IRC log for #asterisk on 20110129

00:15.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:42.23rue_housethe aastra console can connect to remote aastra machines right?
00:42.29rue_housemany questions about the aastra 160 pro yet?
00:42.30Linuturkso, if I understand this right: << that will enable me to replace analog channelbanks with a device that connects to asterisk over SIP?
00:43.05*** part/#asterisk coredumb (
00:58.52*** join/#asterisk ELBunce (~erik@kde/developer/bunce)
01:05.36*** join/#asterisk csnook (
01:13.27*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
01:31.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
01:32.49*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
01:40.55*** join/#asterisk csnook (
02:32.59*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
03:18.43*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
03:21.12*** join/#asterisk thews (
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03:35.06*** join/#asterisk jhardy (
03:35.17jhardyanyone using a UTstarcom f1000?
03:35.38infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:36.27jhardyI am having trouble connecting to my access point with anything but open authentication. ie wep or WPA-PSK does not work
03:36.59jhardylooking at my AP's real time logs, it says failed authentication.. but all my other devices are working OK
03:37.04WIMPyIt will only do WPA, not WPA 2
03:37.18jhardyi realize that.. my AP is setup for WPA version 1 / tkip
03:37.41jhardyif i put my ap into no authentication it works fine.
03:39.18WIMPyIt seems to dislike certain traffic, but I don't know what exactely.
03:39.52WIMPyThat is, it sometimes doesn't coexist very well with other clients.
03:40.00jhardyhmm.  I am going to try another AP i guess.. i am currently using a cisco 1131 .. although it is a G AP , it is backwards compatible ..
03:40.24jhardywhat a POS
03:40.54jhardynow I need a drink.. I am upset.
03:41.08joobieyou guys hear
03:41.12joobieEgypt shut down the Internet
03:41.14joobiefor all of Egypt
03:41.42WIMPyWell, most of the wifi phones seem to be raterh cheap.
03:44.10jhardywimpy: it looks that way.. think i might give this mobile_chan / bluetooth thing a shot.  Have you tried it out?
03:44.41jhardylooks interesting
03:44.56WIMPyIf you want something reliable for a known place, go DECT.
03:45.09WIMPyOr rather CAT-iq.
03:45.29jhardyi would then need a ATA or FXS?
03:45.44coppicethe wideband DECT IP phones are a good choice
03:45.56WIMPyOr ISDN or SIP.
03:46.02jhardyany particular model i can read up on?
03:46.35WIMPyBut my experience with the SIP DECT from Siemens was rather painful as well.
03:48.44jhardyi have a picture of a big internet on/off switch
03:55.19*** join/#asterisk Miller357 (453df542@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:56.34Miller35723 years late to IRC, is anyone out there?
03:56.53Miller357radio check ?
03:58.03WIMPyNope. All moved to Skype.
03:58.19jhardyEgypt shut down IRC
03:58.35p3nguin220+ disconnected BNCs
04:00.28Miller357Anyone running into problems with voicemailmain, can't forward messages and the file sequencing problems?
04:10.06*** join/#asterisk Miller357 (453df542@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:10.10*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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04:10.33Miller357lanning, I'm about 23 years late to IRC....  can I get a radio check?
04:11.02lanning5 by 9
04:14.47Miller357anyone running with voicemail problems? can't forward messages, message file sequence issues as well
04:15.23WIMPyMiller357: Take a look at
04:16.26Miller357Yea, I have... I still a little new to the issues tracking stuff. They have a few closed issues out there for these problems. Can't tell if they are for 1.6 or 1.8
04:17.40p3nguinIf it is for 1.8, it shouldn't say it's for 1.6.2.something
04:17.57russellbMiller357, sounds familiar.  Try updating.
04:18.03russellbMight as well go with
04:18.16Miller357where does it tell me the version?
04:19.48p3nguinProduct Version 00-THIS IS NOT USED    <---- this?
04:19.58p3nguinNo clue what _that_ means.
04:20.57ChannelZMaybe that it's not used.
04:21.14Miller357I'm confused about it. If you look through the notes you see aragon reporting that he is not using trunk but 1.4?
04:21.21russellbi'm not looking at the bug
04:21.29russellbi'm just saying that i know there has been work in that area lately
04:21.38russellbso you should update since is a couple updates behind
04:21.54*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
04:22.14russellbis the manager of the full time asterisk dev team
04:22.21Miller357tried and same results.
04:22.33Miller357will do
04:23.33Miller357forgive me if I'm not saying this right but I checkout the latest trunk. Voice exited after password if the mailbox had a message. I assume this is work on the sequencing problem.
