IRC log for #asterisk on 20101209

00:01.40*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:10.07*** join/#asterisk root52 (
00:14.56*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
00:28.27*** join/#asterisk citywok (
00:35.29root52Asterisk 1.8 MySQL (built in not odbc) Adding a Custom filed. Set(CDR(colum_name)=${my_var}) Added column to database. Still my column is not added to the query as seen in the debug log. What am I missing? Thanks!!
00:40.38sol326Arggghh my telephone company doesn't keep track of my local calls
00:41.11sol326have no clue how much I'm using so should stick to a monthly amount but I need like 5 lines
00:41.33citywokwhy don't you keep track then?
00:41.57sol326because they don't charge me for them
00:42.13sol326only track my LD because they charge me for it
00:42.37citywoklol, so you're annoyed they don't track it, but you don't track it because they don't charge you, but won't track it because they dont charge you?
00:43.22sol326no I just started researching doing VOIP so i wanted to know how many minutes I use during busy season
00:43.35root52hmmm worked just fine. After a restart of asterisk. Odd since I made the change and reloaded the dialplan as well as
00:43.41sol326and now I can't figure it out to know how to compare to my current plan
00:44.17sol326or each other for that matter
00:44.43sol326gotta go through another year but I'm not going to wait for that ;)
00:45.26sol326<----CPA... sort of hate having to the blood...
00:46.06sol326....having the blood..
00:46.19citywoksol326: if you are a CPA you should be able to take a month of your current call count on local, take the % of local to LD calls, and then estimate the number of local calls during peak season based on the LD calls during peak season :P
00:46.23sol326gotta compare every angle every six months :D
00:46.42citywoki imagine you can guess within a pretty good margin of error
00:46.56citywokassuming month to month the % is pretty consistent :P
00:47.12sol326they don't keep track of number either not just minutes :P
00:47.17sol326of course not...
00:47.22sol326tax season remember :D
00:47.35sol32675% of volume in 3 months
00:47.36citywokYea, why don't you kee ptrack for a 30 day period?
00:47.49sol326um today is??
00:47.58citywok12/8/2010 -- is this a trick question?
00:48.07sol326quietest part of year to most busy in 60 days no time :D
00:48.09*** join/#asterisk root52 (
00:48.26citywokas long as the ratio of LD to local calls stays the same, it doesn't matter how quiet it is :p
00:48.48citywokyou can go back to last january's LD numbers and figure out how many local calls you made +/- a couple percent
00:48.52sol326well maybe and maybe not :D
00:49.51sol326I'll just still with a monthly plan for now and then revisit plans in 6 months once i've got some tracking under my belt..
00:50.08sol326and then I can do some nitty gritty comparing :D
00:50.36sol326easier that way and I still know I'm saving at least half on my bill
00:50.41citywokhow many minutes/month do you do? 100k?
00:50.48sol326more like 60%
00:51.16sol326lol 400....
00:51.27sol326but local calls are much higher volume
00:52.00citywok5 lines on 400k minutes? what? lol
00:52.19sol326I got a lot of factoring in because of how I'll use the voip vs how I'm currently doing things and expanding with opening a few new companies
00:52.34sol326I told you the volume is mostly local :P
00:52.55sol326faxes.... consulting... etc.
00:53.11citywoki have 60 trunks for 180,00 minutes :P
00:53.27citywokbut don't care about local vs LD, i just send it all to the same trunk :P
00:53.29sol326well one day...
00:53.43citywokwait do you have 400 minutes, or 400,000?
00:53.57sol326no u r correct at first
00:55.24citywokhow many concurrent calls do you have?
00:56.37sol326mostly 2 or 3 but 2 mostly.. but during tax season all 4 employees can be on the phone pretty easy
00:56.41*** join/#asterisk moy (
00:57.04sol326one one is in a processing room
00:57.08citywoklol so 400, not 400k. big difference :P
00:57.11sol326one phone
00:57.37citywoki was saying 400k not 400 :P so you had me confused.
00:57.39sol326that's y I lol and .....
00:57.55sol326no K
00:58.16citywokhow much does each trunk cost you?
00:59.26sol326??? sorry I'm a newbie still... as in trunk u mean number??
01:01.01citywoki'm guessing you don't use asterisk do you?
01:01.14sol326I'm going to.... :D
01:01.28sol326downloaded it.. going to install it when I get my routers
01:01.49citywokah, in that case just install it, find an itsp you like and pay the 1c/m per call and call it good :)
01:01.54infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
01:02.49sol326yeah I got that lesson from fender earlier :D
01:03.08sol326but I'm still warry about the 1c/m
01:03.22sol326especially during this time of year
01:03.27citywokworst cse you rack up a $50 phone bill. i'm sure it's still cheaper than what you arleady pay :P
01:03.32*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
01:04.34*** join/#asterisk root52 (
01:04.38sol326yeah yeah but I'm a cpa remember :D if I can beat it by anothery 10 y not :D
01:04.55citywok40hrs/week* 4employees * 60 minutes/hr = 9,600 working minutes.  at 100% utilization the worst you could do is $100/week :P
01:05.15sol326sort of gives me a rest assuredness!?!?!?!
01:05.16citywokyou're not going to beat 1c/m
01:05.33sol326wasn't thinking I could /m
01:05.52citywokso why are you wary of paying the best psosible rate? what am i missing?
01:06.00sol326um that's them not me.... the owner...
01:06.15sol326I can be on the phone almost all day at times
01:06.53sol326because $100/wk is WAY more than I'm currently paying...
01:06.54citywokif they are all local calls then get 4 POTS lines from your local carrier and an FXS card and run them through *
01:07.19citywokpay your telco the $30/pots line and call it good.
01:07.58sol326oh blah you're not helping wok your only arguing
01:08.39sol326My only thing is to find a reasonable ITSP which I think I'll give one a try to get me started
01:10.30citywoki'm not arguing, i'm giving you your options
01:10.39citywok1) use an itsp, 2) use pots lines from your telco w/ an fxs card in your *box
01:11.03citywok1 = 1c/m, 2 = $30/line + free local calling & 3-10c/m for LD
01:11.35citywoki've had good luck with flowroute, i hear voicepulse has gotten better than they used to be.
01:11.39sol326from my telco??
01:11.55sol326no can't say it's that cheap...
01:12.13citywokyou pay more than 10c/m for LD? dear god that hurts my brain.
01:12.45sol326no $30/m
01:13.15sol326this looks like it's 30/m and only $2/m extra each line
01:13.24sol326so about $40 a month for 5 lines
01:13.32sol326with taxes about $50 maybe
01:13.40sol326and long distance
01:13.48sol326being 1c/m
01:14.04sol326but this is unlimited us free it looks like
01:14.18citywokthat's $30 for one concurrent phone call, and it will have a soft-limit. it's not truly unlimited.
01:14.38NightMonkeyHowdy. Anyone have a link to a decent overview of new features of Asterisk 1.8?
01:16.53NightMonkeycitywok: Thanks. I guess I'm looking for a more depthful article, but not the ChangeLog depth. :)
01:17.37citywoktry the * wiki
01:19.45sol326is a DID equal to having another Number??
01:20.44sol326I have a 4 line phone that I use with 3 NUMBERS and want a 4th.. with a fax...
01:21.19sol326number.... or is it ok as just a line for the fax
01:21.35sol326um sorry dumb question...
01:21.44sol326nm the last one
01:21.59sol326just need clarification on DID
01:23.43Leddydirect inward dial
01:34.28*** part/#asterisk root52 (
01:44.24*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
01:51.16sol326asterick forwards calls if both simultaneous lines are used on a DID??
01:51.24sol326or ISP does that?
01:53.16jdoeI would imagine you'd get a busy signal or something.
01:53.54sol326oh I think I'm getting all this now....
02:19.26*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:20.50shmaltzhi everyone
02:26.10shmaltzChannelZ, is ur name everyone :P
02:36.33ChannelZMy middle name, yes.
02:37.12ChannelZAnd MY keyboard has an 'any' key too, so suck it!
02:39.51shmaltzi cant find my 'any' key, is your soft as in suckable?
02:44.07ChannelZI will keep it clean and not respond to that.
02:46.24shmaltzbut you just did respond
02:47.00*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
02:50.13[T]anki was running asterisk I removed /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* then install audio was working fine before i did this. now i get no audio at all. I can see the call going on the cli output but i hear nothing.
