IRC log for #asterisk on 20101010

00:00.13*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:34.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:27.17*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
01:50.26*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:04.29*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
02:15.31*** join/#asterisk csnook (
02:16.22*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
02:32.45*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
02:55.04*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (
02:55.37*** join/#asterisk knot (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
02:59.24*** join/#asterisk knot (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
03:19.46*** join/#asterisk csnook (
03:40.41*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
03:53.13*** join/#asterisk knot (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
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04:21.08*** join/#asterisk eharris (
04:24.59*** part/#asterisk raden (
04:31.27*** join/#asterisk eharris (
04:37.04joelsolankiis there any limit in asterisk for registerations ? because we are planning to deploy it but we have about 600 users so 600 registerations. any suggestions
04:37.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:38.02*** join/#asterisk eharris (
05:01.01pabelangerjoelsolanki: load test, but you should be fine
05:06.29p3nguinYes, there is a limit, and your 600 is nearly 10,000 below the limit.
05:27.18*** join/#asterisk eharris (
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05:35.06joelsolankioh ok got you
05:37.51*** join/#asterisk eharris (
05:43.12*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (
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05:45.18bcrispis skype for asterisk worth the money?
05:52.20florzskype is not worth anything, if that is the question
05:52.27ChannelZI suppose that depends on your own point of view
05:52.46ChannelZIt works
05:55.52bcrispwe're using ulaw codec and wanted to try something that sounds clearer ... small/medium setup
05:56.24bcrispim a dummy when it comes to codecs and telephony in general so suggestions / advice welcome
05:58.40bcrispskype uses G729? - were considering this but I read somewhere that it isn't good at transmitting DTMF which we need for IVR
06:02.39ChannelZIt can but I run it in ulaw
06:04.24ChannelZTo be honest I'm not sure but the DTMF might be decoded by the channel driver internally
06:04.25bcrispin your implementations have you found jittberbuffer useful to enable?
06:11.43florzbcrisp: you do understand that the protocol is (kindof) orthogonal to the codec used, and that you can't improve quality by recoding to a different codec?
06:12.54bcrispflorz, nope
06:14.21bcrispflorz, but would be interested in understanding how I can maximize quality obviously
06:17.42*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@2001:470:e8f1:1:3430:35bc:1ae9:a08a)
06:20.02*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
06:20.04florzbcrisp: by buying good telephones and using µlaw/alaw only
06:20.14florzbcrisp: if that's not enough, use g.722
06:20.26florzbcrisp: as in: buy telephones that support it
06:20.46florzbcrisp: for everyone involved in the call, that is
06:24.08bcrispflorz, thanks for the info
06:24.20bcrisphow are you typing the mu character by the way?
06:24.44florzby pressing altgr-m
06:25.05bcrisphehe was it worth all that extra work?
06:26.41bcrispwe're experimenting with using Linksys® PAPT2 devices rather than buying expensive voip phones - seems to be working out pretty well so far
06:50.10*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
06:50.56*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
07:14.48*** join/#asterisk Fate_T_Harlaown (
07:42.24*** join/#asterisk Hband (
07:48.41*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
07:51.04*** join/#asterisk pif (~ldm@
07:52.08*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
07:55.43*** join/#asterisk imcdona (~imcdona@2001:470:e8f1:1:3430:35bc:1ae9:a08a)
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08:04.37*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
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08:45.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:51.27*** join/#asterisk nik_ (c4d72e32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:52.17nik_having an issue with outgoing calls on a new asterisk now installation
08:54.08nik_here is the log
08:54.30nik_any help with debugging the issue is very much appreciated\
08:57.22WIMPyLooks like the called party doesn't exist.
09:01.00nik_called party being the number I am dialing?
09:01.37WIMPyIt's valid, but noone seems to care.
09:01.45nik_I know for certain that if I dial from my mobile 0117826163 it does work
09:02.30nik_so it must be something surrounding the rest of the parameters that makes it "not exist"
09:03.10nik_DAHDI is the driver, right?
09:03.13nik_what is G2?
09:03.37nik_and will 0117826163 be the number that is dialed exactly as it is?
09:04.16nik_I put an extra 0 in front to dial out, but it seems that it gets stripped correctly
09:04.17WIMPyYes, a group of channels (trunk), yes.
09:04.19nik_Executing [00117826163@DLPN_local:1]
09:04.25nik_here it shows with extra 0 in front
09:05.07nik_can you suggest how should I approach the problem, given that I know that the number is valid and working?
09:05.40nik_what are the possible reasons for asterisk (or DAHDI) to think that the line got hangup, if dialing an existing number
09:07.17WIMPyBecause the switch to it.
09:10.30nik_sorry, I am not sure what you mean
09:10.32tzafrirnik_: this is ISDN?
09:11.15tzafrirOne possible thing to check the "TON" (Type Of Number)
09:11.22nik_and digium b410p
09:11.31WIMPyYou told your elco, you want a connection to that number and tehy told you that noone (nothing) cared.
09:11.39tzafrirIf set (not "unknown"), the provider may assume some prefix
09:11.46tzafrirWhat version of Asterisk is it?
