IRC log for #asterisk on 20101126

00:16.51*** join/#asterisk n0cturnal (~n0c@2403:dc00:ffff:fffc:226:18ff:fe3a:3bad)
00:20.07neurosysIntersting. 1.8 has phone provisioning...
00:22.45*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:37.09*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
00:57.13ectospasmneurosys: earlier ones did too, but you usually had to pay for it
00:58.25neurosyswell I would just set option66 in my dhcp server and roll out poly configs from a scripts i made.
01:08.27*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
01:16.43*** join/#asterisk smeet2002 (
01:16.58smeet2002hi there
01:17.24*** join/#asterisk greezmunkey (~greezmunk@
01:20.12smeet2002does anybody know how to fix "invalid conversion from 'const ssl_method ' to 'ssl_method '" while installing pwlib?
01:23.21smeet2002I have to go out for a while...if anybody unfreeze, pls answer
01:38.51*** join/#asterisk mpe (
01:40.03*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
01:47.41greezmunkeyp3nguin: An interesting turn in testing further. A softphone on a lappy connected to the same AP, using the PhoneA config you (generously) helped me with registers, and works! The only thing I can think of the the fact that the lappy uses dhcp to get its ip address info. I am in the process of setting up a dedicated dhcp server to interact with the spectralink phones to see if they will come up. P.S. PhoneB (same config from last night) can call th
01:47.42pabelangersmeet2002: should be fixed in the latest branch
01:58.25*** join/#asterisk Teevo (
01:58.34TeevoHello people.
02:00.17TeevoSo has anyone played with the vtiger PBX module that intergrates with Asterisk?
02:18.27TeevoQuiet in here today...
02:21.05*** join/#asterisk tyman (
02:35.25*** join/#asterisk tyman (
02:47.28smeet2002@pabelanger Thanks! Do you mean there is no way to install H323 on Asterisk 1.8 right now?
02:49.53Niklas-I have an issue getting IAX trunking to work with Asterisk I have a TE410P card and both the kernel and asterisk modules are loaded. 'timing test' works and shows it is using the DAHDI module. Any suggestions on what i can do wrong?
02:50.17*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
02:52.09tzafrirNiklas-, how can you tell something is wrong with IAX?
02:52.19tzafrir(that said, I'm off now)
02:53.54Niklas-iax2 show peers, doesn't show (T). And when starting up, i get theese errors: Unable to support trunking on user 'peer1' without a timing interface
02:55.11pabelangersmeet2002: svn checkout branch/1.8
03:19.03Niklas-Seems like an bug, i upgraded to and then it worked
03:40.13*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
03:52.53smeet2002@pabelanger...I am not familiar with svn...from where I need to do this command? asterisk CLI? or linux cli?
03:56.41pabelangersmeet2002: You can google 'subversion' about how to use it.  Here is the repo:
03:59.49smeet2002@pabelanger Thank you...I will....
04:05.34smeet2002the only thing I can't understand..pwlib is not Asterisk's it can be fixed there?
04:09.55TeevoIf anyone can help me troubleshoot a vtiger asterisk intergration problem, I've got it to the point where it will call the extension and then say goodbye without connecting the call, and it doesn't recognise incomming calls at all.
04:11.14*** part/#asterisk smeet2002 (
04:17.32*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
04:33.09*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:39.54*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
04:49.38*** join/#asterisk sam_affable (sam@
04:50.52*** join/#asterisk csnook (
05:00.22greezmunkeyholy manhole covers Batman, it worked! WooHoo!
05:06.42*** join/#asterisk Kate6 (
05:07.16*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
05:07.43Kate6Can anyone tell me why Asterisk seems to behave oddly every time I include the star character in an extension?
05:08.37shamelessn00bthe same reason as if you type google inside google you'd crash the internet
05:09.24*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
05:09.46Kate6I wanna do stuff like "exten => *77.,1,Set(something=something)" "exten => *77.,2,Goto(${EXTEN:3},1)"
05:10.29Kate6If I put the star there, as soon as I've dialed the "*77" the phone makes an error sound and the Asterisk debug says the extension "*77" can't be found.
05:10.37Kate6If I make it "777" instead of "*77" it works as I want it to.
05:10.58Kate6Is there some weird behavior associated with the star that I'm not finding in the documentation?
05:16.45shamelessn00bKate6: try _*777
05:17.08greezmunkeyKate6: It shounds like you made a wild card, try 677 and see what it does.
05:17.32shamelessn00b_*77 works
05:17.55Kate6The dot is there to match the rest of the number.
05:18.23Kate6i.e. I want to be able to dial *77 area code number, have the *77 tell Asterisk to set some variables to particular values, then use a goto to actually dial the number.
05:18.54Kate6_777. works correctly for that purpose.
05:19.19Kate6_*77. makes it so if I try to dial "*77 area code number" I get a weird tone immediately after the "*77" on the phone.
05:19.30Kate6And the Asterisk debug output says the extension "*77" was not found.
05:20.00Kate6... Do I need to do _[*]77?  Is the * the wildcard you're talking about?
05:21.18shamelessn00bWhat is it you want to do
05:21.32shamelessn00bfirst the user dials *77
05:21.47shamelessn00band then they should get a tone, and then afterwards they have to dial another extension?
05:22.20Kate6Um, no, essentially I just want to be able to prefix a number with a star code in order to set some variables.
05:22.29Kate6Specifically I'd like to be able to turn on the pitch shift effect with a prefix code.
05:22.41Kate6And I'd like to be able to use a prefix to dial out using a different SIP account.
05:23.40Kate6exten => _333.,1,Set(outbound_gmail=gmail-nocid)
05:23.41Kate6exten => _333.,2,Goto(${EXTEN:3},1)
05:23.59Kate6This works.  If I change it to "_*33" instead of "_333", it no longer works.
05:28.41shamelessn00b_333! will match 333 too, _333. will match any 4 digit extension starting with 333
05:29.31Kate6Actually, "_333." will match any extension of 4 or more digits starting with 333.
05:29.48Kate6But for some reason "_*33." won't match any extension starting with *33.
05:30.34Kate6The page you linked me to doesn't mention any special significance for the * character.
05:30.45shamelessn00b_*333! matches *333
05:31.17Kate6I'm aware.
05:31.44shamelessn00band for me _*333. is working
05:31.55shamelessn00bI dialed *3334
05:32.05shamelessn00band it took me to the defined extension
05:32.30Kate6So you're saying you aren't really sure of a specific special meaning to the star character, but that through experimentation you've noticed that "_*33." does not work but "_*333." does?
