IRC log for #asterisk on 20101103

00:04.25telnettech_lapok so i want to check the database to see if a number exists in the blacklist family.....hpw exactly to check this in the dialplan?
00:04.37telnettech_lapdo I want to use DB_EXIST?
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00:08.40telnettech_lapthis is the astDB
00:09.05telnettech_lapi dont have a seperate DB....just a very small system for the house
00:11.08leifmadsentelnettech_lap: I think there is a BLACKLIST() function isn't there?
00:11.15leifmadsenor PRIVACY() or something like that?
00:11.40telnettech_lapi got it....i finally found the note that i made to myself to get this working
00:12.00telnettech_lapfacebook is a great notpad when you used multiple PC's
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00:18.08E-bolaWhat has to be present for me to be able to enable res_timing_timerfd in make menuconfig? I thought i just needed a newer kernel (im on 2.6.36 and still cant enable it)
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00:22.38angavHi eveyone; Centos 5.5/Asterisk 1.6.2/FreePBX I want to know what audio codec is using a SIP phone since disallow=all and allow=gsm but phone does not support gsm and still works.
00:23.18radenwho messaged me a long long time ago icon was flashing but history wont go back that far
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00:26.13E-bolahmm i guess maybe this kernel was compiled without timerfd :/
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00:29.48FuriousGeorgeare there any tricks in the voicemail.conf file to make email messages sent from my server (behind NAT) to look less like spam?
00:30.00FuriousGeorgei've already tried changing the FROM:  line
00:30.19FuriousGeorgegmail detects it anyway, and even if I mark it as notspam, the next one goes straight to the spam box
00:30.50E-bolaits more about ur mta on the server
00:31.02E-bolaif u send a mail as root from the console, doesnt that look like spam as well
00:33.53FuriousGeorgeE-bola: doesn't seem to go through at all
00:33.57FuriousGeorgelet me try again
00:35.06FuriousGeorgeE-bola: you're right, it does look like spam
00:35.39FuriousGeorgeE-bola: so you think there are some settings i can change in sendmail perhaps that would make my mail look less spammish?
00:35.50E-bolano, i know there are
00:35.57E-bolaand its not related to asterisk much
00:36.09E-bolaso go read ur sendmail manual or ask sone sendmail ppl :) I use exim
00:36.47FuriousGeorgeE-bola: thanks
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00:38.13chuckfFuriousGeorge: one thing that you can do is have sendmail/postfix/whatevermta relay the mail from your box to gmail's smtp server and use that as the sending mta
00:38.51FuriousGeorgechuckf: in other words, configure sendmail to be an smtp client, and use another smtp server to send the message?
00:39.05FuriousGeorgeperhaps i would use ssmtp instead of sendmail
00:39.07chuckfFuriousGeorge: yep
00:39.31FuriousGeorgechuckf: thanks
00:39.37FuriousGeorgechuckf: i think that
00:39.41FuriousGeorge's my best bet
00:41.33E-bolafor me all i had to do was make my mta use a real hostname as the sending hostname instaid of the hosts own non Full qualified name
00:41.39E-bolathen it passed my filter
00:42.02E-bolainstaid of sending from asterisk@asterisk1
00:42.10E-bolait sends from
00:42.15E-bolawas all it took for me
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00:43.43chuckfE-bola: sometimes it is that easy. But for my needs I just relay to an outside smtp server
00:45.11FuriousGeorgeE-bola: i think the problem with that might be my ISP and the fact that I don't have a real FQDN with return address here
00:45.17FuriousGeorgeand maybe NAT
00:45.36E-bolaif ur going to use it as an smtp server
00:45.43E-bolayoiu should have both a FQDN and a reverse dns
00:46.01E-bolaunless ur only sending to ur own e-mail servers, in that case you can ofcourse just whitelist the asterisk sending ip
00:46.22E-bolabut ur prolly better off setting up some sort of client to handle it, like chuckf mentioned
00:46.28FuriousGeorgeE-bola: I can use a c-name to get a FQDN, but what about return address?  my messages will still look spammy, no?
00:46.50FuriousGeorgeE-bola: actually, i have dyndns setup already so that should count as a FQDN, no?
00:46.54E-bolaFuriousGeorge: not as much, but yes all sending smtp servers should come from an IP with a reverse dns pointer
00:47.13E-bolaFuriousGeorge: correct as long as u make ut smtp server use that domain name
00:47.31*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:47.32FuriousGeorgeE-bola: and that is a sendmail setting, not in voicemail.conf, right?
00:48.02E-bolaits an exim setting, so im guessing yes
00:48.54E-bolais sick and tired of crappy timing sources and virtualization
00:49.08E-bolaIm going back to an oldfashioned normal server
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00:56.29booduI have some problem to configure mISDN for my openvox b400e, I can use it but the moh don't work and i don't why but i can passe just one call (but receive 6)
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00:57.02booduwhy the moh don't work with my config :O ?
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01:02.19*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (~chatzilla@
01:03.10telnettech_lapguys.....any idea how to turn off the sip messages that are showing on the CLI? I tried sip set debug off command but i am still seeing SIP messages
01:03.19telnettech_lapi have the verbosity turned to 3
01:04.39ManxPowertelnettech_lap, remove debug from the console => line in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf, then do a logger reload
01:05.04telnettech_lapwhat about the sipdebug parameter in sip.conf
01:05.12ManxPowerthat must be new in 1.8
01:05.23telnettech_lapyes i am using 1.8
01:05.37telnettech_lapthat looks to do it
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01:08.20telnettech_laphaving issues with the BLACKLIST function though....dont seem to have it setup correctly yet
01:08.50booduI use that for my calls :            exten => _0NXXXXX,1,Dial("mISDN/g:intern/${EXTEN:1}")
01:09.03booduwhy this is limited at one call ? :0
01:09.57ManxPowertelnettech_lap, have you read the UPGRADE*.txt files?
01:10.14telnettech_lapi have yet to find it
01:10.29ManxPowertry the doc/ directory of the Asterisk source
01:10.42ManxPowermaybe the main asterisk source directory.
01:10.51ManxPoweryou won't get very far without reading it.
01:11.52ManxPowerAll the information you will find online will be 1.6.x or 1.4 specific and you will have no way to translate the information to apply to 1.8 unless you read those files.
01:14.21*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
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01:22.14WIMPyboodu: "intern"? Are you using NT mode tere?
01:23.09booduWIMPy, no
01:23.45boodui have <port mode="te" link="ptmp">1</port> type line in my mISDN.conf
01:23.48WIMPyGood. It did have a reputation for being rather unstable.
01:24.38WIMPyAnd even if you only use TE mode, I'd suggest using either dahdi or lcr.
01:25.10WIMPyBut if you want to continue with cahn_misdn, tell us, what happens.
01:25.15booduI don't success use dahdi with my card :(
01:26.15WIMPyIsn't openvox one of the standard HFC-4S (or 8S) ones?
01:26.23booduIt seems to be recognize correctly but don't work
01:26.41mmlj4hey ManxPower
01:26.50ManxPowerhello mmlj4
01:26.57booduWIMPy, i think this is an hfc card
01:27.23mmlj4I just interviewed to be the lead PBX tech in a shop that does oilfiled work, and is a CLEC to boot
01:28.06mmlj4they like me, I'm supposed to do a second interview with the owner
01:28.12mmlj4so at least I have a shot
01:30.55WIMPyboodu: jep. That one sure looks like all others.
01:30.57ManxPowerStirling finished ripping out all the Cisco stuff I installed and replacing it with Cisco stuff?
01:32.15JoeTAnyone know how to get Asterisk to accept an extension number greater than one digit?
01:33.01booduWIMPy, you think the openvox B400E can works perfectly with Dahdi ?
01:33.17WIMPyJoeT: By not specifying only one. But if you're looking for a more helpful answer, describe what you're trying to do.
01:33.48booduI will try again with Dahdi
01:33.53WIMPyboodu: Yes, it should work with recent versions of dahdi, but only in TE mode so far.
01:34.14JoeTTrying to build an IVR menu option to dial an extension (3 digits) and transfer the call to that extension (and to vm if not answered).  I'm using WaitExten, but it only accepts one digit.
01:34.19booduok, but with misdn why my moh doesn't work
01:34.34WIMPyI personally prefer to use LCR, but that's not fully 1.8 compatibel, yet.
01:34.40booduand why can put just one call and receive multicall
01:34.48booduLCR ?
01:35.29WIMPyboodu: I have no idea, but I already asked, you to describe what's happening.
01:36.48WIMPymisdn was replaced with misdn2 over two years ago. But there is no channel driver for Asterisk and misdn2. But you can use misdn2 with LCR and connect it to Asterisk via chan_lcr.
01:37.56ManxPowerJoeT, then you are doing something wrong.
01:38.00WIMPyLooks a littel complicated, but it's quite easy if you only use it as an interface.
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01:38.23ManxPowerJoeT, WaitExten will match as soon as it is sure there cannot be any matches by accepting more digits.
01:38.31WIMPyAnd the nice thing is that misdn2/lcr can be completely reconfigured at runtime.
01:39.07boodumoh on call works fine in intern, but when i receive a call from misdn it's ringing
01:39.14WIMPyIn fact you cann even add new physical interfaces without disturbing anything running.
01:39.25ManxPowerJoeT, You should either 1) not have IVR options that overlap with extensions or 2) make them select an option to dial an extension, then accept the extension outside of the IVR
01:39.36a1fahow different is Asterisk 1.8 vs 1.6?
01:39.48WIMPyboodu: I'm not sure, waht you mean.
01:39.49ManxPowerWIMPy, other than the silly problem of sparks when you insert/remove the PCI card?
01:39.52JoeTOK, I figured out what I was doing wrong...  Thanks.  :)
01:40.38WIMPyManxPower: There are boards that can handle that. And for the hobbyist you can use USB.
01:43.37a1fashit.. how hard is it to go from 1.4 version to .16?
01:43.41a1faerr 1.8
01:44.46ManxPowera1fa, it is all explained in the UPGRADE*.txt files included in every Asterisk source tarball
01:44.56a1fano way
01:45.10booduthx WIMPy to answer
01:45.18booduI'm going to re
01:45.31a1fai'll probably loose the voice changer features
01:45.33a1fathey come in so handy
01:45.44ManxPowerwhy don't you read and find out
01:45.51a1fai am dl now
01:46.33a1fanote to self
01:46.39a1fabackup config files
01:47.50*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
01:47.56infobotRemember, Asterisk isn't really a PBX: Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
01:49.16a1fahow long for *Now to catchup
01:51.24ManxPoweryour statement fails to parse
01:53.06ManxPowerIf you have an AsteriskNOW question, then ask it on #asterisknow
01:53.54telnettech_lapahhhhh!!!! finally success in finding what i did with the docs that are loaded with the tarball
01:53.59telnettech_lapnow to read
01:54.18a1fathis is going to be a learning curve
01:54.21booduHere my log : when i try to put a second call
01:55.49WIMPyboodu: The other end tells you that tere is no channel available.
01:57.26WIMPyboodu: You don't try to call yourself there, do you?
01:57.52booduno I don't call me
01:58.15booduthere are 3 ports isdn
01:59.03booduI don't understand why it doesn't work
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01:59.59booduWIMPy, do you have some suggestion ?
02:00.17WIMPyAs far as I remember "I IND" means received from the network. So that's where the cause comes from.
