IRC log for #asterisk on 20101107

00:05.02markitpabelanger: thanks a lot!
00:05.04adncWIMPy, do you know of a documentation or example?
00:05.40pabelangermarkit: np
00:08.33*** join/#asterisk voxter (
00:13.22x86pabelanger: ah... no, i did not... thanks!
00:13.49x86pabelanger: you know how I can set the ringer volume from the provisioning files?
00:14.01x86pabelanger: I want to max out the ringer volume and the handset volume
00:14.13x86it always resets to mid-volume every reboot
00:14.53pabelangerx86: Off the top of my head no
00:15.04pabelangerI'm sure there is a settings for it
00:15.16x86yeah, I just can't read the admin guide from the console
00:15.22x86it's only available as a PDF :(
00:16.24pabelangerYa, I'm not sure why they don't provide .txt or .html
00:16.47x86<volume voice.volume.persist.handset="1">
00:17.45x86that takes care of that, but not the ringer
00:19.18x86se.pat.ringer.2.inst.12.value="-11" ?
00:19.24x86will changing that change the volume?
00:22.14*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:29.20x86how well does 1.8.0 support SRTP with a Polycom phone (if at all)
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00:33.01pabelangerx86: It should work, 1.8.0 is the first release with SRTP
00:34.48x86will have to try it
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00:35.41x86hmm, so I can provision the ring tone, and make it non-user-changeable, but I can't figure out how to provision the ringer volume...
00:41.34*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
01:22.43*** join/#asterisk dev_astguru (
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01:26.52dev_astguruanyone having issues with voicemail server running on vmware?
01:27.44*** join/#asterisk trelane` (~trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
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01:32.54*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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01:42.18jblackdrmessano: heh
01:47.43dev_asthi JBlack
01:48.02jblackHi dev_ast
01:48.26dev_astI have voicemail server running under VMware Esx server
01:49.05dev_astwhenever there are 5-7 simultenous calls, CPU usage goes 100%
01:49.17jblackSorry. I lost interest the second you said vmware.
01:49.26dev_ast30% asterisk 50% sendmail
01:49.32dev_astoh ok....
01:50.58dev_astSo, what version of asterisk are you using?
01:51.13dev_astI am still using 1.4.24 considering it as most stable
01:51.45dev_astdid u try to implement Shared Line Appearance
01:52.31dev_astit seems that Asterisk 1.6 has SLA support on it, but couldn't make it working
01:54.55jblackMight be. I had a variety of mild problems with 1.6, so I backed down to 1.4
01:55.18jblackI think 1.8 is just around the corner, if not out yet
01:55.28dev_astcould you please share some of the issues on 1.6
01:55.56jblackYeah, looks like 1.8 came out on 10/26.
01:56.04dev_astin fact i was planning to upgrade all of my production servers from 1.4 to 1.6
01:56.28dev_astyes 1.8 came out on 10/21
01:56.37jblackNothing useful to really say about it, it's been a long time since I did 1.6, and whatever i saw was probably long fixed
01:57.55dev_astI am afraid to go with 1.8 for production.
01:58.18dev_astHopefully 1.6 doesn't have critical issues on SIP
01:59.03WIMPydev_ast: As long as I don't use srtp it's working. Or at least has been doing so for three days.
01:59.39drmessanoI noticed a few issues with 1.8 as well.. like maybe there's a memory leak somewhere
02:00.09jblackThat wouldn't be a surprise.
02:00.43dev_astWIMPy: Thanks for the information. I will look on that
02:01.06WIMPyThe srtp thing is pretty funny. I get audio in both directions, but after about 5 seconds asterisk crashes.
02:01.48WIMPyInterstingly the phone displays an insecure connection.
02:01.57dev_asthuh!! weird
02:01.58drmessanoWithout the lecture on Linux memory usage, I noticed my home box with a 1GB RAM is using much more RAM than before, which may be by design, but I am also consuming swap and never did with any 1.6 release or 1.4 release.. Also noticed I go unresponsive after a few days, and I either need to restart (if I notice it) or eventually there's a crash then a restart from safe_asterisk that clears it
02:02.28WIMPyYes, it's using more by design.
02:03.22WIMPyI'll keep an eye on the memory size.
02:03.23dev_astdrmessano: it could be due to lots of modules embedded in asterisk 1.8
02:03.36drmessanoLots of modules embedded?
02:04.05dev_astwhen you compile asterisk, customize it for your requirement
02:04.14dev_astmake menuselect
02:04.17drmessanoI don't embed any of the modules
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02:04.31drmessanoI compile all the same as I ever have
02:04.52drmessanoBut that shouldn't crash asterisk
02:05.51dev_asti will try to install Asterisk 1.8 on dell poweredge r710
02:06.00dev_astand see if it does funny like you said
02:07.56ChannelZMine is hillarious
02:08.24dev_astwhat happened ChannelZ?
02:08.42ChannelZCracking jokes left and right
02:09.02drmessanoOh, you installed app_funny?
02:09.16dev_astnice one drmessano
02:09.47ChannelZIt's a lot of fart and poop humor, but still..
02:11.04ManxPowerI think I will wait for 8-)
02:11.43dev_astAsterisk is not good for the use of Voicemail and IVR. Please comment on it
02:12.10dev_astmost importantly  Playback() function
02:13.03drmessanoWhere do you get your information?
