IRC log for #asterisk on 20101115

00:01.32*** join/#asterisk titter (
00:05.19*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
00:31.12*** join/#asterisk csnook (
00:31.59*** join/#asterisk titter (
00:41.34atan2drmessano, "<drmessano> atan, yeah.. it does exist and is supported by a lot of phones" oh really? =) what is this 'feature' called I would be looking for?
00:41.40atan2I assume it would just enable speakerphone
00:50.16*** join/#asterisk Dovid (42570825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:59.45ChannelZauto answer
01:00.07ChannelZMay or may not involve adding SIP headers to trigger it to do so
01:00.59ChannelZSIPAddHeader(Call-Info: \;answer-after=0)  works on a lot of Linksys/Cisco SPA phones
01:02.22*** join/#asterisk titter (
01:03.18*** join/#asterisk candrews (~candrews@fsf/member/candrews)
01:05.03candrewschan_gtalk.c: Could not find recipient.
01:05.05candrewswhat does that mean?
01:06.46atanInteresting ChannelZ. Thank you!
01:18.41*** join/#asterisk meatbun (
01:18.52meatbunis there a web interface to manage asterisk?
01:20.50drmessanoYes, some good, some like a bun full of meat
01:21.09WIMPyWhich one is the good one?
01:21.36*** join/#asterisk fazendeiro (~chatzilla@
01:24.18infobotextra, extra, read all about it, toywy is The one you write yourself.
01:24.21drmessanoFreePBX for one
01:24.26*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:24.53meatbunany pictures?
01:32.53candrewsIs there a max length for a context or connection's name?
01:33.10*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
01:34.15[TK]D-Fendercandrews: far do you really feel like pushing it?
01:34.20*** join/#asterisk hudony (
01:34.27candrews8 characters
01:34.45[TK]D-Fendercandrews: I've seen over 20
01:34.51candrewswell, I have ~30 character names, and I'm seeing a log entry which is leading me to believe it might be limited to 8, but that seems crazy
01:34.55hudonyI have a cisco 7940 phone and I just reset it to factory default.  Now, I cannot unlock it anymore, tried cisco as password and **#
01:35.00hudonyAny other idea anyone^
01:35.02[TK]D-Fendercandrews: I'm sure it can rather longer stiff if needed
01:38.54*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
01:48.31*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
01:54.22*** join/#asterisk will_ (~wfong@pdpc/supporter/professional/will)
01:54.54will_Hello. I just installed AsteriskNow. I cant' seem to find the doc explaining this set up, just the Asterisk reference manual.
01:55.40[TK]D-Fenderwill_: What part of the setup?
01:56.06will_hehe, What's the default username/password to sign in via the webbrowser :)
01:56.38[TK]D-Fenderwill_: GOOGLE can answer that in under a minute.
01:56.54[TK]D-Fenderwill_: and once you even get in, FreePBX is NOT supported here.
01:56.57infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
01:57.02will_ah sorry
01:57.17will_I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing :D
01:58.25will_I did find what I needed. thanks :)
02:02.12*** join/#asterisk Queka (~ZiKi@
02:03.48*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
02:04.35ChannelZOH HAI!
02:09.32*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
02:13.07*** join/#asterisk titter (
02:17.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:21.54*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (~Pan3D@
02:23.59candrewsI have a SIP device in a context called "100-device"
02:24.21candrewsthe context (in extensions.conf) for 100-device simply says "include => candrewsintegralblue-google-out"
02:24.31candrewsthat context says:
02:24.33candrews;append a 1 if necessary
02:24.33candrewsexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(dnid)=1${CALLERID(dnid)})
02:24.33candrewsexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)
02:24.33candrews;do our real dialing
02:24.34candrewsexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,dial(gtalk/candrewsintegralblue/+${EXTEN},,)
02:24.41candrewsSeems like it should work...
02:24.56candrewsBut I get a "cancel" tone when I try to dial a phone number
02:24.59candrewsand this in the log:
02:26.23candrews[Nov 14 21:25:24] DEBUG[22215] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for Gtalk -
02:26.23candrews[Nov 14 21:25:24] DEBUG[29612] channel.c: Soft-Hanging up channel 'SIP/101-0000000c'
02:26.25candrewsI have the full logs...
02:26.30candrewsAny idea why it's not working?
02:27.13*** join/#asterisk N3tw0rK (~N3tw0rK@
02:27.22[TK]D-Fendercandrews: PASTEBIN from now on.  And please include the COMPLETE call attempt
02:27.25infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:28.18candrewshere's the complete log:
02:28.19*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
02:28.21candrews(with debug on)
02:29.57[TK]D-Fendercandrews: disable that debug, set verbose to 10, enable SIP DEBUG, and retry
02:30.38candrewsokay, doing so now..
02:32.53candrews[TK]D-Fender, when I unset debug, and set verbose=10 and enabled sip debug, there is no logging done when I try to place that call
02:34.21[TK]D-Fendercandrews: There should be all sorts of things to pastebin.....
02:35.33N3tw0rKwhen using * as a 3rd party VM system (for CUCME) do i need to have the CUCME instance registered as a user for MWI to work?
02:35.53candrewsOnly one line, which doesn't seem worth pastebin, in /var/log/asterisk/messages: Nov 14 21:35:29] WARNING[30561] chan_sip.c: Address remapping activated in sip.conf but we're using IPv6, which doesn't need it. Please remove "localnet" and/or "externaddr" settings.
02:36.31candrewsI don't think that's important - I have GV calling working earlier with that error message, and it didn't hurt anything. BTW, I had GV working for in and out earlier, but want to use 2 GV's to 2 extensions, and I can't get it to work.
02:37.45[TK]D-Fendercandrews: You've clearly done something wrong as you HAVE a SIP call coming in and DOES hit dialplan.  Now try AGAIN.
02:38.31[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: Normally yes
02:38.58[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: You could craft your own packet sender and poll for VM's yourself I suppose
02:39.40[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: Actually... that wouldn't need to b "registered", it would simply have to have an IP to contact
02:39.45N3tw0rK[TK]D-Fender: i had this working in 1.4 but cant seem to get it to work correctly and im lacking any debug on the cisco side
02:39.47[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: Which could be a fixed host.
02:40.06[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: Where does "cisco" factor into this?
02:41.21N3tw0rK* doesnt seem to be sending out the correct MWI to the CUCME server to turn the lights on on the phone. Thanks
02:41.27QuekaWhere can I find a writeup on getting gvoice in and out working?
02:43.00candrewsI don't know what to say... verbose = 10 in asterisk.conf, and sipdebug=yes in sip.conf. I've reloaded asterisk, and am tailing messages.
02:43.35*** join/#asterisk titter (
02:44.32[TK]D-Fender[21:42]<candrews>I don't know what to say... verbose = 10 in asterisk.conf, and sipdebug=yes in sip.conf. I've reloaded asterisk, and am tailing messages. <- NEITHER of those are CONFIG FILE parameters.  Those are things to set in * CLI
02:45.04[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: Again, what is this "cisco", and where do I see anything that would indicate that * SHOULD send some sort of MWI?
02:45.52*** join/#asterisk ketas (
02:46.47N3tw0rK[TK]D-Fender: shouldnt * send a sip message back to CUCME once a voicemail is left for an exten. At least thats how it worked 3 years ago when i last set it up
02:47.29[TK]D-FenderN3tw0rK: I see nothing.
03:02.11*** join/#asterisk ketas (
03:06.29*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:07.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:14.03*** join/#asterisk titter (
03:23.54[TK]D-Fender~seen titter
03:23.56infobottitter is currently on #asterisk (9m 53s), last said: 'Is it possible to set the cdr(userfield) from sip.conf per user?'.
03:24.59pabelangercandrews: PB your extensions.conf
03:25.43[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: No need to care about that so far
03:26.21pabelangersure their is, I suspect is dial syntax is wrong
03:28.48pabelangercandrews: exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,dial(gtalk/candrewsintegralblue-google-in/+${EXTEN},,)
03:29.57pabelangerforget that
03:30.39pabelangermy brain is fried
03:31.15WIMPyAny dips around?
03:31.22*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
03:36.02[TK]D-Fenderthought that was only half-baked...
03:47.59[TK]D-Fendertitter: Whats with the 1/2 join+quit all the time?
03:48.13[TK]D-Fender1/2 hour
03:54.44candrewspabelanger, here's my extensions.conf:
03:54.59candrewsI'm using exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,dial(gtalk/candrewsintegralblue/+${EXTEN},,) - I think that's correct
03:56.48candrewsirrational*CLI> sip set debug on
03:56.49candrewsSIP Debugging re-enabled
03:56.59candrewsirrational*CLI> core set verbose 10
03:56.59candrewsVerbosity is at least 10
03:57.21candrewsstill nothing in my logs... am I setting those options right?
03:59.54[TK]D-Fendercandrews: I want CLI OUTPUT.  logs = trash
04:00.29candrewsah! I'm sorry!
04:01.40candrews CLI output
04:01.43candrewsI'm reading this now..
04:02.39candrewsnothing sticks out at me
04:03.15[TK]D-Fender# <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> CANCEL SIP/2.0 <--- ****EKIGA**** aborted the call
04:03.33[TK]D-FenderThat sticks out for me.
04:05.04candrewsyou know what you're doing :-) Why would it abort? Here's another sequence - I captured for longer this time, until it stopped saying anything.
04:05.24[TK]D-Fendercandrews: Try another client
04:05.32[TK]D-Fendercandrews: it offers no reason.  Test something else
04:05.42candrewstrying csipsimple on android now..
04:08.21candrewsEveryone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/100-00000001' status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
04:08.25candrewsthat seems suspicious
04:09.55titter[TK]D-Fender: No clue just saw the nickserv messages ... I am using Pidgin because I am lazy
04:11.34[TK]D-Fendertitter: its been going on for a LONG time
04:11.39[TK]D-Fendertitter: please fix your client
04:13.41[TK]D-Fendercandrews: Garbage SIP packets.. lovely.
