IRC log for #asterisk on 20101104

00:01.00booduWIMPy, Signalling Type: ISDN BRI Point to MultiPoint
00:03.04booduerr witchtype ???
00:03.42WIMPyWhat flavour of ISDN. You set that using switchtype=
00:05.18ujjainCan somebody help me find out why I can connect with X-Lite, Iphone to Asterisk after placing a firewall, but not from PAP2T?
00:06.22booduI don't where i can found that i know i use coding ami and framing css
00:06.38boodu*I don't know where ...
00:07.33booduand switchtype = euroisdn
00:08.38WIMPyOk. And you are sure, you're using dss1 (=euroisdn)?
00:08.51WIMPyor rather should use
00:11.48booduI'm not sure
00:11.56WIMPyI have heard about lines where you'd have to configure different SPIDs to place multiple calls
00:12.25WIMPyThe you should check what your telco delivers/expects.
00:12.53booduok i'm going to search about that
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00:14.03WIMPyThings can be so easy. You just have to live in the right place...
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00:46.04pabelangeranyway to access astvarlibdir, astdbdir via a dialplan variable?
00:47.02pabelangerguess so
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01:26.11atanDoes asterisk support SCCP?
01:27.25atanIs Skinny a secure protocol or do I need to hide the traffic somehow?
01:28.12pabelangernothing is secure
01:28.36pabelangerhowever, depends on what you consider secure
01:28.42atanI figured as much.
01:28.56atanWell, currently I use SIP over to connect over the internet
01:29.10atanI guess I am just asking if I could expect to do the same with Skinny
01:29.24atanOf if it would be as silly as connecting a networked printer directly to a cable modem these days
01:30.03pabelangerboth traverse across IP, so you would get the same result
01:30.04WIMPyThat's just a modern Fax :-)
01:30.17atanWIMPy, =) hahaha
01:31.01pabelangeryou can include TLS / SRTP into your network, however each proxy you hop thru would require the keys to decrypt / route / encrypt the protocol
01:31.30pabelangerbest bet to start is create a VPN between your 2 networks
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01:48.27candrewsI have followed the directions at but cannot get outgoing calls to work
01:48.47candrewsWhen I run "gtalk show channels" i don't get any results
01:49.05candrewsHowever, jabber is connected
01:49.21candrewswhen I attempt to place a call, I get this output in the log:
01:49.21candrews[Nov  3 21:39:17] WARNING[9326] chan_gtalk.c: Could not find recipient.
01:49.22candrews[Nov  3 21:39:17] WARNING[9326] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Gtalk' (cause 0 - Unknown)
01:49.28candrewsWhat can I do next?
01:54.18ManxPowercandrews, did you check the doc/ directory of your asterisk source
01:54.32ManxPowerthat should have the gtalk info for YOUR version of Asterisk
01:55.00candrewsI'm using 1.8, btw.
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02:33.46*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
02:37.42atanIs there a command I can run to see who's connected via SIP?
02:37.42*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
02:37.58WIMPysip show channels
02:38.37atanAsterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl.  Use 'asterisk -r ?
02:38.49atanI'm connected up using shell, if that means anything =\
02:39.00atanWhere is this 'sip' thinger I am trying to invoke?
02:39.11pabelangeryes, it tells you what you need to do... 'asterisk -r'
02:39.22atanerr, yes. My bad.
02:39.28WIMPyIt means what it says. Asterisk is already running.
02:40.40atanOh rock on. Okay so my phone actually connected up without any issue =D too awesome
02:40.55atanAre there any default remote logins enabled by, uh, default?
02:41.05PMantisHi, having a problem with several Aastra 6731i phones cutting off after on a call for 3600 seconds. Asterisk sends an SDP invite, Aastra sends a "481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" and disconnects, but Asterisk keeps the channel open indefinitely. And ideas here?
02:41.23WIMPyatan: Are you sure, you know what you mean by "connected"?
02:41.53atanWIMPy, nope! I setup my sip phone to connect to the asterisk server... and the server shows it under 'sip show channels'
02:42.06pabelangerPMantis: sounds like a NAT issue
02:42.12atanShows the remote IP of the phone correctly, user (none) and some random-looking call ID
02:42.30PMantispabelanger, On the same subnet as the server, no proxy.
02:42.45atanNow I'm just trying to configure it up so my outbound calls function for me =) and then to figure out how to set the Caller Name, and Caller Number for the caller ID
02:42.52WIMPyatan: I think you're actually looking for sip show peers. That shows registrated peers.
02:43.24atanshow peers shows me this: 2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
02:43.35atanOne being my remote server I'm trying to setup with, in my case
02:43.43WIMPyPMantis: Sounds like you have session-timers enables and your phones don't like them.
02:44.19PMantispabelanger, I have several Polycom phones that behave with the same server. I've actually had them in a conference all night long playing MOH without any issues.
02:44.35PMantisWIMPy, session timers enabled in * ?
02:46.14PMantisWIMPy, I'll bite.
02:46.52PMantisWIMPy, Heh, meaning "Sounds sane enough for me to investigate"
02:46.54*** join/#asterisk trelane (~trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
02:48.21PMantisWIMPy, I don't have anything in the sip.conf that looks like a timeout. I'm looking at 'sip show settings' now..
02:49.45WIMPyare you using a sip.conf from an older version, than you're using?
02:50.00PMantisWIMPy, in 'sip show settings', these look like they could apply:   "Qualify Freq :          60000 ms"   "Qualify Freq :          60000 ms"   "Session Expires:        1800 secs"
02:50.26PMantisWIMPy, It's possible. I actually am using a perl script to auto-generate the sip.conf from XML.
02:50.35WIMPyQualify is something else.
02:50.55WIMPyBut Session expires might be it.
02:50.58PMantis"Reg. max duration:      3600 secs"
02:51.50WIMPyYes. Session expires is session-expires.
02:52.07WIMPytry session-timers=refuse
02:52.18PMantisin global?
02:52.20atanIs there a way I can view phone call attempts from the SIP devices?
02:52.41atanRight now I dial, and it goes blank... but seems to be connected to both my provider + my sip phone
02:52.47PMantisWIMPy, If it helps I have a tcpdump capture of the call beginning to end.
02:52.55WIMPyto try it out you can lower the time. I think session-expires=600 is the shortest possible.
02:54.17PMantisWIMPy, How can the Polycom phones I use stay in a conference playing MOH all night long, though? It points to Aastra as the issue, although it could easily be an incompatibility... Just like to make sense of things.
02:54.19WIMPyI think I remember seing something on the issue tracker about session timers being activated even when the peer didn't indicate support for it.
02:54.48PMantisAhh, your last statement clears it up.
02:55.07pabelangerWIMPy: they default to originate
02:55.29pabelangersorry, accept
02:56.31PMantisWIMPy, I'll try that on the Aastra peer itself. Isn't that reasonable?
02:57.02WIMPyNot sure if you can set it per peer.
02:57.40pabelangeryou can
02:58.23PMantisThat approach makes sense to me, then... since the Polycom's work anyway.
02:58.50atanWhat do I need to insert into my config files (I assume sip.conf for maybe extensions.conf) to route all outbound calls though the SIP trunk I have setup inside sip.conf? =S the tutorials I am looking at all show examples of local extensions but not actually connecting to the outside world
02:59.28WIMPyatan: Asterisk makes no diffrence.
02:59.36PMantisreads RFC 4028
02:59.45WIMPyA call comes in and the rest is dialplan.
03:00.16WIMPyThere is no internal and external or trunk or whatever. Just calls.
03:00.41atanHere is what I have currently for it
03:01.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
03:01.01PMantisWIMPy, pabelanger, Thank you for the help. I'll dig in a little and hope this resolves the issue.
03:01.04pabelangeratan: ^
03:01.07atanI assume this should push calls over to the @voipms connection
03:03.08pabelangeratan: no.  Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN}
03:03.15pabelangeratan: no.  Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN})
03:06.24atan123 should get forwarded over to the voipms thinger
03:07.07booduwhat is framing (i have css) and coding (i have ami) with DAHDI ?
03:07.19WIMPyRead the part about contexts.
03:07.23atanHeck, a full number doesn't get sent over to the voipms connection =\
03:07.26WIMPyatan ^^
03:07.38atanWIMPy, on which link?
03:07.55WIMPythe book
03:08.09WIMPyOr any book or wiki or whatever.
03:09.50atanWhen I make changes to extensions.conf can I just reload or do I need to restart?
03:10.14WIMPydialplan relaod will do
03:11.20atanSo then I could say exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/voipms/100) ?
03:11.39atanThen if one dials 123, it forwards to the voipms connection requesitng #100 ?
03:11.47pabelangerboodu: Framing should be D4 or ESF
03:11.49[TK]D-Fenderatan: Since when is voipms going to consider "100" a valid number on their side?
03:12.22atan[TK]D-Fender, sorry, perhaps I could include the actual extension but inside their accounts you can list an extension
03:13.01atan[TK]D-Fender, I was assuming there would be a new error message of some kind to indicate it did try to connect it up
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03:14.02[TK]D-Fenderatan: they are an ITSP.  you use them to call real world numbers. 100 isn't a real world number
03:14.46atan[TK]D-Fender, when I connect directly to their servers using a sub account I can dial my other connected sip devices using their extension
03:15.11atanIf I tell one sub account that it is extension 101 my other phones can call it by pressing 101
03:15.12[TK]D-Fender"sub account"?
03:15.42atanI suppose sub-account in their terms is just another sip login
03:16.29[TK]D-Fenderatan: I'd still like to know  how it considers those numbers legit...
03:16.46atanOkay, well, should I substitute it for my cellphone number for now then?
03:17.07atanI'm just logging in here now, will grab a screenshot to give you more detail if you would like =)
03:17.18atanFor whatever reason their site is acting slow as a slug for me right now.
03:20.25atanWouldn't exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN}) appear to accept a 1905XXXXXXX input, and forward it along to the voipms connection?
03:21.31atanSo then I am confused why my logs show handle_request_invite: Call from '7940' to extension '19024404444' rejected because extension not found.
03:21.50pabelangerbecause it is in the wrong context
03:22.12atanpabelanger, you mean where I have it positioned within my extensions.conf file?
03:22.25atanRight now it's under [mycontext]
03:22.35atanDoes this mean my sip.conf should point to that same one?
03:22.38pabelangerdoes you phone have access to that context?
03:22.50pabelangeryes or included
03:22.53atanAhhhh. Okay! Now we're cooking with gas. One sec while I fix that =)
03:23.01atanI had it set to context=ciscotest
03:23.16atanWhen I make a change to my sip.conf, should I reload, restart, or ?
03:23.22leifmadsenpabelanger: I build my AGI earlier to strip off all that XML junk :)
03:23.27leifmadsendialplan reload
03:23.32leifmadsensip reload
03:23.42ChannelZlife reboot
03:23.48pabelangerhigh-fives leifmadsen
03:24.01leifmadsenpabelanger: only 95 lines of PHP :)
03:24.25atanOh my goodness. I love you guys. We're up and running here now!!
03:24.45atanpabelanger, thank you for the tip on using the context properly
03:24.47leifmadsennice :)
03:24.59atansame to you, WIMPy
03:25.02leifmadsen166 lines of dialplan so far tonight
03:25.11pabelangeratan: like I said, read the book.  Lots of information
03:25.14leifmadsenwould be further along if it wasn't for that PHP script :)
03:25.20leifmadsenthe book is junk!
03:25.44atanSo does this mean that 1.8 has been changed, and as such "Dial(SIP/1${EXTEN}@voipms)" is now void in favor of  Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN})?