05:32.35*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
05:32.54Kate6Ok, let me try it like that, one second.
05:33.06shamelessn00bexten => _*456.,1,Playback(/usr/src/jack_capture-0.9.56/Prompt_2)
05:33.45shamelessn00bit just pauses for a while
05:33.58shamelessn00byou can change the time using the timeout function IIRC
05:34.00Kate6[Nov 25 21:33:33] NOTICE[10090]: chan_sip.c:21289 handle_request_invite: Call from 'sipurasip' to extension '*33' rejected because extension not found in context 'outgoing'.
05:34.20Kate6exten => _*333.,1,Set(outbound_gmail=gmail-nocid)
05:34.20Kate6exten => _*333.,2,Goto(${EXTEN:3},1)
05:34.21shamelessn00bcan you pastebin your extensions.comf
05:34.40kaldemarKate6: what kind of a phone are you using?
05:35.13Kate6kaldemar: A SIP ATA with a Uniden 5.8 GHz cordless phone attached to it.
05:35.14shamelessn00bhi kaldemar
05:36.15kaldemarKate6: is the * character coming through to asterisk? check with sip debug.
05:36.53Kate6kaldemar: Well, considering that it's saying "Call ... to extension '*33" rejected", isn't it safe to say that it is?
05:37.03kaldemar* is no wildcard, it's just a char
05:37.29kaldemarKate6: yes
05:37.37Kate6kaldemar: Mind you it's saying that as soon as I've entered "*33" into the phone, even though I have a "_*333." extension defined.  It doesn't let me get any further.
05:38.07Kate6It's like the star causes it to match immediately after three tones have been sent.
05:38.33kaldemarmaybe the phone has a dialplan in it that makes it dial immediately.
05:38.39shamelessn00bno even if you have dialed *333 you'd have to wait a while
05:38.59shamelessn00btill the timeout expires cuz asterisk is expecting more than 4 digits
05:39.15shamelessn00band if you don't enter the fourth digit, this extension wont match
05:39.23Kate6kaldemar: That's an interesting idea.
05:39.38kaldemaror the ata more likely.
05:39.44Kate6kaldemar: Lemme look through the ATA's web panel.
05:40.41Kate6Is that the *xx at the beginning?
05:40.55kaldemarlooks like it
05:41.08Kate6Now I feel silly.
05:41.23Kate6Thank you kaldemar.  :)
05:43.29kaldemardon't thank before it works. :)
05:43.54shamelessn00bSo I'm just tweaking my asterisk-sphinx 4 connector a bit now
05:44.08shamelessn00btesting in noisy environments etc
05:44.24shamelessn00bsee how my VAD performs
05:44.52shamelessn00bcellular phones have very sensitive microphones
05:45.36shamelessn00bI mean, I was using a boom mic attached to my PC, and I had the threshold value set to 9, and it was very good at compensating for background noise
05:45.49shamelessn00bwhen I tested on cell phone I had to set the threshold to 20
05:46.09shamelessn00bin order for it to be effective against background noise
06:03.25Kate6kaldemar: Took me a few moments to tweak the dialplan on the ATA correctly, but it's working now.
06:03.38Kate6kaldemar: So yes, thank you!  You hit the nail right on the head.  *hugs*
06:03.40*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:610:1908:8000:21e:ecff:fe5d:679e)
06:03.55ChannelZkiss and run
06:08.44greezmunkeyHi, I'm trying to chase down an issue registering a Spectralink 8020 to *. I have a working dialplan, and I can make and take calls to the 8020's, but with a hack in extensions.conf where I hard code the phones ip address: exten => 1001,1,Dial(SIP/1001@,30) The sip register requests show up in the cli, but asterisk does not respond to the request at all. sip.conf has host=dynamic defined.
06:16.10*** join/#asterisk tyman (~tyler@
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06:26.07*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-crypzhgyyqjzcpsb)
06:27.00*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
06:28.16*** join/#asterisk diemos (
06:39.00diemoshi all
06:55.04*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~avaithiya@
07:21.09ChannelZgreezmunkey: Dial(SIP/
07:21.38greezmunkeyChannelZ: ok
07:21.47ChannelZAnd you didn't show your register line
07:22.08ChannelZ(or the peer in sip.conf)
07:22.54greezmunkeyChannelZ: The thing is that these Spectralink phones send register messages to asterisk, but asterisk does not send any replies.
07:23.18greezmunkeyChannelZ: yet I have a softphone using the ap, and it works fine.
07:23.56ChannelZYou see the regisration attemps and no error, or how do you know they're making it to * ?
07:23.58greezmunkeyChannelZ: The sip.conf, extension.conf settings for the soft phone and the wifi phone are functionally identical.
07:24.12greezmunkeyChannelZ: I am at the *cli
07:24.30greezmunkeyChannelZ: I have also run wireshark traces of this behavior
07:24.55ChannelZand?  you're not really saying anything here
07:25.57greezmunkeyChannelZ: THere is just a lot of information to try to relate in a few sentenses. The bottom line is that I am not sure how to troubleshoot this.
07:26.59ChannelZWell I asked 3 specific questions that you didn't answer
07:27.28greezmunkeyChannelZ: I'll pastebin, sorry.
07:28.02ChannelZThe second two.. do you see *NOTHING* on the console when the device tries to register?  (Are you running with some verbose on?)
07:28.30ChannelZdo "sip set debug on" - do you see registration attempts from the device?  If you don't, then the traffic isn't even getting there.
07:29.33greezmunkeyChannelZ: I did that, the registration attempts from the spectralink arrives, one after another with no responce. I'm gathering some info to send you...
07:29.45*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
07:30.45ChannelZ* should respond in some way
07:31.55greezmunkeyChannelZ: Here you go...
07:32.05greezmunkeyChannelZ: I agree that it should.
07:34.30*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
07:35.31greezmunkeyChannelZ: Extensions.conf incorporates the hack I mentioned earlier. Before that I could make a call from the spectralink to the softphone, but no vice versa.
07:35.47greezmunkeys/but no/but not
07:38.36ChannelZwhat IP is 11.200
07:38.47greezmunkeyChannelZ: the AP
07:39.29ChannelZAP?  as in wireless?
07:39.53*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
07:39.58greezmunkeyChannelZ: Yes, access point. It's a ddwrt linksys in ap mode.
