IRC log for #asterisk on 20101212

00:28.37*** join/#asterisk nny (
00:29.27nnygetting Error: Dahdi device failed to come up Possible Cause: UDEV not installed! after updating to 2.4.0 dahdi on a system here. What could be the possible causes? I have the modules loaded
00:30.21*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:33.23nnyi have checked, zaptel is not loaded or running
00:37.09xSmurfis there a quick way for a DISA to use the caller's voicemail password to authenticate?
00:39.27*** join/#asterisk jamko (
00:43.00nnyUnable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
00:43.04nnywhen running dahdi_cfg
00:43.22nnyi am using a sangoma card, but just trying to get dahdi loaded without it right now, using ztdummy
00:43.31nnyi have commented out any modules not used by the system
00:43.37nnyin /etc/dahdi/modules.conf
00:47.30zleslieHow do I check voicemail?
01:08.25*** join/#asterisk Evet (~Evet@unaffiliated/evet)
01:10.05zlesliegot it
01:12.54*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
01:34.57nnyline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'  dammit
01:35.06nnycan't get dahdi to load no matter what I do
01:36.51WIMPySo what happens if you 'modprobe dahdi'?
01:41.54nnyWIMPy: it loads dahdi_dummy, dahdi and crc_ccitt
01:42.36nnyWIMPy: but using dahdi_cfg -vvvv or /etc/init.d/dahdi start both fail for the same reason
01:42.58nnyWIMPy: and no dev nodes are created when I load the modules manually
01:43.01*** join/#asterisk P424D0X (~DL7RAY@2001:470:1f0b:449:215:f2ff:fef4:a244)
01:43.49*** join/#asterisk Texou (~Texou@unaffiliated/texou)
01:45.07TexouI'm sorry for my questions, but really reading doc didn't help me answering about my needs with asterisk
01:45.26nnyWIMPy: think i figured it out
01:45.28Texou2 questions
01:45.38nnyWIMPy: older system, doesn't use udev it seems
01:45.54WIMPynny: You need the modules for the channels loaded before you can dahdi_cfg.
01:47.07nnyWIMPy: i have them loaded, however there are no /dev nodes. Some research shows this base OS (it's 3 years old) uses /dev/ instead of udev
01:49.03nnyWIMPy: fyi (in case this sad issue comes up again) ./build_tools/make_static_devs in dahdi dir fixed it
01:49.29Texou1st tell me: is asterisk a client or only a server that a client must connect to in order to phone?
01:51.03WIMPyIt is a back-to-back User Agent.
01:51.06p3nguintexou: Asterisk is a Back-to-Back user agent.
01:51.43p3nguintexou: What that means to you: Asterisk is both a client and a server.
01:53.11Texoup3nguin: and can I use it as tool to call people from my computer even if my buddies don't have asterisk installed on their computer?
01:54.56p3nguintexou: Absolutely.
01:56.11p3nguintexou: But it is far more powerful than just that.
01:56.22TexouI imagine
01:56.35Texouit's I try understanding but I have to ask as reading doesn't help me
01:56.48Texoup3nguin: ok. and what does my buddy mhave to have installed? what kind of tool (on Windows for instance since my buddies are often windows users)?
01:57.09p3nguintexou: You want to call him on his computer or on his telephone?
01:58.06p3nguintexou: You really don't even need Asterisk if you only want to call your friend from your computer to his.  Asterisk is intended to use for a PBX.
01:58.41p3nguintexou: In either case, you can use zoiper, x-lite, ekiga, or any other software SIP or IAX2 phone.
01:59.02Texoup3nguin: my idea was to workaround skype or solutions which don't work on Linux: MSN, Netmeeting...
01:59.47p3nguintexou: Yeah.  You could both have soft phones on your computers and call each other that way.  You could install twinkle and he could install zoiper, for example.
01:59.49WIMPyNetmeeting works with anything that uses H323, like e.g. ekiga or Asterisk.
02:00.30TexouI didn't know them. I can search what they do
02:01.08TexouWIMPy: That's why I ask fkr asterisk because ohphone I didn't understand it, and I'd like a single tool for various tasks
02:02.03WIMPyWell, Asterisk speaks many proticols.
