IRC log for #asterisk on 20101117

00:05.30*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
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01:17.41*** join/#asterisk costal (
01:17.46costalhello all
01:18.00costalI'm testing asterisk + realtime mysql for sip users
01:18.21costalI'm wondering if there is a benchmark tool for realtime with mysql
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01:52.29*** join/#asterisk carrar (~tim@2604:5000:11:1::3)
01:55.49*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
01:58.33*** join/#asterisk Igneous (
02:02.32*** join/#asterisk dmz (
02:11.45*** join/#asterisk jonny330 (
02:12.52jonny330has anyone in here been able to install vicidial on an xen virtual server?
02:13.39jonny330i don't know if i have a problem with dahdi or not i wanted to talk to someone to see if they can work it out iwth me
02:30.15*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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03:01.15capitan2damn... it fixed itself :(
03:01.52WIMPyBreak it agin. Fast!
03:01.56capitan2all day it's been borked... i finally get in here and it's fixed :(
03:02.09capitan2WIMPy: haha i don't know how
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03:02.49capitan2well i'm not sure... so now i can only ask about whether certain things are "normal" or not...
03:03.33WIMPyThings that fix themselves go into paranormal, I guess.
03:03.36capitan2here's one thing i was seeing on the console after a few -ddd's... REGISTER attempt 872 to
03:05.15capitan2eventually it disconnected me by itself from the console... and now the phones work and i'm no longer seeing that
03:05.53capitan2WIMPy... paranormal i don't mind... paranormal that waits all day until i'm watching it... that's just spooky ;)
03:07.26WIMPySo you had one kind of network issue. Then another network connection broke and the first one was fixed?
03:08.05capitan2no... the network connections seem fine
03:08.07ChannelZNevermind the things you can't see...  Ceiling cat is watching you masturbate.
03:09.04capitan2what i meant was, the asterisk CLI disconnected for some reason, and everything fixed itself
03:09.21capitan2ChannelZ: the ceiling cat is why i masturbate in the first place ;)
03:10.13capitan2wait... that doesn't sound too good... scratch that...
03:14.51*** join/#asterisk cabrel (
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03:35.11*** part/#asterisk capitan2 (~capitan@
03:36.10ChannelZA feline exhibitionist
03:41.07leifmadsen~seen ctooley
03:41.11infobotctooley <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-doc, 113d 8h 8m 5s ago, saying: 'Network monitoring is a rather waste of time. :-)'.
03:43.10*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
03:48.38ChannelZQuick, hack him while he's not looking
03:49.22*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
03:52.16*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:01.33sawgoodAny tips for 'why' this happens:  Using a SIP trunk, DTMF works just fine (95% of the time) to non 800 series numbers, but when I call (800) series numbers, DTMF seems to not work 8 out of 10 times
04:04.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:05.23ChannelZif you're doing rfc to your itsp, then it's their problem/fault
04:07.10sawgoodI am using RFC2833 ... (and recently I did switch SIP providers)
04:07.39sawgoodWhat 'ties' this concern to (800) numbers vs non (800) numbers?
04:23.25jonny330how do i force dahdi to compile dhadi_dummy
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04:26.23newmythI just hate it when the only way to fix * is to break *
04:26.29WIMPyjonny330: It's int the core module.
04:26.42jonny330so it alwasy should be complied?
04:27.38jonny330i am comlpiling it but it does not get compiles
04:29.48jonny330where would the compiled module get loaded?
04:30.36p3nguin_It was my understanding that 1.8 no longer uses dahdi_dummy.  Is that what you're using?
04:30.41*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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04:31.05jonny330asterisk 1.4
04:32.12p3nguin_Install dahdi and dahdi-tools.  In asterisk source, make clean, then ./configure && make menuselect, followed by choosing the necessary items in the menu, then make && make install.
04:32.54jonny330i am installing from the complete
04:33.09jonny330so it has the tools and linux together
04:35.05jonny330after i do make, i do a search for dahdi_dummy* and all that it finds is dhadi_dummy.c
04:36.26p3nguin_What kind of search, exactly, are you doing?
04:36.43jonny330find / -name dahdi_dummy*
04:36.49sawgoodIs there a way in which I can 'test' DTMF via SIP (to see SIP messages) for this ... make a call, press a combination of digits, and see if the combination of digits show up in the SIP messages?
04:37.48WIMPyjonny330: That's the way it's supposed to be. Just load dahdi.
04:38.08p3nguin_Which asterisk version and dahdi version are you using?  There was a change in the later versions.
04:42.23jonny330i guess i will keep messing around with it unless it shouldn't be complied by design
04:44.26p3nguin_I know 2.4.0 doesn't have a separate dummy module anymore, but I don't remember which version it changed in.
04:44.45jonny330okay well i guess i will have to loook that up
04:46.02p3nguin_My old 2.3.0 package doesn't have a dummy module in it, so it must have changed at 2.3.
04:46.54p3nguin_My 2.2.1 package has the dummy module.
04:48.14p3nguin_So if you follow the basic steps above, and then load the regular dahdi module, everything should be fine.
04:53.08*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (~Orbixx@
05:10.21*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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06:00.49justdaveAnyone know how to manually configure PLAR on a Cisco phone via the xml provisioning files?  The only docs I can find talk about setting it up in Call Manager, and we don't use that.
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07:07.51*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:07.53schmidtsgood morning
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07:13.52kaldemarsawgood: did you figure it out already?
07:14.15sawgoodHi ... yes ... Asterisk was the concern
07:14.34sawgoodAsterisk works, .11 works ... .12 and .14 fail
07:15.18kaldemarwhat dtmfmode are you using?
07:20.48kaldemarthen the DTMF is sent in RTP, not as SIP messages. rtp debug will show "Got  RTP RFC2833 from..." if you get DTMF from the phone.
07:25.51sawgoodthank you!
07:34.02*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
07:40.44*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
07:43.40jkroonhi guys, i've been trying to figure this one out for a while now, the DIALSTATUS variable contains one of a few values, most of these are pretty obvious but I'm having a hard time figuring out CHANUNAVAIL and CONGESTION.  What exactly is the difference between these two?
07:46.22*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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07:51.47schmidtsCONGESTION means impossible and CHANUNAVAIL means not at the moment IMHO
07:52.32schmidtss/not at the moment/possible but not at the moment/
07:53.13WIMPyNa, CONGESTION can mean round about anything.
07:54.04WIMPyBut I don't know when exactely to expect CHANUNAVAIL.
07:55.52schmidtsfor me it means if you dial for example DIAL(SIP/123) and you get a chanunavail then peer 123 is not reachable / not registered if you get a congestion there is not even a peer 123
07:57.03jkroon?!?  ok, that's confusing all way round.
07:57.34WIMPyYes, a non-existing peer is one of the possibilities AFAIR.
07:58.03WIMPyIf you want to know more, check HANGUPCAUSE.
07:58.13jkroonbasically I've got two upstream providers, and obviously certain codes (eg SIP code 404, or ISDN 1) is terminal, whether I phone over one link or the other that won't change, however, something like ISDN cause code 34 (channel unavailable) might result in success over the alternative link.
07:58.59jkroonYes, the HANGUPCAUSE codes are very valuable, but there are 128 odd of them and I really don't feel like sifting through all of them and deciding which ones I can retry over alternative links and which ones not.
07:59.34WIMPyI don't think there is an easier way, other than just trying.
08:00.14*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:00.20sawgoodIs there a place at Digium where I could post a note about DTMF not working for me under, but that it does work fine under or earlier?
08:00.30sawgoodhow does Digium keep up with these things you think?
08:00.42WIMPyThe location would be valuable in that decision, but that's not available in any variable.
08:01.05jkroonSo do a Dial(SIP/prov1/${EXTEN}), and always follow that with a Dial(SIP/prov2/${EXTEN}) if DIALSTATUS is either of CONGESTION or CHANUNAVAIL?  that doesn't make sense unless you just want to wait longer for an error message ...
08:02.44WIMPyActually you never know if HANGUPCAUSE is set correctely, so maybe that's the best effort anyway.
08:09.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:11.15*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:12.26sawgoodThank you ... I posted what I discovered ... to the page
08:14.35jkroonWIMPy, why would HANGUPCAUSE not be set correctly?
08:15.44WIMPyThere are many possibilities if not everything from you to the callee was ISDN.
08:15.46kaldemarsawgood: you should post whether you see the DTMF on the asterisk side.
08:16.04WIMPyJust translate to SIP and back again.
08:16.04kaldemarsawgood: also how you connect to PSTN.
08:16.22sawgoodoh ... thanks for the tips (that was my first post)
08:16.52sawgoodkaldemar: since the DTMF is in the RTP packets ... is the only way that I could 'see' them is via a Wireshark capture?
08:16.57sawgoodOr, can I do something at the console?
08:17.20kaldemarsawgood: you can use rtp debug in CLI.
08:17.34sawgoodneat I've not done that ... I'll try that now
08:18.00*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
08:18.18kaldemarsawgood: core show help rtp set debug
08:19.22sawgoodI ran rtp set debug on
08:19.31sawgoodI could see all the RTP stuff fly by ...
08:19.36sawgoodI could tell when I pressed a key
08:20.08sawgoodIs there any way to view these messages?
08:20.15sawgoodI mean they do not give much information
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08:21.56sawgoodI could tell when I pressed a key (which key I pressed) ...
08:25.55kaldemarsawgood: they give all kinds of information. event is the key you pressed.
08:26.22kaldemarwireshark will show it in a more friendly format.
08:27.41kaldemaranyhow, if you see asterisk receiving the dtmf and sending it further, there shouldn't be a problem with asterisk.
08:29.35*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
08:30.00kaldemarsawgood: how are you connecting to PSTN?
08:30.01v1sis it possible to pass variables to a 2nd ast server ?
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08:30.22kaldemarv1s: over a call, yes.
08:30.40ChannelZSee dtmf in logger.conf
08:31.39WIMPyv1s: core show function iaxvar. Otherwise you have to encode it into the extension.
08:32.30kaldemaror add an X-header in SIP with app SIPAddHeader and get it with func SIP_HEADER.
08:33.08v1sthanks Ill try those methods.
08:34.45*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac_ (
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09:30.10SeTTleRhi, i am trying to connect a siemens gigaset c47h to a tdm400p. how do i connect the tip/ring pins of the tdm400p to the a/b pins of the phone? does anybody know how these two relate? i can build my own cable, i only need to know how :D
09:34.01WIMPyIf it's not standard 3/4, it's 2/5.
09:36.30*** join/#asterisk ketas (
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09:55.13SeTTleRwell the tdm400p manual says, 3=tip and 4=ring and for the siemens phone, i find 2=b, 3=E, 4=W and 5=a
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09:55.53SeTTleRso then would be tip = b, since i should connect 3 with 2 and ring = a?!
09:56.41*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:56.49WIMPyI can't tell you what is what, but a nd b are tip and ring.