04:13.59[TK]D-Fendercandrews: And what is this address remapping its referring to?
04:15.12candrewsI have localnet set... I'm planning to use this outside my firewall, and the asterisk server is behind an ipv4 nat
04:15.14titter[TK]D-Fender: Actually it looks like an issue with my dd-wrt firmware, will see if I can figure out whats going on. If it doesn't get better I will just start disconnecting from irc
04:20.26candrewsIs there something wrong with my dial plan?
04:21.38titter[TK]D-Fender: Made some changes, will see if things improve.
04:22.42[TK]D-Fendercandrews: I'm wondering about your new garbage SIP packets, but I don't see GV "answering" anywhere
04:24.10candrewsthat's why I'm wondering if I screwed up the dial plan somehow
04:28.16[TK]D-Fendercandrews: No
04:28.51[TK]D-Fendercandrews: I'd se if you can enable a debug for gtalk... I don't know that protocol really..
04:28.52*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
04:32.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
04:32.37candrewsturned on jabber debugging:
04:32.47candrewsJABBER: candrewsintegralblue INCOMING: <iq from="" to="" id="jingle:" type="set"><ses:session type="terminate" id="6653760f377459b0" initiator="" xmlns:ses=""><pho:recipient-unavailable xmlns:pho="">Session timed out</pho:
04:32.59candrewswonder why my session timed out
04:33.51[TK]D-Fendercandrews: More private IP's.. doesn't look legit
04:38.38*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:40.12candrews[TK]D-Fender, which private IPs do you see that seems suspicious?
04:42.27candrewslooking at a different problem, which is also annoying me... when I make a jingle call to my gtalk address, asterisk routes it to the default context. How can I route it to a different context?
04:48.21*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
04:53.49*** join/#asterisk titter (
04:53.55[TK]D-Fendertitter: GAH
04:56.11p3nguinIs he still joining and quitting all the damn time?  I had to ignore him DAYS ago because of that.
04:58.45[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Ignore on most clients doesn't seem to stop join/quit
04:59.35p3nguinI guess someone needs to make a better client, then.
05:02.20*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
05:02.55shamelessn00bHi all
05:24.19*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:25.54[TK]D-Fendertitter: Right on schedule...
05:27.58*** join/#asterisk costal (
05:28.08costalHello All
05:28.42costalI'm trying to understand a legacy configuration which is working at the moment
05:28.52costalwe have the mysql addon and using res_mysql.conf
05:29.48costalin the extconfig we have sipusers => mysql,database, sip_buddies
05:30.30costalI can see the sip_buddies table with a lot of usernames some with md5secret enable
05:30.40costalbut some of them they don't have any on md5secret or secret
05:30.44costalmy questio is
05:31.09costalhow this could be posible if insecure is set to "no" ?
05:31.14costalany ideas ?
05:31.36[TK]D-Fendercostal: that option is completely unrelated
05:32.46costalany ideas how can sip user can access asterisk without secret or md5secret ?
05:33.36[TK]D-Fendercostal: By not having a secret set against a peer at all, or allowing unauthed calls at all
05:35.27costalthanks Fender can you please point me in the right direction ? what settings should I look for ?
05:39.46atan2costal, isn't there a static IP auth setup there somewhere?
05:40.44[TK]D-Fendercostal: I think you should actually LOOK at your calls
05:41.09*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
05:41.39costalmmmm yeah I can't find it
05:42.08costalI can see users with md5secret connecting to the asterisk box
05:42.18[TK]D-Fendercostal: And you're showing nothing.  Expect proportionate results.
05:42.40[TK]D-Fendercostal: Yes, all passwords are normally Md5
05:43.24costalbut some users they don't have md5secret and I can see connecting to the asterisk all of them coming with different ips
05:44.18[TK]D-Fendercostal: md5secret is FIELD, not how it is transmitted
05:44.39costalI mean in the Database sip_buddies
05:44.41[TK]D-Fendercostal: this tells * that the field youfilled in with the password is ALREADY MD% hased so it doesn't DOUBLE has it.
05:45.13costalI mean in the Database sip_buddies I have some users with md5secret field empty and still connecting
05:45.37[TK]D-Fendercostal: You are showing no logs, no SIP debug.  There is nothing for us to do here.
05:45.57[TK]D-Fender[00:45]<costal>I mean in the Database sip_buddies I have some users with md5secret field empty and still connecting <- this field does not matter at all if it is blank
05:47.03[TK]D-Fendercostal: it **IS** the password if you fill it in.  If not then it is not used.  SECRET is the "normal" password field, and it is in PLAIN TEXT.  this will GET MD5 hased for transmission.  The other one already IS so it doesn't need to be re-hased
05:47.42costalmy problem is secret is empty no value at all
05:47.56costalI don't understand how this users are being authenticated thats all
05:48.40[TK]D-Fendercostal: Why do you have peers configured with NO passwords?
05:49.27*** join/#asterisk cnu (
05:49.34[TK]D-Fendercostal: You seem to have set up a completely insecure peer
05:54.39[TK]D-Fenderwaits 30s
05:54.47*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:56.24[TK]D-Fenderresets his stop-watch for 30 mins
05:56.43*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
06:02.42*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:20.12*** part/#asterisk will_ (~wfong@pdpc/supporter/professional/will)
06:24.52*** join/#asterisk titter (
06:32.50*** join/#asterisk raddy (~raddy@
06:44.26*** join/#asterisk tyman (
06:47.06*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
06:52.42*** join/#asterisk brut- (
06:55.50*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:02.14*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:18.45*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
07:22.04*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:22.06schmidtsgood morning
07:24.44*** join/#asterisk Weazel (~Weazel-@
07:25.50*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:28.03*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
07:30.21ChannelZGood? monday.. BAH!
07:32.00*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
07:32.55*** join/#asterisk mog (
07:39.53schmidtshey atleast my working just start, the good was before i read my mails. You can cancel this by now
07:41.19raddyHello Everybody
07:41.26raddyCan anybody help me
07:41.40raddyI have Voxzone x100p device.
07:42.04schmidtshello raddy, as usual the ability to help depends on your problem, but we can try it ;)
07:42.09raddywxcfxo is not detecting the hardware.
07:42.46raddysays, "Failed to initialize DAA,"
07:43.42raddyMy system supports IO-APIC
07:46.32raddyschmidts : Any more information required?
07:46.54schmidtsraddy to you use dahdi or zaptel?
07:47.21raddyschmidts : both are same right?
07:47.37schmidtsraddy to be honest i dont have an idea about interface cards and there problems ;)
07:47.58schmidtsnot really the same but both do the same thing. zaptel is the old version and dahdi is the new one
07:48.22raddyschmidts : I am using Dahdi
07:50.44*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~user@
07:52.05_zoom_I have two gsm gateways to terminate asterisk traffic, how to make them failover each other?
07:52.44schmidtsraddy what do you see when you use lspci is your card recognized by your system at all?
07:56.49*** join/#asterisk titter (
08:02.11*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
08:02.15*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:05.01raddyschmidts : Please check this
08:05.26raddyschmidts : the card is detected well by the OS.
08:11.48raddyschmidts : Are you there?
08:12.05schmidtsraddy yes still here but not really any other idea
08:12.15schmidtswhat does dahdi tells you when you restart it?
08:12.36raddyschmidts : How do i start / restart it?
08:13.03schmidts/etc/init.d/dahdi stop and then start
08:13.27*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
08:13.35festr_hi anyone on astertisk 1.4.37?
08:13.45festr_I cannot blind transfer anymore
08:13.51festr_transfering to own context
08:14.10raddyschmidts : It shows, lot of modukes with OK, then shows "No Hardwar timing source found in /proc/dahdi"
08:15.14schmidtsraddy ok then dahdi doesnt recognize your card
08:16.36*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
08:18.16*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~BTS@2001:700:200:10:c62c:3ff:fe16:a044)
08:19.38kaldemardoes x100p provide timing? if /proc/dahdi/* lists the card, it is recognized.
08:20.23raddykaldemar : But, not by dahdi or asterisks
08:27.21*** join/#asterisk titter (
08:30.59ChannelZfestr_: cannot how?
08:34.58*** part/#asterisk _zoom_ (~user@
08:39.23*** join/#asterisk jhatch (~jhatch@
08:40.45*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
08:46.37*** join/#asterisk Yedidya (
08:50.30*** join/#asterisk hay (
08:54.01hayhi all... we are using siemens c470IP base station and I can see in logs that it happens sometimes (looks random to me) that all the extensions are unregistered (Unregistered SIP ext_number) and after about 5 seconds registered again... is this unregistration caused automatically for example when base station isn't responding / is this a standard procedure (I suppose it isn't) / could any of
08:54.01hayasterisk's settings be causing this? Of course if there is a call when this happens, the line disconnects... TIA
08:57.50*** join/#asterisk titter (
08:58.34ChannelZIf you're actually seeing them UN-register and not just timing out (becoming "unreachable") then they're doing it on purpose
09:00.53hayChannelZ, all the extensions on that base unit are un-registered at the same second... and then after about 4 seconds they all register again
09:13.40*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
09:21.13mark22hello, what is the option for 1.8.x that is almost the same as nat=route for 1.6.x? that way if someone did give some internal (eg 1925.
09:21.31*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
09:21.48mark22eg 192.168.x.x) ip it still could register with asterisk (while asterisk is not behind the same nat)
09:22.05raddyHello Everybody
09:22.41raddyAnybody using Motorola based x100p card here?
09:26.19*** join/#asterisk tyman_ (
09:28.04*** join/#asterisk titter (
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09:31.06*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
09:32.44*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
09:35.34*** join/#asterisk hay (
09:37.40MCIMLhas anyone gotten gtalk working with a google apps account?
09:37.47*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
09:37.54MCIMLa non address?
