IRC log for #asterisk on 20101017

00:03.21mchouatan: where you you like your DID to be?
00:06.58*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:09.39*** join/#asterisk arielb27 (
00:14.47atanmchou, Nova Scotia, outside of Halifax
00:36.17*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
00:40.14*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
00:46.25*** join/#asterisk mpe (
00:47.09*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:14.38*** join/#asterisk titter (
01:16.35*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
01:22.47*** join/#asterisk TedNJ41 (
01:23.00TedNJ41Hi guys.  Can anyone let me know what package I can add to my box to enable Caller ID Lookup for US Phone Numbers?
01:23.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:24.41*** join/#asterisk cj (
01:32.27*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
01:32.30TedNJ41Can someone help me please?
01:32.41cjdepends ;)
01:33.02TedNJ41I'd like to implement Caller ID in my box.  Do you know what I can install?
01:33.16TedNJ41To lookup numbers from the US.
01:33.32cjgoogle, perhaps
01:34.05TedNJ41I did that and it shows Caller ID Superfecta.
01:34.12TedNJ41Have you tried it?
01:34.18cjtrying it now
01:34.46cjnot very useful, eh?
01:35.03TedNJ41Not yet.
01:35.07TedNJ41I am checking.
01:35.13cjif you are willing to pay, I can get them to service you
01:35.34TedNJ41No, I am looking for a free lookup service.
01:35.58cjhurm... check with the FCC for US numbers
01:36.06cjask brian aker.  I be he knows...
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
02:09.33lanningsomething should be able to be built off of that interface.
02:10.40*** join/#asterisk titter (
02:12.43[TK]D-Fenderlanning: And he left half an hour ago....
02:19.40*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
02:30.55*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
02:40.59*** join/#asterisk titter (
02:51.18*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
03:00.43*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (~seanjohn@
03:11.09*** join/#asterisk titter (
03:12.51*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g (
03:14.00jeremy_gIs there a way to make System (/ return to dial plan instead of waiting for to finish
03:14.37jeremy_gi just want the System app to start a script and then just return to the dialplan execution. Don't wait for to hit the exit
03:15.18*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
03:15.32dandate2so i'm trying to decide whether to go with ulaw or g729. what % of americans still use landlines?
03:16.05*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
03:21.46[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Run it as a daemon like any other process
03:22.04[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: 99%
03:22.45*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:24.48NEEDINGHELP123what does mediawaitforconnect do exactly in chan_ooh323
03:27.01jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: you mean if contains only sleep 40; i should make it sleep 40 &
03:27.46jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:as far as I understand, then system will wait for the daemon to exit...
03:27.50jeremy_glet me man system
03:28.04jeremy_gits the same call that * uses i guess
03:28.46[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Run the SCRIPT in the background, not jsut each COMMAND in it
03:28.55[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: &
03:29.52jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:i did that, it didnt help
03:30.03jeremy_gum thinking about "nohup $program < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &".
03:30.30jeremy_gmy bad, didnt reload asterisk
03:30.42jeremy_gjust realized, its 5:30 AM here
03:33.35jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:it worked, funny enough i tried & before coming to this channel but forgot to reload.
03:38.18*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
03:40.21jeremy_gNEEDINGHELP123:google, and show application is also nice
03:41.27*** join/#asterisk titter (
03:41.43jeremy_gi gotta sleep guys, bye.
03:47.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:53.30NEEDINGHELP123why is t
03:53.52NEEDINGHELP123why is it that in chan_ooh323, as soon as i dial to my box, for any call failed or good or whatever, it is ringing instantly with fake ringtone
04:01.47dandate2fender: u mean 99% of americans are calling on cell phones heh
04:02.40dandate2even if they are sitting at their desk with a landline in front of them prolly still calling on a cell heh
04:04.50[TK]D-Fenderdandate2:  and your last 2 questions have little or nothing to do with each other
04:11.04*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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04:17.33dandate2well i figure why spend for the extra bandwidth to do ulaw when g729 is not too off from the GSM sound anyway
04:18.26[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: you clearly don't see the big picture
04:19.48dandate2does a conversation from voip to cell sound better with the pbx handling ulaw?
