IRC log for #asterisk on 20101205

00:06.59*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
00:08.42xSmurfhey all, so I have a pretty generic question. Does anyone have doc on something like this... I want a PHP AGI script to direct the call right away to an extension, but in background, depending on different conditions, possibly transfer the call to another extension
00:08.53xSmurfall that while being transparent to the caller
00:18.40*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
00:21.57*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:33.43ChannelZWell you do whatever logic you want in your script and then send a command to jump to whatever context/extension/priority you want
00:33.58ChannelZThe AGI interface is pretty simple
00:51.34*** join/#asterisk hellome (
00:51.43hellomehello all
00:52.27hellomei tring to get voiceeclipse to work with asterisk can some tell me were i can find a conf for that?
00:54.35greezmunkeyhellome: The voice adapter you mean?
00:59.36hellomeno trunk
00:59.42hellomei using byod
01:11.10*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_ (
01:20.39drmessanoAnyone here familiar with an Astribank + PRI interface
01:55.06jayteedrmessano, telnettech's not in here now but he's worked with them before.
01:58.18xSmurfhey [TK]D-Fender thanks for the help on with that AGI script. the thing will be awesome :D
01:58.38*** join/#asterisk jhirley_ (
02:38.08atanhmm... I guess Canada doesn't exist
02:41.24*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:45.00*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
02:45.20*** join/#asterisk cxreg (
02:46.20cxreghey, i'm upgrading from an ancient version of ast to 1.6 and noticed that call files with lines longer than 256 chars cause a syntax error, due to poor handling in pbx/pbx_spool.c:apply_outgoing()
02:47.54cxregactually, it was 256 in the old version too, but the person i inherited the code from had hacked it to be longer
02:52.51smeet2002why "s" extention doesn't work ?
02:53.37smeet2002I have "call number..rejected because extension not found in"
02:54.14smeet2002In the book they say "s" is "start" extention and if not found everything should go there..
02:56.38*** join/#asterisk csnook (
03:06.59smeet2002actually...I have already not interested in this "s" extention
03:07.36smeet2002what I found is when I dial my DID number it's coming in like a dialed extention..
03:07.51smeet2002so I can write something like _X.
03:08.05smeet2002but I would better use the number itself
03:11.54*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:17.28*** join/#asterisk ukine (
03:18.33xSmurfhow can I exit a PHP AGI script so that it continues the call towards another extension??
03:18.58xSmurfI tried set_extension('1001') and then exit(0); but nope
03:36.56nix8n82xSmurf, you need to supply alot more details than that and maybe some sample code
03:37.07xSmurfsure wait up
03:37.21xSmurfjust need to sanitize stuff
03:39.41xSmurf look around line 75
03:46.40xSmurfgot it
03:46.42xSmurfI'm a tard
03:46.50cxregthis bug is confirmed by
03:46.55xSmurfwell almost
03:46.57xSmurfI needed to exit
03:47.04xSmurfbut it doesn't ring the extension
03:48.48xSmurfI do get music on hold though
03:48.49*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
03:57.46*** join/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
04:02.21*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
04:12.50xSmurfwhy isn't this working
04:16.26nix8n82xSmurf, I'm not sure, but I do think I read somewhere setting a channel variable wouldn't kill the call when the application got a SIGHUP
04:17.00xSmurfnot sure I follow
04:17.46nix8n82I forget what that exactly does, you may want to look into it. this is an asterisk channel variable
04:18.16nix8n82Also you may want to use asterisk 1.6 or later...again I'm not really sure
04:20.46smeet2002if I execute MusicOnHold(10) it never stops
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04:21.07smeet2002WaiteMusicOnHold(10) plays 10 seconds
04:21.17xSmurfyeah I'm using 1.6 nix8n82
04:21.23smeet2002but I have a warning
04:21.42smeet2002that WaiteMusicONHold deprecated to MusicOnHold
04:21.48smeet2002is a bug ?
04:22.11xSmurfnix8n82: skimming over AGISIGHUP doc, doesn't seem to relate
04:22.13smeet2002that MusicOnHold(n) never stops after n seconds??
04:22.24xSmurfwhat I'm looking into is the exit context of my AGI script seems I interrupted someone
04:23.26xSmurfsmeet2002: sounds like you are using a deprecated function, try and use the new one instead
04:23.43smeet2002xSmurf, that's what I am talking about
04:23.46*** part/#asterisk pabelanger (
04:23.49smeet2002the new one doesn't work
04:23.53smeet2002it never stops
04:24.01xSmurfah I see
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04:24.08xSmurfmaybe there are different parameters are right xSmurf...
04:26.49smeet2002it's not (5)'s (,5)
04:27.03tzafrirdrmessano, ping
04:27.15smeet2002I am retard
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04:31.13nix8n82xSmurf, you actually have an exten=> SIP/. ,1,Noop(some application or dialplan function here)"
04:31.39xSmurfno no sorry I was just testing
04:31.43xSmurfforget the SIP/
04:32.01xSmurfbtw I'm exiting to a SIP extension though
04:32.04nix8n82you might have to set priority as well
04:32.09xSmurfwell, trying to that is
04:32.15xSmurfyeah I did, no go
04:32.45xSmurfext: 1001, context: from-internal, priority:1, I get music on hold on the caller end but no ringing on the extension
04:33.34nix8n82when you set extension is it a valid "exten => "some_legal_pattern_or_literal"
04:33.51nix8n82in your dialplan somewhere?
04:35.26xSmurf1001 should be, no?
04:37.09nix8n82I don't know, did you set it up to be something
04:37.19xSmurfyes it's a sip extension
04:37.25xSmurfI can call it fine from other phones
04:39.00nix8n82I really don't know then with the information given
04:40.18xSmurfif this help this is running under asterisknow
04:40.23xSmurfstandard extension setup
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04:50.39xSmurfnix8n82: all I want is for the channel to be directed to a sip extension when the agi script exits
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05:12.49xSmurfnix8n82: let me put this is way, I input a valid context, extension and priority and that extension is never reached when I exit the agi script, however the call gets the music on hold
05:14.08*** join/#asterisk ukine (
05:39.06xSmurfgot it
05:39.28xSmurfonly with the asterisk manager interface though
05:54.46*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
05:55.35doolittleworkmorning, what is the best operators console to use for about 400 extensions with 3 pri(e1) links?
