IRC log for #asterisk on 20101225

00:04.03*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~justicia@
00:17.46*** join/#asterisk jblack (
00:22.50*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
00:22.52*** part/#asterisk seanjohn ( down?
00:30.34WIMPywww seems down, yes.
00:43.01*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
00:43.20*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:54.48*** join/#asterisk tacloban (
00:55.46taclobanis anyone available to help with some google voice integration?
00:59.41taclobaneveryone must be eating some nice christmas eve dinner
01:01.31*** join/#asterisk btel (
01:02.18taclobansup btel
01:03.11btelhi tacloban
01:05.01taclobanno dinner for you?
01:13.57*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:21.25*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:35.40*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
02:08.37*** part/#asterisk root52 (
02:44.47*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
03:23.51*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~Adium@unaffiliated/visik7)
03:28.39*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@2001:980:45b3:1:216:3eff:fe00:5)
03:30.22FreeaqingmeHey folks, I'm busy setting up asterisk using the definitive handbook, but I'm running into some sort of problem now (rather something I'm just unable to find). I can make outbound calls just fine (going out of my trunk), but when I call my trunk, I get a "number busy" signal. How do I debug that, and how do I get it to redirectto a nice menu?
03:34.07*** part/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@2001:980:45b3:1:216:3eff:fe00:5)
03:34.10WIMPySet verbos to at least 3, make a call and see what it has to tell you.
03:34.18*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@2001:980:45b3:1:216:3eff:fe00:5)
03:49.08*** join/#asterisk jblack (
03:50.47*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
04:34.55*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
04:48.32*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
05:04.02*** join/#asterisk sizzers (
05:15.08sizzershey guys, can anyone point me to a nice simple outbound dial macro that checks the status of each trunk before it tries to send a call out it.
05:19.05*** join/#asterisk jblack (
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05:28.03NightMonkeyHowdy. I'm slowly working through calming down daemons from writing to the flash RAM I'm using. I found that Asterisk is writing to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ 120 per 60 seconds.
05:28.22NightMonkeyWhat is stored here, and can I reduce the amount of writes Asterisk makes there?
05:29.25WIMPyIt writes there?
05:29.42WIMPyYou could disable pbx_spool, I guess.
05:30.15WIMPyBut generally I wouldn't use flash storage read-write at all.
05:30.33NightMonkeyWIMPy: Hrm, I'll need to look up that module's purpose.
05:30.56WIMPycall files
05:31.10NightMonkeyWIMPy: Yeah, I could symlink it to /dev/shm, but I'd like to see how far I can get in calming writes.
05:31.21NightMonkeyWIMPy: Hrm. No calls are in progress.
05:31.49WIMPyIt is searching for call files there.
05:32.03WIMPyI don;t have a clue why it writes, tho.
05:32.23NightMonkeyWIMPy: Ah, my bad!
05:32.43NightMonkeyWIMPy: I wasn't reading inotifywatch carefully. It was just reading there.
05:33.10NightMonkeyWIMPy: OK, that makes me feel better about *. :) Now, I need to calm Postfix. :)
05:33.40NightMonkeyWIMPy: Sorry for the noise. Thanks for helping.
05:35.39taclobananyone here familiar with the asterisk wiki article on google voice integration?
05:35.55taclobani am looking to do a minimal asterisk config for google voice
05:36.07taclobanbut, I seem to be having problmes
05:58.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
06:08.15*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
06:35.10*** join/#asterisk Tili (
06:39.06*** join/#asterisk lanning (
06:51.08radenwhy is asterisk not deleting my call files upon completion ?
06:54.32p3nguinTypically, that's the reason.
06:54.55radencall file i have channel: SIP/303
06:55.03raden[Dec 25 00:52:37] NOTICE[9093]: channel.c:3524 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel SIP/303
06:59.08radenOK how do i make asterisk not call all 2000 call files at once ?
06:59.32p3nguinDon't dump 2000 call files into the spool directory at one time.