04:22.45*** join/#asterisk akant2 (
04:23.20dandate2i mean the way i'm looking at it. if someone calls in on a cell phone to voip it sounds like GSM to both parties
04:23.58*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:25.14NEEDINGHELP123[TK]D-Fender help me out please.
04:27.24*** join/#asterisk Besticles (
04:28.37BesticlesI'm having issues with Festival Text2Wave via AGI.  I am sending to asterisk EXEC SYSTEM "echo 'Hi Everyone' | text2wave -o /tmp/sound.wav -otype -ulaw -"         And it does not create the file, yet if i type in the command via Terminal letter for letter, it generates the file.  I'm confused why it's not working.
04:28.48BesticlesI tried doing Festival Server, but I couldn't get that to work either.
04:31.26ChannelZwhy not run the program in whatever language your AGI is in, rather than telling Asterisk to execute it?
04:31.27*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
04:31.40BesticlesProgram is running under windows.
04:32.01ChannelZWhat is the AGI?
04:32.38ChannelZbut what is it?  A windows binary?  A script?  what does it do?
04:33.22Besticles.NET Framework 2.0.  Can't call Framework 100% binaary. :/
04:33.48BesticlesIt controls every aspect of the call.
04:34.15ChannelZYet it's not able to run another binary?  Ooooook...
04:35.41ChannelZor are you saying you're running asterisk on one platform and the AGI on another?
04:35.46BesticlesYes, that's it.
04:36.04BesticlesAsterisk is running on CentOS, and I'm running on Windows 7
04:36.11BesticlesRather FastAGI is
04:37.25BesticlesSorry if I seem difficult.  I'm pass that point of frustration with Festival lol.  I tried doing Festival --Server, I've done the command I listed above in Terminal, it works.  I added the command to the dialplan that works, I just cant get the command to work in AGI.
04:37.28ChannelZwell I'm not sure System supports piping since that's really a shell construct
04:38.03ChannelZdoes it work if you supply a static piece of text to text2wav rather than telling it to read stdin?
04:39.57BesticlesI'll try right now.
04:40.54[TK]D-Fender[00:23]<dandate2>i mean the way i'm looking at it. if someone calls in on a cell phone to voip it sounds like GSM to both parties <- You're looking wrong
04:42.16*** join/#asterisk titter (
04:42.21[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: If you call a cell at G.711 then you are both dragged to CELL quality because he is the common lowest denominator.  If you call G.729, then it's already degraded going to the ITSP.  They upconvert to G.711 to hit the PSTN and then reach the cell where your already degraded audio get  pushed through the cheese-grater AGAIN in going to GSM.  DOUBLE CONVERSION
04:42.26BesticlesNah, that didn't work either.  I basically got the command from:
04:42.30BesticlesThe PHP Portion of it.
04:42.51*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:44.12ChannelZwell then you're doing something else wrong.. probably 'text2wav' isn't really being run because you're supplying no path and * can't find it
04:45.19Besticlesgod, i hope thats it.
04:47.35dandate2hmm double conversion no good huh
04:49.14dandate2i guess ill have to stick with the US datacenter heh
04:52.12ChannelZhmm I guess text2wav has to read from a file.  So it could be one of a few different things causing it not to work.
04:58.55*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:05.22BesticlesI actually got it to start making the file.
05:05.31BesticlesFor some reason it's adding a ? at the end of the file extension.
05:07.19BesticlesI changed the location of the destination, and it started working somewhat.
05:12.11*** join/#asterisk titter (
05:41.35*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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06:06.59*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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06:17.18*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
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06:38.52dandate2fender: i spoke with my sysadmin about this and he says "telco end codec coversion is not same as software endconversion"
06:44.17*** join/#asterisk titter (
06:44.53*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
06:47.00*** join/#asterisk dlirit (~lirant@
06:49.44sawgoodHi everyone!
07:06.34*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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07:32.15*** join/#asterisk _buck (~webp@
07:33.43_buckHi I am following this tutorial to integrate kamailio with asterisk. kamailio is working fine and regstering the phones. But asterisk is not loading users from the tables . Can anyone please help.?