02:13.29dev_asti m getting lots of complaint from my customers
02:13.40dev_astthey are getting jitters while retrieving voicemails
02:14.22dev_astwhen i say jitters, i mean delay in playback
02:14.22drmessanoSounds like your servers are either (1) poorly configured virtual machines (2) underpowered or (3) your bandwidth sucks
02:14.43dev_astthat's not true
02:15.32drmessano[22:11] <dev_ast> Asterisk is not good for the use of Voicemail and IVR. Please comment on it  <-- That's not true either, and what you described is not a "known issue" with Asterisk or else it would have been addressed
02:15.38dev_astas virtual center shows resources is perfectly assigned
02:16.16dev_asti have VLAN assigned for the voice with QOS enabled network
02:16.37drmessanoThat's meaningless.. Your management console isn't going to tell you that you're running a REALTIME application in a non-so-realtime environment
02:16.53drmessanoWhich would explain just what you're describing
02:17.50dev_astso what's your point. I shouldn't be using virtual machine for asterisk
02:19.38ChannelZOr maybe that you shouldn't be complaining about it
02:19.51drmessanoIt sounds like you're using paravirtualization and not a fully virtualized environment
02:21.03dev_astI am using fully virtualized machine... I am using SLES to host asterisk as voicemail server
02:22.35dev_astIs there anyone using asterisk on Virtual Machine. You might be right that VMs are not smart enough to handle realtime app
02:22.58ChannelZwell voip requires fairly decent timing, if you're getting stutters it implies not a very good clock source or possibly packets disappearing into nowhere
02:23.32dev_asti used wireshark to trace the issue
02:23.59WIMPyvoip is not a realtime thing. It only is if you have hardware interfaces. - BUT - You DO need a reliable timing source. And VMs seem to have issues there.
02:24.43pabelangerManxPower: There won't be a, just 1.8.20
02:24.49ChannelZIt doesn't matter if you have hardware interfaces or not - if your machine can't count and spits out packets too slowly you're going to have problems
02:24.50dev_astthat's what i thought WIMPy. But couldn't find the real solution to solve that
02:25.34dev_astmay be i can talk with VMware guys, but not sure they can do anything with this
02:26.58dev_astnetwork bandwidth is not my issue. I have plenty of network bandwidht
02:27.17dev_astso it should be VM
02:28.33ManxPowerpabelanger,  not unless they changed the release procedures again
02:29.04pabelangeryes, it changed
02:29.06ManxPowerwe had 1.6.0.x 1.6.2.x 1.6.3.x as Asterisk versions
02:29.21pabelanger1.8.x, 1.10.x, etc
02:29.40ManxPowercan you cite a reference for changing it back to the old versioning?
02:31.02ManxPowerpabelanger, thank you.
02:31.10ManxPowerthey need to stop changing the versioning layout
02:33.27pabelanger_should_ be the last time
02:35.24dev_astpabelanger, thanks for the information
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04:49.47ChannelZCrap, the time change is tonight isn't it..
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06:20.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
06:21.16mmlj4it is
06:23.36baileyxhey there, my asterisk install on  (on ubuntu) works well, i am trying to install asterisk-gui but am having a strange problem. it successfully starts a http service on port 8088, but when i try to browse to http://theip/asterisk/static/config/ it says '404 not found' — when I try http://theip/asterisk/static/ '403 permission denied'  is there a log for this asterisk/http service so i can troubleshoot
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06:25.00infobot[~asterisk-gui] The Asterisk-GUI is an open source project lead by Digium. It's client-driven, and its only dependency is Asterisk itself. Check out the new version from svn here: $ svn co asterisk-gui-2.0.  For support go to  #asterisk-gui
06:25.58p3nguinI can't guarantee success in that channel, either, but it has to be better than this one.
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06:57.31ChannelZare you going to http://theip-asterisk-static:8080/config ?
06:58.06ChannelZ(or whatever, but the important part being :8080 after the ip/hostname)
07:00.03baileyxyes, the port is there. now it's working for me . i had to make a symlink as it appears the server was simply looking in the wrong folder
07:03.26baileyxnow it's tuck in a Checking write permission for gui folder, but this seems like a resolvable permissions issue
07:16.14*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
07:16.20dandate2is caller id spoofing illegal yet?
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10:05.55seanjohnany way to get asterisk to show a timestamp in the console?
10:08.20seanjohnI see this feature request from 2003: did it ever happen?
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13:34.05robl^laptophowdy all!
13:35.02robl^laptopanyone know if the Vestec Speech Recognition Engine supports Asterisk 1.8 yet or if support is planned?
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13:58.18pabelangerrobl^laptop: Best to contact Digium directly
13:59.53robl^laptoppabelanger: yeah, I'll prolly contact them on Monday.  I was just checking to see if anyone here was familiar with it.
14:00.43pabelangerI don't see anything related to 1.8.0 on
14:00.48pabelangerSo I would say no ATM
14:02.15atanIf you have automon => *1 can you set it to save files into a set folder? like, /dev/null if there is no accountcode, or /recordings/{accountcode}/ ?
14:02.19robl^laptoppabelanger: that's what I noticed, as well, hence my asking for confirmation.  thanks.
