IRC log for #asterisk on 20101108

00:01.17mlsmith9999tyman: I know that getting it through NAT can be a bit#$
00:18.41pabelangermlsmith9999: pb your sip.conf
00:19.19mlsmith9999pabelanger: The whole hing?
00:19.45*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
00:19.54pabelangeryour general section, plus settings for SIP/2468888
00:20.59pabelangermlsmith9999: your issue is you are getting SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden from your ITSP
00:22.02pabelanger21.4.4 403 Forbidden
00:22.19*** join/#asterisk Bartok (
00:22.30Bartokhey folks
00:23.34pabelangermlsmith9999: you will have to contact your ITSP, and explain the problem
00:23.43BartokI have an voice issue - once way SIP traffic, Asterisk 1.4.31,
00:24.21genxwebBartok most likey you are behind a ant and need to open the ports and edit the sip nat file
00:24.36mlsmith9999pabelanger: ok.. will do, that's what I needed..
00:24.45Bartokwhen I call my PSTN number, my Asterisk box answers, but I hear no sound until the voicemail picks up
00:25.33p3nguinbartok: What happens when you do an echo test?
00:26.04pabelangermlsmith9999: you may also need to setup a register statement.  EG: register =>
00:26.10BartokI guess I have not tried that yet
00:26.14pabelangerTo register your asterisk box properly
00:27.02Bartokif I use it to dial out, it works fine - I get two-way SIP traffic then
00:27.03mlsmith9999pabelanger: yeah been trying to do that.. can you tell me more on that?
00:27.21Bartokokay - this echo test - some reference somewhere??
00:27.33p3nguinpabelanger: You think that ITSP requires registration before authentication will work?
00:27.56pabelangermlsmith9999: <- look for register =>
00:28.11mlsmith9999pabelanger: thanks.
00:28.38pabelangerp3nguin: Honestly no, hence the SIP 403 message (not SIP 401), but could also be an issue on the ITSP side
00:28.43p3nguinWhile uncommon for such a requirement to exist, it does show up from time to time.
00:28.46pabelangerp3nguin: don't hurt to try
00:29.45genxwebI have setup a custom context in my extensions.conf file to play a message on outbound calls. Then I setup a local trunk to point to that context and pass the number to be dialed with it. The issue I am having is even though the route uses the local one and then the secondary fall back (AKA the real trunk) it only tries the first trunk plays the message and fails with auto failthrough local
00:29.45genxwebunkown status and never fails to the actual trunk to call out. If I manually define  a dial staement and defien the trunk it works. what do i need to do to gt it to just use teh default macro for the trunk.
00:31.24infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
00:31.25p3nguingenxweb: ^^^^^^
00:32.29genxwebyeah there are as helpful in there as um never mind wont say
00:35.00mlsmith9999pabelanger: is this what your talking about: register=<omitted><omitted>:<omitted><omitted>
00:35.29pabelangermlsmith9999: Ya, something along that lines.    register =>
00:35.32*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
00:35.53mlsmith9999ok, yeah that's what they sent me to put into the sip.conf.
00:36.29pabelangertheir you go
00:37.19*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
00:39.54dev_astmlsmith999 make sure that you also define the authentication digest (page 103 in the Asterisk The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition)
00:41.25dev_astotherwise your asterisk box will throw 403 error to your ITSP ( i believe)
00:42.42mlsmith9999I actually have that book.. O'REILLY.. love em
00:43.04mlsmith9999wrong edition though... first.
00:43.37dev_astthere are some minor errors however good book for to start with
00:45.30*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:48.54*** join/#asterisk pepselap (
00:49.57pepselapany of you guys tried out this PBXInAFlash?
00:50.52p3nguinpepselap: Several people have.
00:51.24pepselapit doesn't want to download the purple_load.tar.gz.. Network is configured and working.. I tried both the 64bit and 32bit isos..
00:51.38pepselapGoogle doesn't show anyone else having this problem :)
00:51.45pepselapnot sure if it's some mirror that's down right now or what
00:51.56p3nguinWe have no way to know.
00:52.17pepselapyeah, there's no log of where it's trying to get it from
00:52.25pepselapand the 'piafdl' is a binary
00:54.14p3nguinpepselap: If you don't already have a lot of time devoted to it, dump it and get AsteriskNOW.
00:54.32pepselapi'm installing it in an esx vm, tho, so i'm not sure if that's screwing with anything. i wouldn't think so.
00:54.32p3nguinPiaF really sucks.
00:54.37pepselapdoes AsteriskNow come with 1.8?
00:54.38*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
00:54.52p3nguinAsterisk 1.8?  I don't know.
00:55.14p3nguinI bet you could ask in the AsteriskNOW channel and they could tell you.
00:55.19pepselapI'd like to see the GV stuff in 1.8 in action (according to some blogs about PIAF)
00:55.58p3nguinPiaF needs to be renamed to PitA.
00:56.24pepselapI suppose I could just grab 1.8 source and see if it's easy to set up the GV stuff
00:56.29p3nguinIt's really bad.  It's like a box of Lincoln logs.
00:56.47pepselapyeah, really all the freepbx "distros" are
00:56.59p3nguinAsteriskNOW isn't.  I had great success with it.
00:57.41p3nguinAsterisk from source is far less trouble than trying to figure out how to fix PiaF.
00:59.05pepselapit's hard to find example configs for GV in 1.8 with all the damn blog posts about how it's been released with GV and IPV6 support
00:59.39p3nguinI understand.
01:00.55pepselapcool thanks, i'll mess with that.
01:01.40x86cdr_odbc.c:147 odbc_log: Unable to retrieve database handle.  CDR failed.
01:01.45x86what's this mean?
01:02.34x86I'm trying to setup CDR logging via ODBC... I've setup the system DSN with unixODBC / libmyodbc, and setup cdr_odbc.conf to talk to that DSN with the appropriate credentials / etc...
01:02.50tymanp3nguin: what is PiaF?
01:03.12p3nguintyman: PBX in a Flash
01:03.24tymanoh, ok
01:03.26p3nguintyman: And it sucks very much bad.
01:03.32ChannelZor Pissing In A Funnel
01:03.34tymani see that
01:04.29p3nguintyman: After you install it, you have to run all these stupid scripts that download files that should be included already and they configure things that you should have better tools to configure, etc.  It's just crappy generally.
01:04.59tymansounds like ass
01:05.23p3nguinAsteriskNOW is far superior.  You can have it up and running inside of 20 minutes.
01:06.30p3nguinI think it took about 15 minutes from booting the CD to the first boot off the hard disk.
01:07.43p3nguinBut, of course, if you don't need an out-of-the-box platform with FreePBX, go pure Asterisk and forget all the other crap.
01:08.25tymanI'm running ubuntu and using the distro pkgs
01:08.41tymanhaving major problems with my SoB ATT u-verse router/fw....shows ports opened but port scans from outside and a tcpdump watching on the host prove otherwise... combine this with being brand new to asterisk and you've got a worthless weekend
01:09.11p3nguinRemember that SIP and RTP ports are UDP.
01:10.00tymani udp 5000-5200 and 10000-2000 all open for sip/rtp
01:10.28tymanshould respond to ports shown listening on my box via lsof -i
01:10.54p3nguinIf Asterisk isn't configured to listen, lsof isn't going to show it.  Paste your configs in the pastebin.
01:10.57tymanpiece of crap web firewall
01:11.26tymani'll repaste...have pasted in here twice now...repasting now
01:11.44tymanrepost: I'm having problems making inbound calls from the pstn thru my sip provide.  I'm just starting with asterisk and i'm almost certain that the problem should be right here in my gist
01:12.03tyman<mynum> and <omitted> had legit info removed for obvious reasons
01:12.55*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
01:14.15p3nguinDid you start asterisk?
01:14.35tymani'm making calls out to the pstn, and between extensions
01:14.42tymanjust not in
01:14.59tymanshows sip peering with provider in console
01:15.04p3nguinYour sip.conf has several issues.
01:16.07p3nguinSeveral of your general settings are listed in the ext-sip-account peer definition.
01:18.40pabelangerpepselap: GV and Asterisk 1.8 is pretty easy.  Also works great
01:18.50x86i'm using it right now
01:19.01x86actually on a phone conversation with a polycom IP601 via GV
01:19.01p3nguintyman: This is closer to what I would want to see on your system:
01:19.02pepselapnice, good to know.
01:19.31tymanp3nguin:  checking it out...thx
01:19.38pepselappabelanger: have you noticed if there's any more or less of a delay than with using something like gizmo or a cellphone?
01:20.06pabelangerpepselap: not that I have noticed.
01:20.17pepselapsame dilly, then :)
01:21.09pabelangerMy whole house is setup on Google Voice ATM.  No different then any other ITSP.
01:22.27p3nguinNo different THAN any other ITSP.
01:22.42pabelangermy bad
01:23.24tymanp3nguin:  you want to override the general nat=yes for the ext-sip-account stanza with nat=no?
01:24.17p3nguintyman: The general nat setting is for your system.  The peer's nat setting is for the peer.  If you are behing NAT, put nat=yes in [genera].  If the peer is not behind NAT, put nat=no in the peer's definition.
01:25.00tymanhmm...ok.  let me check try this out now
01:32.00*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
01:32.40tymanp3nguin:  made the changes you listed.  Same results.  Busy signal when dialing in from pstn to sip trunk number
01:32.57tymanextension to extension and inside to pstn works fine
01:33.15p3nguintyman: I have to assume you don't have things configured appropriately.  Show me a sip debug while making an inbound call that fails.
01:33.17tymansounds like nat to me
01:33.25p3nguinnot to me
01:33.48tymanwhat do i type at the console
01:33.50p3nguinNAT usually causes one-way audio problems.  SIP isn't affected by NAT -- RTP/SDP is.
01:34.00p3nguinsip set debug on
01:34.15*** join/#asterisk atan3 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
01:36.10tymanp3nguin: ok, it's big
01:36.17p3nguinI expect that.
01:36.55tymanthere is private info in there.  i'll have to pull that stuff out for a min before posting public
01:38.19tyman2 min
01:38.46p3nguinDo you have any idea how irritating it is to try to debug a problem when people mutilate the debug info?
01:38.59p3nguinI assume you don't, since you're doing it yourself.
01:39.30tymanshould i post my sip user/pwd on a public gist?
01:40.02drmessanoMask the password, but dont make the username
01:40.14drmessanoOtherwise nobody can find simple errors you may have missed
01:40.18drmessanoand yes, people do make errors
01:44.41p3nguinLooking for 559403**** in default   <-- bad
01:47.25p3nguinCalls coming in from that peer should be going to the from-voip-provider context, which contains the extension (your phone number).
01:47.51tymanexten => 1559403****,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
01:47.59tymancurrently in extensions.conf
01:48.56p3nguinThey aren't sending it to 1559....... anyway.
01:49.16p3nguinThey are sending it to 559.......
01:49.30p3nguinBut the problem is that the call is going to the wrong context, for whatever reason.
01:49.51p3nguinSo we have to address that issue before the call will fail on the bad extension in the context where it should have gone.
01:50.28*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan), is assume my extensions.conf paste above with context [from-voip-provider] for the external to extension dial map is incorrect?
01:52.28p3nguinThey are sending the call to your 10-digit phone number, so your extension for calls must be that of your 10-digit phone number.
01:52.54p3nguinBut the problem is larger than that right now.
01:53.14p3nguinChange type back to friend and put back in the username.
01:53.31*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
01:56.12*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~justicia@
01:57.05p3nguinI don't quite understand why the debug says it matched the peer but didn't send the call to the right context.
01:57.55p3nguinI also don't understand why does not let me change the type of subaccounts between IAX2 and SIP after creation.
01:58.54tymanreadded username and changed type=friend, restarted *, same
01:59.19tymanalso removed the 1 from 1559
01:59.30p3nguinDid you look at the debug to see if it is still showing the same information about the peer match?
01:59.31tymanwhich seems bizarre
02:00.13tymanwould you like me to repost (quick like)?
02:00.17p3nguinI'm guessing it has something to do with the IP address not matching the hostname you've used in the peer.
02:00.30p3nguinchecks that has address
02:01.26p3nguinNot the problem.  :/
02:04.09tymanshould i have  a +1559 in the sip number?
02:05.24p3nguinIt won't matter what you have for the extension until after the peer matches and the call is sent into the correct context.
02:06.23p3nguinThe only debug I saw was sending the call into the default context instead of the one you had configured in the paste of sip.conf I saw.
02:06.25tymani get that...just don't know if that's best practice...certainly would think that at least having the country code is appropriate
02:06.54tymani'll repaste a new one now
02:07.23p3nguinIt really doesn't make any difference what they extension they send the call to, the call is not reaching that context.
02:07.52p3nguinYou can often "tune" the extension they send calls to by your register statement.
02:08.24p3nguinBut it still won't matter until the call reaches the proper context.
02:11.36*** join/#asterisk came0 (
02:11.44p3nguinStill not sending to the right context, despite the claimed peer match.
02:11.57p3nguinI don't know what causes that.  Maybe someone else does and will help.
02:12.04came0hey where do I setup the extention/secret in a polycom 335??  i cant find it in the menus
02:13.56tymanp3nguin: can you give me the line numbers of the last gist that most concern you?
02:14.08tymana few of lines anyway...
02:14.36p3nguintyman: I'm looking at 49 and 59.
02:15.09p3nguintyman: It indicates a match for the peer, but then sends the call into context default rather than the one where the extension exists.
02:15.32tymani see that
02:17.59tymanp3nguin:<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
02:18.00tymanSIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable
02:19.06tymanthere is also a sip/2.0 489 Bad event
02:20.16p3nguinThat's way later... after the call was sent into a context without a matching extension.
02:20.36p3nguinMy primary concern at this time is to get the call routed into the correct context.
02:21.47tymanp3nguin: it shouldn't matter, but i put the [from-voip-provider] context above the default context just to test...same thing (as expected)
02:22.53p3nguinIt can't make any difference because pbx_config arranges them the way it was coded to arrange them.
02:23.37p3nguinI can't believe no one else is around and willing to help you with this peer match issue.
02:25.19ManxPowerp3nguin, what is the issue?