06:19.46*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
06:36.11*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
06:44.18greezmunkeyIs there an echo canceller in asterisk?
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06:49.15cmnkygreezmunkey, i belive so
06:51.30greezmunkeycmnky: only towards the pstn via a digium card. So my echo canceller issue has to be in my gateway.
06:51.52greezmunkeysorry for the bother, I'll goog first and ask questions later :)
06:51.56cmnkygreezmunkey, i'll take your word for it ... im an asterisk noobie noob
06:52.14greezmunkeynoobie bros.
06:52.17cmnkymanaged to get a dialtone out of my SPA2102 ... thats as far as i've got ;)
06:52.28cmnkyand i had help ;)
06:52.39greezmunkeycmnky: did you grin?
06:53.17greezmunkeyso did I
06:53.26cmnkyworking on a realtime gis display .... not actually applying myself heavy on asterisk yet
06:53.50cmnkyim paranoid about opening the firewall, and not being able to "see" the activity
06:54.50greezmunkeygis as in the gis information that tracks everything above and below ground? Like citys use to keep track of sewers and such?
06:54.53cmnkyalthough they'll prob kill my free DID if i dont get on it soon
06:55.03cmnkygreezmunkey, yes ... a map
06:55.23cmnky  <- messing with that widget now
06:55.37cmnkywill turn it into a daemon ... that clients can map stuff with
06:55.55greezmunkeycmnky: that's a lot of data to be realtime...
06:55.59cmnkyalready have an iptables NFLOG/NFQUEUE api ... and an ip->long/latt geocode api
06:56.32cmnkygreezmunkey, it is ... but the map itself is mostly static ... just sits there ... im just displaying "map points and routes"
06:57.26greezmunkeyI'm working on a new bass riff, but I did get some voicemail macros working today.
06:57.35cmnkytheres a couple different widgets for map display ... just trying to find one that works ... so i can turn it into a daemon ... so it'll be exposed to "any app"
06:57.57cmnkythen its just a matter of "plot the long/latt of the incomming phone call"
06:58.16cmnkyand when the call is over ... unplot it map point
06:58.26cmnkyer .. you get the idea ;)
06:58.46cmnkyits not so much for asterisk .. thats just one use ... i have an HTTPS use for it as well
06:58.48greezmunkey911 uses something like that now, but I think it's tied to phone co records, and a map source.
06:59.41cmnkysure ... gonna do a car PC at some point ... the idea being ... 1 daemon for map display ... never have to re-code it for each task
07:00.11cmnkyi have a roof mount waterproof GPS unit ... plugs into usb ... it'll need a map window as well
07:02.02cmnkyi have all the socket/server/message code already ... just a matter of glueing it together for gis
07:02.28greezmunkeyyour geekyness makes me blush
07:02.52greezmunkeyit's all good, please don't be offended.
07:03.23cmnkythanks ;)
07:03.47cmnkyits only like 10 lines of widget code to get a map in a window tho ... someone else did the real geek work ... im just glueing it ;)
07:03.55greezmunkeyIt sounds like a pretty cool project, it's just a few steps above my paygrade, that's all
07:04.25cmnkytheres lots of web apis for stuff ... just hard to find local high perf tools
07:04.42cmnkythat'd be one feature ... "dump current map to png" ... so it could be used in webserver code as well
07:04.53greezmunkeyI see.
07:05.40cmnkyas for the "routing" ... like gps units do for driving directions ... theres a lib out there with the algorithm for that as well
07:05.50cmnkybut thats a little more involved, and not something i need right now
07:07.56cmnkythis widget just completely destroyed my desktop
07:08.31cmnkyi think the box is froze
07:09.24cmnkyguess i can cross that one off the list ;)
07:12.10cmnkyyeah ... i hope ext3 saves itself
07:19.21cmnkyseems to be okay ... {sigh of relief}
07:19.41cxregrunning btrfs?
07:19.55cmnkyno .. ext3
07:20.04cxregoh nm
07:20.24cxregi thought your comment meant something different :)
07:22.00cmnkyi tested a gtk mapping widget ... and i think it crapped itself due to memory leaks, and took out X with it and froze the box
07:23.02cmnkyi'll know in a moment
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07:27.36cmnkyhmm .. it could have been mplayer .... it had been running for a week
07:33.54cmnkywas using about 44MB steady ... no major leak
07:41.59*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nmobile@
07:42.46cmnkyohhh ... i might know what it was
07:43.34cmnkyi had iptables rules queueing packets to NFLOG ... but no app running to recv them ... maybe it ate up my ram accessing openstreetmap data
07:44.03cmnkywhich would seem like a serious NFLOG bug
07:50.32joeyjonescmnky: still breaking asterisk?
07:51.00cmnkyno ... but iptables just killed my box ... as far as i can tell
07:55.45*** join/#asterisk RickCogley (
07:58.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:15.13joeyjonescmnky: iptables can really fuck up servers
08:17.37*** join/#asterisk gmarsh (~gmarsh@
08:19.41cmnkyi cant entirely blame iptables ... i didnt exactly shut down my app cleanly
08:20.06cmnkybut i wouldnt expect netlink/netfilter to keep logging packets to userspace when no app is listening
08:20.17cmnkyapparently it does
08:24.00cmnkybut .. thats good news .... because its not the gis widget ;)
08:28.48cmnkynight all
08:28.51*** part/#asterisk cmnky (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/cmnky)
08:42.58EmleyMoorChannelZ: All interfaces on the 192.168 dhcp from the router - and some addresses are fixed at that side. The public network uses static addresses. However, it's all on the same wiring. The hosts file on the main machine I've noticed it from lists all the 192.168 addresses where available rather than the public ones.
