IRC log for #asterisk on 20110118

00:12.16pabelangercitywok: Most of the contents of doc/ was moved to
00:12.58*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
00:13.00citywokthat's annoying for a file you want to just cp doc/asterisk-mib.txt :(
00:13.29pabelangerI don't see why it could not live in contrib
00:13.34asteriskmonkeydo jitterbuffers help avoid echo?
00:13.55*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
00:13.56pabelangerasteriskmonkey: no, just packet loss
00:14.13citywokpabelanger: yea idk, but it would be nice if it were somewhere so one could just cp it
00:14.25asteriskmonkeypabelanger: thanks
00:14.27citywokon the other hand since i can't get snmp to work anyways it's a mootp oint. lol
00:14.42*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
00:14.47pabelangercitywok: proposed a patch for contrib ;)
00:15.24asteriskmonkeythis is kinda left feild, but i have a carrier that always presents an echo situation to 1 particular exchange is there anyway to compensate using 1.6 or 1.8 ie run a second echo can on there sip channel for that area code/
00:15.56citywokdon't send calls to that area code on that carrier. seems easier lol.
00:17.13pabelangerasteriskmonkey: what interface are you using?
00:17.24pabelangerSIP, I assume
00:18.10pabelangerasteriskmonkey: So, chances are, the problem lines in there equipment.  If that is the case, not much you can do from Asterisk point of view
00:18.22pabelangerMaybe open a support ticket and submit a recording?
00:19.23asteriskmonkeypabelanger: gah thought as much :P might as well just roll em up my tcpdump file while im at it.. thanks though :)
00:20.02pabelangerasteriskmonkey: If you were using DAHDI hardware, it would be a different story.
00:21.06asteriskmonkeypabelanger: yeah i know, id have echo can selection galore plus hardware echo can opts... no sense me banging my head anymore on this one though.. clearly a carrier issue.. (probably also runnging an asterisk box with the pri too hot)
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00:40.02pecenipicekwould this be a right and proper way of doing what i want?
00:41.35pecenipicekor am i missing something crucial here?
00:47.22pecenipicekdundi is in use as well.
00:47.46pecenipicekincoming calls land on the incomingdundi context before hitting the context where that ends up.
00:47.48asteriskmonkeyyah i dont see where your actually calling dundi though
00:48.08asteriskmonkeyyour setting a variable but not using it
00:48.35asteriskmonkeyDial(SIP/${EXTEN}) will always result in the _XXX match values
00:49.25pecenipiceki'm just trying to get the data out of a lookup via the DUNDILOOKUP function.
00:50.04pecenipicekhence the NoOp with the var which doesnt get displayed when called..
00:51.02asteriskmonkeywhat does the cli show you
00:51.11asteriskmonkeyLemensTS: cepstral
00:51.13pecenipicekif you werent here, i'm actually trying to pull out the tech value out of the dundi lookup.
00:51.55pecenipicekthe extension itself works fine, but not all phones are gonna be handled with SIP, and i'm looking for a way to automatically pull the protocol via which the call must proceed to get to the desired phone.
00:52.18asteriskmonkeywhy not just set in astdb keys?
00:52.27asteriskmonkeyor switch to realtime and do a mysql check
00:52.31*** part/#asterisk neurosys (
00:52.34asteriskmonkeydundi is used for box-box comm
00:52.45asteriskmonkeywith unknown numbers
00:54.08pecenipiceki did try with realtime but trunking between boxes blew up then.
00:54.28pecenipicekand it still didnt handle the fact that not all extensions will be sip calls
00:57.06pecenipicekthe basic problem is discovery of which tech is used at the called extension.
01:04.58*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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01:44.21*** join/#asterisk jmackey (184463fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:45.00jmackeyAnyone able to give me a hand with some dialplan problems?
01:45.12infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:47.52jmackeyOk then. When I have just the Dial application in a dialplan, it works just fine, but if I add anything before that. I get a "The number you have dialed is not in service." I do adjust the priority numbers accordingly.
01:48.29jmackeyverbose in the CLI claims that Dial is working and the line is ringing, but I still get the service message.
01:53.08*** join/#asterisk erinspice (~erin@
01:54.16*** join/#asterisk CheBuzz_Home (~CheBuzz_H@
01:57.58nix8n82you should pastebin your log of your call...if it's trixbox or freepbx you will probably be told to go to another channel
01:58.18jmackeyits pure asterisk.
01:58.55jmackeycall log:
02:18.06jmackeyok, going through the SIP debug logs, it appears that my provider is sending a cancel for unknown reasons
02:18.44*** join/#asterisk themalik (
02:24.31*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:29.08pecenipicekgood god.
02:29.24*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:30.08pecenipicekis there really no proper and easy way to be able to figure out the technology of the number that is getting called?
02:31.18WIMPyYou have to know it when you write your dialplan.
02:33.12pecenipicekThere is no possible lookup command to look at a registered extension and to figure out which technology it should use?
02:34.11WIMPyExtensions are configured. Devices register.
02:37.49pecenipicekAnd figuring out the technology used for the device channel is impossible why?
02:38.05pecenipicekSince extensions can be arbitrarily found and matched via patterns.
02:38.10pecenipicek_XXX and the like
02:38.20pecenipicekwhy cant the technologies be matched the same way?
02:38.39WIMPyFor devices the channeltype is always known.
02:39.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:39.25WIMPyA device does not make sense without the channel type.
02:40.20pecenipicekthats probably one of the most counterintuitive things about asterisk then.
02:41.35WIMPyWell, I'd certainly prefer some abstraction layer there, but where do you have an issue with that?
02:42.25WIMPyor: Why (where) do you want to know the technology?
02:43.10pecenipicekthe following three lines are excerpts from my extensions.conf
02:43.23pecenipicekexten => _XXX,2,NoOp(internal context called on Server B to ${EXTEN}, on channel ${CHANNEL})
02:43.23pecenipicekexten => _XXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10)
02:43.23pecenipicekexten => _XXX,n,Hangup
02:44.02pecenipiceknot all phones i have here support SIP.
02:44.25pecenipicekbasically my hurdle is how to get the damn thing to figure out on its own should it dial via SIP or some other protocol.
02:44.44WIMPyWell, in most cases you won't get away that easily anyway.
02:45.18WIMPyThere can't be a waybecause that's just what you need to tell it.
02:45.33*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (dce7256a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:45.40pecenipicekwhich is very counterintuitive when you compare it to the behavior of the rest of the stuff.
02:45.59WIMPyThe technology is not a property of the device. The name is a property of the technology, giving a device.
02:46.17maxagazCan I check in the console that sRTP is compiled in asterisk ?
02:46.20pecenipicekif it can find the number via the pattern, it should be able to also find out which tech is in use.
02:46.35WIMPyBut you can just use all technologies that might be used.
02:47.09pecenipicekthere i hit another hurdle. when the SCCP phone gets called via SIP it doesnt die immediately, it lingers for 20 seconds before dieing.
02:47.32WIMPyUsually you won't name the devices the same as the extensions, so that won't work anyway.
02:47.57pecenipiceki can of course always use _XXX,n,Dial(SCCP/${EXTEN}&SIP/${EXTEN},10), but thats a bit too dirty for my liking.
02:48.23WIMPyThat would do what you want.
02:48.34pecenipicekemphasis on the last part.
02:48.42WIMPyThat's what you get for not wanting to configure extensions.
02:48.48pecenipicekbasically, i'm looking for a bit more elegant solution
02:49.31pecenipicekthat wont actually die when phones dont end up registering on just one box.
02:49.32WIMPyUse a database, either directly or to generate a configuration.
02:50.25WIMPySo what's that multiple boxes thing now?
02:50.29pecenipicekit still doesnt really cover the problem of the extension calling.
02:50.46pecenipicekall this is in preparation of a multiple server deployment.
02:51.08WIMPyIt does. extensions.conf maps from extensions to devices or other actions. Use it.
02:51.59pecenipiceki got the boxes talking via dundi about extension registered up there, got IAX2 trunking between them, but getting it to actually call a phone other than a single tech without the _XXX,n,Dial(SCCP/${EXTEN}&SIP/${EXTEN},10) workaround is the hurdle.
02:52.10WIMPyIf you want to catch everything with just a few patterns, organize your extensions so that one digit gives you the technology.
02:53.32WIMPyYou might be able to query device states.
02:54.04pecenipicekso for example, to segment sip phones into a 2xx pattern and sccp phones into 3xx pattern? so the dialing patterns would look like the following:
02:54.27WIMPyThat would work.
02:55.12pecenipicekmakes a mental note to explain to people for who we are doing this that there will be some changes in internal numbers...