03:26.00pabelangerleifmadsen: same, up to 60 now.  Playing with CELGenUserEvent too
03:26.22leifmadsenI have to add that to this system in the 2nd iteration
03:26.44leifmadsenatan: I prefer that latter since it uses the [peer] information in sip.conf
03:27.05leifmadsenperhaps the former does as well, but i've never seen it like that really
03:27.20*** join/#asterisk ups (
03:27.24atanNow can I pre-configure the user caller ID + caller num within my sip.conf? *googles for possible sip.conf configurations*
03:27.58atancallerid represents the name, or number? or both in some funky format like DIsplayName\15551212
03:28.10upsHello guys. Is there a way to include a context in musiconhold so that a caller can jump out for example into a voicemail ?
03:29.14p3nguin_atan: There are examples of every setting in the sample file included with your source distribution.
03:29.56atanIf the "We're sorry due to technical difficulties we are unable to route your call" recording something in Asterisk or elsewhere?
03:30.14p3nguin_So close!
03:30.36pabelangerdo you see it in your CLI?
03:30.39p3nguin_s/So close/You missed the trailing slash/
03:32.36leifmadsenhow do I verify with a regex whether something is a number or not?
03:34.28leifmadsenhmm, this might work: ^[0-9]+$
03:36.23pabelangerminus the ?
03:37.23leifmadsenapparently \d could match outside of 0-9 since unicode defined more than just 10 number
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03:39.31WIMPy[\d0-9]+ would only match an even number of digit, I guess.
03:40.09WIMPyWhere the even ones are arabic and the odd ones anything digit.
03:40.21*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (~chatzilla@
03:40.37BeeBuuis there new sip client in linux?
03:40.47WIMPyIt just lists 0-9 twice.
03:41.40atanIs there some funky free service somewhere that reads out your caller ID name? For some reason mine isn't cooperating with me right now. Cellphones also don't display the names for me. Hmm.
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03:53.41PMantisWIMPy, This time the Aastra dropped the call at about 45 minutes. Nothing in the tcpdump output that indicated WHY. :(
03:55.04WIMPyNo information on the *cli either?
03:55.57PMantisWIMPy, The first time, I walked out of the room for about 10 minutes. When I came back, the call was gone... so not sure exactly when it happened. Might not related to the 481 error I saw at the end before.
03:56.20PMantisWIMPy, No. and 'core show channels' still shows the call active: "SIP/device18_1-cc05c 555@user-502:15      Up      MeetMe(555,wqMs,)"
03:57.21WIMPyMaybe you should activate rtptimeout to at least get rid of the zombe calls.
03:57.42PMantisI have to run a manual channel request hangup
03:57.54WIMPyBut unfortunaletly no idea springs to mind what your Aastras do.
03:58.03PMantisWIMPy, Ahhh. me looks for that.
04:00.46PMantisOk, I set the rtptimeout to 60, performed a sip reload, and we'll see if that channel disappears.
04:01.13PMantisWIMPy, Buut, I'd *sure* like to know what's causing this annoying call drop. :(
04:02.40PMantisWIMPy, Either way, THANK YOU for your time and help on this - I'm at least closer to determining why.
04:02.54WIMPyAre you?
04:03.49PMantisWIMPy, Yeah, there's a timeout. I didn't know about session timers before I talked to you...
04:04.11WIMPyBut they weren't the cause.
04:04.59PMantisAfter I read, I set session-timers=accept this time. Perhaps I should try your original suggestion.
04:05.33WIMPyDid you set the time as well?
04:05.36atanSo I've told this thing to dial me for 20 seconds here, with Dial(SIP/7940,20), how do I tell it I want to hang up if the number is unresponsive?
04:05.40atanie. no pickup
04:05.49atanOr perhaps forward to another extension/voicemail
04:06.08PMantisWIMPy, Oh .... no.
04:06.28WIMPyatan: You continue (in) your dialplan.
04:06.43[TK]D-Fenderatan: NEXT priority
04:06.51PMantisWIMPy, session-expires=600 ?
04:07.00[TK]D-Fenderatan: no/negative response = continue processing
04:07.06WIMPyPMantis: yes
04:07.15atanSo say my first line reads (the end of it) 1,Dial(SIP/7940,20) my next rule could be 2,Dial(SIP/7941,20) ?
04:07.42WIMPyatan: For example
04:09.31PMantisWIMPy, Hmmm, that channel still didn't drop... perhaps because it's in MOH so * is always sending a stream.
04:09.55PMantiskills a channel
04:12.57PMantisWIMPy, Hmmmmm  about 1/2 way dow this page:   I see:  "You should avoid using "sip session timer" with any value other than 0"
04:14.12PMantisWIMPy, But now... I've changed session-timers=refuse  *and* changed an Aastra option.
04:14.42PMantisWIMPy, I'll try it and see... but I'm going to bed - check the phone in the AM. :)
04:14.45atanWIMPy, you popular fella, what were you saying?
04:15.22PMantisatan, he meant: You are correct, for an example.
04:15.48atancan I use 'n' in place of a number? To represent 'after the thinger above me' ?
04:15.58PMantisatan, yes
04:16.01[TK]D-Fenderatan: yes
04:16.45atanSo I'm sending a hangup() after that if there's no response but the cellphone calling does not disconnect... it plays a 'doon, doon, doon, doon' noise like forever
04:16.48PMantisYou can also use:  n+1, n+100, etc. (useful for apps that 'jump')
04:16.57atanNormally if I hang up the cellphone drops the call
04:17.28atanPMantis, sweet. Thanks for that tidbit.
04:17.38atanI assume this means there are listen functions in there too, eh?
04:18.03atanIs there a nice list of these functions I can graze over? Or print for that matter =D
04:18.38PMantisatan, type:  core show applications
04:18.56PMantisThen search for one that interests you on
04:19.25PMantisatan, Yup.
04:19.48PMantisatan, I prefer NOT to think of asterisk as a phone system... but rather a programming language that can be used to build one.
04:20.22atanDoes SayAlpha actually read English?
04:20.38atanie. I could collect an ID, and read a sentence? Or grab an account balance using a URL?
04:21.14PMantisatan, I think if you do SayAlpha(a), it'll look for an a.ulaw file to play (letter A), etc.
04:21.21atanWoah woah woah. Woah. Woah. Let's talk ab out this thinger... " SendText:"
04:21.29atanDoes that send a text message to like, a cell phone?
04:21.37atanI never had any idea how those thingers worked to begin with
04:22.24WIMPyPMantis: rtptimeout is meant to cath in when no rtp is _received_.
04:22.38PMantisatan,  haha.  I don't know of any providers (SIP/IAX/TDM) that allow you to send text messages.
04:23.01PMantisWIMPy, Hmmm, didn't work for me. Maybe a full restart is needed, not just a 'sip reload'?
04:23.12atanWell darn. I was going to say, like, AWESOME!! =) Make a gmail for text messages. Man would that be awesome! Threaded conversations... spam filtering...
04:23.40PMantisatan,  you can send messages to supporting SIP phones.
04:23.52WIMPyPMantis: Shouldn't, but I've had occasions where a kill and restart did cure things, variations of reload didn't.
04:24.01PMantisatan, I've just never done that.
04:24.17PMantisI'll try 'module reload'
04:24.19atanI suppose I should move along to the second most important thing, now that inbound/outbound calls are sorted out. That is, voicemail.
04:24.42atanI assume I just add a rule inside extensions.conf to transfer to voicemail as needed
04:25.30PMantisatan, If you're building your dialplan yourself, BE SURE to keep contexts in mind, and CORRECT. Otherwise, you might be a SIP gateway for strangers to make phone calls on your dime.
04:26.00PMantisAnyway... time for sleep before I get grumpy. :)
04:26.03atanPMantis, uht-oh.
04:26.09atanOh yes, now you leave :P lol
04:26.18atanRight after that "make his heart beat like mad" moment there
04:26.44atanBefore you go, can you throw me a bone as to what you mean? Right now I just have sip.conf which has three sections
04:26.49atangeneral, voipms, and 7940
04:27.45atanPMantis, do you mean I should seperate my inbound & outboind contexts?
04:27.46WIMPyFirst take a look at allowguests and th contex under general.
04:28.06atanUnder general I ONLY have register => myserverinfos
04:28.14WIMPyThat's usually a very good idea.
04:28.24PMantisatan, Look at sip.conf, and be sure that "allowguest=no" is there and uncommented. The "context=default" in general also states that if there is a request coming in that doesn't match another entry below, throw them into "default" and look for a phone # match.
04:28.56PMantisatan, Add allowguest=no... just to be SURE it's no.
04:29.03atanSo allowguest=no under [general] ?
04:29.33atanShe's in there now
04:29.48PMantisatan, On my system (Ubuntu) I have "/usr/share/asterisk/conf/sip.conf.sample". Find something similar on your system and read.
04:30.11atanI have /etc/asterisk/sip.orig.conf I'll look over
04:30.24atanBut this guest thing for now, covers it mostly? =S
04:30.26WIMPyYes. The sample configs are very informative.
04:30.33atanI assume I just need to be careful if I am accepting data from the user.
04:30.34PMantisatan, One last point before I go...
04:30.46ChannelZshake your booty
04:30.51PMantisPay attention to: deny=   and  permit=
04:30.54atanshake shake
04:31.07PMantisthinks not
04:31.26atanWhere might I see deny / permit stuff like this?
04:31.31ChannelZOK Jebadiah
04:31.40PMantisatan, sip.conf examples.
04:31.59atanWhat does it do? Deny access to account from such IP/allow it?
04:32.07PMantisatan, I assume that 7940 is an internal phone?
04:32.33atanNot sure what you mean? It's a desk phone. It connects to my asterisk which is miles, mile, miles away =)
04:32.41atanServer is not local
04:32.47PMantisatan, ahhhh
04:32.49atanBut I do plan to attempt to use it for some other local customers
04:33.07atanSo I don't want to limit the IP range too much. I mean, the local isps ip ranges would be okay but not too much.
04:33.23atanI also use SIP on my cellphone to skip cell charges. woot.
04:33.29atanMy phone company hates me, I swear.
04:33.35PMantisatan, But yes, deny all, then only open what you have to to allow each entry to work (that's ideal).
04:33.52atanPMantis, to aid in preventing brute forcing?
04:33.59PMantisIf you can't use a large deny scope, then be sure your password is set.
04:34.01PMantisatan, Exactly.
04:34.07atanPMantis, makes sense then
04:34.25atanWhat does disallow=all mean?
04:34.28atanI have that on my drunk
04:34.38atandoes that mean it saves it for outbound stuff, no inbounders allowed?
04:34.39PMantisatan, refers to codecs
04:34.51PMantisthen you allow=(whatever you want)
04:35.07trollasaurusAnyone have a suggestion for a cheap, but good hardware SIP client ?
04:35.11atanI want to pastebin you one config, only one sec
04:35.55PMantisatan, If you DO have a guest account, limit them to dialing only extensions that don't cost you money for them to dial. Contexts are your friend - and enemy. Get to understand them! :)
04:36.18atanThat link is my config for my trunk, I believe
04:36.19WIMPysleep mode
04:36.25PMantisatan, First thing... do you have a context of "mycontext" in extensions.conf?
04:36.33atanIs there anything I should have in there to prevent any malicious fools like myself from using it?
04:36.41atanI do, and am using [mycontext] for everything right now
04:36.49atanlocal dialing rules, inbound calls, and so on
04:36.51PMantisatan, BAD idea.
04:36.59atanbangs head on wall
04:37.11PMantisEasy to fix.
04:37.14atanSeparate it somehow?
