IRC log for #asterisk on 20101217

00:00.04*** join/#asterisk fofware (
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00:14.39p3nguinfofware: You think you can fix your stuff?  Or at least take us off autojoin.  You're filling the channel with useless join/quit crap.
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00:22.00p3nguinfofware: Or I guess I could ignore you until you piss off someone that matters and then they can solve it for you/me.
00:23.06ferdnawhat is Support SIP Instance ID?
00:24.29*** join/#asterisk ShaunR (~shaun@freenode/sponsor/
00:24.38ShaunRanybody know of a soft phone that supports SIP over TCP?
00:26.37joeyjonesShaunR: i want to say counterpath x-lite 4 does
00:26.52joeyjonesbot sure, but i seem to remember it having that option
00:26.56p3nguinBy default, or is it a configurable setting?
00:26.57joeyjonesit did suck though
00:27.01joeyjonesconfigurable iirc
00:27.16p3nguinI'm not totally sure why anyone would want to use TCP for SIP.
00:27.57joeyjonesto get to it
00:28.08p3nguinSay what?
00:28.13x86yeah x-lite does TCP
00:28.14WIMPyTo work around shitty routers perhaps?
00:28.38p3nguinEven the shittiest of router should know how to route UDP just like any other part of IP.
00:28.41joeyjonessoftphone->account settings->transport->signalling transport
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00:28.47x86I've not had any problems with Internet-based TCP SIP clients... but YMMV
00:28.49joeyjonesp3nguin: that was not at you...
00:29.14joeyjonesp3nguin: i was layoing out how to get to the setting in x-lite4
00:29.18ShaunRah, i'm running version 3
00:29.21WIMPyp3nguin: Should. yes. some seem to have an alzheimers problem when it comes to udp.
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00:30.35joeyjonesi'd have expected delays from tcp as well as extra overhead
00:31.11WIMPyIt certainly can happen.
00:31.16joeyjonesand iirc rtp.conf has a setting to prevent missed packets
00:33.14cmnkyx86 ... joeyjones ... what up
00:34.48joeyjonesi'm eating; preparing to hibernate
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00:36.18*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
00:38.09mountainm2kConfiguration:  single PRI, configured as ZIP/g1 (yes, Zap, its old).  Single analog extension, ZIP/25, goes to a fax machine.  Problem:  PRI is down.  Question:  When somebody tries to call outside, its hitting ZAP/25 -- any ideas why?
00:38.38mountainm2kMinor irritation I guess, office isn't that big, and everybody knows its down -- but I can't figure out WTF is happening.
00:39.19WIMPyYou put both interfaces in to one group?
00:39.42mountainm2kI don't think so, but I wouldn't rule it out...
00:40.06mountainm2ktrunkgroup => 1,24
00:40.15mountainm2kno 25 there, I don't think :-)
00:40.16WIMPyno. group=
00:40.35mountainm2kunder that is spanmap -> 1,1 -- I have no idea what that does
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00:40.50WIMPytrunkgroups configure NFAS. That's got nothing to do with the groups Asterisk uses.
00:40.52ShaunRwhahoo, tcp over xlite :)
00:40.57*** part/#asterisk ShaunR (~shaun@freenode/sponsor/
00:41.10mountainm2kR U sure its group= instead of trunkgroup= ???  Its been working for like 4 and a half years as-is :-)
00:41.19mountainm2kguess I could try it, nobody will care :-)
00:41.21WIMPyI am
00:41.38mountainm2kits a PRI, should it be 1,23 or 1,24 ?
00:41.44mountainm2kits really 23B + 1D
00:41.53mountainm2kbut the group might want the D as well
00:41.55WIMPyProbably you never had all 24 channels in use so the 25th outbound call hit the fax.
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00:42.43mountainm2kOK, changed to group => 1,24 -- same result...
00:42.47WIMPyWith a single pri you don;t need to configure trunkgroups or spanmaps. Only needed for NFAS.
00:43.21WIMPyYou should have the pri on group=1 and the fxs on group=2 or something.
00:43.47mountainm2kOK, I can do that...  The FXS is used only as outbound, nothing calls ZAP/25
00:43.50WIMPyi think the default is group=63 for no group.
00:43.54mountainm2k(its a fax machine)
00:44.40mountainm2kso the first one for the PRI should be a group, or no?
00:45.14WIMPyYou definitely want a group for the pri, yes.
00:46.02mountainm2kOK, so in zapata.conf I have [trunkgroups]
00:46.08mountainm2kand then group => 1,24
00:46.13mountainm2kI commented out the spanmap
00:46.17mountainm2ksame behavior
00:46.25mountainm2kI'm doing "restart now" before trying it -- before you ask :-)
00:46.57WIMPyYou have to put a group=63 before the channel=>25.
00:47.05mountainm2kIdeally it would produce a wave-off or a fast-busy
00:47.26mountainm2kOh...  Yeah, I didn't have a second group at all for the fxs
00:47.27mountainm2kone sec
00:47.49WIMPyYes, so it gets into the one you have.
00:48.10WIMPyAll settings are for all following channels.
00:48.26WIMPyNot just the next.
00:48.31mountainm2kyeah, which is odd...  I'd call that a bug, heh :-)
00:48.50mountainm2kok:  [trunkgroups]
00:49.00mountainm2kgroup => 1,24 (24 or 23?)
00:49.04WIMPyIt's probably not very intuitive, but it makes sense if you think about it.
00:49.06mountainm2kgroup = 63
00:49.13mountainm2kchannel => 25
00:49.14WIMPyAnd know it :-)
00:49.16mountainm2klook right ?
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00:49.56mountainm2k(sorry for the copy and paste -- our whole service is down, so I'm on my laptop / verizon card, and my desktop computer connected to the pbx -- heh
00:50.44mountainm2kyeah, that's still doing the same thing...  Do I need to completely restart zapata (kernel module, etc)?
00:50.51mountainm2kor just restarting asterisk enough?  I would assume just *
00:51.09WIMPyNo, only the asterisk channel.
00:51.17*** join/#asterisk tasca (~tasca@
00:51.59mountainm2kI don't think I can pastebin my whole zapata.conf
00:52.10WIMPyMaybe you should pastebin your zapata.conf and the dial from your extensions.conf
00:52.11mountainm2k[trunkgroups] is at the top, followed by [channels]
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00:57.30mountainm2kok, sneakering those files to here so I can pastebin 'em
00:57.34mountainm2kthanks for hanging around :-)
00:59.05WIMPythe groups go under channels.
00:59.20WIMPyYour trunkgroups section should be empty.
01:00.08WIMPythe group=63 goes any place between the channel=>1-23 and the channel=>25
01:00.38mountainm2koh...  Crap, OK
01:00.42mountainm2kLet me change that
01:02.06mountainm2khey, wow, it works
01:02.27WIMPyAnd BTW: I don't think you want echocanellation on your fax line.
01:02.30mountainm2kNow hopefully it will *still* work once the PRI comes back up
01:03.35mountainm2khuh...  I knew that -- its been working very well though.  In fact, every employee has an extension, and a fax estension (ext + 100 = fax) which goes to iaxmodem / hylafax
01:03.53mountainm2kWe only *just* got a network scanner -- before that people would fax things to themselves -- lol
01:03.57mountainm2kit got a lot of use
01:08.54ferdnaguys what should i use for my vocoder?
01:10.30WIMPyMaybe someone should tell them what a vocoder is.
01:10.49ferdnaWIMPy, is an encoder isnt?
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01:11.10ferdnavocoder... is voice encoder
01:11.49drmessanoCodec is a more appropriate term here
01:12.09ferdnamy provider only supports G.711
01:12.19ferdnabut it is not listed in the comboboxes
01:12.24ferdnawhat should i use?
01:12.37WIMPyThat's pcma
01:12.54WIMPyOr pcmu
01:15.49*** join/#asterisk mountainm2k (
01:16.08mountainm2kUgh, got kicked off...
01:16.13mountainm2kThanks WIMPy
01:16.19*** join/#asterisk AppLync (
01:16.36mountainm2kwhat I have now:
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01:17.28WIMPyLooks ok. But you don't need to specify group=1 twice.
01:17.44AppLyncwhere can I enable explicit MWI?
01:18.00AppLynci have a few phones that arent getting MWI, but asterisk is never sending it out.
01:18.06mountainm2kwhoops...  OK, Deleted the second one.
01:18.34*** join/#asterisk Howie69 (~Howie69@
01:18.47WIMPyAppLync: You need to configure the mailbox for the peers (where possible).
01:18.51AppLynceven the MWI notification says there are no messages, but I can see the message in their mailbox.
01:18.55AppLyncpermissions problem?
01:19.08WIMPyIn the peer definition to be precise.
01:19.10AppLyncthe peers are configured
01:19.19AppLyncokay,let me look
01:19.35WIMPyAre the Vm contexts correct?
01:19.50mountainm2k(I'm going to follow along on this question :-)
01:20.26AppLyncvm contexts are correct. all extensions ar ehte setup the same, but one extension works, and one doesnt..
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01:25.36*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
01:26.57KingDavidNYCHello everybody
01:27.46KingDavidNYChas anybody used Dialogic cards with asterisk?
01:28.26WIMPyProbably, but is that really what you want to know?
01:28.48KingDavidNYCDefinitely totally what I really have to do
01:29.32WIMPyjust wonders if chan_capi exists for 1.8
01:29.33KingDavidNYCIn fact, the idea is, to used the dialogic cards for incoming calls, and then connect to the agents on the ip phones
01:29.49KingDavidNYCis that a bad idea?
01:30.08WIMPyNo, it most probably the only option you have.
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01:31.04KingDavidNYCbut, whats the info on the Asterisk+Dialogic? does it works?, is it doable?, have specifically worked with one?
01:31.59WIMPyIt's like I just told you. The only way to interface the two will most probably be capi and I'm not sure it exists for Asterisk 1.8.
01:32.22KingDavidNYCi would be using 1.6
01:32.31KingDavidNYCwhat is capi?
01:33.03WIMPyThe oldest kind of ISDN drivers. Comes from DOS times.
01:35.30KingDavidNYCI can't find much dialogic/asterisk references in google
01:35.41KingDavidNYCtomorrow I am gonna be playing with one card
01:36.42WIMPyThe common interface is CAPI. Beyound that the type of card doesn;t matter.
01:37.01WIMPyThe CAPI itsels however determines what features are available.
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01:38.38KingDavidNYCand you think that with capi I would able to pretty much use any dialogic model card (provided they are full duples)?