09:41.30schmidtsMCIML i am not sure but i think this didnt work
09:41.32hayMCIML, yup... but on a domain that is using Google Apps so this is probably not the best answer :-)
09:42.03MCIMLyeah thats what i have too
09:42.14hayMCIML, I see.. missed the first line :)
09:45.33hayI don't remember I did anything special... just download Google Talk and sign it with your user credentials... what error do you see?
09:46.41hayI still see this annoying un-registering with C470IP base station... ... I can't find any reason or setting in the configuration of the base station for it... any help appreciated
09:47.28MCIMLwill jabber.conf work if you set instead of
09:48.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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10:05.07Diffen2Hello, is it possible to have one DID and on that DID check incoming number and then send the calls to two different IVR?  We are planning on having one IVR and do a number check to see if the call is from sweden we send it to the swedish IVR if not we send it to the English IVR.
10:25.45*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
10:26.08whtsupi m not getting ring back tone when i dial from dhadi channel
10:29.34*** join/#asterisk titter (
10:29.38*** join/#asterisk AndyRomano (~Adium@
10:30.42*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
10:39.52*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
10:39.59whtsupanyone there ?
10:54.09*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (~DanFromUK@
10:54.26DanFromUKHello, is anything free to assist with the following error:
10:54.29DanFromUK"username mismatch, have <silverstone_202>, digest has <silverstone_201>"
10:54.51whtsupchan_sip.c:4034 sip_setoption: Unknown option: 9
10:54.59whtsupi m using asterisk 1.8
10:55.04whtsupgetting this error
10:59.33*** join/#asterisk titter (
11:01.12*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
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11:03.48whtsuphi i want to ask one thing
11:04.08whtsupi want to remove asterisk 1.8 and recompile to asterisk 1.6
11:04.15whtsupwht will be best solution
11:05.36krionsorry if this is a noob question
11:05.54krionmy sip_peers (and other stuff) are stored in mysql
11:06.55krionfind it
11:07.02krioni've to do a sip prune <peer>
11:07.19krioncorrection: sip prune realtime <peer>
11:13.30DanFromUKi've got a problem registering two lines on a polycom phone, with asterisk.
11:13.54DanFromUKasterisk gets confused as to which line is making the call, and therefore cant authenticated.
11:15.17kaldemarDanFromUK: you need to tell asterisk not to match the devices by ip address, i.e. have user as the type.
11:15.35kaldemarwhtsup: how did you install the 1.8.0?
11:16.37kaldemarDiffen2: yes, that is possible. you do it in the dialplan.
11:18.52*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~sengebret@
11:20.30DanFromUKkaldemar: if I change all my peers to users, does it affect anything else?
11:20.48DanFromUKkaldemar: will anything stop working or change?
11:24.28kaldemardepends on rest of your configuration. try it.
11:30.35*** join/#asterisk titter (
11:30.58whtsupi m using asterisk 1.8 i want to remove 1.8 and install 1.4
11:31.13whtsupi have remove completely asterisk 1.8 or i can just recompile
11:31.30kaldemarwhtsup: did you see my question?
11:38.33Diffen2kaldemar cool i will try to google it then
11:40.41fauxallianceGood Day Everyone.
11:41.55DanFromUKkaldemar: when i do that, i get "No matching peer found" when it tries to register.
11:42.49DanFromUKname and username both match and correct.
11:45.02kaldemarand host=dynamic?
11:45.58DanFromUKp.s. im using realtime if that makes a difference.
11:46.16*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
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12:02.17DanFromUKkaldemar: are you still available?
12:08.47*** join/#asterisk raddy (~raddy@
12:08.54raddyHello Everybody
12:10.12shamelessn00bhi raddy
12:13.31raddyshamelessn00b : I have a Motorola Wildcard based x100p fxo card.
12:14.38raddyshamelessn00b : I am experiencing irq conflicts with IDE controller or SMBus controller
12:15.30raddyshamelessn00b : Is it ok, if the IRQ be shared with IDE Controller?
12:16.10raddyshamelessn00b : i have SMP Processor and Kernel, would offer any workarounds?
12:20.25raddyCan any give a suggesion?
12:20.54fauxallianceraddy, don't share IRQ's.... use a $10 clone, get a $10 PBX.
12:21.28raddyfauxalliance : I don't understand
12:22.12raddyfauxalliance : I am using $10 clone x100p card, it is not original.
12:22.37raddyfauxalliance : It voxzone x100p card.
12:23.46fauxallianceraddy, wonderful... an expensive $10 pbx :P    DONT SHARE IRQ'S!
12:24.30raddyfauxalliance : Ohh :(
12:25.19raddyfauxalliance : that appears to be difficult beast, the card shares irqs either with smbus controller or ide controller :((
12:25.37fauxalliance"Interrupt Sharing" or an "Interrupt Conflict".   I'd bet good money on the latter.
12:26.18DanFromUKI'm unable to use type=user. Friend and peer works fine. Any ideas? thnaks
12:26.30fauxallianceraddy, If too many high-irq-issuing devices share the same IRQ, it may cause delays in the IRQs getting serviced and can't even result in buffer overruns and other errors!
12:27.17fauxallianceDanFromUK, The difference between friend and peer is the same as defining _both_ a user and peer, since that is what 'type=friend' does internally.
12:27.37fauxallianceDanFromUK, capiche?
12:28.35raddyfauxalliance : there is no "too many", i have disabled most of the optional components in my motherboard, moreover the irq conflict may the prominent reason for the wcfxo driver to not detect the device,
12:29.19raddyfauxalliance : should i still try this solution ?
12:29.33raddyeven before resolving irq conflicts?
12:29.40fauxallianceraddy, sure, just don't confuse effort with success
12:30.18fauxallianceraddy, The problem was - IRQ. Changed motherboard!  <try that
12:30.18raddyor resolving irq conflicts is mandatory to proceed further?
12:30.37fauxallianceraddy, YES!
12:30.51fauxallianceDanFromUK, ACK
12:31.25raddyfauxalliance : But, changing the motherboard is an expensing proposition.
12:31.31*** join/#asterisk titter (
12:31.44fauxallianceraddy, is getting a sensible card a better option?
12:31.50hrhrhrwhat command you using to show irq alloc
12:32.20raddyhrhrhr : lspci -v
12:33.13fauxallianceraddy, 'cat /proc/interrupts'
12:34.01raddyfauxalliance : I tried that command too, but can't interpret the results.
12:34.16fauxallianceraddy, looks like counting from zero to me.
12:34.44hrhrhri woulda though proc/interrupts was infinitely easier to read
12:35.11raddyhrhrhr : fauxalliance : please see
12:35.28fauxallianceraddy, this is also _way_ outside the scope of the channel IMHO... you'd be more likely to avail of (handholding) support with the purchase of a Digium (tm) card.
12:37.01hrhrhrim not sure which one is your x100p? shared are usually comma separated tho...?
12:38.19*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
12:40.52hrhrhri dont see any comma separated on that pb, do you fauxalliance?
12:41.00fauxalliancehrhrhr, not a one
12:41.33hrhrhryou may as well pb your lspci output raddy
12:41.37hrhrhrnot that i'll be able to help you
12:41.39hrhrhrbecause im a noob
12:41.44hrhrhrim just interested :P
12:42.54tzafrirraddy, how can you tell you have a problem?
12:44.06tzafrirraddy, from /proc/interrupts above, the driver for your card does not seem to be loaded
12:44.21tzafrirWhat's the output of dahdi_hardware  ?
12:44.37raddyhrhrhr : fauxalliance : It appears something positive is happening, when rmmod wxfxo and modprobe wcfxo,
12:45.46raddyhrhrhr: fauxalliance : but while modprobing, the processes stalled :((
12:45.57fauxallianceraddy, reboot... load the module automatically
12:46.19tzafrirraddy, also: be sure to use dahdi and not zaptel
12:46.39raddytzafrir : i saw in, lsmod that my ide controller and fxo card use irq.
12:47.43DanFromUKfauxalliance: i knew that. I currently use "friend" but need asterisk to match based on username, and no IP. so i need to change it to "user". but when i do that, it cant register any more.
12:48.01*** join/#asterisk netadmin (~toor@fsf/member/okaratas)
12:48.36raddytzafrir : I am using dahdi it self.
12:49.42DanFromUKi get peer not found
12:51.13*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
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13:02.35fauxallianceDanFromUK, want to show the registration attempt in the CLI, pastebin it... smells like DNS
13:04.38z4nD4Rhi all..i need make peering between asterisk and sipxec.. somebody any ideas???... i can find any how to...
13:05.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:05.37raddytzafrir : fauxalliance : hrhrhr : after a reboot, when do rmmod and modprobe the wxfxo module, nothing happening,
13:05.50tzafrirbecause it's not loaded?
13:06.53raddyhere is the error
13:09.04raddytzafrir : hrhrhr : here is the lspci output.
13:09.32*** join/#asterisk dapip (~IceChat77@
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13:10.03tzafrirraddy, what version of dahdi?
13:10.57dapipWondering if someone could help me... I'm trying to find the setting in Asterisk that disconnects a call if it's inactive for xx time... Google hasn't been much of a friend lately for that information :\
13:11.03dapipthanks in advance! :)
13:11.20wdoekes2sip session timers?
13:11.54raddytzafrir : i think 2.3
13:14.05[TK]D-Fenderdapip: You WANT it to disconnect in XX time, it its happening NOW and you don't want it to?
13:15.48dapipFender: It's currently happening, I think, and I want to see the setting in the config... We have this conf call that our IT Team sets up in advance, need to know how far in advance we can set it up.
13:16.45hrhrhrseems like your issue
13:17.28[TK]D-Fenderdapip: it normally isn't a setting.
13:17.44[TK]D-Fenderdapip: Nows the time where you actually describe your call so we ha ve a clue where to look...
13:17.54raddyhrhrhr : even i thought the same.
13:19.08dapipFender:We setup a conference call using the Callme features in Asterisk, and normally it will sit for an hour or so waiting for the meeting to actually start and others to join the conference call.  Ocassionally it will disconnect before the meeting actually starts....