02:25.56p3nguinHis sip debug indicates that the peer matches, but it sends the call to the default context instead of the context configured for the peer.
02:26.50p3nguinIt usually sends to the default context when it doesn't match, but the debug says Found peer ...
02:27.08ManxPoweris allowguest=no ?
02:27.13tymanManxPower: any help would be greatly appreciated...
02:27.48tymanallowguest is not set
02:27.56ManxPowertyman, then the call is coming in as a guest.
02:28.05ManxPowerset allowguest=no and I bet the call will be rejected
02:28.38tymanset this in which context ManxPower?
02:28.40ManxPowerif that is the case, then the incoming call never *really* matched the peer you think it is matching.
02:28.45ManxPowertyman, in [general]
02:29.17*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:30.28tymanstill get busy out...shall i repost a sip debug?
02:31.05ManxPoweris the call coming into the wrong context still?
02:31.09p3nguinI can't understand why it says it matches for the peer if it really doesn't match.
02:31.20ManxPowerp3nguin, because allowguest is not no
02:31.31ManxPoweris the peer that it is matching the last peer defined?
02:31.34p3nguinBut it explicitly says it matches the peer by name.
02:32.03ManxPowerp3nguin, in my experience that message is a lie
02:32.22tymanLooking for 5594030000 in default (domain
02:32.30p3nguinThat sounds like a bug that needs addressed pretty quickly.
02:32.35ManxPowertyman, did you do a reload after you put in allowguest=no in sip.conf [general]
02:32.54tymanrestarted * completely
02:34.04p3nguinDoes it still say it matches the peer?
02:34.12*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
02:34.18ManxPowertyman, issue a "sip show settings" command in the CLI and pastebin the results
02:35.44*** join/#asterisk atan3 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:35.52ManxPowerif the call is not coming into the context you think it is, then it is ALWAYS not matching the incoming connection
02:36.22ManxPowertyman, repaste an incoming call without sip debug enabled
02:36.52tymangeneral console debug level pref?
02:37.16tymanlevel 0 ok?
02:37.56ManxPowerverbose 3, regular debug 0
02:37.57tymannothing on console without debug
02:38.12ManxPowerthen you have something else screwed up
02:38.47ManxPowertyman, are you running any kind of Asterisk GUI?
02:39.12tymanstraight ubuntu with distro packages
02:39.16tymanubuntu 10.10
02:39.19*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:39.39tymanverbose 3 picked up stuff
02:39.55p3nguinI would hope so.
02:41.12p3nguinIs this an inbound call or an outbound call?
02:41.15tymanthat's my provider (sipstation)
02:41.36ManxPoweryou should generally not expect to be able to call your own number via your service provider
02:41.38tymanfrom my cell to my global dn
02:41.58tymanfrom my cell?
02:42.16p3nguinThe reason you get that info on the verbose is because of ...
02:42.21ManxPowerDial("SIP/ext-sip-account-00000008", "SIP/5594030000@ext-sip-account") in new stack
02:42.22pabelangertyman: exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/ext-sip-account/${EXTEN})
02:42.24p3nguinexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@ext-sip-account)
02:42.25*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:42.35p3nguinThe call is incorrectly coming into [default] and matching that extension.
02:42.39ManxPowerhow about NO DIALS
02:42.41p3nguinThen it is sent right back out.
02:42.55p3nguinThe problem is STILL that the call is not going to the appropriate context.
02:43.20ManxPowertyman, pastebin your sip.conf
02:43.39p3nguinOther configuration problems, like putting useful extensions in [default] will still need to be addressed, though.
02:43.42ManxPowerchnge ony passwords
02:44.14ManxPowerp3nguin, using the [default] context is never needed and should be avoided for exactly these reasons
02:44.28p3nguinLike I said, it still has to be addressed.
02:44.34p3nguinBut it's not causing this problem.
02:45.17ManxPowerp3nguin, it is causing cli noise
02:45.34phixhey, how do I test if g729 codec is working correctly?
02:45.38phixI has licences
02:45.58p3nguindisallow=all  allow=g729   make a call
02:46.38phixok it is using alaw :/
02:46.49p3nguinNot if you did what I said.
02:47.00p3nguindisallow=all makes sure it doesn't use alaw.
02:47.04pabelangerphix: g729 show licenses
02:47.13pabelangerphix: *CLI> g729 show licenses
02:47.16pabelangerwhen call is in progress
02:49.11*** join/#asterisk Baylink (~jra@
02:49.17phixok, my SIP provider doesn't support g729 :/  that could be why
02:49.25*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-lbclezkstdzntdxe)
02:49.35pabelangertyman: Ya, your sip.conf is messed up bad
02:49.43phixthey support gsm but the quality sounds choppy
02:49.51phixwhat else would cause that desides bandwidth?
02:49.55phixecho filtering?
02:50.13pabelangertyman: peer definitions and registration go after the [authentication] context
02:50.14tymanpabelanger: i hate these package sample configs
02:50.50drmessanoSo don't use the sample configs
02:51.05drmessanoThat is why they are *samples*
02:51.08pabelangertyman: move everything from line 99 to 125 to the bottom of sip.conf
02:51.53tymandrmessano: i'm not going to...there is a lot of cruft to go thru until i figure out what's going on...
02:52.00pabelangertyman: And comment out unused settings.  IE: you have 2 settings for context, line 96 and 129
02:52.02tymanpabelanger: k
02:52.15phixNo such command 'g729 show licenses' (type 'help g729 show licenses' for other possible commands)
02:52.37ManxPowertyman, paste that again, this time without the comments
02:52.44pabelangerphix: *CLI> module load
02:53.06phixg729 debug is valid though
02:53.18ManxPowerand use that the one without the comments to test with
02:53.27phix[Nov  8 13:53:38] WARNING[11293]: loader.c:655 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
02:53.41ManxPowerphix, g729<tab>
02:53.56phixManxPower: debug, that is all
02:54.01pabelangerphix: where did you get the g729 codec?
02:54.27p3nguinpabelanger: The register statements are required to go above the peer definitions.  Moving line 99 to the bottom will break that.
02:54.27phixhmmmm good question
02:55.03p3nguinpabelanger: Wait, you're taking the peer definitions with it.  Disregard.
02:55.19ManxPowerthis is why I want all the sip.conf noise ggone
02:55.22phixwhat is that free one called again?  the one that violates the licence :)  I think I might have an old install of that laying about
02:55.40ManxPowerphix, that is the only topic forbidden by Digium on this channel
02:55.47p3nguinNow... why are we using a sample config?
02:55.56ManxPowerp3nguin, ask tyman
02:56.13x86ManxPower: Digium actually sponsors this channel?
02:56.15dev_astg729  license can be purchased from digium at $10/channel
02:56.17x86I did not know that...
02:56.20phixManxPower: haha ok :)  I have purchased licences though!
02:56.21ManxPowerx86, Digium people have ops.
02:56.23p3nguinThat's not the config he showed me earlier, and it's not the config I modified and sent back.
02:56.30ManxPowerphix, then you can contact digium dfor support
02:56.46phixnice, what time zone are they in?
02:56.46x86ManxPower: true... but I didn't know Digium "founded" the IRC channel or whatever
02:56.58ManxPowerp3nguin, then I am done.  I don't have time to deal with magically movnig target.  and I have used too much of my time already.
02:57.08ManxPowerx86, doesn't really matter if they did or they did not.
02:57.09phixWould some one be awake there now?
02:57.11x86ManxPower: true
02:57.17ManxPowerphix, not a chance.
02:57.48phixtime zones are annoying
02:57.56ManxPowertyman, use a minimal config with allowguest=no and context=INVALID in sip.conf [general]
02:58.26x86allowguest=maybe ;)
02:58.42x86allowguest=ifsheshot *evilgrin*
02:59.13tymanManxPower: this is the sample without comments
02:59.24p3nguinstill broken
02:59.34p3nguinbut at least it's clean this time.
02:59.45WIMPyx86: Give me your number and I'll get you some of those calls :-)
03:00.16p3nguinTime for The Walking Dead!  Be back in an hour!
03:00.16ManxPowertyman, 1) remove the passwords  2) put it on a pastebin that allows me to edit it.
03:00.29phixok what is that debian command to search which package provides a certain file?
03:00.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:00.51p3nguinphix: dpkg -L   I think
03:01.02phixp3nguin: ok
03:01.24phixp3nguin: hmmm I need to know the name of the package, I guess I could try '*'
03:01.30*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
03:01.47phix:D -S
03:02.26pabelangertyman: <- what a sip.conf _should_ look like.  Not the difference
03:02.28x86WIMPy: 312-725-4143 ;-)
03:03.04x86can anyone try to URI dial me?
03:04.27tymanpabelanger: yep
03:04.53ManxPowertyman, try this; v
03:05.59x86can someone try calling me there?
03:07.56tymanManxPower:  trying now
03:08.55*** join/#asterisk titter (
03:09.32tymanManxPower: wtf?
03:09.54tymanlike an idiot, i pasted it in without the pwds and it's working
03:10.24p3nguinIncoming calls don't use passwords.
03:11.01p3nguinIt matches the peer and there is no password, so the call proceeds.
03:11.57tymanp3nguin: i see
03:12.08p3nguinI think I worded the first sentence incorrectly.
03:12.25tymanManxPower: what specifically was the problem
03:13.09p3nguinIf your peer sends a call in to you and you don't challenge it for authentication, no password is needed because you matched the peer already.
03:13.15phixok I am going to try install g729 again :/
03:13.24p3nguinThat's what I meant, but I said it wrong the first time.
03:14.23p3nguinphix: Delete your stolen/pirated codec first.
03:14.34tymanp3nguin: now, how do i get my internal extensions and outbound calls to work again
03:14.50*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
03:14.51tymanobviously thru modification of extensions.conf
03:14.57p3nguinConfigure the extensions in extensions.conf
03:15.18p3nguinPut the relevant extensions in an appropriate context.
03:15.31p3nguinAlso configure each peer with said context.
03:16.59p3nguinI configure all phone peers with context=phones
03:17.28ManxPowertyman, context=invalid make sure if you don't have a context defined for a peer the call fails
03:17.32p3nguinThen in [phones] I include contexts for outbound and internal.
03:18.17p3nguinThen in [outbound] I put my Dial() for my ITSP and in [internal] I put the Dial()s for my phones.
03:18.35p3nguinYour inbound context should never include your outbound context.
03:20.09p3nguin[default] should be empty, [invalid] should probably only include an extension for s at the most.
03:21.03tymanhmm...didn't think i changed anything but the secrets back in and it's broken in and out now...
03:21.45p3nguinIf you added the secret, you may be challenging the peer to match your secret.
03:22.12tymanthe peer being my provider?
03:22.36tymanthey gave it to me, why would they not be matching it i wonder?
03:22.58*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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03:25.41ManxPoweri have never ever seen a provider provided asterisk configuration actually work.
03:25.54p3nguinAmazing, isn't it?
03:25.58tymanManxPower: that's reassuring
03:26.31p3nguinIt's like we expect an ITSP to know how to configure a phone system for peering or something.
03:26.34*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
03:27.16tymanshit doesn't work again...took out pwds again...this is embarassing
03:27.32p3nguinIt's how we learn.
03:27.47ManxPowertyman, you are further than you were before.  at least now you have a config that appears to work.
03:27.57p3nguinDid you read The Book?
03:28.00infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
03:28.32*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
03:28.49tymanp3nguin: I will indeed read this book asap.  This is the best * book of all?
03:29.14p3nguinThe next edition is in the works.  I don't think it has been printed yet, though.
03:29.27x86tyman: it is THE BOOK
03:29.33x86tyman: it's the bible of Asterisk
03:29.38tymani wonder if it's in rough cuts (beta) on safari
03:30.32*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
03:30.35ManxPowerthe asterisk is the best book out there for asterisk.  the asterisk book is also written for the asterisk version that is two asterisk versions behind current.
03:30.53tymanthat was what concerned me
03:31.13tymani have this book in print...never got to asterisk as planned (too busy on other stuff)
03:31.26tymannow i'm getting into this as of saturday
03:32.35tymanwhere is the best place to supplement the data gap between The Book and current version info
03:33.24p3nguinThe sample configs and the documentation provided with each release of Asterisk should be pretty helpful.
03:35.22tymanok...i was planning on running 1.8 from source on latest ubuntu
03:35.46tymanany caveats?
03:35.50p3nguinDocumentation is included with the source.
03:36.47ManxPowerdocumentation is not generally included in the packaged versions if asterisk
03:39.05p3nguinThe docs are also online:
03:39.07tymanok...i'll get cracking on this book asap.  what just started as setting up a lab to start reading/experimenting became hours of time in tshooting for the inbound
03:39.27tymani REALLY appreciate all this groups expertise and patience
03:39.37tymanthank you all very much
03:44.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:46.07p3nguinx86: Did you ever get your SIP call?
03:52.43*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
03:55.04x86p3nguin: someone just tried it, it rang, but I was downstairs and didn't get to the phone in time
03:55.14p3nguinI did that.
03:55.37x86you don't set caller ID on outbound calls to something useful? :P
03:56.04x86try the call again, I want to verify two-way audio
03:56.40p3nguinI was just originating a call from the CLI.
03:56.45x86ah ok
03:56.52x86well cool, it rings in anyway
03:56.57x86thanks :)
03:57.00p3nguinIt probably said it was from asterisk.
03:57.22x86thanks again, off to bed for me
03:57.24x86night *
03:57.29x86(pun intended)
03:58.57*** join/#asterisk pabs3 (
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04:27.02dev_astCLI > core stop now (coz bed time)
04:31.20phixit is bed time??
04:32.37dev_astCST 10:30pm.. oh ya, it's bed time
04:33.03phixheh light weight :)
04:33.17dev_astwhat's ur time zone
04:33.21phixyou only need 4hrs of sleep :)
04:33.37dev_asti need at least 8+ hrs
04:33.37phix+11 UTC  atm due to daylight savings
04:35.39phixwell that was a healthy lunch, half a can of pringles and a vitamin suppliment pill :P
04:43.46*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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06:37.57*** join/#asterisk Supari (
06:38.35Suparihave a problem with a sip registration, knocks off. Says Request Sent... However i have 2 trunks 1 registeres perfectly other shows this until i reboot the entire system
06:38.43Suparirunning 1.4.36
06:39.57Supariany ideas ?