07:44.28*** join/#asterisk titter (
07:45.52_bucktitter, can u help ?
07:58.12*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
08:00.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:12.12*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
08:14.42*** join/#asterisk titter (
08:28.32*** part/#asterisk _buck (~webp@
08:28.51*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
08:30.22jblackfive gazillion years and I finally get around to setting up irssi to auto-nickserv
08:30.49ChannelZnickserv in x-chat hasn't been working well for me lately
08:31.07ChannelZor rather it works but it won't join the channel afterwards
08:31.50tzafrir_laptopjblack, actually freenode should support simple server authentication
08:32.45jblackI set it up two ways, with /network, and with an autocmd.
08:33.33jblackpardon, with /server, and with /network.
08:34.48ChannelZsome other networks' services would let me turn off forced Nickserv auth if your hostmask matched
08:40.23ChannelZcourse now I am just now seeing that my identd hasn't been working for... an unknown length of time
08:42.44ChannelZOh.  Hmm..
08:42.49*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
08:44.31ChannelZI think it has to be services here have gotten really laggy
08:44.56WIMPyNot only services.
08:45.57WIMPyMy Lagometer is often almost completely filled here and that's 2s.
08:46.13ChannelZHmm.  I wonder if I turned mine off cuz it's 0
08:47.20ChannelZhuh no, I don't even see where I could turn it off
08:47.51ChannelZ(without them still being in the interface)
08:48.28ChannelZoh well, it's barf that this chan requires you be identified in Nickserv
08:51.42*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (
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09:05.57*** join/#asterisk oryxtec (~asda@
09:24.14*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
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09:24.36elliot98is there a way get the name of the sip device of the channel?
09:24.50elliot98I could parse the the {CHANNEL} variable, but wondering if there is a better way
09:25.27*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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09:42.26*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
09:42.30dandate2<[TK]D-Fender> dandate2: If you call a cell at G.711 then you are both dragged to CELL quality because he is the common lowest denominator.  If you call G.729, then it's already degraded going to the ITSP.  They upconvert to G.711 to hit the PSTN and then reach the cell where your already degraded audio get  pushed through the cheese-grater AGAIN in going to GSM.  DOUBLE CONVERSION
09:42.45dandate2does this also apply for cell-to-cell calls?
09:45.26ChannelZprobably depends on the networks involved and how they might interconnect
09:47.50xhelioxI suspect the vast majority of phone calls going across any network are degraded on some level at this point.
09:49.14xhelioxI certainly wouldn't make any absolute conclusions.
09:49.28xheliox1 + 1 is never 2 anymore.
09:49.52WIMPyNo. 1 + 1 is 10 these days.
09:50.41WIMPydandate2: I guess you might be lucky if both parties are on the same network. Otherwise I'm pretty sure it will go via G.711.
09:51.30*** join/#asterisk mgbowman (~mgbowman@
09:53.46xhelioxBig if.
09:54.31ChannelZthat would be IF then
09:55.10mgbowmanI'm having an issue with TLS / SRTP :/
09:55.19mgbowmaneverything works to a point
09:55.43mgbowmanI can register (TLS) and call into VoiceMailMain / MeetMe / etc...
09:55.49WIMPyTLS day was yesterday :-)
09:55.57mgbowmanI know WIMPy :)
09:56.03mgbowmanI thought my problem was solved
09:56.17mgbowmanI cannot establish a SRTP call between two extensions
09:56.25mgbowmanbetween an extension and asterisk it works fine
09:57.02mgbowmanbut if I try and dial exten 1 to 2 ... with the Set(_SRTP_CRYPTO=enable) before the Dial
09:57.04ChannelZsounds like a device problem if they're talking to each other directly
09:57.23mgbowmanwell I have canreinvite=no
09:57.29mgbowmanit should go throu * no?
09:57.34WIMPyIndeed. Is it supposed to work with reinvites at all?