04:37.33PMantisMake a context for JUST that provider... like [voipms-inbound]
04:37.59atanI have that now. I assume I place my inbound extens in there?
04:38.13PMantisThen add dial rules in the extensions.conf under that context that match DID's (numbers), and call dial rules accordingly.
04:38.38PMantisatan, Then your sip.conf should have:  context=voipms-inbound
04:38.53atanPMantis, under which section? [general] ?
04:38.56PMantisBut only for the snippet you pasted me.
04:39.20atanLet me pastebin my entire sip.conf file to prevent me from messing this up too hard, one sec =D
04:39.42PMantisRemember what I said above... that context line in there tells * to look in extensions.conf for the context to see if there's a match for the inbound #.
04:40.03atan is sip.conf
04:40.10PMantisYou must know what you're matching up and your desired results.
04:40.40atanSo then, in [general] I place context=voipms-inbound because [general] handlee my inbound calls since they are not being routed elsewhere yet?
04:41.20atanUnder [voipms] in sip.conf, since it gets inbound calls from the voipms trunk?
04:41.33PMantisunder general, place a context=something_that_is_empty
04:41.59PMantisThen, under [voipms], set the context to "voipms-inbound" so it jumps there to process the call.
04:42.38atanGot it.
04:42.53PMantisMaybe even use my exact "context=something_that_is_empty" in general, so you look at it later and remember that it was on purpose.
04:42.54atanand my [7940] phone SIP extension I tell to use my outbound context, with the rules and such?
04:43.11atanI set it to context=empty, and made a context called [empty] in extensions
04:43.18atan..of course with nothing in it.
04:43.40atanJust to get one thing strait. If I have two contexts in a file, like [1] and [2], #1 doesn't load data under #2 does it?
04:43.46atanIt stops when it hits another [, right?
04:43.57[TK]D-Fenderatan: yes
04:44.07atanCause that would be hell'a mess.
04:44.08PMantisThen the 7940 would need a context that can dial other extensions, and if you want... external numbers.
04:44.54PMantisatan, heh, yes it would... but as you gain experience, you'll want to include (confusing sometimes), there is an "include => context" option.
04:44.57atanFor the sake of this I'll call them inbound + outbound
04:45.15atanPMantis, that would avoid repeating my own code is all, no?
04:45.17PMantisatan, Sure.
04:45.57atanThis is freakin awesome. You guys totally rock =)
04:46.00PMantisatan, You might want to have a phone that can dial internally only, and another that can dial internal & local, internal & local & LD... etc..
04:46.07atanNow I best figure out this voicemail.conf file :D
04:46.31atanPMantis, so like, I could lock people down... ie. free calls only, no iraq, and so on?
04:46.51atanYes yes, okay that makes sense.
04:47.26PMantisatan, Exactly.
04:47.47*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
04:48.13atanA courtesy phone for example, could maybe only call local... or require a code to get outbound =)
04:48.15PMantisatan, Example:   exten => _NXXNXXX,1,Dial....    that only matches 7 digit US numbers (usually local).
04:49.01atanbut your Dial would likely need to inject the area code then, no?
04:49.05atanAs such, only one area?
04:49.06PMantisatan, Lots and lots you can do to manipulate the numbers, too..
04:49.08PMantisatan, Yes
04:49.38PMantisatan, You can also do:  exten => 411,1,Dial(SIP/provider/18001234567)
04:49.39*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (~einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
04:49.53PMantisSo, force 411 calls to use a free directory service. :)
04:49.55atanToo bad Goog411 is gone now!
04:50.43atanOne could write their own system to look it up on or something then, no?
04:50.57drmessanoForce 411 to the request line at a local radio station
04:50.58atanjust grab the name via numpad or something, and query it ^_^
04:51.38PMantisdrmessano, LOL
04:52.18PMantisatan, With perl and AGI, you may be able to do that... just wondering about typing in a name to search on. :)
04:52.43PMantisOk, almost an hour later... I *really* need to get to bed.
04:52.47PMantisTTYL guys!
04:53.15atanCiao baby, ciao! Thank you kindly for all your lines of text.
04:53.45*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (~einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
04:55.33PMantisatan, You're welcome
04:55.58*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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05:35.27atanErr, chan-sccp talks about working with 1.4 & 1.6... but the latest is 1.8. Anyone fiddle with it? =S
05:36.02*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
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06:40.05atanWell crap. Does SCCP not support a password of any kind? =S
06:41.27*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:42.26carrarcraps south park style
06:50.53*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:05.29atanCan anyone here recommend an awesome multi-line SIP phone? =)
07:06.14atanI am about to chuck these Cisco 7940/7960/7914 things across the room and then light the house on fire
07:08.00*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
07:08.15Tim_Toadygo with polycoms
07:09.20atanTim_Toady, why do you say that? Fireproof?
07:09.39Tim_Toadyi guess so
07:10.14atanTim_Toady, is there a particular model you find particularly awesome?
07:10.36atanIdeally I am looking for something that supports multi lines
07:10.41atanAt least 3 are requires
07:10.58atanSpeed dial is also a nice addition but I can work around it if need be
07:19.41booduWIMPy, I can't resolve my problem with dahdi
07:19.52booduand my moh problem
07:21.23*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:23.31ChannelZwhich are what exactly
07:38.04booduChannelZ, you 're talking to me ?
07:38.51boodumy dahdi proble it's i can use 2 channel of a port ISDN  with outgoing mode
07:38.55booduI use dahdi
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07:58.29schmidtsgood morning
08:02.50atanWhere does Asterisk get the modules from?
08:03.01atanI would like to remove but don't see a config file with it
08:03.06atanI see a module unload option but, err
08:03.18atanI'd much prefer to see module.conf with the modules listed where I could remove & reload
08:04.13Tim_Toadynoload =>
08:05.07*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
08:05.30verywisemanhow can i call sip phone through cli?
08:11.21kaldemarverywiseman: console dial ...
08:13.06verywisemankaldemar, i can't find dial cli, i am working on * 1.4
08:14.10*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:15.17kaldemaryou need either or loaded for console dial to work. "module show like chan" will show if you have one of those.
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08:21.58verywisemani have this message "Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily"" , what is that meaning?
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08:26.01kaldemarverywiseman: the phone is redirecting the call somewhere else, most likely.
08:26.56kaldemaris there a call transfer activated in the phone? the Contact header should point where the call is redirected.
08:27.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:28.14verywisemankaldemar, ok
08:28.24verywisemankaldemar, what is that meaning
08:28.25verywisemanNow forwarding SIP/2424-096e4b58 to 'Local/ 1234@DLPN_SeniorManagers' (thanks to SIP/3123-098687c8)
08:28.33verywisemanwhere my ext is 2424
08:28.40verywisemanand i call 3123
08:29.43*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:31.15kaldemarSIP/3123 transfers the call to 1234.
08:32.18verywisemankaldemar, thank you :)
08:33.31*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
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08:50.23atanErr, can I send a user to their own voicemail listed within their config somehow? Right now exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain wants a mailbox number
08:50.53atanBut seeing the user already has a mailbox= in their own config there must be a way?
08:51.14*** join/#asterisk b_d (~brian@
08:51.57kaldemaratan: you need to specify it to the application.
08:52.16atankaldemar, for each user's outbound?
08:52.37kaldemaratan: come again?
08:52.55*** join/#asterisk titter (
08:53.10atanInside extensions I have my users (sips), should it be setup in there so it calls their preset voicemail?
08:53.13kaldemarif there is no mailbox parameter for VoiceMailMain, it will prompt for one.
08:53.43atanOkay so I have exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain as a rule
08:53.53atanSo like *98 brings it up for them
08:53.56kaldemarthe extension needs to be *98,1,VoiceMailMain(<mailbox>)
08:54.03b_danyone set an ivr/message for the callee from a call initiated from asterisk? almost like a collect call message?  I have been working with phpagi, but cant seem to get it right
08:54.24atankaldemar, is there a way to make exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain pull that data from the sip.conf for the person using it?
08:54.44kaldemaratan: yes.
08:54.56atanErr, <mailbox> ?
08:55.48atanexten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(<mailbox>) still requests the user enter a mailbox number
08:55.49kaldemaratan: VoiceMailMail(${SIPPEER(mailbox)})
08:55.59atan<3 you long time
08:56.10kaldemar<mailbox> is not a literal parameter, just a sample.
08:56.32atanNo wait that's not working as it should
08:56.35kaldemari had a small typo in there...
08:56.45kaldemarhow should it work?
08:56.54atanSorry for the troubles
08:57.02atanSo inside sip.conf I have my [user] with mailbox=1000@voicemail
08:57.14atanInside extensions I have exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(mailbox)})
08:57.23atan...and voicemail I have 1000 => 1234, atan,
08:57.33atanI want the [user] to get to their own box byu *98
08:58.16atanI assume we are on the right track with exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(mailbox)})
08:58.26atanExcept that for whatever reason it still wants the mailbox #
08:58.35kaldemarwhat do you see in the CLI?
08:59.07atan[Nov  4 08:59:10] WARNING[7932]: app_voicemail.c:6369 vm_authenticate: Couldn't read username
08:59.17kaldemarwhat else?
08:59.32kaldemarshow the verbose output
08:59.32atanWhen I dial *98 that is all I get
08:59.38atanHow do I do that? -v?
08:59.46kaldemar"core set verbose 10" in CLI
09:00.51atanI did supply an invalid password & username though
09:00.58atanI could try back with the real one
09:01.05upsthank you
09:01.18upsbut i have no idea what are you talking about :)
09:01.48atanErr. It does not let me in even if I supply the mailbox number, 1000, and the password
09:02.22kaldemar"Executing [*98@outbound:1] VoiceMailMain("SIP/7940-00f54220", "")" suggests that VoiceMailMain gets no arguments.
09:02.59atanSo then it is indeed this thinger? exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(mailbox)})
09:03.09upswhat voicemail context user is in ?
09:03.29upsin voicemail.conf ?
09:03.37atan[7940] ... mailbox=1000@voicemail is in sip.conf
09:03.51atanthe voicemail thinger says [voicemail]
09:03.51atan1000 => 1234, atan, user@addr
09:03.53kaldemardouble check that you see a mailbox defined in sip show peer 7940
09:04.17atanOh? This [voicemail] thing actually means something within voicemail.conf?
09:04.19atanI did wonder about that
09:04.23upsthen use @voicemail
09:04.37atanwill try, one sec
09:05.29atanmoving it to exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(mailbox)@voicemail}) didn't change it
09:05.43kaldemaratan: that's plain wrong
09:06.36atanshow peer 7940 shows  Mailbox      : 1000@voicemail
09:07.44atanI switched the exten back to exten => *98,1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(mailbox)})
09:08.18upsexten => 6245,1,Set(SIPID=${SIPCHANINFO(peername)}) exten => 6245,2,Set(SIPMAIL=${SIPPEER(${SIPID}:mailbox)}) exten => 6245,3,VoiceMailMain(${SIPMAIL}) exten => 6245,4,Hangup()
09:09.27kaldemarit was missing the peer name.
09:09.28atanThat works beautifully!
09:09.43atanWhy is ups more advanced than mine?
09:09.58kaldemarthat can be done with only one line too, skipping the Set's.
09:10.16atanCan you tell a rule to look for or? Like
09:12.24atanSo it would match wither *97, or *98.. and so on
09:12.32ataninstead of me putting the rule 3 times for 3 different numbers
09:13.36kaldemarexten => _*9[7-9],1,VoiceMailMain(${SIPPEER(${SIPCHANINFO(peername)},mailbox)})
09:13.48atanA regex... creative
09:13.50atannice =D
09:14.38kaldemaractually not a regexp, but a pattern.