04:24.03russellb$ svn log --limit=3
04:24.38Miller357sorry, still new to the linux world.... what does that mean/do?
04:25.04Miller357Does that get the latest source for that module?
04:25.10russellbit gives you the commit messages from the last 3 changes to the app_voicemail source code
04:25.24russellb2 of the 3 last changes are related to the issues you're talking about
04:25.28russellbjust sharing info
04:25.54russellbit shows you what was changed, who changed it, when, their explanation of what/why they changed
04:27.37*** join/#asterisk csnook (
04:27.44Miller357no problem.... I would like to learn more. Been running asterisk (trixbox) since 2007, latest install have been asterisk + freepbx
04:27.58russellbcool.  you should give AsteriskNOW a try.
04:28.19Miller357Yes... getting there
04:28.22p3nguinwithout FreePBX
04:28.53russellbi'm headed out ... good luck
04:29.16Miller357That was a big help.
04:36.29*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
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07:53.41ChannelZWow. Friday is a right bore around here.
07:56.27*** join/#asterisk reber (
08:21.01*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
08:57.34rue_houseaastralink pro 160 anyone?
09:10.08drmessanoNo thanks
09:14.44rue_houseI'm looking to learn mroe about the network services offered
09:25.38*** join/#asterisk joeyjones (~joeyjones@
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10:33.17*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
10:52.50*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
11:09.15saxahello, I have * running now, but first thing I noted is that when I start the asterisk -rvvvvv command there is no longer the few welcome lines with version and other info.
11:09.27saxais this a new behaivor ?
11:17.17*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
11:17.22*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (dexter@
11:17.39BlackBishopI got -- User entered '0760123123' ( into ${digito} ) . Why do I get -- Executing [123@users:3] Set("SIP/500-00000000", "thing= ") in new stack having this: exten => 123,n,Set(thing=${IF($[ ${digito}:0:4 = "0760"]?"339837")} )
11:17.55BlackBishopBasicaly I'm trying to check if the user entered the first 4 digits "0760" to set thing to 339837
11:22.11BlackBishopyey, made it ! :)
11:22.36BlackBishopexten => 123,n,Set(thing=${IF($["${digito:0:4}"="0760"]?"339837")})
11:36.46saxaanother question is, to enable the fax in which dependencies I need to have to compile it in ?
11:39.00Tim_Toadysaxa u need spandsp so you can compile res_fax and res_fax_spandsp
11:39.53Tim_Toadyits a good idea to download and install the lastest version of spandsp, dont use the one ur distro comes with
11:40.18*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
11:41.55saxaTim_Toady: ok, thx, will do that
11:42.35saxaTim_Toady: actually I'm even not sure, slackware is shippind that
11:43.04Tim_Toadyi dont think so :P
11:43.34Tim_Toadybtw there is a slackbuild scirpt somewhere for asterisk, it might help you
11:43.48Tim_Toadyi ve seen it on the lists a few days ago
11:45.33saxaso is it good to go with the 0.0.6pre18 ?
11:46.03saxaTim_Toady: I have just readopted the old slackbuild
11:46.15saxasince there is a small error in it
11:46.26saxaanyway I already got it compilled and fixed
11:46.47saxaare you the maintainer for the slackware rc.slackware.asterisk file ?
11:47.12saxain slackware it seems asterisk is now using /var/run/asterisk dir
11:47.42saxaso this needs to be corrected since the rc.slackware scripts expects the pid file in /var/run/
11:47.58saxaand therefore doesnt stop the servic3e
11:48.46Tozz_fuck me in the beard. Slackware still exists? :)
11:48.53saxayeah :)
11:48.57Tim_Toadyso as a true slackware user edit the file in ed and fix it :P
11:48.59Tozz_wow ;)
11:49.05saxai did that
11:49.32saxabut would be nicer to have it fixed in the source of the problem :D
11:49.47saxawill send a patch to the ML
11:59.00Corydon76-homePatches are to be sent to the issue tracker, not the ML
11:59.36Corydon76-homeand I would recommend changing the Slackware init script, not the Asterisk build system
12:03.19saxaCorydon76-home: ok, the script is in contrib dir
12:03.24saxain asterisk
12:31.11StaRetjiWIMPy: just inform that I was able successfully install dahdi, if I do not make with ousfxs drivers, which I unfortunately need :/ So, there is a problem with those drivers which I don't know how to solve.