09:57.49ChannelZwhat version of asterisk?  canreinvite was deprecated
09:57.54ChannelZit's called 'directmedia' or something now
09:58.07mgbowmanand it's _SIPSRTP_CRYPTO ... sorry
09:58.27*** join/#asterisk hband (
10:01.42mgbowman[Oct 17 06:01:01] WARNING[12539]: app_dial.c:2030 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
10:01.59mgbowmanI understand this as SRTP is unavail
10:03.30ChannelZit can also mean you have the wrong peer name or typed something wrong
10:03.30mgbowmanif the audio goes through *
10:04.06mgbowmandoes asterisk try to initiate an SRTP channel
10:21.32dandate2so its not really an issue if the call is transcoded to ulaw from g729 at the ITSP then hacked up to gsm?
10:22.03dandate2because i tried converting gsm to ulaw via software to be converted to GSM at the cellular level and it sounded like crap
10:22.36dandate2i.e. pbx decoded gsm to ulaw then sent to itsp
10:24.18dandate2is there still open source g729 so i can make some tests
10:39.58*** join/#asterisk nicola_pav (
10:40.16nicola_pavanyone familiar with sipp?
10:46.38tzafrir_laptopdandre, the name "open source" is misleading there. While that code itself is under a free license, using it requires a non-free Intel library
10:47.07tzafrir_laptopBut yes, it's still out there
10:53.16mgbowmanso it seems like * is not offering SRTP to the peer
10:53.48mgbowmanthe extens are both set to always use srtp and i'm getting Status: 406 Not Acceptable from the exten
10:55.02*** part/#asterisk saxa (
11:17.46mgbowmanif I want to co svn ... should I use trunk or branches/1.8
11:20.37tzafrir_laptopmgbowman, what evrsion do you use now?
11:20.50mgbowman1.8-rc3 tarball
11:22.01mgbowmanI'm testing the TLS + SRTP but still having issues
11:24.02mgbowmanI can call into * from 2 extens both using SRTP
11:24.26mgbowmanbut if I try to call in between the 2 extens (with and without canreinvite) it fails
11:27.12*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
11:27.24mbrevdaanyone here that understands a2billing? (no, I dont need help setting it up)
11:39.39mgbowmanok so it looks like * is not forwarding the crypto in the callee's SDP to the called exten
11:47.52mgbowmansorry the caller's SDP has crypto but the calle's SDP does not - hence the SIP 406 Not Acceptable response
11:53.35*** part/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
11:58.53mgbowmanwell what do you know
11:59.10mgbowmansip.conf : encryption=yes
12:01.26mgbowmannow I have a TLS issue ... grrr
12:01.31*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
12:01.49mgbowman1 exten with TLS and 1 exten with TCP
12:02.01mgbowmancalls from TLS -> TCP work
12:02.09mgbowmancalls from TCP -> TLS ...
12:02.17mgbowmanSSL certificate ok
12:02.18mgbowman[Oct 17 08:01:13] WARNING[32464]: tcptls.c:218 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
12:03.00mgbowmanbut the peer is already connected via TCP / TLS ... shouldn't it use the already connected socket
12:19.48nicola_pavhello. anyone familiar with sipp?
12:35.20*** join/#asterisk fofware (
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12:55.04*** join/#asterisk mgbowman (~mgbowman@
12:55.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:57.46mgbowmananyone using tls here?
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13:04.46nicola_pavi run moh show classes and i get nth
13:04.48nicola_pavany hint?
13:10.28nicola_pavmusiconhold.conf contained malformed entries
13:16.37*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
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13:28.49*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
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14:15.43mgbowmanok I'm giving up
14:15.52mgbowmanswitching to FreeSWITCH
14:17.13tzafrir_laptopmgbowman, AFAIK that in that version TLS should work. Never got to try it myself. If it doesn't, it's a bug
14:17.34mgbowmani've tried rc3
14:17.40mgbowmani've tried branch/1.8
14:17.51mgbowmani've tried trunk
14:18.05mgbowmannow I get  tcptls.c:376 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection refused
14:18.22mgbowmani can register over tls
14:18.33mgbowmanbut trying to make 2 calls in between 2 tls extens ... it borks
14:19.16mgbowmanMeetMe works fine
14:19.27tzafrir_laptopthat's odd
14:19.56tzafrir_laptopmeetme, echo test and such work, but bridging to something else doesn't?
