IRC log for #asterisk on 20110103

00:26.24*** join/#asterisk themalik (
00:40.16themalikim having trouble getting a softphone going in elastix
00:40.26themaliki keep getting registration failures
00:53.27*** join/#asterisk joobie (
01:00.24themaliki keep getting 503 service unavailable
01:01.10themalik!context factoid
01:03.30p3nguinWhat are you trying to find out?
01:03.49p3nguinThe definition of context?
01:04.56themalikim trying to figure out why i cant have my softphone register on elastix
01:05.05themaliki figured context might be an issue...
01:05.20themalikits set to from-internal
01:05.35p3nguinThe context setting of a peer indicates where a call enters the dial plan.
01:06.21themalikso it doesnt explian why i cant register
01:06.33p3nguinThat's right.
01:07.16themalikwhat can give a service unavailable error?
01:10.58p3nguinWhich soft phone are you using?
01:11.13themaliki tried xlite, and sflphone
01:14.59p3nguinSince I can't support Elastix, all I can recommend is verifying all the settings for the phone.  Make sure the registrar, domain, user name, and password are all correct.
01:15.28*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:15.30themalikmy domain might be the issue
01:15.58themalikcan i use the external ip of my network if i forward port 5060 to my internal ip with the server
01:16.27p3nguinIf you are on the same LAN, why would you want to?
01:16.40themalikim not
01:16.45themalikim trying to use it outside my lan as well
01:16.50themaliki cant get register inside or out
01:16.58p3nguinOh, then yes, you need to use the outside address.
01:17.16themalikcould i use a dyndns
01:18.16themaliklets hope it works..i know its not elastix thats affecting it, its just the asterisk part im working with
01:22.03themalikdang, still didnt work
01:22.26themalikhmmm...i have host as dynamic, and deny and permit are set to
01:23.20themalikwhats accountcode?
01:23.46p3nguinIt's the account code that your phone uses for CDRs.
01:23.56themalikby default its blank right
01:24.11p3nguinMaybe.  It doesn't affect registrations, though.
01:24.20themalikmaybe my qualify setting shouldnt be set to yes
01:25.05p3nguinIt most likely should be set to yes if your phone or asterisk is behind NAT.
01:25.21themalikyeah its behind my router nat
01:26.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
01:26.19themaliki also changed host to dynamic, isnt default internal or something
01:26.43p3nguinhost=dynamic is used for phones which send registration.
01:26.54themalikso i need that setting
01:27.00themalikand my nat setting is yes...
01:27.04themalikwhy wouldnt it work
01:27.08themalikeverything seems fine
01:27.19p3nguinIf the phone does not send registration, you have to set the host value to the IP address of the phone.
01:27.59themalikit sends registration, just fails every time
01:28.47p3nguinIs there any reason you don't want to paste your sip.conf in full, masking only passwords, so I can see what you've got going on?
01:29.06themaliknope, not at all ill paste it
01:29.11themalikid appreciate that
01:31.15themalikwhat directory is it under?
01:31.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:31.48p3nguin(I'm only offering help with Asterisk, not Elastix)
01:32.00themalikyeah i know, my issue is only with asterisk
01:32.04themalikthey said to ask in this channel
01:32.54*** join/#asterisk SpaceJockey (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
01:34.13*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
01:34.40themalikp3nguin: is down
01:34.47themalikwhat alternative do u prefer is fine.
01:35.02themalikit works
01:35.10themalikit wouldnt open last time i checked sorry
01:36.39SpaceJockeyhey, any hints on what I need to look at if I keep missing the first word of prompts? example: I call vm extension and I hear "...en mail"
01:37.16SpaceJockeyis that an early media issue?
01:37.38themalikp3nguin: umm...there doesnt appear to be any passwords i must mask
01:37.44themalikin sip.conf
01:38.26shido6add a wait period before playing the file or add 3 seconds of silence some other way
01:38.30p3nguinI'd probably add a Wait(1) or Wait(2) in the extension before the VoiceMailMain() command.
01:40.02p3nguinthemalik: Perhaps Elastix doesn't store its peer definitions in sip.conf.  Check for included files.
01:42.02themalikthose are all files in asterisk
01:42.31p3nguinI don't do Windows, so I hope you mean directory.
01:43.15themaliklol thats what i meant
01:44.07p3nguinNo clue.  I use Asterisk, and I don't have a quarter of these files.
01:46.12p3nguinI see that this is a FreePBX box.
01:46.13themalikis my sip.conf, but i doubt its the right one
01:46.23infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
01:46.56themalikis freepbx the asterisk in elastix
01:47.10p3nguinNo, FreePBX is a GUI.
01:47.31themalikoh, yeah then i think its freepbx, elastix has a webgui for asterisk
01:47.34themalikmy bad
01:47.50p3nguinThe GUI controls all aspects of Asterisk's configuration via scripts and stuff that are not part of Asterisk.
01:48.06p3nguinAnd because of that, we don't support FreePBX here.
01:48.07themalikoh...that makes sense
01:48.18themaliksorry, once again, i had no clue
01:49.02p3nguinIf you configure your phone in sip.conf (or if you can figure out what file it does get configured in), I can help you with the parameters.
01:49.18SpaceJockeyWait(1) did it thanks ;)
01:49.29themalikill try to find out where it stores
01:49.32themalikill ask in freepbx
01:49.58p3nguinIf I were in your position, I would look in each of the included files as they are listed in sip.conf.
01:50.16themalikok, that may help
01:52.12*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-hwjxodujjgxdggwk)
01:57.34themalikp3nguin: i found the file with my settings for asterisk
01:57.58p3nguinWait a minute... how did you know host was set to dynamic and deny/permit were configured to if you didn't see the configuration earlier?
01:59.06themalikno i saw it on the freepbx
01:59.17themaliki just found the file thought with all of the settings stored
01:59.48p3nguinsip_<something>.conf, I guess
02:01.16p3nguinThose two definitions look okay to me.
02:01.31themalikso its something else...
02:01.51drmessanoYes, there's at least one other place to look too
02:01.57drmessanoBut you keep hopping from channel to channel
02:03.40themalikwhich channel should i use...ill use freepbx..seems more reasonable
02:15.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:35.17SpaceJockeychopp was that you?
02:35.32SpaceJockeyi got bombarded
02:35.44SpaceJockeyI think dive called me too
02:35.48SpaceJockeyat the same time
02:36.17SpaceJockeyoh man. sorry. wrong window
02:37.51*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
02:38.47*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
02:41.17*** join/#asterisk geneg1 (
02:59.48*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
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03:23.43*** join/#asterisk antiwire_ (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
03:31.07*** join/#asterisk jimi_ (~jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
03:32.53jimi_cesar_CR, estas aqui?
03:48.46*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
03:58.28*** part/#asterisk themalik (
04:01.32*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
04:37.36*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
04:44.22*** join/#asterisk jblack (
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04:57.01*** join/#asterisk erinspice (~erin@
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07:49.17*** join/#asterisk Sheeplet (
07:49.36Sheepletlo all
07:52.31*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
07:56.10shaprg'day Sheeplet
07:59.59*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
08:09.19*** join/#asterisk creativx (
08:14.45*** join/#asterisk jayvee (
08:16.23*** join/#asterisk dlirit (~lirant@
08:25.32jayveeI'm between a rock and a hard place. I previously had allowguest=yes to allow anonymous SIP guests to access my conference number and dial my test tones, and a personal extension. However, I have a PSTN phone hooked up as a SIP user, which means any anonymous user can currently access it until I set allowguest=no, which fixes that. But that now means that the anonymous test tones, conference, etc. is now forbidden.
08:25.56jayveeIs it possible for me to have the best of both worlds? For the record, setting allowguest doesn't make any difference to the users in users.conf.