02:02.19p3nguinMost people think of asterisk as kind of a centralized "server" because of typical placement and integration, but technically it's both a server and a client.
02:02.57p3nguinIf you only want to voice chat with your friends, it is probably not the right tool for the job.
02:03.14Texoup3nguin: well now I'll try explaining French situation: in France, we have some "boxes" which provide phone, TV, Internet. We have a phone number and our "relay" is the box. The computer is connected to the box, the phone too. The box works as a router. Is it possible to redirect calls which arrive on my telephone via my phone number, on my PC via asterisk? I mean: instead of ringing my phone, it goes on
02:04.06p3nguinThe short answer: yes it is possible.
02:04.18WIMPyThat depends on your provider and if they are willig to give you the data you need to use other hardware.
02:04.39TexouWIMPy: ah
02:04.39WIMPyThe short answer ist in theory yes, in practice probably not.
02:04.57p3nguinThe long answer: yes it is possible, but in addition to Asterisk configured to answer your phone line, you'll need to configure it to then send the call to your software phone on your computer.
02:05.04Texouwell I can connect any telephone on the box, so I guess it's not so secrete :)
02:05.27WIMPyMost providers won't allow you to use any other hardware than the box you got from them and some go to extremes to make it (nearly) impossible.
02:05.54p3nguinThe box provides the phone jack.  There's not much else they control.
02:06.01Texouah because I've to use another hardware than the box?
02:06.30p3nguinYou'd connect your phone line from that box to some other piece of hardware that allows it to interface with Asterisk.
02:06.35WIMPyYe, you could connect via telephony hardware to the IAD, but that requires hardware ind goves you the worst of both worlds.
02:06.59p3nguinYou'll either use an ATA or an FXO card in the computer that runs Asterisk.
02:07.32Texouah ok
02:07.39WIMPyYou'd best try to google for your provider and the type of IAD you've got and see if you find a howto on getting your phone account out of it.
02:08.39WIMPyOff course it is possible to connect Asterisk to a SIP account via two gateways, but it is not that clever.
02:08.55Texouhmm so a simple PC then a box are not enough. Additional hardware seems needed
02:09.06p3nguinIn that type of system, there isn't much use trying to replace your "box" that they provide.  That box is specialized hardware that both combines and separates the services you buy from the company.
02:09.07*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
02:09.34WIMPyI actually do so, as my provider is one of those having spent quite some effort to kep the account details secret, but it's a shitty solution.
02:10.25Texoup3nguin: I want to keep my box, but using computer instead of telephone to take my calls :)
02:10.47WIMPyGoogle or buy hardware.
02:10.53p3nguinThat's no problem.  Just connect a specific piece of hardware to the box via phone cord.
02:10.57TexouI understand
02:11.25WIMPyI hope your IAD at least has an S0 port?
02:11.25Texouah ok I need a specific piece of hardware between box and PC
02:11.43p3nguinPhone cord hooks from the box's jack to the SPA-3102 line jack.
02:12.10WIMPyOr you find the account data your box uses and put that into Astersks config directely.
02:12.15p3nguinIf all you want to do is send the call to a soft phone, you don't even need asterisk.
02:12.48p3nguinThere probably isn't "account data."  It's probably standard phone service that just happens to be bundled in this fancy box.
02:12.49Texouah ok I see
02:13.06p3nguinThe ones I am familiar with send the services over a standard copper pair.
02:13.10WIMPyp3nguin: It's most definitely a SIP account.
02:13.19p3nguinI doubt it.
02:13.53p3nguinIt's no more a SIP account than if you have both phone service and DSL service coming out of the same wall jack.
02:13.56WIMPyThat's the standard solution today.
02:14.18WIMPyIt's become pretty hard to get a real phone line over here.
02:14.40WIMPyIn mos cases you get an IAD, i.e. a DSL router with integrated ATA.
02:17.19Texouis investigating :)
02:18.38WIMPyGoogle for your provider, the model of your IAD and "Asterisk". I'd bet you will find something.
02:19.05TexouI can redirect coming in calls to the SIP account or the box. :)
02:19.43WIMPyWhat redirect?
