03inluckby registered, I mean that if I did a "sip show peers" the extention shows as registered with an IP address , the endpoint is online and functioning
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04:51.55ScarEyehello everyone, is it possible to use fring to connect to my asterisk box at home that's connected to Google Voice to make calls?  If so does anyone have a link they can point me to?
04:53.44shaprScarEye: I don't know about fring, but Asterisk 1.8 supports google voice calls.
04:53.54shaprer, outgoing at least... not sure about incoming calls.
04:54.36ScarEyeoutgoing is all I am looking for
04:55.29ScarEyelike,  HTC phone with Fring that connects to my asterisk box at home which has a GV account to make outgoing calls.
04:55.35ScarEyeDon't care about incomming.
05:02.38ScarEyeshapr: Any howto's: you know of?
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06:36.25BloudermilkHey all. I know about make samples to generate all the sample config files. Is there a minimalistic version of that to only generate enough config for asterisk to run
06:37.59ChannelZnot that I'm aware of
06:38.33kaldemarasterisk should run with the samples but yes, they shouldn't be used. and no, there's no such command. you must edit the samples by hand or start from scratch.
06:45.28BloudermilkAre there any key things to remove from the samples? Or maybe a guide to use when starting from scratch?
06:45.54BloudermilkIt just occurred to me that there's a good chance the samples have enabled way more services than I need
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06:59.53kaldemarBloudermilk: well, no guide that i'd know of. modules.conf is handy in the way that you can disable whole modules with it if you don't need them.
07:01.11Bloudermilkkaldemar: I'll take a look at the comments in that file and see what I can do. Thanks
07:08.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (~dz@
07:10.08kaldemarother than that, the sample files are full of useful comments.
07:10.34kaldemardoes not appreciate the post-1.8.0 state of documentation in the tarballs
07:11.06BloudermilkI'll just read through all 50 of them
07:11.53kaldemarthere is a huge PDF file under doc/ in the source tree that has all kinds of documentation, in 1.8.0 and earlier there were separate text files.
07:11.59kaldemarother that that:
07:12.03infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
07:12.15infobotAsterisk documentation is available at (Official Asterisk Documentation Wiki), the Voip-Info wiki at (~voip-info) or Asterisk: The Future of Telephony (~book)
07:12.57*** join/#asterisk AreolaMonster (
07:13.00kaldemarthe official wiki is sloooow.
07:14.03*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akira@
07:14.08BloudermilkI've always used voip-info, but it's notoriously inaccurate and/or dated
07:14.17BloudermilkI'll check those other resources out
07:16.03hobodavekaldemar: that's Confluence for ya
07:17.52kaldemarhobodave: yeah, i know. arent the AST.pdf and AST.txt generated from the confluence wiki?
07:18.28kaldemaryes they are.
07:18.32hobodavekaldemar: I am not the person to ask :) I just noticed that it was running Confluence
07:18.33*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
07:18.48kaldemarwonders what AST.txt is supposed to be read with
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07:22.30BloudermilkI don't suppose there are any cloud based centos users here... The TTY9 problem is biting me in the ass
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07:57.02hobodaveI just upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.8 and it went well except for res_snmp
07:57.27hobodaveI can't view any of my asterisk info via snmp, and I updated the MIBs based on the latest ont he wiki
08:00.25*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:03.40hobodavefixed it
08:03.50hobodavepermissions on /var/agentx/ got jacked
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08:31.33schmidtsgood morning
08:35.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
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08:54.25BloudermilkHey all. If i've set up an IAX friend "foo", should Dial(IAX2/1234@foo) work?
08:54.47*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
08:55.02WIMPyNot sure, but iax2/foo/1234 will.
08:55.20BloudermilkWIMPy: Where 1234 is the extension?
08:56.03BloudermilkWIMPy: thanks
08:57.03BloudermilkGah blast, what is "Call rejected by No authority found"?
08:57.23kaldemarBloudermilk: afaik, with 1234@foo asterisk will assume that foo is a host, not a peer in iax.conf.
08:57.49WIMPythinks so as well, but I'm not sure.
08:57.58kaldemarand 1234 is the username.
08:58.27kaldemari'm sure now, just checked.
08:59.04BloudermilkI see
08:59.39BloudermilkSo with an IAX2 friend "foo", and extension 1234, I should use Dial(IAX2/foo/1234) ?
09:01.33WIMPyFor peers configured in iax2.conf (or sip.onf) use iax2/peer/ext.
09:03.29schmidtssorry for offtopic but : ROFL!!!!
09:03.57Tozz_so old ;)
09:04.26schmidtsbut still good ;) i never see this before so sorry
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09:13.49WIMPyAre you shure you want to name your child ');drop databse;'?
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09:29.03schmidtswimpy thats exactly what i thought when i read the above one :D
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09:51.56littleballanyone want to try IAX mobile software phone ?
09:52.28littleballfor android and blackberry
09:52.43Tozz_no thanks!
09:58.03*** join/#asterisk joachim_- (
09:58.03*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
09:58.36joachim_-Good day! Sun is shining :)
09:58.58joachim_-anyone know how to get asterisk to send out SNMPTRAPS?
09:59.36tzafrirschmidts, wow, I just searched for "bobby tables", and it seems that this name has become popular
10:01.04Tozz_joachim_-: u could use AGI scripts
10:01.20littleballfor android phone users, you can download mobile IAX2 softphone from android market by searching 'MPhoneGG'.
10:01.37littleballyou can connect to your own asterisk server
10:01.57schmidtstzafrir me too :D
10:18.56*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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10:27.27schmidtsDoes someone use Cisco SPA 5xx phones? Do you know if there exists an IPV6 Firmware for them?