08:26.38jayveeI'm happy with having allowguest=yes globally and disallowing on the PSTN, or allowguest=no globally and enabling it on one or two extensions. Either way is fine, but neither way works for me.
08:29.22*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:21b:63ff:feb5:e13b)
08:30.00*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:32.50*** join/#asterisk hetii (~Grzegorz@
08:34.45hetiii had this issue : (clear ubuntu 10.10 + Asterisk built by buildd @ vernadsky on a i686 running Linux on 2010-06-23 21:08:57 UTC)
08:34.54hetii+ latest freepbx
08:35.27*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:35.49hetiithere is some bug and to fix them i need to noload this modules: and
08:35.53drmessanojayvee, you need to put the PSTN in a different context and nest the contexts properly
08:37.14*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:39.12jayveedrmessano: That's the funny thing. My sip.conf specifies the default context as 'default', which is obviously what context guests go into. Now, the outgoing VoIP and PSTN dial plan is in a context called 'internal', which the users in users.conf are using, which allows them access to external extensions, such as my outbound VoIP dial plan. However, putting my users in a non-default extension does not prevent an anonymous caller from calling that e
08:39.32*** join/#asterisk reber (
08:39.41jayveebtw, are my messages getting truncated? maybe I should be less sycophantic. ;-)
08:39.49shapryes, truncated
08:39.58jayveewhat were the last few words you got?
08:41.51shaprdoes not prevent an anonymous caller from calling that e
08:42.18jayveextension directly. It does stop them calling my defined dial plans and extensions in extensions.conf, but does not prevent them from calling any user defined in users.conf.
08:42.40*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~BTS@2001:700:200:10:c62c:3ff:fe16:a044)
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08:48.07*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
08:49.23jayveeIdeally I'd like to either have to set something like "allowguest=yes" or create an extension for the user in the default context for them to be able to be contacted anonymously.
08:49.50jayveeSo I in effect want allowguest=no, but still have anonymous calls be routed to the default context.
08:53.14*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:54.20shaprHow do you define a call that's not anonymous?
08:56.47jayveeA call that's not anonymous is made by somebody from users.conf that has registered. So somebody from the internal context is not anonymous.
08:57.12jayveeEverybody in users.conf is in the internal context.
09:00.43*** join/#asterisk daxt (~daxt@
09:03.39WIMPyRegistering has nothing to do with placing calls.
09:06.36jayveeRegistering changes the context that the user is in, and thus can change whether it can place calls depending on what context I put my outbound dial plans in.
09:08.35*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:21b:63ff:feb5:e13b)
09:09.26jayveeGiven that what I just said works in practice for me now, would you care to elaborate?
09:10.45jayveeAre you disputing the existence of contexts?
09:11.24tuxx-happy GNU year everyone
09:22.50jayveeshapr: So do you sort of follow what I'm getting at?
09:25.44shaprYes, I understand.
09:26.23*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
09:27.08*** part/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
09:27.13shaprI don't know how to put authentication between incoming calls and users.conf definitions.
09:29.39jayveeYeah, it's a funny one.
09:30.18asterisk-learnerthis is not directly related to asterisk but
09:30.38jayveeI mean, I could sort of work around it by having really obscure usernames. Something like myuser-`pwgen`.
09:30.45asterisk-learnerin the VOIP world, is there a standard meaning for a "consult call" or " call consult"
09:31.22jayveeasterisk-learner: Call transfer, perhaps?
09:31.59asterisk-learnerah ok i thought it would mean more inbound call.....
09:32.20*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
09:33.01asterisk-learnerso u guys think it might refer to a transfered call ?
09:35.12jayveeI think so. It probably refers more to the call transfer where you dial the destination extension, but it allows you to talk to the person before completing the transfer.
09:36.09jayveeSo a consulted transfer would mean you transfer to extension 104 and say "Hi Brian, I have Anna on the line now. Do you have a moment to talk to her?". And then if he accepts, you can complete the transfer and the person will be forwarded through in a single step.
09:36.44asterisk-learnerah ok so it does not refer to blind transfer u mean
09:37.23WIMPyjayvee: No, I'm just saying that registration have nothing to do with it.
09:38.40hetiiQ: Hmm i had some strange issue: i set on general settings for sip the bindport to custom one then i set also for exxtenstion this same port. After restarting * i set on my phone also new port. but the phone cannot register itself and the command
09:38.50jayveeWIMPy: Actually yeah, you're right. I have a Sipura phone that I point to in users.conf that doesn't register to Asterisk, but is still defined with a host and port. And it gets assigned to the internal context.
09:39.04jayveeWIMPy: So yes, you're right. Replace "registration" with "being a defined user".
09:39.20hetiisip show peers show me that user is is still on port 5060 but status is unknow
09:40.06hetiithen i change  on phone again port to 5060 and phone register itself (how its possible when * bind on other port ????)
09:40.13hetiibut no call is possible
09:42.12hetiion sip debug  i see <--- SIP read from ---> and then Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
09:43.26hetiinetstat -pantu |grep 5060 show nothing so how its possibe that i see some sip message in asterisk when he don`t bind to 5060 at all
09:43.33asterisk-learnerjayvee: ur right !
09:44.49jayveehetii: The port number of Asterisk doesn't need to match the port number of the SIP UA. Just as long as they have each other's correct port numbers specified in the respective configs.
09:45.13jayveehetii: From what you've written, it looks like you're trying to change Asterisk's bind port?
09:46.21hetiihmm please explain me that how it can works on different  ports in normal way the some network client need to connect to some port on server side.
09:46.52hetiiso if i set on server please bind to my custom port then the client need to use this port to connect into server
09:47.18jayveehetii: That's right. If you tell Asterisk to bind to a custom port, you need to tell the client to use that port.
09:47.39jayveeOr you could make it easier for yourself and just use DNS SRV records to do the work for you. ;)
09:48.20hetiiyep so now imagine that * don`t bind to 5060 and my client is able to register itself on it but only on port 5060 not my custom one.
09:48.43jayveeSo you're saying your phone doesn't have an option to change the port?
09:49.13*** join/#asterisk quintana (
09:49.15hetiihe had and i set them to my custom one. But then he is not able to register itself.
09:49.47hetiii try also with softphone and had this same issue
09:50.24jayveeOdd. I have used a custom port from the beginning and not had an issue.
09:50.47hetiiother interesting things is that i had also my custom port set on my extension context  but on sip show peers i still see the 5060
09:51.04kaldemarhetii: sounds like your client is misconfigured or buggy.
09:51.09hetiii ofc. restart whole *
09:51.37kaldemarsip show peers shows the port that the client is listening on, not asterisk.
09:51.41hetiii check it with grandstrem phone and some softphone so its not possible imhop that they don`t use my custom ports
09:53.30hetiiok so let said that my phone still use 5060 for everything and * bind only on my custom port, how its possible that my phone register itself
09:53.51*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
09:54.26hetiiofc. i cannot made call but the registration process work 0_o
09:54.52kaldemarhetii: they don't need to use the same port to LISTEN on packets.
09:56.22hetiiok but if * had my custom port set for  LISTENING (so not 5060) how its possible that my phone (whatever port he use) is able to register itself
09:59.45hetiiIMHO bind port for * means the LISTENING port where client connect  to for registering itself and do the rest job(like tell * on with * he listen or send all sip stuff).
10:00.17shaprthat would make sense
10:00.49shaprhetii: Where did you configure the sip bind port?
10:00.51shaprwhich file?
10:02.21hetiiin sip_general_additional.conf (i use freepbx) and netstat -pantu confirm that my * listen on my custom port instead 5060
10:03.57*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
10:04.24shaprg'day ChrisInSydney
10:04.57ChrisInSydneyshapr 9pm here
10:05.05shaprIt's 4am here.
10:05.15ChrisInSydneythats hard core
10:05.45ChrisInSydneydone a few of those. Thats when the #vuc conference call stacrts my time
10:06.19ChrisInSydney(how did that c get in there ?)
