IRC log for #asterisk on 20110106

00:01.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
00:01.21OneFix_WorkQwell: KEwl
00:10.55*** join/#asterisk JamesHarrison (
00:13.11*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
00:19.43*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
00:26.58*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:01.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:07.19*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
01:09.48*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:13.36*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:25.53*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:26.59*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
01:37.38*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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01:52.13*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:05.27*** join/#asterisk russ (
02:09.32*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:11.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
02:20.41*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
02:22.02*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
02:22.26*** join/#asterisk digilink (
02:40.05*** part/#asterisk wizard171 (
02:52.44*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
03:04.54*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX1_ (
03:13.10*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:19.23*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
03:25.19*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:25.21dlynesAre there a lot of authentication issues with Asterisk  I seem to be having rudimentary authentication problems with two boxes that worked on 1.4 just fine
03:25.43dlynesOne of these boxes is an asterisk box, and the other is a sipura 2000
03:26.49*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:27.59*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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03:33.46pabelangerdlynes: I know of one issue that needs fixed
03:34.39*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:37.25dlynespabelanger, do you know the issue number?
03:38.57*** join/#asterisk salimb (~chatzilla@
03:47.08russer, sorry
03:47.13russwrong channel, ironic
03:48.30dlynesruss, it's still phone-related :p
03:49.57*** join/#asterisk sshock (
03:54.30*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:58.50*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:03.24*** part/#asterisk salimb (~chatzilla@
04:25.49*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
04:33.43*** part/#asterisk BallisticTroll (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
05:28.36*** join/#asterisk jblack (
06:00.01*** join/#asterisk lanning (
06:43.11*** join/#asterisk salimb (~chatzilla@
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07:00.27*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
07:24.00*** part/#asterisk sshock (
07:25.13*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:25.43*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
07:29.27*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
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07:40.16*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:225:ff:fe44:74ec)
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08:04.04*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
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08:21.46*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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09:32.34*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
09:35.12*** join/#asterisk hurdman (~ygcheny@
09:35.58hurdmani have got a problem using odbc and asterisk, i don't understand why my odbc (only with asterisk) register in iso instead of utf 8
09:36.01hurdmanany idea ?
09:56.38*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
09:57.55skrustyhipitihop, anyone know why i wouldn't be getting any QueueEntry events from * after doing a QueueStatus request? Works fine on 1.6, but on a server with 1.4, it doesn't give me the callers in a queue...
09:58.08skrustyoops, not sure why it addressed that to hipitihop :/
10:03.53skrustyindeed :)
10:04.12skrustydoes 1.4 have some additional option that needs turning on? :/
10:04.32skrustyi get member events, but nothing about callers entering queues :/
10:04.41skrustyor existing callers in queues...
10:06.15*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~kvirc@
10:14.32*** join/#asterisk creativx (
10:16.02*** join/#asterisk Sheeplet (
10:16.09Sheepletlo all
10:31.38*** join/#asterisk csnook (
10:31.53*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
10:47.01*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~kvirc@
10:50.35*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:00.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
11:02.22*** join/#asterisk Sheeplet (
11:13.30*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:16.23*** join/#asterisk klashniv (
11:23.35*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
11:27.55klashnivhullo all, quick que here: using asterisk, need to know whether increasing value of trunkfreq in iax.conf will increase or decrease bandwidth use
11:30.47*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
11:34.27klashnivdoes increasing value of trunkfreq in iax.conf will increase or decrease bandwidth use?
11:34.35klashnivanyone know?
11:35.57klashnivam trying to get the calls to be as uncompressed as possible, am troubleshooting call quality issues
11:36.09klashnivaverage concurrent calls is 120
11:37.20*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
11:38.49ruyoWhat can be causing DISA to capture 2 DTMF for each key press?
11:39.00ruyoVia SIP - inband DTMF.
11:40.10ruyoMore exacly, Asterisk calls a mobile phone via VoipCheap and presents it the DISA app.
11:45.29*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
11:52.39*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
11:57.54*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
12:19.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:25.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:27.15dlynesworkruyo, incorrect translation between dtmf encodings (inband/sip info/rfc2833), if it's a sipura/linksys unit (and maybe for other atas as well) it could be incorrect dtmf recognition (need to force a certain type in that case)
12:28.41*** join/#asterisk black187 (5d67162a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:29.06dlynesworkruyo, also, are you using ulaw or alaw along with the inband dtmf?
12:29.30black187hello - one question, is it possible to patch asterisk 1.6.x with the new connectedline feature of 1.8 - for call pick-up and call tranfer notifications...
12:29.53dlynesworkruyo, apparently you need to specify 'dtmfmode=inband' and 'dtmf=inband' (, although that's not my experience
12:30.39WIMPyblack187: That is not going to be easy at all. So in general I'd say no, even if that technically warong off course.
12:31.16black187WIMPy: Ok, thanks :(
12:32.37black187is it possible to notify the phone which makes the call pickup of the caller id of the pick-up person - via SIP Invite?
12:32.44black187SIP reinvite...
12:33.17WIMPyThat could work the exact same way.
12:33.31WIMPyBut I have no idea if that has been done.
12:33.58black187So this could be done with dialplan macros - (to initiate a reinvite with different caller id information)?
12:34.16black187just so I know where to start looking
12:35.05WIMPyI don't think you can do it via the dialplan.
12:36.28black187damn - any idea where i can do it?
12:38.05*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:43.20*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
13:00.54*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:03.12*** join/#asterisk moe_adam_345 (5d32d572@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:04.17moe_adam_345Hi. I am working for a small company in Canada trying to launch a vo-ip service. We are looking into Asterisk for our PBX needs. Does anyone have a few minutes to answer some basic questions?
13:05.05*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:05.58infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:06.21JAMMAN2110I love the "or against our will" part of that
13:06.46JAMMAN2110Also, moe_adam_345: You're trying to launch a VoIP service and need to ask basic questions?
13:07.14moe_adam_345Does anyone have any experience with VoIPJet?
13:07.22WIMPyYes, not a good starting position.
13:07.56WIMPymoe_adam_345: Read infobot again.
13:07.56JAMMAN2110VoIP Jet the company?
13:08.00JAMMAN2110What part of the company?
13:08.12JAMMAN2110Their services? What part of the services? The support? What part of the support?
13:08.20JAMMAN2110Their website? Well its pretty shit, but what part of the website?
13:09.24drmessanoFirst off, what is "SIP" and do I need one to sell VoIP?
13:09.43moe_adam_345I am planning on using them for call termination of our beta set-up. I set up an account, but it looks like their website has not been updated since 2006, and their mail-list is a desert. Am I wasting my time? Or can they be relied on?
13:10.34JAMMAN2110SIP stands is the acronym for the Stupid Invertebrate Protocol, it defines people that come into IRC channels and behave like dicks
13:11.11drmessanoThat's just awful
13:11.18JAMMAN2110Best I could come up with at 2am
13:11.28JAMMAN2110Thats Rev 2
13:11.32JAMMAN2110Rev 1 was Stupid Idiot P
13:12.18drmessanoVoIPJet US48 termination is 1 cent per minute
13:12.55drmessanoConsidering I can get .98 cents per minute as end user from a few places, how much are you going to resell?
13:13.22drmessanoSounds a bit like starting an ITSP with Vonage ATAs, TBBH
13:13.38*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:14.21moe_adam_345Would Asterisk+VoIP jet be a suitable solution for a simple service that makes two outgoing calls (terminated through VoIPJet), then bridges the channels? I have been reading a good amount through the asterisk documentation. It is impressive, but somewhat overkill for what I am looking for. All I need is to build a system that can scale, make outgoing calls, and bridge the channels.