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14:21.35atanHey guys I am having the same issue this fella is, any ideas?
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14:41.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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14:56.01atanI missed the flag part. Figues =) We're good now
15:01.45atanI seem to be missing something with this thinger, exten => _NXXXXXX,n,Set(CDR(accountcode=${SIPPEER(accountcode)}))
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15:02.33[TK]D-Fenderatan: brackets in the wrong place.
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15:03.00[TK]D-Fenderatan: completefunctionreference=value
15:03.57atan[TK]D-Fender, the brackets don't look out of place to me though?
15:04.46[TK]D-Fenderatan: = comes after you have completed the function.  in yours it does not
15:05.21atanexten => _NXXXXXX,n,Set(CDR(accountcode=${SIPPEER(accountcode)})) should be exten => _NXXXXXX,n,Set(CDR(accountcode${SIPPEER=(accountcode)})) ?
15:05.25atanis so lost right now
15:05.35[TK]D-Fenderatan: atan CDR is not closed before the "=" <---------
15:06.23atanAhh, so like exten => _NXXXXXX,n,Set(CDR(accountcode)=${SIPPEER(accountcode)})
15:06.34[TK]D-Fenderatan: THERE you go
15:06.52atanHmm. I must have missed something else. Not setting the accountcode still =\
15:07.20[TK]D-Fenderatan: it is calling SET and passing the value you expect from SIPPEER?
15:07.24atanSet("SIP/7940-023009f0", "CDR(accountcode)=") in new stack
15:08.43atanI think I got it, one sec ;D
15:08.47atanI feel so foolish sometimes
15:08.58[TK]D-Fenderatan: First the CDR shoudl already have the accountcode from your peer... it shouldn't have to be assigned manually...
15:09.20[TK]D-Fenderatan: forgot to set it in the peer I'm betting.. or typo'd
15:09.44atanIs what I'm going for but no doubt I goofed up there somewhere
15:10.19[TK]D-Fenderatan: Again, this isn't something you're supposed to have to set in the first place.
15:10.26[TK]D-Fenderatan: pastebin the call and your peer
15:16.33atan[TK]D-Fender, we're good here now. You were 100% right, it was a stupid typo on my part.
15:18.18atan[TK]D-Fender, can we back up a few steps here. I think you hinted I was using more lines of config than I needed when I had exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Set(SIPID=${SIPCHANINFO(peername)}) exten => _NXXXXXX,n,Set(CDR(accountcode)=${SIPPEER(${SIPID}:accountcode)})
15:18.24[TK]D-Fenderatan: Also you should not have to set it at all.
15:18.47atanLet me remove those lines & see what happens
15:19.00[TK]D-Fenderatan: accountcode=1234567989 <---- this should be already passed on as the starting value for CDR(accountcode)
15:20.12atanWell I'll be. Sweet deal.
15:21.16atan[TK]D-Fender, any recommendations on 911 service?
15:21.25atanShould I flag that call somehow do it's never dropped?
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15:25.11[TK]D-Fenderatan: You normally only set the CDR direct if that value is variable...
15:25.37atan[TK]D-Fender, so in the case of flagging inbound calls then?
15:25.53[TK]D-Fenderatan: For instance
15:27.39atan[TK]D-Fender, is there ever a time where billsec would be > than duration ?
15:27.52atanAnd is there a billing interval in some config file?
15:29.08phixhey [TK]D-Fender, you are one of my heroes
15:29.23[TK]D-Fenderatan: how YOU process the facts is up to you after the fact... it should only store the reality
15:30.28atan[TK]D-Fender, inside cdr.conf if I change unanswered = yes to see unanswered calls (so I can capture the ring times) it doesn't insert the accountcode
15:30.55phixI am having issues with fax dectection
15:31.02phixit is picking up faxes as talk not fax
15:31.07phixeven when I wait 4 secs
15:31.33phixshould I just compile NVDetectSomething or use the inbuilt stuff which seems to be fialing?
15:32.48[TK]D-Fenderatan: Sounds like it isn't inheriting until bridged... doesn't sound too logical to me... might be considered a "bug"
15:40.15[TK]D-Fendertime to head out, back later
15:46.28*** join/#asterisk genxweb (
15:48.51genxwebI have a question in my extensions_custom.conf file I created a new context and it works fine. My question is I name my trunks the tr- then extension number. I want to have it grab the extension of the user placing the call and choose that trunk for the outbound call. This is what I ahve tried exten => _X.,3,Dial(SIP/{AMPUSER}/${EXTEN},120,tr) but it does nto work I even tried wit ha $ in
15:48.51genxwebfront of teh {AMPUSER}
15:49.32genxwebfor right now I am trying to get it to say SIP/extension#/outbound_number
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16:11.26atanwhat is  DBput in 1.8?
16:16.47atanpbx_extension_helper: No application 'DBput' for extension =S
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16:20.36ketashugs asterisk
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16:43.20pabelangeratan: Set(DB(blah)=1234)
16:43.49atanThank you. =)
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16:46.10z4nD4Rhi all
16:46.56ketashi z4nD4R
16:48.25z4nD4Rom my asterisk server are loged 2 users ( 1000 and 1001 ) with TLS... when 1000 ( on the same machine as server ) call 1001 all is good, but if 1001 call 1000 the call is not established.. any ideas?