02:55.20WIMPyAt least as long as you don;t want to swap hardware without changing the extension.
02:56.47WIMPyI'm pretty sure you don't only need extensions to map to exactely one device.
02:57.06pecenipicekthe worst part is that what i have in mind would likely work if the dundilookup returned the actual device info behind the iax trunk, and not the iax stuff itself...
02:57.07WIMPySo you'd better generate your configs or use realtime.
02:59.01pecenipiceknumber segmentation solves that particular idiocy...
02:59.10pecenipicekoh well.
03:00.23pecenipicekthe pbx's dont even need to care much about the particularities of a device until they hit the dial app.
03:03.34maxagazI'm trying sRTP, it's set in extensions.conf and in sip.conf, but I get the following error message in asterisk 1.8 : ERROR[13411]: chan_sip.c:27972 setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session.
03:04.03maxagazCan someone help about this ?
03:04.53*** join/#asterisk jmackey (184463fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:07.11jmackeyNew question for you guys. What would cause asterisk not to run in daemon mode, but to run perfectly fine in foreground mode? When in daemon mode, it shows up as a running process, but no logs are made and I am unable to connect to it at all.
03:08.20WIMPymaxagaz: You obviousely have no rtp support loaded, possibly not compiled in.
03:09.15maxagazWIMPy: it was checked during the compilation, like this [*]
03:09.46WIMPymodule show like srtp
03:11.36maxagazWIMPy: I can still see res_srtp checked in: make menuselect > Resource Modules
03:12.10WIMPyThen maybe it's just not loaded.
03:12.30maxagazWIMPy: I thought modules were loaded automatically ?
03:13.03WIMPyOnly if you configured it that way. See modules.conf.
03:13.05maxagazWIMPy: Oh, but there are loaded at computer start, not when asterisk starts, right ?
03:13.54*** join/#asterisk Siblor (~putthibon@
03:13.56WIMPyThat has nothing to do with kernel modules. They are loaded into Asterisk.
03:14.54maxagazWIMPy: okay, then, how can I debut this ?
03:15.15WIMPySee modules.conf.
03:17.31WIMPyYou can try to load it manually with 'module load res_srtp' to see if it works.
03:19.59maxagazWIMPy: [Jan 18 11:19:28] WARNING[13510]: loader.c:387 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'srtp': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
03:20.36WIMPyLooks like it wasn't installed then.
03:24.15helloriteshFolks, has someone figured out how to detect DTMF inside Dial Macro "M()"? I am going nuts with it.. all commands execute properly but the "Read" just refuses to capture DTMF from the caller party is there a issue /bug posted on this? looks really harmless but just refuses to work.. i have spent over 20 hours on these 5 lines and 100s of test calls.. no luck
03:25.06maxagazWIMPy: I have in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
03:25.59maxagazBut if I try to load it, I get this :
03:26.04maxagaz[Jan 18 11:25:39] WARNING[13510]: loader.c:387 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'res_srtp': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
03:29.19WIMPymaxagaz: I have not seen that message before. Did you restart Asterisk after installing that module?
03:30.24maxagazWIMPy: yes I did
03:30.44maxagazWIMPy: it's a fresh install of asterisk 1.8
03:31.15maxagazWIMPy: it's actually a default install with install of libsrtp
03:31.54maxagazWIMPy: libsrtp installed before to have res_srtp checked in menuselect
03:38.30maxagazI can't see any module related to srtp when I do this: CLI> module show like rtp
03:44.43WIMPySure, if it doesn't load.
03:44.53WIMPyBut I have no idea why it doen't load.
03:51.56JerJermaxagaz:   are you running as a non-root user ?
03:52.38maxagazJerJer: no...
03:53.21JerJerwhat about selinux ?
03:53.23maxagazJerJer, WIMPy: I get this in /var/log/asterisk/messages => [Jan 18 11:48:59] WARNING[5585] loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
03:54.00JerJerchange "enforcing" to "disabled" in ''/etc/selinux/config'' and reboot.
03:54.02*** join/#asterisk RickCogley (
03:59.04JerJeras for a specific fix, no idea
04:04.16maxagazJerJer: I can now see the module in 'module show like rtp' indeed
04:08.23JerJerres_srtp is doing something selinux doesn't like, so an exception needs to be made, but I don't know which/how
04:08.48JerJerseems like a good topic for a blog post
04:44.00*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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06:48.17maxagazNow that the rtsp module is loaded, I get the following error message when I hang up the phone: WARNING[5811] chan_sip.c: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer
06:48.28*** join/#asterisk domzinick (7d63ff96@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:48.54domzinickHi! I'm looking for a speech recognition engine for asterisk. Is there a free alternative to lumenvox?
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06:52.20shaprcmu sphinx?
06:52.22domzinickI just found AsteriskUniMRCP, the connector bridge for asterisk and UniMRCP. Is it good enough to recognize simple words, like months, major cities in US, etc?
06:53.52domzinickshapr: Isn't cmu sphinx something for the developers? or is there a connector for cmu sphinx with asterisk?
06:55.59domzinickshapr: Well, the website says it's easy to integrate with asterisk. I'd like to know which is better and why. asteriskUniMRCP or cmu sphinx?
07:03.26coppicethey do totally different things
07:24.01domzinickcoppice: I'm looking for the user to interact with asterisk by saying simple words. Which setup is best suited for it?
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07:35.51maxagazDoes this warning means that the phone is not encrypted with sRTP or that it is encrypted, but without some password ? => WARNING[6022] res_srtp.c: SRTP unprotect: authentication failure
07:36.20*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~chatzilla@
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07:45.05joachim_-Hi. Any good documents out there about Asterisk server clustering? Have multiple asterisk servers on different networks, and need a good plan for redundancy? (If one server goes down, the other takes over) I also got multiple sql database servers also on different networks..
07:48.08*** join/#asterisk RickCogley (
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08:26.31schmidtsgood morning
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08:36.56shamelessn00bhi, is it possible running asterisk on the cloud, openstack/eucalyptus/EC2 or any other platform
08:38.23shamelessn00bI know its a very naive question to ask, you need to right specialized software to run on the cloud
08:38.26*** join/#asterisk ed1 (
08:38.38shamelessn00bbut I fail to convince my retarded CTO
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08:39.28shamelessn00bhe insists that we can run off-the-shelf pre-compiled open source software without any mods on a cloud
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08:40.38ed1i need help with client loosing connection to * after some time when behind nat
08:42.18beardyHe seems to have convinced you that "the cloud" is a wording to be used. Anyway, yes, of course it will run as long as the machine runs the architecture and OS your pre-compiled package is built for.
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08:44.15shamelessn00bbeardy: does that mean that I can just set-up openstack platform and install asterisk on it and it would work
08:49.54beardyshamelessn00b: No idea. Depends what it actually runs. Is it a virtual machine frontend?
08:52.42beardyshamelessn00b: Looks like it.
08:53.45shamelessn00bThe virtual machines would never span two different physical machines
08:53.57shamelessn00bthats what I learned just now
09:02.27asterisk-learneris it normal to see "Blocked in : ast_waitfor_nandfds( )" when doing  core show channels ?
09:02.47asterisk-learneror does this mean a problem in that channel ?
09:02.52asterisk-learner(stucked or so... ? )
09:03.45coppicedomzinick: CMU Sphinx is a speech recognition system. UniMRCP is just an interface to a speech recognition system. It is typically used with one of the commercial speech recognition engines
09:03.47joachim_-Hi. Any good documents out there about Asterisk server clustering? Have multiple asterisk servers on different networks, and need a good plan for redundancy? (If one server goes down, the other takes over) I also got multiple sql database servers also on different networks..
09:07.29schmidtsjoachim_ hello the best way would be to use a proxy in front
09:24.10*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
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09:45.56joachim_-schmidts: What kind of proxy u mean?
09:47.51shamelessn00bI just finished writing my own connector for sphinx 4 and asterisk
09:47.59shamelessn00banyone wanna try
09:49.06schmidtsjoachim_ a sip proxy like kamailio
09:51.04shamelessn00bTry a load balancer, like LVS
10:08.03*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
10:16.48merlin8282TimeRider: Hi. I modified your script, but just saw that it doesn't install mISDN.
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10:24.04maxagazwhat should be the "exten =>" in extensions.conf to redirect a call with number 8003 to sip user foo (already registered) ?
10:24.23maxagazon asterisk 1.8.2
10:25.09*** part/#asterisk dandre (
10:29.03TimeRidermerlin8282 : you added that to it?
10:30.08*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:33.10Tozz_maxagaz: exten => 8003,1,Dial(SIP/foo)
10:33.15kaldemarmaxagaz: exten => 8003,1,Dial(SIP/foo) <-- redirection is actually a completely different thing technically, but is this what you meant?