10:33.28*** join/#asterisk mta59066 (~mehmet@
10:34.47mta59066hello, anybody know how do I specify what format sound files will be used? Right now it uses gsm even though I have both gsm and ulaw. Switching to a different language doesn't work because that language only has ulaw.
10:35.51kaldemarmta59066: by the used codec
10:38.09mta59066kaldemar: ok I understand, if I am connecting with gsm than it uses the gsm sound files
10:38.32mta59066kaldemar: thanks
10:54.15*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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12:33.50ornsupport: never mind, figured it out
12:39.40Dovidmorning all
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13:00.56schmidtsleifmadsen you know this is quite old: Asterisk PBX :D
13:00.58*** join/#asterisk Thorn (~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
13:02.42Thornwill asterisk complain if it can't parse the dtmf caller id packet? I have about 20% incoming calls without caller id, there're no error messages
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13:24.34Benwahi, is there something else than free-pbx for asterisk with debian ? i mea an other web interface for users ?
13:25.01*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:25.17mzbnot sure if it does users in the same way
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13:28.08Benwamzb: more 'user-friendly' than freepbx ?
13:28.38mzbno idea
13:28.53mzblong time since I tried it
13:29.04Benwak thanks
13:29.06mzbwhich version of FReePBX are you talking about?
13:29.29mzband are you talking about using or installing (on Debian) ?
13:30.05mzb2.8 is a lot easier to understand
13:30.09Benwawell both
13:30.20Benwamzb: ok, i will try it
13:30.20mzbeven more so if you don't install all the modules
13:30.47mzbfwiw I have a script that install dahdi+asterisk+freepbx on debian
13:30.58mzb(latest stable versions of all)
13:31.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
13:31.26Benwamzb: oh nice, can i have a look at it ?
13:31.40Benwadebian squeeze ?
13:31.53mzbany debian ... it automatically does dependencies
13:32.13mzbif you already have a database on that machine you'll have to trick it
13:32.36Benwai've got a fresh squeeze install
13:32.42Benwasooo np
13:32.51mzbhang on
13:33.12Benwayep :)
13:34.54mzbread this while I upload it (the download link isn't right yet) :
13:36.41*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
13:37.36mzbBenwa: refresh the page .. link should work
13:38.05mzbkeep in mind it's very young
13:38.29mzbif it fails the first run I'd appreciate the log
13:38.37mzbthen just run it again
13:38.47mzbselect "EASY"
13:38.57mzband then choose a password
13:39.17mzbgo and make yourself a coffee/whatever ...
13:39.40Benwasqueeze almost installed ... few minutes left :)
13:39.48mzbit's getting there ... and when I say "EASY" I'm not joking ;)
13:40.05Benwayes i see
13:40.09Benwaastersik 1.6 ?
13:40.27Benwafrom svn ?
13:40.31mzbyou *can* choose 1.6 in intermediate, but it doesn't work
13:40.41mzbyou can choose 1.8 from svn
13:40.48mzbie 1.8 branch
13:41.00mzbwhich is handy if you want to keep up with fixes
13:41.13mzbdefault is to build from tarballs
13:41.39Benwathanks a lot
13:41.55mzbif you choose advanced you can select svn ... but I'm almost sure that anything other than 1.8 + 2.8 won't work
13:42.16mzbminimal modules are loaded by default, btw
13:42.47mzbso the interface is very clean (and error free!) when you first see it
13:43.34mzbfeedback appreciated
13:44.37*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
13:44.55Benwasure !! :)
13:46.29Benwais asterisk 1.8 works with the last squeeze kernel ? cause i remember i had to compile a new kernel for 1.8 a few months ago
13:46.57mzbI haven't found any kernel-related problems yet
13:47.08Benwammmh, no, i remember now, i had a special kernel, sorry ...
13:47.23mzbhowever freedoh will halt if a kernel upgrade is pending
13:49.21*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
13:51.32mzbBenwa: almost 1am here so time for bed, but my irc is always on ... pls let me know how you go
13:54.20Benwamzb: good night (3PM here :) )
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14:28.40FlashtekI have a quick question.. if I want to simply download a tarball, unpack, ./configure and make, how could i avoid the menuconfig to enable specific modules etc..??
14:32.55leifmadsenFlashtek: just don't run make menuselect
14:33.12Flashtekbut if i don't, I done get things like mysql_cdr
14:33.31leifmadsenwell you shouldn't get cdr_mysql since that is in addons
14:33.38leifmadsenand none of the addons are selected by default
14:33.46Flashtekit's included in the 1.8 tarball...
14:33.53leifmadsenit's available in the 1.8 tarball
14:34.02Flashteksure sure..
14:34.04leifmadsenaddons, afaik, are not enabled by default
14:34.21Flashtekok.. so how can i enable them without needing menuconfig ?
14:34.39Flashtekas in, automate build
14:35.25leifmadsenhold on I have that documented somewhere
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14:36.41leifmadsenFlashtek:  <-- Scripting menuselect
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14:36.48leifmadsenI knew I documented it
14:37.47Flashtekleifmadsen: cheers
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14:54.13asteriskmonkeyif asterisk has a default of 3 seconds for a recording, why would there be 1 and 2 second recordings in a db?
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15:02.53leifmadsenasteriskmonkey: someone hung up early?
15:03.33asteriskmonkeyi think i see my problem.. i had in my head that there was a built in min message length of 3 for some reason.. it looks like its 0 by stock instead :P
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15:25.11StaRetjifolks, every few restarts of pc asterisks doesn't recognize keystrokes from my dahdi interfaces (ordinary phone connected). There is nothing show in asterisk CLI. How to debug? What could it be
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15:30.08tashI'm using cepstral's TTS engine with Asterisk. I'd like to enter some pauses using ssml for every space in a sentence.  Does anyone in here have experience doing that?
