IRC log for #asterisk on 20101218

00:01.57recurs|veWIMPy: diemos: bad eth0
00:01.59*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
00:09.10diemosugh, this is annoying -.-
00:11.51*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
00:24.49diemosoh cool, recurs|ve got it.
00:29.25WIMPyIs there a reason why the VPMOCT128 has hardwareDTMF disabled by default?
00:31.01*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
00:40.36CheBuzz_HomeWhy would I get a "No audio format found to offer" error?  I have enabled ulaw, gsm, and ilbc, all of which my ATA and SIP provider support.
00:51.27*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:01.54*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
01:02.11LantiziaHey, odd question here... has anyone ever managed to port a number - to themselves?
01:03.30LantiziaClarification: In the UK all the number ranges are owned by a particular company, call them company A.  If you port to a new telecoms company (lets say B) then B negotiates with A but the range holder doesn't change.  If you then port to company C then they need to talk to company A not B
01:04.19LantiziaSo I guess I'm wondering if you can get agreement off the original range holder, might it be possible to port directly to yourself as an individual ?
01:13.02WIMPyWhat it that supposed to do?
01:15.41*** join/#asterisk radic (
01:19.45*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:20.29*** join/#asterisk citywok (
01:32.20*** part/#asterisk goldroger (~abhinav@
01:42.11*** join/#asterisk P424D0X (~DL7RAY@2001:470:1f0b:449:215:f2ff:fef4:a244)
02:27.35*** join/#asterisk daxt (~dan@
02:28.34daxtguys i am trying to compile dahdi and get the following error , "You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.16-xenU kernel installed" so how do i fix this ?
02:29.06*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
02:32.53daxtanybody home ?
03:09.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
03:15.35*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
03:16.36FinboySlickout of curiosity (nothing is broken or anything) what does this mean exactly?  "utils.c: trying to reset empty pool"
03:22.40*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
03:26.26*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
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03:47.20*** join/#asterisk daxt (~dan@
03:48.15daxtguyz i am trying to compile dahdi and get this error "You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.16-xenU kernel installed."
03:48.20daxthow do i fix this ?
03:49.38WIMPyInstall them.
03:49.39Corydon76-homedaxt: Install the sources for the 2.6.16-xenU kernel
03:49.56daxtkernel patch ?
03:50.04WIMPyAs with any kernel module, you need to have configured sources of your running kernel.
03:50.08Corydon76-homeNo patch.  Just the sources.
03:50.24Corydon76-homeActually, just the kernel headers will do.
03:50.25daxti am doing it on CentOS
03:50.35daxti guess the headers would do it
03:50.46daxtcan u tell me how to install it ?
03:51.00daxti am an ubuntu guy
03:51.04daxtnew to centos
03:51.23daxtin ubuntu make automatically got the kernel source from apt-get
03:51.27Corydon76-homebut the path /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build generally has to point to it
03:51.28daxtbut not in centos
03:51.35Corydon76-homeyum is the apt-get of centos
03:51.51Corydon76-homeroughly speaking
03:51.57daxtbut i feel that yum is inferior to apt-get
03:52.30Corydon76-homeYou're welcome to feel a lot of things.  However, you still have to use it.
03:52.38daxtyup :D
03:52.40daxtand i dont hate it
03:52.43WIMPyOr just use a distro you like.
03:53.00daxtunfortunately  asterisk seems to hate ubuntu :(
03:53.17Corydon76-homeFunny, because most of the core developers use Ubuntu
03:53.45daxti tried many guides on the internet and installed asterisk and freepbx
03:53.58daxtand could not get a perfect installation
03:54.02daxtactually the issue is with freepbx
03:54.31Corydon76-homeYes, well, Asterisk experts don't use freepbx
03:55.00daxtso what should i use then ?
03:55.02daxtcli ?
03:55.04Corydon76-homeFreePBX is the training wheels of the telephony world.
03:55.21daxteven asteriskgui did not work
03:55.24Corydon76-homeYep, edit your files directly or roll your own interface
03:55.39daxti am new to asterisk
03:55.45daxtso what do u guys reccomend ?
03:56.07daxti use vi and nano  :D
03:56.21Corydon76-homefunc_odbc and a static dialplan
03:56.37daxtbut now i want to get freepbx running for my boss
03:56.50Corydon76-homeAbstract your data away from your logic
03:56.51daxtcan somebody show me a perfect guide ?