10:33.52merlin8282TimeRider: not now, I'm first trying to install it manually.
10:34.00TimeRidermerlin8282 : chanmsdn and lcr_driver apparently are what you need to be looking for
10:34.17TimeRiderchan_misd doesn't work in 2.6.27
10:34.25TimeRiderare the modules in the modules directory for it?
10:35.22maxagazTozz_, kaldemar : thanks!
10:35.49TimeRidermerlin8282  : try: module load chan_lcr
10:36.01*** join/#asterisk marco_support (~marco_sup@
10:36.06marco_supporthello to everyone
10:36.21marco_supporti need help with asterisk 1.8 and res_calendar_ews
10:37.40merlin8282TimeRider: failed, and nothing found with `locate chan_lcr`
10:37.41*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
10:38.02marco_supportres_calendar_ews.c:530 send_ews_request_and_parse: Unable to communicate with Exchange Web Service at '': Could not read status line: connection timed out
10:38.13TimeRiderchan_misd is in the source - maybe needs to be setup when compiling asterisk - menuconfig?
10:38.13marco_supportthis is the asterisk error
10:39.14merlin8282TimeRider: can't select it : XXX
10:39.28TimeRiderdependency problem?
10:39.51*** join/#asterisk dandre (
10:40.58merlin8282wait, I didn't have kernel sources in /usr/src -_-
10:42.51TimeRiderI think maybe dependency issue.. you can try compiling it and see what's missing, be good if you can fix so we can script it in :)
10:43.01TimeRiderI bbs
10:44.57merlin8282What does (E) or (M) mean ? "Embedded" or "Module" ?
10:48.38marco_supportres_calendar_ews.c:530 send_ews_request_and_parse: Unable to communicate with Exchange Web Service at '': Could not read status line: connection timed out
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10:50.09marco_supportanybody can Help me?
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10:57.25mpein asterisk 1.6 / 1.8 is it posible to :n
10:58.25mpeset shared_lastcall for a queue
10:59.40mpein the sektione for a specifik queue and not only in the general sektion
11:00.49*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
11:01.00verywisemani want to make one person when he enter his extension and password , context of his extension is running rather than the context of the phone he use
11:15.44*** part/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
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11:35.58marco_supportres_calendar_ews.c:530 send_ews_request_and_parse: Unable to communicate with Exchange Web Service at '': Could not read status line: connection timed out
11:36.10marco_supportexcuse me for repetition
11:36.17*** join/#asterisk shtoom (shtoom@
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11:46.00gregdguys, could someone suggest me something similar to spa 3102 but with better echo management? the price can be higher as well
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11:47.01marco_supportOS 40 siemens
11:47.06marco_supportor os 60 siemens
11:47.59*** join/#asterisk AdvoWork (~AdvoWork@unaffiliated/advowork)
11:50.25gregdit does not seem like siemens os40 is an ATA
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12:01.32AdvoWorkif im trying to dial a number, i have a dialtone, but it just hangs and doesnt call, what logs would that be in? struggling to find anything..
12:02.49kaldemarAdvoWork: attach to asterisk's CLI with "asterisk -vvvr" and see what happens when you make a call.
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12:28.36marco_supportres_calendar_ews.c:530 send_ews_request_and_parse: Unable to communicate with Exchange Web Service at '': Could not read status line: connection timed out
12:29.49wdoekes2marco_support: what do you want to know?
12:30.14marco_supporti have this error to connect to exchange calendar 2007
12:30.43wdoekes2it seems like it can't connect.. neither can I.. it seems like the host does not exist or is internal to your network only
12:30.59wdoekes2$ host
12:30.59wdoekes2Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
12:31.20marco_supporti know is linked with hosts file
12:31.37wdoekes2in that case you should track why the connection times out
12:31.43wdoekes2I doubt it is a problem in asterisk
12:31.57marco_supportbut if i use web
12:32.05wdoekes2web.. from the same machine?
12:32.06marco_supporti reached the page black
12:32.09wdoekes2or from your desktop?
12:32.14marco_supportfrom my desktop
12:32.23marco_supportand if i ping from asterisk I reach the ip
12:32.41wdoekes2and if you 'wget' it?
12:34.17marco_supportwith wget i received
12:34.29marco_supportthat CA autority is not correct
12:35.12marco_supportwget --no-check-certificate
12:35.12marco_support--2011-01-18 13:35:00--
12:35.12marco_supportRisoluzione di
12:35.12marco_supportConnessione a||:443... connesso.
12:35.12marco_supportAVVERTIMENTO: il nome comune di certificato "*" non corrisponde al nome dell'host richiesto "".
12:35.14marco_supportHTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 302 Found
12:35.16marco_supportPosizione: [segue]
12:35.18marco_support--2011-01-18 13:35:01--
12:35.20marco_supportRisoluzione di
12:35.22marco_supportConnessione a||:80... connesso.
12:35.26marco_supportHTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 200 OK
12:35.28marco_supportLunghezza: non specificato [text/html]
12:35.30marco_supportSalvataggio in: "Exchange.asmx"
12:35.35marco_support2011-01-18 13:35:02 (175 MB/s) - "Exchange.asmx" salvato [1355]
12:35.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:36.19marco_supportwdoekes2 any idea?
12:36.20wdoekes2hmm.. a 302 as well.. that might trigger the "time out".. supply to asterisk instead
12:36.23*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
12:36.34eject_ckwhat this message means ? [2011-01-18 12:34:12] NOTICE[4638]: rtp.c:1808 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 120 received from
12:36.46Chainsaweject_ck: Generally, it means you're using X-Lite.
12:37.02Chainsaweject_ck: It sends those purposefully invalid messages as a keepalive of sorts.
12:39.34marco_supportRisoluzione di
12:39.34marco_supportConnessione a||:443... connesso.
12:39.34marco_supportAVVERTIMENTO: impossibile verificare il certificato di, rilasciato da "/CN=pms-SERVER-CA":
12:39.34marco_supportHTTP richiesta inviata, in attesa di risposta... 401 Unauthorized
12:39.36marco_supportAutorizzazione fallita.
12:39.42marco_supportnow is correct
12:39.53marco_supportbut the error in asterisk is the sam
12:40.07eject_ckChainsaw: I'm using nokia :)
12:40.12wdoekes2401? that is not a valid page, now is it?
12:40.20Chainsawwdoekes2: 401 is authorisation required.
12:40.26wdoekes2or does that calender-thingy support basic-auth
12:40.48marco_supportwhat kind of authorization over exchange?
12:41.28wdoekes2I have no idea.. I'm just helping you debug your timeout
12:42.57wdoekes2but.. that's a normal http-connection.. you can do a tcpdump while connecting with asterisk
12:43.00wdoekes2(or ngrep)
12:43.03wdoekes2that should tell you more
12:43.06marco_supporthttps connection
12:43.42wdoekes2that redirect wasn't
12:44.11wdoekes2but you can indeed still check what kind of packet flow it does for the https connection
12:45.01wdoekes2oh wait.. did you actually read what was happening with your wget
12:45.10wdoekes2it's not supposed to redirect to
12:45.16wdoekes2(I think)
12:46.10marco_supportthe only think is to know if res_calendar_ews support self CA ssl certificate
12:46.40marco_supportor need CA certificate signed
12:46.45*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
12:46.48wdoekes2I doubt that it needs a proper cert
12:47.33marco_supportwith ical google i have no problem
12:47.34wdoekes2or if it does, it prints that as a warning
12:48.10wdoekes2do you run chrooted?
12:48.33marco_supportchrooted? why?
12:48.54wdoekes2no.. never mind if you don't
12:49.57leifmadsenKatty: I got your card last night! :)
12:50.05leifmadsenwdoekes2: morning
12:51.23wdoekes2afternoon leif
12:52.25wdoekes2marco_support: do you have SOAP enabled in your exchange server?
12:53.18marco_supporti think no
12:53.54marco_supportyou intend WEBDAV?