07:02.10*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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07:18.11ManxPowerwell isn't that special.  freepbx does not support permit/deny
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07:35.48ChannelZtoss that piece of shit in the crapper
07:38.48ManxPowerChannelZ, i would never use it if i had a choice.  we are slowly writing replacements for more and more parts of it.  it will be gone from our network as soon as it is feasible to do.
07:40.41ManxPowerhave about 80 percent of the user portal replaced, all of the provisioning system
07:44.50*** join/#asterisk tris (~tristan@CAMEL.ETHEREAL.NET)
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07:56.31*** join/#asterisk MCIML (
07:57.12MCIMLhey guys i have a problem. I'm setting up an asterisk server with a polycom 501 and a aastra 6757i ct. the polycom works fine and can call the aastra, but the aastra cannot make any calls
07:57.36MCIMLnot sure where the problem lies
07:57.39*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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08:02.06MCIMLanyone around?
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08:07.40schmidtsgood morning
08:08.20MCIMLi have a problem, can you help me? :D
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08:09.56schmidtsmaybe ;) atleast i can try it
08:10.56*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:14.18MCIMLim setting up a server from source using the latest starfish guide for 1.8
08:15.13MCIMLi set up 2 phones, polycom 501 and aastra 6757i...the polycom can make all the calls in the dialplan and can dial the aastra phone, but the aastra phone cannot make any sort of outgoing calls
08:19.01MCIMLasterisk log or phone log?
08:19.26MCIMLaastra phone shows no service, but the polycom can dial the aastra phones extension and it rings...
08:19.46schmidtsasterisk log ;)
08:21.17MCIMLcli isnt showing any output from the aastra phone
08:21.45*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:25.57schmidtshave you tried a sip debug?
08:26.07schmidtssip set debug peer "peerfromaastraphone"
08:26.18schmidtsor you can also do a sip set debup ip "ipfromaastra"
08:31.30*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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08:33.51MCIMLnothing is coming up
08:34.05MCIMLphone is showing no service
08:34.05MCIMLyet it can be called...
08:36.54schmidtsdo you have configured a fix ip for this peer? if yes its no wonder that it can be called
08:38.09MCIMLnope its dynamic
08:43.03*** join/#asterisk X-Raimo (~asmpub@opensuse/member/raimoschmidt)
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08:44.17schmidtsstrange ;)
08:44.33*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:46.25X-Raimohello. We using Oracle+ODBC. DB is encoded in win cp1251. We have cyrillic CallerID field. And in func_obdc.conf we have:  readsql=select convert(t.callerid, 'utf8') from sip_users t where'${ARG1}'  Asterisk receives Called ID in wrong way.
08:47.14X-Raimoeverything is ok when we use non-cyrillic chars.
08:50.06*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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08:51.54Godfather_i'm having echo problems with a tdm410p,  echo ratio with fxotune 0.179.. how i solve it?
08:52.30*** join/#asterisk Burnz1984 (~Burnz1984@
08:52.35Burnz1984good morning
08:53.44*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
08:54.34Burnz1984when i use musiconhold.conf to play mp3 files in asterisk 1.2 must i discripe which mp3-player  in the musiconhold.conf shall play the files?
08:54.37*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:55.49MCIMLschmidts any other suggestions?
08:55.54Burnz1984like: [mp3] mode=files directory=xx/xx application=/usr/bin/xx?
08:56.55schmidtsmciml you really see nothing incoming with sip debug turned on? if no check your proxy configuration in the aastra
09:01.36tzafrirBurnz1984, 'application' has no effect in 'mode=files'
09:01.39*** join/#asterisk shimizu (
09:02.09tzafrirGodfather_, what EC do you use?
09:02.28Godfather_tzafrir, oslec
09:02.52tzafrirHmm... and it is actually loaded?
09:03.03Godfather_echo ratio = 0.2996 (1365.1 / 4557.0) :-(
09:03.04tzafrirDo you see it set in the output of lsdahdi ?
09:03.48Godfather_I assume yes
09:04.06tzafrirAnd do you actually hear echo?
09:05.00tzafrirBurnz1984, if you want to play mp3 files with mode=files, you need to make Asterisk capable of playing mp3 files
09:05.13tzafriruse codec_mp3 from asterisk_addons
09:05.13*** part/#asterisk X-Raimo (~asmpub@opensuse/member/raimoschmidt)
09:05.21Godfather_tzafrir, yes... i modified rxgain and txgain rxgain=7.0 txgain=3.0
09:05.25Godfather_this could be a problem?
09:05.44*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
09:05.59Godfather_tzafrir, i'm not pretty sure how to use fxotune to get better results
09:06.15tzafrirfxotune reduces the generation of echo
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09:06.30tzafrirthe echo canceller tries to cancel the remaining echo
09:06.38tzafrirOSLEC is pretty good at that
09:06.45Burnz1984how to amke it capable?
09:07.08tzafrircodec_mp3 from asterisk-addons . It's a separate package
09:07.19Burnz1984ny extension.conf works in asterisk 1.4 an i have write it in 1.2 an there it don´t play mp3
09:08.09tzafrir(for 1.2)
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09:10.24Burnz1984our system plays mp3 but it don´t play the mp3 i want ^^
09:10.47Burnz1984i have make a directory like /var/lib/asterisk/busy
09:12.01Burnz1984i this directory is my mp3 an i have make a link in the default class from moh.conf to play the musik with dial(sip/xx,10,m) the "m"-parameter shal play the musik in the default class or not?
09:12.51*** part/#asterisk pabs3 (
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09:13.37tzafrirBurnz1984, if you want the application= to have effect, don't use mode=files
09:13.58tzafrirBut then again, consider converting them to wav files
09:14.14Burnz1984i have changed it an it plays always the false mp3
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09:14.56Burnz1984the problem is, that it plays some mp3 but not the mp3 that is in my directory...with asterisk 1.4 it works
09:16.21Burnz1984of course i have to restart the asterisk? i work with the "reload" command
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09:17.37Godfather_tzafrir, do you see anythinig rare on my chan_dahdi.conf? i dont know what exactly
09:18.09*** join/#asterisk ph8 (ph8@unaffiliated/ph8)
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09:21.20z4nD4ROne Question: if i create certificate... what should by in Common Name? - if i put here my IP is this correct ?
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09:27.39*** join/#asterisk AdvoWork (~AdvoWork@unaffiliated/advowork)
09:30.36z4nD4RHi, on my asterisk server 1.8.0 have 2 user succesfully registered with TLS... But if i want establish call i become this message . On client show that "Is Ringing", but on second side is done nothing.... Any ideas?
09:33.01Godfather_tzafrir, and this is a graphic made with fxotune...
09:33.36AdvoWorkhi there, ive got a remote server at another site, that connects to the site here.. ive just logged into the asterisk server, done asterisk -rvvv and then done sip show peers. the phone thats NR shows as UNKNOWN. all others are ok, any suggestions please? Ive tried registering but no luck
09:34.01tzafrirGodfather_, frankly, I'm less interested by that
09:34.28tzafririn asterisk, look at the output of: dahdi show channel 1
09:34.58tzafrirHow many "taps" does it have for the echo canceller?
09:36.15AdvoWorkis that to me?
09:42.39z4nD4ROne Question: if i create certificate... what should by in Common Name? - if i put here my IP is this correct ?
09:44.31*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
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09:52.05z4nD4RHi, on my asterisk server 1.8.0 have 2 user succesfully registered with TLS... But if i want establish call i become this message . On client show that "Is Ringing", but on second side is done nothing.... Any ideas?
10:05.36*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
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10:15.16Godfather_tzafrir, lol!
10:15.25Godfather_256 taps
10:15.35Godfather_but it says "echo cancellaation off"
10:15.44shamelessn00bwhich card
10:15.52Godfather_Echo Cancellation:
10:15.52Godfather_256 taps
10:15.52Godfather_currently OFF
10:15.53*** join/#asterisk SeTTleR (
10:16.00tzafrirGodfather_, currently off.
10:16.19Godfather_tzafrir, how can i enable it?
10:16.19tzafrirIt should be on when there's actually a call
10:16.24shamelessn00bcheck during the call
10:16.39Godfather_shamelessn00b, tdm410p
10:17.02*** join/#asterisk ketas (
10:18.15z4nD4RHi, on my asterisk server 1.8.0 have 2 user succesfully registered with TLS... But if i want establish call i become this message . On client show that "Is Ringing", but on second side is done nothing.... Any ideas?
10:18.37AdvoWorkcan you remotely reregister a phone from the asterisk terminal?
10:19.47z4nD4RAdvoWork: for me?
10:21.08Godfather_during the call is enabled
10:22.24Godfather_tzafrir, i noticied that i have echo with the snom m9 terminal, now i tried a spa504 enabled with no echo!, then the problem will be on the m9...
10:23.13*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
10:23.40Godfather_i googled for it, and seems some people reporting bad echo with the snom
10:33.45*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
10:37.49Burnz1984when i make some forwarding, i want to place a "F" to the calleridnum (Fxxxxxxx) that the person who get the forwarding see the calling is a forwarding...
10:37.52Burnz1984i know that i can set the "F" in asterisk 1.4 with exten => s,x,set(CALLERID(num)=Z${CALLERID(num)}) an it works...but in asterisk 1.2 it doesn´t work
10:39.40*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
10:40.54ectospasmBurnz1984: Asterisk 1.2 is fast approaching its EOL date, don't use it if you can avoid it.
10:41.35AdvoWorkcan you register an extension via the console?
10:42.04ectospasmAdvoWork: I wouldn't think so, that device would need to contact Asterisk directly
10:42.06tzafrirAdvoWork, basically, yes. But it won't remain there after the next reload
10:42.15Burnz1984is it possible that it works only with internal phones and not when a call comes from outside?
10:42.38ectospasmBurnz1984: that depends, does it route through the same dialplan?
10:42.41z4nD4RSomeone to help with TLS?
10:45.16*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
10:45.16AdvoWorktzafrir, could you explain please?
10:45.25AdvoWorkive got 1 phone thats NR, all others are fine :S
10:45.44tzafrirAdvoWork, hmm... we were referring to different things as "extensions". Ignore what I wrote
10:46.46AdvoWorkoh ok
10:47.13Burnz1984i have found it...i must write ...CALLERID(number) not CALLERID(num) -.^
10:47.13AdvoWorkif i do sip show peers, i get: EXTENSION..              (Unspecified)    D   N      0        UNKNOWN
10:49.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid[Laptop] (Dovid@
10:50.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:53.15bn-7bcupps,mi kebord fell down,sorry
10:55.17z4nD4RHi. I'm trying to configure TLS support for SIP in asterisk ... my asterisk server 1.8.0 have 2 user succesfully registered with TLS... But if i want establish call i become this message . On client show that "Is Ringing", but on second side is done nothing.... Any ideas?
11:00.56AdvoWorkectospasm, any idea why a few phones would work, monitored/unmonitored, but this one wont?
11:01.24ectospasmnot off the top of my head, no
11:01.58ectospasmcheck the configuration of the nonworking phone against one that does...  there's got to be something different.
11:10.31AdvoWorkectospasm, theres not, theyre all the same :/ checked
11:10.57*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:11.05ectospasmAdvoWork: what about each one's Asterisk config?
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12:02.44z4nD4RHi. I'm trying to configure TLS support for SIP in asterisk ... my asterisk server 1.8.0 have 2 user succesfully registered with TLS... But if i want establish call i become this message . On client show that "Is Ringing", but on second side is done nothing.... Any ideas?
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12:28.20*** join/#asterisk Micha_Micha (
12:29.13Micha_MichaHello guys...I have a question about asterisk process...I have 2 asterism processes running on my server.../usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c and /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
12:29.36tzangerMicha_Micha: safe_asterisk is a script that restarts asterisk if it crashes
12:29.39Micha_MichaCan you please help me to know the process /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c is for?
12:30.07kaldemarman asterisk will tell some more.
12:30.12tzangerthat is the actual PBX, and depending on your system and version of pstools you might see dozens of those processes. Asterisk is heavily multi-threaded.
12:30.32*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
12:30.32Micha_Michatzanger, is that mean if /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c has been restarted then whole asterisk has been restarted and calls has benn dropped
12:30.36Micha_MichaI'm right?
12:31.50tzangercorrect, if asterisk restarts any calls would have been dropped. There is a chance that any calls where the RTP does not go through asterisk would stay up but I'm not 100% sure what happens to a call when the control disappears
12:32.28Micha_Michatzanger, thanks a lot
12:33.11tzangerMicha_Micha: it's easy to test; establish a call and then kill -9 asterisk as root, see what happens to the audio
12:33.44tzanger(that's a very nasty thing to do to a process, but it'd simulate the kernel terminating the process with extreme prejudice (NULL pointer dereference, bad memory, etc.)
12:34.43*** join/#asterisk srini (~deepak@
12:36.11srinihi everybody!!!
12:36.42srinican anyone help me in troubleshooting vicidial
12:37.31srinican anyone help me?!!!
12:37.48sriniiam not able to make outbound calls in asterisk
12:40.18infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:40.29srinihi wdoeskes2
12:41.12sriniiam not able to make outbound call through my asterisk server
12:41.35sriniiam using VICIDIAL now
12:42.25sriniwdowskes2 r u there?
12:44.56sriniiam using VICIDIAL & iam not able to make outbound calls, can any one help regarding this?
12:45.32pabelangersrini: ~vicidial
12:45.40infobot[vicidial] a predictive dialer available from .
12:46.12infobotfrom memory, tls is Transport Layer Security (ssl) but there could be thread-local storage or, in polish, TrzyLiterowy Skrot, what's mean ThreeLetter Acronym
12:47.54sriniwhen the agent login is done it says you are currently the only one in this conference.
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12:49.05sriniwhen i select dial next it says "thats not a valid extension"
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12:49.28wdoekes2srini: pabelanger means you should be asking in a different place, see
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13:17.11adnci've hylafax running with iaxmodem on my asterisk. sometimes it simply doesnt pick up the call. restarting hylafax doesnt help. after restart of asterisk 1.6 most of the time it works. could someone point me to the right direction please, what could i do?