08:46.39EmleyMooris trying to get the sip debug output when he connects ekiga
08:53.30EmleyMoorI have used script to dump the debug - but it has ^M line ends and some other control character noise. Is there a better way?
09:01.06ChannelZhmm is there some way to see just rfc DTMF events in the RTP debug?
09:07.55EmleyMoor - SIP debug of me connecting a softphone from my workstation to my Asterisk box - both are dual home
09:08.21EmleyMoordual homed - want to make it work over the 192.168 in preference
09:08.41ChannelZwhat is the softphone being told to register to?
09:09.28EmleyMoorThe fqdn which is in the hosts file with the 192.168 address. However, even using the 192.168 address directly does not seem to do it
09:09.42ChannelZbecause either it is getting the non-LAN IP or it's otherwise deciding based on your network to route a certain way
09:10.16ChannelZit's hard to guess without a physical drawing of what you actually have connected to what and how
09:13.00EmleyMoorTwo netwerk cards - hub - hub - two network cards - surprised it works but my router seems to like it
09:13.01phixhi gang
09:14.04ChannelZso you have 2 network cards in 2 computers, each hooked up to a separate hub?
09:14.15ChannelZWhere is the router in this?
09:14.17ChannelZToo vague
09:14.38ChannelZin any event you seemt to have a routing problem where someone is deciding the best route to take is the one you don't want
09:14.47EmleyMoorNo - two network cards hookd up to one hub, to another hub, to two network cards (and also to the router)
09:15.51EmleyMoor(I wouldn't be surprised if that confuses things - but if it does, it may have to wait for a new house!)
09:16.58ChannelZWhy have two network cards connected to the same physical network?  This is probably contributing to your issue the most.  What OS it the softphone running on?
09:17.54EmleyMoorAs for the why, it seems to work, at least for access to wireless kit and local-only kit
09:18.49EmleyMoorIf a physical split is needed to resolve this it's going to need extra wiring which is a false economy here, and working out how to do it at the router side
09:20.09EmleyMoor(though if so, fair enough)
09:20.13ChannelZbut it seems like everything is winding up on the same physical wire at some point (via the hubs you're connected to) I don't know why you have two connections to a single computer from the same hub
09:20.37EmleyMoorCan I have two networks on one connection?
09:21.05WIMPyAs many as you like.
09:22.00WIMPySo you have two NICs in different logical networks on the same physical one?
09:22.16EmleyMoorAt present, yes
09:23.32WIMPyThe 2nd NIC is unneccessary then.
09:24.45WIMPyAnd what's the purpose of that setup?
09:24.46EmleyMooris looking into this - there are possible problems with address assignment - especially an a tun/tap arrangement for VMs is also in use
09:25.27EmleyMoorMainly filesystem sharing, with some of the systems not being on the public side
09:25.43WIMPyUsing a virtual nic or an alias instead of hardware won't change anything.
09:26.28EmleyMoorwill look into this - it could be a useful "slot-freer"
09:26.35*** join/#asterisk phix (
09:37.18*** part/#asterisk dlirit (~lirant@
09:40.29ChannelZAnyone here using Vitelity?
09:40.42joeyjonesChannelZ: any idea what would cause ??
09:40.57joeyjonesie. the failure to connect
09:41.39ChannelZI don't see a failure to connect?
09:41.50ChannelZI see that it's trying to get MWI status on a box that doesn't exist
09:44.09joeyjonesChannelZ: i mean placing a call w/ SIP/rapidvox
09:44.33joeyjonesi got that stupid mailbox thinkg to go away
09:45.06joeyjonesespecially "== Spawn extension (phones, 18004664411, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1000-097eca58'
09:48.55phixWhy do Jews like Chinese food?
09:48.59joeyjonesChannelZ: shows the issue better
09:49.04joeyjonesphix: it's cheap?
09:49.18joeyjonesit didn't go in an oven?
09:49.26phixjoeyjones: all good points
09:49.51phixjews dont like to cook food in ovens
09:49.56phix?  or just on Saturdays?
09:50.09joeyjonesphix: i work in a pizza shop, i go through some jew jokes :p
09:50.24phixjews like pizza too?
09:50.35ChannelZjoeyjones: well that sounds like network blockage.. maybe your packets aren't making it out of your network
09:50.50joeyjonesit definitely is ringing
09:50.57phixhey ChannelZ
09:51.01joeyjonesand i was able to pick up
09:51.11ChannelZor for some reason they are not liking something you're sending them and not replying
09:51.30ChannelZhey phix
09:51.42joeyjonesChannelZ: i may not have a good enough kernel timer, would this explain it?
09:51.58ChannelZmaybe, if it's crazy-bad
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09:52.04joeyjonesphix: no, but we make fun of jews
09:52.06phixChannelZ: what's new in the world of asterisk?  or your personal life, which ever you prefer to speak about :)
09:52.12joeyjonesChannelZ: 250hx most likely
09:52.13ChannelZit might think more time has elapsed than really has I suppose
09:52.34ChannelZphix: not a lot in either I suppose
09:52.49ChannelZI'mt rying to figure out some DTMF problems
09:52.57phixThat wasnt interesting at all
09:53.22ChannelZI can't use the automated phone banking with my bank because (I think) my ITSP is clipping random digits
09:53.35ChannelZThat's what's new in my asterisk world..
09:53.35phixChannelZ: nasty
09:53.43ChannelZyeah it's pissing me off
09:53.50phixChannelZ: ring them up and tell one of their representatives to go fuck themselfs
09:53.51joeyjonesChannelZ: my setup is a bit weird, i'm running it on amazon EC2
09:54.12joeyjonesphix: that's probably why it's clipped :p
09:54.28phixjoeyjones: haha, I guess you tried thta already hey :)
09:54.36phixwell he tried that even
09:55.53joeyjonesphix: well, i'm trying to learn asterisk while getting this figured out
09:56.25phixwhat version you using?