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15:32.44StaRetjimaaaan, what is with this irc channel, I mean wtf, nobody never answers
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15:35.58SuPrSluGStaRetji: have you turned on a verbose level? default is 0
15:37.26StaRetjiSuPrSluG: thx for reply, yes, it's set to 15
15:37.49tashStaRetji: I feel your pain, lol...but I think a lot of people are busy and/or just stay logged in all the time
15:38.01*** part/#asterisk Flashtek (
15:38.24StaRetjiit working fine, then after restart it will not, then I restart several times and tones got recognized
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15:38.34StaRetjitash: hehe, sorry for that comment
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15:39.02tashno apologies necessary ... I often feel the same way, but yeah ... people aren't always watching their IRC client
15:39.26SuPrSluGsound like a dtmf issue?
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15:39.45StaRetjiSuPrSluG: yes, i tried googling, nothing comes up
15:39.52StaRetjiat least nothing I could apply
15:40.08StaRetjione link says about recompiling dahdi-tools, which I did
15:40.08n3hxsThen there are those like me that don't know and don't respond.
15:40.29tashn3hxs: true true ... and I'm in that boat 99% of the time :P
15:40.47StaRetjihehe, folks, sorry, maaan, I regret i wrote that lol
15:42.29n3hxsYou were not the first and won't be the last. ;)
15:42.31tashfor real, no worries
15:42.37*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:44.40StaRetjiFor example, tones are not recognized at the moment. Then I reboot, check and do that several times until it starts working. So I thought if I can fix it without rebooting, then I guess it will work on next reboot
15:50.02tashStaRetji: can you state the problem again? I joined the room after you stated it I think...
15:50.42StaRetjitash: Every few restarts of pc asterisks doesn't recognize keystrokes from my dahdi interfaces (ordinary phone connected). There is nothing show in asterisk CLI.
15:50.47StaRetjicore set verbose 15
15:51.01*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:51.34tashwhen it is working, do you see the DTMF digits in the asterisk CLI?
15:51.49tashI can't remember if the CLI shows RTP/DTMF or not
15:51.54StaRetjithat would be it, even though I called 600 for echo
15:52.18tashI always use wireshark which shows the RTP packets (then again, I'm using VOIP, not POTS)
15:52.35tashand my calls are outbound to phones not on our network
15:53.27StaRetjiweird thing it worked. I rebooted, now it doesn't work. Let me try reboot several times again to see if it will work
15:57.21tashI'm thinking the reboot might just be coincendetal to it working
15:57.23tashI could be wrong
15:57.33tashI think you need to find the underlying issue as opposed to a reboot ...
15:57.46tashare you placing calls outbound? who is your provider? etc etc etc?
15:58.10StaRetjiwell, it's possible, I changed conf files so many times, copy them back that I'm not sure anymore
15:58.43StaRetjiyes, I call another sip server, but I have problem calling from that sip server back,
15:58.54StaRetjiit's local calls
16:03.15tashif it were me, I'd install tshark on my Asterisk server (tshark is a packet capturing tool) ... start tshark while calls are going through ... when done testing open the .pcap file on a windows box using Wireshark ... look at telphony calls, etc etc etc ... you can see whether DTMF is passed or not. But that is way too much stuff to talk about in IRC
16:04.09nestAranyone used the polycom kirk stuff?
16:04.32*** join/#asterisk madsara (
16:05.06madsaraHey, you guys know if it's possible to disable a dadhi channel without issuing a dahdi restart? Seems that the restart drops calls.
16:05.36madsaraI need to be able to (hopefully) add and remove channel 2 from group 5 on the fly.
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16:17.53JerJermadsara:   have not tried it in a while, but the asterisk config should be able to be reloaded without restarting
16:18.36madsaraJerJer: I can do it via a "dahdi restart", which keeps non dahdi channels bridged, but drops anything dahdi realted.
16:19.23JerJermodule reload chan_who's your  ?
16:19.24madsaraOh, possibly config reload /etc/asterisk...
16:20.31madsaraOh ,yeah, looks like that works.
16:21.12JerJeri presume dahdi restart is more of a brute force thing
16:21.56JerJernot to be confused with dahdi sit on lap     :)
16:23.36StaRetjitash: thx for the tip. It sound like a too much for me, but will consider it. Cheers...
16:28.51*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
16:35.09madsaraJerJer: It definitely is more brutal.
16:35.59madsaraIt appears (although I should test this again), that if I have a channel commented out upon "dadhi restart" I can't re-enable it via "module reload", I have to issue a restart, after which time I can toggle it on and off via the config and a module reload.
16:36.14madsaraAgain, I should test that a few more times, but it's a production environment.
16:40.24*** join/#asterisk Andrew_Majosi (6274247f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:42.53Andrew_MajosiQ: No audio with Twinkle nor Blink clients, but connect fine from Internet.  Everything works locally on local network.  All ports are open on both sides (I think).  What should I check for?
16:44.01Andrew_MajosiI use TLS for blink, no VPN.
16:50.02*** join/#asterisk KamikazeMicrowav (
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16:58.08krioni can't manage to get colored prompt with asterisk -r
16:58.33krionis the cli == logger ?
16:59.05krionbecause i don't get timestamp too (sorry for the low level of my question no daddi no zaptel e1 or ivr stuff :))
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17:00.14wizard171krion, all that stuff is usually in "asterisk.conf" ...
17:02.47krionlooks like it depend on colored shell, but my shell is colored
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17:20.04prouteI use asterisk and sometimes, Asterisk crash (sip connection fail for all extensions) but I can connect on cli. I found nothing in my logs. do you have any idea about this problem?
17:21.42prouteIt seems that sip freeze but why....?
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17:34.19KamikazeMicrowavproute, are your sip phones registered? Can you see them with "sip show peers" on cli?