13:19.08Diffen2kaldemar are you there?
13:19.57[TK]D-Fenderdapip: what will "sit for an hour"?  What "callme features", and WHAT KIND OF CALLS?
13:20.58*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
13:22.42Diffen2anyone that know where i can find information regarding checking the incoming caller id on a certain number and send it to different feature codes regarding the caller id?
13:24.03*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~sengebret@
13:24.05dapipFender: A conference phone will sit for an hour connected to the Asterisk, sorry, MeetMe conference call.
13:24.34*** join/#asterisk goddva (~glarsen@
13:24.46[TK]D-Fenderdapip: What kind of phone?  What version of *? what does * show?
13:25.13[TK]D-FenderDiffen2: "core show function CALLERID", "core show application gotoif"
13:26.24tzafrirraddy, not sure if something similar was fixed later on. Or if it is merely defective hardware
13:26.32Diffen2d-fender thanks will check it out
13:26.41DanFromUKHi, i've got a question about realtime. Can IAXPeers and SIPPeers come from the same table?
13:27.40[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK: No
13:29.20*** join/#asterisk davix (davix@unaffiliated/bashtard)
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13:39.22hrhrhrraddy so did you try that fix? or a later dahdi...?
13:43.08*** part/#asterisk tuxxie (
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13:47.23raddyhrhrhr : i am looking at the source, i find very minor difference between the path author's version and the implementation. i am planning to directly contact the patch author.
13:50.55*** join/#asterisk adeel (
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13:54.11adeelis there any kind of SIP compatibility issue between 1.4.x and 1.8?
13:54.28[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Shouldn't be
13:55.14adeelhmmm...this is odd then...i can't seem to get calls between my 2 boxes...well, outbound works, but i can't get inbound to work...keeps returning 403 forbidden, even though they register.
14:00.55adeeli wonder if it's because the inbound context is set to user and not friend....
14:02.17adeelnope, that didn't do much
14:04.34adeelinteresting...the problem lay within not setting insecure=invite,port; is there any documentation that would explain why that must be set for a trunk, even though it registers?
14:05.52[TK]D-Fenderadeel: That isn't the problem, that is your choice of ways around it.  This shows that you aren't authing right and are opting to not auth at all to get around it
14:06.14DanFromUKIve got an issue with Asterisk. It keeps losing connection. SIP packets keep getting lost. "re-transmitting (no NAT)". In order to get it working, i've got to "stop now" and restart asterisk. then it stops again after a few minutes.
14:06.30DanFromUKAny ideas? its really causing me problems.
14:06.32adeel[TK]D-Fender, ok, so if i wanted to auth properly...any idea what i'm doing incorrectly?
14:08.03*** join/#asterisk espiceland (~erin@nat/digium/x-bdlekefcmtubvebv)
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14:08.19adeelDanFromUK, sounds like your firewall is killing the port after some inactivity
14:09.24[TK]D-FenderBOTH of you should be posting SIP DEBUG in a PASTEBIN for us to look at.
14:09.26infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:12.11*** join/#asterisk pokus (~focus@
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14:18.00SeTTleRhi all, i've got some trouble with dahdi and a tdm400p and asterisk asterisk sees the dahdi channels just fine and i can use the Dahdi/1-4 devices in the dialplan without error, but it just does not work. i thought it was a problem with the cable but now i noticed, that the wcfxs module is not loaded
14:18.41SeTTleRwhenever i do a modprobe wcfxs, i get nothing returned, even with -v. the module is simply not loaded. do i need that module or is that handled by the wctdm module?
14:19.15[TK]D-FenderSeTTleR: that isn't the right module for that card
14:19.36SeTTleRaha? but wctdm should be the correct one?!
14:20.18SeTTleRi'm just running out of ideas, so i read something about wcfxs and wcfxo and thought i should try that...
14:21.22*** join/#asterisk fofware (
14:21.59SeTTleRok then everything is handled by the wctdm module.. the asterisk is set up fine, but it just does not work. i can't place calls on a Dahdi Channel. in fact, i can, but i hear nothing and asterisk does not say anything except that it places the call
14:22.14[TK]D-FenderSeTTleR: And we see nothing.  change that.
14:22.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:25.24pokushello i want ask about "SIP registration keepalive problem" ...i have device which is connected throught modem to voip network. This device is sometimes unreachable (lost connection). When connection is back this device is still unreachable while: 1) command REGISTER is not first solution is set low re-registration period for REGISTER command. 2) when is set option qualify=yes my device is "on-line" immediately when keep alive command is send...what
14:26.53pokusin second case re-register period is same...
14:27.19*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:27.26SeTTleRhere is the chan_dahdi.conf, dahdi show channels and the output from the asterisk cli:
14:27.38Kattystares blankly
14:29.22[TK]D-FenderSeTTleR: What do you have connected to this card?
14:29.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
14:30.43*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:31.10SeTTleRi have channel four connected to a speedport w920v. a router with telephone system integrated that offers two analog channels
14:31.21SeTTleRif i connect an analog phone, everything works fine
14:31.22*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
14:31.41SeTTleRchannel 4 is the fxo module using fxs signalling
14:32.05SeTTleRi have that one connected with the speedport
14:32.17SeTTleRand try to place outbound calls with asterisk
14:32.34FlashDeluxehi! how can i decrease the volume of music on hold? I ve set up mode=files but i am not sure how to toggle the volume :( Can anybody tell me the string if it is possible to change the volume?
14:32.53*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
14:32.56[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: You can't with *.   adjust your files
14:33.11fauxalliance^^feature request?
14:33.35FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender So i have to manipulate the sound files?
14:33.54[TK]D-Fenderenables echo-cancellation on #asterisk
14:33.56fauxallianceFlashDeluxe, thats what HE SAID
14:34.01fauxallianceFlashDeluxe, thats what HE SAID
14:34.31fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, must be BORKED
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14:37.52FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender Sorry, i didn`t express myself in a right way, i meant: is there no other possibility than manipulating the soundfiles?
14:38.20fauxalliancetakes the ClueBAT(TM) out of its protective sheath and hands it off to [TK]D-Fender
14:38.49[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his rusty-nail upgraded ClueBat (TM)
14:39.12fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, i just leaded mine :(
14:39.48[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: Did I use a conjunction in there?  I don't think so....
14:40.24fauxallianceFlashDeluxe, 'man sox'
14:40.27*** part/#asterisk raddy (~raddy@
14:40.47FlashDeluxeman, you`re in a bad mood...sorry for asking
14:41.12DanFromUKHi, i'm trying to get up IAX to get around the firewall issues i'm having. but i'm getting this when the remote asterisk server tries to dial: Host 94.193.x.x failed to authenticate as estates_201
14:41.30[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: You just asked me the same question 3 times...
14:46.47FlashDeluxeexcuse me for wasting your time but i wanted to know if there _really_ is no other way, thats why asked.
14:47.39*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
14:48.28[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: Not with "mode=files"
14:48.58[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: Spend the minute it's worth to normalize your files.
14:50.04*** join/#asterisk meatbun (
14:50.24meatbunthere a way to log long distance dialing?
14:50.44[TK]D-Fendermeatbun: All calls are logged in CDR <-
14:52.04[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe: Curiously the first link is to voip-info expressly for this purpose
14:53.03*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:55.02FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender thanky you^^
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14:58.13adeelis it possible to have asterisk bind to 2 ports at once?
14:58.45[TK]D-Fenderadeel: No, one or all.  thats it
14:59.28adeel[TK]D-Fender, is there a downside to  having * bound to all ports?
15:00.30[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Do you see an issue withthis?
15:01.18adeelits definitely sub-optimal; would also imply that nothing else could run
15:01.46adeelsorry, been up for too long;
15:01.55*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
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15:02.26[TK]D-Fender"nothing else could run"... huh?
15:02.36adeelno other service could bind to a port if it wanted to
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15:03.36[TK]D-Fenderadeel: like what?  What other SIP apps would be fighting for control over your ports on your server?
15:05.15adeel[TK]D-Fender, no sip other sip apps, but any other service like ssh, mysql, etc
15:05.42[TK]D-Fenderadeel: What do those have to do with * binding SIP on all ports or not?
15:07.08adeel[TK]D-Fender, afaik, you can't have multiple services binding to the same port...e.g. 2 webservers can't be running on port if * binds to all 65535 ports, then nothing else could
15:07.34adeelwell, nothing udp based, that is
15:07.36[TK]D-Fenderadeel: OMG...
15:07.46Gugge[TK]D-Fender: multiple ports, not same port on multiple addresses :)
15:07.49[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Binds to SIP on all INTERFACES
15:08.09Guggeadeel: so no, you can bind to one port, and thats it
15:08.16adeel[TK]D-Fender, ohh, i was specifically talking about PORTS, not interfaces
15:08.27[TK]D-Fender[09:58]<adeel>is it possible to have asterisk bind to 2 ports at once? <- no not multiple PORTS on the same interface.  1 port.  On either ONE interface, or ALL interfaces
15:08.29Guggeadeel: but you can forward other ports to that port with whatever firewall software your os has
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15:08.41adeelGugge, yeah, i know about that
15:09.51*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
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15:11.45[TK]D-Fenderadeel: Why would you ened * running on multiple ports on the same interface even?
15:15.17fullstopCould you simulate listening on 2 ports with iptables?
15:15.21fullstopor socat?
15:15.46[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: Of course
15:15.57[TK]D-FenderI still fail to see a reason to do so
15:16.17*** join/#asterisk McBoingbo (
15:17.02fullstopMaybe they want to have the same sip user registered from different phones.
15:17.05McBoingboI keep getting "No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!" when trying to do a simple dialplan test, I have the codecs listed in sip.conf, log doesnt seem to be more verbose, any ideas?
15:17.17fullstopA sip proxy is more appropriate in that case.