13:18.22*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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13:24.31adncfauxalliance, yes, but  suppose it is a asterisk problem
13:24.37adncmaybe of my configuration
13:25.43adncbut if that is your response i'm sure there will be no help even if it was a asterisk problem
13:26.16fauxallianceadnc, limited....  deduce IF it is an asterisk problem... show us evidence of the problem and we will help...
13:26.22*** join/#asterisk AndyRomano (~Adium@
13:26.44fauxalliancecoming in here spouting about hylafax and iaxmodem... neither of which are supported here.
13:26.46adncfauxalliance, i don't know what i could show you? maybe the sip.conf?
13:26.58adncfauxalliance, tell me the right way?
13:27.09*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
13:27.24adncwhich way would be the most elegant, tell me and  i will go for it
13:28.08fauxalliancestart barking up the hylafax tree, perhaps even IAX modem...  faxing over IP is not 100% reliable.
13:29.38*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
13:34.18[TK]D-Fenderadnc: What does **SIP** have to do with **IAX**Modem?
13:34.56Maliuta[TK]D-Fender: he needs to SIP into something more comfortable? ;P
13:34.58adnc[TK]D-Fender, maybe the incomming call?
13:35.10Maliutaadnc: that would be IAX[2]
13:35.16adncit is comming from a sip source
13:35.16*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
13:35.34adncMaliuta, iax[2]? i didn't understand
13:36.58MaliutaIAX modem only takes IAX (which is actually IAX2 now). Your * box can terminate the SIP call and then connect the next leg via IAX2 ... but it takes the SIP out of any problem with IAX Modem
13:37.21adncMaliuta, sorry, excuse me, sure it is iax2
13:37.43adnci just used and the fax did arrive
13:37.57adncmaybe extension.conf?
13:38.18adnci'm sure if i try it in an hour it won't answer the call anymore
13:40.20*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:40.21*** part/#asterisk z4nD4R (
13:42.09atanAnyone have luck with getting a Nokia E71 cell phone to do video calls? It supports SIP which is great =\ but it has h263 + a camera... but I can't for the life of me figure it out
13:42.17[TK]D-Fenderadnc: SHOW US THE ACTUAL FAILURE
13:43.10adnc[TK]D-Fender, i can not see any failure. it just simply doesn't answer. but thank you very much
13:43.25*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
13:43.46[TK]D-Fenderadnc: Of course you can't see it.  If you coudl you'd have fixed it and it'd be working.  Show US
13:46.33adnc this is what asterisk shows in the cli when the call comes in
13:47.17adncif i can show anything else, please tell me
13:47.58[TK]D-Fenderadnc: IAXModem creates a TTY I believe you should eb looking at.
13:48.05[TK]D-Fenderadnc: And loko at the Hylafax side as well
13:48.44adnci've a lot of these entries in the iaxmodem logfile
13:48.51adncbut this is not asterisk anymore
13:52.52[TK]D-Fenderadnc: Sounds like you should be checking out their mailing-lists, etc
13:53.03adncthanks, i'm going through them
13:53.23*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
13:54.59AdvoWorkin askerisk -rvvvv why would it show UNREACHABLE?
13:57.24*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
13:58.15pabelangerAdvoWork: your peer is UNREACHABLE
13:58.16moos3how can have two pbx call extension seemless to each other ?
14:00.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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14:05.26[TK]D-Fendermoos3: What does "seemless" mean in this case?
14:05.41[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
14:06.10*** join/#asterisk crowbar7 (~JKLOBUCAR@
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14:14.33atanCan Asterisk convert video formats for video SIP calls?
14:14.54atanLike is one person is using h263, and the other caller is using uh, like, anything else, will Asterisk convert it?
14:15.12atanOr must both devices support the same codec?
14:15.19*** join/#asterisk z4nD4R (
14:15.52AdvoWorkpabelanger, but why could they ring out, but me not ring in, its registering ok, but then going unreachabl
14:16.15pabelangerAdvoWork: I don't know.  Show us the problem
14:16.16moos3[TK]D-Fender, basically have my sip information living in ldap, just need to figure out if say i dial extn 2003 and i'm on pbx1 and say they are on pbx2 will it know enough to ring it on pbx2 and not look for it on pbx1
14:17.00[TK]D-Fendermoos3: What * does with what you dial is in your DIALPLAN.  Go make it look up what should actually be called.
14:17.16[TK]D-Fender[09:14]<atan>Can Asterisk convert video formats for video SIP calls? <- No.
14:17.59moos3[TK]D-Fender, so i have would have to have the dialplan be smart enough to know how to look up which pbx its registered to ?
14:18.44[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Dialplan chooses what to do for every call.  Yes it has to call out to the other PBX when appropriate.
14:19.08moos3[TK]D-Fender, thanks, i'll have to play with it
14:31.43*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (~patrick_@2001:470:b0ea:1:219:21ff:fe4e:f5de)
14:33.35*** join/#asterisk l0pht (~Excessive@
14:34.22l0phtI'm having a problem with AsteriskNow FreePBX system
14:34.44l0phteverything seems to work in the CentOS box, but I'm unable to connect to it
14:34.50l0phtvia SIP, that is
14:35.30infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
14:35.50infobotasterisknow is probably based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
14:39.21atanIs h263 the most widely used video codec for all these random SIP video phones out there? I see Cisco supports it on their 7985, and Nokia supports it, and grandstream supports it...
14:39.38atanAnd, err, if anyone knows, is the GXV3000 built as cheaply as it looks? :S
14:41.03*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:43.03BaylinkOf course it is, it's from Grandstream.  :-)
14:43.31atan=) figures =P how's nortel?
14:49.21*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
14:49.28atancoppice, so hardware is cheap now then, eh?
14:50.41coppiceyou can get some real giveaway offers on nortel phones
14:51.08atancoppice, are they going to be 100% useless in 2 years?
14:52.13coppiceisn't everything going to be nearly 100% useless in 2 years? expect even less updates for nortel than you get for most other VoIP kit
14:52.40[TK]D-Fender[09:51]<atan>coppice, are they going to be 100% useless in 2 years? What do you mean IN 2 years?
14:52.47[TK]D-Fenderlooks right NOW
14:53.04*** part/#asterisk AndyRomano (~Adium@
14:53.24atan=| okay okay, but I mean the phones are still for sale around town, they seem to support the codecs in use, and they're prices to sell...
14:53.42atanI'd just feel foolish to buy in only to find out it's completely useless to me
14:53.54atanBut that being said 900mhz phones still work just fine in some places. =\
14:54.23*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-rbkksgttoycqrwfy)
14:54.23coppicethey are SIP devices. if they work for you they are far from useless right now. if someone kinds a security issues, that might suddenly change
14:54.59Chainsaw(Unless the firmware source code gets released, which is extremely unlikely, the security issue can not be patched)
14:55.25atanI suspect most vulnerabilities should be able to be addressed on the server side of things, no? I mean unless there is an issue with the protocol itself, or their implementation of it...
14:55.33atandigs hole in sand to place head
14:56.35*** join/#asterisk srini (~deepak@
14:56.44sriniHi all
14:56.52ChainsawGood afternoon srini.
14:57.02sriniChainsaw Good Afternoon!
14:57.23tzafrir_laptophow usable are those Nortel phones with Asterisk?
14:57.49coppicethe SIP versions are available cheap
14:57.51sriniI need help in understanding one error : It reads - "Got SIP response 405 "Method Not Allowed" back from"...
14:58.37tzafrir_laptopWe already had a customer or two who got an advantage for a cheaper price in replacing Nortel switches, as they could reuse the phones
14:58.46*** join/#asterisk calmh (
14:59.17sriniAlso I get to read in the CLI - "No channel type registered for....."  and "Unable to create channel of type..."
14:59.42tzafrir_laptopsrini, what type?
14:59.50BaylinkWell, it depends on which Nortel gear you're talking about.  If a Norstar is good enough for you, well, I have some of those that have been in-and-working for 20 years or more, and they still work jus' fine.  :-)
14:59.55srinitzafrir_laptop: SIP
15:00.00tzafrir_laptopsrini, is loaded?
15:00.01atantzafrir_laptop, you mean to say the Nortel video phones will be useless for me to attempt to use with Asterisk?
15:00.11*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:00.16tzafrir_laptopOr maybe you have an extra space or so somewhere?
15:00.20srinitzafrir_laptop: I am a newbie - how do I make sure?
15:00.26tzafrir_laptopatan, no idea
15:00.43infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:00.59tzafrir_laptopsrini, please provide a slightly more complete trace
15:01.17*** join/#asterisk b0gatyr (
15:01.27srinitzafrir_laptop: should the pastebin of the complete CLI dump help?
15:03.30*** join/#asterisk ickmund_ (
15:04.37[TK]D-Fendersrini: 'TataSIP:22620 <--- TataSIP is not a CHANNEL type
15:04.57*** join/#asterisk BMJ (
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15:05.02*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:05.20tzafrir_laptopsrini, Unable to create channel of type 'TataSIP:22620:04606@' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
15:05.54srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: Does this mean there are issues with the trunk definition itself?
15:06.02drift-i have 2 office connections DSL and cable , my asterisk server is on linux router cable network and i'm trying to setup few phones on dsl line to connect to asterisk and some homeoffices also.... my problem is I have one phone working it dials out it recieives calls , but there is no volume... any ideas? asterisk 1.6.4 i think SIP polycom 501 phone centos
15:06.18srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: SIP registration failure?
15:06.24[TK]D-Fendersrini: No, that dial is crap
15:06.34[TK]D-Fendersrini: Do you not even know why you put taht in there?
15:06.46tzafrir_laptopsrini, what is that line in your dialplan?
15:06.46[TK]D-Fendersrini: Dial(tech/resource/numbertodial
15:07.04[TK]D-Fendersrini: So what is that junk you are putting instead of SIP/peer, etc?
15:07.41srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: I will pasty the trunk definition
15:07.45[TK]D-Fendersrini: NO
15:07.57[TK]D-Fendersrini: Your dial is not starting with a valid CHANNEL TYPE
15:08.10[TK]D-Fendersrini: You don;t seem to understand even how to format a DIAL COMMAND
15:08.40atan[TK]D-Fender, do you know of any Windows SIP Video clients I could use to play with for now?
15:08.46[TK]D-Fendersrini: this has nothing to do with any other config file so far.  That line is bad regardless of anything else
15:08.48atanUntil I can find some decent hardware phone :P
15:08.55[TK]D-Fenderatan: Ekiga, X-lite
15:09.00tzafrir_laptoptech = CHANNEL TYPE = 'SIP'
15:09.16srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender:
15:09.34[TK]D-Fendersrini: YOU ARE CALLING DIAL WRONG
15:09.48BaylinkUm, "oops; wrong window"
15:09.55tzafrir_laptopsrini, TataSIP is the name of a trunk?
15:10.03srinitzafrir_laptop: Yes
15:10.49[TK]D-Fendersrini: exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/TataSIP/${EXTEN:2},,tTor)
15:10.51tzafrir_laptopIt should be something along the lines of: Dial(SIP/TataSIP/${EXTEN:2},,tTor)
15:11.16tzafrir_laptopIt may also be simpler to use 'n' instead of an explicit '2' for the priority
15:11.18[TK]D-Fendersrini: You were duplicating auth in yoru dial that exists in your peer anyways and is a bad security risk.  AND you pasted all those IP's and passwords in PUBLIC
15:11.24[TK]D-Fendersrini: Also not smart...
15:12.15tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, as in: duplicating it between the 'register =>' statement and the peer section? :-(
15:12.49[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: No, his previous Dial has al the auth as if to dial direct WITHOUT a peer at all as well as referencing the peer.  Hodg-podge mess
15:13.02tzafrir_laptopyeah, I figured it out
15:13.38tzafrir_laptopOTOH, I figure that this account has already run out of credit by now, so I won't try to use it ;-)
15:14.11*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:14.12srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: I am a newbie :)
15:14.37srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: what does that 'tTor' stand for?
15:14.46[TK]D-Fendersrini: "core show application dial" <-
15:14.49infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
15:15.15BMJAlso check out
15:15.23*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (
15:15.35infobotAsterisk documentation is available at (Official Asterisk Documentation Wiki), the Voip-Info wiki at (~voip-info) or Asterisk: The Future of Telephony (~book)
15:27.37*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
15:28.14*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
15:28.21neurosys:/ Did an update to 1.6.13, and now my transfer/pickup no longer works on polycom 650. anyone know about this?
15:33.02ManxPowerneurosys, no, you didn't.
15:33.08ManxPower1.6.13 does not exist
15:33.36neurosysI see you're in a better mood today ManxPower  :P
15:35.36Kattymaybe manx needs a hug
15:35.39Kattyhugs ManxPower to see
15:35.54KattyManxPower: i am sorry you are not feeling in good happy spirits.
15:36.06KattyManxPower: if it was in my power, i'd go dispose of whatever is bothering you
15:36.14*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:36.59neurosysHe'll probably say me :P
15:37.25Kattyhugs glomps Naikrovek
15:38.01Naikrovekhugs Katty
15:38.08Naikrovekand SQUEEZES
15:39.28ManxPowerKatty, kill the people that wrote fail2ban please
15:40.05*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:40.20ChainsawManxPower: It's not a dream to use, agreed.
15:40.43p3nguinI thought fail2ban was a pretty good tool.
15:40.44KattyManxPower: mkay. weapon of choice?
15:40.46ManxPowerChainsaw, it gets the wrong YEAR when parsing my vsftpd logs
15:40.58Kattylights it on fire.
15:41.05ManxPowerAnd since 365 days in the past is longer then the bantime.....
15:44.23BaylinkHey, Katty; you're gonna set off the smoke alarm in here... geez...
15:45.23srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: Now, I am trying to dial some number say 555555 and it is going as 91555555!
15:46.03srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: What am I doing wrong here!
15:46.17*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:46.37KattyBaylink: :P
15:46.41*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
15:47.17*** join/#asterisk metiu (
15:47.26metiuhi all
15:48.23metiuI'm trying to set up some global variables (e.g. priority) during a call, so that when a lower priority call comes in, it gets busy()
15:48.45metiuI was trying to use h as a catch-all extension so that I could reset the priority
15:48.47p3nguinsrini: There are several problems with your dial plan.  One is that you are using the default context.