07:40.16greezmunkeyChannelZ: the spectralink phones are wifi
07:40.39greezmunkeyThe softphone is also, the laptop is accociated to the same Ap
07:40.41ChannelZwell the one curious thing I see is the spectralink provides no auth info, but I'm not sure why * is just not responding
07:41.45greezmunkeyChannelZ: I am new to deciphering sip packets. Where should it be...I'll stare and compare the softphone to the other...
07:42.30ChannelZ(and by the way if the access point was really acting as an access point, both devices would have their own IP.  It must be doing NAT)
07:43.07ChannelZWell generally in the phone you give it the 'proxy' name (your * box) and then the peer name and password it's supposed to be using
07:43.29*** join/#asterisk qjb (
07:44.18greezmunkeyChannelZ: I see that as well, but the wifi devices are on the same subnet as asterisk!
07:44.38*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
07:46.02ChannelZthat's fine I'm just saying it appears you're not using a WAP but just a wireless router and your wireless devices are doing NAT through it.. or else your softphone and the wireless phone would have different IPs (as far as Asterisk is concerned)
07:46.35greezmunkeyChannelZ: I honestly agree with that. Maybe I'll default the ap and try again.
07:46.42ChannelZor it IS really running as an AP and you've got duplicate IPs.
07:50.20ChannelZalthough your spectralink seems to know it's IP of
07:50.34ChannelZand your softphone of 11.102
07:50.35greezmunkeyChannelZ: no, duplicates. I setup dhcpd on the * box, mac address reserved for, and 22
07:51.02greezmunkeyChannelZ: There is something wierd going on. I'm going to default the ap, brb
07:51.20ChannelZyeah I don't know how any of this is occuring
07:52.51greezmunkeyChannelZ: The phones require access to a tftp server. I set up dhcpd here, and the tftp server. When I start one of the Slink phones, set to dhcp, it gets an address (seen in /var/log/messages), then accesses the tftp server just fine!
07:55.06*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
07:55.11greezmunkeyChannelZ: even wierder, check this out: NOTICE[4061]: chan_sip.c:13434 check_auth: Correct auth, but based on stale nonce received from '"1000"<sip:stevec@>
07:55.40ChannelZwhen did that happen
07:55.44greezmunkeyChannelZ: It is definately a network problem
07:55.54greezmunkeyChannelZ: been seeing that for hours.
07:57.13ChannelZdid the messages in the sip debug you pasted earlier occur absolutely sequentially?  IE line 77 on, you didn't copy/paste portions, nothing happened in between that you removed?
07:58.34greezmunkeyyes, more of the same (sorry for the delay, I had my hands full defaulting the ap)
07:59.00greezmunkeyChannelZ:  I can have the ap back up in a few minutes.
07:59.50*** join/#asterisk reber (
08:00.37ChannelZhmm.  I'm not sure what reason * would not show a response being transmitted as a rejection or throwing an error, rather than just ignoring it outright.  I don't necessarily see anything malformed about the registration attempts per se
08:01.34greezmunkeyChannelZ: I don't get it either. p3nguin halped me a lot yesterday - the dialplan and sip.conf are his handywork
08:01.55greezmunkeyChannelZ: I think the * is cool, it's just network wierdness.
08:02.15ChannelZand what you pasted is with 'sip set debug on' yes?  (not limited to an IP or specific peer)
08:02.57*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
08:03.11*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
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08:05.16*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
08:08.47greezmunkeyChannelZ: ok, ap is back up after a 30/30/30 reset. Configured just enough to bring it on line. I need to reset wireshark, ect. I'll let you know what I find.
08:09.23greezmunkeysoftphone is up - ok
08:09.38greezmunkeystarting Slink1001
08:12.24greezmunkeyChannelZ: same thing...this is the trace, starting with the softphone:
08:13.17*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:15.33jsjcI been looking for a freelancer for a very simple simple setup >1hour job. Anybody does freelancer jobs and it has 1h slot today?
08:15.38*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:16.01ChannelZgreezmunkey: this might be a bug
08:16.10greezmunkeyChannelZ: the wierd thing is that I can call from/to the softphone and the Slink phone!
08:16.24greezmunkeyChannelZ: I am on 1.8.???
08:16.43greezmunkeyChannelZ: maybe I should install 1.6 ???
08:16.43kaldemarthe stale nonce is about the subscribe message, not the register.
08:18.23greezmunkeyChannelZ: But if I remove the "101@X.X.X.X" in extensions.conf, I can only call from the Slink to the softphone, not vice-versa...
08:18.41greezmunkeyer 1001@(ip address)
08:18.45*** join/#asterisk dimm (~miniadmin@unaffiliated/dimm)
08:18.45kaldemarthe phone uses the nonce from the unathorized response to the INVITE to generate a challenge response in the SUBSCRIBE so asterisk sends a new nonce.
08:18.46ChannelZThere's just something odd about those register packets from the spectralink and * is ignoring them.  I'm manually transmitting the same packet to my * and it's basically sitting there doing nothing as well.
08:19.12greezmunkeyChannelZ: whoa, you can do that?
08:19.35dimmhow can i view log only from one peer ? (is 'sip set debug peer <peer number>' is good for me?)
08:20.14greezmunkeydimm: that does work.
08:20.36greezmunkeydimm: I saw my peers after hitting tab
08:21.03ChannelZit's a bug/?? in 1.8.0.  I'm sending it to my 1.6.2.x box and it's getting angry
08:21.21greezmunkeyChannelZ: angry?
08:21.45ChannelZI get a response, it complains there's no peer matching what it's trying to register as
08:22.05ChannelZunder 1.8.0 it just ignores me like nothing has happened
08:22.24greezmunkeyHere's my version info: Asterisk 1.8.0 built by root @ localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux on 2010-10-22 17:12:10
08:22.55greezmunkeyRunning on: Linux asterisk2.local 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 12:54:40 EST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
08:23.05greezmunkeyCentos 5.5
08:24.23greezmunkeyChannelZ: would you like me to gather more information for you to "send up the line"?
08:25.56greezmunkeyChannelZ: Or, would it make more sence for me to load 1.6, and see if it does the same thing first?
08:27.38ChannelZwell I can't do anything about it
08:27.55greezmunkeyChannelZ: That's ok, I was just offering.
08:28.01ChannelZI'm trying to scrutinize the registration packet and figure out what that is in it could be causing it to be ignored
08:30.11*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
08:30.56*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:32.27ChannelZIt's the lack of ;tag=xxxx on the From: header
08:32.55greezmunkeyChannelZ: I dont know if matters, but here are the setting passed to the phones via tftp:
08:33.48greezmunkeyChannelZ: Yet the 1.6 box parses the request, where 1.8 does not???
