IRC log for #asterisk on 20110119

00:03.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
00:15.11*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
00:16.31*** join/#asterisk joobie (
00:16.37joobiehey guys.. silly / noob question
00:16.55joobiealaw / ulaw.. 64 kbit/s is that 32kbit/s per upstream and 32kbit/s per downstream?
00:17.04joobieor 128kbit/s for total
00:17.14joobietrying to figure out actual bandwidth use for a call made for 1 minute on alaw vs g729
00:17.28WIMPyIt's always per direction.
00:17.37joobieahh k
00:17.46joobieso if i wanted to calculate 'rough' bandwidth usage for a call for 1 min
00:17.52joobiejust 128kbit * 60 ?
00:18.51*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
00:20.28*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
00:20.43*** part/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
00:21.48carrarjoobie, 128k would be two calls
00:22.23carrar1 call ulaw/alaw works out to be about 88kbps
00:33.08*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
00:38.07*** join/#asterisk akoma1s (~quassel@unaffiliated/akoma1s)
01:02.42*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:05.09*** join/#asterisk joobie (
01:40.06*** join/#asterisk salzh (~Administr@
01:40.38maxagazhow to have TLS support when compiling Asterisk 1.8.2 ?
01:41.19maxagazIsn't there something to check in the menuselect to enable it ?
01:43.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
01:53.10pabelangermaxagaz: check if is enabled
01:54.32*** join/#asterisk joobie (
01:56.21*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
01:56.45asteriskmonkeywhats the max size a jitterbuffer can be for iax?
02:02.45*** join/#asterisk DrkShadow (
02:03.55DrkShadowhey, I have a slew of Ass-tra 57i's and I try dialing an international number. The number turns out to not work, the server replies with 503 "Service Unavailable", and ... the phone _immediately_ tries again, 10 times in under 20 seconds, until I get 603 "Declined" and an e-mail from my phone provider saying they've cut off international service for odd dialing forms. ANyone know what's up?
02:05.59maxagazpabelanger: ok, so it goes all together with strp... thanks!
02:08.34pabelangermaxagaz: my mistake, TLS support is dependent on OpenSSL-dev, IIRC.
02:09.04maxagazpabelanger: how to make sure it is installed then ?
02:09.26maxagazpabelanger: I mean compiled in Asterisk ?
02:09.34maxagazpabelanger: ok, thanks!
02:12.03*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
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02:23.55*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:42.36*** join/#asterisk Jouva (
02:44.56JouvaSo if I have a softphone behind a NAT and * on a public server, what do I have to do to let audio from behind the NAT through? Port forwarding? Or is there a way to configure the client and asterisk to get it through? Or?
02:46.42*** join/#asterisk micols (
02:47.51ChannelZno you pretty much need port forwarding, unless the firewall understands SIP packets and can watch the RTP ports being requested and do it its self
02:54.27Jouvahmmm, it might actually. I'm running DD-WRT here
02:54.31JouvaSo lemme check that
02:56.13*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:59.08*** join/#asterisk mzb (
03:00.08mzbHi all, can I create a Dial() (or similar) that continues the context after either 1) the called number rings 'n' times, OR 2) the call is answered?
03:01.24WIMPy'core show application dial'
03:01.40mzbAbsolute timeout and a timeout in the Dial() kind of work, but don't allow for mobile phone 'seek' times
03:02.07mzbie: all I'm trying to do is pass caller ID to a mobile phone and then hangup
03:03.53mzbI guess 'G' helps the answer issue
03:04.28mzboh ... L
03:04.45WIMPyIf you want to hangup when the call is answered, L would be it.
03:08.47mzbk, thanks ... trying it now
03:10.13Jouvaargh trying to read how to use milkfish but the milkfish wiki is just broken right now
03:12.32antiwirethe sip proxy?
03:13.29antiwireI've used siproxd
03:14.05antiwiresiproxd with a dyndns dynamic hostname
03:14.14Jouvayeah but this is built into my dd-wrt router
03:14.36antiwireI never got it working well on my wrt54gs
03:15.28mzbhrmm ... or maybe S(x)
03:15.58Jouvaargh :/
03:21.03mzbno, can't get L, G or S to make any difference
03:21.54*** join/#asterisk Russ (
03:24.58mzbI've probably got something wrong with the context
03:27.17maxagazasterisk can't load srtp module when selinux is set as 'enforcing', how to make an selinux rule to make it work ?
03:27.43maxagaz(instead of disabling selinux)
03:30.41*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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03:42.06*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
03:48.11*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
04:02.09*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
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04:04.15*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
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04:24.09antiwireHey, should I be adjusting tx or rx gain if I am a SIP client and a person calls in over copper and I hear myself echoing?
04:26.30*** join/#asterisk roo (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:28.26*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
04:31.07*** join/#asterisk Carl0s- (
04:31.43*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
04:33.27Carl0s-Haha... Just for a laugh I tried to /join #porn ..
04:35.17rushowrhello all! Quick question, no issue, I just happen to be finally be migrating to func_ODBC instead of using a library of macros I made a few years back for accessing MySQL. I've searched fairly exhaustively and come up with very little information on retrieving multiple columns from a query, using Set(ARRAY(var1,var2,var3)=${ODBC_SOMEQUERY()})...My problem is, I can clearly see the 3 values...
04:35.19rushowr...come back (by looking at the verbose log of the Set command) but var2 and var3 do not contain the values they should
04:36.05rushowrif need be I can provide a code snippet of the actual code as well as the related odbc entry and the log entry
04:36.48rushowrlooks sheepish for asking for help on IRC twice in two days...That is probably more than he's ever requested assistance since 2004
04:39.51antiwireany ideas for stopping echo on the SIP softphone end of a call that is incoming on copper/FXO?
04:40.24*** join/#asterisk fofware (~Fabian@
04:40.42rushowrhave you recorded the call before it connects to the softphone, to see if asterisk "hears" the echo?
04:40.59rushowrthat'll help you determine if it's the softphone, the network, or Asterisk
04:41.30rushowri.e. Answer()...MixMonitor(...)
04:41.38rushowr? sorry, just spitballing
04:42.00*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
04:43.31antiwireFrom the SIP client dialing out over the copper, I also hear echo during the outbound ring back
04:43.55antiwirebut the phone on the other end of the copper PSTN doesn't have any echo
04:44.39rushowrok, so, we know that it's on the "near" leg
04:44.57rushowrhowever, is there echo on calls using the softphone but NOT the copper?
04:45.19antiwireonly on calls that cross between copper and SIP
04:45.22rushowris the FXO going through a channelbank or a card?
04:45.36rushowr(direct card port or a channel bank with t1/e1 card)(
04:45.49antiwirenope, standard POTS line going into the Sangoma U100 USBFXO
04:45.56rushowrtries to remember how he fixed this a couple years back when he was doin' a call center sec mate
04:46.12rushowranother quick one
04:46.22rushowrwell, nevermind
04:46.27rushowryou probably haven't tried it
04:46.31rushowrone sec
04:47.12rushowrdo you have more than one sip softphone or other sip endpoint? if so, do they ALL result in echo on calls over the FXO, or just one?
04:47.34antiwireI'll test that right now
04:47.45rushowrright on
04:48.51rushowralso, check chan_dahdi.conf
04:48.57rushowrechocancel=yes ?