14:20.05tzafrir_laptopThat something else is a SIP phone?
14:21.10mgbowmanyeah ...
14:21.24mgbowmanI have 2 iPhones running Bria configured w/ TLS + SRTP
14:21.36mgbowmanI can call into MeetMe on both (tls + srtp)
14:21.48[TK]D-Fendermgbowman: disable reinvites <-
14:21.53mgbowmantried both
14:22.07mgbowmanI assume it's still canreinvite?
14:22.17mgbowmanthe configs have changed over the years
14:23.19[TK]D-Fendermgbowman: Changed in 1.6.2+ to "directmedia" I believe
14:24.52mgbowmanstill the same
14:25.14mgbowmanwhy would it try to connect as a client
14:25.33mgbowmanshouldn't if use the active tcp/tls conx established by the phone
14:26.27*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:28.18mgbowmani don't know why it says '' ...
14:28.22mgbowmannetstat -atn shows
14:28.39mgbowman192.168.1.167:49454     ESTABLISHED
14:29.52[TK]D-Fenderdifferent ports...
14:30.23[TK]D-FenderAlso check your firewalls
14:30.55mgbowmanno firewalls
14:31.17mgbowmanso I must not understand sip over tcp correctly
14:31.26*** join/#asterisk titter (
14:31.33mgbowmanit doesn't use the tcp socket from the register?
14:37.45mgbowmangreat ... no something completely different
14:37.45mgbowman[Oct 17 10:37:16] WARNING[18454]: tcptls.c:219 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed!
14:37.55*** join/#asterisk csnook (~chris@
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14:59.12v1sif I am doing client1 <SIP> serv1<IAX> serv2 <SIP> serv3 should it could it be causing lots of drops?
14:59.17v1sshould I just do all sip ?
15:01.57*** join/#asterisk titter (
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15:05.55DanFromUKHi, can anyone help with an rfc2833 dtmfmode issue?
15:06.26DanFromUKAsterisk is able to process the signals, but I cant get any providers to play the tones to the other party.
15:06.49DanFromUKAnd if I use inband, my incall features stop working.
15:07.16*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
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17:20.36oryxtechi all.. i m getting this error msg on asterisk cli
17:20.37oryxtecERROR[6402]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:159 mysql_log: cdr_mysql: cannot connect to database server localhost.
17:20.48oryxtecplease guide me how resolve this error msg
17:27.14*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~awef@unaffiliated/a1fa)
17:27.22a1faanyone know what does Voxel do?
17:28.43*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
17:28.52oryxteca1fa: i don't wht it does but i m havinf some issues on asterisk may be you can guied me
17:28.58WIMPyWalt through space.
17:29.00oryxteci m getting this error msg on asterisk cli
17:29.03oryxtecERROR[6402]: cdr_addon_mysql.c:159 mysql_log: cdr_mysql: cannot connect to database server localhost.
17:31.11a1faoryxtec: nvm.. looks like fring app is effing with me
17:31.16a1faits getting uninstalled
17:31.34oryxtechow can i fix this?
17:31.38oryxtecplz help!
17:37.26*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
17:39.02pabelangeroryxtec: Seems pretty straight forward 'cdr_mysql: cannot connect to database server localhost.'
17:39.24pabelangercheck your credentials
17:39.40pabelangertest your connect outside of asterisk
17:40.02drmessanoError 6402 is "You're not getting very far with Asterisk, maybe you should install Vista and play Farmville instead"
17:40.17drmessanoor is that 6403?
17:40.44bougymanthe meanness isn't necessary
17:40.58bougymanoryxtec: do you know how to test mysql outside of asterisk?
17:41.15oryxtechow can i test?
17:41.18oryxtecplz guide me
17:41.39bougymanmysql -u youruser -h -p yourdomain_com
17:41.42bougymanthat's first.
17:41.44drmessanoThe lack of being able to take a joke isn't necessary either
17:42.11bougymanreplace youruser with the user asterisk is using, with 'localhost', and yourdomain_com with the password asterisk is using.