08:33.59ChannelZdoesn't mean anything to me without those phones
08:34.06greezmunkeyChannelZ: agreed.
08:35.03greezmunkeyChannelZ: The config files for these phones are well documented, but I don't know if that was against 1.8 or not. I can find no mention of which version they support.
08:35.42kaldemarfrom SIP RFC "The From field MUST contain a new "tag" parameter, chosen by the UAC."
08:36.21ChannelZand there you go
08:36.30greezmunkeykaldemar: so I have a malformed packet issue.
08:36.44ChannelZLook for new firmware or otherwise complain at Spectralink
08:36.49ChannelZ(or whatever)
08:37.48greezmunkeyChannelZ: you and kaldemar may have something there. I have what they ssay is the "latest" sip software, but I bet they have a patched load laying around somewhere.
08:39.33ChannelZBarring that send them an email and point them at the RFC.
08:39.47greezmunkeyThe topic makes no mention of where this channel is logged, anyone know?
08:39.53kaldemarthe old RFC didn't require the From tag.
08:39.54ChannelZI guess you could build 1.6.2.something and see if it will still function anyway
08:41.13greezmunkeykaldemar: I will find out more about this, but for right now, we're sip2.0 from what i can tell. What was the old rfc?
08:41.15kaldemar"A UAS MUST be prepared to receive a request without a tag in the From field, in which case the tag is considered to have a value of null."
08:41.28kaldemar"This is to maintain backwards compatibility with RFC 2543, which did not mandate From tags."
08:42.04greezmunkeykaldemar: so we are back to ...bug?
08:43.12kaldemarwell... on both sides, it seems.
08:43.56greezmunkeykaldemar: agreed, obviously the phone isn't sending it.
08:45.44greezmunkeykaldemar: rfc 3261 was the old one?
08:45.45kaldemarif Spectralink claims to support RFC 3261, they have a bug. from the asterisk side, i'd guess that a bug report would be classified as a feature request.
08:46.10greezmunkeykaldemar: I see that error, I have it backwards.
08:46.15kaldemar3261 is the new one, 2543 the old one. they use running numbers.
08:47.28greezmunkeyWell, I'll find out (maybe) tomarrow. I doubt I'll reach anyone, but I'll try. I have access to an engineer or two at Polycom.
08:47.54ChannelZhmm interesting
08:49.02greezmunkeykaldemar: I downloaded both rfc's, and have marked what you sited.
08:49.22ChannelZDEBUG[6281]: chan_sip.c:7398 find_call: REGISTER request has no from tag, dropping callid: .....
08:49.39ChannelZDEBUG[6281]: chan_sip.c:23871 handle_request_do: Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len 666
08:50.54ChannelZI see the same actual code in 1.6.2.x though which is interesting
08:51.27ChannelZYet it seemed to be behaving differently so there must be a difference elsewhere in the code
08:56.14ChannelZhuh.  1.6.2 doesn't output that same debug, it just acts like there's no matching peer for the registration (which there isn't in my case) yet most of the code looks similar.
08:56.35ChannelZOh well.  Either way it seems to be the phone's fault
08:57.49ChannelZyou *might* be able to get up and working under an older * build but hard to say
08:58.39greezmunkeyChannelZ: well, I'll try it for the excercise, but I still plan on bringing this up to Polycom.
08:59.01greezmunkeyChannelZ: do you know where this channel is logged?
09:00.05ChannelZ?? possibly nowhere
09:00.28ChannelZSave out from your IRC client
09:01.19greezmunkeyChannelZ: yeah, I can't find it anywhere. I'll have to check out how to grab this from irssi...
09:02.06greezmunkeyEh, copy paste works.
09:02.54*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
09:03.00greezmunkeyChannelZ: and kaldemar : Thank you for helping me with this, you guys rock.
09:03.21*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
09:03.25schmidtsgood morning
09:03.30kaldemargreezmunkey: channel logs:
09:03.45greezmunkeyYou rock even more!
09:03.47ChannelZgreezmunkey: - those are the relevent lines of tonight
09:09.42*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-cdcpyllcijofppiz)
09:10.22greezmunkeyOne quick question, are the sip and extensions.conf files I'm using backward compatible to 1.6.x ?
09:13.38greezmunkeyChannelZ: I'll deal with it, thanks again!
09:14.49ChannelZgood lucky
09:15.21greezmunkeyChannelZ: This is the fun stuff. I like the pain, I guess :)
09:16.19ChannelZheh well you certainly found an interesting one
09:17.18greezmunkeyI try not to bore ppl if I can avoid it.
09:20.36ChannelZOn the bright side tonight I learned netcat can do UDP
09:23.02*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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09:40.56greezmunkeyChannelZ: you're not going to believe this, (maybe you will...) in 1.6, they register just fine...
09:42.30greezmunkeyomg, well at least I learned some valuable troubleshooting skills.
09:46.58ChannelZI believe it I"m just not sure why, as at least at a glance chan_sip in both versions seem to have the same code that would trap that missing tag.  But something is obviously different somewhere
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09:49.00greezmunkeyChannelZ: Now * transmits back to the Slink phones: SIP/2.0 200 OK
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09:50.42greezmunkeyChannelZ: well, now (at least) I can move forward with some dialplan, and gateway programming. Which, after all is a lot more fun than chasing ghosts.
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09:56.15greezmunkeyChannelZ: well, on that note... I'm going to get some sleep, and play with this more in the morning. Thanks again :)
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10:18.41EmleyMoorWhat's the best way to save the astdb and transfer it (or at least most of it) to another asterisk system?
10:19.10ChannelZit's generally in /var/lib/asterisk
10:19.34EmleyMoorAh, so just transferring that as is is generally adequate?
10:19.59ChannelZIt'll work with asterisk stopped when you do it.  Whether or not it's wise to is another matter
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10:21.00EmleyMoorThe system I will be transferring it to is intended to replace the existing one - so I can't see a problem
10:21.29ChannelZThe only thing of question in there is cached SIP registrations but in your case it's probably not a problem
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10:58.28Hatrix76hi guy's and pro's ... how can i pickup a phone with AMI or with other scripting? We want our callcenter users to be able to pickup their phones without the need to touch them, from their web-based admin interface ...
10:58.59Hatrix76I read that FOP is able to pickup phones, so I am asking myself how is the best way to do it ...