12:53.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:54.31wdoekes2the error occurs after doing a SOAP POST request
12:55.08marco_supportWARNING[30912]: res_calendar_exchange.c:408 exchangecal_request: Unknown response to CalDAV calendar ECHANGEcal2003, request SEARCH to Could not read status line: connection timed out
12:55.17marco_supportthis error occurs also on exchange 2003 server
12:56.21wdoekes2you should tcpdump and see what goes on with those packets, I think
12:56.39marco_supportgive me the command to do this
12:56.49wdoekes2tcpdump -nn port 443
12:57.09wdoekes2possibly add -iany if you got multiple interfaces
12:57.33marco_supportonly one
13:00.23marco_support13:59:37.000854 IP > S 354776810:354776810(0) ack 1070002256 win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,wscale 0,nop,nop,timestamp 0 0,nop,nop,sackOK>
13:00.45marco_support13:59:37.000854 IP > S 354776810:354776810(0) ack 1070002256 win 64240 <mss 1460,nop,wscale 0,nop,nop,timestamp 0 0,nop,nop,sackOK>
13:01.02marco_support13:59:37.232091 IP > . ack 851 win 260 <nop,nop,timestamp 24623164 2093905>
13:02.36marco_support14:01:37.005603 IP > R 1:1(0) ack 1126 win 0
13:02.51marco_support14:01:37.105164 IP > F 851:851(0) ack 1 win 183 <nop,nop,timestamp 2123906 24623164>
13:03.09*** part/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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13:07.42apaloshello, is there a way to make asterisk's dialplan respect min and max values?
13:08.08apalosfor example, a telephone destination might have 7 digits as minimun and dial it immediately if the number is > 14 digits
13:08.24apalosbut a dest can have anything between 7-14 digits
13:12.04*** join/#asterisk PoTe (
13:12.11PoTeHello everyone :)
13:13.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
13:13.55PoTeEven with the call busy parameter set as no in the queues, and busy limit set to 1 in sip.conf.
13:14.13PoTeThey are using xlite soft phones, tho I think that shoulndt make a difference
13:14.24PoTeanyone has any idea of what might be going on?
13:14.27PoTeThanks in advance!
13:15.25*** part/#asterisk marco_support (~marco_sup@
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13:22.36creativxPoTe: x-lite has two or more lines.. asterisk obviously does not respect busy limit..
13:23.40PoTeAh, so it might be an issue with x-lite configuration then? I'll try to replicate it on my end.
13:23.51creativxno not really
13:24.18creativxas long as x-lite is in a call on line 1, it will tell asterisk its free to take another call on line 2
13:24.25creativxwe had this problem too with 1.2, dont recall what we did
13:24.35creativxbut people generally dont like being bugged with calls from a queue on line 2
13:33.03*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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13:42.25*** join/#asterisk Lukkie (
13:44.19*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:44.37Lukkieeya, is there a reason for the missing rpm packages for 1.8.2 ?
13:44.46Tozz_HAI HOI
13:44.54Lukkieits TeleTozz!
13:45.04Lukkieyou are everywhere :-)
13:45.23*** join/#asterisk RamaskeZ (
13:46.22RamaskeZHi, can anyone tell me if there is a max size limit for astdb?
13:47.11LukkieTozz_: but you do not know the answer I presume? :)
13:47.55Tozz_compile from source! ;)
13:48.08Lukkiecould do that
13:48.21Lukkieit does fixes my problem ...
13:48.40wdoekes2RamaskeZ: is there an underlying problem that causes you to ask said question?
13:49.42Tozz_Lukkie: Je wil wel perse ISDN van VoIP is eng, maar je draait wel beta versie van je PBX?
13:50.07RamaskeZwdoekes2: no, it was more thinking of a future project which I may use astdb to cache some information to save having to do a SQL lookup, however I think this will get pretty big pretty quick.
13:50.30LukkieTozz_: first; it was not my choice to keep ISDN; secondly there is nothing really wrong with 1.8 (it is not beta is it?)
13:50.30wdoekes2RamaskeZ: use SQLite
13:51.29Tozz_Lukkie: google says its not recommended to use 1.8 on production systems
13:51.46LukkieTozz_: don't believe everything Google is telling you :)
13:52.00RamaskeZwdoekes2: great idea. Never even thought of that. Cheers :)
13:52.52tuxx-omg, lukkie hier ook al!
13:53.00Lukkietuxx-: nee
13:53.08tuxx-oh. dan heb ik het fout.
13:53.15RamaskeZwdoekes2: out of curiosity do you know if there is a limit anyhow as im now curious. :)
13:54.17LukkieTozz_: but sure, I could run 1.4 and build mISDN
13:54.43Lukkiebut there is nothing wrong with the ISDN portion of my system :)
13:54.53Tozz_besides that its ISDN
13:55.02tuxx-audiocodes all the way \o/
13:55.14Lukkieah shut it, you are just sad that we did not order a SIP trunk with you and did all our dialing via you :)
13:55.31tuxx-tozz een voipprovider?
13:55.39LukkieTozz_: and so am I
13:55.43LukkieTozz_: but it was not up to me
13:55.49Tozz_Lukkie: maybe in a couple months ;)
13:56.21LukkieTozz_: if they give me the green light you know you'll be the first I contact
13:56.49Tozz_oke ;)
13:56.57tuxx-whats the name Tozz_ ?
13:57.04*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
13:57.05wdoekes2RamaskeZ: astdb is a (modified)
13:57.07tuxx-our company is always looking for more sipproviders ;p
13:57.54wdoekes2what does your company do?
13:58.52LukkieTozz_: if you can fake KPN invoices ... I might be able to shuff you some business ;)
14:01.37*** join/#asterisk theHub (~karl@
14:02.46RamaskeZwdoekes2: Thanks for your help :)
14:03.04Tozz_Lukkie: difficult ;)
14:03.07*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
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14:03.21tuxx-wdoekes2: development of a pbx, and implmentation of it.
14:03.35*** join/#asterisk w0ls0n (
14:03.57w0ls0ncan someone recommend a good quality mutiline phone that will work with *
14:04.10tuxx-w0ls0n: aastra, snom, polycom
14:04.19tftechw0ls0n - personally I like the polycom
14:04.22tuxx-true :)
14:04.33tuxx-<- aastra fan ;x
14:04.40Tozz_<- cisco fan :)
14:04.42tuxx-doesnt need to reboot after new configuration has been pushed
14:04.48tuxx-still a big fail of the polycom
14:04.55tftechI dont like the gui on the Polycom as much, but the voice quality is really good
14:05.02tftechspecially if people like to be on speaker
14:05.04Tozz_mm thats nice. Cisco does reboot after each config change
14:05.15tftechPolycom reboots too
14:05.41tuxx-aastra doesn't, and aastra supports config via XML push and pull =]
14:05.41tuxx-pretty darn sweet
14:05.46tuxx-netsplit horrorssss!
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14:06.15tftechI like the aastra cordless
14:06.33tuxx-which one, the 2.4ghz?
14:06.36tuxx-those are illegal in the eu >_<
14:07.35tuxx-well, back2coding. gotta make the boss happy =P
14:08.19tftechtuxx - yes, where the base is IP and the cordless handset is 2.4
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14:09.05tuxx-right, we cant have those in the eu :-(
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14:09.52tftechtuxx - I thought they had a 5gig one too
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14:10.47tuxx-hm, gonna look into that. the idea behind that phone is really nice.
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14:12.40w0ls0nI am looking on newegg for phones
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14:12.56leifmadsenfor polycom phones on newegg?
14:13.02w0ls0nI just don't know what to choose
14:13.08w0ls0nI just want one for trial
14:13.16w0ls0neven used is ok
14:14.36w0ls0nCisco CP-7910G (VSRF)
14:14.50w0ls0nI guess one line is fine for the warehouse
14:15.01w0ls0nbut I can use that just for testing. Thoughts?
14:15.09leifmadsenUse Polycom
14:15.18leifmadsenthe Cisco phones can be a pain to configure and you can't do it centrally
14:15.28leifmadsenwell... actually you can, but the firmware is a pain to get regardless
14:15.38*** join/#asterisk rushowr (
14:15.39leifmadsenit's been years since I've used my 7960
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14:15.49rushowrsorry all, I got reset apparently
14:16.10rushowrdid the msg with the short version of my issue come through?
14:16.37w0ls0nPolycom IP301 AC (VSRF)
14:16.42w0ls0n2 lines
14:17.12rushowrAsterisk is reporting lines in my dialplan as having unknown directives on certain lines, even though the code has previously worked on the same version with diff machines
14:17.16Tozz_leifmadsen: There are 2 Cisco IP Phone series
14:17.21rushowrlog snippet available if needed
14:17.35Tozz_leifmadsen: the 'Small business' and the callmanager series (79XX)
14:17.48Tozz_the Cisco SBS can be used in * without problems and can be centrally configured
14:18.15leifmadsenrushowr: show us the lines
14:18.19rushowr[Jan 18 09:07:21] WARNING[18116] pbx_config.c: ==!!== Unknown directive: exten _.,n,Set(ARRAY(cnamid,age,cname) at line 79 -- IGNORING!!!
14:18.27rushowrappropo line coming
14:18.33leifmadsenrushowr: no way that line ever worked
14:18.41rushowrexten _.,n,Set(ARRAY(cnamid,age,cname)=${ODBC_CNAMCHECK(${BTN})})
14:18.54leifmadsenlooks like your ODBC is not returning anything
14:18.59leifmadsenthat would be my guess anyways
14:19.04leifmadsenexten =>
14:19.08leifmadsennot exten _.