02:01.22boodu"I IND" ???
02:01.30WIMPyAre those 3 seperate lines or one interface?
02:01.45WIMPyIn the log you pasted.
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02:02.13booduin [intern] there are port 1,2,3 msns=*
02:02.23boodu3 line
02:02.33WIMPy"I SEND" = physically transmitted, "I IND" = physically received.
02:03.03boodu3 lines are connected at my card B400
02:03.45WIMPyUnfortunaletly the debug output is not that specific. Have you tried to dial out on a specific channel instead of the group?
02:04.11boodugood idea
02:04.27boodunow i can't try but in few hours i can
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02:06.09WIMPyBut I'd still suggest, you try some recent software.
02:07.14boodui have dahdi
02:07.39booduand misdn
02:08.43WIMPydahdi sounds ok, but misdn was replaced for a reason. That's no just a name change like from zaptel to dahdi.
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02:10.19a1fathat was a pain-free upgrade
02:10.45coppicemisdn sounds a little like misery for a good reason
02:11.14WIMPyYes, but that applies to the old version.
02:12.00WIMPyAnd I think it's rather senseless that it made it's way into Asterisk 1.8..
02:12.07coppicethey've been saying that since it was isdn4linux :-)
02:12.31WIMPyi4l worked
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02:12.42a1fahow do i noload dundi?
02:13.00WIMPyUnless you tried to do voice with an HFC card. And I think that was never cared for.
02:13.09coppicei4l was a disaster
02:13.24WIMPyBut I used i4l with HSCX cards for many years.
02:13.48coppicesome some simple data applications it was OK. for anything else it was a disaster
02:13.57WIMPyNo. Except for the fact that HFC drivers were never completed it worked perfectely.
02:14.18coppiceand how many voice calls did you make with i4l?
02:14.43WIMPyI used it for many years.
02:15.14WIMPyUntil I had to ditch the HSCX cards for the lack of ISA slots.
02:16.26WIMPyIt was mainly just for voicemail, but it worked for call back and call through as well.
02:17.50a1famy * is segfaulting
02:18.31coppicewhen anyone says
02:18.32coppiceI have DTMF issues using i4l/misdn/lcr, can you help
02:18.34coppiceI have echo issues using i4l/misdn/lcr, can you help, or
02:18.36coppiceI have FAX issues using i4l/misdn/lcr, can you help
02:18.37coppicepeople mostly ignore the question
02:19.44WIMPyI haven't senn any of these questions here.
02:20.08coppicewe get them a *lot*
02:20.14WIMPyBut DTMF detection is definitely over sensitive in the default configuration.
02:20.28WIMPyWho is we?
02:21.26coppicethe DTMF detector within misdn is completely useless, and they have been really obstructive about putting a proper detector in it. even passing the audio through to a decent detector is very troublesome, as misdn can't provide a clean audio stream
02:21.35WIMPyI do rather have the impression that LCR is quite unknown.
02:22.24WIMPyJust to make that clear: Are you talking about misdn1 or misdn2?
02:23.28a1faits amazing what stale modules do to the stability :)
02:23.32coppicei4l, misdn1, misdn2, nothing improves. isdn4bsd seems so much more reliable, its a pity nobody ever tried porting that to linux
02:23.33a1faif you have autoload=yes
02:25.26WIMPycoppice: I'm not sure, you're really up to date there. If misdn2 still has troubles, they're hidden away VERY well.
02:28.15coppicethey aren't well hidden from people using echo canceller, or FAX or DTMF
02:29.46WIMPyWell, I wouldn't know how to use fax with linux at all.
02:30.19WIMPyAll the Asterisk soulutions also only support G3, which is usually not exactely what you want.
02:30.38coppicehuh? what would you want other than G3?
02:31.04coppicehardly anything supports G4
02:31.19coppicethat's why I never bothered implementing it
02:31.27WIMPyAll the fax servers and copiers do.
02:31.58coppiceno they don't. G4 is ISDN FAX. the vast majority of FAX over ISDN is G3 or SuperG3
02:32.05WIMPyWho do you exchange faxes with? Usually bigger companies and they most certainly have G4.
02:32.24coppiceI've never actually seen a G4 machine
02:32.31WIMPyNot over here.
02:33.26WIMPyJust take any el cheapo Windows fax software.
02:33.45coppicenobody has ever asked my to add G4 support
02:34.09coppicecan you name a Windows FAX package that supports G4?
02:34.17WIMPyWhich fax solution are you working on?
02:34.50WIMPyThe RVS com package should have one. Or Fritz fax.
02:35.02WIMPyBut I'm not the windows guy.
02:35.34coppiceFritz fax does FAX in hardware, and transparently handles G3 and G4. You will rarely see one exchanging in G4 mode
02:35.38WIMPyBut I guess I might some of those CDs somewhere that came with some hardware or the other.
02:36.19coppiceadding G4 support is pretty easy, but nobody asks for it
02:36.24WIMPyDepeands. Some of the FritzCards are also just te standard HFC-S ones.
02:37.41WIMPyMaybe that's because they aren't even considerig Asterisk?
02:38.39coppicewhat the Linux FAX packages lack is SuperG3 (ie V.34 FAX), which is heavily used. Patent issues mean only a commercial solution is possible, but even FAX for Asterisk lacks V.34 support
02:38.51*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:44.24WIMPyOh, and another thing that is missing in all variations is G.722.
02:44.50WIMPyThat's a question I hear quite a lot.
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03:58.12BloudermilkHi everyone. I was hoping somebody could clear up something for me regarding AMI
03:59.04BloudermilkI'm reading the voip-info wiki page on AMI, and at one point it mentions "Only one action may be outstanding at a time". Then, about a paragraph down, it says " That way the client can easily match Action and Response packets while sending Actions at any desired rate without having to wait for outstanding Response packets before sending the next action"
03:59.25BloudermilkIt was my initial understanding that I can send out a stream of actions without waiting for their response
03:59.29BloudermilkIs this true?
04:00.36WIMPyI have shoved requests into AMI without waiting. But I can't say if I was just lucky that it worked, as I only did that for testing.
04:00.42titterIs there a way to test/see why my CDR isn't writing to the DB? I see no errors in the console, do I need to disable the CSV file as well?
04:00.55titterDB* = mysql
04:01.04WIMPyBut there might be a difference between acknowledgements and responses.
04:17.53*** join/#asterisk delroy (
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04:40.25[hC]am i only just noticing that even if i am using g729 on both legs, if i have a SIP call that is connecting to an IAX call, a g729 transcode will still happen?
04:41.26delroyHey, I am building an Asterisk system for my office and want to know what phones people like best...  opinions?
04:41.38[hC]delroy: look into Aastra or Polycom
04:42.50delroyI like aastra as its a canadian company as am I,  and i hear they keep more up to date on firmware.  whats the sound quality like for each?  same?
04:42.54WIMPydelroy: We don't know your taste nor your requirements. But I like Snom 3xx.
04:43.43delroythe only experience i have had so far is with linksys 942s and I liked them except the company needs more buttons
04:43.53WIMPyWell, the real cheap ones can have bad sound.
04:43.58delroyand an obvious transfer button
04:44.12WIMPyWhat about side cars?
04:44.20[hC]aastra 6731i/55i/57i are my favourites
04:44.29[hC]I am also canadian, and have been running an ITSP for 5 years
04:44.39[hC]Ive got boxes and boxes of old phones that didnt pass the test.
04:44.47WIMPyHow many buttoons? With LEDs?
04:45.09delroyprogrammable - leds no necessary
04:45.34delroywhich ones DIDNT pass the test and should be avoided
04:45.56delroycobtw, from sask
04:46.14WIMPyAllnet is shit and people rant a lot about grandstream as well.
04:46.45delroythought the aastra lcd sidecar looksed nice for the reception
04:46.54WIMPySnom has 12 free buttons and most of the function keys can be reprogrammed as well.
04:47.40*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU (
04:47.51delroy[hC]: any cdn pricing similar to in canada?
04:47.53*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU (
04:47.54riscphreeI've used the Aastra 6731i and Polycom 321 phones, both are very simple to use
04:48.00*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU_ (
04:48.08CRCinAU_afternoon all
04:48.27CRCinAU_just a quick question....
04:48.33delroyour target price for office sets is 150 ish
04:48.43[hC]delroy: for buying phones? probably best to use someone else. we are set up regionally in vancouver, and dont carry a ton of stock, its usually order when it comes up
04:48.56[hC]delroy: the aastra 6731i is about 120-130
04:48.58CRCinAU_in sip.conf, I'm having to set fromuser=blah the same as username=blah or defaultuser=blah
04:49.28CRCinAU_should this be the way it works? or is it not quite right here?
04:49.46CRCinAU_using atm
04:50.14delroyany other cdn suppliers of aastra?
04:50.26delroywho is a good place to buy from in canada
04:50.37ChannelZusername= is no more
04:50.59CRCinAU_well, it is, and it works, but it says its depreciated.
04:51.46CRCinAU_my question is, why if I set defaultuser=blah, do I also need to set fromuser=blah - shouldn't having the defaultuser=blah imply to use that username as the from?
04:52.21ChannelZRead sip.conf - they're two different options
04:52.57CRCinAU_see, I would have also thought that the default username without ANY options would be the username in the REGISTER string
04:53.01ChannelZwhy it works we can only guess, knowing nothing of how the whole peer is configured and your ITSP
04:53.09delroydoes the aastra have rj11 headset jack on the back?
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04:55.11CRCinAU_this is a quick rundown of my config:
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04:56.54CRCinAU_see, I would have thought that the auth username is whatever is between => and : in the register string
04:57.21CRCinAU_but without both defaultuser and fromuser set in the peer config, I get the phone number used as the username
04:57.53CRCinAU_probably obtained frmo the /phonenumber part at the end of the register string?
04:58.11ChannelZThat's what you register with, but that's only part of the story.  Registration does little more than tell the remote side who you are and what your IP is
04:58.29ChannelZHow you send each other calls is a separate matter
04:59.01CRCinAU_so if defaultuser and fromuser aren't set, where does it get the username from?
05:01.57CRCinAU_or does that come from the device making the call?
05:01.59ChannelZDepends on them... your caller ID name if it's set
05:02.16ChannelZor they maybe don't care and match you by your IP
05:03.08ChannelZSIP is kind of a mess
05:04.31CRCinAU_oh well, it seems redundent - but I'll just leave it there as it works lol
05:04.54ChannelZMy ITSP needs to see my DID in the From: header but otherwise knows I have a static IP so I don't need to auth
05:06.33CRCinAU_it took me 2 days to figure out wtf was going on - as I was under the impression that defaultuser=blah would also change the fromuser - as it kinda makes sense that it would
05:06.52CRCinAU_but without both, I get rejected by a couple of providers.
05:07.19CRCinAU_but to confuse things, I'd just changed from building asterisk by hand to a prebuilt package
05:08.37*** join/#asterisk Bloudermilk (
05:09.42ManxPowerhave you read the UPGRADE*.txt files included in the Asterisk source?
05:10.04ManxPowerhistorically the register statement had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the rest of sip.conf
05:10.40CRCinAU_yeah - I know that - but I figured it had to get values from *somewhere* and I couldn't think of any other real sane place to get them
05:10.42ManxPowerThat has, apparently changed, but the UPGRADE*.txt files would have all the information about it.