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11:04.32petern_dunno but that would be nice indeed
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11:31.46robl^laptopHatrix76: that's not an asterisk feature, per se.. it depends on the phone model
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11:35.11robl^laptopHatrix76: most SIP phones support "auto answer" or some phones support pushing events to them.  for example, Polycom phones support auto answer just by using SIPAddHeader() command.
11:37.55robl^laptopsome other phones may have a built in web server that allows commands be sent to control the phone..  you can use asterisk's curl() function to send an http: request to some of those phones to tell it to answer a call
11:47.24Hatrix76robl^laptop yeah, I thought so, i was confused on how Callcenter applications (openACD, others) do it from their web interface, but it could be that they open a channel on login, the agent is always off-hook and only the audio get's bridged to the agent when they accept a call via the web-interface.
11:48.07robl^laptopHatrix76: that's another option..
11:50.48robl^laptopbut asterisk can't directly/arbitrarily force a phone to go off hook.  either the agent is already connected to asterisk (off hook) and asterisk just bridges random calls..  or... it relies on using standard asterisk features to invoke a phone brand/model specific feature
11:51.25creativxx-lite doesnt have auto answer unless you pay for it afaik
11:51.31creativxsoftphones ftw
11:52.14Hatrix76robl^laptop well, i will just install one of these call-center solutions and check how they are doing it ...
11:52.27Hatrix76creativx i what das ftw mean?
11:52.32creativxfor ze win
11:52.56Hatrix76ok, seems that I am to old for this ...
11:53.24creativxthat depends, did you discover the internet this year?
11:53.53creativxi suppose somewhere on the internet you will find all the memes.. might help
11:58.59Hatrix76well, i know nearly all of the old-schole mnemonics (like, from the beginning of the internet) ... like FWIW, classics like RTFM, all this stuff, but the youngens today ... for ze win ... neither the abbreviation nor the spelled out version does actually mean something to me ... well, you know you get old when ....
12:09.08schmidtshatrix76 ;)
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12:41.18Hatrix76Hehehe, I am reading the snom documentation regarding call pick-up, and it seems that the way BLF works is interesting, it sends some SIP messages around and at last a SIP call-pickup INVITE message ... does this mean that if my phone receives a call-pickup INVITE message, it goes actually offhook and answers the call? If that's true, I can implement a Web Interface which just sends a
12:41.19Hatrix76call-pickup INVITE message to the phone, and if it's allready ringing, it should just pick-up, am I right? I'm not that deep into SIP (looks at schmidts) ...
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12:46.42fileHatrix76, you are trying to force the phone to answer the call?
12:47.42robl^laptopHatrix76: no.. not exactly..  its talking about how a secretary/boss scenerio may work.  for example, a secretary has a BLF key for her boss.. if she sees it bringing, she can intercept the ringing call by pressing the BLF key...
12:48.25robl^laptoptar and gzips file
12:48.38robl^laptopmorning, file!  have plenty of turkey and pumpkin pie?
12:48.45fileit's not thanksgiving here
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12:49.38schmidtshatrix76 you can use chanisavail or devicestate to check the state of a phone before dialing it, it has nothing todo with only sip.
12:49.48robl^laptopohh!  I was thinking you were in the states.
12:50.26schmidtshatrix76 but you can also tell the phone to send back a busy if a call is active (CALL-WAITING off or something like this)
12:50.29Hatrix76robl^laptop, yes, but the way how SIP seems to work (at least in the snom documentation) the last part of the BLF communication is a message with SIP call-pickup INVITE ... I was thinkging along the lines of using this message to force the automatic pickup
12:50.55filea message with SIP call-pickup INVITE from the phone to Asterisk
12:52.53Hatrix76schmidts we have a standard call-center scenario, phones ring defined by the strategies, app_queues, all that stuff. What we want now is that the agent does not have to touch the phone and that Login/Logout/Pickup can be done via the web-browser, this would allow us at the same time to pickup the phone, check the phone-number and display the caller-data from the crm in the agent-browser view.
12:53.39schmidtshatrix76 with pickup you mean answer a call or pickup a call from another phone?
12:53.51Hatrix76answer the call
12:53.54fileyou want integration between the SIP phone and your application, and you want to control the phone at a deeper level (like tell it to answer a call from your application)
12:54.20Hatrix76@file, yep, that's basically what I want ... just checking around the best way of doing it ...
12:54.27filegenerally you can't
12:54.40fileSIP phones are smart and unless they provide a mechanism for deeper integration you can't 'force' them to do anything
12:54.41schmidtsyou can use the sip autoanswer header for this
12:54.54schmidtslike paging
12:54.58fileyes that is the closest you can do but still not exactly what Hatrix76 wants
12:55.17filethat would mean as soon as the call reaches the phone it's answered, that does not mean that you click a button in an application and it is answered
12:55.42Hatrix76yeah, thats right, we would like to have the click ...
12:55.44schmidtshatrix76 why do you want to use a hardphone? why not use a softphone
12:56.40Hatrix76it's another requirement in our call-center, they got burned with softphones reacting badly when the load on the local computer (for whatever reasons) kept going up ... they want a physical phone
12:57.00schmidtsand they want the phones ringing?
12:57.48schmidtsa solution could be something like a WebIf where all agents see the queue, but only online and if someone takes this call, its dialed from asterisk like paging to the agents phone
12:58.04Hatrix76If I can sent a URL to the snom phones which tells them to pick up it would be ok as well, ... yes, the phones should ring, then the agent should be able to accept the call via the web-interface, the call should get answered, the agent can talk right away with the headset, the browser is fetching the customer data
12:59.10schmidtshatrix76 you maybe can do this a little tricky ;) call all phones in a normal way and if someone press the button to get the call, stop calling all phones and just call this phone with auto answer set
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12:59.57schmidtshatrix76 another way would be to start a call from snom to for example a meetme room and bridge the call in this room
13:01.14Hatrix76schmidts, hmm, well, the first option sounds fun(ier), I should be able to do the same thing without calling everyone? like, calling a phone, it rings, if the agent clicks on accept, call the same extension again with the sip autoheader ... how|is this implementable via the app_queue?
13:01.53Hatrix76this would have the benefit that you just can answer the phone as well, without the web-interface ...
13:01.55robl^laptopspeaking of autoanswer - whats the best / cleanest way to do auto-paging?   i.e., I want to be able to dial an extension which causes asterisk to use playback a recorded audio file to multiple phones and hangs up.  I'm thinking of the scenerio where it would use Page(), SIPAddHeader to auto answer, and play a recording.  I don't want the caller to be able to say anything.    should I just cause a call file to be created?