09:57.08WIMPyBut unless you need E or W that shouldn't matter.
09:58.45SeTTleRaha? isn't there a direct current between these pins? then it should matter or are the phones protected for that?
09:59.48*** join/#asterisk ketas (
09:59.53florzthey just don't care about polarity
10:00.35WIMPyThe only devices I know of, where polarity matters, are those automatic precedence switches.
10:01.31SeTTleRaha ok, then i'll give it a try. i always thought that polarity matters there and i couldn't find any information about that. thank you
10:02.31florzthe AWADo? =:-)
10:04.32WIMPyAnd if you're one of those guys who use the current on the line to charge your batteries, it will matter as well :-)
10:05.23florzin particular when the power comes from your own PBX ;-)
10:05.26SeTTleRlol who does that?
10:05.50SeTTleRbut it's a good idea to charge my batteries with the current of my telco.. would that work?
10:05.56WIMPyErrm, no comment.
10:08.35florzconsider though that the energy the line would deliver over the course of a year(!) would cost 1 EUR or so when you buy it the usual way ;-)
10:09.27SeTTleRwell, 1 eur saved then :D
10:10.55*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:11.02WIMPyIf there wasn't that little catch that the switch will cut the power if the current is above the idle limit for some time without an active call.
10:18.37*** join/#asterisk magwas (
10:18.59magwaswhich modules are needed for confbridge in 1.6.2?
10:19.10v1son an outbound context I think I am not understanding it fully i have it start with s,1,verbose(test) then next line I have 6001,1,dial(blah) and next line 6002,1,dial(blah) but it is always skipping the s extension when I dial an extension is there like a catch all or do I have to put verbose to every extension I tried _. but ijust skips the extension and just shows the verbose
10:19.17magwasunloaded all unnecessary modules, and apparently some necessary ones also
10:20.04magwasv1s you sure you don't have another s,1?
10:20.16WIMPyv1s: You only hit s if you didn't dial anything, like on a pots port.
10:20.37*** join/#asterisk dandre (
10:20.41v1si have include => and in there there is also s,1
10:21.01v1sdo I need to change the includes to s,n or something ?
10:21.58AdvoWorkwhy would one sip extension not register when all others are fine? it just wont register at all, qualify=no,  sip show peers shows: (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored..
10:22.04WIMPyWow. Even I didn;t have the idea to just include some priorities, instead of full extensions.
10:22.11*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
10:23.03magwasin join_conference_bridge: Conference bridge '1234' could not be created.
10:23.36v1sWIMPy: so its bad idea to do it my way I should include the full extensions ?
10:24.20WIMPyv1s: I have no idea what happens if you try. But if you find out, tell us.
10:24.58*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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10:29.02kaldemarAdvoWork: is it trying to register? does asterisk see register messages from the phone? check with sip debug in CLI. if not, check the phone's configuration.
10:29.38AdvoWorkkaldemar, ive done a log, and sip trace on the phone itself, how would i debug the specific extension?
10:29.50AdvoWorkkaldemar, is it worth me pastebining the logs?
10:30.29kaldemarAdvoWork: by the ip address. "sip set debug ip..."
10:30.38kaldemarAdvoWork: if you want some help, you better pastebin.
10:31.52*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
10:32.20AdvoWorkkaldemar, this is the log:
10:32.31AdvoWorkjust upping the trace now
10:33.13AdvoWorkheres the trace:
10:34.03v1sWIMPy: well here is what I guess seemed to work for me. I had to make one context with _. to catch all. Put what I want there. then last line of that I use goto exten and goto another context which calls the included extension. :/
10:34.49v1sfor some reason if I put the include extions in the same context ast seems to go crazy like its in a loop
10:35.10kaldemarAdvoWork: is the ip address correct? does asterisk see the messages?
10:35.33kaldemarv1s: _. is very bad practice, since it matches to all standard extensions.
10:36.04kaldemarv1s: if you want to match all numbers, use _X.
10:36.15AdvoWorkkaldemar,  the ip is correct, ive got a few phones the same at this other site, theyre all setup the same, theyre all ok.  ive tried sip set debug, its asking for ip  host:port the host isnt available though according to sip show peers, can i debug based on the extension?
10:37.04kaldemarAdvoWork: use an ip address. the phone must have one.
10:37.26v1skaldemar: i want it to match everything. in the next context it is matching only the extension. theres not really any dialing going on in that context only setting variables and showing some info. You think its still bad to use there?
10:38.07kaldemarv1s: yes.
10:38.51AdvoWorkkaldemar, yea. also ive tried pinging the ip of the router from a pc, it can see that. so if the ip of the phone is 0.59 its sip set debug, i try that and it gives: Enables dumping of SIP packets for debugging purposes - sip set debug ip <host[:PORT]> - Enables dumping of SIP packets to and from host..... - sip set debug peer <peername> -  Enables dumping of SIP packets to and from host. - Require peer to be registered.
10:38.53v1skaldemar: so its better to set the same variables a ton of time for each extension
10:39.05kaldemarv1s: you will most likely run into unexpected behavior with _.
10:39.13v1skaldemar: what is the actual security risk to it though.
10:39.14kaldemarv1s: no, use a proper pattern.
10:39.45WIMPykaldemar: Not if you always goto another context.
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10:40.05kaldemarv1s: when you hang up a call, the hangup extension (h) gets called. your extension matches to it and so on.
10:40.32v1sso _X. is better to use
10:41.30WIMPyIf you're sure you only want to match extensions starting with a digit, yes.
10:42.29v1sdoesnt as soon as it goes to anouther context use the h there ?
10:42.57WIMPyYes. Hence my comment about the goto.
10:44.05*** join/#asterisk ketas- (
10:44.24v1sso it maybe bad practice but not necessarily a security risk
10:45.02WIMPyNot if you always goto another context.
10:45.28v1sgot it thanks
10:47.04WIMPySo if you have a context with _> as the only extension whe you just do some preparations and the goto another context containing the real extensions, that should be fine.
10:47.52AdvoWorkkaldemar, on the phone when i re register, normally it shows up on the cli (asterisk -rvvvv) yet this one, nothinghappens
10:49.49kaldemarAdvoWork: use sip debug by ip address to find out if asterisk sees the messages.
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10:55.46AdvoWorkkaldemar, i keep trying that, sip debug ip does nothig
10:56.52kaldemaryou need to use the correct command and give it the ip address of the phone. sip set debug ip <ip_address>
11:01.08AdvoWorkkaldemar, thats exactly what i tried, it just echos that same information to me
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11:02.50kaldemarAdvoWork: you pasted something else...
11:03.11kaldemarAdvoWork: sip set debug ip
11:04.21*** join/#asterisk Yedidya (
11:08.02v1ssorry if this is a little off topic but has any one used a nom 870? If so are they any good?
11:08.57WIMPyNo idea, but I like the old ones.
11:18.53*** join/#asterisk macno (~macno@2a02:4d0:4:e0a:219:99ff:fe62:597c)
11:20.20macnoHello, I have a problem (1/2 times a week) with "asterisk.c: No more connections allowed"
11:20.39tzafrir_laptopmacno, hmm... sounds familiar
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11:20.47macnoIn full log I see a Remote Unix Connection every 5 minutes
11:21.10macnomagically, at a random point
11:21.16tzafrir_laptopI've seen this somewhere. for starters: ls -l /proc/PID_OF_ASTERISK/fds
11:21.28tzafrir_laptophmm... wrong command...
11:21.32macnoI don't see disconnections, only connections
11:21.39tzafrir_laptoplsof /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
11:21.54macnountill the AST_MAX_CONNECTIONS is reached (128 )
11:21.59tzafrir_laptopDo you see many open FDs by the process of asterisk?
11:22.17macnoActually no
11:22.24macnobut thanks! That's a good hint
11:22.29tzafrir_laptopLooks like some sort of leak. asterisk does not close that file descriptor
11:22.42macnoyeah something like that
11:22.44tzafrir_laptopI ran into this somewhere, but failed to reproduce it
11:23.00macnobut what is that connect every 5 minutes?
11:23.17tzafrir_laptopflash operator panel or some other monitor?
11:25.34macnoI should see it when I have the problem using lsof
11:26.12tzafrir_laptopIf you see some 128 different open file descriptors from the asterisk process for that file, yes
11:27.43macnoI opened a asterisk -r  from another console
11:27.51macnoand now I see 2 fd
11:29.28*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
11:30.37macnobut I can't see who opened it. process is always asterisk.
11:42.22*** join/#asterisk stix (
11:43.25stixHi guys. The command queue show <queue> gives me some stats. But I cannot find it in the documentation. Can anyone tell me what: W:0, C:7, A:3, SL:0.0% is?
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12:07.16*** join/#asterisk Crashvr (
12:13.46CrashvrCould anyone inform me whether there is a way to save the log's sip debug on files?
12:15.40ectospasmCrashvr: try running the CLI through tee:   asterisk -vvvrnT | tee /tmp/astlog
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12:17.00jbroomedidn't this come up yesterday AM too?
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12:23.23jmkgreenhere's a tricky problem for someone awake enough to solve
12:23.44jmkgreenwe call from Asterisk to a customer - we don't get the DTMF tones he inputs
12:23.55jmkgreenif he calls our Asterisk, we do hear his DTMF tones
12:24.19jmkgreenwe're baffled :-)
12:24.24*** join/#asterisk dimm (~miniadmin@unaffiliated/dimm)
12:25.23dimmhello. i get new job. now i have treouble with asterisk. can't dial some number
12:25.35dimmwhat be a good start point for diagnostics ?
12:26.12bochsee consoles output
12:27.05leifmadsenjmkgreen: SIP being used in both directions?
12:28.08jmkgreenleifmadsen: believe so. We're using sip to talk to our VoIP provider. That's really as far as we go on that level.
12:28.19jmkgreenwe're dialling him through that provider
12:28.50jmkgreenleifmadsen: customer is on a UK landline in a company building somewhere. No further information available to us.
12:29.46jmkgreenleifmadsen: we have had similar reports that our system has ignored people's DTMF tones but they represent a small proportion of our messages sent and are proving impossible to debug on their own.
12:30.25v1sjmkgreen: what dtmfmode are u using?
12:30.30v1sdid u try some of the others?
12:30.41jmkgreenvls: we have tried rfc2833 and inband.
12:31.08jmkgreenwe also record our test calls to this particular customer and we hear no DTMF tones but he says he can hear them on his own handset
12:31.44jmkgreenin the last call we used alaw, if that's of any help
12:32.03jmkgreenwe also know it happens through two different VoIP providers
12:33.07jmkgreenand we have Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6 installations, both of which have had the issue. It's almost as though every customer who's affected are using some broken PBX equipment, but we are generally targetting people's home landlines making that a seemingly unlikely scenario.