15:49.30p3nguinmetiu: 'h' is a special extension for "hangup"
15:49.33*** part/#asterisk spditner (
15:49.47metiuhowever, since I'm using nested Dial() s to get to the final extension, it seems that * runs the h extension when it bridges the foremost and the last exensions
15:50.08*** join/#asterisk netvient (~chatzilla@
15:50.10metiubasically, the call is set up correctly, but the h extension gets run
15:50.12*** join/#asterisk ramih (
15:50.13p3nguinh is the hangup extension -- it is run when every call ends.
15:50.35*** part/#asterisk ramih (
15:50.54drift-has anyone ever setup asterisk server to work from internal network to external?
15:50.55metiuwell, the call is alive and kicking
15:51.05drift-like taking a phone to another internet connection plugging it in and making it work?
15:51.15netvienthi. Has anyone run into this message: chan_iax2.c:1742 iax2_getpeername: Bad address cast to IPv4 ?
15:51.19Kobazmetiu: paste your console debug... with core set verbose 4
15:51.24p3nguindrift-: That's what most people use Asterisk for.
15:51.32drift-p3nguin i'm in dilema heh
15:51.32srinitzafrir_laptop: I get to listen 'I am sorry thats not a valid extension' I am still with the trunk problems or something else!
15:51.36drift-i have 2 office connections DSL and cable , my asterisk server is on linux router cable network and i'm trying to setup few phones on dsl line to connect to asterisk and some homeoffices also.... my problem is I have one phone working it dials out it recieives calls , but there is no volume... any ideas? asterisk 1.6.4 i think SIP polycom 501 phone centos
15:52.01drift-p3nguin: i get the call i can call but i hear nothing on otherside or when i check voicemail no volume :(
15:52.14drift-any idea how i can diagnose the problem?
15:52.27neurosysAnyone else have a problem with transfer/call pickup after updating to
15:53.04tzafrir_laptopsrini, you seem to have sent the call to the wrong context?
15:53.50*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:54.20Naikrovekdrift-: the problem is not volume, the problem is that you're not receiving audio
15:54.24Naikrovekwhich means there's a NAT issue
15:54.29tzafrir_laptopsrini, Starting Local/8600051@default-ce5d,1 at default,910016045320516,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
15:56.28srinitzafrir_laptop: Where to look for the fix? extensions.conf?
15:56.34*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:56.43metiuKobaz: dialplan excerpt is
15:56.52tzafrir_laptopsrini, I suppose so
15:57.06tzafrir_laptopWhat do you have in your default context now?
15:57.12metiuKobaz: debug out is
15:57.53drift-yeah i think ur right with nat issue
15:58.10drift-my cable router i enabled DMZ to point to linux router which gives 5 machines internet and phone voip
15:58.17drift-those work flawlessly internal
15:58.22metiuKobaz: and the starting exten is
15:58.31*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
15:58.33drift-220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored <<<<<< external phone
15:58.43p3nguinDMZ should never be used for anything on a residential router device.
15:58.44drift-i tried hitting NAT = yes
15:58.56srinitzafrir_laptop: I am not specifying a context in the trunk definition though!
15:59.05drift-home busines i setup linux firewall arno's firewall
15:59.09srinitzafrir_laptop: 'default' should do?
15:59.44p3nguinsrini: Context default should never be used for anything you have control over.
15:59.49tzafrir_laptopsrini, the stuff under [default] in extensions.conf
16:00.05tzafrir_laptopor:  dialplan show default
16:00.12drift-p3nguin what are some things i can test? or check?
16:00.27drift-i've been working on this for like 2 days running out of options n ideas :(
16:00.33tzafrir_laptopAnd yes, the Book should explain why it's generally not a good idea to use it
16:00.54p3nguindrift-: Configure the router without DMZ.  Configure Asterisk and the remote phone appropriately.  This is a NAT issue.
16:01.14drift-so forward each port from cable router to linux router manually?
16:02.11p3nguinWhy do you want to use two routers both with NAT?
16:03.29drift-i dont want 2 routers
16:03.29p3nguinNAT is known to break RTP, so avoid it whenever possible.
16:03.34drift-its smc cable modem / router thingie
16:03.42drift-and i have linux box doing the router / asterisk
16:03.57p3nguinCan you set it to bridge mode so your Linux router can do its job more effectively?
16:04.03atanHey guys, more on the Nortel IP1535 video phone, and it's h.263 video codec, is it truly this simple to get it running? According to they say "Using Asterisk with the Nortel 1535. We have a personal preference for Asterisk, and it’s a perfect fit with these phones. Just add these entries to sip_general_custom.conf in /etc/asterisk, and video support comes to life in all versions of PBX in a Flash once you restart Asterisk:"
16:04.18*** join/#asterisk netvient (~chatzilla@
16:04.25atanerr /s/ti's/its/
16:04.30atangives up at life
16:06.11drift-1-to-1 Network Address Translation Add/Edit  You can add or edit your NAT rules here.
16:06.16drift-public and private ip
16:06.17*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (~chrislees@
16:06.23drift-thats on the cablemodem/router thing
16:07.10p3nguin1-to-1 is certainly better than a typical home router.
16:07.21drift-whats a public ip and private ip?
16:07.33Nuggetpublic ip is one thats routable on the real internet.
16:08.00Nuggetprivate ip is one that's covered by rfc1918 and not routable (10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x, etc...) like you see behind nat
16:08.25p3nguinpublic is, private is probably
16:08.45drift-Cant use as WAN start IP
16:08.54drift-and my linux router is
16:09.09p3nguinI took a guess at the private one.
16:09.32drift-yeah i understand
16:09.38drift-but it says that cant use ip wan start ip
16:09.44p3nguinComcast won't want you to change the WAN IP address.
16:10.01p3nguinProbably won't allow it, even.
16:10.07drmessanoAre you using an SMC?
16:10.23drmessanoBusiness class router?
16:10.39drift-Comcast Business Gateway
16:10.49drift-Vendor Name SMC Networks Hardware Version 1.01
16:10.51drmessanoOk, and I see you set up DMZ to the router behind it, yes?
16:11.05drift-i have linux router thats ip of
16:11.09drift-and then another nic in it feeds to switches
16:11.54drmessanoUm ok
16:12.05metiuNoone has a clue on why my h(angup) extension is being called before the call ends?
16:12.14p3nguinAre the SMC devices known to break RTP?
16:12.15drmessanoSo the SMC network is 172.16.x.x?
16:12.24p3nguinThat's good!
16:12.26drift-smc > runs into linux router then nic#2 > is gateway for internet here and phones
16:12.44drift-smc is on
16:12.53srinitzafrir_laptop, [TK]D-Fender: Thanks for all the help! I will continue working on it offline
16:13.00drift-heh i know u cant connect but thats my link
16:13.02sriniThanks for all the help here!
16:13.17*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
16:13.42drmessanoSounds correct.. and you're using externip of in Asterisk?
16:13.54drift-that is good question
16:14.04drmessanoWell, check the config
16:14.17drmessanoget rid of nat=route
16:14.18drift-my sipl.conf
16:14.35drift-i dissabled dmz also
16:14.43drmessanodisabled DMZ where?
16:14.47drift-on the smc
16:15.04drift-ok turn it back on?
16:15.05drmessanoYou MUST enable DMZ on the SMC or this will NEVER work
16:15.12drift-got it
16:15.33drift-okay its on
16:15.41drmessanoThe router behind the SMC MUST be in the DMZ
16:15.46drmessanoOk, good
16:15.47drift-got it
16:16.07p3nguinWhy not use 1-to-1 to the Linux router behind it?
16:16.19drmessanoBecause that won't work with the SMC
16:16.47*** join/#asterisk erinspice (~erin@
16:16.56p3nguin1-to-1 has to be the next best thing to being able to bridge it, no?
16:17.12*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
16:17.25metiuwhat I see is that the original context's h(angup) extension gets called only when the call finishes, while the nested channel calls are hung up in some way, is that a consequence of * bridging the first and last calls?
16:17.40*** part/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
16:18.27drmessanoNo, in the SMC, DMZ is the best way to go
16:18.33*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
16:18.49*** join/#asterisk yonahw (
16:19.26drift-so what do i do next?
16:19.55drmessanoNext is your config in the secondary router
16:20.03drmessanoMake sure you have ports forwarded, etc
16:20.18drift-well port 5060 is open
16:20.19metiuKobaz: nevermind, I got it, I was missing the /n in the Dial() cmd, so the recursive call was becoming zombie etc etc...
16:20.35drmessanoand you need the rtp ports open
16:20.42drift-what are those?
16:21.26drift-rtpstart=10000 rtpend=20000
16:21.51drift-so open 10000 and 20000
16:22.27drift-ok give me min looking for ipchains command for centos
16:23.05drift-udp correct?
16:23.07drift-i mean iptables
16:23.09yonahwhi, I am trying to provision a polycom 601 from an ftp server. I have been trying to follow the esoteric docs from polycom yet the configuration doesn't take. I have pasted configs and logs to Phone has accepted new bootrom and sip.ld but it doesn't seem to be picking up the config files which are specified in 000000000000.cfg. Any ideas on what my next step should be? Should I just be making a macaddress.cfg? Supposedly ...
16:23.15yonahw... I can just override in the 000000000000.cfg.
16:23.46drift-iptables --append INPUT --protocol ALL --source-port 10000 --jump ACCEPT
16:23.49drift-looks correct :)
16:24.45WIMPyYou need all 10001 ports and only udp.
16:25.28WIMPyHowever if you use the proticol helper for sip, a RELATED should be enough.
16:25.56p3nguindrift-: 10000-20000 UDP, not 10000 and 20000.
16:26.03drift-ah got it
16:26.08drift-looking for iptables command now
16:26.18drift-iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 10000-20000 -j ACCEPT
16:26.40drift-this is for inbound or outbound?
16:26.42drift-or both?
16:26.45WIMPyThat looks better
16:27.05WIMPyOut could be anything.
16:27.13*** join/#asterisk slackytude (
16:27.24p3nguinIf your outbound default policy is to allow everything, then you don't have to worry about it.
16:27.32drift-[root@localhost asterisk]# iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 10000-20000 -j ACCEPT iptables v1.3.5: invalid port/service `10000-20000' specified
16:27.46drift-so i got it iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
16:27.52drift-so retart phone and test it?
16:29.09[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: = worthless.  it is applied ONCE ever until the phone reads its own.
16:29.16[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Same goes for the directory, etc.
16:29.22[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: always make mac specific
16:29.40drift-so now that ports 10000 thru 20000 are open...
16:29.45drift-anytihng else i should do?
16:30.06p3nguindrift-: 5060 is for signaling, 10000-20000 is for audio.  What more do you want?
16:30.20drift-not sure lets find out if it works restarting phone asterisk
16:31.42yonahw[TK]D-Fender: thanks, seems confusing because I read in a few polycom docs to just use the 000000000000.cfg
16:31.49drift-no audio still
16:32.02drift-220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored
16:32.20AdvoWorkis there a way to get notified if a phone goes unregistered?
16:34.15drift-p3nguin is there anything else i'm missing?
16:36.44p3nguinI'm not familiar with the SMC configuration that drmessano was trying to achieve, so I don't know.
16:37.18*** join/#asterisk troubled (~troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
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16:39.31drift-drmessano... any suggestions?
16:40.13ruyodrift-, do you have externip and localnet in your sip.conf?
16:40.29drift-externip= localnet=
16:40.39*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
16:40.56drift-should externalip be
16:41.04drift-cause there are 2 nics in this router
16:41.23drift-linux router that is which connects to the live ip with smc and then which is the gateway
16:41.30drift-for machines and phones
16:41.36ruyoYour externip should be whatever IP says on
16:41.42drift-got it
16:41.44drift-then its correct
16:45.09ruyodrift-, then your Asterisk configuration seems correct. Try catching the media packets to see if they are going to the correct IP or if they are being translated to something that's wrong.
16:45.16*** join/#asterisk mpe (
16:45.22drift-how can i do that?
16:45.39*** join/#asterisk citywok (
16:45.53ruyoYour call is placed, the only problem is the sound, is that right?
16:46.03drift-yeah i can recieve phonecalls
16:46.06drift-and i can make phonecalls
16:46.11drift-nobody can hear me i cant hear them
16:46.17drift-when i dial 10 for voicemail i dont hear it ask me for password
16:46.19drift-but call does happen
16:46.32drift-cause log shows that its waiting for password
16:47.01ruyoYou're placing a call from outside Asterisk's lan then?
16:47.20drift-on the DSL line
16:47.33drift-220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored
16:47.44drift-211/211               D          5060     Unmonitored < internal
16:48.08Kyoshcan you pastebin it?
16:48.31ruyoIn that case, the problem seems to be in your NAT rules.
16:48.46drift-well i have SMC router doing DMZ
16:49.02drift-pointing to which is nic #1 and nic#2 is
16:49.26drift-i opened ports 10000 - 20000
16:49.27ruyoMost DMZ suck. They usually don't actually do DMZ.
16:49.29drift-5060 is open
16:49.38drift-this is smc business class smc
16:50.26ruyoTry using tcpdump to see if the Asterisk box actually gets any media packets.
16:55.06drift-ruyo how would i do that heh
16:55.10yonahw[TK]D-Fender: what needs to go into the mac_address.cfg? Is there a working sample config you can point me to please? My Google fu is weak this morning.
16:55.14drift-i tried tcpdump -t udp
16:56.27[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: ADMIN GUIDE, not Google
16:56.50[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: And the same sort of stuff you see in the sample 00000000.cfg
16:56.50*** join/#asterisk moy (
16:57.27atanyonahw, are you messing with a cisco phone by chance?
16:57.36atanI can't see/find your previous lines of chat
16:57.59yonahw[TK]D-Fender: Phone isn't picking up the additional config files. FTP transfer log shows no requests for them
16:58.06yonahwatan: Polycom 601
16:58.27atan[TK]D-Fender, if one is pushing video over h264 should they bother picking up an expensive new HD webcam, or would the standard cheapo $10 webcam do the trick just fine?