15:20.44[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: Not possible regardless.  This has nothing to do with the way * listens on ports
15:21.03[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Clearly your codecs don't match.  You should be looking at SIP DEBUGF from * CLI
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15:28.31zplinuxhi all
15:28.44zplinuxto install freepbx I need to have asterisk running
15:28.55*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:29.27zplinuxthey suggest to use ./start_asterisk start and this infact issues
15:29.56zplinuxexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ;/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk
15:30.20zplinuxbut I can't run this from a script to install free pbx
15:30.40*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
15:33.35*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:33.37[TK]D-Fenderzplinux: ...
15:33.41infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:38.26*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
15:39.10McBoingbousing Playback(), error indicates that the sounds file does not exist, but it is there, what else can I do to check?
15:40.12[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: I'm betting that you aren'te telling it right or it doesn't exist
15:41.06McBoingboI literally take the error line and ls -lah it and it is there
15:41.19*** join/#asterisk dmast (
15:41.35[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: I literally see nothing.
15:42.16[TK]D-Fender"but I did everything right!" typically = BS.
15:42.27McBoingboyeah yeah I know, I sup[port users too
15:42.36McBoingbobut I did check the file does exist and is there
15:42.37[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Of course you can't see the problem... otherwise you'd have FIXED it by now and we wouldn't be eharing about it
15:42.48[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Your checks and eyes clearly aren't cutting it
15:43.02McBoingbowho shit in your cornflakes this morning?
15:43.59[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: unless you were merely expecting to vent frustration, you like many others come in showing nothing and expecting answers for why things don't work like you expect.
15:44.25McBoingbonot venting, just dont think your sarcasm is needed
15:44.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:45.15[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Show us the "problem" and we'll show you what's wrong.
15:45.28*** mode/#asterisk [+q [TK]D-Fender!*@*] by russellb
15:45.35russellbtired of the attitude, kthxbye.
15:45.38McBoingboyou seriously want me to pastebin showing proof there are sound files in the
15:46.39WIMPyMcBoingbo: Did you specify the file WITHOUT extension?
15:46.56McBoingbowith extension
15:47.03titterThats the issue
15:47.59McBoingboohhh I thought without it goes through the normal codec preference, with would choose the codec that you chosen, checking it now
15:48.14McBoingboyup that was it
15:51.30*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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16:17.25*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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16:18.32tehrabbittp3nguin_: you here?
16:19.02p3nguin_tehrabbitt: yep.
16:19.58tehrabbittp3nguin_: did you get the money i sent to you?
16:20.07p3nguin_tehrabbitt: Yes.
16:20.32tehrabbittp3nguin_: ok, would you be able to email me your address so i can still send you the phone?
16:21.21p3nguin_tehrabbitt: I suppose I can do that.
16:21.38tehrabbittsorry again about not being able to find the handset / power brick :-\  at least you'll have the phone.. consider it an xmas gift lol
16:22.41tehrabbittso otherwise how've you been?  finally got my asterisk working well using SIP.... so far so good lol
16:23.24p3nguin_Why wouldn't Asterisk work well using SIP?
16:23.47*** join/#asterisk dmast (
16:25.19tehrabbittp3nguin_: i'm talking about the huge headache i went through trying to get SIP working at my old ISP so i was forced to use IAX2 instead of SIP... now since i'm back @ my parents on the FiOS line, with a different router, and now I can use SIP and it works much much better
16:26.23outtolunc{parents thoughts} oh no.. now he'll never leave!
16:26.28outtoluncer no
16:26.35*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
16:27.40*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
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16:28.20LantiziaHey... if I wanted to overlay a recording on top of an existing call (so both parties can hear it) what section of asterisk should I be researching?
16:28.21p3nguin_tehrabbitt: Email sent.
16:28.37*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
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16:35.48Lantiziaanyone have any ideas?
16:35.55*** join/#asterisk fofware (
16:39.05outtoluncLantizia:  your best bet is to read channel.x app_chanspy.x and app_zapbarge.c for ideas how those do it
16:39.33Lantiziaouttolunc, don't want zaptel/dahdi
16:39.44outtoluncok, so leave the last one off
16:39.52Lantiziaare you saying there is no built in way?
16:40.20outtoluncyou could have to use chanspy's barge in (if you are running a newer asterisk)
16:40.40outtoluncor mod the code
16:40.41*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
16:41.23Lantiziaouttolunc, so this chanspy barge can overlay a recording on top of an existing call?
16:41.42outtoluncthe issue is you still see this as 'a call'
16:42.07outtoluncit is really 2 (3 counting spy) 'legs of a call'
16:42.37Lantizianevermind I think I have a better way
16:42.53outtoluncnp, gl
16:43.20p3nguin_What is your better way?  Millions want to know.
16:43.22citywokLantizia: use a meetme conference
16:43.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:44.08Lantiziap3nguin_, im gonna program a button on the phone (that can be used during the call) to inform the system to enable call waiting - send another call to the phone - and reenabel call waiting
16:44.26Lantiziathen the operator need only to push conference on the phone to have the recording play and hang itself up
16:44.27citywokLantizia: what are you trying to do?
16:44.49LantiziaI'm not using meetme - I'm trying to get rid of dahdi long term
16:45.19Lantiziaconfbridge may be an option though but it'd mean rebuilding the phone system to be 1.6.2 or above
16:46.27WIMPyI have no idea, what you're trying to do, but that sounds like a good idea anyway :-)
16:46.40citywokyea... i asked WHAT you were trying to do
16:46.40citywoknot HOW. lol
16:46.54citywokif you tell us what you are trying to accomplish we may have a better suggestion for you
16:46.56Lantiziacitywok, I was not answering you - you'll note it says p3nguin_ at the start
16:47.07LantiziaI don't know why your all confused about WHAT I'm trying to do since I said it when I entered the channel
16:47.15outtolunchas ideas falling out his ears.. what were we talking about again?
16:47.31citywoknow i'm definitely not going to offer any advice.  good luck with whatever the f*** it is you are doing.
16:47.43*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
16:48.00Lantiziathanks troll
16:48.08russellbcitywok: don't make me ban you
16:48.12citywokyup, that's how i roll
16:48.13outtolunchappy monday.. la la
16:48.35citywokhey rus, he started it. i was asking what he did so i could offer advice.
16:48.43p3nguin_NO U!
16:48.49LantiziaI can only answer to many people at a time, god!
16:48.53russellbgroup hug everyone
16:49.08outtoluncshowers first please
16:49.23fullstopI used dial today.
16:49.36Lantiziaso were are all on the same page... my opening line was... <Lantizia> Hey... if I wanted to overlay a recording on top of an existing call (so both parties can hear it) what section of asterisk should I be researching?
16:49.37citywokfullstop: that was bad
16:49.38p3nguin_Dial() ?
16:49.44fullstopha ha!
16:49.55citywoklol, that was punny
16:49.59fullstopI do enjoy bad puns
16:50.07citywokme too :p
16:51.22citywokhmm. so both parties hear it?  just having the other end hear it is reallllly easy.
16:51.36WIMPyCan anyone enlightnen me what IAX tries to tell me by contantly moaning about "Bad address cast to IPv4"?
16:51.57russellbWIMPy: it was a bug, has been fixed
16:52.10russellbupgrade to the latest from the 1.8 branch, it will be fixed in 1.8.1
16:52.34WIMPyOk, thanks.
16:54.07WIMPyCan that also cause audio drop outs on peers where ti doesn't appear?
16:54.37russellbnah, wouldn't be realted
16:55.15WIMPyHmm. Then I've got two problems.
16:55.24citywokrussellb: i did a crappy backport to 1.6.2 and have it running now.  i couldn't figure out how to ast_clear_flag the new option, so ended up hard coding what i wanted the way i wanted it. lol
16:56.36citywokout of curiousity, can i just re-compile the old module, unload the app_meetme in *, install the module, and load the new one (assuming nobody is using meetme)?
16:56.53russellbin theory, yes
16:56.55citywoki have the old one compiled and ready to install in the event something goes wrong
16:57.18citywokewwww, i don't like theory. lol
17:00.48*** join/#asterisk mpe (
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17:04.32skrustydoes anyone here use freetds and odbc with asterisk cdr or realtime?
17:05.21citywokneither, but i do use freetds & odbc with perl
17:05.43skrustyever seen this error before: HY000: [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Could not change transaction status
17:06.02skrustycauses asterisk to drop the connection to sql, and then kills asterisk
17:06.54citywokdoes * segfault?  it shouldn't unload completely, sounds like you may have found a bug.
17:07.06citywokand can you do a test query using isql?
17:07.06skrustyyeah, it segfualts
17:07.12skrustyi have full logs
17:07.23citywokwhat version?
17:07.38seanbrightcdr_tds ftw
17:07.56citywokcan you upgrade to the newest? that's old
17:08.10*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
17:08.11skrustyyeah, i will do tonight
17:08.47citywokIf it happens in the newer version compile with dont_optimize and post an issue on the bug tracker. -- include the backtrace
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17:18.43russellbcitywok: become friends with the real wiki :-p
17:19.19citywokoh, nice.  w/ another article for debugging :P
17:20.19citywokyayyy, with the new meetme feature i can use an xml meetme interface on my phones, with autojoin. lol
17:20.35russellband then you could write a wiki article on it!
17:20.46citywokewwwwwwww, article?!?
17:20.57citywoki wtire rike a turd girder
17:21.16russellbyou look like one, too!
17:21.17russellbOH SNAP
17:21.23citywokoooooh burn
17:21.38citywokbtw, thanks for dinner, i'm not sure if i ever said that haha
17:21.48*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:22.05russellbheh, you're quite welcome.
17:22.17russellbyou paid me back in code for a new feature
17:22.28citywokhah, attach that to the expense report :P
17:22.42citywokreceipt? nope. just h()
17:23.29russellbyou didn't go with Æ©() ?