03:57.09daxt<Corydon76-home> Abstract your data away from your logic <--- absolutely
03:57.22Corydon76-homeRoll your own
03:58.15daxtwill try as time permits :)
03:59.19Corydon76-homeGUIs are designed to allow idiots to feel like they can alter stuff without repercussions.  How many times has a firewall gotten screwed up because it has a GUI on it, and a boss messed with the settings?
03:59.55daxthe knows nothing
04:00.04daxtand that is why i have to give him the gui
04:00.13daxtso he will feel confident
04:00.14Corydon76-homeNo, you give him nothing
04:00.24daxtthey he wont pay me :(
04:00.47Corydon76-homeOr you give him a GUI that does not actually do anything.  Blinky lights, no functional knobx
04:02.32daxtthat might work , put my neck on the line :D
04:06.35Corydon76-homeThat's the spirit!
04:06.59daxtalright , lets do it then :D
04:16.12*** part/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
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04:45.21*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:48.40*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:52.56*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
04:54.32v1swhat is the best way to dial if u have multiple lines. put like Dial(prov1&prov2&prov3) etc.. or Dial(prov1) Dial(prov2) in sequence.
04:58.09*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:00.34jayteev1s, the first way is correct
05:01.11jayteeit will dial all 3 simultaneously. the first to pick up wins
05:02.37v1sjaytee: thanks
05:03.56jayteeand to be more specific it would be Dial(SIP/prov1&SIP/prov2&SIP/prov3)
05:06.53v1syes I know :) I was just trying to keep post short ;)
05:07.29v1sthanks again
05:09.30jayteeyour welcome
05:23.51jayteehey drmessano
05:25.02jayteeso far I'm liking, thanks for the recommendation
05:25.56drmessanoThey're good people
05:36.35*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
06:22.45joeyjonesyeah, there seem to be quite a few decent companies
07:06.49*** join/#asterisk phix (
07:28.31*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
08:16.18*** join/#asterisk reber (
08:44.01*** join/#asterisk trumee (
08:44.54trumeeguys. i did a timing test using dahdi_test.  Results after 132627 passes. Best: 100.000 -- Worst: 98.868 -- Average: 99.996499, Difference: 99.996568
08:45.03trumeeis that bad?
08:45.32trumeethis is all software based.
09:04.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
09:11.26ChannelZThe average is good
09:12.33ChannelZbut that's a lot of passes :)
09:18.46trumeeChannelZ, yes i had it running for a day.
09:19.13trumeeChannelZ, i was worried that the worst was below 99.
09:19.43*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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09:33.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
09:50.14*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
09:53.30atanAnyone know of a provider that offers Canadian DIDs in Nova Scotia outside of Halifax/Dartmouth?
09:53.45atanI don't even see any oddball names registered for rate centers outside of the city.
09:53.54atanSeems like Telus/Bell/Aliant
10:41.00*** join/#asterisk dogonovmax (
10:42.58dogonovmaxHi! Anyone can you help me with Asterisk 1.8.1. I need receive after command Dial in dialplan SIP response in variable!
10:47.53dogonovmaxMy dialplan:
10:49.16dogonovmaxexten => _X.,1,Dial(${bridgeid}/${EXTEN},,S(${CREDIT_TIME})ge:)
10:49.16dogonovmaxexten => _X.,2,NoOP(${DIALSTATUS})
10:49.17dogonovmaxexten => _X.,3,NoOP($${HANGUPCAUSE})
10:49.17dogonovmaxexten => _X.,4,NoOP(${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,<slave-channel-name>)})
10:49.17dogonovmaxexten => _X.,5,Hangup
10:58.02*** join/#asterisk dogonovmax (
11:48.37*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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11:52.32*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
12:01.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:09.39*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
12:13.08imox1234hello what means peer <guest> ?
12:28.10ectospasmimox1234: doesn't have a strict meaning in Asterisk.  You can create a guest SIP peer, but typically that's not advisable
12:28.58imox1234when I enter sip show channels I see that
12:29.41imox1234so much guests but with no activ channels. but whats thats I'm worried :-)
12:30.26imox1234and I have set this in my sip.conf allowguest=no
12:31.45ectospasmThis is just a guess, but <guest> means no peer has registered to that IP address.  You'll notice that has Peer lundl_275, not <guest>
12:32.42ectospasmimox1234: it depends, where do you have allowguest? You may need to put it in the peer sections, as well as [general]
12:32.48*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
12:33.17imox1234I set this in the generals
12:33.19ectospasmimox1234: I don't have any SIP peers on my 1.8 machine
12:34.08imox1234what else?