16:58.28[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: And I have no reason to believe you ever pointed it in the right direction in teh frist place
16:59.01atanyonahw, darn. I have not played with one of those yet so I must bow down. I did mess with my Cisco using tftp to load the configs so I thought I'd ask just for the heck of it =) best of luck!! =D
17:00.31yonahw[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by that? It picks up the macaddress.cfg but the rest of the configs listed in CONFIG_FILES is ignored. My macaddress.cfg is pasted at
17:01.13yonahwatan: thanks, I have once gotten this to work many moons ago but I must be doing something really stupid this time around. Been playing with this for days and getting nowhere.
17:01.16[TK]D-Fenderyonahw:  CONFIG_FILES="phone10004f202c853.cfg, server.cfg, phone1_316.cfg sip_316.cfg" <-- inconsistent commas, and I don't SE your files.
17:01.37[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: I have no proof of what exists
17:02.08yonahw[TK]D-Fender: thanks for pointing out the missing comma. I will edit that pastie in a moment with the rest of the configs once I fix that comma.
17:02.09[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Also no prrof of what file you even pasted there.
17:02.12Kattypeeks in
17:04.20drift-i have the tcpdump can i paste it here?
17:04.21drift-or pastebin?
17:04.47drift-i made the phone call
17:05.29yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I edited the pastebin with the rest of the configs.
17:05.56yonahwthe phone1_316.cfg and sip_316.cfg are the defaults that came from polycom unedited
17:06.41yonahw[TK]D-Fender: thank you for spending time on this with me I really appreciate the assistance.
17:07.20[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: I see no FTP access logs, etc...
17:07.41drift-ok how can i determine the nat issue ... ;(
17:08.15*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:08.49DefrazDoes anyone have any experience an ADTRAN Total Access 924e. I am trying to have my PRI from my Telco connect to that then SIP any calls over to my Asterisk Server
17:09.28yonahw[TK]D-Fender: sorry updated the pastie again with ftp log and boot.log from phone
17:09.32ruyodrift-, try something like "tcpdump -i eth0 -n -s0 -w somefilename".
17:12.05[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: 0101012510|copy |4|00|Server '' said '2345-11605-001.sip_316.ld' is not present
17:12.29yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I noticed that but it then picks up the sip_316.ld and seems to load that fine
17:12.39[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: And go look at the QAPP log <-
17:12.42*** join/#asterisk angav (~angav@
17:12.57yonahwwhere can I find the QAPP log? I don't know what that is.
17:13.01p3nguindrift-: If it's a NAT issue, rtp debug will probably show the wrong IP address in on the packets.
17:13.32yonahw[TK]D-Fender: also the zip I downloaded from Polycom didn't have a model specific sip.ld for 3.1.6 which is the latest the 601 supports
17:14.48angavHi!, CentOS 5.5 + AStersik 1.6.2 + Freepbx Intended to install and configure squid to control networwk traffic and reserve calls bandwidht. Any known issues or advices?
17:15.33*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
17:15.40[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Go look at the other logs from the phone
17:16.54yonahw[TK]D-Fender: where can I find the other logs from the phone. The boot.log is the only file it uploaded to log/
17:17.35[TK]D-Fender<APPLICATION APP_FILE_PATH="sip_316.ld" CONFIG_FILES="phone10004f202c853.cfg, server.cfg, phone1_316.cfg sip_316.cfg"  <- fix yoru commas
17:18.03[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: And dump the entire damn folder.  I can't prove WHERE the files are, who owns them, etc
17:18.26yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I fixed it on the ftp server just didn't edit the pastie. I will dump an ls -la of the folder and log
17:19.21atanIs it possible to secure SCCP/skinny so it can be used securely over the internet kind of like SIP is? =\
17:19.44*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (~Adium@
17:20.04p3nguinatan: I think most people use a VPN for that.
17:20.08*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
17:20.29atanp3nguin, well that could be an option... hmm.
17:20.32wizhippois there a way to make an agent of the call queue have to press pound before the call is connected?
17:20.39yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I have updated the same pastie. Fixed the comma in the pastie and on the bottom listed the directory contents
17:21.04atanp3nguin, thanks for the idea there. I think I could make that work easily for me using DD-WRT. It has built-in support for OpenVPN I do believe.
17:21.15atanI could just tunnel all traffic on that interface in to the server.
17:21.38atanp3nguin, you don't happen to know which ports it runs on? Like, for example, should I only limit port 2000 to vpn interface access only?
17:21.47atanWould that cover my behind for the most part?
17:22.00[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Your files are owned by ROOT.  WTF <-----
17:22.04[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Fix this up
17:22.18russellbcalm your nerves
17:22.25netvient"Bad address cast to IPv4"  ?
17:22.36Qwellnetvient: context
17:22.59netvientiax2 client registers,  2 Asterisk servers
17:23.05netvientboth 1.8
17:23.07yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I understand that isn't optimal but it does pick up the 0000000000.cfg and the macaddress.cfg which have the same ownership
17:23.14russellbthat has been fixed in the 1.8 branch, it will be in 1.8.1
17:23.16Qwellnetvient: have the whole message?
17:23.18netvientin the -r console, this:
17:23.21russellbfor now you can check out the 1.8 branch from svn
17:23.23Qwellwell then!
17:23.48netvientrussellb - is that for my prob  your talking about ?
17:23.53netvienthan_iax2.c:2304 peercnt_modify: Bad address cast to IPv4
17:24.10netvientthere is that message, but others too - from iax2_getpeername
17:24.16netvientand update_registry
17:24.56p3nguinatan: If possible, configure the phone to send all its traffic across the VPN.
17:24.56netvientok great, thank-you
17:24.57russellb$ svn co
17:25.38atanp3nguin, well the router would deal with that part fine I'm just thinking about how skinny would be configured on asterisk. I would hate to leave a door wide open without knowing it.
17:25.58atanBut if the VPN interface, maybe eth1, I suppose there is something within Asterisk that selects what to bind it to
17:26.06atanreads skinny conf
17:26.23atanYes yes, here we go
17:26.23atanbindaddr=; Address to bind to
17:26.42drift-hrm silent :(
17:27.42yonahw[TK]D-Fender: fixed the file ownership and repasted output. Phone is rebooting. Hoping it likes it this time. Any insight into why it's not uploading any other logs? Maybe I have the wrong sip.ld? I downloaded it from
17:28.01yonahwthat link came from
17:28.33drift-how do i do rtp debut?
17:28.41drift-let me google that one heh
17:29.33p3nguin"rtp debug" on the CLI
17:30.04drift-its scrolling like crazy
17:31.07p3nguinYou only need a couple lines to see what IP address is being used.
17:31.13[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: reboot the phone
17:32.05drift-should i try calling?
17:32.12drift-and do this rtp thing
17:32.24p3nguinIf rtp debug is scrolling, something is already on a call.
17:32.35yonahw[TK]D-Fender: it reboots as soon as the config failed. I just realized that I probably needed the combined packaged instead of the split. I am uploading the newly downloaded sip.ld's and will try again
17:32.49[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: Shouldn't need the app at all
17:33.02[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: probelm is not picking up the configs
17:33.18drift-Sent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160) Sent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160) Sent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160) Sent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160) Sent RTP P2P packet to (type 00, len 000160)
17:33.19drift-bam got it
17:33.21drift-i made that call
17:33.56*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (~chwall@
17:33.56p3nguinI don't see a private address in the rtp, so that's good.
17:34.45yonahw[TK]D-Fender: phone just goes through a loop of downloading bootrom, app, master config and failing on config at which point it reboots. I would think that the problem must be in my configs but I just don't see what could be wrong. I would think there would be a SIP log but don't see anything. You mentioned before a QAPP log, what is that and where can I find it?
17:35.16[TK]D-FenderAPP, not QAPP
17:35.35drift-p3nguin coo
17:35.38[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: And it isn's saving.  If you are looping then you have a corrupted config
17:35.49p3nguinIs your remote phone peer properly configured?  I assume it is behind NAT since it is on DSL... but did you configure nat=yes and canreinvite=no for the peer in sip.conf?
17:35.54[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: reverse out your changes till it starts working.
17:36.47yonahw[TK]D-Fender: I never provisioned this phone correctly. I updated the bootrom and the app and dropped these initial configs. It hasn't once accepted the configs
17:36.55atanCan you set your caller id / name on outbound calls using Google's PTSN service?
17:37.20[TK]D-Fenderyonahw: put in STOCK configs and do minimal chanegs.  You have split off multiple override files, etc.
17:37.28drift-p3nguin i did type nat=yes
17:37.34drift-let me check careinvintei
17:37.58yonahw[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, will do
17:38.45drift-220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored
17:38.50drift-it shows NAT no tho :(
17:39.06p3nguindrift-: The N under NAT meant it is set to use NAT.
17:39.08jermudgeongot his redfone working with dahdi-dynamic-ethmf, and is happy
17:39.12drift-ah ok
17:39.19drift-then thats good then :)
17:39.39russellbyes, and it's painfully confusing
17:39.49russellbI hate that it's "N" or blank, heh
17:40.56atanIs there a config option for asterisk that tells how many lines/calls a SIP peer can have?
17:41.24atanSo I could set call-limit:3; would prevent them from having more than 3 calls at any given time?
17:41.27atanWould ring busy, per se?
17:41.51drift-p3nguin: any other ideas?
17:42.00drift-heh we opened ports 10000 - 20000
17:42.01p3nguincall-limit=3 would.
17:42.36p3nguindrift-: How about the canreinvite setting?  You didn't show it above.
17:42.39drift-p3nguin check this out!
17:42.46drift-i dunno what this is phone 201
17:42.55drift-but its using outside ip and port 5061
17:42.57drift-how the hell
17:43.15drift-i'm trying to setup 220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored < and its using 49460 ?
17:45.12drift-p3nguin: i put careinvite=no
17:45.42p3nguinMake sure you always save the changes and run sip reload after changing something in sip.conf.
17:46.10p3nguinHopefully you didn't typo it in the config.
17:46.38p3nguincanreinvite = can re-invite .... care invite = fail
17:47.53drift-[220] type=peer host=dynamic secret=xxxx context=users4 nat=yes careinvite=no
17:48.44p3nguinCAN RE INVITE
17:48.48drift-i just did it
17:48.50drift-restarted asterisk
17:48.52drift-test agian?
17:48.54p3nguinnot CARE INVITE
17:49.18p3nguinsave, run sip reload
17:49.24p3nguintest again.
17:49.29drift-i dont have to do restart now?
17:49.33p3nguinsip reload
17:49.36drift-no shit sip reload lol this entire time i been booting people off phones
17:49.53drift-learn something new everyday ;)
17:50.33drift-no audio still :(
17:53.20Kattywhat's the good word, yos
17:54.17drift-p3nguin no go :(
17:54.54robl^laptopkatty:  a good word!? I have always been fond of "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".  It's a very good word.
17:55.18Kattyinfobot: bird
17:55.18infoboti heard bird is the word.
17:55.38Kattyinfobot: forget bird
17:55.39infobotKatty: i forgot bird
17:55.45Kattyinfobot: bird is the word. it's got groove. it's got meaning.
17:55.45infobotokay, Katty
17:57.12wizhippoanyone know how to create a macro in pbx_lua?  i want call a lua routine from dial using M option
17:57.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
18:05.09p3nguinkatty: Did you feel any shaking over there last night?
18:07.09*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
18:07.17Kattyp3nguin: nope, i was passed out
18:07.22Kattyp3nguin: rumor has it there was an earthquake tho
18:07.46p3nguinThat was sort of the reason I asked.
18:09.04Kattyfound it
18:10.01Kattyapparently it was just a little 2.8
18:15.47*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
18:17.25*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-vgqxjonmjkwjczna)
18:18.02shaprDoes Asterisk support the SIMPLE SIP extensions? At least to the point of passing through SIP MESSAGE method calls to other SIP endpoints?
18:19.41[TK]D-Fendershapr: No.  * is not a messaging platform
18:20.06*** join/#asterisk acxty (~acxty@
18:20.20acxtyHI guys, does someone knows of a open source webphone
18:22.54drift-p3nguin: any other things i can try? with this nat issue?
18:25.07*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
18:26.29shapr[TK]D-Fender: Have you ever tried sending a SIP MESSAGE method call during an active call?
18:28.00*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
18:30.30*** part/#asterisk wizhippo (~Adium@
18:31.34p3nguindrift-: No clue.  Maybe we can look at a sip debug of a call with no audio?
18:31.49drift-how can check if these ports opened up 10000-20000
18:31.55drift-[root@localhost asterisk]# iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT [root@localhost asterisk]#
18:32.03shapr[TK]D-Fender: Looking at channels/chan_sip.c line 12519 (Asterisk 1.8.0), it appears that sending SIP MESSAGE with text is supported.
18:32.24p3nguindrift-: iptables -L INPUT -nv  will show what rules you have in the chain.
18:33.02[TK]D-Fendershapr: While ni a CALL perhaps, but not as far as passing a message from phone to phone without being on a call.
18:33.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:33.46p3nguinI've never used multiport, so I don't know how it affects things.
18:34.22*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
18:34.56p3nguinAsterisk is running on the host where you are issuing the iptables commands, right?
18:36.46ManxPowerdoes it work if you remove uptables?
18:36.47p3nguinErr, I meant I would never use multiport to specify a single port or port range.
18:37.06drift-how would you do it then?
18:38.46p3nguinWell, you aren't listing multiple ports (or port ranges), so just run iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 10000:20000 -j ACCEPT
18:39.14p3nguinI doubt your multiport specification had any negative effect on the rule, though.
18:39.24drift-ok done
18:39.25p3nguinI can't see how it would break anything.
18:39.43p3nguinI was just saying I don't use it for a single port or range, so I don't know how it affects anything.
18:40.06p3nguin(1234.56) <p3nguin> Asterisk is running on the host where you are issuing the iptables commands, right?
18:40.10Kattywhat's the name of the room where zeeek has his friday thing
18:40.14p3nguinStill wanting an answer to that question.
18:40.24p3nguinkatty: #vuc
18:40.29Kattyoh yeah. thanks
18:40.35p3nguinVoIP Users' Conference
18:41.05drift-p3nguin yes
18:41.12drift-linux router / asterisk server same centos machine
18:42.48*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
18:43.18ManxPowerdoes it work without the firewall enabled?