17:34.24draeathIdeally, what kind of kernel should asterisk be run on? (tickless, particular tick rate, realtime-patched, etc)
17:34.59prouteI think found the solution with asterisk (stack buffer overflow in SIP channel driver)
17:35.21Qwella buffer overflow wouldn't cause a hang
17:36.17proutein cli, sip phone are registered
17:36.29*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:36.35proutebut sip phone can't make a call
17:36.43prouteI must restart asterisk
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17:58.36brainiacI have a TDM2400P with echo and static on it.  It's usually heard by the maker of outgoing calls, but sometimes also by the callee.  Is there some kind of diagnostic I can perform to help me know what's wrong?
17:59.02citywokyour card is broken.  i have two i'd be happy to sell you :P
17:59.26brainiacdoes the entire card have to be replaced?
17:59.39citywoki'm kidding about it being broken (although it is possible i suppose)
17:59.53_Corey_brainiac: If still in warranty, I would seriously call Digium
18:00.13citywokdoes it have the echo cancellation module?
18:00.28brainiacThanks.  This happened once before, what could cause this?
18:00.48brainiacI don't know if the e/c module is enabled... I'll check
18:00.57citywokwe had bad wiring on one of ours and it drove us nuts for a month with all kinds of cross talk / echo
18:01.09citywokeventually we repunched both cards from scratch and that helped
18:02.41brainiaccitywok: do you mean you repunched the block?
18:03.32citywokyea where the tdm was terminated
18:03.49citywokwhere the amp cables went
18:07.51*** join/#asterisk teddy_salad (
18:08.48brainiaccitywok: thank you
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18:10.01citywokbrainiac: sure, although i'm not sure i provided a _TON_ of help heh.  but if you need another tdm2400p or two... i've got a pair sitting on a shelf.
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18:26.54smash-Hey, I got a question. Has the issue with cisco pix been patched or are pix still trouble some to pass RTP throuhg?
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18:40.15brainiaccitywok: Is there a type of diagnostic I can perform on the TDM2400P card?  I have a customer who states that he suddenly started having problems on 2 (only 2) of his lines
18:40.43citywoki haven't played with those things since the days of zaptel & * 1.4, so i'm not going to be a whole lot of help software wise
18:42.55brainiacok, thx anymay
18:43.16Qwellbrainiac: simple fix
18:43.27Qwellswap the lines in the ports.  does it follow the lines, or the ports?
18:43.38chazzameh, if its fxs modules, can try fxstest. otherwise make sure to run fxotune, and yeah, what Qwell said
18:44.00chazzamalways starts with fxotune for fxo module problems
18:44.32Qwellit sounds like citywork was right, with the lines needing to be reterminated.
18:50.12brainiac12:43 < chazzam> eh, if its fxs modules, can try fxstest. otherwise make sure to run fxotune, and yeah, what Qwell said
18:50.15brainiac12:43  * chazzam always starts with fxotune for fxo module problems
18:58.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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19:00.23nnywhen trying to add cdr_adaptive_odbc in makemenuselect, it is greyed out. unixodbc and libtooldl are both installed, what else should be done?
19:00.41nnyi have also added the c file for cdr-adaptive_odbc*
19:03.18*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (~ccesario@
19:06.24leifmadsennny: did you re-run ./configure after installing the deps?
19:06.47leifmadsen-dev packages and not just standard pkgs too right?
19:08.15nnyleifmadsen: can try -dev, do you mean for unixodbc or libtooldl?
19:09.34nnyleifmadsen: tried it with a fresh set of files from asterisk-addons, moved the c file to /cdr/ makemenuselect has XXX next to adaptive_odbc, is there a way to correct this?
19:11.27nnyleifmadsen: ok thanks, installing dev for both now
19:11.42leifmadsenalways need -dev pkgs to compile
19:12.42nnyleifmadsen: yeah, wasn't aware the compilation required the dev packages in this instance, re running ./configure and menuselect now
19:13.16nnyleifmadsen: odd, still XXX 1.  cdr_adaptive_odbc with -devel packages for both libtooldl and unixODBC
19:13.41nnyleifmadsen: i'll try both x86_64 and x86 devel
19:13.48leifmadsenyou shouldn't use both
19:13.54leifmadsenthat can cause problems
19:13.55Qwellwhy are you copying a file from addons?
19:14.01leifmadsenif you're on x86_64, just install those
19:14.04Qwellthat's not going to work..
19:14.16nnyleifmadsen: that's what I did
19:14.30nnyleifmadsen: i haven't tried i386 yet, suggestion only
19:14.39leifmadsenthat's a bad suggestion :)
19:14.41nnyQwell 1.4 doesn't support adaptive_odbc natively
19:14.45nnyleifmadsen: i see
19:14.48leifmadsenyou can't just copy the file over there
19:14.51nnyleifmadsen: doesn't allow me to select it
19:14.52nnyi didn't
19:14.54leifmadsencdr_adaptive_odbc isn't part of 1.4
19:14.54Qwellif it's in -addons, why not just install -addons?
19:14.56nnyit's from digium
19:15.01nnyoh joy
19:15.04leifmadsenwhat's from digium?
19:15.08nnythe c file
19:15.08*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
19:15.13nnyemailed from the support team
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19:15.31nnyduring the last astercon when the web server was down
19:15.50nnyyup that's it
19:16.00Qwellget that, make, copy the .so
19:16.29nnythat's the one I have
19:17.58nnyXXX 1.  cdr_adaptive_odbc
19:18.08Qwellyou aren't listening.