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13:02.50schmidtshatrix76 it has nothing to do with app_queue, you have to controll the call via an AMI connection and let it stop calling the queue just call this single agent
13:04.54Hatrix76schmidts hmmm ... ok, let's pick this up later, ... brb
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13:20.10Dovidwhats the correct way to build the asterisk init script ?
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13:20.51russellbmake config
13:20.52russellbi think
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13:54.50EmleyMoorIs there an example for configuring DAHDI for an AEX4 card, 3 FXS 1FXO + EC?
13:54.55phixrussellb: make menuconfig
13:55.23russellbphix: that doesn't install an init script
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13:56.53merlin8282Hi. Is it possible with asterisk to trigger a call recording while you're in a call ?
13:57.20merlin8282I mean, with 1.4
13:57.54merlin8282I already saw the function monitor(), but that seems to work only on the entire call.
13:58.06russellbsee features.conf, set a key sequence for "automon"
13:58.12russellbthen enable the feature with the appropriate option to Dial()
13:58.32merlin8282Ok, i'll try it, thanks russellb.
13:58.51russellbyou're welcome.
14:05.10krionhum, wonder something about a difference between voicemail in asterisk 1.4 and 1.6
14:05.30krionin 1.4, we don't get the envelope heared before the message is played
14:05.40krionin 1.6 it's the default
14:05.48russellbmight be a new option in voicemail.conf
14:06.06russellbsee CHANGES / UPGRADE.txt to see new options or intentional documented changes in behavior
14:06.18kriondon't see nothing in the conf in order to get the same behaviour with 1.4
14:06.30krionok russellb thanks i will
14:11.10krionin fact it's asterisk 1.2...
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14:15.33krionasterisk 1.2 voicemail.conf
14:15.42krionoops sorry
14:19.40russellbkrion: the "saycid" option in voicemail.conf looks like it might be relevant ...
14:19.47russellboh wait, no
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14:20.02russellb; envelope=no           ; Turn on/off envelope playback before message playback. [ON by default]
14:20.09russellbthere you go :-)
14:20.15russellbI got that from voicemail.conf.sample in 1.6.2
14:28.42Hatrix76schmidts hi, sorry that I had to run off ... do you have a few more minutes to spare? we where talking about AMI controlling a call, how would I go about that?
14:30.06Hatrix76schmidts most importantly, how do I stop a call from ringing, and start the ring again with the autoanswer header set ... that's what I have trouble to understand with
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14:41.46schmidtshatrix76 i dont know ami very well but i think there is something like a goto command to put a call from one extension (the queue) to another one. at this exten you can set the sip header for auto answer and just dial the agent you want
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14:45.27Hatrix76schmidts, thank you, I will play around with this a bit.
14:46.37krionrussellb: yes i find that too, FYI my voicemail.conf is in mysql
14:46.55krioni try to set it up to yes and then do a reload but it didn't fix my problem
14:51.27merlin8282hmmm. Is there a CTI-like application for using with asterisk ? Or does it depend on the phone / phone manufacturer ?
14:51.56merlin8282I heard of FOP, but i'm not sure if it's that what our client needs.
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15:12.42EmleyMoorI can see my AEX410P in lspci and so on, but cannot work out how to see the attached FXS/FXO modules, nor an easy way to set them up. Can anyone advise?
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15:20.28EmleyMoorThis seems much harder than zaptel ever was
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15:44.23EmleyMoorI have tried to configure chan_dahdi.conf and dahdi seems to have vanished from asterisk
15:44.44v1swhat is the best sounding minimum bandwidth codec?
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15:46.35EmleyMoordahdi_cfg -v gives this:
15:47.11russellbv1s: Most people choose G.729 for that.
15:47.13EmleyMoorHow can I verify what is actually seen on my card?
15:47.34russellbHave you loaded the appropriate kernel module?
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15:48.23EmleyMoordahdi is loaded
15:48.36russellbok, you will also need the driver that is for that specific card.
15:49.24russellbSpecifically, for the AEX410P, you  need to load wctdm24xxp
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15:52.17EmleyMoorrussellb: Done that - what next?
15:52.38russellbnow try your dahdi_cfg again
15:52.47russellbassuming you set up /etc/dahdi/system.conf already
15:53.46EmleyMoorRight - that looks a bit more promisinc
15:54.06russellbalso, check the output of 'dmesg'
15:54.15russellbwhen the driver loaded, it probably said something about what modules it saw
15:56.11EmleyMoor - looks fairly good but what is VPM100?
15:56.29russellbhardware based echo canceller
15:56.36EmleyMoor(also, what are the "Failed"... messages all about?)
15:56.51EmleyMoorI do have that - but that claims "not present"
15:57.18russellbthe not present part is probably related to the failures you see
15:57.22russellbit couldnt' find the firmware for it
15:57.32russellb"make install" of dahdi is supposed to download and install the firmware for you
15:58.29EmleyMoorBut, failing that?
15:58.38russellbno idea
15:58.51E-bolaHmm if i use the init script for debian with the default file supplied, asterisk starts in the foreground, and not as a daemon?
16:00.17EmleyMoorHmmm... non-free
16:00.40russellbwhat, the firmware?
16:04.10EmleyMoorWell, in this case, just a package with a script to get it...
16:04.15EmleyMoorStill no go
16:04.52russellbwhy don't you try just installing DAHDI from source?
16:06.54EmleyMoorBecause it's a "long" "try just"
16:06.56E-bolajust found a bug in the contributed init scripts
16:07.08russellbEmleyMoor: long?  it will take like 2 minutes.
16:07.21E-bolatzafrir_laptop: you here?
16:07.30russellb$ svn co linux-complete ; cd linux-complete ; make ; sudo make install
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16:08.18E-bolaCant you set default verbosity without starting asterisk in console mode?
16:08.49russellbyes, by setting it in asterisk.conf
16:09.27E-bolayup just figured, but if u enable the option in the contributed default file, it means using the init script starts asterisk in console mode
16:09.34E-bolabecause it passes -v at startup
16:09.48russellbyeah, that's not a good thing to do
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16:10.29E-bolaIndeed, im not sure why anybody woudl find that a standard thing to do, so i think it should atleast have a warning explaining that the consequence is that its started in foreground
16:10.54russellbsubmit a patch :-)
16:11.21E-bolaCant remember how to make one :)
16:11.27E-bolajust a diff file or?
16:11.39E-bolaAlright, ile fix one up
16:11.42russellbcheck out from svn, make changes, then ... $ svn diff > my_patch.txt
16:11.49EmleyMoorNo tzafrir_laptop?