09:11.59nik_it is the current asterisknow
09:12.20tzafrirThe version of asterisk is?  'core show version' ?
09:12.55nik_which file is the TON in?
09:13.12tzafrirSo if you didn't set 'pridialplan' or some '*prefix' setting in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf, the default is unknown
09:13.42tzafrir(*prefix: nationalprefix, internationalprefix, and such)
09:14.25nik_so I have to set to "national"?
09:15.18WIMPyUnless you have a reason to change it, you'd best stay with 'unknown'/
09:22.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:24.42nik_so any other tips?
09:24.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:33.11nik_is it possible to be some setting for the hardware perhaps?
09:33.22nik_I can receive calls
09:33.26nik_but not dial out
09:34.31WIMPyDid you try different numbers? What were the cause codes?
09:36.42nik_I tried two numbers
09:36.47nik_one land line and one mobile
09:36.55nik_exactly the same thing happens
09:36.57nik_same log
09:37.04nik_just the number is obviously different
09:37.10nik_the cause code is
09:37.21WIMPyTurn on pri intensive debug and paste the output.
09:37.25nik_Channel 0/2, span 2 got hangup, cause 18
09:37.29nik_I believe it is 18
09:37.49nik_I did -vvvvvv
09:38.01nik_what do you mean "on pri intensive"
09:38.05nik_how do I do that
09:38.08WIMPyI wonder if I havewn't seen chan_dahdi (or is ot libpri?) wrongly giving code 18 on a timeout.
09:38.17nik_sorry I this is my first asterisk install
09:38.56WIMPyenter 'pri intensive debig span 1'
09:39.20WIMPyOr as you're diallong out group 2, maybe it's not span 1 for you.
09:39.32nik_let me try
09:40.23nik_No such command 'pri intensive debug span 2'
09:40.57nik_what is "pri" for
09:40.58WIMPyRight. New syntax... pri set debug 2 span 2
09:41.25WIMPyPrimary Rate Interface. Applies to BRI as well.
09:41.25nik_Enabled debugging on span 2
09:42.34nik_ok will put in pastebin
09:43.45*** join/#asterisk deonv (~adium@
09:45.40WIMPy1. your Type Of Numbers are set to national, not unknown.
09:46.06WIMPy2. You don't receice a reply from your telco.
09:46.59WIMPyThat means the reported cause 18 is a bug.
09:47.23WIMPyYou can receive calls on that line? Is the audio quality ok?
09:47.46nik_I can receive calls
09:48.13nik_quality of voice is great on the receiving side, but it seems on the caller side is very soft
09:48.21nik_I will investigate this later
09:48.34nik_let me investigate the TON
09:48.53nik_is this the one?
09:48.56WIMPyYou might have an interrupt problem that causes this.
09:50.06nik_how do I check that
09:50.16nik_the interrupt problem
09:50.37nik_also, the TON, I just double checked the chan_dahdi.conf and it is set to unknown
09:50.46nik_I also realoded asterisk with asterisk reload
09:50.57nik_where else can I check re the TON?
09:52.08WIMPyYou might have to reload chan_dahdi, or just stop and start Asterisk.
09:52.58WIMPyreload does not reload everything. Only most things.
09:54.32nik_I did now restart of both asterisk and dahdi
09:54.38nik_it looks a bit different now
09:54.45nik_but still says National though
09:56.26WIMPyBut still no replies, what so ever. That makes it quite astounding that yu can receive calls.
09:57.15nik_let me try quickly to confirm :)
09:57.50WIMPyIt looks more like there's nothing on the other end of that line.
09:57.52*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
09:58.17*** join/#asterisk mpe (
09:58.59WIMPySee line 114: "link is DOWN"
10:00.54*** join/#asterisk datalay (~datalay@
10:01.07nik_it seems that after the restart cannot receive calls either
10:01.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:04.43nik_lights are green
10:05.36WIMPyLight_s_? Do you have multiple lines?
10:07.08nik_2 lines
10:07.13nik_the card has 4 ports
10:07.16nik_2 are connected
10:08.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:09.08WIMPyTwo independant lines or do they come as one logical interface?
10:09.55*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (~kamanashi@
10:10.08nik_two independent
10:10.22*** part/#asterisk kamanashisroy (~kamanashi@
10:10.30nik_they even have two different numbers at the moment
10:13.29*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
10:15.03WIMPyOk. And they're both the same?
10:15.46WIMPyWhat does 'dahdi show status' give?
10:16.36nik_B4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK      0      0      0      CCS AMI           0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
10:16.45nik_B4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                OK      0      0      0      CCS AMI           0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
10:17.03nik_not sure what do you mean by the lines being the same
10:17.11nik_they are two independent ISDN2a lines
10:17.16nik_each can carry 2 voice calls apparently
10:17.29nik_and they have two different numbers
10:17.32WIMPyDo they both react the same?
10:17.48nik_both can be used for incoming and outgoing calls
10:18.18WIMPyNo, I mean: Do you get the same results on both?