05:12.05ChannelZYou really should just ask what your ITSP(s) require of you.  You've made it work, but by throwing darts, and we have no idea what is necessary or why either.
05:12.44[TK]D-Fender[01:04]<ChannelZ>My ITSP needs to see my DID in the From: header but otherwise knows I have a static IP so I don't need to auth <- fromuser=
05:12.56CRCinAU_yeah - I'll talk to him later... but for now, I gotta run... thanks for th ehelp...
05:12.59*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU_ (
05:14.05ChannelZActually I just tested it and they don't seem to care, probably because of my static.  I put "poopypants" in and it doesn't seem to mind
05:22.13BloudermilkDoes anyone know of an ITSP that can do high outbound volume (thousands of call setups per second) that doesn't require white labeled IPs?
05:23.40ChannelZno but I can sell you some nice white Avery labels you can stick over the top of your yellow IPs
05:24.31BloudermilkChannelZ: Let me talk to the heads upstairs about that. If I throw some buzzwords into your pitch I just might be able to sell them on it
05:24.57ChannelZSynergistic. Leverage. Comingle.
05:25.48BloudermilkThanks guys—will look into those
05:26.19BloudermilkHigh-volume and non-whitelisted outbound traffic don't seem to mix
05:26.38ChannelZmine weren't ITSPs.  Those were my buzzwords.
05:27.17ChannelZbut they sound like they probably could be :)
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05:30.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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06:16.09BloudermilkChannelZ: Haha. I didn't even catch onto that. They definitely sound like they could be
06:17.52booduWIMPy, re when i try to use a specific it's work for a second line but when i use the context I can use just one channel ! why ?
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06:22.25booduDial("mISDN/g:isdn/${EXTEN:1}") is not a good syntax ?
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06:39.48boodumay be a problem with the version of misdn
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07:06.33booduis it possible to try to call with each port one by one ?
07:06.39ChannelZdunno never seen mISDN.  It's really a tech type of it's own?
07:06.50booduif one is not ok use 2 then 3 then 4 ?
07:07.00*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
07:07.23ChannelZwell the channel driver has to support grouping to do it in an automatic fashion
07:07.38ChannelZotherwise you have to build your dialplan to look at each channel and act accordingly
07:11.13booduI want to configure a dialplan because the automatic fashion doesn't ork
07:13.29*** join/#asterisk goddva (~glarsen@
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07:29.14ChannelZyou can look at the application ChanIsAvail
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07:43.34booduthx ChannelZ  i will look
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07:50.12schmidtsgood morning
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08:03.06ChannelZthrows raisin bran around the channel
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08:13.38schmidtschannelz flower power trip?
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08:32.30ChannelZOT, but any recommendations on a decent Wireless Access Point?  I have a Linksys WAP54G and at random all of my clients stupid Mac laptops cannot access it.  Full signal, just seems to refuse to work.
08:33.07ChannelZAt my wits end when other devices (Windows laptops, my phone, etc) are functioning just fine during these Mac outages so all I have left to try is a different WAP
08:36.34*** join/#asterisk anny__ (~chatzilla@
08:37.47shamelessn00bhow can I use the pattern _X! to cater multiple digit extensions read from the user by background() command?
08:38.14shamelessn00b_. works fine
08:38.46shamelessn00b* jumps to _X! as soon as the user presses a single digit
08:39.08joakoYes because e.g 3 is a match for _X!
08:39.20shamelessn00bit is for _. as well
08:39.35shamelessn00b333 is a match for _X! as well
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08:41.51kaldemarshamelessn00b: _X.
08:42.30kaldemarshamelessn00b: ! matches immediately
08:46.25Godfather_ChannelZ, you can use a wrt54gl for it
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08:48.55shamelessn00band why wouldn't this work _[X.]
08:49.42ChannelZwhat's the point of that?
08:50.06ChannelZX. isn't a range
08:51.39shamelessn00bI made a tool, which reads from a csv and generates extensions.conf
08:52.04shamelessn00btreating the dialplan as tree, nodes/edges
08:53.15shamelessn00bedges are conditions when one node has to go to another node, a node is a combination of lines in the dialplan
08:53.32ChannelZLovely. Doesn't explain why you'd put a wildcard in a character class
08:55.25*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
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09:40.32shamelessn00bChannelZ: for instance if a node has to go to extension 1,2,3 and 4 and do the same thing, I'd simply write _[1234]
09:41.20shamelessn00b_[1] is same as exten 1,1,whatever()
09:42.27shamelessn00bI added an exception for the extension 'X.', the code no longer surrounds it with brackets, its working now
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10:45.04metiuhi all, please help... I am calling in the simplest way among two linphone clients connected to one asterisk server... the call ends on one side without any sign of problem, while on the other side it stays connected
10:45.23metiuI checked the SIP dialogue and at some point the server sends a BYE message to one party
10:45.32metiuI have no timeout set
10:45.53metiuthe two linphones register with a name which is defined as dynamic in sip.conf
10:49.49metiuthe call terminates on the caller's side
10:51.23*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:53.31metiuI'm using asterisk 1.8.0 and linphone 3.99
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11:40.18joel_oliveirahi all
11:40.22joel_oliveirahere I am again
11:40.36joel_oliveirais it possible to check if a user is registered to recieve calls in asterisk?
11:46.44hrhrhrsip show peers
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11:52.22jmkgreenwe are occasionally seeing an AGI result=-1 coming from Asterisk. This may be resulting from prompts being cut off as they are streamed to the handset. Can anyone advise how best to debug this?
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11:58.48joel_oliveirahrhrhr: thanks, but I was thinking more on checking that on the dialplan, i.e. when some user places a call, the asterisk tryes to check if he's already registered
12:00.50Chainsawjoel_oliveira: ChanIsAvail might serve you well here.
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12:01.43Chainsawjoel_oliveira: That's a "would I be able to send a call to SIP/54321?" question. Unless you set up explicit call limits, it will not consider whether the destination is already on a call, just whether it is registered.
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12:27.30schangmiI have a basic asterisk setup with two phones. I ahve noticed that all RTP trafic goes through asterisk although both phones and asterisk are on the same subnet
12:27.47schangmiasterisk appears to be acting as a proxy as far as RTP trafic is concerned...
12:28.34schangmiis there a way of "telling" asterisk that RTP trafic should be exchanged directly from phone 1 to phone 2 ?
12:28.40pabelangerschangmi: directmedia=yes
12:29.00russellbunless you have also told asterisk to do something that requires access to the media :-)
12:29.23russellblike watching for DTMF to activate features, recording, other things
12:32.29schangmipabelanger I just googled a bit (which I should have done before coming here), and the right parameter seems to be canreinvite which needs to be set to yes
12:33.11schangmipabelanger so, which one should I go with ? canreinvite or directmedia ?
12:33.45russellbthey are the same thing
12:33.48russellbit got renamed
12:33.53russellbbut the code will support both
12:34.18pabelangerwhat russellb said
12:35.50[TK]D-FenderUnless you're using a branch older than they think you are which was never mentioned.
12:36.06russellbthat would be unheard of
12:36.15schangmiok, thanks a lot
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12:38.41[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: It was unheard.  Quite astute!
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12:49.08metiuhi all, please help... I am calling in the simplest way among two linphone clients connected to one asterisk server... the call ends on one side without any sign of problem, while on the other side it stays connected...
12:49.18metiuthe call terminates on the caller's side
12:49.23metiuI'm using asterisk 1.8.0 and linphone 3.99
12:54.23fauxalliancemetiu, there may indeed be a problem... standard procedure dictates that you send a pastebin, detailed.... we actually need to _SEE_ whats on the go....
12:54.39fauxalliancemetiu, are you using any * type distro or framework?
12:58.36metiufauxalliance: a pastebin of asterisk -rvvvvvvvvddddddd and sip set debug on? is it ok? distro is debian (testing) but I compiled asterisk 1.8.0 myself
12:59.00fauxalliancemetiu, thats sounds good
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13:04.18fauxallianceKatty, snow?
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13:04.49Katty8C with drizzle
13:05.02Kattyor 41F if you prefer that measurement
13:05.16verywisemanhow can i know ip for the sip devices that connect to asterisk?
13:05.37Kattyverywiseman: sip show peers
13:06.20Kattychecks crittercam
13:06.43Kattydamp and gloomy out there too )=
13:06.47metiuthat's the output of asterisk with debug
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13:13.50metiufauxalliance: and this is the output of linphone with debug on a similar call
13:14.08Kattyno birdies this morning :<
13:14.28metiutwo linphones calling each other directly are happily up since one hour ago
13:14.54ChainsawKatty: Just a loud aeroplane here. But indeed, no birds :/
13:16.54KattyChainsaw: i think they are already working on a new time change
13:16.55pabelangermetiu: So, what is your issue?
13:17.28metiuif I place a call through asterisk, the call gets dropped on the caller side after around 20s
13:17.45ChainsawKatty: I propose hibernation until the weather improves. It's grey and just miserable :/
13:18.11metiuno clue on what causes it, asterisk just says that Dial exited
13:18.13[TK]D-Fendermetiu: I see a LOT of OK's to taht invite like it isn't ACKing it
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13:18.41metiuis that an option on asterisk?
13:19.06KattyChainsaw: i approve of this proposition. wake me up in march.
13:19.14ChainsawKatty: Will do :)
13:19.17metiuright now I set canreinvite=yes
13:19.32KattyChainsaw: sadly we'd miss christmas tho. and thanksgiving.
13:19.39KattyChainsaw: birdies are showing up on crittercam now
13:20.15ChainsawKatty: I think both are overrated though.
13:20.25KattyChainsaw: oh, i don't know about that.
13:20.30KattyChainsaw: commercially, certainly so
13:20.52ChainsawKatty: I can't even walk through the mall without being attacked with christmas songs & decorations. It's barely November!
13:20.55KattyChainsaw: but when you leave all that BS aside, they are lovely holidays.
13:21.23[TK]D-Fendermetiu: Perhaps its failing the hand-off.  check your firewalls, etc
13:21.41Kattywe should do a christmas card list
13:21.56Kattyanyone interested in christmas cards this year?
13:22.02ChainsawAbsolutely :)
13:22.17ChainsawInternational christmas cards would make it more fun. I have a franking machine here.
13:22.23Kattyof course.
13:22.28Kattyinternational card are the best
13:22.37metiu[TK]D-Fender, well no firewalls, I have the same behavior even if I place a call from a linphone on the same host as asterisk
13:22.42Kattyi wonder if we could get a sign up sheet somewhere
13:22.46fauxalliancewraps up a giant fruitcake... who wants to be the 'lucky' one?
13:23.04n3hxslikes fruitcake
13:23.16KattyQwell: ping
13:23.17fauxallianceKatty, that'd be cool... like secret santa, but only exchange cards
13:23.29Kattyyeah cards only else it gets too expensive on shipping.
13:23.43Kattyyou can buy a big pack of cards for very little, and send them to lots of people
13:24.00fauxallianceKatty, post cards are neat too.... and my office has a postage machine ;)
13:24.15Kattyyeah that's a neat idea.
13:24.49Kattyleifmadsen: ping.
13:25.00fauxallianceKatty: +1
13:25.14KattyDeeewayne: ping
13:25.16Kattysurely someone's awake.
13:25.31Kattyrussellb: ping!