09:15.33atanWell that's just too cool. =) thank you kindly for your expertise
09:15.51atansame to you there ups
09:16.13atanI suppose there is one other question I have about it
09:16.19atanWhy do voicemails need a name, and a number?
09:16.32atanlike in voicemail I have [voicemail]
09:16.41atanand [other] [general] and so on
09:16.44atanWhat's the big deal?
09:16.48atanWhy not just have numbers?
09:17.05atanIs that so if you were moving users over to a new system you could change the name(folder) and retain the mailbox numbers?
09:17.11upsso u could use voicemail box numbe 1 numerous of times but in different contexts :)
09:17.46atanI see. Like, for example, daytime voicemail, after hours voicemail, and so on?
09:17.53atanKeep different messages on them and rotate it around as needed?
09:18.15upsthis can be done in one context
09:18.33upsi see it as a way to differentiate between companies
09:22.00atanCan the user change the number of rings before it goes to voicemail? Does it touch that file at all?
09:22.11atanFor some reason I didn't think it did. So I assume it's unchanged?
09:23.26*** join/#asterisk titter (
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09:36.27atanWoah doggy! Using VoiceMail(1@1000) doesn't play the greeting, hmm
09:36.50atanIs there a PlayBack(vm-greeting) or something? +S
09:39.28*** join/#asterisk Phlog (
09:40.10PhlogHi, I wonder whether ZRTP passthrough has made it into asterisk 1.8 ?
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09:53.10atanWell I'm miffed. Voicemail won't play the greeting.
09:53.19krionanyone with a link in order to stress test an asterisk ?
09:53.20atanIt lets you record one, but it won't play it back to the caller
09:53.23krionwith linux client
09:53.30krioni want to reproduce deadlock
09:53.55*** join/#asterisk titter (
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10:15.43atanchan_ooh323.c:3161: error: expected ')' before string constant
10:15.52atanI can't make asterisk-addons
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10:45.35UzziI want to use askterisk with analogic line, is it possible?
10:49.59fauxallianceUzzi, of course... you need an ATA or an interface card.... with either FXO or FXS ports respectively.
10:50.10infobot[fxo] foreign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx. This is the type of port found on phone or fax machine devices. See also:
10:53.09UzziTDM410 with 2fxo 1voice number and 1 fax number it's possibile? hylafaxserver works with this card?
10:54.57*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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10:56.10kjssigh doing voice prompt recording is painful
10:59.28tzafrir_laptopatan, what version of asterisk? asterisk-addons?
10:59.44atantzafrir_laptop, I ended up getting it all fixed up & compiled
10:59.49atanJust working out how to setup my config
10:59.55atanI want to log everything to the database
10:59.59ataninbound, outbound, and so on
11:00.03tzafrir_laptopatan, what versions? What did you need to fix?
11:00.20atan1.8, and I just installed the prereqs
11:00.23*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
11:00.29atanSuppose nothing was broken ^_^
11:05.16tzafrir_laptopatan, in 1.8 the addons are included in the the main tarball
11:05.28tzafrir_laptopIs that what you use?
11:05.33atantzafrir_laptop, I was just apt-getting it all I didn't grab the tarball
11:05.43atanFoolish me, yes, I know =)
11:05.45atan<3 the apt-get
11:06.28tzafrir_laptopatan, asterisk provides module compatibility only within the same major version
11:06.41atanNow I just have issues with connecting
11:06.58atanbut that is my database server
11:07.22atanserver cannot see it though, which is messed up
11:07.33atanwill get to that in a bit
11:10.07*** join/#asterisk zplinux (~zplinux@
11:10.10zplinuxhi all
11:10.20atanHey rockstar
11:11.10zplinuxwhen I route a call from one pbx to another pbx, should I see the channel the call got on the remote pbx?
11:11.22zplinuxboth pbx are connected via sip
11:11.41zplinuxin pbx I use a trunk rule to route the cal the the other pbx
11:12.17zplinuxIf the other pbx replays with the ID the call got over there - it is to trace the call
11:12.26zplinuxassuming both [bx are my
11:16.34*** join/#asterisk ukine_work (
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11:18.39atanIs there a simple way to log to mysql the account login used to make call, and the inbound number?
11:24.48*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
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11:25.54Phloghi all, does anybody know whether ZRTP pass throug has made it into asterisk 1.8?
11:26.02gnudayWhat NAT traversal technology does asterisk support? i.e. STUN, ICE, TURN etc. Thanks.
11:36.29fauxalliancegnuday, astertisk has more of a symmetric RTP really... the UA tends to support the fancy stuff. (nat traversal)
11:37.05*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (~EC06113@
11:37.24fauxallianceAsterisk can be used as a gateway in order to avoid SIP NAT Traversal!
11:38.01fauxalliancestrokes the NAT friendly pet IAX/2
11:38.32gnudayIAX/2 still requires a port forwrding though ?
11:39.01fauxallianceIAX2 uses just one UDP port, 4569
11:39.44gnudayI need a zeroconf solution for home users connecting behind an ADSL router/modem
11:40.33fauxalliancegood luck with that.
11:43.00*** join/#asterisk BMJ (
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11:43.26gnudayIf I use a client such as xlite which supports ICE, TURN, STUN etc, ( and this feature is switched on). will it do NAT traversal out of the box if they are asymmetrically NATEDed. (with asterisk 1.6)
11:43.26*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
11:43.43gnudayi.e. just the sip client behind a router...
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11:45.07jpmcallistergnuday: if just the sip client is behind nat you should not have any problem
11:46.17jpmcallistergnuday: I have a setup like that and have no problem with connecting sip clients to my asterisk box
11:47.30gnudayCan I ask what sip soft clients did you use? What method of NAT traversal? What version of asterisk? Sorry for all the questions!
11:48.09jpmcallistergnuday: Sip clients: zoiper, sjphone, xlite Asterisk 1.6
11:48.33jpmcallistermy asterisk server is nated behind a firewall. I Just define the sip users as dynamics and nat=yes
11:50.03jpmcallisterof course I dnat ports 5060, 10000-20000, and 4569 at the firewall
11:50.40gnudayWere your users also behind a router (/ADSL modem) Did you manage to not have to set any port forwarding up at all at the user's end? Thanks
11:51.17jpmcallisteryes, not port forward at the user end. Just define nat=yes at the sip user definition
11:51.52jpmcallisterand all my users are behind routers.
11:52.22jpmcallisterNobody is directly connected to the internet
11:52.37gnudayThanks. What NAT detection and traversal method was set in the soft clients? e.g. ICE?
11:52.48jpmcallisterand that setup worked even with asterisk 1.4
11:53.06jpmcallistergnuday: none
11:53.21jpmcallistergnuday: I just configure zoiper without worring about that
11:53.31jpmcallisterI guess * takes care of that for me
11:53.53gnudayCool. Thanks, that's great much obliged :-)
11:54.14jpmcallistergnuday: it just works. nat was never an issue
11:54.39gnudayGreat, very grateful for all your help
11:54.42*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
11:56.06kjshmm, I am using a snom 360, when a call comes in and it's still ringing I can hit transfer and then type the extension I want to transfer it to and it works fine. If i pick up the call and then try and transfer it, * drops the call with the following error " == Spawn extension (phones, 123, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'"
11:56.23*** join/#asterisk titter (
12:03.57ukine_workanyone know a quick-start guide or tut for *now / freepbx?
12:06.49atanI want some way to flag calls using the mysql logger so I know who is responsible for what charges. Is there such a way? Like perhaps I can add a line to the inbound extension + add a line to outbound for that account??
12:08.27ukine_workalso, can asterisk dialout on google voice?
12:08.43russellbusing 1.8, yes
12:09.11kjsany ideas why my calls wont transfer?
12:09.26infobot. URL:
12:09.32russellbinfobot: googlevoice is <reply> For information on setting up calls with google using Asterisk 1.8, see
12:09.32infobotokay, russellb
12:10.23leifmadsenrussellb: you so smooth
12:10.42russellbthat's how i roll
12:11.40ukine_workty russellb
12:11.45russellbyou're welcome.
12:13.35atanAhuh! accountcode win. <3
12:14.36atanCan I specify an accountcode on an inbound extension so it will count ring time/voicemail/transfers & such?
12:15.45atanSetAccount([account])  ^_^ rockin!
12:18.06*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (~HAMming@
12:19.05atanOh wait it's not working as I expected... I was thinking exten => 8662102157,n,SetAccount(9999) would cause that 9999 account code to get logged but it's not
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12:20.51atanperhaps the wrong order
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12:22.28_omerany suggestion to make it possible ?
12:22.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:23.54russellbatan: that looks like ancient syntax ... try Set(CHANNEL(accountcode)=whatever)
12:24.20atanrussellb, you got it
12:24.31atanI used Set(CDR(accountcode)=9999)
12:24.40russellbah, i was close
12:25.27atanNow I just need to figure out why it generates two log entries
12:25.57atanThe inbound call to the DID gets set properly as far as billing is concerned
12:26.23*** join/#asterisk titter (
12:26.34atanBut there is a secone entry fgor the same durations, same disposition, except no dstchannel & dst=s
12:27.30atanI suppose that's the log entry for the outbound entry to the SIP device itself
12:29.46ManxPoweratan, a single call can, and usually does, create more than 1 CDR.  Depending on your dialplan it could create 3, 4 or even 5 CDRs
12:30.07atanManxPower, well I suppose that would make sense since it gets bounces around so much
12:30.35atanI need to figure out an effective way to capture the $$ packets here so I know who to bill for what =D
12:30.48atanNo huge amounts, so I'm not really at a great loss if I fail. Maybe $5 a year. hah.
12:31.30atanIf I catch them on the inbound DID, and catch them on the outbound calls... that should just about cover me
12:32.09atanThe in between action can go unnoticed I guess
12:32.45ukine_workrussellb, how do i update to 1.8 from the 1.6 in *now?
12:33.15ukine_workreplace files in /etc/asterisk with those in asterisk-1.8.0.tar.gz ?
12:33.20infobotsomebody said asterisknow was based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
12:34.22*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
12:34.31*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
12:34.44PMantisWIMPy, ping
12:35.17kjshmm calls are transfering ok from linksys spa942's but not snom 360's...
12:36.15*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (~einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
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12:42.30schmidtskjs no suprise at all :D
12:42.54kjsschmidts: really?
12:43.27kjsare snoms the suck then?
12:43.39schmidtskjs IMHO yes
12:44.34kjsi admit the buttons on this thing do rage me, double pressing numbers. It also randomly doesn't dial out first time as well, yet if you hang up and redial it then works...
12:45.10kjsmaybe ill just swap it out. :)
12:48.56atanWhat is this users.conf file? does it auto-generate stuff that is uneeded?
12:49.33infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
12:49.49russellbinfobot: forget users.conf
12:49.49infobotrussellb: i forgot users.conf
12:50.00russellbthat's not helpful in the least bit
12:50.23ManxPoweratan, Asterisk does not "auto-generate" config files.
12:50.27[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: It doesn't suggest a direct course of action....
12:50.52russellbatan: it's alternative configuration mechanism that is suitable for a small and simple PBX installation.  The Asterisk GUI uses it.
12:51.14atanRighto then. Can one delete users.conf without any ill effects?
12:51.24atanI'd prefer to setup an extension/sip and go that way
12:51.46russellbatan: yes.
12:52.02infobotRemember, Asterisk isn't really a PBX: Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
12:52.09*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
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12:55.10*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
12:59.19PMantisatan, You're back already? :)
12:59.28atanPMantis, I never left
12:59.45atanI've been at it all night. Love this Asterisk thing.
