IRC log for #asterisk on 20101029

00:09.30*** join/#asterisk titter (
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00:10.29CrazyTuxHey guys - by default asterisk voicemail when listening to a voicemail will it move it into the 'Old' messages, it seems this behavior is not being observed.  Is there a specific setting to accomplish this?
00:13.48Kobaznot that i know of
00:14.52JunK-YKobaz: read of which function?
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00:15.00Kobaznever mind, i think it's my code
00:15.30JunK-Yso i can go to the training room :)
00:15.41Kobazwhere's that?
00:15.56JunK-Yclose to the pool
00:16.05Kobazwhat sort of workout is planned?
00:16.14Kobazi should do my ab workout
00:16.45JunK-Ythere's really cheap carpet, no bench-press.
00:16.50JunK-Yonly cute machines.
00:16.56Kobazi should meet you down there... what are you wearing
00:17.13JunK-Yis too sexy for Kobaz ! :P
00:17.41adncWhat is this error, it occures since update from 1.4 to 1.6: "Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address"
00:17.44Kobazwell, before we have some sort of epic
00:17.53Kobazare you at the gaylord?
00:18.33Kobazsome other people are at the westin or comfort in... wouldn't be wanting to wander around looking for someone that's at a different place
00:18.41JunK-Ylook in the elevator, the last button is identified as fitness/pool
00:18.50Kobazyeah, i saw that
00:19.02CrazyTuxHey guys - by default asterisk voicemail when listening to a voicemail will it move it into the 'Old' messages, it seems this behavior is not being observed.  Is there a specific setting to accomplish this? (repost, sorry I got disconnected)
00:19.03Kobazso, i'll just wander around yelling... juuuunnkkyyyy???!!
00:23.32*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
00:24.16Kobazi suppose so... okay... going to the fitness room
00:31.15adncis anyone using asterisk 1.6 with kabeldeutschland?
00:32.10WIMPyadnc: I used to.
00:33.14adncWIMPy, i just did an update from asterisk 1.4 to 1.6. my kabeldeutschland sip was working fine. now the sip numbers are registered but i can not get calls
00:33.36WIMPyWhat happens?
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00:33.58adncsip show peers shows for these UNREACHABLE
00:34.10adncUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
00:35.12*** join/#asterisk jbg_ (
00:35.22jbg_just set up asterisk 1.8 and trying to set up SIP TLS
00:35.39jbg_when my phone tries to register i see "tcptls.c: FILE * open failed!" in the logs and the phone reports 503
00:35.46WIMPyadnc: Well, thats a clear statement.
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00:37.02adncWIMPy, ???
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00:38.23adnci don't understand
00:39.17WIMPyadnc: the host is not reachable.
00:39.25adncWIMPy, no, it is reachable
00:39.44adncit was also working some minutes ago. and before the update
00:40.10WIMPyresolver problem?
00:40.20WIMPyDoes it find the correct IP to connect?
00:41.21adncWIMPy, resolving is a matter of dns resolver and that is not an asterisk issue
00:42.29*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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01:14.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:24.37*** part/#asterisk Montys (~dmartinez@nat/digium/x-nlnkjurajfieclns)
01:25.57Juggiecan chan_gtalk dial free longdistance as google talk can do from within gmail?
01:25.59Juggiei'm guessing no.
01:26.18adncdoes anyone know of a freefax service?
01:33.17*** join/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup)
01:33.45pabelangerJuggie: Yup, with 1.8 :)
01:34.09Juggiei'm ashamed to say it but i'm resetting up asterisk for the first time since i moved
01:34.17Juggiewhich was concidentally 1 year ago last week :P
01:34.18dzup2anyone recomend me a good channel bank with 20 channels to be use with asterisk?
01:34.32*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
01:34.44Juggiedzup2, check voip-info
01:34.55pabelangerJuggie: Ya, it's pretty simple.  I use it all the time for outbound
01:35.03Juggiefree LD
01:35.12dzup2Juggie: there is plenty of interfaces, but i need a expert opinion, thank you
01:35.25pabelangerI finally setup a GV number last night in the coding zone.  So, next week I'll be playing with it
01:35.36Juggiedzup2, there arnt that many over 16 ports
01:35.44Juggieand you'll find comments etc on the wiki
01:35.49*** join/#asterisk rossand (~aross@
01:35.55Juggieif that doesnt satisfy your question, post to asterisk-users.
01:36.19*** part/#asterisk rossand (~aross@
01:36.33dzup2Juggie: is for a hotel with 20 rooms
01:37.14dzup2i guess one with 24 be ok
01:37.20adnchow can i find out if a line is busy and if so with what number is he calling?
01:39.54Kobazbecause JunK-Y said 10:00 -5
01:40.27*** join/#asterisk rossand (~aross@
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01:40.46Juggiedahdi trunk is failing to compile for me
01:41.17*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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01:51.06*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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02:12.49*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
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02:26.54moltar_netI know this might be "out there", but is it possible to forward SMS messages via DID to cellphone number?
02:28.17*** join/#asterisk deltalyst (~haryv@
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03:38.26*** join/#asterisk trelane_ (~trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
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03:45.43*** join/#asterisk titter (
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04:40.34mikejfHi, I am currently setting up an asterisk SIP server, it will eventually be connected to an upstream phone line but not yet, I have configured it with a couple of sip extensions and from both of them I can call the test number and get the "congratulattions" message, but I haven't been able to get them to call each other.
04:42.49mikejfboth extensions have an entry in the correct context in extensions.conf, and when I dial the extension from the SIP client it says "Remote user rejected the call"
04:45.47*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
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04:52.59mikejfDamnit, I spent an hour and a half trying to figure that out then less than 10 minutes after I ask for help I figure out my problem and it was sooo simple
04:53.57mikejfin extensions.conf I had used Macro(page.... when I should have been using Macro(standard-extension
04:58.42*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
05:03.47*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
05:17.12*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:33.23*** join/#asterisk Leppers (
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05:46.47kaldemarmikejf: any particular reason you're using macros instead of the Dial application directly?
05:47.22mikejfIt was because I didn't know about the Dial application, I have since learned about it and am now fixing that
05:47.44*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:48.06mikejfalthough now I can't figure out how to put a wildcard into the extension so that I don't need to specify a new extension everytime there is a new user
05:48.30mikejfI have seen ${EXTEN} get used in Macro however that doesn't seem to work in the Dial application
05:49.09mikejfAnd Macro strangely stopped working after one call either from each client so I haven't been able to fallback to that
05:51.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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05:57.11mikejfhmm, the ${EXTEN} is working fine my problem is actually in the client not working
06:01.10kaldemarmikejf: extension patterns are what you're looking for.
06:01.31kaldemarmikejf: EXTEN is a variable that holds the current extension.
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06:02.20mikejfok, thanks
06:05.47shamelessn00bkaldemar: can you look at my extensions.conf I can't understand the 'G' option available in the dial command
06:06.38shamelessn00bwhat I want to do is dial to a local channel bridge it to my sip channel keep the SIP channel executing the dialplan but the local channel should block execution on EAGI
06:08.42shamelessn00bI dial on the extension 1114 from the SIP phone
06:09.09shamelessn00bG(context^exten^pri): If the call is answered, transfer both parties to the specified context and extension. The calling party is transferred to priority x, and the called party to priority x+1. This allows the dialplan to distinguish between the calling and called legs of the call (new in v1.2). You cannot use any options that would affect the post-answer state if this option is used.
06:09.30shamelessn00bThats the description of the 'G' option for Dial command from
06:10.40kaldemarbtw, you should always read the documentation for _your_ version, which can be found in the CLI. core show application Dial.
06:12.21kaldemarshamelessn00b: what is the real purpose of this mindfuck? :) just executing the AGI and some dialplan simultaneously?