17:24.13citywoksorry, i can't type that on my keyboard
17:24.28citywokthough i really miss my upside down question mark.  i thought that was alt 1 6 7 haha
17:25.11outtoluncthats 168 for ¿
17:25.22WIMPy¿ save that for later
17:25.35citywokah, that's the trick. and it doesn't work in this irc client anyways, lol
17:26.11citywokhmmm russellb i'm looking at app_confbridge and it really doesn't look like it would be THAT difficult to add username announcements
17:26.18russellbDO IT
17:26.42russellbTrying to get ConfBridge() feature compatible with MeetMe() is really high on my 1.10 priority list
17:26.45citywokand how come meetme is 7,000 lines but confbridge is only 700?
17:27.10citywokhah, then i could NOT do it and let YOU do it :P
17:27.25russellbpart of that is features, and some of it is that a lot of stuff has been abstracted out into other areas
17:27.39outtoluncpoints to the sign above the door ~code till equals~
17:27.39russellbthe bridging API (main/bridging.c) and the bridging technology implementations bridges/*.c
17:27.56citywoklol outtolunc
17:28.19citywokah, okay. i guess that explains why this code is so much cleaner
17:28.46russellbit's not perfect yet ... we've got a few crashes reported, but gosh darnit it'll get there
17:29.43*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
17:31.31skrustyanother quick question: anyone know why i would (only sometimes) get SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized? Seems to happen sometimes if i stop and start asterisk on phones behind NAT.
17:31.56citywokbefore the phone has re-registered?
17:32.02skrustyi rebooted the phone
17:32.12skrustydoesn't register and in sip edbug i see SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
17:32.22citywokdid you see it say "xxxx has registered" in the console?
17:32.27skrustybut nothing in the console about invalid peer authentication (user/password)
17:32.41citywokdo you have verbosity turned on?
17:32.56citywokthen your peer probably hasn't registered.
17:33.05*** join/#asterisk JonnyD_work (~Jon@
17:33.06skrustyeven after a reboot
17:33.07citywoktry it, when you get 401 unauth sip show peer xxx and see if it's registered
17:33.09skrustyof the phone
17:33.31citywokit should say it on the console when the phone registers, so if you don't see it i'm wondering if the phone ever registered
17:33.35skrustyi see a register event, then SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized event
17:33.48skrustyit's a linksys 540G
17:33.57skrustybut i have seen it with 4xx series too
17:34.22citywokah, okay so it is registered.
17:34.32citywokenable sip debugging and pastebin it, somebody can probably read it and see.
17:34.42citywoki'm okay-ish at reading sip debugs
17:35.43SeTTleRwhen i do "modprobe wctdm debug=1" where does asterisk place the debug output? does that depend on logger.conf entries or do i miss something?
17:37.24citywokwhy are the from and to IP addresses the same?
17:38.12skrustyi have no idea...
17:38.25citywokdoes it say unauth immediately?
17:38.29citywoklike, within a few MS?
17:38.48skrustythere's no time between messages
17:38.50citywoki think it's responding to itself, and then unauth responding itself
17:38.59skrustywhy would it do that? :/
17:39.00citywoki'm assuming your * server is the 169.222
17:39.25citywokidk, post your sip.conf and sip show peer xdev
17:39.48skrustyim using realtime
17:40.07skrustyReg. Contact : sip:10002_1@
17:40.11*** join/#asterisk dmast (
17:40.13skrustyso it knows the IP
17:40.41citywokyea i saw that in the via, so i wasn't sure. something is wrong.
17:41.21*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
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17:43.28skrustyand yet:  Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 0
17:43.45skrustyseeems odd there's no output form in the console
17:43.58*** join/#asterisk tyman (
17:45.38drudge`anyone used xo ip flex?
17:46.00*** join/#asterisk tyman (
17:47.03*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
17:47.32citywokxo won't talk to me b/c i don't do over 500k minutes a month, and they don't support * 1.6
17:48.53robl^laptopcitywok: time for another vendor
17:49.10citywoki don't use xo, lol.  they wouldn't take my money :P
17:49.16citywokskrusty: here's my realtime def:
17:49.36citywokand they don't support 1.6, it's too new.  not even 1.6.0. lol
17:51.57citywokskrusty: i found that on voip-info's wiki.  there may be erroneous options there, for those i don't take the blame.
17:52.34citywokrussellb will be here in a minute to smack me for not using the new asterisk wiki, but i did that a long time ago, long before the asterisk wiki existed.
17:53.47*** join/#asterisk robl^laptop (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
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17:57.02leifmadsenrussellb went to lunch :)
17:57.17thehari'm getting so confused with all of these timezones
17:57.57citywoklol. leifmadsen do you work from home? you live in canada right?
17:58.09leifmadsenyes, I work from home and live just outside of Toronto
17:58.20leifmadsenthehar: timezones are overrated
17:58.28theharwell i'm working on PST time
17:58.31theharactually in MST
17:58.36theharand all of you are in all sorts of timezones
17:58.46leifmadsenI'm only in 1 timezone
17:58.49citywokthehar at least you don't live in hawaii or arizona. then it would be worse
17:58.56theharoh god
17:59.12*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
17:59.13citywokwhat time is it there? *I DONT KNOW OMG BLAM*
17:59.29robl^laptopIndiana is bad too.. only certain areas deal with daylight savings..
17:59.43citywokreally? i thought it was just hawaii & arizona lol.
17:59.55WIMPycitywok: ctcp time?
18:00.26citywok10AM PST (currently GMT -8)
18:01.41fullstopArizona and Indiana give us much grief.
18:01.57robl^laptophrmm.  Indiana changed in 2006.  They do daylight savings everywhere now.  but they have a handful of counties that bounce between Eastern and Central
18:02.21fullstopFor some reason I thought that Indianapolis was different than the rest of the state.
18:02.35robl^laptopI hadn't live there in about 15 yrs
18:02.42fullstopI am sick of DST and ST.  We should just move 30 minutes in one direction and keep it there.
18:02.43skrustycitywok: just looking at your paste now
18:03.14Qwellfullstop: Indiana and Arizona almost had it right.  It's the rest of the continent that has it all screwed up.
18:03.18robl^laptopfullstop: it used to be..  certain major cities did daylight savings, but outside those metro areas, they did not..  that is what changed in 20076
18:03.59citywokQwell: yes, i wish we didn't have "daylight savings". can somebody explain to me how it "saves" light?  i mean, the sun is up for the same amount of time... amirite?
18:04.02fullstopQwell: I am basing all of my opinions while living in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
18:04.13Qwellcitywok: the farmers.  they should just get up earlier.
18:04.15citywokyes yes i know farmers blah blah, saving electricity blah blah. think of all the programmers!
18:04.36citywokwe had this conversation a couple weeks ago during the switch, us people that have to code for DST really hate it. lol.
18:04.36Qwellcitywok: there was a study done, that says more money is wasted by dealing with the time changes, than is actually saved.
18:04.42fullstopQwell: I do understand why people want DST in places like Perth, Australia..
18:04.51Qwellfullstop: 30 minute timezone.  DONE.
18:04.55tehrabbittDST is nothing but a headache...
18:05.02citywokhahaha, that's awesome. and i believe it. every time somebody hs to write a piece of code to fix DST, argh
18:05.29fullstopQwell: we could never name that many timezones here..   :D  Eastern East, Eastern West...
18:05.38robl^laptopdo away with it.. and if its an issue, you just change your schedule.. work from 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 depending on the time of the year
18:06.13fullstopI remember reading about Perth, in particular, and how without some sort of DST it is daylight at 3 AM or something like that.
18:06.59fullstopIn the dead of winter, I go to work when it is dark and come back from work and it is still dark.
18:07.31robl^laptopin parts of alaska, night time lasts for several months
18:08.04theharKatty: !!!
18:08.08Kattyi haz come to collect hugs.
18:08.23Kattyhugs on thehar
18:08.29citywokoh hai thar
18:08.35theharhugs Katty
18:08.45theharKatty: i am relocating next week and can give address for holiday goodness
18:08.47Kattyhugs citywok
18:08.53skrustycitywok: what version of * is that for?
18:08.53Kattythehar: most excellent, sir
18:08.59citywokhugs Katty
18:09.05fauxalliancetoo hugs Katty
18:09.07robl^laptopcharges Katty income tax on the hugs -- "I demand at least 1 hug out over every 10 your receive."
18:09.09citywokskrusty: 1.6.1 or 1.6.2
18:09.15Kattyhugs on fauxalliance
18:09.19theharlol robl^laptop
18:09.22citywoki had it on 1.6.1 and now run
18:09.25Kattyrobl^laptop: for you sir, i'd give a minimum of 3.
18:09.37Kattyhugs on robl^laptop for an extended ammount of time.
18:09.49theharget a room
18:10.03Kattywill you be there?
18:10.14fullstoptoo much hugging
18:10.29robl^laptopwoo hoo!!  thanks, Katty
18:10.47fauxallianceprefers hugs to contention... but will take what he can get :D
18:10.53Kattyhas anyone seen tk?
18:11.02citywokKatty he's come and gone a few times today
18:11.03fullstopHe was here earlier.
18:11.05citywokI haven't seen him post
18:11.08fauxalliancehe was here earlier, dropped
18:11.11fullstopbeing as blunt as usual.. :D
18:11.20citywokreally? he hasn't slowed down after -o?
18:11.30fauxalliancefullstop, well, the clues were too sharp
18:12.00fauxalliancecitywok, thats just a silly hat non?
18:12.40Kattyfile: ping
18:13.10WIMPyNot -o, +q
18:13.46*** join/#asterisk carterv (
18:13.55paulcKatty: file's too busy watching his slingbox HD ;-)
18:14.03paulcslightly envious, but not really, but kinda
18:14.10citywokfauxalliance: ?
18:14.40fauxalliancecitywok, yes?
18:14.50citywoksilly hat what?
18:14.59fullstopI have an antenna in my attic.  I don't get many channels, but most of them are in HD.
18:15.35fauxalliancecitywok, i may be lost in context... -o (lose ops, take off the h@t)
18:15.53citywokoh, gotcha haha.
18:17.12Kattypaulc: mmmmmmk.