04:49.17antiwireyep, that's set
04:49.33rushowrright on
04:50.15rushowryou may need to tweak some of the settings in that section. Another thing you may end up having to do is contacting the circuit provider, I know I've had to work with a couple of 'em in the past to nail down a troublesome echo
04:51.46rushowrI've got to run mate, good luck1
05:03.28antiwireno echo between two sip clients
05:04.50antiwiresame echo with a different sip client and same POTS line
05:05.11antiwirethe sip clients can hear themselves but the POTS end is fine
05:14.52antiwirecould it be that the Sangoma U100 USBFXO adapter is just a piece of crap?
05:14.54*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:14.59antiwirecould it be that simple?
05:16.52*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
05:24.12antiwireI restarted the whole box and it's fine now...
05:36.17*** join/#asterisk csnook (
05:42.34Corydon76-homeUSB adapters tend to have issues with static electricity.  This is why Digium discontinued its USB adapter several years ago
05:43.04Corydon76-homeYou might try adjusting environment controls to boost the humidity, such that static discharges aren't a problem
05:44.06*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
05:49.30Russor maybe a shorter cable?
05:51.15*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
06:06.55*** join/#asterisk micols (
06:09.17maxagazwhy do I get this error on a fresh install of Asterisk :
06:09.21maxagazloader.c: Error loading module 'res_pktccops': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
06:11.15*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
06:13.56*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
06:17.06*** join/#asterisk Rabbitbunny (~user@unaffiliated/rabbitbunny)
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06:31.27*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
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06:33.56verywisemani want to make mobile extension where at any extension , i can enter my extension and password to change current extension to my extension , how can i do that?
06:43.47*** join/#asterisk AreolaMonster (
06:47.51*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
07:08.52ChannelZgoogle asterisk hot-desking for ideas
07:09.37*** join/#asterisk Rabbitbunny (~user@unaffiliated/rabbitbunny)
07:12.00*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
07:17.56*** part/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
07:18.14AreolaMonsterhello, I was under the impression that exten => s,1,Answer()
07:18.14AreolaMonsterexten => s,1,Answer()
07:18.18AreolaMonsterhello I was under the impression that exten => s,1,Answer() would pick up any call that didn't match a number in extensions.conf but I keep getting an error that the extension is not found. I'm using the default asterisk install on debian.
07:18.33AreolaMonstersorry for the multple paste
07:18.43AreolaMonstercan someone clarify this for me please
07:31.58ChannelZno.  s is a special extension used mostly when an extension is not given
07:32.58ChannelZlike on a DAHDI channel coming from an analog interface card, or a SIP call with no extension, etc.
07:34.46AreolaMonsterI have a sip trunk configured and I can see the call reach the asterisk machine but immediately gets rejected, the next priority is to playblack(hello-world)
07:35.28ChannelZpastebin some console output of the call
07:35.33ChannelZwith verbose on 3 or so
07:35.50AreolaMonsterok, will do. thank you
07:44.03carrarexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer()
07:45.04carraror exten => _X!,1,Answer()
07:45.32AreolaMonstercool, let me try that
07:46.23ChannelZor better yet exten => 13234441234,1,Answer()  etc since that appears to be your DID
07:48.41AreolaMonsterit's not, thanks that works. I thought s would simply take any #
07:54.20*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (whoa@
07:55.10*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
07:57.14*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:00.27*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:05.18AreolaMonsterthanks for all the help, very much appreciated.
08:06.47*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
08:07.01verywisemani make this dial plan , when i enter password 2011, it is said password is incorrect , why?
08:07.41*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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08:15.26*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
08:15.43Polysicswhere can i get some more info on why SIP users can't log in?
08:16.08Polysicsthe system was working ok, but now is rejecting all SIP users, i am using realtime
08:16.31tamielPolysics: sip debug ?
08:16.34Polysicsit correctly says wrong password to those that exist in the table, and no matching peer if i make up a non-existent one, so it does speak to the db
08:17.06Polysicsasterisk 1.6.2
08:17.09tamielPolysics: log sql requests to see queries
08:17.10Polysicschecking debug
08:18.19Polysicshow do i log sql? debug doesn't say anything mor than i know
08:18.22tamielPolysics: and when sip register is failing, replay sql query manually to show result
08:19.00tamielPolysics: depends on your database
08:19.10Polysicsusing mysql
08:22.03tamielPolysics: log=/var/log/mysqld.log  in [mysqld] section for example
08:22.16tamielPolysics: and restart mysql server
08:22.48tamielPolysics: user running mysql must have write access to /var/log/mysqld.log
08:23.13tamielPolysics: be carefull, this is only for debugging purpose, don't use in production
08:23.14*** join/#asterisk nunne (
08:24.00*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:24.31nunneIs anyone else experiencing problems with getting MOH and announcement files to play in queues under asterisk 1.8? And anyone have a working fix for it? :) (Using the CentOS yum repo)
08:26.03Polysicstamiel: there isn't any way to display it in the console?
08:26.22verywisemani make this dial plan , when i enter password 2011, it is said password is incorrect , why?
08:28.05*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
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08:30.04tamielPolysics: in asterisk console you mean ?
08:30.24Polysicstamiel: yes, does any way exist?
08:31.43*** join/#asterisk eerie (~mime@gateway/shell/
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08:34.31tamielPolysics: I don't remember this
08:34.33*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
08:34.42tamielPolysics: Are you using odbc ?
08:35.04Polysicstamiel: no, res_mysql
08:35.30nunneverywiseman: is dtmf working as it should? try read and then saydigits to see if it's read correctly
08:36.58verywisemannunne, ok
08:37.05*** join/#asterisk Rabbitbunny (~user@unaffiliated/rabbitbunny)
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08:40.23schmidtsgood morning
08:40.41tamielPolysics: it seems you can't
08:41.51tamielPolysics: you must do debugging in mysql
08:42.07Polysicstamiel: ok, already set it up then, thanks
08:43.30*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
08:45.15v1sif I have some packet loss on my network is it beter to set the codec packet sizes bigger or smaller?
08:46.01*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
08:48.13schmidtsvls smaller, cause if you loose one packet you will loose less of the stream
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09:03.02*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
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09:06.41*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
09:14.20v1swhat would be next codec up from g729 for quality and bandwidht?
09:15.23*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
09:20.50tobi-thanks for the link leifmadsen ill check it out
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09:41.00*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
09:41.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o Corydon76-home] by ChanServ
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10:26.22asterisk-learnerhi, if i have HPET but running a centos core of 2.6.18, is ztdummy going to use it (HPET) or do i have to modify smthg else ?
10:27.29*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
10:31.18*** part/#asterisk Rabbitbu2ny (~user@unaffiliated/rabbitbunny)
10:40.49E-bolaCan somebody verify that notifyringing is meant to control whether hints also work with the ringing state? The docs are a bit vague
10:41.56*** join/#asterisk ijpalmer (
10:43.53ijpalmerH, I have * installed.  Part of my dialplan has an incoing call which is recorded to a wav file, then the dialplan plays back the file, the trouble is the file it looks for when playing back the file is a slin not wav file so it can't find the file.  How do I get playback to play the wav file.  Thanks
10:56.43*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
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11:13.44krionisn't in the topic 2011/01/18 instead of 2010/01/18 ?
