IRC log for #asterisk on 20101105

00:00.22p3nguinBut they might soon, so buy buy buy!
00:00.43WIMPyI see, you got it.
00:01.29WIMPyWe could try to sell IPv7 addresses of future insecure mailservers.
00:02.49*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
00:03.30telnettech_lapcan someone explain hoe the include => statement works? if I have a statement for the local calling context included in the Long distance context, If I included the long distance context in the international context, will the local context aslo part of international context?
00:04.26WIMPyYou include the whole context. Doesnt matter where it's coming from.
00:04.42p3nguinIf you include context2 inside context1, calls landing in context1 will have access to extensions in context2.
00:05.08telnettech_lapok thanks....thats what i thought but wanted to make sure....dont want the kids to be able to dial internationally
00:05.33p3nguinDialplan should be built hierarchically for that purpose.
00:07.54p3nguinDo you understand what I mean by that?  Do you need an example?
00:08.37ManxPowerWIMPy, riddlebox remove the secret= line for an account they are trying (or create one), route all calls to a message saying the person is using a stolen phone card and the FBI and INS will be sent their phone number.  Took about 45 mins and the calls stopped
00:08.43ManxPowerthey have not been back in 2 days
00:09.30WIMPyI didn't have anyone trying to place calls.
00:09.31ManxPowerbased on chanspy it sounded like people might have bought calling cards to call home or something.
00:09.42WIMPyI just had some attacks trying to send faxes.
00:09.51ManxPowerAh.  You will be attacked.
00:10.15ManxPowerXO sent us a notice telling us about a significant increase in fraud by hacked PBXs.
00:10.58riddleboxManxPower, I have thought about doing that
00:11.34ManxPowerif nothing else whoever sold them access will have some pissed off customers
00:12.26riddleboxfail2ban, and some iptables rules keep everyone at bay, but I didnt have alwaysauthreject=yes
00:12.33WIMPyDo you think they send customer calls unless a (probably automatic) test confirms that it's working?
00:13.14telnettech_lapp3guin: no I understand....thats why I was asking the question so that I dont give someone access that should have certain rights
00:14.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
00:14.20ManxPowerWIMPy, They had found an account with a bad password, so calls were already flowing.  I imagine allowing a few calls thru first would make it more effective
00:14.40WIMPyyes, ok
00:15.00ManxPowerthe customer manages his own pbx.
00:15.45lirakissounds like a bad idea lol
00:16.02ManxPowerlirakis, we discourage the practice
00:16.12*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
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00:17.23*** join/#asterisk Baylink (~jra@
00:17.53p3nguinThe only good thing about that is that you aren't responsible for that compromise.
00:18.13leifmadsenunlimitel has also seen the same increase in fraud. I imagine most, if not all phone companies have lately
00:18.36leifmadsenif you see any ISP or provider selling super cheap minutes, it's likely a re-sell scam of hacked systems
00:19.03leifmadsenon an upside, my fail2ban works so well I locked myself out after reconfiguring my phone incorrectly and not updating my ignoreip= field in jail.conf
00:19.41leifmadsenwould really enjoy setting up a honeypot and monitoring what happens :)
00:19.57WIMPyJa, that's what florz always points out. You just replace one risk with another.
00:19.59leifmadsenthen screwing with people who think they have access to a hacked system. Much like ManxPower did with the message about the FBI and INS :)
00:21.23riddleboxleifmadsen, play screaming monkey's over and over when they try to dial anything
00:23.12telnettech_lapso is BLACKLIST as an application removed from Asterisk 1.8 ?
00:23.43p3nguinit's a function
00:24.18BaylinkQUERY: do mod_rpt and other radio over IP folks hang out here?  Or somewhere else?
00:25.13telnettech_lapso how do you call it so that you can check the callerID to see if the person is on the Blacklist in the DB
00:25.33Juggiepats leifmadsen on the back :)
00:26.03p3nguinexten => blocked,1,Playback(silence/1&privacy-you-are-blacklisted&vm-goodbye)
00:30.43*** join/#asterisk gazzerh (
00:35.45ManxPowerreading UPGRADE*.txt in the asterisk source dir is a good place to find out information about your version of Asterisk
00:36.05ManxPowerIt also helps you translate the docs you find online into your version of Asterisk
00:37.45AAronCIsigh, I've installed asterisk 1.6 and it doesn't even start up :(
00:37.52AAronCIkeeps giving me this error "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /opt/var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
00:38.58pabelangerAAronCI: What is the output from asterisk -vvvvvcg
00:38.59WIMPyThat mens you cannot connect to a running asterisk.
00:39.08WIMPyHave you tried starting asterisk with -c?
00:39.50AAronCII'm just going to quickly reboot
00:41.45AAronCIasterisk -vvvvvcg gives me lots of text, but the last line is a segmentation fault
00:42.02p3nguinSounds like some type of lib mismatch.
00:44.42AAronCIthere's no core files in /tmp. In fact, there aren't any core files anywhere on my system.
00:45.31AAronCIasterisk was installed from ipkg and was built for an embedded system. Maybe it was optimized and can't create core dumps
00:45.59WIMPyMaybe you could disable automatic module loading and see how far you get trying to load them manually.
00:46.41AAronCIhmm, not a bad idea.
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00:46.54AAronCIasterisk won't start without any modules right?
00:47.14AAronCIer, won't start with no modules loaded
00:47.15WIMPyIt will start, but it won;t do much.
00:47.21AAronCIoh, ok
00:47.24AAronCIi'll try that
00:48.18AAronCIalright, made modules.conf a blank file
00:48.27AAronCIsee what happens now
00:49.23WIMPyActually autoload=no might be needed.
00:49.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:49.49AAronCIyeah, right now it's telling me there is no command called sip
00:50.06WIMPyThat's perfectely normal.
00:51.15WIMPyMaybe you should take a look through the modules and get rid of those you won't need anyway.
00:52.03AAronCIwell I've got only autoload=no in the file and it _seems_ to be fine. It says 'asterisk ready'
00:52.29p3nguinDoesn't modules.conf require at least [modules] in it?
00:52.40WIMPyYes, but it's not very usefull now.
00:52.51AAronCII put it in
00:53.09pabelangerAAronCI: PB the output from asterisk -vvvvvcg when it segfaults.
00:53.16pabelangerwhich version of asterisk?
00:54.14AAronCIit's Asterisk But it's not segfaulting now that I have no modules loaded
00:54.39p3nguinNow you can start manually loading the ones you do need.
00:55.12*** join/#asterisk smellis (~stephan@
00:55.46smellishas anyone been able to pair an iphone to a centos 5.5 server for the purposes of using chan_mobile with asterisk?
01:00.36AAronCIOk, well this is going well so far, but i'm so tired I'm going to put this on hold and come back tomorrow.
01:00.47AAronCII'd like to thank everybody for the help that they have give though
01:00.57AAronCIIt is much appreciated by somebody who is very new at this
01:05.51*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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01:24.21telnettech_lapgoodnight at ya tomorrow
01:33.22p3nguinHmm, I found a bug in chan_sccp-b v3.  When using CFwdAll, the phone does not display that the phone is in forwarding mode.
01:36.10*** join/#asterisk Khratos (~jespinal@
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01:39.11p3nguinAnyone else using chan_sccp-b v3 and you do see the forward on the display?
01:39.44*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
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01:51.34p3nguinI guess there is already some discussion about this problem in the bugtracker for the project.  Maybe they will get it fixed soon.
02:10.00p3nguinWell, the latest svn build seems to address that problem.  It's not perfect, but it's better than not knowing at all that the phone is forwarding.
02:14.58*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~TuMbL@unaffiliated/ryppn)
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02:43.14*** join/#asterisk sshock (~sshock@
02:45.46sshockHi, let's say I have several extensions that can be called directly (
02:46.34sshockwhat's the easiest way to put in some code to set the incoming callerid ?
02:47.33sshockhave a macro that does it, and then on every extension call that macro first thing before dialing the sip user?
02:48.04sshockhaving a macro simplifies things, but I still have to call it from several places...  is there an easier way?
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02:49.11p3nguinWhat do you want to set the incoming caller id to?
02:51.16sshockactually it's the caller id name
02:51.31p3nguinYou don't want to accept what the caller sends?
02:51.31sshockI already have a perl AGI set up that sets the caller id name from the caller id number.
02:51.48sshockno, at the moment I'm not getting any CNAMs at all
02:52.59sshockis there some way to execute stuff at the beginning before it calls the extension?
02:53.16sshockI can't use the "s" extension, because it doesn't go through that when sip user is called directly
02:53.22p3nguinBefore a call is placed?  Of course not.