09:56.30phixI am still using 1.4
09:56.33phixit is solid\
09:56.46joeyjones1.4 iirc
09:56.53joeyjonesbut this seems to be failing to connect
09:57.58joeyjonesit rings, connects, then throws an error and hangs up
09:59.35ChannelZhave you tried calling someone else?
09:59.40ChannelZnot through your ITSP?
09:59.49phixwhat error
09:59.58phixthe details would be helpful
10:02.16joeyjonesChannelZ: what do you mean someone else?
10:02.29joeyjonesanother extension instead of an outgoing call?
10:03.24ChannelZlike try SIP/*010600
10:06.57joeyjonesChannelZ: i'm even getting a non-zero exit when running a playback
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10:09.56ChannelZwell that looks normal
10:10.17ChannelZjust means the channels were hung up
10:11.09joeyjoneswell, nothing plays
10:14.52ChannelZplay something longer.  Like weasles 5 times in a row
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10:17.01joeyjonesChannelZ: i still hear absolutely nothing...
10:17.37ChannelZthen it sounds like you have rtp problems
10:18.09ChannelZor possibly something else, but most likely RTP traffic blockage
10:19.50joeyjonesChannelZ: is there a specific port it uses?
10:19.52*** join/#asterisk dlirit (~lirant@
10:20.22phixjoeyjones: that is detailisious
10:21.12ChannelZit uses any number of them
10:21.35ChannelZAsterisk requests the remote side send their audio to a port somewhere in the range listed in rtp.conf
10:22.06ChannelZLikewise the remote side requests Asterisk send its audio to them at some port number as determined by them
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10:26.24ChannelZTourettes rather
10:26.37phixany way
10:26.49phixI might just go and have sex now, goodnight
10:30.08joeyjonesphix: have fun!
10:30.21phixgood night
10:30.37phixrofl no I am still at it :)
10:31.07joeyjonesChannelZ: i added the port range for rtp to the allowed ports list, and still nothing...
10:31.25phixjoeyjones: damn
10:31.37phixyou may as well just end your life right now then
10:31.50joeyjonesphix: but, i have a trip to mexico in january
10:32.01joeyjonesi should alteasy die from too much sex with cheap hookers
10:32.17phixjoeyjones: but you cant figure someting out and you seem very commited in finding it, yet you cant, so you better end it
10:32.23ChannelZjoeyjones: like I said, the range in rtp.conf is only where Asterisk asks the remote end to send THEIR audio to
10:32.40phixjoeyjones: how are hookers?  I have never had to result to them.... yet
10:32.45joeyjonesChannelZ: that should eb the only concern...
10:32.51joeyjonesphix: me neither
10:32.53phixjoeyjones: tcpdump
10:32.54ChannelZIf you're going to Mexico you'll probably die from gang gunfire
10:33.05joeyjonesbut i can atleast get rid of my V card, and cheap
10:33.09ChannelZjoeyjones: no you say that when you call your * system you can't hear anything * is sending
10:33.14joeyjonesChannelZ: it's a safe area, away from the border
10:33.18phixChannelZ: or some sort of plant, propbably from poppies
10:34.25joeyjonesphix: tcpdump?
10:34.59phixthat program
10:35.02phixit is great
10:35.07phixit tells you stuff
10:35.12phixand / or junk
10:35.15ChannelZOr do this: make an extension that does an Answer and then a Record to a sound file.  Call said extension, blab into the phone, and then download the sound file and see if you have audio in it
10:35.35ChannelZThat will tell you if you're getting one-way audio TO Asterisk even
10:35.45joeyjonesChannelZ: i haven't gotten as far as recordings yet...
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10:35.59ChannelZI know.  You don't even know if your networking works.
10:36.08ChannelZThat will attempt to test half of it
10:36.21ChannelZWhat are you calling in on anyway?
10:36.51joeyjonesx-lite and sipdroid
10:37.21ChannelZAnd are you behind a firewall or NAT
10:37.27joeyjonesmy extensions.conf currently looks like
10:37.29joeyjonesi am
10:37.37joeyjonesand i beleive server is too
10:37.39phixxlite can go eat a pnis
10:37.42ChannelZDoes Asterisk know this?
10:37.45phixthat is what I said
10:37.52phixasterisk knoes nothing
10:37.57phixasterisk is innocent
10:38.09joeyjonessip.conf for my 2 extensions is nat=yes
10:38.24phixthat is awesome
10:38.31phixlets all just use nat
10:39.20ChannelZand does 'sip show peers' show your real IP for the peer in question
10:40.14joeyjonesit shows the external IP
10:40.28ChannelZok, it's a start
10:40.56phixChannelZ: maybe
10:40.57ChannelZSo then if you're behind NAT do you have some ports forwarded back through your router to your softphone?
10:41.02phixdoes cheese cause IBS?
10:41.13ChannelZ(as configured in the softphone, dunno what port you're using)
10:41.24phixor does IBS cause cheese
10:41.25ChannelZphix: it can in some
10:41.39joeyjonesphix: IBS sucks
10:41.49phixjoeyjones: agreed
10:42.06ChannelZBlows, really
10:42.11phixalthough I counteract that with chilli
10:42.23phixif i eat milk product I eat a chilli
10:42.36phixjust to further remind me that I shoudnt eat cheese
10:42.51ChannelZOld native american proverb: Eat'um cheese, choke'um asshole
10:42.59phixIt is semi working
10:43.14phixI need to find soeting else though
10:43.17joeyjonesphix: in my case i get constipated by gas
10:43.24coppiceOld European proverb: Eat cheese
10:43.25joeyjonesie. pop make me not poop
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10:43.44ChannelZIced Tea does it for me.
10:43.58joeyjonesdamn IBS
10:44.08joeyjonesi not drink milk of magnesia more often than milk :p
10:44.22ChannelZSo, your ports....