10:06.44shaprhetii: Which variable did you set? udpbindaddr?
10:12.06*** join/#asterisk dr_ (~duckz@
10:12.32hetiinetstat show that * bind ofc. on my custom udp port
10:12.33*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
10:14.40*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
10:15.16_zoom_hello, how does asterisk keeps registration and calls sessions?
10:16.04kaldemar_zoom_: yes
10:16.36kaldemar_zoom_: be a little more elaborate. :)
10:17.42_zoom_kaldemar: am trying to print the current status of asterisk, online users, current calls, ... using php, where to find such info?
10:18.01kaldemar_zoom_: use the manager API.
10:19.27shaprhetii: Have you tried udpbindaddr= and tcpbindaddr= instead? bindport is under the "NAT support" section, and appears to do something different.
10:19.50*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
10:19.57_zoom_kaldemar: can i call it directly from php
10:20.54_zoom_kaldemar: wiki? site? anything plz?
10:22.17kaldemarthere's php frameworks to use it if you don't want to do it yourself.
10:24.36*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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10:26.21infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:30.01ChrisInSydney_zoom_: Hi, have a look at the voip-info site that kaldemar sent you. Plenty of good stuff there. The other thing you can do is turn on verbose logging and tail the log to a socket, this can give your script some real time processing of what is going on as not all of that info is available via the AMI
10:31.59ChrisInSydney_zoom_: There is a good AMI API which shouldn't take too long to get working.
10:32.28WIMPyWhat events are you missingn on AMI?
10:33.54ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: I was using that method  to get qualify time outs for remote handsets
10:34.26ChrisInSydneyfound it was easier to listen to a stream then query ami
10:35.52WIMPyAMI sends that as events as well. No need to query anything.
10:36.50*** join/#asterisk salimb (~chatzilla@
10:39.23ChrisInSydneyWIMPy Fount it :-/
10:42.11ChrisInSydneyA question re 1.8.1.x. Anybody. Does this version of asterisk use codec negotiation, or does it still transcode ??
10:43.54ChrisInSydneyfor example if you allow=g722, allow=alaw on your extensions and your trunk is only allow=alaw, does Asterisk transcode 722 top 711 ??
10:54.28drmessanoChrisInSydney, of course it's gouing to transcode.. Asterisk is a B2BUA and you're telling one of it's peers to ONLY use a specific codec
10:54.38drmessanoapp_mindreader hasn't been added yet.. maybe in 2.0
10:55.37hetiishapr, yes i try and its still the same issue :)
10:55.57shaprhetii: That's weird, what version of asterisk? Do you see the same problem with 1.8?
10:56.08ChrisInSydneydrmessano: Could do with app_getmeanotherbeer(now) :-)
10:56.38hetiii don`t check it  :> so maybe its fixed on 1.8 :> i use Asterisk
10:57.51shaprhetii: It's possible, there's and
10:58.00ChrisInSydneydrmessano: There was this I came across for 1.4.xx
10:59.04*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:59.33drmessanoChrisInSydney, this has to do with codec negotiation behavior.. you are forcing ONE codec on a peer.   You are creating an entirely different issue.
10:59.37ChrisInSydneydrmessano: Not that its a major CPU overhead to translate between 722 & 711, but in some ways it would be "tidier" if is negotiated the codecs rather than translating
10:59.51drmessanoChrisInSydney, so allow the other codec..
11:00.26ChrisInSydneydrmessano: The ITSP doesn't allow 722 only 711a/u
11:00.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
11:00.43ChrisInSydney..and 729... which I am not interested in
11:00.47ChrisInSydneyat this point
11:00.52drmessanoChrisInSydney, ok, so there's nothing to allow then.. If they don't support it, you HAVE TO transcode
11:01.39drmessanoChrisInSydney, you can't make them negotiate a codec they don't even support..
11:02.52ChrisInSydneydrmessano: Scenerio is. Handset supports 722 & 711. ITSP only supports 711. Handset to handset is at 722. Handset to ITSP is 711.
11:04.36ChrisInSydneydrmessano: So, what you are saying is that even though the handset has allow=g722 allow=alaw it will always use g722 and translate :-/
11:05.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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11:13.12_zoom_ChrisInSydney: thnx
11:24.44*** join/#asterisk joobie (
11:32.48ChrisInSydneyjoobie: hey
11:32.53*** part/#asterisk johani (
11:34.08_zoom_kaldemar:  i found a good link
11:35.07*** join/#asterisk sivang (~sivang@unaffiliated/sivang)
11:35.09sivanghi all
11:35.09DNDguys can you help me? i wanted to restrict international dialing to only numbers that start with 00965, 009655, 009656, 009657 00965
11:35.22sivangI am getting an error when trying to call my snorm from twinkle
11:35.35DNDcan i just put it 00965[5-7] and 00965
11:35.59sivangthese are my conffiles: users.conf:
11:36.27sivangI meant, sip.conf:
11:38.24sivangwhat am I doing wrong?
11:38.51kaldemarDND: yes
11:39.47kaldemarsivang: did you reload your dialplan?
11:42.39sivangkaldemar: yes, I did sip reload configuration
11:44.01kaldemarthe actual command for realoading sip configuration is just "sip reload". dialplan is reloaded with "dialplan reload".
11:44.08sivangkaldemar: oh
11:44.13*** part/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zero@
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11:51.56*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
11:59.17sivangkaldemar: ah thanks, that was it. Now how do I enable the G729 codec ?
11:59.29sivangkaldemar: I am getting "no compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!"
11:59.47sivangkaldemar: I mean, I followed the instructions to do build it into asterisk and enable it in the conf file, AFAIR
11:59.51kaldemarsivang: by buying licenses from digium.
12:00.04sivangkaldemar: hmm, there was some free codec on the web? :)
12:00.40sivangkaldemar: that even wanted me to use IPP
12:00.43sivangwhich I did
12:00.58kaldemargray stuff, not supported here.
12:06.48*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
12:07.39ChrisInSydneyeject_ck: how did you go with the SPA400 and the DTMF stuff ??
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12:15.16sivangkaldemar: k, thanks
12:15.18tzafrirsivang, no such extension. But on which context?
12:15.39sivangtzafrir: hmm, nice to see you here :)
12:15.59sivangtzafrir: that's what I am trying to find out, I think I fixed it. Let me change my snorm back to codec: whatever and retry
12:17.16tzafrirsivang, dialplan show 1001@phones
12:17.59tzafrir(And why would you want to use g729?)
12:29.45sivangtzafrir: what does it mean?
12:29.58sivangtzafrir: when it shows that? twinke is configued on 1000, and seems to "work"
12:30.14tzafrirwhat is the output of that command in the asterisk CLI (rasterisk)
12:30.20sivangso I am able to call 1000 from the snorm, but not the snorm from twinke;
12:30.26sivangtzafrir: sec
12:31.15tzafrirI suspect it's because the Snom phone get insulted by you calling it snorm
12:32.02tzafrirIf you called it 'snort' it wouldn't have even allowed you outgoing calls
12:33.31sivang488 Not Acceptable Here
12:33.37sivangthat's what I'm getting from twinkle
12:38.02sivangtzafrir: (/messages)
12:45.45tzafrirsivang, try increasing verbosity level
12:46.06tzafrirwith a simple dialplan such as yours, you can use 3 or 4
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12:59.25sivangtzafrir: so debug level 3?
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13:03.33tzafrirsivang, yes
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13:08.10kotiqueHi guys. What's the state of music on hold in 1.8? Is it possible to stream it so new call doesn't get the first song again?
13:16.30leifmadsenkotique: there is an option for that I believe
13:16.40leifmadsenlook at musiconhold.conf.sample
13:18.06kotiquebut asterisk doesn't spawn internal music streamer yet?