12:33.05StaRetjiif anyone with this kind of knowledge is willing to help, I would appreciated it and will repay somehow :)
12:42.49*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
12:43.50AliRezaTaleghanii need to change the place of a caller, whom is in a queue! right now
12:44.31AliRezaTaleghanii mean, for example, there is queue which have 10 caller in waiting stage right now
12:44.54AliRezaTaleghanione of the is caller no:7 and she is VIP! so i need to change her place to no:2
12:45.25AliRezaTaleghaniof course via AMI commands....
12:45.33AliRezaTaleghaniis there any?
12:52.07*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
13:04.55*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
13:17.18*** join/#asterisk awclin_ (
13:20.41*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
13:55.17*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (
13:58.48*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
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14:26.31*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
14:37.43*** join/#asterisk manji (
14:40.05*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
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14:41.49doolittleworkhi there, havent worked with asterisk for a while, my box was running 100% but then nature took its cource and wiped it out, my question is B410p card is detected by the dahdi driver, can one use this driver or is it best to install the misdn driver?
14:42.11*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
14:42.31doolittleworkanyone active?
14:44.17neurosysis there a proper way to upgrade via source or do i just need to DL the latest tarball and upgrade from that?
14:44.22manjidoolittlework, why don't you simply try it
14:44.32manjidoolittlework, do some tests
14:44.47manjiand then trey the misdn driver as well, if any
14:48.37*** join/#asterisk awclin (
14:48.51doolittleworkmanji: building box at home isdn lines at office just reading up on it, i know i used the misdn on the forst install but that was on asterisk 1.4 and erlier dahdi, just wanted to know if they updated the dahdi drivewrs to now work with b410P card
14:53.47*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
14:55.59*** join/#asterisk MmixX (~mmixx@unaffiliated/mmixx)
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14:59.18*** join/#asterisk degli (
14:59.19deglihi all
15:15.05saxaok, again me, is there a good how-to or some instructions for * 1.8 fax setup ?
15:18.12*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
16:01.13bleeSo i just updated a polycom from 2.1.1 to 3.2.4, the time on the OSD is no longer in the middle
16:01.25bleeand I cannot seem to find a pertinent setting to center it, anyone have this issue?
16:07.11leifmadsenI don't worry about where the time is on the phone as long as it's correct :)
16:10.52doolittleworkthx manji all is working
16:11.53*** join/#asterisk csnook (
16:13.25bleeleifmadsen: lol I would tend to agree, but my end users like to complain
16:20.46*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (
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16:52.07*** part/#asterisk rue_house (
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17:06.00*** join/#asterisk Thorn (~Thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
17:06.18oblomhi. i am using usernames instead of the extension numbers in setup. is is possible to supply it somehow to voicemail when it asks for extension number ?
17:07.32*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
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17:19.13leifmadsenoblom: yes, create a relationship in AstDB between the username and extension number, then look it up prior to calling Voicemail()
17:19.21infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
17:19.48leifmadsenoblom: check out the Database Integration chapter on hot-desking for an idea. Just substitute the ODBC lookups for AstDB lookups
17:20.06leifmadsenoblom: alternatively just do setvar=extension=101 on the sip peer
17:20.28leifmadsen(although that makes the username/extension numbers static and not dynamic like it would be in a database)
17:23.05oblomleifmadsen: and there is no way somehow via dtmf to enter actual username ?
17:23.17leifmadsenoblom: how would you do that?
17:23.49leifmadsenyou could program something that allowed them to type in 555-33-444-333 for LEIF but how effin' annoying
17:24.00leifmadsenit's not practical
17:24.11oblomleifmadsen: yeah. it's kinda what i meant :)
17:24.14*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
17:24.15leifmadsenyes, don't do that
17:24.22leifmadsenyour users will want to kill you
17:24.35leifmadsendo it the way I described as that is much more efficient and flexible
17:24.44oblomthank you
17:25.16leifmadsenyou could of course:    setvar=extension=55562377773366 for [lmadsen]
17:25.33leifmadsenI would never recommend that though
17:28.17leifmadsenruns off for lunch then a 2 hour drive to see family
17:28.31*** join/#asterisk xSanon (Sanon@
17:38.17ThornI'm getting weird behavior with music on hold. files play in random order even when random=yes is not set (if it's not set, the order is the same every time but still not the alphabetical filename order)
17:38.51Thornmoh show files shows files in random irder, too, and the order seems to change every time asterisk is restarted
17:39.11Thornversion is
17:40.04ThornI've read somewhere there're some moh bugs in this version, maybe I need to upgrade?
17:46.02*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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18:27.51*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:28.51*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~Administr@
18:29.11_zoom_hello, anyone tested yealink phone t22 ?
18:29.52_zoom_when I call yealink, it replies with busy, any idea?