12:34.00leifmadsenjmkgreen: you might also wish to try relaxdtmf=yes
12:35.07leifmadsenjmkgreen: also, when it does happen, you might wish to capture the calls with wireshark and analyze what the network is seeing to see if it's an asterisk problem, or if there really is no DTMF (or perhaps DTMF that isn't following protocol, etc.)
12:35.18v1scan also try  Ã‚ toneduration=300
12:35.49leifmadsenok, I'm off to write some dialplan for the new book. I'll be back later.
12:35.56jmkgreenleifmadsen: we're fairly confident it isn't asterisk as an identical call to our office landline works fine
12:36.24leifmadsenjmkgreen: good to know :)  I'd look at the wireshark avenue then to verify what you're seeing so you can lay blame on someone else :)
12:37.39v1sany one have an idea what would be the best way to put 3 different trunks in a random order and dial them ?
12:37.52v1sin that order?
12:38.35v1s3 being more then less then or equal to ;)
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12:39.55wdoekes2isn't a random starting point sufficient?
12:40.55v1snot really because alot of times the call doesnt go through till 8-10times later.
12:41.17v1sand if I put it through to a single trunk over it takes longer
12:42.06dimmboch, console output is on tty where i can see ' * CLI > ' ?
12:42.29bochdimm, yes
12:44.04Yedidyaanyone seen issue with incompatible asterisk16-addons-mysql x86_64 <=> asterisk16 x86_64
12:44.42Yedidyalog off issue
12:45.25v1sYedidya: think u using 2 different versions thats why
12:45.34v1s2.1 and 2.14
12:46.08Yedidyathese were installed form and are the latest.
12:46.22Yedidyavia yum
12:50.07dimmis 'asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr -g' it is a maximum verbosity level for diagnostics?
12:50.28ectospasmdimm: no
12:50.43WindBackHello, I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down.
12:50.43WindBackThe internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI.
12:50.43WindBackDebuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following:
12:50.43WindBackIt seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending a DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and also it is sending a BYE message to the extension.
12:50.43WindBackCan anybody know why the PBX is hanging the call by itself?
12:51.08ectospasmdimm: you'd need sizeof(int) 'v' options to reach that
12:51.18ectospasmdimm: which is a bit absurd
12:51.25Yedidyaactualy the latest vers for source is,
12:51.44ectospasmdimm: though in practice verbosity doesn't increase past ten or so
12:52.08Yedidyavls: do you know who is responsible for making the rpm packages on asterisk repo?
12:52.25dimmwhat is it?
12:52.27dimm== Manager 'pbx' logged off from
12:52.40AdvoWorkif ive done: sip set debug ip  how do i stop it?
12:52.43dimmit is printing and printing to console
12:53.06kaldemarAdvoWork: sip set debug off
12:53.06YedidyaAdvoWork: sip set debug off
12:53.51kaldemardimm: some third party application that is connecting to manager interface.
12:54.26AdvoWorkkaldemar, i did that for the IP, tried to re register and nothing, it showed nothing at all. kaldemar would this matter that the server is at locationA, and the phone is at location B? (for the debug by that ip I mean?)
12:55.20kaldemarAdvoWork: was that the ip of the phone?
12:55.21*** join/#asterisk PoTe (
12:55.28dimmkaldemar, it is look as ' logged on.....1sec... logged off ....1 sec logged on .... 1sec ... logged off '
12:55.32dimmsorry for my english
12:57.29AdvoWorkkaldemar, yeah, but im thinking(thats the ip of the phone on the network of location B) but that ip may be different here(at location A) ?
12:58.02Yedidyadimm: that is the FreePBX System Status page.
12:58.37kaldemarAdvoWork: if it's behind a nat, you need to use the address asterisk sees its messages coming from.
12:59.06kaldemarAdvoWork: or just set the debug on for all traffic and look for the messages from your phone.
13:01.00AdvoWorksorry to be dumb, but how can i see what address its coming from, and know its that phone? additionally how would i set debug on for everything?
13:01.10*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
13:02.28infobotrumour has it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:04.07kaldemarAdvoWork: you need to know environment you're working in, check the router or do whatever.. "sip set debug on" will show all messages. and see the above guide for configuring your asterisk right.
13:04.55dimmwhat file is config for rules of dialing numbers?
13:05.05kaldemardimm: extensions.conf
13:05.09dimmsomething like "8499xxxxxxx"
13:05.32kaldemarif you're using freepbx, you better not touch it.
13:05.42dimmyes, i'm using freepbx
13:06.11dimmsome settings is go out, and now we can dial 8-499, but cannot dial to 8-495 numbers
13:06.35kaldemarask in #freepbx how you should configure your system.
13:07.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
13:08.55dimmcan firewall be a key to some trouble with asterisk ?
13:09.10dimmwe can not dial to another city
13:09.35kaldemardepending on your setup, yes.
13:09.41dimmcalling to our city is going via city telephone network, instead internet
13:13.34defsworkdoubt that that is your firewall
13:13.44defsworkthat is your dial plan
13:13.54*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
13:14.42defsworkdimm, you have line card and sip ?
13:14.58*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
13:17.45WindBackHello, I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down. The internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI. Debuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following: It seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending a DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and
13:17.55dimmdefswork, i have sip, and analog line
13:18.27defsworkso your dial plan is deciding to route the call down the analog line card
13:19.40*** join/#asterisk sque (
13:20.19squeHi I am facing a wierd problem. When I make /etc/asterisk symlink to another folder with EXACTLY the same files asterisk loads with ZERO configuration ( no modules, nothing)
13:20.46squeIf I create a real folder /etc/asterisk and move the same files in this folder, asterisk loads just fine
13:21.13tuxx-sounds like your symlinks are fscked
13:21.22tuxx-working with symlinks here, no problems at all
13:21.57dimmdefswork, dial plan setted via freepbx?
13:22.23squeno something else happens
13:22.26tuxx-not correct, wrong etc. etc.
13:22.41squemaybe its debian thing
13:23.06squeanyway I just wanted to know that there is not common and should work, right?
13:23.51defsworksque, deffo sounds like your symlink was wrong
13:24.13defswork[[ ! -r /etc/asterisk ]] && ln -s /other/directory /etc/asterisk
13:24.30squeHmm, If I don't use /etc/init.d/asterisk
13:24.42squeand start asterisk manual , with asterisk -d
13:24.44defswork(if /etc/asterisk already existed you would get /etc/asterisk/asterisk )
13:24.45squeIt works
13:24.54squeno files are ok
13:25.09defsworksque, so check the init script - probably checks the dir with -d
13:25.17defsworkwhich (iirc) will fail on a symlink
13:25.17squesque@sip2:~$ ls -la /etc/asterisk
13:25.18squetotal 808
13:25.18squedrwxr-xr-x  3 asterisk asterisk 12288 Nov 17 15:11 .
13:25.18squedrwxr-xr-x 90 root     root      4096 Nov  7 01:56 ..
13:25.18sque-rw-r-----  1 asterisk asterisk   140 Nov  1 00:34 adsi.conf
13:25.20sque4 lines
13:25.37squeand it has more... files, just wanted to show you that location is ok
13:26.09defsworkif ! [ -d /etc/asterisk ] ; then
13:26.18defsworkthats in the init script
13:26.40defsworkcomment it out or correct it to cope with a symlink
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13:45.52nunnersCan someone talk a look at and give me some clue as to why it doesn't connect to the SIP Extension 211, and drops the call?
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13:55.49tzafrir_laptopdefswork, bashism note:  use '[' instead of '[['
13:56.38dimmcan i grep from 'asterisk -vvv -r' ?
13:56.53dimmi need only log from one abonent
13:57.22tzafrir_laptopdimm, maybe. But it is generally preffered to grep from the logs
13:57.33tzafrir_laptoptail -f /var/log/asterisk/somelog
13:58.33dimmtail -n 0 -f <path> )
13:58.46WindBacktzafrir_laptop: tzafrir, can you help me?: I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down. The internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI. Debuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following: It seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending
13:58.46WindBacka DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and also it is sending a BYE message to the extension. Can anybody know why the PBX is hanging the call by itself?
13:58.56tzafrir_laptopdefswork, also:  ln -s nosuchfile symlink;   test -r symlink && ln -s otherfile symlink
13:59.33tzafrir_laptopln -s nosuchfile symlink;   test ! -r symlink && ln -s otherfile symlink
13:59.42tzafrir_laptopThat would actually try to symlink and fail
14:00.26*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
14:02.25tzafrir_laptopWindBack, your side decided to disconnect in that case, right?
14:03.09*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
14:03.25defsworktzafrir_laptop, you got any eggs ?
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14:05.56WindBacktzafrir_laptop: I see the PBX desconnecting the call, but the extension neither the target in PSTN hangs the call. So I'm asking why the PBX hanged both channels
14:06.51squesque, The problem wth symlinks, ti was permissions problem. After moving to a new folder the files changed owner to "root" and it worked only manually because manually I started service as root user, while the init.d scripts start service under "asterisk" user.
14:12.23*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
14:14.19dimmsituation: two abonents, placed in 8-495-xxxxxxx, but one can be dialed from asterisk, and another - not, can you get some info for this situation?
14:24.25*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-otjyhpvidijfzils)
14:29.15kaldemardimm: watch the CLI when a call fails
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14:42.20dimmkaldemar, on line 84 i hear BUSY signal in my headphones
14:42.40cartervis it possible for someone to lend me a hand? I've got a test asterisk box running on CentOS 5.5 and I have xlite for linux on the same box registered but I can't register xlite for windows to the same asterisk box.
14:43.16dimmkaldemar, 117 it is my number in our office telephone network
14:43.35cartervand I'm about 2 days old in the world of asterisk
14:43.47atan2carterv, windows firewall?
14:44.44cartervI see that it's an allowed program in the firewall exceptions list (windows 7)
14:44.58atan2Disable the firewall for a moment & try again?
14:45.21atan2My Windows firewall causes all kinds of troubles. Bleh.
14:45.29atan2That and nat. Good old nat....
14:45.50cartervlet me try
14:45.56atan2I suppose get onto your asterisk box and asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvv & see if it even tries to register
14:46.23*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
14:47.15cartervxlite is "enabling account" and I get nothing returned from the CLI
14:47.37atan2Suffice to say xlite isn't connecting properly
14:47.55atan2Assuming your settings are correct you could try another client, like Ekiga
14:48.07kaldemardimm: nothing helpful there, expect the dialed number on lines 82 and 83. is it valid? was it a BRI you have?
14:48.13atan2In any case I need to fun to make it to class
14:48.17atan2Peace guys =)
14:49.24dimmkaldemar, is it BRI it is a Basic Rate Interface?
14:49.27cartervthanks atan, I'll try ekiga
14:49.35kaldemardimm: yes
14:50.46dimmkaldemar, for answer about BRI please wait, i need time for answer
14:51.16dimmkaldemar, i imagine that number is right becouse another number in 660xxxx calling good
14:51.53dimmkaldemar, 6601180 calling good from cellular phone )
14:52.27kaldemardimm: your asterisk is not dialing 6601180, but 96601180.