13:14.59hipitihopskrusty, been away from keyboard and indeed wondered why there was something for me unprompted while I lurked :-)
13:15.08WIMPyMaybe you are searching for a SIP proxy instead?
13:15.20JAMMAN2110VoIP Jet are IAX
13:15.21drmessanoAsterisk would work fine for an ITSP, though I question your provider choice.. but whatev
13:16.37moe_adam_345It was really the first provider I found, this is just for a proof of concept system. Do you have any specific reasons to avoid VoIPJet from a reliability standpoint?
13:19.03JAMMAN2110I suggest using Skype
13:19.28drmessanoNope, just never heard anyone mention them until now.. Doesn't sound like it's widely used... and again, they have a different focus than what you ultimately have
13:19.30WIMPyWhat's wrong with google?
13:19.56JAMMAN2110Or telnet, I hear good things about telnet
13:19.56Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:20.28moe_adam_345The goal is to allow mobile users in Europe (where incomming calls are free) to instigate two outgoing calls (using an SMS gateway). Calling in-between european countries is very expensive. The cost of terminating two outgoing calls through VOIP is frequently less than the cost of making one outgoing call.
13:20.53drmessanoYou're buying donuts from the bakery and selling them at your bakery... You should be looking for a wholesale joint
13:21.06WIMPymoe_adam_345: Where is that expensive?
13:21.39WIMPyFree calls to half of europe aren't that special any more.
13:21.48drmessanofinds a list of countries where VoIP is banned ---> There
13:22.28drmessanoSounds like another one of those "I am setting up a server in Dubai.  Before they chop my hands off, can you look at this Macro" scenarios
13:22.59WIMPyDubai is not in Europe.
13:23.04drmessanoI am well aware
13:23.52moe_adam_345Switzerland and Italy are two big culprits.
13:24.14moe_adam_345It costs around 80c to make a local outgoing call on Swisscom pre-pay.
13:24.26JAMMAN2110Is that all?
13:24.34moe_adam_345that is per minute
13:24.58WIMPymoe_adam_345: Are you talking about mobiles?
13:25.23JAMMAN2110"There is a standard rate of just 89 cents per minute to call NZ mobiles, NZ landlines and mobiles"
13:25.23drmessanoI wasn't aware they had pre-pay home phones
13:28.03*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
13:28.07*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
13:28.07drmessanomoe_adam_345, people do this all the time.. There's even an application called "A2Billing" that makes all this calling card stuff quite easy, and it runs on top of Asterisk
13:28.12moe_adam_345I am not really hear to discuss the economics of this. I am trying to build a prototype. I think I will just hack around a bit more. I feel like you guys are looking for questions somewhat more technical. Thank you.
13:28.22WIMPymoe_adam_345: Well, then you have the problem of VOIP being bannd on many networks.
13:28.59JerJerA2Billing is a joke - yet nobody gets the punch line
13:29.01moe_adam_345In what sense? Are you saying they ban VoIP companies terminating on their lines?
13:30.03WIMPymoe_adam_345: No they are blocking voip traffic. Maybe you should take a look in to the terms and conditions of the providers in question.
13:30.11drmessanoJerJer, the rest of this conversation has been as well.. including paying non-wholesale rates to some mystery provider
13:30.22drmessanoinflates a dot com bubble and grabs a pin
13:32.43drmessanoToll-Free termination, such as 1800/1888/1877/1866 numbers, cost us money to terminate and thus are charged at the same rate as regular US calls. There are some providers who can terminate some, but not all, 1800 numbers for free. (If they could terminate all 1800 numbers for free, then we'd use them!)  <-- Comical
13:33.13drmessanoStandard US rates to terminate a TOLL FREE call
13:33.26drmessanoRed Flag..
13:33.40moe_adam_345Yes, I understand they are blocking voIP traffic, but that is on the Mobile Data channel. These calls are still going over the voice channel. They are terminated through the voice channel. Mobile internet use is not the goal here. The calls are instigated though an SMS.
13:33.47WIMPySome mobile operators tried that here as well. But that was found to be illega.
13:34.25moe_adam_345drmessano, could you be so kind as to point me to a more suitable VoIP termination service that uses IAX2? Perferrably something quick to set up.
13:34.30WIMPymoe_adam_345: What is an SMS? So yu are talking call-through?
13:35.24*** join/#asterisk clintc (
13:35.25WIMPy. o O ( the more I read, the less sense it makes )
13:36.14moe_adam_3451. caller sends sms to me (sms contains recipients number) 2. I make two outgoing calls (to caller and recipient) 3. I bridge the calls 4. caller talks to recipent.
13:37.09WIMPySounds like in the days of USSD callbacks.
13:37.11*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:37.29*** part/#asterisk clintc (
13:38.38JAMMAN2110My VoIP provider offers that, for nothing, bar the cost of the call
13:38.56JAMMAN2110Why would I pay moe_adam_345?
13:38.58moe_adam_345May I ask who your VoIP provider is?
13:39.39JAMMAN2110I can even request the callback online, via email, etc
13:39.55moe_adam_345Can you do it through an SMS?
13:40.41WIMPyA SM, BTW. You're not sending the whole service.
13:41.08WIMPyBut I'm pretty sure that the use of some calling card would be a lot cheaper.
13:41.45*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:42.05JAMMAN2110moe_adam_345: 2talk even offer free accounts which give you two phone numbers and an amount of minutes
13:42.18JAMMAN2110And their entire featureset
13:43.15*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
13:51.45*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
13:52.58JerJerdrmessano:  (late response)  very large red flag when they charge for toll-free calls
13:55.29sivangre all
13:55.49sivangany sip conf gurus around?
13:56.05sivangI'm still unable to route my call into my designated extesnuio
13:56.19sivangfrom inbound that is, and afaik I am matching against username
13:56.41JerJercontext=foo in the sip peer stanza?
13:56.51sivangJerJer: yep
13:57.02sivangcontext=incoming_calls, to be more precise
13:57.08JerJerdo you have more than one peer for this same sip trunk ?
13:57.11WIMPySounds like a peer/friend/user thing.
13:57.19JerJer(ie where does the call go)
13:57.30sivangJerJer: the weasels are answering it :)
13:57.54sivangJerJer: the default context, that is
13:58.02JerJerWIMPy:  i have never found a need for anything more than type=peer
13:58.17sivangJerJer: yep that's not it, alerady tried eitehr
13:58.58JerJersivang:   add  insecure=port,invite
13:59.08JerJerand sip reload
13:59.28sivangJerJer: port?
13:59.37sivangJerJer: as in the literal word 'port' ?
14:00.12JerJerexactly like that in your sip stanza for this trunk
14:00.31sivangyou mean, have ti in the trunk and all the extensions?
14:00.40sivangsip peers
14:00.48sivangI don't have it anywhere
14:01.02*** part/#asterisk mintee (
14:01.07sivangfor all the entries in sip.conf?
14:01.16sivangnot just for the trunk?
14:01.20JerJerno, just for this particular trunk (ie see sip.conf.sample)
14:01.28jkroonsivang, just ask the actual question.
14:02.21sivangJerJer: same thing
14:02.33sivange.g. no go, I still hit the default context
14:03.06JerJerdid you reload?
14:03.55JerJertake the default context out - then you should get a notice of it being denied (which might help you match what's not matching)
14:04.26sivangJerJer: good idea, yes I realoded but i found out that in some cases it must go through a restart
14:04.26JerJermight need to add  defaultuser=[your real username]
14:05.00JerJeranything sip related can be changed with a simple reload
14:06.01JerJersivang:  is this between two asterisk boxes or some sip provider and your asterisk box ?