17:42.33oryxteclet me try
17:43.22bougymandrmessano: it still makes you irrelevant, to the unbiased observer.
17:43.38bougymanalso: TOUCHDOWN STEELERS
17:44.03oryxteci did this  mysql -u root -h localhost -p and it took me to mysql command line
17:44.30oryxtecnow wht?
17:44.33bougymanok, you let asterisk connect as user root?
17:44.57drmessanobougyman, irrelevant.. Good word.. Are you going to troubleshoot all of his FreePBX install for him too?  Because his problem is that he's been breaking and unbreaking this same install for a couple weeks now, and yelling "HELP ME" in 3 different channels.
17:45.03bougymanchange the credentials in /etc/asterisk/mysql_cdr.conf to match what you just used, if you want to do that.
17:45.19bougymandrmessano: seems like he doesn't know much about the fundamentals.
17:45.34bougymanyou can give him fish, throw fish at him, or teach him how to fish.
17:45.50*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:46.25bougymanyou can do #2 while I try #3, parallel tactics.
17:46.44oryxtecin mysql_cdr.conf... there is dbname=phonedb and table=admin_cdr
17:46.54oryxteci don't see this DB in mysql
17:46.57bougymanoryxtec: doesn't seem to match what you just used on the command line.
17:48.18bougymanspend some time reading documentation for the system you are using.
17:48.32bougymanat the very least, as mysql related questions in a mysql forum.
17:48.40bougymaner ask
17:49.45oryxteccan i disable mysql_cdr in asterisk?
17:50.33pabelangerdon't load it
17:50.37drmessanobougyman, I am glad you think you know so much.  I won't hold it against you that you don't completely understand the issue, nor time that I and others have personally put into the same.  However, there is a reason for packaged installations like AsteriskNOW, and part of them is to negate the need to spend hours troubleshooting simple setup issues which are handled by the installer, and then broken needlessly.  The simple solution is "
17:50.37drmessanoreload and stop tweaking"
17:50.54oryxteclet me try
17:51.14bougymandrmessano: they don't teach much if you don't break them.
17:51.25bougymani never learned a thing from winning a chess match.
17:52.31drmessanobougyman, they are not designed to teach.. they are a simple means to a deployment.. Why install from a packaged ISO, then reconfigure the entire install.  Is that not the same as "starting from scratch", and does that not negate the purpose of the simplified install?
17:52.57*** join/#asterisk mahogany (
17:53.02mahoganyHello folks
17:54.06drmessanobougyman, you're buying a bike with training wheels already installed, then taking them off, and asking for help reinstalling them.  That seems counterproductive to me
17:54.34bougymanhey mahogany
17:55.12mahoganyAccording to various internet sources (google, PDFs, etc) I should be able to jump to n+101 if dial fails because of a busy channel. I have this in my dialplan: exten => 808,1,dial(SIP/EXT-808,20,jt) and further down I have exten => 808,102,dial(SIP/EXT-816,20,jt) but this does not work, I never reach priority 102 (Could I be missing some other configuration option?)
17:57.39oryxtecpbx_ael.c:4531 pbx_load_module: AEL load process: parsed config file name '/etc/asterisk/extensions.ael'
17:57.50oryxtecwhy do i get these warrning on reload
17:58.11oryxtecwill these warning effect my system?
17:58.44mahoganyoryxtec: That is neither a warning nor error. It simply tells you it has parsed the configuration file.
17:59.04oryxtechumm thanks
17:59.04mahogany complete section for extension 808
18:00.11mahoganyBascially, what I want to achieve is that if EXT-808 is busy dial EXT-816. In the future I would like to add to that chain, if EXT-816 is busy dial EXT-817, etc
18:01.54mahoganyforgot to check verbose asterisk output and does so now
18:03.22pabelangermahogany: *CLI> core show application Diall
18:03.26pabelangerlook at DIALSTATUS
18:03.44pabelanger*CLI> core show application Dial
18:04.26pabelangern+101 is not used anymore.
18:06.25*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (~einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
18:13.28mahoganypabelanger: The chain will be rather long, i.e. if phone1 is unavailable or buys or whatever, call phone2, then try phone3, then phone4, can I do this using dial() only instead of having dial call all phones at the same time?