16:11.54tzafrir_laptopE-bola, yes
16:12.16tzafrir_laptopbe right here
16:12.25E-bolatzafrir_laptop: nevermind i guess, i thought there was a debian specific issue, but its more like something easily missunderstandable about the initscript/default file
16:12.30E-bolamaking a patch as we speak
16:14.18EmleyMoortzafrir_laptop: Do you know how to get the firmware to get the echo canceller on my AEX410P working, on a Debian system, short of ditching packages and building from scratch?
16:14.31EmleyMoor(squeeze if it helps)
16:15.19E-bolarussellb: where to send patch?
16:15.29russellbupload to
16:15.54E-bolaDo i need to create an issue first?
16:16.09russellbcreate an issue and attach it
16:16.28russellbYou'll also need to fill out the contributor license agreement form if you haven't already
16:16.36russellbyou should see a link up top after you log in
16:16.44russellb"Sign License" or something like that
16:16.49tzafrir_laptopEmleyMoor, did you see the script in the dahdi-linux packages to download the firmwares?
16:16.58tzafrir_laptopSomething under /usr/share/dahdi/
16:17.06EmleyMoortzafrir_laptop: Saw it, ran it, no go
16:18.09EmleyMoorIt did some dowloading but either not what was needed or not to the right place
16:18.27tzafrir_laptopWhat do you need:
16:19.37EmleyMoorWhatever will fix
16:19.39tzafrir_laptopEmleyMoor, Maybe the issue is ?
16:20.11EmleyMoorHmmm... could be...
16:20.53E-bolayou have to enter your street address to submit a patch.... my god
16:21.39russellbyup ... just have to go through that once
16:21.53russellbwe can only accept patches if you grant us a license to use them for whatever
16:21.56E-bolaI hope windows didnt fuckup the txtfile formatting
16:22.21russellblooks fine
16:22.37russellbwill probably get merged in the next week or so
16:22.45russellbcan't do it right now
16:23.05E-bolano worries
16:23.50EmleyMoortzafrir_laptop: I think I can see what to do
16:29.27EmleyMoorHow do I confirm from within asterisk that it can see all my FX[SO] ports?
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16:34.59seanbrightdahdi show status
16:35.02seanbrightdahdi show channels
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16:36.10E-bolaWhats wrong if i cant select timerfd as timing source in make menuconfig? Im running debian lenny with a 2.6.32 kernel so it should work?
16:36.35russellbGlibc might not be new enough
16:36.48E-bolaahh ya just saw that in the notes
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16:38.25EmleyMoorNo dahdi there it seems
16:38.45seanbrightchan_dahdi loaded?
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16:41.19EmleyMoorseanbright: Seemingly not... how do I sort it?
16:44.13EmleyMoor(it obviously has been loaded in the past)
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16:48.52EmleyMooris really stuck
16:50.20EmleyMoorWhy would chan_dahdi not load?
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16:51.45leafartnhi everyone
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16:52.18leafartnhow can i log in a agent from asterisk maganer (AMI) in asterisk 1.8 ???
16:52.34seanbrightEmleyMoor: if you start asterisk directly you can see error messages
16:52.42seanbrightasterisk -cvvvvvdddddg
16:52.53seanbright(after stopping it, obviously)
16:53.20EmleyMoorI found out why... needed dahdi_cfg run again
16:53.59EmleyMoorIt can see my FXS ports but doesn't show my FXO - why would that be?
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16:56.59EmleyMoorIt seems to be completely ignoring it
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16:57.56EmleyMoor(might it somehow need a line in to detect it?)
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17:03.45EmleyMoorNo sign of channel 4
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17:04.24EmleyMoorI can paste anything if it will help
17:05.15EmleyMoorI know channel 1 is working - plugged my phone in
17:06.01EmleyMoorThis non-appearing fxo is getting to em
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17:11.18EmleyMoorMy FXS ports are there but my FXO isn't - I think I have something wrong in chan_dahdi.conf but cannot spot it - would pasting it somewhere help or is there something I shourd check first?
17:12.16seanbrightthere is a script
17:12.28seanbrightcalled dahdi_genconf (which you shouldn't run yet)
17:13.07EmleyMoorWhat should I doL
17:13.17seanbrighti'm getting there
17:13.21infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:13.33seanbrightpaste all of the output from your dmesg file that relates to the card
17:15.01*** join/#asterisk underdog (~underdog@
17:15.46seanbrightok, cool
17:15.55seanbrightso backup your dahdi configuration
17:16.11seanbright/etc/dahdi and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
17:16.14seanbrightand whatever else you've done
17:16.31seanbrightand then run dahdi_genconf which should give you a boilerplate configuration based on your installed hardware
17:16.33*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
17:21.32EmleyMoorHow exactly do I include one conf in another?
17:24.56EmleyMoorGreat - it's there
17:26.14EmleyMoorAny significant changes to sip.conf, iax.conf or jabber.conf, between 1.4 and 1.6?
17:27.08*** join/#asterisk mpe (
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17:40.47EmleyMoorWhere are AGI scripts normally kept?
17:43.46*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
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17:53.25EmleyMoorOK - if asterisk is correctly set up on a Debian system, it should load at boot, including all needed dahdi config - right?
17:58.49*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
17:58.57WindBackI have two asterisk trunked with a IAX trunk. Sometimes ,I'm reciving a FRAME_CONTROL (-1) message and the call goes down. Any idea?
18:00.28EmleyMoorIt appears asterisk is using a default dialplan rather than the one in extensions.conf. How do I change this?
18:02.42EmleyMoorHmmm... sip isn't loaded either
18:03.40diemosI'm pretty sure most of the asterisk geeks are out today.
18:03.52diemosPossibly buying gifts for their loved ones.
18:04.28EmleyMoorIs there something I need to do to switch asterisk out of "default" mode? It seems to be ignoring some confs
18:05.34merlin8282EmleyMoor: maybe this has something to do with extensions.ael ?
18:08.12EmleyMoorWhere therefore is any part of my dialplan?
18:09.55EmleyMooris on the verge of backing out
18:10.24merlin8282EmleyMoor: forget it, i've to sleep :/
18:11.52EmleyMoorObviously I copied some stuff to the wrong place
18:12.19*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
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18:14.44EmleyMoorNo sip still
18:16.26EmleyMoor... and iax, though present, seems to do nething
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18:22.56EmleyMoorI have no peers and no users - despite them being defined in iax.conf
18:29.11EmleyMoorAll dahdi stuff is now OK - but without sip and iax, I am really stuck
18:32.25EmleyMoorIt makes a complete mockery of asterisk for sip to be missing and iax2 to be "no good"
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18:35.15EmleyMoorAh - permissions!