13:18.57leifmadsenI don't understand your question
13:20.02leifmadsensounds like you want something like streamplayer or ICE
13:31.33salimbI'm getting "Exceptionally long queue length queuing to Local" when attempting to place calls.  My SIP clients register without issues but when I place a call I can't hear anything.  Any ideas?
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13:33.26WindBackIs there any way to retrieve Channel Event Logging values from the dialplan like CDR values???
13:37.36sivangtzafrir: enabled debug 3
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13:37.38sivangtzafrir: still no go
13:39.15sivangtzafrir: am able to call from sno(r)m (:-)) to twinkle but not the other way around
13:40.24sivangtzafrir: this is what I am getting: Really destroying SIP dialog '6f2dc00921be2de866391dbc76bb189c@' Method: INVITE
13:40.32sivangtzafrir: together with the 488 "not allowed" in twinkle
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14:05.16n3hxsMorning Katty
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14:13.53Kattyhugs n3hxs
14:13.55Kattyhugs tzanger
14:17.20sivangmorning Katty
14:18.37Kattysivang: allo (=
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14:37.03sivangso people, how do I enable proper logging to see why twinkle is gettgin 488?
14:37.16sivangwhen calling my snom which is able to call the twinkle on the other hand
14:37.33sivangdebug level 3 does not work
14:37.37sivangneither do higher levels
14:37.53sivangit is like asterisk got its tongue eaten by the cat :)
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14:45.04sivangI turned on sip debugging
14:45.19sivangthat is what I got, "no supported media type" on the snom side, odd
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14:45.49sivanganybody has an idea?
14:46.03sivangthis is on the twinkle -> asterisk -> snom
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15:02.35pabelangersivang: pb your sip.conf
15:02.49pabelangersivang: looks like a codec issue
15:05.21pabelangersivang: Add a setting for the codec you want to use, see if that helps.
15:05.37pabelangerfor example
15:13.36tzangersee that's teh thing that's awesome about katty
15:13.40tzangershe's very huggable
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15:25.51sivangpabelanger: but I want to allow whatever's is supported
15:25.56sivangpabelanger: can't I do that?
15:26.15sivangfunny how snom has no problem to start a call though
15:26.20sivangand it is only twinkle
15:27.04sivangpabelanger: same
15:27.08sivangpabelanger: same error
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15:27.53sivangWarning: 304 x-snom-adr "No supported media type found"
15:28.11pabelangerPB a complete SIP trace
15:28.38sivangpabelanger: out of snom or a*'s ?
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15:33.53pabelangerLooks to be a codec issue on your snom.  Which codecs are enabled?
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15:36.32sivangpabelanger: 723.1
15:37.11sivangpabelanger: but I thought this should be a no issue, since if the snom is able to invite twinkle, through asterisk, then the reverse should work the same?
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15:38.22sivangpabelanger: thanks that solved it
15:38.25sivangpabelanger: how *odd*
15:38.44sivangpabelanger: I didn't know that the reciever needs to support the INVITors codec
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15:38.58sivangpabelanger: as, I was sure audio is going through asterisk or the PBX
15:39.18sivangpabelanger: and this is suboptimal, since I want to enable two clients with different codecs to communicate
15:39.25sivangpabelanger: what's happenign here? :-)
15:39.27sivangis confused
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15:46.53sivangpabelanger: how do I set it to transcode then? (I figure it just pass-thrus the audio)
15:50.23kotiqueasterisk sending options packets to dead peer like crazy
15:50.25kotiquewhat's going on?
15:50.46sivanghow can I find out the codec being used for my chanels?
15:50.50kotiqueit supposed to send max 7 packets with 60 sec interval
15:51.19anonymouz666maybe asterisk is trying to bring back the dead peer again
15:52.13anonymouz666maybe the peer could be too young to die
15:53.05anonymouz666sivang: sip show channels (if using SIP)
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15:59.10kotiqueit's dead long ago. why is it insisting on that?
15:59.17kotique15:58:54.987229 IP > SIP, length: 555
15:59.42kotique15:58:55.986228, 15:58:56.986263, 15:59:06.986004, 15:59:10.985079
15:59.45kotiquethat is CRAZY
16:00.22kotiquehere's what i see in peer config:    Qualify Freq : 120000 ms
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16:03.06sivanganonymouz666: it does not show the codec being used
16:03.12sivanganonymouz666: already tried it
16:04.10sivanganonymouz666: oh it does! sorry I confused ti with show peers
16:04.28sivanganonymouz666: thank you.
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16:12.26Lord_Rahl? if you were installing a new server would go with 1.4 or 1.6
16:13.00Freeaqingmehow about 1.8?
16:13.09Freeaqingme1.8 is LTS as well
16:13.39Lord_Rahlscared of new things lol
16:14.03TimeRider1.8 easier, no need to compile addons :)
16:14.18FreeaqingmeLord_Rahl, it would be really scary if you used trunk
16:14.19Lord_Rahldoes it still support mysql cdr
16:14.28Freeaqingmeyes (afaik)
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16:20.57Lord_Rahlone more ? I need a gui for management. just for the simple function like time rules and simple stuff. I am not a big lover of freepbx & I know asterisk GUI is a dead project or there any you know that is light weight and ez for management level user
16:23.00NaikrovekLord_Rahl: freepbx can do what you want.   you can set up restrictions based on user so mgmt can't go all dingleberry through yoru system
16:23.16Naikroveki know you said you're not a huge fan but it'll do that for you even if you don't like it
16:23.39p3nguinIf you insist on having a GUI, why not install AsteriskNOW?
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16:23.47Naikrovekwhat he said
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16:24.09Freeaqingmeor just use the config files? it's not that hard
16:24.17Naikrovekwell he wants a gui for a manager
16:24.46p3nguinIf you need/want a GUI, AsteriskNOW is perfect.  From CD boot-up to operational phone system in 15 minutes.
16:25.00Naikrovekwhat he said
16:25.32Qwellsomeone should buy the author of that a beer or something
16:25.44NaikrovekQwell: good lord are you out of beer again
16:25.58QwellI'm always out of beer.
16:26.11tuxx-what, free beer?
16:26.21tuxx-raises his hand
16:26.22tuxx-beer plx.
16:26.39p3nguinAnd with AsteriskNOW, you get the choice of FreePBX, Asterisk GUI, or no GUI.
16:26.39*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:26.48Naikrovekwhat he ... aah you get it
16:32.19Lord_Rahloooh, are they still updating asterisk gui ? I use and like that light wieght and when you want to touch the config it get out of your unlike freepbx (will the late time I try it)
16:32.47p3nguinIf it works, why does it need updated?
16:33.03Lord_Rahlp3nguin,  true that :)
16:33.35*** join/#asterisk tasca (~tasca@
16:33.59p3nguinUnless, of course, it has bugs...
16:34.05Naikroveki don't think it's maintained anymore, but I'm not sure. It'll likely break with asterisk 1.8
16:34.06p3nguinThen updates could be useful.
16:34.35Lord_Rahl? does asterisk now still use rpath or did it move to cent
16:34.46NaikrovekasteriskNOW uses centos
16:35.14Lord_Rahlsweet, love me some cli and vim
16:35.26NaikrovekAsteriskNOW is very nicely done IMHO
16:35.45Naikrovekyou can update it all and when it reboot it works.
16:36.37drudge`i do like asterisk now
16:36.59p3nguinI have no use for a GUI, and I still like AsteriskNOW.  It makes deployment of CentOS and vanilla Asterisk a breeze.
16:37.07drudge`tho, i never had any issues with trixbox 2.2 or something
16:37.21Naikrovekyeah you can install asterisknow without a gui at all and still take advantage of all the packaging
16:37.30Naikrovekit's slick, yo
16:37.43p3nguinWhich is what I would do if I didn't use AsterisNOW, anyway.