01:39.07WIMPyHow could they not be full duplex?
01:39.49WIMPyOr is it some old analog stuff?
01:40.34WIMPyNo 1.8 support as it seems.
01:40.36KingDavidNYCI mean I am excluding anything half duplex in my comment
01:41.25KingDavidNYCI am finding something about something called chan_dialogic
01:41.54WIMPyOh, yet another option I havent heard of before...
01:42.07KingDavidNYCIf I am able to use the Dialogic cards as if they were Digium cards, that would be so awsome
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01:42.32WIMPyBut that shouldn't matter.
01:44.11KingDavidNYCwill I be able to receive incoming calls on the pri, and transfer the calls to the SIP stations?
01:44.39WIMPyI would think so.
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01:45.42KingDavidNYCthank you
01:45.49WIMPycan't find any mention of chan_dialogic less than 5 years ago. So that does not look like an option.
01:46.19WIMPyBut you should have a capi for your card. That should do with chan_capi.
01:47.00KingDavidNYCchan_capi it would be
01:48.52WIMPyActually capi has one advantage: You can have multiple applications attached to it.
01:50.53KingDavidNYCHave you used chan_capi?
01:51.12KingDavidNYCin what? digium cards?
01:51.15WIMPyBut that was some years ago.
01:51.42WIMPyThat was with an external AVM T1-B.
01:52.22AppLyncI am having a problem with my MWI not working. I can see there is a message using voicemail show users, but the MWI sip notify says "Messages-Waiting: no"
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01:52.38KingDavidNYCmmm..sounds like it is gonna be fun
01:52.49AppLyncCould that be a permissions problem on /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail perhaps? ort incorrect owner?
01:52.49WIMPyI still got it, but the problem is that the supplied capi won't work unless you insall a really old version of Linux.
01:53.21WIMPyKingDavidNYC: It's certainly easier with a cheaper card.
01:53.33AppLyncMWI does work on some extension, but not others...
01:53.57dwayneKingDavidNYC, I wrote chan_dialogic like 5 years ago.  I supported something like 23 different Dialogic cards
01:54.10p3nguinAnyone here ever use Netgear ProSafe switches?  I have a GS108 that started behaving very oddly.  With five of the eight ports connected and in use, the lights began flashing on and off together steadily and the switch was no longer operational.  I started pulling cables and when I got down to only two, it acted normal again.  I tried several combinations of connecting cables in an attempt to rule out the problem ...
01:54.16p3nguin... being caused by just one or two ports, but there was no pattern to make it mess up -- it sometimes took three cables connected, sometimes four before it went into blink mode.  I was wondering if anyone here has experienced this and if you found a solution.
01:54.32KingDavidNYCdwayne: where? please give me the links to all that stuff
01:54.38AppLyncp3nguin: latest firmware?
01:54.55p3nguinIt's a dumb, unmanaged switch.
01:55.05p3nguinI found a thread on the netgear forum that indicates it could be a blown capacitor.
01:55.23AppLyncall the prosafe stuff has a lifetime warranty, FYI
01:55.30AppLyncare you a powershift partner?
01:55.42dwayneKingDavidNYC, I can't provide links, Digium owns the code
01:56.11WIMPyDidn't I just read that it went to Eicon?
01:56.13p3nguinWhile it is several years old, it was brand new in the box, and I probably only had it in use for under a month before this happened.
01:56.41dwayneIntel sold Dialogic to Eicon and then Eicon renamed themselves Dialogic
01:57.30KingDavidNYCdwayne: you mean chan_dialogic would not have free downloads of chan_dialogic?
01:57.39WIMPyJa, I just thought from taking a quick glimps that I read that the licence went that way as well.
01:57.50*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:58.07p3nguinapplync: The warranty card in the box says five years on the switch, two years on the AC adapter.
01:58.10shmaltzhi everyone
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01:58.24dwayneno, it was work done for Intel before Eicon bought Dialogic and since Digium owns that code it wouldn't matter anyway because Dialogic can't distribute it
01:59.01WIMPySonds like it's lost.
01:59.40dwaynea new, better channel driver could probably be written if someone funded it
01:59.49KingDavidNYCdwayne:ok, can you confirm to me that anyway that it is doable to use the Dialogic cards as if they were regular digium cards, same functionality, like being able to receive incoming calls on the card and transfer the calls to a sip phone?
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02:00.42dwayneKingDavidNYC, yes
02:01.03KingDavidNYCThis customer of mine wants to use his 9 dialogic PRI cards in one box with asterisk
02:01.13KingDavidNYChe makes 500,000 minutes per day
02:01.17dwaynebut you wouldn't be really using Dialogic's DSPs, so it would be a very expensive 'digium-like' card
02:01.39KingDavidNYCdwayne: fine, I understand that
02:02.03dwayneI think the new Dialogic has channel drivers for both FreeSWITCH and Asterisk
02:02.33KingDavidNYCdwayne: but the customer already has his dialogic cards, so it is better than telling him that now he has to buy new digium cards
02:03.17dwaynethey are either going to pay for new cards or pay for development, unless you find a channel driver
02:03.22WIMPyIt's not as if they still cost anything.
02:03.38dwayneI wish they did, I have a closet full of them
02:03.42KingDavidNYCdwayne: any links or any pointers of what I have to do to get one dialogic cards working with asterisk?
02:03.58dwayneKingDavidNYC, can you write C code ?
02:04.01KingDavidNYCthey are ok about paying for development
02:04.14KingDavidNYCdwayne: oh yes
02:04.24WIMPydwayne: If you did it once and got a ton of the stuff, it's rally up to yourself to make then useful, isn;t it?
02:05.02WIMPyBut the cards do come with a capi, don't they?
02:05.09KingDavidNYCdwayne: I am not going to write a channel driver, but I can write to the dialogic api
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02:06.07WIMPyKingDavidNYC: It's not per chance a diva card?
02:06.08dwayneKingDavidNYC, channel drivers are not too difficult.  Your hint on getting Dialogic cards to work is you would want to use setuio to feed audio frames between Asterisk and the Dialogic stack
02:08.04KingDavidNYCdwayne: I am a little bit not there yet
02:08.46KingDavidNYCWIMPy: no, these are older cards, I am seeing about the diva cards in google, no chance
02:08.49dwayneYou are going to need a channel driver; even if you write something that takes audio frames from Asterisk and gives them to a Dialogic application; you would need a channel driver to trick Asterisk into thinking a channel is there
02:09.16KingDavidNYCdwayne: WIMPy says to use chan_capi
02:09.56dwaynethat may work, I don't know.  I've never used anything other than chan_dialogic for Asterisk/Dialogic integration
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02:10.18dwayneKingDavidNYC, what card(s) are you trying to use?
02:11.09WIMPyActually the dialogic website has a pdf telling you to use chan_capi with Asterisk.
02:11.40KingDavidNYCdwayne: sorry, dont have that info with me, I am the new asterisk guy in this dialogic dialer company, they have plenty, but they have no clue about asterisk, sufice it to say that the cards are about 5-7 years old
02:12.01KingDavidNYCWIMPy: please give me the link
02:12.07WIMPySo it's simple: If you have a capi, use it. If you don't, buy something else.
02:12.27*** join/#asterisk tyman (
02:12.38KingDavidNYCWIMPy: I agree
02:12.48WIMPyI just types 'asterisk' in to the search box.
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02:13.16KingDavidNYCWIMPy: the search box of
02:13.20tymanwhat are the equivalents of the sip tools like 'sip show ....' for iax?
02:13.43WIMPytyman: Take a guess
02:13.55WIMPy(and use your tab key)
02:13.56tymaniax show...
02:14.02dwaynetyman, use tab completion
02:14.03tymannot coming up
02:14.05tymani am
02:14.12WIMPyalmost. iax2 ...
02:14.23KingDavidNYCWIMPy: I can't find it
02:14.55WIMPyI already closed that tab. Was the 5th link or so.
02:15.11tymanWIMPy: it's not there...
02:15.16*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
02:15.21tymanthat is why i was asking
02:15.31WIMPytyman: Do you have cahn_iax loaded?
02:15.54KingDavidNYCWIMPy: oh man
02:16.11p3nguinSo I opened up the switch to take a look, and exactly like the forum post said, the two green capacitors are swollen and it looks like they might be starting to leak.
02:16.12AppLyncI am having a weird issue where some users have VM's in the voicemail box,m but the SIP MWI notify says 0, how can I trouble shoot this?
02:16.34dwaynetyman, "module unload" ; "module load" ; i<tab>
02:17.20tymandwayne: unload failed, could not be found
02:17.31Godfather_i upgraded to 1.8, but when i reload sip i get  the message " Invalid address for externaddr", i also tried externip with the same result, and this works is 1.4 and 1.6, ?
02:17.33dwayne"module load"
02:17.37tymanis it a compile time option (and not default like i thought)
02:17.41dwaynetyman, ^^
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02:19.07tymandwayne:  the module appears to be straight missing...wont load: Module '' could not be loaded.
02:19.48WIMPyTurn up verbose and debug and try again.
02:20.20WIMPyIt might just be an invalig configuration.
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02:20.54WIMPydamn. two keys aside is getting bad :-(
02:21.24dwaynetyman, ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
02:21.41*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:22.14tymandwayne: Looks like I should have seen this as a compile time error:
02:22.22neurosyssoooo. which genius decided it was a good thing to leave allowgeuest-yes as the default?
02:22.53tymandwayne: * 1.8.1
02:23.04WIMPyneurosys: Who didn't realise it is a sample configuration not intended to be used?
02:23.17neurosysno samples compiled.
02:23.52tymandwayne: iax2 module exists
02:23.59neurosysif it is NOT explicitly set... it is defaulted to YES
02:24.18pabelangertyman: install openssl-dev
02:24.21pabelangerrecompile asterisk
02:24.35tymanpabelanger: ok...
02:24.46pabelangertyman: what version of Asterisk are you using?
02:24.46WIMPyneurosys: Ah, but IIRC that was changed.
02:25.03pabelangertyman: $gcc -version
02:25.11pabelangerwhat's the output
02:25.16dwaynetyman, listen to pabelanger
02:25.17neurosysWIMPy:  Wrong. As of 1.8... its ia defauted to YES.
02:25.47WIMPyneurosys: It was changed to default to yes?
02:26.01tymanpabelanger: * 1.8.1, gcc (GCC) 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)
02:26.21dwayneKingDavidNYC, how many minutes / month are you dialing ?