06:59.50radenhow am i going to control that ?
07:00.03p3nguinJust don't do it.  That takes care of not doing it.
07:00.03radenwith php
07:00.49carrarChange your file mod time on the call file
07:00.52carrarto some future date
07:00.53p3nguinBetter coding could prevent writing 2000 files all at once.
07:01.21carrarand add google to your "ask first" list
07:01.30carrarMerry Christmas
07:02.42radencarrar, thanks
07:02.59radenwhy cant i dial SIP/100 etc from a call file
07:03.12p3nguinSIP/100 must not exist.
07:03.55p3nguinIf the device entry doesn't exist or if the device isn't available, your call to it will fail.
07:03.57carrarSIP/100 is hard coded to be blocked
07:04.04carrardon't use it
07:04.14p3nguinOh, you didn't get the SIP/100 license, I guess.
07:04.24radenfor some reason none of phones at office were registered
07:04.31radenp3nguin, haha :P
07:04.38p3nguinYou'll have to purchase that from Digium and use their register utility.
07:05.06radengot it working
07:05.27p3nguinSo... I bought myself a Christmas present.
07:05.33radenme 2 :)
07:05.36radenwhat u get yourself
07:05.51p3nguinI decided I needed an Escort Passport 9500ix radar detector.
07:06.12radenI bought me one of them for my birthday my 7500 finally died this spring
07:06.18radenI love the 9500
07:06.36radenI bought a 8k winch for my truck for christmas :)
07:06.41p3nguinQuite expensive, but I figured what the hell, it's only money.
07:06.47carrarHow about just not speed
07:07.00radenthe cost of the detector far outweighs what a ticket does financially
07:07.02p3nguinI don't always speed with intention.
07:07.09radenhas same problem
07:07.13radeneven with cruise
07:07.18carrarget a lawyer that will get your tickets dropped
07:07.28radencarrar, again detector cheaper
07:07.34p3nguinThe detector costs less than an attorney.
07:07.40carrarlawyer is funner
07:07.51radenp3nguin, I look at a escort as a cheap insurance policy :)
07:08.01carrarmake the state spend more
07:08.09radenI have over 1500 in radar detectors and jammers but almost 1 million miles ticket free
07:08.19tymanDoes anyone know a repo for fedora 14 for mpg123 and it's dependencies?
07:08.28carrarBuy a radar TX
07:08.31carrarand jam
07:08.53carrarsince you're gonna break the law anyways
07:08.56radenIm amazed by how simple call files are
07:09.10radentyman, dont know anyone using fedora bro
07:09.10p3nguinI might know about _its_ dependencies, but I don't really care too much about it.
07:10.13p3nguinyum install mpg123?  It's in rpmforge.
07:10.36tymanraden: yeah...just using it on my laptop vm for devel.  Haven't done desktop RH since they f'ed up the window managers with that "blue curve" hybrid gnome/kde crap.
07:11.51p3nguinInstall rpmforge.  That will take care of a lot of missing packages -- including mpg123.
07:12.39tymanp3nguin: I'm there now...looking for fedora rpmforge rpm
07:15.24p3nguinI think it would be nice if they could make an official rpmforge rpm available in extra, which would ease the step of installing it to gain access to rpmforge.
07:15.45p3nguinMaybe they were thinking of a recursion problem and chose to not do it.
07:16.20radenWhats a virtual PRI ?
07:17.43p3nguinAs far as I can tell, it's a bunch of channels which are unmetered.
07:20.15carrarno such thing as a virtual pri
07:20.40p3nguinThere is according to Flowroute (and probably other ITSPs).
07:20.54carrarthen it's SIP channels
07:21.29carraror possibly TDMA over Ethernet
07:21.46tymanprobably marketing bs to sell you the same number of SIP trunks as pri bearer channels
07:21.55carrarvery possible
07:22.23carrarbuy 23 SIP Channels when you really only need 5
07:22.24p3nguinRight, it's SIP channels.