14:06.39JerJeri have had serious difficulties making two asterisk boxes talk SIP to each other (depending on the network situation)
14:08.33sivangJerJer: me and the provider
14:08.54sivangJerJer: well, more accurately, an asterisk that is at/connected to the provider
14:09.00sivangJerJer: I'm not into those details
14:09.41JerJeris there NAT?
14:10.13sivangJerJer: so while we speak I change the register line to use the internal address (it has an internal address as well)
14:10.35JerJerdo you have a host=[internal.address]  ?
14:10.42JerJerin the sip peer
14:10.44sivangJerJer: changing it right now
14:10.51*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
14:11.31sivangJerJer: what is the significance of the register => in relation to the [..] stanza?
14:11.42ruyodlyneswork, Thanks for the tips, I'll look into it.
14:11.53sivangJerJer: e.g. , the regsiter in in [general] and I have my provider defined in [myproivdier]
14:12.03JerJerthe register is simply the registration
14:12.16JerJeryou still need a matching [foo] type=peer entry for the provider
14:12.50sivangso register to the iternal address gives me 944
14:13.06sivangswitches back to external address
14:13.08JerJerthat's a provider then than
14:13.15JerJerthing *
14:13.25sivangwhy ddoes it have two ips?
14:13.39sivangor maybe the internal is the NAT device?
14:13.47sivang192.168. something
14:14.18JerJerif its colocated with the provider, you really should use the internal network
14:14.30sivangI wish I knew
14:14.38sivangI will have this asnwer only on sunay
14:14.45JerJerkind of important details to know
14:14.59sivangI understand, but I'mn not the network admin
14:15.47sivangcan I put 2 hsot entries inthe stanza?
14:16.02JerJeri doubt it
14:17.54sivangand I should remove the hos tline if I'm matching based on user right?
14:18.16leifmadsenin that case you just need type=user
14:18.19sivangso that does not work, as well
14:18.19leifmadsennot type=peer
14:18.34sivangso no friend no peer just user?
14:18.38sivangwhat's the significance of that?
14:19.16WIMPyleifmadsen: I read the dundi chapter yesterday. There is some unfortunate negation right at the start. I hope caching isn't used to _increase_ response times.
14:19.52leifmadsenWIMPy: oh really! then I should probably fix that ;)
14:20.09leifmadsenthanks for the feedback!
14:20.34leifmadsenhaha wow, and I get it was like that in the other book too
14:20.38leifmadsenI don't think I changed that section
14:20.46JerJersivang:  the user/peer/friend is an unfortunate take over from IAX
14:20.55JerJerwhich does not work very well with SIP concepts
14:21.45sivangI don't mind. I wish it just worked so I can move along with my coding task
14:21.54sivangas I did with freeswitch
14:22.06sivang(I need to setup both)
14:22.12JerJerthere is a very specific reason why its not matching
14:22.20sivangI'm sure
14:22.25sivangJerJer: I've removed the default context
14:22.26JerJerdoes the invites come from a different address than the registration ?
14:22.30sivangJerJer: and the call is now rejected
14:22.42sivangJerJer: so apparentyl yes, but matchin on user hsould have fxied that
14:22.55JerJernot in my experience
14:23.19leifmadsenWIMPy: if that was the only issue you found, then that'd be swell :)
14:23.22sivangisn't asterisk deterministic? I would think experience shoudl not be rlated to that
14:23.39sivangthe book also mentioned user mathicn is the solution to that.
14:23.42JerJeri cannot recall one instance where i used type=user  (or worse friend) in sip.conf
14:24.16sivangnot type user, but set user matchin as in fromuser= and [userid] in the stanza
14:24.28WIMPyleifmadsen: No, it tells you about the dbsecret, but there is no exaple if using that in iax.conf. I think that should be added.
14:24.37sivangJerJer: what do I look for in a failed sip trace?
14:24.38JerJeradd defaultuser=
14:24.45sivangJerJer: E.g.where the call got reject?
14:25.22sivangJerJer: defaultuser= ?
14:25.23JerJersivang:   asterisk should spew out a message on the cli
14:25.28sivangJerJer: eq. what?
14:25.32leifmadsenWIMPy: can you email me anything you can think of to leif.madsen -at- gmail -dot- bomb so I can work on that tomorrow? I'm done working on the book for this morning
14:25.39JerJersivang:  to the sip trunk
14:25.44leifmadseneven just a copy-paste of what you just wrote is fine
14:25.46JerJerie see sip.conf.sample
14:25.59WIMPyleifmadsen: ok
14:26.10sivang[Jan  3 18:45:03] NOTICE[27969]: chan_sip.c:15503 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
14:26.22JerJerok thats a whole different ball game
14:26.28sivangKatty: I thought it was more than just Yello
14:26.38JerJeryour sip provider is not sending an extension to dial
14:26.42sivangKatty: henc eit wook me more time, since tere are sometimes other failing things not colord
14:27.06sivangJerJer: can it work in freeswitch if it does not do that?
14:27.24sivangJerJer: I mean, that would probably make freeswitch cripple as well?
14:27.47JerJertweak your register line:  register => username:pass@host/extension
14:28.02*** join/#asterisk tftech (
14:28.08JerJerbut that is going to seriously limit your provider's usefulness
14:28.27sivangI would not be able to move it to a queue and have a bunch of agents responding no?
14:28.40JerJeryou could, but that's all its gonna do
14:28.48JerJerie - no DIDs
14:29.44sivangso the provider does not pass the extension that was dialed to him, so asterisk has got nothing to match on?
14:29.54sivangbad provider!
14:30.28sivangJerJer: but this is still enough to pass it into default context?
14:30.37sivangJerJer: where have you been for the last 3 days? :)
14:31.16sivangJerJer: thanks a lot.
14:32.06JerJerno problemo
14:42.49*** join/#asterisk dimm (kvirc@unaffiliated/dimm)
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14:58.51SuPrSluGhaving an issue with sip subscriptions. most phones ok, but a few aren't showing their subscriptions to an extension. What settings, timing etc would asterisk use?
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15:19.47AdvoWorkhi there, using trixbox, ive just set up a new extension. and the phone is SIP snom 300. I'm wondering if I can somehow set it so if that extension/phone picks up the handset, it would auto dial a ring group?
15:20.55WIMPyAdvoWork: You are lucky: That has nothing to do with trixbox, wich we don't support here. You need to tell your phone.
15:21.50IsUpyeah actually it must be a phone feature
15:24.33AdvoWorki can setup a function key so i press a number ie L2 and it dials an extension
15:25.47*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
15:27.44AdvoWorkhmm, can you have extension > ring group > multiple extensions?
15:27.45angryuserHello, is that normal that Asterisk ignore TO tag when invite comes ?
15:27.52angryuserasterisk 1.6
15:28.28WIMPyAdvoWork: That is something you should ask in #trixbox.
15:28.32angryuserI.E i have an account 1234546, invite comes INVITE:1234546, TO 99999999
15:28.49angryuserwhy asterisk does not ring 9999999 ?
15:29.25IsUpangryuser: can you paste your 'sip debug' @ pastebin?
15:32.00*** join/#asterisk WonTu (
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15:32.52angryuserIsUp, sure here it is: i have added the dialplan i use (really simple)
15:33.39*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (~rdahlin_1@2001:16d8:cc97:1:21f:5bff:fe37:c2c9)
15:33.40angryuserIsUp, i just set Set(NUMBER=${EXTEN})
15:34.01angryuserand as you see i get the account number, instead of To tag number
15:34.51leifmadsenangryuser: well it's doing exactly what I would expect it to be doing
15:35.03IsUpleifmadsen: right
15:35.05leifmadsenINVITE sip:99000000000123@ SIP/2.0
15:35.36angryuserhow can i extract the To field, as it is contain  dialed number ?