16:38.03Naikrovekhow DARE you
16:38.04Lord_RahlThanks, I will give it a go..
16:38.09Naikrovekoh wait i misread
16:38.19Naikrovekfinds lunch...
16:38.58Lord_Rahluse to compiling my own but hey it will save me time and possible compile errors
16:39.08p3nguinIf you've already got CentOS, enable the appropriates repos and away you go.
16:39.43p3nguinIt doesn't make it any better to compile it on your machine as opposed to having qwell compile it for you.
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17:11.30devmodIs there a way to add an extra sip header to an outgoing call?
17:11.53devmodAdd a header to the invite tho
17:12.04Qwellif I'm not mistaken, there's a SIP_HEADER() function that can be used too
17:12.21devmodI should add I am using Originate through AMI
17:12.33devmodnot sure how asterisk would know what channel to add the header to
17:12.44theharit guesses
17:12.53thehari joke
17:14.39JunK-Yoriginate to a local chan, which will add the header, then will make the call out?
17:15.31devmodYeah I could do that but I am tracking the uniqueid, that could create a new leg right?
17:17.22p3nguinYou were close!
17:17.58p3nguins/You were close/Better luck next time/
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17:23.36megalomanohi people
17:35.12Qwellmegalomano: Do not message people without permission.
17:35.25Qwellglares at infobot
17:35.29infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:41.25WindBackIs there any way to retrieve Channel Event Logging values from the dialplan like CDR values???
17:41.32russellbWindBack: CHANNEL()
17:46.18WindBackrussellb: I see the function CHANNEL() in asterisk 1.8.x and also in 1.6.x, But I know that CEL was introduced in 1.8.x. Is the same function?
17:46.48WindBackrussellb: so, what is the difference?
17:46.53russellbThere is no CEL record stored on channel like a CDR is stored on a channel
17:47.10russellbCEL is just a series of events, and the events are comprised of channel data.  You can read channel data using the CHANNEL() function.
17:47.32russellbthat's why there is no special CEL function
17:52.53WindBackrussellb: so basically CEL is the mechanism of logging the channel data events?
17:53.43NaikrovekCEL = Channel Event Logging
17:53.45Naikrovek... i think
17:53.53WindBackrussellb: There is no extra info since CEL was added
17:54.07russellbNaikrovek: correct
17:54.13russellbWindBack: ok
17:54.29WindBackrussellb: thanks
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18:01.59sizzersWow, ok guys, having serious issues with voicemail on 1.6.  I'm modifying voicemail.conf to change the fromstring and body for VMtoEMail... then i reload asterisk, leave a VM, and the email I get is perfect.  Then, at some point later, somebody else leaves a voicemail, and the fromstring and message body I get are completely different.
18:02.52sizzersI found that the body and fromstring are coming from minivm.conf, but I don't understand why some emails take settings from voicemail.conf, and others are taking params from minivm.conf
18:02.58sizzersit doesn't make any sense to me at all
18:03.30sizzersCan anyone explain how the new minivm.conf and voicemail.conf are working together?
18:03.46sizzersi was not able to find much documentation at all
18:05.18QwellAre you using minivm in some cases, but voicemail in others?
18:06.18sizzersthats the question
18:06.35sizzersI haven't seen the documentation that talks about invoking one versus the other
18:07.29sizzersmy diaplan simply sends people to Voicemail(mailboxnumber,su)
18:07.35Qwellthen you aren't using minivm
18:08.15sizzersoh... is using minivm simple by invoking the "minivm()" command instead of "voicemail()"
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18:09.17sizzersQwell, This is what doesn't make sense I modified the body and fromstring in voicemail.conf, left a VM, and all was well
18:09.32sizzersThen, some hours later, I got another voicemail with the body and fromstring defined in minivm.conf
18:09.39QwellWhere did you change it?
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18:09.50sizzershere's my voicemail.conf
18:09.53infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:09.56sizzersyah pastebin
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18:14.55sivanghi all, again
18:15.01sivangI've setup my outgoing conf as in the book
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18:15.08sivangbut I get service unavailable
18:15.34sivangNOTICE[26225]: chan_sip.c:13410 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1001" <sip:942@>;tag=as37568495'
18:15.40sivangThis is what I get when trying an outgoing number
18:15.51sivanghow does asterisk supposed to know this is an outgoing number btw?
18:16.03lirakissweet jesus
18:16.07sizzerslol lirakis
18:16.56sizzerssivang, does the nubmer you're trying to call start with area code 942?
18:18.57sivangsizzers: hmm, no :)
18:19.20WindBackrussellb: if I do: exten => h,1,Noop(${CHANNEL(linkedid)}) the CLI says that linkedid is not valid. Also I have the same problem using ${CHANNEL(peer)}
18:19.21p3nguinsivang: All calls from your phone are going to be inbound to asterisk.  What asterisk does next depends on your dialplan.
18:19.23sivangsizzers: how can I signal asterisk that I want to go outgoing?
18:19.44sivangp3nguin: I did what the book told me to do
18:19.59sizzerssivang, he's trying to answer your quesiton
18:20.02Qwellwhat did the book tell you to do?
18:20.05russellbWindBack: "core show function CHANNEL".  If you don't see it there, then it's not supported.
18:20.14p3nguinsivang: If your dial plan instructs asterisk to Dial() a number on an external peer which is configured correctly, that will make the call an outgoing call.
18:20.22WindBackrussellb: thanks, good idea
18:20.32lirakisthe book told me to kill everyone ....
18:20.42lirakisi didnt listen this time
18:20.42Qwelllirakis: You weren't supposed to read it backwards..
18:21.03sizzerssivang, when you dial a number from your phone, asterisk looks in sip.cfg for your phone's context... then, it goes to that context in the diaplan and tries to find a match for the number you dialed.... then, it follows the steps you've defined for that number
18:21.16sizzersdoes that make sense to you?
18:21.55sivangsizzers: it does, but following the book it did not say nothing about how to let asterisk know this should be an outgoing call, in freeswitch that was impossible to miss
18:22.18sivangsizzers: it felt weird, but I went on with the book as I thought maybe it is just different
18:22.21p3nguinsivang: I've already explained that part to you.  Please pay attention.
18:22.22sizzersi can't comment on the effectiveness of the book in answering your question
18:23.23sivangp3nguin: I did, but you realize my dialplan was instructed by a book for beginners and I followed it, that's all, expecting its promise :)
18:23.30Kattyp3nguin: you still up in STL?
18:24.08p3nguinThere is no such thing as an outgoing call until the dialplan processes it and sends it out a configured peer.
18:24.13sizzerssivang, from astersik's perspective, the difference between an "outbound" call and a "local" call is simply how you route it in extensions.conf.... "outbound" is really only a relevant term for people
18:24.30p3nguinkatty: In STL, no.  I'm in the region, though.
18:24.33sivangQwell: I followed pages 97 to 101
18:24.49Kattyp3nguin: how far from stl you figure
18:25.08p3nguinkatty: 70 miles to the river.
18:25.18KattyIL then?
18:25.23sivangsizzers: I understand that completely. I did not see anytyhing in my lack of understanding the dialplan to let asterisk know it should route it to the provider's account
18:25.30p3nguinkatty: correct.
18:25.31sivangsizzers: hence my wondering
18:25.41Kattyp3nguin: we may have to meet for lunch or dinner sometime
18:25.51Kattyp3nguin: i'm moving to stl probably in 6 months or so
18:26.02sivangalso, maybe this is related to the problem?
18:26.07sivang[Jan  3 13:22:03] NOTICE[26225]: chan_sip.c:13719 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
18:26.16p3nguinsivang: You have to create the account for any provider in sip.conf.  Any provider is configured as yet another peer.