12:59.54atanJust setting up a second debian box to fool around on.
12:59.59PMantisTrue geek
13:00.24atanI'm out about 2l of coke & 1/4 a monster energy drink right now but... oh well. I need to be up until UPS shows up.
13:00.32atanI went to school (classes started at 8) and all my teachers are not there
13:00.42atanThey decided they would just write it on the board for us to see.
13:00.44atanAnd not tell us in advance.
13:01.03atanAll is well though =) very nice treat
13:01.05PMantis's Aastra phones are finally NOT disconnecting after 45 minute calls.
13:01.27atanOver night I switched my cisco phone to SCCP and hated every second of it
13:01.48atanThat was totally a wasted 4 hours messing with that
13:01.56atan4 hours Cisco stole from me, that I will never get back
13:02.07atanNeedless to say it was back to the SIP image pretty quickly
13:02.16atanToo bad it doesn't support the expansion module I just ordered =(
13:02.17petern_SCCP works nicely for me
13:02.48PMantisCisco is a wonder-ful company... you wonder where they come up with such assenine protocols.
13:02.59atanpetern_, I suppose if I were to dedicate the time to learning how to use it perfectly... I'd be okay. It does seem like an interesting concept but I can't wrap my head around how it's supposed to authenticate over the internet semi-securely
13:03.09[TK]D-FenderPMantis: On your Aastra issue, did you actually find the cause?
13:03.13petern_it's not
13:03.51PMantis[TK]D-Fender, I might have to turn off some of my settings and try again to be sure, because the last test I changed 2 things, then tested.... but I have it narrowed down.
13:03.52petern_it's meant to be on a segregated LAN
13:04.30PMantis[TK]D-Fender, I have a hunch that it was an Aastra config option.
13:04.47petern_SIP is indeed better for going across the 'net
13:05.05[TK]D-FenderPMantis: StopPissingMeOff=yes? ;)
13:05.16PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Yup! hah
13:05.51PMantis[TK]D-Fender, This should perhaps be expanded, but I found my clue here:
13:06.06PMantis[TK]D-Fender, 1/2 way down:  "You should avoid using "sip session timer" with any value other than 0"
13:06.59PMantis[TK]D-Fender, That wasn't defined in my configs. I also followed some of WIMPy's suggestions, which also revolved around session timers.
13:07.32[TK]D-FenderPMantis: I've heard of several issues with *'s lack of proper support for this.
13:08.43PMantis[TK]D-Fender, What's the theory here? devices supposed to send "pings" in SIP or RDP to ensure that the endpoints are up?
13:09.20[TK]D-FenderPMantis: I don't actually know the technical details for this unfortunately... I jsut remember the ranting some have had over it....
13:09.34[TK]D-FenderPMantis: few isolated cases, but the frustration factor was pretty massive
13:10.03PMantis[TK]D-Fender, Yeah! Could barely find anything on it.
13:10.18PMantisI'm writing an article on everything I did for my website.
13:11.18[TK]D-FenderPMantis: I'd recommend adding to voip-info & the new * wiki
13:11.41PMantis[TK]D-Fender, I'll likely add a blurb there, too.
13:12.54*** join/#asterisk Delido1983 (
13:14.39Delido1983Hello, i have an problem with the callerid(name) and spezial chars like äöüß. The Display dont show the name if there is one of this chars..
13:15.21*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
13:15.34fauxallianceDelido1983, does the display support the umlauts?
13:16.39fauxalliances/umlauts/umlauts and es-tsets
13:16.49Delido1983fauxalliance: I think so, all settings are in UTF-8 and in the local addressbook i can save names with spezial chars, but realy i dont know if the phone support utf-8 URI-Strings
13:17.06fauxalliance^^check it out
13:17.30Delido1983mhm okay i search again... :D
13:19.05Kattygood morning!
13:19.24fauxalliancehands Katty a steaming cup of sunshine.
13:19.25Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the Asterisk Christmas Card Exchange, please /query me
13:19.36Kattyfauxalliance: :>>
13:19.37atanGuys, are there any super-cool Asterisk add-ons I'm missing? Goodness knows what exactly. You know, like the CFL bulb is to the incandescent =)
13:19.38Kattyhugs fauxalliance
13:19.49atanKatty, this sounds interesting!
13:20.55atanWhere does asterisk stash sound files by default?
13:21.02Kattyvar lib asterisk sounds en
13:21.19tzangerI thought you were making fun of canadians, I read that "var lib asterisk sounds, eh?"
13:21.54atan^_^ abandon-all-hope.wav
13:22.44*** join/#asterisk McBoingbo (
13:23.03McBoingbodoes context = from-<bla> have special meaning?
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13:25.39ManxPowerMcBoingbo, only in GUI addons which are not supported here.
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13:27.08fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, I can't send you illicit drugs, ugh, a christmas card if you don't sign up.
13:27.10McBoingbooh the article I was reading about asterisk dual servers was talking about editing sip.conf which in GUI is typically not done
13:27.42[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: A name is a name.  Might as well be ^fredç for all * cares
13:27.52ukine_workanyone update *now to 1.8 ? what's the process? (asking again since there's only a handful of people in #asterisknow)
13:28.25[TK]D-Fenderukine_work: rad their channel TOPIC '-
13:28.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: you going to participate in the christmas card thing?
13:29.00ukine_work[TK]D-Fender, ty, man i feel dumb now :}
13:29.08fauxallianceukine_work, that's his job
13:30.39[TK]D-Fender[08:21]=-=Topic for #asterisknow is “AsteriskNOW 1.7.1 has been released (2010/09/14): and -=- Switching to Asterisk 1.8:”
13:30.47[TK]D-Fender[09:27]<ukine_work>anyone update *now to 1.8 ? what's the process?
13:31.08[TK]D-FenderSomething we hide it in the BIG PRINT :p
13:31.48*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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13:38.20*** join/#asterisk Weazel (~Weazel-@
13:38.52Weazelhey guys, i got an annoying problem where my snom phones drop register and other ip phones won't
13:39.01Weazelcan someone help with that area ?
13:39.48aberrios_any output from the * CLI?
13:40.00atanWhen I make an outbound call to a regular landline I can hang up on the SIP phone while it's ringing but the other device keeps ringing
13:40.09Weazelwell from the cli I just see it as unreachable
13:40.09atanLike if I call my cellphone, let it ring once, then hang up, the phone keeps ringing
13:40.11ManxPowerHey, I need help with Postfix!  I was on the postfix channel but nobody was helping me so I decided to come here!
13:40.42Weazeli think its something with my network but i don't know how to find it since i've opned any/any on my firewall
13:40.59ManxPowerWeazel, set qualify=yes for the problem sip peer
13:41.28WeazelManxPower: can u set it from freepbx ?
13:41.29fauxallianceManxPower, sup with the MDA?
13:41.43Delido1983fauxalliance: in the datasheet from the soundpoint ip 320  is written "Support Unicode UTF-8"
13:42.04WeazelManxPower: its already set to Yes in the Freepbx
13:42.38*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
13:42.50atanexten => NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/voipms/1902${EXTEN}) isn't playing nice with 7 digit numbers =\
13:43.15Kattyrussellb: poke
13:44.16ManxPowerWeazel, FreePBX is not supported here.
13:44.22ManxPoweryou can set it, but FreePBX will overwrite it
13:44.38ManxPowerFaustov, MDA?
13:44.44Weazelwell it is already set to Qualify = yes so it can't be it right?
13:44.54ManxPoweratan, try making it a pattern with _
13:45.05ManxPowerWeazel, I don't know.  I don't use FreePBX
13:45.36ManxPowerI assume Qualify = yes in the PoS GUI you are using will set qualify on the phone, but it might not.  who knows?
13:45.37McBoingbofor this article to setup 2 asterisk servers to call each other, the SIP method mentions registration is not needed for static IP's, but then does not go into details about how to setup the trunk, it only talks about IAX so do I simply copy IAX method, I dont think so
13:45.46atanManxPower, majik!
13:46.03Weazelis there a good network management channel around Freenode ? i have a feeling its something to do with my network setup
13:46.16atanNow just to figure out why the voip phone hanging up doesn't discontinue the call in progress
13:47.14atanWeazel, I always used ##networking
13:48.09[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: You donèt need to register if they know what HOST to contact you at '------- CLUE
13:48.18Weazelatan: thanks\
13:49.02McBoingbo[TK]D-Fender: which would indicate I still need to setup peer entries in sip.conf, but this article does not explain this
13:49.44[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: "this article".  Care to actually show us what you're talking about?
13:50.18McBoingbo[TK]D-Fender: oops I thought I pastededed it, mai bad
13:51.30[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: "When the ip of the peer is unknown, a user has no way to place a call (e.g. when an office/user calls a teleworker/peer at home, where the teleworker has only a dynamic ip or is behind NAT.) To compensate for this, the teleworker/peer actively registers with the office/user by providing its identity and ip location. "
13:51.51[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: It spends the whole article SHOWING you peers, and telling you when you NEED Register.
13:52.00McBoingboyes I stated I am aware no registration is needed for my setup
13:52.13[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: McBoingbo Peer = always required to auth calls.
13:52.18McBoingboso the answer is yes, I use the IAX examples to setup the sip.conf peers
13:52.37*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
13:52.45[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Nobody said you CEASED to need it just because you register.  And when you register... you are registering to THE OTHER SIDE'S PEER
13:53.10[TK]D-FenderWhich clearly has to be "
13:53.23*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-oehsdayxkgmqhbbn)
13:53.58McBoingboIm confused now lol
13:54.19*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
13:54.20ManxPowerMcBoingbo, have you read The Book?
13:54.24infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
13:54.34asteriskmonkeyhas anyone got dahdi to work in a freebsd jail?
13:54.41McBoingboguess I am gonna have to
13:54.50ManxPowerit should have been the first thing you did
13:55.15[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: How can you jail something that requires kernel & hardware access
13:55.28ManxPowerYou will need to read the UPGRADE*.txt files that come with Asterisk so you can translate the book (based on asterisk 1.4) to whatever version of Asterisk you are using.
13:55.33*** join/#asterisk BONO (~Bruno@
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13:56.14infobotRemember, Asterisk isn't really a PBX: Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
13:57.11[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: When you want to contact a peer you have to know WHERE to send the call.  If you KNOW the IP/host you can specify it in host=WHERETOFINDTHEM.
13:57.50[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: If they are a MOVING TARGET (dynamic IP), they can REGISTER to your server (YOU obvious have to be a FIXED TARGET).  This informs * WHERE to send the calls to.
13:57.58KattyNugget: hippo birdie two ewe.
13:58.02KattyNugget: hippo birdie two ewe.
13:58.08[TK]D-FenderIt still has NOTHING to do with authing the actual calls.
13:58.08KattyNugget: hippo birdie deer ewe.
13:58.13KattyNugget: hippo birdie two ewe.
13:58.19ManxPower.kick Katty
13:58.45KattyManxPower: you should wish Nugget a happy birthday instead.
13:59.04[TK]D-FenderNugget: Happy telnet to you!
13:59.05Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:59.21ManxPowerKatty, or you could stop spamming the channel with nonsense
13:59.41[TK]D-FenderManxPower: hukt on fonix faled 4 u!