02:53.55sshockp3nguin: not before a call is placed; when a call is received
02:54.21p3nguin<sshock> is there some way to execute stuff at the beginning before it calls the extension?
02:54.50p3nguinWhen the extension is called, that's when the call begins.  Set the caller ID name early in the dialplan.
02:55.13p3nguinBefore dialing the phone, of course.
02:55.35sshockp3nguin: I can solve it just fine, but I don't want to have to put Macro(setcallerid) as the first step of every extension
02:55.58p3nguinMacros are deprecated anyway.
02:56.11p3nguinGosub/Return is the new way.
02:56.13sshockoh; that is good to know
02:56.31sshockin any case, I guess it is still the same issue
02:57.22p3nguinYou can always use patterns to reduce the number of extensions.
02:57.22sshockif I have 500 extensions, I'd like to have only one step for each extension, not two steps
02:59.25p3nguinexten => _[245]XX,1,Verbose(this matches 200-299 and 400-599)
02:59.33sshockoh, those
02:59.48sshockhmm, I'm not sure that actually solves this case, does it?
03:00.39sshockhmm, it might just work; ok, I'll try it now...
03:00.41p3nguinYou'll still have to set the caller id, but you'll reduce the number of extensions.
03:01.14p3nguinInstead of having 100 individual extensions, you could have 1.
03:01.46sshockand after doing my thing (set the caller name), then I can jump to another (the real) extension
03:01.57p3nguinIt depends on other factors if it will work in your exact case, though.
03:02.16sshocke.g., 200-299 just sets the caller Id and then calls exten+100 (300-399) which does the actual dial
03:02.58sshockhmm, worth a try; I can write like $[${EXTEN} + 100] right?
03:03.21p3nguinYeah, you can match everything, set caller id, then Goto() the new place.
03:03.43sshockcool, I think this will actually work; too bad I have to use up two ranges though... :(
03:04.21p3nguin_X!,1,Goto(other place)
03:04.25sshockI wish there was like a "context-begin" extension or something
03:04.46sshockhmm, actually maybe I don't need two ranges
03:05.01p3nguin_X! might not be the best way, but it could work.
03:05.02sshocksince * will match the more specific extension, right?
03:05.13sshockyeah, so it won't call _X! again
03:05.35p3nguin_X. might be better
03:05.46p3nguinas long as you have at least two numbers.
03:05.56sshockyeah, my extension are all 3 digits long
03:06.10sshockmaybe I should do _XXX then
03:07.00p3nguinAt least you've got something to play with for a while.
03:07.55sshockyeah, I think this is going to work, as long as the Goto() doesn't jump back to the _XXX rule and cause * to hang :)
03:08.23sshockhmm, wait a sec; that's not going to work
03:08.35p3nguinIf you have specific extens, it should be fine.
03:08.47sshockbecause * will never pick _XXX in the first place; if someone dials, it will go straight to 100; it's not going to do _XXX first
03:08.56sshockI'll have to do the two ranges
03:09.21p3nguinRight, but you have to use a context in between.
03:09.39sshock_1XX,1,Macro(setcallerid)   _1XX,n,Goto($[${EXTEN} + 100])
03:09.49sshockwhat do you mean a context in between?
03:10.42sshockhmm, just had another idea; instead of adding 100, I can just prepend something
03:11.02sshocke.g., _1XX,n,Goto(real${EXTEN})
03:11.23sshockthen I all my real extensions would be like real100, real101, etc.
03:12.36sshockof course, then if anyone ever figures out what I'm doing, they could call directly and bypass my setcallerid
03:13.08sshockooohhh, duh
03:13.21sshockjust use two contexts; I gotcha
03:14.09sshockadding another context always solves everything :)
03:14.11*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (
03:14.13p3nguinYour suggestion of masking the exten would also work  and it would allow you to use a single context.
03:14.28sshockI think I like the two contexts better though
03:15.45p3nguinEither way should work.
03:15.57sshockhmm, now suppose I also have usernames that can be called directly, like
03:16.18sshockwhat extension could I use to match anything?  I'm gussing _X! won't work because the first character would have to be a digit
03:16.46sshockhmm, the . (period) matches anything, but the book says to be careful about using that
03:17.17sshockit says never use _.
03:17.24p3nguinWhat about [a-z] ?
03:17.45sshockhmm, good idea; does that actually work?
03:18.06p3nguinexten => _[a-z].,1,Verbose(try it)
03:18.22p3nguinI have no idea if it will work or not.
03:19.00sshockok, I'm gonna try it now...
03:19.33p3nguinI don't see why it wouldn't work, but I've never used that pattern for anything.
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03:19.56p3nguina to z, plus at least one more character (number or letter)
03:20.31p3nguinIf you need caps, you'd have to create another exten using _[A-Z]. too.
03:21.36p3nguinNow you're up to three extens to capture all calls.
03:23.07p3nguinStill better than adding a Set() on all extensions.
03:23.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
03:24.26sshockyep; seems to be working
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04:14.01nnyif you have to choose between wav or WAV for recording, any preferences? I know one is raw wav, playable by almost anything and the other is the compressed wav, not playable by iphones (iirc) etc
04:19.26ChannelZdepends on your use
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04:21.22ChannelZI'd say regular wav is preferable in general
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05:00.21sshockso if ENUM took over the world, then we could all start calling each other for free?
05:01.26sshockand PSTN could be obselete?  that would be awesome!
05:05.21sshockso do I have to pay anyone to get a number in the dns?
05:08.56sshockcool, looks like will let you add your PSTN number for free, though donations are welcome
05:12.01sshockhmm, but is not the same as the official; I wonder what it takes to get added to the official one
05:14.26drmessanoI think ENUM is a waste of time
05:15.07drmessanoWe should be using URI's and not some throwback to yesteryear
05:16.10sshockwell, I think it makes sense for helping to converge the old with the new
05:16.46sshockmost people still have "normal" phones and are used to dialing numbers I imagine
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05:40.38sshocksounds like the official ENUM for country code 1 ( is still in the planning stages:
05:40.52tashdoes anyone in here have experience configuring Asterisk with an E1 in Greece?
05:41.49tashI'm having a hell of a time with this E1 config
05:41.55sshockI wonder how much the PSTN telcos are paying them to take their sweet old time...
05:42.03tasheither someting I'm doing wrong or the telco isn't providing good enough info
05:42.25*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
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05:53.40*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
05:54.23_omerI need suggestion to make it possible ? .... <--- please check
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06:37.01atanWell seeing Goog-411 is going out of style, are there any other decent 411 providers?
06:37.10atanOr perhaps even paid ones somehow?
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06:52.42atanChannelZ, yes, I'll forward my callers to 911 for their pizza order. Yes. Perfect.
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06:54.26atanI sense a market for 411 service.
06:54.49atanExcept I wonder how many databases one could use :P
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07:12.47kaldemar_omer: remove any timeouts
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07:47.58schmidtsgood morning
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08:02.15atanschmidts, morning
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08:18.30timnisHi, I have try to setup TLS client but I get "tcptls.c: FILE * open failed!" when I try to call TLS client
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08:43.13skyionhas anyone has experience with streaks in faxes received within asterisk?
08:44.43timnisI have installed asterisk 1.8 and configured TLS. Registering from TLS is ok but when I try to call to TLS registered phone I get error msg "FILE * open failed!"?
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08:57.18burnz84good morning
08:57.21burnz84is it possible to set on char before the calleridnum? for example: some one calls the general office an there is no one, after 20 seconds ringing there is a forwading to an other employee. And he must see that the caller first have call the general office. i want to display it like C(for cantral)XXXXXXX(x for incoming caller number) at the telephon display.
08:57.30*** join/#asterisk anny__ (~chatzilla@
09:01.00kaldemarburnz84: yes, put a Set(CALLERID(num)=C${CALLERID(num)}) in your dialplan
09:01.58burnz84thank you
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09:16.02burnz84mhh it doesen´t work. i have placed it at the first line to test it.
09:19.15kaldemarshow the extension and CLI output of a call
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09:46.50gregdhi guys, is there any 'magic' with setting up a nokia sip with asterisknow? I can connect to asterisk with any other sip softphone.. but when trying to connect with nokia the following comes up in the log: username mismatch, have <101>, digest has <6000>
09:47.28gregdcould someone enlighten me please?
09:48.04*** join/#asterisk Razr3J (~Razr3J@
09:48.53Montys@gregd could you please show me the complete line of the error/warning/notice?