16:50.58pabelangerz4nD4R: How about showing us the problem?
16:51.23z4nD4Rpabelanger: on softphone show failed..
16:51.31adolfomaltezhi z4nD4r, the client 1000 and the server overlaps SIP port, i think
16:51.54infobotsomebody said collectdebug was a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
16:51.58pabelangerz4nD4R: ^^
16:52.52adolfomaltezwhen i use ekiga softphone in the same Asterisk server, i have to change te SIP port for ekiga
16:53.10z4nD4Radolfomaltez: you right
16:53.11z4nD4R1001/1001                                    D          5061     Unmonitored
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16:53.22z4nD4Rport is 5061
16:55.39z4nD4Radolfomaltez: i use sip-communcator...
16:57.02z4nD4Radolfomaltez: you use template to each softphone?
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17:00.49adolfomaltezz4nD4r: i use ekiga.   Ekiga listen for inbound sip calls in udp port   5060. Asterisk uses the same port udp/5060.  Then you have to change the port for ekiga (in your case for sip-comunicator) for inbound SIP calls.   you can use the udp/5070 for your sip phone in the SAME Asterisk server
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17:03.28z4nD4Radolfomaltez: in my case i use port 5061 but i undertandt what you whant to say.... so i should be cange port on sip-communikator... right?
17:05.03adolfomaltezyes, change the port in the sip-cominicator, and try again
17:07.07z4nD4Radolfomaltez: but... proxy or regostrat... i thing no one
17:08.09adolfomaltezin ekiga is: "listen port"
17:08.27z4nD4Radolfomaltez: this options is not on sip-communikator
17:10.12genxwebI am trying to get ths to work exten => _X.,3,Dial(SIP/tr-${AMPUSER}/${EXTEN},120,tr) it returns
17:10.12genxwebSIP/tr-/717xxxxxxx|120|tr but not the ampuser variable. I have this on my extensions_custom.conf file
17:10.59adolfomaltezz4nD4r:  run as root  # netstat -u4l --numeric
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17:11.12adolfomaltezonly for verify in what port is asterisk listen
17:13.39adolfomaltezok, the 5060 port is used by   Asterisk OR sip-comunicator , the port is overlap
17:14.03adolfomaltezthe 5061 port is not in use, for inbound sip connections
17:14.41adolfomaltezyou can change the SIP port in asterisk instead of sip-cominicator,
17:14.52z4nD4Radolfomaltez: i connect trought TLS - 5061 => 5060 is used by asterisk
17:16.23adolfomaltezsorry, i not used TLS before, but the 5061 port is closed
17:17.10z4nD4Radolfomaltez: netstat -ln | grep 5061
17:17.10z4nD4Rtcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
17:17.44adolfomaltezi'm apologize
17:19.36z4nD4Ryou idea is, i thing right because user on asterisk si connect on port 5061... that this port is
17:19.50z4nD4RName/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status
17:19.50z4nD4R1000/1000                                    D          55607    Unmonitored
17:19.50z4nD4R1001/1001                                    D          5061     Unmonitored
17:19.50z4nD4R2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
17:20.04z4nD4Rmy ip is .60
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17:24.18adolfomaltezsorry z4nD4r, at this point i have no idea :(
17:24.46z4nD4Rheh..oki... thx
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17:33.10infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
17:33.18pabelangerz4nD4R: ^ pastebin your debug log
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17:37.55z4nD4Rpabelanger: i muss on cca 1hour go away.... but when i go back ... a paste this log
17:42.23p3nguinmanxpower: You asked at least once if the IAX2 registration/authorization bug (the one that matches the last peer entry) was ever fixed... did you get an answer?
17:46.29dev-astSIP might be the better option over IAX2. SIP is the industry standard and it's easier to get the support for SIP than IAX2
17:47.09WIMPyYou are aware, that it's usually the worst option that becomes standard?
17:47.39florzas in: asterisk? =:-)
17:48.09WIMPyflorz: What is the better option?
17:48.24ManxPowerp3nguin, no, but I don't really care.  I have not used IAX2 in years.
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17:48.37ManxPowerthe workaround is simple
17:48.48florzwell, yeah, I suppose it's the best option also, as bad as it is ;-)
17:49.05ManxPowerum, the worst option is SIP, that is why everyone uses it.
17:49.19WIMPyflorz: That's what I think.
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk corretico (~corretico@
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17:51.17ketasis sip bad?
17:51.30ManxPowerp3nguin, I know the bug existed from Asterisk 0.65 all the way up to 1.4.23
17:51.47ManxPowerketas, it is a poorly defined protocol, nat unfriendly
17:52.07florzManxPower: what is poorly defined about it?
17:52.16ketaseverything is nat unfriendly
17:52.29ManxPowerflorz, for one thing there are at least a dozen RFCs that "define" SIP as it is used today.
17:52.53ManxPowerketas, NO, not everything embeds the IP address as part of the data of the packet, making it impossible for normal NAT to work
17:52.58florzManxPower: that sounds more like extensibility than poorly defined, I'd think
17:53.12ketashm, well
17:53.42florzand as far as NAT is concerned: well, practically that's a problem, but in principle that's really NAT's fault
17:54.23ketaswith ipv6, nat will go away?