02:19.49WIMPyOr rather where?
02:21.43*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
02:23.14TexouWIMPy: it's what I try understanding :) My provider gives me login and passwords: seems I can redirect calls I receive on the box or on any SIP account
02:24.02WIMPyLooks like you have found a customer friendly provider.
02:24.20TexouWIMPy: yes it's the most cool in France
02:24.39WIMPySo not extra hardware and not lossy double conversion.
02:24.46Texoubut now I search what I can to with such info :) (really, I know nothing in this matter)
02:24.57Texouoh great
02:25.13WIMPyAs far as Asterisk goes you will put that data in to your sip.conf.
02:25.44WIMPySo Asterisk will talk directly to your Telco over IP.
02:26.07Texouthen I need a phone software installed on the PC so right?
02:26.47p3nguinIf you guys get SIP accounts for home phone service, that's pretty friggin' awesome.
02:26.49WIMPyYou can use that data to put it in to a softphone directely as well, without Asterisk inbetween.
02:27.23WIMPyNo. That the downfall of telephony.
02:28.31WIMPyIf they'd at least use H323 or something (like originally specified for NGN) it would be half as bad, but SIP must be the worst possible choice.
02:29.20TexouI should avoid SIP so?
02:29.51WIMPyIf your provider uses it, which they probably do, that's what you have to use.
02:30.39WIMPySomehow SIP stacks seem to cost a cent less than H323 stacks or so. No idea why they all use SIP today.
02:30.45*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
02:30.54WIMPyOn the backbomes it's still H323 AFAIK.
02:31.19Texouso I configure sip conf on asterisk, then enable my provider's service, then my calls will arrive on asterisk right?
02:31.24p3nguinHow do they deliver this service to your home?
02:31.50p3nguinover a single copper pair?
02:31.53Texouyes adsl
02:32.20p3nguinTo me, this sounds very flexible.
02:32.30WIMPySome split things at IP level, others set up several ATM PVCs.
02:33.15WIMPySome allocate fixed bandwith for (user) internet and phone service, others do it dynamically.
02:33.33Texoubut once calls arrive on asterisk, how do I take them? does asterisk provide a tool for this or I need a software?
02:34.02WIMPyYou can use Asterisk as a phone, but it's very simple.
02:34.15WIMPySo you'd connect an IP phone to it.
02:34.27WIMPyEither a hardware one or a softphone on your PC.
02:35.22TexouWIMPy: why is asterisk simple?
02:35.54WIMPyIt isn't
02:36.03WIMPyJust as a phone.
02:36.22Texou"it's very simple" you said
02:36.59WIMPyYou can connect Asterisk to quite a number of very different devices and protocols.
02:37.23WIMPyYour sound card is one of them, but not something that looks like a phone.
02:38.04Texouah ok so I need a softphone to use my PC right?
02:38.08WIMPyYou'd have avery simple command line interface to it.
02:38.35TexouI need commandline interface :)
02:38.39WIMPyYou don't _need_ one, but you most probably _want_ one.
02:38.49TexouI prefer it's more accessible than GUI for me
02:39.13WIMPyWell, ok, you can use that if you like.
02:39.36TexouWIMPy: well... I want one if I can't without it compose a phone number or take a call :)
02:39.54Texouif asterisk allows this it's perfect
02:39.56WIMPyNo, that will work.
02:40.50Texouwhat's its name? (the interface)?
02:41.16WIMPyconsole, ALSA or OSS
02:41.36Texouah :)
02:41.58WIMPyConsole uses some library to acces your sound system, the other two are pretty obvious.
02:42.54TexouWIMPy: wrll ok if I understand you mean that if I don't use softphone, my soundcard is a phone itself and I can use it via alsatools (for example). If I prefer more friendly interface, I need a softphone. Did I understand?
02:43.49WIMPyYou can access the sound card via those three interfaces from the Asterisk CLI.
02:43.50Texouwell so harder :) because don't know alsatools to compose or take call :)
02:44.20Texouand not for pulseaudio too
02:44.23WIMPyNo you do it via commands on the Asterisk shell.