10:18.38nik_oh sorry
10:18.42nik_let me try
10:20.31nik_sorry, I think after a restart I am getting incoming calls again
10:20.43nik_let me test that quickly and will run outgoing tests again
10:23.28nik_ok receiving calls works on both lines
10:23.41nik_I am gonna try now outgoing again
10:24.12nik_but the voice on the external side is VERY soft
10:24.18nik_anyway, one problem at a time
10:25.12nik_it is different now ...
10:25.19WIMPyThat might be te same problem actually.
10:25.37nik_now I got a voice "the number you have dialed does not exist"
10:25.43nik_which I think might be coming from the telco
10:25.57nik_so it seems that it is dialing, but it dialing the number wrongly
10:25.59WIMPyThat's probably because of the TON.
10:26.03nik_probably because of the TON yes
10:26.04nik_but why
10:26.13nik_it is set to unknown in the config
10:26.32WIMPyMaybe there's another config.
10:26.53WIMPyTry to grep in /etc/dahdi and /etc asterisk.
10:27.16WIMPystill wonders where that cause 18 is generated...
10:28.38WIMPyDon't know the numbering plan in your place, but you could try to dial without the leading 0.
10:29.16tzafrirTON is not realted to anything in /etc/dahdi
10:29.38tzafrirIs is basically chan_dahdi.conf
10:29.59WIMPyWho knows what's included where...
10:30.23WIMPytzafrir: Do you have an idea, where to search for that cause 18?
10:30.35tzafrirBut you can easily tell what TON you send from the SETUP message in the 'pri debug' trace
10:31.27WIMPyThe trace shows national. That's the issue.
10:33.51nik_I am unable to find much
10:34.53nik_here is the chan_dahdi.conf
10:35.06nik_I removed the lines starting with ;
10:37.49nik_found something
10:37.52nik_in ./asterisk/users.conf
10:39.30WIMPysees no channels.
10:40.05nik_yupeeeeee, it seems to work, after I changed it and restarted everything!!!
10:40.31nik_THANKS a million for this!
10:42.29nik_now have to attend to several other less pressing porblems
10:42.57nik_like the softness of the voice at the external party
10:46.51nik_something else
10:47.21nik_when dialing, I have set it up so I dial 0<the number I want to dial>
10:47.29nik_0 meaning "get an external line"
10:47.34nik_I think it is pretty standard
10:48.00nik_at other places, when you dial 0 alone, you get a "dial tone" in the handset
10:48.39nik_currently, I get no dial tone, I just enter the whole number, wait for a bit, and I see it dials and rings the phone I dialed
10:48.56WIMPyWhat kind of phones are you using?
10:48.59nik_so, how do I get a standard dial tone right after keying in 0, to dial external line
10:49.34nik_at the moment I have only one VoIP phone
10:49.41nik_let me try find out the model
10:49.52nik_but I am also using x-lite
10:49.54nik_SIP phone
10:49.56WIMPyThat was enough information :-)
10:49.56nik_on the PCs
10:50.13WIMPySIP doesn't support overlap dialling.
10:50.42WIMPySo you can only fake a 2nd dial tone from within the phone.
10:51.01nik_sorry, Atcom AT-530P
10:51.34WIMPyOr you could just dial 0 and press send and send the rest to your dialplan afterwards.
10:51.50WIMPyBut you can't get the usual behaviour.
10:52.07nik_what is the "recommended way"
10:52.13nik_set it up in the phone, if phone supports it?
10:52.30*** join/#asterisk rethus (
10:53.14WIMPyGet used to the new way?
10:53.29nik_ok, I am in the phone settings
10:54.04WIMPySome SIP phones can fake overlap dialling, like Snom. But usually SIP does behave differently to a normal phone.
10:54.25WIMPyThat's just the way it is.
10:54.32nik_I see, ok
10:55.24nik_btw do you know which is the best code, I have g711, g722, g723, g729
10:55.26WIMPyIt's just like with mobile phones.
10:55.48nik_ok, I understand
10:55.52nik_anyway it is not too important
10:55.55WIMPyYour line will use G.711.
10:56.29WIMPyYou could use normal ISDN phones connected to the other two ports of your card. They can be made to behave the usual way.
10:57.29nik_no, it is fine, I actually prefer to get everybody to use soft phone
10:58.00nik_takes less desk space, it is free, and you don't need expensive phone headset
10:58.46nik_the softness of the incoming voice at the external party, what could be the cause?
10:59.20WIMPyCan you describe that more?
11:01.00rethusi use agi to do a pinrequest, and if nothing is enterd, * should paly another sound. But problem is, * didn't ask for the pin, he jump directly to the second message:
11:02.11WIMPyWhy do you use an agi to request a pin?
11:02.30nik_WIMPy: I will do shortly, just want to do few more tests, so I can give you more precise info
11:04.31rethuswith phpagi
11:04.54*** join/#asterisk datalay (~datalay@
11:05.11WIMPyrethus: Whatever, but why don't you requst the pin first and one you got it call your script to validate it?
11:05.34rethusWIMPy: its a long storry
11:05.43rethusbut it's the only way it works
11:05.51WIMPyIt works?