06:13.00*** join/#asterisk deonv (
06:18.00shamelessn00bI need to stream audio to Sphinx 4
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06:18.17shamelessn00bwhile the dialplan executes normally
06:18.32shamelessn00bfor the user who dialed extension 1114
06:18.47kaldemarwhat version of asterisk are you using?
06:18.57shamelessn00blatest trunk
06:19.12kaldemari'd take a look at the originate application.
06:19.43shamelessn00bI need to be able to have control in the dialplan when to stream audio
06:19.50kaldemaror do you want the streaming to end when the caller hangs up?
06:20.10shamelessn00bthe streaming would end when I close the socket connection in sphinx 4
06:20.16shamelessn00bthe EAGI is opening a TCP socket
06:21.03kaldemarwell, try adding /n to the end of your local channel. that makes the local channel behave just like any other, and asterisk won't try to bridge the channels, bypassing the local one. that might make a difference.
06:21.42shamelessn00bif it doesn't bridge them, I wont get any audio on my local channel
06:23.25shamelessn00bthis should iin theory work
06:23.33shamelessn00bthats what the description says
06:32.21*** join/#asterisk kamh (
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06:42.22*** join/#asterisk deonv (
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06:48.37bn-7bcsorry to repaet my self egain but tgis druves me a bit crazy.  Is there a way to make  Asterisk 1.8.0  nind to ipv4 and  ipc6 at the same time (for  sip), I have tried evereyring I can tthink of withot luck, any tips?
06:48.41*** join/#asterisk titter (
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06:52.38*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~Adium@2001:700:200:10:d69a:20ff:fe00:c54e)
06:55.12kaldemarbn-7bc: at least the :: wildcard works. are you trying to bind to specific addresses?
06:56.35bn-7bckaldmar: no but holdom a sec
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06:57.47shamelessn00bhow would I do this, dial to a user and playback an IVR as opposed to the user calling into *
06:58.47kaldemarshamelessn00b: originate somehow. AMI, app Originate or a callfile.
06:59.44*** join/#asterisk asterisk-learner (~chatzilla@
07:00.09bn-7bckaødemar:   hmm no luck here is the bindaddr lin from zip comf   bindaddr =  ::
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07:01.35kaldemarbn-7bc: is that what the actual line looks like? hopefully zip comf is not the name of the file. :P
07:02.00shamelessn00bf this, I modify mixmonitor :D
07:02.29bn-7bckaldemar: upps tyår   filnema_sip.conf   whar is the line supposed to look like
07:02.49kaldemarbn-7bc: the correct line would be "udpbindaddr=::"
07:03.14*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:06.45bn-7bckaldemar: still the sameptoblem astreisk omly binds to eiter ipv4 or ipc6 npr both at the same time
07:06.52*** join/#asterisk csnook (
07:06.53asterisk-learnerDoes anyone knows if we can whisper on a (IAX2) call, while MOH is turned on ?
07:07.26bn-7bcudpbindaddr =
07:07.27bn-7bcudpbindaddr = ::
07:07.51bn-7bcthese are the to lines from sip.conf
07:07.59kaldemarbn-7bc: don't use two lines.
07:08.05kaldemarand ditch the spaces.
07:08.18kaldemarbn-7bc: did you try it? as in make a call?
07:09.02bn-7bcno  the client wil notregoster
07:09.47kaldemarnetstat will only show you one listening socket but there should be an ipv4-mapped address.
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07:15.22kaldemarif /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only has 1 in it, then you might have a binding issue in the stack.
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07:33.41shamelessn00boriginate Sip/3001 application dial local/1115@default&local/1114@default why would this not work
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07:34.18shamelessn00bthe channel which I dial to first gets bridged, the other channel hangs up
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07:45.35kaldemarshamelessn00b: with local/1115@default&local/1114@default, whatever channel answers first, gets the call and the other channel is hung up.
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07:47.08shamelessn00bso I can't dial to multiple channels ?
07:48.36kaldemarsure you can dial them, but once a channel answers, others are dropped.
07:49.44*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:50.00*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:50.09shamelessn00bso I can't connect 2 registered SIP users unless I use conference?
07:50.32kaldemaruse originate.
07:51.07shamelessn00binside the dialplan
07:51.33shamelessn00bchange caller id call first number, change caller id call second number
07:51.39kaldemarapp originate
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08:01.39*** join/#asterisk Arnoz (~Arnoz@
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09:01.43*** join/#asterisk Arnoz (~Arnoz@
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10:15.35eMBeegood evening
10:15.55ChainsawGood morning eMBee.
10:19.22*** join/#asterisk emc (~cburgdorf@
10:19.47emchi, can anyone recommend a company which can provide land line numbers (premium and non premium) to dial into an asterisk system hooked on the internet? (Gateway) ? ... or can someone give me a hint what I should google for?
10:20.22*** join/#asterisk Montys (~dmartinez@nat/digium/x-nlnkjurajfieclns)
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10:22.42ectospasmemc: you probably want a standard telco, ala Bell/AT&T/Verizon (in the US).  You'll need a PSTN adapter (analog or digital)
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10:23.00ectospasmDigium sells a whole line of PSTN adapters
10:23.19ectospasmanalog (POTS), digital (T1/E1 PRI)
10:24.11*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:24.18Montyselo, any1 has an idea what this means "Codecs       : 0x9fe (gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726|adpcm|slin|lpc10|g729|g726aal2)"
10:24.29ectospasmemc: or, there are numerous SIP/VoIP providers who provide DIDs ("landline" numbers)
10:24.50ectospasmMontys: that means that side of the VoIP conversation speaks ALL of those codecs
10:25.20ectospasmMontys: during negotiation, the channels will pick which one is best.
10:25.23emcectospasm: ah, interesting, thanks for the info... can you name one or two? Are there some who do it internationally
10:25.47ectospasmemc: for a local DID you'll probably need a local or regional provider
10:25.55ectospasmemc: I can't recommend anything specific
10:26.38Montysectospasm: what I want to know on specific  is the "0x9fe"
10:26.38ectospasmMontys: you probably forgot to put "disallow=all" in sip.conf
10:26.53ectospasmMontys: that's the bitmap of all those codecs.
10:27.18ectospasmMontys: each codec is one bit, like G.729 is 0x100 (*I think*, not sure atm)
10:27.41ectospasmall the bits are bitwise and'ed together to get 0x9fe
10:28.11Montysectospasm: I purposely enabled all the codecs. I just trying to figure out how the codec negotiation works,
10:28.21ectospasmMontys: try one codec at a time'll notice the hex value is really only one bit
10:28.45ectospasmWhen you have two codecs, two bits, etc.
10:29.07Montysas an example, if you have an * system that supports ulaw, alaw and gsm and is connected to another asterisk system that supports gam, alaw and ulaw
10:29.32Montysif I place a call, how those two system determine which is the codec that they going to use
10:29.55ectospasmMontys: the order that they're listed in sip.conf governs which one is preferred over the others.
10:30.04emcectospasm: ok, thanks, that helped a lot!
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10:40.48fauxalliancehmm... it's about that time....
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10:55.57joel_oliveirastill fighting with this since yesterday morning
10:56.26joel_oliveirais it possible to get the IP address in the logs from someone that tries to make a call without being registered?
10:57.03joel_oliveirasomething like this guy was facing :
10:59.03*** join/#asterisk coldsteal (~Antonni@unaffiliated/coldsteal)
11:03.00coldstealcould someone help me? I cant get the voicemail to send me my vm messages. Im getting the following error: WARNING[31939] app_voicemail.c: Unable to launch '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t' (can't create temporary file), the recording are being made successfully in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/86/tmp/
11:11.22fauxalliancecoldsteal, what version asterisk?