09:49.16gregdMontys: sure, i will paste it somewhere, one moment pls
09:50.48Montyswhat is the user name that you set in Asterisk for the phone?
09:51.05Montysor "extension"
09:51.08gregdMontys: the extension is 101
09:51.37burnz84now it works@kaldemar...thank you very much
09:52.04Montysgregd, Could you please confirm if sip.cobf or user.conf has that extention?
09:52.24Montysetc/asterisk/sip.conf or /etc/asterisk/users.conf
09:52.26gregdMontys: yes, the sip_additional.conf has it
09:52.35gregdMontys: but this is AFAIK incuded from sip.cofn
09:53.00Montysas long you have #include sip_additional.conf in sip.conf it should work
09:53.07gregdanyway, I've got other extensions configured.. and they work. .moreover, the 101 extension works when registering with xlite or any other softphone
09:53.28gregdjust does not work with the nokia sip client
09:54.55Montys@gregd could you paste the portion of sip_aditional where you setup that extention?
09:57.24gregdMontys: sure, one moment pls
10:03.19kaldemargregd: the nokia client is authenticating by name 6000.
10:03.52Montys@gregd; I changed your configuration
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10:04.37MontysKaldermar; yeah that could be too; I was going to suggest check the nokia phone, but I want to make sure about * 1st
10:04.40gregdkaldemar: why is it authenticating as 6000?
10:05.16kaldemargregd: it's probably told to do so. check the configuration of the phone.
10:05.48gregdok, let me restart the phone
10:16.03gregdstill got the same issue... the nokia phone authenticates as 6000 :/
10:16.14gregdI'll try creating a new profile from scratch
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10:24.26kjshmm, I am getting no audio when dialing out of my asterisk box, yet inbound calls are fine...
10:25.21gregdMontys: I'm sure I the user is defined to be 101 on the phone... why do you think it is authenticating as 6000?
10:25.37gregdis there still other way of finding it out except of debugging the protocol?
10:27.50kaldemargregd: "digest has <6000>". enable sip debug and pastebin a CLI output.
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10:46.24kjsHmmm could this error message be related to no outbound audio in either direction?
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10:48.21henkmy server is being flooded by registers which raises the load and makes it a bit unusable. is there a sane way to protect against that?
10:48.32kaldemarkjs: sure. see this:
10:48.35infoboti guess sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
10:49.05kaldemarhenk: drop the ip range(s) with iptables.
10:49.32*** join/#asterisk joel_oliveira (
10:49.45henkkaldemar: that's not sane.
10:51.36henkkaldemar: well, it might be sane, but definitely not a solution... there has to be an attack already to know what to block and i have to manuelly block it.
10:51.45kjskaldemar: people have refered me to this before however, the link is dead.
10:52.24kaldemarhenk: people use fail2ban to automatically block malicious addresses.
10:52.37henkkaldemar: i am not around 24/7 and the server's load goes beyond the point the server still reacts in a few minutes...
10:53.21henkkaldemar: never liked that with ssh and don't like it for asterisk any better. do you know of anything else?
10:54.07kaldemarhenk: sorry, no.
10:54.40henkkaldemar: ok, thank you :)
10:54.49kaldemarkjs: if there's a NAT involved, see the sample sip.conf for information on the NAT parameters.
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11:06.35gregdkaldemar: ok, here is my full sip debug for the authentication part...
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11:06.46gregdcould you please take a look at it?
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11:13.39fauxalliancegregd, any crazy firewalls?
11:14.03gregdfauxalliance: no, i dont think so... im on the same subnet
11:14.30fauxalliancegregd, and you are _sure_ the credentials are good... line 100 barks SIP 403
11:15.36gregdfauxalliance: what do you mean? I try to connect via extension 101, not 100
11:16.03fauxalliancegregd, 100. SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)
11:16.13fauxalliance^^LINE 100 in your pastebin
11:16.38*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
11:17.19kaldemargregd: the nokia definitely sends "username="6000" in the digest authentication.
11:17.30gregdyes I am sure that the credentials are fine...
11:18.07kaldemarthey clearly are not fine because asterisk expects 101 and the phone sends 6000.
11:18.16fauxalliancethank you kaldemar
11:18.18fauxalliancekaldemar: +1
11:26.28*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~Adium@2001:700:200:10:d69a:20ff:fe00:c54e)
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11:58.55gregdhow do I change realm in asterisknow from 'asterisk' to something else?
11:59.03gregdis it possible at all?
12:01.13russellbit's a sip.conf option
12:01.20russellbif you're using FreePBX, i have no idea if it lets you change it
12:02.25*** join/#asterisk burnz84 (~burnz84@
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12:09.18gregdfauxalliance: i solved my problem with the mismatch by setting realm in [general] sip.confg
12:13.49*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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12:25.32timnisHave anyone setup asterisk with TLS SIP? I have little problem with it I can register but I cannot make a call...
12:25.47*** join/#asterisk boch (c829e3f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:25.56bochhi all
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12:33.50*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
12:33.58SpaceBasshey folks
12:34.20SpaceBassany google voice users? My dtfm tones just stopped working with any GV calls - verifying new numbers, accpeting calls, etc
12:35.52russellbusing which version of asterisk?
12:36.01russellbi wonder if they shut us down, heh
12:36.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:37.15SpaceBassrussellb, its strange, quite literally happened without any changes on my end - using 1.8.0
12:37.40russellbso calls are going through, just no more DTMF?
12:37.47SpaceBassim also having dftm problems at my office, some kind of proprietary PBX, so I'm leaning towards this being a DTFM issue
12:38.05SpaceBassrussellb, yeah, i can recieve calls on my gizmo trunk just fine, but I can't answer them b/c I cant send the 1
12:38.21russellboh, you're doing it through gizmo?
12:38.27russellb1.8.0 has native googlevoice support now :-)
12:38.47russellbyou should try it
12:38.50infobotFor information on setting up calls with google using Asterisk 1.8, see
12:38.54SpaceBassrussellb, I'd gladly move to the native support, but for the life of me I couldnt find the docs on it
12:41.11*** join/#asterisk some0ne (some0ne@
12:41.48some0necan anyone tell me a good site that teaches hoe to resolve the sip/nat issue?
12:41.56infobotsipnat is probably Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:42.14pabelangerwoah, SIP/2.0 101 Dialog Establishement
12:42.21some0nethat was quick
12:42.26russellbpabelanger: that's a new one on me
12:42.28russellbsome0ne: :-)
12:42.28pabelangerdon't think I have seen that before
12:42.53some0nethanks  lot russellb
12:43.02russellbsome0ne: good luck to ya
12:45.27some0nedid anyone here were able to resolve it?
12:45.49some0nenot sure weather I use a tunnel
12:45.58some0neor iptbles
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12:56.22PhlogHi, anybody any idea whether ZRTP passthrough made it into asterisk 1.8??
12:57.23ManxPowerPhlog, All significant changes are documented in the UPGRADE*.txt files included with Asterisk
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
12:59.39SpaceBassdrat, setting up GV on a box with freepbx is a PITA
13:00.21ManxPowerSpaceBass, at least there is a channel for you, #freepbx
13:01.11SpaceBassyeah, Im there :D
13:01.16*** join/#asterisk bmint (
13:04.41jamkoMorning... Has anyone used both and Flowroute for origination?  Other than pricing, any positive / negative feedback on the quality of service would be great.  Thanks..
13:07.01[TK]D-Fenderjamko: We've have several Flowroute issues float through here lately, seems pretty stable throughout
13:07.25*** join/#asterisk titter (
13:07.38jamko[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.. What type of issues?
13:07.49ManxPowerisn't just a vitelity reseller?
13:08.14[TK]D-Fenderjamko: I dont really recall... general stuff like timeouts ETC I believe...
13:08.17*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
13:08.48KattyHAI GUYS
13:09.10jamkoManxPower: would explain why their rates are generally on the higher end of the spectrum.
13:10.04ManxPowerMuch like cell phone service, most of the differences between VoIP providers is customer service and coverage.  I personally use Vitelity for my low usage personal DID
13:10.07*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
13:10.31ManxPowerAfter Katrina they were VERY helpful to us
13:11.21*** part/#asterisk screenn (
13:13.58Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the Asterisk Christmas Card Exchange, please /query me (=
13:14.30ManxPower<-- devout atheist
13:14.58Kobazi'm an athiest too, but we do christmas
13:15.17hrhrhrwhat exactly is a christmas card exchange
13:15.24KattyManxPower: so am i, what's that got to do with anything :P
13:15.36Kattyhrhrhr: it's a list of names and addresses
13:15.45Kattyhrhrhr: and while you don't have to send to everyone on the list, you can
13:15.52Kattyhrhrhr: in turn, you get christmas cards.