07:22.55tymani love how all these ITSPs want to sell you 20 concurrent channels, each with unlimited minutes....
07:24.36p3nguinIf you use LOTS of minutes and need lots of concurrent calls, it makes sense to go unmetered.
07:24.55tymanif you read some of their EULAs, it states "unlimited" is not more than experienced be their typical other words, unlimited == "we have a limit, but we're not going to tell you until after you sign up and hit it"
07:25.20p3nguinWhen dealing with metered channels, unlimited is often around 3000 - 3500 minutes.
07:25.51p3nguinUnmetered, on the other hand, is not limited nor charged for minutes of use.
07:26.49tymanp3nguin: there's nothing with sip itself that keeps you from making unlimited concurrent calls thru 1 channel really.  I wish they'd drop the trunk carry over bs and just charge 10 people at 1 min the same as 1person at 10mins.
07:27.27p3nguinYou can only make one concurrent call per channel.
07:27.43radeni just need 2 channels unmetered
07:27.52radenwe have 20 metered channels at $0.0065
07:28.10radenwhen asterisk calls out by a call file how do i control the codex ?
07:28.27p3nguinHow many minutes total, on all combined channels, do you use each month?
07:29.03*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
07:29.06tymanp3nguin: My understanding of sip is that is just implemented (sometimes not even) for their billing you'll buy multiple trunks.
07:29.08radenslow months 3k-4k total busy season we can push 2k a day between 4 people
07:29.34radenlines get stacked then having call files going more inbound etc.... I have no clue how many were going to start using
07:29.45p3nguinFirst of all, there is no such thing as a "SIP trunk."  Second of all, each call creates one channel.
07:30.34tymanp3nguin: agreed.  kind of my point.  Should charge per channel
07:30.52p3nguinIf they say "trunk," they just mean a grouping of channels between their system and yours.
07:31.15p3nguinThey do charge per channel... or per minute, depending on what you've agreed to.
07:31.53radenwe have 20 some channels i just wish we had a few unmetered channnels
07:32.00p3nguinI pay per minute that I have a call active.  If I have 100 one minute calls all at the same time, I've used 100 minutes and I pay 100 cents.
07:32.04radenno big deal though
07:32.22tymanp3nguin: thats the way to go...
07:32.35radenp3nguin, thats what we have now but 100 minutes 65 cents
07:32.43p3nguinOn the other hand, if I have one 100-minute call, I still pay 100 cents for it.
07:32.52tymanp3nguin: i was just commenting on the marketing games used with sip "trunking"
07:32.53*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
07:33.35p3nguinBut if you have the virtual PRI, it's going to be unmetered and have a limited number of channels you have available.
07:33.53p3nguinYou might be able to make ONLY 12 concurrent calls, but those calls don't cost you per minute of use.
07:34.07p3nguinCall number 13 will give congestion tones.
07:34.34radenyea ill just add more channels for now
07:34.54radeni was going to set  it up so outbound on VPRI but screw it
07:35.17radenhow can i set codec asterisk uses when processing a call file
07:35.19p3nguinI have an unlimited number of channels available, so my concurrent call limit will be imposed by my bandwidth and hardware limitations.
07:35.26carrarJust make virtual calls
07:35.51*** join/#asterisk epaphus (
07:35.54epaphusHello all.
07:36.38epaphusIs it possible to create an extension that when dialed instead of getting a "ringing" tone , i get music untill it is picked up?
07:36.57tymanp3nguin: may i ask who you are using as an ITSP?
07:37.11p3nguinepaphus: Use the 'm' option in the Dial() command.
07:37.55p3nguinI primarily use, but I play around with Flowroute.
07:37.59tymanepaphus: also look at the FollowMe dial application
07:38.47tymanp3nguin: I'll check them out. thx
07:38.51p3nguinThe m options plays the configured MusicOnHold music rather than ringing sound.