02:26.26neurosysWIMPy:  NO... It is DEFAULT YES. If you dont explicitly set in sip.conf 'allowguests=no', it will allow ANYONE TO CONNECT.
02:26.27pabelangertyman: Hmm... might be a good idea to open an issue on the tracker too
02:26.45pabelangerneurosys: Its always be yes by default
02:27.00neurosyspabelanger:  i realize this. but WHY is the question.
02:27.17tymanpabelanger: openssl-devel pkg was not installed...i'll install and rebuild
02:27.27pabelangerneurosys: refer to the asterisk-dev mailing list for previous discussions.
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02:28.00pabelangertyman: That will fix the issue, but chan_iax2 _should_ work without it.  The issue has to do with the version of GCC you are using.
02:28.01Godfather_i upgraded to 1.8, but when i reload sip i get  the message " Invalid address for externaddr", i also tried externip with the same result, and this works is 1.4 and 1.6, ?
02:28.58neurosyspabelanger:  I dont care what the reasons are. That's a nasty security issue. This should be NO by default.
02:29.21tymanpabelanger:  ok, I was indeed a little perplexed as to why there was no dependency failures with configure or compile issues if it was required
02:29.22pabelangerso setup a firewall then
02:30.05pabelangertyman: Ya, like I said, your best to open an issue on the tracker and we can see about fixing it
02:30.32tymanpabelanger: i'll do that
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02:35.58dwayneKingDavidNYC, ping
02:36.48KingDavidNYChi twayne, the customer says he makes 500,000 minutes per day!
02:37.22KingDavidNYCtwayne: they have 18 PRIs
02:37.31dwayneKingDavidNYC, see pm
02:37.58WIMPyYou still get PRIs in those amounts?
02:38.19KingDavidNYCthe box is about 7 years old
02:38.44tymanpabelanger: chan_iax2 works fine with openssl-devel now installed
02:39.11tymanpabelanger: thanks, i would've smoked a bunch of hours on that
02:39.16WIMPyhas seen SDH connecions for less and longer ago.
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03:03.47tymanThis is probably a simple fix, but my google'ing is not turning up an answer that is working;
03:04.33tymandamn...forgot to paste error in there...
03:05.16*** part/#asterisk n1gak (~lawrence@
03:05.32tymanHere it is with iax call token error:
03:06.08WIMPytyman: That message already contains the instructions.
03:06.39WIMPyYou can find more information on the subject in the UPGRADE*.txt files
03:06.40tymanWIMPy: set user=jnctn, and requirecalltoken=no as well...same  message
03:07.10tymani'll read those...couldn't find the definitive docs on this
03:08.04WIMPyalso in doc/IAX2-sexurity
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03:18.10tymanWIMPy:  I read the docs...still same error, with setting user=jnctn, requirecalltoken=no (as described in the prior error output pastie)
03:19.40tymandebug output for looks good except for this error (from what i can tell)...looks this is the only problem.  shall i paste the debug output?
03:20.54WIMPyyou put 'requirecalltoken=no' under [jnctn] or calltokenoptional= under [general]
03:23.15tymanunder the jnctn user stanza [onsip-gw]
03:23.36tymanis that a general only option?
03:24.09atanSounds has 'blocked' but no 'unblocked' ?
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03:24.15atanIs there something similar in there? =)
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03:24.26WIMPyBut it says user jnctn.
03:24.34atanYour called id has been set to BLOCKED (I need a word to replace BLOCKED with that means unblocked =()
03:25.17*** part/#asterisk fluppie (~fluppie@
03:25.36p3nguinatan: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/privacy-not.wav  says "not"
03:25.45p3nguinYou could do "not blocked"
03:28.23atanHmm. That will need to do.
03:30.09tymanWIMPy: I got it...i changed my "username=" directive, not the name of my 'user'.  This is all clear now to me.  Thanks so much for your help.
03:32.15*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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03:52.59*** join/#asterisk bitplane (~bitplane@
03:53.14bitplanehello, world
03:54.43bitplaneI have some completely dumb questions... I'd like to set up Asterisk at home and use it to block calls that aren't in my google address book, route outgoing international calls through skype and so on
03:55.17bitplaneI'm pretty sure that I can handle all the software side of things, I'm not scared of hacking in almost any language, but I'd like a bit of advice on the hardware side
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03:56.30bitplanewhat's the smallest, least ugly, Asteroid-based unit-type thing I can buy that I can hack around with its Linux install? I need one input, one output and a LAN connection
03:56.41bitplaneI don't really want a desktop in my hallway
03:58.17p3nguinmini ITX?
03:58.31p3nguinAnything Atom based should be okay.
03:59.08bitplaneooh that sounds good
03:59.51bitplanesecond question: what sort of magic do I need to plug my analogue phone into it?
04:00.06bitplaneI take it standard modems don't work
04:00.52p3nguinTypically they do not, but there used to be some that could.
04:01.14p3nguinFor just a single home phone line, I'd go with a Linksys SPA-3102.
04:01.46bitplanecool thanks
04:02.05p3nguinThat'll allow you to connect it to your line as well as a phone.
04:02.15p3nguinas well as Ethernet to Asterisk.
04:02.41bitplaneWill I be able to write software to do this:
04:02.54bitplaneusing that kit
04:03.50p3nguinWithout reading the entire thing, it looks like Asterisk is capable of doing all that.
04:04.07p3nguinThe only concern is integration of the external phone book.
04:04.42bitplaneI'm guessing that Asterisk can be programmed to run some shell / python scripts that will do that?
04:05.15bitplaneI don't mind writing the whitelist app using Python and the GData API, and of course sharing the code with everyone else
04:05.52p3nguinYou'll be using AGI, probably.
04:06.44bitplanecool, this is looking feasible
04:06.52bitplaneI take it it's more than a weekend project?
04:07.01*** join/#asterisk Siblor (~putthibon@
04:07.11p3nguinYou'll probably spend the most time tuning your dial plan logic.
04:07.17bitplaneI mean, just the programming part should be easy, but I have no idea about telephony networks
04:07.34bitplaneDo I need to use that BASIC style dial-plan language? It looks very restrictive
04:07.49atanErr. sip reload wouldn't cause a sip client on a call to disconnect?
04:08.10p3nguinThe standard extensions.conf is the only thing I use for my dial plan.
04:08.45p3nguinBut if you've got other ideas, there's probably someone that could help you out.
04:09.33*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
04:11.09bitplaneI guess I should get a virtualbox set up and mess about with some skype accounts or something, then when I've got the hang of it I can actually buy some hardware
04:11.49atanSorry, let me change my wording a bit. Would 'sip reload' cause currently connected SIP clients on calls to disconnect?
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04:12.04p3nguinYou can use a software phone to do your testing.  I prefer twinkle on Linux or zoiper on Windows.
04:12.17bitplanecool thanks
04:12.26atanbitplane, I've been using Asterisk on a VPS with great luck ^_^
04:13.16bitplanelike, run it on my hosted VPS online?
04:13.31p3nguinYou certainly can do that if you want.
04:13.59bitplanehehe that would certainly eliminate the need for a bulky box in the hall
04:14.15p3nguinIf you don't need it to be on-site, give it a try.
04:14.45p3nguinAs long as your internet connection is good enough, it shouldn't be a problem.
04:14.46bitplaneI will, thanks, I'll test on my local box and if it works well I'll shift it to the 'net
04:14.53bitplaneyeah that's a risk I guess
04:14.58bitplaneis the quality okay?
04:15.31atanI have a crappy small VPS running with ~15 clients connected two or three calls at a time. No issues here!
04:15.33p3nguinThe concerns will be latency, available bandwidth, and codecs used.
04:15.38atanRunning on debian.
04:15.42bitplanealso how much RAM would it use?
04:15.49p3nguin40 M
04:15.49atanMine has 256 megs =|
04:16.10atan<3 *
04:16.16p3nguinI run Asterisk on a 933 MHz 512 MB box.
04:16.20bitplane40M is good, I've got a crummy dreamhost account with a VPS that costs me $5 a month for 300MB... I use about ~150
04:17.17p3nguinI'm currently using just under 35 MB RAM for asterisk.
04:21.42bitplaneso an incoming call would go like this: external line -> SPA-3102 -> internet -> Asterisk on VPS -> my scripts -> Asterisk -> internet -> SPA-3102 -> internal phone line?
04:23.18p3nguinWell, Asterisk will run the scripts via AGI.
04:23.28p3nguinThe rest looks like correct call flow, though.
04:24.09bitplanethe Linksys VOIP thing acts as a relay in both directions, it's both client and server?
04:25.25p3nguinIt is also capable of pass-through, if the need arises.
04:25.35bitplaneis it a bidirectional channel initiated by the VOIP gateway, or do I need to open specific ports?
04:26.07*** part/#asterisk Howie69 (~Howie69@
04:26.33bitplaneyeah the pass-through thing is a major selling point, hopefully I could run it locally in Linux and the phone would still work if I booted into Windows to play a game
04:26.55p3nguinI have one 3102 in a remote site behind a NAT router and I do not forward any ports for that device.
04:27.21bitplaneI'm getting all excited now!
04:27.22p3nguinAsterisk has NAT support for its peers.
04:27.46bitplanedownloads virtualbox and asterisknow
04:27.48p3nguinSometimes it doesn't work, and you have to do some unusual networking tricks, but for the most part it is fine.
04:28.58p3nguinUsing AsteriskNOW is probably not what you'll want when you're ready to dive in and get your hands dirty in Asterisk.  The fact that it uses a GUI for configuration imposes great limitations.
04:30.10bitplanejust download Ubuntu server and apt-get asterisk?
04:30.14p3nguinIt's a great system, but it is not as flexible as pure Asterisk when you're using the GUI.  You can install it without GUI, though.
04:30.34p3nguinAsteriskNOW 1.8 has the no-gui install option.
04:30.52p3nguinFreePBX, Asterisk GUI, or no GUI
04:31.16p3nguinIf you prefer Ubuntu over CentOS, go with Ubuntu and Asterisk.
04:31.33p3nguinIf you want CentOS, AsteriskNOW with no GUI would be fine.
04:32.15bitplaneis CentOS Red Hat based?
04:32.27p3nguinCentOS is a rebranded RHEL.
04:33.24bitplaneah, no preference then, at least all I know is yum is slightly nicer to use than aptitude
04:33.45bitplanethough I've been using Debian based stuff at home for a couple of years now, probably best to go with that
04:34.11p3nguinI personally can't stand Debian or anything that resembles Debian, so I'd use CentOS if those were the only choices I had.
04:34.22bitplanehehe how come?