11:07.22rethusyes it does. but i rewrite the script to run a server-application instead of a standalone... and now the request for the pin didn't work anymore...
11:07.28rethusso what xould be the problem?
11:07.42rethusin my pastebin u see the result of agi debug
11:07.58nik_WIMPy: the softness problem seems to be related to the handset, I tested with x-lite now and the quality is perfect
11:08.03rethushe call the conf-getpin.gsm, but i don't hear it at phone...
11:08.23rethusresult for caller is, that if u call u directly hear PIN iinvalid message
11:09.05WIMPyDid you answer() the call before?
11:12.14*** join/#asterisk Jamie27 (541925e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:12.31rethushave i to do this?
11:13.06Jamie27Hi, I'm new to asterisk and would like to install it but don't know what to choose, freepbx or asteriskGUI? Can anyone advise me?
11:13.09WIMPyNot sure if it happens implicitly whan you play a file via agi. it surely won;t do any harm.
11:13.34WIMPyJamie27: What dou you want to do with Asterisk?
11:14.02Jamie27for now testing purposes only but we would like to use it in our callcenter, about 80 users
11:14.21rethusWIMPy: playing files work well... the "pin wrong-message" is played.
11:14.31rethusquestion is, why i don't be asked for insert pin
11:15.02WIMPyJamie27: The GUIs limit your possibilities. And if you want to learn about Asterisk you should try without either.
11:15.05rethuseven if agi set, he execute my request : <SIP/dev1-00000042>AGI Rx << GET DATA conf-getpin 10000 5
11:17.10Jamie27Well to be honest I'm a linux noob and allthough I'm still learning, I would prefer a gui to better understand it, thereby we have end-users (managers) who we would like to give access to some kind of gui
11:17.52Jamie27what are the main differences between the two? I cannot find this on the asterisk website, maybe you have an url for me?
11:18.26WIMPyJamie27: A GUI will not help you understand. In fact the opposite may be true.
11:19.02WIMPyNot sure if anyone in here have much experience with the GUIs. They're not supported here.
11:19.20Jamie27ow ok i didn't know that
11:19.51Jamie27is there any tutorial on how to use it, config it without gui?
11:20.38infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:20.52rethusJamie27: if u try to setup a callcenter with more than 80 Users, it's better to ask a professional to do this, There are manny SIP-Hackers outside, and iff you know nothing about linux AND asterisk, it can be very very expansive if you've ben hacked. Or does the callcenter only for intranet?
11:21.35Jamie27only intranet environment
11:21.42Jamie27but I understand what you mean
11:22.26Jamie27problem is I must first test and see it Asterisk is suitable for us, cannot spend any money on someone install/configuring it.
11:22.47rethuswhats your native language
11:22.49Jamie27at the moment we use SipX and I am curious which one is the beter of the two
11:23.37rethusthis is german, but maybe this book are also in dutch aviable:
11:23.39Kevin`you are unlikely to do a very good job of setting it up or evaluating it if you know nothing about either
11:23.40rethusgive it a try
11:24.25Kevin`now, learning will work for that, but I have never seen someone willing to spend time learning for an evaluation comparing products
11:24.28Kevin`this would be the first
11:24.48WIMPyWell, if you can get what you want from a GUI it will surely bee good for you, but if you can't that may just be because of the GUI, not because Asterisk can't.
11:24.56rethusanyone can help with my "GET DATA conf-getpin" problem?
11:25.00Jamie27I have much time to learn and the most important thing for now is to see if it is a better product than SipX
11:25.29Jamie27if i really get stuck, i can ask a C programmer we have in our company so I have some options
11:26.48rethusso i use a gui (webapplication) which i created on my own... but i remember freepbx was betterone - and have a larger community
11:27.00rethusmaybe try it
11:27.20Jamie27thanx I think that will be a good thing to start with
11:27.58rethusgood luck
11:31.07*** join/#asterisk JamesHarrison (
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11:36.09WIMPyrethus: I guess you will have to paste your script.
11:41.14rethusnormaly, GET DATA conf-getpin should wait for an input... but seems, the whole script run without any stop
11:48.17nik_WIMPy: do you know by any chance if there is a way to do a call transfer in x-lite the free version
11:48.49nik_or do you know of any good softphone which supports call transfers
11:49.03WIMPyYou can do it via Asterisk's features. See features.conf.
11:49.33WIMPyZoiper will do, but only blind transfers in the free version.
11:50.07WIMPyAttended transfers seems to be one of the main thing used as argument for paid versions.
11:50.41nik_I need attended transfer, e.g. it righs at reception and want to transfer to another user
11:51.14nik_but I see people referring to ##<extension> to do an attended transfer with x-lite
11:51.33WIMPy^^ features.conf
11:52.59*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~kvirc@
11:56.27nik_WIMPy: thanks, looking at it
12:04.55*** part/#asterisk rethus (
12:17.00tzafrir/home/tzafrir/.config/awesome/rc.lua:59: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
12:17.23tzafrirline 59 is the first line of the remmed-out lines
12:17.37tzafrirsorry, wrong window
12:27.28datalaythis screen but i cant see anylink like FreePBX
12:33.55*** join/#asterisk rethus (
12:34.39rethusextendions.conf.... i do READ to get some data from the caller... how can i check, if nothing is enterd... then goto x ?