07:38.59p3nguincore show application Dial
07:39.30epaphusp3nguin iam new to asterisk.. so where is the Dial() command?
07:39.38p3nguinIt's in the extension.
07:39.46epaphusextension.conf, ok
07:40.19tymanepaphus:  (great reference)
07:40.57p3nguinI got the feeling that you didn't need to create a new extension, but rather wanted to change an existing extension from ringing to music.
07:41.04epaphusp3nguin, or could i also set a queue for 1 extension only? or that pretty much is a dumb thing?
07:41.21epaphusp3nguin ahh right.. yeah thats all i need
07:41.22p3nguinIt's rather useless, when the m option is made to do exactly what you're after.
07:41.43radenIm thinking of getting a 32" monitor
07:42.19tymanraden: I have a 30" cinema display at the office and home...I frickin' love them
07:42.27p3nguinIf you have something like Dial(SIP/turd,30,r) , just change it to Dial(SIP/turd,30,m) and save/exit, dialplan reload, done.
07:42.51radenAcera has there 32" monitor with TV tuner for $329 right now seems like a good deal 25" seems so small these days
07:43.03epaphusp3nguin so ok.. suppose i have my extension set with music instead of ringing. is it possible to embed recordings like.. "please wait, you will be assisted shortly" ..?
07:43.34p3nguinYes, but you'll have to create a musiconhold class with your own files that play those messages.
07:43.46epaphusok. thanks..
07:44.06p3nguinWell, it's better to use one long file that contains the music and the periodic voice messages.
07:44.45p3nguinIf you start getting into waiting and periodic announcements, queues start looking better to me.
07:45.34epaphusSuppose I did all that, and i want to create a dialplan for that extension so that it tries to ring 2 remote SIP devices.. or else go to voicemail. are there examples of that on the net?
07:46.43epaphuseasy. cool.
07:46.56p3nguin"mailbox" would need to be a mailbox that both people can easily check if the message could be for both people.
07:47.42p3nguinI'm not sure if it is possible to record one voicemail into more than one mailbox at a time.
07:47.54epaphusiam the only guy, so no problem
07:48.31p3nguinOh, alright.  That makes it easier.  I was going to say that I use a group mailbox and subscribe each member to his own mailbox plus the group one.
07:48.56epaphusSo, suppose that instead of one of those SIP devices.. i want it to try to dial through the trunk the call to the PSTN. I sthat possible also?  :) p3nguin
07:49.58p3nguinSure.  Dial(SIP/turd&DAHDI/g0/13149691077,30,m)  should do it.
07:50.44tymanp3nguin: I thought you could record to multiple vmail boxes with the single VoiceMail dial app.  It just uses the greeting from the first listed.
07:51.22p3nguinOr if by "trunk," you didn't really mean it and meant another via another SIP peer, SIP/itsp/3149691077 would be the way to do that.
07:51.30epaphusp3nguin if i do it that way.. and i decide to do it with a queue.. then i imagine that I would need to hardcode myself to the queue.. right?
07:52.14p3nguinJust list the queue member as being either that, or use a local channel and make a special extension to take care of the dialing.
07:52.29p3nguinI'd go for the local channel method.
07:53.11p3nguinI have a context called queue-devices that I use for my queue members which are local channels.
07:53.18epaphuswonders what a local channel is.
07:53.32p3nguinIn the queue-devices context, I set up my Dial commands.
07:53.52p3nguinmember => Local/762@queue-devices
07:53.56ChannelZLocal channels are psuedo-channels that can call the dialplan
07:54.15p3nguinthen extension 762 in the queue-devices context does the actual dialing of a device for me.
07:54.34epaphusok ill read more on that tnx again
07:58.05epaphusp3nguin.. so youre saying that a queue member can be something like Dial(SIP/turd&DAHDI/g0/13149691077,30,m)  ... right?