18:36.17raden_workhow do i make asterisk start on machine boot ?
18:37.01ChannelZdepends on your machine
18:37.24ChannelZthere are some init scripts in the contrib director or somewhere..
18:43.42*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:6515:8d52:9477:94ee)
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19:01.53*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
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19:59.26*** join/#asterisk MikeH (~mike@
20:01.13MikeHHi guys. I've just built a machine with an Atcom AX4G and AEX410 (1 FXO 1FXS), and was originally hoping to use askozia, but it seems it supports neither of my cards.
20:01.35MikeHIs there something similar and Asterisk based available that is likely to have better product support?
20:01.55p3nguinDigium cards would be a good bet.
20:02.12MikeHTHe AEX410 is Digium....
20:02.24p3nguinThen it should be fine with Asterisk.
20:02.24MikeHI'm talking about software though, I do not wish to replace the cards.
20:02.55MikeHYes, I understand this :) I'm looking for something similar to Askozia - ie something a little more simple.
20:03.13p3nguinWhat is an Askozia?
20:03.46MikeHAsterisk based linux distribution basically.
20:03.58MikeHwith a web based configuration interface.
20:04.03p3nguinYou mean a Linux-based Asterisk distribution?
20:04.36p3nguinYou could use AsteriskNOW if you are incapable of installing Asterisk on any other Linux distro.
20:05.22MikeHIt isn't a case of inability to install - it is simplicity and easy configuration I'm looking for.
20:05.36p3nguinAsteriskNOW is your answer.
20:05.55MikeHWhich distro is it based on?
20:06.01chiwawa_42anyone willing to help us out on getting a software modem implementation running ? We'd need devs/hackers :s
20:06.02p3nguinIt is built on CentOS.
20:06.26MikeHOk, what makes it better/easier?
20:06.37p3nguinYou'll also have the choice of no GUI, Asterisk GUI, or FreePBX.
20:06.54MikeHoh, there is a GUI. This is good.
20:06.57p3nguinFor one, it Just Works.  That's apparently what you are looking for.
20:07.09p3nguinIt is Digium supported.
20:07.10WIMPychiwawa_42: What do you try to do / in what way? And what do you need?
20:07.34MikeHOk. Is there any loss of functionality by going AsteriskNOW over installing Asterisk on CentOS?
20:07.36p3nguinIt uses official Asterisk packages, created by a Digium member.
20:08.08p3nguinIt's exactly the same, really.  If you install CentOS and then install the AsteriskNOW packages, you'll end up with the same functionality.
20:08.42MikeHSeems pointless me installing CentOS first then if I can do it all in one hit. Thanks for your help :)
20:08.47p3nguinIt's just easier to install the AsteriskNOW system.  From boot to making phone calls, it took me 15 minutes.
20:08.53p3nguinboot of the CD, that is.
20:09.23MikeHI have something a little complicated to setup - should be fun for my first time with Asterisk.
20:10.17p3nguinI did a very basic setup because I was only interested in AsteriskNOW (since I had never used it before).  It was a very nice experience.
20:11.59*** join/#asterisk MikeH (~mike@
20:13.12p3nguinThere's also an AsteriskNOW quick start guide to help if there are any questions.
20:14.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
20:14.37MikeHHopefully I'll manage OK. I need to have analogue line for incoming calls, a selection menu, voicemail, VoIP phone and fax detection which should go off to fax machine via FXS.
20:15.10MikeHOh, and to make matters complicated, calls need to be routed via a GSM card to a mobile as well as the VoIP phone
20:15.29MikeHAll standard(ish) stuff in terms of dialplans etc. though, right?
20:19.11IsUpyou should expand "etc" ...
20:22.49MikeHI don't really know what etc. - I'm planning on figuring out what needs setting up as I go along :P
20:24.24p3nguinIt sounds pretty normal to me.
20:25.14MikeHgreat - I thought it would all be pretty standard stuff, it is a releif to hear it from someone else though :P
20:30.01chiwawa_42WIMPy: we want to terminate dialup calls from v.34 modems on an IPBX
20:30.14chiwawa_42without hardware modems on the provider side
20:32.38*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
20:33.47WIMPychiwawa_42: And how do you plan to connect or integrate with Asterisk?
20:34.00chiwawa_42WIMPy: IAXmodem, i guess
20:34.11chiwawa_42spandsp only miss v34 support
20:35.04WIMPyAh, so it's about adding V.34 to iaxmodem?