15:36.14leifmadsenI'd like to know why your invite is constructed like that more so
15:36.39angryuserleifmadsen, sure i can telll you more, what exactly do you want to know ?
15:36.42leifmadsenanyways, you can try SIP_HEADER()
15:37.09leifmadsensorry, I have to head off to do some work
15:37.15leifmadsengive that function a try though
15:37.35angryuserBy the way is it 'rfc' doing invite like this ? i have for example X DID's at that account  + username
15:37.54angryuserMy provider change To field to tell which did is called
15:38.00angryuserleifmadsen, ok, thank you
15:38.32IsUpangryuser: yeah, its 'rfc' standart, i think
15:38.52angryuserIsUp, damn
15:40.08angryuserIsUp, yes i see it
15:40.29angryuserIt will work, i suppose
15:40.53angryuserIsUp, the problem is that it will require me to modify 30+ servers ;(
15:41.24IsUpangryuser: well i dont have another solution :P sorry
15:42.42angryuserIsUp, damn standarts
15:44.10IsUpin this case, it's "damn provider"
15:44.20angryuserexten => _.,3,Set(NUMBER=${SIP_HEADER(TO)}) gives me empty $Var
15:44.39angryuserIsUp, yes damn me, i am the provider xD
15:44.39*** join/#asterisk dlyneswork (~dlynes@
15:45.09IsUpreplace "TO" -> "To"
15:45.19IsUpand see if its make any difference
15:45.46angryuserIsUp, same
15:45.58angryuseri will try to read man
15:47.11angryuserIsUp, sure
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16:05.19neurosys_Quick question for anyone who may know: Do the Aastras require a special software update (like polys) to use directories with LDAP?
16:05.29z4nD4Rhi all...i have voicemail.conf defined as 71001 => 1001,1001 .. but if i put user 1000 and passwd 1000 astaerisk say that login incorect... somebody know way?
16:05.51*** part/#asterisk sivang (~sivang@unaffiliated/sivang)
16:09.21IsUpz4nD4R: "Each mailbox is listed in the form <mailbox>=<password>,<name>,<email>,<pager_email>,<options>"
16:09.39IsUpso user is 71001 and password is 1001
16:09.44IsUpas i understand
16:11.18z4nD4RIsUp: - Incorrect password '1000' for user '71000' (context = default)
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16:11.39IsUptry 1001 on password
16:11.43IsUpnot 1000
16:11.48*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:11.58z4nD4Ri have booth users 71000 => 1000,1000
16:12.51IsUpcan you paste output of "voicemail show users" on CLI?
16:15.39z4nD4Ri know.... (context = default) ... but i have another context
16:17.21IsUpcan you paste your voicemail.conf please?
16:20.12ChannelZYour context is wrong
16:20.19ChannelZat least based on your config and based on the error you pasted
16:21.12ChannelZYou'd need to be calling VoiceMailMain(71001@skuska_voicemail)
16:21.53IsUpyes, your users are in "skuska_voicemail" context
16:22.56z4nD4RIsUp: so? i muss set this context in extensions.conf?
16:23.15z4nD4RChannelZ: only(71001)
16:23.20IsUp<ChannelZ> You'd need to be calling VoiceMailMain(71001@skuska_voicemail)
16:23.45IsUpor define your users in "default" context
16:24.01z4nD4Rok w8
16:25.41z4nD4Ri have in sip per each user
16:27.18ChannelZThat just informs it what mailbox to monitor for MWI
16:27.46ChannelZYou still have to access the right voicemail context when you send people to voicemail.
16:30.15z4nD4Ri am confused ... with context muss to set in wich
16:30.27z4nD4Rin sip i have -> mailbox=71000@skuska_voicemail
16:30.51z4nD4Rin voicemail.conf -> [skuska_mailbox]
16:30.52z4nD4R71000 => 1000,1000
16:30.58ChannelZAs I just said, in sip.conf that statement only tells * what voicemail box/context to monitor for message-waiting indications
16:31.03IsUpz4nD4R: go to extensions.conf
16:31.15IsUplook for the "VoiceMailMain"
16:31.26ChannelZWhen you call VoiceMail or VoiceMailMain you need to specify the right mailbox and context as well.  It has nothing to do with anything in sip.conf
16:31.28z4nD4RIsUp: yes
16:32.04IsUpas ChannelZ said, you should specify context in VoiceMailMain, like VoiceMailMain(71001@skuska_voicemail)
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16:33.41highvoltzAny idea when 1.4.39 will be released?
16:35.16z4nD4RChannelZ: IsUp thx.. :)
16:36.06IsUpnp :p
16:36.53OneFix_WorkWhat is the best softphone for use with Asterisk?  I would like one that works on both Windows and Linux
16:37.18*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
16:38.49IsUpi am using eyeBeam on Windows
16:38.58IsUpits my favorite
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16:39.59kalimcIf we have "national" for our switch type, and things are working... and the switch is actually "dms100"... would there be any problems?
16:40.20IsUpkalimc: if its working, dont touch to it :p
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16:45.33kalimcwell, the company says DMS100 - and I have national...
16:45.40kalimcwe have some fax problems here and there
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16:54.52z4nD4RIsUp: i have next question... if 1001 call 1000 ( exten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,10)
16:54.52z4nD4Rexten => 1000,n,VoiceMailMain(71000@skuska_voicemail)
16:55.10z4nD4Ri am asking abou password... way?
16:56.21IsUpexten => 1000,n,VoiceMail(71000@skuska_voicemail)
16:56.47IsUpuse VoiceMail, instead of VoiceMailMain
16:56.54z4nD4Rok w8
16:58.36z4nD4RIsUp: but ... when i change.... - Incorrect password '1001' for user '71001' (context = default)
17:01.18IsUpyou are trying to do "leave a message" stuff?
17:01.49angryuserCan someone confirm me i understood this SIP RFC phrase correctly please
17:01.51angryuserThe initial Request-URI of the message SHOULD be set to the value of
17:02.05z4nD4RIsUp: .. fix it... thx :)
17:02.16IsUpz4nD4R, np
17:02.23angryuserThis means initial INVITE has to mach TO tag in uri ?
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17:41.59anita_voipHi all
17:42.03*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
17:42.15IsUphello anita_voip
17:42.21anita_voipUpdate is that my ss7 link is working with outbound calling
17:42.21WIMPyanita_voip: Lo you
17:42.46anita_voipi am using chan_ss7
17:43.04anita_voiplibss7 still giving the same iAM, ACM error
17:43.12anita_voipcould there be a bug in libss7 ?
17:43.17anita_voipHi IsUp
17:43.17*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:43.28anita_voipHellp WIMPy
17:44.00diemosWish I could namedrop for attention....
17:44.01IsUplibss7 was so buggy, i am talking about 1 year ago, maybe its fixed now but i am using chan_ss7 too
17:44.35anita_voipyes IsUp, i have a bad feeling about libss7
17:44.51anita_voipthis was the latest version 1.0.2
17:45.03*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac_ (
17:45.05tf87Hi, can the digium TE220B be used to route the data connection in my T1?
17:45.09diemosanita_voip: Is there another process in which you can call upon libss7? Maybe you can force the problem through other means.
17:45.30anita_voipIsUp: do you have SS7 links working with chan_ss7 ? I mean today ?