19:18.08Qwellget that, make, copy the .so
19:18.10nnyfresh untar of asterisk-addons-1.4.12 and the file you linked
19:18.13nnyi can't make it
19:18.20Qwellstep 1) GET THAT
19:18.20nnymake menu select has it XXX out
19:18.24nnyi DID
19:18.24Qwelltell me when you're done
19:18.27nnystop using caps
19:18.29Qwellthe whole thing
19:19.19nnyoh, you mean use the entire folder "1.4" above that tree
19:19.47nnyget that is pretty vague, last time I did this the server was down and I had to obtain the file through another channel
19:20.16QwellI would have linked the file if I intended you to get a file.
19:22.50citywokholy crap, * + Exchange Unified Messaging = awesome
19:23.02nnycitywok interesting
19:23.09citywokvoicemail transcription ftw
19:23.28citywokalso, it took 5 minutes to make it work
19:24.03nnywhat folder does func_shared.c belong in?
19:24.19nnythe rest are obvious
19:24.24Qwellthe directory you checked out.
19:24.32Qwell3 steps.  follow them exactly.
19:24.36Qwellget that, make, copy the .so
19:26.17nnyXXX 1.  cdr_adaptive_odbc
19:26.26nnysvn checkout
19:26.32nnyin addons folder
19:26.35nnymake menuselect
19:27.08nnyunless that's intentionally XX out
19:27.16nnyand magically still compiles
19:27.34Qwellsvn checkout; cd 1.4; make; cp *.so /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
19:28.11nnymakes sense, also completely different than how we had to do it last time
19:28.20QwellYou did it wrong last time.
19:28.27nnywell, maybe if the SVN server was up
19:28.36nnylast time
19:29.02Corydon76-homenny: did you re-run the configure and make install in Asterisk after installing unixodbc-devel?
19:29.08paulcnow let's all smile and be thankful because we have the right answer and can move on successfully :-)
19:29.15nnyCorydon76-home: yes
19:29.40Corydon76-homeThen it should have removed the XXX from cdr_adaptive_odbc
19:30.03nnyCorydon76-home: apparently that is the wrong method, and separate compilation of the specific addon is the proper way.
19:30.03nnyCorydon76-home: it didn't but thanks
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19:30.35nnyCorydon76-home: i am trying Qwells method now
19:30.57Corydon76-homeWhat, copying the .c file into the Asterisk tree?
19:31.03QwellCorydon76-home: running make
19:31.08Corydon76-homeThat should work, too
19:31.14nnyin theory
19:31.19nnyas soon as i correct asterisk's path
19:31.39Corydon76-homemake ASTSRC=/path/to/asterisk/source
19:33.04nny #error You must include stdio.h before file.h!
19:33.31nnyalways wondered why this isn't backported.. another conversation i assume
19:33.33Corydon76-homeOkay, so cdr_adaptive_odbc compiled fine, but res_config_curl didn't
19:33.41nnyyeah not sure why I need that
19:33.47Corydon76-homeYou're looking at the backport
19:34.06Corydon76-homeBackports are not included in the main package
19:34.11nnyyeah I assume so.
19:34.42Corydon76-homeYou probably don't need res_config_curl
19:35.07Corydon76-homeIt's an alternative realtime backend for those with shitty odbc drivers
19:35.17nnyoddly I wouldn't be using 1.4 if this patch was available for 1.6 or ported over: I have not see any evidence it is
19:35.27nnyyeah this is just to allow custom fields in cdr afaik
19:36.11Qwellthat is in 1.8
19:36.12Corydon76-homeWe don't backport features, because it can seriously fuck up older versions
19:36.17nnymakes sense
19:36.56nnyQwell: odd, tried 1.8, freepbx's format of queues.conf still caused an "Invalid" when showing queue members
19:37.13Corydon76-homeand not just to allow custom fields, but also to populate them intelligently
19:37.17nnyunless it is implemented in 1.8 different than the patch for 1.4
19:37.59nnyCorydon76-home: yeah understandable
19:38.38nnyQwell: I can fire up the VM and post a line from queues.conf that angers 1.8. is it possible digium's repos of 1.8 may not support it, but source does?
19:38.54Corydon76-homeIt was one of my very few awesome ideas
19:39.20nnyCorydon76-home: a good one, it's used here to allow additional cdr fields to be populated bya piece of crm software
19:39.41nnyCorydon76-home: and (afaik) also allows for multiple mysql databases to be populated at once (i.e. direct mirror)
19:40.06nnythat may be not entirely correct, paraphrasing what I read 3 months ago
19:40.25Corydon76-homeThat's correct
19:40.53Corydon76-homealthough if they're mirrors, I don't know why you don't just use replication
19:41.02nnyCorydon76-home: well not mirrors
19:41.19nnyCorydon76-home: second db that is stripped and used to track recordings
19:41.32nnyCorydon76-home: that's the theory, right now importing the data from cdr as needed
19:41.46nnyCorydon76-home: which  you can imagine isn't as elegant when you're doing it every X amount of hours
19:41.46Corydon76-homeOne of the main things is to allow each database to drop fields it doesn't want
19:42.00nnyCorydon76-home: yeah that's the intention
19:42.12Corydon76-homeI mean on the CDR
19:42.45Corydon76-homeAdding custom fields is only half of cdr_adaptive_odbc.  It's also dropping standard fields.
19:42.50nnyCorydon76-home: yeah, one database will be full CDR, other is going to be just unique ID and some other fields pattern matched to file names from (cough*) freepbx
19:43.00nnydon't shoot me, I ama  vanilla guy at heart
19:43.24Corydon76-homeRenaming fields was an addon, as was filters and (now) negative filters
19:43.52nnyso I guess the bigger question is why 1.8 doesn't jive with queue hints
19:43.57nnyor rather, my 1.8
19:44.07nnydoesn't 1.8 include adaptove by default?