18:43.24p3nguinWhen you call to and from the problem phone, does it make other phones ring and does it ring?
18:44.06drift-if call from internal network to extension it rings i can pick up no audio
18:44.13drift-i can call out to my cell phone no audio
18:44.15ManxPowerso it does not work then
18:44.20drift-it does work
18:44.22drift-just no audio
18:44.26drift-nobody can hear me i cant hear them
18:44.28ManxPowerno audio == not work
18:44.52ManxPowerput disallow=all and allow=ulaw and canreinvite=no in sip.conf [general]
18:45.13drift-[general] port=5060 bindaddr= disallow=all allow=ulaw
18:45.15drift-allrdy ahead of you
18:45.22ManxPowerand the canreinvite?
18:45.31ManxPoweryou don't want a port and bindaddr
18:45.32drift-canreinvite is setup to no on extension 220
18:45.52drift-so take port out?
18:46.03drift-or bindaddr?
18:46.05ManxPowerneither option does anything useful during your testing
18:46.36ManxPowerbut don't bother with iptables until you can get the phones actually talking to each other.
18:46.55drift-well what do you mean
18:47.01drift-i have DSL connection and CABLE connection
18:47.05drift-dsl is extension 220
18:47.09drift-cable is main asterisk with 10 other phones
18:47.18ManxPowerYou did not say that.
18:47.32ManxPowerdoes it work between phones on the same server?
18:47.45drift-if i put it on cable network yes
18:47.48drift-if i put it on my dsl no
18:47.58ManxPowerWhy don't you try getting the local phones to work before trying something this complex?
18:48.03drift-they do all work
18:48.13drift-i want this phone to be working at home when i bring it home
18:48.28ManxPowerenable sip debug, reproduce the issue and pastebin the output
18:49.12ManxPowerI hope you are not using some Asterisk GUI
18:49.43ManxPowerso your dialplan should be nice and simple and easy to read in the debug
18:50.54ManxPowerlooks like nat to me <--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
18:51.34drift-so how can i fix this?
18:52.03ManxPoweris the asterisk server directly on the internet with a public IP address?
18:52.12drift-smc router/cable modem
18:52.19drift-does DMZ to linuxrouter/asterisk
18:52.35ManxPowerthen your setup is too complicated for me to spend time on.  Here is some nat pointers
18:52.37infobotextra, extra, read all about it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:53.10ManxPowerBTW, DMZ means NAT
18:53.19drift- < smc cablemodem goes to > nic#1 > > rest of phones and computers
18:53.56drift-and then i have phone on DSL 220/220                D   N      49460    Unmonitored
18:54.11ManxPowerthen you need to have the externip= localnet= set
18:54.35drift-externip= localnet=
18:54.57p3nguinThat localnet looks wrong.
18:55.30p3nguinYou have things on both 172.16.0 and 172.16.1
18:56.01drift-ok changed it
18:56.06drift-going to test
18:56.07p3nguinsave, sip reload
18:56.42*** join/#asterisk devmod (
18:57.13drift-no go :(
18:59.09devmodWhere cn I find the branch mentioned on this video? SIP/RTMP ?
19:02.15drift-p3nguin? heh
19:02.27*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:06.26p3nguinI use a custom Linux-based router firewall and my remote devices work fine.  One time, I installed a Cisco 831 in place of the Linux machine because I was trying to take up less space and use less power... it broke at least one remote SIP device.
19:06.41*** join/#asterisk DoDaT69 (~DoDaT69@
19:07.04p3nguinThe solution: take the Cisco back out and put the Linux box back in place.
19:07.44p3nguinNo one here was able to (or maybe not willing to) help me fix the problem and keep using the Cisco device.
19:08.04Kattypeeks in
19:08.19Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the asterisk christmas card exchange, please /query me for details!
19:08.35p3nguinNow I can't use the Cisco anyway because it only has a 10 Mbit WAN port and I have far more bandwidth than that.
19:08.56KattyCutoff time for the list is December 15th!
19:09.35*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
19:09.50p3nguinI had more than 10 Mbit back then, too, and I couldn't figure out why things slowed down.  It took a while, but I finally figured out that the router was the problem.
19:10.07Baylinkp3nguin: PPS?
19:10.13fullstopI'm trying to get iaxmodem / hylafax up and running.  I have it working, but sometimes the faxes show up all screwy.
19:10.14p3nguinbaylink: what?
19:10.22BaylinkVoIP is famous for trashing devices that can't handle high PPS counts.
19:10.39fullstoppackets per second
19:11.31drift-p3nguin so what do you suggest i try at this point?
19:11.42fullstopanyway, is there anything I can find in the logs which would show an incomplete fax or the reasoning behind the screwy fax?
19:12.04*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
19:12.32fullstopI'm using the latest spandsp and iaxmodem and hylafax.  My outgoing trunk is a digium TDM T1 card, and the digium fax channel works fine.
19:12.34p3nguinThe problem I had with the Cisco router was that all my rtp packets from a remote device behind NAT had the device's private IP address on them, so rtp had no idea how to deal with them.
19:13.24p3nguinReplace the Cisco with the Linux box and all the rtp packets then show the device's public IP from outside the NAT on the remote LAN.  Problem solved.
19:18.31yonahw[TK]D-Fender: thanks for all of your assistance earlier. I finally got it working.
19:19.40yonahwI still don't understand what the problem was really. I managed to get the phone to dump its app log to the server. Saw that it was failing to download the config files. Tried the credentials it had logged in the browser, which worked. Next reboot the phone could magically download the files without any other changes. I'm not sure if vsftpd is messed up or what.
19:25.39yonahwoops wrong terminal
19:27.19*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
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20:17.50wcselbybusy in here
20:27.52BaylinkOn and off
20:28.13drift-i been pulling my hair out trying to make phone work outside my internal network :(
20:28.35ChannelZThink of how much money you'll save on shampoo
20:30.44WIMPyAh, so that's the way you save money by using voip.
20:31.28wcselbydrift- - what's not working?
20:31.55drift-SMC < cablemodem > DMZ to < asterisk/linuxrouter > internal network < gatway from linux router
20:32.08drift-so smc feeds .03 and .03 feeds  1.2
20:32.12drift-that feeds computers and phones
20:32.15drift-internal phones work fine...
20:32.20drift-but i have phone on DSL line
20:32.30[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: This has been very sad to wath
20:32.45[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: Just running around in circles spouting off this and that.
20:32.49[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: And never REALLY looking
20:33.09infoboti guess sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:33.13drift-i have looked
20:33.17wcselbydrift- - have you reveiwed these links?
20:33.30drift-yea... wcselby the phone can dial 10 for voicemail gets no audio
20:33.38drift-i can call the phone from my cell phone it receives call no audio
20:33.40drift-it can dial out no audio
20:33.40[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: Not one pastebin with SIP DEBUG.
20:33.41wcselbydo you have nat setup properly?
20:33.48[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Of course not
20:33.57drift-wcselby i guess i dont , i dont know
20:34.02wcselby[TK]D-Fender - i'm just trying to prod him into the right direction
20:34.12infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
20:34.21drift-lol okway pastebin what?
20:34.24drift-sip debug
20:34.27wcselbydrift- - if you review the first link infobot gave above, it will show you how to setup your NAT statements in sip.conf
20:34.42[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his rusty-nail upgraded ClueBat(tm)
20:35.01[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: 1st link is dead till I fix my routing
20:35.07wcselbylol oops
20:36.01drift-right now phone is not showing its on network for some reason
20:36.14drift-220/220                    (Unspecified)    D   N      0        Unmonitored
20:36.54[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: It has never refgistered
20:37.12drift-Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '78aec0fa2a30b60865970d090ae3bc15@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER) [Nov  8 15:32:12] NOTICE[20691]: chan_sip.c:13064 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
20:37.15drift-yeah waqs
20:37.21drift-cause i could recieve calls and make calls and it called out
20:37.50[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: that isn't ASIP DEBUG.
20:37.53[TK]D-Fenderdrift-: TRY AGAIN
20:38.38wcselbydrift- - please pastebin your sip.conf [general] sectino plus the peer entry for the remote phone, and also pastebin the CLI with verbosity at least 6 with a sip debug enabled for the peer, the cli from when you attempt to make a call to the phone or from the phone.
20:40.20drift-wcelby 1 sec
20:40.24drift-inet went down i believe on dsl
20:40.26drift-i had to restart
20:40.51*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
20:41.17drift- < my sip.conf
20:41.21nnyhmmph. What's the easiest way to tell asterisk-addons not to compile h323 support? It is throwing errors and I don't need it for this build
20:41.43[TK]D-Fendermake menuconfig <-
20:42.02*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
20:42.10WIMPymake menuselect
20:42.35SparFuxHi all. When trying to load dahdi zaphfc - it worked before without any change - I get no IRQ and dahdi_dummy is attempted to be loaded.
20:42.46nny[TK]D-Fender: in the asterisk-addons directory or asterisk directory?
20:43.05SparFux"No hardware timing source found in /proc/dahdi, loading dahdi_dummy"
20:43.07[TK]D-Fenderaddons clearly
20:43.32nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah nm, i need to install ncurses heh
20:43.39WIMPySparFux: Any info in desg?
20:43.49wcselbySparFux - do you have a timing source other than dahdi_dummy?
20:43.54nnymm nm ncurses is installed. CentOS issue now, thanks
20:44.56SparFuxvzaphfc: card 0: no irq!
20:45.21SparFuxwcselby: I think the HFC pci card is a timing source. it worked without dahdi_dummy.
20:45.22WIMPyLooks like it can't find the hardware. What has changed?
20:45.34drift-this is wierd
20:45.39drift-now my phone wont connect to asterisk server
20:45.44*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
20:45.46drift-from outside network
20:46.10moos3so can i use fax over a sip trunk ?
20:46.56SparFuxperhaps I crapped the card. I already rebooted. I will try cold start, perhaps.
20:52.04[TK]D-Fendermoos3: with T.38, yes
20:53.59moos3[TK]D-Fender, so i sip provider as no way of preventing it do they ?
20:54.52[TK]D-Fendermoos3: Please reword that so it looks like a real sentence...
20:55.04KhratosThis is probably one of the most non-related question, to this channel, but I had no option but to try to get an answer: what is a 'closer' campaign? (on vicidial)
20:55.43KhratosMy native language is not english, and no information seems to take me to a real understanding of that term (in that context)
20:55.49*** join/#asterisk siouxes (
20:56.25siouxeshi all
20:57.15atanWhat's the command to view loaded modules? I want to see if chan-sccp is in there
20:58.32[TK]D-FenderKhratos: Vicidial is not supported in this channel.
20:59.00atan[TK]D-Fender, my goodness you're still here giving out advice.
20:59.07atan[TK]D-Fender, my goodness you're dedicated :P
20:59.20yonahwatan: module show for all or module show like keyword for specific
20:59.35atancan I grep?
20:59.42atanlike module show | grep sccp
20:59.51atanOr anything similar? If I don't know the exact name?
20:59.58p3nguinOnly if you use a shell and not the asterisk CLI.
21:00.21atanMy lord I wish they would just put everything in alphabetical order. :(
21:00.58yonahwatan: like will look for the string anywhere in the name
21:01.23siouxeshi guys, i have a strange problem regarding dtmf and fax detection... can i post here?
21:01.25atanyonahw, WIN!
21:01.40*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
21:02.23siouxesi try...
21:02.49siouxesi have an asterisk box with 2 E1... one is connected to public carrier... the other one is connected to customer pbx
21:02.59atanA tutorial I am reading says ..."chan_sccp is a newer version of the skinny support for asterisk, it replaces the original chan_skinny" but, uh. Is chan_sccp superior in some way? Or is the default one included in Asterisk just fine?
21:02.59SparFuxRe. dahdi still says the hfc pci card had no irq, but lspci -vvv shows "Interrupt: pin A routed to IRQ 19"
21:03.00siouxesso the asterisk box is in the middle
21:03.44WIMPySparFux: What changed since it worked?
21:04.19KhratosI was not asking for 'support', but for a definition of a word in certain context
21:05.24SparFuxWIMPy: I just dropped two #define DEBUG statements in two files to get no more debugging output.
21:05.31siouxesin a first time i have problem with dtmf detection, so i have enabled hardware dtmf detection on the PRI card and dtmf goes working well... in this situation if i make a fax call from customer pbx (that transit in asterisk box and directly exit to public carrier) the PRI card send a 'f' digit that will be routed (as a dtmf) to the public carrier...
21:06.14siouxes...public carrier, that not recognize the 'f' dtmf, close the call.
21:06.21SparFuxWIMPy: trying with the #define DEBUG again, I know exactly where I'd placed them.
21:06.39WIMPysiouxes: There is not f digit.
21:07.41WIMPysiouxes: Do you have fax detection enabled?
21:07.57SparFuxWIMPy: even with DEBUG on again, it's wrecked.
21:08.10drift-ok i see the phone trying to connect
21:08.19drift-16:02:38.881706 IP > UDP, length 507 16:02:42.881354 IP > UDP, length 507
21:08.22drift-my tcpdump
21:08.27drift-but its not letting it connect
21:08.44siouxesWINPy: i have disable faxdetection into chan_dahdi
21:08.46drift-my external phone on dsl trying to connect to internal
21:09.01WIMPySparFux: Restore backup?
21:09.20SparFuxWIMPy: I have done that. still get no irq. The card must have broke right away :-(
21:09.22WIMPySparFux: Or just try to load a kernel driver and see if that finds the card.
21:09.58siouxesWINPy: but the dahdi driver still sending
21:10.03siouxesWINPy: DEBUG[18902] chan_dahdi.c: Detected digit 'f'
21:10.13SparFuxWIMPy: ah, good idea.
21:10.23*** join/#asterisk Bartok (
21:10.48SparFuxWIMPy: yes, that works :-) puh!
21:10.56WIMPysiouxes: Haven't tried it, but I guess that it what fax detection spews out. So I guess that's active.
21:11.40BartokHey folks - still have my one-way voice issue -
21:11.54BartokAsterisk 1.4.31 built by root @ xxxxxx on a x86_64 running Linux on 2010-06-10 14:32:34 UTC
21:12.12SparFuxwhat have I changed????