17:45.38IsUpyes anita_voip
17:46.16anita_voipIsUp: Cool ! is your CDR working correctly ? mine always gives the status as NO ANSWER irrespective
17:46.24anita_voipthis is for outgoing calls
17:46.46IsUpits working correctly as far i know
17:46.57anita_voipdiemos: do you have libss7 working on sangoma ?
17:46.57IsUpbecause we are generating bill reports every month
17:47.06anita_voipIsUp: cool
17:47.13IsUpyou got sangoma a104?
17:47.23anita_voipIsUp: you are using TDM calling or SIP ?
17:47.31WIMPyanita_voip: Do the channels come up if you look at them with core show channels?
17:47.32anita_voipno, i got Sangoma A108
17:48.10anita_voipWIMPy: about libss7 ? it says all inactive channels
17:48.11diemosanita_voip: I couldn't tell you, I have at any given time 3-5 different voip systems running and always setting up new ones.
17:48.53WIMPyanita_voip: The one that gives you wrong CDRs.
17:49.26anita_voipWIMPy: oh ok :)
17:49.32anita_voipWIMPy: yes it does
17:49.43anita_voipWIMPy: ss7 show channels gives more info though
17:50.12IsUpss7 show channels its just for CIC information
17:50.38WIMPywonders how that is possible then.
17:52.32anita_voipthis is what i got
17:52.33anita_voipdebian*CLI> core show channels Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)              SS7/siuc/30          9415000417@ss7:1     Ringing (None)                         1 active channel 0 active calls
17:52.42anita_voipwhile it is rining
17:52.44*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
17:52.55anita_voipdebian*CLI> core show channels Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)              SS7/siuc/30          s@demo:5             Up      BackGround(demo-congrats)      1 active channel 1 active call
17:52.58anita_voipwhile the call is on
17:53.02*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:53.08anita_voipand then it gives an error
17:53.22anita_voip-- SS7 hangup 'SS7/siuc/30' CIC=30 Cause=16 (state=7) [Jan  6 23:22:09] WARNING[13077]: func_strings.c:778 csv_quote: No argument specified!
17:53.32*** part/#asterisk mpe (
17:53.37anita_voipWARNING[13077]: func_strings.c:778 csv_quote: No argument specified!
17:53.55WIMPyImmediately after answering?
17:54.00WIMPyOr later?
17:54.13anita_voipwhen the call is finished
17:54.25IsUpmaybe a problem with your cdr_*.conf files?
17:54.30anita_voipand in the CDR it shows NO ANSWER
17:54.33anita_voipoh ok
17:54.41anita_voipthe conf files are all the deault mostly
17:54.52IsUppaste cdr.conf and cdr_custom.conf to pastebin
17:54.57IsUpalso ss7.conf is useful too
17:55.40anita_voipHey ! I am new to IRC :) and new to SS7, yesterday i was thinking wireshark is a support guy at sangoma
17:55.46anita_voipwhat is a pastebin ?
17:56.05WIMPyLooks fishy to me. How can a call that is definitely up be logged as NO ANSWER? I'd even exprect that to not be related to the channeltype.
17:56.17infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:56.25anita_voipWIMPy: you are right
17:57.25IsUpwho is your technician at Sangoma? Marc?
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17:58.12IsUpwireshark is not needed ATM
17:58.25IsUpprobably something wrong with your setup
17:58.33IsUplets see your files first
18:00.10*** join/#asterisk wdoekes2 (
18:00.34anita_voipi have put them on pastebin
18:01.09anita_voipIsUp: Yes, Marc took a look at my system with libss7 but he didn't have much experience with libss7
18:02.41IsUpyeah he is better on chan_ss7, lemme check your files
18:03.37anita_voipIsUp: ok thanks
18:04.16IsUpcan you try with 'unanswered = no' in cdr.conf?
18:05.23anita_voipsure, let me do it. But in that case will i not miss the unanswered calls altogether from my cdr ?
18:05.38IsUplets try it first :>
18:07.40IsUpdont forget the restart your Asterisk
18:07.48IsUpif you are in test environment
18:08.20anita_voipIsUp: yes i did restart
18:08.29anita_voipfunny thing happened ! no CDR !!!
18:08.48anita_voipbecause now there will be no entry with unanswered=no :)
18:08.49*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
18:09.26IsUpi dont think you need unanswered=no, i never used it
18:09.37*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
18:09.38anita_voipWIMPy: Hey, what are you doing here ? are you also stuck on something ?
18:10.02anita_voipIsUp: exactly
18:10.04IsUpyou can see what is unanswered stands for
18:10.46WIMPyanita_voip: Oh, tehre's a lot of things.
18:11.13*** join/#asterisk doolph (~doolph@unaffiliated/doolph)
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18:12.16IsUphello doolph
18:13.10doolphtesting asterisk
18:13.19IsUpanita_voip: any error on CLI?
18:13.40anita_voipIsUp: yes plenty of errors
18:14.13IsUpdid u tested other channels? like SIP? IAX2?
18:14.18anita_voipbut these are related to SS7
18:14.24anita_voipnot yet
18:14.29anita_voiponly TDM over SS7
18:14.46anita_voipyes the same thing
18:14.50anita_voipno CDR at all :)
18:15.25anita_voipby default unanswered=no, so it wont make any difference whether you have it or not
18:16.07IsUpi can take look into your system if you want
18:16.18doolphwhat codec binary is faster GCC, GCC4 or ICC
18:16.44doolphI am using ubuntu linux
18:17.16QwellUse the compiler that comes with your system
18:17.57IsUpprobably its gcc 4.x.x on Ubuntu
18:19.15*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
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18:21.59doolphthe new xlite is so ugly
18:25.21doolph[Jan  6 18:24:30] NOTICE[1064]: rtp.c:1378 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
18:26.00IsUpit happens to me too, i dont know why
18:29.13tzangerxlite was always ugly
18:30.18Qwellwho decided that softphones need to look like cellphones, anyways?
18:30.21IsUpcan someone recommend me a hardphone? i was using grandstream before, i am planning to buy a phone for my home
18:35.04infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
18:36.08IsUpthank you Qwell and which one you are using?
18:39.42*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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18:58.43SuPrSluGwow phone from bot lookin pretty dated
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19:10.54OneFix_WorkPBXIAF or AsteriskNow?
19:11.30*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~TuMbL@unaffiliated/ryppn)
19:11.33QwellDepends.  Do you want a distro that actually uses packages and has a record of stability?
19:11.56OneFix_WorkQwell: Well, I suppose so :)
19:12.03QwellAsteriskNOW then :p
19:12.58OneFix_WorkQwell: What about the new one that I've been reading about...Elastix
19:13.16QwellI know very little about Elastix.
19:13.36QwellI've not heard much bad (or good, really) about it.  I don't know how widely it's used.
19:13.52Qwelllet me point out that I'm exceptionally biased towards AsteriskNOW, since I'm the author.
19:14.38OneFix_WorkQwell: I also noticed that a lot of the config options for TrixBox are kept in the MySQL database, and not in the /etc/asterisk config directory as suggested by Asterisk
19:15.03Qwellthat's mostly a FreePBX thing
19:15.41OneFix_WorkWhich seems like it would be more problematic when you go changing config options if you have to manually update the database every time
19:16.20OneFix_WorkDoes AsteriskNow use CentOS as a base OS?
19:16.22QwellOneFix_Work: there are some like "override" config files that can be used
19:16.35OneFix_WorkThat's good
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19:30.51OneFix_WorkQwell: After playing with TrixBox, I have come to the conclusion that AsteriskNow is probably the better option, if not simply because it's made by Digium
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20:06.03Kobazso where's the next astricon
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20:09.10russellbKobaz: it has not yet been decided.