10:44.24phixjoeyjones: gas cant consipate you unless if it so compressed it forms a liquid and is stopped by something else, like a penis, that doesnt let it escpace
10:44.41joeyjonesphix: tell that to my bowels and my doctor
10:45.15joeyjonesChannelZ: i'll try forwarding 5060, but i ha working w/o it forwarded
10:45.21phixjoeyjones: ok, what is his number, I bet if I explain that penis was involved he would face palm and agree
10:45.25ChannelZ5060 is only SIP
10:45.33phixChannelZ: no i tisnt
10:45.44phixChannelZ: 5060 is HTTP
10:45.46ChannelZYes it is
10:45.46joeyjones800-8005 too
10:45.56phixon my server it is HTTP
10:46.03ChannelZphix: You're not helping, go be drunk elsewhere OK?
10:46.10phixChannelZ: k no
10:46.16phixChannelZ: go fuck yourself cunt
10:46.33ChannelZrolls his eyes
10:46.46phixthe moving finger writes, and had write moves on
10:47.15ChannelZjoeyjones: well I'm not sure what x-lite uses for RTP, it's probably configurable somewhere in the prefs
10:47.26phixxlit is shit
10:47.45phixxlite uses TCP and or UDP for RTP
10:47.57joeyjonesChannelZ: ChannelZ according to i shoudl forward 5060 and 800-8005
10:48.26ChannelZ5060 is SIP. RTP can be almost anything... again, the phone decides.  UDP in both cases
10:48.30joeyjonesbut, i had sipdroid working from wifi w/'s pbx and no forwarding
10:49.02tzafrirHow can I get a channel to join a meetme conference without prompting for its PIN?
10:49.31tzafrirI'm trying to add some extra "administrative" channel
10:49.56ChannelZYou can put the PIN as an argument when you call MeetMe
10:50.04ChannelZcore show application MeetMe
10:51.51tzafrirI didn't notice this. Thanks
10:52.17tzafrirIs there any way to get the PIN in the dialplan? I don't see it in MEETME_INFO
10:52.30phix5060 is FTP for me
10:52.41phix21 is HTTP
10:52.46phix80 is IMAP
10:52.46tzafrirFTP over UDP?
10:52.55phix143 is HTTPS
10:53.01phix443 is telnet
10:53.02Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
10:53.15tzafrirFTP over UDP sounds like TFTP
10:53.16phixtelnet is 1337
10:53.32phixtzafrir: penis?
10:53.37ChannelZtzafrir: dunno
10:53.50phixChannelZ: <3
10:53.54ChannelZSeems not
10:54.10tzafrirphix, the thing people tend to call PIN number
10:54.11joeyjonesChannelZ: i still get no audio even when connected through 3G
10:55.29phixtzafrir: ?
10:55.38ChannelZSo maybe RTP is not making it out of your *
10:55.57phixPIN as in Penis In Nan, your nan
10:56.20joeyjonesChannelZ: is it possible to send rtp packets manually to check for issues?
10:56.22ChannelZyou can try 'rtp set debug on' and see where it thinks it's sending audio to
10:59.47joeyjonesChannelZ: i got a lof of lines like: Sent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 053458, ts 042560, len 000160)
11:00.08joeyjonesip-10-196-191-202*CLI> sip show peers
11:00.08joeyjonesName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
11:00.08joeyjones2000/2000                  (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
11:00.09joeyjones1000/1000              D   N      22758    Unmonitored
11:00.09joeyjonesrapidvox/joeyjones          N      5060     Unmonitored
11:03.35joeyjonesthat was from calling that ext 500 tt-weasels
11:04.47ChannelZWhat is  Is that the LAN IP of your softphone or of your *?
11:05.45joeyjonesChannelZ: no fucking idea
11:05.54joeyjonesi tried that over 3G
11:06.08joeyjonesand a traceroute doesn;t see it
11:06.41ChannelZwell is a private IP so that's why your audio is going nowhere
11:07.17ChannelZbut why it's sending there I dunno.. you have externip and localnet set properly in sip.conf ?
11:07.19joeyjonesChannelZ: when using wifi it still tried local
11:09.15joeyjonesChannelZ: sip.conmf looks like
11:09.38joeyjonesand using md5secret for 2000
11:11.41ChannelZAt minimum you need to set externip=
11:12.06joeyjonesin general?
11:12.26ChannelZand ideally localnet=x.x.x.x/xx based on any LAN config you might have, but I'm still not sure why it's trying to send RTP to 10.x.x.x, which is probably what the device requested
11:13.20ChannelZif Asterisk is behind a firewall, it has to know what it's external IP should be in order to tell the remote end how to reach back to it.
11:13.45ChannelZs/a firewall/NAT/
11:14.28joeyjonesextern ip is not that one
11:15.20ChannelZoh yeah sorry
11:15.34ChannelZit's 4am I'm delirious
11:15.59ChannelZbut that would make your localnet= possibly
11:16.39ChannelZThat should matter less (I think) since you don't have any devices on the LAN side
11:16.43joeyjonesi got it to work
11:16.53joeyjonesno audioi
11:16.58joeyjonesbut the right IP
11:17.13joeyjonesapparently sipdroid has a stuns erver option
11:17.20ChannelZno actually you DO need localnet in order for it to function properly
11:17.30ChannelZIt has to know what is LAN and what is not.
11:18.06ChannelZelse it's just going to send RTP to the IP the remote end requests which, if it's behind NAT, will be bogus.
11:18.34ChannelZso set localnet=
11:20.37joeyjonesstill no audio though, and it needs stun to function
11:20.57ChannelZdoes RTP show it sending to the correct IP now?
11:21.13joeyjonesi had it sending to the right one for a while...
11:22.12ChannelZso if it's not making it there then there's two possibilities: 1. It's being blocked on the * side by a firewall/router and not making it out onto the net, or 2. It's not making it into your device, again possibly blocked by a firewall/router
11:23.24joeyjonesi had it working with, so the softphone can receive
11:27.16ChannelZthen maybe the traffic isn't making it out from your * in the first place
11:27.47ChannelZI have no idea what your network config is and if it's right or not.  Set me up a peer and I can call in and test, since i know my side works.