02:44.33Texouaah ok
02:44.40TexouI prefer this so :)
02:44.59WIMPyFor volume settings you have to use some standard mixer application.
02:45.22Texouno problem for this
02:46.41TexouWIMPy: where can I find asterisk's commands?
02:47.07infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at
02:47.19WIMPyThat sould give you lots of information.
02:47.30Texouah :)
02:47.46Texouif I understand them :)
02:47.53Texouit's a paper book?
02:48.06WIMPyYou can read it online.
02:48.15Texouok cool
02:48.20WIMPyThat version isn't printed, yet. For paper
02:48.25infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
02:49.08TexouI note
02:53.41TexouI think I'll try, it's very interesting even if complex for me :)
02:54.02WIMPyYes, there is some learning curve.
02:54.20WIMPyBut it looks worse than it is.
02:54.24Texouyes and in a matter I don't know at all: telephony
02:54.44WIMPyYou will probably only need a fraction of the functionality and don't have to care about the rest.
02:55.26Texouhard for me to sort info; that's I ask online
03:02.47TexouWIMPy: and so asterisk isn't useful to access to protocol used for instance by buddies which use MSN on Windows to speak or skype right?
03:03.31WIMPyMSN uses H323. That's included in Asterisk.
03:03.43Texouah cool
03:03.49WIMPySkype is a commercial option, I think.
03:05.01*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
03:05.07Texouah ok
03:05.20shmaltzhi every1
03:08.04TexouWIMPy: and do you know by experience if MSN dialogs have a quite quality?
03:10.20WIMPyNo current one. When it was netmeeting it was fully configurable.
03:11.51TexouWIMPy: and does asterisk allow to cumulate calls? to do conferences I mean
03:12.54Texoueven commandline tool?
03:13.23WIMPyThat does not matter. That would just be like any other channel on the conference.
03:14.02WIMPyHowever I personally experience ever increasing delays it I add my sound card to a conference.
03:15.01TexouWIMPy: and does it work properly even via Internet? (I especially hear of asterisk on local networks)
03:15.37WIMPyWell internet is generally not good for realtime, but usually it works very well in practice.
03:16.36TexouI'll find how to configure this protocol too :)
03:17.04WIMPyThere are many to choose from.
03:18.10TexouWIMPy: yes, beyond my telephone purpose, I also try finding to communicate with person on Windows with common popular clients, hence my MSN question or Skype question
03:18.17p3nguinYour payment for US $0.16 has been processed by PayPal. You will receive an email receipt shortly.
03:19.53Texouhm? lol
03:20.21p3nguinThat's probably the cheapest ebay purchase I have ever made.
03:20.43WIMPyWhat was it?
03:21.22NivexI made a similarly small purchase once.  It was a friend doing a joke eBay auction.  I think I paid like $0.25 or something.
03:21.28p3nguinIt was a wrist strap for a digital camera.
03:21.47p3nguin16 cents, free shipping
03:25.49TexouWIMPy: do you know is book is translated?
03:26.18WIMPyThe current one isn't even finished ;-)
03:26.50TexouWIMPy: 3rd edition?
03:26.54WIMPyI could vove you a german one. No idea about any french texts.
03:28.05TexouWIMPy: and second one only in German so?
03:28.42WIMPyIt's a different book available in german and a less current version in english.
03:29.15Texouless current?
03:29.23WIMPyOf the german version.
03:29.25TexouWIMPy: English older ?
03:29.59WIMPyYes, the current german one hasn't been translated. (yet?)
03:30.51TexouWIMPy: what's the original release? :) what language?
03:31.20WIMPyThe two I gave you in the beginning are english only.
03:32.07Texouyes and older than German so?
03:33.04WIMPyThe german one is in between the english ones.
03:33.31WIMPyThey are for Asterisk 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8 respectively.
03:34.06*** join/#asterisk sshock (
03:34.42Texouso 1.8=English, 1.6=German, 1.4=English?
03:35.27Texouok so English is the newest :)
03:36.08Texouand is there a source code of it? a translation team or anyelse?
03:36.35WIMPyThey are by different people.
03:36.59WIMPyThe new book for 1.8 is done byt the guys who did the book for 1.4 as well.