20:09.16russellbin the US, though :-)
20:09.46Kobazheh, cool
20:09.51thehari demand to know
20:09.57thehartell marketing to announce
20:09.59Kobazthehar: it's in my basement
20:10.07theharruns behind russellb
20:10.08theharscary man!
20:10.17Kobazi have space for one vendor and 1/2 of a talk
20:10.19russellbI know what places they are considering, but I'm not telling.
20:10.56theharplease say california
20:11.17russellbthere, I said it
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20:15.48Kattyso asteriskaddons is built into 1.8 now?
20:15.48NightMonkeyPBXIAF isn't stable? Comparative metrics, please. :)
20:15.55Kattyi no longer need to set that up
20:17.03russellbKatty: yes.
20:20.34*** join/#asterisk _Garry_ (~chatzilla@2001:4cd8:2:0:dcde:998d:ee44:2f26)
20:20.38_Garry_Hi *
20:21.00*** part/#asterisk z4nD4R (
20:22.01_Garry_Looking for some hint - is there some feature in Asterisk (agi w/ php) to continously play some sound while still reading dtmf?
20:22.39Kattyrussellb: fancy
20:23.14OneFix_WorkDoes AsteriskNow have Fesitval installed?
20:25.27OneFix_Work_Garry_: I'm pretty sure, since a lot of companies do it with their IVR systems
20:26.25_Garry_to quote the wiki, "If the user presses a key while the message is playing, the message stops playing" (on Get Data) - I'd like to have the sound to keep on playing while the dtmf is collected ...
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20:29.25OneFix_Work_Garry_: I assume that is done to recognize the tones better
20:29.28OneFix_Workls -l
20:32.03_Garry_well, guess I can make do with it ending once the first digit is entered ...
20:33.03n3hxsPersonally, I would think that there was a problem if my keypress didn't stop the sound and would likely press it again.
20:33.24n3hxsJust as I expect dialtone to stop at the same keypress.
20:33.34n3hxsBut that is just me.
20:33.52_Garry_well, the sound I was planning to play is more or less just a short "beep" or something with shorter intervals in between, until the actual time is up
20:33.53OneFix_Work_Garry_: Any reason you are wanting to do this?
20:36.59OneFix_Work_Garry_: I still don't understand why you would want to do that
20:37.29_Garry_The user has "x" seconds to enter a code, just trying to add to the suspense / stress ... :)
20:38.24OneFix_Work_Garry_: The best way to do that is to play another recording if the input times out.
20:38.46Kobazstopping a track is a pretty standard way to signify that it got a digit
20:38.54Kobazit's pretty much *the* standard
20:39.26_Garry_yeah, will do that anyway (as the timeout restarts after every digit), so if the input isn't finished in time, the caller loses ...
20:54.02atanWhen I try to pass a call to a SIP phone it says all busy/conge... yet sip show peer shows it as connectes & the whole bit.
20:54.12atanDoes port 5060 on the phone end need to be open? =\
20:54.37p3nguinThat depends on the entire configuration.
20:55.02atanp3nguin, well when I had the device locally it worked fine. The server is remote.
20:55.11OneFix_WorkActually, Elastix looks like a lot of people are moving to it over AsteriskNow
20:55.21atanI dropped it off at the new location, same cable modem network and it won't ring goes to voicemail.
20:55.21p3nguinDoes the phone register out to Asterisk?  Is Asterisk configured with qualify for the phone peer?  Did you set the nat setting accordingly for the phone peer?
20:55.24*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
20:55.35atanp3nguin, qualify=yes, nat=yes is in the sip.conf
20:55.53p3nguinBut is it within the peer definition for the phone?
20:55.57atanThe only thing different as far as I can tell is they have some strange no name router from like Routerz Inc. or somethingt.
20:56.02p3nguinAnd it Asterisk also behind a NAT?
20:56.16atanp3nguin, it's under the [4423] user, which is the phone who is connected
20:56.35atanAsterisk shouldn't be behind a nat, no.
20:57.01p3nguinShouldn't?  I don't care if it should or should not be... I want to know IS IT.
20:57.01atanOther phones of the same kind work fine on other networks without the no-name router. =\ I suppose I should drive over there and remove the router then eh? =\
20:57.12atanSorry, the box isn't behind a nat, no.
20:57.23atanAsterisk is sitting open to the world. *wimper*
20:57.34p3nguinIt could be a jacked up router trying to fix SIP.
20:57.46p3nguinStart with sip debug.
20:58.41atanp3nguin, is that the same as -vvvvvvvvvvvvv?
20:59.03atanHow do I 'sip debug'? =)
20:59.19atanerr, set debug on
20:59.22p3nguinWhat you've described is the same as "core set verbose 13"
20:59.47p3nguinWhat you need to do is "sip set debug on"
20:59.48Kobazdoes anything even use verbose 13?
20:59.59Kobazthe max i've seen in the code is like 3
21:00.07p3nguinAs far as I know, nothing is changed above verbose 4.
21:00.32p3nguinSo core set verbose 4 gives the exact same output as core set verbose 100000000.
21:00.33Kobazi would like to see a more granular debugging system at some point
21:00.46Kobazadd's that to the todo
21:01.01p3nguinMaybe you mean "adds."
21:01.18Kobazyou never know
21:01.24p3nguinI'm pretty sure, though.
21:01.35Kobazyou might be right
21:01.44p3nguinI'm very likely right.
21:01.56Kobazi think you're close
21:01.57atanHow do I set a sip debug for just one peer?
21:02.18Kobazyou have an extra '.' in there
21:02.28russellbatan: *CLI> sip set debug peer <peer>
21:02.33p3nguin"sip set debug <TAB>"  should give you a hint.
21:02.40russellbmy answer was more helpful :-p
21:02.50OneFix_WorkBTW, is everyone using Cepstral with Asterisk just buying a license for their voices, or is there a version available for free that I'm not seeing?  If so, why isn't everyone just using Festival + CMU Arctic voices?
21:02.52atanYou both rock.
21:03.27Kobazp3nguin: i would appreciate if you didn't complain about every little typo
21:03.28russellbCepstral isn't free.  People use it because it is generally high quality than Festival.
21:03.38russellbI'm not familiar with the festival voices you refer to, though.
21:03.50russellbIf you can find a way to make festival produce a comparable result, by all means, go for it
21:04.03KobazCepstral is pretty cool
21:04.10OneFix_Workrussellb: But, the CMU Arctic voices are as good as or better than the Cepstral voices
21:04.41*** join/#asterisk aut (
21:04.57Kobazp3nguin: i'm fully aware of how to write proper sentences, but my fingers don't always hit the right keys, nor do i care most of the time when I'm typing quickly on irc
21:05.14autcould anyone give me suggestions on how to troubleshoot call quality issues? i use onsip hosted pbx, but im considering running a local asterisk install if it could solve our quality issues
21:05.43Kobazaut: measure packet loss and jitter from your location to your hosted provider... use something like mtr
21:05.50OneFix_Workrussellb: As a matter of fact, search for CMU Arctic on this page ...
21:06.34russellbk, go for it
21:06.49OneFix_Workrussellb: <- this is their site ...
21:07.01atan is the server log =\
21:07.05p3nguinkobaz: That's the problem with society nowadays -- people don't care -- and it affects me in a way that makes me let people know.
21:07.11OneFix_Workrussellb: Well, I already have it working, I was just interested in the reasoning...