14:52.44dimmkaldemar, yes, it add 9 to number
14:53.08dimmkaldemar, i not use isdn, i use sip
14:53.30kaldemardimm: DAHDI/g0/96601180 is not sip.
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14:54.12kaldemardimm: either analog, PRI or BRI. is it analog or not?
14:54.52*** join/#asterisk phlog1 (
14:55.24stixHi guys. If I use the monitor action on the AMI and set the mix: true, asterisk puts the two wav-files into one, but doesn't mix them. They are played one after another. Am I doing something wrong?
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15:00.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
15:01.13dimmkaldemar, 6601180 it is a number in city, another word, it is +7-495-660-1180
15:02.26kaldemardimm: 96601180 is what you are seding out. is it valid?
15:03.00*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
15:03.07kaldemardimm: what about that DAHDI line of yours? is it analog or not?
15:03.35dimmwhen i call to 96601180 from analog simple phone, i cannot dialing to this number
15:04.12dimmbut when i sending out the 96603704 then i calling to +7-495-660-37-04
15:04.32dimmkaldemar, i not know about DAHDI , sorry
15:05.49kaldemardimm: you're not making sense now. 96603704 does not equal to +7-495-660-37-04.
15:12.06kaldemardimm: try command "pri set debug on span 1" in CLI. if you have a digital line, you'll see the protocol output and a cause for the hangup.
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15:21.16stixAny idea about the monitor action?
15:21.30*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
15:22.03dimmkaldemar, our office behind big corporate phone box  and 9 it is a output to city line, do you understand this point? )
15:22.42dimmsecurityrussia*CLI> pri set debug on span 1
15:22.42dimmNo such command 'pri set debug on span 1' (type 'core show help pri set' for other possible commands)
15:23.21kaldemardimm: sure i do, you should have mentioned it half an hour ago.
15:23.21dimmkaldemar, another word, 96601180 it is a right for our case
15:23.22p3nguin_dimm: Type in "pri set debug" and then press your TAB key to see possible choices.
15:23.53kaldemardimm: what does a successful call look like?
15:23.59dimmkaldemar, sorry, i know about 9 only now
15:25.22kaldemarlooks like your issue is not about asterisk if 96603704 goes through the other system but 96601180 does not.
15:26.02dimmi type 'pri' then press Tab, and 'intense' is auto-typed, if i type 'pri s' <tab> then nothing was add
15:26.35kaldemarpri intense debug span 1
15:26.46p3nguin_pri intense TAB?
15:26.48dimmkaldemar, i not understand your question about successful call? must i post log?
15:27.04dimmyes, pri intense debug span
15:27.12p3nguin_Tab key helps to see what sub commands are available.
15:27.29kaldemardimm: go ahead, pastebin a successful call.
15:27.30dimmsecurityrussia*CLI> pri intense debug span 1
15:27.30dimmNo such command 'pri set debug 2 span 1' (type 'core show help pri set' for other possible commands)
15:27.47jkroonhas anybody here ever worked with the SNOM-PA1 or similar?
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15:32.41timholumdoes anyone know if there is a variable to tell which phone picked up? I have a line exten => Dial( SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2|30|M(macro)) I would like to have the macro do different stuff depending on if phone1 or phone2 picks up, is there any way to do that?
15:33.05timholum${EXTEN} just tells the dialed exten
15:33.35p3nguin_You'll probably have to use the channel information.
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15:37.09timholumok I think I found the variable I need DIALEDPEERNUMBER
15:37.33timholump3nguin_ thanks for the tip, I totaly forgot to look there
15:39.02stixAny of you 200+ users who has ever tried the monitor action on the AMI?
15:41.40skrustyis it possible to log sip debug messages to a specific file? or even to the manager interface?
15:42.56p3nguin_skrusty: asterisk -rx "sip set debug on" > sip_debug.log
15:43.15p3nguin_Wait, that's not going to work.
15:43.33dimmkaldemar, it is a successful call (sorry for waiting - another job with users :) )
15:44.24p3nguin_skrusty: Did you enable the "full" log and see what debug goes in there?
15:45.32skrustyno, but that would include console messages too, i just want the sip messages; but i guess if that's the only way to do it.
15:47.13*** join/#asterisk RAFAIP (~chatzilla@
15:47.24phlog1has anybody any experience in configuring SRTP into asterisk 1.8 or knows some documentation....
15:47.38RAFAIPhi everyone ^^
15:47.42jkroonskrusty, no, sip debug logs to verbose, which IMHO is wrong, it should log to debug.  You should still be able to get verbose from chan_sip.c log to a separate file, look in logger.conf for ideas.
15:48.00skrustyok, cheers
15:48.30kaldemardimm: you don't seem to have any issue with asterisk.
15:48.30skrustyis it possible (via code changes) to log sip debug messages out via a manager event, in theory?
15:48.52skrustyjust looking at better ways of running sip traces
15:49.20jkrooni just log verbose to a file called /var/log/asterisk/verbose and then I've got a script that can parse that to get the SIP conversations out of it.
15:49.41*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:50.50dimmkaldemar, thx a  lot )
15:50.52RAFAIPi'm trying to access the AMI using PHP, I can log in and log out but the actions GetVar and SetVar doesn't work
15:51.18dimmkaldemar, it can be another trouble with  our telephone provider
15:51.51RAFAIPthe response that shows me is: ---> Response: Error   Message: No variable specified
15:54.35jkroonRAFAIP, command show ???? will show you what needs to be set
15:54.45*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~michael-i@
15:55.39michael-iHi everyone. I'm trying to capture missed calls due to the calling party hanging up before the callee can answer. My logic is in a macro using 1.6.2 and the h extension is not being called after hangup.
15:55.52michael-iWhich Dial() option am I missing here?
15:56.45michael-iI thought this would be a NOANSWER but that only is activated in my dialplan when the DIAL times out. I need something for when the calling party simply hangs up the phone
16:00.39WindBacktzafrir_laptop: tzafrir, can you help me?: I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down. The internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI. Debuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following: It seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending
16:00.39WindBacka DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and also it is sending a BYE message to the extension. Can anybody know why the PBX is hanging the call by itself?
16:00.58WindBacktzafrir_laptop: sorry tzafrir
16:01.11WindBacktzafrir_laptop: i repeated the same
16:03.01timholumhmm, unfortuantly both DIALEDPEERNUMBER and BRIDGEPEER do not work in my macro, they return blank varialbes? does anyone know how to get which extention picked up and pass it to a variable in Dial(phone1&phone2|30|M(mymacro^${SOMEVARIABLE})) Does anyone know what I would have to change ${SOMEVARIABLE} with?
16:03.46timholumI did a dumpchan at the end of the call and DIALEDPEERNUMBER had what I want but when I use it it comes up blank :(
16:06.09RAFAIPjkroon , i've read it and i'm making it right (I think...)  and this is my code: fwrite($socket, "Action: SetVar\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($socket, "Variable: AtestVariable\r\n\r\n"); fwrite($socket, "Value: 999\r\n\r\n"); but still showing error
16:06.38russellbRAFAIP: how many people did you send direct emails to with your AMI question?
16:06.44russellband you're here, too?
16:07.58RAFAIPI need to solve it as soon as I can
16:08.01russellbi'm not smiling
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16:09.07jbroomewait, not PMs, but real emails?
16:09.10RAFAIPthere is something wrong?
16:09.19russellbi answered your email by the way ...
16:09.21jbroomethats obnoxious as hell
16:09.28russellbjbroome: quite
16:09.41russellbin our internal digium chat room a bunch of people realized that they all just got the same email
16:10.02RAFAIPumm... i'm sorry
16:10.15RAFAIPi didn't realize
16:10.15jbroomemy reply to that email would involve a photo of three elderly gentlemen enjoying each others company.  nude
16:10.16russellbthanks for distracting everyone with the same question that you should have used the community support forums for (here and the -users list) just like everyone else
16:10.59RAFAIPi've used the forum for search information, but when I post, anyone aswers
16:11.00russellbhow did you not realize that sending a direct question to every email address you could find might be distracting and perhaps not the right way to get support for an open source project?
16:11.27RAFAIPi'm sorry!
16:11.29russellbanyway, enough ranting ... i responded to your email, so you should be good.  Just don't do that again.
16:11.57RAFAIPall right, thanks a lot anyway
16:12.12jbroomeYeah, my response would be a bit more civil if i was
16:12.16RAFAIPand sorry again, i didn't wantes to be disrutbing
16:18.04fullstopis wondering what goes on in the internal digium chat room.
16:18.28fullstopParties, puppy dogs and cake, I am sure.
16:18.29*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
16:18.53russellb"anyone want to go out to lunch?"
16:18.55russellbthat kind of stuff
16:19.06fullstoprussellb: suuuure.  ;-)
16:19.18russellband plotting our next steps for taking over the world?
16:19.25fullstop"anyone want to go out to lunch... on my new rocket ship?"
16:19.27russellbmostly lunch, though
16:19.41anonymouz666strange situation with dahdi AND 2.4.0 and wct4xxp.
16:20.01anonymouz666all the E1s went to yellow state and then only after dahdi restart everything goes OK again.
16:20.48russellbhm, weird.  you could try digium support ...
16:21.02anonymouz666it is.
16:21.49stixWhere is the official online documentation for asterisk16?
16:21.50anonymouz666there is a spanish guy on digium support, right ?
16:21.59russellbanonymouz666: yes
16:22.00fullstopbetter contact them before all of digium heads out in russelb's new rocket ship.
16:22.24anonymouz666russellb: this is good !
16:27.17AdvoWorkif a phone says NR, can i remotely register that phone if i know the sip extension, or can it only be done from the web interface of that phone?
16:27.39*** join/#asterisk trelane (trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
16:28.02fullstopAdvoWork: That probably depends on the phone, no?
16:28.09michael-iI just tried adding the 'F' and 'g' flags to my dial command but still nothing. How can I make sure that when callers hangup before I answer, I can capture that for a missed call notification? Something silly I know so sorry for the noise.
16:29.25*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
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16:33.25robl^laptopanyone have any feedback on Vestec ASR vs Lumenvox ASR under Asterisk? I'm debating which one to try.
16:34.27stixWhy do I only see Asterisk18 documentation when going to and Documentation?
16:34.54michael-iIt seems whenever Dial() exits non-zero, it jumps right back out of the macro...
16:35.12AdvoWorkfullstop, struggling with a phone not registering, SiteA (has asterisk server running trixbox) with multiple phones, all work, site B has phones that connect to siteA.. most work, apart from one, it just wont register :S
16:35.38ectospasmanonymouz666: there is a Digium technician who speaks fluent Spanish, but he currently works night shift, and won't be available for seven hours.
16:36.27*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:37.38AdvoWorklogs show: Registrar SIP_EXTENSION@IP timed out
16:37.51AdvoWorkeven though the other phones use the same IP with no issue :S
16:38.45fullstopAdvoWork: what phone?