11:13.43ectospasmcoldsteal: can you send mail using sendmail -t at the terminal console?
11:13.51ectospasmcoldsteal: that's usually what that means
11:14.49fauxalliancesendmail has a 'headquarters'?
11:16.13fauxallianceectospasm, I think we lost him.
11:17.33ectospasms'pose so
11:19.33coldsteali actually use postfix
11:19.34coldstealasterisk 1.4
11:19.50fauxalliancecoldsteal, the script CALLS SENDMAIL!
11:20.02fauxalliance<ectospasm> coldsteal: can you send mail using sendmail -t at the terminal console?
11:20.03jpmcallisterpostfix istalls a sendmail wraper
11:20.13jpmcallistershould be no problem
11:20.34jpmcallistercoldsteal: do as fauxalliance suggest and try to send an email with sendmail -t
11:20.55coldsteali can send mail fine using the mail cmd
11:20.59jpmcallistercoldsteal: what is the output of the command which sendmail
11:21.18ectospasmcoldsteal: upon closer inspection, I see the temporary file can't be created
11:21.24ectospasmcheck to make sure /tmp isn't full
11:22.08fauxalliance(and postfix _actually_ works)
11:22.30*** join/#asterisk E-bola (~bola@
11:23.19coldsteali have plenty of space in my /tmp
11:23.28fauxalliancecoldsteal, is it world writable?
11:23.39E-bolaIs 1.8 going to be re-released because of the huge bug for transfers?
11:23.40fauxalliancesendmail doesn't think so
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11:24.43fauxalliancecoldsteal, for the third time... did you try to use sendmail at the console?
11:25.01*** join/#asterisk hatrix76 (
11:25.36coldstealim looking up how to use the sendmail command to send emails now. i have only used mail
11:25.38fauxallianceE-bola, patch from 18192. It resolves the problem.
11:26.41fauxalliancecoldsteal, sendmail -t
11:26.43E-bolaYa counting on it, but its a brutally serious bug. So would asume a new version woudl be release asap
11:27.02ectospasmE-bola: the devs probably need to get back from Astricon
11:27.11fauxallianceE-bola, or it just gets fixed... plus, all transfers should be 'warm'
11:27.40fauxalliancepatch from 18192. It resolves the problem
11:27.59fauxallianceOther terms commonly used for an announced transfer include attended,consult, full-consult, supervised, conference and warm transfer.
11:28.15E-bolaWhy on earth should all transfers be attended/warm?
11:28.25coldsteali did that and now it looks like its waiting for input
11:28.28fauxallianceso calls dont get dropped E-bola
11:28.45E-bolafauxalliance: Umm calls dont get dropped unless there are bugs in the software?
11:29.13hatrix76Hello, I have a strange problem, normally the system works fine, but a few times a day, in an outgoing call the user hears ringing all the time until the timeout. The other party picks up, but does not hear anything, and for the caller it just keeps ringing.  it is worse for some local numbers, calls to another country for example are not affected, some local numbers have a 50/50 chance of hitting this problem, some numbers are even wors
11:29.13hatrix76have an asterisk and dahdi from ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS installed, a junghanns quadbri in the server, NO irq-sharing, no irq balancing, etc. any idea?
11:29.23fauxallianceE-bola, with a working patch.
11:33.17*** join/#asterisk deonv (
11:35.06coldstealsendmail -t email@domain just hangs and looks like its waiting for something
11:35.27coldstealcurser is on lext like and nothing is happening
11:35.33jpmcallistercoldsteal: ps fax | sendmail -t email@domain
11:35.57jpmcallistercoldsteal: it is waiting for input
11:36.08jpmcallistercoldsteal: try this: ps fax | sendmail -t email@domain
11:39.25coldstealyeah usually by now i would have an email
11:39.34coldstealif i were using the mail cmd
11:42.22*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
11:42.57coldstealyeah i dont get it because fail2ban uses sendmail and works just fine. i just restarted it and recieved emails which were sent via sendmail
11:43.22coldstealwhen i did the ps fax|sendmail -t emailaddr i didnt recieve anything
11:47.00*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
11:48.30*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
11:48.34adncsorry, but where was the language setup for the voicemail? i could not find anything in voicemail.conf
11:50.17*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
11:53.21*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:53.34coldstealokay so this works: echo testinf | sendmail -f email@domain -t email@domain
11:53.57coldstealbut if i remove the -f email@domain then it doesnt
11:54.14*** join/#asterisk titter (
11:54.14coldstealany ideas?
11:56.27coldstealokay sendmail -t is working now
11:56.59fauxalliancecalled it as a  ``trusted'' user coldsteal ?
11:58.20coldstealno i forgot that i have gmail archiving all mail from my server right away so it was skipping my inbox
11:59.27coldstealokay so how do i allow the asterisk user controll over sendmail?
12:06.23angryuserGood day, i am facing a strange problem, i have converted some wav files 16bit pcm 8000hz mono, and whatever i do asterisk cuts the end, i have tryed to convert with sox/audacity it is still no go, they play well in any player
12:06.45angryuserCan someone give me a 100% way to convert files as needed ?
12:07.43*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@
12:09.17adnci'm using asterisk 1.6 unfortunately it doesn't use my german language prompts
12:09.36adncbut plays the english one
12:10.20jpmcallisteradnc: that means * doesn't located your version of the file
12:10.30jpmcallisteradnc: where is the file located?
12:11.05adncit is debian and i placed them to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
12:11.23adncbefore i tried /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/de  and /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de
12:11.30jpmcallisteradnc: you need to put in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de/
12:11.55adncwell there they are
12:12.07*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
12:12.08jpmcallisteradnc: ls -d /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de
12:12.47jpmcallisteradnc: sorry. ls -ld /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de
12:13.12adncdrw-r--r-- 7 asterisk asterisk 4200 2008-10-31 15:08 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de
12:13.22adncpermissions are ok
12:13.30adncthey are gsm files
12:13.31jpmcallisteradnc: doesn't look ok
12:13.41adncno? how does it need to look
12:14.06adncahh x bit
12:14.08jpmcallisteradnc: drwxrx-rx-
12:14.35adncthats 755
12:15.10adnchaha, it works. just the 19 cant be pronounced in german
12:15.34adncthe rest is ok
12:15.46jpmcallisteradnc: do you have all the digits files?
12:16.06adnci do actually
12:16.13drmessanoI should change all my prompts to german and my MoH to Rammstein
12:16.29drmessanoMost. Hardcore. PBX. Ever.
12:16.33adncin the digits directory there is 19.gsm
12:16.39adnci remember i had this before aswell
12:16.50jpmcallisteradnc: the digits files need to be at /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/de/digits make sure the permissions are for this folder too
12:17.44adncjpmcallister, thanks again permission problem
12:17.45jpmcallisteradnc: check the permissions at digits and letters folders as well
12:18.07adnccan ls only display directory names?
12:19.17adnci think ls can also handle t
12:19.36adncjpmcallister, vielen dank!
12:19.51adnci think there is a switch for ls aswell
12:20.02*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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12:20.27jpmcallisteradnc: welcome
12:21.00*** join/#asterisk dkk (~areski@
12:21.28binbash_ls -hal
12:22.47coldsteali am nolonger getting the warning about sendmail not being able to write the tmp file but im not getting any emails either
12:23.06binbash_coldsteal what is /var/log/syslog saying :-)?
12:24.43jpmcallistercoldsteal: tail -f /var/log/maillog
12:24.44*** join/#asterisk titter (
12:24.53kslaterI don't understand something about ARA with MySQL. Usually when you have a package that uses a database backend, there are some steps to create the database and the schema, but I can't seem to find any details about doing this. I'm puzzled.
12:25.12kslatersorry, using 1.8.0 built from source.