11:16.19E-bolahehe yep
11:18.53*** join/#asterisk ChrisH (
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11:58.00wdoekes2ijpalmer: it's not actually looking for a .slin file though
11:58.31wdoekes2something else is probalbly wrong, wrong bitrate, etc..
11:59.22wdoekes2and yes.. that message is awfully confusing
12:00.08wdoekes2perhaps wrong path, or path with extension
12:01.26*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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12:06.35ijpalmerwdoekes2: thanks, it does look like the worng path, but the only difference in the path is between the extensions, when the file is recorded, it is recorded with a wav extension when it tries to playback it has a slin extension
12:10.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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12:23.43*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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12:35.31joachim_-What is the best solution for redundancy, when running multiple asterisk servers & mysql servers ?
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12:59.52ChainsawQwell, leifmadsen: 2001:470:e0d4::e9 appears to be unreachable ( It falls back to IPv4 eventually, which is up. Who should I bother about this please?
13:00.11leifmadsenChainsaw: kpfleming
13:00.21Chainsawleifmadsen: Thank you.
13:00.35Chainsawleifmadsen: File a bug or e-mail?
13:00.47Chainsawleifmadsen: Cheers. Assuming
13:00.55leifmadsenthere should be a support page on
13:02.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
13:02.35joachim_-Im trying to find information about using kamailio as a sip-router.. Any1 familiar with this? I have multiple asterisk servers and multiple mysql servers. Is a SIP proxy the way to go here?
13:15.42tobi-ringinuse=no in queue settings seems to have to effect, inuse agents still get the call waiting, thats intended?
13:15.57tobi-seems to have _no_ effect
13:19.32*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
13:20.17Tozz_if I am not mistaken
13:20.21Tozz_you have to set calllimit= too
13:20.24Tozz_for ringinuse to work
13:22.41binbash_Hmm, i used the fixrouting script from but a got a issue with that with calls going to another subnet..
13:22.46binbash_Anybody had that issue :-)?
13:25.39Tozz_another subnet?
13:25.46leifmadsentobi-: what version of asterisk?
13:26.06infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
13:26.19leifmadsenthat site discusses how to get ringinuse working in the ACD chapter
13:27.50leifmadsen(the trick is making sure sip.conf has callcounter=yes enabled)
13:29.28tobi-leifmadsen: its
13:29.38leifmadsenthen that documentation will apply to you
13:30.27E-bolaIs it correct that there was only 1 change from 1.8.2rc1 to final?
13:30.35binbash_Tozz_ yeah so
13:30.40tobi-alright thanks for the hint
13:30.41binbash_my Asterisk is
13:30.48binbash_and it needs to find a phone in
13:30.53binbash_but the rewrite fix on voip-info
13:30.59leifmadsenE-bola: yes, that's what the ChangeLog says
13:31.16binbash_only works with
13:31.56binbash_When i enable it like that, so rewrite the from ip to my failover IP, i only have audio in my subnet .. so 10.100.2.x and not 10.100.3.x
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13:37.40tobi-thanks leifmadsen that did it
13:37.50leifmadsenof course it did, yay for documentation! :)
13:37.58tobi-true :)
13:41.32joachim_-Im trying to find information about using kamailio as a sip-router.. Any1 familiar with this? I have multiple asterisk servers and multiple mysql servers. Is a SIP proxy the way to go here?
13:41.41binbash_Nobody :-)? then i'll try the mailing list.
13:41.52binbash_joachim_ i have some yeah, i use opensips as a sip router.
13:42.41joachim_-and then u use multiple asterisks with replicated configs and database servers?
13:43.09joachim_-how long downtime u get if one server go down?
13:44.33joachim_-Nice! I've been trying to use Kamailio but cant say i've had any luck... Is opensips pure proxy?
13:45.00*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:45.27binbash_Yeah :-) i only catch the subcribe stuff, and the rest goes to one of the asterisk boxes
13:45.59binbash_so i register my phones on opensips, but all the actually calling and stuff is done by one of my * boxes
13:46.48joachim_-Hmmm. I cant do that, we administer the servers from a self made gui, i need to have all the customer accounts in mysql databases
13:47.39binbash_I know,
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13:47.42binbash_I have that :-)
13:47.54binbash_the subscriber table from opensips is a view of the asterisk table
13:48.27joachim_-OK. That could work
13:49.29bipppI have been requested the following feature: when some caller ID (telephone number) calls it should receive no answers but trigger an event like sending an email sayng that a call was received from that number. Can this be done with asterisk ? any hint in ther right direction will be appreciated thanks!
13:51.24Tozz_do an IF on the callerid if it matches some string
13:51.26leifmadsenexten => _NXXNXXXXXX/4165551212,1,System(mutt -s "HELP" < /tmp/my_message.txt)
13:51.30leifmadsensame => n,Hangup()
13:51.34Tozz_what leifmadsen says ;)
13:51.34leifmadsenbip: see above
13:52.02bipyes  thanks
13:52.46binbash_joachim_ i'm sure it works :P.
13:54.46*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
13:54.49Kobazis there something like iperf for windows
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14:12.23tobi-is there a good pstn-sip provider located in france?
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14:14.41Tozz_tobi-: if you are not in france you probably wont have any luck. France telecom rules require that you have an address in france
14:14.47Tozz_to get a .fr DID number
14:15.35tobi-i see thanks
14:20.45Kattygoooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning all you wonderful people!!!!
14:21.34ChainsawGood morning Katty! *hug*
14:22.41Tozz_good morning? its 15:22!
14:22.43*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
14:23.03Kattyhugs Chainsaw
14:23.09KattyNaikrovek: sorry to hear you are feeling poorly sir )=
14:23.25KattyNaikrovek: hope your head gets better quickly
14:25.04Kattyinfobot: seen hmmhesays
14:25.14infobothmmhesays <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 132d 18h 46m 50s ago, saying: '*hand'.
14:26.39Kobazit's the Katty!
14:27.04Kattyhugs on Kobaz
14:27.16Kobazdo you know if there's an iperf type program for windows
14:27.42Kattywhat is iperf
14:28.08tzangerit is a client/server thing that measures network performance between two computers
14:28.56ChainsawKobaz: There is a port of the real thing apparently:
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14:29.45Kattyi think there's ms network monitor
14:31.27Kobazoh mm
14:31.38Kobazthe iperf official site is just a *nix version
14:31.41Kobazi'll take a look
14:33.18ChainsawKobaz: Note the comments lower down, they moved the download URL.
14:34.05KattyKobaz: <- personally i'd just use wireshark
14:34.16KattyKobaz: but that's probably not what you're looking for really
14:34.18Kobazwireshark for bandwidth testing?