19:44.20Corydon76-homeYes, as does 1.6.2
19:44.38Corydon76-home'filter src = 12345' and 'filter src != 54321'
19:44.57nnyahh gotcha
19:45.19*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
19:45.58nnysome of this dialplan is (sadly) ghostwritten by freepbx, would be a large undertaking to go through and rewrite each context for negative filters... the current field additions are done in a specific context. If this was vanilla I would have a field day
19:46.38nnyI have preached the virtues of a scratch setup in this situation as hard as I can.. it's not an option for me
19:47.39Corydon76-homeThe negative filters are only in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf
19:47.46nnyCorydon76-home: yeah
19:47.51nnyCorydon76-home: working on trying 1.8
19:48.15nnyCorydon76-home: and seeing it (<-- what that adds to 1.4) works with fpbx
19:48.31Corydon76-homeJust occurred to me... negative filters need to be allowed to have multiple settings
19:50.00nnymember=Local/1265@from-queue/n,0,John Gacy,HINT:1265@ext-local
19:50.06nnyshould this work in 1.8?
19:51.04nnyJohn Gacy (Local/1265@from-queue/n) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
19:51.09nnyis what I get
19:51.43nnygonna dig up the examples of how it's suppose to work with 1.8 and compare them, just curious if this is wrong
19:54.02nnyQwell: does that seem right to you?
19:55.37Qwellno, it's lowercase
19:55.52nnyhint vs HINT?
19:56.53nnywell i'll be
19:57.00nnyQwell: I owe you a coke
19:57.48nnynow to figure out why freepbx does that.. Corydon76-home thanks for the adaptive tips, that's useful. Qwell thanks again
20:01.57*** join/#asterisk jamko (~chatzilla@
20:03.52jamkoAnyone know how to manipulate the way asterisk sends the P-Asserted Identity header?  I want to change the Privacy token from "id" to "none"
20:08.35*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
20:10.55WIMPyjamko: CALLERID(pres)?
20:11.02jamkol2trace99: Very good you clown.  However I am looking for the setting which sets this by default, without having to modify the sip header for each call.
20:15.20jamkol2trace99: Nothing of real intelligence to offer here?  Didn't think so... jackass.
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20:52.43[sr]hi WIMPy :)
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21:02.53WIMPyHi [sr]. What's up in the wild south?
21:03.32[sr]ei WIMPy, nothing new, some work, less money every day
21:03.49[sr]i'm sure our country has been in your news several times :)
21:04.24WIMPyI prefer not to read news. Always gives you a bad mood.
21:09.54[sr]ei WIMPy, any idea on bypass the problem on compile LCR with asterisknow (asterisk1.8)
21:10.17[sr]i've sent an email and Andread didn't answered... you also replied to that email with some patch, can't remember which
21:10.24WIMPyWhat problem?
21:10.30*** join/#asterisk ront (c2e659e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:10.41[sr]it doesn't compile
21:11.30[sr]the problem are the old libraries os centOS :(
21:11.39WIMPyI did an old one that went in to the branch callled asterisk_1_8.
21:12.18ronti'm going in sane trying to find the cause of this error. I'm trying to get T.38 working with a SIP trunk.
21:12.19[sr]does it compile with the libraries present in asterisknow 1.7? centos
21:12.31rontmy providor supports it
21:12.31WIMPyAnd I also did a merger from the development branch. My versions are still up at [15:58] SuPrSluG has joined #asterisk (~SuPrSluG@
21:12.36WIMPyAnd I also did a merger from the development branch. My versions are still up at [15:58] mr_ian has left IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
21:13.01rontmy * is not negotiating T.38 prperly
21:13.05WIMPyAh, shit. Script crashed.
21:13.14[sr]lol happens
21:13.45rontit gets a reinvite by my providor an then sends "100 trying" but never sends a "200 OK"
21:13.46WIMPySo what happens when you compile?
21:13.53rontcan some one give me some pointers?
21:14.19wizard171ront, what version of asterisk?
21:15.14[sr]WIMPy: hum wait, now i'm missing some headers, i did the test on another machine
21:15.18[sr]allow me some minutes
21:15.28mzbleifmadsen: there's a very simple way to script asterisk+menuselect
21:17.29mzbmind you, not as elegant as menuselect/menuselect --enable ;)
21:19.02rontwizard171 i've got a "SIP trunk > Firewall/Router (NAT) > Asterisk setup"
21:19.15[sr]WIMPy: with your branch,
21:19.16BlackBishopwhat's that thing in 1.8 with more verbose logging of a call ?
21:19.30BlackBishopI want to store in csv/sql what datacard calls where
21:19.31chazzam:p CEL ?
21:19.51BlackBishopyeah .. I think
21:19.58rontwizard171 then i use iaxmodem > hylafax for Fax to Email
21:21.24WIMPy[sr]: That looks to me as if you're using a pre 1.8 version of Asterisk.
21:21.50[sr]WIMPy: wait wait... oh dumb me, this machine has asterisk 1.6x :|
21:22.01[sr]ops, didn't said nothing!!
21:22.22[sr]i want 100% i was on a asterisk 1.8 box
21:22.54wizard171ront, your other calls work (inbound from provider)? just not faxes, right?
21:23.20ronton G711 it works sometimes
21:24.07WIMPy[sr]: The version from the development branch is supposed to work on both versions, but last time I checked it didn't work at all.
21:24.13rontsince its behind NAT i fowarded ports 4000 -4500 though
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21:26.14WIMPy[sr]: That's also in the december version I put up.
21:26.17wizard171ront, and in sip.conf your t38pt_udptl=???
21:26.35ront@wizard171 its talking fine to the providors asterisk, but when the providor sends a 200 reinvite for T38, my * never replys with 200 OK and port info etc.. it simply sends a 100 trying and eventually 488 not accepted here
21:26.46[sr]WIMPy: i believe that version is the one in the 1.8 branch right? as least it has 6 week of age
21:26.47rontwizard171 yes
21:27.03rontits t38pt_udptl=yes
21:27.36WIMPy[sr]: No, it's somewhere between the 1.8 and the development branch.