03:37.00Texouhmm I'm nearly sure there's a French team no?
03:37.20WIMPyI think there has been a 1.4 version of the german book as well.
03:37.44WIMPyMight be that the english version of the german book is also only 1.4. It is definitely older.
03:38.23Texouwell the urls you gave point at 1.8, English?
03:38.40WIMPy1.8 and 1.4
03:38.58TexouI could help French team if I find them and source of doc
03:39.56WIMPyI think a good understanding of Asterisk would help a lot in translating such a book.
03:40.35Texouright. I don't know it at all lol
03:42.11WIMPyOk, I really need some sleep.
03:43.21TexouWIMPy: goodnight so and thanks very much :)
03:44.52xSmurfso we have one of those conference phones, is it possible to make it so that when someone enters a conference room, that phone is dialed in automatically??
03:49.59TexouWIMPy: only to guide me, can you give me the name of one command to use telephone feature (soft phone) of asterisk?
03:53.39Texouor someone else?
04:54.35*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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05:29.53*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
05:30.56BugKhaMI am using this confguration for my clients and found that the dtmf digits recieved are sometimes double, Mobile Phone Clients -> SIP Gsm GW [rfc2833]-> Asterisk Server1 -> IAX2 -> Asterisk Server 2 [IVR]
05:31.19BugKhaMwill inband work better than rfc2833?
05:32.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
05:35.10BugKhaMand is the parameter dtmfmode working under IAX2 protocol?
05:38.36BugKhaMp3nguin: OK, so how does the dtmf behave when it's goining through IAX2? that's probably the problem I'm having
05:39.18p3nguinI have no idea.  I just know that dtmfmode is not a configurable parameter in IAX2.
05:40.48p3nguinI will say that I use IAX2 to my provider and I rarely have any problem with DTMF.
05:50.15BugKhaMp3nguin: I don't have any problem if those clients are directly sent to my IVR server either
05:51.40BugKhaMp3nguin: but redirecting through another server sometimes causes problems, probably due to latency
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09:46.19*** join/#asterisk DND (~arabia@
09:47.01DNDhi guys. how can i check if the sip account is disabled?
09:47.38DNDx-lite is telling m: account failed to enable.
09:53.03ectospasmDND: you can see if it's in "sip show peers"
09:55.05DNDectospasm lemme check
09:55.50DNDwill it show Disabled or Unknown?
09:55.59DNDalso how can i enable/disable account?
09:56.00ectospasmUnknown, I think
09:56.16ectospasmDND: observe the CLI as the client tries to register
09:56.45ectospasmIf you have verbose ("core set verbose 10") and debug ("core set debug 10"), you should see some traffic that gives you clues.
09:57.13ectospasm...the debug isn't absolutely necessary, and may actually provide more output than you need to see.
09:57.19DNDhmm maybe i'll tail to the "full" log instead. i feel dizzy tring to keep up with cli scrolling :D
09:57.23ChannelZThere is no 'enabled' or 'disabled' in asterisk... this sounds more like an x-liteism
09:58.06DNDyeah seems x-lite is giving some misleading error
09:58.09*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:58.17ChannelZDon't turn on debug.. turn on verbose at about 3 and that should be sufficient
09:58.19ectospasmDND: use screen (or your terminal client) to scroll up
09:59.15DNDok thanks. will do that. also by the way can the registration to asterisk be denied because of too much lag?
09:59.41DNDi mean if asterisk detects 2000ms lag, will it disconnect the offending client?
09:59.55DND*2000ms lag from the sip client
09:59.58ectospasmDND: if Asterisk doesn't get the proper set of responses to a registration in a timely fashion, the registration will fail
10:00.05ectospasmyeah, if you
10:00.37ectospasm've got qualify=yes, the sip peer must respond within 2000ms (2sec), or else it will be considered UNREACHABLE
10:00.45DNDhmm maybe i got the answer. one user is trying to connect to our server via vpn
10:01.05DNDi will check again if its a lag issue
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10:49.10*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
10:49.14AliRezaTaleghanihi all
10:50.07AliRezaTaleghanii am looking for a some thing like a popup or an applet for MS-windows Client witch linked to their Extension ...