04:34.59p3nguinIt's just not my thing.
04:35.06bitplaneUbuntu really shines as a no-nonsense desktop OS, took about half an hour to get it installed and configured for developing on this new PC
04:35.14p3nguinI run Asterisk on Arch Linux and FreeBSD.
04:35.29bitplaneah.. I see ;)
04:36.09bitplaneThe barbarian Debian hordes "make it go" unlike like the FreeBSD crowd who "make it right"
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04:56.40SiblorHello. I try to originate to FastAGI instead of exten, AGI run answer() and then exec("Dial", "DAHDI/g0/##########"). After received the call, there was ringing on the other ends with '-- DAHDI/2-1 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/1-1'. Could you please explain this? I quite not clear about it.
04:59.49tymanI'm not seeing MeetMe when doing a core show application MeetMe
05:00.10tymanany ideas as to why?
05:01.32p3nguinI guess you forgot to build and install it.
05:01.54tymandamn...crazy...thought that was a default...ok
05:02.08p3nguinI'm just taking a wild guess.
05:02.47p3nguinDo you have /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ?
05:03.45p3nguinIf you do, then the other explanation is that you don't have a meetme.conf or you aren't using autoload.
05:04.38tymanah....dahdi driver dependency in menuselect....dahdidummy driver for timing...i remember now.  just running on a vm for testing...forgot about that
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05:06.57drmessanoIf you're using 1.6.2 or above ConfBridge is pretty slick
05:08.47tymandrmessano: that looks cool...checking it out
05:08.56tymanrunning 1.8.1
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05:23.40atanAnyone have an idea how to enable remote access to voicemail by calling an extension that forwards to voicemail? I'd like to let the user press * to be prompted for a password.
05:24.38sawgoodWhen you say, remote access to voicemail, do you mean ... someone calling a DID number, which is answered by an Asterisk extension?
05:24.46p3nguinYou can either call any extension that ends up at a user's voicemail, then press *, or create an extension that runs VoiceMailMain().
05:28.44atanp3nguin, when I call in I hit a mailbox VoiceMail(1@1000,su), but * does not prompt for a password
05:29.35p3nguinYeah?  The s option skips instructions, so what did you expect?
05:29.47WIMPyYou need to enable it in voicemail.conf and create an a extension with voicemailmain.
05:31.50atanp3nguin, says "s: The letter s, if present, causes the instructions ("Please leave your message after the tone. When done, hang up, or press the pound key.") to be skipped. "
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05:36.12p3nguinOh yeah, the a extension.  I totally forgot about that.
05:37.03p3nguinexten => a,n,VoiceMailMain(@default)
05:40.17WIMPybetter make that 1
05:40.45p3nguinMy a,1 was something else not relevant, so I skipped pasting it.
05:40.53atanWoah. Woah woah woah. Come again? I add this to my context...
05:41.15atan'I replace Voicemail(1@default) with this line? err, Voicemail->VoiceMailMain?
05:41.18atantries this
05:41.35p3nguinI forgot that pressing * during the voicemail prompt runs the a extension.
05:41.47WIMPyNo, you add the a extension.
05:42.07p3nguinSo exten a needs to run VoiceMailMain().
05:42.31WIMPyIt might be handy to put the users mailbox to a variable that can be passed to voicemailmain.
05:43.40p3nguinAnd that is the source of my complaint from last night when someone brought up voice mail stuff.  Now I can fix it.
05:45.08greezmunkeyWith voicemail, how are the contexts used. I read through the voicemail.conf file, and attempted to use two seperate voicemail contexts, but it failed. In a nutshell how does the voicemail context tie into the dialplan?
05:46.40p3nguinVoiceMail(512@default) or VoiceMail(4321@office2)
05:47.00p3nguinIt's just a context pertaining to voicemail.
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05:47.50atanp3nguin, could you help me add this in to my dialplan? I added it in there as exten =>a,n,VoiceMailMain(1@default) and exten =>123,n,VoiceMailMain(1@default) but neither of them accept the * press while playing the voicemail greeting
05:48.11greezmunkeyp3nguin: well, you get another facepalm from me! I read _way_ too much into what I was reading in voicemail .conf. That makes too much sense...
05:48.49WIMPyatan: a,1,...
05:49.38atantries this facepalm thing
05:51.00greezmunkeyget used to it :)
05:53.04atanBut now me adding in exten =>a,1,VoiceMailMain(${mailbox}) means when the user presses * anywhere this is going to run though? =S
05:53.39p3nguinExten a is going to be run in the context where the call is.
05:53.43dalbaechgreezmunkey,did you get the answer?
05:53.49WIMPyAnywhere in VoiceMail()
05:53.57WIMPyOr only in the greeting?
05:54.38dalbaechatan, are you trying to get it to go into VoiceMailMain when someone hits *?
05:55.14atanWell I have [inbound] as my context that handles inbound calls, matching phone numbers and calling extensions. I added exten =>a,1,VoiceMailMain(${mailbox}) to the top of it. So I assume if I want to try any fancy magic with asterisk that requires the user to hit * I best make a new context for it?
05:55.41atandalbaech, yep. Got that part working though. My concern now is when the * will apply. For example, if they are in the IVR and hit * I'd hate to send the caller to voicemail.
05:55.50atanIf they hit '0' more than once I think I'll play sexual noises though.
05:56.06greezmunkeydalbaech: yes, it works - I have some cleanup to do in my dialplan, but yes. I'm just glad I washed my hands before I asked that question.
05:56.09dalbaechonly when the IVR is in the same context that the call to * is in...
05:56.32atandalbaech, hmm. How do I seperate what context my calls go to?
05:56.47atanI have a sip trunk which has context=inbound set for it
05:56.48p3nguina only works from inside voicemail.
05:56.54p3nguin'a' that is.
05:57.07atanp3nguin, sweet.
05:57.20p3nguinIf I am in my menu and hit *, it looks for exten *
05:57.33dalbaechwhat p3nguin said. :P
05:57.45p3nguinIf I am in voicemail greeting and hit *, it runs exten a.
05:58.34dalbaech'*' - the call jumps to extension 'a' in the current voicemail context.
05:58.58dalbaechIE: nifty for allowing people to login
06:00.45dalbaechgreezmunkey, different voicemail contexts allow for a more organized structure of the voicemail and the directories if you have multiple groups or different companies on the same PBX instance...
06:02.24greezmunkeydalbaech: I need to dig onto this more, but can the voicemail contexts reside in their own databases?
06:03.29atandalbaech, unless you were to allow sending voicemails to different mailboxes would there ever be a need to use more than one context?
06:03.42dalbaechgreezmunkey, define "databases"
06:04.12dalbaechatan, the contexts inside the voicemail definition can be thought of as groups
06:04.34greezmunkeydalbaech: Voicemail(123@companyA) in a database called CompanyA, and so on...
06:04.42dalbaechgreezmunkey, yep
06:04.47dalbaechCompanyA is the context
06:05.02atanI wonder if there is any way I can build the voicemail storage into my hosting setup so it does not save on my server, but offloads it to cloud storage
06:05.27p3nguinYou're probably not going to be storing the voicemail recordings in a database, though.
06:05.29dalbaechgreezmunkey, nifty for separating directory lookups for CompanyA and CompanyB
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06:06.05dalbaechatan, what type of "cloud"?
06:06.12greezmunkeydalbaech: Effecively isolating them, I guess is what I'm getting at. Excellent, I'm back to the books. Yes, the directories are my primary concern. Thanks.
06:06.13atandalbaech, mosso
06:06.24p3nguinIf you know how to set up file systems, you can put the voicemail anywhere you want it.
06:06.28dalbaechhow do you post files to it?
06:06.33dalbaechgreezmunkey, yep
06:06.40atandalbaech, right now I offload recorded calls and faxes to a cloud container for storage and so the user can pull them down via a little web portal
06:06.47atanNow if I could do the same with voicemail that would be too cool.
06:06.59atanI'm thinking about this imap option here... perhaps this is what I'm looking for.
06:07.20dalbaechmaybe, but that's a beast I've stayed away from.
06:07.46dalbaechThere's real no reason for me to use IMAP when local file storage works fine
06:07.47atanI think showing them a list on a website, letting them tag & add comments, download, forward, e-mail... blah blah would be really neat.
06:07.57p3nguinJust put /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/ on another machine.
06:07.59dalbaechYou can do that with file based storage
06:08.08atanHow much space does a voicemail take though?
06:08.31dalbaechI rewrote vmail.cgi to work on realtime DB instead of using config files...
06:08.43dalbaechatan, what duration of recording, what format?
06:08.52dalbaechhow many messages can they have at once
06:08.56atan10 minutes, default encoding
06:09.04dalbaechYou're asking, how large is an audio recording.
06:09.44dalbaechatan, asterisk saves in multiple different formats for the voicemail app. Are you saving as WAV, wav, gsm, etc... Then figure out what the bit rate is, then do some math.
06:10.55dalbaech"format" parameter.... Examples on
06:11.39p3nguinI could pull out random voicemail message and check the file size.
06:11.58atanis wav49 the same was WAV?
06:12.08dalbaechgsm: one minute = 469 KB
06:12.21dalbaechwav at ulaw = 469 KB
06:12.27atanI recall using WAV for call recording and had really great file sizes =)
06:12.32dalbaechGSM = 103 KB
06:12.50p3nguinA random one... 43K on my mailbox.
06:13.17atanp3nguin, what format would that sucker be in, and any idea how long it is? =)
06:13.27p3nguinin WAV format, 27 seconds
06:13.54dalbaechI don't know the bitrate of wav49, but I found a guestimate of: 1 mbyte/10minutes
06:14.30p3nguinAnother is 52K, WAV, 32 seconds.
06:14.38greezmunkeyThe wav format, I figured that at about 1Mb per minute. I need to look into this as well, thanks.
06:15.01greezmunkeywav49, I see.
06:15.17tymanp3nguin: what is the best way to tshoot call parking from the cli?  I do have parkedcalls included in my dialing context btw...
06:15.31p3nguinDescribe the problem.
06:16.21tymantransfer 700 (default within features.conf), just output to cli under verbose 5
06:16.30dalbaechtyman, if the feature context is the same as the extension, you don't really need it in the DP.
06:17.31dalbaech"context=defaultext" in my features.conf allows any extension that's registered in the defaultext context to just dial the feature extension for parking lot...
06:17.53dalbaechwhat do you have for  parkext =>  and parkpos => in features.conf?