21:28.03BlackBishopchazzam: yup, seems more verbose than the CDR
21:28.12WIMPyAnd both will only work up to Asterisk 1.8.3, because of the new stream format handling.
21:29.14[sr]WIMPy: i'll do the tests on the machine (asterisknow 1.7x) i have with asterisk 1.8 and let you know the result!
21:29.19wizard171ront, do you get any messages about it on console or logs? are they sending with "error correction" or do you know? maybe you have a SIP dialog of failed session you could pastebin somewhere ?  I am looking for what inbound asked for ...
21:29.45*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
21:29.46[sr]WIMPy: tell me, what's best, install the misdn headers of centOS (that are i suppose misdn 1.x), or compile a freash new misdn 2.x ?
21:30.27WIMPyIf you have a kernel >=2.6.26, that should be fine.
21:30.49ronti've got a wireshark capture
21:30.56[sr]it's the centOS kernel, 2.6.18 :( how i hate centOS!
21:31.03[sr]this could be a debian install!!
21:31.09rontwizard171 i've got a wireshark capture, i will postbin
21:31.10LemensTSCan you call a Polycom 321 and talk over its intercom (intercom paging) ? Ive done it with a Polycom 501 a few years ago, I had to edit the cfg files on the phone via tftp boot server...
21:31.27_Corey_LemensTS: sure
21:31.46WIMPy[sr]: That version sounds like debian :-)
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21:31.55LemensTSCorey: thanks I figured it was the same
21:32.52_Corey_LemensTS: yeah, hasn't changed really
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21:42.11rontwizard171 i'm switching to my IRC client so we can have private chat....
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21:57.02Miccis mixmonitor supposed to work after the channel is parked and picked up?
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22:06.14Kobazhow do i get fastagi to exit with 0 instead of -1
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22:11.26wizard171Kobaz, my PHP ones give whatever I give to "exit(0)", zero in my case ... not sure if you are giving one or not ... or what yours are written in ...
22:12.07Kobazwell your exit code in fastagi isn't going to have anything to do with the ext code of the script
22:13.55Kobazsince it's over a socket.. the agi call will have no idea
22:14.42wizard171Kobaz, yeah, I can see that .. as I just tested it ... :)  I am now looking to see how to influence it ...
22:19.38wizard171Kobaz, I've run across something that says AGI returns -1 if the script receives or requests "hangup" and zero otherwise ...
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22:21.37[sr]WIMPy:  going to sleep, chat later!
22:24.39Kobazi think i need to add a function then
22:24.45Kobazor something
22:24.55Kobazi want a  "this script finished correctly" flag
22:26.57wizard171Kobaz, yeah, my bad, I actually have a note in my code that says I can't rely on the "exit" value ... go figure ... its dated back in 2008!  (its hell getting old ...)
22:27.20seanbrightthere already is an AGISTATUS i think
22:27.28MiccThere is a bug from 2008 about MixMonitor not recording after a transfer and some new audiohooks code was introduced to solve the problem. Would that also apply to parking, which is transfer then a pickup/bridge I believe?
22:28.20Kobazseanbright: oh, that'll do it
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22:28.38KobazMicc: in which asterisk version?
22:29.18Kobazoh wow
22:29.55MiccKobaz, the bug I was talking about was in some version of 1.4.
22:31.46Kobazoh okay
22:33.08MiccIs still the best place for asterisk information?
22:33.28fauxallianceMicc, google is...
22:33.37_Corey_I'd recommend
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22:34.02Miccgoogle always comes up with voip-info.
22:34.10fauxallianceMicc, o? is great, I've not seen that before.
22:35.36_Corey_A lot of the voip-info content is very dated
22:35.37Miccfauxalliance, yeah whenever I google asterisk {dialplan command} voip-info is usually the first thing and everything else is garbage.
22:35.53Micc_Corey_, yes thats why I asked.
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22:37.05LemensTS_Corey_: you still here?
22:37.16_Corey_I'm here
22:38.18LemensTS_Corey_: cool another question. On polycoms if you use the auto-answer capability in the cfg file to do intercom-paging, can the person who has the phone that you page talk back to you?
22:38.35LemensTS2 way intercom-paging I suppose it would be called
22:38.37_Corey_It's really a function of how you page them on the asterisk side
22:38.42_Corey_so, yes, you can
22:38.59MiccTheres also a mute option I think in the polycom config.
22:39.19LemensTSCool, I was hoping they could just talk and not have to press a button
22:39.31_Corey_Just dial them after setting the alert-info, and voila
22:39.39MiccLemensTS, yes I do that a lot.
22:39.53LemensTSHow long can they just talk before it cuts them off?
22:40.08Micctill someone hangs up.
22:40.11paulccore show calls --> 2934210 calls processed... almost 3 million since last restart.. that "warms the cockles of my heart" as my old grandmother used to say :-)
22:40.12_Corey_unless you set an absolute timeout or something
22:40.30LemensTSAh I gotchya, its just auto-answering their speaker phone, I understand
22:40.55Miccpaulc, I bet the bill for all those calls warms something else.
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22:43.30leifmadsenmzb: eh?
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22:43.31paulcMicc: we pay for 1 leg (outbound) and the 2nd leg is internal SIP.. it's a click-2-call type service.. The marketing people love it apparently
22:43.59mzbleifmadsen: nm, I do it a *nasty* way by comparison ;)
22:44.29*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
22:45.00adeeli'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around domain support in * there any documentation someone can refer me to that'll give some examples as to when to use it and why?