02:50.21[T]ankwhat should i check?
02:50.25[T]anki have not made any other changes.
02:50.47[T]anksame config files, and same iptables
02:55.00[T]ankim getting no errors on the CLI. as far as I can <see> everything is operating.
02:55.31[T]ankWhen i call inbound, i hear messages, but if the call is answered there is no audio. When i call outbound i do not hear ringing or any audio or anything.
02:56.51[T]ankWow... this channel is dead tonight
02:56.56[T]ankis anyone alive?
03:00.22*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
03:00.39*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
03:00.51[T]ankTrying again... anyone here?
03:02.10oDeskWhy wouldn't any SIP device register into my local server if the internet connection into my server is down..but the all network connections works, i'm on dynamic dns
03:06.11[T]ankoDesk: I can only speculate... you have not shared any info at all
03:06.31[T]ankerror messages? was it once working and now is not? sip.conf?
03:06.57*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
03:07.23oDesk[T]ank: no it doesn't work before while the internet connection is down
03:07.37[T]ankbut it works when the connection is up?
03:07.46*** join/#asterisk sshock (
03:07.58oDesk[T]ank: yes, everything is ok when it's up
03:08.15[T]ankwell... once again, i can only speculate until you share your configs and error output.
03:09.01oDesk[T]ank: well, no errors, but i'll post my config
03:09.13[T]ankif you have no errors.. how do you know its failing?
03:09.38[T]ankare you sure your sip devices are not pointed to your server via the public internet?
03:10.03[T]ankif you point using the ip address of the server and are on the same network, you will get reponses if your iptables is set up correctly.
03:10.55[T]ankanyone here have experience with loosing audio after upgrading versions? made no changes to configs or the server.
03:11.36[T]ankwas working on version Then i removed the modules and installed and now i have no outbound audio at all, and on inbound I get audio, like voicemail greetings, but on connected calls, there is no audio going either way.
03:13.04oDesk[T]ank: i know its failing because devices does no register  my mobile, wifi sip, softphone, etc.   and i'm pointing all to the local ip 192.168.1.x
03:14.02[T]ankwhat version of asterisk? version of linux? do you have a firewall? are you getting any output on the cli when you turn on your device and register it? What is your verbose set to?
03:14.21oDesk[T]ank: centos 5 asterisk
03:15.02[T]ankwhat is your verbose set to?
03:15.09oDesk[T]ank: well, no output at all into the cli with -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvd
03:15.33[T]ankjust go to the cli and type set verbose 99
03:15.46[T]ankthen show the output of sip show peers
03:16.05oDesk[T]ank: i'll have to cut the internet to test
03:16.25[T]ankis there really no one else here?
03:16.31[T]ankthis is sad. usually so busy
03:17.20oDesk[T]ank: i think you know the audio problem always nat configuration
03:17.54oDesk[T]ank: try sip show settings and check your remote ip is set correctly
03:18.14[T]ank.... but, the only change was going from a working version of, removing /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*, then installing, then no audio
03:18.44[T]ankno other changes to config, server, firewall, or anything like that... simply a new version of asterisk
03:18.59*** join/#asterisk plut0 (
03:20.19oDesk[T]ank: have you checked the codecs   also sip show settings and check the codecs selected are working
03:20.42plut0anyone able to get fax receive working on 1.8 for sip? its not working for me
03:25.28*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:25.34ChannelZ[T]ank: Is it one-way audio or none at all?
03:27.40[T]ankwell... its working now... i rolled back to :-( I will have to go over everything with a fine toothed comb and see what is different.
03:28.42jayteesometimes even a fine toothed comb is of no help. specially if you're bald :-)
03:29.50jayteeI definitely want the t-shirt that says " works, bitches!!!"
03:31.10coppiceI've also seen "Science - its what religion wants to be when it grows up"
03:31.54jayteeI also like the one that says "Heisenberg slept here.....or somewhere nearby."
03:39.56plut0anyone know how to get fax working in 1.8?
03:46.55*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
03:52.23*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
04:02.18[T]ankwhen i see: [Dec  8 20:48:19] NOTICE[1252]: chan_sip.c:18456 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'X' is now Reachable. (91ms / 2000ms), does that mean it was unreachable? Or is this simply a checkin?
04:04.09p3nguinI think that means it used to be either unreachable or reachable with a qualify time of more than 2000ms.  Do you see a line before it that said it was unreachable?
04:06.53[T]ankno... thats what made me wonder.
04:08.46*** join/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
04:09.06p3nguinI've seen that spontaneous message without being preceded by a "lagged" or "unreachable" message, but I never really paid much attention to it.
04:09.20*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
04:09.22[T]ankyeah... me too
04:09.25[T]ankjust wondered
04:09.38p3nguinGood question, though.
04:12.34*** part/#asterisk plut0 (
04:21.45*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
04:26.31RobertLaptopMore likely means some where in your network the connection is getting maxed out causing slow downs.
04:31.51*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:48.14*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
04:55.41*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:58.02[T]ankis there a compelling reason to move from 1.6 to 1.8?
04:58.14[T]ankanything i cant live without?
05:02.03*** join/#asterisk sshock (
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05:29.42*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:33.17joeyjonesi'm thinking of buying a Linksys SPA941, anyone used it before?
05:34.11*** join/#asterisk sol326 (
05:34.37sol326any special hard drive config for asterisk?/
05:37.06*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
05:39.16sol326how nice of asterisk to put it in a nice little bundle with centos for us so we don't have to yum, or apt-get itit.. :D
05:43.08*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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05:56.16*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:00.23ChannelZyes because it's soo hard to do that
06:01.34ChannelZjoeyjones: I have a mess of 922s which are of the same ilk
06:02.29cmnkyhas a SPA2102
06:02.47cmnkywith the worlds oldest phone plugged into it ;)
06:03.17p3nguinI'm pretty sure it won't even power the oldest phone.
06:03.28cmnky"Watson ... Watson ... come in here damnit!"
06:04.48sol326asterick is causing some feekback on my network...
06:04.51cmnkyp3nguin, theres no date on it ... but it says GTE
06:05.18p3nguinsol326: Get rid of it and install Asterisk instead.
06:05.20sol326aaah I think I know why...
06:05.31sol326asterisk ist what I meant
06:05.34sol326I know why
06:05.58cmnkysol326, pro tip ... use * so you don't have to take s**t from the pros ;)
06:07.03sol326argg I just wanna turn it off and change the nic now.... blah...
06:09.59sol326why does * use for it's gui??
06:10.16sol326is there some way to change that...
06:10.29sol326I think that's why I have the flicker
06:11.06ChannelZ* doesn't have a GUI
06:11.34ChannelZBut FreePBX, et al use whatever interface you config them to use
06:12.40joeyjonesChannelZ: the 922s are solid?
06:14.18ChannelZI've liked mine.  Had the PoE die on one but it's still chugging along on a wall wart
06:15.07ChannelZI wish they'd wake up and let us put blind transfer on the first page of buttons but I'll live.
06:17.27*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
06:24.25*** join/#asterisk ganeshix (
06:28.11*** join/#asterisk titter (
06:29.05*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:29.37joeyjonesChannelZ: any ideas for a cheaper 2-line SIP phone?
06:30.11*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
06:30.36jdoeyou can find polycom ip500s on ebay for like $20/per
06:30.56jdoethose are 3 line, but they're EOL'd for years now.
06:36.17*** part/#asterisk sshock (
06:45.26*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
06:50.42*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
07:09.34*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
07:13.15*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (~Fruchthoe@
07:28.35*** join/#asterisk DJClean (~djclean@unaffiliated/djclean)
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07:35.41*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
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07:40.42verywisemani want to know asterisk market share in USA and UK pls
07:48.06*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
07:50.43*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
07:51.12jsjcanyway to start asterisk with all queue members paused?
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08:00.00*** join/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
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08:19.42joeyjonesjdoe: i'd like to get something that could be deployed, not dug out of the trash
08:20.28infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
08:25.19joeyjoneslol @ grandstream
08:26.01joeyjonesthere's an ad on the local usedeverywhere site (like craigslist) for a grandstream office system for cheap, stating that they never got it working
08:28.36jsjcexten => *50,1,Macro(add-agent,Local/DAHDI2@queuemembers/n,4) [add-agent] ... exten => s,2,AddQueueMember(myqueue,${ARG1},${ARG2})  why is not passing onwoards the ARG2 in this case number 4 so the penalty in the que qill be 4? If I change ${ARG2} for a number in dialplan it will get the penalty but when it comes in the macro arguments does not add any penalty. (any reason?)