07:58.13p3nguinOne of my primary reasons to use a Local channel as a queue member is so I can do more than just dial a device from a queue.  For instance, I want to use JabberSend() to IM some call info, set a couple new variables, and then finally dial the devices from the queue.
07:59.07p3nguinThe member could be SIP/turd, Agent/54321, DAHDI/g0/13149691077, or Local/762@queue-devices.
08:00.04p3nguinSIP, Agent, DAHDI, and Local ... all being the channel technology used to reach the member.
08:00.37p3nguinIAX2, SCCP, Console, ... all other possible channel technologies used for reaching a member.
08:01.10epaphusgot it.
08:04.57epaphuswonders how setting a queue member being dadhi on a cell phone.. how would it react if the cellphone is out of range and it gives exactly that message. Would asterisk route the call ?
08:06.05radenI miss SUSE 10.X
08:08.02epaphusanybody know if that would account as if the member actually answered the call? thus the party hearing that annoying message?
08:11.59radenis there a way to wait till someone talks and finishes talking before a message is playd ?
08:19.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
08:37.45tymanp3nguin: is there a way to run an apparent continuous stream of music while handling a call?
08:38.19tymanp3nguin: ie prompts over top
08:43.45*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
09:00.21radenOMFG women around wisconsin are retarted most common thing I have seen in profiles for like to dos is play beer pong and party
09:05.54tymanLet's here it for the "retarted" girls!  Half of us wouldn't be here without them.
09:17.04*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:17.09cmnkytyman, amen brother ;)
09:49.26*** join/#asterisk UFOczek (~xyc@CMPC-089-239-104-198.CNet.Gawex.PL)
10:24.00*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
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11:46.52al_nz1join #openssh
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12:14.28[sr]many many asterisk boards on your shoes  as gifts :p
12:19.57ariel_Morning Marry Christmas everyone
12:27.56*** join/#asterisk JamesHarrison (
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13:49.11coppiceChristmas is fun for one day a year, but I wouldn't want to marry it
13:49.36syncerMarry Chrtistmas to all
13:50.10syncerhow possible to check if transcoding is works g711->g729?
13:52.42*** join/#asterisk CaneToad (
14:40.06*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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15:34.13taclobanmerry christmas
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16:02.56radenwow quiet in here today
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16:23.36epaphusHello all. Iam creating a queue where a member is a remote dahdi that dials a cell phone. How to control calls passed to it when the cell phone rings to a "cell phone is out of range" automatic message ?
16:26.00*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
16:26.40BenwaHI, i'm trying to install xivo but i get this error : (in french, sorry). Any idea ?
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17:03.14syncerhow to set  34 no circuit available  instead of temp. failure by default?
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18:01.50*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
18:02.43twanny796where can I find a trixbox extensions.conf file?
18:03.17infobotfrom memory, trixbox is SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
18:03.27p3nguinMaybe #trixbox knows.
18:05.07twanny796infobot: I'm after an extensions.conf file with some functions
18:05.24p3nguinMaybe #trixbox knows.  This is #asterisk, an Asterisk channel.
18:06.03twanny796p3nguin: extensions.conf is asterisk, yes?
18:06.29p3nguinThe standard location of extensions.conf in Asterisk is /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf.
18:15.35twanny796does an ignorepat => 9, mean that the dialling tone will be heard after dialling 9?
18:15.44twanny796in extensions.conf
18:15.57p3nguinThe phone is responsible for that operation.
18:16.33twanny796p3nguin: what should I do in the phone?
18:16.52p3nguinBut don't do that anyway.  There's very rarely a "good" reason to add a 9 on the front of your phone number.
18:16.56p3nguinJust dial the phone number normally.
18:17.02p3nguinConfigure an extension that does something with it.
18:17.25p3nguinUsually you will have a pattern match for outbound calls, since you don't know all possible phone numbers that will be called.
18:18.05p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/itsp/${EXTEN},60)
18:18.31syncerhow  i can set  34 no circuit available  instead of temp. failure for outbound route if all tranks are busy or failed??