21:12.31Bartokthis is what is weird - the Echo test seems to work well - almost no lag (well, I am sure if I ran wireshark I would see)
21:12.52siouxesWINPy: if i try 'dahdi show channel 1' , i have faxhandled: no
21:12.56Bartokdialing in, no sound on the receiving end
21:13.01WIMPySparFux: None of us know.
21:13.16Bartokdialing out- appears to work fine - no issue
21:13.24Bartokany words of wisdom
21:13.31SparFuxWIMPy: me IDIOT!
21:13.39SparFuxWIMPy: I changed the kernel source :-(
21:13.47siouxesWIMPy: but the problem is not really related to faxdetection... the real problem is that the 'f' digit is sent over public connection
21:13.48*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
21:13.49SparFuxkicks his own ass.
21:13.59WIMPysiouxes: Maybe you need to disable it in the driver module?
21:14.10siouxesi have no option to do this...
21:14.15WIMPysiouxes: s.a.
21:14.38siouxesexcuse me, what is 's.a.' ?
21:14.46WIMPysee above
21:15.13WIMPysiouxes: There is no f digit.
21:16.20wcselbydrift- - do you have an iptables rule for sip traffic on your server?
21:16.48siouxesWIMPy: i know that an f digit is not valid. this IS the issue. Asterisk consider it as valid and sent it as information packet over outbound isdn connection...
21:17.12WIMPysiouxes: How would it do so?
21:17.36siouxesi have the pri debug showing information packet with digit 'f' (66 hexdecimal)
21:17.41WIMPyI'm pretty sure that's the fax detections way to tell it found a fax CNG.
21:18.03WIMPyI'd like to see that.
21:18.09siouxesif you want i can paste it into this channel
21:18.32WIMPySurely sounds interesting.
21:18.50siouxes1 of 3:Message type: INFORMATION (123)
21:18.59siouxes2 of 3:[70 02 80 66]
21:19.08siouxes3 of 3:Called Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)  'f' ]
21:19.23siouxesthis is my issue! very very strange
21:19.42WIMPyOh. That's even more interesting.
21:19.42siouxesobviusly public carrier didn't understund this and hangup the call
21:20.03WIMPyAre you dialling using 'information'?
21:20.28WIMPyYes, I can see that they won't like it.
21:20.41WIMPyThat looks like a bug.
21:20.52siouxesyes i think too
21:21.22siouxesdo you think that i can do any workaround?
21:21.41WIMPyBut how fast is that happening? I'd expect that you should have received a proceeding bedore any fax would be detected.
21:21.56WIMPyYes, you need to disable fax detection.
21:21.59*** part/#asterisk SparFux (
21:22.13siouxesyes... i am a newbe in irc... and i don't won't to paste all my trace...
21:22.23wcselbysiouxes - use pastebin
21:22.24infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:22.41siouxesby the way, i have a normal cal setup.... setup, setup ack, call proceding...
21:22.52siouxesah ok
21:23.04citywokIs anybody interested in a phonebook for the Aastra phones that reads from the users outlook contact list?
21:23.25WIMPyHmm. After a proceeding no more digits should be sent anyway.
21:23.53WIMPySounds like two bugs at the moment.
21:26.08siouxesexcuse me again WIMPy, i am at home and i saw just now that i haven't the complete trace, just the information packet (that i have used to google around)... tomorrow morning i return to customer site and i can get the complete debug file....
21:26.41WIMPybad luck.
21:27.05siouxesthere is a way, in your mind, to just filter out wich dtmf digit is allowed to be sent ?
21:27.13WIMPyBut you might have to take a look at the module parameters if you have hardware DSP.
21:27.44siouxesi am using the wct4xxp
21:27.56WIMPyNo, I didn't dig that deep, yet.
21:28.15siouxesthat has no info regarding fax, only regarding dtmf hardware detection...
21:29.01siouxesif i set it to off, i haven't the 'f' issue but dtmf detection goes very bad... no detection or double/triple detection...
21:29.03WIMPyMaybe you can only disable both. If in doubt ask Digiums support.
21:29.34siouxesto ask to digium, i have to pay?
21:30.05WIMPyIf you bought their hardware, there should be support.
21:30.13WIMPyTake a look at their website.
21:31.13siouxesi'll take a look... for now thank's for all... tomorrow i'll came back with complete debug file...
21:31.26siouxesok thank you guys
21:36.53p3nguinIt means: turn off comfort noise.
21:37.04drift-where on phone?
21:37.10p3nguinThat's what it says.
21:37.18drfreezeI have two servers using BLF. Both are identically setup with polycom phones
21:37.30drift-btw p3nguin the 220 extension doesnt show in "sip show peers" :(
21:37.32drift-the dsl phone
21:37.38p3nguinSilense suppression, voice activity detection... there's a setting for it somewhere.
21:37.50p3nguinIf it doesn't show up, then it isn't registered.
21:37.53drfreezeAs of last Friday, BLF was working on both systems, today, one of the system reports that all the phones are idle all the time, even when in use
21:37.58*** join/#asterisk segv` (
21:37.59drift-yeah how can i figure out why?
21:38.01drift-or how?
21:38.09drfreezeI resetarted asterisk, and the phones, but get the same result.
21:38.10p3nguinHow about the sip debug?
21:38.15drift-i dont see anything
21:38.28drift-thats relivant
21:38.39p3nguinThen the phone either is not trying to register or you have blocked it with some type of networking situation.
21:38.56WIMPydrfreeze: Ask the phone.
21:39.13p3nguinDuring testing, I like to set my register time on devices very low.
21:39.27drift-how do you do that/
21:39.32drift-this is a polycom 501 sip phone
21:39.34p3nguinIf it is high, you have to wait a long time in between attempts.
21:39.57drift-Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '054a9e8b6d05791f7ba1268177bd3c54@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER) [Nov  8 16:34:38] NOTICE[21250]: chan_sip.c:13064 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)
21:40.03drfreezeThe watchers list is correct
21:40.38drift-p3nguin i know its trying... cause i have tcpdump on the ip address
21:40.53p3nguinOkay, then you've managed to block it.
21:41.15drift-16:36:24.684318 IP > UDP, length 508 16:36:25.199709 IP > UDP, length 508 16:36:25.699221 IP > UDP, length 508 16:36:26.699536 IP > UDP, length 508
21:41.18drift-4 attempts at a time
21:41.23JoseBravoIs possible change the codec of active SIP channel?
21:42.12drfreezeWIMPy: phone reports: CallingPres  : Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
21:42.50citywokrussellb: i ended up finding a couple issues with my exchange setup, unfortunately having fixed them * still segfaults the same way. lol
21:43.57Qwellrussellb: *thwap*
21:43.59Qwell  :D
21:44.10russellbyes.  taht.
21:44.19*** join/#asterisk Preytell (
21:44.22russellbs/// fail.
21:44.24citywoklolol.  Yes, it's already all on the issue tracker :P
21:44.41russellboh?  then why haven't you fixed it yet
21:44.41Preytellcan polycom transfer keys be mapped to do "##" transfer?
21:44.56citywokb/c it's over my head / C programming abilities
21:45.29citywoki think it may be the neon library that asterisk is relying on, but i'm not really sure.  and * shouldn't seg, it should handle it gracefully.
21:45.54russellbissue #?
21:46.01russellband i was just kidding
21:46.11citywoki kinda figured, lol 18220
21:47.03russellboh, the calendar thing
21:47.07russellbi thought you were talking about SIP
21:47.14citywokoh, no hah
21:47.23citywoki don't have any issues with SIP anymore, no seg's therel ol
21:47.48russellbpitel on there wrote it, hopefully he can look at it ...
21:49.51citywokyea, hopefully.  if not i am able to replicate the features in PHP and could ghetto-fix it for the time being.
21:50.28citywokthe res_calendar thing needs a couple new features too, but i can't code them so i can't submit it on the tracker lol
21:50.55*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
21:51.05russellbyou could email (and CC with your feature ideas
21:51.20russellbi'll throw them on the heap of ideas
21:51.35citywokkk, they're pretty simple
21:51.56*** join/#asterisk lanning (
21:54.52p3nguindrift-: If you don't see it in sip debug, then it isn't reaching Asterisk.  If you see it in a tcpdump on the host, then it is at least reaching the host.  Find out what you changed to prevent it from reaching Asterisk.
21:57.28*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
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22:01.40drift-p3nguin heh i'm taking break on this asterisk stuff i'll be back in office tomorrow ;(
22:01.46drift-got headache
22:01.52drift-thanks so much for your help
22:02.10drift-you been very kind :)
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22:02.35carrarThere are no breaks
22:02.40carrarGIT R DONE
22:08.36citywokalright russell, i sent it to you guys.  Looking at the code in res_cal_ews it looks like it'd be simple to add the XML to the requests, the question being how to implement the options in calendar.conf -- of course, this assumes it works at all and * doesn't segfault lol.
22:09.36*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
22:13.46Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the asterisk christmas card exchange, please /query me for details! Cut off for sign-ups is December 15th!
22:15.32p3nguinsuggests a timer
22:16.11*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
22:18.42atanOkay I'm having almost no luck getting my little dd-wrt router to work as an OpenVPN client. Pfft.
22:19.00atanAre there any other methods one could use to somewhat securely use sccp?
22:21.46*** join/#asterisk [canniballllera] (
22:39.36*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
22:39.37*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
22:39.44IsUphello everyone
22:40.12IsUpi have a problem with Asterisk startup. When i start asterisk, it takes long time to initialize SIP
22:40.22*** join/#asterisk CattyRayheart (
22:40.24IsUpmeanwhile, i am unable to do run any 'sip show peers' or any SIP commands
22:40.37IsUpi have 3 outbound providers, 1 sip user for X-Lite
22:40.40IsUpis that normal?
22:40.57IsUpsame as 'sip reload', when i do 'sip reload' it takes about 2 mins to get SIP up
22:47.25*** part/#asterisk jplank (
22:53.38IsUpanybody alive? :)
22:54.17*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
22:54.18WIMPyDNS issues?
22:54.27IsUpwell, its just IP based
22:54.30IsUpnever doing a host lookup
22:54.38IsUpi suspect of "qualify"
22:54.47IsUpit makes a lag or something as i believe
22:54.54WIMPyThat could be an expanation
22:55.01IsUpis that normal?
22:55.10WIMPyCan it find it's own identity?
22:55.14p3nguinits own
22:55.37p3nguin"it is own" wouldn't make any sense.
22:55.57IsUpwell basicly, i am running Asterisk on VMWare, i have X-Lite and i have 3 providers for outbound calls
22:55.59WIMPyall your base are belong to us!
22:56.06IsUpso its just for personal use i mean
22:56.11IsUpi am not sure best configuration in sip.conf
22:56.20IsUpcan anyone help me if u put to pastebin?
22:57.20*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpMan@
22:57.29DelphiWorldhow to do early media in asterisk?
22:57.30WIMPyI'm not sure what Asterisk, or chan_sip exactely do, but it might try to enumerate your interfaces and their host names.
22:57.53IsUpi am using OpenDNS in Linux
22:57.59WIMPySo if that's not possible, that might be a common issue.
22:58.19IsUpDelphiWorld: try Progress and then Playback
22:58.29IsUpwhich channel technology you are using?
22:58.32DelphiWorldiscario: thank you
22:58.47DelphiWorldiscario: what about if i want to let my client to pass there early media?
22:58.52p3nguindelphiworld: Use Playback() and the noanswer option for it.
22:59.02*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
22:59.02*** part/#asterisk segv` (
22:59.10DelphiWorldp3nguin: thanks and IsUp also
22:59.20iscarioDelphiWorld: you're welcom :D but that was not me ^^
22:59.29IsUpDelphiWorld: try pass to call without answering it, i think
22:59.44DelphiWorldIsUp: ;)
22:59.47IsUpthere must be a "rogressinband" option for SIP
22:59.54IsUp*progressinband i mean
22:59.54DelphiWorldiscario: lol you are lucky always thinked hehehe
23:00.32IsUpwhich channel technology you are using?
23:02.15IsUpand folks, does "qualify" necessary for outbound calls?
23:03.13*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
23:05.09DelphiWorldbye guys
23:05.14DelphiWorldthank for all that helped me
23:05.15*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpMan@
23:06.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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23:16.31*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
23:22.59IsUpmy problem is solved
23:23.05IsUpby switching to Comodo DNS :)
23:23.10IsUpthanks to everyone
23:24.04p3nguin(1702.14) <IsUp> and folks, does "qualify" necessary for outbound calls?    <-- no.  qualify is used for NAT keepalive and to remove portable devices when they have gone "away"
23:24.42IsUpand whatis "insecure"
23:24.48IsUpdoes it necessary for every peer?
23:25.00IsUpand one last question, whats the difference between "friend" and "peer" :)
23:25.50p3nguinI can't think how to describe insecure, but friend is both a peer and a user.
23:25.52*** part/#asterisk [canniballllera] (
23:26.24*** join/#asterisk tinkerghost (
23:26.26IsUpokay thank you
23:26.32IsUpi'll take a look to voip-info for insecure
23:27.55tinkerghostI am having an intermittant issue with calls being rejected - 2 calls for the same phone number will have 1 routed correctly & the other rejected as not being able to find the extension
23:29.53IsUpcan you explain more?
23:31.48tinkerghostI have a SIP connection to my DID provider. The extension routes it directly to a single context - no included contexts.
23:31.57infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:32.04[TK]D-FenderExplain less, show more.
23:34.02*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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23:39.48*** join/#asterisk atan2 (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
23:42.18tinkerghostsorry had cop/paste issues w/ remote server.
23:45.39*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~Adium@unaffiliated/visik7)
23:47.27tinkerghostI just updated it with the console report on 2 calls - 1 succeeded, the other failed
23:48.21IsUptinkerghost: i didnt understand your problem actually
23:48.32IsUpu can PM me if u want
23:48.37IsUpwe can try
23:48.52[TK]D-Fendertinkerghost: useless... pastebin the FAILED CALL
23:56.41*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
23:57.56*** join/#asterisk genxweb (
23:58.13genxwebis there anyone here that can elp me with phpagi issue
23:58.27IsUpwhats up?
23:58.36genxweblet me put it in a pastebin to show you

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