13:25.46Kattyoh goody. someone who is awake.
13:26.00Kattyrussellb: can we start an asterisk christmas card sign up page, somewhere
13:26.05Kattyrussellb: publicly accessible
13:26.10Kattyrussellb: for irc.
13:26.28russellbgoogle spreadsheet with a form?
13:26.37russellbyou have the power
13:26.47fauxallianceis all over Katty's idea, like leifmadsen's proverbial fat kid on a smarty
13:27.09Kattyrussellb: that makes the list.
13:27.28Kattyi guess i could just spam the channel all the time
13:27.29fauxallianceKatty, people pick and choose whom to send to?  or the computer delegates
13:27.39Kattyfauxalliance: you send to the whole list
13:27.58russellbi am totally confused as to what we're talking about
13:28.02Kattyfauxalliance: i guess you could pick and choose your favorites tho
13:28.03russellb"christmas cards" ... "list" ...
13:28.04fauxallianceKatty, wow... a whole lotta postage... but, nice...
13:28.50leifmadsenfauxalliance: :)
13:28.56fauxallianceas long as no one comes knocking on my door christmas eve looking for help with their trixbox ;P
13:29.05Kattyi'll put something on my blog
13:29.40leifmadsenyou have a blog?! :)
13:30.08fauxalliancethats the twelfth commandment, thou shalt not blog...
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13:30.39pabelangerfauxalliance: Ya, that popped into my head.  A list of addresses for people in #asterisk, however before somebody shows up on your front step looking for support :)
13:30.54pabelangers/however/how long/
13:31.08ChainsawThis is why I use my work address.
13:31.14fauxalliancepabelanger, fortunately, i am on an isolated island...
13:31.32fauxalliancebut i still get strange calls on my GV number...
13:32.08Kattycan someone take the asterisk logo and put a santa claus hat on it
13:32.18Kattythat'd be super.
13:32.27fauxalliancefacepalms... 89.4% packet loss
13:33.11Kattyinfobot: Christmas
13:33.11infobotchristmas is probably the feast for the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior, or commercialised, or on December 25th. unless you aren't christian, when christmas is an opportunity to screw dumb christians for lots of money, or nono, this is all wrong, christmas is on December 24th
13:33.16Kattyinfobot: Card
13:33.24Kattyinfobot: Christmas Card?
13:34.03Kattyinfobot: christmas card?
13:34.04infobotextra, extra, read all about it, christmas card is If you're interested in being on the Asterisk Christmas Card List, go here:
13:35.59Chainsawhas posted
13:36.19fauxalliance"Hello LEC... the kids are rooting around in that box on the pole by the Torbay road bus stop again...."  (on the pole)
13:37.09fauxalliancewhy would they leave my leased copper wire out in the public like that....
13:38.19Kattyi could send it to private
13:38.24Kattyerm set it to private
13:38.33Kattybut then people would have to give me their email address in order to post
13:38.36Kattywould you prefer that?
13:38.42krionfor the one who read me yesterday, i've to specify context and ext in my outcall file
13:38.51ChainsawKatty: It's not a secret where I work :)
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13:39.47tzangerI got me a gt blueberry muffin today :-)
13:40.12Kattywell it's a bad idea to have peoples addresses sitting around...
13:40.24fullstopgrand touring?
13:40.34tzangergrand traverse pie company
13:40.57tzangerfauxalliance: I don't get the link
13:41.04Kattyok it's set to private
13:41.07tzangerit's a google street view in NL with a bunch of ads
13:41.54Kattyinfobot: christmas card
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13:43.50krioncan i simulate "pick up/blf" with outcall file ?
13:44.11Kattyinfobot: christmas card
13:44.12infobotextra, extra, read all about it, christmas card is If you're interested in being on the Asterisk Christmas Card List please see Katty for an invite to
13:47.25metiufauxalliance: so no clue on why asterisk drops the call?
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13:50.42Gast1984good morning
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13:51.23ManxPowermetiu, did you do what [TK]D-Fender told you to do?
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13:53.42Gast1984can someone tell me if it possible to make a playback like "Please hold the Line" and there is one forwarding of 2 phone an these 2 phones shall ring at the same time as playback played
13:54.40Gast1984i´ve the prob. that first the playback is running and when ist stop the phones ring
13:54.49[TK]D-FenderGast1984: yes, make a MoH class that only has a single recording in the folder with that along with a "ring sound" and use m()
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13:56.31Gast1984sorry the exit should go to the cli ^^
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13:58.29Gast1984can you please discribe how to make a moh class? is it [macro-musikply] and than i call the macro in my dialplan?
13:59.32ManxPowerGast1984, are any of the ports FXO ports?
13:59.36[TK]D-FenderGast1984: Who said anything about a MACRO?
13:59.52[TK]D-FenderGast1984: Use m() in your DIAL to set the MoH class to use INSTEAD of normal ringing
14:00.11ManxPowerGast1984, Trixbox/FreePBX/AsteriskNOW support is a different channel
14:00.11Gast1984i´m only work at intranet
14:00.23Gast1984asterisk 1.4.21 at debian
14:01.14ManxPower<ManxPower> Gast1984, are any of the ports FXO ports?
14:01.14Gast1984the problem is we have some 1.2 asterisk server, but this person who have make him is not longer avialable, an i have to learn howto asterisk (:
14:01.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Stop jumping the gun on those... give them enough rope, THEN yank once you see real evidence.
14:01.41ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I'd rather just shoot them and avoid the rest of it.
14:01.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: You mean the "find out if they're really guilty"? :p
14:02.16Gast1984what is a fxo port?
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14:37.01tittercesar_CR: do not disturb feature on the phone should work as well
14:37.02p3nguinDND could work, but it could also do something else with the call instead of just skipping it.
14:37.02p3nguinDepends on several factors.
14:37.03p3nguinFor example, setting DND to Busy could send the call to the voicemail of the operator.
14:37.10p3nguinIf that happens, reconfiguration might be necessary.
14:37.11cesar_CRp3nguin, titter ok I will try to see which one if for me, thank you !
14:37.11p3nguinThe DND on the phone will be easy to test.
14:37.12titterOnly reason I suggested that, I know my Polycom's will continue on in the dialplan during DND
14:37.35titterI forget if I changed a cfg or not for that
14:37.37cesar_CRp3nguin, sure, but that will depend on my config
14:38.12p3nguintitter: You probably don't have a dialplan that sends DIALSTATUS = BUSY calls to voicemail.
14:38.14cesar_CRtitter, I will have to test, if I  have the seme behavoir  I'am using xlite
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14:39.17zmityahi gents
14:39.18kjswhat is that system called that looks up a number to see if it is a voip number before placing the call over the pstn ?
14:39.39zmityacan asterisk play an announcement in early media  ??
14:40.01zmityaI mean without answering the call first
14:40.02p3nguinzmitya: Try using Playback() and its noanswer option.
14:40.18zmityap3nguin: ok thanks, let me check
14:40.42p3nguinAnd, of course, don't use Answer() before that.  :)
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14:44.31zmityap3nguin: it seems to be working well, thanks !!
14:45.07zmityathanks, cheers
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14:46.51metiup3nguin:  I tried setting the sip clients as in the attached sip.conf
14:47.10Gast1984can someone tell me why Playback() make some error when i want to play my waitingmusic?
14:47.20metiup3nguin: when I sip show channel ##########, the client is still expected on 5060
14:47.21titterp3nguin: Exactly, I have nothing set for that. The normal dialplan handles voicemail once the timeout is reached.
14:47.33metiuand * sends it to 5060 instead of the received port
14:48.21p3nguingast1984: Don't use Playback() for music... use MusicOnHold() or WaitMusicOnHold() to play music.
14:48.34jmkgreenanyone know how to find the current linux kernel timer value? Somewhere in /proc ?
14:48.59p3nguinmetiu: Ditch the templates during testing.
14:49.37metiup3nguin: ok I'll rewrite it
14:50.13titterwouldn't nat need to be set to no since the hosts are on the same internal subnet?
14:50.17Gast1984i have make some [macro-waiting] exten => s,1,startmoh(class1) exten => s,2,startmoh(class2) but it always play the musik from calls 2 at first
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14:56.02metiup3nguin: new sip.conf, same problems
14:57.29Kattyinfobot: christmas card
14:57.29infobotextra, extra, read all about it, christmas card is If you're interested in being on the Asterisk Christmas Card List please see Katty for an invite.
14:57.46p3nguinsees katty
15:00.04*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:01.34metiup3nguin: ok problem "solved": I moved asterisk to port 5062 and returned the linphones to 5060... then the call gets through and the invites are exchanged correctly
15:02.22theharfrolics about
15:02.24theharmorning friends
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15:02.36Kattyhai thehar!
15:02.46[TK]D-FenderGast1984: Did you restart * after creating this 2nd class?
15:02.51Kattythehar: we decided to do a christmas card exchange...if you wanna participate. if not that's cool too
15:03.13theharhehe hiiiiiiiiii
15:03.21Kattyyes. cards.
15:03.21thehari will happily join
15:03.56SaiSomaok, i have a rather serious issue that started after my upgrade to 1.8.0
15:04.34SaiSomai changed two lines on an extension in sip.conf (added sendrpid=yes and trustrpid=yes) and did a sip reload
15:05.08SaiSomagot this: from the console
15:05.17SaiSomaand all calls stopped
15:05.20SaiSomaand still are
15:05.25SaiSomacore commands don't work
15:05.30SaiSomasip commands don't work
15:05.38Gast1984i hab make a reload
15:05.47SaiSomai kill the asterisk process, even rebooted the server for the heck of it.  same deal
15:06.01SaiSomaasterisk*CLI> sip show peers
15:06.02SaiSomaNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'core show help sip' for other possible commands)
15:06.27SaiSomai had to restore from backup last time this happened:(
15:06.44[TK]D-FenderGast1984: Then show us the problem
15:07.02hrhrhrSaiSoma: restart asterisk
15:07.17SaiSomahrhrhr: i have.  and restarted the box.  as i stated aboce
15:07.25hrhrhrsorry, can't read
15:07.48hrhrhri had an issue once where sip functionality appeared to have died
15:08.04SaiSomanot just sip .  i don't have even the "core" commands
15:08.45SaiSomaonly started with the 1.8.0 upgrade, related?   i haven't made any significant config changes (minor sip.cfg changes and dialplan changes), and even restoring backup configs doesn't help
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15:09.51Kattyfender are you going to do christmas card exhange this year
15:10.13Gast1984the porblem is that i have 2 mp3 but thy are playded not in the right sequence
15:10.40Gast1984sorry for my bad englich
15:11.11Kattymusic on hold?
15:11.21Gast1984sorry false keybord -.- it to latte for me to work simultan
15:11.31Gast1984yes moh
15:11.37KattyGast1984: random=no
15:12.04Gast1984must i write random=no in the moh.conf?
15:12.04KattyGast1984: and the names of your files should reflect the order you want them to play in
15:12.09KattyGast1984: yes.
15:12.20Gast1984i will try it
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15:14.52SaiSomaok, had to delete the asterisk binary and reinstall
15:15.55tzafrirGast1984, moh.conf? musiconhold.conf?
15:16.01Gast1984it dont work, the first mp3 beginn with a "d" and the second with a "w" but ist plays not the one with "d" first :/
15:17.30*** part/#asterisk fullstop (
15:19.21[TK]D-FenderGast1984: maybe * was already playing the "D" one before and it is CONTINUING on the "w"?