12:38.28nik_WIMPy: something strange though, aftrer a while, I got the same problem as earlier, cannot dial, then restarted dahdi and asterisk, and it worked again
12:39.18WIMPyDoes it only affect outbound calls?
12:39.51rethushow can i check if no valid pin is enterd into "READ()?"
12:40.33nik_WIMPy: I forgot to check before the restart, now everything works fine
12:40.37*** join/#asterisk bougyman (bougyman@pdpc/supporter/gold/bougyman)
12:40.51WIMPyrethus: ExecIf? GotoIf?
12:40.54*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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12:42.28rethusexten => auth,1,GotoIf( (Read(CONG,conf-getchannel,3,skip,3)) ? getPin,1,1: auth,1,8;
12:42.30rethuswould this work?
12:42.58WIMPynik_: Some telcos take teh line down after some time without any activity to save power. The has been a bug that sometimes prevented Asterisk from re-activation it.
12:43.36WIMPyrethus: Didn't you recommend that book earlier on?
12:44.13rethusin the book, there is not info abotu the READ response between the atempt
12:44.27WIMPyrethus: Maybe you have to replace libpri or just try to install Asterisk from souce.
12:45.00rethuswhy installing? cause in didn't know the response of comand READ ?
12:45.36WIMPyUps. That one was for nik_.
12:46.05*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
12:46.06WIMPyrethus: What does "between the atempt" mean?
12:47.02nik_WIMPy: will try collect more info before attempting anything, thanks
12:49.29rethusi try the following:
12:50.23WIMPyYes, but I'm not sure, how usefull that is.
12:50.27*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (ssf@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
12:50.37rethususer should insert PIN1 (maybe 3 atemt) after that PIN2 (also till 3 times), after that, the script switch to agi to check all these stuff... if right, goto xy, if wrong increment a counter-var and start at beginning again.
12:51.12rethusif the global counter is 3, caller should be loged out
12:52.45datalay"rejected because extension not found"
12:52.49datalayhow can handle with it
12:52.52rethusexten => 1,1,GotoIf($["${PINENTRYS}" != "3"]?getPin,1,1:auth,1,8)
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13:19.19nik_WIMPy: it affects only outgoing calls
13:19.25nik_it happened again
13:19.33nik_I will put logs in pastebin
13:20.08WIMPynik_: That would be the deactivation thing then.
13:20.49WIMPyAfter a successfull inbound call, outbound calls will work again for a while.
13:23.18nik_I did such test, but outgoing still fail
13:23.46WIMPyOh, interesting. even while the inbound call is active?
13:26.44nik_hmm didn't try that
13:26.53nik_but after I hang up the inbound
13:26.56nik_it failed
13:27.09nik_can you see anything in the logs? what do you think it is?
13:29.00WIMPyI see an alleged reject in line 85. But I can't see any reject.
13:29.32WIMPyI think the real error happens at line 51.
13:29.45nik_I did that test too, and still no outgoing call
13:30.02WIMPyBut sseing all those RRs I'm unsure, what really happened.
13:31.03WIMPyNo, got it. I transmits with TEI 127. So it's the TEI management going wrong.
13:31.26WIMPyAnd as far as I remember TEI management was wart of that deactivation bug.
13:31.41WIMPyYou should update.
13:32.12WIMPy... was part ...
13:34.07nik_what do I need to update
13:35.33WIMPylibpri. But you need to recompile asterisk (chan_dahdi) with it. So you'll have to do it from source.
13:36.58*** join/#asterisk student_1995 (
13:37.33WIMPyOr you could try an older verison. It didn't exist so long, I think.
13:40.02student_1995hi there i am receiving a number that looks like this 1000_bill_home i cut the 3 dif strings and add them to variables ${usernumber} ${username} ${userdest} i then pass them on to the context to be dialed when call ends and i call the h extension i lost some of the variale info
13:40.38rethusGotoIf($["${PINENTRY}" != "3"]
13:40.44rethuscan i also use < 3 ?
13:40.51rethusmeans handle this as integer?
13:40.55nik_WIMPy: isn't libpri to do with primary rate ISDN only?
13:41.02rethusGotoIf($["${PINENTRY}" < 3] ?
13:41.19nik_it says on the asterisk site that rethus  "... encapsulates the protocols used to communicate over ISDN Primary Rate Interfaces (T1, E1, J1) ..."
13:41.25nik_I have BRI, not PRI
13:41.28WIMPyrethus: Use the power of the books. Or jut try. :-)
13:42.19WIMPynik_: Must be something historic. libpri does all the ISDN stuff. In fact there's little difference between BRI and PRI, except for the bandwidth.
13:42.41WIMPyRemember you used _pri_ debug?
13:42.42nik_ok, just wanted to make sur
13:43.02nik_what is _pri_ debug?