08:31.12*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
08:33.41*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
08:37.14jdoejoeyjones: you said cheap, I gave you cheap :P
08:38.02kaldemarjsjc: show a failing call.
08:42.33kaldemarjsjc: and show your real dialplan...
08:47.07*** part/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
08:50.06*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
08:51.59*** join/#asterisk ketas (
08:56.00jsjckaldemar I will post it to pastebin
08:56.57jsjchaha found it! ;)
09:00.29kaldemarwas it the context name or something else?
09:00.53jsjcI had two lines one to add agent another to remove agent and the priority had it on remove agent....
09:01.04*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:01.17jsjckind of stupid but when you look all the lines get confused... When I was pasting the needed things found it!
09:01.29jsjcsometimes everything gets lost into a bit of code
09:02.33*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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09:10.06joeyjoneslol jdoe, truie
09:10.50joeyjonesi meant more affordable than cheap :p
09:11.22joeyjonessomething thyat's worth the money, has decent features, but isn't some crazy has-everything break the bank model
09:12.02jsjcwow now I got to work the add agent but got into a new issue... when on a current call and another call comes in instead of waiting on the que til first call has finished kind of a beep noise appears and connection with the first caller dissapears...
09:12.44jsjccould be the call waiting on DAHDI? that should be disabled?
09:14.04kaldemarwhat is the queue member?
09:14.48kaldemaran analog phone?
09:15.31jsjcI think most likely it will be it, just better disable call waiting and let them wait on the queue (that i thing queue was designed for that.)
09:16.45kaldemaryou need to make the member busy from the queue's point of view.
09:18.36kaldemarset callwaiting=no for the channels.
09:22.21*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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09:51.15*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
09:51.18jsjcI am having some issues with SIP registration. I have a DSL with dinamic IP address and when I am connected to SIP server and the DSL connection reloads with new IP, the SIP server does no know who I am til I re-register again, is there anyway I could have something to reregister ASAP after new IP has been given?
09:53.52frecklejsjc: if your IP is changing so often it causes a problem I would say get a better DSl
09:54.26jsjcfeckle even if does not change often just once a day the time that it changes the asterisk drops out, and not calls can be received...
09:54.54frecklejsjc: how often are you re-registering?
09:58.27hefferjsjc: are you talking of Asterisk as a SIP registrar or as a client?
09:58.52golikwid|macanyone know how to connect to the sql db in asterisk from a remote server
09:59.07golikwid|macive been searching and cant seem to find anything
10:00.55kaldemarthe sql db in asterisk?
10:01.33kaldemardo you mean astdb?
10:02.12kaldemarthat must be a separate database, not a part of asterisk.
10:02.40kaldemarmake your database accept connections from outside the box itself.
10:03.11golikwid|macmaybe its from freepbx?
10:03.11golikwid|maci tried that and am really afraid that my tinkering at some point is just going to break it
10:03.20*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
10:03.22kaldemarask in #freepbx if that's what you're using.
10:03.42kaldemarthere is no sql db in asterisk.
10:04.05golikwid|macok thanks
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10:20.10*** join/#asterisk joachim_- (
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10:25.41joachim_-Hi! Now i upgraded Asterisk to 1.8.0, replacing app_fax with res_fax & res_fax_spandsp..
10:26.34joachim_-why do I get::: Audio FAX not allowed on channel 'SIP/XXXXXXXXXX-00000002' and T.38 negotiation failed; aborting.
10:27.49WIMPyNo idea about fax, but there is 1.8.1 since yesterday fixing several things.
10:29.01ectospasmjoachim_-: I don't know about spandsp, but generally you don't want an audio fax with T.38
10:29.24joachim_-WIMPy: hmm.. thanks for tip. will look into that
10:30.06*** join/#asterisk garymc (
10:31.01joachim_-ectospasm: I use a Grandstream HT 486 ATA between analog fax and asterisk.. could that be the problem? I have the Send DTMF option set to: In Audio
10:31.37joachim_-ectospasm: I can choose between Send DTMF:   in-audio ,   via RTP (RFC2833)  or:  via SIP INFO
10:31.56ectospasmjoachim_-: yeah, afaik using an ATA that isn't specifically designed for faxing may cause issues.  And dtmfmode isn't relevant afaict
10:37.42*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
10:38.46m_tadeuhi...I need a fxo with 4 lines...but it has to be pci express...what do you guys recomed?
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10:56.11SiblorHello, I'm beginner to asterisk and need help about asterisk development with Java. Who could I talk to?
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11:08.55ectospasmSiblor: I'm not a Java expert by any stretch, but do you have a specific question?
11:09.20ectospasmm_tadeu: AEX410, from Digium (disclaimer, I work for them)
11:10.34*** join/#asterisk AndyRomano (~Adium@
11:15.15m_tadeuectospasm: cool :)
11:15.59m_tadeuso, explain me something....the AEX410 is only the pcie board, right? then I have to get the fxo modules, is this correct?
11:18.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
11:30.31infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
11:30.47infobotproviders is probably
11:35.40*** join/#asterisk razu (
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11:41.28ectospasmm_tadeu: typically you purchase modules with the card, but that's not a hard rule since they're removable
11:41.54jpmcallisterHi. Does anyone know when or if will digium release the rpm packages for the jabber and gtalk addons?
11:42.38ectospasmjpmcallister: off the top of my head, Qwell or russellb may be best suited to answer that
11:43.55ectospasmjpmcallister: I'd imagine if they're awake, they're just waking up
11:48.09jpmcallisterectospasm: tank you  I try asking later !
11:50.18*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
11:50.56eduzimrsi`ve tried to find "chan_sip.c" in * 1.6 but i couldnt, the name changed in this version ?
11:53.54ectospasmeduzimrs: should be in the channels subdir
11:54.25ectospasmeduzimrs: Iunno, I don't have 1.6.2 source handy
11:54.35*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
11:54.54WIMPyectospasm: He has been told so several times yesterday already.
12:00.26eduzimrsWIMPy but i dont understando sorry
12:01.09eduzimrsi couldnt find searching for "chan_sip.c" nothing matches !
12:03.15eduzimrsim persisting in but im not expert in * , somethings to me not appears clear
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12:09.13ectospasmeduzimrs: /usr/src/asterisk-version/channels/chan_sip.c
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12:18.30eduzimrs1.6 there is no this path
12:19.41eduzimrsi run  find / -iname "*sip*" -exec ls {} \; command and nothing goes back!
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12:33.44rethussomeone here has experiance with ant-phone on linux?
12:34.01rethusi couldn't start it from bash to direct calling a number
12:34.35rethusant-phone -d -r -c <test-number>
12:35.04eduzimrsWIMPy did u find?
12:42.06eduzimrsWIMPy in 1.6 ?
12:42.35WIMPyIn all versions I ever had.
12:43.00eduzimrsso i dont know anymore,
12:43.05eduzimrsi didnt
12:44.06eduzimrsmy /usr/src  there is no asterisk dir
12:44.34eduzimrsi just found
12:44.50WIMPyThen you should start by downloading the Asterisk Sources.
12:45.00*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
12:45.21mbrevdaanyone know what this means? WARNING[19967] app_exec.c: Could not find application! (Macro(
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12:46.01mbrevda(Yes, I know it means that it cant find the Macro application. But why not?)
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14:06.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.1 (2010/12/08), (2010/12/08), 1.4.38 (2010/12/08), *-Addons, 1.4.12 (2010/09/22), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
14:07.48*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
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14:14.04kaldemarNivex: i just said the host is up. i don't know about their SIP service.
14:14.29Nivexkaldemar: I understand.  I too was able to ping.
14:14.48NivexI was just hoping there was another sipphone user in here to compare notes with.
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14:43.14gregdguys, what does take precedence - outbound route/dial plan or an internal extension? The context is that I transfer a call... lets say to number 1234. The 1234 fits outbound route/dial plan as well as internal extension... where will it go?
14:45.08SuPrSluGthe first context to match
14:45.31gregdfair enough
14:45.42*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
14:46.58gregdok, so I'd like to include a specific context only when transferring call that originates from outside (via inbound route).. is it possible?