12:27.15*** join/#asterisk crowbar7 (~JKLOBUCAR@
12:27.32coldstealwell syslog is saying status sent from postfix
12:28.10hatrix76Hi,  a few times a day, in an outgoing call the user hears ringing all the time until the timeout. The other party picks up, but does not hear anything, and for the caller it just keeps ringing.
12:28.27hatrix76this does not seem to be normal ... anybody any idea?
12:28.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:29.50binbash_Yeah, are they both in the same network?
12:30.02*** join/#asterisk ukine_droid (
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12:31.45hatrix76no, one is SIP the other PSTN (over a junghanns quadbri card)
12:32.24*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
12:32.30binbash_Okay, and the SIP one doesn't hear anything?
12:34.20binbash_it's mailing to
12:34.23binbash_or did you edit that
12:34.33coldstealits an edit
12:34.36binbash_okay :D
12:34.48binbash_Seems fine, you sure it's not somewhere in your spam box
12:34.54binbash_or autoarchived?
12:35.16coldstealyeah i looked every where
12:35.31hatrix76binbash_:  no, the other way round, the SIP is the caller, calling a PSTN number, the SIP hears ringing, the PSTN picks up and answers, SIP keeps hear ringing, PSTN hears nothing, SIP goes on ringing until time-out.    only sometimes, and some numbers way worse than others
12:36.09binbash_I would try to trace it with whireshark or ngrep :) check out what happens with the audio stream.
12:37.32hatrix76it's driving our receptionists crazy, because it happens most of the time with the taxi number, it's really terrible. I do not believe it's network issue, there's gigabit network all over the place, and because it is so unconsistent .... I fear it might have to do with some sort of signalling issue .... but I am not a specialist regarding this stuff ....
12:38.05binbash_like i said, try to trace it, if it's traceable for you
12:38.22WIMPyhatrix76: Have you tried to collect some more information?
12:39.25hatrix76well, i can try to create a wireshark trace, but, WIMPy I looked at the logs, but I really did not find out that much, if someone can tell me which logs and which loglevel would show interesting results I'l get them, but I still would need help figuring out what's the real issue
12:40.32WIMPyWell, the normal console putput with debug and verbose turned up should already tell you quite a bit.
12:41.18WIMPyIf that doesn't reveal enough a sip debug and pri debug will tell you the whole story.
12:41.27hatrix76Yes, but it doesn't (at least for me) as I did not see any difference between such a call and a normal call ... but I'l get them again
12:41.44WIMPyWhat channel driver are you using for the BRI?
12:41.56*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
12:42.12hatrix76with channeldriver you mean dahdi?
12:42.56hatrix76I have the ubuntu packages, 2.2.1-0ubuntu2
12:43.01hatrix76for dahdi
12:43.07coldstealwhats the difference between the pager and user email addresses in voicemail.conf?
12:44.01hatrix76The first thing I thought I will try this weekend is recompiling everything with the newest sources, but I would feel so much better if I knew what's wrong and how to fix it exactly ...
12:44.41hatrix76the other problem it's a golf-course so they work every day and there is no day off where i can play around, only the nights are available to me :-(
12:45.58[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal: Mail can have the ercording attached to it.
12:46.02[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal: Main*
12:46.41*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
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12:51.08hatrix76one very interesting fact may be that it does not affect calls to a different country, there are a lot of outgoing calls cross-border, and these have no problems whatsoever, the only problems I have is with local calls ...
12:52.18coldsteal[TK]D-Fender: thanks
12:53.03coldstealokay i finally got it emailing correctly, i had to restart the service
12:53.44WIMPyhatrix76: Try to reproduce the problem and show us some logs. Everything else is going to be guesswork.
12:53.52coldstealbut now the from address is the same as the to address
12:54.11kslaterJuggie: it's funny that I seem to run into the same people that I see on other irc channels
12:54.18hatrix76ok, i'l do that, I just hoped someone recognizes the problem ... :-)
12:55.15*** join/#asterisk titter (
12:55.20coldstealwhats the serveremail setting?
12:55.46[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal: "From:" <-
12:56.25*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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12:56.32asterisk-learnercan anyone check this bug and see if he /she faced a similar problem already ?
12:58.35*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~adil@
12:59.01*** part/#asterisk Montys (~dmartinez@nat/digium/x-nlnkjurajfieclns)
12:59.20coldstealYES its perfect now :)
12:59.49*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
13:00.01t_dot_zillaasterisk SCF?
13:00.02[TK]D-Fenderasterisk-learner: No dates on that, not versions, no REAL debug.  Trash.
13:00.19[TK]D-Fenderasterisk-learner: We don't see the CALL.
13:00.40asterisk-learnerasterisk 1.4.10
13:01.21asterisk-learnerboth asterisk same version
13:01.49[TK]D-Fenderasterisk-learner: That is TWENTY-FIVI releases and 4 BRANCHES OLD.
13:02.08[TK]D-Fenderasterisk-learner: Go upgrade to something the maggots havn't finished eating yet...
13:02.23[TK]D-FenderSorry... TWENTY-SIX
13:02.35coldstealis it possible to get asterisk working with SMS through any sip provider or do i need to look for something spacific ?
13:03.26[TK]D-Fendercoldsteal: * only supports sending SMS on E1.  Nothng more.  * is not an SMS platform
13:05.19t_dot_zillais asterisk SCF a complete rewrite of asterisk ?
13:06.54pabelangert_dot_zilla: no
13:07.40t_dot_zillais it an addon to asterisk?
13:08.23[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: go read the WIKI
13:08.28[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: and NO.
13:09.17*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~Adium@unaffiliated/visik7)
13:09.54pabelangert_dot_zilla: parallel project
13:15.18*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:22.18*** join/#asterisk QN (~mIRC@
13:22.31QNhi all. would like to check if there's any way to append a prefix via the Dial Patterns under the outbound route?
13:23.03[TK]D-FenderQbWrong channell.... two doors to the left...
13:23.08infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
13:23.18[TK]D-FenderQN: rather...
13:23.51QNoh. thanks. sorry.
13:24.10*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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13:34.19*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:34.23KattyGOOD MORNING
13:36.30robl^laptopMEDIOCRE MORNING
13:36.59Kattyapplies hugging to robl^laptop
13:37.05jpmcallisterInteresting problem. I have hat setup    Phone1 --- LEGACYPBX --- E1 --- * SITE1 -----------IAX-------------* SITE2 --- E1 --- LEGACYPBX --- Phone 2
13:37.06jpmcallisterIf a make a call from phone1 to phone2 and phone2 is busy I hear two ringtones and them the busy tone. If a make a call from a sipphone at *site1 to phone 2 the call is hangup immediately
13:37.13Kattyjpmcallister: ohai
13:37.40robl^laptopKatty: hehe..  thanks!  I was expect just a cup of coffee there, but a hug is always welcome
13:38.41*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
13:38.47Kattyi only like coffee with milk and creamer.
13:38.53Kattyand then iced.
13:41.25Kattycrittercam is back up after 4 months
13:41.30Kattyinfobot: crittercam
13:41.30infobotcrittercam is, like, Katty's live broadcast of The Nut House at
13:41.38*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:41.44Kattysadly, no squirrels yet
13:41.49*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
13:43.37robl^laptopsends all 3 of his cats to the crittercam filming location to assist
13:43.48telnettechgood morning all.....I am looking for a reliable open source network monitoring software....i want to be able to monitor multiple routers, port utilization, and as a bonus SIP channels of an Asterisk box if possible.....anyone have a good idea for this?