11:28.11ChannelZbut if you want to, do it quick because I'm going to go to bed soon
11:29.23joeyjones is interesting
11:29.26joeyjones1 sec for peer
11:30.44ChannelZis * able to send to a remote IP on port 21000 through whatever firewall it's behind?'
11:31.14joeyjonesoutgoing should not be limited at all
11:32.33ChannelZand how do I get to you
11:33.56ChannelZand what was your test exten?  I don't remember
11:37.43joeyjonesChannelZ:     -- Registered SIP '3000' at port 5060 expires 120
11:39.00ChannelZyeah hang on I got something jacked
11:40.19ChannelZok so that worked fine
11:40.46ChannelZmake an exten that does Answer and then Echo
11:43.15ChannelZit will send back everything I say, to see if incoming audio works
11:43.58ChannelZok that works too
11:44.10ChannelZSo whatever audio problems you are having now are on your peer side
11:47.08ChannelZCall with your softphone.  With rtp debug turned on, if you see "Sent RTP packet to x.x.x.x:yyyyy" and that x.x.x.x IP is the correct external IP of where you're calling from, then if port yyyyy isn't forwarded back to the computer the softphone is on you're not going to get any audio.
11:48.16joeyjonesChannelZ: what's boggling though is that it should be fine for the client
11:48.36joeyjonesi can swap to a different sip server and it will work fine...
11:50.27ChannelZWell I can only repeat myself so many times
11:50.49joeyjonesChannelZ: i know
11:50.51ChannelZAsterisk will be trying to send its audio to whatever IP and port number it shows in the RTP debug.
11:51.27joeyjonesChannelZ: maybe for now i should just allow all tcp/udp traffic on the pbx server just in case
11:51.44ChannelZWe've already established Asterisk ISN'T the problem
11:51.58ChannelZI have bidirectional audio to you.
11:52.57joeyjonesChannelZ: the thing though is that i have used sipdroid on 3G with a different pbx box, and it worked
11:54.03ChannelZIt almost doesn't matter.  That's a totally different thing.
11:54.40joeyjonesChannelZ: i have 0 control over the 3G port forwarding, so it would make sense for it to have issues
11:55.03ChannelZRight.  So why are we still talking about it?
11:55.10ChannelZGet ONE THING to work.  Stop adding variables.
11:55.40ChannelZStarting with the thing you DO have control of, the softphone running on the computer sitting in front of you.
11:57.14*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
12:05.00joeyjonesChannelZ: now my damn pc softphone can't even get through to 500...
12:08.40ChannelZdo this.  In your x-lite, dial
12:12.45ChannelZor maybe just - not sure how x-lite works with direct SIP URIs
12:14.23*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
12:14.40joeyjonesChannelZ: i think my sip packets are being filtered for some reason...
12:24.46*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
12:36.01ChannelZthey're not being blocked, but I dunno why you're getting Proxy Auth Required
12:48.30*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
12:53.45verywisemani have 3 landlines and 1 pri , when i make calling from internal extension ,* use one of 3 landlines , so i call pri number from my extension, but this log appear "Extension '9990' in context 'callcenter' from 'xxxxxxxxxxx' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/26, span 1",why? ,where 9990, is last 4 numbers in pri number and xxxxxxxxxxx is landline number which i used to call pri number.
12:56.37ChannelZI guess that depends on how your PRI is setup.  Sounds like for whatever reason it's trying to send the call to extension 9990 which doesn't exist
13:00.42verywisemanChannelZ, 9990 is last 4 number in pri number , where pri number is 27349990
13:01.48verywisemanChannelZ, also if i call 27349991 , log will become  "Extension '9991' in context 'callcenter' from 'xxxxxxxxxxx' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/26, span 1"
13:04.08ChannelZIt's sending the call to an extension of the last 4 digits of the DID being called.  I don't know why that is, but that extension doesn't exist because you apparently haven't made it.
13:04.34*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
13:04.38ChannelZNormally it would come to an extension of the full DID number, but I'm not sure why yours is being truncated.  Something in your config.
13:08.32ChannelZAre you running the console with verbose turned up a little (say, 3) and is that the FIRST thing you see or is something else happening in the dialplan before this error?
13:11.12verywisemanChannelZ, ok , i will try it now
13:13.44verywisemanChannelZ, same messages as log
13:14.12verywisemanChannelZ, where is config about did ?
13:14.14ChannelZpastebin the output of the console from the start
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13:26.13verywisemanChannelZ, what is you meaning?
13:26.26ChannelZdoesn't really show much.
13:27.32ChannelZI guess the question is what are you expecting to happen?
13:27.53ChannelZIt's saying what is wrong;  It's trying to send the call to extension 9991 in the context 'callcenter' and that extension doesn't exist.
13:28.37ChannelZIf the question is that's not where you really want it sent to, then look around in your zapata.conf
13:28.57ChannelZotherwise it looks like you just haven't built your dialplan to handle the calls.
13:29.45ChannelZor there is something else going on in your dialplan that is broken, the output you pastebinned didn't look very verbose (we don't see anything really happening)
13:36.04verywisemanChannelZ, as you saw , callcenter context handle calls which come from pri, which extension is "s", so why * look to 9991 ext?
13:36.14verywisemanChannelZ, i run asterisk -rvvv
13:36.53ChannelZI don't know.  pastebin your extensions.conf
13:41.50joeyjonesChannelZ: i got a funny feeling that my sip.conf has something wrong...
13:45.41ChannelZverywiseman: OK so there is no monkey business going on.. it just looks like your telco is sending you calls to extensions matching the last 4 numbers of your DID(s)
13:46.40ChannelZYou can either make separate extensions to handle different numbers differently (IE 9991 automatically dials one person while 9992 or whatever dials a different person) or you could use a pattern in that context instead of the extension 's'
13:46.58ChannelZlike _X.