14:50.59SuPrSluGwhy not just have a unique extension for that scenario?
14:52.12gregdSuPrSluG: I do have it currently and it works fine, but it is kind of confusing for the user, sometimes it need to dial special extension (when transferring), other time - not
14:52.37gregdso i just wanted to simplify this
14:53.34*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
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14:54.00gregdbut, actually, we could simplify the case but having (including) a special context when a call originates from outside (via inbound route).... (does not matter if in transfer)....
14:54.02gregdis it possible?
14:54.23WIMPyExtensions within a context are match on a most-specific basis.
14:54.38WIMPyIncluded contexts are searched in the configured order.
14:54.49gregdWIMPy: heh.. how sure are you? ;)
14:55.02gregdcause now i have two theories.. not sure which to trust ;)
14:55.26*** join/#asterisk spenguin[work] (~penguin@
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14:56.45spenguin[work]hey, I currently have a PRI working fine on my asterisk box, Im expecting a lot more inccoming calls in the next few months
14:57.01riddleboxdoes video on asterisk only work when both ends are sending video?
14:57.09spenguin[work]hence the telco is able to extend my current e1 line onto another line
14:57.34spenguin[work]the current digium card Ive got in the box is a dual port
14:57.41spenguin[work]and I have both spans configured
14:57.47spenguin[work]to a total of 60 channels
14:57.57*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
14:58.19spenguin[work]should this work out fine, I just need to be sure before we dive into this
14:58.35WIMPyspenguin[work]: What?
14:59.06WIMPyYou have two options: Two seperate lines or both together as a trunkgroup. See NFAS.
14:59.09spenguin[work]WIMPy: the telco would be extending the e1 channels by terminating another line
14:59.32spenguin[work]so a trunkgroup is what im doing
15:02.17*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-peiuiwqlxocdrvwk)
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15:12.11_LoneCrowIf you sip dial someone and it gives you a busy signal and the asterisk console tells you is it circuit busy .. that means the other side didnt answer or gave busy signal right?
15:12.48_LoneCrowI am dialing another asterisk machine and its really odd.. I can use any extension from 200s and up and it'll dial them fine but if I use any extensions in the 100's I get circuit busy
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15:20.50mbrevdawhere are the asterisk sound packages checked in to?
15:22.09leifmadsenmbrevda: what do you mean?
15:22.14leifmadsenyou can get them from menuselect
15:22.29mbrevdaleifmadsen: hey m8
15:22.42leifmadsenor here:
15:22.45mbrevdaI remember seeing a file list of
15:22.56mbrevdas/of/with all the text
15:26.19malcolmdeach tarball in that directory should contain a .txt file with the file list and the "words" spoken for each prompt
15:26.37malcolmde.g. core-sounds-en.txt is a part of asterisk-core-sounds-en-alaw-current.tar.gz
15:27.24mbrevdamalcolmd: thanks
15:27.42*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:28.17mbrevdaam I missing something or is sounds-extra hsoted elsewhere?
15:28.46SuPrSluG_LoneCrow: check your phones dialplan
15:29.22malcolmdsame location, e.g. asterisk-extra-sounds-en-g722-current.tar.gz
15:29.29Tech_Travisdoes anyone have suggestions on sip phones that will be used outside the firewall?
15:29.49mbrevdamalcolmd: must be blind toady
15:30.05malcolmdmbrevda: no worries :)
15:31.00*** join/#asterisk ganeshix (
15:31.42ganeshixi just installed asterisknow 1.7.1
15:31.58ganeshixi did the yum update part
15:32.16ganeshixnow i can't log into the web gui
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15:33.32ganeshixtried all combinations of {admin,root,freepbx}X{admin,fpbx,"root-install-password"}
15:34.03ganeshixany hint?
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15:35.06oneseventeenI'm trying to pass a variable from a dialplan to PHP, then a different variable from PHP to the dialplan... are there any working examples of this for version 1.6.2?
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15:35.44oneseventeen(I've found tons of non-working examples all over and people's blogs... but apparently syntax has change since those entries)
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15:48.27_LoneCrowSuprsplug - I'm actually using trixbox but you mean the phone I'm trying to dial?  I'm just doing a sip/  custom extension.  I can make a new extension say 111 and it will not dial the sip dialed extention say is 199 -  so I'll dial 199 from 111 and no go.  If i only change the extension from 111 to 222 it WILL dial 199 no problems..
15:49.08_LoneCrowif I dial from 111 it says circut busy but any other number above 200 it will dial them.   It has to be on the other end..  not my dial plan
15:49.47infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
15:56.34*** join/#asterisk F|ReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
16:04.59justdaveso in my ongoing quest to get the asterisk 1.8.x SRPM to actually build on RHEL5, I've discovered there is actually a minimum version requirement on speex which is not satisfied by the available packages in RHEL5
16:05.24justdave(no big deal in my book, I can build my own with a more-recent version, and I've submitted a patch to the spec file to have it require the correct minimum version)
16:05.39justdavehowever, it's still failing to detect freetds as well
16:05.50justdaveand I can't figure out what it's looking for that makes it fail to find it.
16:06.14justdavethe available freetds package is also old, but I built the most-recent upstream version of freetds and installed that and it still doesn't find it
16:11.48*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
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16:13.16*** join/#asterisk SCounter (
16:13.59SCounterHi, i have a problem with asterisk 1.6 and service sip
16:14.27SCounteri not receive call in xlite with this server asterisk
16:14.45SCountermy file configuration is
16:15.23SCountersorry for little english because i'm french
16:19.33ChannelZWhat does the console say when you try to call?
16:20.20ChannelZMy guess is the call isn't being sent to 's' and you're getting an error, but there could be any number of things wrong.
16:20.27*** join/#asterisk csnook (
16:23.41SCounterChannelZ, i received mesage asterisk from console : Verbosity is at least 29
16:23.50eduzimrsanyone knows about: DEBUG[2162] chan_dahdi.c: Dunno what to do with event 27 on channel 34         ??
16:24.15SCounterwhen call for number ippi
16:26.52ChannelZSCounter: turn up verbose a little - core set verbose 3
16:27.45SCounterChannelZ, please send command unix for verbose 3 asterisk ?
16:28.14justdaveok, so I confirmed that the issue is the RPMs for RHEL install the freetds headers in /usr/include/freetds/
16:28.29riddleboxI was just looking at switchvox, and pricing, do you have to buy subscriptions every year for every phone?
16:28.31justdavepassing --with-tds=/usr/include/freetds fails to find them however
16:29.06tvc123riddlebox: you just need to pay a renewal fee
16:29.09justdaveif I manually edit configure to look for "freetds/sybdb.h" instead of "sybdb.h" then it does find it
16:29.18justdavebut I don't think that'll work
16:29.28tvc123riddlebox: you may want to check out #switchvox for more info
16:29.31justdavebecause I'm sure the source elsewhere is only looking for sybdb.h
16:29.46riddleboxtvc123: thanks, I will check it out
16:29.58SCounterVerbosity was 29 and is now 61
16:30.05WIMPyjustdave: Did you try with only --with-tds=/usr/include then?
16:30.17WIMPyfell for such thing a few times in the past.
16:30.48justdavechecking sybdb.h usability... no
16:30.49justdavechecking sybdb.h presence... no
16:31.01justdaveand before that...
16:31.02justdavechecking for dbinit in -lsybdb... yes
16:31.11justdaveso it's finding the library and not finding the headers
16:31.42justdave# rpm -ql freetds-devel | grep sybdb.h
16:32.10WIMPyI think I would better understand it if it was the other way round.
16:32.41WIMPyHave you tried only =/usr ?
16:33.23ChannelZSCounter: and you get no other output except the 'Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5' ??
16:33.38justdavewith it only as /usr it doesn't find it either
16:34.01SCounterChannelZ, yes
16:34.09SCounteronly mesage Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
16:34.13ChannelZSCounter: Actually your incoming calls might be matching the 'ippi_outgoing' peer because of the same
16:34.46ChannelZSCounter: In any case probably need to see a SIP debug next.  "sip set debug on" in the console and make a call, then use or one of the others
16:35.36ChannelZI have to leave for work but I'm sure someone will help before I can get back
16:38.00justdaveconfigure wants it to be in a directory named include under the path you pass
16:38.07justdaveand never attempts to look directly in that path
16:38.39SCounterChannelZ, sip set debug on
16:39.33ChannelZThere are two problems
16:39.58ChannelZAs I suspected on line 43: "Found peer 'ippi_outgoing' for '33613393349' from"
16:41.00ChannelZAnd it's being asked to authorize, but isn't bothering to try.  Probably why you have 'insecure=port,invite' for your [incoming] peer, but since that peer is not being matched...