17:54.35WIMPyIn principle, yes, but NAT has been a common situation for about 15 years.
17:54.36ManxPowerTo be fair RTP/SDP is what is nat unfriendly.
17:54.55ManxPowerWIMPy, good thing they didn't design SIP to work with the standards of the day, huh?
17:55.27WIMPyNo, RTP is ok, it's the way it's set up via SIP.
17:55.51ManxPowerH323, SCCP/Skinny, MGCP, and SIP all suffer from similar issues WRT NAT
17:56.13ketaswait, can't do sip behind nat?
17:56.31WIMPyketas: In practice, you can.
17:56.45genxwebketas I do all the time
17:56.49ManxPowerketas, Only if your endpoints have special SIP NAT support.  You cannot do it without special NAT support for SIP in the endpoints or in the NAT router.
17:56.54genxwebyou jsu have to open the ports
17:57.01genxweband do a port fowarding or 1 to 1 nat
17:57.02WIMPyBut you need to disable reinvites, which would have been a clever idea.
17:57.13ManxPowergenxweb, your endpoints have special NAT support.
17:57.19genxwebthey dont
17:57.26genxwebyou cna do it with a simple asterisk trick
17:57.26ManxPowergenxweb, are you using Asterisk?
17:57.31genxwebyep asterisk
17:57.40ManxPowergenxweb, Dude, Asterisk is an endpoint and Asterisk has special NAT support.
17:57.46ketasnat ruins everything
17:58.06genxwebthere that explaisn hwo to do it
17:58.35genxwebbbl got to go help the kids
17:58.39ketasi love to see that one day, typical home router routes ipv6 and is fw only
17:58.44genxwebif some one knows the answer to this issue please let me know
17:58.46ManxPowergenxweb, see how that talks about special settings for NAT.
17:58.51ManxPowerYou have just proved my point
17:58.58genxwebyeah but that is a simpel config in inside of asterisk
17:59.07genxwebopen ports
17:59.17ManxPowerI didn't say it was not simple.  I said the endpoint has to have special SIP NAT support built in.
17:59.44genxwebI am trying to get ths to work exten => _X.,3,Dial(SIP/tr-${AMPUSER}/${EXTEN},120,tr) it returns  SIP/tr-/717xxxxxxx|120|tr but not the ampuser variable. I have this on my extensions_custom.conf file
17:59.47ManxPowerThey all do these days, but it is NOT part of any SIP RFC as far as I know
18:00.01ketasrecently found
18:00.02genxwebsee if anyof you can help em with that
18:00.02ManxPowergenxweb, try asking on a channel that supports FreePBX/Trixbox
18:00.09genxwebI have
18:00.12ketashaven't tested
18:00.23genxweblets forget the fact it is freepbx and put it in the extensions.conf gile
18:00.29genxwebsame sisue
18:00.34genxwebsame issue*
18:00.40ManxPowergenxweb, AMPUSER is NOT an Asterisk variable
18:01.04ManxPowerAMPUSER is a variable created by FreePBX
18:01.36tymanwhat are the opinions here of switchvox?  Does anyone know how switch box can track states of calls delegated to adhearsion?
18:01.39ManxPowerno, dialedparties.agi is also not part of the standard Asterisk, it is something from FreePBX
18:03.04ukine_worki lost the link for setting up gvoice with freepbx. anybody got it?
18:04.17ukine_worknvm, found it on the wiki
18:04.21ManxPowerFreepbx question here on #asterisk.  Very funny.
18:05.02ukine_workthanks for your help, ManxPower
18:05.19ManxPowerukine, maybe asking on the FreePBX channel would have been more productive?
18:06.42ukine_workum the settings i want to change are part of asterisk and not necessarily specific to freepbx?
18:07.37ManxPowerukine, virtually anything you want to do is specific to FreePBX, including the actual configuration files you edit.
18:08.11ukine_workthank you, THAT was helpful
18:08.22ManxPowerFor example, FreePBx will overwrite extensions.conf on every reload.
18:08.43ManxPoweror it used to, I don't know about today -- that is freepbx specific.
18:10.31ukine_workstill does
18:10.44ManxPowerAsterisk does not do that -- i.e. that is a FreePBX specific thing.
18:11.32ketascrying after lost your complex dial plan
18:11.51ketass/lost/you lost/
18:12.49ManxPowerMy point stands.   virtually anything you want to do is specific to FreePBX, including the actual configuration files you edit.
18:17.52p3nguinTo accept registration from these random devices, I just need a peer definition without a secret?
18:18.11ManxPowerp3nguin, ??
18:19.04p3nguinmanxpower: I think it was you that mentioned something the other day about allowing the random devices to register and to make calls on your system, routing any call to a prerecorded message.
18:19.22ManxPowerp3nguin, no, allowing random passwords
18:19.39ManxPowerthe regname still has to match AFIK
18:19.52p3nguinoh, hmm
18:19.56ManxPowerbut I bet all the toll frauders try extension 10 or 100 first
18:20.13p3nguinRegistration from "2403943889"
18:20.24p3nguinRegistration from "2478091497"
18:20.48ManxPowercreate a peer with that, do not have a secret line.  (don't have secret= as that requires NO password, not "any password")
18:20.58p3nguinThey usually hit me with 6-10 digit numbers when trying to register.