18:26.31sivangp3nguin: correct, which I did, let me PB it
18:26.38sivangoh oops
18:26.43sivangbetter not, it contains password
18:26.47sizzerssivang, that error is not uncommon and can often be disregarded if "sip show registry" shows a status of registered
18:26.48Kattyanyone else in STL?
18:26.59carrarI'm in SeaTtLe
18:27.07p3nguinkatty: Soup, salad, and bread sticks at Olive Garden?
18:27.13Kattyp3nguin: perfect
18:27.23sivangsizzers: it does, it also shows it in sip show peers
18:27.32sivangsizzers: can I dial it from within the CLI?
18:27.45p3nguinsivang: hide the passwords... ONLY the passwords.
18:27.49sizzersyou can use the originate command, but that is a bit tricky
18:28.05sivangthe timeout expriary warninig is okay other that?
18:28.09sizzersyou're better off at continuing to try to fix the diaplan
18:28.21sivangsizzers: may I ask why so?
18:28.34sivang(why is the timeout okay, that is :)
18:29.09sivangI'm running with sip debug and apparently the registeration is re-done due to it every t seconds
18:30.04sizzerssivang, i don't know the answer to that question, i only know that we see it but our registration still works.   Instead, tell me the context that your phone goes to
18:31.48p3nguinsivang: If you run "sip show registry", that shows who you have registered TO.  Registering TO a peer is what the notice is regarding.  If sip show registry says it is registered, turn down the debug level and go on about your business.
18:32.19sivangp3nguin: thanks, will do
18:32.26sivangthat's sip.conf  btw
18:32.29sivangnow the dialplan
18:35.22Qwellsivang: and what are you dialing?
18:35.57sizzersis that a valid phone number?
18:35.58p3nguinexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/012Voip/${EXTEN}) should match that.
18:36.16sivangp3nguin: that's what causing it to send it to the 012voip gateway?
18:36.43sivanghow does it know to differntiate from the internal extension?
18:36.45p3nguinAnd 0543077894 will be sent to the configured 012Voip peer using the SIP channel tech.
18:37.00p3nguinYour configured dial plan make the determination.
18:37.18p3nguin"internal" and "outgoing" are human concepts.
18:37.24sizzersit deifferentiates based on the number you dial.... becauase every number you dial will match a different rule
18:37.25sivangp3nguin: so if it exactly matches 1001 it will call that extension?
18:37.31sivangsizzers: right, thanks
18:37.36sivangsizzers: that's what I now assumed
18:37.37sizzersi think u got it
18:37.43p3nguinIf it matches 1001, it will Dial SIP/1001.
18:38.15p3nguinextension 1001 says to dial peer 1001 as configred, using the SIP channel tech.
18:38.16sizzersand _X.  is a very generic match
18:38.42sivang[Jan  3 13:35:22] NOTICE[26225]: chan_sip.c:13410 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1001" <sip:942@>;tag=as10b9bf3b'
18:38.58QwellSo it's failing to authenticate to your provider
18:39.03p3nguinSo there's an authentication issue with the ITSP.
18:39.18p3nguinusername, secret, IP address...
18:39.36sivangit shows as if I try to auth to which is my local asterik I'm trying to configure
18:39.48p3nguinAre you behind NAT?
18:39.48sivangdoes that say it fails auth against the 212... soemthing 012voip server?
18:40.01sivangbah, /me checks
18:40.04p3nguinYou didn't configure your Asterisk system to operate behind NAT.
18:40.19sizzersthere's clearly some NAT here
18:40.34sizzersQwell... I'm still confused about my issue
18:40.52Qwellsizzers: Did you configure minivm?
18:40.59sizzersnever touched it
18:41.03sivangso, there is some yes, but that did not stop other PBX from working without doing anything. What do I need to do to make it work with NAT?
18:41.08sizzersdidn't even know it existed until i grep'd for the from string and found it in that file
18:41.18sizzershowever I did just figure out one very clear issue. the mailbox that these emails are coming doesn't exist in voicemail.conf
18:41.22sizzersi had a typeo
18:41.27Qwellsizzers: it's possibly just using the default, which would be the same in minivm
18:41.41sizzersbut i'm never ever invoking minivm()
18:42.05sizzersand again... some emails use minivm.conf, and others use voicemail.conf
18:42.22sizzersi can't find any distinguishing factors between the voicemail i leave as a test.... and ones people leave later
18:42.24Qwells/minivm.conf/the default message/
18:42.30sizzersyah it's there
18:42.33sizzersand it matches
18:42.39sizzersthe question is... why is asterisk using that
18:43.47p3nguinsivang: Here is a working example of a sip.conf configured for NAT:
18:43.58infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : otherwise check the WIKI at
18:44.09p3nguinsivang: You can also read these guides ^^^ .
18:44.40sizzerswait.. nevermind... the mailboxes do exist in voicemail.conf
18:44.42sizzersscratch that
18:46.25Qwellsizzers: is it forwarded messages?
18:46.57sivangp3nguin: thanks
18:47.07sizzersQwell, i don't understand what you mean
18:49.10sizzersfurthermore, minivm show stats shows 0 voicemail accounts, and <none> received messages since last reset (which was about 48 hours ago)
18:49.38sizzersbut i got an email which had the body and fromstring taken from minivm.conf about 6 hours ago
18:51.01sizzersThe main voicemail app should only read settings from voicemail.conf (as i currently understand it) .  And when I do "voicemail show users" it shows 18 new messages on the mailbox in question
18:51.06sizzersi'm taking this to asterisk-dev
18:51.24sizzersi honestly think this is a bug where voicemail() is using settings from minivm.conf
18:52.05sizzerswhat the hell happened to asterisk-dev lol
18:53.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:55.33sizzerswait.... when the hell do these pager parameters come into play?
18:56.17*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:57.25sizzersproblem solved
18:57.51sizzersyou're a genius Qwell
18:57.53Qwelloh, I know
18:58.11Qwellwhat did I do this time though?
18:58.29Kattyhugs on Qwell
18:58.30sizzersoh the solution has nothing to do with you actually
18:58.39QwellKatty: eep!
18:58.41sizzersi just wanted to give u a compliment for all the help you give people around here
18:59.01sizzersTurns out i didn't understand something about this line.....
18:59.46sizzers(voicemail.conf)   10000 =>  10000,Main Mailbox,,,attach=yes,delete=yes
19:00.32sizzersemail1 and email2 are not a list of emails in a comma-separated notation...  they're 2 distinct fields... one is email address, and the other is pager address... and they are governed by different rules
19:00.52sizzersit just so happens that the default fromstring and body format for pager address is the same as the default for minivm
19:01.44*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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19:01.53sizzersand since i deelted the pager parameters from vociemail.conf , the grep made it seem like they were coming from minivm.conf, when in fact asterisk was using the built in defaults for pager (without it existing in any text file)... which is strange
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19:08.41*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
19:09.34z4nD4Rhi, asterisk place record call in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor... can i change this dir?
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19:10.16Qwellz4nD4R: specify the dir, and it'll use it
19:10.29sizzerslol Qwell, obviously he would need to know where to change it
19:11.00*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
19:11.15z4nD4RQwell: i use Monitor function... is the same?
19:11.26Qwellshould be
19:11.50z4nD4RQwell: ok .. w8 :D
19:16.28citywokargh, my prod has now locked up twice.  it stops responding, ican *-r and if i do sip show peers it just shows nothing.  looking at verbose logs the last thing it did was queue(queuename,tnr,30)
19:16.47Kattydances with Qwell
19:19.36russellbcitywok: build with DEBUG_THREADS and grab "core show locks" output
19:20.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:20.52z4nD4RQwell: it works... thx
19:22.27citywokargh, i kinda figured.  will it still show locks even when it wont do anything else?
19:22.44russellbcitywok: it should, unless there is a deadlock in the lock tracking code itself
19:22.51russellbwhich would be rather unfortunate.