16:41.45ChannelZhave to go, BBL
16:42.34SCounteri commented type=peer in ippi_outgoing
16:42.38SCounteri fonctionnaly
16:44.47SCounterproblem with call outgoing too
16:50.29SCounter[Dec  9 17:49:59] WARNING[21319]: chan_sip.c:5340 create_addr: No such host: ippi_outgoing
16:50.38SCounter[Dec  9 17:49:59] WARNING[21319]: app_dial.c:1747 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
16:51.10SCounterChannelZ, ?
16:52.00*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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16:57.50SCounterChannelZ, thank i fonctionnely now
17:09.06SCounterChannelZ, i find for make a config musiconhold waiting calling
17:13.05*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:13.58justdaveok, managed to make it with with an 'export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/freetds"' before running ./configure
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17:25.06justdavehmm, well, that made configure not complain about tds being missing if I did --with-tds anyway
17:25.15justdaveit still didn't build it
17:25.23justdavetries it manually again to see what menuselect complains about
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17:32.18justdavehah, amusing.  configure finds it with CPPFLAGS, and menuselect says it's enabled, but the actual source compile doesn't find it. :(
17:36.11justdaveok, the source compile needs it passed in via ASTCFLAGS apparently
17:36.45justdavealthough it looks like the makefile is supposed to honor whatever you passed to configure, but in practice that doesn't seem to be working
17:38.27*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
17:38.47WIMPyMaybe as parameter? configure CPPFLAGS=
17:51.44*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (
17:52.01nickfennellhey peeps, can someone point me at a sip alg project for linux
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17:52.06nickfennelli had a couple of names but I can't find them now
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17:57.39justdavesubmits another patch
17:57.45justdavethat makes 5. :)
17:58.01justdaveand the SRPM now builds out-of-the-box on rhel5 as long as you have the prereqs
17:58.08justdave(after my patches are applied)
17:59.11*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (debian-tor@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:59.14nickfennellHmmm ok, netfilter has sip alg functionality
18:00.43*** join/#asterisk LtBrenton (
18:01.24LtBrentonsetting up an asterisk server on a VPS, at the moment it's not firewalled, but having no end of trouble getting my grandstream phone to hook up to it
18:02.08LtBrentonI've got it to the point where I can force a call with channel originate and it'll work properly, but if I try and originate a call from my phone, the SIP exchange is successful but I get no audio
18:02.34justdavewhat version of asterisk?
18:02.54justdaveand is one or the other of the server or the phone behind a NAT?
18:03.03LtBrentonphone's behind a NAT with dynamic IP
18:03.18justdaveyou have nat=yes on the sip.conf entry for that phone?
18:03.33LtBrentonyeah, but changing that makes no difference
18:03.57justdaveok, so you're hitting the same bug I am then
18:04.14LtBrentonah...downgrade then? :P
18:04.14justdaveI can't get it to send rtp traffic to the originating IP in 1.8.x so far
18:04.39justdaveit keeps using the IP provided in the SIP headers, which is wrong if it's behind nat
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18:05.21LtBrentonyeah, i've managed to STUN the right IP from the phone, otherwise it wouldn't even register
18:05.25LtBrentonit'd throw Wrong Password
18:05.26justdaveI'm just now deploying 1.8.1 as we speek to see if it fixes it
18:05.39justdavethere's a couple related line-items in the changelog, so I'm hopeful
18:07.13*** join/#asterisk atan3 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
18:07.28justdaveand no, it doesn't fix it. :(
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18:09.23LtBrentonjustdave, did it work in 1.6.x?
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18:09.33justdaveLtBrenton: unknown, never used 1.6
18:09.36justdaveit worked in 1.4 though
18:10.30justdavein theory, putting nat=yes on a sip.conf entry is supposed to make asterisk ignore the IP address given in the SIP headers and make it send traffic to the originating IP address instead
18:10.52justdavein 1.8 it's not doing that, and it's still sending the RTP traffic to the address requested in the headers
18:10.53LtBrentonyeah, but in 1.8 it seems to even go so far as throw an authentication shitfit if the IPs don't match
18:11.11justdavedunno, I haven't been having that problem
18:11.18justdaveas long as you have host=dynamic on it
18:11.38justdaveSIP registers and negotiates just fine
18:11.46justdavethe RTP traffic just isn't getting sent to the right place
18:11.50LtBrentonyeah, but it ditches the auth if the header IP is 192.x and the originator is a WAN address
18:11.55LtBrentonthrows it out with wrong password on register
18:12.06justdavethat doesn't sound right.
18:12.28LtBrentonif this doesn't work i'm rolling back to 1.6
18:13.09LtBrentonit's only an experimental thing right now but it's going production pretty much as soon as I've jogged my memory enough :P
18:14.26nickfennellanyone used OpenSBC?
18:14.34LtBrentonalso, dear god I forgot how much of a long-ass compile this is
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18:20.39tvc123ok I have a newb question ... in iax.conf I want to speicify that register be sent with a md5 password is that possible or do I just need to md5 the string?
18:20.55oneseventeen[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help!  I now have working AGI scripts!!
18:28.27justdavetvc123: auth=md5 I think
18:28.46*** join/#asterisk blee (
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18:29.47bleedoes anyone know how to change what priority voicemail 0 exits go to? currently mine transfers to a ext o, priorty 0, and its failing
18:30.15justdavetvc123: normally I'd point you at but it seems to be lacking a lot of the good examples and param descriptions that the sip.conf version has
18:30.15bleei tried to set my extension 0 to start at priority 0, and it doesnt like that, can the voicemail app change?
18:30.36bleeextension o rather
18:30.57p3nguinblee: If you are in voicemail and press 0?  It goes to extension o.  And all extensions start with priority 1.
18:31.23bleep3nguin: correct, asterisk is doing a Goto(o,0)
18:31.32p3nguinblee: Show me.
18:31.32bleei dont know why
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18:33.09bleeworks in an older version of asterisk I use
18:33.32*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
18:34.42p3nguinblee: I was hoping for something a little more detailed.  This just shows me that 039, o, 0 exited.  I don't know why it tried to run in the first place.  Any other info you can provide about this issue?
18:35.03bleep3nguin: sorry, perhaps a longer PB will help
18:35.18p3nguinblee: What is your verbose level?
18:35.38bleehere is the full PB
18:36.04bleeI call into voicemail, leave a message, dial #, press 0 for the operator, and I expect it to go to ext 0, priority 1
18:36.12bleeext o rather
18:37.20bleeI can confirm, that in context 039, I indeed have exten => o,1,Goto(voicemail_zero_exit|1)
18:37.27p3nguinThat's what I would expect, too.  What asterisk version are you using that this is happening?
18:37.59*** join/#asterisk atan3 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
18:38.16bleeI was hoping there was an *easy* way to fix this other than upgrading asterisk
18:38.18p3nguinIs there a specific reason you don't use the most recent version within that branch?
18:38.29bleeour dialplan is old, and it works
18:38.51p3nguinAnd it should continue to work when you upgrade to the most recent version in the same branch, too.
18:39.12p3nguinWithout the problem you're experiencing, even.
18:39.32bleethis is probably true, if I need to do that I will
18:39.43p3nguinYou need to do that.
18:39.44bleejust a strange behavior that perhaps I would be able to work around without taking us down
18:40.28p3nguinOld versions are typically not supported because bug have been fixed, things have been changed.  Assume the current version is the most-working version.
18:41.10bleemost definitely, i think another reason my colleague didnt want to upgrade is the syntax change from | to ,
18:41.17bleebut anyways, no worries
18:41.18tvc123justdave: yeah I looked at the voip-info site it seemed to reference that auth=md5 but that is for the incoming registration I'm looking to register going out
18:41.32p3nguinWhat's odd is that I know I would have used 1.4.32, and I didn't encounter this pri 0 behavior.
18:41.47tvc123justdave: and you can use brackets to specify that it is rsa
18:42.01p3nguinblee: It changed from a pipeline to a comma a long time before the version you are using now, just for the record.