13:15.59Kobazwith money in them?
13:16.17Kattyhand written note!
13:16.36ManxPower"I don't know who you are and I don't care.  happy xmas!"
13:16.49hrhrhrbah humbug etc
13:16.51Kattyhence the part about not sending to everyone ;)
13:17.10Kattyit's ok manx, you don't have to participate
13:17.21Kattyi'm not going to twist your arm about it
13:17.32ManxPowerKobaz, human history has a long tradition of a winter festival.  But I still don't celebrate Christmas.
13:19.28Kobazwell, i don't really celebrate the way most people would
13:20.02Kobazmy family likes to get each other stuff, and we have some sort of dinner
13:20.04Kobazthat's about it
13:21.36Kattythat sounds nice.
13:21.53Kattymy family doesn't celebrate, but i get together with friends and have dinner. and then drinks.
13:21.54Kobazyeah, it's an excuse to see each other
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13:25.23ariel_Morning, folks
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13:36.48bipI have a TDM410 card connected to the wall plug but in cannot dial into it, it has 3 FXO modules and one is plugged, I m using the latest asteriskNow 32 bit
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13:43.25Kobazbip: #asterisknow
13:43.53bipgrazie Kobaz
13:44.00bipthanx Kobaz
13:44.17bipdidn t know they had their own chan :)
13:47.26Kobazyeah asterisknow is a gui on top of asterisk... it's hard to debug someone's asterisknow for us... we just work with raw asterisk
13:48.09p3nguinActually, AsteriskNOW is a complete distribution.  FreePBX or Asterisk GUI would be the GUI.
13:49.01bipwell in #frepbx they asked me about thhe asterisk command line ...
13:49.26Kobazwell, yeah asterisknow is a bunch of stuff
13:49.26bipand dadhi commands
13:50.00bipbut they r silent now so i decided to whine a tad here ;-)
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14:24.09goddvaif i checkout a branch, from lets say olle, how could I do a simple diff with a branch that was released (1.4.36) to get a diff file(s)?
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14:25.28goddvaI probably dont want all the new changes merged from trunk...
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14:31.18kaldemargoddva: diff -r -u path/to/release path/to/newbranch
14:34.24goddvakaldemar: but if the branch is in automerge, that would mean that the newbranch has a lot of other new code as well... right?
14:35.02goddvakaldemar: should i then checkout the "newbranch" with the same rev as the releaase? and then do the diff?
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14:51.51ManxPowergoddva, #asterisk-dev might be a good place to ask
14:53.18goddvaManxPower: true.. :) thanx
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15:05.20Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the Asterisk Christmas Card Exchange, please let me know!
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15:13.02cjkhi, my fxs ports stop working after a few days (sometimes 2 days, sometimes 30) the only way to get them working again is unloading the kernel modules and reloading them.  any ideas or hints
15:14.10*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:14.49SaiSomaLooking for a suggestion on updating voicemail.conf . ..I'm adding a section for asterisk into our existing web-based management system for *.  It will create entries in sip.conf and extensions.conf, no problem, but I'm wondering about vm.
15:15.58SaiSomashould I change voicemail.conf to a sql config?  if so, does anyone know where updated instructions on that might be?  I find lots of older setups, but not certain if they will work in 1.8.0
15:41.29*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~gerald@
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15:47.13Kattyanyone have any thoughts on this? i'm having dahdi problems.
15:48.09QwellKatty: it's already loaded.  unload it first
15:49.19KattyQwell: or did you mean, unload it, restart it, load it
15:49.59*** join/#asterisk PotatoHead (~chatzilla@
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15:52.09p3nguinWhat's a typical number of bits for an ssh rsa key on a router?  The default is 512 if I don't enter any other amount.  Is 768 good enough?  Should I use 1024?
15:53.10KattyNo hardware timing source found in /proc/dahdi, loading dahdi_dummy <- is that normal?
15:53.30chuckfp3nguin: if you're using anything modern there's no reason to use a key less than 1024
15:54.52p3nguinchuckf: It allows me to choose between 360 and 2048, but I knew I wanted more than the default of 512.
15:55.44chuckfp3nguin: for the systems that I use ssh keys on most of them are 2048 just because the overhead doesn't hurt me at all
15:58.33fullstopcpu cycles are cheap these days.
15:58.35fullstopgo 2048
15:59.10fullstopand, honestly, how much time will you be spending in the router with an ssh console after things are configured?
16:00.58*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:04.36Kattyanyone have any thoughts on what might be causing this dahdi error?
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16:15.55p3nguinIt takes a long time to generate 2048 bit RSA keys on this system.
16:16.30AastraUserHas anyone here worked with an Aastra  (formerly Ericsson) Dialog 422 IP phone in Asterisk before?  I'm very new to Asterisk and have the basic "phone" functionality working, but I'd like to be able to enable some features like a second line, transfer, etc, and I was hoping to find a profile or guide that could help me out.
16:18.59krionhey guys i'm missing vm-tmpexists in en and fr
16:19.06krionanyone with a link in order to get it  ?
16:21.25krioni found it, i guess :)
16:23.55*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:24.01Kattyit was a bad card.
16:24.11Kattyfirst bad sangoma card i've ever seen, too
16:24.41Kattyit was weird. and spastic.
16:26.24theharoh was it
16:26.44Kattyhas another one in there now
16:27.01mmlj4I loathe sangoma
16:28.02mmlj4AastraUser: aastra phones are phones, they work. What you want is to make asterisk work.
16:28.04Kattyi've had good luck with them, actually
16:28.07fullstopdumb question.. how do I Goto current priority + N?
16:28.09Kattyanyone where work for sangoma?
16:28.19mmlj4AastraUser: the logic is in asterisk
16:28.52*** join/#asterisk BSarandan (
16:30.11BSarandanHi all , Im tryin gto install Aterisk 1.8 and I keep getting this error:
16:30.13BSarandancollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
16:30.13BSarandanmake[1]: *** [asterisk] Error 1
16:30.13BSarandanmake: *** [main] Error 2
16:30.20BSarandanCan anyone please help me ?
16:30.24ManxPowerI love Sangoma
16:30.31AastraUsermmlj4: I was thinking t was something in the configuration file on the phone I needed to edit.  These phones are all Ericsson branded since they were made before the buyout.  My main problem is that I can't get the phone to answer line 2 when it rings.  I can get both lines to ring, but the phone will only allow me to answer one at a time.
16:30.45ManxPowerBSarandan, how much memory does the system have
16:30.45mmlj4are they SIP phones?
16:31.01ManxPowerKatty, Sangoma has official support on #sangoma
16:31.11ManxPowerBSarandan, no VM or anything?
16:31.14BSarandanbrand new supermicro server
16:31.15BSarandanno vm
16:31.19BSarandanjust centos
16:31.21ManxPowerBSarandan, and there is no such thing as 1.8 asterisk.
16:31.28mmlj4well, they may have some setting, or require firmware... I know nothing about those phones, except that I liked the feel of them in my hand at astricon
16:31.30BSarandanand then asterisk
16:31.40KattyManxPower: oooh
16:31.46mmlj4as opposed to horrible polycom
16:31.56KattyManxPower: fancy.
16:32.03BSarandanthere is Asterisk 1.8.0 ... just downlaoded from the website
16:32.12ManxPowerKatty, see the topic to see how to get support's attention
16:32.27ManxPowerBSarandan, Someone said is out
16:32.52BSarandanLet me see
16:32.53Qwellsomeone is wrong
16:32.58fullstopfor inexpensive phones which work reasonably well, polycom works fine for me.
16:33.00p3nguinNot according to
16:33.09fullstopoh snap
16:33.09BSarandanI`ve looked yesterday and there was only 1.8.0
16:33.22p3nguin  <-- no here
16:33.24QwellBSarandan: pastebin the entire output of make
16:33.25infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:33.33ManxPowerBSarandan, look thru all the compile output for errors, chances are the real error happened much earlier
16:33.57BSarandanyes, something like:
16:33.58BSarandanconfigure:6535: checking if the linker (/usr/bin/ld) is GNU ld
16:34.01ManxPowerI'll wait for 1.8.20 thankyouverymuch 8-)
16:34.15BSarandan"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpthreads
16:34.20ManxPowerthere you go
16:34.41ManxPowershouldn't ./configure have barfed if it didn't find libpthreads
16:34.50QwellNo, because that isn't an error.
16:34.53BSarandanthat I have in config.log file
16:35.00BSarandan./configure went well
16:35.04BSarandanmake menuconfig ok again
16:35.07ManxPowerQwell, Asterisk can build without pthreads?