16:39.04fullstopWith polycom, I've found that you should never ever ever touch the phone through the web interface.
16:39.20fullstopjust do everything through a provisioning server and things are much smoother.
16:39.27anonymouz666ectospasm: thanks for the information !
16:39.40michael-iMy complete extensions.conf ( anyone who can help me get an active 'h' extension when one internal phone calls another and hangs up before the other answers gets karma/beer/mentions...
16:40.59AdvoWorkfullstop, snom 300
16:41.54AdvoWorkfullstop, the thing is,the phone has been working on/off. If i reset the phone router, i think it will work again, but I can't keep doing that, so trying to work out exactly whats going on
16:43.37fullstopAdvoWork: ppoe and resetting the router reboots the phone?
16:43.44fullstopI do not have any experience with snom phones.
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16:50.25AdvoWorkit doesnt reset the phone but if i reboot the router, then register, it will more than likely work :S
16:52.52*** join/#asterisk hehol (
16:53.05michael-iThis guy seems to also be seeing what I see...the F option in Dial doesn't work in 1.6?
16:53.41jbroomeso that's be F'd up?
16:53.46*** join/#asterisk emc (~cburgdorf@
16:55.05emcHi, where can i find independent asterisk consultants in london? (individuals)
16:57.46fullstopI would look in a pub.
16:59.51AdvoWorkfullstop, any further suggestions?
17:00.04jbroomeeven if you don't find one, it's not a wasted trip
17:00.11Faustovor is it!
17:01.30fullstopAdvoWork: sorry, I don't.  Perhaps someone else here is more familiar with snom phones.
17:03.07*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (
17:05.09nfi|ermesFATAL: Module zaphfc not found.
17:05.21nfi|ermesi have not zaphfc module installed
17:05.40nfi|ermesshouldn t it be in dahdi package ?
17:09.03fullstopActually, I think that you should look for everything in a pub.  You never know what one will find at the bottom of a pint.
17:14.07fullstopnfi|ermes: you missed some context from before you joined.
17:19.42nfi|ermesis zaphfc included in asterisk 1.6 or i should install bristuff ?
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17:33.49LetoricAnybody know an easy way to make asterisk process an array for a gotoif statement, rather than just 1 thing? IE, setting up a handler for obnoxious vendors that treats them differently than normal callers?
17:38.08p3nguin_Just use one single GotoIf, which sends those calls into a special context with an appropriate dial plan for that type of call.
17:39.21Letoricok, but with a single gotoif, how do I identify the caller?
17:39.52Letoricthat's where I was hoping to put the array in, IE, each of their callerid's gets put into an array and it sends them somewhere if there is a match, else goes to the next line
17:42.18robl^laptopput the numbers in a database.. the check for a match...  if it matches, goto annoying-caller context
17:43.56Letoricthanks, but using that method, can I do it in an array, or do I need to run multiple gotoif's?
17:45.57robl^laptopno array or multiple gotoifs needed.  you do a quick search in a family (badcallers) using the key Callerid(number).  if it returns anything, its a match and then you drop into the correct context
17:46.40WindBackHello, I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down. The internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI. Debuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following: It seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending a DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and
17:46.52Letoricthanks robl^laptop I'll give it a whirl
17:51.16p3nguin_letoric: You don't even have to use GotoIf() to pick hte callerid.  You can use the old style callerid matching on the extension if you want.
17:53.27*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
17:54.47robl^laptopoldstyle callerID matching is ok for a small number of possible matches.. but if you have more than about 15, I'd go with a db lookup... basically emulate the old blacklist() app
17:58.02Letoricthanks guys. I definitely want the ability to grow beyond a few numbers in there, which is why I was asking about arrays. I'll play with the database suggestion and see if I can pull it together
17:59.23robl^laptopLetoric: look at the DB() function
18:01.39robl^laptopLetoric: GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(annoying/${CALLERID(number))}?annoyingcallers,s,1)  <-- something like that
18:03.19Letoricnifty, thanks again
18:04.43*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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18:52.17fullstopI have an IVR which does a Dial(SIP/  When doing sip show channelstats, nothing ever shows up for tx / rx packets for those calls.
18:54.55*** join/#asterisk cafer (cafer@
18:55.19wcselbywhat about calls to "Dial(SIP/peername)"?
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18:55.56fullstopsorry.. it was a bad description of the dial command
18:56.07drift-[Nov 17 13:50:04] NOTICE[2750]: chan_local.c:504 local_call: No such extension/context 2@users while calling Local channel [Nov 17 13:50:04] NOTICE[2750]: app_dial.c:564 wait_for_answer: Failed to dial on local channel for call forward to '2@users
18:56.09drift-what does that mean?
18:56.31luckman212anyone in here using for sip trunking?
18:56.40drift-i am using
18:56.45caferwhat is problem luckman212
18:56.58luckman212drift-: is it true that you cannot do outgoing SIP URI dialing with voip ms?
18:56.59wcselbydrift- - you're sending your call into the wrong context, and there is no extension there to handle it
18:57.47fullstopfor incoming calls over the ITSP, I get the stats.
18:58.08luckman212I have tried calling a SIP URI directly via a softphone on my PC, as well as programming a custom extension as SIP:// into my dialplan, neither of these methods is working
18:58.20luckman212I am starting to think its
19:00.20wcselbyfullstop - hmmm.
19:00.57fullstopyeah, strange
19:00.57wcselbyfullstop - I'm not sure I understand, if you have a peername, why do you also have an IP address?  Isn't that associated with the peer?
19:01.23wcselbyI could understand Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
19:01.52fullstopwcselby: that is what I am doing.
19:02.02fullstopSaying peername was incorrect
19:02.08wcselbyso this is outbound calls over the ITSP?
19:02.18wcselbyis this all outbound calls, or just ones triggered from the IVR?
19:02.29fullstopInbound calls come in over an ITSP..
19:02.46fullstopoutbound calls are triggered by the IVR and it goes to an external call center.
19:03.12fullstopThese go over a lan-to-lan vpn
19:04.12*** join/#asterisk vegbox (
19:04.38citywokwhat's a good poe switch for 24 phones?  (registering as class 1)
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19:17.42wcselbysorry fullstop - got called away for a bit
19:18.05fullstopnot a problem
19:18.24wcselbyare you passing off the media stream maybe?
19:18.40wcselbydo you have any SIP / RTP traffic after the call has been passed off?
19:19.04fullstopyes, we have sip and rtp traffic
19:19.21fullstopin fact, it's filling the whole pipe
19:19.36fullstopright now, ~80 concurrent calls
19:20.02wcselbyi meant, for that particular call
19:20.29fullstopThey are all identical calls in that regard
19:21.37wcselbycan you show me the CLI output of one of these calls?  I realize you just said you had 80 concurrent calls....are all of these calls showing no tx /rx stats?
19:21.43fullstopWe receive g729 from the  ITSP and pass it right along down to the call center.
19:22.04fullstopNo, we have tx / rx stats for calls from the ITSP.. just not down to the call center.
19:22.06fullstopone sec
19:23.13fullstopthis is from earlier, so it is more like 60 calls
19:24.39wcselbyso it's all the calls to ?
19:25.52wcselbythat's odd...
19:25.59wcselbyi'd almost say file a bug on the issue tracker
19:26.08wcselbywhat version are you running?
19:26.27fullstopI know .9 is a wee bit old
19:27.22wcselbywhat command are you using to generate that output?
19:27.36*** join/#asterisk RAFAIP (~chatzilla@
19:27.38fullstopsip show channelstats
19:27.44wcselbyof course
19:27.54wcselbymust not have been used on 1.4.x
19:28.01wcselbylet me load up one of my 1.6.2.x boxes
19:28.09fullstopi see
19:31.52wcselbyof course, no one is making any calls on that box today
19:32.16wcselbyah well, I wish I could hlep you out more, but it's not something I'm able to reproduce.  I'd suggest submitting a bug and letting them take a look
19:32.45fullstopI've been pretty lucky at finding bugs since I started using Asterisk..
19:32.49WIMPysings: No calls today. My Ast'risk's gone away.
19:33.23wcselbyfullstop - heh
19:33.32wcselbyfor a call center that size, I can understand how
19:33.50wcselbymy larger installs have about 30-35 concurrent calls at peak times
19:33.55fullstopoverall it has been a good experience.
19:34.06fullstopThey are expanding.. possibly > 100 concurrent soon.
19:34.19wcselbymy smaller ones (like that 1.6.2.x box I just talked about) have maybe 5 people in the office total
19:34.30wcselbyfullstop - do you use SIP trunks or PRI lines?
19:34.41fullstopsip trunk for the inbound calls
19:34.54*** join/#asterisk kryl (
19:34.56fullstopoutbound goes over a VPN
19:35.07fullstopover a plain vanilla bonded T
19:35.20wcselbyhow many inbound sip trunks do you have?
19:35.33fullstopjust the one, over mpls
19:35.47wcselbywho is your provider?
19:35.58fullstopwe are being billed for 96 concurrent calls.... but it tops out at 80 and callers get a busy signal.
19:35.59wcselbywhen I think of sip trunk, I think of concurrent calls (I know sip trunk is a misnomer)
19:36.04krylI'm looking for a way to link iphone/android clients with sip account (3g), in order to create call meeting ! do you think asterisk can help me for that ?
19:36.20krylis there a way to crypt the voice data ? (optional)
19:36.37wcselbykryl - use a sip client on each phone, then setup an asterisk server that they register to, then give them an extension for a meetme conference room
19:39.16wcselbyfullstop - interesting.  haven't heard of them.  what's your typical monthly bill for 96 concurrent calls?
19:39.26wcselbyor do you pay by the minute, etc?
19:39.54fullstopwcselby: I'm not part of that discussion.  :D
19:40.02fullstopwcselby: I honestly don't know.
19:40.05wcselbyjust curious
19:40.30fullstopIt's not by the minute.  We rack up a lot of minutes.
19:40.55fullstop506,000 minutes last month
19:41.02wcselbyit's always been my experience that anything over 18-22 concurrent calls, it tended to be cheaper to go the PRI route, but I've mostly dealt with SIP trunk providers like, broadvox, etc.
19:41.32krylwcselby, I'm beginner to asterisk world !
19:41.41wcselbykryl - check out the book
19:41.43infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
19:42.17krylexcellent, thank you :)
19:50.29*** join/#asterisk marl_scot (
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20:05.46*** join/#asterisk JoeT (
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20:07.54JoeTHI folks... Quick question.  (Asterisk 1.8).  When a user on a SIP phone lifts the handset and dials an extension, Asterisk takes 10 seconds to process the extension even if there is no ambiguity in the match (i.e. the context has only 1 digit extensions and no pattern matching).   If the user dials the extension and then picks up the handset, the extension is dialed immediately.   I can't
20:07.54JoeTfigure out how to correct this.  Can anyone?