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15:21.09kjshmmm, something strange going on here... when i login to my voicemail to set my name or any other messages, it gives me the standard "ay your msg after the tone" then it instantly plays "press 1 to accept this msg..."
15:21.17kjsit was working fine, hmm
15:22.47Gast1984how to you mean this with *?
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15:23.30kjsok fixed it, was a permission issue...
15:23.56kjsstrange that I get so many issues like this after installing with the rpm perhaps src is still the way to go.
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15:28.30Kattykjs: i prefer source.
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15:29.16p3nguinAs strange as it may seem, the RPM is made from the same source.
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15:36.38kjsp3nguin: i have had a few permissions issues from the rpm install.
15:37.17kjsother than that it's been fine
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15:47.06SaiSomagah.  it's doing it again, after i applied the patch here:
15:47.11SaiSomatried to resatrt
15:47.19goddvaI have 15 phones, all of them are using a Attendent Console that subscribe to all of the 15 phones. After a restart of asterisk, I often do get a bunch of LAGGED messages, and it can takes serveral minutes before everything is working fine again...
15:47.37goddvaIs this because of the big amount of subscriptions?
15:48.49[TK]D-Fendergoddva: WHO is saying "lagged"?
15:49.07goddvamost of the peers
15:49.42[TK]D-Fendergoddva: and where are they locate relative to * and your "Attendant"?
15:50.26goddvasame switch (if that was answereing your question)
15:50.44goddvaexpect for 3 of the peers...
15:52.05[TK]D-Fendergoddva: What devices?
15:52.55goddvaCisco SPA525
15:53.11goddvawith an attenden console SPA500s
15:54.20[TK]D-Fendergoddva: try increasing their qualify time
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15:54.52goddvaI have tried turning qialify off, does help a bit..
15:55.10goddvabut I still have the problem...
15:56.15goddvaI think most of the phones are trying to both register and send the subscribe at the same time.. all are connected to the same switch, and they all use POE..
15:56.38goddvaFor me it looks like its too much for asterisk to handle.. but that again dosent make sense..
15:57.27goddvaI have been trying to recreate the problem on another server, and I can only reproduce the problem by adding some random delay on the network
16:00.06SaiSomaok, so i can't get asterisk to load completely in 1.8.0 and this is a production server:(. for more details.  i'm stumped
16:00.58goddva[TK]D-Fender: any tips/ideas?
16:01.41[TK]D-Fendergoddva: Not offhand...
16:02.06Kattyinfobot: christmas card
16:02.07infobotchristmas card is probably If you're interested in being on the Asterisk Christmas Card List please see Katty for an invite.
16:02.26russellbI still don't get how this works, heh
16:02.38russellbwhat does being on this list mean
16:02.48SaiSomais there an order to how modules load or anything perhaps?
16:02.57Kattyrussellb: it means you get cards in the mail
16:03.00Chainsawrussellb: You will get a christmas card. With a hand-written seasonal greeting.
16:03.04Kattyrussellb: and you ship cards, to people on the list, in the mail
16:03.04russellbfrom who?
16:03.05Chainsawrussellb: Snail mail mind you.
16:03.09Kattyrussellb: people on the list
16:03.10Chainsawrussellb: Other people on the list!
16:03.26russellbso it's like ... signing up to have friends?
16:03.35Kattynot exactly.
16:03.45Kattyyou can only send it to your friends on the list, if you like
16:03.59russellbgot it.
16:04.12russellbI guess I want to be on it?  I'm willing to put my work address on there, at least.  :-)
16:04.12kjswhat list
16:04.23kjsI dont have any friends on "the list" ?
16:04.26Chainsawrussellb: I also used my work address, yes. Just as an anti-stalker measure.
16:04.40Kattykjs: they are mostly people from the irc chat room.
16:04.43Chainsawkjs: If you're on the list, I'm happy to send you a card. Whether I know you or not.
16:04.49Chainsawis friendly like that
16:04.51kjsfeel free to stalk me.
16:05.02russellbI wonder if I can get some epic cards made with the asterisk logo
16:05.07chuckfwonders if he can pick his stalker
16:05.27Chainsawchuckf: Karen Gillen can only stalk one person at once I'm afraid.
16:05.42ruyoAny idea what kind of processor do I need for an Asterisk with 2 PRI with ~100 concurrent calls?
16:05.43kjspicks the hot blonde stalker girl with thought asterisk was something else completely when she signed up
16:06.02Chainsawruyo: Are you planning on any conference bridge facilitieS?
16:06.05ruyoIs an i3 enough?
16:06.14kjsruyo: an p3 800 x 2
16:06.19Chainsawruyo: Will you be transcoding those calls?
16:06.32ruyoI'm not counting on transcoding, no.
16:06.43ruyoMaybe some conferencing, but not much.
16:06.49Kattyrussellb: it'd be pretty fancy if you could get a logo with a santa hat on it for the blog page
16:06.49Chainsawruyo: I believe an i3 should cope with that workload, yes.
16:07.03Chainsawruyo: If transcoding comes into play, 100 concurent calls might be more... interesting.
16:07.17kjsdont transcode ftw.
16:07.21ruyoOk, taking a look at gave me the idea that an i3 would sufice.
16:07.38Chainsawruyo: (But you could then always offload it to that hardware adapter that Digium sell. Then you'll definitely be on russellb's christmas card list!)
16:07.43kjsis there a way to bench an * box?
16:08.12hrhrhrlike everything in the world of linux, it should require no more than a p1 200 mmx
16:08.16Kattykjs: did you want an invite to the exchange list?
16:08.17*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
16:08.17Chainsawkjs: Sure, start a large teleconference, announce it here and get people to call in.
16:08.25ruyoWhat adapter? :o
16:08.31kjsChainsaw: ok hang on.
16:09.18*** join/#asterisk delroy (
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16:11.14rneesewhi is in charge of dahdi now days
16:11.41rneesewe need to replace libnewt that it uses to build
16:11.53rneeseas libnewt is not being maintained
16:12.24tzafrirrneese, replace it with?
16:12.42rneesethats the question
16:12.46russellblibnewt is optional
16:12.50russellbso it doesn't really matter
16:13.03*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
16:13.17rneesewell it seems dahdi wont build with out it
16:13.39rneeseeverytime i have built it  it has a dep of newt
16:13.49rneesebut oyour saying its not needed
16:13.50russellbit's for an optional utility.
16:13.58tzafrirrneese, who is "we"? What do you use DAHDI for?
16:13.59*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
16:14.13rneeseopenzap cards with freeswitch
16:14.40rneesefreetdm on freeswitch uses it
16:15.42rneeseand on bsd there is discussion since its no longer being maintined to pull libnewt in the near future
16:16.18rneeseand the dahdi build has a dep . but if its not needed we can pull it out
16:16.31*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@
16:16.50russellbwell, you won't have dahdi_tool anymore, which is unfortuante.
16:17.00russellbbut whateva'.
16:17.12rneeseunless we come up with a lib replacement
16:17.21*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
16:17.25russellbthat means rewriting the tools that use it ... unlikely.
16:17.30russellblibnewt works fine.
16:18.33p3nguin_kjs: Did you announce the conference yet?  I had to disconnect for a minute.
16:18.54rneesebut if its not being maintained then why not pull the src right into the tool and rm thee need for the lib
16:19.19russellbbecause that would be silly.  :-)
16:19.26russellbwe don't want to maintain it, either.
16:19.32russellbit works.  everyone packages it.
16:19.46russellbIf your distribution wants to remove it and make less programs accessible, have at it.
16:19.49russellbSeems stupid to me.
16:20.21kjsis there a way to get my sip address to be the same as my email address? it has to be ext@hostname right ?
16:20.54*** part/#asterisk rneese (
16:21.53russellbheh, bye?
16:23.03*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:23.21p3nguin_If your email domain is the same as where your SIP device is, and if you configure an extension on it to be the same as your username portion of your email address, it's possible.
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16:31.42kjshow can i find the correct syntax for meetme on asterisk 1.8
16:31.55[TK]D-Fenderkjs: "coer show application meetme"
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16:40.24kjsp3nguin_: yeah it's not, which sucks.
16:40.44p3nguin_kjs: Are you using a public email service?
16:41.08kjsp3nguin_: no, i host my email.
16:41.25p3nguin_kjs: Then you can create your SIP URI to be the same as your email address.
16:41.46kjsp3nguin_: would it involve putting my * box and my email server on the same IP address?
16:41.53p3nguin_kjs: If you control the DNS for the domain and if you control the PBX, you can do it.
16:42.06kjsI control both.
16:42.37kjscurrently my * box is on a subdomain.
16:42.52p3nguin_kjs: Use an SRV record.
16:43.53*** join/#asterisk mpe (
16:44.10kjsp3nguin_: cool looking it up on wikipedia now.
16:44.21p3nguin_kjs: Create SRV to appropriately reflect the actual hostname of the SIP device.
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17:06.36delroyAny handset recommendations?  whats the best quality brand?
17:06.42infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
17:07.22*** part/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
17:07.23kjsp3nguin_: that worked, hot
17:08.00Chainsawdelroy: I agree with the bot. Polycom.
17:08.03*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
17:08.40kjsp3nguin_: I spoke to soon it does not look like it's working
17:09.36p3nguin_kjs: If you want help, you'll have to be a lot more specific than "it's not working."
17:13.03kjsp3nguin_: it's a bit weird, the srv record is there, I have checked it with dig and it looks sane yet when i try to dial it, it just fails and does not hit the box.
17:13.10kjsasterisk box*
17:13.23kjsTTL is set to 100 seconds as well.
17:13.54citywokChainsaw: i like aastra phones, and at astricon last week a ton of booths had aastra phones in their displays. lol
17:14.14Chainsawcitywok: Sure, they score high in the handset survey.
17:14.22Chainsawcitywok: But I wouldn't say they're the best ones out there.
17:14.40citywokProbably not, but they are a great value :P
17:14.41Chainsaw(You see Cisco 7960 *all* the time on TV, but that is the power of sponsorship deals)
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17:18.10kjscould someone try and ring my sip address to see if it's working ?
17:18.37p3nguin_If I knew the URI, I'd test it.
17:18.47WIMPykjs: Post it ad see it you can handle the load :-)
17:20.24kjsI would but it's my email address and no doubt this channel is publicly archived ;)
17:20.59SaiSomais there an order to how modules load or anything perhaps?  apparently a module in 1.8.0 doesn't like me
17:21.06WIMPyMultimedia testing
17:23.11kjsp3nguin_: did you get that msg ?
17:25.56p3nguin_kjs: Nope.
17:28.35*** join/#asterisk abel408 (429863dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:29.42abel408Hey everyone! Is anyone familiar with progress in band and wants to help me debug sip packets? I've been stuck on a ring back problem forever!
17:30.33Kattyif anyone is interested in joining the asterisk christmas card exchange, please let me know.
17:30.45delroyWhen it comes to trunking to analog lines, what are peoples preferences?  I have had a lot of problems in the past with echo and noticed that with DHADI and Digium card I no longer have problems... Opinions?
17:30.57ukine_workwhat's the asteriskgui 1.7.1 default user/pass, and if possible where can i find a more comprehensive summary on asteriskgui?