14:19.11*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:19.21rushowrsorry, I use AEL almost exclusively
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14:19.33leifmadsenI tried it once and immediately went back to extensions.conf
14:19.43rushowryou should try it now that Murf fixed it up
14:19.51rushowrI contributed a lot of requests ;-)
14:19.54leifmadsenthe last time Murf worked on it was like 2 years ago
14:20.02leifmadsenAEL isn't updated very much
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14:20.06w0ls0nhow about a Polycom Soundpoint IP 301 2200-11301-001 Phone
14:20.08rushowrtrue true
14:20.10leifmadsenI'll stick with my exten => and same =>
14:20.10rushowrthanks leif
14:20.14*** join/#asterisk arielb27 (
14:20.19rushowrI can't believe I missed that
14:20.22w0ls0nI found that on ebay for $30 plus shipping
14:22.53*** join/#asterisk dacm_work (
14:23.02dacm_workHi guys.
14:24.02dacm_workI recently updated asterisk and my phones are now getting call waiting beeps rather than simply ringing on the next available phone.
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14:24.11dacm_workIs there some setting that would cause this?
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14:33.56dacm_workcallwaiting=no fixes it it seems
14:36.19*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
14:37.30[Outcast]what is the best way to make this go away when AGI script written PHP? utils.c:1131 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
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14:43.20wdoekes2[Outcast]: fread stdin until eof
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15:00.52[Outcast]wdoekes2: all better thanks for the tip
15:01.15wdoekes2good :)
15:01.27*** join/#asterisk BesarKon1ol (
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15:02.06phr0zenhello, i am wondering if anyone can help me with echo cancellation?
15:02.57phr0zeni've set the rx/tx gain and have echo cancellation set to yes
15:03.15phr0zenhowever I cannot seem to get the random echo to stop, it happens on some calls, not others
15:03.15tzafrirphr0zen, what device? What echo canceller do you use?
15:03.24tzafrir(software? hardware?)
15:03.29phr0zeni have a digium te410p card
15:03.44*** join/#asterisk Zairus (
15:03.47phr0zensoftware cancellation
15:04.18phr0zensome calls appear perfect, but others, watching with ztmonitor spike to like 17000 and such
15:04.22phr0zenon an echoy call
15:04.37phr0zenthe rx/tx gains don't seem to affect it
15:04.59phr0zenPRI lines
15:05.23merlin8282mmm, why is mISDN disabled when I do make menuconfig, when compiling asterisk ? When doing ./configure, one line says "checking linux/mISDNdsp.h presence... no". How can I correct that ?
15:06.21merlin8282I'm on debian lenny, experimental is in sources.list, and I installed following packages: libmisdn-dev, linux-headers-misdn, misdn-source and misdn-utils
15:06.36BesarKon1olHi. When using dundi with a switch statement and there is multiple peer replies to a lookup, asterisk tries every single peer in the lookup. Is it possible to make it only dial one?
15:06.59leifmadsenyes, use the DUNDILOOKUP() function
15:07.13leifmadsenerrr sorry, the DUNDIQUERY() and DUNDIRESULT() functions
15:07.26leifmadsendon't use the switch statement because it's not going to work like you're expecting it
15:11.24BesarKon1olleifmadsen: thanks alot! looks like just what i need
15:12.50leifmadsenya using switches is generally not an ideal method
15:12.59leifmadsen(for anything, not just dundi)
15:13.13leifmadsenswitch => has fallen out of favour over the years as better methods have been developerd
15:14.45merlin8282Can I use mISDN version 2 with asterisk 1.8 and a junghanns card (HFC-4S) ?
15:14.57merlin8282Or do I have to use mISDN v1 ?
15:18.44*** join/#asterisk freckle (~viperdude@2001:5c0:1000:b::731b)
15:20.16freckledoes anyone know if there is a limit on the number of SIP accounts Asterisk can register against?
15:22.21*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
15:22.26c0rnoTahello everyone
15:22.42c0rnoTai want to use unistim channel on 1.8 with Russian charset
15:23.04c0rnoTaI'v downloaded patch from bugtracker and "ru.po" file
15:23.26c0rnoTahow to use "ru.po" file? Where should i place it?
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15:28.08WIMPymerlin8282: You can use both or even dahdi. Depends on waht features you want.
15:28.18phr0zenis there a way to see the echo cancellation at work?
15:28.25c0rnoTaI'v found it
15:28.27phr0zento confirm that it is doing what it is supposed to
15:28.51c0rnoTaru.po file should be placed in /var/lib/asterisk/unistimLang directory
15:28.57merlin8282WIMPy: ah, that means I don't even absolutely *need* mISDN, if I already have dahdi working ?
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15:29.46WIMPymerlin8282: Depends on your needs. You may find more info on
15:30.59russellbWIMPy: thanks for all of your help in #asterisk lately, btw.  :-)
15:31.48WIMPyrussellb: np, I put a rant in betweeen :-)
15:33.59*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
15:34.55russellbheh, as long as they are constructive rants.
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15:35.47WIMPy#1 would be that SIP is probably the worst choice for VoIP.
15:36.17merlin8282thanks WIMPy
15:36.20*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-ezsrbswsaprmprvo)
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15:36.42WIMPyAnd #2 that Asterisk and the PSTN or classic phone technology don't mix very well.
15:37.38WIMPyI guess I should add a serious issues part, especially for misdn1.
15:38.08*** join/#asterisk espiceland (~erin@nat/digium/x-lmfosvtoekceyfqy)
15:38.10WIMPymerlin8282: That's for you as well: With misdn1 never reject a call, it will kill your Asterisk.
15:45.41phr0zenguys, just had a crash on my asterisk server
15:45.45phr0zenwondering if i can get some help
15:46.10phr0zenCPU 1: Machine Check Exception: 4 Bank 5: b200001040100e0f
15:46.50leifmadsensounds like a kernel issue
15:46.52WIMPyThat looks like a hardware fault.
15:46.55leifmadsenor that
15:47.02leifmadsenfan still running? :)
15:47.11phr0zenfans still going everything fine
15:47.15phr0zeni can reboot and it works fine
15:47.20phr0zenit is seemingly random
15:47.39WIMPyProbably a memory issue.
15:47.44phr0zeni thought so too
15:47.48phr0zenremoved one stick
15:47.55phr0zenit took 4 days then crashed
15:48.08WIMPyCould be the cache memory as well.
15:48.27WIMPyTry to compile gcc. That's the best memory test, I know :-)
15:48.28phr0zenif it is the cache, how can that be addressed?
15:48.58WIMPyTry another CPU.
15:49.55phr0zenintel xeon 5130
15:49.58phr0zenis what is in there now
15:50.44phr0zenjust curious if there is a way to decode that message to something a bit more... specific
15:55.36phr0zenis there a way to test the cache memory?
15:57.09*** join/#asterisk tobi- (~tobi@
15:57.45WIMPydoesn't lnow any real tests. But you could try to repeatedly verify a big archive file.
15:58.21WIMPyIf you get errors at the same place, it's RAM if you get errors in random places, it's cache.
15:59.39phr0zenit is seemingly random
15:59.50phr0zenbut, by 'same place'.. could you elaborate
16:00.10WIMPySame place in the archive when you verify it.
16:00.26WIMPyIt needs to fint into your RAM, obviousely.
16:00.40tobi-Is there a way to get rid of the "ztscan > /path/to/ztscan.conf" at the first login after fresh asterisk-gui install?
16:01.18phr0zenso, what would be my best steps to find the source of this error (CPU 1: Machine Check Exception: 4 Bank 5: b200001040100e0f)
16:01.34phr0zenif you have any suggestions
16:02.06phr0zenor, is there a way to have it so it doesnt lock up? (as in, sees the error but doesn't care)
16:02.14WIMPyYou should try to search for someone with more knopwledge of PC hardware and MCEs.
16:02.50phr0zengoogle proved, not to good in that respect.. at least finding post about said error
16:03.02phr0zenmost said RAM error (bad chip)
16:03.28WIMPySeems likely indeed.
16:03.48WIMPyBut it could happen on the way.
16:04.03phr0zensaw a few posts say swapping a ram chip worked for them
16:04.14phr0zenjust curious if it could just be the slot it is in?
16:04.35WIMPyLiving on the edge.
16:05.34phr0zenit's an intel sr2500 in case u cared
16:06.03WIMPyis not the PC hardware guy.