14:34.30Kobazi'm having a problem with an adtran 1234poe switch
14:34.35Kobazi think i know what the problem is
14:34.36Kattywell the network monitor has a time offset column
14:34.53Kobazi need like port-to-port throughput,latency,jitter
14:35.03ChainsawKobaz: Well the filtering language in Wireshark is pretty powerful. Someone's probably written a bandwidth meter in it by now :)
14:35.06Kobazthe poe switch is duplicating all the traffic on all the vlans
14:35.30Kobazlike, if someone is sending 100mbit/sec from port 1 to port 2... well that traffic is also going to all the other ports
14:35.39Kobazand killing throughput for everyone
14:35.47Kobazi can see it in jnettop
14:36.04Kobazthere's traffic that's a souce and dest that's not my server going through that hic
14:37.31Kobazmy server is   and with jettop or tcpdump i'm seeing stuff like <->  that's not broadcast traffic
14:37.55Kobazlooks like it's acting as a hub and not a switch, it's broadcasting traffic to all ports
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14:43.06Kobazthe arp table is empty
14:43.11Kobazexcept for one entry
14:43.48E-bolaif if its acting like a hub its broken, case solved?
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14:43.56ChainsawOr the CAM is full.
14:44.13ChainsawIn which case flooding the traffic back out of everything except the port it came from is correct & expected behaviour.
14:44.31E-bolaChainsaw: i didnt think new switches still did it that way?
14:44.43ChainsawE-bola: What other way could they use?
14:44.52E-boladrop the traffic
14:45.01E-bolasince the other method is very abuse related
14:45.27ChainsawE-bola: Your suggestion would break multicast.
14:45.28PMantisHi guys. I recently upgrades a customer system from to and they are now seeing frequent dropped calls at 30 seconds. So far, as I understand it, the issue always involves a soft phone, but is with more than one computer. Is there anything known with
14:45.48ChainsawPMantis: Drops after ~3 minutes tend to be silence detection.
14:45.51bleePMantis: eyebeam?
14:45.56ChainsawPMantis: Still worth checking that. Please turn it off.
14:46.29KobazE-bola: that seems a little broken.. but the arp table being empty is a clear indication something is wrong somewhere
14:46.53KobazE-bola: configure each workstation to drop the traffic too?
14:47.09Kobazthat's not gonna fix anything, it's still killing the throughput for every other device on the network
14:47.11E-bolaKobaz: huh?
14:47.32E-bolaI was simply commenting on the concept fo switches turning into hub's if you flood them
14:48.14PMantisChainsaw, Sometimes the drops occur while he's leaving someone a voicemail, sometimes, they're in conversation. Doesn't seem to be silence detection, but I adjusted lots of timeouts when this was first reported. One sec...
14:48.21PMantisblee, Guess I should ask...
14:48.43KobazE-bola: the arp table is empty
14:48.50Kobazthere's no port-macaddress associations
14:48.57Kobazso it's going to broadcast to all ports
14:48.59ChainsawE-bola: The main thing is that the CAM should be appropriately sized for the traffic flow.
14:49.07Kobazarp might be disabled or something?
14:49.13Kobazi just put in a ticket with adtran now
14:49.51E-bolaKobaz: did u try to just restart the switch?
14:50.14Kobazrestart the switch? during hours?  with 40 people on the phone?
14:50.30ChainsawTurning things off and back on again works. Even on recalcitrant hydraulic lifts.
14:51.13E-bolaKobaz: just say somebody tripped in a wire :)
14:51.18E-bolait wont be offline for long anyway :0)
14:51.23devmodIf I want all outbound sip traffic to go through a sip proxy, what do I have to do besides setting outboundproxy=xxxx on sip.conf ?
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14:59.04bleePMantis: what?
14:59.21bleePMantis: oh im so sorry, i forgot
14:59.36bleeYes find out, there IS a setting in eyebeam where if RTCP isnt being transmitted it will drop the call
14:59.40bleeor something along those lines
15:00.09PMantisChainsaw, for example, almost 2 weeks ago I set: rtptimeout=360, session-expires=1800, and a couple others.
15:00.14PMantisblee, right.
15:00.57bleePMantis: that setting drove me crazy for a bit, let me know how that works out
15:01.26PMantisblee, set debug on... so far I see lots of Polycom and XLite.
15:01.58bleeYep xlite/eyebeam same difference
15:02.59PMantisblee, Oh, I don't use softphones a lot - especially not on Windows. didn't realize that connection. LOL
15:03.52bleeIm afraid I cant help you as far as finding the setting
15:03.59bleenone of my machines are on windows
15:04.08bleethere IS a setting in xlite that says, disconnect call if theres no RTCP
15:04.20bleethat 30 second mark sounds oddly familiar
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15:04.38Chainsawblee: Yes, silence suppression.
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15:08.13prouteI use asterisk with FFA. So, when the fax sender send me a fax it works fine if the fax sender don't use ecm mode. If the fax sender use ecm mode, fax receive doesn't work. How can I fix this issue? I work with dahdi 2.4 via pstn connection
15:08.18proutethanks for your help
15:10.00*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (
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15:11.30telnettechEy Yall
15:12.21telnettechwas wondering what people do to help alleviate the effects of SIPVicious and sipscuser DDOS attacks?
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15:12.58telnettechI have put the offenders on an ACL on my router but that takes up too much time to site and watch the traffic all day or so
15:13.15beektelnettech: I've personally hired a hit man to track the offenders down and kill them.
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15:14.04telnettechfunny Beek
15:14.18leifmadsentelnettech: I use fail2ban
15:14.27leifmadsendocumented here:
15:14.29infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
15:14.37beektelnettech: What leifmadsen said for me as well.
15:14.43Chainsawtelnettech: fail2ban.
15:14.43leifmadsenbeek: ohai!
15:14.50beekHello leifmadsen!
15:14.51leifmadsenworks quite well
15:14.56Chainsawtelnettech: Controlling your firewall and the sipvicious crasher.
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15:16.37telnettechWe have installed a DDOS equipment and are still trying to fine tune it but it appears that the offenders are attacking our custoemrs directly and I dont find it feasible to spend $18,000 per customer to put this equipment on each site
15:17.40leifmadsenfail2ban is free :)
15:17.52leifmadsenworks great, just modifies iptables based on rules you configure
15:18.21Tozz_mm, good point. we've had hacked SIP Accounts, but that could indeed be solved by fail2ban
15:18.25Chainsawleifmadsen: Yeah, submits to DroneBL as well for me.
15:18.59leifmadsenTozz_: stronger passwords and stronger usernames helps a lot with that kind of thing :)
15:18.59Chainsawleifmadsen: For the good of the internet. Now if only Asterisk had DNSBL support... it could benefit from that DroneBL submission everywhere.
15:19.09telnettechleif: that is good on our side but they are not attacking us....they are attacking our customer's....we have implemented ACL on the routers
15:19.17leifmadsenthat seems like an outside problem separate of asterisk
15:19.30Tozz_leifmadsen: it was my test account ;)
15:19.37leifmadsentelnettech: I don't see why you don't install it on your customers as well
15:19.38Tozz_so basicly my fault ;)
15:19.45leifmadsenTozz_: 110% your fault
15:19.49telnettechwe dont control the customer pbx
15:19.53leifmadsenTozz_: even test accounts should be secured
15:20.05Tozz_yeah i noticed ;)
15:20.06leifmadsentelnettech: then there isn't much you can do other than to build your own appliance with fail2ban
15:20.27leifmadsenjust build a simple appliance with fail2ban on it, then put that in front instead of the $18k machine
15:20.30leifmadsenproblem solved
15:20.35telnettechi was just looking for general info related to VOIP
15:20.50leifmadsentelnettech: DDOS is a standard problem, separate from VOIP
15:20.56leifmadsenyou can only do so much
15:21.09leifmadsenif someone overwhelms your link, there isn't anything you can do about that
15:21.24leifmadsengoes back to bug triage
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15:21.34tzangerleifmadsen: I would think that a sip registration proxy with fail2ban would be a good start, although ideally you need to block those attempts at the far end of your pipe
15:21.51tzangerfail2ban is awesom
15:22.12leifmadsentzanger: that'd be even better, if you have an ISP who will allow you to call in and get things blocked from their end
15:22.26*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (~Jon@
15:23.16tzangerhow goes?