13:44.16Kattyrobl^laptop: :<<
13:44.27Kattyrobl^laptop: why would you do that
13:45.19Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:45.43robl^laptopKatty: my cats are "odd". the wouldn't harm any critters..  they would actually be running from the squirrels.  last night they found a gecko and all 3 hid under the couch
13:46.06telnettechthanks jpm
13:47.31jpmcallistertelnettech: You will find plugins for nagios
13:48.10*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
13:52.03*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
13:52.17Polysicsi might be about to say an heresy
13:52.24Polysicsbut is a macro also a context?
13:52.39Polysicsducks under teh table
13:52.46[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Sort-of
13:53.05[TK]D-FenderPolysics: You can "gog" it, but it is also functionally merged with the calling context
13:53.31*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
13:53.34Polysicsso i would be better off putting the functionality in a context, and having the macro Goto that?
13:53.59[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Depends on the functionality of course
13:54.12[TK]D-FenderPolysics: We'd have to see what you're doing to give a better imporession
13:54.31Polysicsbasically doing FollowMe
13:54.48[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Would need to see the specifics of what you're doing in it
13:54.50Polysicsbut i was curious as to how to reuse macro content in the eventuality
13:55.06kslatercan anyone tell me about what needs to be done to prep mysql to be used with asterisk 1.8.0?
13:55.10Polysicsi might be better off not worrying for now and making followem work :-)
13:55.11*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-pktgdknsgjpqhnra)
13:55.50[TK]D-Fenderkslater: in what capacity?
13:56.25kslaterwell, I would like the use the ARA stuff with mysql, but I don't see instructions on how I should create the user / db / schema
13:57.12[TK]D-Fenderkslater: There is a scripts folder that should show a sample structure being created
13:58.11kslaterright off the main folder?
13:58.15kslaterI don't see scripts
13:58.37kslatercontrib/scripts is there though
13:58.41QwellJunK-Y says hi.
13:58.42Qwellto everyone
13:59.02[TK]D-FenderQwell: Pass on a "salut mon ostie!"
14:01.23kslaterI guess maybe I should look for a simple - get Asterisk 1.8 running tutorial first and crawl before I try to walk.
14:03.05*** join/#asterisk McBoingbo (
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14:04.15KattyHAI JUNKY
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14:05.31[TK]D-Fenderkslater: Actually SQL integration tends to be in the jogging phase...
14:06.01kslater[TK]D-Fender: well said!
14:06.25kslater* is like a candy store - so many tasty modules to add
14:07.38[TK]D-Fenderkslater: Actually.. they all tend to be "already there", just need you to fill int he parms to have it use them
14:11.46*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
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14:34.53telnettechall......looking to find out what the recommended number of simulataneous calls per minute of an asterisk system?
14:35.38*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:36.23[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: "depends"
14:36.46telnettechTK: depends on what?
14:37.06[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Machine-spec, what you ar calling out of, etc
14:37.19Qwellexactly 6
14:38.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:38.36Kattyi looked at crittercam.
14:38.43Kattyand there was a sign in front of it that said i love you.
14:38.57Kattycutest. thing. ever.
14:39.04telnettechTK: I understand that it depends on the machine specs as I have done small pbx style systems. What I am wanting to do something like 8k to 10k calls per minutes with the average call time to be 5 minutes.
14:39.48[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Do you realize that is an incremental-only sample? :)
14:40.16[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: And I'm rather sure you'll need multiple large boxes for that
14:40.48[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Or relegate * to being a back-end-only app server and use something more robust at the front end... like everybody else
14:41.36telnettechI understand but that is the requirements that have been given to me to figure out what it wll take to do it...
14:42.12*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
14:42.18[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: probably 2-3 servers + SER
14:42.19telnettechso I need to know if Asterisk can do it with the right hardware and be a reliable software or if I need to look other ways
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14:54.02jkroonhi guys, on asterisk I have a very weird IAX/2 handoff problem.
14:55.34jkroonthree * boxes, SIP phone on A, passes to B via IAX/2 passes to C via IAX/2, C sends to SIP phone, IAX/2 tries to handoff connection direct between A and C, I see traffic but there comes in a channel discrepency between A and C (B no longer knows about the call).
14:56.27jkroonC thinks the call (both legs) is Up, whereas A thinks the IAX/2 channel to C is Ringing and the SIP caller is in Ring.
14:56.37jkroonThis is obviously wrong, how do I go about trouble shooting?
14:59.35[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Go post a bug on the tracker
15:02.46psilikonI keep getting the following PRI Error: We think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too yet I can still send traffic without a problem. I am using a sangoma a108 with two PRIs and one zhone channel bank.
15:03.41WIMPyYou obviousely should configure it to be the network side then.
15:04.50psilikonI tried adding pri_net in zapata.conf but nothing changed. Why would this occur just out of the blue?
15:06.37[TK]D-Fenderpsilikon: Maybe the Zhone changed.  And jsut because you changed a config doesn't make the change effective
15:06.54[TK]D-Fenderpsilikon: You have wanpipe configs for this as well and need to reload chan_zap too
15:07.27psilikon[TK]D-Fender, yeah I stopped wanpipe1-4 then issed a wanrouter restart after stopping asterisk
15:09.41psilikonNow I see : PRI Error: We think we're the network, but they think they're the network, too. since I changed pri_cpe to pri_net
15:10.44leifmadsenMy AstriCon presentations are available now on my website under the Presentations tab:
15:15.08WIMPypsilikon: This time on the other onterface?
15:15.44psilikon[TK]D-Fender, currently I am using wanpipe drivers 3.2.1, 3.5.x is current. Is there any reason I should not upgrade the drivers? I figure it can only help.
15:16.00psilikonWIMPy, nope same interface
15:16.24[TK]D-Fenderpsilikon: Well you've stated you're still on zaptel which is a concern on its own...
15:17.20psilikon[TK]D-Fender, yes, and asterisk 1.2.24
15:17.29[TK]D-Fenderpsilikon: Ancient....
15:24.04jkroon[TK]D-Fender, will do.
15:24.55*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
15:27.02*** join/#asterisk upb (
15:27.47upbhi, when using asterisk spool files and MaxRetries, is there anyway in the dialplan to know that the current call is retry x out of y ?
15:31.39*** join/#asterisk ukine (
15:32.26[TK]D-Fenderupb: Not unless you use dialplan code in the Channel: to log its progress.
15:34.55upb[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by 'Channel:' ?
15:35.16[TK]D-Fenderupb: SPOOL FILE <-----------
15:35.52upbsorry i'm not following
15:36.23[TK]D-Fenderupb: How is it you're working with spool files and don't even know the parameters you are passing it?
15:36.39upbdoesnt the channel specify where the call is placed?
15:36.58[TK]D-Fenderupb: You have to be using CHAN_LOCAL for your Channel: to be able to add any kind of tracking code and not dialing out some other tech directly
15:37.00upbhow could i put 'dialplan code' in the channel variable
15:37.32p3nguinYay for local channels.
15:37.40upbi'm using it like this Channel: WOOMERA/g1/53429833
15:38.12p3nguinIf only someone would give some sort of clue how it could be done.
15:38.52[TK]D-Fenderupb: Local/53429833@somecontext/n
15:39.07[TK]D-Fenderupb: use the DIALPLAQN to add in your progress tracking and have IT Dial() out
15:40.01upbbut why cant i do it without the local channel ?
15:40.14upbsince when the call fails, it goes to the failed extension in the context
15:40.56*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
15:41.34WIMPypsilikon: Did Asterisk already support PRI that time?
15:42.25psilikonWIMPy, yep
15:42.34upb[TK]D-Fender: when i Set() a variable in the failed extension, its not preserved for the next retry right ?
15:43.02upb[TK]D-Fender: but when using chan local to redirect it to another context, it is ?
15:43.13[TK]D-Fenderupb: Of course not, it is a channel variable and dies with that channel.  Use something else persistent like AstDB, etc
15:44.03upbso what you're suggesting, is to build the retry code myself in the dialplan ?