13:48.06ChannelZexten => _X.,1,Answer()    etc
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13:55.00verywisemanChannelZ, i will try that
13:56.19ChannelZgoes to bed finally
13:57.14verywisemanChannelZ, it is working :)
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14:20.07joeyjonesverywiseman: well, you're lucky :p
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16:06.29DelphiWorldpabelanger: ping
16:13.20pabelangerDelphiWorld: pong
16:13.30DelphiWorldpabelanger: ;)
16:13.37DelphiWorldpabelanger: you know askozia
16:14.07pabelangerwell, I know Asterisk and embedded systems
16:14.31DelphiWorldpabelanger: that's cool
16:15.57DelphiWorldpabelanger: PM is ok?
16:16.26pabelangerdepends, what you looking for?
16:17.16DelphiWorldpabelanger: PM and you will see lol, some help needed;)
16:17.33*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
16:24.07garymcHi Peeps, my ISDN30 lines are still down. BT saying its a DSB problem. I cant even google that term anyone know what it is?
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16:45.45Jasnejacgarymc: Digital Signaling Buffer?  no idea what one of those is w.r.t BT mind
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17:51.53Godfather_can a MixMonitor a channel between 2 g729 endpoints and writring it to g729 if asterisk is in passthroug ? (i've no g729 licenses)
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18:01.19pabelangerGodfather_: no
18:02.01Godfather_pabelanger, can i download a free license to do that?
18:02.34pabelangerThere is no such thing as a free g729 codec / license
18:03.12pabelangerDigium sells for for $10 each, IIRC
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18:10.21greezmunkeyIIRC ? What is that?
18:12.08pabelangerif I recall correctly
18:12.37*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
18:13.14BugKhaMHi, I have the Dial command with a parameter L(0:60000:30000)
18:14.13BugKhaMand the Dial still works with timelimit = 0, is it normal?
18:18.17pagecI have an AEX410 card, and i want different channels to ring different phones, is the only way to do this via different contexts in chan_dahdi.conf or is there a more elegant way like that used with PRI lines(i.e. a context has different extensions the PRI rings into)
18:37.48*** join/#asterisk kidisgod (~danimal@
18:39.26kidisgodhello all
18:39.43kidisgoddoes anyone know how to resolve the dependancies on centos 5.5 for asterisk 1.8
18:39.59kidisgodfor res_fax_digium and the addons-core packages?
18:41.26kidisgodError: asterisk18-res_fax_digium conflicts with asterisk18-addons-core
18:42.21Tim_Toadyinstall fax digium by hand
18:42.45kidisgodyou mean compile all of asterisk 1.8 from source
18:43.02kidisgodand then add the res_fax_digium afterwords?
18:43.22Tim_Toadyno, download ffa from digium site and just copy the module in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
18:43.50kidisgodok thanks Time_Toady
18:44.06kidisgodI will try that and let you know my results.
18:44.15kidisgodthanks Tim_Toady
18:49.28kidisgodTim_Toady that worked like a champion. Thank you.
18:50.43*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
18:54.41kidisgodHas anyone had a problem with the service provider Clear blocking udp ports 5060 and 5061 since friday
19:00.14greezmunkeykidisgod: are you sure they're being blocked?
19:00.58kidisgodI would not say blocked I would say selectivly filtered
19:01.19kidisgodif I only change the sip port of the sip trunk
19:01.48kidisgodwhen I try 5060 and 5061 the calls do not progress but I see some things in sip debug but not the invite.
19:02.03xSmurfso, anyone gotten RealTime LDAP working in an AsteriskNOW environment??
19:02.17kidisgodI see it sent from the origionation machine but not arrive at the destination machine
19:02.24kidisgodat port 5062 it works.
19:03.42greezmunkeykidisgod: interesting, I have seen similar "filtering" from verizon wireless...they (of course) claimed they were'nt doing it.
19:04.08kidisgodI only noticed because my trunks were down friday until I could get home
19:04.53kidisgodso I started changing the port +1 and at 5062 it all worked.
19:05.07kidisgodso then I sip debugged the conversation from both ends
19:05.22kidisgodand then noticed the invite was magically disappearing
19:05.51kidisgodso I set up a iax2 trunk as well as the sip trunk on 5062
19:06.17kidisgodso I failover to the iax2 if the sip does not connect.
19:06.42greezmunkeyDoesn't iax use 4569?
19:06.56kidisgodyes iax2 is a different animal than sip.
19:07.06greezmunkeykidisgod: so just use that.
19:07.08kidisgodonly uses 1 port and goes over nat's nicely
19:07.17kidisgodiax2 does not do t.38
19:07.28kidisgodotherwise I would be using only iax2
19:07.47kidisgodcurrently the sip trunk is solid on 5062.
19:07.48greezmunkeyIt sounds like these are private trunks
19:08.34kidisgodI have a trunk from 360 networks to my main asterisk server
19:08.57kidisgodand then I give myself a sip trunk to my home asterisk server where I can do testing on the new 1.8
19:09.20kidisgod360 networks does t.38 to pstn termination to me.
19:09.35kidisgodbut they do not support reinvite on the trunk.
19:09.47kidisgodso I am testing the t.38 passthrough
19:10.03kidisgodor gatewaying
19:10.42kidisgodI had great results with 1.6.2 and the FFA from digium.
19:11.10kidisgodfor origionation and termination of t.38 to the asterisk server.
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19:31.07*** join/#asterisk Daxter (~Daxter@
19:31.47DaxterCan anyone point me to a link or explain to me the differance between national1 and national2
19:32.27DaxterI couldnt find much when i searched
19:33.08mlsmith99999afternoon, just wanted to update everybody on my ongoing problem with not being able to register my providers trunk. I've had a full session with a Trixbox support engineer who after more than an hour gave up saying he had never seen a registration be so stubborn. Now the provider wants me to send them debug logs so they can have their "Engineers" Custom program something to make it work AND
19:33.09mlsmith99999then bill me for it...