18:21.14ManxPowerp3nguin, interesting.  the ones I see all start out with 2-digit extensions
18:22.09p3nguinI used to get attacks which would try 3-digits, often start at 100 and run up to 200 or 300 before failing and leaving.
18:23.09p3nguinHaven't seen any of those for a while, but I still get random attempts often trying to register 10-digit peers.
18:24.00p3nguinI always think they look like phone numbers, so I've actually called a few of them to see if I could figure anything out... never had any luck.
18:25.47p3nguinThat last attempt was from
18:26.23*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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18:28.57p3nguinWhy did you reinvent the wheel?  fail2ban does that just fine.
18:29.17genxwebdoes it do it for SIP ?
18:29.25genxwebI know it worked on web , ssh
18:29.30genxwebnever had it work for me on SIP
18:29.33p3nguinIt reads asterisk's log.
18:29.56infoboti guess fail2ban is a program to ban people using iptables based on information in logs:
18:31.26p3nguinIf you use pf (not on Linux), I'm sure it can be adapted easily enough.
18:34.07atanFor some reason when I connect calls one person can send audio, but the other person cannot send audio
18:34.17atanI'm thinking it's a codec issue? Just wondering where I should start?
18:34.25atanIt's a linksys ATA adapter on the end with the issue
18:34.41p3nguinSounds like a typical SIP NAT problem.
18:35.02atanNAT Mapping Enable: change to "Yes": ?
18:36.18*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoAMG@
18:36.22atanNo cigar on that one
18:37.00p3nguinTypically, you set NAT traversal to NO on the device and use Asterisk's built-in NAT settings for the peer.
18:37.40atanWithin sip.conf I have nat=yes
18:37.59p3nguinIn [general] or in the peer for the device?
18:37.59ketasbtw, is the linksys ata good?
18:38.13atanp3nguin, peer for the device
18:38.24p3nguinIs Asterisk behind NAT?
18:38.26atanketas, give me a few hours to tell you
18:38.48atanp3nguin, it could be. It's sitting at the datacentre... which has some funky network scheme...
18:39.02atanp3nguin, I have another device (Cisco 7940) connected up which makes/gets calls just fine
18:39.05p3nguinDoes it have a public IP address on the interface?
18:39.10atanp3nguin, it does
18:39.23p3nguinIt probably doesn't have NAT, then.
18:39.47ketasbut is firewalled?
18:40.04p3nguinIs the 7940 behind NAT?  Is it on the same LAN as that ATA?
18:40.19atanThe 7940 is on the same network as the ATA
18:40.29p3nguinDid you forward any ports at the firewall of that LAN where the phone and ATA are?
18:41.01atanNo ports have been forwarded on the home network here, no
18:41.39p3nguinDoes the router/firewall have any type of SIP fix-up built in?
18:43.25atanWoah. Okay we're on to something here
18:43.36atanIf the ATA adapter calls my DID number it connects and we have audio
18:43.47atanBut if they call 7940 I can't hear them
18:44.03atanexten looks like: exten => 7940,1,Dial(SIP/7940,20) ; Temp
18:44.24atanSo when they dial 7940 the 7940 rings, I answer, but no audio from them
18:45.03*** join/#asterisk jplank (
18:45.32lanninghave you tried canreinvite=no?
18:45.44jplankwhats the option in sip.conf to keep asterisk from giving out too much information in a failed registration? (i.e. no such extensions, wrong passowrd)
18:46.21atanlanning, canreinvite=no is set on my outbound SIP trunk thinger
18:46.28atanbut nowhere else in my sip
18:46.33atanShould I add that to general?
18:46.51p3nguinI would put canreinvite=no in each peer that you don't want to reinvite.
18:47.20lanningtry it for the peers you are having issues with.
18:47.25p3nguinjplank: alwaysauthreject = yes
18:49.19*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (
18:49.29lanningcanreinvite=no, will force the media to always go through asterisk.
18:52.01atanlanning, canreinvite=no fixed the issue
18:52.24atanp3nguin, or can I just set it globally inside [general] ?
18:52.29atanI set it inside general this time
18:52.34atanI assume this means it applies to everything
18:54.08ManxPowerI would set it only for devices that are behind NAT
18:54.23ManxPowersetting it for devices on the same network as Asterisk is not useful most of the time.
18:54.39ManxPowerfor example, set it for your provider's entry in sip.conf, but not for your local phones.
18:54.52atanAsterisk is not running locally
18:54.58atanAll the phones are remote
18:55.08atanAsterisk isn't in the same datacenter as the trunk either =\
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19:03.48atanGotta run, be back in a bit
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19:27.33Archi_007Afternoon, anybody here?
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19:30.41tzafrirArchi_007, probably
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19:36.39Archi_007ah, wow... so many people in here and nobody watching? Afternoon nap?
19:36.48Archi_007need some ideas on how to figure out why after a while I can't dial out... "All Circuts are busy now" while no calls are going out or coming in.
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19:55.50jermudgeonanyone here familiar with 1.6/ethmf/dahdi/redfone? I have sync, but can't get dchan to come up, HDLC errors. Redfone tested good (in loopback, too) on 1.4/zaptel.