18:14.06WIMPyYou can use local channels with wait()/
18:14.30pabelangermahogany: or setup a queue
18:14.56pabelangersounds like your trying to build an ACD
18:21.17mahoganypabelanger: I'm fixing a friends Asterisk. He has 6 phones which he wants asterisk to use for incoming calls. But phone2 should only be called if phone1 is busy or unavailable, etc.
18:21.25tzangermahogany: yep, you can use Dial(sip/phone1&sip/phone2&sip/phone3&zap/3&whatever,,)
18:21.46Doctehthat'll ring phone2 every time
18:21.48tzangerpersonally though if you're going to be doing this for anything other than ringing a few lines you want to set up a queue or something more realistic
18:21.56tzangerDocteh: exactly yes
18:21.59pabelangermahogany: are all the phone local?
18:22.02tzangerI misread
18:22.07pabelangerotherwise you might want to setup followme
18:22.10mahoganypabelanger: Yes.
18:22.11tzangerI thought he said "or dial them all at the same time"
18:22.17mahoganytzanger: :)
18:23.13pabelangermahogany: I would setup a queue then, same logic call centres use for agents
18:23.19tzangerI built my own version of followme so that when my wife's friends call the house and nobody answers it rings her phone, my frinds will route to my phone, anyone else can route to a phone if desired, and unknown can be routed similarly
18:23.27tzangerit's all done in astdb
18:24.16tzangerpretty straightforwrd and can be altered on the fly with an IVR
18:31.05*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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19:14.13cjI've got this old winmodem
19:14.21cjcan I use it with asterisk?
19:14.43cjcan I make it play with DTFM
19:16.34cjit's got a sound card i/o knob on it
19:16.52cjs/knob/4-pin adaptor/
19:17.34cjinfobot: I didn't ask you to decode it...
19:17.34infobotYou didn't ask you to decode it...?
19:17.40cjinfobot: no botsnack
19:17.40infobotcj: thanks
19:17.49cjyou deserved every one of them
19:25.09tzafrir_laptopcj, completely unrelated I suppose, but:
19:29.57pabelangercj: no not worth it, buy a TDM card from Digium
19:38.00*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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19:41.13momelodgreetings channel
19:42.00momelodim having some dificaulty loading my successfully compiled dahdi module
19:42.19momelodmodprod dahdi produces the error: dahdi: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout
19:42.29momelodany thoughts?
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19:47.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
19:55.34tzafrir_laptopmomelod, you should probably unload dahdi itself, and load the dahdi you built as well
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21:23.26a1famgcp = teh suck
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21:47.57boodusomeone use smcdsp-200 phone ? I have problem with moh :O
21:50.09[TK]D-Fenderboodu: What does your phone model  have to do with MoH?
21:51.15boodumoh works fine with other phone model
21:51.22boodubut no with this
21:51.49booduthere nothing in console when I put the call in hold with this model
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21:54.37booduthere are an option : Hold by RFC (now to "on") but nothing better
22:06.52*** join/#asterisk ritztech (
22:14.45BesticlesI am having problems with MixMonitoring.  I setup a extension on my dialplan to execute MixMonitor(test.wav), which works flawlessly.  So then I setup a FastAGI command to send which is EXEC MIXMONITOR test.wav, and I am getting errors back:  'Oct 17 14:59:58] WARNING[21662]: file.c:1160 ast_writefile: No such format 'wav
22:14.45Besticles[Oct 17 14:59:58] ERROR[21662]: app_mixmonitor.c:323 mixmonitor_thread: Cannot open /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/test.wav
22:14.55BesticlesI dont see what I am doing wrong.
22:21.05*** join/#asterisk boodu (
22:41.12heffertzafrir_laptop: i don't know if you remember me but i asked about an TEI assignment error some time ago: chan_dahdi.c: 1 Unable to receive TEI from network in state 2(Assign awaiting TEI)!