13:43.17rethusWIMPy: found nothing in the books
13:43.21WIMPyisdn debug.
13:45.09rethusother question: if i use the n operator for priority... can i jump to the last entry of the context with some special char (maybe -1)
13:45.13Jasnejacstudent_1995: are the variables inheritable?
13:45.25nik_ok, how can I check the precise version of libpri to make sure I don't have the latest aleady
13:45.43nik_I have but the one I downloaded from asterisk is libpri-
13:45.45WIMPyrethus you can use labels.
13:46.42rethusmens (mylabel)READ(blahblah) ?
13:47.27rethussuch way: exten => auth,n(end),Hangup() ?
13:47.59rethusgreat, thanks
13:48.46nik_WIMPy: I've build libpri, I just did straight make though, I don't see any installation or configuration instructions
13:49.07rethusandt to jumpt the label i can also use: auth,auth,hangup or only Goto()-statement?
13:49.20rethus(iff label is hangup)
13:50.22WIMPynik: in libpri just make;make install then the same for asterisk.
13:50.39WIMPyrethus: You use the label as priority.
13:52.24rethusgreat, works fine. thanks
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14:17.23datalayin extensions.conf
14:17.48datalaydefault routing: how should be set.. it is: exten => _X.,2,Dial(sip1,20,rt)
14:17.52datalaybut it s wrong i think
14:18.01datalayi want to forward all outbound calling to my sip
14:19.08nik_WIMPy: done the reinstall from source
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14:19.38nik_outgoing is working for the moment, but will see for how long
14:20.42datalay[Oct 10 17:20:19] NOTICE[12265]: chan_sip.c:15150 handle_request_invite: Call from '6000' to extension '02324121563' rejected because extension not found.
14:21.06nik_WIMPy: btw, I installed the latest 1.6.2 release, as I am unsure if it is safe to go 1.8
14:21.51WIMPyI think 1.8 is ok, but it's libpri that's important, not asterisk itself.
14:24.14*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoAMG@
14:25.49p3nguindatalay: extension '02324121563' is not found in the context where you sent the call.
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15:18.57datalayhow can display call logs
15:19.22datalayi couldnt find it asterisk now
15:19.33datalayon asteriskgui
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15:24.37datalayhow can configure asterisk for call logs
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16:53.23as001Hello is it possible to pass option like in dial command to call file in channel ? I want to limit duration of call. I know I can do that with L(x:y:z) with dial but how can I do that in call file ?
16:54.02as001Channel=SIP/EXTEN,,L(x:y:z) does not work
16:54.20as001I mean Channel: ...
17:00.46as001Solution might be to connect call channel to extension wich limit duration but trouble is that on that extension sits Meetme and I can't see how I can set maximum duration of conference
17:03.19ManxPoweruse Local/
17:03.25ManxPoweri.e. chan_local
17:04.19as001what is chan_local ?
17:05.25ManxPowerread the localchannel doc in the asterisk source, see the local channel info in, or the Asterisk book
17:05.28infobotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
17:05.35infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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17:10.41as001thanks I am reading..
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17:55.30giacomo1989hi all . is there anyone?
17:55.51giacomo1989i ve a problem with iax2
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18:21.50KingDavidNYCHello everyone
18:22.44KingDavidNYCcan somebody please help me with an issue I can't play a file and it is a nating issue
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18:25.22Sstudent_1995any one here used the MYSQL application for asterisk before?
18:27.49Sstudent_1995i have used it intensively for a project query databases left right and center, can not test the looad with more that 8 concurrent calls, wanna roll it out as a production system with 80 users, i need someone to set my mind at ease that i it will not crash, if it does say 80 mysql request per minute?
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18:57.19*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
18:57.22DelphiWorldhi friends
18:57.34DelphiWorldwhy i get error 483 while registering asterisk to a provider?
18:57.53DelphiWorldto many hop
19:00.14p3nguinTry a closer server.
19:02.55DelphiWorldp3nguin: no choice
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19:20.10lesouvageGood evening
19:22.24DelphiWorldhi lesouvage
19:22.38DelphiWorldlesouvage: speak french i guess right?
19:24.24*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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19:25.17rethusexten => 1,1,Set(CHANNEL(language)=de);
19:25.18rethusexten => 1,n,Set(CALLER_ID=${CALLERID(num)});
19:25.39rethusthe variable CALLER_ID is not set. any idea why
19:25.53DelphiWorldrethus: later please use pastebin
19:26.17rethusnormaly context general should be execute for each following context ?!
19:26.59ChannelZDelphiWorld: what the heck are you connecting TO?  the default max hops is something pretty high like 70
19:27.01p3nguinrethus: You should never have extens in the general context.
19:27.35rethuswhat u mean? not set a var in general?
19:27.43DelphiWorldChannelZ: i am connecting to
19:27.47rethusor ever leave general empty at all
19:28.37ChannelZDelphiWorld: Have you looked at your sip debug?  It seems like something else is going on
19:28.39p3nguinrethus: What I meant is: do not configure extensions in the [general] context -- put them in more appropriately named contexts and only use general for its intended purposes.