18:17.19*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
18:17.55fauxallianceKatty, try #FreePBX...
18:18.26fauxallianceKatty, i sent him your hugs... he said tks
18:18.46fauxallianceis a proxy
18:19.20cartervso anyone here into Asterisk :)
18:19.50fauxalliancecarterv, yeah.. this is the idle chit chat that comes when all the PBX's are working.
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18:20.57Kattyor not working.
18:21.04Kattythat might be my fault tho
18:21.18fauxallianceKatty, you bring sunshine... hardly an interruption
18:21.46*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
18:22.20cartervah I see, well as time moves along I'm sure I'll have questions. My company merged with a few others and the main company has an existing Asterisk box and my company has an Allworx setup that for some reason we don't want to dump. I've been tasked with finding out how to make internal extension calls from our box to the asterisk box. Oye.
18:22.46Kattyfauxalliance: idk about sunshine, but i will definately bring the hugs!
18:23.28cartervSo knowing nothing about Asterisk I've started to build a test Asterisk box on top of CentOS 5.5 and see if I can get it to work
18:23.40cartervor break everything :D
18:23.45fauxallianceKatty, i've noticed, after several _YEARS_ or irc logs... #asterisk is a pretty 'huggy' spot... hugs are just little rays of sunshine
18:23.51Kattycarterv: sounds very risky!
18:24.03cartervdon't I know it!
18:24.12Kattycarterv: i remember the excitement all too well ^_^
18:24.36retentiveboyGot a CENTOS5 machine using the asterisk16 packages from the YUM repos at  Updated today and it busted the mysql command. ANybody else see this?
18:25.03fullstopsounds like something to talk to the centos people about...
18:25.09cartervha, excitement? interesting definition you have
18:25.44McBoingboWhere can I get more information about the "Capabilities" line from Sip debug, ex. "Capabilities: us - 0x104 (ulaw|g729), peer - audio=0xe (gsm|ulaw|alaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x4 (ulaw)"
18:26.08fullstopMcBoingbo: The message is pretty clear..
18:26.10*** join/#asterisk qubix (qubix@unaffiliated/qubix)
18:26.19McBoingbonot to me it isnt, thats why I am asking
18:26.31retentiveboyLooks more like the asterisk16-addons-mysql- package at is awry
18:26.32fullstopMcBoingbo: It lists what codecs you have, what codecs the peer has and what you have in common.
18:26.51fullstopIn your case, you agree on ulaw.
18:27.00McBoingboso first portion is the server itself, and if calling by softphone, the peer would be the softphone in my case?
18:27.25McBoingboyeah what I didnt understand is what portion refers to the server, and which to the client side
18:27.34fullstop"us" is the server.
18:27.39fullstopin your situation
18:27.54McBoingboso then my server is not doing gsm then?
18:28.02fullstopIf you were connecting two servers over sip, that definition is less clear.
18:28.11*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@fedora/Arsenick)
18:28.16fullstopYes, your server is not doing gsm for this sip user.
18:29.14McBoingbothe only codec I have allowed for that user is gsm....
18:29.32McBoingbogsm just "works" out of box does it not?
18:29.37fullstopIt does.
18:29.43fullstopPastebin the config
18:30.42McBoingbo is my sip.conf
18:31.00McBoingbouser 1001 is the one I am calling
18:32.16qubixI love 1001
18:33.33sbrathIf I'm picking up a DAHDI call to quickly, will I get State= Rsrvd(1)    instead of "Ring" ?
18:33.38McBoingbo" NOTICE[7656]: channel.c:4006 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on SIP/1000-00000031 of format gsm since our native format has changed to 0x4 (ulaw)"
18:34.01McBoingbohmm, I realized that my user 1000 needed to have gsm allow'd, did that and still no workie
18:36.13fullstopDid you restart asterisk or do sip reload after making those changes?
18:37.34*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
18:37.35citywokskrusty: did you figure it out?
18:38.12skrustynot yet...
18:39.03McBoingbofullstop: I reduced the allow line to just be "allow=gsm" and now it is working, I thought you can have several allow lines to create the order of preference for codecs
18:39.21retentiveboyCan anybody suggest the correct place to report issues with the binary packages being published on
18:39.32Qwellretentiveboy: what's wrong with them?
18:40.24retentiveboyQwell: The addon packages appear to have been built with difference compiler options compared to asterisk itself and the modules won't load.
18:40.46retentiveboyQwell: at least that my read of the faults I'm getting.
18:43.15fullstopMcBoingbo: you should be able to.
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18:46.00retentiveboyQwell: k, thx
18:46.16*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
18:53.30Kattywhat's new and fun and all that jazz.
18:53.44theharn stuff
18:53.50qubixKatty lol HAY!
18:53.58Kattyqubix: ohaithar
18:54.01wcselbyhey Katty o/
18:54.09Kattywcselby: i didn't see you :>>>
18:54.12qubixlol, the other room was getting way too... "serious" i had to leave before I started to cry
18:54.12Kattyhugs wcselby
18:54.25wcselbyi got my dCAP at astricon, if that counts
18:54.28Kattyqubix: i'm just everyone donchaknow
18:54.35Kattywcselby: oooh fancy
18:54.37qubixI doknownow
18:55.07qubixBut, I'm out the door.. I have to go to UPS and ship a package & go to Panara for some f-ing amazing soup.
18:55.19Kattyenjoy ^_^
18:55.24qubixHave a good one..
18:56.05wcselbyhow anyone can say anything from a panara bread is "f-ing amazing" is beyond me
18:56.17wcselbyeven their free wifi sucks
18:57.02russellbAtlanta Bread >>> Panera Bread
18:57.21wcselbybut then again, I'm sure some of the things I like are things some people would consider "f-ing awful"
18:57.45wcselbywhen I was in DC, I ate at Chipotle three times I think, in the course of 6 days
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18:58.07wcselbyi tried eating at the convention center restaurants, but they wanted way too much money for not very good food
18:59.06Kattyi had a really hard time at the first cluecon
18:59.07*** part/#asterisk carterv (
18:59.19Kattyi was under the impression the hotel that was feeding us had vegan/vegetarian stuffs
18:59.31*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:59.36Kattyapparently they don't realize that vegans and vegetarians need protein
18:59.46Kattyand not just iceburg lettuce and bits of carrot
19:00.43wcselbyheh, funny that - i almost went into this fancy looking burger joint down the street from the hotel, until I noticed it said it was a vegan burger joint, or some such
19:00.55wcselbythat was in the small print on the door, not the big print on the title / sign
19:01.59wcselbyyeah, it was this elevation burger place -
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19:03.17wcselbyalthough looking at their menu, I don't know how they can be a vegan place
19:03.31wcselbyunless "beef patty" means something different to vegans than it does me?
19:03.53Kattyit could mean they are vegan friendly
19:03.57Kattyand serve original boca burgers
19:04.07wcselbyi dunno, I guess maybe I read the small print incorrectly
19:04.13Kattyhard to say
19:04.23Kattyif you've not tried a veggie burger at some point you really should
19:04.36Kattythe soy burgers aren't the greatest thing ever, but i sure am a fan of black bean burgers
19:04.48*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (~DanFromUK@
19:04.51Kattyespecially with a little liquid smoke
19:05.31DanFromUKHi, im having problems with "No matching peer found" when type=user, using realtime. Does anyone have some free time?
19:08.09wcselbymy wife likes veggie burgers
19:08.14wcselbythe one or two I've tried I hated
19:10.29*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
19:10.42fauxalliancein Canada... President's Choice (Loblaws Brand) have Ancient Grains veggie burgers... < only good one's that dont contain meat
19:11.52fauxallianceYves SUCK!
19:12.31fauxalliance  <yum
19:12.57wcselbyDanFromUK - well, you defined a user, not a peer....what's the question?
19:13.21fauxalliancewcselby, this was disambiguated yesterday
19:13.25wcselbyDanFromUK - you have users, you have peers, they're separate entities.  if you have type=friend, you create one of each
19:15.21wcselbyheh, okay
19:15.47DanFromUKI know, however, i have a polycom phone that has two lines. when i dial out line 2, it works fine. Line 1 doesnt work.
19:15.57DanFromUKIts because its matching via the IP and not the username
19:16.15DanFromUKSomeone on here said that i need to change it to type=user to force matching via username.
19:16.56DanFromUKBut then i get the " No matching peer found" message.
19:18.01wcselbyDanFromUK - that seems odd.  i've had multi-line registrations on polycom phones  before, from the same IP address to the same server, and both lines work just fine
19:18.28wcselbyyou made a post on the list about this, right?  i remember seeing it and thinking the response you got sounded odd
19:19.20wcselbyhow are your peers setup on the phone itself?  I need sip.conf settings for each peer (or the realtime output) and then the settings from each phone, and possibly a sip debug from you trying to make a call from line 1 and line 2
19:20.18wcselbyuse pastebin
19:20.22DanFromUKwcselby: here is the cli message when line 1 tries to dial.
19:20.59DanFromUKI say "line 1" but actually, only the last line to register can make calls.
19:21.15wcselbyDanFromUK - please show me a sip debug of the same situation, and the other information I requested
19:21.35DanFromUKok, give me 2 minutes to put it together.
19:22.28*** join/#asterisk nny (
19:23.37nnyso spent some time this weekend looking to call notification programs in windows. I have a client who wants a web popup on call with either CID or custom field from the dialplan. Everything I found was either a dead link, hasn't been touched in years, or did way more than what I needed. Any advice? looking at ADAT right now as the top contender.
19:23.54nnyYACID and YAC both seem dead
19:24.28wcselbyI use GoogleTalk and JabberSend as my screen popup
19:24.32Kattypeeks in
19:24.43nnywcselby: yeah looked at XMPP
19:25.15nnywcselby: but need it to auto pop the web page up like http://asteriskserver/CID=5551212&CUSTOM=SOMETHING
19:25.27DanFromUKwcselby: seems to be tempermental. its working now. i'll check again shortly.