17:31.36ukine_workgot it..admin/password
17:31.40[TK]D-Fenderukine_work: AsteriskGUI is not being maintained, nor has it had a maintainer for over a year now
17:32.11[TK]D-Fenderukine_work: There are less than a handful of active users in their channel at all
17:32.15[TK]D-Fenderukine_work: #asteriskgui
17:32.21[TK]D-Fenderukine_work: #asterisk-gui <- rather
17:34.03pabelangeranybody used ekiga with asterisk recently?
17:34.31ukine_work[TK]D-Fender, ty. will reinstall w/ freepbx
17:35.05p3nguin_pabelanger: I did a few days ago.
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
17:35.44pabelangerp3nguin_: mind if I ask which version of asterisk?
17:37.12p3nguin_pabelanger: 1.4.36
17:37.38WIMPypabelanger: I also did with
17:38.20n3hxsKatty, are you trying to make sure you still get "carded"?
17:38.44Kattyn3hxs: statement does not parse.
17:39.11n3hxsd in joining the asterisk christmas card exchange
17:39.12Kattyn3hxs: well more like it parses, but i don't get it
17:39.28n3hxsPlay on words with Carded --  Christmas Card..
17:39.42n3hxsLike you were trying to buy a drink
17:40.03Kattywho is d.
17:40.14Kattyor what is d
17:40.33*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
17:40.35n3hxsCopied from your statement earlier.
17:41.29delroyAnalog line termination - what are people using in commercia setups?
17:41.39Chainsawdelroy: Patton gateways.
17:41.40pabelangerp3nguin_: WIMPy: Ok, thanks.  I'm running into an issue with ekiga and asterisk on the same box, configuration issue.  Will roll back to 1.4 and see what happens
17:41.56[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: They're plural now? ;)
17:41.58Chainsawdelroy: (4118 for my analog stuff; 4634 to talk to telcos over ISDN)
17:42.09Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Always have been, there's a pair at each office.
17:42.46delroyany echo problems?
17:43.04WIMPypabelanger: you should use gconfed to put ekiga on a different port.
17:44.11Kattydistributes baby carrots and grapes
17:45.00p3nguin_pabelanger: Did you change the port of ekiga using gconf-editor?
17:45.07delroyare the sip gateways better than pci card from sagnoma or digium?
17:45.12pabelangerWIMPy: Ya, I don't think the port is the issue, but it looks like my mutli NIC on my system is
17:45.22[TK]D-Fenderdelroy: Generally no.
17:45.39[TK]D-Fenderdelroy: What are your actual requirements?
17:45.47WIMPypabelanger: By default it will be.
17:46.24p3nguin_pabelanger: Since both Asterisk and ekiga will want to use 5060, it will be a problem until you change ekiga to use another port.
17:46.34delroy[TK]D-Fender: Have 3 locations that need max 4 lines and one that has 8 lines.
17:46.37WIMPyIn fact, starting ekiga prevented the running Asterisk from communicationg with the anything.
17:46.53delroyClient picky about quality so echo will no be tolerated
17:47.10Kattyi would use a sip providor for that
17:47.15[TK]D-Fenderdelroy: Sangoma B600d
17:47.27Chainsawdelroy: I like the fallback options that a separate device offers me.
17:47.40Chainsawdelroy: Also, it means I get to talk SIP to Asterisk, which happens to be the most robust stack it has.
17:47.49Chainsawdelroy: (Echo is not a problem, no)
17:48.16[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Several thoughts : Fax, cost, analog Flash, etc
17:48.45Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: T.38 works well, I grant you that one, that works fine, do go on.
17:48.47delroyI recently deployed an Audiocodes box and client reports echo every so often
17:49.17[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: How would * signal the Patton to do a "flash"?
17:49.46Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: There's config for it, no doubt there's support.
17:49.59Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: I can even join phone conferences with my pulse-dial phone.
17:50.04[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: default = doubt :)
17:50.16Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: (Because it sends DTMF for the digits I dial with it)
17:50.21[TK]D-FenderChaAnd that latte = FXS, not FXO
17:52.59delroyis the firmware complicated with the pattons? The audiocodes is a nightmare
17:53.48[TK]D-Fenderdelroy: I wouldn't say "nightmare", but not as clear as others, that's for use.  give Mediatrix a whirl
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18:07.09_omerany suggestion ??
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18:33.53alex_voiphello if i buy 10 g729 licenses, that is 10 x $10, how many calls can i have up at the same time?  The description says 1 concurrent call, but the details says it's licensed on a per-channel basis.
18:34.44russellb10 = 10 decoders and 10 encoders
18:34.50russellbso ... it depends
18:34.51[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: 10 licenses = 10 concurrent transcodes
18:36.38alex_voipheh ok so it's not the sum of encoders and decoders as in 6/4 = 10 and i'm out of licenses
18:37.07[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: Correct
18:37.49*** join/#asterisk deonv (~adium@
18:38.10[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: You could be using a decoder alone if * is doing a Playback of a non G.729 file to a G.729 channel (not a "call"), or an encoder if recording to g.729 from a non G.729 channel, etc
18:38.24[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: Hence why its not always 1-1
18:38.40[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: Your typical "call" will be a matched pair of course
18:39.04coppiceor two licences if you want to log a call that is passing through
18:41.12alex_voip[TK]D-Fender, thanks that clears it up for me...i interpreted the store's description of "per-channel" to mean you needed to buy one for encoding and 1 for decoding
18:41.47alex_voip[TK]D-Fender, now i understand that each license comes with one of each
18:42.09[TK]D-Fenderalex_voip: The assumption of sorts is that to bridge to a non G.729 channel you'd need to decode audio FROM it, and encode TOWARDS it.  They could have been a bit clearer for you
18:42.53alex_voip[TK]D-Fender, i get that, what is not clear is that each license includes a decoding AND encoding license
18:43.10coppicethat pairing of encode and decode is the basis of the patent licencing
18:43.45*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
18:44.03Pio[TK]D-Fender, you got any tips for tweaking the quality of calls on the PSTN line on that SPA 3102?
18:44.24[TK]D-FenderPio: <- check out their forums, they have lots of guides there
18:44.31Pioyeah i found some of that stuff googling last night
18:44.36[TK]D-FenderPio: I don't have that much personal experience having to tweak them
18:45.13Pioyeah.  i have mine sounding passable now.. i spent an hour or two on it last night.. i made it waaay worse then i gradually was able to get it better
18:45.15coppicethe PSTN port on an SPA3102 is very troublesome
18:45.18Piostill could be better though
18:45.20Pioyeah sure is
18:47.02coppicewhat is your problem? echo is the usual one with the SPA3102
18:47.07Pioyeah echo
18:47.46Pioif i turn the echo cancellation off its insane
18:47.49coppiceyou won't solve it. the echo canceller in that device is badly broken. lots of ITSPs have ripped out large numbers and given up on them
18:47.57bmoraca_workis the TCE400P any good?
18:48.03Pioyeah .. well i've got it better than it was at least
18:48.06Pioit seems at best its barely passable
18:49.03[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I'm sure it does its job.  Does it fit your needs?
18:49.10bmoraca_workit might
18:49.19bmoraca_worki'm just curious about other peoples' experience with it
18:49.50Pioi gotta admit i dont exactly understand the nature of the echo.. like why is there echo at all
18:49.51coppiceif you need G.723.1 your only choices are that, and the new sangoma card
18:49.53[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Given the cost I'd say you'd want to need to just about max it out to get your money's worth.
18:50.10[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Oh? What's the model #?
18:50.32coppicemodel number of what?
18:50.39bmoraca_workwell, the draw for me is the ability to offload g729 encoding and decoding from the CPU and software-based codecs
18:51.06coppicebmoraca_work: why do you care about offloading?
18:51.39bmoraca_workbecause i don't trust the quality and i hope to get more capacity from my server
18:51.46*** join/#asterisk josephnexus (
18:51.51josephnexusanyone have any ideas on using flash transfer as part of an IVR?
18:52.14josephnexusor, even better, as part of a follow me if the call originated on a POTS line?
18:52.32coppice120 G.729 channels is <1.5 cores of a quad core CPU. the digium card is not very high capacity. the sangoma card goes up to something like 500 channel
18:53.22bmoraca_workmy system is two single core Xeons.  upgrading the server is more expensive than adding this DSP card
18:55.54coppiceI guess single core xeons means P4s. you could save the cost of a new server in reduced power bills :-)
18:56.57[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I found the Sangoma cards you were mentioning... nice denisty options for it.
18:57.08[TK]D-FenderD100-480E Up to 480 Transcoding Sessions
18:57.24delroycrap - i just ordered a spa3102 to play with !!! arg!
18:57.27coppiceI thought you were a sangoma user. they've been out for a while now.
18:58.11[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I am historically, but haven't had to buy anything for some time, and missed any news releases they may have made.. just not up to date is all.
18:58.34coppiceit supports quite a few codecs. the digium cards only support G.729A and G.723.1
19:00.08bmoraca_workcoppice: power's a flat cost for me.  i don't pay per kwh.
19:00.44Kattyif anyone is interested in joining the asterisk christmas card exchange, please /query me.
19:01.07riscphreehaha what
19:01.56bmoraca_workhmm...the sangoma one is roughly the same cost, and supports ilbc...interesting
19:03.36josephnexuskatty... are we all exchanging our fxo/fxs cards?
19:03.42josephnexuswhat of the modules?
19:04.00Kattyno just christmas cards.
19:04.10josephnexustwas a joke
19:06.23WIMPypostcareds are much more useful
19:07.45drfreezeHi. Does anyone have experience with turning up the mic gain on polycom phones?
19:07.48drfreezeI am trying to get a 335 to pick up a voice 15ft away
19:08.09KattyWIMPy: you can do that too
19:08.43_omerany suggestion ??
19:09.46WIMPyKatty: I didn't mean to say that I pfind postcards useful.
19:10.04[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: gains are easily findable in the sip.cfg
19:19.40*** join/#asterisk devmod (
19:20.32devmodHello, I just installed ast 1.8 and even when I set debug and verb to 9 - I don't see any msgs on the console. any ideas?
19:22.51putnopvutdevmod: check logger.conf and look for a console => line
19:23.24putnopvutIf you don't have "debug" on that line, you won't see debug messages on the console.
19:23.40putnopvutVerbose, though...that should show up as long as you have verbosity set high.
19:26.25devmodright, that is what I expected but I see nothing even when calling in to an extension
19:28.22JasnejacI have a D100-480E to test.  Sounds like it will be fun
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19:33.49drfreezeI am trying to setup BLF on polycom phones.
19:33.57drfreezeFollowing instructions at
19:34.13drfreezeSo far I have done the following:
19:34.41drfreezeBut, instead of the icon that is a profile of a person, I get the 10 dot icon
19:35.43drfreezeAnyone know what that icon means?
19:36.00[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: means you didn't enable buddy-watch on the contact
19:38.44drfreezeThe menu shows Buddy Watch Enabled, but that is on the Watcher phone
19:39.10drfreezeDoes presence need to be enabld on the watchee phone?
19:41.15joel_oliveirahi, is it possible to have the status, that is shown when the 'sip show peers' action is executed on the CLI, available on the dialplan as a function so I can save it to the CDR? I mean: to get the peer status upon the placing of a call?
19:42.05[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: no.  pastebi your sip.conf and extensions.conf that are supposed to support this.