20:08.40*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@
20:09.21gehko_Has anyone gotten dialogic cards working with asterisk?
20:09.23*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
20:09.30infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
20:10.26WIMPyJoeT: That's most probably a phone issue.
20:11.19WIMPygehko_: That would have to be via CAPI. Not sure how good that option is nowadays.
20:11.42*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
20:11.44gehko_is mISDN better?
20:11.47*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:12.28WIMPyIt surely looks VERY promising in 1.8, but I haven't tried it, yet. I'm using misdn2 with lcr.
20:13.07WIMPy(that is the misdn that comes in the standard kernel)
20:13.08wcselbyJoeT - what type of phone is this issue occuring on?
20:13.54JoeTSipura SP-841
20:15.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:17.02wcselbyJoeT - you need to set the "Dial Plan" in that phone to be less than 10 seconds
20:17.54*** join/#asterisk timholum (
20:18.24JoeTwcselby: Do you know where?  I don't see anything similar in the configuration.
20:18.49wcselbyi think you need to be in the admin section of the config website, then go to the line config and find the Dial Plan option
20:19.02wcselbyi was just looking at a pdf with the specifics
20:19.05gehko_i am having a very difficult time with mISDN in centos
20:19.12wcselbygoogle for "sipura sp-841 dial plan"
20:19.12timholumI need to write a web interface to be able to transfer calls ext... does anyone know of a good asterisk manager interface library to use, I would prefer php but it could also be in python or ruby
20:19.15wcselbyand you'll see it
20:19.32vegboxAnyone here use XO IP Flex service?
20:19.55WIMPygehko_: misdn1 or misdn2?
20:20.02WindBackHello, I have an abnormal problem with some random calls in my Asterisk PBX. Sometimes when I have a call established to the PSTN, it goes down. The internal extension is SIP while the connection to the PSTN is trough DAHDI using ISDN/PRI. Debuging SIP and PRI for some of this calls, I could see the following: It seems that the PBX is hanging both channels because it is sending a DISCONNECT message to the PSTN and
20:20.08gehko_WIMPy: misdn1
20:20.12JoeTOK, found the dial plan..  Will google it and see..
20:21.00WIMPygehko_: The original misdn1 or the fork for th Asterisk 1.8 chan_misdn?
20:21.24*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
20:21.48WIMPygehko_: It can be a bit tricky to get the right version of misdn for your kernel version. That's why I gave up some time and changed to misdn2.
20:22.00gehko_WIMPy: the fork for asterisk 1.6
20:22.13tzafrir_laptopWindBack, so why does asterisk decide to hang up?
20:22.24WIMPyUps. There was another fork?
20:22.37WindBacktzafrir_laptop: this is my question
20:22.49gehko_WIMPy: there is one for 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8
20:23.04WIMPygehko_: I mean of the kernel modules.
20:23.25WindBacktzafrir_laptop: this is the my doubt, I don't know why it is doing so
20:23.28WIMPygehko_: Do you only need TE or NT mode as well?
20:23.43tzafrir_laptopIt seems that the trace you show begins slightly after that
20:23.54tzafrir_laptopAsterisk has already decided to hang up, right?
20:24.39gehko_WIMPy: just te (for now :)
20:25.17WindBacktzafrir_laptop: the call was established 10 minutes before. And sudenly it hangs the call. The trace of the hang starts where I showed you in pastebin. There is nothing before
20:25.39tzafrir_laptopWindBack, is it reproducable?
20:25.55WIMPygehko_: Well, think about that "for now" bit then. misdn1 has a reputation of being unstable. In myu experience only if you use NT mode, however.
20:25.59WindBacktzafrir_laptop: it is a very random bahviour
20:26.22WindBacktzafrir_laptop: it not happens always
20:26.35tzafrir_laptopWindBack, next thing I would do would be enabling more debug
20:26.39WindBacktzafrir_laptop: it was not easy to capture this log
20:26.42JoeTwcselby: That fixed it.   Thank you!
20:26.45tzafrir_laptopnot sip debug and pri debug at first stage
20:27.05WindBacktzafrir_laptop: what kind of debug i can enable_
20:27.25tzafrir_laptopand try to figure out "where the hangup began". This spans multiple channels (the legs of the call)
20:27.38gehko_WIMPy: i dont think we are going to need it, i have SIP working with te mode now
20:27.59gehko_WIMPy: but that is through the diva SIPcontrol interface
20:28.28WIMPygehko_: Err, what?
20:28.30gehko_WIMPy: i wanted to get asterisk in the mix as well, but it is trying my patience
20:29.09WindBacktzafrir_laptop: what kind of  debug do you think can I enable to see more details when the hang begin?
20:30.23tzafrir_laptopcore set debug 2
20:30.29tzafrir_laptopor maybe 3 or 4
20:31.02WindBacktzafrir_laptop: ok, thanks for the recomendation
20:31.40WIMPygehko_: I think for a new install I'd try Asterisk 1.8 with dahdi or chan_misdn and the coresponding driver fork, depending on the hardware. But with a diva i'm pretty sure, capi is your only option.
20:31.55WindBacktzafrir_laptop: do you think this could be a bug in *? I'm using and dahdi 2.3
20:32.23gehko_i just noticed that eicon has a capi config in there driver install
20:32.32gehko_WIMPy: ^^
20:33.43tzafrir_laptopWindBack, no idea
20:33.58WindBacktzafrir_laptop: ok, thanks
20:35.59infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
20:36.11jayteethanks, it's been awhile :-)
20:41.35jayteeanyone here used Vonage softphone account as a "SIP trunk"?
20:47.08*** join/#asterisk slacker775 (
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20:50.08slacker775is there an easy way to set a dahdi channel to busy/offhook?  I have a line that doesnt seem to be working right and would like to take it out of service so callers arent hitting it and having issues
20:54.29*** join/#asterisk infobot (
20:54.29*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.0 (2010/10/21), (2010/11/11), 1.4.37 (2010/11/11), *-Addons, 1.4.12 (2010/09/22), dahdi-linux 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), dahdi-tools 2.4.0 (2010/09/01), libpri (2010/09/01) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki:
21:02.35gehko_has anyone found the 'Configure hardware' or 'mISDN Config' sections of the GUI?
21:03.23WIMPygehko_: What GUI? And are you sure, there is one?
21:04.18gehko_WIMPy: i am trying to add a BRI Trunk to asterisk and that is what asteriskNOW keeps telling me, but i cant locate it anywhere
21:04.40p3nguin_gehko_: #AsteriskNOW
21:04.46wcselbygehko_ - which GUI are you using?
21:05.04gehko_wcselby: web
21:05.17wcselbygehko_ - which GUI are you using?  there's more than one web gui with AsteriskNOW
21:05.55gehko_wcselby: the one that installs with the asterisk linux iso
21:06.11p3nguin_There were choices.
21:06.34p3nguin_And with either choice, this is the wrong place.
21:06.55gehko_Asterisk GUI-version : SVN--rexported
21:07.21gehko_p3nguin_: :) i knew you were going there
21:07.52wcselbythen I'm sorry I've only used that GUI once, you'll have to ask in one of the other channels
21:08.45gehko_i dont care to use the gui.  i just want to add a bri trunk to asterisk
21:09.35p3nguin_If you add it to Asterisk without the GUI, there's a chance it will be wiped out the very next time you apply a change with the GUI.
21:10.41gehko_p3nguin_: i am fine with that because the GUI has been pretty useless for me
21:11.59WIMPygehko_: Then you might be better off, to install a 'normal' plain Asterisk.
21:12.46p3nguin_AsteriskNOW offers, in addition to the GUI choice, the option to install Asterisk without any GUI.
21:13.44gehko_i hate to do a reinstall, but it looks like i am going to have to.
21:14.05p3nguin_You don't have to.
21:14.11p3nguin_Just uninstall the GUI.
21:14.20gehko_with yum?
21:14.32p3nguin_or even rpm.
21:15.18p3nguin_Asterisk may need a couple settings changed so it isn't expecting the GUI to be present anymore, but that's going to be quite trivial.
21:16.06WIMPyHmm. Does that clean the configuration?
21:16.18*** join/#asterisk xibalba (~reza@
21:16.38xibalbahello everyone, can someone help point me to configuring a sip trunk ip 2 ip
21:16.46xibalbai dont want to do any registration
21:17.25gehko_i have asterisk-gui.noarch listed as installed. is that the only one i need to erase?
21:18.25*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
21:20.32gehko_ok, now that i have the gui uninstalled how do i add the bri trunk?
21:21.19WIMPygehko_: You've got capi running?
21:21.42xibalbaleifmadsen ; if that is the only thing i put it will no attempt to register?
21:21.52WIMPyThen chan_capi.conf is your friend.
21:22.06leifmadsenxibalba: the [peer] section never tries to register. Only the register => lines do that.
21:22.20leifmadsenxibalba: remove the register => lines for things you don't want Asterisk to register to.
21:22.34xibalbahmm, i may be mistekn here because i'm doing this through a freepbx portal which is based on asterisk
21:22.42leifmadsenxibalba: host=dynamic is used when the other peer is registering to your asterisk server. If they don't register, then you need to use the host=x.x.x.x (IP address)
21:23.02leifmadsenxibalba: sorry, I can't help you with freepbx. I'd suggest asking over in #freepbx
21:23.48xibalbaok thanks for the info thus far
21:23.49xibalbasee ya
21:23.50*** part/#asterisk xibalba (~reza@
21:25.54gehko_WIMPy: i have a capi.conf?
21:27.45WIMPyIt's been quite soe years I tried to use capi. But the capi itself sould have a capi.conf IIRC. And Asterisk has a chan_capi.conf.
21:27.45gehko_WIMPy: i guess i am not understanding how to tell asterisk to use capi or setup a bri trunk with a capi device
21:28.54*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
21:30.02WIMPystarts to wonder if chan_capi actually has been part of Asterisk or if it was seperate.
21:31.11WIMPyNo, seems to be a seperate thing.
21:31.33WIMPygoogle for chan_capi and you will find a howto inthe forst hits.
21:32.16WIMPyMaybe it would be a good idea to write a Asterisk vs ISDN howto or something.
21:36.24gehko_yah i found it..
21:36.27gehko_its working now
21:39.14gehko_its was probably working the whole time, i just didnt know what the f any of this was
21:46.51gehko_WIMPy: how would i go about dialing something to try it out.  the page gives: s,1,Dial,CAPI/${MSN}:b${EXTEN}|30
21:47.02gehko_WIMPy: but i dont know what to do with that string
21:47.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:48.51p3nguin_First you need to translate it into proper syntax.   s,1,Dial(CAPI/${MSN}:b${EXTEN},30)
21:49.00gehko_it seems i need to find Dial()
21:49.24WIMPyThat goes into extensions.conf.
21:49.32p3nguin_What do you mean find it?  It's an application.