19:22.58citywoklast time when i did core stop now it wouldn't shut dowwn, this time it actually worked when i did core stop now
19:23.21citywokthis tiem i tried to kill-9 it right away b/c thats what i had to do last time, and it wouldn't even unload on that.
19:23.34citywokalthough without any contacts and on a few hours of sleep, maybe i missed the PID
19:24.07citywoki'm tempted to install 1.6.2.x on it, i don't want to piss these guys off with constant crashes.
19:24.17p3nguinpkill or killall helps alleviate such problems.
19:26.00citywokgood to know
19:27.24citywokrus should i dont_opt as well?
19:27.54*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:28.04russellbthat would be best, yes
19:28.45citywokkk.  will compile this crap and fire it up when all the calls end.
19:29.03citywokit may not be until later, we're beach bound shortly.  stupid calls on vacation
19:31.20citywokah this one was 1.8.1, was there anything major in 1.1?
19:31.44russellbnot for a deadlock ... fixed a crash and fixed google voice calls
19:33.01citywokkk  ty
19:35.43*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~sorcierfx@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
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19:42.24twanny796trying to compile asterisk-gui, how do I download the code, trying according to the book, but there's nothing in the directory!!
19:42.35*** join/#asterisk ketas-l (
19:47.28z4nD4Rsomebody know wich variable i can use in extensions.conf? .. some list of possible variavbles?
19:48.31Kobazz4nD4R: huh?
19:48.49z4nD4R :D
19:49.03p3nguinYou can use any variable you want to use.
19:49.48Kobazz4nD4R: those are variables that are for specific purpeses... anything else is up for grabs
19:50.25*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
19:50.34p3nguinYou can even create arbitrary variables.
19:50.59Kobazwell that's what i meant
19:51.09Kobazany other name other than those in the list, you can pretty much use
19:51.38z4nD4Rp3nguin: Kobaz i need set to callfilename to -> from-to-datetime.wav
19:51.43tzafrir - interesting
19:51.51tzafrirbut comments are all in russian
19:52.45tzafririt's indeed a "fop replacement". currently they include the mysql and asterisk manager passwords in their source code
19:52.57Kobazz4nD4R: i don't know if there's a setting for that, you may have to modify the c code
19:54.12z4nD4RKobaz: hmm i see .. EXTEN ( to ) , callerid ( may be from ) and same TIMESTAMP?
19:56.33KobazI don't know what you're asking
19:57.29KobazPerhaps someone here can help you in your native language?
20:01.34*** join/#asterisk tasca (~tasca@
20:01.46z4nD4RKobaz: i fix it i need this exten => 600,n,Set(CALLFILENAME=${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)})
20:02.34*** join/#asterisk circut (
20:03.47Kobazcall recordings?
20:04.01z4nD4RKobaz: yes
20:04.14Kobazwhat asterisk version?
20:04.21z4nD4RKobaz: 1.8.0
20:04.44Kobazusing Monitor ? or MixMonitor?
20:05.10circutKobaz: make sure to talk with your legal team before implementing this though..
20:05.13z4nD4RKobaz: monitor... is MixMonitor better?
20:05.35Kobazdon't use Monitor it has problems if you have high io... you will get audio quality issues
20:05.47Kobazuse MixMonitor... and the proper variable to set is MIXMONITOR_FILENAME
20:06.45Kobazi'm not sure where you got CALLFILENAME from.. it has nothing to do with recording
20:06.45z4nD4Rthx.. i try it.. w8
20:11.37z4nD4RKobaz: but MixMonitor dont save my call
20:11.56z4nD4RKobaz: i have set as
20:11.57z4nD4Rexten => 600,n,Set(MIXMONITOR_FILENAME=${CALLERID}:${EXTEN}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)})
20:11.57z4nD4Rexten => 600,n,MixMonitor(wav49,/var/www/${EXTEN}/${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME},m) ;records the call to /var/www/$USER
20:12.35*** join/#asterisk oktay (~oktay@
20:12.55oktayanybody have a dlink ata?
20:13.36Kobazyou're using the wrong sytax
20:13.50Kobazz4nD4R: read the documentation for MixMonitor... it works differently than Monitor
20:14.08z4nD4RKobaz: ok...
20:14.18*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
20:22.50z4nD4RKobaz: it work fine, my file named 600-20110103-202708.wav but, i want to from who get to call... variable CALLERID?
20:23.10jayteethere are days when I want to change all my passwords to alzheimers.....but I'd probably forget that too.
20:24.01Kobaz${CALLERID(name)}   ${CALLERID(num)}
20:24.19oktayanybody know why a client (dlink ata) in the DMZ might keep trying to REGISTER ? And why would Asterisk send it a SIP/401 ?
20:24.22Kobazcore show function CALLERID
20:24.50Kobazoktay: if the client is registering, i would assume it's configured to register
20:25.33z4nD4RKobaz: big thx
20:25.33oktaybut normally that would succeed yes?
20:25.33Kobazif you take 5 seconds to google you'll find that 401 means unauthorized
20:25.49Kobazoktay: why would you assume that anything would normally succeed
20:25.58Kobazit depends on your specific configuration entirely
20:26.24oktayI know what 401 means.
20:26.41*** join/#asterisk iscario (
20:26.42Kobazthe device is trying to register with something that's either not found, or doesn't match
20:27.27oktayan extension?
20:27.35Kobaza user
20:27.43Kobazi think you need the book
20:27.45infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
20:27.50jayteenever used a Dlink ata but if the secret=password for the sip account in sip.conf doesn't equal the password for that account/line on the ata then you'll get a 401
20:27.59infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at
20:28.18jayteeyay, infobot has returned
20:28.26infobot:), jaytee
20:28.26oktayjaytee: i double checked that. I think I would see a FAIL message on the console in that scenario
20:28.37Kobazoktay: depends on your asterisk debug/verbose level
20:28.40jayteeoktay, yes
20:28.50jayteeand what kobaz said
20:30.04z4nD4RKobaz: you have idea how this file save in to places?
20:32.31p3nguinz4nd4r: The standard default location for recordings by MixMonitor() is in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
20:33.07p3nguinIf you do not like that path, provide a different full path as app data, or configure asterisk.conf according to your new needs.
20:33.11z4nD4Rp3nguin: i know, i change it... but.. i want the recorded files stor in the 2 location ..
20:33.43iscariohi, i wanted to set up asterisk on a OpenBSD server, but i can't find asterisk-addon in the ports. Does it mean that i need to compile addons by myself to benefit from confbridge for exemple ?
20:33.46Kobazz4nD4R: use the <command> part of MixMonitor
20:33.49p3nguinYou're not going to record to two locations.  You can record a file in one location and then copy it to a second location afterward if you want.
20:34.10Kobazz4nD4R: cp or ln the file when the recording is finished, using the last option in MixMonitor
20:34.18*** join/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
20:34.40z4nD4RKobaz: this command start when recording is done?
20:34.51Kobazcore show application MixMonitor
20:35.24z4nD4RKobaz: ok .. w8
20:35.41p3nguinweight is the wrong word.  You probably mean wait.
20:36.57z4nD4Rp3nguin: :D
20:37.33p3nguinHow about something like this?  MixMonitor(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d)}-${CALLERID(num)}.WAV,a,/bin/cp ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} /some/other/path/);
20:39.28Kobazyou would want ^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}
20:39.48z4nD4Rp3nguin: that what i set.. now go i test it
20:40.10*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
20:40.21Kobazi think the varset is delayed until it's finished, so you don't want immediate interpolation I think
20:42.06z4nD4RKobaz: asterisk say:
20:42.43Kobazhaving callerid in the filename probably isn't the best of ideas
20:43.15z4nD4RKobaz: but /var/www/1000 is clean
20:44.55z4nD4Rmeaning this :D
20:45.55oktaywould Asterisk show anywhere WHY it tried to send a 401 Unauthorized ?