14:00.44KattyManxPower: i will stop spamming 4 lines (=
14:00.49KattyManxPower: but i will not stop being nice to people
14:00.53*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:00.55asteriskmonkey[TK]D-Fender: you can jail asteirsk nicley, , jailing is not para or full virtualization its kernel segmentation/security locking
14:02.48[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Asterisk != DAHDI
14:03.28[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Then again if the guide shows you how to make it work through the HV, go for it
14:03.32*** join/#asterisk devmod (
14:04.06ManxPowersends Nugget a sympathy card
14:04.38kjsdoes ENUM cause problems in general?
14:05.14[TK]D-Fenderkjs: Problems with what?
14:05.57*** join/#asterisk chigambamukoko (
14:06.11kjsI am wondering if it's going to cause problems with calls, I have not used it before. Just checking for responses like "Don't use it, it's a pile of crap"
14:06.55ManxPowerkjs, use it if you need it, don't if you don't.  It is far more work than other methods
14:07.03[TK]D-Fenderkjs: Stop fishing for problems and jsut deal with the ones you HAVE :p
14:07.05chigambamukokoanyone looking to make a few extra $ by helping me with Fax on asterisk,
14:07.24kjs[TK]D-Fender: ;)
14:07.35ManxPowerchigambamukoko, Free advice: don't run fax over voice over ip over internet
14:08.08chigambamukokomany have gotten it to work,
14:08.40chigambamukokoI'm sure I am missing a few steps, since I'm not that savvy
14:08.49Kattychigambamukoko: it's advice.
14:08.55Kattychigambamukoko: it's something you take, or leave.
14:08.59chigambamukokothanks friend
14:09.32ukine_workAsterisk communicates with Google using the chan_gtalk Channel Driver and the res_jabber Resource module. Before proceeding, please ensure that both are compiled and part of your installation. Compilation of res_jabber and chan_gtalk for use with Google Talk / Voice are dependant on the iksemel library files as well as the OpenSSL development libraries presence on your system.
14:09.38chigambamukokowhen using g711, I can only get about 70% success, I need to set up for t.38
14:09.55chigambamukokomy upstream do support t.38
14:10.11ukine_workwhere do i find chan_gtalk, res_jabber, and iksemel/openssl ?
14:11.58pabelangerukine_work: the first two are part of asterisk, the other 2 are libraries
14:12.53kjsanyone got an example of musiconhold.conf for asterisk 1.8 the wiki version is out of date
14:13.16[TK]D-Fenderkjs: Look in your SAMPLES folder
14:13.24ukine_workpackage openssl already installed and latest version
14:13.42pabelangerukine_work: openssl-dev?
14:13.46ukine_workis there a yum install foo for iksemel i wonder?
14:14.01pabelangerukine_work: or
14:15.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
14:17.09Kattyhugs coppice
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14:23.30atanWhen I set a voicemail greeting using the voicemail program by calling it it does record it, but does not play it to future callers
14:23.36atanAny ideas where I went wrong?
14:24.51pabelangeratan: *CLI> core show application Voicemail
14:25.48*** part/#asterisk jpmcallister (~EC06113@
14:26.06atanpabelanger, when I run that command it just gives me the doc on how to use it
14:26.37p3nguin_Imagine that!
14:26.40SuPrSluGatan: what does your dialplan tell it to play?
14:26.51pabelangeryou need to pass the busy or unavailable flags
14:26.52leifmadsenSuPrSluG: hey I met you! :)
14:27.19SuPrSluGliefmadsen: u goin to the bears game lol
14:27.31leifmadsenheh nah :)
14:27.41leifmadsenI'm flying to Punta Cana tomorrow :)
14:27.45atanAnd right now it doesn't do any of that. Just, VoiceMailMain(${SIPMAIL})
14:28.18atanSo I assume there is a voicemail greeting then, eh? VoiceMailGreeting() or something
14:28.51atanSorry, VoiceMail(1@1000) even
14:28.51ManxPoweratan, read the Asterisk book.
14:29.40ManxPower<atan> So I assume there is a voicemail greeting then, eh? VoiceMailGreeting() or something  <--- indicates you have not read the book or the UPGRADE*.txt files
14:29.51*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:30.29atanNo =\ I have not =/
14:31.02*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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14:36.00*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
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14:37.41BaylinkQUERY: I'm trying to build libiax against speex-devel-1.1.999_1.2rc1-5.1.i586 (and the related speex and libogg, packaged for SuSE 11.3), and I'm getting this error:
14:37.44Baylinkaudio_encode.c: In function ‘iaxc_input_postprocess’:
14:37.44Baylinkaudio_encode.c:146:5: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
14:38.14pabelangeratan: If you read the output of *CLI> core show application Voicemail it will explain how to use it properly
14:38.17Baylinkwhile building audio_encode.c.  Google says that's because I need a beta1 or newer speex... which theoretically, rc1 should be.
14:38.28BaylinkAny other suggestions?
14:39.19jblackbaylink: It could be the headers you have in /usr/include are from the older ones, or /usr/local/include
14:39.34[TK]D-Fenderatan: "core show application voicemail"
14:39.48Baylinkjblack: Good point; I'll check.
14:39.58atanYes, I see the options list =)
14:40.10atanWas just pecking around on another doc about faxes
14:40.50BaylinkIrritatingly enough, jblack; the headers don't have *version numbers* in them.  I did get the -devel, though, and previously had *no* speex, or so the build told me, so...
14:40.59BaylinkWait, /u/l/i
14:41.14BaylinkNope, nothing there, either.
14:41.47jblackyou're including the codec from -somewhere-. =)
14:41.54Kattyjblack: <3
14:42.00jblackHey Katty. =)
14:42.06Kattyjblack: how're you feeling dear
14:42.26jblackI'm sad about ssdi, but made up for it by ordering a 3d monitor.
14:42.38*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:42.54jblackHow about you?
14:43.05Kattycontent and happy (=
14:43.08jblackbaylink: How about in-tree?
14:43.09Baylinkjblack: Oh yes: i've installed it *now*.
14:43.21jblackOh, so you're good.
14:43.29jblackKatty: How is your rodent feeder doing?
14:43.46BaylinkI'm working with an SVN release-tag build tree from Xelatec; their XIPPR iaxRpt console.  They build with it, so I assume the tree is clean.
14:43.51Kattyjblack: rodent free, sadly, but the birds visit regularly
14:44.12jblackI'd rather bird flu than rabies. =)
14:45.54*** part/#asterisk Delido1983 (
14:46.00Kattyjblack: ready for thanksgiving?
14:46.37jblackI don't have any plans. I'm having a big party the week before
14:47.11jblackI have this irrational fear that peple will confuse me for the turkey, and I'll be stuffed, cooked, and served.
14:49.22*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
14:49.52jblackHow about you? Didja get stuck with the cooking?
14:54.14*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
14:54.40Kattyjblack: attending a potluck this year.
14:54.45Kattyjblack: so no one has to cook a lot at all
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14:55.34kjsjblack: yeah rabies will kill you.
14:56.12*** join/#asterisk weta (
14:56.18Kattyrabies won't always kill
14:56.25*** part/#asterisk Baylink (~jra@
14:56.26Kattyif it's caught early, it can be handled
14:56.30Kattybut there will still probably be some brain damage
14:56.43*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:00.57jblackIt's still rabies.
15:01.25jblackCan you imagine telling a (boy/girl)friend "btw hon, I should let you know that I have rabies. literally. Yes. The mouth foaming thing"
15:01.41coppiceyeah, but one way your dead, and the other way you can still have a career in politics
15:01.54ManxPowerrabies *ALWAYS* kills by the time you have symptoms.
15:01.55jblackeither way, you're not getting laid
15:02.10jblackManxPower: I don't think that's true any more
15:02.46ManxPowerjblack, other than a single patient that was put into a coma, they all die once you get symptoms
15:02.58kjsIf I place: [default]
15:03.19jblackI thought we had made progress on it
15:03.26ManxPowerif you catch it before symptoms happen, most people survive just fine.  I suppose I could cite a source but I bet it would be too much work to find it.
15:03.31kjsin musiconhold.conf that should play mp3's placed in /var/lib/asterisk/moh/ correct
15:03.32coppiceManxPower: I expect pretty much everyone wishes they were dead once they get the symptoms
15:03.55Kattykjs: i think that would be /moh
15:03.56jblackOk, post symptoms, the survival rate is 8%
15:03.58ManxPowerjblack, rabies is a virus, your only hope is to catch it before it crosses the blood/brain barrier (which is a while after infection)
15:04.07Kattykjs: directory=/var/lib/asterisk/moh/
15:04.13p3nguinkjs: There are very clear and precise samples of mp3 moh in the sample musiconhold.conf file.
15:04.25Kattykjs: if you would like a sample, i can pastebin mine
15:04.49ManxPowerjblack, much higher than I thought
15:06.24kjsp3nguin: well I have read that mpg123 is no longer required for mp3 playback, yet the sample conf still contains examples of this... Which is a little confusing
15:06.35jblackThere's something called the "maxwell protocol". Go wikipedia
15:06.52KattySeptember 28th is World Rabies Day
15:06.59Kattyso get yourself vaccinated
15:07.20jblackI'd say you're more right than I am, manx
15:07.23jblackA lot more right
15:08.08p3nguinkjs: [mp3]
15:08.13p3nguinkjs: How is that using mpg123?
15:09.01jblackkjs: There's more than one way to do it. =)
15:10.26kjs"does not exist in any format" is what im getting on the CLI
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
15:10.50[TK]D-Fender[11:08]<p3nguin>mode=quietmp3 <-- THIS is how
15:10.54ManxPowerkjs, again, you are reading old and outdated docs
15:11.05[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: that = mpg123
15:11.12p3nguinOh yeah?
15:11.23[TK]D-FenderYA RLY
15:14.21p3nguinapplication=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s    <-- this is what I thought of when I think "using mpg123"
15:14.50*** join/#asterisk aberrios_ (~aberrios@
15:14.58p3nguinI guess uses mpg123.
15:16.57kjs this should work right?
15:17.36p3nguinIt should play wav files just fine.
15:18.03[TK]D-Fenderor any file that * has a FORMAT for
15:19.00kjsright, ill just convert it to wav if its going to be easier.
15:19.53p3nguinEasier?  EASIER?  How hard could it be to install mpg123 and use app_mp3 via mode=quietmp3?
15:20.10[TK]D-Fenderkjs: what ver of * are you using?
15:20.36[TK]D-Fenderkjs: There may be a simple extra step to add MP3 support from within the tarball
15:20.46p3nguin(1608.04) <@Qwell> 1.8 isn't a version
15:20.47[TK]D-Fenderkjs: It IS included, but I'm not sure if it's built by default
15:21.11kjsp3nguin: well mpg123 is not in the centos repos so I would have to add an additional repo.
15:21.29kjsplus mpg123 is no longer in dev and has known security holes.
15:22.04p3nguinmpg123.i386                              1.12.5-1.el5.rf        rpmforge
15:22.22kjsyeah id have to add rpm forge ;)
15:22.23ManxPowerp3nguin, mpg123 was deprecated in 1.4, dude.
15:22.30Kattywhat should i do for lunch today
15:22.39kjsKatty: just thinking the same
15:22.55kjsrabies on toast?
15:23.05Kattythat's not funny
15:23.22kjsand not possible either?
15:23.30*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:23.53p3nguinLunch?  I barely had breakfast.
15:24.17Kattythat's not my fault ;)
15:24.23p3nguinOh, I know.
15:24.39p3nguinI'm just saying it's quite early for lunch.
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15:28.59brettnemHello all!
15:29.14brettnemlong time no chat. :)
15:30.06brettnemhas anyone seen DIALTIME and ANSWEREDTIME be completely blank in answered calls? this just popped up and nothing's changed form what I know.. running
15:32.03brettnempokes group
15:35.37beardyKatty: Scrambled eggs?