20:24.58*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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20:51.22saizaiI am looking to patch Asterisk to comprehend new input tones (e.g. redbox coin tones). Where in the code does it currently determine how to identify given frames? I tried tracking that down, and eventually ended up in some sort of dahdi/narrow/etc split, and... am kinda confused at its crypticness at this point. ><
20:52.01saizais/narrow/skinny/. Plus h323 and something else
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21:05.52ManxPowersaizai, Try #asterisk-dev
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21:11.27squein asterisk.conf
21:11.47squeis there any reason for existing a trailing questionmark [directories](!)
21:11.51squeon directories header
21:12.01squeexactly this "[directories](!)"
21:16.25tymanI'm having problems making inbound calls from the pstn thru my sip provide.  I'm just starting with asterisk and i'm almost certain that the problem should be right here in my gist
21:17.25tyman<mynum> and <omitted> had legit info removed for obvious reasons
21:20.23tymanany glaring errors in my configs?
21:21.04Khratossque: That does not seems like a question mark to me
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21:21.12KhratosIt seems like a template
21:25.14mlsmith9999Repost - need some ideas on how to figure out why after a while I can't dial out... "All Circuts are busy now" while no calls are going out or coming in.  I even have another SIP provider in the trunk sequence, on the outbound routes, and it still give's me that. Once I issue the reload command via the asterisk console, it's fine, for a while.
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21:44.40jermudgeonanyone have a mirror for dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4.0.tar.gz ? is not working for me
21:45.44Khratosmlsmith9999: If you write (on CLI) : soft hangup [and press tab here, twice], do you see any hanged channel?
21:46.05KhratosLike a sombie channel of a supposedly finished call
21:46.23Khratoszombie (sorry, English's not my native language)
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21:51.11mlsmith9999Khratos: Nope, nothing
21:57.06sshockany way with Park() to have it skip announcing the extension?
21:57.50sshocklet's say my dialplan sets PARKINGEXTEN explicitly before calling park, so no need to announce it
21:58.20sshockI looked at the Park() application and I looked in features.conf, but I didn't see anywhere to turn this off
22:00.09WIMPycore show application park
22:00.17KhratosIn the moment of the 'All circuits busy', is the provider reachable?
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22:01.18sshockWIMPy: I already tried that and there are no params
22:01.24sshockthis is * 1.4 btw
22:02.08WIMPyThat might be the reason. I see option 's'.
22:02.34mlsmith9999Khratos: Yes, when I reload, it works again... for a while
22:02.53sshockoh, must be only available in newer * :(
22:04.41sshockanyone played with pygooglevoice?
22:04.59WIMPyActually on the 1.4 I have access to, there seem to be no options at all. Bad luck.
22:05.09sshockyeah :(
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22:05.19sshockbut I may be able to use Bridge instead; I'm not sure yet...
22:05.32sshockthe example that comes with pygooglevoice uses Park and ParkedCall
22:07.02WIMPyAFAIR bridge appeared first in 1.6 as well.
22:07.52sshockhmm, I thought I heard that too, but Bridge does show up in "core show applications" for me
22:08.04sshockand core show application Bridge
22:08.45Khratosmlsmith9999: It's probably something on their side
22:09.02KhratosCould you use a pastebin and show me the block on sip.conf where you have that provider declared?
22:12.34sshockbut I haven't figured out yet how the call from GV is going to know the channel to bridge to
22:19.37ManxPowerum, asterisk automatically bridges the two legs of the call.  that is why there was never a bridge application before 1.6
22:20.59p3nguinsshock: Why would you want it to not tell you where the call is parked?  That's how you know how to pick up the call later.
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22:21.52sshockp3nguin: this is a scenario where I explicitly set PARKINGEXTEN before calling Park()
22:22.32sshockI'm playing with pygooglevoice, but I'll use Bridge instead of Park and ParkedCall if I can...
22:22.44pabelangermlsmith9999: what version of Asterisk?
22:23.39sshockhmm, looks like I could save the current channel to the * DB before doing the System(gvoice call)
22:23.44pabelangermlsmith9999: and how long does it work before asterisk stop processing outbound calls?
22:23.52sshockthen when the call comes in, I can look that up and bridge to it
22:24.44mlsmith9999pabelanger: 1.4
22:25.12pabelangermlsmith9999: 1.4.what?
22:25.28mlsmith9999pabelanger: anywhere between 1-2 hours.
22:25.59mlsmith9999pabelanger: sorry,  1.4.22-4
22:26.37pabelangermlsmith9999: Hmm, I wonder if it is a dnsmgr issue.
22:26.41infobot[collectdebug] a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
22:27.09pabelangermlsmith9999: ^^ try and capture a debug log next time it happens
22:29.30mlsmith9999pabelanger: it say's in the Prerequisites * Asterisk 1.4.30 or greater.
22:30.01pabelangermlsmith9999: you should be fine with 1.4.22-4, I just tested the commands with 1.4.30 when I wrote the document
22:31.25mlsmith9999oh, ok... will do...
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22:32.43ManxPoweryou can't usually collect debug from Asterisk installed via a package manager
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22:33.03ManxPowerthe -4 usually means "packaged version"
22:34.00pabelangerManxPower: Sure you can; backtrace's however are a different story
22:34.59pabelangermlsmith9999: ManxPower raises a good point, can you reproduce this with a version of asterisk download and compiled from ?