20:38.01*** join/#asterisk heffer (~felix@fedora/heffer)
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21:56.26*** join/#asterisk Finkregh (
21:57.42Finkreghany idea if it is possible to setup an ppp-dialin-server /w sip-backend? as routing calls to an 'normal' modem...
22:02.24fenrusthis should be doable
22:02.38fenrusthough ive never seen any data about it.. :D
22:06.17Finkreghhmm, ppl have quite a bunch of unused sip-accounts lying around... would be quite a help for situations as in egypt...
22:07.16raden_workthere any way to play files in a directory in order ?
22:19.38ChannelZfor MOH you mean?
22:21.00Thornit doesn't seem to work for moh:
22:21.16ThornI have this problem too
22:24.16ChannelZhmm seems to work here.  I don't think alpha sort appeared until 1.6.? though
22:25.06Thornwhat's the expected behavior without alpha, i.e. mode=files; directory=... ?
22:25.39Thornin my case asterisk seems to load moh files in random order on startup
22:26.03Thornwhich can be seen with moh show files
22:26.30Thornthen if there's no random=yes it always plays them in the same order (until next restart that is)
22:26.43ChannelZwith nothing I believe it just comes in at whatever order the filesystem happens give asterisk
22:28.45Thornso which version should I upgrade to? I currently have 1.4.21
22:30.04ChannelZwell if you're going to go to the trouble you might as well try out 1.8
22:31.51Thornthat would require me to switch from zaptel to dahdi?
22:32.17*** join/#asterisk n0tk (~n0tk@
22:33.05ChannelZyah but it's basically the same, that's not a hard switch
22:33.58Thornok, thank you. the only thing left is to not bring my call center down in the process :)
22:34.48ChannelZYah that probably wouldn't be good.
22:35.38ChannelZSome config directives have changed so it'd probably be a good idea to do the upgrade on a test machine and get as much of it working as you can
22:36.33*** join/#asterisk fbc_ (~fbc@
22:38.01fbc_Is there any way to disable people from choosing to be UNAVAILABLE? The sip software allows people to choose to be unavailable.
22:41.41drmessanoFind an app that allows provisioning, like something from counterpath
22:42.28drmessanoOtherwise, they are always going to be able to pwn the app locally
22:43.23fbc_Kinda stinks. I figured there would be a way to tell the server not to allow that extension to go unavailable.
22:43.51fbc_Some kinds of AWAYRING(yes/no) parameter.
22:44.12drmessanoIt's all about what the client reports back
22:44.36drmessanoJust like AutoAnswer is useless if the client has it turned off
22:44.41drmessanoI can send the headers all day long
22:44.51fbc_right. but ultimately there server can ignore the clients request to go unavailable.
22:45.49drmessanoThe client doesn't have to "request" anything.. if I set DND on the extension, it's DND
22:46.13drmessanoMy phone is now DND and there's nothing you can do about it.. send me calls all day long, my CLIENT is DND
22:46.50fbc_got it... hmmm. guess I'll lok into provisioning.
22:46.57Thornfbc_: what if your people simply shut their softphone down?
22:47.06Thornyou can't really disallow that
22:47.38fbc_Thorn, but I can easy tell that they aren;t doing their job.
22:47.45Thornat least by technical means
22:48.39fbc_The problem is the client comes configured by default to go unavail if the computer sleeps, or if manually selected to. So people can chat all day long it they wanted to.
22:49.05fbc_I do no work.
22:49.16fbc_*and do no work
22:49.24fbc_I work, unfortunately.
22:50.39fbc_hmm, well, thanks for the input, Thorn and drmessano . I'm gonna look for a provisioning solution.
22:50.46Thornprobably the best solution is to implement monitoring and look at it regularly, so youo can see how many calls are answered, how many aren't and who is (not) answering when
22:51.26Thornthis is what I've done anyway
22:53.19drmessanoor tell them "Look, at the end of the month, we fire everyone here.  But you have a full month to make me not fire you.   WOW me"
22:53.23ChannelZyah.. even if it rings they can turn the volume down and still not do any work
22:53.32ChannelZYou have a personel problem, not a technological one :)
22:54.09Thorntechnology can help but ultimately it's a management problem
22:54.42drmessanoYep, Nihilists, man
22:54.51ChannelZelectrodes on chairs might be an option
22:55.52drmessanoNihilism in the workplace is best solved with pain*
22:56.05drmessano*as permitted by HR policies and OSHA regulations
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23:48.33MikeHGuys, I've installed AsteriskNOW with AsteriskGUI, except when I setup the initial firewall config on first boot, it would seem I was supposed to manually allow the asterisk port
23:48.38MikeHis there a way to get back to this config?
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