18:42.06tvc123but there isn't any real info on how to send an md5
18:42.59bleep3nguin: lol :-(
18:43.05wetaIs there a way I can debug asterisk email? I have serveremail set to one thing in voicemail.conf. In my smtp logs I can see the messages are being rejected upstream with a different from email. using the mail command from the command line works fine. Thanks.
18:44.08p3nguinblee: It's pretty easy to run sed 's/|/,/g' against the dialplan, though.
18:46.10bleep3nguin: ill give it a shot, i im relatively new to asterisk and this dilplan is rather daunting
18:46.11*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
18:46.27bleescared that just replacing all the bars wont go as smoothly as I would like
18:46.50*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
18:47.18ChannelZI can't think of any other uses of the pipe unless you had a bunch of logical expressions
18:47.39leifmadsenblee: so try app_set=1.4 under [options] in asterisk.conf
18:48.29p3nguinYou could always output your changes to a new file and check it before putting it in place.  sed 's/|/,/g' extensions.conf >
18:49.26p3nguinCheck the new file.  If it looks good, "mv extensions.conf extensions.conf.1.2 ; mv extensions.conf"
18:50.04ChannelZand if it doesn't work, well phone calls are overrated anyway.
18:50.18bleeindeed, just forward them all to the boss
18:50.18p3nguinIf it doesn't look good, don't put it in place.
18:51.07ChannelZthe only time the phone rings is when people want something from you anyway.  It's a bother.
18:51.14bleeCan I have 2 versions of asterisk built at the same time, and just move between the 2?
18:52.18p3nguinNot with both running?  Sure.
18:53.42WIMPyWell, if you're carefully chosing directories you should be able to have two different version running.
18:54.08p3nguinWhen I upgrade, I usually build my new package, install the new package, then, when ready, I issue "restart now" on the CLI.
18:54.13WIMPyI was actually thinking about doing so on a box with shitty hardware that only works with an old zaptel version.
18:55.27bleewhat version of asterisk began enforcing commas only?
18:55.48bleeie, i could probably try 1.4.38 and get away with my current dialplan right?
18:56.45p3nguinI would change my pipes to commas right now.  Then upgrade.
18:57.31p3nguinLeast significant change first, in my opinion.
19:09.45yonahwanybody know of a way to catch dtmf tones and not pass them on to the other leg? What I am really trying to do is enable recording without other side hearing dtmf from dialing *1.
19:10.38p3nguinIf you have automon enabled, does *1 pass through anyway?
19:10.46p3nguinI thought it didn't.
19:11.31yonahwp3nguin: maybe that is my problem. I thought it wasn't passing through and now it is. Maybe something changed that I'm not aware of but I don't think so.
19:11.39justdaveI think that's what features.conf is for
19:11.58justdaveyou can define stuff that's interpreted during calls in there
19:12.55p3nguinSet your automon for *1 and make sure you include the w option in the Dial() command.  I don't think the other side will hear the *1 being dialed.
19:13.47WIMPyWell if it is real DTMF I think it can only be filtered partially.
19:14.01*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
19:14.55yonahwI have in features.conf a [featuremap] automon => *1 and I have in extensions.conf under [globals] DYNAMIC_FEATURES => automon but caller is still hearing dtmf tones
19:15.26p3nguinDoes automon turn on when they dial *1?
19:16.14yonahwyou know I though it was but now it seems like there are less recordings than there should be. I am going to have to investigate a little more, I wonder during which cases automon isn't being activated
19:16.46p3nguinIf the w option is not in the Dial() command in the extension being called, I don't see any way it could ever be turned on.
19:16.54yonahwoh it turns out that I don't have w in the outbound calls
19:16.58yonahwthat must be the problem
19:17.24p3nguinThat could also be why *1 is being heard on the other side of the call.
19:18.21jpmcallisterI'm trying to use dynamic realtime to configure sip peers. I'd like to use templates. I noticed an option template in sip.conf.sample and create a column template at the table. But asterisk seems to ignore it. Is there any way to use templates with realtime?
19:18.21yonahwindeed, I'm going to accept it as most likely explanation
19:18.47jpmcallisterThe other options are working just fine
19:24.46*** join/#asterisk Gary_B (~Gary_B@
19:26.35leifmadsenjpmcallister: I don't believe realtime can support templates. This question was actually asked and answered yesterday.
19:27.28leifmadsenblee: 1.6.0 I think enforced... can't remember. 1.6.2 definitely does.
19:27.43wetain case it might be of value to anyone here. I fixed my issue with email. I had to set postfix (my MTA) to re-write the local email address to one that was valid externally. I'm not sure why the emailserver setting in asterisk didn't do this... possibly in the way it interacts with postfix.
19:28.49leifmadsenweta: because asterisk is not an MTA -- that is a function of the mail server. Asterisk can only do so much. You could have also tried setting "serveremail" to something other than "asterisk" if you didn't already.
19:34.01wetaThanks leifmadsen. I had serveremail set to a valid email address and it was falling through to the default local email user in postfix. I'll try asterisk and map asterisk to the right external address I want to see if that works right. Appreciate the reply.
19:38.23*** part/#asterisk Gary_B (~Gary_B@
19:47.20jpmcallisterleifmadsen: tank you!
19:50.49*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
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19:51.25chandooi am thinking of buying acn 3000 video phone, can i get it working with out service from ACN
19:52.27*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
19:52.45justdaveok, so doing some packet-tracing, the difference between the working server that has audio and the one that doesn't have audio is that the working one is transmitting this as part of the sip setup instructions:
19:52.50justdavea=silenceSupp:off - - - -
19:52.53justdaveand the non-working one is not sending that line
19:53.15justdaveI can't find any related differences in config...  changed default perhaps?  what option would control that?
19:53.39p3nguinI guess it's from the phone.
19:53.59*** join/#asterisk CraigW76 (
19:54.15justdavethis is asterisk sending instructions to the phone to disable the silence suppression
19:54.26justdaveit's in the packet getting sent by asterisk to the phone during setup
19:55.11p3nguinSince Asterisk doesn't support silence suppression, it has to be in response to something the phone sent.
19:57.14justdaveit's the same phone
19:57.26justdaveonly change is changing the IP of the server it's connecting to
19:58.41p3nguinSo both Asterisk systems are identical?  Same version, same build options, same configs?
19:59.09justdavesame configs yes, same version, no.  right now one of them is 1.4.26 and the other is 1.4.37
19:59.31justdave(1.4.26 is the working one)
19:59.39justdavethat's why I asked earlier if it was changed defaults
20:12.39*** part/#asterisk eduzimrs (
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20:24.31p3nguinIs a SATA 3 cable backward compatible to SATA 2 drives and system boards?
20:26.41*** join/#asterisk Katty (
20:31.21bleep3nguin: SATA cables are no different from SATA 3/2
20:31.23bleeor boards
20:31.59p3nguinWell, SATA 1 cables will not transfer at SATA 2 or SATA 3 speeds.  So there's some difference.
20:34.54bleeHmm that is not what I've read or am reading
20:35.01bleegranted, off wikipedia so :-o
20:39.01*** join/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
20:53.44citywokp3nguin: really? i had no idea they were different. lol.
20:54.47p3nguinI don't have the physical evidence through my own testing, but manufacturers and other people's tests say the early cables don't perform well with new faster drives.
20:55.23bleeIm sure theres merit to that, but i bet its because cable manufacturers took advantage o the fact that they could cut corners
20:55.33bleeif built to spec i bet they would work
20:55.38bleeas expected
20:57.46Chainsawp3nguin: This is true, shielding expectations have risen with newer standards.
20:58.26p3nguinblee: I can believe that.
20:58.48ChainsawCheap & nasty eBay SATA cables don't work very well above 1.5Gb/sec.
20:58.52ChainsawThis is entirely true.
20:59.28ChainsawBut the SATA cables that came bundled with a very old mainboard work beautifully on 3Gb/sec.
20:59.43ChainsawThe most annoying thing is how similar they look. Both red with black connectors.
21:00.28bleeThis makes me wonder about my Sata cables
21:00.47bleeyep, fully expect my computer to be in pieces tonight
21:00.57bleeat least the SATA cable on my SSD
21:01.46p3nguinSMART and dd might be useful to determine if you have problems with the current cables.