22:35.49atanAnyone here know the key differences between the polycom 500 and 550?
22:36.04qubixdifferent numbers
22:37.52atanI'm just confused why the 550 is so much more than the 500.
22:38.01qubix50's a higher number.
22:39.42qubixI was going to compare on the polycom website for you; but the 500 is no longer on there, so I can't...
22:41.16ManxPowerBTW, the asterisk rpms from asterisk .org have no documentation included
22:41.31ManxPoweratan, the 500's were discontinued several years ago
22:41.47ManxPowernone of the recent firmware runs on them
22:42.22atanI see.
22:45.16atanHave either of you used SIP video before?
22:45.28qubixI'm too ugly for video phones
22:45.43atanIs it hit-or-miss? Are all the "SIP Video" phones compatible with one another or would one need all the same brands of phones?
22:45.55atanI've notices several suppliers selling video SIP phones =\
22:48.13robl^laptopthe 550 is MUCH advanced over the 500.  HD voice (g722), faster processor, better display, backlit, more memory, etc
22:48.20mlsmith9999pabelanger: not right now.. This thing is in production... don't ask we had to move fast our prior VoIP solution was being shutdown. Buyout. So used the opportunity to move to asterisk.
22:49.57mlsmith9999BTW, does anybodu here have Cisco SPA504G phones working with xml files and SLA?
22:51.05ManxPowerI dont' do video, I have no interest in doing video
22:52.10pabelangermlsmith9999: :)
22:53.34mlsmith9999pabelanger: ah, yeah nice.. well how about never again this proprietary $#%@ and I'm talking about Linksys One.
22:54.10mlsmith9999Now I have 2 SVR3000 and 7 VoIP phones I can't use.
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22:59.21mlsmith9999pabelanger: got the log, you want me to pastebin it?
23:02.48atanManxPower, probally for the better... I can't find any solid video standard =S
23:24.24p3nguinmlsmith9999: What's wrong with Linksys?
23:25.45mlsmith9999p3nguin: End of Life for the LinksysOne platform. Cisco bout Linksys and decided that they already have a small business VoIP platform and EOL'ed LinkSysOne. We had it for 3 Years.
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23:28.58mlsmith9999pabelange: were you wanting me to post that as a bug, or for you to look at?
23:29.40p3nguinmlsmith9999: What's the issue with an Asterisk migration?  You've got the necessary hardware, right?
23:31.09mlsmith9999p3nguin: Yeah had to buy all new PBX and Phones (cisco SPA504G) The LinksysOne Hardware is proprietary to their service.
23:31.49p3nguinmlsmith9999: If you bought a new PBX, what do you intend to do with Asterisk?
23:32.21mlsmith9999p3nguin: Well the pbx is actually an asterisk machine.
23:33.32p3nguinmlsmith9999: But you bought a new set of SPA504G phones and built an Asterisk system?  I'm still trying to find out what the actual problem is, but you aren't helping me out.
23:35.11mlsmith9999p3nguin: Oh, ok sorry you missed the prior conversation. I have an outgoing trunk that about every hour or so stops allowing outgoing calls. I get all circut's are busy now. If I issue the reload command at the CLI, it works again.
23:35.59mlsmith9999p3nguin: I posted the debug log for pabelange. he asked for it.
23:35.59p3nguinmlsmith9999: An ITSP?  Which one?
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23:36.15mlsmith9999p3nguin: Velocity
23:37.11mlsmith9999p3nguin: we had to move the box from behind the firewall and dualhome it just to get it to work the way it is now.
23:38.04p3nguinmlsmith9999: Have you tested any others to see if the same thing happens?  I'd be concerned about a not-so-well-known ITSP having quality services.
23:40.06mlsmith9999p3nguin: Yes I've tried it with vitelity but they can't port our number to them. plus we already have a three year conrtact to keep our former rates. And yes it worked with Vitelity. They were my first choice since I've had an account with them for 5 Years now, without a hitch.
23:41.50p3nguinmlsmith9999: So you already know the problem is with this no-name company, but you're trying to "fix" your equipment, which apparently isn't broken?  I don't get it.
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23:42.56mlsmith9999p3nguin: We don't know it's with them, that's why we're debugging it.
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23:44.04mlsmith9999p3nguin: And this"no-name" company is an off shoot of Commpartners which is actually large.
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23:44.45mlsmith9999p3nguin: plus that's part of why I'm here, is, if it is thier problem, to prove it.
23:45.19mlsmith9999German/American mixing into each other there...
23:49.14tymanrepost: I'm having problems making inbound calls from the pstn thru my sip provide.  I'm just starting with asterisk and i'm almost certain that the problem should be right here in my gist
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23:49.33tyman<mynum> and <omitted> had legit info removed for obvious reasons
23:50.13dev_astHas anyone successfully implemented Shared Line Appearance with Asterisk and Polycom 335 phones
23:52.39mlsmith9999or Asterisk and Cisco SP504G?
23:57.37mlsmith9999sorry tyman but I'm not good enough with asterisk to help you.
23:58.11tymanmismith9999: np, thx

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