21:08.26Kobazp3nguin: i write emails with utmost care, irc with random other techies, I give it a best-effort.  Chat and text messages to business associates get high levels of care as well
21:08.29Kobazirc... not so much
21:08.54russellbon IRC you can be l33t l4wl
21:09.41Kobazp3nguin: but i see where you're coming from... the kids these days... it's just bad
21:11.45atanp3nguin, you wouldn’t happen to have any ideas what I setup wrong based on the pastebin would you?
21:12.04p3nguinatan: Was the paste a sip debug?
21:13.28atanp3nguin, that it was
21:13.41p3nguinatan: I'll help you out: No, it wasn't.
21:13.54p3nguinatan: It was a mutilated PARTIAL debug.
21:14.20p3nguinNeither of which I am interested in (not mutilated, nor partial).
21:16.29atanp3nguin, although I don't know you would you be open to me passing you a private link which isn't turnicated or masked? =)
21:18.16p3nguinThere is really nothing secretive in a sip debug that can't be shown in this channel.  If you don't want a lot of people seeing the debug, mark the paste as private so outsiders can't stumble upon it looking in the pastes.
21:18.30p3nguinI don't do the "super secret debug" crap.
21:19.46atanWell it's nothing overly secret I suppose. It's just I don't know much about it and would hate to paste some secret without knowing it.
21:21.52p3nguinThere are no plain-text passwords in the debug.
21:22.10atanLooking at my debug there are plain-text mysql passwords being thrown around. Hmm.
21:22.13p3nguinAnd since you change passwords every 2-3 months anyway...
21:22.46p3nguinmysql passwords?  in a debug?
21:23.00atanp3nguin, they're flying across my screen right now.
21:23.01p3nguinThat's not very nice, if true.
21:23.18atanMy dialplan queries a database on each call to lookup rates.
21:23.42p3nguinSo your dialplan has passwords exposed.
21:23.53p3nguinThat's a very rare case.
21:24.48p3nguinI'm still not sure how a sip debug would have THAT info in it.
21:24.49*** join/#asterisk joobie (
21:24.52atanHoly monkeys. SIP debug is showing me bloody tons of data here. I have several peers using it. Can I limit my debug to just the phone that isn't ringing?
21:25.21p3nguinOh, maybe you didn't bother turning the core verbose back down to 0 where it really should be.
21:26.02p3nguinLike I mentioned before, "sip set debug <TAB>" will give you a clue.
21:26.23atanp3nguin, I've figured out how to do it but I'm wondering how much of this data you actually want.
21:27.41p3nguinTo find out what is going on for a specific peer, I would want the debug for the peer.  If the peer has not registered, you probably cannot debug by peer name; you'll have to debug by IP address if the peer is not recognized.
21:30.43*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
21:33.01p3nguinStill just a partial.
21:33.49atanp3nguin, well I am confused then. I said sip set debug on peer 4423 and then called it. That is the only output. Where exactly did I go wrong?
21:36.20*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
21:36.35p3nguinatan: Maybe I'm just expecting to see more than what is available.  Tell me what is happening in this debug.
21:37.01p3nguinYou call from SIP/what to extension something, which Dial()s SIP/something.
21:37.17atanWell I'm trying to call the phone and the thing doesn't even ring. Verbose 5 says it's busy
21:37.51p3nguinWhat are you calling from?
21:37.55atanYep. It did once work fine without any changes when the phone was registered on my home network. I since moved it out to a friend's house who has some funny brand router, and now it won't ring. Outbound calls from it are fine, but I can not ring it.
21:38.14atanIt's a Cisco IP phone, 7940 I believe.
21:38.18*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
21:38.37p3nguinFrom a Cisco... named SIP/what?
21:38.53p3nguinto what ... named SIP/4432?
21:39.02p3nguin4423, I meant.
21:39.07atanThe calling phone is SIP/7960 calling the SIP/4423
21:39.34atanBut it has a number in the dialplan to accept calls from, which also just goes to voicemail
21:39.51atanThe dialplan has Dial(SIP/4423, 25) in it, then voicemail on the next line.
21:41.21atanAs far as I can tell when I look at the CLI it shows it trying to call the SIP/4423 without any issue, but it just comes back busy
21:41.53atanI'm really wondering about this router they have. Would I need to port forward 5060 to the phone for any reason?
21:42.08p3nguinAre you calling from the Cisco phone out to and then back in to Asterisk hitting the extension that dials SIP/4423, or are you calling from the phone to an extension which dials SIP/4423?
21:42.33atanp3nguin, call it going out to voipms then back in to the dialplan to the phone
21:42.42p3nguinTypically you don't need to forward the ports because the NAT settings on Asterisk help keep the NAT open for calls to the phone.
21:43.17p3nguinIs there any reason why you can't call an extension that dials SIP/4423?
21:43.21atanIt's a wireless N "airlink" router if that's any help.
21:43.24p3nguinMake this as simple as possible.
21:43.28atanp3nguin, nope. Let me add one in the dialplan! =)
21:44.10p3nguinIt probably won't solve this issue, but at least it will take a bit of the complication out of it.
21:46.00p3nguinIf the phone at SIP/4423 can make calls out to asterisk and beyond, the phone can communicate correctly and authenticate accordingly.  Check "sip show peer 4423" and see if everything is good.  I'm worried about the registration.
21:47.12atanSip show peer 4423 shows it as connected, ip, whatnot
21:47.34authow do small call centers (say 10 agents) deal with limits on inbound calls? do companies exist to queue the calls remotely so that every call gets answered regardless of the small office's bandwidth availability?
21:47.51atanerr, phone call, one sec. Bloody =X =)
21:48.05autdoes it make sense to colo the pbx at a local datacenter?
21:51.32carraralways  makes sense to do that
21:51.34p3nguinaut: Most people get enough bandwidth and/or available channels to take the number of calls they need to take.
21:52.16p3nguinIf they don't have enough channels to take calls, I guess a busy signal usually indicates to a person to call back soon.
21:52.17carraror roll over your busrt of calls to some answering service
21:52.45carraror roll over to a message to call back later
21:53.01carrartypical of some gov services numbers
21:53.14p3nguinOn an ITSP, you can usually configure things like that... but on a telco, do they do that stuff for you?
21:53.30carrarthey can
21:53.35carrareverything is for a FEE
21:53.45carrarit's only $$
21:53.53p3nguinSome things they just won't do, no matter how much you offer.
21:54.05carrarfind a different provider
21:54.29p3nguinSometimes possible, other times it's not.
21:54.34brainiacDoes anyone know about why a call becomes irretrievable when parked to 701?  You get a busy signal after you hit Transfer the 2nd time.  I'm running 1.4.21 and it happens sporadically.
21:54.51carrarI'm on 701
21:54.55carrarthats why
21:55.29russellbbrainiac: 1.4.21 is pretty old.
21:56.27russellbWe have made 1693 changes to Asterisk 1.4 since the release of 1.4.21.
21:56.36brainiacYeah, I know but I can only perform an upgrade to 1.4.31
21:56.39russellbOne of them could have been a fix for that bug.  :-)
21:56.47OneFix_WorkActually, Elastix includes the CMU Arctic voices by default
21:56.50authow dumb is it to use hosted pbx services like onsip vs colocating your own box locally? (specifically with regards to jitter/latency/quality issues, not maintenance workload)
21:57.06russellbcarrar: yup.
21:57.11carrarnot 1694?
21:57.24russellbnot yet.