19:42.46*** join/#asterisk moltar_net (
19:43.53drfreezeI have not made any changes to extensions.conf
19:43.59drfreezeAm posting sip.conf
19:45.24[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: EXTENSIONS.CONF PLEASE.....
19:47.42[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: sip.conf entries need to be type=peer
19:47.45[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: EXTENSIONS.CONF PLEASE.....
19:54.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:54.08drfreezeOne thing that puzzles me is that the directory xml file does not have the <bw> or <bb> properties
19:54.17drfreezebut, the phone says that bw is enabled
19:54.36p3nguin_Your "long distance" extension patterns are fail.
19:54.39[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: You don't even HAVE any hints to subscribe against <------------
19:55.14ManxPowerdrfreeze, then your phone has not downloaded the updated config file.
19:55.36[TK]D-FenderNope.. the phone has not UPLOADED its changes to the server <-
19:55.44[TK]D-FenderSilly backwards people...
19:55.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, that depends on who makes the changes, him or the phone
19:56.13ManxPowerBut if the phone says he has buddies then that is what the phone thinks the config is
19:56.19[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "phone downlaods" don't change the contexts of a file on the provisioning server.
19:56.30[TK]D-FenderManxPower: re-read teh direction of that a few more times...
19:56.43ManxPower<drfreeze> One thing that puzzles me is that the directory xml file does not have the <bw> or <bb> properties
19:56.44ManxPower<drfreeze> but, the phone says that bw is enabled
19:56.46ManxPoweryou mean that?
19:57.28ManxPowerI read that as the config file on the server does not have buddies defined, but the phone shows buddies defined.  I am assuming he is trying to "undefine" buddies.
19:57.35drfreezeif I look at the properties for a directory listing, Buddy Watch is Enabled
19:57.58ManxPowerdrfreeze, do you want buddies enabled or disabled?
19:58.13drfreezeI reboot the phone and look at the directory xml file, and it does not have the <bw> property. Maybe because  <bw>1</bw> is the default
19:58.15[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: that just means it hasn't written the directory BACK to the server.
19:58.27[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: which is irrelevant.  YOU HAVE NOTHING YOU CAN WATCH
19:58.35drfreezeManxPower: enabled - I want to see the status of a 'buddie's phone
19:58.53ManxPowerdrfreeze, then the phone is not uploading your contacts change, like [TK]D-Fender said.
19:59.01ManxPowerhave you checked the FTP logs?
19:59.30ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, he is going to have to resolve the issue at some point
19:59.35[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Nope.
19:59.37drfreezeSo, what does the poster mean by 'heading' of sip.conf? [General] ??
19:59.43[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Comlpetely not required
19:59.52ManxPowerso when he fixes the hints the phone will magically upload the contacts?
20:00.30[TK]D-FenderManxPower: the phone reports it has contacts.  Writing back to FTP is a backup bonus
20:01.12[TK]D-Fender[15:58]<[TK]D-Fender>drfreeze: which is irrelevant. YOU HAVE NOTHING YOU CAN WATCH <-------------------
20:01.40ManxPowerOdd, there being a non-trixbox user here asking for help. 8-|
20:01.58ManxPowerdrfreeze, buddy watch is NOT a default.
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20:02.24drfreezeI have changed the contact file and reboot the phone to see if it uploads the file
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20:03.27devmodAny idea why I can't see any messages (debug and verbose = 9) when connecting to an existing asterisk 1.8 instance
20:04.20ManxPowerdrfreeze, I'm starting to agree with [TK]D-Fender stop working on this part and work on the other part that is required to make this work
20:04.31ManxPowerdevmod, did you read the UPGRADE*.txt files?
20:06.03drfreezeManxPower: fine. What needs to be done?
20:06.17devmodManxPower: oh k thx
20:06.41*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
20:06.43drfreezeBoth phones have sip.conf modified and the sip.conf has been updated
20:07.39ManxPowerdefine the hints in extensions.cof
20:07.39[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: haev I not been clear enough?
20:08.22drfreezeAs far as I can tell, there is a 4 step process
20:08.37[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: You have not fucking HINTS in your dialplan.  Even when you phone is READY to watch it has nothing to ASK TO WATCH
20:08.48[TK]D-FenderHINT <--------------------
20:08.52drfreezeI have done all four on one phone and 3 on the other (I assume the watched phone does not need to have the watcher as a buddy)
20:09.50[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: that guide shows how to do the PHONE side, it means jack shit about the ASTERISK side
20:11.14ManxPowerdrfreeze, please pastebin the hint lines from your extensions.conf
20:11.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: HE HAS NONE
20:11.29ManxPowerwithout hints in extensions.conf buddy watch will never work.
20:11.34[TK]D-FenderI've beaten this point to fucking DEATH now.
20:11.38ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, the he will have to either admit that or pastebin them
20:11.43[TK]D-FenderHE DID
20:11.56ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, put him on /ignore then
20:11.59[TK]D-Fender[15:47]<[TK]D-Fender>drfreeze: EXTENSIONS.CONF PLEASE.....
20:13.11drfreezetake break man
20:13.23ManxPoweryup, no hints are defined in extensions.conf so buddy watch / presence is guaranteed to not work.
20:14.46drfreezeright, found some docs on that
20:15.00drfreezeI guess once hints are turned on, then I'll get the buddy icon
20:15.20WIMPyHmm. The phones could watch each other without using Asterisk, I guess.
20:15.21*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:15.53devmodManxPower: read the updates*.txt and nothing there
20:17.08pabelangerI know MACRO_CONTEXT exists for Marco, but what about gosub?  Aside from passing the CONTEXT as an argument
20:20.22ManxPowerdevmod, how about the sample config file?
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20:27.24bneffwhy would I get a 401 Unauth when my client uses UDP, but TCP works fine?
20:28.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:28.16ManxPoweryou will always get an unauth the first try, that is the way MD5 Digest works
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20:29.57bneffI see that in the traces, but it will never auth when the client is UDP
20:30.09bneffcould it be that a firewall in the path is faking this?
20:30.55drfreezeif 523 dials 522, and 522 has 'hint' in the extensions.conf, then how does that help 523 know when 522 makes a call? firewall, its actually hitting asterisk via sip debugging
20:33.48ManxPowerdrfreeze, asterisk will not monitor the state of an extension without a hint.
20:34.16paulcAnyone know an XMPP client that supports rendering of "formatting".. like <span> and the like? (XHTML-IM is the standard, I think?) - Pandion gives me bold using *bold here* type formatting, which might be enough.. but I wouldn't mind a splash of colour here and there either..
20:34.29ManxPowerdrfreeze, the phone asks asterisk to notify it when the buddy watched extension state changes.  Asterisk will not do this without a hint configured for the monitored extension
20:36.31drfreezeis the 'hint' step done when extesions.conf is loaded? I'm trying to figure out how the hint extension is priorizted wrt 1,2,n,n,...
20:38.32ManxPowerit isn't
20:38.36ManxPowerit is a special priority
20:38.47drfreezeok, found this: in extensions.conf. "hint" extensions and "real" extensions are
20:38.54drfreezeseparate entities
20:38.59ManxPowerthere you ho
20:39.29ManxPowerhint = monitor the state of this extension
20:40.28shaprsets up the D-Fender channel on his PRI
20:41.04ManxPowerdrfreeze, have you looked at the voip-info info about hints and buddies?
20:42.07drfreezeManxPower: yes. got it working now. All was missing was hints
20:42.19drfreezeThat wasn't in the first three articles  I read
20:46.09*** join/#asterisk Zairus (
20:46.34ManxPowerone of the few topics is the best place to get information about is hints.
20:49.09citywokvoip-info is really good, but a lot of the content is pretty out dated.  it will be nice to see the new wiki work if it keeps current
20:51.37*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
20:51.42Zairusanybody knows if there is a way for making the user abble to accept the call and the bridge it with a established channel?
20:51.49ZairusI can explain it better
20:53.01ZairusI have an incoming call in moh, and I need to pass the call to a mobile, but the mobile could be switched off...
20:54.26Zairusthen, my idea is to make the person to press one key in the mobile to assure that he answered the call and then bridge it to the channel in moh
20:54.29Zairusany idea?
20:55.27josephnexusi think that's a hunt strategy zairus
20:55.30josephnexusunsure of the name of it though
20:56.54Zairuswhat do you mean with 'hunt'? pick up?
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20:59.29citywoklol, just died
20:59.51citywokdigium, hallllp
21:00.16erinspiceKnown. :)
21:00.43josephnexuszairus, sorry, ring strategy
21:01.47*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:02.03BMJcitywok: **kpfleming scrambles to address it
21:02.04boodudo you know if misdnv2 works with kernel 2.6.18 ?
21:02.07Zairusok, thanks josephnexus, i'll take a look
21:02.33citywokBMJ: thanks! :P
21:03.09BMJcitywok: My pleasure!
21:03.28devmodthe Playback app doesnt seem to play the video files anymore on ast 1.8
21:04.55infobotit has been said that backtrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt)
21:06.30BMJWiki's back.
21:07.12Qwellcitywok: You totally broke it.
21:07.58citywokQwell, sorry!  I was browsing it to see what all is on it :P -- sorry for the high load of 3-4 clicks per minute :P
21:08.22QwellJust send in a written confession and all will be well.
21:08.23citywokI lied. i'm not sorry.
21:08.52citywokHmmm.  "Dear hostmaster of, please use /etc/init.d/apache2 restart more often" :P
21:08.59Qwellit's java.
21:09.10Qwellso yeah...
21:10.08citywokwell in that case it's amazing  the site runs as well as it does
21:14.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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21:38.34fireman_biffHi, if I'm getting red alarms on a PRI, would that be a problem with the pbx or with the  provider's equipment? Or is that not enough information to determine the location of the problem?
21:39.03*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
21:39.31WIMPyIt means you don't have a working connection. For whatever reason.
21:39.38citywokdid it work before? has anything changed on your end?
21:39.56citywokyour PCI card could have gone bad, or your provider could be having issues. If you provider is good, just call them and they can figure it out.
21:40.02fireman_biffit has been working for months, nothing has changed on my end
21:40.18petern_could just be a telco fault. they happen sometimes...
21:40.21WIMPyAh, the famous digger :-)
21:40.42citywokYes, the guy with the backhoe that decides to chew up a chunk of fibre was always my favorite.
21:40.54fireman_biffunfortunately my provider's first response tends to be "everything's fine on our end"... but I'll give them a call and see what happens
21:40.57josephnexusit's also rather expensive
21:41.10fireman_biffbtw, its not a constant red arlams
21:41.17Kattyif anyone is interesting in participating in the Asterisk Christmas Card Exchange, please /query me
21:41.18fireman_biffit happens maybe a couple times an hour
21:41.20citywokjosephnexus: rolling out to fix the torn up fibre?
21:41.21fireman_biffand makes call drops
21:41.35josephnexuscitywok, torn up fibre is costly to replace
21:41.59citywokyea, especially with all those SLA's that just got broken now as well. lol.
21:42.00WIMPyfireman_biff: For how long?
21:42.25fireman_biffWIMPy: it doesn't stay red, just drops the calls and then you have to redial
21:42.28citywokbouncing can very easily be an issue on the providers end. i have 8 mutlilink t1's and had a pair of them bouncing last month, bad interface card.
21:42.50WIMPyfireman_biff: Talk in seconds.