15:23.39thewsI had to make a firewall whitelist for our sip servers, and make our home agents use dyndns
15:23.48leifmadsentzanger: not bad! just working on bugs right now
15:24.01*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
15:24.06tzangersounds like fun
15:24.24leifmadsenthews: I have a client that makes their home agents login to their email, then they scan the logs for the IP address and allow only those found IP addresses (which expire after 24 hours)
15:24.34leifmadsenso basically each agent checks their email each morning, then logs in
15:24.43leifmadsenI'm sure there are other ways, but I found that a clever way
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15:25.05JonnyD_workdoes anyone know how queues handle what agents get called first?
15:25.20leifmadsenJonnyD_work: depends how you configure it
15:25.43JonnyD_workhow are the agents handled? the problem i am seeing is my agents with the lowest ext number are getting calls first, not based on when they logged in
15:25.55JonnyD_worki am using rrmemory
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15:26.03thewsthat would work, but then I would have to script into our firewall unless I just did it on the client firewall of the sip server
15:26.20thewscurrently I just add dns whitelist to the datacenter firewall,  don't run any firewalls on individual servers
15:27.09leifmadsenJonnyD_work: rrmemory is based on when they were last called
15:27.10thewsI could also grab their ips from the custom ajax call controller we  made
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15:27.20thewsnever thought about that
15:27.56JonnyD_workleifmadsen: right but first thing in the morning how does it determin who gets called first?
15:29.17leifmadsennot sure
15:29.21leifmadsennever bothered to look at that
15:29.35leifmadsenyou could control how it happens with queuerules.conf
15:29.48leifmadsenbeyond that,  I've never worried about who got called first
15:30.05leifmadsenI'd imagine it'd be the order in which they logged in, or whatever the order shows in 'queue show'
15:30.14leifmadsenbut that's just a guess, you'd have to look at the code
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15:34.05JonnyD_workthats what i though it would do but it seems to be sending them based on the lowest ext number
15:34.14JonnyD_worki will have to look at queuerules
15:34.28jamkoMorning.  On the attacks subject.  How is it that some attackers are able to get the sip user ids for my devices?  If an attackers is not on my network segment, they shouldn't be able to sniff my traffic, so is asterisk giving a response to indicate a correct hit on a user id?
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15:35.34JonnyD_workwhen was queuerules introduced?
15:35.38JonnyD_worki am on 1.4.31
15:35.55thewson my roundrobin setup I have priority on users, and then it calls the one who hasn't been called in the longest time (first logged in gets called first)
15:36.35JonnyD_workcan you add priority to dynamic agents?
15:36.40thewsif you want to punish people who take too long on calls use a fewestcalls setup
15:37.04thewshow are they dynamic?
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15:38.37w0ls0ncan someone suggest an inexpensive ip phone that will work with *? Used is totally fine and 1 line is preferred.
15:38.57thewsmember => Local/#401@neoagent/n,3
15:39.02thewsthat's how mine are setup
15:39.09thewslast number is the priority
15:39.42JonnyD_worki have my agents login and out
15:39.49thewsmine too
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15:40.03thewsthey log in as available to take calls from queue
15:40.08JonnyD_workbut you add the agents in queues.conf?
15:40.23thewssoftware adds it
15:40.55thewseverything is software/db driven
15:41.00thewswe have a complicated environment
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15:47.20*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
15:47.26rushowrgreetings everyone
15:48.06rushowrthought I'd come by and see if anyone can help with a minor question. Anyone here use FUNC_ODBC and ARRAY() to retrieve multiple columns from a query?
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15:52.39leifmadsenrushowr: yes, works great :)
15:52.54rushowrhey! Leif!
15:53.21rushowrhey real quick mate, I've got to apologize for my stupidity the other day with the missing => :P
15:53.42rushowrnow, your code snip above, I used and get an sec
15:53.43*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
15:53.52rushowrI'll pull the code, log, query
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15:54.24ClintGoudie-NiceHola all.
15:54.51ClintGoudie-NiceIs there a link/guide anywhere for configuring SRTP and TLS in asterisk 1.8?
15:55.22rushowr@leif sorry mate, it'll take a sec to dig it back up
15:55.24infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
15:55.27leifmadsenClintGoudie-Nice: see above
15:55.34*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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15:57.25rushowr@leif :: query line in func_odbc.conf : SELECT cnamid, age, cname from cnam WHERE btn = '${ARG1}'
15:57.28ClintGoudie-Nicethanks for the link. I'll start reading now
15:58.11leifmadsenexten => start,1,Set(ARRAY(cnamid,age,cname)=${ODBC_GET(first_arg)})
15:59.16rushowrlol, nevermind, I started to say the ODBC_GET was wroing, but then I realized you don't know what I named it and were substituting LOL
15:59.21rushowrhere's the related log entry
16:00.47rushowr[Jan 18 22:33:37] VERBOSE[15728] pbx.c:     -- Executing [+17322761300@getcnam:8] Set("SIP/sip1-inbound-00000007", "ARRAY(cnamid,age,cname)=60069,-215,Cell Phone   MO") in new stack
16:00.49rushowr[Jan 18 22:33:37] WARNING[15728] pbx.c: MSet: ignoring entry '-215' with no '=' (in +17322761300@getcnam:8
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16:01.34leifmadsenwhy are you using MSet?
16:01.40rushowrI'm not
16:01.41leifmadsenguesses AEL
16:01.48rushowrnice try though
16:01.54rushowrI'm using:
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16:02.01leifmadsendialplan says you're using MSet
16:02.38rushowrDunno mate, I used the command Set(ARRAY(cnamid,age,cnameid)=ODBC_CNAMGET(${BTN}))
16:03.03rushowrand it's not being called via a macro or anything, straight context within standard ast dialplan
16:03.26rushowrodd eh?
16:03.32leifmadsenrushowr: you're not calling ODBC right!
16:03.38leifmadsenif that is actually the command you're using
16:03.41leifmadsenlook at my example again
16:03.44leifmadsentell me what you have missing
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16:04.01rushowrhrm.....ok, let me see
16:04.02leifmadsenotherwise, please show the actual command and not just a typed version of it
16:04.09rushowryeah, let me grab the original code
16:04.14rushowrthat was just me typing
16:04.15leifmadsenalways show the original code
16:04.20rushowr(all my other odbc calls work ;-) )
16:04.27leifmadsenwhat version?
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16:05.57rushowrI had to modify the code to make it work in the system, let me dig through the revisions
16:06.25b0gatyrHi everyone, im trying to set verbosity on my asterisk box so i can see when someone places a call, i have tried setting verbosity to 10 but i dont see any messages on the console am i missing smth?