21:50.15gehko_yar, but it is not on my system
21:50.21WIMPygehko_: It might be a good idea to get some more overview with the
21:50.24infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
21:50.28drift-what does that mean?
21:50.30drift-where should i check?
21:50.32p3nguin_What makes you think it's not an application?
21:50.57gehko_i didnt say it wasnt an application
21:51.17p3nguin_What makes you think it doesn't exist on your system?
21:51.49gehko_which Dial does not yeild results so therefore i must 'find' it
21:52.04p3nguin_It's not a command used in the Linux shell.
21:52.09jbroomeit's no a linux command, it's an asterisk command
21:52.12WIMPyThat syntax seems to be outdated. And as even voip-info calls it outdated, it must be very outdated.
21:52.14p3nguin_It's an internal Asterisk application.
21:52.35gehko_p3nguin_: ah
21:53.04gehko_"the more you know" shooting star just flew over my computer
21:53.33*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:54.02WIMPyCAPI/g<group>/dest CAPI/contr<card>/dest or CAPI/<interface>/dest + optional /<options>
21:54.07drift-how can i fix this error ?  [Nov 17 16:44:25] NOTICE[3173]: chan_local.c:504 local_call: No such extension/context 2@users while calling Local channel [Nov 17 16:44:25] NOTICE[3173]: app_dial.c:564 wait_for_answer: Failed to dial on local channel for call forward to '2@users' ? doesnt make sense :(
21:54.35p3nguin_2@users does not exist.  What part of that doesn't make sense?
21:54.39jbroomedrift-: i think a repost every 5 mins is when you get help.  you just missed it
21:54.40WIMPydrift-: Don't dial non-existing extensions.
21:55.28drift-that extension exists tho
21:55.33drift-205 is working extension
21:55.48p3nguin_Show us that extension 2 exists in [users].
21:55.49drift-205/205                D          5060     Unmonitored
21:55.56russellb'2', not '205'
21:56.02drift-i dial 205
21:56.03russellband that's not an extension, that's a SIP peer
21:56.04p3nguin_We don't need to see SIP/205.
21:56.10p3nguin_Show us that extension 2 exists in [users].
21:56.23drift-i am dialing 205 and send
21:56.34jbroomedrift-: are you reading your own error?
21:56.34russellbthen your dialplan is broken
21:56.55russellbyou should have something like, exten => 205,1,Verbose(1,Hello World)
21:57.29russellbI would recommend reviewing your dialplan and convincing yourself which extension the call should be matching
21:57.47p3nguin_But then you have to Dial(Local/205@users) instead of 2@users like it says.
21:58.11drift-every other extension works except this one
21:58.35wcselbydrift- - are you using a web gui?
21:58.44wcselbydrift- - or was this configured in extensions.conf ?
21:58.58drift-no custom
21:59.00drift-i have 2 broken extensions
21:59.04drift-out of like the 10 i got
21:59.08drift-extension 202 and 205
21:59.22p3nguin_Are you going to show us or just keep complaining about it?
21:59.26wcselbydrift- - then please pastebin your extensions.conf [users] context
21:59.30drift-ok 1 sec
21:59.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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22:01.39drift-my extensions.conf
22:02.27p3nguin_As the error shows, extension 2 does not exist in the users context.
22:02.39drift-i'm trying to dial 205 and 202
22:03.12p3nguin_How?  What are you doing to Dial those numbers?
22:03.22wcselbydrift- - no you're not, you're dialing 2@users
22:03.23drift-just typing 205 and send
22:03.28drift-no i am not
22:03.29wcselbytyping 205 in what
22:03.33drift-my phone
22:03.35p3nguin_What context is your device in?
22:03.35wcselbywhat phone
22:03.36drift-i pick up phone and dial 205
22:03.41drift-my extension 211
22:03.44fullstopdrift-: dial 205 then pick up the phone
22:03.45wcselbywhat  type of phone
22:03.47p3nguin_What context is your device in?   <-----
22:04.09fullstopyour phone probably has a built in digit map, and it is sending the digits early.
22:04.17wcselbywhat fullstop said
22:04.17fullstopalter the digit map and you should be good to go.
22:04.25wcselbydigitmap / dial plan
22:04.31drift-but it was just working...
22:04.32russellbactually, the question is where does the Local channel come in ...
22:04.35drift-and works for 10 other extensions
22:04.35fullstopor just get used to dialing before picking up the phone.  :D
22:04.42russellbI don't see chan_local in that dialplan, but that's where the error comes from
22:05.02p3nguin_russellb: We may never know, since he won't bother telling us any useful information.
22:05.12*** join/#asterisk candrews (~candrews@fsf/member/candrews)
22:05.13russellbbe nice:-)
22:05.15p3nguin_On that note, I'm done.
22:05.18wcselbyhaha p3nguin_ and russellb
22:05.30drift-fullstop it goes busy
22:05.32wcselbyhis macro-phone is a little odd too
22:05.34drift-i dial 205 and pick up
22:05.41wcselbydrift- - what type of phone?
22:05.53drift-polycom 501
22:06.11wcselbycheck your digitmap
22:06.47wcselbyand....what context is your phone assigned to
22:06.55WIMPyWell, THAT error certainly does not come from THAT dialplan. So what is missing?
22:07.01wcselbywhy are you getting a local channel in the error
22:07.21drift-[211] type=friend host=dynamic secret=12345 context=users
22:07.31drift-[205] type=friend host=dynamic secret=12345 context=users2
22:07.42russellbunless a phone has been set up to do a call forward to '2'
22:07.46russellbthat would do it, heh
22:07.52wcselbyrussellb - lol yeah that's true
22:07.52drift-nah because
22:08.00drift-i just tried diffrent phones
22:08.04wcselbydrift- - check the peer 205
22:08.15russellbright, check the phone you're trying to call, and see if it is set to forward
22:08.18Kattydrmessano: ping.
22:08.34Kattyhugs WIMPy
22:08.36russellbhi2u2 Katty
22:08.38Kattyhugs wcselby
22:08.41Kattyhugs russellb
22:08.42fullstopNot the hugs again
22:08.46WIMPyrussellb: Uless thats done on the dialplan, how would that local channel come from?
22:08.47russellboh yes, the hugs.
22:08.47Kattyyes. the hugs.
22:08.48wcselbyo/ Katty
22:08.51Kattyhugs fullstop
22:08.56fullstopand, to bring up the bad pun from the other day..
22:08.57russellbWIMPy: local channel is used internally to process a call forward
22:08.59russellbit's magic
22:09.02wcselbyWIMPy - a 183 Redirect or whatever the number is
22:09.02fullstopAt least most everyone here uses Dial()
22:09.07drift-i just went to 205 and called my self
22:09.08drift-it works fine
22:09.13wcselbydrift- - NO
22:09.26wcselbydrift- - look at the phone 205 and see if it's call forwarding enabled
22:09.31*** join/#asterisk tecnico (~tecnico@
22:10.02wcselbyeither that, or bump up verbosity and show us the CLI of the entire call, not just the error
22:10.03p3nguin_CallForwardAll -> 2
22:10.04drift-i dont even know where that is heh hang on
22:10.44wcselbyp3nguin_ - i've seen people do it
22:10.44Kattyhugs p3nguin_
22:10.50wcselbythey're checking out the settings on their phones
22:11.06wcselbystumble into that, and try hitting 1 or 2 to back out before realizing what to do
22:11.08p3nguin_Big Red Button syndrome?
22:11.10*** join/#asterisk cusco (
22:11.11drift-somone did forward
22:11.12drift-phone 2
22:11.15drift-what retards
22:11.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
22:11.43jbroomethe president of my company tends to do that, then go in a tizzy because all her incoming calls are going to vm
22:11.45wcselbyrussellb - :)  I'd have gotten there with the full CLI log heh
22:11.47russellbI expect high fives from everyone for calling it
22:12.07cuscopeer answers a call from queue and wishes to press *00 so the call gets transfered to another pstn number via dahdi
22:12.14cuscowhat is the best way to acomplish this?
22:12.36WIMPyhands the Asterisk expert of the day badge to russellb
22:12.38drift-lol thanks guys
22:12.43drift-i'm flippin out thinkikn i dint touch shit all day
22:12.46drift-how hell can phones just break
22:13.12WIMPydrift-: Disable that feature on the phone.
22:13.34gehko_do i have to restart the asterisk service when i make a change in extensions.conf?
22:13.43cuscosay featurename => *00,caller,Dial(bla)
22:13.43p3nguin_gehko_: No, dialplan reload is enough.
22:13.46cuscoshould work, right?
22:13.48WIMPygehko_: Dialplan reload
22:14.12gehko_p3nguin_: WIMPy : thanks for all your help today
22:14.17p3nguin_gehko_: That's run from the Asterisk CLI, if you didn't know.
22:14.20timholumcan someone point me in the correct direction where I can learn the Asterisk Manager API comand to transfer a call?
22:14.45gehko_p3nguin_: got it, thanks :)
22:15.45timholumthanks frigidzephyr
22:15.58*** join/#asterisk RAFAIP (~chatzilla@
22:16.41timholumI am defenetly going to have to bookmark that site
22:17.48*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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22:18.51RAFAIPthe Action: SetVar in asterisk manager, the variable I set is of what type? global?
22:19.19*** part/#asterisk slacker775 (
22:22.51candrewsI have multiple gtalk accounts set up in gtalk.conf. How do I setup extensions.conf to route calls to a specific gtalk accounts to a SIP number?
22:23.03candrewsI tried this, but it didn't work:
22:23.03candrewsexten =>,n,Dial(SIP/100,20)
22:24.37*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:27.43*** join/#asterisk mun24 (
22:28.14mun24I am running asterisk on ubuntu. I am getting this error
22:28.33mun24Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
22:29.45WIMPyActially I guess your're actually not running it. Try starting it with asterisk -cvvv and see what happens.
22:31.38mun24I can see the files in the /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
22:32.07mun24It may  be the permission issue, whcih I don't know how to fix it
22:36.04ChannelZcandrews: I haven't played with gtalk in awhile but don't you just drive them into separate contexts?
22:36.30candrewsI can't figure out how to dump the different accounts calls into different contexts in gtalk.conf
22:37.44ChannelZcontext=xxxxxx in each [whoever] ?
22:37.45cuscochan_sip.c:17946 handle_response_invite: Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA. SIP dialog '3be1c6ae5ffc741723c79256295041db@'. Giving up.
22:37.50cuscohow can I diagnose that?
22:38.09WIMPyHm. After the forwarding trick, I took a look into DND and found it to be one of the examples, where HANGUPCAUSE doesn't make sense.
22:40.06RAFAIPthe Action: SetVar in asterisk manager, the variable I set is of what type? global?
22:40.58RAFAIPhow can I set a variable for a call I receive?