20:46.12Qwelloktay: yes, in the logs.  turn on debug and verbosity
20:47.34oktaywhat can I look for?
20:47.40oktayIt shows a bunch of those messages but no reason
20:49.11Qwellpost them somewhere for us to see
20:50.57*** join/#asterisk sshock (~sshock@2002:3ff8:8553:1:20e:35ff:fed7:132e)
20:52.21*** join/#asterisk VenomX (
20:54.54VenomXHi. I'm new to asterisk and I just wonder: Should I use 1.6 or 1.8 right now? I'm confused about new feature releases for both versions ( I've read the wiki  about LTS and Standard )
20:55.27QwellVenomX: if it's a new install, go with the latest release
20:55.31oktayis there a pastebin you can upload a file to?
20:55.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:55.51Qwelloktay: oh, a file.  not that I know of.  nobody here would download it.
20:56.40oktayQwell: i meant upload to a pastebin like service
20:56.42oktayor email
20:58.04oktayok. i think this shows enough
21:00.07Qwellyour ATA is broken.  it's not responding to the 401 correctly.
21:00.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:01.19oktayCould it be that it's not getting the 401?
21:01.22VenomXGeez... my CentOS box simply refuses to retrieve the digium/asterisk repo data O_o ( yum clean all/makecache not working )
21:01.38Qwelloktay: sure, but then it's broken in a different way
21:01.51QwellVenomX: got logs?
21:02.20oktayQwell: What does Unauthorized mean in this context? I mean , what would the ATA do, if it did get the 401 ?
21:02.38Qwellit would respond with the credentials it's required to
21:02.55oktayoh. so the unauth is normal procedure ?
21:03.21oktayThanks. It's probably a configuration thing. This did connect to another Asterisk box before.
21:03.28oktayI'll try to figure it out.
21:03.57z4nD4RKobaz: it works fine.. BIG THANKS man
21:07.06*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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21:07.54VenomXQwell: I'm putting some data together to pastebin it
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21:15.46tzangerwow, AMBE codec can get a MOS of 3.5 at 2kbps
21:17.30iscariotrying one more time :) hello! i wanted to set up asterisk on a OpenBSD server, but i can't find asterisk-addon in the ports. Does it mean that i need to compile addons by myself to benefit from confbridge for exemple ?
21:17.55pabelangeriscario: most likely
21:18.26VenomXQwell: If there is any bug/error, it's either CentOS' in general or my box only. My fedora desktop retrieved the repodata OK . I just wonder why the other repos are OK: centos-base, epel, rpmfusion...
21:18.28iscariothat was just to be sure. thanks pabelanger
21:19.16pabelangeriscario: your best bet would be to contact the maintainer for OpenBSD, but if you cannot find it within the ports, my guess is it does not exist
21:20.07iscariopabelanger: that was what i thought... i'll compile it then^^
21:20.54*** part/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
21:21.23VenomXQwell: Sorry to bother you wit this. It is my box's fault. Thanks. ( Tried another centos box )
21:24.21VenomXTruth be told, It was my fault. Shame on me :)
21:30.23*** part/#asterisk jimi_ (~jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
21:32.47oktayQwell: I changed a few things. Now instead of 401 messages, asterisk is trying to send 200 messages but still doesn't seem to make it to the ATA. Any ideas?
21:33.46oktayVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK72edfb94fe1a20d5;received=;rport=5060
21:33.56oktaythis should be the Private IP I guess.
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21:46.10p3nguinNAT problems?
21:47.37p3nguinAre the ATA and Asterisk on different networks?
21:48.34p3nguinIs Asterisk behind NAT?  Is the ATA behind a different NAT?
21:50.05oktayAsterisk is NOT behind a NAT. The ATA is, but it makes no difference if I DMZ it.
21:51.53*** part/#asterisk Olivier_54 (
21:54.44p3nguinThat's ridiculous.
21:55.05p3nguinI wish people would shove DMZ where the sun doesn't shine.
21:55.51dmzuhh thanks :(
21:56.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
21:56.18oktayit's a good way to rule out NAT and/or Firewall issues no?
21:56.25oktayI don't mean to keep it there.
21:56.29oktayTransmitting (no NAT) to
21:56.36oktayI have nat=yes for this extension
21:56.48oktayWhy does it say 'no Nat' in the log?
21:57.02dmzi'd avoid NAT & * if at all possible; it kinda works but i've only had luck w/the phones being behind nat and the * box on direct ip
21:57.26oktaydmz: that is what I have now.
21:58.00oktayI would expect issues with no audio etc on one side, but this is failing to register
21:58.31p3nguinThere is no nat setting for extensions, only sip devices/peers.
21:59.16dmzwhat kind of phone are you using?
21:59.23dmzand what codecs are enabled
21:59.35dmzi disable all and only enable *law
21:59.39oktayit's a DLINK SVG-2102
22:00.01oktayi don't really know about the codecs. Let me see.
22:00.04dmznever tried that; i tend to use polycom :)
22:00.15dmz"you get what you pay for" especially in the voice quality
22:00.22*** join/#asterisk CVance (46a781e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:00.27oktayI tend to buy what I can find. That means linksys spa or this
22:00.40dmzso i missed it; what exactly is the problem your having?
22:01.26oktayI think asterisk is sending back a SIP/401 which is never making it to the ATA (or it's not behind properly handled). So Asterisk keeps sending 401s forever
22:01.50CVanceHello, I am downloading asterisknow to install on my xen server, does it support paravirtualized or only HVM? Second if I have 10 seats in the office, would provisioning 1 core of my X5650 handle typical workloads?
22:02.10oktaydmz: would codecs even come into the picture during REG ?
22:02.19CVanceFinally, sorry forgot to ask, how much ram should I give to the asterisknow server?
22:03.48dmzthey come in during a call
22:03.58dmzyou can debug the sip & it will show the codec setup
22:04.06oktay<--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
22:04.19oktayVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK1fcf2369ab3c65d7;received=;rport=5060
22:04.35oktayShouldn't the second IP be PRIVATE.?  It is for my other ATA which works.
22:04.37dmzCVance, not sure about asterisknow but my * boxes have 1G
22:05.14dmzthe private IP isn't in the SIP communicatoin; SIP is just tcp so it's connecting via the tcp packets; you can check your NAT gateway and see if it can NAT SIP
22:05.14p3nguinBoth of mine have 512M system memory.
22:05.21CVancedmz: thanks, how much cpu horsepower would it need for 7 - 10 concurrent calls?
22:05.41dmzdepends, are you changing codecs on the box?
22:05.52p3nguinArch Linux on one, FreeBSD on the other, vanilla Asterisk (no GUI) on both
22:05.53dmzif you have different type phones & different voip provider; then the cpu has to convert it
22:05.59dmzif you force everything to ulaw it should help
22:06.02oktaydmz: thanks for your help.
22:06.05p3nguinSIP is UDP
22:06.08dmzwe see no cpu on most of our usage
22:06.28dmzwonders why my fingers like to type "TCP"
22:06.44CVancedmz: thanks, i'll give it one and add another if it needs it, anyone running asterisknow as a PV guest as opposed to HVM?
22:06.50p3nguinMy Asterisk uses about 40M memory and 10% or less CPU at any given moment.
22:06.53dmzCVance shout back if you want a quote on a digium box ;)
22:07.11CVancedmz: will do if I run back with my tail between my legs :P
22:11.00CVanceHow much space for a AsteriskNow distro?
22:13.58p3nguinI'd assume 4G is a safe bet for a fresh install.
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22:16.27p3nguinThere's a pretty good chance that the more-appropriate #AsteriskNOW channel could provide much better information pertaining to your inquiry.
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22:30.17CVancep3nguin: thanks, installing now
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