21:57.36carrarThats Awesome
21:57.42OneFix_Workcarrar: they know that because they are using a change management system
21:58.08russellbanother fun fact ... over 10,000 changes to the development tree that became asterisk 1.8 since we created 1.4
21:58.11carrarMt Etna erupts, in Sicily in 1693
21:59.07carrarDom Perignon invents champagne in 1693
22:01.32leifmadsenrussellb: yay!
22:02.26carrarWhere can one purchase the game of Asterisk Trivia!
22:02.57carrarThat should be in the BOOK
22:03.27carrarRussell's Fun Facts and Trivia Chapter
22:05.11*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG__ (~SuPrSluG@
22:06.22russellbcarrar: heh
22:06.29russellbAppendix D: Fun Facts
22:07.50russellbthe data is all public ... you just have to know how to mine it!
22:12.30*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
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22:19.34raden_workrussellb, 10,000 changes since 1.4 ?
22:19.57leifmadsenwow indeed
22:19.59raden_workhow many people contribute to all this insanity ?
22:20.10raden_workjust amazes me what can be accomplished when people work together
22:20.11russellbi counted by getting the revision when 1.4 was branched off, then I counted how many changes were made to trunk since then
22:20.22russellbit was just over 11,000 i think
22:20.40raden_workhow amny people actually develop asterisk ?
22:20.44russellbhow many people?  ever?
22:20.58russellbI counted how many people contributed to 1.8 (since the release of 1.6.2)
22:21.03russellbwhere was that number ... in a tweet I thin
22:21.06raden_workhow many is there
22:22.14Kattyhellllllllllllooooo nurse!
22:22.20Kattyand russell dear
22:22.22Kattyhello to you too
22:22.28Kattyooh and thehar
22:22.34Kattyhugs thehar
22:22.38theharhugs Katty
22:22.44Kattythehar: how're you dear
22:22.54russellbso, > 500 reporters, > 300 testers, > 200 programmers in just over a year
22:22.54theharsooooo busy
22:22.58leifmadsendamn yo :)
22:23.08russellbthose that I could count (that sent something back to us)
22:23.13Kattymister leif (=
22:23.18Kattyhow's the lady friend.
22:23.19theharwow russellb
22:23.26russellbAsterisk has grown up.
22:23.36theharyou've grown up!
22:23.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~TuMbL@unaffiliated/ryppn)
22:23.41Kattyrussellb: and the developers have not ;P
22:23.42russellbthehar: hehe, true
22:23.47russellbKatty: lies!
22:23.53leifmadsenshe is well :)
22:23.59leifmadsenruns off to the mailbox to see if he got any cheques
22:23.59Kattyleifmadsen: most excellent.
22:24.08russellbleifmadsen: learn how to spell
22:24.12russellbyou call yourself an author ...
22:24.17Kattyahhh i remember the first cluecon
22:24.21Kattyit was such a disaster
22:24.33autso i'm using mtr to measure jitter. what's acceptable? my route appears to be comcast -> level3 -> arbinet
22:24.36leifmadsenI remember speaking at the first astricon in 2004 :)
22:24.44leifmadsenI remember when there was no documentation! ;)
22:24.46autone of the level3 hops shows a max jitter of 249
22:24.47Kattyleifmadsen: i had /just/ graduated high school
22:24.56russellbme too
22:25.02russellbbut got commit access anyway somehow
22:25.02*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
22:25.19Kattyhmm. cracker snack pack sitting in front of me.
22:25.27Kattynot really hungry, but it looks so yummy
22:25.29NightMonkeyaut: Acceptable for what purpose?
22:25.51autnightmonkey: having a decent-sounding voip call? :)
22:25.56Kattyputs crackers out of sight
22:26.06autnightmonkey: and then, having several of those... :)
22:26.26carrarputs on his cracka XRAY glasses
22:26.31NightMonkeyaut: Right. So, you need to be less general for us to help you.
22:26.50Kattycarrar: are you disrespectin me
22:26.54autnightmonkey: okay, in what way?
22:27.09Kattycarrar: dpm
22:27.17Kattycarrar: don't you EVEN be goin there hunny
22:27.42NightMonkeyaut: What protocols are you using? What are you connecting across your links?
22:27.51NightMonkeyaut: Asterisk can do LOTS of different things.
22:28.08KattyAsterisk can do lots of fun things too.
22:28.10NightMonkeyaut: And VoIP encompases LOTS of different components.
22:28.14KattyLike dial carrar repeatedly, over and over and over
22:28.16Kattyand over.
22:28.43Kattysadly asterisk also does blacklisting )=
22:29.56carrarexten => carrar/katty,1,Hangup
22:30.23carrarexten => carrar/katty,1,Playback(Please_Hold_I_Will_Be_Right_There)
22:31.07Kattyhow dare you hangup on me sir!
22:31.30Kattythat's IT
22:31.34Kattyyou are going to the 404 context
22:31.47*** join/#asterisk joobie (
22:31.55carrarNot the 404!!
22:33.50raden_workanyone use Twinkle ?
22:34.20carrarI thought that was something you take
22:35.47Kattyi read that was Twinkie
22:35.56Kattyi swear i'm not hungry
22:36.44atanp3nguin, are you still around here buddy?
22:37.00atanp3nguin, sorry about dropping off like that the phone caught me off guard. Blah!
22:37.17Kattyhi atan
22:37.40atanHey Katty
22:37.49atanHelp me fix my peer who won't accept calls? =)
22:41.40carrarDid you read the BOOK?
22:42.22carrar-=>#*"!" The Book "!"*#<=-
22:42.33theharThe Book of Destiny
22:43.10carrarThe Internet HitchHikers Guide to Asterisk and Fun Facts
22:43.39KattyThe Book of Pretty Girl Pictures
22:49.25raden_workis there a Linux SIP phone that worth a shit  ?
22:50.15OneFix_Workraden: I think Ekiga is about the best one
22:51.28raden_workOneFix_Work, that thing Sucks
22:51.32raden_worktwinkle is a little better
22:51.37OneFix_Workraden: You think?
22:51.41raden_workX-lite is sweet but only ubuntu version
22:51.52raden_workOneFix_Work, more features better UI
22:52.01*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
22:53.15OneFix_Workraden_work: But, I don't wanna pay for a softphone and X-Lite serves ads to me
22:53.22NightMonkeyraden_work: Worth a shit? No. But you can write your own better one, after you're done slagging existing ones.
22:53.54raden_workNightMonkey, I might just do that
22:54.15NightMonkeysets his stopwatch.
22:55.56raden_workNightMonkey, It might be a while
22:56.17raden_workNightMonkey, I mean thoose ones work it just no BLF  etc for a office enviroment
23:00.06NightMonkeyraden_work: F/OSS only works when people dedicate time and work to make it better. If no one from your "office environment" helps, well, your "office environment" gets no help.
23:00.21raden_workvery truee
23:00.39*** join/#asterisk leejohn (ljohn@
23:02.00NightMonkeyraden_work: One bad move it to slag the work of other F/OSS volunteers/coders. Makes for an awkward relationship going forward..
23:02.03leejohnhi! good day guys, i just want to ask Does Queue(quename,tT,,,60) is compatible with res_feature (blind transfer) ?, please bare with me if this is a simple one, but i can't figure it out, normal transfer works
23:02.28raden_workNightMonkey, how on each does a person even get involved in a project like this ?
23:02.33leejohnby the way Asterisk SVN-branch-1.8-r300798 built
23:03.18NightMonkeyraden_work: Like this? Or writing a new SIP client?
23:03.48raden_workLike writing a SIP client
23:04.31NightMonkeyraden_work: Look up the RFCs, pick your interface (GUI, text, etc.), determine your design, and start coding.
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