16:35.10BSarandanand when I hit make I get that error
16:35.11Qwellwhich is why I asked for the output of make.
16:35.35ManxPowerBSarandan, less talk, more pastebin
16:35.57BSarandanthis is the output of make:
16:35.59BSarandanchan_mgcp.c:(.text+0xaf04): undefined reference to `ast_pktccops_gate_alloc'
16:35.59BSarandan../channels/chan_mgcp.eo: In function `start_rtp':
16:35.59BSarandanchan_mgcp.c:(.text+0xbdb2): undefined reference to `ast_pktccops_gate_alloc'
16:35.59BSarandancollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
16:35.59BSarandanmake[1]: *** [asterisk] Error 1
16:35.59BSarandanmake: *** [main] Error 2
16:36.18BSarandanok, sorry
16:41.07russellbBSarandan: you need res_pktccops
16:41.22russellbwhat, output of make?  that's odd.  o.O
16:41.43Qwellrussellb: 4.1, s/use/depend/;s/depend/makefunky/
16:41.52russellbQwell: ugh
16:42.16russellbBSarandan: try to upgrade gcc.  :-)
16:42.17Qwellstill waiting for the entire output of make, heh
16:42.27russellbl u n c h
16:42.59BSarandangcc is version gcc-4.1.2-48.el5
16:48.29BSarandanI`ve tried now with res_pktccops and it didn't work
16:48.53timnisHi, have somebody get SIP TLS working with 1.8.0? I can register but when try to call I get ": FILE * open failed!"?
16:50.25*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
16:52.57kjshm, if i want an phone to display "DID" when someone is rining my direct dial what do I need to look up in the manual?
16:54.19Kattyif anyone is interested in joining the asterisk christmas card exchange, please /query me!
16:55.32*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:55.32beekKatty: How about a Solstice card exchange?
16:55.37Kattythat would work.
16:55.42Kattyalso Yule
16:55.56beekSaves the annoyance of the various religions/nonreligions...
16:57.29Kattyyou should join the list beek
16:57.39Kattyand Qwell should too!
16:57.49paulckjs: Set(CALLERID(name)=DID:${CALLERID(name)}) will do the trick
16:57.55beekKatty: How many are on the list right now?
16:58.14paulckjs: I use something similar to show me which DID was called, rather than using separate line buttons etc
16:58.34Kattybeek: 5
16:59.09beekDo we program our Asterisk systems to call each and have a recording by Allison that is played?
16:59.32Kattyno you send a shiny card in the mail with a hand written note you goofball!
16:59.50Kattyyou don't have to send to everyone if you don't want to.
17:00.05beekThat sounds like work.
17:00.16Qwellmails Katty to Zimbabwe
17:00.48KattyQwell: you don't love me anymore :< there are germs there :<<<
17:01.01Qwellthere are germs everywhere!
17:01.13Qwellwould madagascar be better?  they have beaches
17:01.54Kattyhow about portland oregon?
17:02.04[TK]D-Fendersends Katty to Abu-Dhabi
17:02.07[TK]D-FenderGet it right people!
17:02.08Qwellumm, I could do that
17:02.08beekDo that during OSCON
17:03.37Kattyzimbabwe has hepatitis a, hepatitis e, typhoid fever, malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, japanese encephalitis, african trypanosomiasi, and many many other things :<<<
17:04.38QwellKatty: Portland has rain!
17:05.03Kattyi can live with rain
17:05.17Kattyand my safe familiar diseases.
17:05.18beekPortland is the friendliest place I've ever visited.
17:05.22Kattylike my safe familiar american BS
17:05.32Qwellno fun
17:05.47Kattyno, no fun.
17:06.10Kattybut happily sterile!
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17:33.43fullstopmadigascar also has lemurs.  They are awesome.
17:34.05coppicefullstop: we all saw the movie
17:34.38fullstopThe movie wasn't that great.
17:34.54fullstopLemurs, however, are awesome when you get to watch them leap from tree to tree.
17:35.16fullstopNot as cute as tarsiers, but they are fun little animals.
17:39.10*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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17:41.17x86[TK]D-Fender: hey man ltns...
17:42.03x86I've got a Polycom IP601 that I can not get to register with my new 1.8.0 system no matter what I do... sip debug keeps telling me it's returning a 401 unauthorized code when the phone tries the register
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17:42.31x86I've got the phone setup to register to the IP of the asterisk box, no hostnames used anywhere
17:42.56x86some website mentioned I should add domain= to sip.conf (where is * server)
17:43.33x86but that did not help... I also verified the username (7899, same as exten), and password (matches exten also) were the same on both sides....
17:43.44x86I think it's a domain and/or realm issue... any ideas?
17:44.17infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:44.25x86I'm not specifing any "realms" at all...
17:44.30x86[TK]D-Fender: you want my sip.conf?
17:44.46[TK]D-Fenderx86: configs, SIP debug, etc
17:45.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:46.48x86that's the sip.conf in entirety
17:46.59Kattyif anyone is interested in joining the asterisk christmas card exchange, please /query me!
17:48.02x86heya Katty! ltns
17:48.10x86no interest in xmas cards tho :P
17:49.06[TK]D-Fenderx86: Polyc oncifgs now...
17:49.15Kattyx86: k (=
17:49.17Kattyhugs x86
17:49.19x86it's all config'd by the menu on the phone for now
17:49.50x86[TK]D-Fender: I'm not yet provisioning it... I lost all my old templates and sip.ld's and such :(
17:50.11x86[TK]D-Fender: perhaps you have a stash you could tar up and send me? me love you long time! :)
17:50.44[TK]D-FenderNothing says "I love you" like PayPal :p
17:51.26x86nothing says "i love you" like helping someone out who speaks to you as a vietnamese prostitute either ;-)
17:52.07x86do you see anything wrong with the sip.conf or anything?
17:52.21x86any oddities with the sip debug? I couldn't identify anything
17:52.40*** join/#asterisk crowbar7 (~JKLOBUCAR@
17:53.23*** join/#asterisk atan2 (
17:53.52x86fwiw, this is my home single-phone system heh
17:54.17x86not like I'm getting billable hours for your help :P
17:54.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
18:05.04*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
18:05.35pabelangerx86: any specific reason for setting compactheaders = yes ?
18:06.02*** join/#asterisk hehol (
18:22.12x86pabelanger: no, you think it would help to eliminate that?
18:22.27*** join/#asterisk grabes (
18:23.03grabesDId asterisk start some new licensing for g.729 on asterisk  I use freebsd jails as a test environment, and now my coec for g.729 will not load
18:23.04x86didn't help
18:23.10pabelangerx86: No, I've never seen anybody use it.  I was curious if you have a reason too.
18:23.30x86well.... I'm stumped... any ideas would be awesome
18:23.54Qwellgrabes: Did you upgrade the module?
18:24.13*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
18:24.19grabesI recompiled it yes, its the free one that I use for testing.
18:24.24Qwellwait, no.  There is no FreeBSD version for 1.6+
18:24.48infoboti heard collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
18:24.55pabelangerx86: grab a full debug and PB it
18:25.13pabelangerI'm curious if you having the same issue I found this morning
18:25.23pabelangerI don't think so however
18:26.02grabesQwell: I use the opensource g.729 for freebsd
18:26.29Qwellrolls his eyes
18:26.39fauxalliancepukes a little
18:26.51Qwellit's not open source.  no more discussion of it here.
18:27.05fauxalliancetake it back to Latvia.
18:27.15grabesQwell: whatever, do you want to see my fucking licenses for my linux gateways.  Sorry I use FreeBSD for quick testing becuase of its jails
18:27.17fauxalliancemisses Riga
18:27.45Qwellgrabes: Licenses are done on an implementation basis.  It's not ME that gives a shit.  It's the patent-holders and the copyright-holders.
18:27.49fauxalliancerevokes grabes 'fucking license'
18:28.23QwellYou can discuss it with them.  You aren't getting help with it here.
18:28.38*** join/#asterisk moy (
18:28.43fauxalliance^^ moot point
18:28.55QwellIf you have an issue with your licensed copy, great - call Digium support and they'll be happy to help you.
18:29.34p3nguinHmm.  Is there a free or open source g.729 for _ANY_ platform?
18:29.36grabesrolls eyes, and pukes a little
18:29.39Qwellp3nguin: no
18:30.03p3nguinSo where did this misconception come from?
18:30.09Qwelland even if there were, it wouldn't be legal to use.
18:30.17Qwellbecause people are dumb?