19:29.08DelphiWorldChannelZ: that's it... shell reading isn't easy for me;)
19:30.13p3nguindelphiworld: Can you pastebin a debug so someone else can look?
19:30.43DelphiWorldp3nguin: should by very dificult to do it, because no pastebin utility is here and unable to coppy it because is only a small box
19:31.26*** join/#asterisk csnook (
19:31.55p3nguindelphiworld: Other people manage in similar conditions.
19:32.12p3nguindelphiworld: Maybe you can install a pastebin upload script.
19:32.17DelphiWorldp3nguin: ?
19:32.21DelphiWorldp3nguin: this is uclinux
19:32.26rethusp3nguin: thanks thats helped me
19:32.28DelphiWorldp3nguin: no centos or debian
19:32.49p3nguinrethus: All fixed now?
19:33.02*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
19:33.58rethusnearly :)
19:34.33rethushave still a problem with STREAM FILE privacy-unident... out of my agi-script
19:34.44*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
19:34.49[sr]hellou my friends
19:34.59rethusit doesn't play the sound, but response this on agi debug mode:
19:35.10rethus<SIP/dev1-00000002>AGI Rx << STREAM FILE privacy-unident "" 0
19:37.26DelphiWorld[sr]: lol, [sr]===sip-router project? lol
19:37.57[sr]DelphiWorld: no, it has no meaning, just [sr]
19:38.12DelphiWorld[ssronly joking with my friend;)
19:38.31[sr]no problemo
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19:44.43rethuscan somebody help to debug my error, that agi don't play my audiofiles?
19:44.57rethuswhich logs could i check for error?
19:44.59*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
19:45.05ChannelZthe console for starters
19:45.49rethus/var/log/asterisk/messages throw no error
19:46.23rethus/var/log/messages throw no error
19:46.26ChannelZasterisk -rvvv    <-- the console
19:47.28rethusmhh, no errors, only this while doing the call in cli:
19:47.54rethusLine 25 say Playing sound... but nothing is played
19:48.25rethusthe file exist
19:49.35rethusif i do exten => auth,n(pinrequest),Read(CONG,conf-getchannel,3);  in extensions.conf, the sound is played
19:49.44rethusany idea, where i can catch the error?
19:51.29*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
20:03.03DelphiWorldiveryone have a good night!
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20:12.12DrDigitali need to find an asterisk guru that once i get a system up that can come in and configure everything for my clients... I had someone doing elastix systems that seemed to have disappered after doing work with me for nearly a year and a half
20:12.34DrDigitalso where would be a good place to find someone?
20:15.27p3nguinIf you're talking about just Asterisk without a GUI, I might be willing to do it.  It really depends on what you have planned for the system and how much my time is worth to you.
20:21.29DrDigitalive never used straight asterisk
20:21.43DrDigitalsome needs would ne
20:22.03p3nguinAre you looking for an elastix admin?  *snicker*
20:22.23DrDigitalid need a gui on some and others not
20:22.38DrDigitaland i want to go back to all the elastix installs and replace with asterisk
20:23.08DrDigitalthe guy i had working with me, he use to work for palosantos
20:23.26DrDigitali have used car dealerships as clients
20:24.14DrDigital12 extensions with phones, 20 cell phones, time conditions and they use like 20K minutes a month easily
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20:26.52DrDigitalI have a C7 license, so im able to pull CAT5 cabling and I have a friend with a contractors license so Im able to go into locations and totally rewire and upgrade from really old analog lines, I want someone who can help plan a system give me a price, i add up everything i have to do to be able to hand you the IP, username and password to come in and configure all the hardware and DIDs and trunks etc
20:27.22DrDigitalsometimes i have to much work that i turn jobs down or tell them can i get back to them next week/month
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20:36.41lesouvageDrDigital: at the Asterisk forum there is a kind of marketplace. I think it is wise to post your request and wait for offers to roll in.
20:37.33DrDigitallesouvage, thanks thats why i asked... was hoping for some suggestions
20:37.37lesouvageWhere is your office?
20:38.53lesouvageWell I live in Holland so that would be kind of complicated to do the job.
20:39.41lesouvageBut setting up a straight Asterisk system for 12 extensions and 20 cellphones integrated into the system isn't that hard if you stick to the basics.
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20:45.17DrDigitalmy last guy was in ecuador
20:49.24p3nguinWhat kind of channel tech do you use for integrating cell phones?
20:50.56DrDigitalwe just used the cell number in the call queue
20:51.19DrDigitalhowever theirs a slight issue, we need to come up with a like check in deal
20:51.36DrDigitalif a sales guy cell phone goes dead, his voice mail answers first ring
20:51.44DrDigitalkeeping anyone else from getting a sales cal
20:52.32DrDigitaland every day one of the girls in the office updates the queue list because the schedule for work days always changes
20:52.46DrDigitaland some guys even though its their day off, they still want calls
20:53.05DrDigitaland every hour she calls and checks to see whos voice mail she gets to remove them manually
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20:53.35DrDigitalwe would like to see where when they get to work or want to be put in call, they call and with CID, they press 1 and the system knows that cell phone/employee is on duty
20:53.56DrDigitaland like every 20 minutes the system calls and if they dont answer removes them... or something like that
20:54.06DrDigitalopen to suggestions and ideas
20:54.57DrDigitalim waiting on the email for my asterisk account
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21:03.18rethushow can i activate eagi in asterisk?