16:06.30phr0zenknows this, but just needs to chat it out, might spark an idea like in House
16:07.58*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
16:08.03WIMPyYou will have to fiddle with the hardware and stress test it.
16:09.37phr0zenwould memtest be a good start?
16:09.40*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:225:ff:fe44:74ec)
16:10.04WIMPyIf it detects your problem.
16:10.20phr0zenah.. if's... my worst enemy
16:10.46tobi-anybody who could help me with an asterisk-gui first-login problem?
16:11.04WIMPyOtherwise as suggested before, try to compile gcc. If that works without issues, your hardware is most likely working perfectly.
16:11.36*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
16:11.59WIMPyI have been able to spot faulty memory that war that memtest didn't find.
16:12.10phr0zenok, sounds like a good plan
16:12.35phr0zenany estimate on how long that usually takes?
16:12.49phr0zen4 gig ram / xeon 5130 / sata drives
16:13.12phr0zen(just trying to plan how much time i need to allocate)
16:13.13WIMPyI's been a while I tried that.
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16:13.41WIMPyBut don't forget to start at least as many threads as you have CPU cores+HT.
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16:21.09sbrathAnyone running a PRI with Time Warner.... I'm having a bunch of Echo problems the the TImeWarner PRI and am looking for options.
16:21.09*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
16:22.39jayteesbrath, do you have a hardware echo cancel module on your T1 card?
16:22.48sbrathno I'm using OSLEC.
16:22.52sbrathat 256 taps.
16:23.43sbrathI'm just using a simple TE110 type card.
16:24.14jayteewas it working ok without echo and just started happening or has this been since you installed it?
16:25.26sbrathI've seen discussions on hardware vs software on the echo canceler, but with 1-2 channels running  shouldn't the software canceler be enough ? Or is Time Warner causing?? more echo.. The service is terminated to me on a Cisco device from their Fibre.
16:27.55jayteeI've used TW's PRI circuits with * and a TE212 card with hardware echo cancellation and no problems but I've never used OSLEC so I couldn't say.
16:28.08jayteemight try 128 taps instead of 256
16:28.51*** join/#asterisk deeperror (~deeperror@
16:29.45jayteeanyone remember how to strip commented lines from a .conf file? been awhile since I've done it and I lost my notes for it. think I used sed at the time
16:30.15deeperrorBeen having what we call a dead-air dial where we hookflash a call and when making the 3way call it rings 1 or 2 times then dead air.   In the CLI it shows Answered but we hear nothing.  Other times it works fine.   1.4.38
16:31.31deeperrorjaytee: could use sed/awk?
16:31.33sbrathjaytee: When I tested it when it was installed, it sounded great. But the client claims that "Some" people who call them get a huge echo, but the far-end dosen't hear the echo, only the Asterisk side. Initially it was runing mg2 echo canceler with defaults, and I just compliled and configured OSLEC with 256 ...
16:32.30sbrathMaybe if I just leave OSLEC at defaults.... Can making it 256 taps have a chance to make it worse?
16:33.31*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
16:34.19*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/01/18), (2010/01/18), (2010/01/18), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
16:34.59*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
16:34.59leifmadsenAsterisk Security Releases for 1.4, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, and 1.8 branches are now available. Please see the announcement at and
16:35.41w0ls0nyou think a Polycom Soundpoint IP 301 2200-11301-001 Phone would work ok with *
16:38.41hcoh wow. i had though the page was not maintained anymore. so few updates recently
16:39.25leifmadsenhc: that's a good thing :)
16:39.37leifmadsenit's maintained, just no security issues for nearly a year
16:40.19*** join/#asterisk aree (
16:40.22areehi there
16:40.29hci suspected that much for some time - now i have a confirmation :)
16:41.18areei don't know, i setup kind of voucher redeem system  when i try to dial  extension 102 : this is what i got on asterisk cli : <S0IP/102-00000001> Playing 'prepaid-enter-pin-number.gsm' (language 'en') but on the phone i don't hear any voice ask me to enter the pin code, i test with two phone, using xlite softphone, and also using linksys pap2 device, there is no voice out
16:41.28areewhat could be the issue ?
16:43.16hcleifmadsen: the 1.6 asterisk source on - is the patch already included there?
16:43.21*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
16:43.22QubeZhello all
16:43.40leifmadsendid you look? :)
16:43.45QubeZHow can I blacklist outbound dialing to specific numbers?  I have a list of 2 numbers that I do not want to be called from our system.
16:43.45*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
16:43.49leifmadsenalthough you say 1.6, which doesn't exist
16:44.04leifmadsenQubeZ: add them to the dialplan and send them somewhere else
16:44.14leifmadsenQubeZ: most specific will match first
16:44.26*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:44.56hcwell, i meant the latest version whose version string starts with 1.6 :) -
16:45.10leifmadsen1.,, and
16:45.24QubeZleifmadsen: was hoping there would be a better way like in the Asterisk DB or something. But I'll explore that.
16:45.28sbrathQubeZ: I guess you could add the numbers to the outbound dialing plan and drop the call.
16:45.39leifmadsenwe just released on friday, so we made as well so people wouldn't necessarily be forced to upgrade to get the security fix
16:46.02leifmadsenQubeZ: you can certainly do that -- use BLACKLIST() , or use ODBC to check from an external database. There are many ways to accomplish it.
16:46.39leifmadsenDB(), BLACKLIST, func_odbc. res_ldap, func_curl...... MANY ways
16:46.52leifmadsenit's all about the dialplan you implement
16:47.05QubeZleifmadsen: thanks
16:47.42hci just applied the patch to - think that's a bad idea?
16:48.47leifmadsenI have no comment.
16:49.04leifmadsenruns off to lunch
16:49.15hcokay, i'll just try it then - i don't really want to risk upgrading atm
16:51.24hcseems to have worked alright.
16:54.45deeperrorDialing outbound 3-way call, line rings 1-2 times, then silence.  CLI shows answered but hear nothing.   Making 1000's of outbound calls only occasionally does this occur.
16:57.03*** join/#asterisk Adrellias (c4d355a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:57.34Adrelliassup guys sorry to bother is there a way i can make a test call from the command line via a leased line ? instead of inhouse sip or aix ?
16:58.29Adrelliasinstead of using a spool file
16:58.33*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
16:59.01WIMPy'channel originate'
16:59.24Adrelliashrmm cool let me check into that
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17:27.38Adrelliashey guys i have dahdi installed and started but it does not show up in asterisk for some reason.
17:27.41Adrelliasany ideas
17:32.25Adrelliasit does find the dahdi configfiles etc so no effin idea why  aint giving me the dh
17:32.29Adrelliasdahdi command
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17:40.20ruyoIs there any problem in having a RTP port range of about 500?
17:40.38ruyoBesides, I assume, being limited to 250 calls.
17:41.05ruyoOr 125..
17:51.34*** join/#asterisk hdiogenes (
17:55.45tzafrirAdrellias, how can you tell it is installed?
17:56.08tzafrirwhat is the output of: dahdi_test -c3    ?
17:56.11deeperrorAdrellias: may need to 'make clean', configure, and make asterisk again with the new dahdi installed
17:56.32*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
17:57.03tzafrirAdrellias, in asterisk: what is the output of 'dahdi show channels' ?
17:58.25Adrelliashey tzafrir deeperror it was reading the channel config files one startup. but i figured out one of the channels are dead and the conf file wasnt done correctly
17:58.45Adrelliasits showing up now :)
17:58.47Adrelliasnow ust to figure out how to use cli originate to test a call with it
17:59.17Adrelliasor a spool file
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18:02.59Adrelliastzafrir do you know how to make a outgoing call using a spool file and a dahdi/zap trunk
18:04.09tzafrirI suppose, but I'm on my way out, so I suggest you ask others
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18:33.55jayteeis there an easy way to control the default musiconhold volume?
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18:37.55citywokjaytee: modify the source? :P
18:39.19jayteecitywok, that's what I was thinking. I installed Audacity on my Win 7 station and I edited prompt file earlier. Now I'm trying to play that file or a moh file and Audacity isn't giving me any output. If I play the same file in Media Player I can hear it. I've got the beta version of Audacity.
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18:42.11jayteegotta reboot, brb
18:42.15devmoddoes the gtalk chan support video ?
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18:46.52sawgoodrtp.c 1373 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 72 received from
18:47.04sawgoodcan someone tell me what this Asterisk NOTICE error is about?
18:47.12sawgoodit just started happening today
18:48.36sawgoodI think I might have found it ...
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19:00.17areeis it possible to turnover asterisk as music server ?
19:00.26Tozz_'turnover' ?
19:00.28areewith play rewind forward option ?
19:00.31areeturn over
19:00.47Tozz_why not use a music server instead?
19:01.13areemusic server  ?