15:44.11upband not use MaxRetries ?
15:45.58[TK]D-Fenderupb: Both are options
15:46.12*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
15:46.16[TK]D-Fenderupb: Either add tracking to the code or do all of the retry attempts in your own code
15:46.25[TK]D-Fenderupb: I would probably do the latter
15:46.37*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
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15:49.44upbokay, thanks
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16:07.42*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (~Bladerunn@
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16:14.33Bladerunner05hello on asterisk 1.4.17 with my short dialplan if no one answer it don't return to menù
16:14.39Bladerunner05please take a look
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16:16.59GuggeBladerunner05: show the verbose log from CLI while you make a call
16:17.36Guggeand i assume the 4 last lines are in another context than daytime
16:18.35p3nguinadd: exten => s,5,Goto(1)
16:19.12p3nguinor Goto() where ever you want the call to go when there is no answer.
16:19.22Bladerunner05Gugge: the last lines are in daytime context
16:19.45GuggeBladerunner05: why do you have two t,1 in your daytime context ?
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16:19.54Guggeand two i,1
16:20.59p3nguinI know, I know!
16:21.25p3nguinI'll wait for his answer, though.
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16:24.21abel408Hey everyone. I'm having ringback problems. Incomming calls to my asterisk system do not hear any sort of ringing, just silence. I have played around with progressinband with no success. The only thing I see strange in sip debug is the order in which 180 ringing and 183 session progress is called. 183 session progress is sent before 180 ringing. Is this normal?
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16:30.49Bladerunner05sorry, i'm back
16:30.55Bladerunner05-- Nobody picked up in 15000 ms
16:31.12Bladerunner05I remove the two i,1 and leave only 1
16:31.22Bladerunner05but it hang up instead of go to menu again
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16:32.29p3nguinYou don't have any dialplan instructions to go to a menu.
16:33.07p3nguinDon't expect magic; create appropriate dialplan for what you want.
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16:33.37Bladerunner05p3nguin: I believe that the last 2 lines do that ?
16:33.54Bladerunner05may u suggest me how to go to menu again ?
16:33.57p3nguinI don't see any instructions to go to any menu.
16:34.06Bladerunner05sure :)
16:34.22p3nguinIf you've changed your dialplan, change your paste as well.
16:34.46*** join/#asterisk Katty (
16:34.58Kattyi'm having a blonde moment.
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16:35.15Katty[Oct 29 11:32:46] NOTICE[2977]: chan_sip.c:20039 handle_request_invite: Call from '110' to extension '500' rejected because extension not found. <- i'm getting that and staring at my extensions.conf
16:35.20Kattywhich was copied from another machine
16:35.31Kattydialplan show doesn't look right either
16:35.50p3nguin500 does not exist in the context where the call was sent.
16:36.17Bladerunner05p3nguin: is here
16:36.24Kattyp3nguin: yeahi see that.
16:36.30Kattydouble checks sip.con
16:36.59p3nguinbladerunner05: i,1 is still duplicated.
16:37.11Kattyok. sip show peers shows me in the right context
16:37.23Kattybut dialplan show is all snickerdoodled up
16:37.28p3nguinThe sip debug will show wheret he call is being sent.
16:37.30Bladerunner05p3nguin: please correct it !!!
16:37.59Bladerunner05and let * go to background again if no answer
16:38.19oryxtecguys i am having a small issue. i have a sip extension when i dial from a softphone .. i can make call.. but when i register same extension on a server and make call it simply hangup.. please can some 1 have a look to my config file thanks
16:38.35Kattyooh debug. that's a good idea.
16:39.09Bladerunner05p3nguin: thanks I try..
16:39.50p3nguinI should have changed i,2 to i,n but I missed it.
16:41.14Kattydoes it show the context at the cli
16:41.16Kattyor in the log
16:41.36p3nguinThe sip debug will show it.
16:41.45p3nguin(that's on CLI)
16:42.17p3nguinIt'll say something like "looking for 500 in your-context."
16:42.41*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
16:43.00p3nguinMy bet is that the peer sending the call in is not matching the peer definition, thereby sending the call to the default context.
16:43.40oryxtecguys plz can any one look on my config and guide me plz ?
16:44.24Katty <- i'm apparently blind. where's my context.
16:44.30ManxPowerDoes anyone have recommendations for specific models of PLANTRONICS headsets for use with Polycom 550 (RJ12) phones?  I've tried one or two in the past off the polycom compatible headset list and they REALLY SUCKED.
16:45.07ManxPowerKatty, your context is in sip.conf
16:45.32ManxPoweryou would use NORMAL debug, not sip debug to see where the matched incoming call is going to
16:45.55*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
16:46.33p3nguinLooking for 500 in TRG-Outgoing
16:46.44p3nguinThat broke my theory.
16:47.04ManxPowerKatty, the idea is that once the call has come and been authenticated, it is a core asterisk / dialplan thing not a sip thing
16:47.37ManxPowerLooking for 500 in TRG-Outgoing (domain
16:47.42ManxPowerthat is what you are looking for
16:47.43Kattyyeah. that's correct
16:47.48Kattybut dialplan show...
16:47.51Kattydoesn't look right at all
16:48.00p3nguindialplan show 500@TRG-Outgoing
16:48.21Kattyextensions.conf looks okay
16:48.28p3nguindialplan reload
16:49.13Kattyi don't think that's in 1.6
16:49.51Kobazyou're missing astricon
16:50.11Kattydialplan debug doesn't look right either
16:50.28*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
16:50.31p3nguinNever heard of that one.
16:50.52tompawRunning here. Blind transfer works, but on attended transfer I'm getting a one-way audio + a lot of noise.
16:50.57tompawAny idea what could be causing that issue?
16:51.29Kattylet me pastebin this
16:51.35Kattysomeone will recognize what i'm staring at
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16:53.06p3nguinThis looks like an example dialplan.  It doesn't have your TRG-Outgoing context in it.
16:53.22Kattyso what would cause asterisk to not read my extensions.conf properly
16:53.37Kattydeletes it and remakes it
16:54.30ccooperz28does anyone know where to get the libical dependancy for res_calendar_exchange on centos 5.5
16:54.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: your PBX core isn't loaded at all
16:55.11p3nguinhates when that happens
16:55.20*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (c837e07d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:55.28_pepo_hi friends
16:55.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: module load
16:55.54tompawAre configs compatible between 1.6.0.x and 1.6.2.x?
16:56.03[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Most for most things
16:56.11Kattythere we go
16:56.13[TK]D-Fendertompaw: go read the UPGRADE docs included in the tarball
16:56.13Kattyhow'd that happen
16:56.20Kattyor what causes it
16:56.24tompaw[TK]D-Fender: thx. Looks like my atxfer issue is asterisk-related, so will try an update...
16:56.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Check if your modules.conf has autoload enabled or not
16:56.54[TK]D-Fendertompaw: If you say so... so far you've shown us nothing and told us almost as much...
16:57.04*** join/#asterisk EndEng (
16:57.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: Hrm... ok, is it all good for now?
16:57.59tompaw[TK]D-Fender: to be honest, I don't know what to show... traces, error logs, everything looks normal. My blind transfer works perfectly, but on attended transfer, after I press * and talk to the 2nd number and hang up, and these two legs are connected, all they can hear is noise + one way audio.
16:58.12[TK]D-Fendertompaw: still no useful details.
16:58.32Kattyall except for dahdi hicckuping
16:59.25tompaw[TK]D-Fender: ok... is atxfer anyhow different from blindxfer? I mean the moment, when the two remote legs are connected to each other.
17:00.04[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Maybe after you get a clue and start properly describing your situation...