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19:37.59EmleyMoorIs there a good way to get Asterisk to work with Festival now?
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19:42.37fireman_biffAre there any issues with using AsteriskNOW with non-Digium hardware? (Rhino, to be specific)
19:42.39EmleyMoorI used to use it before, but now it produces no output
19:45.02*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
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20:01.24EmleyMoorDamn - will have to make some recordings
20:05.02*** join/#asterisk Jamuel (
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20:07.38Jamuelhi--was wondering if any one could tell me what I'm doing wrong when compiling RC 1 and addons
20:08.45Jamuelthe modules created from addons (notably are not loadable
20:09.59JamuelI keep seeing this in the * log: loader.c: Module 'cdr_addons_mysql so' was not
20:09.59Jamuelcompiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
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20:11.12p3nguinSeems pretty clear to me.
20:12.26JamuelI compiled them at the same time using the same configure options and nothing different in the make
20:12.28Jamueljust make all
20:16.01p3nguinI can see how that poses a problem, then.
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20:22.41greezmunkeyp3nguin: It turns out the the Slink phones do not include a ;tag=xxxxxx in their REGISTER packet(s). ChannelZ and kaldemar found it. In the meantime I downgraded to 1.6.2, and they register just fine. Wierd.
20:23.16p3nguinWhat branch were you using?
20:23.59greezmunkeyuh, does 1.8.0 answer that?
20:24.23greezmunkeyp3nguin: sorry, I am still new to this.
20:25.52greezmunkeyp3nguin: here is a log from last night:
20:26.10greezmunkeyp3nguin: it's pretty short.
20:28.57*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
20:31.04p3nguinSo you're able to use the phones now?
20:32.22greezmunkeyp3nguin: yes, I also have a 3com 3108, it works as well.
20:33.28greezmunkeyp3nguin: I have the 3com, and softphone on one ssid, and the two Slinks on another. Pretty cool.
20:33.49p3nguinWhat's the benefit of that?
20:34.36greezmunkeyp3nguin: none, the 3com only accept 63 chars for wpa2, the Slinks only accept 64, so I created two ssids
20:38.27*** part/#asterisk ack_syn (~ack_syn@
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20:51.32greezmunkeyp3nguin: I installed a sounds package, and now have /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/blahblahblah yet when I load my dialplan including this: extn => 222,1,Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/housekeeping) * throws this:
20:51.53greezmunkeycont. pbx_load_config: ==!!== Unknown directive: extn at line 30
20:52.38greezmunkeyDo I need to include the path to the sounds directory in asterisk.conf?
20:53.12p3nguinThere's no reason to screw with the settings in the provided asterisk.conf.
20:53.27*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
20:53.37greezmunkeyp3nguin: nvm, I typoed it... Trying again...
20:54.06p3nguinAnd you need not provide the full path, either.
20:54.11greezmunkeyyeah, extn should have been exten
20:54.26p3nguinPlayback(housekeeping) should be fine.
20:54.26greezmunkeyp3nguin: I'll try it w/o the path
20:58.34greezmunkeythank you [TK]D-Fender for pointing out my typo :)
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21:23.04greezmunkeyomg, this rocks.
21:25.08ChannelZwith its cock out
21:30.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~TuMbL@unaffiliated/ryppn)
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21:47.11greezmunkeynice, first default extension after dialing an invalid extension, and first hunt group - grins
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21:54.02E-bolaHow do u include srtp in asterisk 1.8?
21:58.18ChannelZIt's probably just there, you just need to config it all up
21:59.33ChannelZAssuming it built
22:00.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
22:08.58NoxchiI am New to Asterisk, recently I downloaded AsteriskNow under VmWare workstation, Dose anyone know how can I  start Asterisk GUI ?
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22:10.29ChannelZit should be already AFAIK, just go to http://localhost:8080 I think
22:23.58NoxchiChannelZ,  from where should I use the browser to try this command http://localhost:8080? is there Linux command to do this ?
22:43.51drmessanoYou dod it from another workstation
22:43.54drmessanoNot the local one
22:55.23ChannelZLynx! haha
22:55.52ChannelZbut yes, bad choice of words, I mean localhost to mean "whatever IP your *now is" which under VM could be anything
22:56.00ChannelZso you fill in the blank
22:57.28EmleyMoorIn asterisk.conf, is it possible to specify two directories to be searched in sequence for, say, AGIs?
22:58.50greezmunkeyI'm reading the bestpractices.txt, looking at $(EXTEN). Does $(EXTEN) only take the value of defined extensions within their context? It looks to me that that is the case.
22:59.29greezmunkeys/within their context/within its context
23:19.12paulcIf I use Dial with U(...) to Gosub somewhere on answer, it says I can return GOTO in GOSUB_RESULT but it's not clear how to specify where.. can someone point me in the right direction?
23:24.04EmleyMoorHow do I resolve the requirement for calltoken support?
23:25.38paulcAnd the answer is "GOTO:context^exten^priority" - use the source Luke
23:30.22EmleyMoorWhat is the purpose of calltokens anyway?
23:36.37EmleyMoorHmmm - no go even circmventing them...
23:37.32EmleyMoor[Nov 26 23:34:33] NOTICE[6605]: chan_iax2.c:10101 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, request '<number>@from-iax' does not exist
23:39.42EmleyMoorWhat would cause that?
23:40.38paulcdoes <number> exist in your [from-iax] context?
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:42.12EmleyMoorpaulc: Yes
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23:44.10E-bolapbx.c:4936 increase_call_count: Available system memory (~0MB) is below the configured low watermark (5MB)
23:44.19E-bolaWhy do i get that on a new install?
23:44.31E-bolatons of memory free, and not knowingly configured any call limits
23:46.12E-bolagoogle isnt finding anything at all :/
23:46.31EmleyMoorI'm having various troubles - not been able to dufinitively call out over IAX, but worse, not receiving either
23:46.52EmleyMooris almost at the point of assuming the context name is now disliked
23:50.14E-bolaHmmm, for soem reason asterisk wasnt finding me free mem correctly
23:50.23EmleyMoorHmmm... seems to be hanging up unexpectedly now it's hitting the dialplan
23:50.34*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
23:54.23EmleyMoorCan't tell whether my end is hanging it up or theirs
23:55.43EmleyMoorDoes 1.6 not like NoOp?
23:57.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@

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