16:06.50rushowrlol, ok the command I typed was right except for using the VALUE of the ODBC call ${ODBC_CNAMGET(${BTN})}
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16:07.24leifmadsenrushowr: just show me the exact command (the whole line)
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16:08.30leifmadsenrushowr: I'd rather you just msg in here and not directly
16:08.31leifmadsenlooks fine
16:08.42rushowrah sorry mate
16:08.52rushowryeah, so you see why I'm confused ;-)
16:08.54leifmadsenother people may have more time to help
16:09.17rushowrthanks mate for your time
16:09.25rushowrslainte / proost / cheers
16:10.42rushowrah, nice! I'd forgotten that one (although I'm guessing it's your native tongue, as sláinte is mine :D
16:10.56leifmadsennah, english is my native tongue
16:11.02leifmadsenI don't speak danish unfortunately
16:11.07rushowrneither do I
16:11.14rushowrjust Irish and English
16:12.02AdvoWorkif im trying to dial a number, i have a dialtone, but it just hangs and doesnt call, what logs would that be in? struggling to find anything..
16:12.14rushowryou can try /var/log/asterisk/full
16:12.26rushowrhowever, you might end up needing to do a traffic capture
16:12.57rushowrsince it sounds like it may not have executed anything on Asterisk
16:14.57DarkRiftwell what he can do is core set debug 7 and core set verbose 7 in the CLI and see what happens when he dials that number
16:15.19DarkRiftHe'll have debug information in the CLI
16:15.57rushowrnote: nothing past 3 results in extra infro
16:16.30rushowralso, if the call is not actually being executed on the Asterisk server, due to various possible issues, he'll need to see the traffic cap
16:16.52DarkRiftYeah but it may be a function/app failing
16:17.06rushowrhence why I told him to check the full log
16:17.29rushowrand then offered a possible next step if he sees nothing there
16:17.38DarkRiftI'm not going to fight, I was just saying he could see it live in the CLI
16:18.55leifmadsenrushowr: actually the number is '5'
16:19.08leifmadsenmost things show up in 3 and 4 though
16:19.17rushowrodd, I've never seen any improvement in using anything above 3
16:19.33rushowrbut, I believe ya mate
16:19.43rushowris that in verbose or debug or both?
16:21.18*** part/#asterisk w0ls0n (
16:21.22rushowrI'll read the source
16:22.29rushowrwell mates, I'm off, I'll stop by later
16:22.32rushowrIs féidir do lá dul chomh réidh agus is an craiceann ar bhean álainn
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16:23.10devmodIs there a way to negotiate or even just change the bitrate on incoming calls ? (besides sip.conf's maxcallbitrate)
16:23.12b0gatyrhi everyone, how can I get asterisk CLI console to show messages of the dialed numbers when someone places a call?
16:23.17b0gatyris that set with verbosity?
16:23.40leifmadsendevmod: change the codecs allowed?
16:23.54leifmadsenb0gatyr: use Verbose()
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16:24.11leifmadsenset to level 1 or 2 if you don't want to see anything but your Verbose() messages
16:24.16leifmadsenthen 'core set verbose 2'
16:24.54devmodleifmadsen, I guess im talking about b= on the invite and 200ok's SDP
16:25.14leifmadsennot that I'm aware of. Pretty sure all the bit rates are static in Asterisk.
16:25.27devmodleifmadsen, ohh ok got it
16:25.29leifmadsento modify headers you need to use something like OpenSIPS to modify the headers before sending them out
16:25.44leifmadsenalthough it probably wouldn't help you much since the bitrate is static for the codecs
16:25.54devmodleifmadsen, not video codecs
16:25.59leifmadsenyou can only change the payload size with something like:      allow=speex:30
16:26.15devmodleifmadsen, I should have said I am dealing with video codecs
16:26.20leifmadsenI still don't think so
16:26.30leifmadsenvideo support is limited in asterisk
16:26.34b0gatyrleifmadsen: im setting verbosity with : core set verbose 10 but i still dont see anything =\
16:26.40devmodleifmadsen, yeah I understand
16:26.58leifmadsenb0gatyr: I've seen people talk about that issue before, but have never been able to get enough information to know why that is the case. It's very rare. Sorry, not sure.
16:27.43tuxxiei am having issues on call transfers. once the call transfer is made the call auto is only one way. I get  "Spawn extension (main, 4050, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/0004F2A601A2-00018549<ZOMBIE>" in my error logs. What does ZOMBIE mean?
16:28.42b0gatyrleifmadsen: hmm, weird i just typed in the command again and worked..
16:28.50leifmadsensounds like a typo the first time
16:28.58tuxxiedoes that mean tha the person transfering the call has exited the call?
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16:32.49leifmadsentuxxie: just means a channel was killed, which was probably the channel that originally tranferred the call
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16:35.25AdvoWorkDarkRift,  do you know how id do a traffic capture?
16:35.59leifmadsenuse tshark
16:36.03DarkRiftThe traffic capture would be with ngrep or wireshark, as for ngrep, I've never used it
16:36.03tuxxieleifmadsen: so the transfer-er hungup prior to the transfer being completed? or zombie message is to be expected?
16:36.30leifmadsentuxxie: hard to say based on the lack of information, but it just means there was a channel that was a zombie (dead channel) that was killed
16:38.42tuxxieleifmadsen: my next line in my messages log is "Executing [h@main:1] Hangup("SIP/0004F2A601A2-00018549<ZOMBIE>", "") " does that help show the reason?
16:41.02leifmadsenno it just means the 'h' extension was executed, which happens when a channel is hung up
16:42.55tuxxieleifmadsen: I am seeing a large amount of calls with this status. show this be a reason for alarm?
16:43.28leifmadsenonly if it's affecting something
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16:45.30AdvoWorkmy full log shows a few: [Jan 19 16:44:33] NOTICE[2065] chan_sip.c:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #18215)   any suggestions? thats a trunk, everything seems to work though...
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16:49.48eject_ckcan someone suggest sip client for android 2.2
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16:52.06jsjcI am having some trouble to faxdetect over SIP.
16:52.21jsjcis there any codeec I must have while detect?
16:53.31leifmadsencan't use anything other than ulaw (or alaw) for even somewhat reliable faxing
16:58.47radencan never get fax to work :(
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17:01.04andylockranguys, what platform/dist is AsteriskNow built on .. and what's it's 'auto-update' mechanism?
17:01.14drmessanoCentOS and Yum
17:01.24andylockrandrmessano: thanks.
17:02.15drmessanoIt's a pretty unmolested build of CentOS as well, not hacked into some completely new distro with lots of defaults changed or any of that nonsense..
17:02.30andylockrandrmessano: I've been using asterisk for about 5 years on gentoo, but their version has slipped quite far behind. I'm not doing anything particularly unique with my setup, and hopefully having a community of users with the same setup (eg, AsteriskNOW) would be a more sensible way of supporting the system.
17:02.55andylockranIs FreePBX kept updated on AsteriskNow too ?
17:03.36drmessanoFreePBX RPM's are updated as needed, and newer FreePBX also has a module admin that works just as well
17:04.48andylockranawesome.  Thanks for your feedback.