18:30.20jdoep3nguin: the intel thing, presumably.
18:30.26grabesQwell: I hope one day you j-walk...
18:30.31Qwelljdoe: No, that violates *INTEL*s license.
18:30.50Qwellgrabes: My friend once got a ticket for gang-related jay-walking.
18:30.51jdoeQwell: I should have clarified... what I mean is most people associated free-to-download with free-to-use
18:30.56jdoeer, associate
18:31.00x86pabelanger: see the above pastebin, already done
18:31.02Qwelljdoe: It's neither.
18:31.02*** join/#asterisk mpe (
18:31.22p3nguinHe mentioned something about compiling a module...
18:31.48QwellUsing illegally obtained software. :)
18:32.19Qwellgee, I wonder why it's hosted from Latvia. *rolleyes*
18:32.22p3nguinOh, I see.  I didn't know the source was available.
18:32.38grabesQwell: where can I purchase the 1 license I need for my FreeBSD test box?
18:32.40jdoeQwell: hrm. Download page (Intel's) has changed, I could've sworn it was freely available before. Shrug. I dunno man, I don't work here.
18:32.46grabesQwell: I need to unravel your panties
18:32.53Qwellgrabes: There are no FreeBSD versions at this time.
18:33.00x86Qwell: perhaps you can tell me why my Polycom IP601 phone gets a 401 when it tries to register to * 1.8.0?
18:33.18jdoex86: credential problem?
18:33.24pabelangerx86: debug output too, not just sip
18:33.25Qwellx86: There was a post on the mailing list, and now a bug on mantis..  something about a tab in a nonce.  Kinda weird.
18:33.37Qwellthough unlikely, it's possible that you're hitting the same issue.
18:33.42x86 <-- sip.conf
18:33.59x86 <-- sip debug
18:34.20fauxalliancep3nguin, just some sudo educational licence from IBM... but technically, no.  no freebies
18:34.21Qwellnope, no nonce tab
18:34.27Qwellfauxalliance: Intel*
18:34.31pabelanger <-- what we need
18:34.44fauxallianceQwell, better the devil _you_ know ;-P
18:35.31*** part/#asterisk Khratos (~jespinal@
18:36.02Qwellgrabes: It seems rather silly to have a test system be a different OS than your live system..
18:36.18fauxalliance...for education purposes only and if a patent exists in your country for G.729 or G.723.1 then you should contact the owner of that patent and request their permission before executing the code.....
18:36.28*** join/#asterisk devmod (
18:36.40Qwellfauxalliance: and even then - you have to license the code from Intel.  Nobody else has the right to distribute that.
18:36.49fauxallianceperhaps the info bot should know about that...
18:37.01Qwelland EVEN THEN, there are about 2 uses for it.  no other use of it is legal.
18:37.23Qwelltesting != education
18:37.26grabesQwell: I don't think Intel has anything to do with the g.729
18:37.43fauxalliance^^ is mistaken
18:37.53grabesQwell: Unless you are referring to IPP?
18:38.02QwellIt's their copyright you're violating when you use the illegal one.
18:38.50fauxalliancegrabes, consider the source
18:39.17Qwellthis discussion is done.
18:39.23fauxallianceG.729 includes patents from several companies and is licensed by Sipro Lab Telecom,,, guess who is one the several companies grabes
18:39.35jdoegrabes: the "opensource" g729 module wraps IPP.
18:39.49fauxalliancewhich also requires licensing :P
18:39.59Qwelldrop it.
18:40.09grabesQwell: I didn't realize you were an admin
18:40.12grabesplease end it
18:40.13fauxalliancedrops in favour of Dr. Pepper.
18:40.29Qwellfauxalliance: fwiw, Digium accepts pallets of Dr. Pepper.
18:40.38fauxalliancecompliments Qwell on his hat...
18:40.48Qwellfauxalliance: were you at astricon?
18:40.57fauxallianceQwell, no sir.  i wish i could go
18:41.03Qwelloh.  different hat then. :p
18:41.10fauxallianceI was at the solid waste convention in Texas
18:41.12Qwellwe had some pretty sweet hats at the all-conference party
18:41.35fauxallianceQwell, the 'operator' hat ;-)... have a pic of the other... i am intrigued  now
18:41.39Qwellwe all woke up with glitter *all over us*
18:41.41Qwellgood times.
18:41.55fauxallianceQwell, all in the name of telephony !
18:42.22fauxallianceI will hit astricon one of these days... but mostly... I have to play with Garbage....
18:45.43[TK]D-Fenderplays Garbage...
18:45.48[TK]D-Fenderat least ONE song...
18:45.49fauxallianceMs. Manson?
18:46.00fauxallianceasks Katty to dance
18:46.42fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, what one?
18:47.03[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: "Stupid Girl"
18:47.13[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: I'm on keys for that one
18:47.33fauxalliancecool... i have a cool remix of 'only happy when it rains'
18:47.39fauxalliance^^my favourite
18:48.19Qwellso uhh
18:48.29Qwellwe're all old.  that was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.
18:48.36fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, have any of the old angelfish work?
18:49.16Kattydances with fauxalliance!
18:49.18fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, her _original_ band
18:49.33petern_i have some
18:49.35fauxallianceand Katty dances!
18:49.37*** join/#asterisk knot (~knotsucke@unaffiliated/devemo)
18:49.40petern_it's depressing ;p
18:50.05fauxalliancepetern_, thats why i like it so much.
18:50.23[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: Never heard of...
18:51.08[TK]D-FenderMost of my music is 20-25 years old...
18:51.29fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, modern music is too middle of the road, too much pitch shifting, not enough passion
18:52.01fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, leah andreone?
18:53.15[TK]D-FenderNever heard of...
18:53.51*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:54.17fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, Melanie Fiona?  she is new
18:55.46*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
18:57.20fauxalliancewas just busted... Groovin' in a posted NO-GROONIN' zone...
18:57.32*** join/#asterisk BMJ (
18:57.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o BMJ] by ChanServ
18:57.33[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: Heard the name, sure I've heard at least one song, but couldn't tell you it by name..
18:58.30*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (~chwall@
18:58.45[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: "Give It To Me Right".  Thats the one
18:58.49[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: Annoying :p
19:00.53*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
19:01.51Kattyglomps jblack
19:02.39*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
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19:09.53*** join/#asterisk wfsystems (
19:10.58wfsystemsour asterisk server is jacked. both our PRI lines are working, but asterisk is giving messages about lagged and unreachable clients. we're kind of bad at troubleshooting. any suggestions?
19:12.35QwellCheck why the endpoints are lagged/unreachable.
19:12.44Qwell(hint: it's likely your network/internet connection)
19:18.00Katty^- i like dem.
19:18.30QwellI'd be a very different person without the interwebs.
19:19.01Kobazit's so weird... thinking about before the interwebs... what did people do on computers?
19:19.15Kobazi mostly played games on my apple []
19:19.19Qwellfrigidzephyr: ...gtfo
19:19.30Kobazi was on  some bbs's
19:19.42Qwellbooks.  pfft! :D
19:19.45Kobazmostly it was just like collections of shareware
19:19.55QwellKobaz: and porn.
19:20.02Kobazwell yeah, of course
19:20.22Kattyaww :<
19:20.24Kattyhugs frigidzephyr
19:20.31Kattyno sulking allowed on friday!
19:20.35Kattyit's a rule, i just made up!
19:20.38wfsystemsgood call folks. i think we're being ddos'd or something
19:20.40Kobazer... make that apple ][
19:20.43Kattyand i'm backing up by this .........
19:20.54Kattynot-gun. not lent to me by the national rifle association
19:20.58Qwellwfsystems: you are not the first to mention that in recent days.
19:21.00*** join/#asterisk gregd (
19:21.40Kattyi can't honestly recall what i did before the days of internets.
19:21.43Qwellthe breadth of these recent attacks are...large.
19:21.48Kattybut i think it was probably going to school.
19:21.58wfsystemsthat's bad news =/
19:22.02Kobazi was writing code for apple and cp/m
19:22.17KattyKobaz: that sounds very nerdy.
19:22.34Kobazmostly just simple stuff... i didn't start real programming until i was in junior high or so
19:22.59KobazKatty: cp/m was the grandfather of DOS
19:23.01Kattyalso nerdy.
19:23.11Kattydid you chase girls in junior high?
19:23.22Kobazgood question
19:23.25*** join/#asterisk mandragor (~ergudicsu@
19:23.33Kattyyou were too busy programming to notice?