19:01.17tzafrirTozz_, what would you require of a music server?
19:01.32Tozz_i'm confused
19:01.41tzafrirTozz_, one problem: Asterisk tends to use telephony-quality audio
19:01.50Tozz_tzafrir: I dont want a music server
19:02.00Tozz_that was aree
19:02.12tzafriraree, what would you require of a music server?
19:02.33areei simply want to centralized music datat
19:02.40areethat's all
19:02.42tzafrirfor a LAN?
19:03.00areeyes  for example  but not only that
19:03.09tzafrirsanity check: is mpd good enough for you?
19:03.38areewhat ?
19:03.50areefirst i want to know if is it possible ?
19:04.01areethen i got an other question
19:04.19tzafrirThere are a bunch of other alternatives
19:04.23*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
19:04.29tzafrirSpecifically, Asterisk won't handle playlists and such
19:04.56Tozz_why not use SqueezeCenter for example?
19:05.04carrarAsterisk is a PBX, not a playlist manager :)
19:05.13areeno you don't get my point
19:05.20tzafrirAnd then again, you can just drop off all the files on a file server
19:05.24areei want to hear music on phone
19:05.30areeon rest time
19:05.39QwellFor the archives: bkruse is the awesomest person ever.
19:05.44areeby dialing a number
19:05.58areean also want to receive a call if that possible
19:06.02tzafrirQwell, regarding?
19:06.15Qwelltzafrir: You know how they say TANSTAAFL?
19:06.21ZairusClass icon --> create a trayicon who launches a JDialog(null, true) --> Can I access the icon class properties from JDialog code?
19:06.35ZairusHow can retrieve the ancestor object?
19:06.38carrararee, asterisk can play music but not control it, FF RW next etc...
19:06.54Zairussorry, I made a mistake with the channel
19:07.23tzafrirQwell, well?
19:07.29areeare you sure ? carrar
19:07.35Qwelltzafrir: bkruse says otherwise
19:07.56carrarno, perhaps join #Asterisk_we_are_sure to really find out
19:08.16areeare you Mark spencer ?  carrar
19:08.37carrarI could be
19:08.40theharmark is kram
19:08.42carrarhow would youknow
19:08.52carrarI have a pic of him with me
19:08.57theharwell that's good
19:08.58carrardoes that count for anything?
19:09.35carrarthats HOT++
19:10.11areeso impossible ?
19:10.17areeam i right ?
19:10.25carrarwithout changing the code yes
19:11.04areewhat i have to change on the code ?
19:11.14carrarif you just want 1 channel of music you could use mpg123 to play your music and maybe have to do things to yor stream
19:12.09areeokay and is it possible to hear music and get incomming call on the same line ? car
19:12.31carrarincoming call would ring second line
19:12.35Tozz_you could stream the MoH from a music server, then use featuremap to execute Macro's
19:12.45Tozz_where the Macro's would send some command to the music server
19:12.56areeno i need on the same line
19:13.08Tozz_same line?
19:13.13carrararee, without using the music on hold functionality of asterisk you might be able to hack something up
19:13.38leifmadsenyou could probably use AstDB along with the Bridge() application
19:13.48*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
19:14.02Tozz_but WHY would you want to do this? :)
19:14.11carrarCause you can!
19:14.17leifmadsenor, just use a MeetMe() room and play music until someone else joins, then when someone calls, put them into the conference room too, which would stop the MOH
19:14.31carrarbut he wants to control the playback
19:14.37leifmadsenanything is possible with Asterisk if you're clever enough
19:14.38carrarnext previos
19:14.46leifmadsencarrar: MusicOnHold() allows that I believe
19:14.55leifmadsenso use Bridge() and MusicOnHold()
19:15.00leifmadsen(I've done this before to simulate a queue)
19:15.08leifmadsenin fact it's how Bridge() was originally created
19:15.10*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:16.15areeit sound like mark spencer ihere , thanks a lot ok i understand leifmadsen
19:16.44leifmadsenI don't have any idea what you mean by the first part of your sentence, but you're welcome anyways
19:17.13areewhich one ? leifmadsen
19:17.19Tozz_the left
19:17.21Tozz_or right
19:17.24leifmadsenagain, not following at all
19:17.42Tozz_i'm guessing he doesnt either
19:18.28FaustovYo mamma so fat, she sat on a binary tree and flattened it into a linked list in O(1) time.
19:18.43areeok leave it then
19:18.45areethanks a ot
19:19.11*** part/#asterisk aree (
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19:20.23carrarMusicOnHold doesn't mention anything about Fast forward, rewind, next previous
19:21.11leifmadsenI know I've seen it somewhere, I just can't remember where
19:21.32carrarseems like a nice idea
19:23.30*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
19:23.30paulcControlPlayback does it, no?
19:23.44carrarwonder if MP3Player can
19:24.07carrarusing a M3U playlist
19:24.28carrarnothing about selection controls
19:24.28*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (~Jon@
19:24.55carrarah yeah ControlPlayback looks like it does
19:25.12carrarnot list of files
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19:26.27JonnyD_workis it posable to kick someone out of a queue if they don't answer when their phone is being rung?
19:28.39citywokJonnyD_work: there is a pause member option
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19:29.35JonnyD_workcitywok: how does that work? do they have to log out and back in?
19:31.43tobi-how is it possible to play a message if all agents in a queue are either inuse oder unavailable?
19:37.24citywokJonnyD_work: not sure, one of the other guys probably knows. my guess would be it unpauses them if they make an outbound call, but i could be wrong.
19:37.40plundratobi-: You can make it fall through the Queue()-command when that happen. And then check condition afterwards and then playback.
19:37.44citywokautopause=yes is the option.  disclaimer:i've never used it
19:38.05citywoktobi-: there are also periodic announcement messages
19:41.04JonnyD_worktobi-: yes you can do that if eveyone in the queue is on the phone you can kick the call out of the queue and play any message you want with playback
19:42.28tobi-awesome, is there an example somewhere to be found?
19:49.19JonnyD_workwell you just let it fall through use the timeout option on the queue exten => 1589,4,Queue(testq|t|||45)
19:50.22JonnyD_workso that will let the caller sit in queue for 45 seconds then it will fall thorough to the next step where you can use play a sound ex: exten => 1589,5,Playback(sorry-it-is-taking-so-long)
19:50.37JonnyD_workthen you could add them to the queue again
19:55.35tobi-no other way? dont realy want ppl to wait x seconds first
19:58.33*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
19:58.47jayteeand once again sox saves the day
19:59.37jayteeI just had a weird incident where inbound calls from flowroute worked and internal extension to extension calls worked but outbound calls would fail with no indication.
20:00.18jayteethis is on asterisk
20:11.04leifmadsentobi-: that section is about announcement control in Queue()
20:11.45pabelangerAnybody else running 1.8 notice: [Jan 18 04:27:12] ERROR[18715]: res_timing_timerfd.c:171 timerfd_timer_ack: Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable
20:12.03leifmadsenhmmm I haven't seen that, but I don't think I'm using timerfd
20:13.50WIMPyWhat happened to chan_dahdi? That seems completely borked ATM.
20:15.43WIMPyApart from other things I cannot get any audio on bridged calls any more.
20:21.53leifmadsenWIMPy: which version?
20:22.28WIMPylibpri, dahdi-linux and Asterisk all from svn, updated a few minutes ago.
20:22.30JonnyD_worktobi-: yes there are other ways what specificly did you want to do?
20:24.22leifmadsenWIMPy: 1.4 branch for libpri and 1.8 branch for asterisk I presume?
20:24.26leifmadsenhmmmm wonder what changed
20:24.39leifmadsenI just made 1.8.3-rc1 today too, so should check that versus 1.8.2
20:24.54leifmadsenany chance you could check 1.8.2 to see if the problem reverts itself?
20:25.38WIMPyActually I wonder if that issue was present already when I last tried a few days ago and I might have drawn fals conclusions then.
20:25.50WIMPyI will try 1.8.2.
20:26.22*** join/#asterisk thx2000 (
20:26.26leifmadsenok cool
20:31.31WIMPyMeanwhile I notice that ECT behaves strangely. I only seems to work between bridged calls. Trying to transfer to something like Echo() or MusicOnHold() results in the call being dropped instead.
20:34.10*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:225:ff:fe44:74ec)
20:35.04leifmadsencarrar: per musiconhold.conf.sample
20:35.05leifmadsen;digit=#        ; If this option is set for a class, then when callers are
20:35.05leifmadsen;               ; listening to music on hold, they can press this digit, and
20:35.05leifmadsen;               ; they will switch to listening to this music class.