15:36.36Kattybeardy: decided on chicken sammich.
15:37.15beardyKatty: Also nice.
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15:46.09tzafrir_laptophi, a question about nortel phones (chan_unistim):
15:46.17tzafrir_laptopWhere is the time zone set there?
15:46.38tzafrir_laptopIs it something in unistim.conf? (can't find it there)
15:51.05brettnemanyone seen a problem like this? Where DIALEDTIME and ANSWEREDTIME end up empty? :/
15:53.54*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
15:57.45tzafrir_laptopbrettnem, what's the minimal setting required to reproduce this?
15:57.55tzafrir_laptopDoes it always happen, or occasionally?
16:05.03Kattymm, chicken sammich with swiss
16:05.28p3nguinSwiss cheese is nice.
16:05.55p3nguinI like French Imported Swiss from the deli.
16:05.56*** join/#asterisk drudge` (drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:07.12p3nguinLorraine cheese is also good.
16:10.06*** join/#asterisk goomail (
16:14.20goomailHi everyone!  I'm wondering if anyone here might be able to lend a hand with a SIP registration problem I'm experiencing...
16:14.39infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:14.42p3nguinOnly if you're specific about the problem and describe what you've done to troubleshoot it.
16:17.24goomailEvery couple of weeks, my main SIP registration goes awry and I am unable to place outgoing calls through my provider. (Incoming works OK.) The only significant thing I've noticed is that the remote IP under "sip show" has disappeared when this happens. Doing a "sip reload" gets everything working again instantly. I'm running * 1.6.13 on an embedded ar71xx. If anyone cares to click a link, all of the gory details are here: http
16:17.39p3nguinYou truncated at http.
16:17.55goomails/1.6.13/ and
16:19.10p3nguinIf your registration is messed up, you probably won't be getting incoming calls anymore.
16:20.16goomailincoming actually works fine from that provider (i've tested it multiple times). when i wrote "registration goes awry", perhaps what i meant to write was "my sip settings for my remote peer goes awry".
16:21.24p3nguinYou said you run "sip show", but that shouldn't actually show anything but an error message.  What did you actually show?  sip show peers?  sip show registry?
16:21.43thehar4/win 14
16:22.06p3nguinI prefer Alt+R for that.
16:22.08goomailsorry. sip show peer <peername>
16:23.09*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
16:27.55kjsasterisk will only play 8k sample rate wavs ?
16:30.59*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (~EC06113@
16:31.36jpmcallistertried to install asterisk18 in a 64 bit centos and i'm gettin that message: undefined symbol: pri_retrieve_ack
16:31.46russellbjpmcallister: update libpri
16:35.09jpmcallisterrussellb: tank you very much
16:35.41russellbjpmcallister: which version of libpri did you have installed already?  do you know?
16:36.32*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (~chwall@
16:38.42[T]anki have set my localnet, externhost and externrefresh in sip.conf but in sip debug it still shows me coming from my local IP address... is there somewhere else I am supposed to set my ip address so it shows my public IP?
16:40.28[T]ankhere is my general section of sip.conf and an example of what it is showing i am coming from.
16:42.01[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: externhost= <- should be externip.  Also you don't have nat=yes under[general] AND we don't see your actual peers, and complete debug
16:42.06*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@
16:42.36[T]ankk, let me try the change in syntax... thanks
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16:51.32[T]ankstill no luck... here is the debug.
16:51.47[T]ankpeer is included.
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16:56.22[TK]D-Fender[Trestart *
16:58.33[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: localnet= <-- and try setting a VALID netmask
16:59.37fauxalliance<haiku> TCP/IP, learn how it fits together, there is no escape</haiku>
17:02.08[TK]D-FenderI should learn haikus.  They're moderately easy. Yeah I think I will.....
17:02.36Kobazi haven't played much with natted asteriskeses
17:02.57Kobazwould using externip be enough in sip.conf for forcing the source ip for sip stuff
17:03.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz: No.
17:03.47Kobazasterisk is behind a nat router, with ports 5060 and 10000-20000 forwarded.... and i have the usual one way audio issue... it looks like asterisk is sending out as the server ip
17:03.50*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:04.14[TK]D-Fenderwishes he put aside the time to get his server subnet back on-line
17:04.32carrardon't do it
17:04.37carrarchina will attack you
17:05.04Kobazi wish the world was ipv6 already
17:05.05carrarChina will steal your IP's!!!!
17:05.06Kobazcome on, hurry up world
17:05.56*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@
17:06.34carraryour host doesn't even have IPv6
17:06.36ANurmiwhat is the patternmatching scheme for international calling?
17:07.04carrarBefore it's TOOOOO late
17:07.35carrarThe world is gonna crash!
17:08.03[TK]D-FenderANurmi: Depends what your carrier says
17:08.21telnettechANurmi: depends on what country you are in
17:08.30ANurmiUS to Europe.
17:08.47ANurmiGermany specifically*
17:09.21[TK]D-FenderANurmi: depends on your CARRIER
17:10.29telnettech011 is the universal code for US carriers but TK is right, check with your Carrier to verify what they expect
17:14.30jpmcallisterAnyone familiar with that error:  ERROR[6137]: chan_dahdi.c:12405 dahdi_pri_error: !! Don't know how to pre-handle message type Unknown Message Type (100)
17:15.06[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: haha... woops. Thanks. /0 = /24
17:15.09[T]ankthat fixed it.
17:15.28jpmcallisterIt happens when I try to setup "follow me" from an analog extension at my old pbx to an extension at *
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17:37.24citywokjpmcallister: get rid of the old pbx :P
17:37.40jpmcallistercitywok: I wish :)
17:40.31citywokwish harder!
17:40.53jpmcallisterIf I wish harder, my brain will explode
17:50.37tzafrir_laptopjpmcallister, what version of asterisk? libpri?
17:50.51tzafrir_laptopCan you reproduce that?
17:51.05tzafrir_laptopIf no progress, try providing a pri-level trace
17:51.26tzafrir_laptopasks again about Nortel phones
17:51.54tzafrir_laptopWhere is the time zone set for them? Anywhere explicitly?
17:52.20tzafrir_laptopAlternatively: what needs to be reset to apply the change of timezone settings on the asterisk host?
17:59.40*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
18:00.48ANurmiSo I figured out to dial through vonage it is 011 + country code + city code + number, I am dialing from the US, would exten => _011XXXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(DAHDA/5/${EXTEN}) work for pattern matching?
18:02.21p3nguinanurmi: Consider using _011.,1,Dial() because not every number you call will be the same length.
18:03.08*** join/#asterisk erinspice (~erin@
18:03.08ANurmiok, I had looked at that example, but it was saying that would only anticipate one more digit.
18:03.46p3nguin_011. means 011 + at least one more
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18:11.41ANurmiOK, good to know.
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18:15.14p3nguin~dialing patterns
18:15.25p3nguin~pattern matching
18:15.25infobotit has been said that pattern matching is explained here:
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18:28.37fullstopI'm writing an AGI script.. and no matter what my exit code is in the script, asterisk says "AGI Script script.agi completed, returning 0"
18:29.01fullstopI'm sort-of familiar with python, but I believe sys.exit(1) should exit with a return code of 1.
18:29.04wcselbyyour script isn't executing properly
18:29.14wcselbyi don't know about that
18:29.40fullstopOh, the script runs fine.. but I'm trying to make sure that I can tell if * can see if it terminates unexpectedly, etc..
18:31.02fullstopI've checked in the shell -- echo $? returns 1 when the agi runs.
18:31.37wcselbyi don't know if the "returning 0" is the same "0" that you're trying to return
18:32.13wcselbyi'll look in a little bit, kind of busy at the moment
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18:43.53fullstopwcselby: I looked in the asterisk res_agi.c source... it checks to see if the return code is set.  If it is, it sets it to -1.
18:48.00*** join/#asterisk Alric (~nbowyer@
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18:49.39fullstopI misread the code.  you can only determine if the channel was hung up or not.  The return code of the agi process is not checked at all.
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18:55.56wcselbyfullstop - yeah, that's what I thought as well
18:56.36fullstopI suppose that this is understandable, considering that an agi process can be yanked at any time.
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18:59.38kjsanyone recommend a decent sip soft phone for the iPhone ?
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19:14.10wcselbykjs - i use iSip, i've been happy with it when I need to use it.  it has wifi and 3g support
19:21.39Kattyif anyone is interested in participating in the Asterisk Christmas Card Exchange, please /query me
19:23.56*** part/#asterisk jpmcallister (~EC06113@
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19:27.15jdoeis anyone here doing asterisk ha with only open source tools? (ie drbd/linux-ha etc.)
19:30.28leifmadsenI use linux-ha, dundi, replicated mysql, func_odbc, subversion, rsync, unison, etc.
19:31.31jdoeneed to provision a remote site that's a PITA to get to, so looking to make it fairly resilient... just not entirely sure what my options are, or what gotchas there might be out there. The wiki seems to be mostly proprietary options.
19:32.02jdoeI guess I'm mostly concerned with keeping voicemail, configs, and a couple custom sound files in sync. The phone configs would be nice too, but that's probably fine with rsync alone.
19:32.23leifmadsenyou could keep the voicemail in IMAP too
19:33.14jdoethat's not really an option... we're spread across three separate email systems, two of which don't have HA storage, and the other is gmail :/
19:33.31leifmadsenuse unison to sync the voicemails then I guess
19:33.44jdoeyeah, it was going to be either that or trying to figure out drbd + gfs or something.
19:33.59fullstopI use drbd here -- not for asterisk, but for other systems.
19:34.35fullstopThe problem with asterisk is that it usually involves system-specific hardware or licenses.
19:34.58jdoein this particular setup it's all software, and (currently) with no g729 licenses etc.
19:35.05fullstopthat is, you would have to have a 2nd TDM card ready and waiting.. as well as 729 licenses if you use them
19:35.44jdoecall volume is low enough that I wouldn't care especially about dupe licenses, I just need it to work most of the time.
19:35.46fullstopjdoe: what sort of bandwidth do these systems have?
19:36.02jdoefullstop: between them, or to the world?
19:36.07fullstopbetween them
19:36.43fullstopI have a central server here, and they share a network filesystem between the two for a central voicemail location.
19:37.12fullstopThis could be a drbd volume if you wish for it to be replicated.
19:37.50jdoeI'm thinking about it, but I'm trying to avoid a central server.
19:38.01jdoeah, yeah.
19:38.26fullstopit doesn't work for everyone; it really depends on your setup.
19:39.05fullstopFor us, the central server is the one with the dahdi hardware.. and remote locations place calls over an iax2 trunk to get to the outside world.
19:41.08jdoeleifmadsen: how well does unison handle voicemail dirs? Presumably you'd get a lot of conflicting filenames since they're incrementally named.
19:41.25leifmadsenI've never used it for that, so I have no idea
19:41.29leifmadsenI've used it to sync recordings
19:42.30jdoeoh. You do imap storage for voicemail or something different?
19:42.49jdoehmm... wait... I could do odbc storage...
19:42.52jdoethat works.
19:43.03jdoethanks guys :)
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20:23.32wcselbyclient is bitching about a $40 license fee for FOP2, but didn't blink an eye at a 17.5k bill for brand new imacs
20:27.10leifmadsenpriorities :)
20:41.40*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (~patrick_@2001:470:b0ea:1:219:21ff:fe4e:f5de)
20:42.39fullstophow is fop2, btw?
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20:46.14NuggetI like it
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20:59.21wcselbyit does it's job
20:59.25wcselbyfop2, that is
21:00.50p3nguinYes, it does it is job.