06:17.56dalbaechand context=
06:18.00tymandalbaech: not sure i understand, I was under the impression (because i'm reading it right now), that i had to include => parkedcalls into my respective dialplan context
06:18.25dalbaechtyman, are they sip buddies?
06:18.34p3nguinIt should be fine that you did even if it wasn't exactly necessary.
06:19.20tymandalbaech: y, the two "phones" are actually just lines on my bria softphone (ext 6001, 6002)
06:19.28tymanboth in same context
06:20.36dalbaechtyman, in the sip registration of them, what's the context set to?
06:21.01tymanboth [users]
06:21.47dalbaechin sip.conf, is there a line for the SIP registration that says "context="?
06:22.08dalbaechor if using realtime, the context column
06:23.11tymandalbaech: both sip configs context=users
06:23.29dalbaechok... well, will any other contexts be using features?
06:23.44dalbaechdoesn't really matter right now.
06:23.51dalbaechchange context= in features.conf to be users
06:24.16dalbaechthen in cli, features reload
06:24.22dalbaechand try calling 700
06:24.40dalbaechand also you have the parkpos => setup
06:25.01dalbaechsorry; context => users
06:25.16dalbaechin features.conf under where you put parkext => and parkpos =>
06:25.22tymanthe parkpos  is default as parkpos => 701-720
06:25.52tymandalbaech: stone stock features.conf (* 1.8.1)
06:26.14dalbaechok, what's the context currently set to?
06:26.28dalbaechI don't have a copy of the defaults. :P
06:26.43tymancontext => parkedcalls
06:27.18tymaninclude => parkedcalls within dialplan context [users], with matching context=users within sip.conf
06:28.37greezmunkeyThanks p3nguin and dalbaech have to go...
06:29.05*** join/#asterisk X-Raimo (~asmpub@opensuse/member/raimoschmidt)
06:29.07dalbaechthen it should be able to call 700 if you're including parkedcalls context in the users context....
06:30.04dalbaechare they listed in "dialplan show"?
06:30.58tymanyes...they call each other just fine
06:31.09dalbaechno, the features extensions
06:31.14dalbaech[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'features' ]
06:31.35dalbaech'700' =>         1. Park()                                     [features]
06:32.00tymantma-linux*CLI> dialplan show 700@users
06:32.01tyman[ Included context 'parkedcalls' created by 'features' ]
06:32.31p3nguinIf you change context to context => users, that's going to change.
06:32.36dalbaechok, and is 700 repeated in the users extension also?
06:32.46dalbaechsorry; late night
06:33.34tyman700 is only defined with features.conf
06:33.45dalbaechin my last statement, the word "extension" should have been "context"
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06:33.56tymanah...threw me there :-)
06:34.11X-Raimohello I'm using asterisk 1.8 + TLS. TLS connection is up, echo test runs good and when I try to call to SIP number (he connects using TLS). I got this:
06:34.19tymanyou're getting tired like me prob?
06:34.42dalbaechtyman, this is really weird behavior... it should work the way it is setup... set verbose higher and see if it gives you anything
06:35.42tymandalbaech: yeah...i'm stumped...nothing to it really.
06:36.04dalbaechX-Raimo, what is set for the variable tlscipher in sip.conf; and what type of device is it?
06:36.40X-Raimodalbaech: none is set. Device is PortGo softphone
06:38.24dalbaechTimestamp 13:09.26
06:39.03dalbaechCould that be it?
06:39.09tymandalbaech: my bria client is on my mac, and my * is on my linux vm and we are bridged interfaces in a mother  F'ing crappy motel wlan.  see this
06:39.53dalbaechtyman, you are a brave soul
06:39.59tymanrestarted bria client with same issue on 1 line appearance
06:40.30tymani'm in huntsville, al
06:40.35tymandcap tomorrow
06:41.27dalbaechwell, try disabling directmedia and directrtpsetup
06:41.58dalbaechin sip.conf (for now since you're probably having fun with NAT issues)
06:42.12tymanno nat on my vm...same net
06:42.39dalbaechdoes the call start at all or die right after Remotely bridging SIP/tma-polycom-0000000f and SIP/tma-xlite-00000010 ?'s starts and appears to die after about 15-30secs
06:43.36dalbaech32 seconds on that one
06:43.37dalbaechshould've read
06:43.56tymanwhen i xfer to 700 from 1 line to another, says "transferring to 700" .....snor, hangup
06:44.27tymani'm going to chock this up to bs network for tonight and move on...
06:44.51dalbaechI feel ya
06:44.51tymanthanks dalbaech
06:45.31dalbaechI'm debating on copying my latest backup to my VM at home so that I can relaunch a community PBX I used to run. My hardware is currently in a legal dispute because the colo didn't pay their rent.
06:45.37dalbaechSo I've pretty much called that one a loss
06:46.29tymansounds like a hot mess
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06:51.32dalbaechtyman, indeed.
06:51.47tymanthx again
06:53.54dalbaechnp, sorry I couldn't be more help. My brain is fried.
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07:02.09atanWhat's wrong with this password? secret=s~#$jmJa2*%(jo8ie5784ae2.mNsh34f&
07:02.24atanIt's not my password anymore however the phone won't register with it. Did I use a special char in there or something?
07:02.34atanI'd like to know so I can avoid this trouble in the future.
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07:15.33atanOh pfft. The trouble is this cisco. grr.
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07:33.42atanI am going to pitch this phone out the window here soon. Only a Cisco would refuse to let line #4 have a secret longer than 10 chars. For fuck sake! =(
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07:34.03atanOf course a wrong password on 1/6 extensions cause the other 5 to go offline. Of course.
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07:37.50_cassiniwhwnever i hang up a call after leaving a voicemail on my asterisk server, I am getting the following error:-- Got SIP response 603 "Decline" back from x.x.x.x
07:37.54_cassiniwhat could be causing that?
07:38.09_cassiniit happens after i leave a voicemail, then the voicemail is never emailed out.
07:38.49_cassiniseems to have started after upgrading from to
07:39.06_cassiniany help would be appreciated
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07:43.38schmidtsgood morning
07:50.29atanMorning =)
07:51.01atanWhat is check_auth: username mismatch, have <411>, digest has <s>? digest (if it means the sip.conf peer) has username=411... how is that ==<s>?
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08:08.35atan says "pbx.c:9595 pbx_builtin_setvar: Set requires one variable name/value pair.
08:08.35atan" even when it is set to just 0.
08:10.52kaldemaratan: the phone sends "s" and asterisk is expecting 411.
08:11.48kaldemaratan: your Set is not setting anything. the syntax is Set(var=value).
08:12.31kaldemaratan: to be more accuerate, the Set's with IF.
08:12.38atanWell wouldn't Set(CIDBlock=${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})}0) set it to 0 if ${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})} was blank?
08:13.14atanHmm. There's an idea.
08:13.17kaldemaryes, that one is not your problem.
08:14.03atan${IF($[${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})} != 1]?CIDBlock=${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})})} then perhaps
08:14.03kaldemarif CIDBlock is empty, all you have is Set(), which is not valid.
08:14.30kaldemarit doesn't have to be so overly complicated.
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08:15.35kaldemarwhat do you want to do if ${CIDBlock} does not equal to 10?
08:15.50atannothing =)
08:16.51kaldemaruse app ExecIf then. ExecIf($[${CIDBlock} = 10]?Set(CALLERID(name)=anonymous)) for example.
08:23.48atanExecIf($[${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})} = 1]?Set(CALLERID(number)=0000000000)) works great. Thanks!
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08:31.13atanNext issue is chan_sip.c:13413 check_auth: username mismatch, have <333>, digest has <s>
08:31.51atanThe phone registers fine but doesn't send in the username when a call is made? =\ err
08:34.25kaldemarit sends a wrong username. check the phone configs.
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08:36.52atanFailed to authenticate device "333" <sip:333@>. Why is it trying to register at my SIP provider? =\
08:37.15atanThe phone should be connecting to my asterisk box. I don't see how it should even see the 64.X server.
08:37.21atanThat's my Asterisk SIP trunk =\
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08:47.20kaldemaratan: pastebin a sip debug of a call and show your sip.conf for the peer, masking secret.
08:47.38atanI just added in insecure=port,invite and things look good again
08:48.43kaldemarand now anyone can make calls through your box as long as they use username 333. if your network allows anyone to connect, you better fix the real issue and not cover it.
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08:51.22atanWouldn't they need the secret as well? =\
08:52.49schmidtsatan yes but it this secret good enough to not be hacked by an brute force attack?
08:53.43atanWhat I'm not following here is why my device (333) can make outbound calls properly but if it calls an 800 number which redirects back to my box I get check_auth: username mismatch, have <333>, digest has <s> everywhere
08:53.58atanschmidts, I hope so? The sip accounts are for peers that needs to call outbound :S
08:55.06atanadding the insecure=port,invite to my sip peer prevents the have <333> message
08:56.29kaldemaratan: no, insecure means that they don't have to authenticate.
08:57.05atankaldemar, well then that's out of there!!
08:57.11atanstrips that line out
08:57.42atanOf course we're back to  check_auth: username mismatch, have <333>, digest has <s> now though
08:58.15kaldemarwhy are 800 numbers coming back to your box? you could already trap them in your dialplan if you want to handle them yourself and avoid redirections.
08:58.25atanI only get the  check_auth: username mismatch, have <333>, digest has <s> message if the phone tries to call a number that routes back to the asterisk box
08:58.37atankaldemar, the 800's are the inbound
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08:58.55atanI have them inside my [inbound] context
08:58.56kaldemareverything is inbound from asterisk's point of view.
08:59.31atanOne sec... WTFIYPB
08:59.33kaldemarput them elsewhere then and include in inbound and other contexts.
09:01.52atan is SIP peer, is outbound context it's hitting on
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09:03.16atanUsing this I can call an external number, like 19055551212 but any number that routes back to my box (like one of the 800's) gives me the bloody 333 error =\
09:03.44atanShows it as trying though... -- SIP/voipms-0000025c is making progress passing it to SIP/333-0000025b
09:04.10atanBut when it tries to pass it back the errors show up  check_auth: username mismatch, have <333>, digest has <s>, handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "333"
09:09.29atanAre you guys sure using insecure=port,invite
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09:14.17kaldemaratan: see "insecure=invite" in
09:15.48atankaldemar, but does that matter since it's in my outbound context anyway?
09:16.50atanvoipms provided me this for my config to send calls to them
09:18.04kaldemaratan: that's restricted to a host, but asterisk does not indeed require authentication for calls that come from that host and with that username.