20:36.38*** part/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
20:39.07leifmadsenI effin' knew there was an option to do that :)
20:43.09tzanger"please use the 7 key to switch the type of ad you listen to while waiting for customer service."
20:44.21leifmadsen"On a level of 1 to 10, how invasive of an ad would you like?  Press 1 for extremely invasive, up to 10 for infinitely invasive"
20:47.46_Corey_Some big company must have offered this at one point...  I had a customer ask about this about 5 years ago
20:48.41WIMPyIf you are interested in travel, press 1, if not, press 2.
20:48.46WIMPyIf you are interested in mobile phones, press 1, if not, press 2.
20:49.03WIMPyIf you are interested in finance, press 1, if not, press 2.
20:50.12_Corey_I think the company gave them a choice of music, though I think prompting them to choose their favorite advertising would be entertaining if you monitored the channels
20:51.18WIMPyleifmadsen: No go with 1.8.2, either.
20:51.41WIMPyCould that be dahdi itself, not Asterisk?
20:53.18DefrazHas anyone tried the Aastra and Yealink phones?
20:54.37citywokDefraz: i like the aastra phones myself, for the price they're pretty good, and really easy to configure/provision compared to polycom/cisco gear
20:54.45leifmadsenWIMPy: thanks, keep me posted. Would be good to track down where the issue was introduced
20:55.05Defrazyea, I used them a while back and they just seemed kinda cheap and was wondering if they got any better.
20:55.12Defrazthe on off hook busted on them over time.
20:55.17WIMPyI shouldn't have given ex-gf the faster machine :-(
20:55.22DefrazYEa they seemed easy to configure.
20:56.01leifmadsenWIMPy: been there done there
20:56.27citywokDefraz: with the 57i after a year i haven't had any break
20:56.35citywoki have 60 or 70 of them
20:58.12Defrazokay, cool cool, just read some on teh yealink phones and was curious if any has tried them.
20:58.47citywoknope, but i saw them at astricon and they looked like cisco knockoffs
20:59.03Defrazyea see we have cisco phones now
20:59.18DefrazKinda thought that myself.
20:59.20WIMPyThey certainly look nice, but they don't seem to be supported.
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21:04.18WIMPyleifmadsen: No luck with either. Will try dahdi 2.4.0 next.
21:06.22jayteeWIMPy, don't make the dumb mistake I'd often make which was not to recompile * after upgrading DAHDI or ZAPTEL
21:06.56WIMPyI won't :-)
21:07.16*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
21:07.39jayteeI already knew about the compile order and that I had to do it but when I was deep into troubleshooting and trying fixes I'd forget :-)
21:07.48jayteegetting effin old
21:11.30WIMPyleifmadsen: Both and trunk work ok with dahdi 2.4.0.
21:14.01WIMPyDoes anyone know if that is driver dependent or general?
21:18.11leifmadsenWIMPy: hmmm thanks for the info. Gotta reboot but will look shortly. I would check the changes to chan_dahdi and see if anything looks like it may have affected it. Then test just before and at that revision if you can. Then we can narrow down exactly which revision, and then we can mark it as a blocker/regression for the next versions
21:18.17leifmadsenrussellb: ^^^
21:18.54WIMPyI will try to see if I find something.
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21:31.25WIMPyleifmadsen: The issue with dahdi was actually fixed a few minutes after I spotted it.
21:31.36leifmadsenoh really!
21:31.50leifmadsensounds like I might need to do an RC2 to include those fixes....
21:32.20WIMPyJust another 'svn up' would have saved some 45 minutes, I guess. Bad luck.
21:32.39WIMPyThat was dahdi, not Asterisk.
21:33.29leifmadsenoh was it? ok good to know
21:33.35*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
21:33.40leifmadsenthanks for looking into it -- sorry for the wild goose chase
21:33.41*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (
21:35.30WIMPyLet's feel lucky it was fixed already.
21:52.42*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
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22:18.17pabelangerWIMPy: Don't worry, I was trying to debug an issue earlier this week; it was fixed more then 4 months ago.  I don't know how I managed to let my local branch get so outdated.
22:21.35Kattypeeks in
22:26.13n3hxs-wkspots Katty and waves.
22:31.01*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
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22:32.19ClintGoudie-NiceGreetings all. I'm looking at the Asterisk SRTP install guide here: and it says to do an svn get of asterisk-srtp here ( svn co asterisk-srtp ) but alas, that server is responding that the directory doesn't exist.
22:32.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:32.31ClintGoudie-NiceCan anyone point me to where that svn has moved?
22:33.11WIMPyAsterisk 1.8 has srtp included.
22:33.30WIMPyBut it can cause crashes.
22:33.47*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
22:34.38ClintGoudie-Nicethe AsteriskNOW install I used appears to have installed 1.6
22:36.54thewsresponsibility of maintaining our voip system(s) has been handed over to me,  we have a mixture of polycom 430s and 501s,  Off hand do any of you know if the two's firmware and config files can co-exist on the same tftp server?
22:37.13*** join/#asterisk voudras (
22:37.16voudrashi all
22:37.29thewsI am reading through some of the documentation, but have no experience setting these up from scratch
22:37.44voudrasdownload the free orielly book
22:37.53ClintGoudie-Nicehas the srtp project been moved somewhere else in svn?
22:38.05thewsthews: responsibility of maintaining our voip system(s) has been handed over to me,  we have a mixture of polycom 430s and 501s,  Off hand do any of you know if the two's firmware and config files can co-exist on the same tftp server?
22:38.16thewsis there a free book for that? :D  maybe a blog
22:38.52QwellClintGoudie-Nice: It is in svn as of Asterisk 1.8
22:39.04voudrasyea one sec
22:39.43voudrasi believe its here but its loadng slow for me
22:40.08voudrasyea thats it - click the link "To download the entire book (in PDF format), click here, or on the book cover image!"
22:40.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
22:40.33infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at  Released under a Creative Commons license:
22:40.48voudrasok i got a question. first off im new to asterisk - but i've been reading a lot, second im stuck using 1.2.4. my question regards a dialplan fall through
22:41.32voudrasi want to verify that if i have a context for a local phone pickup that does, say - 4 steps for 4 different things (example, long distance, local extension, etc)
22:41.57radenNaikrovek, yo
22:41.57voudrasi am trying to place a notification AGI script, im wondering if there is a way i can place a notice at the begining and end
22:42.00radenKatty, BOO :)
22:42.20voudrasrather than between each dial statement
22:42.59voudrasdoes my question make sense or should i clarify
22:50.37thewsthanks for the link to that book, it's pretty helpful
22:52.33*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
23:00.57voudrasthews: indeed
23:01.48radenhow Katty
23:06.52*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:08.57ClintGoudie-NiceOk, I'm trying to upgrade to 1.8 for SRTP, but chan_sccp isn't compiling. First error is: chan_sccp.h:44:26: error: asterisk/rtp.h: No such file or directory
23:09.07ClintGoudie-NiceI've got asterisk-devel installed
23:10.18QwellAsk the chan_sccp folks to update it for 1.8.
23:11.19ClintGoudie-NiceI'm stuck between a rock and a hard place now. I can either have srtp from 1.8 or I can have sccp :S Is there any way to get access to the previous SRTP module that would build with 1.6?
23:11.37*** join/#asterisk NuclearLucifer (
23:12.40QwellIt never worked properly.
23:12.45QwellSo, that would be quite futile.
23:26.40ClintGoudie-NiceIs there an alternative to chan-sccp in 1.8? I've got some older cisco phones that dont have sip firmware to apply :S
23:28.12QwellThere's always been an alternative.  chan_skinny has worked quite well since 1.4.
23:29.37ClintGoudie-NiceThanks Qwell. I'll have to do some reading on that
23:31.33*** join/#asterisk nightwalk (
23:36.02nightwalkI have a tdm410 I'd like to separate out into it's own system (I'm told X & asterisk don't get along very well).
23:36.55nightwalkAny recommendations on embedded boards & enclosures (ex: microtik's) that'd be able to handle running a SOHO asterisk install?
23:38.03*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
23:54.01DarkRiftAnyone have made the sphinx speech recognition plugin ported on asterisk 1.8.1 or any other speech recognition available other than lumenvox ?
23:55.11*** part/#asterisk wizard171 (
23:56.24frigidzephyrDarkRift: there is also Vestec, besides lumenvox
23:57.37ClintGoudie-NiceWhat coul dcause chan_skinny to reject a device with the message "Device not found"
23:57.45ClintGoudie-NiceI've followed the sample config
23:57.49DarkRiftyeah well I wanted something free
23:58.51ClintGoudie-Nicethe only thing I haven't specified is host. Do I have to specify the host IP of the phone?
23:58.57ClintGoudie-Niceor can I specify a range?

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