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21:17.39logicwrath"VERBOSE[6981] chan_sip.c: Retransmitting #4" - What does the term "retransmitting" mean?  Does it indicate that Asterisk did not properly read a response from the ITSP and is sending multiple registrations for the same expiry period?
21:20.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
21:20.53ChannelZretransmitting can mean a few different things
21:21.12ChannelZIf it didn't get a reply to a SIP packet, it will retransmit
21:21.42ChannelZWhether or not that's because the remote end didn't reply, couldn't reply, or the message never made it out of your system in the first place...
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21:26.27logicwratheither way the term identifies that it is retrying something because of a problem
21:27.08logicwrathis that correct?
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21:38.49p3nguinI would think yes.
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21:57.33logicwrathwhen i grep my asterisk log for retransmitting i get: - I think this might be why my ITSP is blocking my connection multiple times a day.  I just started having this problem when I upgraded to asterisk - could this be a bug?
21:58.23logicwrathi think it might be sending the registration too many times and not honoring or parsing the responses correctly
22:02.11logicwrathI see the 200 - OK's coming in from the ITSP in this log:
22:02.40logicwrathwell actually right now im blocked
22:02.48logicwrathi need to switch proxies so that log is no good
22:13.01logicwrathI switched over the new proxy and I am still re-transmitting over and over: &
22:13.28logicwrathit seems like some registrations are still trying the old server but I am registered on all 7 trunks with the new proxy
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22:35.14ChannelZAre you behind a firewall?
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22:38.48logicwrathive tried 2 firewalls
22:38.58logicwrathand i currently have it DMZ'd
22:39.16logicwrathbut yes i am behind NAT
22:39.26logicwrathi have it configured for NAT too
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22:42.21ChannelZAnd you've set your externip and localnet in sip.conf?
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22:43.46ChannelZwell assuming your network is functioning as it should in spite of your firewall then your ITSP is ignoring you or something else is happening and you'd have to ask them
22:44.28logicwrathdid you review the logs?  I see SIP 200 responses coming in
22:44.35logicwrathshould i be expecting something else
22:45.36logicwrath - the first 11 lines of that include a SIP 200 OK
22:47.38ChannelZit's replying SOMETIMES which is why I doubt your network is setup right
22:48.02ChannelZ(or that the remote site is insane)
22:49.56ChannelZI don't know what all you have going on but I'm seeing failures to totally different places which is why I suspect your network
22:51.05logicwrathcan you give me an example line so i can review?  i am new to sip debugging
22:53.24ChannelZRetransmitting #2 (NAT) to     Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to     Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
22:53.29ChannelZAll different IPs
22:54.40logicwraththe other 147 address is the proxy i was using earlier today
22:54.46logicwrathbefore they blocked me because i register too much
22:54.52logicwrathi had to switch proxy hosts
22:54.58logicwraththe other IP is my softphone at home
22:56.03ChannelZwell if you are "registering too much" or your ITSP is otherwise angry about what you're doing and blocking your IP, there's nothing I can help do about it
22:56.20ChannelZclearly they are playing some games if that's what you're saying, so you should be calling them
22:57.50logicwraththey are blocking me because my * box is registering too many times.  i have seen more than one issues with asterisk 1.6 not properly reading the UDP datagrams
22:58.02logicwrathi am first trying to make sure asterisk is not at fault
22:58.32logicwrathi have called them more than once and they dont like to help asterisk people
22:59.40ChannelZThen perhaps you should find someone who does
23:00.00ChannelZI'm running .11 just fine, I'll build .12 for shits and giggles
23:00.01logicwrathyes, i am in the process of doing that.  i was thinking about using iCall
23:10.06ChannelZwell .13 is working fine here
23:10.54logicwrathmeh, i believe you
23:11.51ChannelZsoftphone is regging fine, calls are flowing
23:11.58ChannelZno retransmissions
23:12.08logicwrathi can send and recieve calls i just retransmit over and over
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23:18.45logicwrath -  i am seeing the 200 OK's in this log yet i still see the retransmitting incrementing to the proxy
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23:19.40logicwrathlines 83-97 is a retransmit
23:19.59logicwraththen 300-314
23:20.28logicwrathlines 101-111 show the SIP 200
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23:21.54logicwratham i reading this incorrectly?
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23:26.40logicwrath-droidI got to get pick up some takeout switching to my droid
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23:52.26jdoewtf, why is rc3's init script launching me into some pseudo-asterisk console
23:54.52ChannelZlogic: I think your config is screwed that you're registering to the same place multiple times or something.. you register, get a response, and then immediately register again with another call ID from what I can tell
23:56.03ChannelZoh these are different DIDs I guess
23:58.04ChannelZIs there a reason you register a different peer for every single one?

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