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09:18.32kaldemaror from that host, disregarding the username.
09:18.43atanOkay. Well going with that thought, since all the other phones seem to work bloddy fine without that insecure line...
09:19.12atanStill the issue of the phone getting Failed to authenticate device "333" <sip:333@>
09:19.34atanI don't understand why the phone is even trying to contact the 64 ip, again, not mine =\
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09:23.44atanWell it makes no sense to me. I added allow=all; just before disallow=all; and things are good now.
09:23.52kaldemaratan: because of their redirection.
09:23.54atanshakes head
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09:27.02atanWell this is just bloody odd. If I don't send callerid=Scooby-Doo<8005551212>; or send something bogus, like callerid=Scooby-Doo<123>; it fails with that auth message.
09:27.08atancallerid is required now? O_O
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09:34.04kaldemaratan: it probably affects the matching device when the call comes back to you. a sip debug will be helpful, as i said over 45 minutes ago.
09:35.22kaldemarwhen you set the caller id as something, the call won't match [333] when it comes back in. you don't have a matching device name then, so it matches by ip to [voipms] which does not require authentication, hence it seems to work.
09:35.35atanSorry dude ^_^ should I let it rest now that it's working as expected so long as callerid is defined? Or does it warrant more time?
09:35.48*** part/#asterisk X-Raimo (~asmpub@opensuse/member/raimoschmidt)
09:36.37atanWoah. What's this about matching device name? Do you mean to tell me if I have a sip peer named [19055551212] and a call comes in to exten 19025551212 that sip peer will pick it up, not the extension?
09:36.51atanrethinks naming things with numbers if this is the case
09:37.12atanI did see something about that inside the readme-SERIOUSLY document but, err
09:38.04kaldemaratan: no. you need to look at the sip.conf.sample i pasted earlier and read the "Naming devices" section. it will clarify how incoming calls (which the redirection from voipms is) are matched to devices ([something]) in sip.conf.
09:40.20kaldemarusing numbers as device names MAY cause unexpected behavior in some circumstances, yes. you're seeing some right now.
09:41.42atanWell isn't this neat. I wish I had read all these docs long ago. I honestly can't remember anything these days =(
09:42.19atanI suppose I could rename all my users to PeerN then to help avoid this
09:46.10Diffen2Hello, is it possible to get a sip-phone to send information to the Asterisk? I mean if you press DND on a SNOM phone that the extension in Asterisk will be set to DND. Not just the phone.
09:50.20kaldemarDiffen2: an extension does not have state in that way. you'd need to make some solution yourself, for example an extension that sets a DND state into astdb and modify the dialing extension to check that state before dialing the device.
09:52.10Diffen2ok nice thanks kaldemar.
09:52.56atanExecIf($[${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})} = 1]?Set(CALLERID(name)=anonymous)) results in  WARNING[31871]: ast_expr2.fl:468 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input:
09:53.26atanInput: = 1 ^
09:55.08kaldemar${DB(CIDBlock/${CHANNEL:4:4})} must be empty. throw in some "'s.
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09:57.12atankaldemar, you are all kinds of special. Seriously. Dude you rock.
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10:33.09uzz75need help for patton 4634 with 2 Provider...
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10:39.05CareBear\Hello all! asterisk rocks.
10:39.39CareBear\What exactly is the use case for chan_mobile in 1.6 addons?
10:39.58CareBear\"Bluetooth Mobile Device Channel Driver" - well..
10:40.13kaldemarCareBear\: for example using a mobile phone as a channel in asterisk.
10:40.28CareBear\by making the PC look like a headset?
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10:41.10kaldemarCareBear\: no, a telephony channel. you can make calls from asterisk to PSTN using your mobile phone and use the phone to receive calls in asterisk.
10:42.38CareBear\kaldemar : understood, but I'm thinking of what actually gets communicated over BT.. I'm reading the code and trying to figure out which protocols and/or BT profiles are used in which way with the mobile phone
10:43.05CareBear\kaldemar : it is very nice functionality! I'm curious to understand the details.
10:44.40CareBear\"Send an SMS message" ?!
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10:45.03CareBear\well, of course; asterisk does messaging too :)
10:45.33CareBear\apropos that; are there any good ways to deliver SMS-like messages to a SIP client that has registered to asterisk?
10:45.51CareBear\it depends on the client of course, but what are the options in general here?
10:49.57uzz75there are someone expert on Patton device ?
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10:51.04kaldemarCareBear\: last i checked, asterisk didn't support SIP messages outside of a call, maybe XMPP does.
10:56.48Chainsawkaldemar: So SIP NOTIFY doesn't actually exist?
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10:58.16kaldemarChainsaw: i meant MESSAGE, not NOTIFY. yes, NOTIFY can probably be used.
10:58.37kaldemarshould have written it in caps.
10:59.03CareBear\kaldemar : ok - and what about messages *within* a call then?
10:59.20CareBear\kaldemar : that would also work for what I want
10:59.27kaldemarCareBear\: iirc, SIP MESSAGE is supported within a call.
10:59.52CareBear\do clients make sense of it?
10:59.57kaldemarbut it's been a while since i took a look at that.
11:00.40*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
11:01.20Diffen2Does anyone have any good suggestion on how to connect a CRM system with the Asterisk? I have two options I guess. First TAPI and second Asterisk Manager API. I guess if the users arent supposed to keep track on ip-address to their phones the Asterisk Manager API is the way to go right?
11:03.22ChainsawDiffen2: It depends on how intricately you want to connect the two.
11:03.39ChainsawDiffen2: You can also log CDR into a database of choice and process that information for CRM usage.
11:04.14Diffen2Ahh Chainsaw the users want to be able to click on a number and then asterisk should call their phone.
11:04.18ChainsawDiffen2: But yes, if you want immediate things like turning phone numbers into Name / Company on the display... you will need the manager API.
11:04.30ChainsawDiffen2: Manager API also seems the best bet there, yes.
11:05.00ChainsawDiffen2: There are some disgusting hacks you can do if it is a Cisco "SIP" phone like a 7960, but I wouldn't recommend their use.
11:05.02CareBear\kaldemar : Many thanks for the pointers!
11:05.08CareBear\have a nice weekend everyone
11:05.09*** part/#asterisk CareBear\ (
11:05.39Diffen2Chainsaw sweet. thanks for you answer. So basically the CRM adds a login and password for the manager api and then every user adds their own extension and password, right?
11:05.57Diffen2We are only using SNOM
11:06.29ChainsawDiffen2: Well, the manager API is basically an easy way to send commands to Asterisk from a PHP script.
11:06.52ChainsawDiffen2: It is then up to either you or the existing CRM code to do something useful with that access.
11:07.16Diffen2good good. one thing that bugs me a little is that we have multiple tenants and i only want this manager account to see "their" own information
11:09.11ChainsawDiffen2: I don't believe the manager subsystem supports multiple logins, but you can add this privilege separation in the code blocks.
11:11.12Diffen2Chainsaw: hmm you mean that I can´t add more then one manager api user? I was planning on adding one extra manager api user for this customer and then let every user logon for them self. So their server have one login and the users uses their phone credentials to logon to receive the correct information
11:13.54ChainsawDiffen2: No way that I can see, no.
11:15.17Diffen2Hmm thats not good. Hmm How would I do then? Only one login for the customer at all and then let them see all the data?
11:15.46ChainsawDiffen2: Don't give them a direct login. Have the CRM backend log into the manager interface and present the data that way.
11:16.33Diffen2Chainsaw: yes but wouldnt all the data be sent to the CRM backend then? I mean all the calls?
11:17.32ChainsawDiffen2: The CRM backend would be able to retrieve this information, yes. You can still apply filtering to what you retrieve?
11:18.36Diffen2Chainsaw: On the CRM side I guess. It would be lovely to set that filtering on the Asterisk side :)
11:19.31ChainsawDiffen2: Yes. But don't try to make a CRM out of Asterisk or a phone system out of your CRM...
11:19.48ChainsawDiffen2: Interface the two bits of software, leave them their strong points.
11:20.54Diffen2Chainsaw: Na the only thing I want to do is to send the CRM system the information that are nessesary for the CRM.
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12:44.35m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to connect my asterisk to a voip provider. I created the user in the database but, when I 'sip show peers' the status of the user is unknown
12:45.19m_tadeumy voip provider says that my asterisk has to register the user in their system. How do I do that?
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12:47.10kaldemarm_tadeu: with a register statement in sip.conf. and the status of such registrations is show with "sip show registry". sip show peers will show what others look like to your system.
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13:02.49m_tadeukaldemar: thanx for the info...but it's not working yet....
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13:39.24goldrogerhi guys, is this the proper place to ask about dahdi's tor2 driver code ?
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13:40.45goldrogerso basically, I was going through dahdi's ph_tor3_e1.c code, and noticed that in tor3_intr, the interrupt handler
13:41.16goldrogerwe do a transmit output straight before receive input
13:41.38goldrogerand in both the cases, we read from tor->mem32, which is a virtual representation of the xilinx memory mapped area
13:41.57goldrogerbut, if we're writing first, and then reading back right after it, won't we read back just what we have written ?
13:43.10goldrogeror are the writechunk[i] of the channels and the readchunk[i] of the channel mutually exclusive
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13:57.23tzafrir_laptopgoldroger, this is the right place. However this tor3 driver is an unsupported fork
13:57.37tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure if anybody maintains it
13:57.55tzafrir_laptopI wonder what it would take to make tor2.c support those devices
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14:15.28WIMPyThere is tor3 support in dahdi?
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14:17.16WIMPygoldroger: Where did you find that?
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14:39.28goldrogertzafrir_laptop: I missed the last line you made after 'tor3 is an unsupported fork'
14:39.32goldrogercan you please repeat
14:40.43WIMPygoldroger: Where did you find that?
14:41.41goldrogerWIMPy: tzafrir_laptop told me
14:42.03goldrogerdo you mean where I found the driver for ph_tor3_e1.c ?
14:42.18goldrogerit is at the site for phonicEQ
14:43.14WIMPyYes. I've got someon who uses a tor3, but I could only find some stonage zaptel version for it.
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14:44.03goldrogerwell I have the link :
14:44.19WIMPyThe card is being replaced by a digium one thins weekend, but it would be nice to make better use of the tor3 if only for testing.
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14:44.43WIMPyThanks. Will take a look.
14:45.03goldrogerWIMPy: Awould you be aware of tor2_intr - the code in tor2.c
14:45.28yonahwHi, I am experiencing dropped calls in a blind transfer done over SIP using REFER. I found this to be a reported bug which has been fixed. Checked out 1.8.1, installed and still experiencing the same issue. What should my next step be?