22:41.20ChannelZit says Channel variable
22:43.11*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
22:43.16RAFAIPthats right, but I need to set this variable for the channel who is calling me, because in the context I have a exten=>h,1,goto(prueba,s,1) and in the context prueba i need to read this variable
22:44.03*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
22:44.51RAFAIPi mean, when I hang up, who is calling me is sent to this context, but I need to set a variable that is going to be used in that context, and I need to do it from a web application, i'm using AMI for it
22:46.24ChannelZChannel variables belong to the channel they are set on.  If you want global variables, use GLOBAL, or the AstDB or something.  But you have to manage that space yourself (multiple calls overwriting the same global var...)
22:47.33RAFAIPI dont want to use a global variable, thats my trouble
22:50.01ChannelZWell as opposed to what?  You want to pass information between two unrelated things so you have to do it by *some* means they have in common.
22:50.53ChannelZ(IE you have Channel A with a piece of information you want Channel B to act upon when they hang up?)
22:51.19KobazRAFAIP: SHARED()
22:51.25KobazRAFAIP: or use my group variables patch
22:51.48ChannelZAh interesting.  Didn't know about shared.
22:51.55KobazRAFAIP: you don't need to private message me
22:52.12ChannelZLet me guess, you're building a robo-dialer
22:52.41*** join/#asterisk tyman (
22:52.41Kobazyou can share data between channels with SHARED
22:52.53Kobazbut... you need to know the channel name of the channel you want to share data with
22:53.04RAFAIPthat my big trouble
22:53.25RAFAIPhow can i know the channel of the call i'm receiving
22:55.13RAFAIPbut how i do it from the ami?
22:55.28RAFAIPlet me explain you what i'm building
22:55.33Kobaza bit
22:56.13gehko_where would ael-demo config info be coming from if it is not in extenstions.conf
22:58.19RAFAIPi have a web application in wich i make a query to a database, and i need to pass the result of it to who calls me, so, i know my extension adn my own channel, but i dont know the channel of who is calling me, so, i cant set a variable for that channel
22:59.12ChannelZif you're loading that module and it's finding it perhaps.  Or if you have something else #included from your extensions.conf.  The possibilities are many
22:59.43citywokRAFAIP: why don't you have the dialplan make the call from the channel for which you need to set the variable?
22:59.45WIMPyRAFAIP: Watch out for a bridge message on ami.
23:00.03*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:00.25gehko_ChannelZ: i renamed my extensions.ael and my extenstions.conf has no reference to it
23:00.29citywokor as WIMPy suggested, if you know one leg of the channel, as soon as the channel's are bridged itw ill go by in the AMI, and you can set it.
23:00.39ChannelZgehko_: do 'module show like pbx_ael'
23:01.33gehko_Module                         Description                              Use Count                     Asterisk Extension Language Compiler     0
23:01.49ChannelZactually.. if you're seeing it in 'dialplan show', it should tell you where it came from... "[ Context 'out_local' created by 'pbx_config' ]" for instance
23:02.14RAFAIPbridged mesage on ami? and where i can find info about it?
23:02.40citywoktelnet in to the ami, enable logging to disk
23:02.40Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:02.50citywokmake an example call, and then look at the result, you'll be able to read it pretty quickly.
23:06.39RAFAIPi can get the channel of the call I receive from the dialplan?
23:08.43gehko_ChannelZ: i had to restart the asterisk service for it to unload i thought i could just dialplan reload
23:09.39citywokstop PMing
23:10.04mun24I have asterisk process running and it process files in /var/run/asterisk folder, I am unable to connect to these process files, getting this error Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
23:10.04WIMPygehko_: You could have module unloaded it
23:10.08citywokjust telnet in to the AMI, and log the output while making a test call. you'll see the bridge action.
23:11.03RAFAIPbut it this doesnt work for my web application
23:11.17gehko_WIMPy: haha thanks, i am such a n00b
23:11.28citywokRAFAIP: why not?
23:11.45citywokyou want to find out what the other channel name is. that's a fairly simple way to do it.
23:12.11RAFAIPbut i can make it automatically from my web application?
23:12.24citywokfigure out how to do it by hand
23:12.35citywokthen, make that happen programatically.
23:13.06RAFAIPmmm... i dont understand
23:13.16WIMPyRAFAIP: We don't know what YOUR application can do, but if it's connected to AMI already it shouldn't be hard to get that implemented.
23:13.33*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
23:13.48RAFAIPim feeling so noob
23:14.28*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:14.33RAFAIPi understand what you mean, but have no idea of what i have to do
23:14.50citywokyou have to figure out how :P
23:14.57RAFAIPwell, i have to go, thanks for the help
23:15.26MiccWhy would asterisk voicemail try to plan an unavail.slin file when it doesn't exist but there is a .wav and .WAV and .g722? Shouldn't it play whatever one it can transcode best from?
23:15.30RAFAIPgood bye
23:16.04citywokMicc, does it play, but say playing .slin on the console?
23:16.37Micccitywok, I think it fails on the slin and plays the vm-intro
23:17.14Miccall I hear is "please leave a message after the tone, when done hangup or press pound"
23:17.15citywokmine says playing unavail.gsm even though the phone is g729 so it's transcoding
23:17.24Miccbut that should be played after the greeting.
23:17.29*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
23:17.47Miccbut do you actually have a gsm file?
23:17.57citywokpastebin an ls -lat of your voicemail folder as well as console output of it failing
23:17.58MiccI would expect it should give an error that the file is not found.
23:18.13infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:26.13citywoki'm assuming you are in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/sbe-main right?  it's not under like the default context in teh file system?
23:27.20*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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23:28.41DrDigitalLinksys PAP2T   has 2 RJ11 Ports.... can basicly run two extensions right?   Does anyone make a device that I could hook like 8 old devices to?
23:28.50candrewsmy gtalk.conf: output in asterisk: When I call my gtalk number, asterisk doesn't map to the context I set in gtalk.conf.
23:28.59candrewsWhy is that? What can I do to route incoming gtalk calls?
23:29.01DrDigitaleach one having their own extension
23:32.15DrDigitalcitywok, would something like this be good?   basicly i need to hook up 8 data devices (fax machine, 3 atm machines and a western union terminal
23:32.17*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
23:33.04citywokHonestly it isn't something I've ever done so I wouldn't be able to say whether or not it is good :)
23:34.26DrDigitalive used the linksys one personally and for clients for 1-2 devices
23:34.33DrDigitalnever had someone that needed like 8
23:34.52DrDigitali just dont want to add in 4 if for a few hundred dollars more i could get 1 device
23:34.53citywokYea, i've used it for 1 device.  But i've also never played with asterisk+fax. i just have a POTS line at each location to avoid dealing with it.
23:34.59DrDigitalhelps keep the install cleaner
23:35.29citywokI'd suggest talking to the mfr to find out if their cards support data quality calls
23:35.30DrDigitali have no issues with faxing... i got tons of those setup
23:35.52citywokon PAP2's ?
23:35.55DrDigitali normally buy from
23:36.16DrDigitali got a location with 3 of them just because the fax machines and credit card are all over the place
23:36.37DrDigitalthis place (a grocery store) has them all in 1 spot pretty much
23:37.06DrDigitalthey do 4 faxes a month
23:37.16DrDigitalpay roll weekly
23:37.25citywokgotcha. what sip provider do you use?
23:37.28DrDigitaland they are paying $50 a month for that line
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23:41.25citywokinteresting. i have a spare pap2t, i'll have to nab it and see how well it works in my environment. i've always just avoided it because it didn't used to be that great.
23:42.54Micccitywok, sorry I should have added a pwd to that pastebin, but its in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/sbe-main/701
23:43.27citywokenable debugging in logger.conf and watch the debug log while making a test call. what does it say?
23:44.04DrDigitalcitywok, just make sure the extension its using has no voicemail features
23:44.18DrDigital   im wondering how that will work
23:44.35citywokif it's like the other grandstream devices i have, probably fairly poorly. and then in 6 - 12 months it will die.
23:44.37infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
23:45.51MiccDrDigital, do you use a jitter buffer on both sides for faxing/credit card machines?
23:46.12tymanIs the cause of this error obvious to anyone with no additional info: [Nov 17 23:43:49] NOTICE[1030]: chan_sip.c:17917 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Tylers MBP Line 1" <sip:100ce039@>;tag=as34ce9e90'
23:46.24MiccDrDigital, do the pap2t's connect directly to vitelity or through your asterisk, then relay to vitelity? Are you in the audio stream or do you reinvite to vitelity?
23:47.07tymanoutbound call gives immediate busy and this error...producing a sip debug and sip.conf paste now for posting
23:47.18citywoktyman: is your device registered?
23:47.40MiccDrDigital, I've installed about 20 grandstreams and 50 PAP2T's and SPA2102 and about 5 SPA8000's, you want to stick with linksys/cisco. Grandstreams I end up having to replace with a linksys at some point.
23:47.40tymancitywok: yes, and it gets inbound calls from the pstn
23:47.51citywokenable sip debugging and ~pb
23:47.54tymanonly thing that changed was my location of my phone
23:48.04tymanfrom home to office
23:48.20MiccDrDigital, and I've tried a lot of other adapters too, like zyxel and audiocodes mp20x, all shit.
23:49.03Micccitywok, any idea on that voicemail issue? I'm pretty sure it was working fine up until recently.
23:49.40citywokMicc: enable debugging in logger.conf and watch the debug log while making a test call. what does it say?
23:51.23Micccitywok, that will be a lot of data for this production box.
23:52.19Miccconsole already has debug on
23:52.26Miccshould I turn up the verbosity?
23:52.47citywokyou have to modify logger.conf to tell it to send debug to the console/file
23:53.16DrDigitalhonestly, im not the one who configures the stuff... I got a guy that does all that, I just buy and install it so i dont know every little aspect of the configuration, i can find out if you want to email me and when i get the answers i can forward them to you
23:53.37DrDigitalMicc, they connect to my asterisk system
23:54.35DrDigitalokay so linksys DOES make an 8 port
23:54.48DrDigitalid rather stick with linksys since the small guys have worked flawless
23:54.48citywokMicc you can probably grep for voicemail stuff
23:55.02DrDigitalvoipsupply doesnt ahve anything bigger then 2 port it seems
23:56.05citywokif you really like ordering from them you can probably ask a rep there, they can probably get it should have it too.
23:57.15DrDigitalwell i also just learned that i can get a lot of this stuff from bestbuy too, i havent tried yet
23:57.17tymancitywok: within sip debug, line 123, I find SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
23:57.46Miccthey won't have the spa8000
23:57.51citywoklook @ line 263, proxy auth required. not sure what that's about
23:58.30Micccitywok, thats usually the UA just getting the digest then authenticates correctly in the next packet.
23:59.14tymanMicc:  yes, I googled that error and read just that
23:59.17Miccor some other form of authentication. I don't know how all that stuff works, but I see that on most devices registering.
23:59.22*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
23:59.30DrDigitalMicc, wanna wager?
23:59.51MiccDrDigital, about bestbuy having an spa8000?
23:59.53tymanI'm going to read the sip rfc next week...i hate being a victim...

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