17:07.07drmessanoThere's lots of online support as well..  Depending on the hour of day, you can get support in here, but there's also #asterisknow and #freepbx.  #freepbx is pretty active, and a lot of us are running CentOS as well, so we generally will support more than *just* the FreePBX bits of an AsteriskNOW box if it's within reason
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17:11.02thewson polycom's website they say that the newest release for the 501s is 3.1.4 but there is also the vvx 4.1.4 bootrom
17:12.04thewssorry 3.1.6,  is the bootrom vvx 4.1.4 and the sip software version 3.1.6 ?
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17:16.08thewsnevermind, I understand
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17:24.06PMantisblee, I talked to my customer, and they DID have the RTCP option checked off in X-Lite, set to 30 seconds. I think that was the solution. Thanks!
17:33.22b0gatyrfolks im having this really weird problem i'm calling an extension that is at a remote office sometimes works and sometimes the call does not go through, network connection seems fine what can it be? any help is appreciated
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17:36.30peepcan anyone tell me how/if its possible to silence the notifications in the console when you make a request to AJAM?
17:37.17kaldemarb0gatyr: by extension do you mean a VoIP phone? find out what happens in asterisk's CLI when a call doesn't go through. probably network issues.
17:40.37b0gatyrkaldemar: yup VoIP phone, i'm able to ping the remote cisco callmanager at the remote office and asterisk CLI does not even show up anything when I try placing a call and i have set verbose to at least 10, when it goes through i do see it on the CLI.. =\
17:41.02peepspecifically the lines like 'HTTP Manager add header...'
17:44.14kaldemarb0gatyr: so you are dialing phone -> asterisk -> cisco -> phone ?
17:45.48plundraUhm, can is it possible to some how enable sip debug for all but <given ip-range>?
17:46.10plundraOr all but <some peers>
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17:47.22b0gatyrkaldemar: yup
17:47.39kaldemarb0gatyr: if you don't see _anything_ on the asterisk CLI with verbosity when you make the call, then there is a problem between the first phone and asterisk.
17:49.20b0gatyrkaldemar: right now everything is working fine again let's see how long it lasts
17:49.45kaldemarplundra: only by setting debug on the wanted peers one by one. probably not what you're looking for.
17:51.09plundrakaldemar: Unfortunatly no, I need to clear out all the noise of known/working traffic.
17:52.32kaldemarplundra: you could make a script that enables and disables the debug for a subset of peers. for example using -rx parameter to give the CLI commands.
17:54.10plundrakaldemar: I'm a bit earlier then that actually, have no peer set up yet etc., wanted to see what it gave me.
17:54.24plundraMight tcpdump and filter that way, look at the traffic in wireshark.
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18:21.12bochhi all
18:22.26bochone question: how is the proper way to delete all database entries from a  tree with value=X , from dialplan, any idea?
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18:44.41NephFLhello, can anyone here help me out with the basics of cisco?  Specifically is the CCA for the UC540 a web app or seperate installed app?
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18:54.06silvestre_idHi to all, i was trying to put 'linkedid' by using cdr_odbc with no sucess. I created the field after 'uniqueid'. The 'linkedid' using cel_odbc already works. Someone know configure cdr_odbc or table of cdr correctly? asterisk-
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19:52.54mateuboch: DBdeltree() ?
19:53.48bochmateu, that will delete the whole tree, not  only the entries with value=X
19:54.08mateuah, that's how your question is to be interpreted. I wasn't sure.
19:57.04leifmadsenboch: use a While() loop
19:57.19leifmadsencheck if it has the value you want, delete, iterate
19:57.26leifmadsensomething like that
19:57.37leifmadsenthere is no DBWhereValueEquals()
19:58.17bochleifmadsen, can i do that on dialplan ?
20:06.16leifmadsenboch: if you know the DB structure, sure
20:06.26leifmadsenthere is nothing that will let you return the existing DB structure that I can see
20:06.44leifmadsenyou can use DB_EXISTS() to check for existing values in trees
20:07.03bochi wonder how to cycle all entries in a tree
20:07.11leifmadsenuse While()
20:07.17leifmadsenyou need to know the tree structure already though
20:07.23leifmadsen(which I just said)
20:07.36bochwhat you mean?
20:07.58leifmadsenI mean you can't just return the tree structure. You need to program it in statically.
20:08.10bochthe tree im using is a simple AVP
20:08.17leifmadsenI have no idea what AVP means
20:08.26bochattribute value pair
20:08.46leifmadsenyou're not listening
20:09.00bochsorry i cant understand what  you mean
20:09.02leifmadsenyou need to know the structure prior to looping, because you can't just return the structure from the dialplan
20:09.26b0gatyrmmm i love me some steak!
20:09.43leifmadsenthe only way I can think of doing that is via something like writing the output of:  asterisk -rx "database show" to a file, then looping through that to know the structure of the database and check everything
20:09.59leifmadsenbut at that point you're better off just using either a relational database or an external script
20:10.13bochfor example i need to know all entries in the tree
20:10.15bochgot it
20:10.21leifmadsenthat's the problem
20:10.22bochthank you
20:13.10mateuyeah, i'm surprised there isn't something from the dialplan like 'database show family' so one can get all keys in a family to loop over.
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20:14.46leifmadsenmateu: like 'database showkey' ?
20:15.29leifmadsenshowkey is a single
20:15.35leifmadsendatabase shows everything
20:16.22mateui mean something from the dial plan that mimics 'database show <family>'
20:16.41leifmadsenguess no one has found that important enough to program :)
20:16.52leifmadsenat that point you should probably just use a relational database...
20:17.10mateui dunno
20:17.16leifmadsenme either
20:17.16mateuseems pretty basic to me.
20:17.19leifmadsensure does
20:17.24leifmadsenno one has programmed it though
20:17.44mateuok, well at least we know how it currently stands.  thanks leifmadsen
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20:28.52Corydon76-homeleifmadsen: something like HASHKEYS() ?
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20:30.11leifmadsenCorydon76-home: ummm, I was thinking more like DUNDI_QUERY() and DUNDI_RESULT()
20:30.31leifmadsenalthough HASHKEYS() might work
20:30.57leifmadsenactually ya, looking at it, similar to HASHKEYS()
20:31.01leifmadsenDBKEYS() I guess?
20:31.45Corydon76-homeSo with no argument, retrieves families, with an argument, retrieves keys of that family?
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20:34.15leifmadsenhow would you iterate through layers of them?
20:34.30leifmadseni.e. family/key/key/key ?
20:34.43Corydon76-homeEssentially, yes
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21:04.37fullstopIs anyone here familiar with UniMRCP?
21:07.20infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:08.40fullstopI'm attempting to configure asterisk to do ASR with the UniMRCP asterisk module talking to a vestec ASR server.  The documentation seems to be.. thin, and I'm not exactly sure how to get started.
21:14.49drmessano!forum/unimrcp  <-- They have a google group
21:14.57drmessanoProbably a better shot than asking here
21:35.33ClintGoudie-Niceis there a way to activate the MWI light from the asterisk console?