19:23.41Kobazheh... i did go after a few
19:23.50Kobazthey were mostly interested in high school guys who played football
19:23.57Kattyi dated a football player
19:23.59Kattyhe was a jerk
19:24.01*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:24.06KattyHAI CHAINSAW!
19:24.31KattyKobaz: the nerdy sorts are much much much better.
19:24.52ChainsawKatty: Hello there! :)
19:24.53Kobazi agre
19:24.59fullstopI read that as "nerdy sports" and was trying to figure out which sports were nerdy.
19:25.03fullstopGolf, I suppose
19:25.07ChainsawKatty: How are you today? *hug*
19:25.13Kobazaid climbing is nerdy
19:25.35Kattyfullstop: hmm nerdy sports? hmm
19:25.38Kattyhugs Chainsaw
19:25.42KattyChainsaw: am goodly thanks :>
19:25.50KattyD&D could be a sport
19:25.54fullstopand I was thinking, "extreme" chess, no matter how "extreme" is not a sport.
19:25.55Kattyif you nerdraged every roll
19:26.04Kattythat might be nerdy. kinda.
19:26.07Kattynot really.
19:26.10Kobazfullstop: chessboxing
19:26.12ChainsawExtreme ironing comes to mind.
19:26.31ChainsawI believe it has a wiki article and everything :)
19:26.32fullstopespecially when you break out the starch
19:26.43fullstopor the "magic sizing"
19:26.49*** join/#asterisk bmint (
19:27.12fullstopclearly I know too much about ironing.
19:27.20Kattyi don't know /anything/ about ironing.
19:27.33Kobazi have an extreme ironing calendar somewhere
19:27.35Kattyof course nothing i wear needs to be ironed
19:27.37*** join/#asterisk Khratos (~jespinal@
19:28.11Kobazi think aid climbing is one of the most nerdy but physically exhausting sports
19:28.15Kattydoes anyone work with Twisted?
19:28.32Kobazi mean who wouldn't want to take all this crap up a rock wall for a few days
19:28.34fullstopI've dabbled
19:28.46Kobazso sexy
19:28.57Kattyno i mean the person with the /nick twisted
19:29.16Kattybetter yet, does anyone here work for Asteria?
19:29.27fullstopThis is far more fun:
19:29.29Kobazi met the owners of aAsteria at astricon
19:30.03wfsystemsQwell: do you know more about these attacks?
19:30.15KattyKobaz: hoffmeyer
19:30.34KattyKobaz: james.
19:30.38Qwellwfsystems: nope, just whats been posted to the lists.  It's been pretty heavy though...
19:31.22wfsystemsi'll check the lists out. thanks =)
19:33.23Kobazyour name looks way too much like wtfsystems
19:33.47*** part/#asterisk grabes (
19:34.39citywokwell i found bugs in my exchange EWS implementation. having fixed them, * still segfaults. lmao
19:35.42*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
19:35.53Chainsawcitywok: You found bugs in Exchange. Wow.
19:36.38wfsystemsthanks for the help guys! it seems to be under control for now. have a good weekend!
19:37.00citywokit wasn't a bug in exchange, it was a permissions setting (NTLM auth wasn't enabled).  lol.
19:37.29Kobazi need a chair with squishy arm rests
19:37.56frigidzephyri do too
19:37.59frigidzephyri want a motorized office chair
19:42.00*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:42.25*** join/#asterisk ukine_droid (
19:43.48lanningBring me the Comfy Chair!
19:46.28Kattyputs a comfy chair on lanning's head
19:46.46*** join/#asterisk JoseBravo (~Jose@
19:47.17JoseBravoCan i check from my CLI what codecs are supported for audio in a remote SIP peer?
19:47.56*** join/#asterisk boch (c829e3f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:48.18bochhello, does anybody has experience working with TDD?
19:52.10gregdguys, i've got a callgroup defined... however i'm not able to choose it as destination for an 'inbound routes', is there any reason for it?
19:52.41gregdsorry, i ment ringgroup
19:53.01Katty <- and i thought /i/ was colorful
19:53.23Kattygregd: i think we should see some cli pastebin info
19:53.59ManxPowergregd, FreePBX/Trixbox is not supported here.
19:54.19gregdfair enough :)
19:58.09KattyQwell: is it snowing out there too?
19:58.22QwellI haven't seen any snow
19:58.32Qwellis twisted still in Huntsville?
19:58.48Qwellclouds definitely look snowish though
19:58.55Kattyi think so
19:59.36ManxPowerJoseBravo, no.  you could turn on sip debug and see what list of codecs the phone sends to asterisk when trying to make a call
19:59.43*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
20:00.12KattyQwell: according to his twitter checkins, yes he's in huntsville
20:00.30KattyQwell: or was yesterday, at any rate
20:01.30jstapletonis it possible to set a hint for a call out to a certain number over a DAHDI group?  For example, if someone calls my cell (DAHDI/g1/5551212), can I set a hint on that?
20:02.01*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
20:04.06*** join/#asterisk JamesHarrison (
20:04.28JoseBravoManxPower, Im getting the call from a Cisco Gateway, and I get this: Capabilities: us - 0x104 (ulaw|g729), peer - audio=0x100 (g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x100 (g729)
20:04.55JoseBravoManxPower, that means that the remote gateway only support g729 right?
20:06.12ManxPowerJoseBravo, that means the gateway is CONFIGURED to only support G729
20:06.42ManxPowerunless you purchase a G729 license for Asterisk there is very little you can do with a G729 call
20:07.11*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:07.45JoseBravoManxPower, I already have the g729 working fine. But I need to switch to g711 when a fax is detected.
20:08.13ManxPowerJoseBravo, good luck with that.
20:08.17drift-how can i get NAT to say Y on my newtork , cable modem  dmz to my linux router/asteirks machine , i'm trying to get my phone to work from outside internal network at home to connect to office asterisk and work, at moment i can recieve calls and make calls but have no volume :(
20:08.39*** join/#asterisk mobileman (~dimmy@
20:08.41drift-nobody can hear me and i cant hear them
20:08.43infobotsomebody said sipnat was Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:08.51ManxPowerdrift-, there are your nat DOCS
20:09.05JoseBravoManxPower, hehehe too hard?
20:10.24ManxPowerJoseBravo, google sip fax asterisk
20:11.15JoseBravoManxPower, ok
20:11.23mobilemanhello everybody!
20:13.15mobilemancan anybody help me with incoming sip fax detection and reinvite to g.711? is it possible?
20:13.57*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:16.10Kattyinfobot: whee
20:16.11infobot[~whee] Weeeeeeeee!
20:16.43*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@
20:21.31bmintI am having trouble registering our Asterisk server with our SIP provider.  I can register with Xlite.  Anyone have an example register string for Asterisk 1.6*
20:23.26*** join/#asterisk n0tk (~n0tk@
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20:24.08gregdanyone interested in helping me out analyzing my disconnect tone? i do not seem to find a proper pattern in it :/
20:25.58Kattywhat's that apt-get thing for distrobution update
20:26.27wdoekes2apt-get dist-upgrade ?
20:26.33Kobazapt-get dist-upgrade
20:26.41*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
20:26.48QwellUbuntu?  update-manager -c
20:26.50Kattyhot. thanks.
20:27.35Qwellwdoekes2: I do believe there's a way to get Asterisk to tell you what it sees.
20:27.50Qwellalso you're doing it wrong. :D
20:29.00*** join/#asterisk enterneo (
20:29.11Qwellwdoekes2: if it doesn't show anything useful, try setting dring1 et al, and set an absurdly large dring1range
20:29.17Qwellbrute force it :p
20:29.42Qwellit *should* tell you what it actually detected.  then you can set it from there
20:29.49enterneoI am using 50001 as bindport for IAX2, I am trying to register two asterisk servers using IAX (the other one is using default port), so I am able to register but the other server is not, any hints ?
20:29.58Qwellactually, -1 apparently will force a match always
20:30.03wdoekes2Qwell: to whom are you talking?
20:30.14Qwellwdoekes2: You.  Which would be why I prefixed my comment with your name.
20:30.30wdoekes2I see that. but I have no idea why and what about
20:30.52Qwellwdoekes2: my bad.  I don't know where I got your name from.
20:31.20Kattyis there an easy way to mount a samba share from linux box B to linux box A
20:31.52Kattysamba on b is already 100% functional
20:32.02QwellKatty: usually `smbmount` will give you a good commandline to use to mount it
20:32.14Kattythank you dear.
20:32.24Qwellbut it'd probably be something like `mount -t smbfs //server/share/ /local/path/to/mount/
20:33.00KattyQwell: smbfs?
20:33.06Qwellsomething like that
20:33.10Kattyah ha!