21:04.38wcselbyi suppose i deserved that
21:11.19*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
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21:21.12joesuffcerenI have a quad-core Xeon platform running 1.4.27. Up to now this box has been SIP only, but I am being forced to add 3 analog trunks to it. I am planning to buy an analog interface card from digium. I'm wondering with the processing power I have at my disposal if software echo cancellation is a good path, or if you would recommend that I spend the extra coin for the hardware echo cancellation
21:24.04bneffwow Asterisk 1.8 is amazing
21:25.31joesuffcerenbneff: care to elaborate?
21:26.03bneffjoesuffceren:  I'd spend 2 days getting an older(er) pre-built ec2 asterisk setup working
21:26.15pabelangerjoesuffceren: you should be fine with software echo, but if you can spare the extra $$ grab the module
21:26.37bneffjoesuffceren:  I was having weird issues so I decided to just go to 1.8...and everything is working with minimal configuration - I'm using SIP only
21:26.49joesuffcerenpabelanger: I'll have to look for some better pricing. digium store it goes from 200 to 600 when you add the echo module :-/
21:27.15p3nguin$400 for an echo canceler is a lot of money.
21:27.33pabelangerjoesuffceren: you save some $$$ through a reseller
21:27.35joesuffcerenbneff: cool deal. I'm getting rid of a 1.2 installation tomorrow. Excited about that
21:27.42bneffvoice,video,nat, presence...working beautiful
21:28.02bneffI just started with Asterisk this week...  to all the devs...awesome work
21:28.48joesuffcerenbneff: interesting. I'll have to look into that for the video and presence! what endpoints?
21:28.52*** join/#asterisk NickNick (
21:29.09bneffusing x-lite ( Free version ) and media-fone on iphones
21:29.28joesuffcerenx-lite does video?
21:29.48bneffyeah, I just tried it with a co-worker
21:30.03bneffwindows 7 to snow leopard
21:30.26joesuffcerenbneff: nice!
21:30.33*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
21:30.44joesuffcerenwill have to play with that. *tries to decide which old laptop wants to be a 1.8 testbed... :-)
21:31.21bneffamazon aws is free for a year...don't even need hardware to test it on =)
21:31.40joesuffcerenand your video is working fine over that? would think latency would kill you...
21:32.09*** part/#asterisk BMJ (
21:32.10bneffnope...quality is not the greatest, but its good enough and works
21:32.26bneffand the video is being routed through ec2, haven't figured out how to to p2p yet
21:32.59bneffalso, I'm west coast, and the ec2 instance is on the east coast..and still really usable
21:42.19*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (~michaelco@freeswitch/developer/msc)
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21:42.48mercutiovizhey, does anybody else notice that's main page is missing all the news items?
21:43.00citywokvoip-info has a main page?
21:43.11mercutiovizmore or less
21:43.14WIMPyvoip-info has news?
21:43.16citywoki thought it's main page was google
21:43.32citywoksorry, i just did that like 5 minutes ago too
21:43.38citywokit doesn't own anything, nor is it plural
21:43.51citywokand it isn't a contraction :P
21:43.55mercutiovizyeah, its vs. it's
21:44.08citywokstupid grammar
21:44.51p3nguinBeing able to communicate is horrible.
21:47.13*** join/#asterisk sbszulu (~dundubala@
21:47.14p3nguinhukd on foniks
21:48.45NuggetS O C K S
21:48.53drmessanoshur werkd fer me
21:49.19drmessanoI love a good smore with grammer crackers
21:52.01citywokso i just discovered my philippines office MPLS network didn't have the output QoS map running. Amazing that for 8 months we didn't have any issues or notice.
21:52.14p3nguinI guess your QoS policy was overrated.
21:52.53citywokheh, fortuantely the packets were already tagged, so the MPLS network itself could prioritize, but the bandwidth must not have ever spiked high enough for anybody to care/notice. lol
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22:21.53AAronCIhello world
22:22.05AAronCIoh good, working
22:24.48p3nguinWe still don't know how to answer that one.
22:24.52infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:24.56infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
22:26.13*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (~michaelco@freeswitch/developer/msc)
22:26.54AAronCII am having trouble making a core dump. Specifically, I don't know where to find the resulting file
22:27.10p3nguinWhy do you want to dump core?
22:27.25p3nguinThat's typically the result of something bad.
22:27.50AAronCIyes, asterisk crashes when I call playback()
22:27.51citywokAAronCI: it's in the folder that asterisk started from
22:28.11citywokso if you are in /etc/asterisk, and type asterisk -gvvvvdddddddd the core dump will land in /etc/asterisk
22:28.41AAronCIhmm, ok. let my try that now
22:28.48tzafrir_laptopin /etc/asterisk ?
22:29.09citywokit goes whereever you are... so if you are in /root it goes there, or /i_heart_puppes, it will go there
22:29.23citywokor even in /i_heart_puppies lol
22:30.46AAronCII have long since moved to .pr0n2
22:32.12AAronCIok, so no core dump
22:32.26AAronCIach, now it's even worse
22:32.33citywokdid you start asterisk with -g?
22:32.37p3nguinHow about using strace?
22:32.39citywokwhen it crashes it will say (core dumped)
22:32.42AAronCII used asterisk -gvvvvdddddddd
22:32.59citywokdid it say (core dumped) ?
22:33.25AAronCIit froze here: == Parsing '/opt/etc/asterisk/cli.conf':   == Found
22:33.36AAronCII quit the process
22:33.40AAronCIit said segmentation fault
22:33.48AAronCIlet me start again without all that verboseness
22:33.51citywokcroe dump only happens on a segfault, i'm not sure it will do it if you kill it
22:33.58tzafrir_laptopAAronCI, or maybe it actually crashed after that
22:34.19citywokand you may want to check your cli.conf and make sure nothing is wrong with it
22:34.38tzafrir_laptopif you have a core file, use:  gdb -c path/to/core path/to/sbin/asterisk
22:34.48tzafrir_laptopand get a backtrace:   bt
22:34.49AAronCIok, it's running. Now I'll replicate my crashing behaviour...
22:35.10*** join/#asterisk titter (
22:36.33AAronCIstill no file. maybe it's not crashing. Is there a difference between a crash and 'Disconnected from Asterisk server'?
22:37.03p3nguinRun it normally (using the init script), then connect to the CLI with asterisk -r.
22:37.08AAronCII can't connect to the asterisk prompt though.
22:37.23p3nguinDid you run it using the init script?
22:37.47AAronCII ran it by typing 'asterisk -g'. where would this init script be
22:38.39tzafrir_laptopAAronCI, do you normally run Asterisk as root?
22:38.42AAronCIhmm, nothing there
22:38.51AAronCIyes, I'm running as root here.
22:38.53p3nguinHow did you install asterisk and on what distro?
22:39.16AAronCIIt's running on a Asus RT-N16. Installed via optware from NSLU2 linux
22:39.26*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
22:39.27AAronCIquite the oddball system, I know
22:39.29bmoraca_workjoin #cisco
22:40.43AAronCII haven't touched it other than add a couple peers and extensions
22:41.00AAronCIso I'm puzzled as to why it's not working
22:41.26AAronCIwhich may make a difference
22:45.46AAronCIahh, I see I scared everyone off. :(
22:45.52AAronCII'm just going to restart here
22:48.04citywokthat router may not have all the features built in?
22:48.24*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
22:48.27citywoki have no idea what that thing is even capable of doing, it may not have core-dump support (is that even possible to do? any digium guys around?)
22:48.39AAronCII kind of doubt that since others are successfully running systems on it.
22:49.15AAronCII think I'm going to install asterisk 1.4 to see if that makes a difference
22:49.42citywoki'm sure it supports *, but whether or not the * that runs on it has the ability to produce a core dump is what i'm curious about
22:51.27AAronCIahh, I see
22:56.02*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
22:56.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:58.54*** join/#asterisk [canniballllera] (
22:59.24*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
23:02.45fireman_biffI just had to make a copy of an asterisk system ( in trixbox by copying the config files and the databases. The new system is running but the extensions, follow me's etc won't work until I re-submit the form for each one in FreePBX and apply the changes. Is there a better way to do this than go through each extension, follow me etc? (I already tried asterisk -rx reload)
23:03.56[TK]D-Fenderfireman_biff: Wrong channel... 3rd from the left please...
23:03.59infobotit has been said that trixbox is SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
23:04.09[TK]D-Fender#trixbox <-
23:04.49fireman_biffalright, I'll try there
23:05.05[TK]D-Fenderfireman_biff: And I'm betting you didn't copy all the pertinent databases
23:05.12WIMPyHas anyine here ever taken a look at Gemeinschaft, BTW?
23:05.13fireman_biffI copied all
23:05.18citywoki imagine trixbox has a backup button, and a restore button?
23:05.22[TK]D-Fenderfireman_biff: Define "all"
23:05.36fireman_biffevery database except mysql and test
23:05.46[TK]D-Fenderfireman_biff: from where?
23:06.24fireman_biffusing mysqlhotcopy on the original pbx and then dropped into /var/lib/mysql on the new one
23:07.02[TK]D-Fenderfireman_biff: So far it sounds like you left of AstDB <------
23:07.57fireman_biffthank you
23:08.01fireman_biffindeed I did
23:08.59fireman_biffcan I just do a regular copy of /var/lib/asterisk/astdb ?
23:09.43fireman_biffnevermind, I found something saying that I can
23:15.03*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
23:20.23*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
23:27.42ManxPowera trixbox user that knows something?  How the hell did *that* happen?
23:29.50fireman_biffgiven that people here don't seem to like trixbox much, what do you guys recommend?
23:33.38p3nguinfireman_biff: How about ... gasp ... Asterisk?
23:34.41fireman_biffbut is there any real difference between installing Asterisk on Cent (for example) and installing trixbox? Do you get anything you don't get with trixbox?
23:35.58p3nguinYou don't get a forked version of Asterisk nor a forked version of FreePBX.
23:36.52p3nguinIf you need something that you can at least get support for, go with AsteriskNOW.
23:37.34fireman_biffI'm not trying to be difficult or anything, but what would a non-forked version of asterisk/freepbx give me that the version in trixbox don't?
23:37.44fireman_biffI'm just trying to figure out how much sense the switch would make for me
23:38.29WIMPyYou can get support here.
23:38.41fireman_biffhmm... true :)
23:39.48WIMPyAnd you can learn about ALL features Asterisk provides.
23:40.30fireman_biffso the regular asterisk has features that the trixbox version doesn't have?
23:41.17WIMPyThe trixbox version might have them as well, but that dosn't mean you can use them easily.
23:41.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:42.00WIMPyIs there a way to see if a call is using srtp?
23:44.05fireman_biffI don't know what that is, much less how to check for it
23:44.34*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:45.11fireman_biffis that something I would need internally?
23:45.46WIMPyProbably not.
23:46.19*** join/#asterisk titter (
23:46.20fireman_biffgood, at least that's one bit of research I don't need to do tonight :)
23:52.05AAronCIwell, asterisk 1.4 works perfectly
23:55.41*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:56.17riddleboxman these freaking VoIP spammers all use the same scripts and dictionaries
23:57.12WIMPyThey probably paid lots of money for the most common username/password combinations.
23:58.30p3nguinI can't imagine that v2cYR/#dxu@.dLVW;FefkQK00 is a common password found in a list.
23:59.07WIMPyThat doesn't matter if you can convice a "customer" that it's a likely one.
23:59.31p3nguinGood point.  Marketing always seems to win.
23:59.36WIMPyI mean the most e-mail addresses being sold have never existed, either.

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