17:01.29tompawOk, another try: when I place a call to an extension (let's call it 1) and then I perform a blind transfer to another extension (2), it works perfectly fine, and 1 and 2 can talk to each other with the voice flowing through the pbx.
17:02.05tompawNow, when I try the same with attended transfer, there is a media issue described above. I compared the SIP traces for both scenarios, and found no differences. SIP/SDP headers are exactly the same.
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17:02.28tompawsip show channels shows the same stuff, there are no errors reported, and yet - during attended transfer, there is only one-way audio.
17:02.31[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive things...
17:02.38Kattyk well modules are coming up on their own now, but dahdi is still spazing
17:03.00Kattythe typical unable to create channel type dahdi cause unkwnon stuffs
17:04.12Kattywhat does State In Service mean?
17:04.49Katty <-
17:07.39ManxPowerKatty, pastebin the output of "cat /proc/dahdi/1"  assuming you only have one dahdi card
17:07.54ManxPowerDoes anyone have recommendations for specific models of PLANTRONICS headsets for use with Polycom 550 (RJ12) phones?  I've tried one or two in the past off the polycom compatible headset list and they REALLY SUCKED.
17:08.13Naikrovekno experience with headsets really
17:08.14Kattysays it's all in use
17:08.15Kattythat's odd
17:08.25Naikrovekwish i could help with that one, i may need to get some
17:08.31Kattyi'm guessing it's a config
17:08.43ManxPowerKatty, "in use" means "asterisk is loaded"
17:09.18Kattyohah, k'then
17:09.26ManxPowerKatty, ask on #sangoma how to look at the sangoma card status (I assume you are on sangoma)
17:09.39ManxPowersangoma can hide the alarms on the T-1
17:09.43ManxPowerfrom DAHDI
17:10.06ManxPowerI think Sangoma does official support on #sangoma
17:10.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower: H261N Binaural on an M22 amp
17:10.23Kattyoh i think i found it
17:10.30tompawThat pretty much describes my situation...
17:10.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Forget about headsets without an amp
17:10.55Kattywrong group number
17:10.59ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, does that support pickup/hangup via the headset?
17:11.00*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:11.17WIMPyYou mean forget about phones without an amp?
17:12.18[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Sorry, no...  not sure what base you'd use for that..
17:12.27[TK]D-FenderManxPower: My guys use the HS button to answer.
17:12.35[TK]D-Fender(on the phone)
17:13.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, any reason to get the binaural .vs mono?
17:13.57WIMPyManxPower: Less processor power for noise canelling :-)
17:14.06[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Helps block out the loud fucker whom cubicles can barely supress at all
17:14.24ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, not a major issue for me, but still an advantage.
17:14.34ManxPowerI'm a Devout fan of the M175
17:14.45*** join/#asterisk ukine_droid (
17:14.56ManxPowerBeen using them for over 10 years
17:19.17[TK]D-FenderManxPower: then by all means.
17:19.31ManxPowerheh, the M175 is a 2.5mm style.
17:19.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: EW
17:19.57ManxPowerthey work perfect for use with analog and cell phones
17:20.16ManxPowerwhich, until now, is the only time I ever used a headset. 8-0
17:25.00*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
17:25.36EndEngbuilding asterisk from scratch on ubuntu, what version should i build, latest in svn or specific version?
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17:25.48EndEngonly for voip, no hardware
17:25.50mandragoris there a way to know the state of a device?
17:26.20Kattydoes dialplan reload include musiconhold.conf?
17:26.41Kattymodule reload...
17:26.47p3nguinmoh reload
17:26.54Kattyty dear
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17:32.51Kattyso who wants to help me import a pgdump
17:34.53ManxPowergets the garlic and wooden stake and edges away from Katty
17:35.24Kattytugs on ManxPower's sleeve
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18:23.53powerunitshello world...
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18:25.02powerunitsthere is issue on my asterisk box.
18:25.15powerunitsi am using as my sip career..
18:25.29Qwellthey sound like they are voip professionals.
18:25.33tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I know you're probably dying to know how I solved my xfer problem. Well, I upgraded from 1.6.0 to 1.6.2 and it's gone :-)
18:25.41powerunitswhen i dial from sip phone eyebeam..
18:25.49infobotthe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', exclamation mark '!', question mark '?', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '--', or  ellipsis '...' instead.
18:25.53Qwellpowerunits: ^^^
18:26.08powerunitsit shows trying but on other end it start ringing... but no ring or bell sound on my headset
18:26.16powerunitssome time it do like this..
18:26.25powerunitsand some time it connect the cal
18:26.40powerunitsany known reason?
18:26.44powerunitsi m using asterisk 1.4
18:27.00[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You took this long without even telling what you were RUNNING.  And those aren't even VERSIONS, they aer BRANCHES
18:28.09tompaw18:50 < tompaw> Running here. Blind transfer works [...]
18:29.18powerunitssome help on my issue?
18:31.37jdoeQwell: I don't think he understood.
18:32.09p3nguinType more, press Enter less.
18:33.19powerunitssome 1 alive in this room ? :)
18:35.02jpmcallisterI've stalled asterisk18 from digium yum repositories. Doesn't it come with jabber and gtalk?
18:36.12Qwelljpmcallister: not yet.  it will Soon(TM)
18:36.14*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:36.39[TK]D-Fender"Stalled" indeed
18:42.08powerunitsplease can some 1 guide me?
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18:56.10ManxPowerjpmcallister, are you willing to help debug Asterisk 1.8?  If not, don't get the SVN version, get the released tarball
18:57.58jpmcallisterManxPower: What are you talking about. I get the rpm packages via yum from digium repositories
18:59.09jpmcallisterManxPower: I'm to lazy to compile. I'll just wait for digium to release the binaries with jabber/gtalk
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19:02.08ManxPowerjpmcallister, I miss-read, I read that as "svn" not "yum".  Only crazy people use Asterisk packages.
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19:03.54p3nguin[tk]d-fender: I went to Radio Shack yesterday... told the guy I needed a modular jack for a DSL circuit I was installing.  He asks, "Do you need any batteries?"  Ugh.
19:04.13Qwellp3nguin: "You've got questions.  We've got batteries."
19:04.38ManxPoweryour problem is that you went to radio shack
19:04.48ManxPowerfind a nearby Granger if you are in the USA
19:04.50jpmcallisterManxPower: then I'm right to use them
19:05.09ManxPowerjpmcallister, as long as you don't expect support from people on this channel
19:05.22p3nguinI doubt there's a Grainger within 300 miles of here.
19:05.34ManxPowerp3nguin, where are you?
19:05.42p3nguinSouthern IL
19:06.10ManxPowerI didn't think there would be any near me, but there is one about a 2 hr drive from me.
19:06.17p3nguinOh, there's one in Saint Louis.  Never knew that.
19:06.47p3nguin~75 miles
19:06.55ManxPowerDoes walmart still carry such things?
19:07.11p3nguinI'm sure they do.
19:07.19ManxPowerThey have the incredible ability to stop stocking something, shortly before I want to buy it.
19:07.21p3nguinRadio Shack was about 30 feet away, so I went there.
19:07.45p3nguinI actually went to Sears first, which was about 20 feet away.
19:10.08ManxPowerp3nguin, next time ask the guy to show you how to install the batteries in the DSL jack
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19:14.21Jasnejacp3nguin: small stores near you
19:14.24*** join/#asterisk BMJ (~bmj@
19:15.24mandragorI am trying to write a script that sends the incoming call to an attendant that is available for answering the phone. Is this possible? I don't even know how to start.
19:16.08p3nguinIt's a small strip mall.
19:18.12p3nguinAnd my measurements weren't exact.