18:19.21*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
18:20.32AliRezaTaleghanihow can i get the Queue Max Length (maxlen variable) with a Dialplan?
18:21.10twanny796p3nguin: using  exten => _9NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1},,R)
18:21.41p3nguinIt could be what you're using, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
18:21.47*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:22.24twanny796p3nguin: could you please paster what you told me before, cause I cleared the screen
18:22.52p3nguinIt's actually kind of 1985-ish to WANT to prefix a phone numbe with additional numbers.
18:22.59p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/itsp/${EXTEN},60)
18:23.30p3nguinOr using your info, exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN},60)
18:23.47AliRezaTaleghaniHELP :^)
18:25.22p3nguinThis allows you to JUST DIAL THE NUMBER YOU WANT TO CALL.
18:25.23twanny796p3nguin: _1NXXNXXXXXXX, does not make sense to me, out numbering plan is 2XXXXXXX, and 9 to make an outside call
18:25.53p3nguinI made the assumption you are in North America where I am because you didn't tell me otherwise.
18:26.16p3nguinChange the pattern if it is wrong for your national numbering plan.
18:26.27p3nguinEither way, just dial the number you want to call.
18:27.55*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
18:29.35p3nguinMaybe you don't comprehend the concept.  I'll be more specific: If I want to call 1 314 969 1077, I am going to dial 13149691077 on my phone; I am NOT going to dial 913149691077 because THAT is not the number I want to call.
18:30.41twanny796p3nguin: changed to   exten => _NXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN},,r)
18:31.07twanny796p3nguin: don't know why I used the 9 in the first place, prob to imitate a PBX
18:31.10p3nguinAre you having problems with ringing sound not working when you call out?  If not, drop the r option.
18:31.35p3nguinr adds ringing sound when none exists.
18:31.50twanny796p3nguin:  it's ringing ok
18:32.01p3nguinThen you don't need ,,r in your Dial().
18:32.22p3nguinThat is to add ringing when it isn't already working.
18:33.02AliRezaTaleghanino, idea! :-/ how can i get the Queue Max Length (maxlen variable) with in a Dialplan?
18:34.10twanny796p3nguin: yep, I removed the r also
18:34.49twanny796p3nguin: new topic, is there a way to change the telephone tone when there's mail?
18:34.57twanny796or some other indication
18:35.10p3nguinYou might be able to set up stutter dial tone.
18:35.31p3nguinI have a big red light on my phone, so I don't need stutter.
18:35.43twanny796p3nguin: does that depend on the phone?
18:36.09p3nguinI would think so, but I'm not totally sure.
18:36.41twanny796p3nguin:  how did you set yours? ;)
18:36.56p3nguinI get a stutter dial tone on my phone connected by ATA, but my IP phone has a big red light for message waiting.
18:37.19p3nguinIn the ATA, it is configured in the ATA device, not in Asterisk.
18:44.28*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
18:46.23atantwanny796, any chance you started a thread on the alternative voicemail dialtone?
18:46.32atantwanny796, that is something I was wondering about the other day as well.
18:55.58*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
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18:59.28p3nguinatan: If you are using an IP phone, you will have to configure the phone set to play a stutter dial tone when there is a message waiting.  It is not done in Asterisk with IP phones.
18:59.54atanp3nguin, I suppose that would make sense. =)
18:59.59p3nguinThis is a features of your phone's Message Waiting Indicator (MWI).
19:00.34p3nguinIf the phone cannot set the stutter dial tone as MWI, you won't get the stutter.
19:21.01*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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20:30.17*** join/#asterisk my007ms (
20:31.33my007mshello , i install g729 and g723 and it work fine
20:32.02my007mshowever it's not working when i do transcoding between g711u and g729
20:32.36my007msit only work the call coming in g729 and it call endpoint that support g729
20:32.37p3nguinThen you probably forgot to install your license(s) for the patented codecs.