21:37.26tzangerClintGoudie-Nice: there is but it's not noice
21:37.27tzangerer nice
21:37.59ClintGoudie-NiceJust to make sure it's working
21:38.42tzangerClintGoudie-Nice: you create a .txt file in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/[DOMAIN]/[MBOX]/INBOX/
21:38.50tzangerit should light up fairly quickly
21:39.27tzangerlike msg0000.txt
21:39.29ClintGoudie-NiceI haven't set up voicemail :P
21:39.38tzangerClintGoudie-Nice: then no, there is no way to light up MWI
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21:40.23ClintGoudie-NiceI've got a device that's sending a SIP notify into asterisk to light the MWI on a phone, but asterisk is responding with 489 Bad event.
21:40.55tzangerprobably because VM is not set up... I'm not an expert on SIP
21:41.02ClintGoudie-NiceI'm just trying to figure out if asterisk is outright blocking it, or if it's not getting to the phone and asterisk is informing the sip sender it's blocked.
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21:46.59jsjcis there anyway to change some .gsm recording to ulaw or alaw format?
21:48.27fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: I do this... but it's not exactly pretty.
21:48.48fullstopI use netcat and craft a sip message to send to the set.
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21:52.25fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: I use this to light up the MWI light on a set attached to a second server
21:53.25citywoktzanger: the filesystem polling option has to be enabled for that to work
21:54.08tzangercitywok: not really, I am pretty sure Asterisk will fallback to manually polling as opposed to inotify/dnotify if it's not present
21:55.24citywokon my system without the file system polling option enabled it doesn't check for deleted voicemails to turn off the mwi light.  i'd assume the reverse is true for creating files.
21:55.31fullstopI did not have any luck with creating a file in the directory w/
21:55.54citywoki use an XML app to access/delete voicemails, so i have to use filesys polling to turn off the light if a file is deleted from the browser
22:01.54citywokfullstop: what do you mean you didnt have luck creating the file?
22:02.23fullstopcitywok: creating  a .txt file in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/[DOMAIN]/[MBOX]/INBOX/ did nothing for me.
22:02.39ClintGoudie-Nicefullstop: I assume if I crafted the packet perfect for the handset it would light, but I'm trying to figure out where the breakdown is happening.
22:03.13citywokadd these lines to your voicemail.conf pollmailboxes=yes; pollfreq=60
22:03.18citywokreload voicemal
22:04.08ClintGoudie-NiceIn a way, I'm crafting the sip message on the device, but I'm getting back a 489 bad event
22:04.08fullstopcitywok: that ship has sailed.  I'm crafting sip messages in extern notify in voicemail
22:04.31fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: Make sure that your content-length is correct
22:04.53citywokasterisk by default won't notice the new txt file, so it wont know to create the notification
22:06.42ClintGoudie-Niceyeah, the length should be fine
22:06.57fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: what phone?
22:07.04fullstopI did my testing w/polycom
22:07.29ClintGoudie-NiceI've put a wireshark dump of the two packets here:
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22:08.49fullstopI don't think that is the proper format for the messages...
22:09.06ClintGoudie-Nicefullstop: what would you expect to be different?
22:09.19fullstopwell, maybe it is.. but I have Messages-Waiting:, :Message-Account: and Voice-Message: in my payload.
22:10.13ClintGoudie-Nicein your Event list?
22:10.51fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: Do you send exactly this in your payload?  "Messages-Waiting:yes." ?
22:12.06ClintGoudie-Nicejust like so
22:12.15fullstopClintGoudie-Nice:  This is what mine would look like if I had 1 new message and 2 old messages.
22:13.32fullstopand I believe that the content-length includes a newline at the end
22:17.38fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: Since you already have wireshark handy, leave a voicemail in that mailbox and watch the wire as asterisk sends the sip message to the set.
22:19.58_Corey_I just checked a script I wrote to send those out a long time ago
22:20.13_Corey_the length is the SDP part
22:20.44ClintGoudie-Niceah, I'm the one sending the notify to asterisk. I'm expecting asterisk to take the notify and route it to the set
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22:22.25_Corey_I missed your earlier messages--and I could be wrong--but I don't believe that will work
22:22.39fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: I don't think that asterisk will do that for you.
22:22.42_Corey_Asterisk isn't a SIP proxy, so it won't just relay everything you send it
22:22.50*** join/#asterisk peep (637c543e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:23.06fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: I parse the output of sip show peers and snag the ip address and port to send to.
22:23.10peepCould anyone tell me how to suppress the console notifications from AJAM operations being executed?
22:23.19fullstoplike I said, ugly.
22:25.44fullstopClintGoudie-Nice: Asterisk 1.8 might be a little more helpful -- there is at least a "sip notify clear-mwi" command
22:27.57fullstopmaybe not.. it looks pretty static.
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22:41.49Kobazanyone know how the who-hung-up patchset is doing?
22:44.37russellbKobaz: i don't even know what patchset that is, heh
22:44.57Kobazi think oej is working on it
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22:49.31peepCould anyone tell me how to suppress the console notifications from AJAM operations being executed?
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22:51.32russellbpeep: displayconnects=no in manager.conf I think
22:52.08jsjcI have an IVR recorded in .gsm and faxdetect is having a few issues (I think .gsm could be the issue) is there a way to convert .gsm to .ulaw or .alaw? How can I make sure that alaw or ulaw are being forced in my sip incoming calls?
22:53.01peeprussellb: Hrm I tried that one already, that seemed to work for regular AMI connections but I dont think it supresses AJAM
22:55.23Quadrantjsjc: use sox
22:55.45JonnyD_workdoes anyone know how rrmemory decides who gets the first call? i though it was based on who logged in first but that does not seem to be the case
22:55.57Quadrantand secondly,  disallow=all    allow=ulaw
22:56.25Quadrantyou dont really want alaw unless you have non-north american trunks
22:56.54russellbpeep: what is the text of the message?
22:57.56peep"> HTTP Manager add header action: login"
22:58.19peeprussellb: thats just an example but you get 4-5 per action you execute :(
22:58.28russellbah, looks like there is no way to turn it off other than setting verbose < 4
22:58.33russellbthat looks annoying
22:58.57peeprusselb: yeah especially when you have lots and lots of AJAM calls happening at all times
22:59.00russellbwhat version are you using?
22:59.47ClintGoudie-NiceWhy wouldn't asterisk forward it on for me though? It has the knowledge and registration of the handsets.
22:59.59peepperhaps its time to flex this developer license and start pulling C apart :(
23:00.07russellbpeep: k, I'll change it.  in the meantime, search for "HTTP manager add header" in main/manager.c, and you can remove that line of code
23:00.23peeprussellb: oh wow, you're the man
23:00.25ClintGoudie-NiceThis sip device ultimately wouldn't even know if a given extension has a handset or what it's IP might be
23:00.49russellbpeep: starts with ... ast_verb(4, "HTTP manager add header ......
23:00.55russellbsomething like that
23:01.19peeprussellb: you sir just made my day.
23:02.07drmessanoHe makes everyones day
23:02.15drmessanorussellb = the man
23:03.50drmessanoI tried to tell him that the other day, but he didn't hear me from behind the bushes in front of his place again.  In too much of a hurry, I guess, off to make those Asterisk donuts we all enjoy.
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23:42.56carrardrmessano, PICS!!! of Asterisk donuts!!
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23:58.52sinergycommhey anoyone here?
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