21:02.04Chainsawdmesg will tell you everything.
21:02.18ChainsawYou will see the error handler kicking in and nudging the speeds down until it works.
21:12.00alphazhey p3nguin, i dunno if you would know.. but i'll ask. would you know how to route calls internally? say i have a ton of did's like 000 0001 to 000 0020 and .. like 111 1112 to 111 1150.. is there a way to route these internally? like.. if someone calls 000 0020, to route it to.. whoever has that did assigned? instead of using a trunk to go out then come back in on 000 0020?
21:12.32alphazby someone calls i mean someone internal calls 000 0020
21:13.56p3nguinYes.  Create an extension that matches the call, which uses the Dial() command to make a call to the device you wish to receive the call.  This is Asterisk 101 stuff.  Maybe you should read The Book again.
21:14.10infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
21:15.38infobotHelp review the 3rd edition of the Asterisk book published by O'Reilly at
21:15.40jdoeunless you explicitly bought a high end SSD, it almost certainly can't max out 1.5Gb/s anyway, so the point is probably moot.
21:16.09alphazand for sata, its different cable specs
21:16.14alphazbut the connector is still the same.
21:16.24jdoereally? neat.
21:20.09alphazand p3nguin. no thats not what i mean i can't make the extension 000 0020.
21:20.22p3nguinWhy not?
21:20.33p3nguinIf I can, surely you can.
21:20.40alphazbecause that extension is called 12345
21:20.47p3nguinThat doesn't make sense.
21:20.51alphazsure it does...
21:20.57alphazi have extension called 12345
21:21.14alphazi have another extension called 67890
21:21.20p3nguinIt makes sense that extension 000 0020 can't be made because extension 12345 exists?  No, that doesn't make sense at all.
21:21.52alphazand when 67890 calls 000 0020, i want it to route internally to 12345
21:22.04p3nguinYeah, it's called a dial plan.
21:22.18p3nguinLearn it, build one, use it, make calls.
21:22.30alphazthats unreasonable... i'm not gonna make 1000 dialplans one for each did.
21:22.38*** join/#asterisk nny (
21:22.51WIMPySo how did you make your extensions?
21:22.55p3nguin67890 calling to something makes 67890 a device name.  Create the necessary extension to call the other device as needed.
21:22.58*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
21:23.43p3nguinYou'll create an extension for every DID you want routed to a specific phone, unless you devise some type of scheme where variables will end up being used.
21:24.02alphazok i'm beginning to get it i think..
21:24.07nny considering this for faxing with a PRI system i am building, any thoughts or experiences?
21:24.17alphazso then just use dial to 12345?
21:24.22alphazfrom that 000 0020 extension
21:25.02alphazhmm i guess that makes sense..
21:25.04p3nguinIf the device is 12345, and the extension is 000 0020, you'd end up with something like this:  exten => 0000020,1,Dial(SIP/12345,30)
21:25.50alphazi guess i can match multiple too? like 000002.,1,Dial(...)
21:26.23p3nguinYou can use patterns, but you have to figure out some way to use patterns in the Dial() command, too, which is usually by a variable.
21:27.01alphazso first i'd have to set($some={$exten} or something?
21:27.33p3nguinexten => _000002.,1,Dial(SIP/1234${EXTEN:6,30)
21:27.34WIMPyThere are a lot of ways to do it.
21:27.49p3nguin0000020 would dial 12340
21:27.54p3nguin0000021 would dial 12341
21:27.59p3nguin0000022 would dial 12342
21:28.01p3nguinand so on.
21:28.05alphazthats pretty interesting
21:28.42p3nguinas long as you fix my typo, that is.
21:28.43alphazso ${EXTEN:6,30} takes like from the 7th digit?
21:28.46alphazfor the 30th?
21:28.56p3nguinexten => _000002.,1,Dial(SIP/1234${EXTEN:6},30)
21:29.07alphazso takes the 7th digit
21:29.19alphazdue to.. 0 arrays
21:29.22alphazi geuss
21:29.25p3nguin${EXTEN:6}  offsets 6 characters
21:29.37p3nguinso it starts at the 7th.
21:30.14alphazhehe i guess that makes sense too.. too used to "programming" languages with array position 0 . so i figure the array position will be 6 which is the 7th array element
21:30.20p3nguin00000255555 would dial 123455555
21:30.28alphazwould it?
21:30.41alphaztakes everything after the offset?
21:30.49p3nguinoffset is 6, so 7 to the end.
21:31.26alphazthats pretty neat.
21:31.29alphazlemme go try that
21:31.46p3nguinYou can also do something like ${EXTEN:6:2} to offset 6 and take only 2 more.
21:32.08alphazooh ranges..
21:32.09alphazthats useful
21:32.10WIMPyYou'd better put that in to your pattern.
21:32.31alphazput what into the pattern?
21:32.39p3nguinYeah:  exten => _000002[0-9],1,Dial(...)
21:32.57alphazthis sounds like some take on regex
21:33.01WIMPyThe fact that you only want two more digits and not how ever may there might be.
21:33.12alphazis it using regex?
21:33.22p3nguinPretty much, yes.
21:33.29WIMPyNo. IT's a lot simpler.
21:33.43seanbrightmore like globbing
21:33.54p3nguinI don't think it will accept all possible regexp in there, but it works on the same principle.
21:34.12WIMPyBut you really shoult read one of the books. They are really useful.
21:34.32alphazbooks and me don't generally agree.
21:34.38alphazi turn on auto mode after a few pages
21:34.49p3nguinAt least use it for reference.
21:34.56alphazthat may be a good idea
21:35.51alphazi think i'm getting pretty confused becuase stupid freepbx is just doin all sorts of stuff that i wouldnt do if i were just doin straight asterisk
21:36.15alphazjust figured out that i can append stuff to an extension definition yesterday i was like wth is this.
21:36.19p3nguinThat's why we don't support FreePBX here.  At all.
21:36.19WIMPyThat's what it's known for.
21:37.38alphazi wonder if theres a way to do all the sip.conf in sql...
21:37.40alphazthat would be nice..
21:37.58WIMPyThat's called realtime.
21:38.28alphazcuz then i could make a stupid interface myself to just change stupid rows instead of typing all sorts of shit all over the place..
21:38.55alphazlemme look up realtime
21:39.34*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
21:39.36WIMPyYou can also just generate some text file to incluse in your sip.conf.
21:39.44alphazhmm thats true too
21:41.45*** join/#asterisk mateu (
21:42.04alphazbut i think if you do it that way you'll have to reload each time?
21:42.58WIMPyJust what you changed.
21:43.26alphazya. well i mean if you added an extension. you'd have to reload sip...
21:43.29WIMPyAnd that shouldn't have any side effects.
21:44.34WIMPyYes. When I'm done generating the confs i do an asterik -rx "sip reload"; asterisk -rx "extensions reload". No big deal.
21:46.10alphazok wait so when i create an extension say 000002X, how does it match that.. because i start with [000002???] at the top.. cuz i'm not in the exten => patterh part yet..
21:48.00WIMPyI don't understand that question.
21:49.59alphazok like.. what context would that be under?
21:50.22alphazthe exten => _000002.,
21:52.18p3nguin<alphaz> ya. well i mean if you added an extension. you'd have to reload sip...   <--- No, if you add an extension, you have to reload extensions.conf with dialplan reload.
21:53.54p3nguinThe things in square brackets in extensions.conf are the contexts.
21:54.03alphazthat i get
21:54.09p3nguinThe lines that start with exten are extensions.
21:54.39p3nguinBy the way, this is all in the book.
21:54.44alphazbut then usually my sip devices use the from-internal context
21:55.05p3nguinThat's a sane context, in my opinion.
21:55.55alphazbut does that i mean i'll have to modify the from-internal context to include another context i make that matches the 000stuff?
21:57.19p3nguinThose DIDs (extensions) are dialed from outside, so you would put them in a relevant context.  You should have a sip peer already defined in sip.conf that matches the system sending calls to those DIDs; the context is defined there.
21:57.58p3nguinSomething like context=from-itsp
21:58.07alphazyes when they dialed from outside that yes.
21:58.10p3nguinor context=voipms-inbound
21:58.14alphazbut when they dialed from inside.
21:58.26p3nguinYou want inside people to dial the outside phone number?