12:35.22ectospasmimox1234: are you having any other symptoms?  Like SIP peers not registering?
12:35.54ectospasmyou may be chasing your tail then
12:36.10imox1234this I has for a long time ago but this blocked this IP
12:40.02imox1234now I see a channel guest with the same IP adress from one of my sip peers
12:40.22imox1234very strange
12:41.10ectospasmimox1234: change the auth credentials, peer name, secret, etc.
12:43.03imox1234hmm ok thanks
12:46.52*** join/#asterisk hehol (
13:00.30*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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13:31.58*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
14:18.11*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
14:18.45laurishave a problem with phpagi-asmanagerc class
14:19.04lauriscan't get it into loop mode to listen for incoming events on asterisk manager port
14:20.50*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
14:27.33leifmadsenthanks for letting us know how you did that ;)
14:28.40cmnkyleifmadsen, ;)
14:29.40*** join/#asterisk fluppie (
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14:53.06*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (~felipe@unaffiliated/felipe)
15:09.26*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:17.22*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
15:24.58*** join/#asterisk path (path@gateway/shell/
15:25.05pathhey guys
15:25.17pathwhat does it mean 'Dead' when I run agi show commands ?
15:25.25path(first column)
15:31.33leifmadsenpath: Dead AGI is when an AGI is run on a hung up channel (such as in the 'h' extension)
15:32.08leifmadsennewer versions of Asterisk (1.6.2+ I believe) don't distinguish between DeadAGI() and regular AGI() anymore. You just use AGI() everywhere
15:32.38pathI see, thanks :)
15:34.16leifmadsenpath: check out the Asterisk Gateway Interface chapter at
15:34.19leifmadsenit'll explain all that
15:38.29paththats nice! thank you
15:44.02pathis it possible to download it as pdf?
15:51.40*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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16:02.55*** join/#asterisk Navion (~Bill@rivendell/users/navion)
16:03.28NavionAnybody know of an AoIP interface for asterisk?
16:05.48NavionHow about 4W analog interface. Like a trunk interface?
16:07.57jayteei heard a rumor that a few companies made them. I think one is called Digium. Pretty sure they make 4 port and even 24 port analog interface cards for Asterisk.
16:13.33NavionKnow of any multi-line SIP soft phones?
16:14.06NavionLike an operators console sort of thing.
17:04.31*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
17:06.25*** join/#asterisk ghostmediapro (~Trupsalms@
17:07.45ghostmediaproquick question room: could and modem or fxo/fxs card be used to talk my sip based pbx from softphone to landlines?
17:09.13pabelangerghostmediapro: no directly, that's what Asterisk is for
17:13.19ghostmediaproi under stand that, i have build a working system before, but be for i attempt it again, i wanted to know, see my old system was sip and i used softphones or the computer to make the calls, now i want to tie asterisk now back into the phone line running through my house, so that i could pick up any phone and make and receive calls, when i'm not at a computer
17:15.23pabelangerghostmediapro: yes, that is a pretty straight forward task.  I'd suggest reading the book.
17:15.25infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
17:16.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:18.14ghostmediapropabelanger: now could any idsn modem card do it, or dose it have to be fxo/fxs
17:19.15*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
17:19.53pabelangerghostmediapro: No, Asterisk (actually DAHDI) only support certain cards.  If you are dealing with an analog line you'll need a FXO port.
17:20.09ghostmediapropabelanger: i wouldn't now where to lock in the book
17:20.38pabelangerStart at the 'Table of Contents'
17:20.47ghostmediaprosip to fxo/fxs for pstn
17:21.15pabelangerread the section called 'Connecting to the PSTN'
17:22.05ghostmediaprolast them as i am on the asterisk now site and can't find the link for the book, if you have it handy
17:22.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
17:22.28pabelangerghostmediapro: ^^
17:25.10*** join/#asterisk blee (
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22:40.45lordvadrI'm having trouble getting usgmtime to work in the adaptivev cdr config.  Does it not work?
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23:47.03*** join/#asterisk dlirit (~lirant@

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