19:33.09mlsmith99999I  Should mention that I have trunks from Vitelity, Skype and one of the Trixboxes engineers accounts on this box all at the same time and they worked like a charm.
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19:56.12kidisgodI have used trunks from vitelity
19:56.23kidisgodthose trunk worked ok for me
19:57.14xSmurf^ +1
19:57.37kidisgodDaxter: are you talking about the ISDN national1 and national2?
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20:15.52oDeskhello all
20:16.22oDeski can record the callerID in DTMF format sent before the first ring
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20:17.50oDeskhow Asterisk not able to decode it, while mutlimon can decode the recorded wav monitoring file
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20:26.37Godfather_There is any function to replace characters from a string?
20:29.25kidisgodfunction Replace
20:31.47Godfather_kidisgod, not in my 1.6.2...
20:32.08Godfather_kidisgod, i got a dialplan replacement but generates a lot of verbose on the console ( )
20:32.56kidisgodGodfather_: how many chars do you need to replace? 1 pattern match?
20:33.11Godfather_kidisgod, i want to replace / to -
20:34.04Godfather_kidisgod, for example, i want to replace SIP/100&SIP/101 to SIP-100&SIP-101
20:34.08kidisgodhave you though about upgrading to 1.8?
20:34.25Godfather_kidisgod, i found this patch,
20:34.35Godfather_but i'm not sure how to apply it
20:35.05kidisgodwell I would not recommend using that patch
20:35.17kidisgodthe author of the patch failed at the formatting review
20:35.38kidisgodthe feature is available at 1.8
20:35.42Godfather_REPLACE(find-chars,replace-char,string) =
20:35.55kidisgodor you can use the dialplan macro you have in 1.6.x
20:36.03kidisgodor system and use sed
20:36.15Godfather_kidisgod, how do i apply this patch?
20:36.51Godfather_i prefer not to use system, and tell me one reason to upgrading to 1.8
20:38.03kidisgodit seems that patch was added to asterisk in 11/2009
20:38.09kidisgodfrom the link you sent
20:38.40kidisgodit was added to asterisk 1.8
20:38.49Godfather_kidisgod, i see
20:38.56kidisgodI am not sure if that patch will work on 1.6.x
20:39.05kidisgodmaybe someone else can answer that?
20:39.25Godfather_kidisgod, do you know how to apply that patch?
20:40.17kidisgodyou need the asterisk source code
20:40.21kidisgodfor the version you are running
20:40.42kidisgodthen you need to download the source code patch from the asterisk issue you sent the link too
20:40.53Godfather_wget '' -O - | patch -p0
20:41.20Godfather_do this in the root directory of the source of asterisk and recompile it again?
20:41.56kidisgodthat is from the patch.
20:42.14kidisgodI would think you run that command from the source folder that has funcs in it
20:42.33kidisgodand then recompile
20:42.43Godfather_i applied this in the root directory of asterisk sources
20:42.49Godfather_there is no error
20:43.18kidisgoddo you see the function from the asterisk command line?
20:43.23kidisgodcore show function replace
20:43.28Godfather_kidisgod, i'm recompiling
20:44.13Godfather_kidisgod, i got it
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20:45.35kidisgodhave you tried to use regex to replace?
20:46.44Godfather_kidisgod, no
20:47.04kidisgodI have heard of people using that as well.
20:47.10Godfather_i didnt know about regex function, i'm seeing it now
20:47.13kidisgodI have not had the need to use it.
20:48.00kidisgoda majority of my dialplans are hard coded or use curl to retrieve stuff that is dynamic
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21:26.52kidisgodhave a good day everyone
21:33.48xSmurfHey all, has anyone gotten RealTime LDAP extensions working in an AsteriskNOW environment??
21:34.01xSmurfthe module doesn't seem to be in any packages
21:58.24Godfather_where can i download a patch to apply oslec to my dahdi sources?
21:58.54Godfather_tzafrir, are you here?
22:07.30*** join/#asterisk tris (~tristan@CAMEL.ETHEREAL.NET)
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23:08.31*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
23:10.04z4nD4Rhi i have problem with asterisk...
23:10.05z4nD4Rand i need srtp
23:10.05z4nD4Rconfigure: *** libsrtp could not be linked as a shared object
23:10.05z4nD4Rconfigure: *** try compiling libsrtp manually and configuring with
23:10.05z4nD4Rconfigure: *** ./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/usr
23:10.05z4nD4Rconfigure: *** replacing /usr with the prefix of your choice
23:11.29*** join/#asterisk tris (~tristan@CAMEL.ETHEREAL.NET)
23:18.35*** part/#asterisk z4nD4R (
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23:29.32*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
23:29.46trollasaurusDid you try doing what it said ?
23:30.06xSmurfgreat, I can't even configure asterisk build under asterisknow O.o
23:30.11xSmurfconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
23:30.51trollasaurusDo you have a working build environment ?
23:31.35xSmurfshould, I installed gcc
23:32.05xSmurfah might have missed gcc-c++
23:41.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:44.32*** join/#asterisk tecnico (~tecnico@unaffiliated/tecnico)
23:51.59*** join/#asterisk Daxter (~Daxter@
23:53.23xSmurfdarn "[Dec  5 23:55:33] WARNING[32304] loader.c: Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk."
23:53.25Daxteranyone in here want to help me out with getting my cisco 7961's synced up with my pbxinaflash server?
23:53.34DaxterI think i am having some tfpd issues
23:53.55DaxterThe phone gets correct DHCP which ip's them and points the TFTP server to the asterisks box
23:54.02Daxterbut i don tthink its grabbing the correct config
23:56.04ChannelZwell look at your tftp logs
23:57.16Daxtergood question how can i do that
23:57.48ChannelZ? Depends where yours logs.  Maybe in the syslog, maybe in a separate tftp log, or xferlog...
23:58.03ChannelZgrep -i tftp /var/log/syslog
23:58.06ChannelZstart there
23:59.07Daxterno such file
23:59.13Daxterthis is pbxinaflash btw

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