22:41.18hefferi have fixed it now by the way
22:41.43hefferpatch against your git is here:
22:42.07hefferplease feel free to correct the commit message as i don't really have a clue what i was doing there :D
22:42.27heffernevertheless my dahdi channel works again
22:42.43*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k3 (
22:43.40darkdrgn2k3whats the dialstring to append a  number to a dialed number?
22:43.57darkdrgn2k3ie if i dialed 555-555-5555 i want to make it 9 555 555 5555
22:45.05darkdrgn2k3hmm thast easy enough LOL
22:47.03cjif I wanted to have asterisk pick up an incoming call on channel 01 (fxo) and play screaming monkeys to the caller, what all do I need to do?
22:47.20cjdahdi_cfg -vv shows the fxo thus:
22:47.24cjChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: oslec) (Slaves: 01)
22:47.40*** join/#asterisk oryxtec (~test@
22:47.45cjI guess I would be just as happy with logs showing an incoming call at this point :)
22:48.19darkdrgn2k3ok im sorry my dialplan is slighly rusty
22:48.20darkdrgn2k3exten => s,1,Dial(7{$EXTEN})
22:48.36*** join/#asterisk ElvisR (
22:48.54darkdrgn2k3how do you match everyons in s
22:49.12[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: huh?
22:49.29[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: Match what?
22:49.38darkdrgn2k3the first paramater of exten...
22:50.00*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
22:50.04[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: In "s"?  What is that supposed to mean?
22:50.12darkdrgn2k3exten => s,1,Dial(7{$EXTEN})   <- S
22:50.22dandate2fender: man you were right double conversion does sound horrible!! i pity da foo that use g729 to call cellular
22:50.24pabelangerdarkdrgn2k3: That would dial 7s
22:50.42[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: that clearly holds a LETTER.  So what good does referencing ${EXTEN } in there do you?
22:50.46darkdrgn2k3where s is the phone number diead?
22:50.48[TK]D-Fenderdarkit doesn't hold a number.
22:51.03[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: "s" ... is a letter of the ALPHABET.
22:51.15darkdrgn2k3[TK]D-Fender: i want to append 7 to a dailed call
22:51.18[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: Clearly isn't anumber.  It doesn't hold ANYTHING.  It is a LETTER
22:51.24tzafrir_laptopheffer, I think it is
22:51.28pabelangerdarkdrgn2k3: no, s is s.  You will want exten => 6135551234,1,Dial(9${EXTEN})
22:51.36[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: What dialed call?  Where do we see a "dialed call?  Append to WHAT?
22:51.49darkdrgn2k3pabelanger: so what is the 6135551234 argument ?
22:51.52ChannelZGET OFF MY LAWN!
22:52.09heffertzafrir_laptop: it is what?
22:52.15BesticlesIs cepestral easy to integrate with Asterisk?
22:52.24[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k3: Where do YOU see a NUMBER coming from in what you showed us?
22:52.27pabelangerdarkdrgn2k3: the number in the context
22:52.58pabelangerYou likely want exten => _NXXNXXXXX,1,Dial(9${EXTEN})
22:53.55tzafrir_laptopheffer, does it actually fix this?
22:54.17heffertzafrir_laptop: yes it does. if i switch it back i don't receive a TEI on the card
22:54.52hefferwith DAHDI_D i do. and i can even phone in and out again
22:55.03darkdrgn2k3pabelanger: ok i tried that but it seems that the 9 doesnt get diealed :-S
22:55.35p3nguindarkdrgn2k3: Show us what number you called on the phone.  Show us the extension.
22:55.46pabelangerdarkdrgn2k3: show use the call log
22:55.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:57.04heffertzafrir_laptop: i see you did exactly the opposite commit on july 31st.
22:57.51hefferand i just recently started using dahdi 2.4.0. before that i didn't compile a new version since
22:58.17hefferand that commit was made after you updated your git to the 2.3 branch
22:59.49tzafrir_laptopyeah, I'm still trying to figure it out
23:05.39Tech_TravisDoes * have a common place to store files/scripts run at bootup time?
23:07.30darkdrgn2k3pabelanger: thanx for all the help... i think i got it now :)
23:07.31*** part/#asterisk darkdrgn2k3 (
23:11.10[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: Did he PM it to you?
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