21:58.35alphazif they dial the outside number
21:58.40alphazi want it to go route inside
21:58.43alphazisntead of going to itsp
21:58.44alphazthen back
21:59.18p3nguinThen you have two choices: include the inbound context in your internal context, or duplicate all the DID extensions inside the internal context.
21:59.22Tech_Travisdoes anyone have recommendations on sip phones outside the firewall?
22:00.01alphaztech: grandstream works pretty well i've found, cisco takes a bit more fiddling and maybe some port opening.
22:00.24alphazhmm i'll try to include it in my internal context
22:00.32p3nguinNever include an outbound context where a person dialing inbound from outside can access it.  You don't want people outside calling back out on your dime.
22:01.02alphazthats one complicated scenario.. it just flew right over my head
22:01.20alphazoutbound.. context..
22:01.24alphazhow does that even happen
22:01.37p3nguinYou don't want Joe Blow to call inbound and be able to dial back outbound and call the Dominican Republic or something.
22:01.42alphazno i understand
22:01.48alphazi mean context wise
22:01.51alphazhow would that even happen
22:02.06alphazif hes already calling in,
22:02.11alphazhow could he call out
22:02.19p3nguinSome people include other contexts without drawing a picture as to how the calls can flow.
22:02.55alphazbut how would someone initiate a call like that
22:03.05p3nguinSuch as inbound includes internal, internal includes outbound.  Now you can call in, get into the internal context, and call back outbound.
22:03.09alphazif joe blow calls 000 0020 how would he dial 01 001 92817398
22:03.21p3nguinUsually it happens via IVR menus.
22:03.37p3nguinI was just saying to think before you include.
22:04.21alphazwell i'd include a context that i create with one line :\ exten => _000002.,... dial(bla).. i'm not sophisticated enough to tie in contexts like that lol..
22:04.32alphazhehe i haven't gotten that far yet.. (IVR)
22:04.38p3nguinI should get a new bumper sticker:   Don't drink and include =>
22:05.00theharp3nguin +1
22:05.25Tech_Travisalphaz: Thanks,  Currently using Cisco but don't want to use TFTP outside the firewall.  I'll check out Grandstreams.
22:05.36alphazbut what you can do
22:05.39alphazis configure them first
22:05.42theharGrandstream == pain
22:05.45alphazthen after that they can work without the tftp
22:05.48theharhorrible horrible pain
22:05.53alphaznot really
22:05.58alphaztook me like 2 min to configure one
22:06.03alphazjust on the phone itself type in the info
22:06.06alphazand you done :\
22:06.11theharconfiguring is cake
22:06.14Tech_Travistrue, but if one of the users ever does a complete reset they're hosed.
22:06.23alphazthats very true.
22:06.35alphazcisco painnnnnn if you giving to users. outside
22:06.40p3nguinIf you load the SIP firmware onto the Cisco phones once, they really don't need a tftpd after that.  They do take longer to boot up if it doesn't exist, but they still do load and work.
22:06.42alphaztftp = dont let it out -_-
22:07.15Tech_Travisnever ever ever if I can another route.
22:07.23Tech_Traviscan find
22:07.24alphazyup p3nguin, if only theres a way to make that stupid configuring vlan thing go away faster -_- longest thing ever.
22:07.54alphazi dont think the ciscos do vpn . you'd have to vpn the whole network together.
22:08.03*** part/#asterisk superm1 (~superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1)
22:08.24alphazand well i mean if you giving the phone to client.. i dont think you want them to be "in" your network hehe.
22:09.08Tech_Travisyeah, I don't think they do VPN either.  These are for our guys to work from home so VPN would be more preferrable than TFTP outside.
22:09.23p3nguinI need to ask my friend how his is configured.  He runs a Cisco at home to work from home, and the company requires him to use a VPN.
22:10.06alphazwell for sure you'd connect to vpn with either your router, or a separate router.
22:10.11alphazthen from that router plug to cisco phone
22:10.15alphazthen you'll be happy.
22:10.16alphazi guess
22:10.31p3nguinIf the phone doesn't have a VPN client, then yeah you'd have to have some other end point.
22:10.42alphazah well.
22:11.01alphazi just.. configured and brought it somewhere else.. no need for tftp..
22:11.05alphazthe settings generally stay
22:11.17alphazunless you punch in super secret patterns that reset the phone to oblivion
22:12.21alphazthx for your help btw p3ng
22:12.25Tech_Traviswell, our user does have 7 year old so it may be possible to crack that code.
22:12.33alphazits like
22:12.41alphazhold pound on power up
22:12.47alphazthen within those like 30 sec or whatever
22:12.50Tech_Travis1-9 star 0 pound.
22:13.19alphaznot very likely someone will do that while booting then holding pound
22:13.26alphazby accident.
22:14.00p3nguinI do it every time I go into someone's office and they leave me alone for a few minutes.
22:14.19alphazthats not exactly an "accident" :D
22:14.23Tech_Travisthat'll teach them.
22:14.39alphazbut i mean all they'd have to do is bring it back to the office and plug it in for a min :\
22:14.57Tech_Traviswe're in California, he's in Germany.
22:15.14alphazhmm 300$ fedex same day? :D
22:15.18theharis in California as well!
22:15.25alphazi'm in Ca... nada
22:16.12alphazyes we have phones here in canada.. :\ we upgraded from telegrams last month
22:17.10thehardepends where in Canada
22:17.59alphazwell i mean unless you're in the northwest territories or yukon or some rural town.. i think its pretty safe bet you have some sort of modern society around.
22:18.18*** join/#asterisk TdM2 (
22:20.29alphazi'ma  go try that magical extensions stuff bbl
22:20.46xSmurfalphaz: we're still waiting on that thing they call internetz
22:20.58xSmurfI heard Bell was trying to get it working, but they still haven't figured it out yet
22:29.47*** join/#asterisk csnook (
22:33.10alphazinter what
22:33.19alphazsounds like some kind of high tech stuff
22:33.32alphazlast i heard we were doing dial up bbs stuff
22:35.19*** join/#asterisk gregd (
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22:42.31plut0anyone know how to get fax receive working on 1.8? it doesn't seem to recognize an incoming fax
22:42.47alphazfax using what
22:42.56alphazthe digium scam channels?
22:43.40alphazsorry, cant help you there.. i dont do digium fax. they scam you. so unreasonable for price per channel.
22:43.54alphazi just went t38modem or iaxmodem or something of the sort
22:44.03plut0i'm doing it over sip
22:44.20alphazya so am i.
22:44.20plut0not sure what you're talking about
22:44.37plut0ok great
22:44.40alphazyou connect t38modem or iaxmodem to asterisk
22:44.51plut0whats that?
22:45.40alphazits.. a fax modem thing that connects to asterisk
22:46.06alphazsoftware fax modem thing.
22:46.09alphazso when someone calls.. you redirect to the t38modem or iaxmodem. and it'll receive fax
22:46.10plut0alphaz: have you tried with receivefax() ?
22:46.12alphazusing hylafax
22:46.15alphazno i haven't
22:46.23plut0ok, thats what i'm looking for help with
22:46.45alphazbut as far as i've read..
22:46.48alphaztheres nothign to it
22:46.51alphazfor the asterisk
22:59.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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23:15.05tvc123I'm hoping to get a little bit of best practice advice ... I'm running 1.8.0 compiled from source ... I just found a bug fixed in 1.8.1 ... should I be running from the trunk?  is there an easy way to set the same compile options without reconfigureing it again?
23:16.38tvc123is there some sort of reference for best practice while upgrading?
23:17.42*** join/#asterisk marl_scot (
23:18.33marl_scothi folks, am trying to test sip indicators, (flashing when on call etc) can anyone recomend a sip softphone for wind*ws that shows the line states?
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23:30.47plut0anyone have any luck getting fax detect working on 1.8?
23:40.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:55.27marl_scothi, ive come accross this before but cant find the answer now :(  I have been testing 1.8 with 2 softphones, they appeared to be working a short while ago, but now i keep getting 503 service unavailbe when i try and answer a call from one sip on the other, only thing i can see that sparked alarms was that i am seeing my external ip address under sip debug for hte sip phones, when everything im testing is internal, anyone got any pointers?
23:56.36WIMPyWhat did you put in to the phones as registrar/proxy?
23:56.55marl_scotlocal ip of the * box
23:58.05WIMPyAnd where exactely do you see the external one?
23:59.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (

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