22:46.15leifmadsenmzb: oic :)
22:46.25leifmadsennot really
22:46.31leifmadsenjust whatever is in sip.conf.sampl.e
22:46.48leifmadsenand perhaps the voip-info wiki (although I would expect it to be out of date)
22:47.04leifmadsenadds it to the list of things to discuss in the next version of A:TDG
22:47.24KobazAsterisk: The dang gathering?
22:48.43adeelthe sip.conf.sample doesn't really explain why you'd set it...just how to set it
22:48.59Kobazand i think domains arent fully supported too
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22:49.21leifmadsenif you don't know whether you need it, you probably don't need it :)
22:49.34leifmadsenit's essentially to route and control calls (at least incoming calls) based on domain
22:49.56leifmadsenit would be useful if you were controlling multiple incoming domains to the same server
22:50.12Kobazi want to control incoming calls based on explicit matching
22:50.14adeeland you wanted to process them separetly
22:50.15leifmadsenyou can ping oej when he comes online as he likely wrote it
22:50.22Kobazglares at sip.conf
22:50.27leifmadsenit's just a lot easier to do it all in the dialplan
22:50.34leifmadsenheads out for a bit
22:51.50adeelon a slightly different note, i noticed in the Polycom Admin manual that the polycom's support a SIP Warning header, that can display a 3 sec pop up on the screen....any way to implement that in *?
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22:54.30paulcadeel: ooh that's sexy.. must be in newer firmware than I've played with in the past.. I should think about getting me a new Polycom phone to play with..
22:55.07chandooi am using allvoi service for a while now, i recently got new softphone software, what are the setting of STUN for
22:55.17adeelpaulc,  yeah i thought so too....i recently found a 650 in my closet, so i just upgraded to 3.2.2, and saw that they had a little screen shot showing a call parking notification
22:55.44chandooi am making calls from my iphone without stun configuration, why is stun really needed
22:55.49paulcHmm. I think my one at home is a 650? I'll have to poke around..
22:56.04adeelpaulc,  650's have the color backlight
22:56.17Kobaz650? they dont have color
22:56.20Kobaz670 does
22:56.30Kobaz650 just has a backlight
22:56.35adeelKobaz,  err, yeah, sorry, just the backlight
22:56.37paulcah no.. mine's 6 line but not HD.. or backlit..
22:56.47adeelprobably the 601
22:56.49nestAr550's have backlight too
22:56.49paulcthe backlight is nice - my 2nd phone at work has it..
22:57.32adeelbtw, the pic is on page 4-76 of the admin manual...
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22:58.40paulcgoes off for a quick look before a meeting drags him away from his desk...
22:59.53voxterAnyone here use lumenvox/
23:06.58nestAranyone familiar with the snom m3 setup?
23:10.18_Corey_adeel: That could be pretty sweet...  "Agent logged into queue X" for example
23:11.16adeel_Corey_,  yep yep
23:11.36adeel_Corey_,  X number of people waiting in queue
23:12.15_Corey_I'm wondering what kind of message we'd need to throw at a phone tho...  I'm not finding too many examples.
23:12.19_Corey_maybe a NOTIFY
23:12.36adeel_Corey_,  according to the polycom manual, it's a SIP Warning header
23:12.54_Corey_Well...  the question is what kind of SIP message to stick that header into
23:13.03adeelprobably a notify
23:13.32_Corey_I'm sure I could rig something with sipsak if I can find an example
23:13.36adeelWarning Yes Only warning codes 300 to 399
23:13.50adeelfrom page B-4
23:14.19_Corey_here's someone trying it with a notify
23:14.21_Corey_ probably should be the same kind of a message * uses for other 30* messages
23:17.53_Corey_I was about to leave for the day but I'm going to try it :)
23:18.16adeeli have a polycom handy, and can install sipsak real quick, if you need me to try
23:18.30_Corey_nah, I have a couple 550s on my desk
23:18.41adeel_Corey_,  are they running the 3.2.2 firmware?
23:18.52_Corey_3.2.3 i think
23:18.58adeelah ok, then you should be fine
23:19.02_Corey_it had the option in the sip.cfg, it's disabled by default
23:21.31adeellet me know if it works
23:22.46_Corey_I'm just modifying a script i had to do VM notifies
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23:35.57_Corey_adeel: Have you found any other examples?  I'm wondering if it's supported in a NOTIFY at this point (keep getting "400 Bad Request" from the phone)
23:37.45adeel_Corey_,  nothing really...the only thing i came across was the SIP RFC, and they had it sent as an options message
23:38.24_Corey_I checked the RFC but didn't see a reference to OPTIONS specifically
23:38.30_Corey_which section are you looking at?
23:39.12_Corey_oh, 11.2
23:39.15_Corey_i see
23:39.17adeel_Corey_,  i just did a full text search on the word 'warning' and saw something showing an OPTIONs
23:40.02adeelllow, Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, and Supported header
23:40.18_Corey_yeah, I saw it thanks
23:42.07_Corey_well, the Polycom doesn't bark when you sent it via an OPTIONS msg, though it doesn't do anything else either :)
23:42.30adeelhmmm...might be worth getting some clarification from polycom
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23:49.03_Corey_I have a suspicion this could be an in-dialog response in an OK or something
23:49.53adeelpossibly, or a subscribe event maybe?
23:50.22_Corey_I don't think so on the SUBSCRIBE because I can successfully send those to the phone
23:50.53adeeltry hanging the warning header off the subscribe, see what happens
23:51.48adeelactually, i think you might be would make the most sense to send this near the end of the in-dialog response
23:51.59adeelespecially if the example Polycom is using is for call parking
23:52.23_Corey_Yeah, I'm not sure but I suspect sending spontaneous messages to phones may not be possible using this method
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23:53.04_Corey_I don't think I could use SUBSCRIBE... I don't think the phone will respond to it
23:56.39*** join/#asterisk adeeln (

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