10:50.19AliRezaTaleghaniwhat a hard thingto explain..
10:50.25AliRezaTaleghaniin a clear way..
10:51.11AliRezaTaleghanii want to Send some URL in Dial application, and open that URLs on Agents PC (we use Softphone)
10:51.48AliRezaTaleghaniwhat should i search for? or any other way or idear
10:53.31ChannelZwell some softphones support incoming URLs... like Zoiper Biz
10:54.36AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: hi man, :) how are u...
10:55.08AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: yep, but i am going to find an independent way
10:56.19AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: first of all, ;) should tel you i had been replace my Elastix with a Asterisk1.8 (compiler on CentOS) So ! all my new quesion will just depent on astersik :P
10:57.32AliRezaTaleghaniby the way... i think or hear, some about Applets (maybe via AMI) that let the Agent Login/out our see Callers INFO not just an Soft/Hard Phone..
10:58.01AliRezaTaleghanii need this to be able to do some integration with our CRM
10:59.07ChannelZwell yes AMI can show you a lot of things as they happen
11:00.12AliRezaTaleghaniumm, i am so newbie on AMI!
11:01.47ChannelZIt's a relatively simple socket-based interface to Asterisk.  Google 'asterisk ami' for info
11:02.33ChannelZBut basically you can set it up to tell you about events that occur and then act accoringly
11:03.26ChannelZOtherwise you could run an AGI or otherwise execute a little binary prior to doing a Dial() which would do the pop-up on the agent's computer by whatever means/protocol you invent
11:10.15*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
11:21.04*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
11:21.18[sr]howdy friends
11:28.48AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: huuumm, should read more on AMI and the the ways that i can handel event, or how should i send the events to my Applet :(
11:28.58AliRezaTaleghaniby the way, tnx for your help...
11:29.05*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
11:29.12AliRezaTaleghanilike ever, your are kind to me.. tnx
11:29.23AliRezaTaleghani@};- be happy :)
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16:07.14Texouwell I've gone ahead a bit but... very hard for me telephony. :)
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16:11.26Texouwell. could you tell me what tools offers asterisk  for softphone? I can then search how use them, but I cannot find their name :x
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16:28.23DelphiWorldwhat's the libpri svn trunk please?
16:31.49tzafrirDelphiWorld, branhces/1.4
16:32.57DelphiWorldtzafrir: dear, trunk please
16:33.31tzafrirThat's the development branch. There's no branch called "trunk"
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16:36.12DelphiWorldtzafrir: ah lol ok
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16:41.40DelphiWorldslaps trumee around a bit with a large trout
16:42.09trumeeDelphiWorld: having fun with openwrt
16:42.18DelphiWorldtrumee: that's sure
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16:45.32x86FYI -- the problem with Gtalk no longer working with 1.8.0 was not fixed by 1.8.1 directly. Someone here directed me to a patch on Asterisk's bug tracking system that made it work perfectly again!
16:46.00pabelangerx86: correct, the fix will be in 1.8.2
16:46.33x86ETA on 1.8.2?
16:46.56x86pabelanger: also, what was the underlying issue?
16:47.14pabelangerx86: dot releases are usually 1 month apart
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16:47.44pabelangerx86: Google made a change to the protocol, so we had to do the same
16:48.08x86those punks... I told them not to do that without first running it by me and making sure I was cool with it!
16:54.25x86shakes fist at the changing of the protocol
16:57.03*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpGuy@
16:57.12DelphiWorldtzafrir: can you give it to me back please?
16:57.44DelphiWorldtzafrir: lost :P
16:58.44DelphiWorldthanks tzafrir
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17:28.41Texouhmm I still don't understand while sip.conf and extensions.conf are configured how they link to the softphone
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18:17.58greezmunkeygood morning!
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18:49.45Texouwell, thanks [TK]D-Fender for useful help. I really needed explanations now I know better things. So thanks :)
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23:13.43FlashDeluxehi @all can somebody tell me where i can alter the modules zaptel is loading? i want zaptel to load only qozap, but it is loading other modules, too :(
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