20:32.47my007ms:( i use the free version
20:32.54p3nguinThere is no free version.
20:33.45p3nguinIf you got it for free, that's what we call "stolen" property.
20:33.55my007msno no
20:33.59my007mslet me how you the link
20:34.02my007msit's free
20:34.52p3nguinstolen property.
20:35.00p3nguinaka, not free.
20:35.01florzit's neither property nor stolen
20:35.11florzdon't tell such propaganda bullshit
20:35.20Benwamy007ms: DISCLAIMER: You might have to pay royalty fees to the G.729/723.1 patent holders for using their algorithm.
20:35.26florzit's not licensed, if anything
20:35.59my007msi have no problem i will buy it if it's really stolen i was think this is free version
20:36.04my007msas thy provides source code too
20:36.10p3nguinThere's no free version.
20:37.01my007msso asterisk support codec  transcoding between g711u and g729 and my problem that i use stolen version
20:37.25p3nguinNormally, it is required that you purchase licenses from Digium and install them in Asterisk to be able to transcode.
20:38.56p3nguinYou can use g729 between your devices and your ITSP, but no transcoding will be possible unless Asterisk has been allowed to transcode to/from another codec.
20:40.44my007msand how i allow this ?
20:41.23p3nguinPurchase the licenses and install them along with the codec they give you.
20:42.31my007msp3nguin are you sure that site i give to you now " stolen code "
20:42.44my007msreally i have to advice many friend that use it
20:43.01p3nguinJust because it is stolen does not mean it won't work.
20:43.39p3nguinI'm just telling you that it is not legal to use those files for transcoding without having a license to use them.
20:44.52my007mstranscoding consume many CPU ?
20:45.00p3nguinIf your question was "Will those files work?", then the answer is "Yes, they have the ability to work."
20:45.12p3nguinTranscoding does use CPU cycles.
20:46.13my007msi find G.729 in however i don't find G 723
20:46.23my007msis there any other vendor ?
20:46.37my007msi need Transcoding from both
20:48.51my007msi buy one channel for testing first
20:51.27p3nguinWhich Asterisk version are you using?
20:53.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:11.10my007ms[Dec 25 13:25:12] WARNING[17070]: loader.c:392 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_register_translator
21:11.10my007ms[Dec 25 13:25:12] WARNING[17070]: loader.c:787 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
21:11.58my007msi follow readme and every thing was going fine till this step
21:12.29my007mswhen i try load the module i generate the licenses already
21:15.47my007msp3nguin any idea what is the problem ?
21:17.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:20.10my007mscan someone pleas help me in register codec_g729
21:37.08*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
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22:02.41tymanp3nguin: thanks for turning me on to flowroute...finally have a plan I like without the bs
22:03.33p3nguinHope it works out for you.
22:07.20*** join/#asterisk epaphus (
22:07.33epaphushello. Anybody know of a mirror i get download asterisknow ISO.. since is down
22:10.36p3nguinI probably have a copy of it if you want it.
22:11.12p3nguinDo you have an FTP where I could upload it, or do you need to download it from me?
22:23.53*** join/#asterisk syncer (~syncer@opensuse/member/andamasov)
22:24.48syncerhow can i notify other side of incomming trunk that on my asterisk no available outgoing tranks?
22:25.20p3nguinWhat?  Can you repeat this using terms that I understand?
22:26.19syncerp3nguin: sorry, i'm new in all this stuff
22:26.29p3nguinAh, it was apparent.
22:26.36synceri have asterisk 1.6 box
22:26.56synceri have asterisk
22:27.01p3nguinOkay, good.
22:27.22syncerthere are 2  sip trunks
22:27.29syncer1 from provider
22:27.37syncer2 to gsm gateway
22:27.41p3nguinOkay, there is no such thing as a sip trunk.
22:29.12syncerwhen call come from 1 and on 2 no available channels, i need decline call so provider can reroute that call by different route
22:29.31p3nguinAsterisk should do that automatically.