19:25.54nnythe problem with yaacid is the lack of movement on it. Hate to commit them to a solution that has no support channel or updates.
19:26.05fullstoproll your own?
19:26.10nnyeven willing to pay for it if need be, just can't find anything that does what I need it to
19:26.36nnyfullstop: my windows/.net experience is null. I am use to working with scripting languages only
19:27.02fullstoppython + wxWidgets ?
19:27.48nnyfullstop: noted. Gonna keep looking for something commercially or FOSS
19:29.01wcselbynny - doesn't FOP2 have a screen pop if you're logged into it?
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19:29.16nnywcselby: hmm. I don't think so, but maybe he added it
19:29.25nnywcselby: will check that out, they use FOP2 currently
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20:17.34rbhthello everyone
20:19.28rbhthows it going skrusty
20:21.26rbhthas anyone here setup GVoice with LOW_MEMORY enabled? mine seems to dump core on inbound call
20:21.38skrustynope :/
20:21.38rbhtnot sure if its a bug or some package error
20:21.48rbhtwithout LOW_MEMORY - works fine
20:22.47russellbprobably a bug in asterisk technically.
20:22.56russellbWe set the thread stack size to be much smaller with LOW_MEMORY enabled
20:23.10russellbso code paths that are normally fine may run out of stack space with LOW_MEMORY on
20:31.40*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:41.48Kattydear lord.
20:41.51Kattyi have had too much caffeine
20:42.24robl^laptopKatty: enable the jitterbuffer in katty.conf
20:52.05fullstopI picked up a bottle of Coca-Cola Refresco today.
20:52.29fullstopI rarely see them in the north east.  Glass bottle + cane sugar.
20:55.46*** join/#asterisk qubix (qubix@unaffiliated/qubix)
20:57.43robl^laptoplike "Pepsi Throwback"?
20:57.56jdoeis there a 'best practice' for managing more than a handful of phones with persistent registrations? ... should I be hard-coding ip addresses in sip.conf or something, or is there a better way?
21:01.29fullstopKind of.  It's all in Spanish, though.  I think most places call it Mexican Coke.
21:03.16Corydon76-digjdoe: If you're getting too much registration traffic, extend the registration time
21:03.55Corydon76-digjdoe: or do you mean outbound registrations?
21:10.31Kattyrobl^laptop: <3
21:24.05*** join/#asterisk tyman (
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21:30.08[hC]polycom dudes: Am I supposed to be using this UCS firmware on newer phones?
21:34.56luckman212I have 2 SIP trunks into an Asterisk 1.8 pbx.  Inbound calls work fine & are routed correctly to my IVR.  the "Problem" is that callers don't hear any ringing-- they hear a brief silence and then the IVR is talking to them.  Somehow this confuses people and I am getting a lot of "your phones aren't working" comments from customers. Any idea why they wouldn't hear a ring or 2 before the IVR picks up?
21:35.25luckman212I'd like to at least make it ring once or twice
21:36.48*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
21:37.54LetoricAnybody able to point me to a good section of documentation on implementing features like *67 (or more specifically, my particular desire to enable certain personnel to disable call monitoring for 1 call)
21:39.16robl^laptopluckman212: trying putting in a wait(2)  (wait 2 seconds) before the answer()
21:40.26luckman212robl^laptop: i'll give that a shot, i'm using pbx-in-a-flash so im not sure if my manual edits to the dialplan will get preserved
21:41.07robl^laptopluckman212: ahh!  that uses FreePBX for a GUI. Not too sure.  Try asking in #freepbx for confirmation.
21:41.14wcselbyluckman212 - you would have to add a ringing sound
21:41.50*** part/#asterisk fullstop (
21:41.58luckman212ok going to ask over in #freepbx, thx
21:42.06wcselbyluckman212 - something like a "playback(ringing)", but I'm not sure if there's a file like that already
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21:46.01robl^laptopwcselby: if you wanted to do it that way, you would use Playtones(ring), Wait(2), then StopPlaytones().
21:46.11wcselbywell there you go
21:46.24wcselbya Wait() isn't going to provide any sound, just make it take longer for sound to be played
21:47.06robl^laptopPlaytones just starts playing that tone.. untill you explicity tell it to stop.  so if you don't put wait() you wouldn't hear anything
21:47.42wcselbyi meant, the Wait() before his answer isn't going to add any sound of ringing, which his customers are asking for
21:47.48robl^laptopwithout wait, the stop gets executed a fraction of a second after you started the tones
21:48.14robl^laptopwait before answer would let the phoine company provide the ringing
21:48.41wcselbywhy would they provide the ringing if they aren't already?
21:49.57robl^laptopif there is an inbound call, but not yet answered, the phone company typially provides a ringing tone until the call is answered
21:50.09jdoeCorydon76-dig: sorry, went to lunch. Basically I have two pbxes, the phones register to both, everything is good. One fails, the phones start using the other. If both fail, the phones won't re-register until the original registation expires.
21:50.16wcselbyhmmm, that hasn't been my experience
21:50.29robl^laptopwcselby: also depends on the type of trunks
21:50.35jdoeCorydon76-dig: I guess what I'm wondering is what's the right thing to do... crank down the registration period? hard code ips? something I haven't thought of?
21:50.35wcselbythe only time I've gotten a ringing tone was if it was an analog line coming into the system
21:50.48wcselbysip trunks and PRI just go straight into the system with no ringing
21:50.49Corydon76-digjdoe: fix your servers?
21:51.16robl^laptopwcselby: if you use T1 or ISDN/BRI, prolly Progress() is a better option.
21:51.25jdoeCorydon76-dig: "fix"?
21:51.33Corydon76-digIf your two servers are down simultaneously often enough, there's something wrong with the servers you're using.
21:51.58luckman212wcselby: its certainly possible that the IVR is just answering "too fast" for a ringtone to be played back by the service provider
21:52.00jdoeCorydon76-dig: they're likely to be restarted on an asterisk upgrade.
21:52.14jdoeCorydon76-dig: that's the only time I anticipate having both down at once, although realistically it'll happen eventually.
21:52.15Corydon76-digjdoe: then stagger your upgrades
21:52.46jdoeso there's no right way to do it then?
21:53.11Corydon76-digRealistically, the only time your redundant servers should ever be down is in case of a very long power outage in which your generators run out of diesel
21:53.11wcselbyluckman212 - i dunno, when I add a "Wait()" onto the front of my IVR's, before an Answer(), I just get extra silence.  This is on T1's.
21:53.53Corydon76-digFor any other case, see "Acts of God"
21:54.24jdoethat's reasonable I suppose, surviving one failure ought to be enough.
21:54.53robl^laptopluckman212: all of the options offered are worth a try for your sceneria.  simplest is just to add a wait().  if not, you can try (Progress) or use Playtones()
21:55.47luckman212robl^laptop: thanks, trying now
21:55.58Corydon76-digAny other case, expect your servers to have smoke or water damage, and in that case, nobody will be using those phones at that time, anyway
22:01.02robl^laptopyeah, no one would be dialling 911 if the servers were on fire in the middle of a flood ;-)
22:01.28*** join/#asterisk gnarf (
22:01.43gnarfis there a way i can execute an AGI if the "called party" presses a button?
22:02.16carrarexten => 1,1,agi,poop
22:02.55carrarjust like you would for a main menu type option setup
22:03.31carraror you mean a button on a phone?  speed dial a agi exetnsion?
22:03.35Kobazwow that's an awesome callerid
22:03.59carrarmac address caller id? :)
22:04.13Kobazcallerid from a customer's grandstream fxo box
22:04.25Kobazi need to get those things out of there
22:05.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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22:06.24luckman212robl^laptop: I added Wait(10) to the top of my IVR and I just get more silence- still no ringing :-(
22:06.34luckman212same as wcselby
22:06.38luckman212hrrm :/
22:06.59wcselbyluckman212 - what did you say you were using?  elastix?
22:11.39wcselbydid you try one of the other options mentioned?  I even think there's an asterisk command named "Ringing()"
22:12.37luckman212yes there is Ringing() ... i'm checking on it now
22:13.00wcselbyif that doesn't work, the Playtones(ringing) option that was mentioned earlier is probably the best bet
22:15.17robl^laptopPlaytones(ring)  then Wait(secs-to-ring) then StopPlaytones()
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22:16.31luckman212hey whaddya know
22:16.54luckman212i added Ringing() before the Answer()
22:16.59luckman212and I hear ringing now!
22:17.42luckman212thanks robl^laptop, wcselby
22:17.50wcselbynp :)
22:18.15luckman212now just have to figure out how to keep pbx-in-a-flash from clobbering that change if I use the gui again
22:18.16robl^laptopwcselby: ohh!  I forgot about Ringing()
22:18.38p3nguin_It still only rings while waiting on something else.
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23:11.10marl_scothi guys, i am trying to get chan_lcr working with my * box, i can now dial in without any problem, but when i try and dial out i get chanal unavailable after a 5 second pause, i get 'Incomming release from LCR, releasing ref. (cause=18)' in the * console, any one point me in the write direction, or let me know what other info you need?
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23:32.59marl_scoti think i need to configure lcr to allow * to dial out, but i cant work out how :(
23:36.03*** join/#asterisk kuku (
23:36.28kukuIf people's voices are breaking up, what command can I run to see that on the CLI ?
23:36.40kuku(phone quality issue )
23:40.11jblackIt's one of two things. Either the system load is too high, or not enough bandwidth.
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23:44.40kukujblack: could it be not enough io on monitor ?
23:45.08kukuload is 0.05
23:49.39kukujblack: any way to see that there is not enough bandwith ?
23:56.59citywokkuku it can also be low bandwidth quality
23:57.09citywokhigh throughput doesn't mean good throughput
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23:57.53citywokif load is that low, i'd assume it's likely a network issue be it enough bandwidth, or quality of the connection.  if this is a residential cable/dsl connection... the quality may not be that great during the ISP's primetime hours

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