21:44.32p3nguin_Anyone know a good chipset for a PCI gigabit Ethernet card that's going to have the driver in almost every Linux kernel?  I was looking at an RTL8169SC, but it seems that it's not a real popular chipset in some kernels.
21:44.52fireman_biffWIMPy: the time between "alarm detected" and "alarm cleared" is 3 seconds, that's what you're asking about right?
21:44.52citywokThe intel stuff works pretty well for me
21:45.50WIMPyfireman_biff: Yes. That's really short. I guess you have to work that out together with your telco.
21:46.12WIMPyHowevr, calls are not supposed to be droped that fast.
21:46.38fireman_biffalright, I'll give them a call, thanks
21:47.14WIMPyBy default they should survive a L1 failure for 10 seconds.
21:47.59citywokreally? i'm pretty sure whenever we dropped T1's the calls were gone pretty fast
21:48.15citywokbut then again, when we dropped a T1 to get from a red alarm back to green was like 30 seconds to sync up
21:48.41WIMPyWow. That's a long time. And >10s.
21:49.19citywokYea.  That was with our Inter-Tel PBX, though i think with Asterisk it was the same.  Going through an Adtran DS3 mux
21:49.24*** part/#asterisk bougyman (bougyman@pdpc/supporter/gold/bougyman)
21:49.51fireman_biffactually for me the first entry mentioning the alarm happens in the same second that macro-hangupcall gets run
21:49.59fireman_biffso it seems pretty much instant
21:51.24WIMPyT309 is the one.
21:52.03WIMPyOk. here it says 6s.
21:52.10p3nguin_The problem I've run into looking for Intel NICs is that there are no regular PCI gig-Ethernet ones out there.  Anything that looks promising turns out to be PCI-X.
21:52.43WIMPyPCI is too slow.
21:53.21p3nguin_It might be slower than PCI-E, but it obviously still works or other brands wouldn't have gigabit Ethernet PCI cards.
21:53.56p3nguin_I just need one that is going to be well supported.
21:55.04p3nguin_The box I want to use the card in does not have the rtl8169 driver, so that tells me that it isn't well supported.
21:55.09citywokHmm. I've used a couple of the PCI-X nic's in a 32bit pci-slot just fine
21:55.23titterIs it possible to set the cdr(userfield) from sip.conf per user?
21:55.34p3nguin_I'd be taking a risk using the wrong card in my slot.
21:55.42citywokthat's what she said
21:56.12WIMPyBut beware that PCI-X is usually (always?) 3.3V.
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21:56.33WIMPyAnd the rtl8169 is very standard as well. Just as tg3.
21:56.48*** part/#asterisk [cannibalera] (
21:58.43p3nguin_Oh, I should be looking for the tg3 module, then?
21:59.01p3nguin_got that one!
21:59.02WIMPyOnly if you have a tg3.
21:59.15p3nguin_I don't understand what you meant, then.
22:00.56p3nguin_I do have r8169.ko in there.  I wonder if there is any chance that's the right one.
22:02.03WIMPyhas a rtl8101e/rtl8102e working with it.
22:02.16WIMPyBut that's not GE.
22:03.06p3nguin_Lots of people complaining about issues with that r8169.ko module.
22:03.38WIMPyI didn't have any so far.
22:03.40p3nguin_I guess I could spent a few bucks on the card and try it.  The worst that will happen is that it won't work and I'll have a spare NIC for a Windows box.
22:03.50p3nguin_spend, rather
22:09.47*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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22:10.26booduWIMPy, the way to misdnv2 is long (kernel recompilation....)
22:11.05WIMPyboodu: It has been there for over two years.
22:12.11boodui have a 2.6.18 :(
22:13.21p3nguin_Alright, I bought the Realtek card.  We'll see if it's compatible after it arrives.
22:23.14WIMPyis just looking at chan_misdn of 1.8 and I have to say that looks like someone did an excellent job there. But why for a driver model that has been abandoned?
22:24.31russellbWIMPy: customers.  :-)
22:24.33WIMPyI actually think I want to try that. But after I get everything smooth with 1.8.
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22:44.36booduWIMPy, you say misdn 1.8 works fine with b400E ?
22:45.40WIMPyboodu: I don't know the pci ID of the b400e, but misdn2 definitely supports HFC-4S an HFC-8S.
22:47.35booduis lost with his b400e
22:48.10WIMPyCan't you find it?
22:50.39booduWIMPy, may be my problem with misdn can be a jumber or not ?
22:51.05WIMPyWhat's happening now?
22:51.39booduit' always the sames problem i can't call more than 1 number
22:51.41WIMPyAnd does the card have any jumpers except for those to reverse the sockets and add phantom power?
22:51.50boodunow i try to use dahdi
22:52.00WIMPyAh, that one.
22:52.24WIMPyWell. That actually suggest that the problem might lie somewhere else.
22:52.29boodui have just connect my card without change any jumper
22:52.48WIMPyWhat do you have running now?
22:53.11booduand dahdi is configurated
22:53.45WIMPyOk. And it behaves the same as with chan_misdn?
22:53.49boodui can see my line active
22:54.16booduit's my first time with dahdi
22:54.33boodui don't know how use Dial with it :$
22:55.12WIMPyYou define groups there as well.
22:55.34WIMPyBut as you are having trouble do dial out, I suggest you just try the schannel drictely.
22:55.55WIMPyTry one by one if you can dial out.
22:56.27boodugood new the incoming seems to be detected because i have :
22:56.31booduAccepting call from '258838' to '3899' on channel 0/1, span 4
22:56.58boodugloupss i post the number phone
23:10.25Kobazhow can i get the sip error from a failed call...
23:16.52booduWIMPy, with dahdi when i use group i have exactly the same problem that i have with misdn
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23:18.59citywokkobaz: sib set debug on?
23:19.05citywokor sip set debug ip
23:19.48Kobazi know that
23:19.54Kobazhow do i get it via dialplan
23:20.19Kobazi found a post on the bug tracker about someone trying to do the same thing... the response was use HANGUPCAUSE
23:20.23Kobazis that still the case?
23:20.34Kobazthe issue was posted in 2007
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23:21.10citywokKobaz: this?
23:21.19WIMPyKobaz: I'm pretty sure that's at least true gor 1.6.
23:24.17Kobazaccording to the wiki in 1.8 you can get the specific item from the sip header, nice
23:24.23Kobazusing 1.6 though... i'll play with hangup cause
23:25.35Kobaztrying to work around a buggy sip-fxs gateway that randomly returns 503 service unavailable when making outbound calls
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23:27.55WIMPyThat's why I prefer internal stuff.
23:28.45Kobazi like external stuff because you never know what kernel update or libpri update, or dahdi update will break everything
23:29.15citywokThe other nice part of external is you can have redundant * servers
23:30.03citywokthats why i like being pure sip now, just move the IP's from one server to the other.
23:30.14citywokT1's are messy :P
23:30.17WIMPyDon't upgrade :-) But the chances of getting issus fixed is much higher,
23:31.46JoseBravoI have Asterisk 1.6.0 and I changed the codec from my SIP trunk from g711 to g729 and now I have one way audio problem. Any idea?
23:32.14Kobazif i had t1/pri/q931/q921/etc experience i would write tests up the wazoo for all the asterisk tdm stuff... but instead i just go sip
23:34.10bmoraca_workKobaz: that could be it's way of saying "the number is busy"
23:34.34Kobazbmoraca_work: if the number is busy, it passes the audio through of a busy tone
23:34.47bmoraca_workwhy on earth would it do that?
23:34.58Kobaz503 unavailable seems to mean that the gateway fscked up and couldn't make the call... you try again 2 seconds later and it works
23:35.15Kobazbmoraca_work: because it's a grandstream :(
23:35.49bmoraca_worksorry, i feel your pain
23:36.03Kobazcustomer wants cheap... i really don't have much of an option
23:36.18bmoraca_worki went through similar struggles when I configured a largely undocumented Cisco AS5400 appliance as a media gateway
23:36.20Kobazbmoraca_work: callerid gets screwed up about 30% of the time
23:36.40Kobazit will come in as callerid: 31711#W#%^@&@@#@#^p^
23:37.25ManxPowerKobaz, increase or decrease your rxgain by 1db
23:37.55ManxPowermaybe more, but not too much
23:38.08bmoraca_worki'm taking a break from VOIP stuff and setting up a miniature VRF network...wooo
23:39.19KobazManxPower: hmm, really?
23:39.42ManxPowerKobaz, I didn't read far enough back, my comment only applies to PSTN
23:40.12Kobazer i mean.. this is an fxo-sip gateway
23:40.17ManxPowertry it
23:40.27Kobazyeah. just did
23:40.45ManxPowerusually the gain needs to be increased but if your calls are loud, you can try decreasing it.  don't go too far in either direction or you'll have other audio issues
23:40.51Kobazit's hard to test... maybe one out of 20 calls fails
23:41.14Kobazrx gain will affect callerid and dialing out success rates?
23:41.29ManxPowerwhat country are you in Kobaz?
23:42.08Kobazhmm, that's interesting
23:42.13Kobazlowering the rx gain made dialing out go faster
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23:46.43ManxPowerif you can lower your dtmf tone duration, try 50 - 57 ms 50ms to 75ms
23:47.22*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
23:47.47ujjainwhen I added a firewall, my pap2t can no longer connect to login server, but is possible with x-lite on my pc, same network.
23:47.52ujjainI forwarded ports 5060 and 10k-20k
23:48.05boodui can use more than 1 channel for call (send) with dahdi or with misdn
23:48.20boodubut i can receive many call
23:48.26ManxPowerujjain, UDP. correct?
23:48.35boodumy card is the openvox b400e
23:48.46booduif anyone can help me plz
23:48.47ujjainFreePBX says 2 IP phones online, 6 IP trunks online, 3 ip trunk registrations
23:49.02booduI don't know what is bad in my configuration
23:49.06ujjainI have not edited any configuration, just added firewall and port-forwarding.
23:49.15boodui think about bad configuration of jumper
23:49.51WIMPyboodu: Have you tried manually dialling out on explicit channels?
23:50.04booduone is ok with channel 10
23:50.30booduand channel 11 on the same time doesn't worked
23:50.31WIMPyHow do you get to channel 10 if you only have 6?
23:50.55WIMPyBut each channel works on its own?
23:50.56boodu6 ?
23:51.29WIMPyDidn't you sat you have 3 BRIs?
23:52.23ujjainI can connect via x-lite, but not via iphone and pap2t, same network
23:52.32boodu4 ports => 1-> channel 1&2  ,  2-> channel 4&5, ..., 4,-> channel 10&11
23:53.15booduyes 3 bri but one connected to the port 4
23:54.07WIMPyHmm. Do the D channels still get numbered in Asterisk?
23:54.52booduI think
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23:55.14WIMPyHmm. I think they do, but the sync channels don't get counted. A little inconsitant.
23:55.59WIMPyI'd suspect that maybe you're simply not allowed to place a 2nd call.
23:56.28booduI can
23:57.02booduthere are an classic PBX
23:57.16booduand it's possible to do multi call
23:57.55WIMPyWhat kind of signalling are you using?
23:58.14booduI don't understand your question :s
23:58.38WIMPyon the BRIs
23:59.16WIMPywhat protocol?
23:59.26WIMPyerr switchtype

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