14:45.56goldrogertzafrir_laptop: even if tor3 is an unsupported fork, tor2 does the same thing - so can you please explain why we do a read from  tor->mem32 right after writing to tor->mem32 ?
14:46.08goldrogerwon't we read back the same thing that we just wrote
14:46.34WIMPygoldroger: Not yet, but I will probably take a look at it as soon as the card is replaced.
14:47.00WIMPyAt least if it ends up with me :-)
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14:47.37goldrogerok np I'll wait for max(tzafrir_laptop replying, you_reading_thecode_and_then helping me out hopefully)
14:49.27goldrogeror min
14:50.21goldrogerhi phix
14:50.42tzafrir_laptopgoldroger: __iomem volatile unsigned int *mem32;   /* Virtual representation of 32 bit Xilinx memory area */
14:50.56phixwhat up Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Shim goldroger ?
14:51.16tzafrir_laptopXilinx is the FPGA chip on that card, I guess
14:51.42goldrogertzafrir_laptop: ok .. but won't writing to it overwrite any data on it that was waiting to be read ?
14:52.00goldrogerI hope this is not a lame doubt
14:52.01florzgoldroger: it's not memory, probably
14:52.12WIMPygoldroger: That is probably not memory but some hardware register.
14:53.03goldrogerok .. so what ? the overwriting thing still holds right ?
14:53.24goldrogerwe're both writing to and reading from the same register - even though it's mapped to a virtual memory area
14:53.44florzgoldroger: potentially no
14:53.55goldrogerwhy florz ?
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14:54.29goldrogerare you saying that the card takes care of it ?
14:54.35goldrogersince the registers are in the card ?
14:54.44WIMPygoldroger: It might have completely defferent functions when reading or writing.
14:54.51WIMPyThat's it
14:55.34goldrogerok thanks a lot everyone :D
14:55.38goldrogerclarifies stuff
14:56.06florzgoldroger: I don't have any clue what the specifics in this case are, but writing and reading are completely separate transactions on PCI, and in any case a PCI card can do whatever it likes with data you write to it and reply with whatever data it likes to any single read request
14:56.12WIMPyIt is common to have a read-only and a write-only function on the same address.
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14:57.10goldrogerthanks again :D
14:57.24WIMPyBut even if it was teh same function it might make sense to read a value to check if it has been accepted by the hardware.
14:57.34WIMPyThere are quite some possibilities.
14:58.13florzwell, it also may be an actual memory location (as in "a real register") that just gets updated by the host as well as the PCI device itself
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14:58.58WIMPyOr the value might be completely useless and it's only about the fact that a read or write occurs that triggers some function.
14:59.44florzessentially, it's just not necessarily sensible to think of writes and reads to a PCI device as "accessing memory"
15:00.12florzit's just reads and writes as distinct actions that can cause the hardware to do certain things
15:01.04florzit's not about storing data
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15:03.07yonahwanybody have any ideas about my SIP REFER's getting dropped even in 1.8.1. I posted more details above but would be happy to repeat if anyone can shed some light here.
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15:26.14leifmadsenyonahw: use 1.8.2-rc1, not 1.8.1
15:26.27leifmadsen18185 was not resolved in 1.8.1-rc1 (which 1.8.1 was built from)
15:27.43*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
15:27.48tuxx-hi guys, we have an analog phone connected on a asterisk box with a TDM8 card. We get the following error when the analog phone is calling, the call is silenced for a second, and then continues. Anyone have a clue what this is about? Google gives me nothing. If you need a dahdi debug log, we can supply you with that (have to make it though ;-)
15:28.27goldrogermaybe echo cancellation or something ? not sure
15:28.28yonahwleifmadsen: thanks
15:28.36goldrogerit might be training or something
15:29.41goldrogerflorz: thanks for that clarification - I was thinking of it as that exactly - as reads/writes into the memory which I shouldn't :)
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15:42.43SirDekarhi, I need help with agenda/calendar can somebody help me?
15:43.23SirDekarI just need to make lists of extensions which server will call to notify something
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15:54.40ManWithNoName_Hello! Is anyone receiving this message:  NOTICE[13179]: chan_iax2.c:8618 reg_source_db: IAX/Registry astdb host:port invalid - ''
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16:22.39asilvaCan someone give me a help, my asterisk is calling to my sip users by itself.. And nothing appears on LOGS
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16:24.19asilvaOn the ip phone shows <<asterisk>> <asterisk> and when i answer stays mute!
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16:28.46mort_gibasilva: Let the goblinns out of your box :-)
16:29.08asilvathat's what i thought so!! :(
16:29.35asilvaI enabled sip debug so i'm waiting to call again to see if i catch anything 'cause on verbose and debug nothing shows!
16:30.01mort_gibWhat version are you on ??
16:32.20asilvamostly servers and .13
16:34.16mort_gibAnd re-invite always off
16:34.31asilvalet me check
16:35.30mort_gibAnd you see NOTHING in the cli??
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16:37.09asilvano dials
16:37.12asilvano redirects
16:37.31asilvai try to match time/date nothing!!!!
16:38.14mort_gibcall logs
16:38.50asilvafull log
16:39.07mort_gibno call logs, not /var/log/asterisk/messages
16:39.23asilvayou mean cdr ?
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16:42.34asilvamort_gib, also nothing on CDR
16:43.04asilvaI hopping to happen again so i can catch on sip debug
16:43.52mort_gibYeah, well I'm out of ideas
16:44.25mort_gibAre you using the Nice Noname Chinese phones I stumbled over last week??
16:44.27asilvayeah i'm stuck too
16:44.43asilvai use Yealink phones and some Linksys Spa942
16:45.19mort_gibOk... :-) I found a box of "IP phones" @ a clients
16:45.34mort_gibNot even a trace of a name on them
16:45.54mort_gibThey did very advanced stuff
16:46.10mort_gibLike knowing in advance when a conversation was really over
16:46.17mort_giband aotumatically hang up
16:46.43mort_gibThey also kept staff awake, by making small merry sounds from time to time
16:46.56mort_gib-I HAD to try them out :-)
16:47.12mort_gibMy client has some 45 Polycom phones on their system
16:47.37mort_gibThey don't know when conversations are over, you have to hang up yourself
16:47.55mort_gibI'll writing to polycom about their shortcomings
16:48.17mort_gibI feel Polycom will want to know
16:49.50mort_gibSeriously though
16:50.09mort_gibI had those problems with my noname phones
16:50.38mort_gibAnyway, best of luck
16:51.37asilvaAnyone has any ideas about what's happening with me?!
16:51.52asilvaAsterisk calling to sip users and no log apears (anywhere)
16:54.03cmnkyanyone know the bandwidth required (1 way x 2) for the major codecs in the US ?
16:55.01pathany suggestions to grab DMTF stuff?
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16:56.05AgentMadsenpath: what do you mean?
16:56.14AgentMadsenpath: enable 'dtmf' logging in logger.conf
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17:02.20paththanks AgentMadsen :)
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17:14.27Kattygooooooooooooood morning!
17:14.58Kattyhugs thehar
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18:01.36mducharme-laptopwhat are the possible causes of a handset failing to register, sip 403 forbidden error in the sip debug log
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18:02.59synceri have installed asterisk
18:03.19syncerfreepbx and also free fax for asterisk
18:04.09syncerall seems to be fine, but if asterisk detect cng it redirect call
18:04.23syncerand hangs up
18:04.47syncercan someone  point me in correct direction how to solve this?
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18:10.07[T]ankso, i upgraded from 1.6.11 to, but after upgrade, my voicemail does not send email anymore... i havent got a clue where to start looking... ideas?
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18:34.17doctorrayHello.. looking to experiment with beeping during recording (every 15 sec, etc).. I've played with the announcement method described in the wiki using a custom beep file I've created, etc.. it works, but for the duration of the beep, though short, it cuts out audio passing though, so words can be missed.. I'm looking for a way to bridge it into the call instead.. has anyone had the chance to play with this?
18:40.09drmessanoI sure wish there was some way of working around the GV issue where if you're logged into GMAIL, you can't make outgoing calls.
18:40.10*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
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18:43.26[T]anki upgraded from 1.6.11 to, but after upgrade, my voicemail does not send email anymore... i havent got a clue where to start looking... ideas?
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18:49.11doctorray[T]ank: have you tried sending mail from the command line outside asterisk?  something else may have happened
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18:49.58joel_oliveirahello all
18:49.59[T]ankgood idea... testing
18:51.49joel_oliveiraI have installed the Asterisk and now I am bumping into a problem regarding the qualifyfreq option. I  changed it in sip.conf to 60 and other values but it still does a check in 12 seconds interval. doesn't matter how value I change it, it's always made a check on a client each 12 seconds
18:52.23joel_oliveiraI checked on the peer by doing sip show peer XXX and the value that I define for qualify frequency is right
18:52.38joel_oliveiradoes anybody has any clue for what can be wrong?
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19:20.16[T]ankwhat email does asterisk use by default? sendmail?
19:22.49citywok[T]ank: voicemail.conf "mailcmd"
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19:24.03[T]ankshould i see something in the cli> when it i leave a voicemail saying that an email is being sent?
19:25.09citywokat least i've never seen anything with verbosity cranked up, it may show in the debug log files if you enable them, but i've never needed to look.
19:25.20[T]ankim not seeing anything in /var/log/messages regarding email either. Where would i find soemthing that says "hey dumb-a, if failed"
19:25.41citywokyou can try enabling debug in logger.conf and watch that log file to see more info.
19:25.58[T]ankwhat would be a good command line test?
19:26.11citywokwhere you would see it fail depends on your configuration.  i use asterisk + postfix which works pretty well without any hassle.
19:27.26[T]ankodd thing is that this worked until i upgraded from 1.6.11 to
19:27.30[T]ankthen it seemingly stopped
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19:44.18fofwarehello any one know if extensions.lua work on openwrt?
19:44.39Qwellif you built lua support, sure
19:45.23fofwareQwell: I suspect is a parameter in make file, right?
19:53.46*** part/#asterisk ManWithNoName_ (~ManWithNo@
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19:55.29[T]anki am getting no where on this voicemail to email thing. i am not super savy with the linux and getting flamed in the linux channels. anyone able to walk thorugh this with me?
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20:06.07_Corey_[T]ank: You need to check to see what your server is running, could be sendmail or postfix or something else...  /var/log/maillog is probably going to be helpful in seeing what's up
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20:17.25fofwareHow I know if my asterisk support extension.lua?