20:33.12Qwellsmbfs or sambafs.  I think it's smbfs though
20:33.33Kattywe shall see.
20:33.34Qwellsetting up the server side of things on Linux is a PITA..  not really familiar with that part.
20:33.47Kattyi'm basically going to mirror two linux boxes. kinda.
20:34.05Kattynot so much as mirror them, but cronjob a copy of the conf files between the two
20:34.09Qwellusing nfs would be far better, if it's just Linux
20:34.23KattyQwell: oh?
20:34.25KattyQwell: go on.
20:34.34KattyQwell: i don't know much about file sharing between linux boxes.
20:34.46Qwellsmb is a Windows thing.  it sucks
20:34.48wdoekes2Katty: password-less ssh key and scp
20:35.15KattyQwell: well i have to have samba shares regardless
20:35.27KattyQwell: which is why i kinda figured i'd use that
20:35.33Kattywdoekes2: would you be willing to show me how to do that?
20:35.54Kattywdoekes2: if not, i will do it my way
20:36.03wdoekes2ssh-keygen[enter] copy ~/ to .ssh/authorized_keys on the other box, voila
20:36.17Kattygoes back to doing it her way
20:39.05Kattywdoekes2: is /root/.ssh/authorized_keys a directory?
20:39.16wdoekes2/root/.ssh is a dir
20:39.21wdoekes2authorized_keys is a file
20:39.27wdoekes2must be chmod 0600
20:39.33Kattywhat is 0600
20:39.34Kattyand why
20:39.55wdoekes2rw for user, nothing for group and nothing for world (other)
20:39.56mobilemanso what about faxes?...
20:40.26wdoekes2why, because ssh likes it to be kind of secret
20:40.39Kattyi don't have an in-depth understanding of linux
20:40.41Kattyi like asking why
20:41.04n3hxsBetter to ask, than spend hours wondering Why!
20:41.18n3hxsMorning all!
20:41.19Kattyn3hxs: it's good to know concepts. it helps prevent additional questions.
20:41.24Kattyhugs n3hxs
20:41.28n3hxsOh yes.
20:41.39Kattywdoekes2: thank you for the information. i am excited to try it out.
20:42.53Kattymobileman: i'm not a fan of using faxes/faxing with asterisk
20:43.03Kattymobileman: but what's your question
20:44.04p3nguinssh-copy-id makes short work of copying keys from one system to the other.
20:44.15mobilemanis it possible to detect incoming faxes via sip and then send  reinvite to g.711 for transmission?
20:46.35Kattyp3nguin: could you give me an example of how i would do that?
20:46.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:46.42Kattymobileman: not sure. never tried doing that before.
20:46.59Kattymobileman: something tells me a dumb fax just isn't going to get it tho.
20:47.13Kattymobileman: due to timing, and delay
20:48.26*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
20:50.37p3nguinssh-copy-id user@host
20:54.33Kattydoes that transfer the file to the appropriate directory?
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20:54.59KobazKatty: yes
20:55.04Kobazit does everything for you
20:55.15p3nguinThat's the whole point of the command.
20:55.24Kattywhat if you have multipe keys tho?
20:55.29Kattyhow does it know which key to copy to which box?
20:55.34p3nguinYou'll only have one per user, right?
20:55.39Kattyi have no idea.
20:55.41Kattyi'm not familiar with keys
20:55.49p3nguinYou'll only have one per user per host.
20:55.55Kobazif you have multiple keys use the -i option to specify which one
20:56.13Kattythe one that i just generated is for... root then?
20:56.13Kobazssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user@host
20:56.22p3nguinYou might have both rsa and dsa keys, but one rsa is enough.
20:56.36Kobazi dunno what you generated
20:56.36Kattywe should talk about this monday
20:56.49Kattythey're locking the building up
20:56.51Kobazyou just copy the key you use for the user that you want to log in from
20:57.04Kobazuse your katty-power to keep them away
20:57.07n3hxsSee ya.. Off to the new house. :)
20:57.39Kobazmmm, 2 million rows of queue log data... yay
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21:56.16delroyanyone ever used a Sangoma A400?
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22:02.56JoseBravoThe codec of a sip channel can be changed on the fly? for example I receive a call using the g729 codec but when I send it to a specific extension can I change the codec to g711?
22:16.28delroyAnyone used Sagnoma TDM cards before?
22:17.06WIMPyNo, But they will start production, as soon, as you place your order.
22:17.09infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:19.02JoseBravoIn other words, is possible to change the codec to established  SIP channel?
22:19.34WIMPyAFAIK both in theory and practice.
22:19.42*** join/#asterisk ShaunR (~shaun@freenode/sponsor/
22:21.13ShaunRi have a polycom 550 phone behind a linksys router that had 2 phone lines out with sip options inside (disabled).  I ditched that router and got a new one and now my polycom 550 phone is not working.  I had this problem before when trying to swap this router out a while back with another linksys unit without the voip stuff on it.  The new router has no firewall enabled... anybody know what
22:21.13ShaunRmight be going on.
22:22.51*** join/#asterisk QbY (~kelvin@
22:23.26diemosShaunR: where is the router in relation to your PBX or SIP trunk?
22:23.41ShaunRsorry, inbetween (internet)
22:24.36diemosso the phones operate off of two POTS lines and a SIP trunk as well?
22:24.46QbYWhen using RFC2833, is it possible to change the "Volume" level?
22:25.03ShaunRno, the phones make a sip connection over the internet to the asterisk server..
22:25.15ShaunRphone -> nat -> router -> internet -> asterisk
22:26.02diemosShaunR: Do you have them provisioned or just adding the extensions manually via the web interface on the phone?
22:26.10WIMPyQbY: There is no volume. The Information os not sent as tones.
22:26.39QbYWIMPy: There is a field in the packet that says volume..
22:26.47ShaunRdiemos: they where working fine until i swapped out the router, nothing other than the router changed.
22:27.09QbYWIMPy: And one of our termination providers is stating the volume is probably the reason we have so many DTMF recognition problems
22:27.16WIMPyQbY: Interesting. Well, maybe some gateways will make use of it.
22:27.17diemosShaunR: Try putting one of the phones in a DMZ and see if that works
22:28.20WIMPyQbY: So you're not using RFC2833?
22:28.42QbYWIMPy: Yes, I am using RFC2833.
22:29.00WIMPyQbY: So where does the volume come in?
22:29.20WIMPyDescribe the whole setup.
22:29.45ShaunRdiemos: nope, not working
22:29.45QbYlet me dump one of these packets for you
22:30.12WIMPyThat won't help.
22:30.41WIMPyDescribe the whole path on which you're having issues.
22:31.55QbYHandset (both Polycom, and Cisco) -> Asterisk -> Carrier
22:33.02WIMPyAnd how are you connected to that carrier?
22:33.45delroyAnyone using analog TDM cards in their setups?
22:34.27WIMPydelroy: Unless you ask a real question, you won't have any luck in getting an answer.
22:36.08delroyLooking for opinions on quality.  What are recommendations from the following:  Sangnoma, Digium, Rhino?, and HW echo cancellation or no hw echo cancellation?  Will software echo cancellation cut it?
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22:37.36QbYWIMPy: We are connected via SIP/Internet
22:38.17WIMPyQbY: Ok, and how are you transmitting dtmp to (or from?) your provider?
22:39.49diemosShaunR: I would go and manually reconfigure each of the phones. That's about all I can say without being on your network ><
22:40.39diemosOtherwise, I'd say MITM between a phone and the gateway to see what kind of traffic is coming out. You can usually pick up registration tries and get a little bit more detail from sniffing packets.
22:42.38QbYWIMPy: RFC2833
22:44.05WIMPyQbY: If you use RFC2833 all the way there's nothing that can go wrong. Are you sure they support RFC2833?
22:44.50QbYthey say they do..  he just came back at me and told me that his volume is set at 13, where ours is saying 10
22:46.49WIMPyThet volume can only be of any interest if the infomation is converted to tones, i.e. on a media gateway.
22:47.15WIMPyAs long as the call stays sip there is not much room for interpretation.
22:47.31*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
22:48.58QbYI understand that, however when we call certain companies they aren't recognize DTMF when terminating with this carrier
22:49.58*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
22:51.38QbYWIMPy: Take a look at ( = Phone, = Asterisk, = Carrier)
22:52.05QbYWIMPy: Take a look at this specifically: "..00 1010 = Volume: 10" -- That's what they want increased.
22:52.15WIMPyAh, so it's not what you described but something beyond?
22:52.27WIMPyWhat your provider then converts to the PSTN?
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