19:20.11ManxPowermandragor, read The Book
19:20.13infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook, or
19:28.02*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:28.56mandragorI've read bits and pieces of the book but I didn't see how it could be possible to find out who is available from a queue
19:30.16mandragorI stubled unto the show hints command in the CLI which shows the status of the channel as InUse,Idle,Unavailable but I'm not sure if that is what I need
19:33.38ManxPoweran auto-attendant has nothing to do with in use, idle, unavailable
19:34.02ManxPowerroute your call to a context with your autoattendant in it.
19:34.17ManxPoweror a macro, or a subrouting, or an external IVR server.
19:36.47mandragoressentially I want a queue but the call is not answered until a human picks up the phone (it costs us money otherwise)
19:37.13p3nguinHow are you going to queue calls if you don't answer them?
19:37.35ManxPowerDidn't you say IVR?
19:38.37mandragorp3nguin, I don't want to queue them but I don't want to answer them
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19:49.29[TK]D-Fendermandragor: So you're happy having them "ringing" indefinitely until someone answers?
19:50.04[TK]D-Fendermandragor: You know many telcos may cut them off from waiting forever and many people will hang up aft 30s of no answer expecting that it will never get answered
19:50.40p3nguinI hate when someone calls me and they hang up after a mere 3 rings.
19:50.55p3nguinSometimes I don't have time to get to the phone in just 18 seconds.
19:51.00[TK]D-Fender~10 sec
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19:55.22mandragorWe are paying for an automated sales lead service, so they send the customer to us, if we don't pick after some time they send the call to another company, if we pick up the phone we get charged for the lead, at $30 a lead it's adding up. If we don't answer the call we don't get charge and somenoe else can have that lead.
19:55.33ritzt3chdam gerbils
19:57.02telnettechmandragor: sounds like you need to hire more sales people to take those leads..... or find another service to provide the leads
19:58.31mandragorwe are hiring more people but we also don't want to have a lot of people sitting around waiting for a call
19:59.06mandragorso it would be great if we could have some sort of group and we select someone in that group to send the call to
20:00.04telnettechmandragor: sounds like you need to get with the service provider and tell them how many calls you want per hour and if more than that, to go to other companies that are paying for the same leads
20:00.14telnettechim sure that they can accomodate that request
20:01.14ritzt3chwhats a good tcpdump to get the 5060 Sip Most info too see like 200 300 Etc error messages of not registering correctly
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20:01.26mandragorwe do have that, but there are still times when everyone is busy and then a call comes in
20:01.32[TK]D-Fendermandragor:Solution : Originate a Local channel exten passing the current channel name as a target for pickup and have it loop asking to "press 1 to pickup".  Then dump that channel into your Queue.
20:03.51[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later
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20:04.36mandragor[TK]D-Fender: thanks, it's going to take sometime to understand all that
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20:07.06seanthegeekHi, I'd like to replace my parents magic jack system with an Asterisk box. Is there a reliable SIP carrier that would allow them to port their number? They want to keep the magic jack number, otherwise I'd go with Google Voice.
20:07.31p3nguinMost ITSPs I know of allow number porting.
20:07.46Qwellseanthegeek: it's incredibly unlikely that magicjack would allow you to port their number away
20:07.49Qwellhint: you dont own it
20:08.23p3nguinDoes anyone ever "own" a number?
20:08.39p3nguinUnder what circumstances?
20:08.49Qwellwhen one owns it
20:09.36seanthegeekFigured as much. I dispise it so.
20:10.45ritzt3chtcpdump -i eth1 -n -s0 -v udp port 5060   is that a good one to use to get most of the sip info
20:11.51SaiSomahey guys, I've just upgraded to 1.8.0 and am attempting to get called party indicators to work.  Can you check this to see if my syntax is correct?
20:13.56SaiSomaahh . think i have it wrong on my fourth read . .should be using redirecting
20:18.20*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (~EC06113@
20:27.28kn0xanyone have a good name for Sip digest users (as opposed to a IP authenticated user being called a Trunk).. I'd say SIP UAs, but really applies to the UAC software and not the 'user'
20:36.07*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
20:36.42vinhdizzodo u have to do anything special to get .wav and .mp3 files working with Background() in asterisk 1.8?  I get silence when i point it to a .wav file.
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20:37.27mcargileAnyone have experience with Cisco phones?
20:37.38p3nguinNext question.
20:38.00mcargileI got a Cisco 7975g which is not registering properly to my PBX
20:38.11Qwellthey do that
20:38.18p3nguinWhat channel tech are you using on the phone? on the PBX?
20:38.38*** join/#asterisk fofware (
20:38.38mcargileit sends the register. the PBX sends a Trying then Unauthorize, and the phone never follows up
20:40.29mcargileIt is not sending the follow up Register with the authorization header
20:41.10ritzt3chis there a way to not send AUTHentication OUTBOUND on asterisk
20:42.04ritzt3chwith a sip trunk
20:43.12mcargileyou mean do host based authentication?
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20:48.14ritzt3chim trying to register to a PBX and im getting a
20:48.15ritzt3chReason: SIP;text="Username not recognized by registrar"
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20:58.02*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
20:58.04QubeZhello all
20:58.45QubeZhow would i construct a dialplan line if i needed something to be set (vTO=30) if time is between some range AND variable vQT=1.  I can do each one separate but not sure how to AND them.
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21:06.51lesouvagesorry, testing my new irc client on my iphone. i
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21:32.29vinhdizzocan anyone help in getting a wav or mp3 file to work with asterisk?
21:34.24p3nguinIf it doesn't work, show me that it doesn't work.
21:34.59vinhdizzop3nguin: it works, but i get silence.  i think it has to do with the formatting of the wav file
21:36.17p3nguinShow me that the file is being played.
21:37.25vinhdizzoi just converted to gsm and it plays
21:37.39vinhdizzop3nguin: u want a full debug?
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21:45.32vinhdizzop3nguin: Ground("Gtalk/+1714My10Digit-0605", "/home/vinh/Documents/Church/TNTT/Phone/welcome.wav") in new stack
21:45.32vinhdizzo[Oct 29 14:43:56] WARNING[10472] file.c: File /home/vinh/Documents/Church/TNTT/Phone/welcome.wav does not exist in any format
21:46.18p3nguin"does not exist in any format"  That could be a problem.
21:46.38vinhdizzowhat does that mean?
21:46.54vinhdizzoI tried it with .wav and without
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21:47.06p3nguinWhat is the message without?
21:47.44vinhdizzoone sec
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21:48.17p3nguinAlso, see what "ls -l /home/vinh/Documents/Church/TNTT/Phone/welcome.*" says.
21:49.21vinhdizzo-rw-r--r-- 1 vinh vinh 3260986 2010-10-28 23:59 /home/vinh/Documents/Church/TNTT/Phone/welcome.wav
21:50.05vinhdizzofor without .wav,
21:52.15*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
21:52.21vinhdizzowelcome.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, stereo 44100 Hz
21:52.46vinhdizzoI converted to 8 pit, 8000 Hz and it still didn't play
21:52.55vinhdizzobut converting to .gsm does work
21:54.45vinhdizzoany thoughts?
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22:13.46vinhdizzop3nguin: actually .gsm doesn't work either for me now...very weird
22:14.52Gianluhello everybody
22:15.34Gianludoes anyone have any idea why the ExtensionState action, which I call by AMI, is throwing a timeout exception?
22:16.16twanny796cannot see my ISDN card??
22:20.12*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (~Skeeter@
22:20.23Skeeter-is it possible to reg a polycom via sip without a boot server?
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22:25.45MCIMLhey guys i'm having an issue when installing the asterisknow iso, everything seemed to install normally but whne i go to boot up i get a kernel panic - not syncing: vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)
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22:55.19NirSevening all
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23:21.01ritzt3chSIP response 480 "Temporarily Unavailable where can i find why

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