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20:28.48Kattyi had a nap
20:29.39Qwellmy turn?
20:29.52Kattyhands Qwell pillow
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20:33.11drmessanosteals said pillow
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20:49.57bkruseSCF steering committee has a guy named Ed Guy, who is from e-MC Software - is that ?
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20:52.58QwellEMC ~= vmware
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21:16.54bkruseQwell: Darn, I was hoping to get a deal on some VMAXs :[
21:20.27Qwellbkruse: I know a guy.  Go to, tell them Qwell sent you.  Instant $0 off.
21:22.06drmessanoWindows Virtual Server FTW
21:22.28drmessanoMake sure it says "R2" in the box.. that's the new "Pro"
21:22.47bkruseQwell: hahaha, exactly! Instant $0 off of 2 million dollars
21:30.04*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
21:34.06bkruseQwell: Those vmax boxes are _insane_ though
21:38.47*** join/#asterisk dalbaech (
21:39.45*** join/#asterisk CheBuzz_Home (
21:45.29CheBuzz_HomeI have an asterisk install on a public IP, and am trying to configure that with an ATA behind a NAT.  Everything seems to register just fine, but when I try to make a call, it just falls through.  Here is the sip  Any ideas what is going on?  This one has me stumped.
21:46.04dalbaechCheBuzz_Home, want an easy way?
21:46.14CheBuzz_HomeEasy is good.
21:46.44dalbaechsetup port forwarding for whatever is setup on the * box in rtp.conf
21:48.22CheBuzz_HomeI'm not sure I understand.  Port forwarding on the public IP?  Because that is un-firewalled.
21:48.33dalbaechno, on whatever router it's behind....
21:48.34kaldemaror set nat=yes and qualify=yes for the peer in sip.conf
21:48.44infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : otherwise check the WIKI at
21:48.48dalbaechor what kaldemar said, but it doesn't always work
21:49.01CheBuzz_Homedalbaech, unfortunately that's not an option for me, it's a shared router that I don't control.
21:49.12dalbaechhave fun if the sip NAT doesn't help.
21:49.15dalbaechTry using IAX
21:49.16CheBuzz_Homekaldemar: I have set both those options.
21:49.22dalbaechit's better with evil NAT situations
21:49.36*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
21:50.29dalbaechIAX uses the same connection for signaling and payload
21:50.36dalbaechso it theoretically works better
21:50.49CheBuzz_HomeI love IAX, but this ATA doesn't support it.
21:51.00CheBuzz_HomeThe thing I don't get is why the call just kind of goes into the ether.  I don't see an error or any indication of why it fails in the sip debug
21:51.01dalbaechsounds like you're going to have some fun.
21:51.18CheBuzz_Home:)  Can't think of a better way to spend my day....
21:51.19dalbaechit goes into the ether because the NAT router doesn't know what to do with itr
21:51.30dalbaechCheBuzz_Home, start drinking.
21:51.41CheBuzz_HomeHaha, that will surely help!
21:52.05dalbaechtry STUN
21:52.11CheBuzz_HomeSo you are saying that the SIP handshake completes, and then when the RTP stream tries to start, it dies?
21:52.57dalbaechbecause the router has no idea they're associated with each other
21:53.03dalbaechwelcome to my world.
21:53.09dalbaechI work for a VOIP provider
21:53.18CheBuzz_HomeI even tried going through OpenVPN to that box, but that was even worse! I couldn't even get it to register.
21:53.28dalbaechwe use rtp proxy for some things
21:53.32CheBuzz_HomeDoes * provide STUN service?
21:53.33dalbaechbut in general, nat is evil.
21:53.47infobotit has been said that stun is that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs, or a client side method to cater to crappy sip servers, or a phaser setting
21:54.20CheBuzz_HomeI, for one, will be gratefully welcome our IPv6 overlords.
21:54.44*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
21:57.22dalbaechwell, google for public STUN
21:57.24dalbaechthen try using one
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22:06.03dalbaechCheBuzz_Home, if that didn't work, try turning off directrtp/directmedia
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22:06.18LetoricEvenin folks.
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22:07.00LetoricDoes anybody have some good reference material for configuring call monitoring to allow somebody to opt out a specific call (inbbound or outbound) from the monitoring?
22:07.03diemosEvening, Letoric .
22:07.24LetoricWe have, by default, all calls monitored, and the executives want the ability to push a code and turn it off even in the middle of a call
22:08.19LetoricI'm running, in case there are some version specific differences for this
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22:08.51dalbaechLetoric, you might want to enable it, but then setup a feature code to disable it.
22:09.12dalbaechHowever, if you're in trading or anything like that, disabling the recording actually makes it look bad.
22:09.19LetoricI'm not aware of how to set up a feature code that they can push during a call
22:09.27dalbaechYou might consider making DIDs or outbound that aren't recorded
22:09.34Letoricnah, not in trading, they just want some of their legal calls etc.. to be not monitored
22:09.39dalbaechtried. lmao
22:09.55dalbaechwell, I'd setup DIDs or access codes to not be recorded
22:10.10dalbaechfor example, if it comes in on a IVR and then they dial it, if that has automon on....
22:10.14dalbaechturn it off before Dial()
22:10.37Letoricyeah, I understand how to do it before the call comes in/goes out
22:10.45Letoricjust trying to comply with their request of 'during'
22:10.46dalbaechcan't really do it mid-stream unless you used automon in features.conf to record it
22:11.03dalbaechunless automon turns off mixmontor when its turned off
22:11.06diemosSo, I'm new to Asterisk CLI. I've downloaded StarfishPBX and I've got SIP trunks setup on it which seem to be fine, however any time I try to make a call in/outbound, it immediately drops the call with a fastbusy. I've got this log from asterisk cli interface:
22:11.27Letoricis automon an application, function, or 3rd party?
22:12.15diemosThe call is also dropped when trying local extensions.
22:12.36dalbaechLetoric, find it?
22:12.48dalbaechI think the monitor in features might toggle mixmonitor
22:12.50dalbaechI'm not sure
22:12.57dalbaechif it doesn't, I can patch it and send the patch
22:13.06dalbaechI'm not putting it to bugtracker
22:13.17dalbaechbecause everything I've ever submitted, someone else took credit for.
22:13.30dalbaechIE: realtime meetme support
22:13.36LetoricI found automon, on
22:13.44Letoricnot sure I've found the 'how' yet, but at least a starting point
22:13.45dalbaechok... look in features.conf
22:13.56dalbaechfind the feature code for monitor
22:13.59dalbaechor mixmon
22:14.02dalbaech... then enable it
22:14.15dalbaechsee if a call will toggle mixmonitor off when it's pressed
22:14.25dalbaechyou'll need the correct options in the Dial()
22:14.27dalbaechto enable monitor
22:14.33dalbaechto be able to toggle it
22:14.39dalbaechif it allows it anyway
22:15.07LetoricI've always done the mixmonitor stuff as a separate line, never used the options in Dial() for it
22:15.11Letoricwill see what I can do ;) Thanks
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22:15.57dalbaechLetoric, for features, the dial() needs to be told it can use them
22:16.42dalbaech# W: Allow the calling user to start recording after pressing *1 or what defined in features.conf (Asterisk v1.2.x); requires Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
22:16.42dalbaech# w: Allow the called user to start recording after pressing *1 or what defined in features.conf (Asterisk v1.2.x); requires Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=automon)
22:17.14dalbaechMy ATA won't register....
22:17.17dalbaechbut I don't have Internet.
22:17.20dalbaech(that's my day.)
22:17.29dalbaecheek, I need more vodka.
22:25.56dalbaechMy favorite one....
22:26.00dalbaechI need to have electricity?
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22:31.34diemoscan someone help me make sense of this?
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22:33.40cmnkythis $5 bluetooth headset works pretty good
22:33.53Letoricok dalbaech - that worked....but not exactly ;)
22:34.06cmnkyalthough i dont have any point of reference, since its my first one
22:34.09LetoricIt did indeed start/stop a new instance of mixmonitor/monitor, but it didn't stop the original one
22:34.49dalbaechpardon my language.
22:34.57bmoraca_workhow do you hang up a SIP channel from the CLI in 1.6.2?
22:35.00dalbaechyou might have to have specific dids that don't record.
22:35.07dalbaechor patch it
22:35.11dalbaechand I'm not in the mood.
22:35.14bmoraca_worknm, got it
22:35.32Letoricok, well thanks anyway!
22:35.40dalbaechknow any C?
22:35.56dalbaechcheck PM
22:35.57Letoricwe have a programmer on staff, but I don't think they'll allocate him to this task
22:36.31cmnkythey lock the C coders to the floor of their cubicle with shackles
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22:56.21CheBuzz_HomeOk, this is odd.  I have quite a few extensions in extensions.conf, but dialplan show only lists s, NoOp.  Why would this be?  extensions.conf is owned by asterisk.asterisk, and it is 750
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23:21.56russellbCheBuzz_Home: run "dialplan reload" at the CLI and see what errors you get.
23:22.27recurs|veim having some odd things go on with all our phones (polycom ip560 and ip670). when any call is connected, there is up to a 5 second delay before each party can hear eachother, i can gist anything necessary to get this fixed, but im at a huge loss
23:22.32thehar[ERROR] Failure
23:23.28diemosrecurs|ve: I'd probably do a packet capture and see if there's anything odd in the SIP messages.
23:24.06recurs|vediemos: im wondering if this would have anything to do with sharing the pri with data?
23:24.32recurs|vebut i will try your suggestion
23:27.26diemosThat could be a QoS issue if it's over a PRI, any jitter/distrotion?
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23:27.57recurs|vediemos: no
23:29.20dalbaechok, I'm out of here for a virgil.
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23:30.02recurs|vediemos: every minute to two we get dropped calls though, the odd thing is this never happened before until we updated the server and phone rom
23:30.23recurs|veso i think it has to do with the phone rom, but i may just be guessing here
23:31.08goldrogerhi, is there an rfc describing the tor spec, etc on which the tor2/3 cards etc are based ?
23:31.33diemosat least you can make calls -.-; my pbx keeps dropping mine and I can't figure out why
23:31.41diemosfastbusy all day D:
23:32.09recurs|vediemos: well the odd thing is sometimes i have no problems at all, but this shit is whack
23:33.36diemoswelcome to my world
23:33.47diemosboss throws a new PBX at me at least once a week
23:37.18WIMPyrecurs|ve: When and where exactely does the problem arise?
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