22:30.01p3nguinIf no channels are available, the call will fail with congestion tones.
22:30.29syncerp3nguin: i guess so, maybe problem with softswitch of provider
22:30.34WIMPyAs long as you have a Hangup() in your dialplan.
22:31.07syncerbecause their tech guy told me that call declinen after 6 seconds
22:31.39WIMPyFrom where to where?
22:31.55syncerwhen they pass call to my trunk
22:32.12p3nguinYou want the provider to reroute the call when you fail to accept it?
22:32.13syncerand asterisk can't route it because no channels available
22:32.22p3nguinThat's something they are responsible for.
22:32.27*** join/#asterisk Tili (
22:33.05p3nguinMy ITSP gives me the ability to configure that on their system.
22:33.09syncerp3nguin: i think so too, but they telling that i accept call
22:33.23p3nguinI see.
22:33.34WIMPyMaybe you should show us your dialplan.
22:34.27syncersure, which part?
22:34.31synceror all?
22:35.02WIMPyThe part that's involved in those calls.
22:35.37p3nguinStart with at least the entire context where the call goes in.
22:37.34synceri completelly lost(
22:38.44synceron that machine installed elastix, this is what i got
22:38.51syncernot really happy, but..
22:41.05WIMPyThere is probably not much hope that this is readable.
22:42.00WIMPyWell, it is, but doesn't say much.
22:42.45syncershould i show dialout-trunk macro?
22:44.33*** join/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
22:47.07WIMPyLots of macros and agis. Pretty impossible to say what's going on there.
22:47.16*** join/#asterisk Tili (
22:49.15syncermaybe provider's switch also stupid or missconfigured, because when i make call for example, it's not accepted, softphone continue show calling while playing message "all service are busy now "
22:49.57WIMPyThat clearly means you are not rejecting the call.
22:50.06WIMPyAt least not with SIP.
22:51.06syncerthis is my problem i guess
22:51.22syncerProgress() can be reason?
22:52.10WIMPyYes, but it's really the announcement.
22:53.07syncerhere is call ending
22:53.23syncerat least i think so
22:53.59WIMPyCould be. You could try to comment out that playback.
22:54.52p3nguinPlayback() has an implied Answer built in, unless you specify the noanswer option.
22:55.21WIMPyI don't think that would help anyway.
22:55.43WIMPyThere is a noanswer.
22:57.22syncerwell, i knew that
22:57.27syncerthanks anyway
23:01.31syncerWIMPy:  p3nguin can you tell me what should happen with softphone if all is correct
23:01.40syncerit should drop call immediatly?
23:03.17*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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23:11.11syncerstrange, but i still have message, but not see any playback in trace
23:11.26syncerhow hard to be noob(
23:17.50*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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23:28.52ChannelZGenerally speaking PCI Express 2.0 graphics cards aught still work in 1.x slots right just slower?
23:31.44syncerfinally if i trying call directly via my asterisk with sofphone, call rejected without immedialty
23:32.09syncerbut if i call trough provide, i still hear message
23:44.06*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:44.43sawgoodMerry X-mas everyone!
23:50.47sawgoodHow long now has the electronic version of, "Asterisk the Definitive Guide" been out?  I see a copyright date of 2011
23:50.57sawgoodthis information is very SOLID and a super nice read
23:53.11p3nguinA PCI-E 2.0 card ought to work in a PCI-E 1.0a/1.1 slot.
23:55.16ChannelZsawgood: the 3rd edition isn't quite out yet but the first two have been out of several years
23:56.50sawgoodThis is totally different from the "Future of Telephony"
23:56.59sawgoodI knew out the other releases but not this new one
23:57.03p3nguinA copyright date of 2011 probably means that someone is very optimistic.
23:57.30sawgoodIt is more than well done (and written) ..
23:57.32sawgoodIts good
23:58.35p3nguinsawgood: Where did _you_ get the electronic copy which you are reviewing?

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